EDITOn LSIIiatlTON.PA'.! BATURDAY. N0VEMBER2J, 1879i" With Hits number of tlic Carrus Ad vocate wo complete our seventh volume, nn.l the first volume ofits enlargement from 24 (o .12 column. luring the pall year we have Increase! our circulation by 400 new patrront, and "still they cotne." Subscribe now rnrl commence wlthi tho new volume, It is ONLY ONIC DUI.LAS mil TEAK I Gen. Grnnt says that any plans which have been matle for his future, have been initio without eotisivltntlon with him, ami therefore without his consent, l'aio I A telegram of the 17lh Inst., Informs us that Klita rinhson, of Loulslanna Return itiK DourJ noturiety, wasarrestet in Canton, Mission Saturday, charged with thu mur der of her husband, wlio 'died suddenly on that day. And nuw Gen. Grant iVgivinj? goat ad vice to the people of this country. His re ported words are ! "Let us be true to our 'Selves; avoid all bitterness and ill feeling "cither on tho pait of sections or parties, or '"towards each other." What a pity this ad vico had nut been Riven a few days earlier, then lliosertwuor three Weissporlcrs might luve saved tho money it cost them for their tiwuttr parade on the evening of the itfi. A lottery dealer In New York has brought suit against Postmaster James in the Supreme Court of that Slate for $2500 dam ages for alleged Illegal detention of Micro. It is claimed that the law authorizing the lW.mastcr General to detain letters concern ing lotteries ami similar schemes, is uncon stitutional, "as it Inakr the Postmaster Gen er.il sole and exclusive judge, jury and sher id', mid deprives tho plaintiffs of their prop eity without due process of law, and in vio laiiou of tho provisions of tho Constitution." A rpeeial dispatch from Washington' 1) C, dated Xfiv. 18th, says The printing of the estimates for the year ending June SO, 1SS1, was completed to-day. The esti mates of the amounts required for expend! tine under the War Department aggregate $20,310,701 for the military establishment and $7,557,045 for public works of various hinds, including about $5,000,000 for river and harbor Improvements, $1,000,000 for sea coast fortifications, $774,000 for buildings In and around Washington, and $657,000 for arsenals. Tho cost of tho Xaval Establish ment during the next fi'cnl year Is estimated at $14,509,148. The estimates for the Indian service foot up $4,002,912 ; for foreign inter course, $1,185,135 j for salaries and expenses of collectors of intcnal revenue, $4,075,000, for expenses of mints and assay offices. $1, 200.S10; fur salaries, expenses of the Treas ury Department proper, $2,0fil,G72 ; for the Interior Department proper, $2,140,774 ; for deficit in the liostnl revenues, $7,712,000 j for the construction of new lighthouses, bea cons, and fog signalsr$074,000 ; for new Gov ernment buildings throughout tho country, $2,217,000 j for judicial salaries and expen ses of courts, $3,250,000! for jiensions, $32, 404,000; for salaries and expenses of the two Hiuues of Congress (about), $2,SOO,000 ; for s-ilancs of President and Vicc-Presidiiit and expenses of the Executive office, $07,104 ; fjr cxK!nscs of the tenth census, $2,250,000. Tho grand agsregate of the estimates is l.:fl,"47,120. The total amounts n'iprnpri n'ed b Congress for tiic current fiscal year was $162,101,013, which Included $25,005, 0011 for arrears of pensions, and about $3, 000,000 for tho District of Columbia. No estimates for either of these purposes arc sub mitted ui the bo ik of estimates this year. The Washington correspondent of the N Y. San, under date of the I llh iust.,givcs tho following as the programme of the man a;ers of tho Grant third-term movement : " Ucn. Grant's written speech, delivered in Chicago on Wednesday, is of itself signill cant, but when takeu in connection witli t letter received here by one of the managers of the third term boom from ono of Grant's most intimate ami confidential friends, this carefully prepared speech becomes especially significant. In his letter Grant's fiiend says that ill due time Grant will let it be known authoritatively that he is at the the disposal ol tho American people: or, in other words, that if nominated by the Republican parly he will accept. At the same time, it is as serted that Grant will not be a sectional candidate. Ho expects support from the South, and if elected President ho will not bo a sectional President. He is to play the rolo of tho great conciliator. This, his PiesidiiiU.il managers think, will be most appropriate. Tiiey argue that, after tho election of 18S0, the people of theNorth will be heartily tiled of tho sectional issue, and that the South will be rierlwlly willing to abandon its prdfeicnco for Deniocratiu doc trines and Slates rights theories and go in Willi a will fur n great nation, a strong gov ernment and plenty of i.oiIs. They say that Grant, having been out of tho country, is not responsible for the present sectional attitude of the Republican pally. Ho is not going to remain in tho country this winter, but will go to Cuba und Mexico, and will not return to tho United States until next spring. Then he will land at New Orleans mill make n tour through tho Southern States. According tn the scheme so careful ly matured, Grant will not be a candidate in the ordinary tense of the term. Tiio no mnation, in other words, is to be thrust upon him, and ho will accept In a way that, vhilu it will not alienate tho Republicans, will make him many votes in the South. Ilia tour through the South next spring is tn pave tho way forthlipaitoflheprogrammo. I happen to know that this schemo will be much more acceptable to a grcaur number of Southern pciuocratj than is generally fipscd to U j-osiibie, A aoupif!t,'is Domocralln Congressman from a Southern State, who was a distinguished General in tho rebel army, told me not long ago that he was thrown iuto clow connection wilh Grant at the close of the electoral count in tho (prl)i,r 1877, and In this interview his preconceived opinion of Grant was entirely changed. He was satisfied, ho said, that th Southern leaders had maife n gieat mis take lu keeping aloof from Uraut during his right years reign at the White House. If they hud made tho ell'ort