rt. v. MouTiriMKii, K01TOH LltllltlUTON. I'A.I BATUHDAVi SOVKMDEn T5,V870. For the benefit of nfewiiarrow-iiilnded Wgotj In this neighborhood, who are too BelJ-eoncelted to consult authority, we pub lish the following dlfinltlous of the words ''Ixdkpkndkst" and "Nrotbai." from Nut talis Standard Dictionary ! "Ixokpicxukst Xol subject to the control of other) not sub ordinate) not holding or enjoying posses sion nt the wll of another J not dependent i vol subject to bias or influence; unco f trained." And Uioword. Xkutkal Is de fined ! "Not engaged on either side j indif ferent i a person or nation? that takes no fart in a contesiYor, In grammar, from neuter "neither mato iline nor fomlnliio gender." From these mcantngs, those who "run may read" the dlffercnco between a neutral and an fndepondent newspaper. By a dispatch from llarrlsburg wo learn that the total votoof Pennsylvania at the lato election was 532,379, a decrease of 169, 7(15 from the vote of last year for Governor. The falling off Is even greater than was In dicated by tho partial returns published last week. Examined lu detail, and taking the yotoof1878 as a standard from which to make the computations, it appears that the Republican vote fell off over twelve per ct., the Democratic vote over twenty-five per ct., tho Greenback voto nearly sixty-eight per ct., and the temperance vote lcs3 than two perct. The smallucss of the whole vote makes the returns practically valueles as a guide to changes that may hava taken place lu the olitlcnl opinions of voters. Notwithstanding the great Republican plu rality of nearly sixty thousand, the Repub licans this year poll-''1 l7nni) fewcr votcs than were cast for tho Democratic caudid.ito for Governor in 1878. Tho vote of last year was the largest ever cast in this State, wiln tho exception of tho vote at tho Presidential election of 1870. when the total readied 7nS,874, nearly a quarter of a million greater than tho vofo this year. H is evident, therefore, that there ale plenty of voters in Pennsylvania "held in reserve." Tho vote this year was the smallest cast since 1805, except ill 1873, when, on a very light vote the Republicans hail 25,000 majority. Tho utterances of Henry M. Phillips, s iy the Philadelphia Becord, arc always re garded with weight. Talking of the lato election, ho says : "Tho result is a surpriso on account of the Immenso majority for tho Republicans. This was owing to a number of causes, among which may bo enumerated the dissensions in tho Democratic ranks, the apathy of the Democrats (who polled 15,000 votes less than they did at tho Presidential election three years ngo.) Also to the fjet taat thn IMs were not purged, this alone cutting off ten to fifieen thousand votcs from tho Republicans each year. I do not think much can bo expected by the Democrats from Pennsylvania in the Presidentiatelcc tionjncxtycar," This last rcmaik was made with great emphasis, and then Mr. Piiilllp3 continued: "New York State is very differ ent. With all the dissensions, divisions and batterings down ol the party, it is clear there is a Democratic majority in tho State which cm bo successfully brought into play when an ucoentalilc candidate is presented. The next National Convention will, without York to stait wi.h, the Democracy may very well Imps for a few other votes sufficient to elect their candidates. Tho masses of the pooulo aro for reform," said Mr. Phillips, "and reform means political change. This can and will probably bo brought about by tho selection of a candidate for whom all can vote. The want of success In thiJ off jcar Uon national elections is better calcu lated to cause the party workers to be up mid doing. It shows them that there is work before them, and that success onlvcin bo accomplished by discretion and bard la bor," The reporter endeavored to obtan fioin Mr. Phillips his ideas as to tho most available men for tho Democracy in 1SS0, but he said ho would rather not speak at jircsentmi this topic. Col. Hootcn, on tho 7th instant, sent tho following address from tho Republican Stole Committee'.! headquarters i PniLADELrniA, Kov. C To the Republi cans of Pennsylvania : The Stato Committee tenders to every Republican In tho Stato and to all others who aided In securing tho victory cfKov. 4, thanks ond congratulations. You have alvcn the greatest majority ever cast In rcunslvania fer a Republican candl. date save tliut given to .ticu. Grant, In 1S72, and ou luivo done this In a cainpala.ii, the secralng apathy of which, at first, alarmed tho (land and the doubtful. You have given to Pennsylvania a proud place In tho phalanx ot States demanding that our revived prosperity shall not be des troyed ; that our currency shall not bo de based ; that the public credit shall not bo tar nished; an.l that tho rights and privilege! of tho citizen (hall not be crushed out. All this )ou have done by your Hern protest against contlnulnn In power the Democratic i arty, which ossnlls prosperity by collusion with torclgn capital to Lreak down American labor and homo Industries; lhat seeks to destroy a sound niianclal policy aud substitute a crazy theory ol paper eurreocy ; that prostrates public credu jthrQugh Stato, corporato and municipal repudiation thereby leading cer tainly to the repudiation ofouruathmuldcbt, and that supi resses by vloleuce hi the South rcn States Ihoso rights of llle, liberty aud tho pumilis or happiness without security for which governments are contemptible ond ex. tsteaco u cureo. lly your voice these jrronss oijd dangers to the nation have been averted, and the rights ot all our citizens will be redeemed. V. V. llooTiix, Chairman. SPECIAL GORRESPONDEHCE. ".tlorloy'h" Letters (rum .New Vork. Nbw Youk, Nov. 11th, 1870. F.VENINO with aovou. It was my good fortune to hi present at a notable gathering the other night. It was u parlor recepliuii to John 11 Gough, on his return from it Ircturiug campaign in Groat Lriuin which has eclipsed every former br.lllant triumph of his wonderful career. There was the blight, nervous figuieaud d minutivo head and face of the merchant prince, William K, Dodge, whoso twinkling eyes dance one moment wilh tncriimentaiud ore suffused tho next with a melting tender ness wo are accustomed to look for only in a woiiiun. Doyoud him tlimi the solid figure and striking fare of tho Judge whoce sent- iico hulled Twcod from place and power, nnd consignd him to a prison cell.Chitl Justice Nnah Davis. Without fear uud with out reproach he treads tho oft-ullutcd halls i.f Justice with a spolles erinino, and carries nil hit fare tho soft crou-lines of a gentle lies so siugular that you feel a ft rang j lasc lualioii inhispreseure, ltesaydthatUoitgh his done more to prevent crime than any l.uu living, and tht ho knows no higher j ii" tu v-d i.fp-.i'u'a aw rd'o m'a than thai. There, too, was Dr. Taylor, successor to Dr. Thompson os pastor fit that old Bul wark of Freedom, tho Jtroiulwny Tabernacle Impartial critics generally pronounce Dr. Taylor the best preacher in New Yorknot wlihstaiiding his habits of thrusting, hands and arms down Into his capacious pockets and drawling through hi nr.se. One of the few people who do not admire him once sold to mo t "Why, Tit bo willing to drawl hko that fur $14,4)00 a year I" Then thero wis "Dr Newman, lato of the Metroiolitaii Church at Wushltigton friend or General OrniitP ex-inspector of Asatlc consulates, with a stnnlg failing for "llima alvon snows" ami "The Cosmos:" portly. kindly, scholarly, with a real tillo to great ncss which tho general world would morn gladly reeogniza If the Doctor could only soem-lcss conscious of its validity. There, tnoywiis he of the prolific pen ami rattling, ringing oratory, Dr. Then. I,. Cuyler, who carries' in his 'face nlid dcpoitmcut no sign of the wonderful capacity lodged in Io's brain, or the boisterous humor that keeps him, old man that ho Is, nc'tina like n nils- ch'evious, fun. loving boy. lie calls Mr. and Mrs. (Jougb "ntlOTHKIl JOI1.1 A.tD Sl'TKR MART," for he has kmi and loved them tenderly ever since un awkward young nun In eom try clotlws began stirring with tils eloquence the people ol Hie Foundry Chapel In Wash ington over thirty years ago. Dr. Orini8ton was thero too with that hcudofhalr. Did yrx evorseo that hair? No? Well then do you never visit this wicked city ami g away again without hearing one of thcBoctor's good old-fashioned, solid sermons and seeing that Imlrl Imagine a Kaffir, a llusliman, n South Sea Islander and u Jaek-in-a-Hox combined as to hair; then scalp the front half of him in a straight line across from ear to ear and polish the baro part with sapolia: then comb all the hair on the posterior half of Hie Heart out eight Inches at a right angle with tho skull Hue without a single hu.r lccliuitig against its neighbor, nnd without a pieteue of a put or any sortofa highway through thu wilderness and you have only then begun to get a faint glimmering idea of tho imiFeum this saintly old man curries ubout within his hut. (jootf old Dr. I.'urcliarit was thero, who after forty yeais of pastorate surprised his people with n resignation, which nobody uad asked fir, simpLy because ho wanted to drop out before people wearied of him, and getting u surprise himself in ti purse of some jm.iiuu nsa mvc oncring irom in ciiuii-u. Hut I must tnlk abuut Gongh, if I am go in? to. Tho awkward voinv' man in country clothes has left a wolidel'ul imprint on tho times in which ho lives, lie has addicsscd more people than any man who over lived except Whitfield, nnd probably more than even him. Ledum buicaus unanimously declare that hodrawsbcllcrhousesand pays belter than any other lectuicr, and ho has travelled and lectured till n total of his tuivc's represent a journey three times the circuinfeicnco of the earth. For fifteen months ho has been laboring ill England. Just beforo his departuio I was present at a Tcmieraiico meeting in Cooier lustitue, wneu ijuugli mniie ins appearance quiciiy at a rear door and tried to reach u back scat unobserved. Soma one recognized him and called out that "lioiigh was preienl," when tho entire audience turned round and de manded that ho tako tho platform. He re luctantly camo forward and made a twenty minute speech, more powcrlul nnd tremend ous than any bit of unitary I ever heard from pulpit, bar or platform. His magni ficent eloquence buistovcr that vast audi ence liken swelling tornado, and swayed and swept and overwhelmed his hearers till every ordinary expicssion of enthusiasm seemed inadequate to convey their feeling', and Ins auditors abandoned themselves wholly lo his magic influence, ami wcro swept along helpless upon its tremendous and resistless tin runt. Gough is an old man now, and while he promises to livo many years ycl, ten years more will probably seo his honored name stricken from lecture-bureau lists, and the silver-tongued English boy will have struck his last hot blow at Intciiiperauceaud made his hist public appeal to the citizens of his adopted country. He went lo Europe for rest, expecting to deliver but thirty lectures, but befoio reaching the dock nt Liverpool he was becciged with committees from every part of the kiu.-doin all uttering the same cry. "Come up and help us." The condit ion ol affairs w..sso stirring that, defert tig his rest, ho plunaed into tho work as never beforo in hU.JAl'.' ,,cliv'-r" 1 ll'"" """ rm.w ...un iitsnops lately espousing thocauso of total abstinence, of Spuigcon at last add ing his vast influence to tcetotnlism, of thu Lord Chancellor himself presiding atone of his meetings, of tho mighty work 11111011:5 the lowly in London on the model ofond copied Irom Jerry MeAtiley's Water Street Mission, and of many other things which fill us with renewed hoio for tho suffcrng middle und lower classes of our English cousins. It was a memorable night, u notable company ond a Cause so worthy of every good man's sym pathy that I regret more than ever that newspaper letters ni ust, of necessity, bo brief. Moiilky. Otir Letter from Wasliliiton. 27ic President and hi Secretaries Gitting Heady for the Meeting of Congrtis. The 1'rcpnrnlion of the Annual Jteports, itc. TVic AVw l'ork Election, The Battle Ground for the Presidential Campaign. Something that all Business Men should Aiiow and of Benefit to Xcictpapcr JCilitors. WjsniKOTox, I), (i, Nov. 11, 1879. Tho President and members of the Cabi net ore at work upon their annual reports to to bo submitted to Congress in December a little over threo weeks hence. Until the heads of tho departments shall havo sub mitted tho main features in their rejiorts to Mr. Itayo, tho latter cannot complete his messago to Congress, because it is the custom to iiicludo In that executive document sub stantially the condl ion ol each of tho seven departments for tho year proceeding the meeting or Congress. As to tho general fea tures, much of tho substance of tho message ami dcpartiiier.treports may be divined from tho perusal of tho reeeut sieeches of Mr. Hayes, Mr. Kvarts and Mr. Sherman. The other members have not been heard from in that way very recently., except tho Cincin nati sjiecch ol Mr. Schurz about two months ajo. It would, lhereforc,bo no very difficult Kin. in jjci up. .in anticipatory state ment of what tho Administration will submit and recommend to Concress, II I ; . . , . " . . iiiiiiieiiu iiiiKiri!iiii'o in iiiq journalis tic cllb t, by giving it an air of au thority, as coming irom ono in tho im mediate confidence of tho President and heads of the departments. Rut without re sorting tu trick or devim to cet ut tho nor. poses ol the members of the Cabinet, any one to whom they are accustomed to talk'with freedom may speculate Bemi-nllieiallv, as it were, about tho jwilicy ol tho Administration in mo luture. becietary Thompson Is ex (iceted to devoto much attention to com mercial interests, which in largo measure coino directly within die scopo of his duties, and in much greater degree than the inero casual observer would sumiosc. Mr. Thonii sou is deeply concerned in fostering such measures as may tend to bring us back our carrying trade upon the ocean, tho promo tion and resuscitation of ship-building in tho United Suites, and kindred fcubjects of vital importance to tho commercial interests, and therefore of vast cnccni to our whole two pe. In a future letter I muv present some of the proposed plans for neciiiipli.hlng the purposes alxivo suggested. hvervbody but Conkling seems to be de feated in thecross-coruerd fight iu New York if it turns out on tho official couut that Cor nell is theouly Republican elected. Tildcn is defeated, for hedesired toelcct his alter cm llrtl.l ........ .11.1 .. . ... .. . y llobinsoii, and did nut cini ihn v,.l,,.. .,i ,, cipher for tho rest of the lieiiiooratio ticket. I Tllls wa seven-twentieths or tho entire pig Tho administration are worsted, lor they ile- 'rou production. sired tho election of the licpubhran ticket Tho IVo Mills. Schuvlkill TSIintv, oiic and would not havo been unhappy if this, rated bv tho l'hlladelphf.i and Hooding ltoad VII I 111 uiva 1,.lt nu,,ll, I....1 ... .1. . .. ..... . . .. . . . of t'oriicll's defeiit. i , , i'ii en wi ui i ne exjieucu Hendricks ii frnnn. To noininato him would bo an insult to Tildcn and filden's friends ami leave no hoiie fur the Democracy in New Voik. llayard might 1- ii iiiniiioa ivui never luko nun ..v.v w... iiv i lllu (UMWii UI lUlb 11- sin, as ho woull if tho Tammani- limvii Ill his own liutitinK-srouiidY u U ot all lot thoir sonlnj nn.l ,r il. . ii t lAil Theop Jiu'oit ZV"? ' tlI Itci ublicans mm, .ToTIZ , l . r..ViL ? '1 ai '"" Eient v.ctory, tor the result leaves ew urk tho battle CrOllnil lirtllA n..Vl Kim.,.; -r. fl... ...1 vaiiUgofiitioiiiiiraviiri.rHo leiniH-ruts' ifthev can be united wl.i.li .ii, . . mLililiii v ill i r V !i . posjiUllty. TO looso tho head of a ticket ami tarry the rest or it Is a ir.oa dangcious experiment in politics. For a partv to ac- c .,,Jh it a .tij and well disci- plinctl majority. Conkllng can bo happy.. The mail that he put up Is elected elected while nplvnly else if. Conkllng only made one speech. iv Jils behalf. Tliaiidniliilslru; tion which Ifad retii'.v-d Cornell fruiii ofllrt oaan inilit inun Hindu (4veiaJ Tho pooplo of New Yi'ilThavc ehcteddilii'i ami tio other Republican." Thls.nnikes tho-rvbillte tu llio iidiiiiirhtriitlon liirtiv Hilntcd. They cannot rejoice in a nqnioiicun. victory,, nut iniii Hiillc'ini simulated Jnjr over a Cornell tri umph omid Republican defeat. However miserable Conkllng may bo In Rhode Island, I h If surely happy in theiipprobalioriof New ' York. A postal rczttfation has been in force now lor two inonlas, wntcii is not wen Known among business men, or It would be more generally availed, I refer to the fact that statements, bills, etc., can now bo mulled li an unsealed envelope with a cent stamp. Thus tho tnorrllilv statements which arc' undo out by wholesale and retail dealers each month lain bo mailed for(ono cent, but uo writing other than the legitimate bill can be placed upon the stattment. No such woids as "please rciimt" can be, neither can a bill receipted be sent. If it Is necessary to have the wonts "please remit" on me state ment or Wits, they can lie printed as part of theheailing. Publishersol newspaticrshnvo tho right to enclose bills for subscriptions in their papers, und also receipted bills for the siiinoj but not to write tho words "please remit," wliicii, h'.wevcr may uo printed on the bills without infringing the law. AiatST. OUIttVANIJI.-XiTON MTXIAU Washington, D. C, Nov. 11, 1870. It Is understood that I'roldent Hnycsmi' ticipates considerable opposition from Con cress the com ins: session, in tho matter of some of his appointments. The nomination of Secretary MeCrary for one of the vacant Circuit Judgeships, will certainly be sent in early in tho session. It is not positively stated whether MeCrary is lo havo the Iowa Circuit, for which he was nominated last winter, after Judge Dillon resigned, or whether ho will prefer tho Chicago Circuit made vacant by tho recent retirement of Judgo Druminond. I think he will choose tho latter. The Secretary could not ha)e been confirmed last winter, hence the with drawing of his name, but I understand he has Bince secured the friendship of Lamar and somo other Southern Senators, in con sideration of favors bestowed, nnd that he can now pull through. Ho is a man of great ability, to whom the Democrats only objected on grounds of nartizanshlp. Nomi nations for tho English and Russian Mis sions will also bo made at tho beginning of the Session, nnd it is said opposition lo tho appointments is expected. For this reason tho names aro not yet made public, though there is no reason to believe that tho selec tions have not been mode. Ualusha A. Grow, of Pennsylvania, is talked of for the Rus sian Mission, and some ol the knowing ones say it will bo offered hlni.whileotheis equal ly well informed pay it will bo given to ex Governor McComiek, the Comiiiissioner Gcncral nt tho Paris Exposition. Ho is a son-in-law of Senator Thuiman, and has been very popular in n social way. His ser vice upon the Republican Congressional Committee, and his success at Paris have given him strength ns n diplomatic candi date. Ho ha3 the easy manners and that taste for tho round corners of such a life, which the administration may inclinJto gratifv. Tho English Mission is said to have been offered to Secretary Evaits, and thtro aro rather significant indications that ho de sires it nnd will accept,. No ono outsido the Cabinet, however, will know llieso things to a certainty until the ofiicial envel.tpo con taining the nominations is opened by the President of the Senate. The policy of tho Indian Department with reference to tho Utu Indians is turning out remarkably well. Special Agentlieii. Adams who secured the surrenderof the women and children that were captured by the Uloi ut the agency, and brought them into Gen. Merrill's camp, is recognized as having shown great intrepidity and good judgment. It is tliouaht that the same skillful offuer will succeed in obtaining tho surrculcr of tho leaders in the utlack on the agency, the murder of Meeker, and the Pght with Thorn-lmi.f-hR siililIerR. If ho should do ho. It is to ucci? ousgcsieu, turned over to tho State courts. They could have no justice there, and exact jiistico is what is required. Gen. Sherman lias written to Gen. Sheridan, ex plaininii tho motives for tho policv which has been adopted, and highly approving of II 1l... I.I.I.! r 11... it, l.l ' .: .1... ... ll.i 1,1 Sli.lj ,1, HID il UVIIlll , SI IUU II I U outbreak, is certainly a chapter of which Secretary Schurz may well be proud, and which ought to go a good way toward coni iiensating him for tho vulgar abuse to which he has in somo quarters been subjected. The uiiveilineof tho Thomas ttatuo which occurs hero on the 20th instant, promises to bo an occasion of great interest. The Society of tho Army of tho Cumberland, under whoso auspices the affair will be conducted is making preparations for tho event upon a grand scale, and n large number of mili tary organizations uro tu bo in attendance. It is estimated that there will bo n crowd of 30,000 people from nil parts of tho country, to witness tho display, and perticiprte In honoring so great a soldier and patriot as Gen. Genrgo II. Thonia, who besides being one of tho best generals of tho lato civil war won tho honor of brevet major in tho war with Mexico. The Mexican veterans are preparing to participate in tho ceremonies. Invitations havo been sent to tho Governors of all of tho Slates to bo present with their respective stall's. Great interest was manifested hero among politicians of all classes, in tho New York election, and eager crowds thronged tho ncwsp.ier offices, and other places where returns wero received Tuesday night. The largo voto lulled by Kelly, th'a bolting can didate was n surpriso to" many Democrats. G ivernor Robinson's defeat prob ibly shelvi s Tildcu, and renders tho Empire Statu de batable ground ill the great conlest of next year, wilh chances somewhat nt present in in favor of tho Republican. Tho result would bo a happier triumph for tho partv if Tammany Hail had no part In it, and if it had not tendered neecwiry tho defeat of ol so gonil a man and official ns Robiusnn. Senator Conkling has certainly achieved a oompU-to victory over the opiositioti to himself, and in doing it brought the ad ministration around tu his aid in a hand some manner. This shows how little time it requires to change the aspect of things and the positions of men in ioluics. Dim Pkdro. IM)l!STlt!.VL, JItlTKS. Tho West Heading lloiler Works aro crowded with orders and employing forty hands. Mr. George Fnles' colliery, near Sh.l mo kin, has resumed operations, after a long idleness. T ho Ilangor Company made over 4,000 squares of roofinR stato 'during tho month of October. The breaker nt tho Ellengowen coal shaft, near Shenandoah, was llnishedand workre sumed there last Friday. ThaHaiord Manufacturing Company, ot Wilkcsbjrre, has enlarged its works to ac commodate increasing orders. Tho Mercer Mining and Manufacturing Company havo advanced tho wages of their hands at tho P.irdoo mines without its being asked. The Erie Railroad liuvo ronrluded, so tho Journal of that p'aco says, lo build locomo tives nt their 6hops at Susquehanna. This will necessitate the employment of over one hundred extra hands. Tho Bessemer 6teel industries of tho Unit ed States consumed lust venr 730.7fiA mt. tnna I of pin iron, snieceleiseuaud lerrnmuiimiiese. havo liosled una notice that hoioafter the pu Idler making thegrualest number of he its a day will receive a premium of JO, and h s hcler$3. The Scran ton Jlepubliean fays it isrepoil wl that the Lehigh and W'ilketburra Coal I P,..,.. ., ...l.:l. m..iM n. i I Y"' '. fi ..i.Y.i 1 '".I'r"1- I w' " "i . " "a"ds a I r" nearly two years, s lo bo retorl lo i,'.? on tho 1,1 f January n.x'. T," a""Iny eiiii.Ioymeut to S.UOO ' ... , , , ...... . lltirWIOK tlirnOCO. Of lOltS'uWn. mil a S4?1 tons .f iron duringtho weekeudlugon Saturday. Ti,it,.f.. . mi t .r , ThobI.i.t rurnam of Messrs. Jameillooven A nons.ul orri.town, was fired upon St unlay, The bri,3e worV3 at IVtlstown are UinK enlarged to accommodate, the lurgo lucicase of business. 'f, r Thp Colebrookdale Iron Company of Berks ,cnunty,hos glvcnil employes on advance of ten fjpr cent..in wages. t jf iinlier is being cut near Tidloiito, tfribe cniivci toil Into charcoal.. It is expected that 4,0(lHJ)00 bushels of charcoal will be shipped to Pittshurg per annum (wai that poind. Standard cooer Bhom at Pittsburg aro turning out 4,000 barrels dally. The-Orwlgsbiirg (Schuylkill county) shoo factory Is crowded with .orders. Tho iVfiw! says that the iron works around Hairisburg aro booming. Somo idea ithe way things arc rushing ot the Somerset chceso factory may be gain ed from the fact that it has used 'J,000 boxes since opening last sprjng.. - , 178 bags of wool, each averaging COO liounds, wero received in Reading on Tues day, to bo usod In tho manufacture of hats. This Is tho largest amount of wool ever re ceived In that city in one day. New Advertisements. Oil SALE OH RENT. 9m Anellithtv located two Stnrv DODIiLK J H AIU r. Ill 11 DC lino m n liuri. Kiiiniiri, ui the DOIIUlJUU OF PAKIlYVlLLli kept nt nrescnt ns a lloa dlnit House by Mrs, Wlnillnn, lato residence orilhrlsUmi Mau'cr. For runner particulars, appiv to DANIEL vVHNTZ. nov. 16-5w Parry vllle, Pa. s UIIPffiN'A IN DIVOItCE. Mary Alice Elsenhower. 1 In the-Court ot Pom. liyhcr neit ineud, Man. 1 moo Picas t Car. assae Acker. lion County. vs. I Habprcna In Plvcrco JIdwin Kim nliowcr, i isnuea to No 4, Jone Turn, 1873, ollim to No. 1, October Teiln 1S75. lioth writs returne d ty the Shells ".Not found in my 4 at lawla' . 'lo I dwis KtsBStiowHR, ItopoDilent noiye nr.mult You nio lieieov notiflcu to opiuuir hi tlio next term of sa'd Court, to bn hidden ai Mat.ch chunk m tho eeoond lliiaeoy ol Jsnn orv. lim. to in-werto the mill complaint, ana in iWault of ynr appo-iruice tho snnio pin i iiiriiiiHt fim in linri ImnTi tiorunnnll' prrvi h uio.i you. J.W. I'AUlJKNlJUan, Sheriff. Munch Chun t, ov. 15 ls:tNw4 Will he recetvol until TUFStlAY. the 18th of NOVK1I1IKK, 1871), at tho Olllco or tho Commissioners of Carbon County, for tho Erection of n Bridge in Towa mensing Townsliii), across the Poco Poco Creek, near Traclisville. The Lcnuth or tho ItrMuro will bo 62 rcct j Width, 16 feet Insldoor tho Tlmbois. and to hoot (rood fine or Oak Timber and Covered. The llasemcnts to be uf (loud btone and Cemented. II. 11. bWAItTZ, Uoimnlssluncrs' Clerk. Ilauch Chunk, Nov. 0, 18T9. kTj v iTvTL'.s s i' a v i s uiiK Is suro to euro Spavins, Splints, I'urb, Kct li removes all unna. ural enlargements. Dhkh mix nLisTK.n. llns no equal for any lameness on beast or man. It has cured hip-Joint lameness In a person wh i had sullcred 15 tmm. aIfh cured rheumatism. corns, frost-bites or any bruises, cut or lame ness. It has no equal for any blemish on horses Send lor Illustrated circular Rlvtntr positive proor. Price f. All Drunilsts have it orcan Kt It Tor V"U. llr. II. . I. Kendall tc Co . proprietors, Lnosburtih Tails, Vermont. French, Itlchnrds & Co. iicnts, IV. w corner Tenth and Market &lrect, I'hll.idelihl.i, l'onna. nov. 16-m4 cash iu:siNuss-s.30 to saotj u in nun xr jic'iu Tcanin nun tiillliuiourMOU' lttiuK. Its uiirlviiikd .,i,lnnlnr P'O o -.ml io(!trv bv 3H eiiu. nent milnom e.eiiunt uiii-traii.uis tud arti.-tlo binding in.iKo It .'wet.'OMie cnost In eviiy limn". Iiitioduit o i Lv'llio . 1) i ulor, 1) D. Tho new li'llloin lid icd tci'd prices of our beaut fnllvlll'istin'ed wurk,v.ttJ nest twins ii., n quirk -ulcs aio ie.noiiwtiv live aeints coin inoi'cv Hi i lit If sa v. A smglo aicnt h"S told over 710 . o"l ICS. 11. 11. TIlc.Al , 8.W. Uro id wa , New York Cilv. i ov Vlck'n Illnstriitcil Jlouilily niiiKny.ini'. 3 i,uiru, ii Co'Oioi'. roito i.i ev.i.y numoer . n.l tnonv fluolluxitiviuR ITic.'tl.Maicari live O'ltno-tfr tf5.no ' pei..nie,i nu.ubciB bent lot' 10 ccuts. 3 trim comes for '.5 "cnn. V:c!.-s Illu trutcd l'loral Guide, A besntlful worn ot P0 li ii-tr.it'oin with. Tie onHniui .III. n - , ,.H'um lor a I ,vo l out staiun. lsuo ov. -uth.. In iPL-iinii uiiu ucrmau. nov. 15v4 JAMES V1UIC. ILchestet, New York, CU11RD Promptly aud Ferinaii- f n ml i uuy. J Bcnti a u, ii u ui nil toio liniicd renml,, w th n a nalih tt'i'llllKOOII lllti disoi. o f eo tu ill hiilr"-! eis win solid me tluir r. o. la and Ilxuo nhlrcsi. Dlt. 11. U. LOOT, So. loSToail tt. Nov York. nuv. r 3m. AGENTS WANTED I'ortl'e handsomest aud 1 It n t 11k t KS -t 88 S i I I J Id 9 XJ 3 liver turnlshoa AsontB. Kxtra terms and Largo CASH PREMIUMS. POIlSKt! ii .UcJIAKI.V, Clncliiimtl, Ohio. nor. IV iv 4 plULiA. ib RHAUING IIAILIIAOU. Arrangement of l'assuDger Trains. NOV13nEll 10TII, is:t. Trains leave AhliK.NTOWN astultowsi- (VIA l'tltKlOMKS IlAILIlOAU). For rhtladolphla.ut 'l:li, ti.45, ti.io. a.m.. and S 55 p. ui. SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at I. JO a. m..3. Vi u. m. IV1A i:.Sl' t'P.N.S'A. HUAM11.) For Ito.dlng, 5.50, u.u'ia m rj.iv, 1.20 and 90s p. m. For lIarrlsDiirB.5 5'i,9.03a. ra., 12.10,4.30 am',3.05 1'. in. For Lancaster and Columbia, S 3 1, 9.0 j a.m. and 4 30 p. m. SUNDAYS For Itea ling, Hirruburg, und wa pi nts, 9.15 u. m. (Via DETiiLF.nr.M.) For rhlladciutda fron 1.. V. Depot 4,1. .is '8 US a. m.ii. si.H, 8 4 p. m suiiuny 4 uO p. m. For l'hhaueh lua tioui L S 3 Depot i IS a. m- 12.14. J.lW. 5-Eb p.m. Trains FOlt Al.l.h; .TOWN leave as follows! (VII CI'.UKIOJIF.M IIAILUOVU.) Leave Philadelplitu, 7.40 u. in., l.oo, 1.30 .inC 5.3: p. ui. HUNDAV-. r.eavo r;illiitclpuiii. 8. ni ai'd 3 IS p. ra. IVI.V KAftT I'P.MJL 11I1ANCII I Leavo ne.oins 7.ji le.3j n. iii.,-ou. 3.S5, riido.15 p.tu. Leavo Ilnrilshnrc, 5 15, 8 (S and r.55. a. ra., 1.41 and 4.0'J p. iu. Leave Lauiaiter, 8.01 a. m.. I.C0 and 3.50 p.m. LeaieColumbla ;.rin. in 1.03 and 3.10 p. ui. hUMi.VYH. Leave lleadlug. 7."0 a. ra. Leavo llairinbuii:,5 3 a.m. IVIA llKTin.EMEH.) I.eivo Phllndolmll 7 05. b IS, 9.4'. :.2", 5.H SfjOn. in. Nnndir a 13 ft m.. S.iki 11. m Trains maiku i thus )runto ami Irom depot 9th and Ureen streets, I'htlHitelplila otiier trnlutoa d Irnm Uioad "treet depnt. Tlaliia Via Ili't.iloliem" run to aid from llcrt bt. Depot, except t.ioio markod (). Too 0.41 ii. iu and p. u. tialns from Alln town, and tlio 7.4 a.m and p.m. trains from Pluhuli'ipiia, line through cars to aud trotu I'nlladc'.pula. J. K. WOOTl'HN. Oenrrot Manoter. O n. HANCOCK, atn'l rait. iS; nelcct .Inent. nov. 13. 'iliiiliitstrntoi's Salo of Valuable Real & Personal Property By virtue ofan order or the Orphans Court oft urlion (bounty, Fa., the undersigned, Ad inlnls ratrlx ol tho Estate or ttrlas ltelir. late or Mahoning township, County and Stato jrorcsuhl, deceased, will soil at 1'ubllo Sale, on the prcmUes, on Saturday, Nov. 29, 1879, commencing at (INK o'clock P.M.. tho fol lowing valuable KIJAL aud I'UKSO.VAL, PKOPEUTY, to-wlt: All that certain THAOT Oil PlUOi: OF LAND, sltuato In Mahoning township, near tho llnooftho Ilurouuh ol Kchlghtuu, containing F.IUlirY ADItl.S more or less, with the rot. lowing Improvements erected hcreou A Two Story FltAMU 1)WKL.UINU 110USL", llarn, nnd other outhuihllngs. Alio, two Cows, Spring Wagon, Farm Wngon, Cutting llox, I'tiw Chains, cook sieve, Furlor Stove, Tab.es, Cupnoard, Vlm-gif llirrels and a arhily or other articles ot Household Furni ture mid Fatmlng Utensils too numerous to mention, Terms will t.e made known at time aad place or sale. I.y SUSAN ItUHH. Administratrix, lilt. N. II. HKUUlt, Agent. I A Vm 1 011 S U ' ,Ui" rV nftho matter o. ih. l.at. of Jo,rph . Scidel. assigned to Henry lloyer. Th'i tin. UcrsUnod Auditor, apiKilnted Ly tho Oourt or Oummou l'leae or li.irtion I'ounly. to make illilrlhiillnn nflha fun.!. In Ihn himll Afl.l AsilK iee uud If noeessary to p-settle and re- , state the acouunt Illud, will attend to thedu. ties or his appuliuoiei.t on WUHN 1 SHAV, the lmh day oINOVKMHElt, A. 1). 18, U, at Ids oiticelu tho ItoruunUol IMiucUOhunk.l'a., t at 10 o'clock to tbo loreuuoa, ' 0cl. , mi- KU1 1 New Advertisements. -- 11E SUN I;01t 1880, . TnK Run will deal wilh tho events ot.tho year, 1630 In Its own fashion, now pretty f olt I understood by everyboilv. Prom January 1 ' tuitll December M it v li t be conduced as a i ewspapo written In tie KnjrllsJi languago and printed lor the whole people. As a newspaper. Tub Sun believes In-tret tliut all the news of the world promptly, arid presenting It In tbo most Inndlfctllilu shape- the slniiio that will enablo its reuilcrs to Keep well abreast ofUieajib wilh tho least unpro ductive cxpendltipe ot time. The grvitest Interest to the xreatest number Unit Is tho law controlling us iiaiiy make-up. It now has a circulation very much lamer than that of any other American newspaper, nn.l enjoys, un income which It Is nt all tluus prepared lo spend liberally lor tho .benefit of Its readers. People of all conditions ol Ufa and all ways of thlliklnn buy and rend The Sun;, and they allderlvu sutlsfacthn of some sort Irom Us columns, lor they keep on buying and read ing It. in Its comments on men and alLilrs. Tun Son believes that the only guldo of policy should bo common senso Inspired by genulno American principles nnd bucked by ii' onesty orpuriuse. Fur thtsrcneonft I. and will con- ut luriuoe r ur tins ruucuii li ir,uuu will uun tlnuo tu I abfoluiclr liKlcpcndont of nartv, cine, clique, orqunlzallon. ur intcretU Ills for all, but of nono. It will continue to p raise wlnit In Kood and reproboto what la ovll, tak Uig care that Its lanKU-ie Is tu the point and plain beyond the uffflbflltjr ofl?Intf mliun rterstoud. It is uninfluenced by tnutlvcs that do nut appear on tho surface; It has tiuopln luns to sell, pavo thuso which may bo had by any purchaier with two cent?, it hates In- tustlco and nifcallty even muro tliati it hates uunecefPiiry words. It nbhurs frauds, pities lools, and nlnooinpoops uf every species. It will continue thruuithout the year 1880 to chastise the llrstcluts Instruct the 3-JCond,unU discountenance- the third. All honest men, with honest convictions, whether sound or m I? t ftK on, aro its friends. And Thu Sitn makes no bmtcs of telling tho truth to Us lriehlantl about lis friends whenever occa sion Jirla.s for plain speaking These aro thd principles upon which Tut: Sun will bo couduclcd during the year to come. The year 188) will be ono In which no p.itrl ol!s AUH'Hciui can atfurd lo close his eyus lo public ntt ilrs. It 18 Impossible lo exai();er:i(e the ltup.rtunco of the political events which ljfttl00 on lUe fmtt 0reVery citizen who dca'res il nas in sroru, or uieitccesmy ot resolute vitf to presirvu the Government that the founders ipivo us. '1 ho ilebatcs and acts ol Confess, too utierances ol tho prets, the cxcittnir, con. Usis ot tin llcpulillc in nnd llcmocratlcpar. iIch, buw nearly equal lastrenKthtlirouKlidui the country, iliu vurylnK drift ofpulillo send, mini, wlllall bear dlrcctlj and iireuilvely upon the tucniy.fuurili I'rcsideiithil election, tube held In November. Four years auo next No cm her, the will of the nation, ns expressed at the polls, was thwarted by an abominable con. splracy. tho piomotcrs and bcncnclaries ot which still hold the orllcis they stole. Will tho cr ino or 1870 bo repeated In 18S0? The put ilccado ot ears opened with a corrupt, extravagant, and Insolent Administration in. trenched at Washington. TiiuMi-vdld some. thlmr. toward dislodging the giiK and break ing Its power. I ho sjmo nun uro nuw In. trlKUlnn to restore ttielr leader and them, selves to places Irom which they were driven by tho InillKiiatlon of the people. Will they succeed? The coming yo.ir will brlnjj the answers to these momentous questions. Tun r-tiN will be on hand to chronicle the facts us they arc developed, and to exhibit them clear ly and fearlessly in their relations to expedi ency and right. Thus, wlin n hatlt or philosophical good humor In looking at tho minor tiU.itrs ot lite, and In igrcat things a steadfast purpose to milntiiln the rights of the p 'eple and the principles or tho Constitution ag.iliist all ag gressors, hie Sun Is prepared to write truthful, Instructive, and entertaining history of 1880. Ourratcs of subscription remain unchanged. For tlio Iiaii.ySun, a four-pigo shtet of twenty-eight columns, the price by mail, post paid, is 05 cents a month, or SU.5U a &eur ; c, Including the Sunday paper, an eight, page sheet of tltiy-sixcoluiunj.tho price Is til cents a mouth or S7.1UA )err, po&tugc paid. '1 he Sunday edition ot Titu Sun Is also rurnlshed separately ut S t 0 ayear,postage paid. Th' prlco or tho Wr.EKLY Sux, eight pagis, fllt-?lx columns, Is 31 n year, postage paid. For clubs of ten sending $ I U we will tend an extra copy free. Address I. W, KNtltiANI), Publisher orTiia Sun, New orl; City, nov. 8 -Ow. IXF.CUTOliS SAiX or Valuable Heal & Personal Property lly virtue of an order '1 tho Orphans' Court oP'urbon County, Fit., the uiiili'rslgnod, Exe cutors of the Es.aio ol .I011N E. SSEIUhN. Fl'S, late ot Lower Towamcnsliv, county and state arorcs.ild, ilee'd, will sell, at public sale, un tiu premises, on Tuesday, November 18, 1879, Commencing at TEN o'clock A. SI., tho rd- urjiil i'r'ipcri,-wiiloJtiji.luiJJ,ntsoual4- rfAiij tract 1.1 plico 111 LiA.MI, sltii.no In lynvcr 'l'owaim'iilng l'nli nnhlti. Ciiiit.ilninir linn ltmirl. red anil Forlt-ono Aeres. wilh thu .15. ' v" Iniproveuicnts thereuii erect d. "vTt A,f0 'wo Cow, ono Hull, one Calf, six s boats, two 1'igs, ono ling, two Horses, two lllves or ilecs. Slirllur and Farm Wagons, Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Mow- i' g ttiiiciiinc no i ucapercomijincu, iiwjtj. Huh Sleds, sei llhicksmlth's Tools, l.n.,1 lirp.i Siniian.ri. UT n ,.li In a I.,,.. fH! Chains, Hay I. nlders. &c., ahi'ut 60 fc?r"'gil hu.'liols or Potatoes, ii lot or Ilav ami Str.in. n iiuantity or excellent Clover .-ccd, together with n variety or HOUSEHOLl) FUHNI- TUIIl'i, comprising llcds and Ilcdsteads, stoves. CariKls. lliircau. chairs. Tables. Con. bi.ir's and a large variety or oilier articles or running implements ami iiousenoiu nnd Kitchen I umliuro too numerous to mention. Terms will be made known at tho tliuo and place ol sale, ny LEVI ZEIOENFUSS, ELLEN ZEHIKNFUS, Executors ol John E. Zelgcnlus.ilco'd, I.oncr Towauienslng, Sept. 1, 1S79-W3 iiE(vi:itus. "Sour stomach, bad breath, indigestion mil headache easily cured by Hop Biltersj "Study Hop Hitters books. uso tho med icine, bo wise, healthy and happy." ii nun ino ia ii in ug, nun you navo losi ill hope, try Hop Bitters." "Kidney and unitary trouble is univer-1 al, mid the only safe and suro rcnicdv i.- ijllop Itinera rely on it." "Hop Hitters docs not exhaust nnd des rnv, but lestorcs mid makes new." "Anlll. llMtillllflf.d itl.lll'.llinca it.n 5 lice, Hop Dittos removes easily." 3 "Iloils, Pimples, Freckles, Hough Skill riipiions, impure oioou, nop Hitters cure "Inactive Kidueysniid Urinary Org.un iuso tho woret ufdisoascs, nud lion Bit icrs rurcs them all." "Moro health, sunshine and joy in Ho nilteis tliau in all other lemcdic's." ilor Couuii Ci'rk ami 1'aix Hkmf If TltK r.KST 3 For sale by all druuulst. auirS..lm. jtjoksi:mi:s, look iieii- h") ! Saddler and Harness Maker, 11 a nic .st., i.EiuaiiTox, ra., Calls attention to the fullowlntr extraordinary LOW I'ltlOUSj Ht'KBy Harness nt Irom...,., J12 00 upwards Kxpriss Harness ut from 10 00 upwards lln celling llarnos nt Irom .. 8 00 upwards il'iaiinir Harness at from e 00 upwards Horse Collars (hair) at from. S to upwards " ' (straw) ut Irom. 1 M upwards Bridles at from 1 "5 upwards and all other articles at equally low prices, und auiirtintctd of best worUmanshlp UK. I'AlltINO promptly att ended to at reason, able charges. I'atrunano solicited. May 10 K. A. BHI.TZ. resiiectfully announce" to the pccioio ol Lot mtitoii aim vicinity that ho litis iiioiloairnufreiiiiiit-lor uniilv;n;r iliem witli thoJIEvr LEHHill CUAL linm tlin Lrlllrh ion Depot ol i)ic t.iii gli a: aucf)., Itlt.. at me followiuR Low I'rleea i Stove , f no prrti'D Eap 3 73 per lou Cbcstuut 1 7J per ten No. : 1 75 per ton STMCLTY FOR CASH Leavo vour OrtWd at my Ofilce. IIAkK Bt.. oopniltetlto f u ii ic bqtiuu L'ual will Coikliv cred, when deslrta, ut vo.y Loi-tt Clinro. on ul ovfmrico , . a lllvL'JZ. JUrch 8 -2ai. I eUighion, 1'a. F. A. T4i:HMANN Solicitor of American nnd Furcljf . P.iU-nU, Waflilnstoo, D.U. All bushirfd rumiectcd with Palenir, whet tier lie. (uro thu I'iitt'iit Olliror the t'onrt.", promptly a I tended 10, NoelmrKeiu ideuulcMa p.ueut Is lucurod. Bund tor circular, ucls-tf INSTITUTE NOTICE. Tl. Annn.,1 Tl'lOII PI3I TVWTTTIT I-1.' Of AKItUX I'dUNTY. will bo held In the' I t OUlif HULHl, AT ilAUl.lt UUU.Ml, oommenelug on MoildaV, NoVCml er 17, 1879, J' ' ' at TWO o'clock 1. M., and continue ilurlu tho week. Teachers, Directors ai.d Friends orivlucutlon la geueral are cordially lorltcd to attend. L,t,.shto, JklmZs' ' a"VU New Advertisements. . THAT NUSBAUft & SON Have, tip to tho present time, this Fnll, "Sold more' ' ' Boots&BIioes than during the whole of Last Season, which wholly accounts for our bo ing better known to the Trado as Dealers in this line, anil as ofTcring tho ron the Therefore, all thoso who have, ns yet, not supplied themselves with such Goods ns they may need iu tho way of BOOTS AND SIIOE3, will do well to avail themselves of tho Superior Advantages Offered by the Original Cheap Cash Store ! Solid Stock! Superior Workmanship ! ! Latest Styles ! ! ! Lowest Prices ! ! ! ! Just Received, 5 MOUE CASES OF At $1.60 per Van; regular price 2.00 per pair J. T. Nusbaum &8on, LEIIIGIITON, Ta. Oct. 4-yIcm. Tlio unilcrsIinifNl Auditor, nt nolntpil hx tho Court of Cotiumm PR-jib i.f I'tunoit (7ouii'y tn nttjuft anil rtiport rilMrihutlou of the fumU In tlio h mils of yamuel Ielbt'iiKuih, iifs nco ol William Horn, will nMend to Uio duties ol Ms appointment on iiuiiAi, iiu'iiJiiuiK i-b, ioiv, i ij.i u i lut u . .ii ,, ii i inn vmn , Oak II, til. lUiiuch (llnuilc, vthm and Wheru nil tui r tics Intrrpsfcd nuy nitond, l'KTDK .1 WKI.HAX, Auditor, JHauch Chunk, M'pt. 1, lS79-vi Ij"t -nur first atUcic of ImllKCftlon bo tho last. House tho dormant- enurirles of Ilia stiiinscii wiiu ine miter, i ne tone inus im. narted will remain. This Is a tact establish. ed by thousands ol witnesses, whoso testimony Is slmnlv a statement of their own experiences. Those h mietcd with Kcneral debility of every phase will find tills locdldno an unlaillnir unent In bulldlnK up nud renewing their sircnxtn. For sale by all Druggists nnd respectable IJcnicrs generally. TrcmonT IlonsB, WASHINGTON, D.C. This popular Hotel has ticen entirely rent tod, havlnv ncconimodntlnns tor 300 guests, and will continue lo hu thu' only First. Class House In tho city at moderate rates. Terms, 2 60 per day. I'rco Omnibus nt OrriotR. oclS-tr Y. 1'. HILI, l'roprlctor. o o u CI .2 O PETER HEIM, THU I'HAOTIOAL Boot and Shoe Maker, announces to his friends and tho public in lenernl. that lie has lust received n large assortment of Men's, Women's A Children's Boots, Shoes nnd Gaiters., F1' WINTEK WEAH. which he Is olfer- lug at Itnprecedently Iaw I'rlets fur Uashl CUSTOM WOEIK Made up at very reasonable prfois. and per. feet flts Kuaranteed. llUl'AUllNU neatly done at fturt notice. Opp. Public Sq., Bank Street, cctWmSj LEIIiailTON. riOSTETTErt J P CELEBRATED 5 Q r. w mum mm . New Advertisements. !3 c O 3 g C3 1 5 - ca w i. i f? is C3 I2 Dr. Charles j. Horn Would announce to the puMIc Mint ho lias CENTRAL DRUG STORE In Iicuckcl's Hloek, Bank St., Loliigliton, Pa., HavInK refitted and refilled tho entire stock lio can oiler DRUGS AND Strictly fresh CHEMICALS and Pure, Also Horse and Rattle i owders.Patent Mcdl emeu, iirusiies, aoaps, i .iiiiius, l'eriumerics, Kjioiiki'S, l.'liaino.s Skins. Wines and Ll'iuors tor .tledlcal Hurpnscs. Oils, J.umps and Fixtures. llycsiutls.Cholcu Ulnars, l'iyos and Ti.liac). hpec tacles, Trusses, Nursing llottlcs, Violin Strings, and a lull Hoe ot Wall Taper and llortlorsnllho l.uvircst l'rlccs. llF.,..lnltnn. n...r..lW uM...,..ll nn.l prompt attention nlven to every branch of tho tusluces. A continuance 6f tlio'iatronno hcrctolorc cAiuuiicu iu hub chLiiiiiiaiiineui is rcsnccuuiiy runi;iivii uiu Itaii4l,u.liuu uuurillllcco. scpt.13, ISTO.-l'. " " l)n. O. T. IIOHN' Jlll'OUTA.NT ANXOU.NCEME.Vl J l'CST OKFICK ISUH.DINO LUHIOHTON, PA., hasahe Largest and invst. intensive niocK Ol HATS, GAPS, &c. ever oirered In this boronuh. Havlnif pur. chased my Stock In l ho Eastern anil oilier Manufactories early in the season and utu saving ol 10 to IS per centum uu tho present jLviiuuueu rricee, t um prcnircu 10 oner ex traordinary inducements to my customers. .il'ilim ai.llltiuu lia. UVVU KI1UU IU 1110 BtlCU tiou or Fall and Winter Boots! and I Invite my Humorous fi lends ami patrons in ctin nun uxiimioo my mock ueniie maiiiiii; their purcha&es elsenlierc, us linn prvpuitil lo alvo special Inducements 10 all UASH I'uiiuiiiinr.ics. lieuicmlier, LEWIS WEISS l'osi.OiUio IlalldliiK, L.chliihiou, l'a Sept. So. Oil AX AIlS0I.UTi:iiY Safe and Brilliant Light, Use Straub Sc. Harrar's Thk Family Favokite BURNING OIL ! ASK FOR STIlAUB X IIAIin.VH'S STAWNE Oil,! Aug. 10 in3 The undersigned Is now prepared to supply the very but LATT11IEH COAL at the tol. lowing LOW PltlOES FOll O.VSHi At Yard I Dellv'd. No. 2 Chrsmut, per ton,. . il fiOi No. 1 Chestnut, er lou,., !I5 I sot Store, per ton,i... ........ 3 00 ' a j J. L . GABEL, Daler iu GeNEUAL IlAKlNVAIiE, &c, Oppoalto the Pabllo Pguire, BANK feTtlEST, LCJiailfON, PA. i.o'.w,f7 I WjHISS & KERSCHNER, SOCCE?SOllS TO R0MIO A HorFOUD, Bank Street, Lchighton, Aro prepared to Manufacture, to order, every description ot OAKIUAUES, IIUUOIES, SLEIOHS, srfriNa wagons, Romig's Pat. Platform "Wagoiii, be, at lowest rates tor Cash. REPAIRING Or all description promptly attended to at tho uio&i rcasonaoio prices. All Work iruarautced. and natronni-ik Is respectrully solicited. WEISS & KETiSOHNEK. July 26, 1879-yl DANIEL WIEAND, Carriagcs,'Wagons,Slcighs,&c. cobnkp. or HANK AM) IIIOX STItEKTS, I.EIIKJIITON. Penna., llcspcctfully announces to his frlcmls and th public, that he Is prepared to Hulld all des criptions or OAIiltlAQES, SPliINO WAQONS, SLEIQHS, he., In tho Litest nnd Most Approved Stjlcs, at Prices lully ns low as tho fame can be obtain, ed elsewhere, guaranteeing the best Seasoned Material ond most substantial workmanship. Particular atttntlon given to REPAIRING In all Its details, at the very Lowest Prices. Potronaac respectrully solicited nnd pcrftot satisfaction miarattccd. April 28, 1670 yl DAN. WIEAND. URIAH FATZINGER ftesoccifiillwaunnuiicofl to thn pcplo.lhat ho Ilia leased the Shop of SAMUEL HEIlElt LINU.on North Street, Xehighton, Pa., and piopoFcs to resume Ills old boslncss ot Carriage and Wagon BUILDING, im' rp.sn',rtfii,y osks n sham nf iiub.ir tmtron ntft, i-iKiifliitt Jn" inn Wm kinan lnptn I p cqiinl " tlo bt-ft, a il tliu rilctv lu bo ls tow m tho lowest. REPAIRING oi an 1.17.1-rrtiiimy i.ticnOcd lo n vciy rca. soua'j c ch .rK'. . UJSIAII TATZINORn. Oniio-ltc Public Cquaic, Ncith istrret, rcb 1" yl Lehif hton, r. "JJ1ALL AXI) WIXTKIt MilliiierTGoo(iS ! I Kw Styles! JmcnseYarietF! The nnderslRncd respectrully nnnounees te ller Irlendsnml tho ladles generally, tl.nt she Is lust opi-nlng a now and cry elexaut line ot LAlilhs' FALL and WINTEK Jsffstf.i and BSoijsicls, at her Millinery stnbllshnient on HANK Strict. LEIIl'HITO v, im Khlcli r.irMWo and Elegance and lieauty ot I'luleh in'cet every clulco and all desires. iioxxr.T ii;rjiMix(;s The Leading Heslnns to bo found In Market. LADIES' UNTItlMMEI) & TRIMMED, HA IS, a i-imil assort men t. Also inanv pretty and neat styles In Kl.llWEliS and FEATH ERS. For any kind ol Millinery Uoods no to. Miss ILlzzie Miiiisci. sc.lg m3 Ilanl St Lchlghtcn. DIAMOND CATARRH REMEDY, A POSIT1VH CURt.; fur CATAItllll ofall kinds. Cures atany st-iire of Ilia dU caso. Hiiscii'e.t many ensts so terrible that bones came Irnm the iicse, lr. K 111 j '1. IMh 111 11 ml Cn tnrrh It em. t-il, Is mild and pleas nit, allordlntc immkiii-. atk HKl.lKF 11 i.d priiiiipt cure. It was ms. rovKlu.niN Oamfoum , und Is believed to be tbo only heal cure yet alven to the public. A rev a plications bleak up a Cold In Um Head, cure IMIficult llrcathlnir. Cli gulnif or Head und Throat, IImLicliu Deufneis, Ioss ol Smell, Viilce.nnd Sight, The "IMam, .Mi ls nwnndorlul medicine, and costs ohL 0 f'KNTD. Tho lllninniiil lnvlirnrnfnr. the best ot lllood I'nrlllers and lilllku Mcdlciucs. Price, 60 cents. Tliu lllninniiil Vervlitr pill, n specif, le lor nil Nervous Con plaints. Frlc, 41.00. The lilMiiiiiiiil snlv "Mother Itricrs's Cure All tho must perlcct external cure ever Invented Prlco, 25 cents. Send for ilcscilptive circular of Dr. Evory's lllaillund Itcinedles. rBi:r.nruiit. lnoulia ofyour lining si. rroprictnr's undress, im. A. i. EVOitr & CO., Park Place, New Vcrk i-lty. jicl. 4,-jni. rpilK IlICST rAI'EHI TKY IT! HEAUTI FULLY ILLUSTlt ATED. .'ISlIl vi:.vic. I Scientific American. The Sjlfntlfle Americ.tti Is A l.trun Flml. Class Weekly .Vewspnper' or sixteen Pager, printed in the most beautiful style, ritorcaK LY illustrated with splendid FiiKravlngs. re presenting the neirrkt Invrnilnns and the most recent Advances in tlio Arts and Selen. ccs ; IncludtOK .cw and Intcrest ng Facts lu Aarlculture, linrtlcullure.tlio Hoine,llealth, Medical Froirms, Social Sclrnec, Nntural History, (Icology, Asironomy. The most vnlmiblo nracllcHl nanrrs. Iiv eminent wrll.r In all departments ol hcleuce, nil! be foutitl In tho Sclcntlho American: Terms. Mil) Per year.! COhaHvcar. which Includesposinge. D scount to Airrnts, Slnulo copies ten reuts, Sold bv all Newsdealers, lirmlt bv lMist.il nrilertn MI'NN fti:(l I'm I,. Ushers. 37 Park Itow, New York, T- A T'THT'J'PS In connection with XT t i. XU1. A O. tho So 1 un Tir 10 AMEntCAN, Messrs. Mvnn & Co., lire Sollcl lurs or America-i nnd Foreign Patents, havo had 36 years cxpclince, nod now l.ave the lurg'ft establishment In 'he world. Patents sre obtained on the ln'stternis. A rpecUl no tice la made lu the ciaTir't' AMHtifAXor all luvrpiloDt liilentiil lliroujli I Mi Agency, Willi the name and rcsUInu ol tho Patentee, lly thi- Immense circulation thus given, nul lle attention Is directed to the merits or Ihe new patent, nnd talos or Introduellun often entity t-Htetril. Any person who has mado a new dlsaovery or 1 11 v. ntlon, can aocrtnln, frtt of chargr, wliethrr a tiatcnt cm probaldy beoUalni.d, by xrltlimio Mi'nn & Co. Weatro sndirs our Hand H.uk abuut tlio I'alrnt La, Pat ents, Caveats, 1 tadt-Marks. their roili. nnd bow procured, with hints for piocurlnif aiU vaiiocs mi Invvntl. n. Addnssror the Pa;r, orconi'cmlng Patents. JIU.V.V CO., 37 Park How. N. V. Ilranch OBlce, cor. F & 7th Sts., Washington, 1). O, nor. 1 -tf foil ig fi