Ma S3! II. V. M0HTI1IMKI1, KblTOK LKIIIOMTON PA.1 BATUIIDAY, DECEMUEH 13, 1870. A corfsipondrtll writing Irom Washing, inn, few iUti ko, anil claiming to be well Inliirtneil, (ponklngoflho financial question, airs ho li cntifldVnt that there will be-' no Important legislation thla session. Thn Rrti-nb.lP.lts will not be rrtlreil nnr the legal tendVrrlause repealed nor theroitiageof sll ver afrrrtttt. The President wtrtlM Veto any bill In n.nttlct with hi own policy, and Con press will pan not) to carry out the Presi dent's views. In the Legislative Bribery cnsfi,at Har riiburg Monday, Judge Pearson decided that the evidence offered under the motion to quash the indictment against Alexander W. Loiscnritig wa proper, and that a plea in abatement was unnecessary. Counsel will meet next Monday to decide when the evi dence shall be heard. The result will doubt-le-'S be the quashing of all the Indictment, but new bills will probably be etot to the Grand Jury In January. It Is boldly predated In an article in the Annate dt P Extreme Orient, that before many years the Chinese question will be come as urgent In Europe as it is now in America. The Isolation of China is a thing of the past, anil In a century, If not sooner, we aro told, the Chluese will become tbe prinriHtl workman element not only in America but In Europe. In fifty yearssteam navlgiitlon will transport the Chinese at fabulously low prices to all parts of the world. We; slinll tee arise in the cities of Euroc Chinese quarters which will rause discon tent ainonngniir working rlassci.with whom they will hnve seriously to reckon, mid the Chiliete element will end by fixing Itself among us like the Jews. Senator Dlalne if rerted to hare aulil on Monday that he would rote against Sec retary Sherman's recommendation that the greenbacks be divested of their Icijal tender quality. Mr. Blaine thought it would be best to hare each bank in the country re deem in coin as soon as there shall bp a sill- ficient accumulation of it, ami he would let the legal tender tmtet alone for the present rather than proroke an angry financial ex cilement when the country is awakening from its business lethargy. The Senate Tuesday confirmed the nomination of Secretary MiCr.iry to be U. 8. Circuit Judge for the 'Eighth Circuit Thero was neither debate nor division on the confirmation, and at a Cabinet meeting on that day Secretary Schun was authorized to notify General Hatch to receive tho Ute prisoners, with the assurance tliat they shall be tried outside of Colorado anil New Mexi co. If, says the Philadelphia Ledger, Sena tor Bayard belonged to the type of states men who always hove the Presidency in view, he might not have been so forward with Ids good resolution to deprive the greenback of its legal tender quality, now when war emergencies are over : but be ing of the class who would rather be right than bu President, he takes the course his sense, of official duty prompts, without re gard to li'.w it will operate upon him person ally, whether West or South or North. - Pike onunty for a long lime has borne the palm for sending forth extraordinary 'big stories," but Berks county now enters the list with the following, which we repro duce as it appears in last Saturday's New Y .rk Sun : "That the conflagration that Is lo con sume the world has begun is lielioi'il by many resideiitsof Readimt.'Pa. While some gentlemen were shooting on the farm of Ileiirv M liter, near that eilv. nun of the party killed" a iMMidze, which I el I in an adjacent field. To the surprise of the gentleman his doe refused to fetch the binl, and he went for it himself ; hiitatlliespotwherethebird had fallen he suddenly sank several feet in a l-d ot fire ami utiles. The bunting tract is a spiar in length and half a square in width. Miller's.iys the fire began b'lrning about threo weeks ago, and travels several feet u day. li emits no smoke excepting now and ihen when a tuft of grass is being consumed, or when trees are burning, but the heat is intense. The fire has extended into a green wheat field, which is gradually lielng destroyed. The roots of oak trees burn oil', and some trees two feet and a half in diameter have lallen over" Around the World with Gen. Grant. A narrative of the visit of General U. S. Grant, Ex President of the United States, to the various countries of Europe Asia and Africa, in 1877, 1878, 1MV, to which ore added ce tain conversations with General Grant on the questions connected with American politic-sand history, by John Rus sel Young. Thn publisher of "Around the World with General Grant" herebj notify subscri bers that the work will positively be com plclcd in 20 pi1s. Parts 1 to 14 are now tvaty, unit the succeeding parts will follow without delay. Prices for binding tier vol ume, cloth, $1.50 j hallmrriawo,$2.50; half calf, SS.OOj full iiHirocvo antique gilt, $5 UU, parabte on delivery of bound volume. This book is published for subscribers only, and will not be on sale in the book stores orljy the trade. The Philadelphia manager writes to W. D. Harrington, the company's agent for this county, as follow, under date of Dec. 6th i "As regards gelling the book at a i educ tion by writing here, no would-be-siilisori-bcr can do go. None but our agents can get one cent dillerencs on a subscr'ptlou I and the book will never lie sold to thu trade or people around the country. Very truly yours, K. M vitas, Manager. lion. W. W. Ketcham, Judge of 'he U. 8. Di.trli-t Court for Western Pennsylvania, was slricken by uplexy Satuiday night, und died in thesameroom at the6t. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, where his daughter sud denly expired fioiu heart disease in April, I t)7s). Jitlgo KoLoh iui occupied the bench Saturday afternoon. He returned to tho hotel at 3 p. m., and while reading was at tacked by headache, as he stated, and fell to the floor. A physician was summoned who Immediately called in several of Pitta burgh's most prominent physicians. At six o'clock the Judge was put in bed. At seven o'clock he had lost consciousness and at 11,50 death ensued. The remains were placed in a special car, and left Sunday evening lor Wilkesbarre, the native town of Judge Ketcham, where the funeral took place Monday. Judge Ketcham was born on June 2'Jtli, 1810, acquired his education through his own efforts, was several years professor In Oirard College, and S3 years ago began the practice of law In Wilkesbarre. lie served two terms in the House of Rep resentatives of Pennsylvania, on term In the Pennsylvania Seriate, and on tsrro in Congress, lie