they could have had his coiilideiiM and his friendship. Another time, if tho chance ofl'eicd, he trusted they would not make the same mis take." Another railroad between PitUburg and Chicago i under cmimplation. Tho new rout Ufa U' twenty two miles shorter than the prcteni, J is to past through five coun ties oi uuio, u'lik-u navu nu annual niriu fnnluction valued atover$12,00U,0u0. The estimated cost of tit ruud is $2,500,000, nt which amount nurture capitalists are ex ptyitvi tn contribute $260juo0, the balance heiVf raited at the other end ul the lino, frank VwpU-Ol, a ynung.mtn of Harris- l. ii.... r.n. n In n... iir-r. wat thrown innn a r,:".':r,.;:.: ji'jrt ft "tt'jrlar and intta nuny ntm. Hi r. MORTHIMKIt, SPECIAL COMMENCE. Onr Letter front Wpnlilntrtonr Doing at the A'ational Capital Secretary Sherman showing hit temper The Thomas Iloom and the viiit of the Army of the Cumberland Our Country' Prosperity. WjieniKciTdtf, D. C, Nov. 17, 1879. Coniidorable gossip is indulged In nl the Treasury Department over a set-to-between Secretary Sherman and Dlrcctorof tho Mint Dim-hard. It scemi that the latter it a sil ver fanatic, and haa been running all tho Mints full capaeity mf!olning-sllver,ctved-lug the miiiimiinn amount prescribed by law, largely. In the tnenntimo there- has been a great scarcity of tho tmnllter gold coin, and the Treasury has found itself una ble to supply the demand for them. Mis action of tho Director coming to the notice of the Secretary, he sent for him, and the mutter was talked over. Is rlewof the lin meuse accumulation of allvcr tn the Treas urery, the Secretary was very naturally un able to nee the propriety of exceeding the amount prefcribed by the law. Reports say that he became so much worked upas to In dulge In language which must forever bar him from attendance on tho Sunday night prayer meetinjrai tho White House. This city will, on Wednesday, witness probably the grandest demonstration ever seen here, at the unveiling of the equestrian statue of Gen. George II. Thomas, the "Hero of Chicamauga," under the auspices of the Army of the Cumberland Association, which has made this ceremony the occasion of a grand re-union, lasting two days. Tele grams are rojrlng in fiom all section of the county, indicating that the number of visi tors to tho city will be very large. The at tendance of members of "the Army of the Cumberland, will exceed In number th-i ?t any former occasion. Tho statue arrived hero last week, and was placed in osilion on Saturday. It is a fine work of ait and nn excellent likeness, and is said to be the finest statue iu artistic merit in the city. The figure of the horse is lire-like in perfection. Tlie animal is represented as having come to n halt at tho summit of a slight acclivity, while the rider is survcyingtho scone before him wilh the keenest inteicst. Tho model was made by Mr. J. Q. A. Ward, of N. Y., who was engaged upon It for four years. Tho casting was mado by Bugean Brothers & llcaton, of Philadelphia. Tho work ol casting was commenced last May, and was finished two weeks ago. The horso was cast in thrco pieces, nnl the figure of the rider In two pieces. The statue cist tho Army i f the Cumberland $10,000, and pedestal est the Government $20,000. Tho weight of the statue and base Is 7,50S (founds. The ar rangements for the unveiling ceremonies have been made on the mostexlcnsivc scale, and are in chargo of General McCook, of the local association. Thero is also a citizens' committco of 100, headed by Justice McAr thur, who have the double office of co oper iiting in this celebration and afterward ar ranging Tor tlie reception of General Grant when ho comes to this city. A platform, with a seating canacitv of 2,000. will be built around the ciiclc for the accommodation ol invited guests. It will be elaborately deco rated with bunting. Thcttroots and houses within a radius ol a quarter of a 'nilo will be decorated, and the business men ire urgently requested to make handsome dec orations on the various iiitersectiinr streets. At tho unveiling ceremonies General ili- Conk will preside Hon. Stanley Matthews win deliver tlie oration, ami as the statue is unveiled tho Star-Spangled Banner will be sung with a chorus of a thousand voices and the Marino Band accompaniment, to which it is pioKised to add an artillery boom, in measure wilh the music, by a battery ol eight guns from Fort Mcllcury, under com mand ol Captain Pennington, Second Aitil Icry. The Cumberland Army Ilyiuti, words by II. A. Preston, music by'Max Mueller, will also be sung, and there will be tho us ual invocation and blessing. Light battery (.', 1st Aitlllerv, tlie batteries at Fort Me Henry, the Marine Coips mid detachments I mm the United States vessels Portsmouth, Saratoga and Marion will untie. The ves sels will lio oir the city and respond with their heavy guns to the'liglila t llery uolio that tho statue, has been unveiled. From iiilorination obtained at the Bureau ofStatUticsI f 1 1 nl that the condition of busi ness ollairs iu our country continue very encouraging. Tho harvest has proved abun dant, order from abroad arc largo an i pleli-t-ful, and iiiimoiisc arrival; of snld f.'eni huioiw to settle tho trade Uilanc-s iu fainr of tho United States, nro chronicled almost every day by the Now Yoi k papers, showing that America's Hoaling indebtedness abroad has been largely paid. The only danger to bo iippiehcnded in this condition of thing', lies in the tendency to specuialo recklersly. The month of October was remarkable lor the development of un extraordinary activi ty and buoyancy in both stooksaud merchan dise. Tho bot business authorities unite in regarding tlie great buoyancy of tho market as being lounded iu pajt iiion a good basis, ami a consiaernoio reaction Until the depress ed prices of recent years is believed to be fully warranted by the improved outlook iu nearly all branches of business. On the other hand, it is equally true that there is a rampant speculative spirit at work, which causes tho wiser and cooler head some un easiness. During the month, the produce markets were very active, and wheat was buoyant. Tho iron trade was conspicuous for its larie and ranid advance in nrices. Gold imports at New York during October aniounieti to anout iu,uuu,ouu, with a con siderable amount afloat InlRi London and Paris at tho close, besides. Tho sales at the New York Stock Exehango were among the heaviest over known, and tlie volume of business in railroad stocks and bonds was Immense. Members arriving express dissatisfaction at tho changes in the Hall of the House. Alterations aie not as extensive as was ex pected, and beyond making a largo and convenient lobby will not at nil improve the light or ventilation of the hall. Sie.ikcr Randall has said that the space shall not be used nsiiEcneral lobby, but that he will have the rules so amended as to make it a part of mo noor oi i no House bo lur as ixlimssion Is concerned. This is all vcrv well, but will nut stand tho pressure very long. Ai'qust. ouii vasui.c;ton sitciai.. WAsmxaTos, D. C, Nov. 18, 1870. About tho nearest thing to a political sen sation hero since the late elections, is the at tack of Secretary Schurz'St. Louis newspajier on tho State Department. The U'c.,icr Tost Is owned in part by Mr. Schurz and when it canto out with tho bold chargo that tho Department of State is the only one un der tho government where "rascality earns promotion and honesty is punishedIt natur ally raised a storm here. Tho Republicans geucrally wero highly Incensed and those among them who are not admirers of Mr. Schurz were especially prouounccd In their denunciations. It may not be news to say that a largo portion of llio friends of Gener nl Grant look with great disfavor upon the present secretary of tho Interior and regard him somewhat as did tho western Senator who last winter referred to him ns a "iioliii. cal tramp" with several expressive adjec tivci thrown in. The Editor of tlie Nation al JifpuMican is one of these aud bo pitched into S;hUi so savagely that the gossips said bis resignation must follow. Mr. Schurz promptly published a disclaimer wherein ho reiterated tho declaration mado at the time he went Into the Cabinet, vizi that his edi torial i-oiiiM-ctioii with thepjier then ceased ami that he would bo at little responsible for its utterance at it in for his nlllcial acts. This would seem to relieve tlie Secretary from tho odium of having personally assaif ttl toe character of hljohVial colleague. It Is well understood that only the-editor of i uowspaicr is morally and personally repon sible for its expressions, and that a inro owner lu part is not to be held accountable for them iu that sen.. Such, at feast, is tfia recognized rulounder ordinary cireunutanca. Eut hi assistants say that neither Mr. bYhurrntr hU friends will he able tu recon cile with good faith or good late Ilia hold ing of even a propriety interest iu a news upjr that so wvagel v attacks tho Adminis tration, of which ho la-hiiiKclfa part. Congress is coming ugaiu soon and all of Washington is eetliur readv for ili The boUidlug houses are ex-cially active In turning their old oariietr or putting down - 5, 'twwu new once, ami straiuiiie every etRrl tput tho bust tido out. it win rime jiveiv twivej '"".r', ", '.v' . "u , .Tiki lO-it'fllnrU In I h. Inr.nMin f ,...,l..l,. . ., I ... , ., . . ' , , . "i.. .v:.T:,'".?'Vl.;,,i'r"'',,. "u-'''j'l'.'iminoui it ine yernocrattr tiaefe H.l..ll. .4MKl.kHJ U- 11.. 1.1. .1 l! ii i.jvi i i . i ai.iii.imaucu vj mo iniormMiiii', should hurry up the necessary business ami adjourn cariy,ioavingailtueouisidemiillera, in which so many hangers on an interested to takeraretif Iheniselvet. Nobody rati bre! diet what these crazy Congressmen, will, do when tlii-y get it it, but I am kiclinedito think they will all be on thelr-good behavior this winter, and keep a good lookout lor breakers. Alexander Stephens tays he be lieves the DermK-rai t1wmll derte 114 tn selvcs to necessary IcuVutirniimf amid ex citing pivrtimn ihscmwinoa anu mnnoouver ings for IIU coming Ittsirfenllal campalifti. The i.!ii)l at Hit' entire country, he thinks, are tireifnf partisan wrangling in Congress, and desire-the Representatives to turn their backs apon tho past and look only" to the fuluis. They want wise legislation and actual reform In tho affairs of Government, and will support that party which will b gov erned by this standard A meeting of the Republican National Committee hat been called for lira ITtH of December, In this city, owl it l xected that there will be something of a contest for the chairmanship madnvacanX by the death of Senator Chandler, Governor-elect Cor nell, ol New Yorkr is a candidate for the place, backed by th Influence of Senator Conkling, who is now here. A pretty gen eral notion prevails that the New York Sen ator is likely to have a good deal to say about this and other things connected with the party. A kml journal says that no man can be nominated for President to whom Conkling is unfavorable. Mr Wm. E. Chandler stands a fair chance ol being made secretary of tho committee. The time and place for holding tho national conven tion next year will most likely be fixed at this meeting. Either New York or Chicago will be chosen as the place: probably the latter. Senator Chandler, it is, said, favored Chicago, and his known wish is likely to influence tho committee in some decree. There died In Washlngtona fewdaysago, a woman of whom I could write interesting reminiscences enough to fill more than thrice the space of this letter. She had lived an eventful life, and occupied for many years a conspicious tilace in the social and politi cal Hides of tlie national capital. I refer to Mrs. Margaret Eaton, widow of Joliu II. Eaton,, Secretary of War under President Jackson. She had been three times mar rh-d , first ton paymaster named Timber lake, alterwards to General Eaton, and later iu life to an Italian dancing master named Buchignani, who afterwards eloped with her granddaughter and went to Italy, tak ing a good share of her money, upon which he lived thero iu affluence. Mrs. Eaton, living to an advanced oge, was u woman ol four generations, and to listm to her remin iscences was lo call the events and charac ters of a long chapter of American history. She was tho daughter of a Washington tav ern keeper named O'Neill, and it was the immutable laws of caste, more potent in Washington filly years ago than now, that caused her to disrupt a Cabinet and play havoc with the official circles. She was a great favorite with Gen. Jackson, and with tho gentlemen generally, but scorned by the wives and sisters. But tho story is too lung to tell here. Her beauty as a girl and as a matron is a matter of tradition. These who have seen her lately will recall a fans livid and tremulous witli age, but still retaining its spirited outline, and softened and shad owed by clustering masses of gray hair. She died peacefully, and among her last utter ances was a reference to tho beauty of the world we live in. Dux Pkdko. STATU 1 KWS. A precious gem is " Seller's Cough Syrup" has never been known to fail in curing colds, coughs, and hooping cough. Prico 25 cents. Pittsburg milk dealers are forming a com bination to advance the price of milk. The stable of Mr.Charles Heinz,at Sharon, was entered by somo unknown party re cently, and a valuable horso disemboweled. Twenty-five acres of land hayo ecen se lected at Ashland, Schuylkill county, upon a part of which tho Miners Hospital" will bo elected. A colored man was recently attacked by a pirrow hawk that hail been confined lii a room at Clinclicstcr, Delaware countyand severely injured. Patrick Waril,abrukeman on Iho Phila delphia and Reading road, was found dead on top of a freight caron Saturday mt rniug. He had been struck by a bridge. Tlie Standard, published at Tunkhannock, has been sold by Mr. John M. Garman to Messrs Bacon Jc Son, who promise to main tain it os a strong Democratic advocate. "Never mind nic, s.tvo my boyl" was what old Samuel Mosely, a miner, yelled while buried under a mass of coal with his on at Wadesvllle shaft, near rottsviile, on Thursday. The boy was saved and tho old man crushed to death. A lumberman,i few days ago found a hun ter named Daggers, of Tobyhanna, lying by the side of a 418-iMiund dead bear in" an ex- hausted condition. Daggers had whipped the bear in nn encounter in which he used n large bowio kuife. At a price not yet made known Mr. T. J. Watson, ol Smith' Ferry, Allegheny county, anu a ji. tv uiocn. oi j uisuurg. nave pur chased a tract of oil land in tho Bredtord re gion containing nino wells, With a daily pro- uuciiou ui too uarrcis. All old man, known by no other name than that of ." lies, exhibited a razor tosome persons with whom ho was talking in Brad dock's, on Friday, and said ho had a notion to cut his throat with it. Somo ono said "cut away," and he did, severing the wind' pipe and expiring in a few moments. Peter lionE, sued sixtv vears, a resident ui jjaniiigTiiie, upon returning nomo nt a .... i- . . . late hour on I-riday mailt, was compelled to cross a culvert on the Reading and Co lumbia itailnmd, and while doing so made a misstep and fell to the bottom, where ho was lounu in an unconscious condition on Saturday morning. Ho was taken to his homo and medical aid summoned, but his Injuries nro such that he cannot survive. Rev. G. F. Jaegcr.awcll known Lutheran minister, died at Hamburg on Sunday, in nis cigiiiy-uiini year. David Reeves, a well-known citizen of Wyoming county, died on Saturday from injuries niuicieii ny a runaway horse. New Advertisements. P'OR- OXE SiailT ONLY 1 KATE THAYER GRAND CONCERT CO, Wi'l Rive one of their CetobnIM Concerts at IDe MANSION IIDUSK. UAUUH UUUNK ru, on the l.VKNI.su OF Tuesday, December 2, 1879 The Coicpiinv Is composed of the foliowfug Itiirinru Amsisi MUS. HELKN IfortMAJf. Contralto. big rAOLiAriEntA.n.iritoue, MfatE.T llKJACAItltKVO. PlanUto. it it. i. AttllUCICI.E, Cornetlsl. MB. c !'.. IMIirr, Aro mpanlst. MR. WILL. K. PHAPMASf,, IKicctor uud Maunder w. r. Monsrc, .Vor.E-wJ Jluslnraa Manager. HOLIDAY GOODS! The undrrrlrneil returns her tine so thanks to the people of Lehlghton nnd vwnutv for tho liberal patroutae exiendrd tnlirrwlni' ioet led in that place, and re-iMctfiilly infoimn thero tht h IlKMOVKUtotnoiew ai.d e egllit Ktoro-ltnom. FIVE UoOlIS BhLOW ltAeJESTIUiHT, on Susquehanna St., Sfh Chunk, I where the W II tie pleated tn meet her old friends. She Uttjatt received a Mew Stock ol NotionsiFancy Goods, CtiuiJi'lKlng UMJKIIWEAII, nKI'MN AND UKUMANTU.VM WOOL UOdlKltY, loi. poned and lomestio UM ItutDKUV. IlIllllii.Ns, OLOVKH. and a lane vane v of tho Recent Designs in Fancv Hoods tuitaolo lor HOLIDAY 1'IIESENTS ! Tojfe her wtth a Urae ranrtr of Gooda Dot wnt-rWlr heoi In any oiht-r aton in town. It yon i'.o not ee wliat Ton wani k lor it aud I wit aft it lor von taharenf patrouage t ao uv-.tiuuMtiiiiii;iiiii KUJirnuietNis u - - - . llfni fl TlnTlnAliinnnhlm Mrs. C. DeTscnirscWcy, SuqiM?haaua btreet. 5th sio-e itfinw (iur hu, A UDirOU'S KOMCf. In the matter ot tht Fitita of JTnirnh It. Kel'lel, atslgneil to Henry lloyer. Th- un. rierilaued Auditor, appotnttd -i the Court or Common I'lea.e of Carbon I'oimty, to make distribution ol the funds In the handt of said Astlguce. and If oecetsarr toie-teltUand re state the acoouM Died, will attend tolhedu. I w, HJoiuniiBqi on vi a-uiv r-allA Y. tli ISih day of NOV KMHEK. A. 1). ills, at i at 10 o'clock lo the lomHtfio. john klike. Auditor. tM. 7, IHt f New Advertisements. -j-ElHOHTON POOR DISTIUtT. WENnEI.I, SOHWA11TZ, Treasurer,' In account with the I.ehlgMon Poor District for the year ending May l, 1S7P. RECEIPTS. Ti-Balance asper last report $ 689 IS " Amount er Implicate For 1879 lotz 49 " A mount Received from Jos. Dram. bore 9 oo Ameanirteciveuirotn Jamerat- tinner.... . ft so " Amount received from llorouirh... i to " Amount received Iroui H. ltlikey. , S5 oo tC3 12 Ivess Rxoneratlon on dtrHleate for 1878 23 74 " Over atiesrocnti.tw.4snd Items uncollectablo I2.H5, ami amount 'piiM tiro but " not allowed In previous re port , 257 81 - 281 7 1381 li EXPENDITURES Francis Stacker Wm. Miller W. A. Herhainer Nonoy Fllcli Ellas Ureenanald-potatoes. ......... James Fattlngor. (lour.. ...... ....... Vnl. Schwartz, cottln T. 11. Kcinerer, chairs T. It. Kemeror, coffin l:. II Snyder, merchandise,....,,... Wm. Kemercr, merchandise John Miecklcr, repairing watch.,... It. Fenstcnnacher, tnercnaMlso.....: 1). II. Fenstcrmacherf potatoes M. llellman kilo., coal, flour, &c... KHas Denjtter, poiatcet Sol. Helmhacu A. It. Senile, turnips Daniel Wlewrne, poor housoeom'r ... Sundry Expenses, " " " A. Tobias f. Son. nut's., for ticket.... D. Z. Stelgerwalt. potatoes Ellas Dengler, turnips Ezra Newhard, ezoncrations, 1877 .. . E. W. Clantss. tinware.... , E. W. (Jlauss. tinware T. D.tHauss, clothing T. D. OlnuM, clothing Henry Campbell, services,... , W, af. Raiisher, services , (.Hint. Hrctncy, mending shoes KIstler& tto)er, cabbage H. A. Hells, services II. A. Heltz.coal Nathan Ueorac, buckwheat flour.,.. T. I.eurkel, rent I). A. Hock, cobhllnir. tl. II. Fritz, bulchir V. A. Patterson, diluting gravo , Jas. Hollcubach, cartlnic i Mr. Fntzlnger. potatoes John Miller, t'ls A. Illnnk. services It. Hunslcker. beef I. . F. Klfpt'lnger. boardin'-r tramps.. S. E. Fatzlmtcr. merchandise li. (Irarer, merchandise Mrs. A. t). I'cter , T. Arner. merchandise Simon lllass. potatoes J. Stifles, chickens 1). Ilex, pigs (1 Dllcher. traw , J -naihan Scldleominlsston Fet-r Helm, cobbling T S. Heck, rervlcra , A. J. Hurling meillctno A. J. linrllnir, liimj O. Trainer, flour , A. II. Mosser. tinware Mary Miller, washing.. Mrs. V. II Moultrop, washing II. Keckemtorf. Levlna Sonimct, Hlskey child '1 hos. Mantz, wlno I'cter lleim, wlno Elwtn Urumbi re '. A. Ku z. machine oil Chas. Ktpp meat Dr. (.Ilia. Herman, prof, services.... David Ebbert II. V. Morthhner, adv. and printing. Mrs. -'has. Smith, bed Chns. Froclleh, butter and eggs ...... .1. 1.. Uabel, coal and wood J. 1 llatile, coat and wood .T. T. Nusbaum & Sun, merchandlso., Chas. Trainer, keepln Poor In 1874. . Thus. S Heck, receipt bonk , W. It. Hex, cabbage plants , Lewis Weiss, hat aud shoes I. . F. Klepplngcr Mury Miller, washing AV. Schwartz, services Treasurer's Fees Itcv. Ilcrr Suridry Expenses Lhuo for poor liotiso IMerchnnilise F. Leuckcl, rent M. llellman & Co l:. II. Snyder, merchandise A J. Hurling II. licckendorf . S 00 ,, 112 SO ,. 23 82 .. 1 00 1 00 ,. M 60 .. 12 00 3 94 14 t O 2 32 29 30 48 61 b 20 78 23 2 40 1 48 1 00 10 00 390 30 00 4 80 1 11 3 80 1 78 3 01 1 00 34 08 80 10 Off 1 83 3 00 7 80 2 M 63 120 00 1 65 II 63 3 00 2 26 60 4 00 25 3 72 1 25 7 32 69 88 75 6 72 4 40 SO 10 00 38 76 92 I 70 7 oo 3 34 60 38 65 11 88 8 W 1 28 25 09 48 OO 60 35 26 IS 1 58 1 60 9 82 11 25 2 60 3 91 20 84 7 02 12 68 4 16 35 38 1 30 1 25 60 60 00 20 8 4 Oil 76 25 50 60 00 22 93 6 60 1 65 7 28 $1238 89 ,. 142 66 Ilalance due.. 813S1 65 We, tho undersigned duly elected Auditors, of I.chigbton lloriiugli, do ccrtlly that the above is correct to the best or our knowledge auu oenei. V. W. IIOWMAN. ) F. E. WHITN k.V. J Auditors. W. A. DEHUAMLR. ) nov. 22.-W3. -JJIOU SALE Oil REST. An eligibly located (wo Smry nOUHI.i; Fll A M K H i lUS K a nd ST A 1 1 1, K, s 1 1 u a t en I n tho IHMitlUUU OF PAllUYVlLLK. kept at present as a Hoarding House- by Mrs. 'Wrntllng. tare residence of 'Ihrlstl.in Maucn For further particulars, apply to D.VK1EI. WENTZ, nov. 15-3W farryvllle, I'. s unr(E.i IN DIYOUCE. Mary Alice Eisftnhowcr.l In tho Cnnrt ot f'oro-t-yticr iicstliienit.Miin-l thou of Car fliaae Acker. bon Coui-ty. vs. 1 Hiibveen i In Divorce Edwin Kituiihowf r. i isbucmi to Ho. 4. Jnne Trim, I87U, u linn to No. 1, OrtuberToim 187U. Both writs it turned hy ilieBlieiiff: ''.Not found iu my tiAllawio' .' To IStTwiN KTBBMiowRU, Rcpon.lcnt abrvre namrdt You are Iio-pdv uotiflfi, in appear at the iiuxt term of eadGurr. to ba liiltlen at taucli Chunk tm the "iMitnid Mot.nay ofJunn nry. hso. to -n-wer to the nuiil compUtm. aud In default al your npwirnice the ennif pn ceeftJnjfi wl 1 bv hsl aff'Int y on an it anlrt aub pffluahau been peraonallt aerrcduDoti von. J.W. I'AUUKNBUSU, Sheriff. Manch Chun , Kov. 15 1S70.iv4 AS IIU.MIMIS?-ISO f 1200 a mouth lor Aff-'UU Tpflpliorn and ndies. so IIhk nur M;u' HOOK. ItH uuilva.lt d rooieuia or t"oee and eoetry or zt emu nent autiioiM, elepunt illiiUratiouni,nd nrtn-tlu binding innkn It a wch-omo uueac tn ert-ry bumf. Introduct on bvThe D. t uvler. D D. The opwrilltlnni nd i educed prices o( our beautifullv UUiatia'ed work, wit beet teims and quick nates nro reaiona wliv live aarnta coin tnuiier in Ibelr wi-e. A single a sent ha aold over 7xncor'ie. is. u.tukaj . aos iiro-u wai, Now York Cltv "OV. I5v4 VlrU'ii KtuatrafMl .irnntlilr 3lK(rnxtnc Zi patTfs, a CVIorcr Plato hi evurv i.umiier end manvtluo lOEravmc Prict tl.25 11 veau five o pie lor f 5.(fU boo i me n nuuibet a aenl lor 10 ceuii. a inai coiiiua lorio cruis. Vick's Illustrated Floral Guttle, A beautiful work ot luo liiuotrit'oiM with De scrlptiouaof the beat Plow era nd Veceiablp with price of aecda aui how ti (trow them All for a Fve t'eni tarap isue ov. Cuth. lu Epclmn and German. JA'IKH viuk, nov. 15'Wt Itocliesier, New orif AGHJNTS WANTED For tre handsomest and Cheapest Bibles Ever lurnlthed Aeonta. Extra terms and Large GASH PREMIUMS. POIISKE X UeNAKIN, Cliiclini.il Ohio. nov. 15 wl MOLLER'S "jSiff- COD-LIVER OIL ! perfectly pare. Tronoanctd the best br the hltrbeil mctllcal aiminrl t In the world. Ghrn highut 06ld by DniggtiU. W. U. 8chtefV. Un ft t'o.. N.T, TtlU.ol Id Jnd yh a Remedy II- tried Remoc ham arovfln tcrojui. nuianitiiiim. VICVriiiM puif. liUlltl Kwnlllno-a. flrnhl 1 1 1 1 a VtxIev.B'ne Difaeit etc.. Invaluable In Oentrtl DtMllty ot ti- aaed. A rich rnrp conttlnlnr no in- nor. tz ni AQKNT8 WANTED S73 to 8I0O Per Month, The COMPLY H 91 g- JTall elltAvriail. IMTUUMATinN. Il'Vinut llMuc-Lr,. (illlDE, Tfc Ezpcrtcaeel Ituuke-Lctrr'a rfflEXO. "AbookormoraprMknlotllltrwlllMldem.irTe. boundouuidoorioapiration," .ruliaaJpwcai, " u t-,u in oil wnlry hmu O I yoima aid 0.'d. - ... u.. inn .11, .. .it . . . gnu mu Flu rtr. Clr Trpt lleauUlnl nMln.jlriidiil lllm. s'aifei atew u v ii m ALVA.tlC CO o3lt.a. fa. nor I! W4 CATARRH AMkau. u llmkltu ". pr uta dinot outaUMM. A rilutU ratmt. KtfafictlaB utwa. lltm. Trolaeal I OB trill, la La Mt.mi, i trj. For full UfArwiKtlAB iTT auAKtit en v a W4w S. WgMiita t Arc. ew rr yt Bttfettetti New Advertisements. jlmlnUtrntor'g Sale of Valuable Real & Personal Properly Dy vtrlne of an order of the Orphan Court oft arhon County, t a., tho-undei signed, Ad mlnlt ratrlx ol the Estate of Urlas Itehr. late ot Mnhenlnn; township. County and State .aforesaid, dereased, will tell at i'ubllo Sale, en the prtmlses, on Sattrrdny, Nov. 29, 1879, commencing at t)!TH o'clock P.M.. the fol lowing valmbte KHAV. bin) l'EKSONAI l'ltui'j-jiri t, to triti An thatcertain THAUT OU I'lEOE OF LAND, situate In Mahoning township, near Ike line of the lloroayhol Lehlghton. ountulntug EIUIU'Y AO lit.S moreor less, with tlw fol lowing Improvements erected 'hereon A Two Story FHAME DWELblNO HOUSE, Darn, and otbor outlmlldlrrsA. Also, two Cows, Spring Wayon, Futiii Wagont Cutting Hox, Cow Chains, couk.Slove, I'arlor Stove, Tables, Cupr.oard, Vlnegai Ilirrcls nnd a variety of other artlch-s of Household Furni ture nnd Farming Utensils too numerous to mention. Terms will bo made known at tine and place of sate, by SUSAN HEHIi. Administratrix, Dr. N. U. KEUEII, Agent. THE SUN FOR 1880. THn&mwIll deal with the evcnltolthe year lssu In Its own fashion, now retlyweil understood by everybwlv. From January I until December 31 it lll be con.Iuo ed as a newspaper written In the English language and printed lor the whole people. As .1 newspaper, Tmu Sun believes In Ket Una: all the news ot the world promptly, und presenting It In the most inlelMKiblu shapo the sham that will enable Its readers to Keep well abreast oftboaj(o with the least unpro ductive expcndltuie ol tlmo. the greaiesi Interest to tho are.itest number that loho law controlling iti dally luake-up. It now has a circulation very much iarjscr than that of any other American newspaper, and cnpjys nn Income which It is at all times prepirid to spend liberally lor tho henellt ot Its readers. I'coplo oral! conditions ol life mid nil ways of tiilnklnir buv and read The Sun i and thev nil derive satisfaction of some sort Iroui ll columns, for they Keep on buying anu read- '"fn lis comments on men and affair", Thk Sun believes that tho only guide of policy should bo c unman senso Inspired by genuino tmrriean prlociptcs and backed by honesty ofpurpose. For this reason li Is, and will con tinue tu lie absolutely Independent of party, class, clique, oraanlrailon, or Intere-t. It Is lor all. but of none. It wlli continue lo praise what li good and reprobate what Is evlf tak ing care that Its languiiire Is to Hi" point and plain beyond1 the postblllls ofbeinx misun derstood. It Is uninfluenced by motives that do not appear on the surface: It has no opin ions to sell, save those which may bo had ny any purchaser with two cent?. 1 bales In tustlce and rascality even tnurolliaii It hates unnecevs try words. It ahln-rs frauls-. pities tools, and nlueoinpoopa oC ctery species. It will continue throuahou tlie year 1880 to chastise tlw first elans fastruei ihcs coiul.ninl discountenance the Hunt. All honest men, wilh honest convictions, whether Sound or mistaken, aro lis rrUnds. And Tuh Sun makes no bones of telling the trulh to Us friends and about Its friends whenever occa sion nrls. s for plain speaking. .ThcS'uro the principles upon which Tun S'un will bo conducted durliut tli&jvurto come. The year 1880 will be ono In which no patri otic American can nflord to cioso hJSfyts-ii public affairs. It is impossible to exaxgeraie the Importance or the pultlcal ovonts which It has In s,orc, or tho necessity or resolute vig llanc on thf part of every clilien who ilia res to preserve the Uovermnentthai tho founders gave us. Tlie debates and acts ol Congress, tho utterances ol I lie priff, th exciting co.i tests of tho ltcpulilic.in and Democrat If par. lies, now iicarlyequallnstrciigthtliroughoii the country, iho varying drift of public senit ment,willallbeardlrectl and i flee lvelyupon iho tweniy.fourth I'n sidentl il election, to be held lu Kuveiuber. Four years nao-ni xt No ember, the willoflhe nation, as expressed at the polls, wasihwiirtedbyanabouilnablocon splracy. the pioinoters and bciictlciarlcs ol which still hold the olttcts they vtoh-. Will the cr ine of 18Td be repeated iu 18t0 ? Thu pael uecaue oi years iipvncu wu,i u umiuin, extravagant, and In'olcnt Administration In trenched at Wnshlcigton. Tiifchus did some thing toward dislodging the gang and break ing Its power. Ihu same imn are n w In trkulng to restore their leader and them sclvt-s to places from which they were driven by the Indignation of the people. Will they succeed? Tho coming your will bring the 'answers to these momentous questions. The rUM will bo on hand lo chronicle tlie tacts us they are developed, and to exhibit them clear ly and fearlessly In their relations toexpedi i ncy and right. Thus, wlin a hatlt of philosophical good huuiorln looking at tho minor affairs ot lile, and In ureal things u stcadfa-t purpose lu m.ilutiiln Iho rights of the pcoplo und the principle or the tjonstlluilou against all ag grersors, niu Sun is prcpaied to write truthful, Instructlve.audenlenaliilng history ol 1880. liur rates of subscription remain unchanged For the Daily Su., a four-pigo sliietol twcn y-elglit columns, tlie price by mall, posi paid, is .'" cents a month, or ( 3il a year; or. Including the Sunday paper.an eight page sheet oriiny-slxeolunins.thu prico Is tn cents a month or 9 J.i a yerr, postag" paid. Iho funuiiy euuiou ui inis sun ihimi furnished separately at 9 1 0 a ytai .postage paid. Th price of the Wekklv Son. eight pagi s, filty-slx columns, Is 31 a year, postage paid. For clubs of icn sending 9lO wo will seud an extra copy free. Address X. lv.l.i,ouni1i'i Publisher of Tna Sun, New York City, nov. 8 -aw. iiiovi:iii!s. Rrtir .tnmnch. had bleath. Indl'-eatinn Lmd headache easily cured by Hop ilitters j "Study Hop uittcrs txMiks,use the incu icine. bo wise, healthy and liannv." "When life is a drtts, nnd you have losll ill lioi. trv lion Bitlcrs." I "Kidney anu urinary trouoie is nniver-i 'al, and the only safe and sure remedy li-l IIIop Uitters rely pn it," "Hop uitters does not exhaust ana acs 'row but restores and makes new." "Ague, billiousness, drowsiness, jauu lice, IIop Bitters removes eiwily." "lioils. Piuiples, Freckles, Itnueli Skin. 'riiptions, iiiipurc blnol, IIop Hitters euro. "inactive Kidneys ami urinary urgant 'auso tho worst of diseases, nnd IIop Bit ers cures them all." "More liealllisunsfiinennd Iny in Hor Hitters than in all other remedies." llor Coi'GU Cunn asp I' a in Uklip is TIIK BKST For tale by all druuulsts. auu'O.-lm. ! mil in I ttt ' pf oksi:mex, look iiEitjg WILLOInTlsTlV WIIItT, Saddler and Harness Maker, BANK St., I.EllicilITON, Pa., Calls attention to the following extraordinary W)V PUIOES: Dudley Harness at 'roni $12 00 upwards Kxon ss Uarnets at Irorn la OU onwards fir, cchlriK Harness at from .. 8 OJ upwards llon'liiK Harness at from e OU upwards Horso Collars (hair) at from. 3 t0 upwards " " istraw) at from. 1 74 upwards lirldles at from 1 76 upwards ami all other articles at equally low prices, and Kunranicia oi tn-st woramantuip itr. PAlltlNO nroinntlv alt ended to at reason able charges. Patronage solicited. Hay 10 oal!Ooain II. A. DKLTZ. rrapectfutlr finm iinren to the priioieol Lei Iglitcm ami Ticmitv tl at be turn ntadnairxuatmi'iit-iur ciiiiftlrlnK lUtm witl. ttelijjsr LKIIIG11 COAL, iiom thtU flupll ton i)eputol i lie Leti gli du.q., ItK., at ihv (oIIowiur Low irlcea i Store (3 25 per tin CHeatnut 3 0 per ton No. 3 2 0) per (op STRICLTY FOR CASH Leave vonr Orders at ray Ofitce. HAuK St.. ooposlietbe fuplio Bquaie. Cuat will bedcUv ered, when desired, at very lowest Clurre.. on ahove price. I'.AllKL'lZ. March . la. Lthighton, l'a. 1DATJEMT. F. A. IiKlIMANN, Solicitor of American and Furelg Putrnta. Waihli-KtO". !U. All bualnesi cunnectnl with Tatcutr, whether be. (ore tbv Patent OfQceor ihe I'ourtf, promptly attended to. No charge tn .le unleiti a patent t leeured. Hcml fur circular. uclBtf KK.MiAI.LM'AVI UHi: Is ture to cure Spavins, Splints. urh, Ac. It reiuoiet all unniil. aral enlameuientt. Unfa not ain-TLK. Hat no equal for any lamenett on beast or man. It ( hat cured hlp-jotnt lammett In m v,fuu (it.-., vuiirrvil ID vears. Also cured rhuumatNm. corns frost-bftes or anv tirolses. cut or lame nets. It has no equal for any blemish on horses Send lor lllsstraiml eirculuf KlvinK otitlve proof. Price ft. All DruairMit hare i(i,.jni.tltfi)riiill. Llr. It. -I. Kpn.lall Jtf i'o. proprietor!, Luusburah 1'alls, Vermont. French, lllchtrdt & Co. aicentt, v. w. corner Tenth and Market btreet,, I'Mlidalphla, Penna. Bov. ll-mt CURED rrimptlr and rnuian. ' f 1 nty. 1 trod a bailie of tnr ceio I tCl bntcd reriHKl', w th a vnluuli I liijt tntllMion ihii dIMi.o free f al v li tutrerrri win toiid me their P, o, and tit' re-is addreii. lu. 11. (1. HOOT, No. Its l"carl Ht., New York. dot. I'fm, mm New Advertisements. A POSITIVE THAT NUSBAUilI & SON Havetrp'lo tho present time, thit Fail, Solil more Boois& Shoes than during the whole of Last Season, which wholly accounts forour be ing belter known to the Trade as Dealers In this line, and as ofTefing tlio Jiest Goods FOR THE fLeasi Money. Therefore, all those who have, as yet, not supplied themselves with such Goods 03 tliey may need in tho way of BOOTS AND SHOES, wiil do well to avail themselves of the Superior Advantages Offered by tho Original Cheap Cash Store! Solid Stock! Superior "Workmanship! ! Latest Styles ! ! ! Lowest Prices ! ! ! ! Just Received, 5 MORE CASES OF Meia's llts3 At $1.60 per Tair, regular price S2.00 per pair. J.T. Nusbaum & Son, LEII1GIITON, Ra. Oct. 4-yIcm. A UMTOU'S .NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor, aruolnted hv the Court nf t'ouiuion Pleas of fnroori I'oun y to adjust and report dlmrlhullon of th fundi In the h mils of S .tin net I,elhen;uth, ass unto ol William Horn, will m end to iho duties ol his appointment on 1I1ONIIAY, HKCHM IIEU lt. 187U,at TUX o'eloclt A. u.. at his Olllie, Uak Hall. .Mnucht'liunk, wh-n and wncre nil parlies Interested mat niteiui. I'KTIIII J AlEFHAV. Auditor. Wauch t huult, c)l. 1, lbiO-wi r.-t vonr first at tu- K of Indlucrtion lie tho 1is'. Rouse ihu .loruiHni enHiglcs of the s'om irh with tho Hitters. Tho lonn thus lio parted will remiln. This Is a lact estaMlsh. ed by Ihouiandjol wllnfSO, whoo Icnthnon) Isslmpfy i hlatem htofthcirorer experiences. Those tllleted wilh eneral debility of every phase will find this uitdiclno an nnlalllnic uirent In building; up and rcncwlu their strength. For sale by all Uruxalsts and respectable lealcrs generally. Tmiio.iT IBoissE. WASHINGTON, D C. This popular Hotel has been entirely refit ted, bavin accommodations lor 300 guestt, and will continue to lie tlw only Flrsi-tllass House In the cliy al moderate rates. Terms, i tu per day, rrt'o Omnibus nt llepoln. ocl8-tf F. P. HILL, Proprietor. u O 'Ji c I 1 PETER HEIM, THE I'ltAUTIfJAr. Boot and Shoe Maker, announces to his friends uml the iiublio in general, that he has iutt reeelve.1 a lame assortment of Men's, Women's Jc Children's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Ft I It Yl'INTEK WKAII. which he It offer log at I'npreccdrntly Low Prices for Cash I JIN-TOM WORK Made rrn at very reatonahle prle, and per. f.w. ft,. ..... r. n I ... I II V'l 1 I 111 Vll n..ll. done at short notice. Opp. Tublic Sq., Bank Street, eetltji) LEIUOHTON, KOSTtTTERV W CELEBRATED U New Advertisements. 03 t t s 81 j N CD 2 -3 O C O C3 . rJ - C 5 S - g . 1 u 8 8 CO X rTi i, A JT r -N Dr. Charles T. Horn WouM annwmco- to tho puMIe that he has purcha&td frutn MKS. A. U. I'UrKIt, tlio CENTRAL DRUG STORE, In I.cucVel's Hloclc, Bank Sc., Lehighton, F'a., Havlnt: refilled and refill".! the entire ttock bo can offer ERUGS AKD jCIMICALS Strictly fresh ySSS. ""J Pure, Also Horse and Cattle lu.wders.PHteat Medl clues, Itiushes, tSoapt, Coiiihi, Pcnuuierlcs, rtjiouaes, Ch.iino.8 SKIus. Wines nnd Lin,uors for lie. Heal Purponrs. (J!!s, Lamps nud Fixtures. Ilycs iiIIk. Choice CiuarSffPI es and Tobacco. pt-c tacles. Trusses. Nursing Unities, lulln SirliiHS, and a till lino ol Wall I'nocr uorl lloroersai the Lowest Prices. Prescriptions carcfullv compounded and prompt attention nlven lo every branch of tho ousuiess. A continuance or the patronage heretofore exienui-c iv nut isiuoimiimcui is retiieciiuiiji solicited, and kUihraulluu Kuarantecd. tcpi.13, 16T.-Iy. Un. U. T. HOItN. JMl'OKTAXT AX.Nt.U.NCKMKXI J i.ewlgi Weiss, l'OST OFFICE l-UILUINO LUIIiailTU.V, PA., has the Largest and Idust Kxteuslve Slock uf DATS, CAPS, &c. ever nffarrd In this borouuh. HarlnK oar. chased my Stock In Iho laisteru aniiuiher .wauuMciorio tariy in i lie season nmi ui a s-ivlngot 10tul& ivr eenluiu nu the piesent Advanced Prices, 1 urn prc4iied to otter en. tr (ordinary Inducements tu my cut,uuirrs. Specl.il attention has been gtveu lu Ibo sclcu tlun uf Fall and "Winter Boots ! and I invite mynume'OMtlilrndsnnd patrons in ran auu cxnuiliiu lay siock ouioio maainu Iheir purchase Isewhere, as lain iirciiaied iu Kivu special Induceuieiits to all UASII I'lTltDIlASIMI.S. ftuinelnlwr, LUW1S WniS Posi.Otnce IlulldhiK, LhUhtvn, Pa. Sqit, 20. P"0K AX ABSOLUTELY Safe and Brilliant Light, Use Straub & Harrar's Stariue Oil ! ! The Family Favorite BURNING OIL! e- ASK FOIt STRAUn i- HARKAR'S STARINEOILt Aug. 10-ni3 Coal I Coal 1 1 The nndertlgned ft -low prepared to 'apply the very bett I.ATTlMKtt COAL at the fol IowIok LOW PRIUUs 10 It CASH ; At Yard I Uellr'd, No. I Chestnut, per Ion,., ri I fl 30 No. 1 1'lieitnot, per tea,. . 3 00 I 9 30 Stove, per ton, SSS t ii J. L. OA BEL, Dealer in General IIardkare, &c, OppMlte the Pobllo r-auare, HANK MPBEET, iritloilTOsr, pa, ner,m.ur WEISS & KERSCHNER, torcnaoM lor ROMIG A 1I0FF0RD, Carriage Builders, Bank Street, Lehighton, Are prepared to Manufacture, to order, evtr dcicrlptlon ei OARItlAOFS, I1UUUIK.S, SLEiailfJ, SPlilNO WAC10N8 llomig's Pat. Flatlbrro Wagorrr .c, at lowest rates for Cash. ( REPAIRING . tlfall description promptly attended to at the mutt reajom,&le priees. r All Work Ruaranteed, and pttrontrr It retpcclfully tollcllcd Jy,lr,:ISS&KE,,SUnNEK-' DANIEL.WIEAND, ' . Carriagcs.Wtigons.SIeighsj&c. iohmkr or BAXK AND IIM)X STI1EETS, Li:nr(IHTON. Pcnna., Ilespectfully announces to hi friends and th. public, that he it prepared, to llalld all des criptions oi OaIUUAOW, SPKINO WAQIINS, . SLI.1UIIS, fce.,, In theLitct and Most Approved Miles, at Prices fully as low as the anro rah be obtain ed etscwhtrc. guaranteeing' th best Scasonut ftlaierlal audi most tabstantlal workmanship. Particular nttinllon given to REPAIRING In a 1 Its details, nt the very Lowest Prlresv Pntionaue respect roily solicited and perfect satisfaction puarai teed. April 20, ISTryl DAW. WIKANEt URIAH FATZINGER nrawctfiillv ann-urcea In the neopie imthe h.is leasid tho Shop of SAMUEL IIEIIlln LIN'u.on North Street, Leliighton, Pii.T and niopoi-es to resume his old business ot Carriage and Wagon BUILDING, and respeel in"r asks a aflnre ot nubile patron arn. nmantrfo" ineU'oikn-an-hintnle equal the best, ai.d the l'ilco lo bo at low at the lowest. REPAIRING of all lcrnd promptly attend! d to a very rta- Ftniith e vh.:rpt-s, ' Z UKIAlt PATZINOElt. Onno-ito Public Square, Ninth Street, Feb lyl Lehlghton, l'a, jrjULL A.NU WIXTHK MillincrY GoodS ! ! New Styles! ImmensD Variety r Tho undcrl)rned respectfully announces to ller Wends ami the ladlet generally, that she Is put oh iilni( n non and verv elcaant lint of LA I 1 h.V FA LL and W I NTKK ISatM and Xkonnets, at her Millinery Vstnbllshmcnt on HA Nit StnetLKllIOHTUN, pa., which forSDlo and l.lejiuiee and lliauty of Finish meet every chlco and all desires. HO.NXr.T IKIMMINI.'S The Leading Designs to be found In Marker. LADIES' UNTH1.MMEI) ts TI.'IMMEII It A'lS, a aomf assort ment. lso manv pretty and neat styles In FI.mvKHS and FEAT II F.11S, For any kind ol Millinery Ooods ko to Miss Xiizzic XCrniiier, sepia m3 Bank St., Le h Ighton. DIAMOND CATARRH REMEDY, A POMTIVrc CUIIK fnr CATAIIHII of nil klnilj. Cures nt any starve or the dis ease. Has cured mini raits so terrlnle that bones cauiu Iroui the i osu. lr K o 'm lllnniinl Cnlif rrh I'rm. Is mild and pleas nt, nirnrdlnu huidi atk iielikv aid iroiiipt euro. It was ms covr.lti li i Jl IlKLirmiM , and Is belli vnl to tie thu only nifm cure yet alven to tlie public A lew a, plh-niiunt bunk up a old lu the Head, core Himenlt llrcathlnir. Itbgulnvot Head nnd Tliiuai, lteadiicho lle.lners. Li ol Mnell, V iciMin.irtight, The 'IIim.,no" is a wondtrful medicine, and obt owl 60 cum. Tliu ll'tmnnil liivltrM atur. the best nl Illoml rffrfAers am) JWIIIoas Medicines. Price, rut. 'I ne iMinnnl teniae Pllln a specif. 10 lor all Nervous (lo'i plaints. Pric, 41.00. Thu I"Imii il -"Mather tillers' I'ure All thcmrwi iierlcctexternalcurcever liiienteil Price. 2cets. Send furtisiilt.ttvirlrcularof Dr; Kvory'a lilam. ml ltenunlier, ruuit nv mail, lnqulra nryour f'roag s . Proprietor's addrrfs. III). .1. F. EVU11V & OK.. 2! Park Place, New ttrk i.lty. oct. 4.-1IU. rlll, JIESI I'AITlt! THY IT! II II A DTI FUI.LV 1 1. LUST It AT ED. 3311i vi:.n. B Scientific American. The Sclentlfle American It a lame First, (tints Wei kly Newspaper of Mitecn Pager, printed In the most beautiful style, raoruaa. LT Illustrated with splendid Koarailnai. re presenllnir the newest Inventions and the most recent Advances In the Arts and Peien rrs Includli'H New and Interesting Faett in Agriculture, i orlteuliurr.lhe llome.lleallb, Midlraf Pioxress, Social Science, Natural History, i! colony, Asirunoaiy, The must valuable practical 4irt. byeoilnnt vrltirt In all departments o hcleuce, will be found In the rtelen'ilt" Amerlraai Terms Wa) per year, tl eohalf year which Include immure, 1) ereiint lo Auentr. Slnale roplet ten cenit. Sold hv all Newsdealers. Itemlt In iiusiaf orlerlo Ml'NN Alio., Pob llshers. 31 Park ltow, New York, 11 A 'I' IP KS t 'si Inc-nnecllon with rt I I o. ihe Soi aw tiio Awkricak, Meeri. Huts fc Oo., are Solid' turiior Aiuer ci - and Fureln I'atcnts, bare hud 35 jrars ei,. ncc, uml now l ave the larif'ft ritnMnhmeht In he world, i'atentl are obialned on tho iMittrruit, A rpeeial no tice Is made In Ike -ciiNtiro AxiBtraii of all Iiir-ii'lon pulriilnl Ibruuuh this Aiceney, wilh the iiif and rrsldtiie oil he I aientee. llythi Immense clirulatlon thus irlren, pub lic attenllon Is illrtclid to the airriitof Ihe new patent, and salce or Introduction often easily t ffcln!. Any person who hat made a new dUcorery or Inv ntlon. ran ascertain, frtr f rJterer, whether a palenl can nrehahly brubialnrd, by wrlllnir toMcN A I o. Wra'so a vAJm our lltrel M.ok about the Patent Laws, Pat ents, I 'areata, 1 iad -Marks, their rests, and how preewred, with hints for procuring ad vaneet en Invention'. Addrest for the Paper, or ceaeernlng Patents. MUNPi CO.. 31 Park ltow, !, Y. Branch OSlee,eor, Y fclth Mi., Wethlosjtee, 0. 1 sv ltf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers