The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 13, 1879, Image 4

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Tilt HitiVc Ailments In wlilrli liu
U Liable ns Colli WciMltcr ud In.
It Is quite Important now, to wfttoh itie
condition, nrl only pf Iho working liorfcs,
liut 80 of llioso Iti pnsluro, bucIi as nre nl
ld.ttvl lo rcmnin ntit In storms olid in tlio
nljj'it time. If tliaimrso linven heavy rout,
as nrmy horses hive at tlila time of ttio
year it is of the Utmost Importance Jo drive
tljcni, moderately, ns they nrn liable to swent
ensily,.nd if allowed tnstnntlin n ilrnught
of air Will be liable to lake, rold. 'Horses
with Mtra heavy coats flio very liable
to Ixi foil, and Hi inch n rbmlitlon take cold
very easily, . Many horsemen and somo vet
erinarians, ntlvise Hlppinc; the coat In such
a,' caw, reasoning that by lessening the Warm
covcrihtr, the iircsplrntlon will pass off
yiromptly, thus kcepinR up the vigor cftbo
horse, preventing taking eobl.
Horses foultd IK to pcrsplrihg easily, es
pecially if they bo nt all disturbed
In their breathing, should not bo pushed
To hurry u horse In this condition is quite
llkclv til fasten -lung difficulty ujnn him
You will observe, ttjfa by Iho (julckene.l
breathingMiltcr tlio horse is put into hisitall
specially if the weather is coOl ho is 'very
likely to have a chill. Thfs is n congestive
stage, the blond leaving the surface ami
concentrating upon, tho lungs,
lubes r throat, or upon, all three at once,
This should lie guarded against by rubbing
the surface dry os sinin as tho hnrso comes
off hla drive, on nQaceoun allowing him to
stand for ono moment in 11 ilrnught of cold
air. F.ub 111 in dry and blanket him well,
observing carefully whether or not he stands
with his hack humieil up and whether ho
eats his rations or not'. Ifho'stauds in the
position named and ' leaves his feed un
touched, then you have reason to anticipate
trouble. Recreation will corao off and you
are liable Ut have nmso of neute iuflama
tion of tho throat, bronchia or lungs, and to
determine which, being able at tho same
time to institute a eafo plan of treatment a
comtictent veterinary surgeon should bo
There aro other difficulties that aro liable
to set in at this season of tho year. Thus,
the feeding of new grain generally
disturbs digestion. A degree of internal ir
ritation ami uisiurbauco sets in, ami in a
corresponding degree tho skiuind kidneys
Important oulletsTo'freTuio fnatle'r becomes
inefficient nnd rclttsa (A rtrt as in health.
Impurities enter the circulation, the animal
becomes dull in spirits, the heart nets in a
disturbed manner, tho return of tho venous
blood from the extremities to the heart is
impeded. Tho legs swell, the hindmost first
mainly because these aro farthest from the
sourco of power. This swelling comes from
tardy and inefficient action Of the heart, the
Jjlood thereby being allowed to remain too
long in the extreme- vessel, filters through
into the adjacent cellular tissue. In this
way horses get their swelled legs. Bandag
ing, rubbing, or brisk exercise causes the
cwellirig to abate, either of tho means named
promoting the absorption of the infiltration
fluid, an;l its return in thocirculatinn. The
mam l. 3tAfmnt nriliA fiu'pllinrv n..f.l nnt Iwt
liken as.cviitenco of relief of tho system
from the general vitiated S'nte. It is no ev
idence of this unless tho disappearance of
the swelling be ucHmuuicl by renewed ac
tion on tho part of the kidneys, liver and
Tho lungs are liable to receive effusion in
iho tame way that tbe'limb's arethe thin
ner portion of the blond passing through
the roast of the bloodvessels into the air
colls of tho lower lobes iff tho lungs. This
Impedes Hip freo ucccss. of air jnto the chest,
causing tfio breathing to bo quicker than in
health, and the horse with this infiltration
is'from necessity, short winded. It is iin thi jcomlitlotile not confounded
with congestion, inflammation or hepatiza
tion of the lungs, because thorp is neither
similarity in the treatment required. In
proportion to the. extent of the encroach
ment upon thenir spaces, will the breathing
bo quickened, for the singlo reann that tho
healthy surfaccthat through which the no
cessary cfjungo ii wrjiugl(t upon the blond,,
is diminUhed, and is doubly drawn upon to
secure the cljango referred to.
Now the treatment proper in such n rase
is entirely different from that required in
the'ntlier condition referred to. Tho horse
should be treated, with tonics ami an invig
orating diet, nt tho same time lecriving out
door cxeroi60 that tho absorption and throw
jng off of the accumulated fluid may bo en
couraged, Ileretigaln it is' manifest that
the usefulness, ami in fact' the health and
life of a linrso may bo thrown away, if ho
happens to fall into the hands of n man
deficient in knowledgi apd skill. Farm and
Live, Stock Journal.
ICccp'liig Winter ApplcN.
df npplcore worth ralsinglJiey
are worth
some keen them. Every
fanner who raises npplcsmay have this fruit
fn using con'djtton the whole year. Tho
JiarvestpplK the early strawberry and the
Carolina Juno mine into servicein the first
halTnr JuiyrandTrnin th'aVfime till the" first
of January- vi haVe a'snprny of apjAes with
out much rare To funish good fruit for
the' ema!nljic six'JTiinjjth.s requires some
knowledgo o'f'tl nature-of npptej,-and" a
timely application of thatknowledce. The
first tep is to select the bst keeping ryarie-
ties in our possession, and hSvIng done." this,
prepare l i-reUor boxosofn eonvenient sise
'to store the jprjni sleek." Tho fresh fallen
leaves furnish thebeet reletting niiterial, and
In thorountrv they ean be hail fur the Rath
rin, rl any fiirest, If leaves are. not ryn
Tenlent, finely rut straw is n eond substitute.
Carefully soleet your apples, rejeetlntr all
that are bruised, or in miy wav ilefeetive,
Place a lavernf leave, or straw In the ttl.n.
of'flieWrelrtfr.lioxliiri thliiet il lnvep of
apples side by side, and so proceed with al
ternately a layer of apples and packing.
Head the barrel', it be. a box, nail a
tight cover on It, and the fruit is ready for
ttnilnv. Each varity should lie marked
onTthe eofrflf Hie ijcjtn Ihatiu con.
tenis may uaknownTxTore opening.
A dry cellar is n gool storage room, but
apples (bus packeil w)l Jecp e.jually well
In any dry, cool place. Freezing will not
materially injure them. A tpnro mow in
tho barn, where they enn bo covered with
.tmw is a rood store room. 7rfi,
a a'
'Th IVidOnjftraiyi Adrian may ask
yvlloose lhat'lilsT?rareS's kept green, a'nd
n ien ynu,,assuri hUn lj)8t, Jt,ejiall bo, that
yo I'll go every day and wet it down with a
garden hce, lie doesn't somewhow feel
com forte.!.
as iNTunvtr.w with loxo jouh WKXTwontr.
"Long John" was found In his office fi
urlngon the problem of paying $20,000 In
taxes annually. Ho turned to your corn-
suident with a: look that seemed tn say,
' 111 get through it somehow," and lit y
began parrying. Ho Is a running old scamp ,'
a bad man to handle. Ho insists on doing
all tho interviewing, and h can do It, ton.
He can make a newspajier man do more In
side cussing than any man I ever met. Ite
dosen't tako you up and sit down on you
an'd read your own notes through yourself,
but he browes around youj prods you)
feasts on you j disorganises you ruins you.
In a burst of confidence he will mislead
you, and when you are lost poke around
Ihe ruins of yourself, and bring you back
with a jerk. Ho Is n bold, bad man, and
ho is very, v.cry large. His diet is newspa
ier turn. Superhuman effort secured tho
following in substance.
"Sonny, have you learned from any Re
publican politician that Grant would ac
cept ?y
IBtit few."
"They'd be damned fools to say so, when
they know he would, wouldn't they 1"
"They all beliovo or say they believe--
cither that ho is ton patriotic to accept, or
that he Is the man lor tho emergency, don't
"Well, Sonny, don't you know tho moro
wo drive a hog the moro it won't go 7"
"Yes." t
"Well, haven't you observed that the
American pcoplo aro the hog, and that the
Radical politicians aro trying to mako them
believe that they must go somo other way
than towards Grant?"
"Kow Sonny,don't yon know-that Blaino
and Conkling won't let Sherman club the
Don't you know that Conkling hates
Blaine like piten?"
"Haven't you got sense to see that Blaine
hates Conkling like bell ?"
"Don't you know Washburne couldn't get
the Illinois delegation 1"
"There't only one tnau left to get the
grapes, is there?"
"Well, do you suppose he'd damn fool
enough to go back ou the plunder?"
"If ho is and he ain't don't you know
who the next man is,' the man that is al
ways for him when he's on top) tho man
who's always for himself for the next man i
the man that's backed by the Grand Army,
by the military enthusiasm of the time, by
half the officeholders, and by that cussed
political organization .known as the Metho
dist Church?"
"No, sir."
''It's John A. Logan; and I tell ynu-he'll
get the nomination if old Grant don't I
.Now, Sonny, this is all confidential) an' if
you publish it, I'll say it's all a damn lie I'
Chicago Cor. Louisville Courier-Journal.
.Plen.e Slop Coughing.
Somepeople say, "I have not got tho Con
sumption." ' That may be, butlfyou don't
stop mar. uougu me time win come when
you will wish you had. If you have weak
lungs, it cough or consumption In its mild
frtmiV or asthma, go atoncootid buy a bottle
ofr VrK German's Cough and Consumption
Cure; and if, after taking two-thirds of the
uoitie, vou receive no uenelit, please return
the bottle, and gel your money, as wo sell
no cure, no pay. Mothers give it to your
mimicii mi iiioi jmiiit; ur opium, i rice on
cents nnd $1. Ageut for Lehightou, A. J.
Stop Hint Toollinclie.
King's Manic Toothache Cure. tom tooth
ache in livo minutes or inonev refunded.
I'rice 25 rents. For sale by A. J. Durling,
I.itdtea' tVliy Buffer 1
When Sr. Marchisi's Uterine Catholicon
will nositivelv cure female weaknen. sni-li
as falling of tho womb, whites, chronic, in
lhimmation or ulceration of tho womb, in
cidental hemorrhage or flooding, painful,
suppressed and irregular Mensturatiou, A-e.
An old and -reliable remedy. Send postal
card for a pamphlet, with treatment, cures,
and certificates from physicians and patients,
in iiowarin x u.wiaru, unca, J, i. Sola
by all Druggists and by A. J. Durling, Le
hightou $1.50 per bottle. nov8-yl e.o.w.
Thero is u boy in New Britain, Con., who
will revolutionize the art of dentistry if his
inusclo holds out. Ho recently succeeded
in captuilng a neighbor's cat, and by some
means best known to himself managed to
extract every tooth from the lower jaw.
Inventors mill t'lilrnlccN
should semi for instructions, terms, refer
ences, Ac., to Edson Brothers, Solicitors of
Patents, Washington, D.C., who furnish the
same without charge. Kdson Brothers is a
well-known and successful firm of large
experience, having been established in tho
year 1S00. olS-tf
The subject for conversation at on even
ing entertainment was the intelligence of
animals, particularly docs. Savs Smith:
"There are dogs that have more 6ense than
their masters." "Just soresponded Fitz
noodlc. "I've got that kind of a dog my
self." One i:vii;rlenLc from 7Imiy(
" I Inn! been sick and miserable so long
and had caused my husband so much trou
ble and expense, no one seemed to know
what, ailed me, that I was completely dis
heartened and discouraged. In this frame
of.mind I got a bottle of Hop Bitters and
used them unknown to my family. I soon
beian to Improve and gaincd'so fast that
my husband and family thought it strange
and unnatural, and when I told them what
bad lielini! me, they shM, 'Hurrah for Ilt.p
Iilttersl long may they prosper, for they
i bave tnndo mother well am! us liannv."
Tho Mother. Home Journal.
2 2t
The new Queen of Sain is evidently in
favor of the silver monument. Her wed
ding dress will be made of cloth of silver.
Free Press. It -will be nlaeed on a bridal
,raln nn m,QB 10 comedown below the
VTnuld'at thou ijiy Irieud good" healtli enjoy
Rich day and hour your tuno ejnplny
Secure repose from sickness, jls.
This thou can'st do tale Liver Pills;
y dost Hints suffer from disease,
Caused by exposure, diet? these,
Or other ills, wbate'er their name,
Submit at once, and leave the frame,
Like shadows darting o'er the hills,
In terror lle,from Liver Pills.
