TTsW FARMERS' COLUMN. I'll lor Whitnr Protection of ur- Ocncr'N Mode. I hero present U16 iUn i'fn 'cellar' I am bu'' wlilcli, I tlilult, will answer mlnilmbly tlio purpose for which it Is in tciuloil. Tho floor is mainly for relery. At ono mil there ore bins hi'rotatoc'.csirmls, bcelv etc. Along IrreTriilcs mill In the niliMlo nrc brunches like'llioso In a"grcoiiliouse, only higher. There li a walk aroutnl Ilia mM die bench this Delicti is.intumleil for rases, wlilcli ore" to be kept Ihbrc until it is lime to fiut them in the gieotilinuse to' f.irca them for f pring sale. Tho sii'.o benches nre for apples, onions, etc. 'The cellar Is lrx2f! ft. Two 'frit of tho earth wefo dug out for tanking up on the outside. Tho walls nre three and'tino half feet above tho level of the ground and two feet below it, making tlio side walla' five, and ono'-hulf feet high. These; ate boardcdwith1 plank", on ce- dar posts set four' feet apart. Tho boards nre nailed from- (he outside. The earth taken from tho. Cellar is banked against (hem tea thickness oftwofcclnllliotopanil live at Uio bottom, all around, except at the doors 4nd:windows. Both ends of the cellar iibtito'ffre revet of the embankment are doub le boarded on tho g-iblc ends, with a space of eight inches between tho boardings to bo filled with sawdust. Below this is the bank ing of earth from the pit. The' roof is single and double-boarded, having between tho two boordings a space of four Inches which is to bo filled with saw dust. It japs oyer tho side walls a foot ami n half, oud from that mint tho ground is banked up so hard that it cannot settle and after a good rain it is sodded all round which gives It n nice green appearanto in grass time and keeps It still warmer in winter. To have plenty of light and nlr I have on each side of the roof three sashes, 3x0 feet, like hot bed sirelies, hinged at tho top, just as on a greenhouse, and ut tho lower end of each sash is an ium bar having holes punched in it, so as to raise tho sash to a greater or less height, for the purKsc of ven tilation, whenever desirable. Each sash fits closely into the roof, and is buttoned to pre vent tho entrance of rain. Underneath tho sashes are shutters, which can bo oned or shut, and between them and tho sashes arc spaces of four inches, which can be filled, whenever necessary! with straw, or a straw mat. I don't think, however, that frost will penetrate through sash and shutter from the roof, though it might from the sides. In the most convenient end arc double doors. Tho inside ono is made like the door o'a stable, having ft window sash which can be opened or closed at plcasuic. Out side this is a box as liih as tho door and four feel wide, so that tho outside door will be four feet .from tho inside one. Tho outer door Is made double, with a four inch space for sawdust. The lop of tho box, between the doors, is double boarded, like the outside door,and lilled with sawdust. The sides ol tho box are protected by an cartli embalm ment. On the other end of the there is a window, guarded with a box liko that protecting tho door, only not so largo, and having a shutttcr at the other end. A con venience of this Bort will pay for itself every winter, and should bo used, in sizes to suit their needs, by all largely inteiesled In flower or vegclablo cultuie. D. Jics, jr., in Jtural .Veto Yorker milk and butter nrc objects, and no other means will nchicvo this end so thoroughly, so conveniently and without extra expense, at to haVo convenient for uso through II o winter n supply of dry earth; Kansas lar- ncr. Feeding Poultry in Winter. With care and a judicious system of feed ing, poultry will continue to produce eggs long into the winter, but after the flush ol harvest is over, the fowl", unless well at tended, stop at tho end id autumn, or at the first change of odd weather, just as the egg-, begin to get scarco and prices increase. Now commences tho critical moment, and the poultry maid's assiduity should therefore be equal to the occasion, and it is during the coming months that the real test other dili gence will be fur iislicd by tho number of eggs produced on to Christinas, for, it is pos sible to keep fowls in full laying condition for moro than eight months in the yean Fowls producing eggs during the spring ami summer will comincnco to coat their feathers, and tho plumage assumes a less tidy apicaranca than formerly. This coat ing is a renewal of covering on the approach of winter, wt warm feeding will do much to acceleruso it and keep up tho bird's con stitutional powers in advnueo of winter For this purpose no better feeding can be given- than onions, chopped meat, meal, bread crumbs and kitchen scrapings of var ious kinds, Of unions, as n preventive anil a remedy for nearly nil thcdiseasei towhieh domestic fowls are liable, too much cannot bo said or written. Somo poultiy fanciers . prefer giving them by tlieniwlvc?, and as much as tho fowls will cat up clean, partic ularly when they have been living under wrong conditions, in ttuicli case they act as a medicine. But as fowls, when not bred too closely and not kept Irom their natural liberty, are rematUably healthy, this treat ment is very general, and mal only when cooping is resorted to for want of an a. Cleanliness is immrtnnt Car promoting the growth of poultry and maintaining them in a healthy conlitino, and with this view tho roosts should be- renewed a. least oneo a month, and the laying boxes washed with kerosene. Cultivator. A UAMiornil.STAICUN IDENTITY. If the trunk manufacturers do not quit making so many thousands of valises exact ly nllkfr, somebody is going to get Into some awful trouble about it Foiui timc, und some trunk nacr will be sued for damages enough to build a court houses Tho other day an ommbirs full of passcn gcrs drove up town from tho Union Dcc.t. Side by ride- sat a cnmtircrcial traveler, named William Mnccaby ami Mrs-. Winnie (J. Duiiibletoii, tho eminent hidy femperanco lecturer. When tho omnibus reached the Barrett llmiwthcoomim.'rcial traveler 8cized his valise and autrUdfout. The lady made a grab ufter him ami ho halted. "I Beg your pardon," she, said, "but you havo my valise.'' " You .aro certainly .mistaken, mruTame," tho traveler said, courteously but firmly, 'Ibis Is mine." " No, sir," the lady replied firmly, " It Is mine. I would know it among a thousand. You must not tako it." Bat the traveler persisted and the lady In sisted, and they came very near quarreling. Presently "no of the passengers pointed to a twin valise iu tho omnibus and' asked ;' " Whose Is Chat T" " It isn't mine," said the traveler, "it is just liko it, but this Is mine." " And it isn't mine," said the It,.'; , " he has mine, and I'll have it or I'll have tho law on him. It's a pity if a lady can't travel alono in this country with out being robbed of her properly In; broad daylight." Finally the traveler said ho would open Ihe valise to prove his claim. Tho lady ob jected at first, sayfng she did not want her valise ojicned in the presenco of a crowd of strangers. But as thero wcro no other way of settling the dispute she nt length consent ed. The traveler sprung the lock, opened tho valise, and tho curious crowd bcut for ward to see. On tho very top of everything lay a big Hat flask, half full of whis&7, mice's ofcards and one or two other things that nobody knew the name of. Tho traveler was tho first to recoycr his sclf-jiossession and speech. "Madame," hosaiil," yon are right. The valise is yours. I owe J'ou a thousand ap olo " But the lady had fainted, unit tho traveler rclockcd his valiso with a quiet smile. Early in the aftcnoon a sign painter down town received a'note in a feminine hand asking him to como to the Barrett House to mark a red leather valiso in black lcttirs a foot and a half long. lEU.IIHUSJtJlJD I saw much said about tho merits of Hop Bitters, and my wifo who was always doc toring, and never well, leased mo so urgent ly to get her some, I concluded to bo hum bugged again i and I am glad I did, for in less than two months use of tho bitters my wifo was cured and she has remained so for eighteen months since. I like such hum-bugging.-!. T., St. Paul.-JVeiircriVcM. il-2 PUZZLE. Weary mortals racked with pa n, Ever seeking but in vain, Sweet relief fioin mortal ills : Try, I pray, Wat's Liver 1'ilM k as sure as morning's light Cometh after shades of night, O'er thy life, health's sun divino Shall arise, in joy to shine; Light and health, and joy and mirth. In sun-beams sparkle round thy hearth ; Vital energy shall start, E'en to muscle, brain and heart; Rid the LiverV its load, Purify the life, the blood, Intercept disease and death, Leaving fragrance on thy breath, Lighten life of half its ills, gafe add potent Liver Tills. i xu it at it ti o v to t ( a i: DO CT O II . The doctors whu are called up in tho mid dle of tho night at the risk of getting the pneumonia, are just as liablo to go without their pay when tliodaugcris past ns though they wcro called in tho day-timo. Ono of them was ono night aroused by a frightful knocking at his door. Sticking his head out of tho window ho asked what was the mat ter. "0, doctor, it is my poor wife 1" " I beg your pardon, but I haven't had tho honor of your acquaintance, and I am not accustomed ' " I know it doctor, but her life is at stake. If you only knew how much I lovo her, Tor Heaven's sake, 1 liegyou j" and ho went on for a considerable timo in this fashion, until the doctor relented, in spite of tho cold winter night. He dressed himself, went out, waded far through tho snow, prescribed and saved tho cherished woman. Several days passed, mid hearing nothing of any pay, ho sent In his hill. Nothing. Then he scut n collector. The dovoled husband greeted tho dun with anger, exclaiming if'Go to tho 1 The idea of mo paying that bill for a woman who lias since run off with anoth er man 1" AS Mj&, Sff. U f 11 5 White Street, Wefssporf, Fa., Comprising a full line of all the tfcwcsl designs In Foil and 'Winter;. lints, Uonneta, Trimmings, Notions, Lnccs, Buttons Eibbons, Flowers, Feathers, Ladies' Underwear, and in fact nl kinds of Goods usually kept in n first-claia Millinery Store, which she is prepared to tnpplv tit her friends ami tho ladies in general at very Lxtraordinaiily LOW rnlCES F0K CA&I1. Call and bo convinced. No trouble to sIkiw goodt. September 27-m3 . MRS, M. OUTII, Wcissporl, Pa. WW &Tew d-ootls I Mew BPi'ices I l respectfully announce to the citizens of LohiglitQii ami vicinity that I havo leased the Old Post-Office Stand, on Bx.NK Street, Lchighton, and that 1 am now receiving a full line of MMbb anel Sfaiacy consisting of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Underwear, Hosi ery, Handkerchiefs, Jewelry, Ribbons, lluches, lady's hand-made Clouds, Gloves, Fancy Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Buttons, Collars, Machine Needles ruid Oil, Zephers, ITiuacy Stationery and all other articles usually kept in my line. Also, Agent for the celebrated IBSJM.m UABBSira KCJAMo f$ Call and cxamino my goods ; the prices nre so low that they cannot fail to suit all. 7-1 8. C. WMEATPMSY. rags as S The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store. If you want anything in tho Drug lino at bottom prices, go to tho Old and Reliable Drug Store, in Dr. N. B. Reber's Block, near tho Post Office, A. J. DURL1NG, Proprietor, iWhero veil wlllflud a full and complete a'oclc of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, &c. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & ubricating Oils A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces. Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and Sacramental purposes. j Wall Paper arid Borders, a great variety Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi cians and Family Prescriptions. Establish-to 18G7. A. J. DUELING. Lclilsliton. KuvniD'Tl Vsaleiflttiiae clawsifftfas Respectfully announces to tho people of Lohighton and its vicinity, that ho has just enlarged his Manufactory by the addition of another story, and that ho is now; prepared to furnish them with every description of HouseliolD FnrniinrE 9 Dry UHrUnn IIcililliis for Stock. There is nothing more usiiul In promot ing the health anil comfoit or stock during the winter reason, when animals havo to bo housed ami fed, than dry earth. While it is the most abundant, cheapest and easily ac quired of all absorbents and disinfectants, it Is almost entirely neglected. Straw makes a very imperfect bedding. It serves no pur pose whatever, as an absorbent, and only ludcfTerently well for keeping the animals clean. Farmers who have comfortable barns and stables for their stock should, during the dry season in the fall, and before freez ing commences, gather Iroia roads and any ourcss of supply that aro convenient, and store vnuler cover, enough pulverized, and dry earth to-keep the stalls and sleeping apartments of their stock well supplied through the winter. A good bed of dry earth is far more comfortable for hogs than on of straw, but both should be luod. Tor keeping the stublos where milch rows are sheltered and fed, clean ami sweet, One dry earh Is superior to anything eleo-. Tho liquid voiding of the animals is tbsorbed and 'all smells prevented Irom prevailing the premises. A dusting of dry earth ban nhes vermin from stock, and is at once the simplest, most convenient And liarmless ot all remedies for, or prveotivM of vermin. As a saver of manure for those who value this source of farm wealth, drv earth is the most complete. There is nothing more do srblsthan c',ia, sweet fw st t''", ifl . llIlDin.Vl'XCCD AM'. A politician whn hid been on terms of intimacy with actois and artists is suddenly elevated lo an iiiiortaut ofllcial sition. One of his fiieudi n distinguished actor,goes to call on him, and entering theofllco says genially, "Hullo, old feh.howo T "I beg your pardon, sir," says the official in a glacial manner, "I am occupied for a moment, lie so good as to take a scat." The actor sits 'down in surprise in a chair and presently his friend says,-"Now, sir, what can I do for you?" "Why, don't you know me, I'm " "I do net precisely follow you," 6ays tho official. " You Itave coirte to 1" "I came, sir," says tho actor, In a tcrriblo voice, jamming his hat down on his head "I came, sir, to give you pomo- hints as to leportiucnt now that you are a public offi cial, but by the Nino Gods you don't need any I" Goal morning, ttr I" Manufactured from tho best Seasoned Material, at Prices fully as low as the same articles can be bought for else where. Here aro a few of tho inducements offered : Parlor Sets at from S50 to 60.00 Walnut Marble-top Dressing Case Bedroom Suites, 3 Pieces. $10 to SG5.00 Painted Bedroom Suites : 18 to 40.00 Cano Seated Chairs, per set of Six $6.00 Common Chairs, per set of Six 4.00 and all other goods'cqually cheap. Tn this connection, I desire to call tho attention of the citizens to my nmplo facilities in tho UIBEETAEIIG- BUSINESS, with a now and handsome Hearse, and a full lino of Caskets and Coffins, I am prepared to attond promptly to all orders in this lino, at lowest prices. Patronage respectfully solicited and tho most ample sat isfaction guaranteed. Y. SCHWARTZ, Oct.. 12. BAJNK Street, LfcJHlUliTON, PA. New Advertisements; SELLERS' COUGH SYItUP ! 50 Years -Kc Tore trio Public Pronounced by all to he the roost Pfens nnt nnd efllenclntrn remedy now In use, for the cure of cnttglti, rnliTs, croup. lifinrseitet,tlchllnKScnratlon of tAo throat, whooping coaghv etc. Over n million buttles soli! within tlie fuel leiv yenrs. It (jives relief wherever nrd, and has tho power to Impart benefit that ennnot be had from tho cough mixtures now In use. Mold by all Druggists at 85 cents per bottle. SRL.lISIts LtVBIt PILLS are also highly recommended for curing liver com plaint, constipation, slck.heailaches, forcrand agtrc, and all diseases' or tho etom.icH. and liver. Sold by all UrUggltts at SIS cents per box. II. K. Sellers fc Co., Plttsbureli, Pa. oct. 4. lv-tp. col. "We will Pay the Postage AND SEN I? OU The Carbon Advocate ONE YEAR FOR ONE DOLLAR! Or Six Months For 50 cents I WBion is Less than 2 cents per Week FOn A LARUE '32 COLUMN PAPER!!! ADDllKSS. - Carbon Advocate, I.clilltton, Pa. mow j iris to youn SEionr.on M. " UIOIAN & CO. BANK STETSET. Lehighton, Pa., UIIjLERi and Dealers In All Kind ol CI It A IN' llOUClHTand BOLD at ltJ'UUI.AU MAItKirr ItATES. We would, nlKo, leswctluilv inform ourclti sen thru wonro now fully prtpnrtU to bUI 1'IsV tuuin With From any Jtlno desired at VERY LOWEST PRICES. M. nEILMAN & CO. Tlb 3 mmm Uol. Mapleson, toy "What voice is mute, the leading Hute. would 1 shoot the blamed galoot. What ho, within, chief viO' llu you'll play to-nightandtet things right. Illawst my sanguinary eyes, they caunt get the better of mo, you know." -.A'cio York Ojm. Ada. It is said the foundation for the meanest man is made when the small hoy turns the worm hole of his apple for another boy lo bite. Itmaylioso) but the foundation for another sort of man is being laid when very proper boy sneaks aivay by himself and eats his apple alone, worm hole-and all. luvi'iilur and l'utcutccai should send for lutructiousr terms, refer ences, .tc, to Kdsou Brothers, Solicitors of TaUnts, Waahfngtoir, D.C., who furnish tho I same without charge, Edson ITrothers is a well-known' and successful' firm of large experience, having Iters established in the . Tarlc3e. enif Important to Builders, &c, JOHN G-. BIERY, Agent, Is prepared to furnish all kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, llallust crs, "Window and Door Frames, Scroll Sawing,. Turning, Planing and Ripping done at short notice and at Prices to Snit the Times. Our Machinery is afll Kfew a iul of Ejafcst Sfatlcrn Contractors and Carpenters are invited to call for Specifications, which will be cheerfully furnished. Special attention given to Orders by Mail. Thank ful to our patrons and friends for past favors, we ask a share of patronage in the future Very ltwpMtfnlly. JOHN G. BIERY, Agent For the Weissport Planing Mill. V. O. box fiH. jan. l-yl Price, m - 8'J'30 Per Year A CO M PL ET K M O It A L STOH V I N E AUH NUxMHfcH. Theolijrctortlils Library Is t". prlve lo the public a complete moral anil religions story In a cheap form, and to counteract as far as ftossllila the InnucncQ of the Immoral and sen rational literature of the present day. We shall depend upon the cooperation ol every jcood man and woman to introduce this Ulera. turo Into their family and community. Hie IoIIowIiik numbers are ready, and others will ruimy iuiiuw : no. rnicE. 1. Nellie, the Clockmsker's Daughter... 10c. 1. Not Forsaken 10c. 3. Hide's uliarlty 15c. , J History ol a Threepenny Hit, t , Frank Spencer's Knie of Life, j Iuc" s. The Younx Apprentice 10c. . Sheer Ott ISe. 7, In Prison and Out 10c. The nrice or the abore soven stories lh tuok form is ss &0, but we will send them to any uddreBS on receipt of Highly Ctntt. fiend at leasi lor a riiecimen com. wmcn we win man on receipt or price, iuu will not be dlsap pointed. Address J, S. OU1I.VIK & CO., Publlshcrr, St 1SOBK bTHEST, t- SW VOUK. oct, 11 -wS. JUST RECEIVED, A Jim IiOT OF GOOD NOTE PAPER! which we aro offering at the anpreccdcntly low price oi $1.00 PER REAM, on 10 quires for 50 cents Call early If yoti aro fn want of NOTE 1'Al'i.lC at tins extraordinary L.UW J'jliua I , Cakbok Advocate Lehighton, Pa. T'l?'MT' ATI '? This remarkable med 1V1j1I Urti-ilj O irtne will core navln, splint, uurn. I'atiou, &c.. or any cniarice. menl.and WIIJ. II KMOVK TIIK IIUMW PAVTJ wixii' ur lJusTmiNu OA x J1- or causing a See. No remedy ever discovered equals II 'or ccrialntynf ac tion In stopping the lameness and roinovlnx Oil I? !' the bunch, i'rlce sl.00. Send for u"u( itii ir b t nil Pos t re Proof. or eni by the Inventor, Sold hr druuuttts. o II. .1. Kendall. M. I).. Knoahnreli Falls, V FiiKNUll ICIUHAHUS CO., Agents, I'liuaueipuiu, i'u. WAfTTKD IMMKDfATKLY. Revrateea rounr men la Irsrn Teltcrsohr. uKMisiinsiioiis nu' rsniceu. jror part.esisi aoaicss wun iisuip. Hot sr. sHi:niDAN.vnri)i. Ubrrlm, Ohta, I. a "We have entered into arrangements with Rev. IIeniiy J. Smythe, of Philadelphia, the publisher of SUNSinriE rot; jIttlk ohildhen, whereby wc arc enabled to make you the following unrivalled olfer an offer which will, we feel as sured, secure for us not only your name, but the names -of cry many of yoiu friends and neighbors as subscribers to our paper. Although OVER A MILLION OF DOLLARS have already been expended in this " great offer " by the " Sun shine Publishing Co.," THIS PAPER MAKES NOTH ING ON THE BOOKS. Our sole object is to place your name on our list as a subscriber to the Oakbon Advocate and to Sunshine for Little Children. as. Shakspcres, aracs. And OTHER PREMIUMS, Offered to Subscribers of Tat "Worth $G4.25. Sent on receipt of $27.00. Chambers' Ency clopedia $60 00 Ten royal nctnvo volumes. Library law binding, marble ciIrcs, extra ullt. i v.ft . . . . 7. ""r''' i "" nun, ou hi iuu cii'xmiu.Y cimraTcu plates. Latest and llest hd.tlon. this special subscription work Is-miide to order by the great house of. 1. 1J. Upplnrott fcC'o., of Philadelphia, eiprtsslev for this great premium oiler of I ho bcauiirnl publication oJbunsiiiNK foii .v,. i.i.j kb. a is a nurary rn useii. in not sold ny tno trade, and cannot be boUKhtclscwhero for less tlun SIXTY UULLAKi. Sunshine for Little Children .... Ftmshlne for I.Htle Children Is one of tho mst mnctnlnecntly lllwtratcd publications hi tho United 8iaic. Site lJ4liyl4U,is.neil monthly. Tho twelve numbers will make a handsome folio work 1 2SS p.iites. 300 l.caull. ful pictures, CO ot them full-pane cuts. 40J ciqulslte stories fur little ones. The Carbon Advocate .... The Ncwslet and Most Hcatlnblo Weekly In tUo County. Tho Faiorftir Knm ly Paper, and the ONLY NKWSPAPKK entirely PItlNTEII iN Tll h nUMi. Carefully edllcd. and wlih an able and wlde-awakecori s oruorrespoiidcnts.lts coluninsmake a weekly Juurualof thodolUKS through out the country, B 3 25 1 00 Total offer is worth $64 25 Worth $26.25. Slmkcspcrc's "Works Sent on receipt of only $9.60. Charles Knight's famous London pictorial edition. In two Immense royal octavo volumes. 3i0 wood-culs and a full rmjte plates by tho celebrated Sir John (lllbert, A. It. A.( alsoMeiCKant steel eugrnvliiKs from the most em. nent artists ol l.arope. 'Ihese plates alono sell In out volume. Imported Irom Uermany. for Twenty Do lars, at tho establishment ol Kstcs & l.aurl. at. Huston. The text cannot be purchased In iers than 3 iiarts, at (0 cents per part. Hound hi cloth, elcjraut gilt tops und sjold stamps. Sunshine for Little Children .... AS NOriUED ABOVE. The Carbon Advocate ...... 22 00 .3 25 1 00 Total offer is worth $26 25 "Worth $14.25. Sent on receipt of $8.10. "Worcester's Dictionary 10 00 Illustrated and unabridged. A massive volume oflSM pages. Latest and best edition. Colored plates. Library sheep binding. " The uuthnrliy in our 011106." N. V. Trlbum. "The best writers use V orecster as their authority." N. V. Herald. "The standard Dictionary or America." 1'hllade.i hla l'rtss. " Long considered the standard ot Auicrlca." livening Fust. Sunshine for Little Children . . . 3 25 The Carbon Advocate 1 00 Total offer is worth . . . . . $14 25 Mia&9s SBilsie. "Worth $16.25. Sent on receipt of $6.00. The Child's Eiblc A magnificent book. Larue quarto. 833 pig's. 300 fine erprravlngs, color ed nm and lllamlnatrd tltKs, especially defluneil by tho licst artists or the day (.loth.elcicaiit lull gilt and ullt cdxti, gold side and gold stamp. Ukar, large tyie, and (irlnled on exqnisltcly tinted paper. Sunshine for Little Children .... The Carbon Advocate ..... Total offer is worth .... 12 00 00 $16s 25 Worth $7.75. Sent on receipt of only $4.12. World of Wit and Humor From the most celebrated writers. A magnificent volume of the rarest and richest fun. Large octavo. (00 pages. Cloth oxtra, 460 engravitigs and full pago plates, (lold side and gold stamp. A great bargain. Sunshine for Little Children .... The Carbon Advocate Total offer is worth ... 5 3 50 00 $7 75 O0T READ ALL OF THIS. J3 In order, if possible, to place a copy of THE CARBON ADVOCATE in every household in this and the adjoining Counties, and to largely increase its circulation in other sections of the country, wc have become parties to contracts for the purchase of entire editions of elegant, rare and valu able books, and our readers arc respectfully requested to write to us for any standard set of works; and in connection with our subscription department, their orders will be at tended to at a large discount from retail prices, with the ut most care, promptness and satisfaction. Among our "Prem ium Offers" wo mention the following : DIOKEN'S WnitKS. 1 fTH APKEHY'K WOUKS, HULWEH'S W'ultKS. I All frright char fttta J lit VIN.J'S WOHKs, IMttBUuTT'S wnilKB, , beyatdondctntrv.) ImaIIBYAT'.S WOHKS, UUOi'UU'S WOKKS. J lANDOTItKK WOllKt.. (JgjfThc above "Club Offers" are only forwarded when the money is received by us. All orders should bo addressed to THE LEHIGHTON, Carbon County, Penn'a. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. rurmr.riif iit. ciTIip a Jittinn Hire., A vegetable preparation ami the nnlr Hire iTmnl.rln the world fur Itrlgln'a lllra-, ninhripa. mill At,!. Itlilncj, U,cr, nail L'rinnry lilapfuo. rjTTcstlmonlaiH or tho highest order (dpf oor of thco statements, BS"1r?r.!'".' ":urc nt mithelcs, call for Wnr lirr'n NaU' niabclrx ui r. UO'I'or tho cure or lit lulit'x nnd tho other tllwflsrs, c ill ror V.'ainci-. Sihiu Itldncy mill LUcrCurc. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It Is the bril nioml t'nrlilcr. and stimulated every function to more licaHurul action, and Isthusa bcncilt in all dlsenni'S. It cures NrrofMlou and nthersnin Krtip. linns and Dlwci, Includlu: Cuuvvrs. iTl cer, and other Hurra. Usppln. WrnlineMortlieKlnmnrh, r'linstlpatliiii. ltrKltiea,(Jcnrrul lclill It.r. etc., arc cured liy the Miiiv lllllcm. It Is unrqiialcd tn an appetlr.erand regular tonic. Iloitlcs of two slues ; prices, Que. and 8I.OO. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly rlvei Het and fclrrp to tbesuiretinsv curen llcmlnrlio and neiiriilalti. prevents i:plleptlu rita.and relieves Nci'on iios. IrailtMi brought on by cxccaMvu drtnlc, over work, mental shocks, and other enmes. Powerful a it is to stop pain Riid soothe tils turned Nerves, It mver Injuns the system, whether taken in small or larue does. Uottlcs of two sires; prices, aut'. and $1.00. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Arm Ati Inimpdlitte ntirt nntlvo n(lmulni fhr k Torpid llTtr, mitt cmc CoftlTCQCii.Drirepil. Ell mces,, Frr and A gut, anil should htMiSfd tienvTPr tho bowels do not operat Jscely ottrt regularly, 1N olUr I'llli rtqulrf nth nti.U riot for Ikonifh work I'Hr bax Hnrnrr'aSiiff Kiiir1lr r In 3trllrlBt trrithtr n II. H. Warner & Co., I'rnpririora, E00HESTER, N. T. (rrS.i4 fer raBfialcS Hnil TiflMnl.t.. m n IHOP BITTERS (A SIcUlclue, uot n Drink,) COXTAI.S HOPS, ISUCI1U, JIANDKAKE, nivari.Tftv Akd tus rcnrsT asd Best Medical QtautkI THE'V r!TTT5 ir AH Diseases of tho Stomach, Bowels, Blood, Liver, Hldncrs. and nrnn. vA.n...n m jlcssncss and especially remalo Coniplslnts. ' 8I00P IX CJOI.D. Will bo paid for a case tucj-wllt not cure or help, ol u uujnuiuijiuipun: or injurious round in them. Ask VOUr drUCClSt f or Hon I'.lllrrs anil Irvlhnm before you sleep. Tnko no oilier. BriOpCoronCcBBlstho sweetest, safest and best. BTho nop Tad for Stomach; Liver and Itldncra Js' Hnnrlnilnnl nlhm. A .1- t .... In. I C. Is an absoluto and Irresistible cure for KUrunKencss, uso of opium, tobacco and narcotics. Send for circular. BMHiiSSI HopDUtm Mfj. Co. TWbeslrr,rr.T. White IS THE EASIEST SELLING, THE BEST SATISFYING SeiififfMacmiiB Us IntroducUon and Vorltl-rcnowneiJ reputation was His death-blow to IiiQh pricctl machines. THEME ARE NO SECOND-HAND WHITE MACHINES III THE MARKET. This Is a cry Important matter, as It li t well known ana undisputed lact Inat nan ol Ins so cahed first-class machines which are onerea t cneaa now-a-oaiS are thoso that have been re possessed (that is. liken bark Irom customrri inter use) snd rebuilt tad tut upon tho market "tie white is tiis rczn crm scwiNa MACIIINS HOW UPON Tile MAIiKET. it is much lahc-ik ian the fahilv mi chines Or THE SINCEIt, HOWE ANB WELJ MATKVoSTS MORE TO MAMUFACTliriE THAN EITHEI1 OF THn AFOnESAlU MACHINE. ITS CONSTK'JCIIQN I3SIMPLE. P04IIIViAf.3 Dll?S VVonKKAMHIP 13 UIJUnPASSEIJ. Do not Euy any othor tofo.-o try ins tho VH1T3. TTninrii nnrl iPnrmj ITfirln C'llirrf'ir!:!". AGENTS White Sewing Machine 6o.2 CLEVELAND, 0. f JOHN H. PAGA. tlar.M ;o-jm Afiusr roil rr'nifiN coiint JWl LU HI U K, 1- NEWPIIN8$125 rarh, and all sivfrs including iirAXD, t-Ql'AKKA UJllrKKHlT.nllUnotlvF.nhT (1. AbH, sold nt tho low ft ill t i"oh vhn'ra A Ircoiv 1 icof. illicct to i lie I'D 11(11 Ahi;it. 1 lies- I'lanoi tiiaco n e ot the tljtt.t dispuv- at l.1u Crutriililil J.ihllilUoii aid uriu imnni inotislrrirouitiieudul lor the UiuntsT il(iou ovei is.uo In ufc. ltectiisilv incorpoiatrd MauufactuisuK (.-'iirtoiv o tab ubi-u i.ver sil years 'llio Miiiste Orand- roniMln Btnth ii8liek'slie(vpalnl Duplex Ovsrstrunc Scale, the arealrst 1iinoMiueiit lu tho h'Fiory of 1-lano mill li'P Tho Vi'lliilltsclelhn I l.Nlr IN AMIIIIIMI. I'lanos sui't on lliill. Don't loll to. wilt lor InuslMted and Dctcrii'tlvu (.'ataloeoe i'f 49 i aces uislleu (i i c mKM)KI,SN(III.V PIAKO CO. tUl ICnst lAlli Slrcel, TV. V I ( ear z willing to work Vou should ti v nutlilnir rlnti until you -eefor v uiH"if wltnt you ati dost the business werlle. No loom tn eiplsln here. You cin dovolo all your tune oronly vonrsparo tltnetothe tiutneiui sad ntuin pieatpivlor everv hour that you work. Woteea ma.ei ns lunch as men. 8cud for S'jeclnl nr'Vtitu terms su't partlcninrs, whicn wo ninll free. Id (lutfls lire Doi.'t e 'Uiidiin of hard lltno while vnu Imvesucli a rhalire Address II. II LLITTr ,t CO , I'oi lliiud. Aiaine, m j nuo 7 iv. IA1CP Send 55 cents In stamps or cur. lriliiii rcney fnro in-w Iltinsn Hook. It treats nil diseases lias sa lino taixrarlng shxwlnir isltloiis atromrd ly sick horso, a tablu ofduses, n larKOO'dleriioii of Yai I'aulb ItllMir I'i ii-ih. rul.i tf lllsijf tho nuo lllir IV ufn horse, with an ennnivini show. Iiii; teeth orcaeh tear, ant a lare amount ol other valunMe (wrta liilormstlon, llr. Win. II. Hall fays. "I have houalit liooks that I paid is und ilO fi.r uhli-h I do not Ilka as well as 1 do yours." m:no roil a CiRciXAit Aoksts Wantkij. II. J.KtNUAI.t., W.D., tnoiharuli l'alls, Yt. mar. 15-yl RAVE A DOLLAR J1"""1101"1" j eveii AfiUt, ami lasit 1'AO la without sny exeeptlen the tiest 1' d in . xUio.ire for tho euio and pi event ion of all in isrio.m dl.ewss snd the ni't womb iiui n e'Ut-i t'iM.'i.vtiv ! il.o see. No meairliie reijuirtHl. ( urea by nbsorp tun feeud for pstuplilet waieli aires cert 11 stool exiraordluarv cures pertorme.1 br thi I'ttf. msllrd Ito. Ask your DriiKKl t fot Iho KirrnliBn l'Mif and take no other If hr ha 1 Hour, I will send i on or bv tosil on rrcrpt of price. II JOS. I l KMINI., H Jlirkrt Mt , Vlttsbtirrh. Is fco c 'or the X oU A fetalis. Mf Ji tj. . r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers