SIKWKItft, DltTKIOr ATT011NHY A COUNSKLLOU AT WW, Office, Riot i' a Dnilolnp tJtodawar. MAUUlt CHUNK. TA Hsttltne. ttstatea. Flllm Aecoaota and Orphans ",ipr Practice specialty , , (Trial l t"inr eareinl r attended lo Legal fatlaactlona In Kdgimh iiihI Ocrnnn Jnn . THIS -PAPERff'K ? SMh where AnvKivri. no con I'lt A T mar b" ado lor It In ,. Aflvirj in llnienn, i-j rpmn i-ri HtoI; S.mJnJnY, NOVEMBER W.lfiTB. Local and Personal. to stJiiscHinnus. Stltwrlticrs will I'teaao refer Intlie rlireo 11 i..., iliMr tamers. Iiv so rloine they will be able to see whether they aro square oil our linoks M not, uiuai John Fltrwilllntn nurfl 79 Slinw ttint triesiilicr!ptlnn lm boon pM n till March Rlh. 1879, and conneqiienlly lllort- Unne-Mlnrcliieiisnnlhe present vcar, which von will plcaw remit, or $1.J5 will be chnrcil if we h.ive to acini bill. Thanksgiving Day Tliursilay next, tlie 27th Inst. Turkey will roost high luriiiR the conilnR week. Do you know Hint T. D. Climrs tells l.oota and shoe eln-apcr than any man in towii ? E. F. Ijiiekor.hioh. the painter ami iwr-han(?cr, of M.uioli Chunk, is 1. injr. the .leenmliuin on the Evonrclleal chureh in this lioroiigh, whleli is a EUan tec that it will he well iloue. WANTED, a R"Oil Moul girl for house Wirk. Apyly althisoniec. A full linn of blank iKHiks, vcrv low, at I.iKlictib.icli's, Maueh Chunk. ' -B.ittcr 4n,l cs-js aro very scarce at pre! ent, ami hlgh-priceil too. Farmers are haulin? manure, anH plowing b1 for fprini? planliiiR. Mrs. David Ileclitel, nf Slatiiutnn, hat a bible in her nH9tuH 131 years olil. An linmeiie 'took of envelopes anil writing pallets, solil at Luckctibacirs Maucli Chunk. The Popular Western Tieket Agent, 15. O'Bnan, will be. at this nffioe next Weilnes day night. If vou uitenil logo west, call anil sec him, ho will sonil you tight, cheap ami quick. A telegram from WilUeiliarrc says the miners employed hy Charles I'arriah & Co. have ilcni-iuiled an ailvuiice of 15 jier eent. in wag's. The Xortli Pennylvnnia Itallroa.l mi nmmecs a quarterly ilivi'lcti'l of one and one htil pr cent (leis live per cenlofthe amount of iliviileii.lret.iincilfortlieeuiitinenllun.i; payable Novein er 2H. It is predict d we will have fifty thrse snow and hail storms the coming win ter. Mr. Wm. Siegfried, a widely known and respected citizen of ILith, ilied nn Tuesday of last week, aged 70 years. His funeral took place on Sunday last. A lad, need ten yean, named John Col litis, was on Wednesday of last week run over bv a North Peon train at South Beth lelietn. and had both of his less cat olf. He died the same day. 300 lioxcs West's Vegetable. Liver Tills for ealo at Durllim's Drug Store. 20 cents per box. If. Just in, & new lot of wall paper, for fall trade. Call and seo it at Luckenbach'a, Maucli Chunk. Maltie Olose.who while laboring under spell of Insanity some years ago drowned her child in tho Lehigh river at FreenutiS' burg, and, after trial, sent to the Insano Asy lum at Harrisburg fortreatment, was recent- lv disoha'rged fiom tho said institut.on, and about a week ago returned to her fuim er home. Samuel Peilfer, administrator of tho murdered Joseph Itabcr,of Lebanon county, has brought suit ugaiu't the Keystone life iiisuraucc company of Alli-ntnwn, and lh" New Era.otl'hiladelphia, fir the amount of insurance issued upm Rjber's lile, Just received an cle'int osirlmenl of Ludlts' mating, which will be made up to order at lowcal prices ut TV D. Clauss' mer chant Tailoring establishment If you want a nice smooth, easy shave your hair cut or sliaiiiKMiing, go to Kranx Rncderer'a Saloon, under the Exchange Ho tel. Ho will fix you right, and don't you forget it, A fino lino of assorted box papers, latest styles, ns low o 7 cents per box and upwards at Luckcuhaeo's, Mauch Chunk. Henry Campbell, ol East Weissport, an nounces to his friends anil the publiclliat he is prepared to supply them with tho best quality of readv.iuadu full and winter MOOTS and SHOES at a great reduction in price from last year, notwithstanding the recent ndvaiieo in manufacturers' prices ol from 10 to 15 per cent. These boots ami shoes have been iniide expressly to his order and are EUirantced to give satisfaction. Cull and see them. Sam. I). Kostonhader has iqioned a u -w gnKs-ry store in tho riHitii under the First Notional Bank, tins borough. -The. funeral of Mrs. D. Hi-bcrliiig, ot Munch Chunk, which took place at the Le liighton cenlelcry hint Sunday was una of the largest that ever occurred in this plats'. Charles nl-(iiid his two lioys shoi thri'e wild turkeys, iifi his farm in Ness Hid low, one day last wi-ekV two gobblers and one hen the former wcjihing 12 Pis each and the latter 10J lln. coh day's work. TheStuiitou iniiKvit lke4i.irre,whii'h caught fiie last spring, wmTfl kmIhI 1o extin guish Ihe llamcs. mi I last Vedncsday win-k the work of removing the loiter whs omi lrted. On Monday it iras iN,veril Hint the firo had worked its way ln'jroud the piiut rea'hed hy the water, and w.istill burning flie mine loo.t lm ag:iin tl,.l,salnl many weeks will chip; U'fom tin. fire Van be ex- tluguislusl and mining resinned. I'rnf, fiunlni-r, of Connecticut, Vim has been stopiiing in this place for the i-t five weeks, lelt via L. .V S. railroad at I0i Ian Wednesday morning. W. C. Wei,.Ei.,will give his ilhisliV cd Temjierarco Iwture in tho Evangclicl cluipel, North eissrt, on Saturday even ing, December f, t 7:1S o'ttock. Admission 15 rents, clulred urnler 12 years free. Hare vou got your winter overcoats? If not, go to T. 1. Clanw, ihe tailor, and see the limnrnsr display of newand elegant de signs in ovemmtiugs Just r.cciveii. Dr. T. D. Kooim, who lor over a year has been very sueeeufully engaged in the practice of Ills pnifcsslou in Alleutown, hav ing lits tAiraat No. (129 Hamilton Tect,anl forniully of this borough, lias just beenelect- eil Ilesident Plirjleuu and Surpun in the Ilnmrejuthlc Hiwpiul III Ilnioklyn, New Vork.nt a landsomo salary, and expects to on duty mi December Ut," The hosjatal is a very largemie, iimltlieHnHriil attendants re kept isiriilmhilly en doty. Lydia, tlio wile of Mr. Jonathan Fen stermachar, of UiwIOII die.1 nu Tliursilay weik, after long suffering witli eonsuiuption. She nu a, "devoted wjfe uml niotlir,sul her demise is sadly mourned by the bereaveil htkiUud and family. Her. James A. Cittle delivered his pop ular lecture) on "Courtship and Marriage, last week fur tho benefit of a Presbyterian church, In MonmouthHcounly, New Jersey, Mrs. DoTsc.lilrschky, formerly of this borough, hk opened a Very handsome store on Susquchnuiin.strecti Mauch Chunk. Sec her advertisement In another column of to day's Auvocatk. For tho week ending en tho 14th Inst., Ihero wcro 100,(500 tonsof coal shipped over the Lch. A- Susq. Ilailrad, making n total for the season to dalo of 3,573,080 tons, an Increase us compared with saino time last year of 1,571,428 tons. " Yes," said tho witness, "I do remem ber the defendant's mother crying on tho occasion referred to. She was weeping with her left eye the only one alio has and the tears were running down