Vice-like although they've clung for years,
Encouraged be, nor yeild to tears,
Jirue in quiet, Health's bright rills
t 18 r?'nway 01 inese nils.
in Clll 1(1 HO.M1 . V.llllh I
and 111 nlit nr.-
Let cheerful thoughts thy mind eneace.
Ijil aII..m r. tu. o
. .....via owiin ir.t-re, millS,
Sure thou art free with Liver Pills.
A Teryold lady on her death bed, In a
penitential mood saidt "I have been a
great sinner more than SO years, and didn't
know il." An old darkey woman, who had
lived with her a long time, exclaimed:
Lor' I I knowed il til the time."
I , -life 9 w vStel IlU.I(a
"White Street, Weissport, Pa.,
Comprising a full line of all the newest designs in Fall and Winter,
Hats, Bonnets, Trimmings, Notions, Laces, Buttons Eibbons,
Floyvers, Feathers, Ladies' Underwear,
and in fact all kinds of Goods usually kept in a first-class Millinery Store, which she is
prepared to supplv to her friends and the ladies in general at very Extraordinarily LOW
1'ftlCKS FOIt CASH. Call nud bo convinced. No troublo to Show goods.
September 27-m3
Drugs and Medicines !
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store.
If you want anything in the Drug lino at bottom prices,
po to tho Old and Iteliable Drug Store, in Dr. N. B.
Robci-V Block, near tho Post Office,
A. J. DURLING, Proprietor,
i Where vou will lied a full and complete stock ot
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & ubricating Oils
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Pure Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
EsTABi.nmrD 18G7.1 A. J. DURLING.
Lehlghton Nnvni0"r2.
Important to Builders, &c.
Weisspotrt JPIsiaaiiBg- Mai!.,
Is prepared to furnish all kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash,
Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust
crs, Window and Doer Frames, Scroll Sawing,
Turning, Planing and Ripping done at short
notice and at Prices to Suit the Times.
Hqii' MsacMEBeiry i all Mew
s&eiiI of Infest Pattern
Contractors and Carpenters are invited to
call for Specifications, which will be
cheerfully furnished.
OSeT Special attention gi ven to Orders by Mail. Thank
ful to our patrons and friends for past favors, we ask a share
of patronage in the future
Viiy Respectfully.
For the Weissport Planing Mill.
P. O. box 63.1
Slionldilestliovertnkt yon unawares, would
your estnto h pulltclcnt to protect your fatal
ly auil dear ones iiRiilnst want? If not
Provides protection. atabout Onk-Tiiird
the cist Ucretolore charged ly l.lle Insurance
Companies. Tills A rsuclai Ion was Chartered
In 1875. und now lias upwards of
of " Klsks ' or " Assets," subject to assess,
menu to pay death losses.
It has I ild but three assessments, though
nearly lour ) cars old.
And inducement to become a member when
ynuntr. and k ow old ln,tlie Association, Is
otlered liy alwayv asserslOK the member as of
tlif age when joining, und Unit ting tho amount
as foliuns:
$5000 on those aged 20 to 45 Inclusive.
3uo0 on those ujed 40 tu to Inclusive,
syjouo on tliuo uveil M to 65 inclusive.
jlUvO i.n those aged DO to 60 lncluilve.
The young man who Is striving to n ake his
fortune and supiKirl Is Lmll), should Jolu
lids Assoi'latiun, iesi the fortune may lull him,
leaving ins luiiiuy in peuuiy.
The iluiltalioiis aro sicluily made that the
younK iiiun n ay luive protec ion without pay
lug the costs properly ciiargu.iUe lu those who
neglected the. duly v,ien)oupger.
Ex-Onv. James Pollock, Phlla., President.
Itohert . Hill, Vleo.'r-sident.
W. p. Johnson, I'liiltidrli'hlu, Sec. andT rea
J U. progle, Philadelphia.
James a. .Uct'oiiu.-, Ploludtflphla.
llliarlcs ,-tockh.uii, Unindcu, New Jersey.
W. 11. Alallo.i l.estnut 111 II, Mrd. I uuilu'r.
Hull Henry t). lllcki k, Philadelphia.
s . I). Pollock, Phdadi Iphla,
Member may bo n fleeted and lurther Infor
muilun obtained Lhruuuh
Eaglo Hotel, tjatusnunua. Pa.,
Or, SAM. H. U1I.1IAM,
Aitcnt lor l.' hlnhlouuud lelulty,reil lothe
'MJai bon House." octll m2
Is sure to cure Spavins, splints,
urb, dc. It removes all unuai.
oral eularuciiients, Imikm not
di.itkii. Has no t-qual for any
lameness on beast ur man. It
has cured hli-'Jotnt lumtuess lu
a person wh. hat sutWed 15
- vears. .Also cured rhruuiutl.m.
cores frost.biles or anv bruises cut or lame.
n- ss. It lias no equal tor any blemish un
horses r,end tor illustrated crculnr giving
lHiMllve prool. Price . All UruaKlsts li.ive
It or cm ieel It for )u. Ur. II. J, Ken mil &
t'o , proprietors, EnosburKh Falls, Virmont.
French, lllchards & t!o. agents, N. w. corner
Trnili and Market Mreet., i'hilndel.lila,
Peiuia. nor. 15-uU
I. OOl". No. 16 lVuil Mt,. KowVorlci
noy. U3ro.
VlrU'a Illustrulcil .llomblr lUuaorln'c, 1!
lia.ea, a Ooloiei. P:ate In everv uumot-r unit
many flue EuxraTiiiR Price tl 55 a j ean Hve
ctiie lor ts.yu hpocimen uuiubeia seut lor to
ceuls. s irla coi'im torJJ rents.
Vick'a Illustrated Floral Guide,
A besutitnl wot-k of no Inuatritions with De.
acrliuionsof the lie-t rowrra ud Veireiablea
with prtco of seeds nui how tn grow tnrm All
for a F ve I eat f tamp lwue ov. :otb. lu
.i'Eliu audaensaii. JA IBs vli'K".
nov jsvj Iliiieler. New York-.
i"uT te liaDdomest and
Cheapest Bibles
Ever furnished Aconts. Ritra terms and Larse
KOI18UI5 MellAKIN, Cincinnati,
. t.Dttt:i) Pr niptly ami
lit 1 1 ' "t'y. J ''nu u u('it e ot mv cvin
III 1 f Ct tirttii-d rcmel , w In a n uatd
11 1 bio trfiiiiMtoit ihit disc"e fieetou.l
II Miftrwheid iim tUftrP,0.
nd iin re.s n .ilrtan. Ha. l, u.
Fall nnd
styles oil
MRS. M. GUTII, Weissport, Ta.
ian.4- yl
Desnectfully announces to the people of Le
hlKhton and Its vlclnlly, that he Is now pre
pared to supply inein suu uu iuub ui
Household Furnlure
Mannfaniured from the best Seasoned Mate.
rials al Prices fully ;i low us tliomiimanlcle,
cau be houaht tor rls. whero. Here are a few
of the induce tuents offered ;
Parlor Sets at from M to 160
Walnut ilarble-toi Dressing Case
lledroom Sulies. 3 pieces 40 to W
Palmed lledroom ulu 18 to HU
llano Seated Chair", perseloff.... S3
Common hairs, per set of C i
and all other Goods equally cheap.
-In this connection, 1 desire to call the at.
teutlun ol the peoi le to my ample facilities lu.
wlthaNF.W and HANDSOME 11KA118E,
and a lull tine of UaMCLTS and UtIFFl.vs,
1 am prejtared to attend promptly lo all or
ders lu this line, at lowest prices.
PuironsKO rrrpectlully solicited and the
most ample satlsuctl n guaranteed.
V. Si HWAlirZ,
octU UANKSt.,Lehlghton.
Juil Pu6liiJl(if. (n a Sealed Envelope. Price te.
A LEO I U KO.. TUB VJL'l UltK. 1 1t KA r.
ME.NT. AilD lADIUAL cuie of bcu.iosl
.Wegkneai., urHpe mutorrhos i. ludnced b' beif.
A.mso Invoiiuiury. KmlKaiou . lmpotencv.
Nervous Debility, and linueiliuii ms lo Mte.
ilaxe Keoerahy iusaupuou. Epilepsy, aud
Ptti... Ut.utai and Phvueal lticupacui, ar.
Ur UOUb'ltr J. UULVEltWUU M. D..aatb.
r tt the "Ur en Hook." &e
'the world renowu dau.nor.ln this admirable
Lecture, cetrlv proves from bu owu vspei.
lenco that theawlu. cousequeuc-softie t Abuse
in y remuveO without u.txjiclne,
anu without uugerous au cical ouerat-oua,
boujriea, uisiriimtuta. iinrs ot-coruiMls t i-oiiu.
lua ul a mode ot cure at once ceitttu aod ef.
lectual. by bich eve.r sufferer, uo .ostter
what hlseonoltlou mar be may cute lumneif, privately and taillcaliy,
W 7'Ai Lecture will prove a boon to thou
la tils and lAouunifi.
Rent, under seal. In a plain envelop lo snv
addreaa, on rteeipt of az ceiiU.or two poiune
Addres the publishers.
The OulTf rTlt Medical Co.,
Nsl 0M Ban, iUa. c.l-rl.
s ill
8 itfTwl if
New Advertisements.
AO YcnrM Hcroro tlio Public
Pronounced by all tote the most Pirns
nl and eflleneloua remedy iiovr In use,
for tfie cur or coughs, eolilt, croup,
lioarsene.i, tickling sensation cftbo throat,
whooping cough, ete. Over n iiilllloit
butllca sold nlthln the last frsv
years. It glres relief whereTer used, and
has the power to Impart benefit that cm mint
be had from the cough mixtures now In use.
Bold by all Druggists at as cents per bottle.
highly reootnmended for curing liver com
plaint, constipation, sick. headache., fever and
ague, and all diseases of the stomach nnd
liver. Sold by all Druggists at US cents per
II. R. Hellers & Co., Pittsburgh, Po.
oct. 4. col.
We will Pay the Postage
The Carbon Advocate
Or Six Months
For 50 cents !
wnica is
Less than 2 cents per Week
Carbon Advocate,
Lclilgliton, Pa.
snow litis to Youn Kf.ioniiort
BANK STEKET. Lehighton, Pa
MILLElts and Dealers In
Flmii4& Feegl.
All Kind-of nitAIN noUOHTnnil BOLUol
We would, also, lesocctlullrlnlorm ourciti
sens that we aro now fully prepared to bUP
J'LV tuem with
ISest of CJnal
Prom sny Mine desired at VEltY
Julv is.
Price, - - 33-1JO Per Year.
The object of this Library Is t: jrlvo to tho
nuldlo a complete moral nnd reliulous siory
in a ehcan form, and to counleruct us taras
liosi'lbln thelnnuence of Hih l..iilioral and en
rallonal literature ol the present day. We
shall depend upon the coocratlon ut every
good mau anil woman to introduce th s llu-rM.
ture Into their family ami community, the
following numbers are ready, and others will
rapidly billnw :
1. Nellie, the nlockmakrr's Ilauirhtcr... loc.
z. ;vot f orsaken
3. He.!eV Uliarlty
. I History ol a I hrcepenny lilt, )
) Frmk Siwneer's Ituleol Llfu. j
6. 1 he Yuung Apprentice
e. Shc-ro.t
T. In Prison und nut ,
. 10c.
. lie.
. 10c.
The price or the above seven stories In book
form Is 48 60. but we will semi them lu any
address on receipt or Eighty Cent: Snd at
least for a specimen cop, which wh will mull
on re. elpt of price. Vou will not be disap
pointed. Address
J. S. UUILVIE & X)., Publishers,
oct. 11 -WH.
which wo aro offering at the unpreceilcutly
luw price of
$1.00 TER REAM,
10 quires for 50 cents !
Call earlv If you are In want of NOTE
rAPEIl at thisexlnionlinary LOW P1U0E 1
Carbon -Advocate
Lehighton, IV
M L Jil orcauslni; a so e. Norfinwly
ever discovered equals It ur cer.nlnty of ac
tion In stopplnir the lamenens and reuiovlnic
firilH''. '' bunch. I'rice 41.00. Mend for
uu"utltcolsr kIviuk l'osltlte I'roof.
Sold by druKnlsts, or sent by the Inventor,
li. J. Kendall, M. I) , Enoskurgh Palls, V .
FrfENCll ItlOllAKDS K CO., Agebtf,
Phlladelphls, I'a. ' b '
fteveDteen yeoDV men to learn. Telepiaphr.
addict, with sltuiD.
ms. DMln.Ohl.
Tub Stin will deal with tho events ettfce
year IS8U In lis own Tisplon, now pretty well
undersiood by everybody. From January 1
until December 31 It l.l tie cumluo-cil as a
newrpapi r written In ho English language
nnd printed for the whole people
As 4 tiewsuipcr, Tub Sum ltlcves In get
tlna alt th" tiewsuf the world promptly, and
presenting It lu tho tnort Inii lilgihl, sliapo
ihe sliai e will enablo Its readers to kiep
Wfll hbrcapt nfthenue with thu least unpro
ductlvu cxpendllu e ol time. Iho greatest
Interest to tho ureatest number that i ihe
law controlling Its dally make-up. It now
Inn a circulation very much .amcr than that
i f uny nthi r American newsinper, and enioys
an Income which It Is nt all times prepired to
speml llbcrall) tor tho Iwniflt otlls readers.
Peoplo ofallc.mditlons ot life nnd alt ways of
thinking buy and read Tim Hum and they
all derive satisfaction of some sort iroiu Its
columns, tor they keep on buying and read.
Ing It.
in Its comments on men and affairs, The
Son believes that the only guide of policy
should lie c.imman sense Inspired by genuine
American principles and backed by honesty
of purpose. Pur this reason It Is, and will con.
tlnuo lo be absolutely Independent of parly,
class, clique, organization, ur Intire-t. Ills
for all, but of none. It will continue to praise
what Is good and reprobate what Is evil Ink.
Ing care that Its languairo Is to the point nnd
nluln beyond the osiblllty ofbclmr misun
derstood. It Is un nllucnced by motives that
do not appear on the surlacet It has noopln
Ions to sell, save llioso which may bo had by
any purchaser with two cents. It hates In.
lustlco nnd rascality even moro than It hates
unnecessary words. It ahhirs frauds, pities
fools, nnd nincompoops of every species. It
will continue throuahnu' tho ear 1850 to
cliast se the firstcluss Instruct thos eoiid.and
dlscuutitcnanco the third. All honest men,
with honest convictions, whether Sound or
mistaken, aro Its' frb nils. And Tiik Sua
makes no bones or telling the truth to its
Irlends and nbout Its friends whenever occa
sion arises for plain speaking.
Thcsmiro tho prluclplcs upon which Tiik
Sun will bo conduced durlug the year to
The year 1680 will be one In which no patri
otic American can afford to close hlseyisto
public ullalrs. Il is Impossible to exaggerate
the Importance of the political events which
It has In store, or the necessity of resolute Tig
llanee on tlo- p.irt ofevcry clilten who ties res
to preserve the Uovcrninintthat the founders
uavotis. Iho debates und nets ol Conuress,
the utterances ofl he press, thu exciting con
tests of thoItcpuMlenn and Democratic par.
ties, now nearly equal in strength througlmu
tho country, tho varying drift orpublle scntl.
ment.will all bcurdlreclli anl ctfeci Ively upon
tho twenty-fourth Pri'Sidentlil clectlun.tobe
held In November. Four years auo m xt No
vembcr, tho will ofthe nation, ns expressed ut
ttic polls, was thwarted by an abominable con
spiracy, tlio piomoters ami beticticlarles if
which still hold Iho ofltciS they stol. Will
the er me or 1S7D bo repeated In I860? Tho
p'it decade ol )cars opened with n corrupt,
cxtruvotratit, and Insolent Administration in
trenched ill wnshlngtoii. Tut MJMiId some
thing Inward dlstodglnu tho gnnc aad break
ing lis power, ihe same: mm lire n w In
triguing to restore tlulr leader mid. them,
sclvis to places Irom which they weie dtiven
by the IndlKiintloii of tlio pcoplr. Will Hi. y
succeed? Tho eomlnir yetn will nilng the
nnswers to Iheso momcnioiis quisltons. Tilts
SUN will be on hand to chronicle th" l.teis ns
they nia ilen l0 ed, and lo them clear
ly and Icarlessly In their relations tu expedi
ency and right.
Thus, wiui n harlr of philosophical guod
humor in looking at the minor nlhilm ol Hie,
nnd in urciit tilings n steadlift to
inilntnln Iho rigius ol the peoplo nnd the
principles of the tiousiituilou ox ilnst nil ag
gressois, dm Sun is j.repared to wrltu it
trulhrul, history
ol 1880.
( lur rates of subscription rrmnln unchanged
Pur the IiaiiySU', a four-p ko slnet of
tweniy.elKht columns, the pricn by mull,
paid, Is &5 ecnts a uiouih, or SJU au a ieur ;
or. Including the Sunday paper, an emht pngo
sheet or tiliy.slxeolumiis.the price Is OS cents
a mouth or Si.i u iv o, r, putting aid.
Tho Sunday edlilon ol Tilb Sox Is also
fuiniflic.l separately ui S I ujeui.pustago
1 .n til .
Th prlco of 'ho Wekkly Sun. elht pair s.
ttltj.elx cuiuiiius, Is 81 uyiur, poLiij;e p.iid.
For clubs or .en sei.duu 8 1 0 we will stud an
extra copy free. Address
Publisher ol Tuk Sun, New ork City,
nov. 8.-8 iv.
"Sour stoiiuieh, bad breath, indiccstion
Hid lieiulnclioc.isily cured by Hop Bitieis.t'
"oiuiiv nop uiiiors ikhiks, use llio lueil'
...!.... i."...: i ui... i i
it no', ou m i!-, oeui.ov loin llltppy. vt
'When lil'o is it drug, und you have lostp
.11 I .. if.... nut m I
ut io.oi', tiy iiofi uiio-is.
.ir:.i...... ....i.i.. I
x.i,o, unit ininuij .iiiiiuu'iaiiiion-Lj
sol, uiul tlic oulv safe und sure remedy ihP
nop Hitters rety on it."
'lloii Hitters does not exhaust nnd ties
troy, but testores uiul makes new,"
"AijUv, billiousncss, ilronsiuess, jnuti-l
lice, imp timers removes euuy.
"Bolls, Pimples, Freckles, Itougli Skill
'rilptioti3, ilium ro blood, Hop Bittern cure
"Inactive Kidiieysiind Urinary Org.uo
.'itttsu tlio woi-bt of diseases, and lloii Bit
tors cures them nil."
"Moro health, sunshine and iny in Hot
Hitters than in ull other remedies."
lor Uui'Git Ci'itn A!.u Pain Hklif is
tiik nnsT
Per sale bv nil druuuists. nnir O.-ltn
Saddler and Harness Maker,
Calls attention to the following extraordinary
Buggy Harness at Irom 812 00 upwards
Expr ss Harness at from 19 ou upwards
llr.cching Harness ut Irom .. 8 0.1 upwards
Hoa'fng llarness at from 0 00 upwards
Horse Dollars (hnlr) at Irom. a bO upwards
" " (straw) at from. 1 75 u. wards
Bridles at from i.... 1 75 upwards
and nil other articles at equally low, prices,
and uu.irnntcid nl ti. st workmanship 1th.
PAlltlNtl promptly alt ended to at reason,
able charges. Patronage solicited. Hay 10
? V
II. A. UKLTZ. reapecllullv nnnntmres to tbn
pcou.eol Le litlitna a tut viciuiiv ttat he tius
i)Qitnniri)CPineiit-tor nui)ily:nr ibeiu witl.
thHlIUvr IJUIK1I1 COAL iiotn tlio l.ehifrli
ton tc)uto( ho Lei) gli (St eiuiq,, ItU., ut Iho
IoIIowju; Low Tilces t
Storo ,
CllCStDUt ...
No. 2
.,3 25 pcrtrni
3 0 perton
S Of per (on
Leave vmr OntiTR At my (Jfllco. JiAvK St.,
oouosliu tliu I'upiic q taie. i t ui will bfilt liv
cretl, w I m n tlcatlrua, ui ve y Lowt nt Ch tre- o
:ii ovn ni ico . I'. A llhL'JZ
March 8 -gau LehtRhlon. Ta.
1 nrli, rml all Ktvlrn Hioiiiamg (1 .AND
HJ"Aitfc;A ID Ui'ltrUilT.bllH icilt F lt.-T
i AH tu-IOni iho loniht i.t t I'luli whfM.i i
loc oiy p ken, 01 tci to tlic 1'UiM HA dr.
Ti.e I'lamiiiuuo ni tfje lliet tlijtlav- ul
'an CYulriimitl L'xliihilUm ul vm unnnr
mniittly lcccinmiLil. tl loi tLe filGllCtiT flovoitri
-ov" C.H0 li utp. lieiriitji 1 1 v nuoi potafn!
MHiiufflClmiuir ''. Fin toi v e t 'b ib v r
tu vtnra Ilia t-qntiu Orwuil uintNiD Motb
unliek' ncwpairnl Iuplox Ov?iKiiuiitr bmle,
the mva cs mp ovciufitt lu the h niry of
l'i:i o n ti Iig. 'i ie UpilvhtHrrt Uio HKr
I Mi;U A. riming tts t '11 Hal. thu't
(hi. in wnto toi It ufstr-'ie.) nml DetcrlplUf
Outuloir at tin poi.i-8 ii-filfit fire.
'41 Kml 16tti Mrret. N V
1 ear
A WERK In tour ewn town an.l it
ntnlrs cd Ymicjiu pive t he I u
.ni'ix (il I Hiiio.t xicii8e. Tie
oexiMtip r iiiiiiVevfi oircrt'i ro,tho
w'IIiiik to work V u should liy lu thin else
nuts' you eelnr y un II what you .a, iloa
tiie liiisiiicHi. i efl..r. Nntnom i cii.lain here
You o u Unvote uu t uur-t me or only vour spur
time to th I utiles end run e eri-ut p i lor
everv hour thai you wertc. Women mn.e -e
much as men. Send ftr aiiechil nr Tut, tcmir
an paiticulara. winch we mall free. t.wuttu
lieu 11. l.'l o luplnili ol haul linn a wl lle ou
have sin h n ciiauc .iddrea 11.11 Ll.inv
itro.I'o Hind Maine. June 7 it'.
IIMIIP ."end Si cent In stamps or cur.
II " It ill reney lor a iww llnuat- Uihuc.
It treats nil diseases has 35 fine EnirravlnKS
sIimwIuic Hisitlons ussumed by sick hurses, n
table ofdi.scs, a larKeC'llecthui or Valuaulk
IMlllll l,Kri'' rules for telllmt iho aue
'""I' ofn horse, wlthnnenif
Inir teeth uf each )ear, and a larua amount ol
other vuluo' le horse liiiorninilon Ur. U'm.
II Hall mys. "I havo Uiuaht Pools that I
paid 55 and tlO (or nhlcli I .lu not like as well
ttS I do YOU'S." po KOIt A C'lltCI'LAR.
AosiVSTin. 11. J.KKNDAI.I,. ..II.,
EnosburKb falls, Yt. mar. IJ-jI
1 EVKit A cui. anu I.ivku i'au-Is w thout any
exe.'P It'll tnebebt i'dlliexUteiii'elorttiecuie
unit pieveiiltnn of ail m lariojs ill eias sni.
; u.e mki houui'iiui ii eaic ct-covery iiitiu
1 ape. 'o niefiiclnu legulreiL i urea by bsrp.
1 ft it, .ml fur iinninlilf nlr... , h
tateo esiiaoid'Uaiv cures ucrforme.! nv toi
l'..C.' tree. Ask your DruirKt t for the
l!frrllllli I'A mid taw, .in nthpf If ,in lis.
i nunc. I will aend iu one bv rusil on rccept of u. a ibino,ri .iiarkei ri.,
l'ittahurfli. J a, bole Ageot lor the limted
Btates. Mar 31 1 yjr.
F. A. I.KHMANV, Snllrllnrof American
an.1 I'orelir Patents. Waslitnirlnn. till. Ail
butiitessrvuiieetMlwIih rateiur, whelherbe.
I lie the 1'atentliflleeMriliei'ourts, promptly
1 attended to. Nochorxsm uleuulcli a pateut
H icsr4, tin4 m vtmlen
cccxssona to
Bank Street, Lehighton,
Are prepared lo Manufacture, to order, ercry
description ol
Romig's Put. Platform AVagon,
.c, at lowest rates for Cash.
Oral! description pmmptty attended to at the
most rcanublc pricus.
A? All Work guaranteed, and patronage
Is respectfully sulielied.
July 26, 1879-Jl
Boot ani Shce Maker,
announces to his friend unit tlio public in
ecneriil, that be has iut rccpivecl a larce
assort inent of Men's, Women's A- riiililrcn's
Roots, Shoos and Gaiters,
FOIt WINTEIi WE A 71. which he Is cm-r-Ing
at I'npreicdcntly bow l'rle. s for Cash 1
custom riK
Iltnile up nt very rcas 'nahte prlei s, nnd l'er.
le.'i 11 s KUiruntccd. KEl'AlUINU no.itlv
dono ut short notice.
Opp. Public Sq., 13a nk Street.
octl8-m8 LEHKJinON.
Ircanccifnlh nnpruece to the n'p'e iho lo
his lejs'd tho tshou or SAMU1 L IIUU. II-
North Street, Lehighton, Pa.,
and propones to resume his old Imrltira , o
Carriage and Wag n
and resDertfu"v aslts a share nl piili.ic nntrcn
aire, i iiaranti ln " uic w ii hiiitn I c equal
' the best, a d tho l'i lce to bo i.slowistl.o
nf .11 klt.ild n,n,n,.,l,. ul...1..1 ln. .. .
ouab o ch..rjri'S.
Onuo-lte rubllo Briuarc, Mi ttli Street,
fob l.yl Leli ehton, I'a.
MiIlinerTOoodS ! !
New Styles! Iinnieiise Variety!
The undersigned rcspectrully announces to !
her Iriendsnn.l the ladies ircncrnll). that she
Is just ojm-ninsr a new nnd i erv eleicant line or
LAIiIba' KA I.I. and WINTEII ,
15a Is mid IB)sti:cts,
at her Millinery I-slabllshment on HANK '
Str.ot. I.EIilIHT(), I'a., which r..r.llo
und Elegance and llrauty of Finish lu'cct
every ehulce and all desires, I
The Leading Designs to be found In Market. !
II A IS, a hoihI assortment. Msonuinv pri-tty 1
an.l neat styles In Kl.mVKKS niul FEATII-'
rna, or any kiuu ot iuuiiuery uoods uo to
sep!3 ln3
Hank St.. LehlRhton.
of nil kinds. Cures at nny ttKo of Iho dU
tiipe. llus curel man; custs so terrlMo that
bones caiuo I nun t tit M8t
Ur K ui 'm H I nut ii ml Cnin rrh Mem.
nil Is mil) nnd pleas nt, nlfonllnu jimkim-
CU.Ki U I.N JUHltM , nud Is heihVI'il tu
lotliuunl hkai furyi't nlven to th puldic
A lew a idlriiMons hn-iik up a uhl ly ih
llfqil, cure IHWciili Hreaihiuir, t'h tr -Inn nt
Head and Tluuiii, lUadiicho I)o Ines I4ss
ol Miiell, V ict,nnl Sight, 'rh""Ml)iM mi"
ts a wumlerful mtdiclne, und t obts W
The IUhmiohiI Iii lpii n'nr. the heit
ot ItlotMt Purifier, and Jdillous li'dluiuun.
llce, 50 ri-iits.
Tim i Iniitiiinl rrlif Mil A p'cl
Ic lur all Nt-rvoustlo'i pliiims. j'rlc t il.oo.
The Iniui il hv "MntliLT UnerftV
t'ure All tho mnti ieiiiciixtvrmnoureo(r
Invei.ted I rice. S5 ci-nis.
Send fonlfsetlptiverlrrulnrof Dr. I'.voryV
lMiliih ud ItViuciifer, FltEU in MA.L, luquiie
of your !rui! i .
lroprlctor' uddrcfs. Pit. A. F. UVoKY
& ft Tl Park IMuco, Now Yak Itj.
oct. 4.-4iu,
Tiih i:s7 "iu'i:kTtuy TT:
H Scientific American.
The SclcnMfle Auiettcan Is a lartto I'lrst
ttlnss Wcrkly Nevsuii.T el -Ixti'i-n rnt .
luiule.t in iIih must heiiulirul sili. i'iiokuh
LV llltistraltit Willi spkiiili.l liiKruviuits re
iresentlnir the i cKrt Iiiicnil..ns ami th
most rt-ci'iit Aitvaiiees In the Aria anil se ei -n
s j IiicIuiIIik New an i Interest vg Fuels In
Aurlculture, urtl'-ulture.ihe lluine.llealll..
Mi .Ileal I lonrifs, Social Hcli lice, iVaturu
lllstiiry, ieoloiry, As roni.iny. Ihe1 in. s
valunhle practic ! a.i rs. hy en In nt rlt r
in all tlepartuu-tits u bcieuce, villi bo luui.
In the Scknlln Ainirl'-unt
Ternn Msu ier ( wh el
IneludnsiiusiiiKr, 1) scouut lu Aueu.s, Sluul
copi.s ten cents. Suhl hv all Ncns.leuK'rt
llimlt by Kisial unlcrtu MIJ.NN Jn:(J., l'u.
Ushers, 37 i'urk lluw, New V. ik.
P A 'V U: N !' v. lnc.nnecllimwi 1
AMtnlcAN, Messrs. Ml'N & Uu., are .S..lld
tors or Auierica'i und Foreign 1'iiieiiis, liar
Imil 35 years eiilnee, ami now have the
lari!st estalillshuirnt In he world, l'ntents
are obiali.i-d on the brstlermt. A special no
the Is made lu tho ".cimTiir A.uirNi.
all lur ii'lons paientnl thruuali this Aneucj
Willi the name anil resideu. e on he I'aienree
Uy tin Immense circulation ulvi-n. puli
lle attention Is itliected tu the inirl'sor the
new patent, and sale, ur lutroductlun ofltn
easily .Hi ctrd.
Any ierson who has made a new discover
or Inv n l Ion. can urctrtaln. ree of thai gt
whether a patent din piotah.y lie uhiainiti.
by wrlilnKiii,Mt'N k Oo. U'eatsu s ndrii
.ur Hand li-mk about the Palm. Liw. f'ai
ents. Caveats, 'lia.l..Jlaks, th.-lr . cit, an.,
how procuretl, nlih hints for pioeurlnic n i
vau uu Inveiitu.ns, Address lur the faiar
or coneerniUK I'ateuts,
IUNN tl)ll.,3J.Pntk How, V. V,
Uraoch Olfles, .or. V k Tth Sts., Waililnit'im,
O, nr. I -tr
Warner's Safe Kidnsy and Liver Core.
I A rcce table oreDnrnUon ntid thm mil him
I rrini il.r In tfio wnrhl fur llrla!tln Dhrntr,
i iiiitiicte nnii AJbLi iuau, Junvr u4
urinary minute.
trrestlmoTilftt of tho htfihest order In proof
of thMe stntetnenls.
lUTTor ihn cure of Plnhclen, call for Xtmr
nrrTiiNareUlnCiutrM 4'urr.
uiTFor the euro of ItrlslU ft rul hn nthtr
dlrn-ofs. mil for Wuruvr'a Haf lUUuvy
and Llrcrdire.
It Is tlieboit lltiioil l'ttrlflrr, tntl ttlmnUtM
fiery fiutctiun to mora lipRlthrul acilou. d4
U thus a bennt In all dlaoAKPS.
It euros Mrroniloa and oilifr Skin Cidim
tlon nnd Ulfi"ei, ittcludmz Cuncr, VU
rrr, nnd other Knrr.
Ijppln, lVriiknrm oflYi ninmarh,
dMistlpnllmi, lllulnrM,4(nrrmt Oebll
H.r, etc., nre cured by the Mali liliirr. It 1
unonnnled m an appettirrniut rrgutnrinnlr.
lloitles of two atxe ; price, 00 r. and SI. 00.
Quickly elves licit and Klcep to the inTtnlnr,
cures llruftuvlio and Nrurnlirla, piatfiu
r.llfiilct'll,nnd rcllevesNrroiu lro
triitloii hro'jgtu on by cxcvtsclre Ur.nL, over
work, mental shocks, and ottiiT tflime,
Iowrful an It Istoaiup r.uln and othadts
tnrbed Nerves. It n ver Injures Iti syiiUm,
whether taken in small or larjre doies,
Uottlts of twj sites; prices, OOc. und $1.09.
Ars nn tinmndlute and nctlve Rtlmulnii for m.
Torpid LUtr. nnd euro Coitlrcnan, Drtpepslk, Bit
loainii. EiuetLi vikf
rhaa, MaluU, TiTtr
and Aru, aod should
tie used whcimvi-r tb
bowels do not optrata
freely and recuiarly.
Ittvr f UU rrMlrt
i Bin 1 1 te4 ftr tKrah
wnrk. S(V tta. S ku.
old bt Dnisrilila a lmlan
II. II. Warner & Co.,
a 1iHwsiUU.
Fir a eoy Br. CUAt-.T. II i.t
It you are l.i in i,f biis.u.-gn, wcaUi ncd ty the strain ct
your uaucs, u uld stiinuUuts aud U.e ri
If you cro a man of letters, tolllnsr over your mldnltht
work, to restore hraln nrvo aud wa.te, naa
If younroyiungaod from any Inrtlorrctloa
orflH-itpaM-milf jouaro married or tlnple.old or
m juuutBuucriUKiiu'upuuriicniuloriauuUikLliUe .
1 wmz aT-rv?vc
1Vhn"vcryouarc, wherever you are, whenever you fciV
i juui pinLciu i.L-i'ua uicunBinir. lor.iiiE or
stimulating, wltliout ti.oj-ic'llnff,tol.o
ro ymi fUjfjft, lUtnej; or vrinaru complaint, dl.
cuuof tho tunwh. bmrfi, htooit, lirer or nerttt t
You will bo cured If you uio
If you aro pl'nply wiknndlow plrted,try It! Uuy It,
Insist upon It. Your druyglbt kt eps It.
It nny Have yonr Hrt,ft hnsHnvcd hundreds.
It mC'1! r,,Mhtn t, stftrtilMt. AkrMMtfi.
Th lv I'ttJ (ur blom li, 1,'tt-r ul K ilnr' ,tituprUr bftllftbm.
It It I. Atk dnif-rtlMi.
P. t. C. li nn ubialu'e mitl ImtUlttM rnrr fur druntntn. ai f
J p !'i-n, t- iii-n r iiw-iIm.
Ara6ti"M II n T'n MTr, Co., RfwSiUr, 4N. T
Tho Wlaito
Its Introduction and World-renowned
rcputatiii'i wns the death-blow to high
priced machines.
This Is a very Important matter. M It Is welt
l.non and undisputed tact Inat many ot the st
eal id first-ctass machines which are otlered so
c now-a-oais are those that hava been re
ros. sscd (that Is. taken back Irom customers
atttr use) end rebuilt find ul upon tho matkit
r,,iArKVosTs wane to manufacture than
Do not 2zj an7 other befo:9 tr;
in tho "WE:T2.
Prices and Terms Made Satlsfaclcr
White Sewing Machine Co.
JCiiiN hi. FAGA,
T. r FOIt 1'A IlltON I II f.
Uar.IJ'W-Cm JiAUCIlfJtU h
Is pertsctly pure. Tronoanced the heit br the hls'litit
medical .iiiii"pI e. In th. orld. (ilien hiht
.w.rdsat la Worll's CipoMllma. M at I'irii,HT.
6olJ by Druggists. W. II. HchlrlT lln & Co.. .VT.
This .old j
net wall
irioa ki
i In all .
a .ei
ncruiuis, patuuianpai,
Illr.-nus Sort., Whll.
bwflllncl. STDhllltio
TCnde. B ne Dls .es, etc. Inv.iuabl. la Gentr.l
llchlllteof t1 .seed. A rich svruprontatnlDrno In
Jurln liutredleuU. !. other Iteuisdr hst r.ctli.l
ucUncooiiumi. Sold by all DruKKlsU.
a wi
AOENT8 WANTED-S7Stol80 Per Month.
FuUrflTlA UT1UA iVlN t'OIlM ATio5r"
"A book of more praot loal mtlltr will Mldom, I r. ver,
bfound ouuktaof lu. juration," C'il.rt.liaadsoait,
mpf nrn in .itrtom. ry ?.lch " To?.-
tt U C U C U i, all ntrv " D I onus aurf OU.
F1.9 1'spf r. Clrsr Trp. Itwatlful Itlndinsrlcndld Uiul
tnlloni. AVirti 61" Via..,. Jtw 1'rir.. , trthmrllw.
lAttkB ud UnadklUa
curvd t roar iw
ix L..llf t.fxr Ui.K dlrftot
(to th. diHW. X iell.ll.
r. mil. m m rsWrm. ut
mo.17 nliudtd I r .it tuibnu.