was Delegate to both the C inventions which noininsted President Lincoln. Iu July, 1870, while member ol Congress, he was appointed by President Grant as Judge ol the United BtaUs Court at FitUlmrpb, to ucree.l Judge Wtlaon Me- Ciuidltfts, rttijucti, C. S..FUruurvD, Gaorgo ShiVAs, n4 tllilrlcl Attorney It II. MeCor Vlllelt, ol Pittsburgh, are already named by politlrlans as Judgo Ketcham's probable suocesor. The President Wednesday tent lo the Senate the nomination of AUKander Rain lay, of Minnesota, to be Secretary of War, vice George W. Me.Crry)ipolnted Uulted 8tates Judge of the Eighth district. During the afternoon, In executive session, the Sen ate unanlninitely and without any reference to a committee (in iierVr-eriro to tlra custom where one hat been t United States Senator Is nominated for olllce) confirined the iiutn I null tin. Mr, Ramsay was born In Dauphin county, near Karrisburg, In this State, on September 8, 1811, and ainco 1838 has been more or less In public life. The first posi tion which he held was a clerkship in the office of the register uf Dauphin county in 1840 he was chosed Secretary o: the Electo ral Cbllege of Pennsylvania, and in 1641 was elected Clerk of the State !!os:of Rep resentatives. Two years thereafter he was elected from the Hrtrr'.sburg district to the lower House ot Congressln which lie' served twe terms, retiring in 1847. In 1849 he was appointed Governor of the new Territory of Minnesota by President Taylor, and contin ued in that ofllice until 1813. Mr. Ramsay was chosen Mayor of SU Paul (n 181S and Governor of the State of Minnesota in 1858, continuing In thnt oulco until 1862, when he retired only to take his seat in 1813 in the Senate of the United dtnsos. In 1SGD lie was renominated into the Senate by the Re publican legislative caucus on the first bal lot and nerved a second term in that body, retiring in 1873. In the early part of that year there was a protracted struggle in the Minnesota Legislature over the succession of his scat, whjeh resulted in the choice of S J. It. McMillan, indejicndent Republican. White not otie of tho most brilliant men in the Senate, Mr. Ramsav was a faithful worker, attentive V his duties and general ly sound in his views on public measures. For some time he served as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Post Ofiiees and Post Roads. Since his retirement from the Senate in March, 1875, Mr. Ramsjy'lias not held any public position. SFECIAL CORRESPONDENCE. Our Letter from Wnoliliilon. 77ic Prosperity and Beauty of the Xntionaf Capital. Panorama of IVathinqton. It Citizen, Society, ami Stranger. Political Whixpcr. Wseninoiorr, I). C, Dec. 0, 187V. The usual winter session of Congress has now fairly begun, and nil through the citv arc Indications of a good time coming, or at least exccted by the merchant, landlady and various species of the cormorant trilic. With a wise forethought, .the founders of the beat of government reserved n large jmrtinii of the land for public purposes, and on the ground thus held there havebcen erected from time to time a collection of public buildings, which do credit to tho taste and generosity of tho nation. Tho finest struc ture of all, and, in the opinion of many cel ebrated autlinritieson architecture, I lie finest building in America, is the capitnl, designed for the accommodation of the legislative branch of the government. This superb building, with its vast dome, ranking fifth in height and fourth in diameter among similar structures; its wings of marble, with their long lines of Corinthian columns, its artistic embellishment without aud within, and iminsine deliberative chambers, im presses a visitor as filly ,.r great and prosperous commonwealth. The liberal space! of tho building are devoted to tho House of Representatives and the Sen ate chamber, with their clerk, committee kind document anti-rooms, to tho court-room of the Supreme Court of the United States, and to the Congressional Library, the larg est collection of books in the country. The crversity of a city's growth is proverbial In the rate of Washington this is strikingly excmplificd by a movement westward, lo the rear of the Capitol which is thus left to face a very inferior section of the city while turning its back on. tho reul town. A mile to the west, interrupting the sweep of 1'enii sylvaniu Avenue, stand a cluster of noble buildings, comprising the Treasury, the State, Army ond Navy Department und the Executive Mansion. Perhaps "noble" ii not '.he fittest epithet by which to character ire the last tiumed of these structures, uu- less we attach to the word its meaning as an adjective of republican simplicity. A less iinNising palace fora sovereign could scarce' ly have been built, ami, architecturally, the white House is inferior to many private residences in the district. The older build ings reflect the partiality of the last genera tion for the classic order of architecture. The Treasury unit tho Patent ollice are fine sK-cimeiis of Grecian, Ionic and Doric, But Hie immense new building, wlncli, in one connected whole, gives accommodation to the three departments of the Army, Na -y ami 1-orcign office, is in the style of the Uenaissans as are ma uy other of the Usscr building', erected of late years. The cost of thes structures has been enormous, hut it is a source of gratification to reflect that the exiamditures of money have tint been tho cause of scandal, as has been too often the rote with similar disbursements for pub lic buildings ami improvements. By the valuation of property in the District of Col. bus, just published for the current year, the aggregate for tho Government reaches the total of seventy-eight million dollars against a total of seveuly-four millions for the com munity proper. Of this large sum, the Capi to! has cost thirteen million dollars, and the State Deiwrtinent, to date, about seveu mil lions. The society of Washington takes the mot ley complexion of its official visitors. The body of the community get their living in one way or another from the executive or legislative brunches of the Government ami reflect their eculiarities. It is, I suptiose, the most Democratic city in existence. The suffixes aud affixes, which strike a respectful terror In the heart of every provincial cill ien have no spell here whele familiarity has done her perfect work. We are all Cols, and Hons, and Judges by social brevet, if noth ing more and having thus satbficlo- nly settled questions of rank, we estimate, a ueighbor rattier for what lie is than for what his constituents expect him to be The effects of this demonstrative spirit are often amusing aud probably quite shocking to one who cannot comprehend or who lias no sympathy with the genius of our Institutions but, these once understood and liked, the extravagance, vulgarity and cruelty of the Capital's society finds more than a balance la the courage, strength, fraternity and hoieful progress every where visible. nr. i-cyi i . aiorvonsaiaioa inenu to-ilsy ' that he had no personal knowledge that his name was being considered by the President and Secretary of State for the vacant English mission. He said that he bad not at any time any conversation with either of them on the subject, and that he was not an apli cant for the position. At the same time Mr, Morton conveyed the Impression that he would accept the position if it was tendered to him. As he is a man of large wealth re j would be able to enjo himself at the Court of St. Junta without auban&aaiaet, The President had conversations again to day with his partf friends on the suljcct of lilt (imibiinl recommendations, fn which lit feiternted the sentiments expressed by him yeKtenfay. Ite Unglied at the Idea ol the matter producing any spilt In the Republi can patty. In rrginl to the English mis sion, he said that nothing definite had been determined. Senator DonCamcroh is getting up a grand excursion to visit Philadelphia, on the 10th of this month) when Gen. Gran twill bo there, lie has consulted with tho leaders of both parties, and it is not Improbable that there will be an ndjoumment of Congress for that purosc. Cameron wants about two thous andieuple to go from here. Acqvst. t)UU WASHINGTON SrECIAL. It was a dull ojieiilng the opening of Congress one of the dullest I ever witness ed, altogether like the week preceding in its phenominal quictntss. The absence of fifty-three Representatives end twenty Senators on the first day of the session was a very unusual occurrence, being twice as many as I remember on any similar occas ion during my experience. An I thoso who are here have a subdued and childlike air, indicating that they have come with a pre disposition to good behavior. - This Is equal ly true of the members of both parties. But there is no telling how soon they will fly-off into xliticaldiscusloii3,c3ecially as ulaine and Garfield, and eonie others, will find it hard to resist their inclination to stir up the opjiositlou. Conversation among Congress men develops the fact that there Is a dis (Kisition to get to business without delay. Somooflhem have even mooted the ques tion of doing away with the holiday recess except a day or two at Christmas and a day or two at New Year's. The argument ad vanced is that very fjw of the members who live at a gleat distance from Washington go to their homes, and thut those who live near by would have an npjiortunity of sieuding Christmas with their families if two or three days were given. Another argument ad. vuticed is that it would bo hotter to go on with the work during the cool weather than to run the session into the dog duys. Most of the members think that the session will be a long one an way. Thu President's message having been pub lished in advance of its presentation to Con gress, did not excite the usual curiosity, anil the reading in the two Houses was umie than ever a tedious formulity. Since this premature publication, the clerk's room at tho White House has been closed to news paper men, but that don't meet tile case. It was not the fault of the corresiondents that the message got out. Of course they are all ready 10 get news just as early as they can, but the trouble in this case was that some employe ol the President or of the Govern tiicnt printing otlice stole the proof slips und sold tin-in at a round figure. The New York Times, Cincinnati Inquirer aud Chicago Times, paid ir'5Ul) each lor their copies. It would seen; that a search for the thief and the infliction of appropriate puuislimeut is the thing now iu order. It has been sug gested that in future the President will have to send ill Ins message in manuscript, or if printed, make it so short that if stolen he can immediately write an entirely different one. Tiie last idea is not so bad. There is no longer uny doubt as to the prominencu of the liuaucial question ill the lellbeiutious ol Congress ut thissessiou. The iccummciidation of Secretary Slieiman in his report and the President in his message that ihe U. S. legal-tenders bo retired will once more open thu fight between what are commonly known usttio tianiatul sollinon uy elements. The recommendation wil meet with bitter opposition ; thero is no doubt of that. A majority of the democrats ol both Houses will combat the proposition, and it is claimed that they will have the aupiairl of not a few republican members. Chairman Buckuer, of the House committee on bunking und currency, states that the recommendation will solidilv the democratic pally and divide the republicans. Howev er, whether result follows or not, it is quite safe to predict that the cll'ort to retire the greenbacks will lead to an interesting con test, and ierhaps u lengthy discussion. The Presidents recommendation has evidently not met with the warmest favor from Rep resentatives of the rutty, and it is almost certain that a majority of Congress will be against It. 1 dropped in on Vice President Wheeler the other evening to ask a few questionsoind lou nd him looking hale and hearty. Tli Vice President has not occupied a very large share of publicalteulioii the ust three years, but hn is still in thu flesh, and keeps up a thinking. He was particularly happy on th.s occasion, and us he gazed ujioii the ruddy glow of the flro in thu grate, and the ruddy hnv of your corresp m lout's nose, he re marked that having como from a art of the c niiitry where they have had snow this sea son, he greatly enjoyed the fine weather pre vailing in ashinglnii. Ho thinks New York is certainly Republican next year, no matter who is nominated. I think he is for Blaine. An intimate 'rieml of Tilden, who lias been hero this week, is just as coiifi.lcm thut the Democrats will succeed. From this gentleman's account the statesman ofGra inarcy Park has decided hi rut loose from Ileudriikc, und promises to allow the Re. publicans Indiana. His plan is to carry New Jcrwy and Criinecticiit with New York, these added to the "solid south," mak nig 288 electoral is slated that Tilden propises to define his pisilion iu January und to then inform tho Democrats whether he will contest for the nomination or step uuwii aud out. It looks n good deal us though the Democracy were likely to have a little trouble with Sammy, as, if his wishes are not resiwcted, he won't let them carrv New York anyhow. He seys, so the report goes. that neither Tliurinan, Bayard, nor any one who had anything to do with the electoral commission, ran have the nomination This rather slaughters some of the "booms,' and makes the situation decidedly interest- ing. There is also reason to believe that the Seymour boom among tho Democrats is bcltig worked in the interest of Mr. Heud ricks tho ide.i being that Seymour, being nominated, would decline, and leave Hend ricks the head of the ticket. But Senator Kernan has Gov. Seymour's authority to positively forbid tbe use of his name. So tliis won't work, and from what I know of the situation 1 do not think Gov. Hendricks can ever hope to be President. The antag onism of Tilden and Hendricks to each oth er will help to destroy both. Dox Pxoso. lVaiiteil. Sherman t Co., Marshall, Mich., want an agent in thia oninty at once, at a Mlurv of $10U perni(iulhaniiex(ctised wid. Kor full purticulura addrci as above, nur.l J-ly. New Advertisements. SSliJNEE'j NOTICE. NuUe Ii hereby Klrrn that W. K, Friable, Alilaineeof Juhu t'ickford, filed fall account as auob Am mite luthe Court of iloicraun I'leia of Carbon County, and that the fame will couie un for euiinrm.ittuu absolutely, and will be hIIuwimI by aaU Court on tbe l'nu day of Jaouar). lbW, uulcti cause be ibuwo to the . ...7 iiivS.ri..... """'"riiJ'i Mil, ,u . 'rlluS.Kl.lIKUEII, rrothoDoiary. W vhs s atir. New Advertisements. J KOISTEU'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the Exeentorh Administrators and Uuardlans hereinafter named have filed tbslr respective account br the rullowlnit estates In the ltrfrlster'a timet) at Mauch Chunk, In and for the OoUrltf bf Can on. which accounts have been allowed by the Healster, will lie presenteit to the judges ortheUrlihan-'ttourton MONDAY, th l.lh dayor .1ANUAUY, H90, at 2 o'clock F. M., for confirmation t Sei-on-l and final account of Peter Hartz, ml. tntnlsirator or the estate or Kphrlam rial. Ilet. deceased, riled June Oth. 1I7S. The first and final account of Annaollson, jaie tpnawcrtenns, auraimsirairix oi trie estate of 1'ntrlek McKenns. deceased, Filed October 1. 1S7V. The first and nnal account of Georo-s W. warmte, auminisiraior or ine estate or Uharies warntte, deceased, riled Novem. berZSib, 187S. First ami final account of P-Illlp V. Weaver, umiuisirnior 01 iao ciimie ai nusaaxrv, First and final account of J II. Tweedle, ad iicceascu. ram ociouirMin. ii,v. ministrator or the estate or Lents Sehnaur er. deceased, tiled November llih. 18711. Flrt and final account of Thomas Kemerer, auminisiraior oi me csiaie oi unver uren elser. deceased. First and final acconnt ot Henry Hover, Rx- . ..... t U I .11U ..I.V v, ,VUIUU nviv, US' eeased, DRRNARD PHILLIPS. Reirlster. Mauch Uhuuk, Dee. 13, 1879-wi SHERIFF'S SALES Of Valuable Real Estate. Br Yirtne of ttnnilrr wnt of Lxtari Facias PlBHl 1-1CIAS. VKDITIOMl KXPUNAS lhS..etf OUt oi ibn Court vf L'lHuiiioii JEN in of CitrtHm Couti- u, sua to uu' directed, tberf mm oe exiKXteJ m rub lOHiiie fttibeCoutillua . Id tbuiiu.Lnib ui Aihticn clou it in g .to I'luuiy on Saturday, January 3rd, 1880, at l:3u o'clock JT. M.j atarp. TUB FOLLOWING rtlOpEIlTIC3: All i hat certain l it or niece of croand Minute n fc'iiiiiLlin l'siwunlii lla bun con.itt 10 n vl mtim thiuuticduiiifUuiwribwlsMfuiluw tJUeuiu mug at u iwt lu m public roihl lednii V Oi -4 pin i iu I iiiu nwuuip mouce mu; wi'i mini ti a or mua oi Auustu ueu.tT uma 10. ly tiTii mil tnicc-q jarter Ujrin tttCn ty.. iiib perch- lo.; iobi Iu t-uiu iOut., theuue tun If uu uu ru u ttbu or imisu iu aih'uiuh tYhAsk.. i. tilth HiiUlLr e Mud oiiu by f t.cirifVM. eusl tlilriOi'u a ad v. u-teutti per lie to a p-t lit ottld ro'iut ineuud uy una oi Tioua valk. mi; tli tlilv-Yeu recruea, eat sereiuv one yeiviiiM t ihe intCita ol a pu lo meuuu or ianuo uorivi uitirr m utu cu i.'0-.teeit we i tli.tty e-ffhi onu bull ttiapusc! Uii lied ot land vl I Uoiuua Uo.wjid Kuutu foitv-tiiuc u i-d uue lia.I i.eKteo, e-sat Uttv-iiiroe bu one n&ii puroue w 5e p.nce ui j ff.iiiatijr, ctfiitainiuK AO .4 AND six rvjriv sU tnoe or lea. The Jmi'i-oTemenia t hereon ife a ONE AND ONK-UALP RTORY If II AM E DWl2LtI0 UOU3C aix teen br twentr! wn feet, f m me barn twenlr two by tbtnv leet und oat bai.ulnff4. e i od uiid taken In o execution aa the prop eriy ol Kdword Wt.R. AlsSO. A.I tiiot carta n lotoi niece ot ernun.l 1taate In rr.inkiiu tovvmtiu. Cartoon ountv ! nal- vainu, oouuuiki ti nu ue-cnueu as it low ,it wiu hs.nontiig ut a post, thence oy l.ind of Juhu Uillum uorlh twtti y mx a. id one ua.I deiot e. we l oue buuored atid h to tueu fuel to a otiiii ineuce Dy imiuof Aduu KacUe. burr.b uixt tUr aui one siu.I Ufgreea at flfiy f-et Ui u pot: the. ce by tliuituuie. Oitn iwuatyaix and one-hait deytws. eastoue band ted vnd rtven i I'm u ip. tn a u Bti tuenee a ouitT a brootuil xod Mouih and one oaf dpifea, wesinity leet 10 mo pio oi Dcamu.u, cuu- tultlllltf FIV12 IIIOUSAND EIGHT UUXDItli.D AND FIFTY SQUARE VElT. Tbe f mruveiueiita thereon are a TWO STORY FRAMGD.VEt.LlKa HOUSE twenty by twents-eii feet aud ouibaiUUiisa. rt itt-tl and taken into eiecutua a the iiod ertyuf Ueubeu Uamuer. -A 130,- All that certain lot or n'eco of sronnd situate In Fmnr l.i town lily, aibon lOJuty. Fosiu ByUanU. bouneii and dao Ibou a lolluw lo wilt boniiiiiujc at a sUm induce uy iaoi ot JbvoIi Istitauf smtltU llfiylll VS Msl uusb hllf uryice. wi'bteipi and Lwo-U-utiitt pen beM ti htone tuonco west tloveu neiclifs io n toue tbenco ov iim vuiue boutu aixy-iux autrree, weal tweatv uine i .ere lie to;t thence by tanuof Juu.ih M itk.ey, uo.lli fltty:our am. oue-hall dutriees vtet. Jour and ouu.tit pirchow ui u pn-t ineue me ame bojiu enru yuve ui.u tbee-ftuith oetfiees, wes thut. live und un half peichea lou potti, thence b lind of Juhu O ewK.e. borth elvht deKis, weat luarteen iwiches to the tiildd etd a pubie road ie d uir i ruin Lung Itnu to thu Ii .uaent Boiomnn WaU tbencu iu tHid rojd and by laui ol Juu u. bt-le-, u.'rth iweuiv-two und thn-e t-urtu dt. vreea, iut Uily-ttre pcrcnea to a po t ou nUd rod, ttitnco ty iho nuuie In a d ton;' aai ro.ic'. nnitn eihtytbroH derreca, eait thtity lticues or lutroaiKJuu w lue jtiucuuu oi it crntej roasi; ttteuce b lana oi bwl.-muu Wnlk tliei o.i south thirty two avnreoi nnt six ier to a doud lurch1 tbeuue by land ot Jkcob Zvigi'Utns-rHm.h forty aix deereen. we&t mx ueichen to piave oi begin meg couutniug TEN ACHES, lnnre or less. The luiproreiccnta thereon are a TWO--TORY FRAME D WE I. LI NO HOUSE Mxtreu b twenty feet an necesiary outbulid and tak'it lno execution aa the proper tyo Au.Umiu vVaick. ALSO, At) tb t certain lot or p ereof rronnd. el.U' te ou li o Mii.thwurd ine of Went lir.tadwiiy. in tne Ituruugh, of Mauch Chunk nfn'eaid, and lumbered, iu tie Osi.n or plot ol Lots 1 10 out in iuuuogk snowuai jrjiaing r i;ow, umofi Fire coiit&tuii.s ai Lnnt or breadth on West Hroiidwur. iifiiie-uid twentv- feet I hive mdu one hali mcliea more or 'e bein ilia aiHtauce be wit-n the wetUTti wall t tho hoime erected ouIsrtlNum tr Four and tue fantern wattoi mo nnun. eiiuuu on iot nuiuoiT ix, ami ex ten dugouthw rdlyor tint bnadth Iwtxeeu UtttHli 1 lluet run in u it thiouuh the the i-entrt ol ibe w:ih aioie ad, uuu at r gnt auglea with Wed 11 ouuvtay uf rt-a if. ro Tuuu .d and -.1 .etv fwt to liiiidn ol the L-hlgh CoA.abd ra ikuimu uiap uy, sou wewiwari'iy ui u .UUlbiJI MX. Toe Improremeutn thereon are a TWO-STORY BLX K DWELL(0 HOUmK, Twenty fe two niche wide by thirty feet i ee v uu a iwo-Htory Frame andltin uixeu oy iweuir miTtn wi.u oiiuu id uar fttianlaud Ukeu iu;o exccuuojiu thepivp eriy vl Juhu iteihi. ALiO- Atl that etrtain tract or niesse of laid mtn ate In Fuuii Fo est lowiuhip, C'arbou omnty, lVunaylTanlu deMrUMid u lot iNo. i. ou tao tBtwardlr Htdt ul u Drivttu road laid iot Li ihe trruiior hcrrof, lot lie uaeandcoureulenve lucom.uon wah the owner aud iccupauuoi tbi uu ihIJ'j nm loti co taitiiog in iron t or uruita uoui iu n uu ixiyiwo ptirvuea a.ia ex tend in e theuce eaHiWaMlr ot iiiat width twten oariauei .luea ai right an. le. In leugtu ordeptnoiio hundied -nd iweuiir nine perciu'n oou oeu eMwaru.r i-r me ania roua, wet v anil i and eaaiwaialr br lauds in the waritn. lee u-iiui-di t Nw ou i',o.,aud aouthwaiM.y uj twfc v t vvuisUUiUK m Virt AUBEH, more or lex. she lrnpitTmeDU thereon art a on R AiD a itALP srony frame house. wxteii br tweiite fnnr feel, fiame kitchen sr. tactied twelre ly fourteen feet, trame nutile tuureen lij lUiriV'two eer, auuvut hoildiLKM. tseiied aml uaeu into execution as ibecroT- -ALSOr All that crtalu lot or piece of Und situate i.n tne oath mdeof booth street, in the village of Uoper Mauch Chunk. In the borouga of ui-icauauut. uaioou (oauiy. reunvyirauu, uumbiei lo the duu or uln thereof Mruiitr. foar, conuiuluK iu f txu t or bre.dlii on sjld street fllU tee L and extending theoo Mnth wjrdof to t width onn hiindred and lonr-to teet aik li.rhes, on tbe east line thereol, uuu oue hnudred ana forty feet ou the wM line tuerootto lan.aottheihUa Co 1 and N ti uMtion i onipany. unnnded north by ttonih street. et by terentr th e so ita uy isnaifi iue aia ixmgi uoai ana nunga nun mpaoy, ana wtat oy toi nnaioer bf eniy.n?e, , The Improve menu thereon are a TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE with nasenent eighteen by thirty -Jx feet, and outbul.dings HHtedandlaken Into execution aa the prop. J W. RAUDENBUSH, BUerlfL Manch Chunk Deo. UU 4t A MONTH rnisnteeJ. lit a itj by lh. loilusuloa ca&uai not required r vs win start Toa. siou. wuiii.o. Urs and .iris tua money raster ai work for n. tu.n at tur llilac else. Th work la liabt .Dd d eassnt.uDd .iKaaH.nrouecau s;o rigbtaU Taose wcioar. wi who see trtU notice writ sendu. their ad. ilress. at uuee and is for IhemMlTes. C0.117 1 uotnianaieimsimi jiiw is tn. time, ihose alreaarat wor r. IsyUir ap Urr. aaiv.vt I eiouot. Addr.ys TUUU CO.. Aajrasia, iwajius;, y MIV 4l New Advertisements. ! Of Vrtluablo Real Estate. Djr Tlrtne of samtry writs of Lr. Pac.i lti Fa. ami Vkx. I.I. Ustletl out or the Uutirt uf Common I'leas ot tJirbiw Count)'! ahil tn me Olrected, there mil heexpnsctl at I'Ulille Sale, at ino uouri itouse, in ins uoroUjfu ui nianen ununK in siu louuij, on Saturday, December 20 1879,1 i at VA o'clock r. v., iharp, , ,. . THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES t All thai certain tractor piece of LAND. aitn. ate In Iower TowfirueuBUnr Townithlp, in the ronntvof Carbon audnuteof FcDnMytTOtna. t eglnalnr st a stoi.e, theuce by lana ol Cbaa. Kiota. and nartly by land rt.John D. Oree.i. awelg, south one aud onetlalr drgreea. eat Iweu.y fojr piTibea tn a feapilngi theuce by lmdof John D. Qrecnswetg aouih eishtrand a n a' f degteea w at tweutr-etx perch i 10 a otone t thence by Iheanine no. in oue rfud one. qu-rirf r ileareeA. wet tw ntr tour perches to a t theuce tiarllv by ltawle'n lano and pnr ly by harlea Kioii's I ntl uoi Lh eightra nud a half degrees, ejst twt'Utyaix peici6i aud a lull to the place of oegmnyisf, cohtaining THREE ACRES AND ONE HUNDRED AND FORTV-FOUR l'LUCUEd. more or leaa. Tho Imprjrernenta thereon tro a TWO-STORY DWELLINO HOUSE, partctoi e und part frame, serenteen br nine teen fit't, Fr nio Kite.. en attached wxiem tv twcLtrawo feet i Frame utauie, iweuty-luur by thiity fe.t, aud uutuuiicuuga. TRACT NOi 2, All that Certain Mcasuage or Tenement add I'rnct or l'ncu of L 2ii, Mtuatu lu Lwur Tow lUfUMtigTuw eiiip.Cutboii I'ouuty, bUte of l'uuivlr.(utuj ueg.uuiuvui a, tuuceby i.tudoi buiai ieiuacuui. now J. o. fljipeiiio , south ihreoile;(rfes und oue q mrt, wet oue imud tl hnd tutee vmchia to a white oak, tt,utli furti Uetr ucs we t eixtynme peicheri und ihieo-quaiturH td a atuu. touih e gtity-nlx ueteea, wet twoutyflaht pen-hea uiid one Iheaac br lnud oi i.ove.. now .deh kunu laud, nortl; tliii d. gnei. west fnrly porcliu to.i pli.o.uurtii tweti iwtuite und iMeh if degiecs. ca-t t.ditv.oue perjhi and turceqaatieie t u uliiu, i.oan M-to- tT-t'iKUt dejit,ca und ont-lu t. ojt Ufiy perciie iu i oiIi.iU io a pine, uj lh fcevo.i ut gitMja and onc-l all euat ihii'itunv pen he- io ui-iiif.u itu tni iv. i.. ue uokie a wot ihlilv uuo pviuhes to achfatuut ou, mjuiu tevtsiitT. ue v Kix't-a aisu oe iuii. Misei oi.o hui.died wudsii pcruhetitoa vh ouiL jouuecn de vice and 'jiie'bulli etia. tLinv pen. lie io ' imett tnence south uiff.t degrtrt-a, west lim ajveu ueiuhtvi to.. fitia i j'ue. desiice'. wet sixty nue petdhca una ouu-hu t io j i incite norm oigui.suTJi. otg.i e. e.M, ono huudre'i and twolve oercnuis. in n cttme, no tn dog eu .et twenty lire ueitne io a ionei mitiue br tuue ut u v d Ureebuwe g, noiih lKbiecveu i.evieea anu one bull ct cue hjudn u aud twenty Jen-he toapot. sou in uai.piuu te,ieo. . e ti.rcn peiuua. ami uuu-quurura ut tno piaco ti te ginnm, voutslisiug FIFTY-SIX ACat19, more or leas. Se zed and taken Into execution as thd nron. ALSO- Alt that certain lot or niece of ci finnil sitnati on iue south BtJ-'of iio vl.luge uf bulb in 1 1 .;a Carou couut. H.i.teur lenu h Ivaui, iiUiiioeitu iu tnu piuu ui pioitueteol eluhttix, uimUiiUiisK n tioui vv jeiuin on raid U'IiUh a ieet thirty foct, uul exeuuuig uruio ouututtiiiu uuu uuntiiuu itisii iWcUli uru feel lii utwc'isiv litt widunluv b uj.m-.i outsiuisrh uy Wuiio t. uHoy it uiui cr eiuniy ei.iu, aoutti by uld ulley, aud Wo t b F.uo rlieet 1 he lmprovemcnta thereon are a Two-tur DOUULE F11AM12 DWKLLINU II USE, i wentv-cliht bv Till rtv-two hect : Fr me ci.bie. 'iwuive ov 'iwtivo eei. und ntu r uutouiiuinga. Senedana t ken Into execution a the nrnti. eity u. i:uaile iluylo -AL'O. All that certain Lot or Plcde of around. sltUstiu iu tbu villus of uinmit 1HII( In the lumisuipoi .1111 ucu tnunH, Vyounty ui uaroou, tatu ol I'cuiisyivnnu. uuuibcrL-d in a eurtuin juuu or plot oi said village which bydiv ru gio i cuiiwyuuci.8 uiid ussu.niicci In ihu lnw be- cuiue vested in .Samuel Kcckerl, Number i itiri)-vigni, couuuutug iu ironi or urfuuin along the back ot the Aluuuh Chu Iwiml Summit Hill liuilr-md Unity luei. and ux- tenuiug mcucu iuinwuruiy ui mat ore.idih butweeu iiuiallul hues ut rJulit unifies with euiu ivuurosiu ituuk. onuuunuruu unu iwen y hve tVet, bounded Uunbwurdly by thu said -U4.turiiY by lot Wummr Forty lu saia iiiu SouthWciraly by land of thu Luiilgli Com nnd tuininu ii in turn tuuucn iiiuiik KUliru.ui. uvigauon uomiiany, und WcSwuidiy ny lot uiuuvr i uirt)-8iJt iu mo piuu uiorusaiu. Tuo Inproveiueuta thercou nio a Two tdory L'UAM DWELLINO AND STORE UOVSC, Twrnty.flre by Trtenty eight Feet, and Out; U4iiuu k bt Ised und t iken Into execution i. a the nron ertyut ivi.ii,.m il a net. defendant, aud Rar ucrllaiiuu, l enu Tenant. ALSO, All tho-e two certain Iota or nieces of land eitua tt iu Fr.u 1 1 it lownttiilii i uruuu L'uiiuiv bouuueil aud descrlueduii loiiows: Oneui tbeiu oughaU ng ktu imisi, iht by laud of Wiuuiu ill.l Ui'.llioiifiuv luurundoioj-haii deKrieaeusL uue-nuuieJ iu.i Utiv-oue leet, o a roi, tuecu oy isuuoi xj i iiwru, sja. u u uu ooe-usiii avgis,u4 t'a Hixtv le tin up it. tucute bv tie M.-coiidileciiue lt nouta eigjtylauruii.i one. had t:gteea, wcet oue uuu lied aud lil.yoi.e- iui w h yu v. ueucv uiou a ,11111 iu r at ieuu iiittfivm Fmr viiiu ti u-8m wLi9porc mr.n x uuu outua r uig.eoa wu4 Bix-y six feet lo ibj p uuu ot bt-gsbHiug. couiHimug NINi; TUOJHAND, NINE HUNDRED AND blX'l'YoHX 8QAURE FEET, Au.ltheeconddtactibed lot being numbered in a nut luudd bv vi Jltm. No. it. uuviiig a itout of sirty fctt lo necou i airet uh it-id uowu oueu.dp.ot. aud exiruuiiiic ot that v.luih lu uupiii oi.o huuui'cU hbd f u-et to lauu of ei Horn, boundeu ou im not -is bv it ao. so, oa i ho weot uy ovtjuud stroji. o i ino iiUth uy ,ui x.u. muu oa uio eai uy iue ui-&t uus ncnbetl io . 1 he ItunroTemeaU (hereon are a TWO-Sl'OUY FRAME DWELLING UOUSE sixteen by twenty feet tsLdont tmUiugs. betxod taea utj et:au:.ou ai the uron. ety oi ii, imr. -ALSO- AU that ceitaln Lot or Piece of LAND, a tn Mteou tie sojiawu-ihr ijj ut vett iioai W4i,iUiue oiua ol waucn Chna.i aruou cuuiy roUiisyvrnm beiiu..icg t huiirh vii'i u inicrot iotot eiuuuila lu br iu.euturi dittd jduicii Sutsi, a. D. 1MJ to iftrore Um t iticucit by line ot a.. id Weil Li ajwuy north lunv.iiYu uorees east, tuniy loci-1 iuhuuo ui rgui ujiri a wi.u Mia ulo onib loiti-nvca gieo, tetoiiu huaaiei i.ud titty le tt heoie mjuiuio tiurnuugiee4 t-iriy teot I th bojUi loiuerct t4.ea.ild Lov. .u.d nurm tuitv hve uegrres, wert oub huuuied aad tuty Xcet to IUV nfW VI O glULsWg, ALSO, All thU certain Lot or Piece of LAND, aim ale on Ue -oaiU slue ot ist ix jadw-y, iu tiiu Uunnigh uf JImucU Chunk iiforcamu. umuien lut e piiuoi pn.ttL) tsx.t 1 w lluiiurtMi aud r'uitt'bvveu.LouUiUiiig lu hunt orbte 0 h ou uu mi Divudway thi ty tvec, ana etud isisr t,iici'vn auuiuHMru ono uuuiiu auu ni v t rtioiliffh btreet. oJUudL-u noith br llroa. wuv, ejt by Lot Nu i.ber Two llam.ied aiu xony nve, soma uy ii.g j mreut, uud esi by iol Nuuiuer i wo lluujiea aud Forty nluo. TRACT NO. I Alt those Two contigoom Lirs or Pliccnof UiiUUAl), Mtujtuou thu Udeoi ji IMUKst , isl IU U.iOUaU Ot MaliOU Chn k aloiesaid. with all tn HusluitisTsertAciMi iheien cout i.sint 1j fioutcr betdtii uu tue id si reel aixti ii-et, auu exci.diug theno outawuidlv ol Last brruuih u'wi.i namiiHi lines at lucht angles wuu atdi Wvsi Uioud- wariu iciigin or uepiu one uuu;riu u.u nil teet i boui.ded noiihHsrdly oy said WVst uioaawi'y, oa iue rawuroii' audsoatr.waidiy hues uyiund'of tuo Lehiau Coal nd Nuviira tiou Compauy and wesiwarulr bv land ui t,haIea M"Xi eitucr. beiur tuo bauie proiuisea willow ti -uu 1'iuis uuu iurv ju. un wiie jy uecu auivu iu- i in uav oi j tummy, a. u. IM, Beisel ana taken luio execution as tae prop cny o oiuiuu ncui r auu io ue soiu uy J. W. RAUDENJ3USII, sheriff. Wauch Chnnkj Not. 39, 1379. A&QOD PLAN. sr.r.tictAsrrS'rs fm m.. rul um b. ...rr MwUfi f clll(.IID M.fcUliuiMjus.M.kl. I....IM.I..ISU l.llf.M.. .Uwlhw. Saw iflw wd I. Ilock alnK..BUIIt4 tr LAWXUGX CO., SI rU IIMI, K.w lrk. CSCrT! O ti'T Hw 10 become Itlchand sSCjUCVCj 1 Watch sent free. U. 8. Agency, Mount Wlnaus, .Md. nor. ai.,w C'Y'Y a Unth and expeuses Euirante4 o V' ' Axente. uutnstree bHAW i'0,AV, OUSTS. MAINX. nor vs -iw. S777 Jr,lf n'' 'lrisfs to aitrnti. I tut. i Ausjusla, Maine. ' in lice, auuich . J. . it.nci. j, nov. 29.-4 . A AS IIUrJINBriM IAO Id l2(Ki a zu Nitb 'ir ak 'bt Teacher, and . uoles. Hue our f li ' lJOUK. Its unrlraded onuimits or t o. sud ioetxf bv 3J0 emi. nent utnor. cleaant'.iia snd arti.tlo bindinir iiuka It a wehvioe inwi lu every nouje, lulroduct o i br The D u.ler, 1) 1). rite new editions ud reduced prices of oar boaut.fullr 111 istra ed works, wit i nest terms and quira tale, are roD wnv live aaeni. cola uoner Inihelr sale. A single agent has sola ever 7.Tvi eoiiie u. u. , sua urnia. i w-, Nw Yurk Sr.Sf . an. 15-w I The Cry is Still Tlioy Oomo I 'f he Cash System Tlioi onghly Eailorsod. Our cdtlStant influx of now patl'ona nhd largely increased trade is the best evidence we can tilTcr m favor oi the Cash System. Crowds of customers Wlio make tlteir tiiirnlmsns dnilv nr. thn ORIGINAL CHEAP CASH and to keep our increased run, thoroughly overhauled our entire stock of WINTER DRY GOODS, WOOLENS, BOOTS, SHOES, &c., and have placed the same at such astonishingly low prices that will insure a ready sale. Wc therefore offer tb-day bpecial Bargains in Black Silks. Special Bargains in Black Cashmeres. Special Bargains in Black Alpacas. Special Bargains in Colored Cashmeres. Special Bargains ropuiar oiiades at irom iu cts. p?r jard upwards. Special Bargains in Shawls and Coatings. Special Bargains in White and Colored Blankets; Special Bargains in Cassimcrcs. Special Bargains in Boots and Shoes. P.S- It li ti met Well worth remcmherlnir. thrtt become acqtfalntfed nlthumind whustlil do their wllh ui through tho medium of tho Pre?, and. uuannri. no never uuyt nieo a uarg tin unless we Call early il you would secure Respectfully, J. oct. 4.-iicia. L i:iik;mtox imor imstiuit. WENHKI.Tj SCIIWAHTZ. Treasurer. In nccnurit-witli thu rVhiHlilnn l'oor iilstrict lor the year enUliiK Alay 1. 18"0. HE'JEIPIS. To llalanee as per last report hco 13 ' Amount ur 1878 ..... 1042 49 " A mi. unt Keceireil Irom .losi lirum. lor 8 00 " Amuunt rtcelred from James rat- SlllKIT too " Am.iunt recelre.1 from Hiirotircli ... 2 50 " Amount rccvlvcil Iroa 11. Illskiy . 35 00 16(J3 It Less exoneration on duplicate lor 1878 51 J " Orer iissesinent'.tt5.48. mil Items uiicollectutile 423J, ami amnuni pal. I 170 hut not allowed In previous re port 2i7 83 - 181 57 11381 55 EXHENDlTtjltKS, Frnnrls Rtncker. m... Wrn. Miller 5 00 112 CO 23 C2 1 00 1 00 10 50 12 OH 3 3t 11 78 60 20 32 UI 30 48 61 5 VU 76 '.3 1 40 1 45 1 10 10 00 3 00 30 00 4 80 1 11 3 50 1 70 3 HI liOO 81 05 50 W. A. I erhauier 1. Nancy Kllcic Ellas tjrtenawald, iMiiatocs J.111118 Fuirlntrur. flour Vnl. cliwaru. colli 11 T, II. Kemerer, ch.ilrs T. II. Keinerrr. cotlln K. li Snyilcr, mi rrliamllso Win. KtMiiercr, rnirrctiiiiiillse J11I111 Miei'klcr, repalitnit wati li It. K.nsteritm. her, lucrvh 11 .Use I). 11. r't'iirtcrumchet, piiatccs ,M. HeilrnHn k Co.. cuul, Dour, ftc...., Kllas Denrrlcr, io atuts 1.. Sol. Heimlich A, II. Scl.lle, turnips .1. Iianlel Ulewlne, ur houto coui'r .... Sundry EaH.nses, " ' " .... ,i. Tobias it Son. at's., for ticket I). V.. Melirerwalt. potatoes Elins Denitirr. turnips Etra Newhard, exonerations, 1877 .... E .V. Ulnuss, tinware E. W. tlmuss, tinware I'. I). Cluu. cloihlnK T. II. lilausS) clolhlnv 1. Henry Uumi.b.-ll, si-rriees i.m.i W. M. Itai sher, scrvlcvS 10 00 (Hint, liretney, uieiKilnij shoes 1 83 Kiftler& ojtr, c.Uii.aKO 3 00 II. A. Ilelti. service 7 80 II. A. Delta, coal 2 Nutrwn Ueome, buckwheat flour 58 K l.euckcl, rent 120 00 U. A Heck, cnbbllnir 1 53 (!. II Fritz, butcher 0 03 U. A. I'attersan, UluuInK grave 3 00 Jus, Itnllcnhach, cartinir 25 ,tlr. 2'utitnffur. potatois , 0i John Miller, plKS , 4 00 A. services 25 It. ltunrlcker. beer. 3 72 T.. F. Klepplnmer. bimrdinir tramps... 1 2.1 S. E. Fiitzlruer. merchabdlse 7 32 1 1. 1 1 raver, inerelundlso 50 84 Airs. A. ). Peter 75 T. A rner. merchandise 6 72 Simon Illafs. potatoes 4 40 J. Slides, chicken BO I), hex. pigs 10 00 a Illlcher. straw 36 J nn'han Scldle,curnrnlsslon 76 92 lVter Helm, cub.illnK 4 70 T S. Ili'Ck, services 7 00 A. J. I'urllnir. tuedfeine 3 34 A. J. Purlin, lam, 50 (). Trainer, flour HA 65 A. 11. Mosscr. tinware 11 86 :Mnry Miller, wmhinit..-. 8 M Mrs. W. II Moultr..p, washing 2 26 II. Itrckemlorl 25 83 Levlmi Soniinet. Hlskcy child ........ 48 00 1 hos, Mnritz, wlno .... ,. 50 Peter lluun, wiuo 85 Elwln llrUiuhurrx 25 A. Ku r machine nil 15 1 hs. K.pp meat 1 56 Dr. t;has. Uormun, prof, services 1 50 ll.ivld El.bert 0 62 II. V. Murthliner, adv. ami printing.. 11 25 Mrs. Ohas. Smith, lied 2 50 lihas. Froellcli, butter and eggs'. 3 vi .1. I.. CJili el, coal and wood 20 84 J. reliable, coal and wood 7 02 J. T. Nushauui & Son, merchandise. . 12 56 t:has. Trainer, ku-pln r oor In 1874... 4 16 Trios. 8 Keck, receipt lH,k 35 W. II. Hex, mbbage plants 35 Lewis Weiss, hat and shoes 1 30 l F. Kleppiiiirer .'.. 1 2 Mury Miller, w-.siilng 50 W. ScriwiiM, services 50 uo Treasurer's Fees 20 84 tier. Pcrr 4 00 mi drv Exiense 75 Idme tor tNior house 25 .Merch imllse 50 F. louckel, rent 50 00 M. Iteilman .t Co 22 Vi E. II. Snyder, tncrehandise 5 80 A J. Iiurilnx I 05 11. Ueckeudurr 7 26 Balance dne 142 66 tssris We, the undersigned duly eli cted Auditors, of Lehixhtou liiirnUKh. do crtlly Unit the al.ive Is correct to the beat of our knowledge and Uellel. W. OOWMAN, ) F. E W IIITN t.Y. (Auditors. W. A. UEltllAMEK. ) nor. 22.-w 3. H0LIDAYG00DS ! ! The undersigned returns ner sine le thanks to the proideor LehiRhtnii nnd li-l itr for tbe liberal patronsre extended toper whit ocu. l in tna' p ice, nnd in s cif illy iiifono Ibrm tbat In l.ns UEMdVKD lo tue 1 ew mil oeaii.tStore.lMom. FIVIi U OT.3 llULUW llAOBSTI.Efr.ou Susquehanna St., M'h Chunk, where ho will im piiased ti met lier oiil frleuds. ShehiaJ 1st received a Ne blockef NotionslFancy Goods, Oinip'l.lus .VHAIt, IlKI'LIV AND OKItMANtO i .N WOOL, UOIKKY, till, uoriert unit oine.t e M llutUeil.Y, llIU'luN-. ULOVua. end a lar.e vsnn r ot the eAet Oevlsus 111 Fancr Uonus srutoie n HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Tofl titr wi a a I ne v.iret: of Ooods not cvufrnllv titut ui ni oth-r st r 'u town. It rou no not ee wliu t vu wnui k 'one and t w II irvt it for roa v ttburoot potiouago i &o lie. ted uuu Batulaoiloo cuiimeeU. Mrs. C. DuMirscliXy, 8a(aaelanuA Street. 5th Rto e boio-v nc st. nov. 'it if MAUOIf CHUNK. F' Oil SALE OR RBNT. An ellirlbly locale-" two Story DOUIlCE FltAMKHnTJSEind tTAHLE, sltuateoln the IIOIIUUUII Of rAltllVVILLE. kept at present as a iloa dinic House by Mrs. Win' ling, lai e residence of ' thrlstUn Msu'er, For further particulars, anplv to lidHltlli nLlA, nor. l-8w Parryvllle, l's QAUUOX-KtiMAHD. Whereas, certain reports have been put In circulation daroaulOK to thu character of I he inderslunel as a citisen. I hereby ulve notice that I will handsomely reward any person who will stIto proof as to the parties circulation sucu rf i reitirts. J 1 1. r. I i nrAUUOUl, Lehlgh'.on, Dec. , IK9 3w, lioin It may Comoru. Th. underslaned hereby rrlrea notice to all wtioin It may concern, that he has loaned to David tVxert, uf Towatnenlni; tnwnsbip, Oarbon clunly. Pa.. lwo Horses, One Farm Waron and one Palrof HoUsleils. and harebr forbids all persons meddling; wllh, the same. ajsjrlor naliy or in. law, JUSEIMI J.Olim.STMAH. Towamsnslos; twp., Dec. , it7-w STORE, can testify to its merits. we have in-consequcncc'thercof in Ladies Suitings, in all the n. vnrv 1 n rm nnmi,., ,.r u...- Iradlnu; ut our More, hivu bi't-nuio aiiuamtcd as we adveril?e vtry U'gely through the best imvo it IO idler. real Bargains. . T. NUSBAUM & SON", Lehighton, Penn'a. o "lOI'IlT I'UOIJl, till A'l lO WIIEIIKAS. lfn lion. SATlfrr. ft. llnitni n Presllcnt. ol Hi.. .Ti.lll.l Juiliclal llisnlc coimitSi'd of Mol'lot. it ml Cnrboti cniiiitli'i' niul It. I.ton.inl and Cluul.s Mien... en, Kiquliir, ooiiuu ui mo uouiini'iii'it'iis oi I'nrni n t'i'ltlili , nnd by virtue ut their Ineii, Jtlflltis ol the un. linns' u. uri, Uourt oi Uer nnd 'lrrminei and (lenernl Jail i ellvery, nnd the i mn ol ItunrtiT sesfli.ns of iho P arcurrnlil c.Ttiily ot (,'ailion, halo ISfU.d their preiipt to fltu, for I1..I1I11U a i ouitofUu itoiS ol I lie l'enoi, .urt ol t.'oniiiiou Pleas, and I'ln.rt of J)ir nnd Terminer, nnd Ui'iieml .lull Deliv ery, and Or. bans' trour , (or th pnriose ol 11 uis ibu i 111 eriiniii 11 riiFCF, an.i mo Irani, actli.kj : other I.usIihss nfriilil Ouurts, nt bo 1,'onri IIiiusi. Int i-biiMiuuh ol Mnucln bunk, on Moml.iy, tho 12 li day ol January, 1880, to coutinuo two weeks. NUTME is Iherernro hereby tetven tn tho tJoroncr Justices ofthe Pence, and t lie t'ou. tables uf tlios.tid U.niiity f 1 arloii tint tin) may bo then un I there nt 2 n'cliJCIt lu tho nftcnioiin ut tho said tin, with iln-lr rolls, records, iii'iuis It Ions unit tetnemlininrieS. to lo ihoso things fthli'h In their nlllo'i' aru nppennliiin, mi l nlsii that tire lund l reeotsiilK.inei. in prosecttli noil iclio evldet-ce niilui peisons clitirunl with the cotiiii.isslon id oMeueis, to pri-si cute us eliall b.. just, (llieu umir my nt Mnuch ('hunk, In said coin y, Dcreuiin r 4th, 1870. Udd save the Coniinuiiw nhh. .1 W. IIAUHKMIUSH, Shcrlir JIjucIi Ul.uuk, lice. 6 1879. DMlMS'inA'l Oil's M.l. Of Valuable Real Estalc. Urvninenf en nr. crof the Orphan Outt of (Jjtl.011 county tho tllli'ei.t.'il (J A rniit. uato ' of the i.-'nto . f JO U.V l.u Z, lule ot K.AI10MNO ruttHtllll' Oillou I ll.ilv. l't-tii.iylvniiti reien eo, wtl sell at 1'uo to bale. On thor'emics on Saturday, December 57, 1879, comineni inr; at 0vt5 o'c oct V. M.. itie'o low Iiib di-icniipd vduiblo '(HAL KSTATE, to wit: All thntccitrilii TllACTor t PIECE OF LAND, nltnnie iu Muaoniup Towshtn nfnrpinlt. nhd itouuiiM r 'units of Ueoree Wi Ti o!baUi, Jacao Cuiif-M aud Jahonl uir (Jico, toutalb.ut; 11 Acres and 145 Perches, bo tho Mine mon er Insa.ali of flitch Is nnccr a pood ttato of cultivation. Tue Improvrnieni tl eronn ere oTwo. ApA Rtorv o ttHl-l.OOldfd LOG 1IWKLL Ul ISO JlOU- nhoat 2) by feet, uniitiijjjj nthr milbulldiugs. with an OrcHutd ot cuoito FtU.t Tree. Term 111 'o made known at tho time am. place of M'e. bv THOMAS UO N". Admlrti'tritor Of tho Kstato ot Jnnua K.olz, dec' Mahoulii tp., ov.;f, i8fl. DANIEL WIEAND, Carriages, Wagons.Slcighs.&c, COtlNKR or BANK. AM) IKON NTlti.M'S, LEHIHUTOV. Pcnnn., nesncctfully announces to his friends nnd (lie puoiic, mat no is prepared to uuint ail ilea crhitlnn1 of UAltltlAClES. SPHINQ WAOON-5. SLK1I1IIS, &e.. In thel,itc't and Jlnst Aidiroveil -t ies, ut Prices lully'ns low ns Ihe .-nine rn be nbinln. cd elswhi-ri'.gu.irnn'eelnir 111- In-st Sensnn. d Materia! nnd inoH substantial workinansblp. i un. nuun given 10 REPAIRING In all Its details, at Ihe vi ry Lowest Prlrea Patioiinui! ri'spic fully sollclied und terlccl satlsf i'tlon uuira teed. Hcce, i870 yl 1IAN. WIUANM). A nut larklxifie i a Vfimtial In phvclcal health as to politic 1 conlfunf,v. Kor weak iicm 1 the luck un 1 dlroMeMol the liver un klilnt-yn. ihutnnlonnd mo.iMiutHet IohciIoii oflhu llliteri' I the u'.e ihlnir ncoiful. lu ineininr ilwl the siom i-fh In the mainnv of cVury other or -nn. nn l that by lntltrorutlno thrtillK' ellon by t tits rmiarnMoa, thu iihI cutnuin and all its deptndencks aro strenuth ened, For UostetteriAI.MANAU forlSSO apply to Dru-iKliU and Uesleri geocrall). TremonT IfloiisBi), WASHINGTON, D.C. 3 his popular Hotel has been entirely reSt , navlntt aroommoilatlons lor 304 iiel, and will continue to be Ihe only First-Olass llnuso In the city at moderate rates. Terms, 2 M per day. rrt'o Omnibus nt Depots, oclS-tf F. P. IIILIj, Proprietor. s UHP(ENA IN DIV0UCE. Ilarr Allen Rtaenhorfr.1 In the rouvtc( fora. ty ernMtfticnd.'MaU'l mou llA ot Car. iimi ACirr, bon f'j.uL'tr. vi. j Hubrten i la pivorco Edwin IhMnbowfr. I lwuea to No. 4, Judo TVim. 1673. allnnto No. 1, Oi'.bor 'iViiu i7J. Both writ leiuru. U by the Bfioilffi ot fdiind hi my i alia vio' .' To l-D it is j;iSESiiutTii4 Repannant DTe named t Yt am lie cot- iiotitt tn apttr i( tbe next Unu of ad 0mr. to be li Meu at Mauch Chun uu tho -ococd M tuo at- of Jnu rr, to. to n-weriu (.Mrl,co-iiidaUu tea lu d'faolt :f yiinr Ispivrnnce the -wiue ptu re-ndlua-r r l bo ha t iyu-t mu.m u Ml i uU- Pisaaua oecr iivraoni'i iwrrru uj. Mi nth Chuo aflSTETTElv Jl CELEBRATED rssal b n -fX , N.T IS, 'k t-wt New Advertisements. i0 o w s CD 03 tZ, s UJ CO -r1 5 02 Its I Dr. Charles T. Horn Would announce tn tho public that he ha purchased Irom .M1IS, A. U. l'Ul'EIi.tho CENTRAL DRUG STORE,. In Leuckcl's lllock, Bank St., Leliighton, F'a., llavlntr. rcflttcd nnd refilled the entire etoct ho cm olfer DRUGS AND Strictlv fresh CHEMICALS ami Vme, AIpo Horfo nnd Cntllo f iwdfn,Pitcnt Medt Oitifg, H rus lit'?, 8oapp. itimlu, l'riumcilrfft MKiimif, t;iiumo 8 Skins. Wlrus nnd Liqiinm f ir AI tt leal l'urpoMi'8. Dils. Isiimpsnnd l-'ixlurt.Dycti ulfii.Uholcu Clmirt. 1M t'H und T'hncio. irc- tnclcf, Trui?c. Kurslnir Ih'ttU'S, , loliu Strings, niul ii lull Hue nt WuU I'nptir und llorocisailhe LiowL'it l'rlci'3. I'refcrli'tlons rnrffully compnund-pd nnd' piompt uttenttun ttlvin to every branch of tho t.usincss. A t-oiittnunnce of tho pitronngo heretotnre' exteiHli'il io i his tutubllhnit'nt tt nepcctiully hollcltt'd, and kuilif.iclluii uuaranticii. ept.l3, lb79.-ly. Du. a T. IIUUN. JMI0KTANT AN.NtUN('S:M!:N( i ILewSs WeSsiSj POST OFFK E I.UILD1NU LEHlOIlTOsV, PAM 1ik tho largest and jlont KxLeuelvu Siock ol HATS, CAPS, &c. ever orTered In1 this borouuh. Havinc; pur ehiised my St.ek In Iho IJttstem urmoiber iiauuficti'TlC-1 nrly in tho Se.ison nnd at ii siviuirot I0to5 per ccnlutn mi the pie.ent Ailvuneid I'rli-es, I urn pre4iied tn oiler ex. irmrilluary linluiM'itieuts to my cus oiuers Speel.l uttcnilou has beetl Iveu to thu stleu'. lion of Fall and Winter Boots ! ami I Invite inynumernns fi lends and patrons' lucail und extitnluo in, .lock beto'O tnaWinu; their purrliasu. .IsdMhere, us lum preiu.eil ut tfive siiecial Inducements iu all (JtSU I'UlttJIl.lSr IIS. KlluelnHur, I.1SW1S Wi:iS l'os.-Uiui.e Uull.llug, LiliUliluu, Pa. Sept. Su. t JJOIt AX AIJSl)I.UTi:i,V Safe and Urilliant Light, Usd Straub & Harrar's The Family FavokitU BURNING OIL ! ssr- Ask r6n straud a- itAnitAR-a STA1UNE01LI Aug. I8 m3 The nnrlerslgncil la new prepared lo supply tho i cry belt l,ATTim;ilt"WAf "l" M lowing LOW l'ltlOK-S KOfl 0AS1I: At Yard I Dellv'd. Nn. i Chrstnut. per Ion.. . (3 IW ti so No. lUhcMnut, ier ton,.. 3W ita Btove, per Uu 3 US a tt J . L. GABEL, Ce.lwu Gbnehal IIahdwahb, &c LBinoiIXOS. VA. nT,IO.!' sBHSKsWrmfl raflraa8HrsrsnP