her right check." "What!" exclaimed the judge, "How could that bo 7" "l'leaso your honor," said tho witness, "she was awfully crooked-eyed." Tho best teams m this section aro to bo had at all times, at low rates, at David Ebberta' popular livery on North street, this bor ough. A dividend of 3 per cent., clear ot all taxes, has been declared by the National Bank ofCatasauqua. During a visit to Mauch Chunk a fesy. lays ngn, wo stnpieil into thencal Utile jew elry and watchmaking store ol E. II Hold, and fuuud him busy at work. Since his re moval to that burg, he lias beeti cxtniotidl- nnrily well patronized, nnd why? Ik-canst he duel his work well and at such low prices that all can all'ord to patronize him. His store Is a few doors above the Mansion' House. -Ono day last week about 200 men em ployed in tho mines at S.ilgersvillo and vi cinity took It Into their heads to go on a strike. Accordingly they inscribed tlieit cause upon a banner tihd inarched rank and file to Iroliton, visilingona ore bed after an other, endeavoring to induce tho men to follow their example. At ono mini! they succeeded in getting tho men to stop work, but in a few hours they wcro nil ready to begin their luliors again. At Brown & Bros mine they tried to slop work by unhitching tho horses, but when they saw Mr. I'. T. Brown taking down their names they ini mediately diie.ted. They enriied with them u large jug of lire-water which was sjieeilily traiisfeircd from tho jug to the bruin-yiinl there became the doiuuiaiilspir it oftheir action. At the semi-annual meetinjnf the Le high Telegraph Company, to be held at their ollii-e in Miicitugie on Saturday, Jan. I'thi vote will be taken on tho prnftosilioii to in crease tho capital stock fiom $10,000 to $J0,- Ollll. On Thanksgiving Day a rum will come olfoii the Uliteisville hack between George B'ers bay niaie "Sallie D," ami John Mad- leu's male "Topsy." Tho lace promises to be nu interesting one, as both animals arc coiistslered to bo g,sl trotters. "Topsy" was formally owned by Mr. Hubert Djinimter of rhillipsuurg. During the past ten days 0,000 squaics of Noithampton count slate have been hipped to New York fur the London mar kut.aud 3,001) squarestof Lehigh county slato to Philadelphia, also lor tho same market. 103,202 tons of coal wcro shipped over the Lehigh Valley' railroad for tho week ending on the I5lli inst., making a total for the season of l,130,lJ05 tons ( an increase of 875,800 tons as compared with same time lust ycur. Tnu combination of high prices broY.en in Mauch Chunk 1 You can now buy Watches, Clocks and Jewelry ns cheap us they can be bought anywlieie in tho Valley: Stem Winding Clocks, Watches, l and upwaids.ut E. II. HOIIL'S; alsonfull liueof Wultliam,Elgin,Spingli,-ld,Itiiekroril, Black and llKiiiiinous Face Watches, a few d tors above the Mansion Houso. One. of the Pennsylvania Coal Compa ny's mines at 1'itittoii, kmovti as No.l Tun nel, was round caved in Wednesday morn ing. The disaster has thrown a largo num ber of men out of employment for some time. Thero having been soino talk of the Huiilzingers, the I'otuville bankers, being discharged Ironi tho Barks county jail on tho 20th instant, when their term expires, Thomus F. Kerns, I'rothoiintnry of Schuyl kill comity, protests against it, us they have mil restored to htm ? J4,00(l, which lie had in their bunk, and which is required by tho sentence. I'eliilsylviliilii Itulcli. We nave received from tho nutnor, E. II. Iiaurh, ol Mauch Chunk, a copy of Ins lVnti sylvauia Dutch Hand B.k. It is a volume of 223 wges, handsomely printed on fine p.qvr, mid sells ut $1.50 u copy. It will piovo u most invaluable help to nil wdio sK'.ik or wish to e,eak tho Pennsylvania Djtch, being so arrangeil thut none can fail to understand it. if you have not yet got a copy, secure one at once, as only a limited have licrti printed. Itcliuloti .Votes. LEii.aUTiiN, M. II. Cnuilcil.-lti'V. J. P Miller, pastor 9:30 a in., ( Ihis Meeting lu:30a. in , Sen on by the pastor, subj.-ct Mural Eulhuslasni." Z p. in., Suiula) school; I p. iu l'rajer ami I'ralse Seivice 7 i'. in , -ena..n, bulijeci: ".lu al icMiiin," All are welcome. EvAMii.L.i'AuCauucil WktaaroKT J. K Seylilt I'astor. I'lu-ru wlltbo n tservici s at 10 o'clock A, Al. Teii liurs meeiliiK at l:S0 p. Suiulu) School at2 p. ui. English prcaihlng mi 7 p. in. I'AI'KCIITON M. aciiiTiicu. Itev. W. II Plckiqi pastor. To-morrow ( uiiilay)t)reavti Ilia at lutao a. in. and 7 p. la. Suiulay school 2 p. in.; I'ruyir 'icetlui; I liursduy evening ut 7 IS u'cluc-. UK - HI'UNIMI or TIM KVAMIKLK'AL Ciicau'ii. (iii Sumlay the V31 Inst., the J,c- tilghton Lvaugelieul church Kill be renquncd lur service- liev. H . K. tVleaiul, uf Allen I own. will preach iiioruliig and cvi nliig. All are Invited to be present. Ailvimcc In Vair- Tho "jH-rutors ol the Hiizlclon region met. at Ihe ollice of A. Papleo & Co.,in that place I rulay nioriiing of last week, and resolved on the following advance in pnexs to their employees: An unvauoe to minora, working contract work, oi 6 cents per 2-ton can In wages of miners, working coinp.iny work an advance of 83 cents per week; to inside laborers fnuii 71 U 75 cents ir week. They also determined to make a small advance to the outside breaker hands. This is a com incmlable move on the imrt of the operators ami should convince the men of Ihis region tnai iney, at least have fair, just and gener- ous employm. We will admit that the ail vance is not great, but we must remember that, with all tho hurrah about the advance in prices of coal, that advance has been very iow no., Ttry siiruu, imieeil. When wo think of (ha losses sustained by operators for i ers pasi, wuen oollierlea were worked wKli irmre regard tu keeping men employed than lor any pmlit.and take into isinsiderution the fact that tUia advance though it be small, was made, voluntarily by the operators, wo cannot bul give them much pp Use, This, we. hope-, will restore Cinfi'letirs t,tWM.n nnanJiM ,.! .l.t..l. I inav ln.t r.., rri- Uullttm. Our Vcnt ticrl Special NovKuniR 14. The funeral of Mrs. Jos. Buck, ono of our oldest residents, was very largely attended on Tuesday of this week. Thewather for a week past lias been anything but agreeable snow, rain, frost and sunshine alternating. Bad for health, good for the doctors, and allocking for pedes trians. These dark nights and dismal days are most auspicious occasions fur passing iudntuonl upon our pavements. Thero la certainly room for Improvements in this direction. Improved tvcmcnts and wclh lighted streets would add Vastly to the com fort and convenience of our people nnd the good opinion nf strangers when visiting town. Miss Mary E. Dodson,thc eflleientteacli er of tho B Secondary school, is seriously ill with bilious fever. Mr. A. J. llowlund is temporarily filling the vacancy. To "ye local," of the Carbon Democrat, w would say, Guess again. Prof. Howland may, no doubt, "volunteer some informa tion," but wn challenge hint to name tho authorof these. briefs. Hcsides,Pnf. Howland lives "on Iho other side of Jord"-s-Jcrsey. By courtesy of tho principal of our schools wo have been furnished the follow ing list of attendants for the month of Ou tuber. MADIC rCLt TIH. Hian SCilooU John Kaines, A.J. Eaillo Tulin Mussulman. A. J. Rowland, Wellle lllakslcc, Jennie lllakslce, Klla Jones, l.lilte Iliirlcinnn, Susie Schuonuver, I .'or a VimJ) kc, Carrie Twecdlo. 11. O iiamm Alt chool. Walter llarleman, Alliert Kuth, Philip II" Witt, Wra. Leadcn- liain, Amliony ('attipbell. Ida llachman, Heckle Qarieby, Atiiilu Peters. Irene West, Alice Tall, Little Ilaniplon.-ll. .t I.vtiimki),atk. Kmnry Washburn, Os car FenstcruiHChcr, .Mary Slcln, Alice Ilrong, Nellie lironir, IUh Se'ter, Sarah Eoc, Lizzie 1- ishrr, t.lzzlo i 'roll, Lnuro lloufc. 10. 1) SKioMiAnv. Oscar Davis, Jas. Ilunlap, Wui. I'avy, Hdbert Eaillc, Eddie Ucrhart, Jos. (111! S.le. t,eo. Hclkcr, Tlios. JIcCool, Uvirlti liowlanil, Willie Stoekley, Bertie mnir, Nellie li.nlle, Mangle llentz. Slolllo llulloiil, Cnrrlo Knincrzel, L zzle Ulsliulcr, Alice Taney, Martha I'utt 13. A Ski "NDaiiv. Chas, .tlanlz, Jessie t!or coran, John .llcUonncI, Willie Stein, Willie Suy.lcr. lleo. Wallawa, Eddie Krcy, Mangle Oatrcby. Frank Kuehner, John Mflran,r rank Youiik, John llroug, Tims. Flnkh r, Hubert ,Mu, nfce. Willie .AlelsVioiuy. liny Young, Cairle Unrrct, uitzle Keltiir.Noru v llllauis, Maud West, Mary Lin 'ei bcrijcr, Heckle Fllcklnn-r, Sudo Oerliart, Susln Andrews' Ncille Setii-r, lh-rllo Vandke tie. U PniMAitv. Tin s. Hruwn, llllhcrt Croll, Lester linilo hihllu Knech', Qeo Leadcn ham, (leo Miller tl.nvln dieli$emalt, Jllna Wril, John Wlgaiid.lleiburt.'sctieri Mu;(lc I) err, llessle Eolle, EIDo 1 sic hi, Emma Ken stcnnachir Tilde trcetnan, Lizzie Hente, 1.0' lu Kline, Mary iel) nncl, LIda Miilth, Ifa'leSweency, ,Mar Sinltti. Annie Frcyman, llertle Slccthc, L.uir.i Shiner, Clara Tcany, 21. A I'ltiMAUV. Harry Davey, Albert Young, I lies. VcConouiy, .lacoli Miller, llertlo .Mil ler, S i ylluck, llora Fiukler, Mary Ul- shal'er, Annio Kneelit, Lena Derr, Fauulo Tneidlc, Sophia Itclinnllkr, li Mrs. J. r'. Kressley has letumed fnim the city witii a large and varied stock ol millinery, which shu is ili-pisiug ofto luc fair sex at bottom figures. ltev. Mr. Burrows of Philadelphia, again filled the Presbyterian plupil lastSab balli. Wo hear that tho Methodist brethren contemplate securing the services of Chap lain McCabo us an early day to lecture for our people. He will, doubtless, bo greeted with un overflowing house. Ed DoWitt, son of our townsman W. II. DoWitt, lias returned to Wcatherly after a (irief sojourn of six mouths in Ihe Centen nial state Colorado, assuring us that there is no place like ho the old Keystone. Our friend Kinker, a week or two ago, over head and heels in the potato business, is now busily cngag"d furnishing our deni zens with York Stulo apples nl$2.75 n bar rel. ". ISlir Creek Ms-ma,, Now shoot rabbits. Now order your boots. Now lay in your furs. Now fatten your turkeys. Now remember tho poof. Now fill up bins. Now adyerlisu for the holidays Christmas is hastening along. To day will bo yesterday to-morrow. Our schools are coutiuiully Oiling up. Hog Cholera has made its apjioaraucc again. Oats are selling at this place nt 45 cents per uttsiiei. Com yotlf turkeya Thatiksaivina coming. Canal boatmen aro hurrying up trans portation in view of tho near approach ol winter. There is a time for ull things the time to leave is when u young lady asks ou how mo walking is. Mr. Snyder, of Lehigh Gap, made one cunning reyiianl "tnto the ilusl' ut tins place on nainruay, Mil him. Better not buy chickens if their combs are til.ick. KtibbeX shoes are said tn have advanced considerably the past lew weeks. Deal gently with (ho wine for vour stomach s sake. Sleeping with pulse warmers on, it is sal. I, wilt darken red hair. Try it. The days are now shorter than the nights; yet some claim thut tlte nights are not ion,; cnougn. Never carry your matches, powder and win. Key an in one ika-kci, lou luiitiit ac cidentally elrikii oil' Iho matches uml then what would become nl (hn whiskey, ell 7 The teai hers were allowed by the Franklin directors two days In attend tho leachers Institute nt Mauch Chunk Ihi wtvli. I havo heard of some very displeasing remarks made alioiit ine since tho election, by certain Itcpuhliciiis, because I voted fur my irieini, Jain iresj lor sin-rill Ol course, I hud valid reasons for so doiu unknown lo them, hut which 1 am prepared to explain, if need Uu ; had they known these, and were reasonable iiieu,lhey would have tx'cu less hasty hi their expressions ol disapprobation. But I will add that it is vain to holm to please all. Let u in.iu eland wall his luce in whatever direction he will. he mast necessarily turn Ins buck ou one hall til the world. Mr. TliouiHs L"vcs moved to the paint nun uu I'rniuy oi lasi wectc. ItKVKltlc. .IllnUtcrlrtl. The Lehigh Vulley Jimlslrriol Associa tion, ofthe Methodist Episcopal church, will meet in the Lehiglilnn M. E. church, De cember 8th and Olh. 187V. Itev, Dr. J. P. Chaplain, P. 11, will preside. Exercises will commence by a ecruiou on Monday evcu ing. Tuesday forenoon and afternoon will be devoted to essays and discussions on '.fheo logical uud Literary subicos. Tuesday eve' ning there will be a service of song and ad dresses uu church and Sunday schonl work. Iti:v. T. M. GRiirrrH, Ilev. E. 11. HorsiiAii, lir.v. J. 1'. Millkk, Executivo Committee. The public are cordially invited to attend all the services. Vara f ThaaurbNk The teachers of Franklin wish to return their thanks to the School Directors for their liberality in allowing them the time to ut tend the Teacher' Institute at.Muuch Chunk tliia week. W. E. Kemerer, I. Z. lljgeiisloae, Jennie Williams, &o,tt Gpiot, Nov. 20, 1879. I W. II. Kramer, I II. I). Snyder, I T. J. Solt, i L. ltcber. .Ilntttll Chunk Noici. Ax Old ClilZKii's Dkath, Putrir.kShorp, ono of the oldest citizens of Carbon county ,- died at the residence of his Ion. Mr. Contly Sharp, at Lansford, on Monday mornlngr and was buried in the cemetery at Summit! Hill, on Wednesday. IIo Was born in rntin ty Donegal , Ireland) in 1 782, and was, there fore, about S)7 years old. lie Immigrated to this country over 40 years ago and settled near the spot where he died. His wlfc, abnut his own age'survives him, and although much shocked at tho death of her life-cm- C anion, still enjoys sood houlth ntlij hns oeu in tho best of spirits. They had eight children, and deceased, therefore, leaves a lurco and respectable family cnnnertlnn. In his early days hia occupation was thatof a stone mason ; inn, niinougn no lias uono vcrv little for the (last several years, the burthen of many decades Weighted lightly uon him, dtnl tu within a few days -of his death, his mental faculties were astonish' I ugly good. He Was a grand-uncle to Ber nard Phillip, Esq., the present Register and Recorder of this county. , Tkaciikrs iNSTiTt'it. Tho popular fea tures of the 10th annual session of the Car bon countv Tcnrhers Institute has heiilt the ull-absorhlng toiic of thought and oimversa Hon. Theso educational exercises, following immediiitclv in tho wake or tho exciting local elections, are a happy coincidence they lilt tho poplar mind ton higher sphere; show the bright side to the pictuin ol life -reveal its ethical buck'-groUnds, without which existeuco would be intolerable nnd eternity only darkness. They aro tho In dex to the advancement which has been made ill a vear in the on use. of education, and each successive one has reflected un ad ditional lustre iikiii County Suwrintendent Holford and the eil'ective nirjis of earnest Workers which he has brought to the task of- cdiieuihn: the romini; men and women of' uirinin county lor lives ol greater usclill- ness flwi unnor. Obituary Ellen T., wife of Daniel C. UclH-rlinir. of this borouzh. died ut illsiilt 4 o'clock on Friday morning f last Week, in the 3hth year ol her age altera lingering illness ; she lcnvesthreechildreii,theyoiing cst only a few weeks old,1o mourn their loss. She was a daughter of James H. Struthcrs, l.-q., ol Last Munch Chunk, mid a strict member ol Ihe 1'ivsbvteriah church of this borough. Her funcrul look place on Sunday afternoon tit the Lehlithton ceinetury, and wus one of the largest that eyer took place front Ihis town. Ccrrkxt Topics. Tho County Com missioners, accompanied by Captain II. 11. Swurtz, dpive to Traehsvilh, on Wednes day morning, to further prllininate the ar rangements for building a county, bridgo over Poho-Pooo creek at that mint, -The musical sensation of the season hero will lake placou the evening of Dvc. 2d, in the banquet hall of the 'Mansion House, by the Kate. Thayer Grand Conceit Co. The tickets ale for sale at the Malison House, nnd those who would seeuro choice seats should buy early. See advertisement tu another column. A very interesting and withal profit able prot raelod meeting is How, mid has lieen lor several days, ill progress in St, Paul's JI. E. church. Rev. J. E. Wolf, of Providence, It I., an earnest and ell'ceiivii Evangelist, is assisting in the labors; and there are indicitions of an extensive re vival. ltev. Mr. Ferrier delivered an address to the Junior Order of Mechanics, at the Presbyterian church, on Sunday eve ning. The address is Ssiken of as a" very able and impressive one. E. H. It.iuch, Esq., went lo rhiladei- ihiil on Weil lll'sibiv. oil his vv to Harris. burg as an expert iu chirogriiphy in an uu iituut will case, but receiving a telegram that tho enso had been tmstihiued, ho re turned hoiuann Wednesday tnglit. -Mr. L. E. KInlz. who has been eon fini d to Ills bed for several weeks, with intermit tent fever, is now very seriously ill, the lever having assumed u typhoid torin. Wolssport Kcuasu Miner Brothers, on Wednesday, receiv ed n car-loud of Scotch pig iron Ironi Phil udelphia. This) iron is of a suKrio quality oin is very son: ami wuell mixed Willi iron made from tlie ore mined in New Jersey. n most excellent comiiinatiou s produced for first-clu.S9 castings. A somewhat curious fact is that notwithstanding the ini)rt du lies, this Snitch pig iron sells in our mar keti for two or three dolltrs" less per ton than I lie best American pig. We understand Ihe small biilbliiirr just above tho Fort Allen Foundry has been engaged as n location lor the proposed new uruom lactorv. Notwithstanding Iho recent chamrable weather, which usuullv brings with it livers bodily infirmities. Dr. Zorn renorts the lie i!th status of this community us very remarkably good. Mr. Alex Marsh, while, handling a ladle of melted iron ut the Foundry, on Monday liiLt-ruK,ii,spiu sonic oi it into ins uooi, in -Ihctiiiga severe burn on his foot. Tho repairs on the Evnlllical church are being pudicd forward with coinmeiid.i- iiio zeal; nnd Hie youlliliil solicitors ol funds to pay Tor the game nro not ut all bashtul tu their labors, and are no doubt meeting witli tho success winch their cause merits. The public schools lire dosed this week and Pinh Snyder and Miss Nusbauiu are in allendanee on tho Teachers' Institute at .Munch Chunk. Boat-builing and repairing aro brisk ot the boat-yard just now, and will no-doubt continue to be thoughoiit the winter. So iiupuriilive ami pressing are the demands nt p vseiit that W. C. Weiss, Esq., the i ner gelic loremau, lias found it necessary to start an yard at Muucn Chunk, where no mis pin twelve men lo work. Somebody suggests thut, nntwilbstand n : the extensive amount of iimi tinir done in Wcissjiort during lastspring and summer there seems tint Pi bo a solilurv wcdilini; up on Hie tupis. "Ihis spring and summer love m.ikiug," said a young lady, tho other day, "is like the cabbage worm, which eats all Hint is good of tho cabbage just in lime lo vauisii ucioro ihe ruthless murcli of Jurk Frost." Ah, wicked Jack I why did vou 7 Wild Creek ltouia. Eggs ur. twenty fefitj icr dozen. Mr. J. C. Dislier. ofthis Place, shot u wild duck last week. Butter is eighteen rents per Kuud. Louis A. Smith, Henry D. Heydt and iVihim Kihter, of Ihis placi', wcro out cun ning one day last week and shot leu rabbits. George Ileinhard. !r. bagged eiehleen rabbits this I'd)), Mrs. Susan George, wife of Iteuben George, near this place, who bus been cm- lined to bed lor several drys has iccovcrcd. Adum Kibler, of this place, has bjgied fifty lour lubbits this full. William Lovctt, ol this place, has im proved his place by building u new null (lulu which lie uas now completely nnisited, II. P. Kibler, of this place, found three swarms of bees this fall. He gut them safe home in logs. David Slrohl bagged two rabbits at one shot. Adam Kibler ond J. C. Distler, or this place, left last week lor GoukUbnru, to find something to do, God helps those who help themselves. J. E. Kibler, of DrakeV Creek, former ly of this place, uid ut a visit Saturday last, returning home on Sunday. A. jS, fircene, of KresgevUle, Jfonroe county. Is doiug a flourishing busiucss in ferreotyping. It is understood that any person is liable to a fino tor hunting on Sunday. lUmem ber, Old Harry watohiirg. Jut. Information Waiticil. Mrs. M. T. Wheeler, of Mansfiokl, Tioga county, of this State, desires information of her hujjarrd,M. J. Wheeler, a printer, who lefi his honro Irr Klioira un the 25th of Octo ber. When last Irrard from he was in Olean. IIcwm Well dressed, worea brown oTernMt,j either Muck or gray punts, black- Derby hut The B-wrd of Managers nf the West Ches uuddrmrBlovos. Ha is about i' venrs of terand Philadelphia lhiilmad haveiiecidcd ... . i r- , .,, u i:-.i . i i . -ft-, "Kv o-ir am mustache, a thin lace anil light complexion. He walks with a light springy step, and car-J ries his hands In tha side pockets of his coat He is believed to be iartially insane. Any information' concerning hnu will be thuiik- lully received by his wife. Other ujicrs please copy. itlnlioiiliiff Xwhiklliifiio A amllo on the facd U Worth two In a tumbler. TUo mAn who alts on a bent pin is apt to speax to the point. The election is over and hand shaking is a ining oi ine pasi, no is corn nusking. Mr. Daniel Scluiefler is lying seriously ill at his rosidchee in tills Valley. -rarah J. Humbert, of Mauch Chunk, was n guest' or Luiinii' uarber, on Sunday last. Tnc said he went to school long enough to mind his own busmen. He don't need Frank un his' advisor. Olivet; Klsller, of West Tenti, paid us a visit last Sattitdny, while hero ho visiter! T, D. Clauss, the merchant tuilor, of Lehigh ton, and other places. N. (!. was out nfler rabbils last week. Hn chased one under a hollow stump, and while workinc at the old stump, the labbit (-unexpectedly ran out against N. U He iniiiKs inn moon nan gone unoui a nine "o foro ho was on his feet again He must have been u monster. Suliccrlbo for tlio AdvoOtb, and thus keep Kjslt'd 111 regard to your homo mat ters. If you want to see our worthy huskors smile, ask llicin almlit that rabbits. Amandin Kisller Is taking music les sons of Mr. E. S. Hoppes. Miss Clara Harpster, of Columbia, Co,, wus visiting her uncle Lewis Hex, for the last few Weeks. . While at L'chighlon last Saturday, I waa-gliid to hear of William Kistlcr ol Tun iicntvillclorruerly u student of Centre Square Select school, C. T. Youtiir and lady expect to mako a trip towards Tainaqua to day, (Sat). -O. K. Musselmati, a fituilentol theSttito Norinal School at Kutzlo'wii.iiinl J.,M. Kis Jjer, of this place, wcro ut Parry ville last tSutunlav on business. Mr. Josiah Miller sjicni Monday at home on iiccit'.lnt ofii strain which made lilui unable to attend to his work at Puck crton. A largo number ofpeoplo were in at tendance ut the services in tho Evangelical chureh on Sunday evening. Itev. Mr. Eli, irum Aiientown, preaeacd. Frank Kiatlor and Martha Whetstone were the welcome gnosis of Lizzie Kisller on Sunday. Miss Whetstone is teacher of the Sutler's School in West Pcnn. 1 q ,1 if..... ....... ,i.- ,.m ro ... . 11,11 11 nils UICUCS. III I 1 OU ll ast Thursday night. They discussed the sciences--both analytically and syntheti cally. Our neighbor John flrow ha had the good fortune of raising 5000 heads of cab bage this year. Mr. Godfrey Peler is buy this week threshing his grain. He knows, of course, that such IliiH her will not last long uud so nukes use of it while he nan. Miss Hurr.ct Hunsiekcr and sister, of Center Square, wcro guests nf Miss Ellen Berger, at Eest Pcnn, last Sunday. CiiIn in Bartholomew, nf Lehightnn.pald ns n visit last Tuesday and Wednesday During his sojourn hero" ho visited Messrs. Kistlcr and Young's schools. His addresses wcic based on English "Literature." Every teacher should bo a devoted 6tu daut un,l he l.nnili.'ir with every branch be tore oing belore u class. Negioct of pn-jui-iiilioil is the cause of si, many failures in our soli, nils. Tho ono with the "best certificate should not neglect this impotaut duly. Many minor facts which arc Iho savors to'a good lecitution, escaie tho memory, and hence tho necessity ol constant reviewing. BlsdO. Carbon Count) 'i't-uchcrt',Iii(lf tlte. ilosntv AtiEitsoux. The sixieenth an n'tlal session of tho Carbon County Teachers' Institute convened in tho Court House ut 2 pV m last Monday. County Superinten denl It. F. Hofibrd, a officio, President, iu the chair, who ojiciicd the session hy an ap propriate address, alter which Iho following permanent officers wero elected by acclama tion f President (tr-ojicio) P.. F. llollbrdi Vice President L. II. Barber J Secretary J. P. Itowland , Ttcasuicr F. It. Uernd. uTho teachers present weie then enrolled to tltonumber of OS, being iliovlargest number ove' present the fust day of the institute. After singing llu familiar ode, "Come, Collie Away," Prof. E. V.DeCirall', of Albany, N. Y., wui iulrodiiivd and addressed the In stitute on Heading uud lthimes, iutmdtiu my ma iioiiiu ivs ov ii unci inquiry iiuo ine objeel uf Teivheis' Institutes. Prof. J. V. Montgomery, of the Miller.) v'llp State Normal ScIiihiI, iu u 15 iniiiuies add'rnM, nnitle u strong plea for the intio duuiiim ot Industrial Drawing into every sclicol lor secular education. TUI.S11AV UlllINIXO. The session opened by sitiging "America." Pjruf. Do Grail' iHViipied tho attention of the, Institute for over an hour on the sub ject ol Language. Misaddress was very ublo and interesting. Hu was followed by l'rol. .Montgomery on Industrial Dmwing. AVTEKSOIIX. After musin by the Institute, Prof. De Grail' resumed Iho subject of Luilgtlo'g'e, fol lowed by Prol. Montgomery ou Industrial Drawing. ,Mtsa Putridge.of Philadelphia, was intro duced and inudo some very excellent uud practical suggestions on Pinniiry Touching, und iiuprcsscd iqion the teachers the iuhvs siiy ol 'physical, us well us mental culture. tVF.Nl.Sfl. Tho ntnlicuce room was fnled to its ut m'o4l rapacity to hear Pint. Uj t-iralf lecture ou "Successlul Men." This uddress was uil inlmbly coni-eiveil, skillfully prepared und effectually delivered, intensely interesting the audience. Among the elements of suc cess were Health, Moralitv, Houeslv, Mits- lery and Intelligence. Al the conclusion of the lecttne, ou motion uf Dr. It. Leonard, u vote of (hunks Was leiidctcd Prof. Du Graft. WIDXEMDAY PoftSlPO. llic song "boll -Music is btealing" svas sung, and Ihe (uery Box ojh'UciI, mid two or uircu qiiesiious oi iiiiiu iiiiiurtunce suu mitied and aiiswerel. Miss Putt idgo addressed the Institute on the subject of Heading and Klocutioti, ad vancing many novel, yet coiniuou-beusc, practical ulcus ou the subject. Al'TKIlXIIOX. The qti.irtrtte,"Olil, Old Clock." was sung by Miss Emma Dolleiilil.iv er and Prof. F. K. ll"rod,ol Li'hfghloii. and Miss Smitli and Prof. J. P. Itowlaml, of Wj-alherly. Prof. DeGrall'delivercl u clear and im qiressivu lecluie on tho alt of questioning. Mr. Smith, of Luuslnnl, followcil with u brief, pleasant discourse ou United States Money. The Prcsient awarded the medals offered a ugo by Prof. Montgomery for the besl sjiecimeusol drawing to Hubert Junes, of the LansfonLhiglf school, uud Arthur ltuwlaud, ol llio Wc.itlierlv liiL-li school. Prol. Moiitgdmery deiiveruil' an oifJress uu Si'lusd Manugmcut, and liMik leave of Ihe institute, tlmnkingtlie teachers fur their kind altciiUuu and courtesy. r.TtNisa. A large and appreciative audience lis tened in the finished address of Miss Pat ridge on "Tlrof Girls' which crc-ited u lust ing impression, and won for tho gitted speaker many compliments. , ' - Theaiext seaHon of the Institute will lie held iu Weutherly. the vote uu that ouestioii beitig--Lefiightou, 12; Mauch Chunk; 3C; , n ealiK-rly, A2, The JiistitulO adjourned Friday afternoou Butter is selling in Cumbria county for nineteen cents u pnurah The Philadelphia- uud ItcirdiKg mad is having a numtssr of new bouts built lur llie Si'huyUitl cabul. Ai)ip'cation is lo be made tn Governor Iloyt for a charter for tho new irou compa ny at Macungie. Dennis Martin, of Chester, has been mis sing for a mouth, and it is feorfd he Las been louirydeiill with. lie Iras a wife and children in Chester. W-iiiimsslitttely-fay a double truck ou tho , eu8, e(J ( lne At Harrisburg Wednesday Aline J. Tim lin was found guilty ujoiu one charge uf ticks l scalping and ucquittcd on two simi lar cases. A motion for urrVof luogincnt will be made by his counsel. The wen employed in the AlUxina ear sboj am making ten hours a day with a good pros poet of overtime. Tlio Cont Tnlc The anthracite coal trade continues to wear a most cheerful aspect. The prices are well Bp, and yet not hlsjticr than Is warranted by the general )lri)irevemerlt In trade. There la no more coiqpla'ltit by coniuirfera at the lid. vanco In the irlooa. ol coal than Ihero la by consumers. (f Iron nt.tlie advance In Its prices. I'rosperlty.has returned after jrsa ra of absence and all are content under tta Invigorating In fluence, and, under tin heller that It has eoma -wo...;, uii uia'wiHQUi mm,' viivr uro iioiiik more bualncsi.' and that'lf tl'icyiiro paying ..,. . '.,,. lui " imuiw n,i euiiiD viniiuiuuii ivs which iner nata l 1.11. Ihe, r nl. rltl,,',; ."ntT,. r;.... ... ..Bl .K.U Th. r 7iZ Wu TY rT mW l sell. The coa trade, havln close alliance with a mostall.tha leadhw Induslrlea being in motion, his started an I enlivened all busf ness. The orders fur coal lira nuw quite full and the prices aro well np. Slocks, too, at Iho larger coal centres aro gradually lessen ing In their supply. It Is not now certain that there will be even a two weeks' tuspensiun of production wllhln the current year. Sumo parties favor Itusrendcrlngabuoyuiiltnarkot with the opening pf the newjoar ISSOnioro certain. Olhors, ehrowd In Uio coal irado, tilnk the present crowding tutu the market oTotders wilt take ullt lis coal that can ha con. venlcntly brought to market. Irthls Is pro bable neither the carrying; companies cur the Individual operators wilt be willing to halt. Both h.iv-o suffered Iu thopilstlro'ui shortenod demand and liiun luw prices. They' arc just now beginning to feel. Jubilant over tho Ihtle ofudvantaKO realized and the bolter prospects ul the future. Tho experience uf tho past In market will teaeh tho cxcfelae of judgment und uf caution In tho future. It Is nu part ol'ttuod policy to prices be. low lalny remunerative' pnlu'ia ub niuro than It Is wise tu ra'ise them uiniVu such pulniS. A steady cual market. In which tlie tian-port.i- tlun shall lie us equally distributed through out tin lateral months ut Hie i ar as uia be. Is iho thing desired, and such acunsuuiuiatluu will bo uiined nt lur the truJu sf tbfi), nliich Just now prutulsea most favorably. There Is nuw bul about u u.onth muru of active e al trade, aud thosj who may al the end uf that time bo short of fuel nil! laku euro to put lor- ward their orders, lu-day there Is iu Le an other lurtker advance in prices, unl us tho steadily Increasing demand lor c.aluia) tax the productive capacity oluperatuis there is leaf on (or taking advantage if tho earliest opisirtunlt.v to put In tho riqu.rcd supply. Tlie cur Ing clnpanus, as well ujiheope raturs, are making )ire)iaraliuus fur tho 1,uk est tonnage. Tlio Philadelphia uud Heading ltallroad Cunqiuii) has kased thu n Parvus uud shipping pun belonging to thu Delaware Lackawunnannd csiern ital.ruad Company at Lliziibethport, which Ihu latter couipaiiy lorincrl) used whan Itscual .ouuage went over tho Cenlial tiallruad ul rievv Juisey. lhcsu wharves l.ave ustitiq, lug capacity ol about twu luillluns of tons uf cual per annum. Wuik li .8 ulreitvy been cuuiiutiiccd ill riqiatrlng ibcui, and they arc expected lu bo road) lu receive ci,al by January 1st. '1 he cual fur shipment over whurvis will gu by the new lluuiul Uruok ruuiound tho Central Hah roid lo Hlizivbeihport. Tho retail price ut Lehigh und Schuylkill stove iu llilscny now . ulcs at ainiui t5J-j per lung ,ou, This is about ono dollar per ton above the lowest price or Iho current jear. and cuiuiul be said tu bounuxhorbltautchargn. It, and such as mojt i ruouccrs will bo sailslled with, l,ut,"us cual is a necessil), no one shuuld neglect a suiqil) fur duinestlcuses, lor us soon as a i caret is fell there will not tuna; bo lack lug uf partus. In and out ul the trade, tu cum uiand and lorcstall In pilcts. Thedeitlund Iroiu iho furnaces f.,r Ine I and from the m.ui u:aeiurlng regions ot New England, Is likely tu bo pretty active, and each will tdJu uway a veiy larnc amount of coal. Wo Uu nu. wi'U to appear lu ihe light ul ulurinls.s, but wo do destiothat doini stlo consumers shall stcurc Ihclr cual at luwcst prices. Lolgtr, Monday. Gas is to be intrialuccd into the nail works at V est i airview. Tho Pliicnix Pollery is turning out large quantities ul majolica ware. Twenty four girls find employment in the Ilouesdalo shirt factorv. A large furnaeo is being built nt Sharpsburg, Allegheny county. .Mullein liiivoa dividedly busy appearance at Itoucli's ship yard, Chester. " Forty new bouts are lieing built for use on the Delaware uud Hudson brunch. The lurnaeoiit lted Bank, Allegheny coun ty, will go into blust this week The Kutztown furnaces prnduco dully about tweuty-livo tons of No. 1 pig iron. Ode hundred tons of pig iron a week is what Meily's furnace at Lebanon is doing. Business is reported good ut tho Seruntoii silk factory, wero 105 hands aio employed. All establishment for tlio mauulacture ol threshing machines is talked of in Lock Haven. At the nail factory ofthe Pottstown Iron Company upwards of (1,(100 kegs of nails are made weekly. Piucgrove furnace (Cumberland county; last week made 122 tuns of No, 2 charcoal ou 42 jier cent files. A number of mills in Franklin county havo been cnmicllcd to shut duvvu, owing to the scarcity of water. An ndditinii is being made tn the Potts town Iron Company's works in older to ac commodate ihcrcasi'iig patronage. A largo charcoal lurilaee is being erected nt Jcll'crson on tho Schuylkill uud Susque hanna railroad, by Mr. John M. Kau'luan. llio 1 raukliu Irou works nt Heading uru employing sixty-five hands, ami the pro H.'cts are that tho number will soon bo In creased. A largo contract has been awarded the Scott Worksof Uoiidiiig for furnishing pumps and engines lor thu sewer system ol Uoston It is reported that tlie Bethlehem iron mills have iimro orders Tor work now than they Imve had nt any timtf during the last five or six years. They ure working with n full force of men, and making "over-time even to Ihe including ol the Sabbath. It is reported that Die Matilda furnace ill Mount Union, Huntingdon county, is soon lo be put in blast, after lying idlo i'ursevcral year Work is abundant with the Weslermm Iron Company, of Sharon and Kiinbcrly, Cirnes A Co., of Greenville. They now pay off every two weeks. sfR'ATIJ MlWSi The (muse of Joseph Hoggs, near Indiana, was struck tiy iigiiiiiiug ou e-.uuruay ami buiucd iluwn. Loss, $2,000, partially in sured, Alfred L-mg a miner, attempted tn jump on a moving coal train near lteiirer City, Schuylkill county, on Saturday, and wus iu itnutiy killed. Hon. Joseph M. Carson, of -Pittsburg, and a member ofiheGniutltcceptlon Commllte say's the General's expressed wish is thut the reception Le made as non-iurtisau us p-3-si We. A young man named Robinson, living near Ml, Pleasant, Washington county, was thrown from a wagon on Sutunlay, und had his neck broken by ono of tho wheels pass ing over it. lu Lancaster on Sunday night Samuel Purrish, who is paying attention to a young lady at that place, cowhideil Emanuel Ho hciii, u rivul lover, who had been trying to prejudice thu young lady against Mm. The rottsville tcning Chronicle, feeling the ell'ects of the good tunes in that most tangible ot lorms inerensesl advertising was issued on Ssttinlay lust us aneight-)iage i"(ef. . ThljisOtte ol Hie many evidences .ol goisl tium in Schuylkill county aud ol the iopularity ofthe Chronicle. The est.rte ofthe lute Cuji'aiu Bellzlioover, win) H)e, in Pittsburg last eok,iscsttmutiil at f 150,000. After lciving 2,000 a year lo a brother and the same to two ball sisters during their life, he gives the remainder ol his estato to an udopunl sou, nuw Dciug ed ucated iu Germany. The coal "booni" culminated at Pittsburg Monday, and the amount of coal sbipiod lo lower ports on Saturday and .vfsirnlav. amount,, in round numbers to 8,ooo,oiu bushels, ono. o (he largest arripmnrrta that has been made foMiiauy-years. About one half goes lo Cincinnati and the remainder is divided between Mudisou and smaller places. If you call on your druggist for" Dr. Scl- i-'- , c...,' r, , , . leraCuiizli S.vrup, we jilwlge iminedtute A hired man In Lancastsr nlo nineteen apple dumplings at a meal. He Was dis charged Suit has been entered In Allegheny conn-, ty by a youngOerman against two police offi cers for assaulting hi til wilrthelr clubs. Frank Sllchler, (ho youngest ofthe Habetr murderer?, nnd who was hung on last J-rl-day, was buried in tho garden at his old home. The burial was witnessed by hun dreds of persons. Mrs. Giovanni, the wifo of an Italian har i , . . . .. ! i.r !" ""foM.JMcliean Counly, attempted I sulcnlo nu Sutiuoy nlorhitig by cutting her i ,l.-.,, ...1,1. . '.-, - , , , , i.tlmwl.W"h "' -ll ' HmUgbt She i CIU)lri recover ! A man tiamcl BroWn arid n Vn.nan named Oeraghty .eloped from ihcLicknwuhnao...... , ty almshouse a few weeks ago and were . murrieil. Tliev ore now in iail forilrinkihg whisky and fighting. A envey of partridges on the farm ofSani pel Darner, who live hear Harmonyyille, Chester county, were Irightcinsl by a hawk .. lew days since, when they Hew ngiiust a barn with such force that they weio nil In stantly killed. President Gnwen and a number of capi talists and railroad men from New York and tho oil legions arrived at Heading Tuesday and Inspected the works of the Beading Company nt that place. They ure on a three diystrip through the coat rrgiuiM. They were at Poltsyille namo 'night, where they partook ol n banquet. At Mcadville, oil Saturday, while Court was in musinu, John Hood, from Parker City, met Samuel DeArment, a Justice ol the Peace fiom GrecnwiKsl township, ill Ihe Court House yard, nnd opened lire on lilui willi n revolver. The J. P. ran, Willi lit, enemy pursuing. nn,l, but for Ihn inlerler enee ol'thoShorilf, who knockcdllood down. DeAruieht would have been kilhd Iltsul charges bis enemy with having bruken up hia family. ltev. Murcus Ormnnd.aprosbyllrian min ister, well known in the western part of tin State, as n nun of linn learning, has lost all his knowledge of theology uml literature, li wits brought about by mlsfurlunes of dil fercut kinds. An unknown man was found dead on Tuesday iifienioon iu the woods on the farm of Hon. J. I). Ciimcfnii, tit Dauphin county. A hud ut his side and Ihero was an ujy wound in his breast The coromi's juiy ri'iider.-d a verdict that ho cuuio to his Heath by his own hand. Pints Stop t'nilglilrlpr, Some peojilo any, "I havo not gut IhoCon- sumpt " Thut may be, but il'yoit don't stop that Cough tho time will cumu whi n you will wish you had. II" you huvo weuk lung", a isiugh or consumption 111 its mild form, or asthma, go atotuoand buy a boltlo of Dr. Gcrnuiii'a Cough and Consumption (.uio j ami il, alter taking two-thirds ul the bottle, you iccelvo no benefit, plc.iso return the bottle, and get your money, as wo sell iio cure, no mil. Mothers give it to vour childicn no morphine or opium. Prlco 50 cents uud $1. Agent for Lehightoii, A. J, Hurling. Slop Hint Toodmclie. King's Magic Toothache Cure, stopj tooth ache 1 i live minutes or monev refunded. Pruv 25 cents. For sulo by A.' J. Durling. Lehighton. I. miles' Why anflVr t When Dr. Jn7n'".s Vtcrine Calholicon will tKisitively cure telltale weakness, suel, us falling of iho womb, whiles, chronic, m tlammatioii or ulceration of tho womb, in cidental hemorrhage or flooding, painful, suppressed and inegulnr Mcnsttiratitm, Ac. An old uud reliable icmedy. Send postal card lor a pamphlet, with treatment, cures, and certificates from plivsieiansand patients, b, Ilow.irth & Ballanl, Utiea, N. Y. Sold oy all Druggists uud by A.J. Durlmg, Le higlitcu $1.50 per bottle. uovS-yl e.o.w. C'olliiiiiiiition Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, hud placed in his hands by an East India missionary tlio formula ofu simple vegetable remedy for the sieeily and pcimniienl cure for Consumption, Bronchitis.Cnlarrh, Asth ma, und all und Lung Affections, also a positivo nnd iitdical cure fur Nervous Do bility u'ld ull Nervous Complaints, after hav ing listed its wonderful curativu powers iu tlioussiids uf cases, has felt il his ilulv lo make it known lo his suffering fellows. Act uatcil by Ihis motive nnd ndisiit! to relievo unman sullering, I will send fice of chiirga to ull who desire it, this recipe, iu German, French or English, with full diiections for preparing and using. Sent by mail by ad dressing with stamp, namingthis paier, W. W. MiiKitAii, H'J Puneis' Block, Itoehcster -V. If. 12.0.O.W. vVnnU'tl. Shcrlnan A- Co., Marshall, Mich. want an agent in this county ut once, ntu salary oi r I ut) jier muulliuudcxienscs jiaid. For lull particulars address as above, ly. .illltltlt I. McKT.EVEn Kt I'IZ. At ' Sunnyddo Munso," thu res deuce ol Ihuidtlchitlna cler Kyiuau. aturduy eve Inn, V, lsiU Itoberl .UoKeunr lulim. K.JKuiei, of i aiiiHtuqua, iho Itev .lamia A. l.llile, oi llukeuiiiiuiiuu, utlieiutlr. SHMMLL-I'A ITI.IISON.-OnlhoSllult., by ltev. t. llirdiuluuicw, ut iho risideni-e ul thu orldu'i p.iltlill, Malu r J. heliilnel ii ii-1 Min Adeiiuo l'uttersun, both ul Oils ,uruhnf,'i HnW.vlAN-FRITZINDUIt. On Ihe rth lust., i,y the same, John Huwiinin und Miss .oa.iloa r'. i'r.lzhiger, both ur Easl I'eini towiishlp. i)ii:i). KOf'HElt. !n West l'tni,,c,n (ho H'h tt't., Catherine Kochcr, aged "0 jcurs, 6 months and 6 mi) a. LlESclt.-Iii West I'enn, on (ho 18th ult., William l.eiseru ed it vears, Jl months and It du) a. ICltK.MHIl In West I'enn, un Hie20:h ull.. Hannah, ihuirhter uf Alicuurl and Hafuuru Kreuicr, uguu 3o je.irs and 3 days. HLOSi;. In Tunainensluis, un (be SI ult., . Culharlne, wild ul ll.' i iiaiiilii lllolo, aged 6- yearr, o inuiitbs and SI dii a, It HEEIIY. In East I' the lost, Chris. Han Frccby, aged ,01 years, lu mouths find 8du-. I.i'Itlliloii l'roitiico .IlllrUcl. CollllkCTKO WtEKLV. Flour, per sack ft 00 Corn, per bushel ,u Dais, per bushel 45 .MlXed Oho),, por cwt J 40 Middling., per cwl 1 4U Hian, ier ewt , o Butter, ier pound St Egus, per duzeu -J4 lluiii, periiuund , )u I.ard. per pouud u Nliuelders, per Hiund 7 1'uialuts, )wr bushel ftj Closing prices of Dkhavk.n it Tovtnskxh, Stock, Government and Gold, 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Nov.,20, Ih71l U as i.'a. 1631.., .IK'i bin IGJli ,sir , 1 -s bin r- it askto .KUIl Uhl 10.1, s.r . nevoid lUSiaakea ..oi ui.l iil.ji atkee ..411, Dill 4SSl4-se .. 33 ml 3.IS .used .. 6i bill otn uueucv 6's, o. c. Vissi. new u. r., 4it'a 'nuw U S.4' neW,... Pennsylvania It. H.w... rtnlu. & Heading It. It. lhlgh V.llfy H, It.... la-tilgd Coal Juv. Lo rc't aid tii iskto tlnlfsl Cunirsnies ot S.J. (tit ,. id ."ilherii central . It... vi b n ISO riBSIC ID riSKCU llostnnvllle l'as. It. It. o 73 bid 25sj 0 . His. tit. A Hair. 11 II. Co. C.'V Old V aste Cenlra, Tiaiisvuitullun Co (jSbl t 41 XorlbcTn PabtUo Cum. .s bid sok oasec 1'iel'd. M Mil '7 asLer North Pemiarlv m:a It. It. 4 ii bid 6i : assert In i. Co ol Nnrih America us M s(. o.tts. -liter, fl lodes.) tills btC t aslec Special Notices. OO.000 A YKAH for honef l.lntelllirnt V"Uiei int-'iioruKtiiiiF. Nuw bu lint, fa ; Uhl ifurit. 4titiurteti C'O UrltATtVI An KM. a, fUIru 4 uio. A MONTH fruaraatveil, tlSu 1j tt li'iinu iHftilo Us ili (UtlutfiJou. apiiA nut t quiu u i j v,li mait tUU. ietl. WOII.a?( It. Tat Ullll Pirtaa lUtittPUiMtiry iulri ui work lor a Iimu it iu. iinnpcl Jit- uork i litflit nuii)i eoKit t,nm, itch u aiiroii can K rifcbi at. Tuone w uu urp wria wlio hCB Uii iiuilcw will mdiIui Ibelrnd ilrrsiteo Ht tuc4j u u etj lot- tlemivt a. c'kIi Outfit and lei mirie Nuw i tut lime, i now li-ea.trui wir are laluup Utieo utn-uf monev Addre-s THU.-; A O., AUirUMiii. Malue. Jun7.-iy K A T N A. S." T1IK WKEKLY (V PIT ALU a flrslrflau Newipaixr, alviag Utn and n.oal rallabl State news, (sent uunyaddresa.iiusiuire iUl all inonlha for 60 cenia (Ine rar fur a.oa. 8ampi. eopy fre.. HUUSyS k. KWINO, Now Advertisements. Jf tOU AllE IN SEED OF ' Boots, Shoes, , lints, Cajw, or, Gents' RtttlUliilig Gotxld, GO TO T.D.CLAJUSS,Agt., THE rOPULAR Hcrchant Tailor, Uatlk Street, Leliightoni pniocs viinV 1.6 w ftin oasu. tu mbllc patronaue tollclleJ, augl$-tr Itenntttrullv announces to the people ot Le- iiIku.uii .... n ...i.ity, in. ... .i.uvr-jr- p.ireil lusu)in) lueiu 111.11 1111 aiiiu. vi Housrhold FumitUre Manufaeiiireil from tlie liest Seasoned JIMe. rials at l'rlcos fully us lew as thamearilclr. ciin tw liunht lor 1." where. Hero are a lew ul the Indiiceuiciits ottered I I'lrlnrSetsni Ironi 50 lo 0 Walnut llrcs'lnK tJase Heilriiuin Sulies. 3 pleees 40lot9 P.ilnicil Itedriiiiin ultis 15tuj4J 1'iine t-eal-il l.lialra, I ersl ol a.... t Common Im Irr, per rel ul 0 t4 and ull other Uno,l eiiiiillv cheap. In this eonm CI Ion, I desire to eall the at tention ut the I'ei'i lo lu in) ample f.n:llltie U THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS, wlthaNKW anil HAMISOJ1K HKA'KSr, and il lull tine ,! OAMi fcTS and UOKKl.-o, I am prepaied u attend prumpily 10 all ur tiers In this line, ut lowest prion. 1'atronuKU rirpcetlully rollclted and tk must uu.jile (ullsUctl n icuarantced. V, Si HW.tllTZ, octlJ HANK St., Lehighton. A S IMi'OUTANT DUTY t your estate I'" rtthit'ieht tu p'uUcl yu'r l .uii. i) and dear oius uKatuel want ? It nut Till" NEW UKX LIFE ASSOCIATION Uf iMUfcADKLl-HIA, Provides that ,rotocllon.ntalui O.ia-TmnD ihu e, al hereiulure charired by I. He Insurance (.Niinpunles. This Arsneiailuii whs Charterad In lb. S. und Low has upwurds uf 1.-1 , I ....I.ll: ..A. f"'ltlik" or " Afsets." subject to astr.ia. mem to payileatli luasis. li has l int Inn Unto uslestmcnta, though nearly lotlr jeara uld. And itiiiueeineiil tu become n member when yuuiiir and v ow uhl In, Hie Association, Is ottered by nlwayn afse? slnir the member as uf th age uititn joining, and limiting the amount as fulluws : f.Wi nn tlinre aged SO to 4.1 Inclusive. i3ouU un thue uui-d 40 tu Co Incliisiie. (2000 un thuiie aved bl to 65 Inclusive. aluvu t n tlioio aged 60 tu OU Inclusive. The young man who Is striving to u ake till fortune ami supiiou is l.,nill), should join Ibis Association, It;8t thefurlUnu may fall him, leaving his laiuliy In penury. Ttie iliultatluns are gjeiUily made that the yuuug man u ay have prutcelun without pay. Ing I he ci'Sls iirujicny eiiargeable to Ihuso whu neglected llie duly heu )uunger. TIIK MANAUEliS ARK: tlx-Oov. James Pollock, I'hlla.. President. H li. HuMi, Helleluuie, Vlce-Pn sldeni. Wf I'. Jem, con, Phlladi'lulila, bee. anil Trea, J li. prugle, Philadelphia. Jaima a, ."Icl'oiiKi-. Philadelphia, tlharlea Mockham, Cainiteii, New Jersey. V. II. Malln, i hestuul Hill, .Med. txmula'r, Hun Henry (J. Illck.-k, Philadelphia. W. C. Puliuuk, Philadelphia, Slembcra may bo aifeelod and farther Infer, nation obtained through '. 11. AI.KXANDEU. Ijlflo Hotel, Uatasnuqua. Pa., Or, , HAM. It. UlI.llAM, Agent fur IvhUhton dull vlclRlty, next lu (ht '(Jaitiun Huusu." ,ciI8 ma C;1 Oflfl prnlllann3Mtat'auiTealinen( C1 fin pltU of-OIBclul Iti-purl., Iiee-S?1UU rruirUuual leluius every week uabtuvkou Hull'. ,1 iiO. - IV. a.00, . .. AdOrcta T. r 1TEH W1UUT & CO. UuUlerf.H Wall St $25lo$5000S irlRT-.'-l la .ll.IWUW,. w,.K, . ,.. ,ni,n-n.. nn." . f w . .ptl.uuilMa a).liiii,r,wr.lliixliiM.l. l'ull.itU,.l.n, t.. th,a 19 An. Ha, llaowa a fo., lUiik.i., M Drulbt.h. V. Young Men and I.adlca to learn Telfura. phy. (Iud slluutluna guaraulecd. Addrtaa rlth stamp. Oiikklix TkLnnuArn t'o., Oberlln, Ohln. 1 (l tn 11 (1(1 Inverted In WallSt.Slncka s?lll toimi mnV,,, fonuuea eiery inniith. HiMtiientrruuexplalnln everything. Aidirera UAXTblt 6t CO., llauker, 7 Wati St.. H. Y. S11 Uonih and expeuaei guarantied tn .. Agenta, Oututfrve Hluw t Co , At. ouaT4 itiin 7arainlMpenaef toaamla. Out. V i ' ' fit ffi-o Xddrtta P. O. V1UKEKY, Augusta, .Maine, i Eroeured for aotdlera dtaabled In U. S. aarvlee y reasons ul woaoda and other eauaea. AH prnsliina date back today of dlieaarce. l'cnlloni Increased. Address with stamp, sToiiAit i- & co.. No. 913 K St., K. W., Washington. I). O. uct.SA lm. - Tiir. giii:4t causi:. (SS HUMAN MISERY. Jutt rullithed, (n a Staltd Fntttvye, PrUt U, A LEU I U j;0 - NA'I UUK ill i.AT.' AND AUIOAL tuie t be I. iul k e..kue, m rice iuat.rri a . luducto U t-t.t, A u nu luruioiilttiv tmiion , liiiHtt$i:or, Nuivmi't iHltilm, vul iuiuetiitut u iu lai lIltlvB A.ei.Clltl.1 , l 'UttlUtl)ll'U, h.U i cy, utl t-'ita. .-it-ncai ftul P.i.mcHl JiitNiiui'iit, Uv HOllflU J t:l LV tliWiuUf M, D.. aullj. Tli woil'livuowh ilau uMr.lnUiiandniirabta lett'irr.c railv tutma lim Mi nvu mef. ii-ntettm tiifaiwia iiit)iei.urfiu i-aluk ui y ffic ua ly ujitvtu ttiUoUi txiiciuf, uuu without ii iifipitiua (u HJical dM-rkiiM, botiKifita uinruui lit b, j In u ooidiaiUf iuibu tug t-ul i im 4 - ttuftt at unc wMu ard ft lectuat. Ir wbch auaiei. no iktirr oil iii id v I uay CUIO luttltVif r liea i h.privi tttv abU itHilcajtj, 47 7 Ail lee hi it villprm 0len to MttK txk 4 and thumtj Bent jwdfieal, iu a utit.D tor lopa to car adJrexa. ua n ccipl ol az cvuU or lu potuaa ntu ui li a. Addrei' tho puhltt her. The Culvtrnrll Mciirrtfl fa., 41 A.NNBU, aNLWVOUKl tyt oo: Pox, oflv 4prJ-rt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers