PJ n. S1RWKU9, DIsTHIOr ATTOnNKY A COUNSMXnR AT LAW. Office, Kloti's Omuilng niouawajr. tjsttllnK Estntf s. Fllltiir Accounts and Orphans Conn Practice a specialty. .... , , Trlil ol i:nnes cnrctnrv attended la 1.05a! transactions In KiiRlub and Herman, jan inina 111 otd mv lonna " fle oEO- 11110 1 111 Hll I". TtOWKLI. A CO'B News. tper ArtvrrlMnir Huieau, 1(1 K nee Mrret, iUKK, TRAITS mar bo mutator It In SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1,1879. Local and Personal. TO SUIISCItlllliltS. Subscribers will pleaso refer to tlio illrec lion tabs on their pajierB, by so dolus they will bo able to sco whether they aro square on our books r not, thus : John Fitiwilllam mnrS 70 Shows that thesulivrlptlon has been paid up till Mnrch 8th, 1879, ami consequently there Uonedollanluoiuotitho present year, which you will please remit, or $1.25 will bo charged if wo havo to send bill. Pay tho printer 1 Tho first snow of Iho sccson fell last Friday. WANTED, a good stout girl for house work. Apyly at this office. The Iron business is still boomfng, and all the furnaces arc In full blast. The next re-uulun of tho 47th Tcnna. regiment will be held In Allcntown. Tho school controller of Reading have just increased tho salaric of their teachers 10 per cent. The first of Iho Crane furnaces at Cal asauqua was blown in on anthracite coal July 4, IrtiO. Chew Jackson' Best Sweet Navy To bacco. 750. A full lino of blank bonks, very low,nt Liicketibach'a, Matich Chunk. The slate minufaeturcra of Chapman and Ujiitfor havo just advanced the price, ol slato twenty-five cents per squaie. The Lehigh mountain larni near Beth lehem yielded over 5,0H0 bushels of apples this year. There are over 1,100 apple ami peur trees oil it. A very dangerous counterfeit $20 legal tender note is in circulation. It is of tho scries of 1878, letter C, and is 60 well exceut ed that it is apt to deceive nil but exeiU. -William Schmeder, of Kempton, last week found In one of his fieldsn blossoming rye stulk, measuring 3 feet anil 10J inches in length. It had sprung up from a grain that remained on the field after harvest. An immense stock of envelopes and writing papers, sold at Luckenuacli'sMauch Chunk. Tho Topular Western Ticket Agent, B. O'Bnan, will bo nt this office next Wednes day night. If you intend to go west, call and see him, he will send you right, cheap and quick. One day recently wl.ilo Dayid Caskic, of Slatington, was out gunning, his fowling piece exploded while in the act of firing, the Hying Iragmcuts striking him upon one of his hands and larccratiug It so badly that the thumb had to bo amputated. Dr. James K. Kistler, of Kistlcra Val ley, last week started for Atchison, Kansas where he purKses to settle for the practice of his profession. The Kutztown National Bank, in its official statement just issued, shows a d s count line of $50,800,50, and a deposit line of $10,398,05. Tho capital paid ill is $00, 000, and the surplus $3,0111,41. Mr. Samuel Fries, of Steinsvillo Lehigh county, oftcr nineteen ycais of patient wait ing, has a beard four feet and nine inchesin length. Ho attributes tho almost superhu man strength with which ho is endowed to his long beinl and hair. 300 boxes West's Vegctablo Liver Pills for sale at Durlitm's Drug Storo. 20 cents per box. tf. Just in, a new lot of wall paper, for fall trade. Call and see it ut Luckcnbach's, Mauch Chunk. For tho weekending October 24, theie were shipped over the h. A- S. railroad 101 122 tons of coal, and for the season to that date 3,294,loj tons, showing an inrrense, as compared with same timo l.utyear, in the shipments of 1,410,091 tons. It makes no differenco how much tho political pot boil?, D.i id Ebbert continues to hire teams Irom his popular livery on Jforlh street, at knock down rates. Try it Mr. Jas. II. Ilaudwerk, who recently purchased the hat storo of Mrs. Hannah Belford, in Mauch Chunk, in which ho had been clerk for a number of years, has the most ebborato sloclc of hats au-l caps InCar- Ixiu counly. lion. Robcit Klotz, passed through town Tuesday, jovial as ever, dee advertisement in another column of thc's-ile of the farm and jicrsonat proper. ty of the lato John E. Zeijeufiis, of Lower Towamenstug, which takes place November lHih. If you want a nice snri.tli, easy shav your hair cut or blimuuiiug, go to Franr K'tederor'a Saloon, under Ihe Exchange IIo tel. He will fix you right, and don't you forget it. A fine lino of assorted box papers, latent styles, as low a 7 rents per box and upwards st Lurkciibacn's, Mauch Chunk. Henry Campbell, ol East Wcissport, an nounces to his friends ami Iho piiblielh.it li is prepared to supply them with tho best quality of renrtv.iti.ule fall and winter BOOTS and SHOES at a great reduction ii price from last year, iiotwitlistaudiug the recent advance in manufacturers' prices of from 10 to 15 per cent. These boots an shoes havo lieen made expressly t his orvle and aro guaranteed to givo satisfaction. Call and see them. A new coal company has l,een nrganiiol tvith Elisha, A. P.ickcr, of New York, a President. Thn mines are situated on the Upper Ihigh branch of the Central Uail To id of New Jersey, on tho Buck Mountain vein, and ars expected to furnish about 100,000 tons of coal a year. For fancy stationery, call at Dr. C. T. Horn's popular drug store, Jtut received In handsome boxes, nnd to be sold at panic prices; also, wall uMrs,a new and hand some assortment lower than ever. A mpular lecture, under tho auspices of the Ladles' Mile Society, will ho delivered in tho Lehighton M. E. c hurch, by Rev. J. P. Miller, on Tuesday evening, November Ulh. Subject: George Washington. 8ec ial musio will be furnished by the choir. Admission, adults, 15 cents) children, lite. Abraham Lewis has ojtcned a new store in Parryvllle, and invites his num erous friends to rail and examine his larjte stock of clothing, dry goals, notions, grocer ies, queensware, glassware, tinware, Ac, y ut iinprecedent- which he is prewired to sell ly low prices lor cash. He also makes a Secialty of useful goods on his jf ctnt cqunlcr. Call early for the purpose ofseeur - ing bast hargiintl Calvin J, Horn, aged 38 vears, was kill 1. anil PrleriAlf Rirntisel seriously inliir. ed. at E.ulon. Friday of last week, bv the fall of a soaiMd, 011 which they were work- pg, The Board of Pardons, nt Hot rfsbiirg, has recommended thattho death sentence of John ONeill, tbo Norihumbcrlond county Mollio Monuire, bo commuted to Imprison ment for life. Tho Philadelphia and Heading Rail road Company sent out their November circular of coal prices Monday. Tho ad vances per ton aro as follows 1 Lump and steamboat, 25 cents j broken and stove, 40 cents; egg, 30 rents; and chestnut, 20 cents; The market was reported very active, with orders being filled at November prices. Prof. Gardner repeated his eloquent and graphic lecture on the "Evils of Intemper ance," at tho Presbyterian church on Tues day evening. As on the previous occasion, tlio houso was filled to its utmost capacity, while, a large number were unablo to get even standing room inside tho church. Probably a luoro Intelligent and refined and ience was never assembled In this borough than on this occasion. There wcro a largo number from Mauch Chunk, Wcissport and vicinity. It is seldom that pcoplo are ad mitted free to listen to so brilliant a lecturer as Prof. Gardner, and all who heard him Tucsduycvcningnpprceiatothcfact. At the conclusion he thanked tho woplo of Lehigh ton for their spontaneous welcome ! Rev. Mr. Miller for his fraternal encouragement, nnd the Choir of the M. E. church which volunteered its services to furnish music at both lectures. The exercises were closed by tho appropriate song "Where is my boy to night," by Mrs. A. J. Durling, with chorus by the choir. Miss Clara Ilibbler presided at the organ. If you wish to buy itn umbrella, walk ing cane, a pair of driving gloves, or a fash ionable hat, call at tho storo of Jas. II. Handwrrk, (formerly Belford), Mauch Chunk, nearly opposite the 2d National Bank. Tho shipments of coal over tho Lehigh Valley railroad for the week ending October 25th were U9.14U tons; 11 tolu! for the season to that date of 3,827,983 tons, being tin in crease for the season, ascompnrcd with same time Inst year, of I'i78,535 tons. Our K'ople ure evidently beginning to appreciate the ndyanlages to bo derived from hearing intelligent lectures, soofcoursc ihcre will bo a large turn-out to hear Dr. M. L. Rossvally, tho Converted Jew, in the Presbyterian church, of this place, on Wed nesday nnd Thursday evenings of next week. The subject will bo "Jewish Rites anil Ccr C'nonies." Admission 15 cents, and tho pro . . 1 ceeds for the benefit of the Presbyterian and Evangelic.il Sunday Bchools. The application for the pardon of George Boy, r, now serving a term in the Eastern Penitentiary, has been refused by the Board of Pardons. The freight business of tho Lehigh Val ley railroad the past mould was greater than 11 anv month si nee the mad was established. -The fair and festival last week of the Trinity Reformed church, Conloy, was crowded. 'Humorous and congratulatory ad- lresses were made by tho Revs. J. A. Little f llokcndnuqua and S. A. Leinbaek ol E;;ypt. -If you wish to buy a cheap hat or cap, or anything in that line, you will find it at Handwork's emporium (formerly Belford's), Maucli Claim;. The Fort Allen Club will hold a meet tig at the Hunters' Hotel, ill Weisijiort on Saturday evening. All Democrats aro re quested to attend. Miner Brothers still contlnuo to report a steady increase of business at their foun ilery, in Wcissport; and although they have enlarged their facilities for doing work dur- ug Ihe summer, still they are now driven to such an extent as to warrant working overtime. Indicutiousiirulhatlho fouudcry will run full blast through tlio winter. For a chuico five cent cigar go to Dr. C. T. Horn's drug store; opposite the Cailon hojsc. .lust received, an elegant assortment of Lidtes' coatings, which will bo mado up to order ut lowest prices at T. D. Clans' mer chant tailoriiig establishment. Curd of 'I'limitis. The Committee, on the Fair and Festival of the M. E. church at Puckerton desire, on behalf of thi membership, to express their thanks to their Iriendsof l'ackerton, Lelngh ton, Mauch Chunk and vicinity, for their generous assistance, which contributed to make tlio effort so magnificent a success, the sum of $215, being realized. Jous McKkuvv, Chairman of Committee. .lonns Soiiilhrlin tv 1 1 1 sell yon B y's ovcicoals at $2 00 u' Men's uud youth's oveicoats ut 3 50 " Boys soils ut 1 'Jj " Undershirts iiml drawers at 50 " White shirts at 50 " Men's boots nt 2 00 " I haven full lino of Men's, Youth's and Hoy's mills wlncli I 11111 selling nt II10 vciy lowest prices for cash. Call and examine before purchasing eUewhere, first clothing store above Miuis.on House, Muuch Chunk. Wllil Cn-oli Hi'iii. limiting time. Is here. Hurrah for rab bits and pheasants. Plenty ol ganio here. -Fanners are busily engaged in husking corn, Kibler's school o'hmiciI on Monday Ihe 27th nil. John Schullz is busily engaged ill build ing 11 hoiirc near this place. Tho Reformed meeting at Jerusalem church will le held next Sunday it IU . in. Charles Cliristman Is rapidly finishing his house. Emiiiou Drelsbach was in this placo on Sunday last. Young grammarians are very apt to iarso "love" as a fine night verb. Jor. ICclletollN Notes. EVAMlhL'CALdllUltCU WEISSronT J. K Sejlrlt Pastor. German prcaclilatr at 10 u". clock A. M. Teachers meeting tit 1:30 p. in, Sunday School at2 p. ui. English preaching at 7 p. in. Lkiiioiitox, M. E. Council. ltrv. J. P. Miller, pastor 9a 111., I lass Meeting; 10 a. in., bcr uon by the pallor, subject 1 "Paul on Mnr's Hilt" 2p. m., Sunday school; p. in. Prnjer .Meeting ; 7 p. m., Sermon by llev. J II. vWilttnn. former pastor of Methodist cuureii 01 faekerton. LtlllOIITOX LVAhQELlCAL ClIITItCII. RV. 11. J. Smoycr pastor, tcraorrow. (Sunday) German preaching nt 10 a. ui. Sunjecti "Tho real Freshet Wlilmui Wind or Haiti." (a Kings, 3: 18-17): English preaching all p. n . Subject! A Sermon to Young Women. All are welcome. Packkutox M. E. Uiiuncu. Rov. W. 11, Plckop, pastor, To-morrow (Sunday), pr'nc-b Ing at 1U-.30 a. m. and 1 p. in. Sunday school 2 p. in. 1 I'rayer Meeting Thursday evening at 7 U o'clock. The sermon In the mornl"g by Itcv. J, II. thltton, anil that In tho evening by Hev. T. Tielhew,)-. K. Mavch Uuuxrt ItcroBMin Cuoncii Rov. J. 11. Freeman, Pastor. Preparatory services this (Saturday) evening at 7 o clock, .,. ,,,. ' r. ' ommunion .irvie.. m i. 1.1.1. .'n.i in ihl evening the 1 tutor will Ucllrer his second ! sermon on "Christian life accord ng 10 the rilgrltn's Progress." All are wrlcime J KiicsALiiu's Uiiuncii. tin account of the severe IndUiwsltlon of Kev. Mr. Elchemwrif, R" J- E- Freemsn, of Welssiiort, will olflol. for blm on Sunday afternoon, Nor.Vth, at j J o'clock", All are cordially Invited ;vox rnvuiif. That our pcuplo may havo a glance at the political situation, in dlllercnt parts of tho county, wo present tho following brief cor respondent 1 AUnosiNO. I was agreeably surprised one day last week to shako tho genial hand of (Jeorge W, Laser, tho popular candlJato for Prolhonotnry. Wo had began to think that bo had forgotten us up horo In tho Valley. Ills opponent had been through here a day or two bolora soliciting votes on tho "Provcrty Dodge.' I aui much Impressed thatproverty alone Is a poor plea for a man to set up In do fenso of being elected to a responsible office j let this soouicd to bo Mr. Wchr's only merit. am told that Mr. Welir Is already very abundantly provided for by the tax-payers, In tbo sbapo bf pensions from the government, having recently received nearly one thousand dollars ofback pensions, A story had been circulated hero that Mr. Esser cannot speak tlio Pennsylvania Dutch language How ridiculous, when tbo truth gleams out I I was greatly please, on talking with him, to And that ho fK?aks Dutch must fluently, Ho Is a Carbon couniy boy, has spent his whole life hero, Is of genuine old PennsjlranlaUertnan stock. Ho claims his election on the ground of his ability and fitness to fill tho olftco with satisfaction to tho people. He will receive a good vote In Mahoning, Sak. Kins Linb At the commencement of the campaign, Same wicked and malicious false hoods were circulated among certain Demo crats of Lower Towamcnslng, to tho Injury of Paul Kresgo, but I nm pleased to say that these havo all been contradicted, and havo met tho fate of all lies. He will not only ro- eclvo a full Democratic voto here, hut a good complimentary vote from tho Republican ranks In tho bargain. Red Clodd. WKisironT. Thomas Koons claims that ho Is "the peoples friend," which reminds me ofa patent medicine man's testimonial. He also boasts ol his charity. I have known him for years, I always round htm struggling with tho Bible preempt that "charity begins at home," and he has always kept It there. He once turned a poor man and his family who occupied one of his toncmcnts, out of doors, becauso the man, belnir cramped by dull times, nas a few dollars behind with his rent. 'I hat man. although a Republican, will voto for Paul Krergo next Tuesday so say all of us. Old Uitizkk. Mauch Chumc. Mr. Geo. Esser requests mo to contradict the statement that ho said 1 do not wttnt iny lUbullcan vo'es." Tho story Is Improbable to commenco with. Every candidate wants nl the votes ho can get. Ho will receive a nice complimentary voto here. Switzer. Hhavkh MiEADow. The wholo Democratic ticket will receive a vote hero that will make tho coal Holds 01 Carbon ring. Every Green backer almost to a man wlllthlsycarvotothe straaht ticket. Men who work for a living havo learned a lesson that they propose to profit by. Black Diamond. LAitaironi'. Indications hero nro th it Paul Kresgo will r eclvo tho largest Welsh toto In the n Inlni: regions 1 vcr given to any Demo cratic candidate. Walks. lllctlcrlMillu ItrtcflctN. Prof. Chas. Kelley, leader of the Young America Cornet Band, gavo tho people of our place a serenade on Monday evening. Mr. W. II. Oswald took a ride through here last Saturday. Evidently lie was out lectioneering for Koons and the Republican ticket. At least, that's the way it looked when lie got homo next morning. Tho workmen in tho boatyard aro extra busy just now, repairing old nnd building new boats. And this reminds us to s.iv that W. C. Weiss. Esq., foreman of tlio yard, is one of the most enterprising men in our midst. In addition to his other duties, ho runs a farm and the retail milk business. Dr. Zern has been visiting here profes sionally during tho week. Mr. Henry Miller beliovcs in unity, and e.iys that it is tlio duty of cvery Democrat to stand by his ticket next Tuesday. If Franklin does so, as she diil last ycar.it is sifo to chalk down 500 majority for Paul Kresgo in tho county. Tho Long Run school teacher passes through here every morning witli a bag on his back filled with documents to be distri buted among his ennstituteuts. Honest John Laury, a graduate, of tho East Weiss' wit Academy, is advertised to address tho good people of our town uxin the important issues involved In tho present campaign, 011 Monday evening! large turn-out is solicited, uud nobody should fall to bo present, us it will no doubt bo a rousing speech, John having been four years in its pieparation, Tho Republican doctriua will bo expounded. Tho lecture on "Politici 1 Economy," ut tho Lyceum, rendered by Mr. Chas. Os wald, on last Satunlay evening, was a grand and eloquent treatise on the subject. A lep- ctitinn of tho saino will be given 011 Wednes day evening next. All ure cordially in- vitsd to be present. C. W. Wentz and F. L. Rcbcr drove through hero last Saturday evening, on the still hunt. Excur.quKR, (alldlllsborO IlL'lll!!. The weather here has been quite cold the last few days. The ice on Williams' lisli iond was 0110 fourth ol an Inch thick 011 Sunday morning. McEwen, Drum Sc Co., nro busily en gugeil 111 making preparat.ou to put 111 a largo lot of logs on their lidc. II. Beaman is also prep mug In put in u lot of logs. H.iw they will havo 11 good winter lor their work W. H. Davis i-atiio very near rapluriiii a largo bruin, but owing to tome deficiency 11 the kmi tho boar inude good his cscao. George Weiss changed Ins residence from the lower to the upper mil ofUouldsboro. Mrs. Jennie A. Williams has left us and gone to East WeisKirt to teach the primary school there. Jennie, wo missyourpieseiice very much. John Uufl'and wife havogone to Cedar Run. Tho Cedar Run fever isaballng some what since tho weather has got add. Wild geese are migrating southward, a largo flock passed through here tho other lay. J. L. Smith went to Scranton to settle up Ills iluplicuto. That's right always bo punctual 111 seining up implicates. Iho AovocATslsa welcotno visitor here, Jkw. REPORT of tho Lehighton Schools for tho month cnulDg Oct. 'Jlat, l7v. mull school. HI. F. T. Whole No. In attendance 8 11 1 J Ave age in attendance 7 8 15 Per Ctut. ul attendance 69 68 60 GRAMMAR SCHOOL. M. P. T. Whole No. In attendance 28 28 It Avi rage in attendance 2J 21 43 1'erccui. ul aiienuunce 82 81 8J SECONDARY MO. 1. M. P. T, Wholo No. In alien lanco 2a 25 60 Average In alien, lance 2a 20 40 Per cent, ofaitendauee 68 85 87 SECONDARY SO 2. M. K. T. Whole No. In attendance ii 28 62 .Werage in atteiului co 21 20 41 Per cuut. of attendance Si 79 81 PRIMARY HO, 1, SI. F. T. Whole No. In attendance 32 30 62 AveraKO in attendance 28 21 60 Per cent, ofalteodauoj J 63 V0 PRIMARY hO. 2. M. P. T. Whole No. In uum, Unco 61 61 102 Average In alt ndance 42 43 8i Per cent, ol atiend , nee 01 87 63 Tutal. HI. K. T. No. ol pupils In II the schools Ho 171 321 Average utlcndauee In all ehouli..lls 130 174 Per ceut. ol attend. In all schuuts.. 67 65 88 P. II. UkUKD, Principal. You bet, when ooughsaud coldsarcflvlng about like gnats 111 a storm, "Dr, Seller's Cough Syrup" is a sure cure. nifiurli Chunk Note. Dr. Klixk Dr.MuxsiRATiox. The people of East Mauch Chunk, lead by Mr. Charles Semfrlcil and Dr. Frick, on Monday eve ning, got up a demonstration in behalf of tneir respected leiiow-townsman, ut. unns. Kline, tho independent candidate for Shcrilf. The Onoko Band, at an early hour in the evening, proceeded to tho residence of Dr. Kline, and taking him by surprise, forced him to make his appearance. By this tlmo not less than 200 citizens had formed in procession, and they compelled the doctor to accompany them to the school hall, lie did so, and, besides thanking his fellow townsmen for their kind appreciation, as sured them that Mr. Siegfried was not his only Republican friend, but that General Albright had also promised him his en dorsement. IIo claimed that tho K. K. K. (Klu Klux Klan) was arrayed against his clcclion,nnd that assistance would come from tho Ordinance Department at Washington, which would aslsst him to hurl back the diabolical cllbrls being mado to defeat him. After speaking, the doctor was escorted back to his residence, amid tho bewitching strains from tho baud nnd the wild shouts of en tliusiasm from tho procession. Coiirkxt Topics. Mr. Wm. Butler re turned homo on Wednesday evening, from Montour county, where ho has been spend ing a three weeks' vacation among his rela tions and friends there. Montour, then Columbia county, wns his natal place; and he has not been there before for a number of years. IIo savs that after the Intiseof years It was difficult to recog zo the scenes M E t m , to , ol bis boyhood. Of the fertility or the val-1 ttm, , ranvntsltlg n,r , 10 jlruwl,.a imrov. ley of tho Susquehanna, ho speaks ( In U.olc1 rutcnt ulvcVSd, Komily Scale. It is most enthusiastic terms, the crops this year tho mll8ullieat, chcui.cst, most convenient aro very abundant. Mr. Butler looks many , ammito 1 o b b years younger for his trip. , lmWc auJ 8louU , cvery ,.Jlllyi Y.:' el!l"!n.ha' bccn. ,ick, ?r! -At a recent meeting of tho board of di- icver lor several nays, out wo aro picascu 10 say that sho is recovering. II. J. F. Brown, formerly of tho 2d Word, but now of tho Ordinance Department nt Washington, is on a visit to his friends ho always comes home to vote; and this adds one voto more towards electing K. Sherill'. Tho bridal tourists nro expected homo in a few days, and then look out for tho in evitable J. M. B. Mr. John Fiddler's family received a letter from him in Colorado, stating that by accident he recently broko one of his legs. An adjourned term of Court will be held on tho 6th of Nov. An additional story is being put on tho Odd Fellows' building. Of tho thirty rases before the recent Court of Common Pleas, only four of them wero tried. Mrs. Daniel Ilebcrling lias been re ported us dangerously ill during the week, but is improving. Mr. D. G. Bertsch has been on n pro fessional visit to Upper Lehigh this week. J'ucUvrtoii IEIpplcM Tho Rev. J. B. Whilton.of New Jersey, with bin family ore visiting their many friends hero. By request, he will occupy the pulpit of the M. E. church of this place ounuay morning. All addition to the car shop is proixised it is necessary owing to the increased business. -The Forwardini? office is receiving n coat of naint and other improvements. It will add very much to its apieiiruncc, as wen us me conuori 01 me occupants. b. A. Packer, the oblieinz anentofthc L. V.'R. R. Co., nt Mauch Chunk, called to see those who were interested In tho Prohi bition Ticket, leaving tickets nnd circulars. Ld is a strong temperance advocate. Geo. W. Esser was nt Tackerton on Mon- lay ; he seems to think that thero is neces sity lor hard earnest work before the De- iiiocracyoftliiscouiity. A prominent Green backer savs "look a littlo out." The Revs. Little, of Hokendnnnua. and Borroughs, of Slatington, visited l'ackerton on Wednesday. One of our political prophets savs fund confidently too) that Thomas Koon will be ! sneritl, ami mat Joseph Wcbh will bo depu ty. Tho thing is fixed there is no show for the Democrats. He evidently has seen the Ring. Gowen's letter and the renlv from Lo- higii has caused considerable comment here. Alter a careful perual of both wo came to the conclusion that wo don't know anything nbout iU If tho advance in coai will advance wages, wo say advance. The good times promised so long tiro coining Sherman's resumption me unmi unoin republicans wild 'didn't they say so." But hadn't we better hold up a little. Mav there not bo a a Barnuiu in this thing 7 Axon. To wain ins 1 11 (j IJ rev i I Irs. Tho upright man speaks as ho thinks. Where tho devil cannot come, ho will scud. Praver leads Iho heart in (In,. ,,! Un always fastens. Tho satellites resolve in orbi s around tho planets, and tho planets movo in orbits around thu sun. Applo peallU2 Parties aro nearlv ovnr for this season. The hog disease has mado its appear ance near Tracksvillo. Tho nuecii bco lavs orsrs 111 cella of three different sizes. School No. 0, will open next Monday, November 3rd. Hunters will please notice that It ! against the law to go after game 011 Sun days. Iho schools in Tolk township will oiien on the 3rd of November. -Candidates wero busily cngaccd in looking up theirgood friends tho last few weeks. Some of tho young ladies, of near Trnchsville, who lelt for Philadelphia last spring, are now nt home visiting their par ents and friends. They sak well of their situations at that placc,"aiid expect to return next week. Emery Getz and wife, of Albrightsville, were at this placo on a visit last Saturday and Sunday, the guests of Paul Smith. Somo of our Bchools, in this township opened last Monday, tho others will open next Monday. I learn that Mr. Alfred Kibler, of Wild Creek, sjieaks of making a lottery, this fall; if so, Mr. K, would find it to his advantage to advertise in tho "Aiiyocatk." Mr. Amandus Kibler, of Wild Creek, intends to leuvo to-morrow (20th) for Al brightsville, where ho will enter Into pro fessional business for several days next week. The Lutheran association held tneir ire.iratoty services 011 Saturday forenoon of last week, and on Sunday loflowing tho sacrament of the Lord's Supiier was admin istered by Rev. A. M. btrauss, minister in charge. After the services ho made a verv able anil interesting address to tho young ioople who joined the church lately. Ho was listened to with marked attention. MtOCt'UY Ills Crcclc Item. Win. Walck moved from Tine Run to stony it 1 11, near Lehigh Gap, oil Monday last. Hon. Robert Klotz was on u visit to his Indian liill farm on Monday. Hon. Dr. J. G. Zeru, of Woiwnort. was at this placo on Tuesday, wo wero glad to UCCb OllUt Mr. A. Stnlle, sealer of woighls and measures, passed through this valley on Wednesday. One secret a man can keepj If be has a udiny uorso no nas cuner to Keep tbo se cret or the horse. Buckwheat is selling at iO cents per uusoei ui our gnsL mills. Wo shall know who will sheriff on Wednesday next. Wm. Schwibeutz, of this place, was fiu- o' ai ..luiicn unutik 011 Satunlay last ill. Hi lot not having one uf Ins scales stamped. Mr. Adam Buck, uf Cherry ville. North ainptnu county, was ut this place on a visit loiiisuroiuerou .Monday and Tuesday, Considerable corn is to be busked yet uy some ut uur siow larmcrs. T. J. Solt oenod his school at Moria r urnace on .Monday last. Mr. Soloman Weaver experts to finish 111s uouse lor occupancy I'Us tall. C. A. Buck will take charge of the rnie nun scnooi, .vo. 1, 011 &iinuy next The Towanieiising book question seems In have died out, We have not heard any thing about it for some time. Pleased to learn that Mr. Beuiamin Struhl, who was ooufiiieil to his moiii with typhoid lever, has improved again consider- I ably. Rkvesk. Our Pnrrrvlllo UiuIitcC. Mrs. Mary Thlfer, who has been away on a visit, Is back again. 8upt. Cooicr made a flying trip to At lentown to-day (Tuesday). Mr. Dennis Bauman, agent for tlio Car bon Iron k Pio Co., went to Trexlerlown to-day (Tuesday) on business. Miss Koeli, of Cherry vllle, wos Tlsltlng friends In this placo last week. Owing to the skillful Homeopathic treat ment of Dr. W. F. Christ, 'Squire Wentz has recovered from his sickness, and is again about tils work. Mr. Tom Jones, from Nazareth, while attempting to jump from n coal cor in mo tion near the L. .t S. depot fell and dislocat ed tho third finger of tho left hand. There was a political meeting held nt Fire Lino Hotel 011 Saturday. It is said that thero wero several good speakers present. A party of gents from Mauch Chunk drovo down on Sundry afternoon, nnd amused themselves by going through tho furnaces and visiting utuutid town. Tho new foundry and pipe works is now under roof uud is uiukiug rapid prog ress. Mr. Jncob peters is having a bay win dow put' to his liouse. Prof. IIulTbrd wus in town 011 Monday. Dr. W. F. Christ lias gotten himself a new harness, and has had Tils carriage fixed. ui. rcctor8 uf t, bM , , prrvvllle. resolutions wero passed that particular at tention be called to those printed regula tions which provide: "1st. That absence lor four consecutive days, without n valid ex cuse, will makou putiil liable In suspension." "2nd. That pupils shall furnish their teach ers a written excuse (signed by parent, guardian or director) for each case of ab sence and for jiermissiou to leave school be fore dismission' Printed circulars giving full particulars, will bo distributed among the patrons of the schoolj ut an early ilato Alfonso. Klnlioiilup; Twinkling. Farmers aro busy husking corn. Josiah Cunfer spent last Sunday at East Pcnn. Willie Kistler, of West Penn, passed through our valley last Saturday on u, trip to Lehighton. F. W. Smith, who was appiontcd teach er of the Ginder's school, nt East Pcnn, has choused with Mr. Stoigcrwalt, and will now lake "possession of the school houso at tho church. Josiah Musselinan, teacher of tho New Mahoning school, enrolled 33 scholars the first day. D. 11. Hcningcr had nno of his hands badly bruised, by having it under a falling window recently. A. J. Ballict nnd sister returned last Monday from a few days' visit to friends in Lehigh county. Oliver Kistler, of Schuylkill county, p.uu us a visit ijsi aaturuny. Miss Ida Horn, of this place, nnd Miss Leibengulh, oT Slatington, wero guests of Miss Mary Ballict this week. Abe, Jake, Bub and tho plow agent havo inane arrangements to goto mo liiue .Moun tain after rabbits next week. There is a most unusual quietus in po litics among the poop'.o in this valley, and nftcrnll, it is tho best. What is tho use of getting excited 7 Hon. Robert Klolz passed through this valley last Wednesday. C. II. Seidcl and wifo aro expected homo this week from a visit to Bradlord county. ! . . Smith officiated as bead of the family uuriiig men uuseiice. C T.Young prides himself in teacher of tho high school in this district; but I fear lin will wisb beloro spring that ho had the low SCHOOL -D. D. Kistler had pipes laid last week to his house and barn, through which tho water now liotvs supplying man and beast. Wo notice a iieculiar feature in tho names of candidates for sheriff, nil Iho names begin with K and all have fivo letters ex ccpt 0110 which has six. If letters havo unv thing to tin with the fates, the three other candidates may well tremble. Kisses aro the richt kind of smacks to sail down tho stream of Hie with although taking a buss is not bad. Bisgu. Lower rUdilcr Items When tho richtcous aro in authority. tho jwoplo rejoice when tho wicked rule, itiu people mourn. Of all forms of habitation tho simplest is itiu uurruw. The lion belones to tho cat tribe, but lie cannot climb a tree. Pheasants are not as plenty as it was inougut tuey would uo by mo limners. Some iieoplo of this vicinity wcro at iraciisvuie unending services last Bundsv. Jacob Hawk. Eso.. claims not to bo beat in raising larg,o otatocs in this region. Ho ha-s 0110 which weighs 2 pounds and 0 ouuecs. Paul Eckluirt. Hotel keener. ofAlbriehts- vine, intends 10 noid a siioulliig-malcli on tho 21st of November. Labor disgraces no man s therefore let every voter ti-o that Paul Kresge's name, tno candidate lor blieritl, is placed on tho ticket before ho votes at tho election next Tuesday. Ifany person would like lo see an im mense pile of palling, let him go to Francis Wernetl's saw mill, where ho can see sixty thousand 011 one pile. The Albrighlsville school will rlose a term of six months 011 tho "111 ol November. I leurn the people who sent children to that school are all well satisfied with the teach ers. Paul Kresse. Eso.. the Democratic can didate for Slier ill', slopped at this place on i-rniay mgiit ol last week. Mr. Thomas Koous, the Republican candidate, on Mon day night last. Both seemed lively, as each expects to get the ullice. Tho furincr is choice in this vicinity. Paul Eckliartainl wifcof Albrlghtsyillo wero at Mauch Chunk on a visit last Mon day. Samuel Mover moved to Moses Pond's tills week. Joseph Scrfass, of this place, was at Krcsgeville on a business trip this week. Pro Bono. Court I'rocri'diiigti Before his Honor Judge Drcherand Asso ciates Leonard and MecnJscu. Samuel L. Meckos to tho use nf Cornelius Snyder, now to the use of Levi Horn vs. tho Poitsvillo Insurance Co. verdict for plaln tiil'lbr J-550 and interest. On motion. Joseph H. Schall.'Eso.. of the Monroo county bar, was admitted to prac tice ut the Carbon county bur. In the matter of tho application of T. D. Dannor. of MIchlKan. to practice at the bar of Carbon muntv, the Court appointed F. Bertnlette, Chas. Albright and Allen Craig, Esq!., as an examing committee. R. S. Snyder i Co. vs. the Tcnn's Mutual Fire lus. Co. ; 30 days granted defenant's counsel to plead In bar of judgment. Order of Court to Assignee of B. F. Klcp pingcr to sell real estate, confirmed. Jacob Nothsteln vs. Jacob Strauss j action frr damage jury disagrco und were dis charged. llatt l'riiu Hutu. Coo! pleasant weather. A thunder storm passed over hero Tues day afternoon. A slight full of snow, the first of the seasuii, last 1 riday. A few buckets of cider were stolen from the premises of Ueuben Harter a few nights atru. One of the buckets partly filled with rider was found under a heap of cm stalks, but tno purluincrs have so lar eluded deteu tion. Our publio schools opened last Monday Our farmers have almost finished their corn husking, Election next Tuesday, the 4th Inst. UjiOLK Sam. Joseph Harker, an old German, of Luzerne county, has twenty two-children living. IIo I furnished fifteen sous in theUnion army, Our Wcntlirrly Special. Our cooil neoiilo aro exempllfvlnif their faith by their works. In romlnglo tliorescue of our townsman, Neal McConomy, whoso 1101110 been in c me victim or tnn liery lictul last week. With n motrtiaminltv most credltablo to our community, liberal con tributions ore being made to assist the un fortunate family. This Is what we call genulno sympathy. No gush or shoddy about it. Mr. M. is negotiating for tho re construction of his liouse. Snow snualls on Friday and ice half an inch thick on Saturday morning. Rather severo change. Overcoats are being resur rected and straw hats and dusters salted down per consequence. -And now wo have It by authority ofa Mauch Chunk paper that a weekly paper is contemplated for our town. Good I llopo It may prove true, nut would 11 not bo well enough, first, to put that iuiiortant question, Will it pay? "Be sure you're right, then co ahead" is a motto, which, in tills connection will boar rcjietltioii. Though tlio lato or our former LxUivut nnd Slack Diamond need not deter any ol our enterprising would-be news- paer men irom tunning a similar attempt. If it can be mado to pay, wo soy, let us have With a few more clubs und lodges than there are cvcnlngi in a week, a reading club, an evening school, n class in elocution and a pxisjiecllve library or debating society our lords ol creation" ougnt to bo abio to while awuy their winter evenings and nt the sumo tlmo furnish ample material for a loll course of Caudle lectures cutending away into next summer. A fearful accident occurred hero early Monday niornine, which resulted latnlly to Simeon Clerk, son ol John D. Clirk, who had icccnlly moved here Irom i.ehich town ship. The young man was about starting lor AUdrnried 011 me ircigut wiien, stepping on Ihe down track, lio was stiuck by the engine. Nonpareil, knocked down ami crush ed to a mangled mass, ucspilo 1110 leariiil wounds, ho lived for about two hours. He was a most worthy young man, and his sudden and tragic cud has naturally brought great grief to tho family and gloom to thu community. A hirco concourse fol lowed his remains to their last resting-place In the cemetery on the hill, on Wednesday, evidencing the universal sympathy uf our people lor the nmietcd laiiniy. Our genial Myer Sondheim, proprietor of Weatlierly's clothing euiiorium, has just returned from Now Yoik with a supply uf winter goods. Look out for big bargains I Our townsman, J. G. Eadio, has been doing seryloc us u juror dui ing this uud tho past week. Mr. E. J. Brady, one of Prof. Rowland's teacher-students, 110 lunger indulges ill his usual morning and evening walks through Jersey on his way to ami from school. 11c now boards Willi mine Host iveiser, 01 111c Gilbert House. The Conl Trade There has come about a decidedly belter feeling in the coal market. There is more demand for coal, more orders, and steadily advancing prices. Coal wus put up 25 cents per ton on tho 20th instant. Tho Reading Coal and Iron Company now gives notice that there will be on tho first of November an average advance of tho line and city prices of coal by rail of 33 cents per ton, to gether with tin advance of oil cents per ton on stove and 2a cents per ton on nil other grades of coal for harbor shipments fur tho Eastern trade j to points beyond tho Capes bywatcr an advance ol 25 cents in nil grades will bo made. On the 15lh of November it is understood there will bo a third advance in prices, thuugh this probably is not fully conceded by all parlies, und may not be carried into cxccutiuu. The fact ill great measure depends upon the condition of the market under tho advances already an iiounccd. Tl.o business aspect is cheerful nil urouud, and present prices ure being as freely paid as were lower prices two months ago. Those who handle coal with a seem ing knowledge of their business look to a future of activo train..'. Soincnro of opinion that tho demand for coal will take about all that can bo put into tho market hence to tho end of tho season, whilo others think that, nt most, not more than a fortnight's suspension, and that most likely in Decern her, will bo icquircd to carry tho market firmly through the entire winter. Tho lino trade in coal is large, und is made so mainly by tho increasing demands for luel employ cd in tho manufacture of iron, in which there nro as yet uo indications ofa halt at homo or abroad. Every species of manu facturo and trado is on tho advance, all which tends to quicken and improve tho market for coal. It coal producers will but exercise little prudenco in tho management of tho coal trado it promises to bo good for at least tho present year and that of tho next. There has been a littlo too much (lis position in the past with parlies in tlio trade to work ut cross-purposes when the profit nf all might have been moiondvan tageously served by tho exercise of a little conciliation. What just now is most de sired in the control of tho trado is intelli gent and friendly concert of action, and it should be tendered, especially when such action is more alter the bearing of gentle men and more elfectivo in reaching desired ends. Ifany considerable part of tho trado shall determine to name a date for a rise or a fall in prices, or a halt in tho production ol coal, a reasoning minority should join in, giving tho purpose unity uf action, rather than resist, and, by divided action, render abortive all clfort at results. We notice that there is some movement in tho Lehigh region in relcrcnco to an advauce of wages there. Ledger, Monday. INOUVl'ItlAI, .MITCS. The car shops at Milton aro working on double turn. The Lehigh Valley car shops at South Easton are working night and day. The Henry Clay furnaces nt Reading aro producing one thousand tons of iron per week. The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com pany paid out $5 ,000 in double eagles at their collieries on last Mondav. Arrangements are on foot in Pittsburg to form an extensive corporation under the name of tho Manchester Iron and Steel Com pany. Tho Tittisville Herald urges the people of that place to combine and secure the location of a number of manufactories at that place. The Phcenixville Maicnqcr says that wages of puddlers were advgnced in that place on the 20th ulU, from $3.50 lo $3.76 par ton. Mill laborers are advanced seven per cent, and yard bands fivo per cent. The furnace at Union Deposit is soon to bo put in blast Tbo Kutztown (Berks county) foundry is pressed with orders, and the stone tjuarncs in the vicinity of ICutztown are working steadily. The hands of tho Reading railroad and the coal miners feel very much elated oyer Mr. Gowen's promise of an increase in their wages. The Central Touudry machine shops, at Reading, are working steadily. The F. R. prill hat factory, at the same place, will be put in oiivrutluii next week. The Willlomsport Gaulle and Dalklin states that the l'iKS Lino Company are at present shipping on an average thirty oar loads 3,000 barrels of oil ier Hay. Fifteen hundred men are in the employ oflheSUwl Works CniMuy at Streltown, Dauphin counly. The company juidoifu few days ago, and the amount of money re quired for this iHirpote was $39,000 Puddlers at the Fisbback (Schuylkill county) Rolling Mill, who struck nearly a month ago for higher wages, have nearly all resumed work at the old ruto $3.60 per ton for certain grades of iron and $3.75 lor others. In the works of tho Pittsburg Forgo nnd Iron Company about four hundred hands are running on double time. A new pulp mill, producing three tons of ground wood pulp perday,Ubder the Oulter son A Taylor process, has Just been started nt Falls City. According to tho Danville Ucco'd tho Pennsylvania Iron works nt that placo have thirteen furnaces, eight of which nro In lirat and running to their full capacity, averag ing over a hundred tons of finished rails n day. Colonel A. L. MoFnrland, of Pittsburg, has purchased 1,000 acres of timber land In the vicinity ol Lloydsvllle, Cambria county. The timber 011 the tract is estimated nt ", 000,000,000 feet of while pine, 2,000,000,000 feet of hemlock nnd 1,000,000,000 feet of oak. Messrs. Ramsey Sc Mobley began opera tions for iron ore on Bear creek, Butler coun ty, on tho 1st of September, and have thus far mined 100,000 tons, which will be ship ped to Sharpsburg. The number of hands employed will reach 100 by the first of next month. STATU K12W.N. Tho Reading Eagle states that J. Albert Huntziiiger, wlin, with his father, is in jail at that place, for embezzling the funds of the Miner's Bank, at Pottsville, is dying. General Walker, the deposed postmaster at Erie, has written to Washington to know upon what grounds of official misconduct ho was displaced. Opposition of a violent kind has been mado to the newly npjioiuted post master, Moorhrad, who is charged with vot ing lor Tilden, and also for Greenback can didates. A jury in Somerset county deliberated un til they were tired, and, finding that they could nut come to a conclusion, placed some bits of paper In a hat. Twelve boro tho words "for dofcudatit,"aiid twelvo"for plain till'." These wero drawn, and resulted in fa vor ortho defendant. The raso has been ap pealed to tho Supreme Court. There is a loom in Cumbi la counly that is known to havo been in uso one hundred years. It has been in tho saino family all this time. Timothy Hyiiem.m was instantly killed nnd Cyrus Wentzel fatally Injured Sunduy morning whilo picking coal on the track ol tho Reading railroad at Reading. FOR CORONER, VOTE FOR CHARLES W. LENTZ, OF WEISSPORT. Invciilors mid Patentees should send for instructions, terms, refer ences. Ac. to Edsou Brothers Solicitors of Patents, Washington, D.C., who furnish the tame without charge. Edsou Brothers is a well-known nnd successful firm of large rxperienee, bavins boon established in tho year isuu. ots ii l.clilgliton 1'roilttco .Ulirlict CouiiKCTED Weekly. Flour, per sack , Oorn, per bushel (Kits, per bushel Mixed Chop, purewt Middlings, per civl llran, per cwt Duller, perpouml Eggs, per dozen Hum, per pound Lard, per pound Miuulders. pur pound Pututocs, per bushel f3 76 70 45 1 40 1 40 18 SO 111 (3 Closing prices of DciiAVK.v ,t Tuwkskxii, block, ijovcrnmeiit ami unlil, -III South Third Street. Philadelphia, Oct., 30, lb7u U S l.'l. 1831 U .s. Oariencv.H'a ...IKS bill lCT,)i ,ate .. 1 4 bin 1"., Hskco ...ICI'i bid 10 'n ana, ... ii&i bat lOu a ko .... IS', 01.I llr.l, oitkro .... ii bid 4 S mkco 'oil iiskeil -el. bM 4'J ntlor I . a 9m issi. new.. L'. tf. 4V now u - i new Fennsj lvamn 11. K Pluln A Headline It. It. LehlKh Valley It. It.... I.ohl trfl Co: I .V. ,nv. Co , 34', nltl 341, ssken Ulllti-il Conmanleeior A. J. 41 mil !'0 voitlioi 11 ccutnil . It... :5 bio 151; iisltoi) Ito-tonvlllo i"n". Il.lt. fn vi', 1,1(1 ;ii m c I Ills .Tit. & flu If. II II. Co. I., bid ill, asko.1 central Tuuimio t.itlouCo ia 111 4 H m en Nuiiberul'abincCoin. ...35k, bid 3".l, ts'teri 1'icl'd. 0 bin Ozaukee North rcnnaylviimn H. II. ih bid 43 asked In-. Co ol North Ainonca 3?, bM a nsvco "liver, ('trades.) 01) W bio 01H nktC MAItlfll'l). ARNEII nOYER.-On thelthult., byRev. J. E. Freeman, llntiiihis Arner, of Weiss. port borough, and Sarah L. Uojcr, of North Wtlssport, this counly. HCINTZ-S I'KMLKK.-On thoIBIh ult.. by tho same, Frank Hunts. ofTs'ortli Wcissport, nnd Mary A. .Stcniler, of Tonaincuilng township, this county. IlLOSE ULOSK.--O11 Ihe 50th ult., by tlio same, Siinuel Uloso and" hrlstlanna liloso, both or Fire Line, this county. SDIIWAI1TZ KTHAIJH On l!uVali oil by the same, Tho. F. Schwartz nno linn- nan r Mrauu, botn or tiro LI in, this co. MEERIfll AM KUNTZMAN, On thcVQth 11I1., by Iho sunn, Jacob Meerlhstn nnd Minnie Kuutzman, both of Little (Jap, this county. Special Notices. Q9.000 A YEAR lor honest.lnlelllgent i,ul. vonessineuurageuti. Ncwbuslnessj light wurk. Address Co-Ui'KRativk Aoexcv, Mudison, lnd, .luno23. lino. ft A MONTH paiantecd. lis a day ... wiiua nuu uv iuc lUllllll 1 10U5. (.auital not rrntiim! 1 vre will start ju... jvivu. Mwinvii, ui a aim pin in iae money laste r 01 work for in tliiu at my tiling else, lb" work in lifht uud i eanant. 11110 -tii'lt a unynuv cuu k ncbt at, Tnoso who aro wm who t-ee tbl notice will send us their uu. iliesses at ooco atid tta lor tbemnelves. Covtiy uutllt and lei no, in u f,'ow 1, itie nine, those alteadvai wirrf aio luiluir up lurtre eiinn uf ninuev Addie-s THUc; & 1 u Aucusla, Maine. Juno7.-ly HUMAN MISERY. Jutt Pubthhed in a Sealed Envelope, Vriu Cc. A LKJ iU 15 O THE - A'J 'Villi, TUKA P. ML.M'. AND AD I OWL cuio ol ticuuinl vveilcuet4-,trSit m Jtnirluo t. ludacod bi He.f. A uso invuttiiiiurv kmltdiou-'. Iiupoteuc., NervouH Dttiiluy, und Jinjcdiuit iiU to .Mm. ilHite peiieiul.j i imiomuouuu, HtJltfi8j ujd I'ttc. Mfitiat autl IMiVKical incitpaem , &r, liy HOllKUl' J CULVe.HWi.LL. W, D. UUtli r of 11. e ir feu Hook' tc Tiie w ui la ruuuwu il aui uir, Ju this ndaiirable l.ctt'ire, Ciearlv luuvr frmu bit uvru cxpei iruce tiiii 1 ttit) u wfiii couiequenca nfbu t Abuse wy uo cfltoiuatly u-uiumi wlilmui uieiUcluo. .tut. without tixugtMOiia u pica) ouerm uus, boiiffut, mitiriimi ut ii, iIium ci. coicJJuU i oiui. iuk uut ii uiuU 1 euro ui ouc cittln aDd ft 1 to ' ul, by which evo v tutTier, nu invttei what bis couultiou uuvOe miy euro hinutt.f cutMi) lv private v and ituiicaliy tSr Thi$ Lecture will prove a boon to thou ia ill and thoutandt, Sent andi leul. in plain tuvHope. to anr address on receipt ol six cent, or two poaue Addresi tlio publishers, Tho OulvcrtToll PI oil leal Co., Tost OtCcd Pox. apr.lZ-yl. New Advertisements. INSTITUTE NOTICE. Tho Annnal TEAOIIEJ1S' INSIITUTK UF AII1KIN ' IIUN i y. will bo hrl.l In the tllUl.T IIIIUSU, AT MAUi.lt CHUNK, commencing un M outlay, November 17, 1879, at TWO o'clock P. M., and continue daring tho week. Teactieil. Illreeturs and Frii-iul. I of Education lu general are cordially Imlted iu aiieuu. 11. V. H')Fr'omi,Co.Supt. Lehighton, Oct. 187-3 A u m ion's .no net'. In the matter ol tho Estate of Jntrnh II. Sehlel, astlKned to Henry lloyer. Th- un lertUned Au liter, npHlntl by the Court of , uuiuiuuu ritsu'D ui uuroon i uunty, 10 tnaae diminution ul the funds In the hands utrald Assignee, autl If n-e.irtry to tn-settle nnd re state the aeeuu . I nlod, will aitrm) tothedu. ' ties or his spiulniinent on U'Ell.Vr.sllA V, theig hdayurNUVEMIIEIt, A. 1). It S. at 1 hit oincelntlie lluroUKbol Mauch I 'hunk, t'a., at 10 o'clock lu tbo urmnun I JOHN KLINE, Auditor, Oct. , iw.-t, Now Advertisements. J"F YOU AKE I. iNhEH OF Boots, hoes, Hats, Caps, or, Gents' Furnishing Goods, GO TO T.D.CLAUSS,Agt., THE POPULAR Slercliaut Tailor, Bank Street, Lohighton. PRICES VERY LOW FOR CASH. Ths publio patronage solicited. nug-tf Respectfully announces to the pccploof I.e hlidituti 11ml Its vicinity, that he Is now pre pared losupply them with all kinds uf Household Furniture Manufactured from the best Seasoned Mate, rial, at Prices fully as low as tho same articles can be Umitht lor lis where. Hero nro a few ol the inducements offered : Parlor Seism Irom tS0to00 Walnut Mnrble-top liresing l-'nso HcilP'otn Sulies. 34deees M0 to 15 Palnlcd llcdroinn r-ullis 18 to J40 (hinii Seated Chair', persetore.... J Uinitiuiu hairs, per set of D and all olher Goods eipially cheap. In this connection, 1 deslro to call tho at tention or tho people to my ample facilities lu THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS, with a NEW nnd HANDSOME HEARSE, and a lull lino of OAhKl.TS and COKKI.NS. I am prcpntod 10 attend promptly to all or ders In tins lti.c. at lowest prices. Patronage rerpeetlully solicited and ths most ample eatlstactl n guaiantccd. V. SCHWARTZ, octll HANK St., Lehighton. A X ISirOKTANT 1IU1Y ! Should (lcnth nvertnkt. you unawares, would vuur cetuto ! f utile ien t to protect Yiir fault, ly and dear unf b hhIusi wuut ? If not Till: NUW L'UA LIFE ASSOCIATION OK PHlL.VnKU'HIA, Provides that protection, ntalroiu Onii-Thiiid thoc-st hurotoiore uluirurvd Uy Ule Ineurtuice Cum panics. This AtfoclftMon was Chartortd In 1875. uud now hus upwards of of "Itlfks" or " Assets." subject to attest menu to payilenth lotfts. It has 1-iid hut three uetcssmcnts. though nearly l,,ur jciusol,!. Ann iiiiiuceineiii iu urcomen inornucr whon yoiiiiK ami it ow oM ln;iho Am iclatleu. It ollereil tiv always nssctalnir tho ineitihcr 11s uf the age tclien joining, un-l limiting the ainuunt us rollout! t-WOu on those and :a to 45 Inclusive, (3ou0 on thuso uu cj it tu to Inclusive. $2000 un thuseatrcl 61 toot inclusive. $1000 1,11 thoso aged It to 09 inclusive. Tho youne; man who It striving to make his fortune and supiiort is finll), should jutu this Absni'iatlun, lesl the fori une may lallhim, leavinu; his fatally In penury. The limitations are eecially mado that the younir imtn 11 ay have protection without pay. Iiifr thoci'Sts properly cliarfreiiMe to thoso who neglected thu duty ithcii uungcr. THE MANAQlUtS ARE: Ei-Oov. James Pollock, rhlla.. President. I li. Hush, llellelonle, Vice-I'rrsidenl. W. I. Jotmson, PhllmMuhlu, Sec. und Tres. J Ia. pruflu, Phlladeipiiin. James A. .Uct'omar. Philadelphia. ('Iiarles tuckhatn, Caitulcu, New Jersey. W. 11. .Matin, 1 hcstnul Hill, Med. rxauln'r. Hun Henry (Mlicki.k, I'hlladelphU. W. (!. Pulluck, Philadelphia, Members may bo atrceted and further Infer matlou uutained thruuiih r. It. ALEXANDEK. l'jglo Hotel, 1,'alas ninua, Ps Or, riASI. It IHI.IIAM, A cent forLehlnhtonand Ulntly, next 10 the "Uatbou lluuso." ucilS m2 C;l Ofin proOtsnnsndarsinveatnient ii;i nfl S?ll'U ur-Olflciot ltCporti., tt to - p 1 UU Proirtlunal tetnrns every week oa Stock Op Iton-i 1 1 fix - IV. sick), - ii . Addrers T. V niill WIOIIT & CO. tlaukcrt, 3j Wall St $25lo$5000vS r..tM In IwllU WrcV. .H. r.J. tnilHrB.. Infl !., I . K.w l'.nl.:iMtni. iw. tirrry Sj.'ini ft , tmr.tliiinr l. m. I'l.'l.irl.'-.il'-n n."!,' 4. linn la An. m. a.owi, Jt Co., p.uk.r., li tL, I.. V. w.nsrx'i.iD. Younir Men ami Ladles to learn Tsleirra. pliy. (Joud eltuatlout Kuurauloed, Addrttt with stamp. Obkklin TELRnRArn Co., Oberltn, Ohio, s1 O tn 1 fill Inverted In Wnllbl. Stocks Vliu 10 SlW iiiaki't fortunes every month. Jlook.ent Ireoi xplnlnlii everything. Adorers ItAXTtltL'O., lUukers, f Wull St., N. Y. ! C;77 m U'inih and exiieuteH pnintnteett lo SP I I AKents. OutUtlfoe blUW ACO.AU otoi Maine. C;777 ft yar and expent'i In aurnts. Out. V 1 1 1 nt free. Address V. O. VIOKEHY, Augusta, Wulno. procured for sohllrrs disabled In U. S. tervlce by reasons m wounds and othercau.es. All penslnt.s ilate back to day of illscltsree. l'enslont increased. Addrtss with tiatap, STOslDlKT &. CO., No. SIS E St., N. W., Washington. I). O. uot.35 Jia, Calcined Magucia Food. Fisst Psekicu Medam Awabdi;p. if ore arrreesble tn the Taste, snd Bmtllcr Sste than otber MsgaMla. For sle Id Oorersment btaraimt BottlM. at UruRins and Couutrr tiiuiet, una br T. J. HUSBAND, Jr., D.SW.6 l'HIbAUEI.rUU MEAT MARKET ! Uattk Hired, I.clilgllloll, CHARLES KlI'P, Pnoi'nuTon. The Best Fresh Meats In f eaton, Deer, Lsub, Vsal, SauttRe, "Mo JVSI?'. J.ru'm. s 'HKAl' AS THU CllhU'E-T Patronage sollclle.1 Aug.SO-Iy, OHAS. KII'l. j" niilngSJccnts,wiiUi,iiiht ,r,CA, Noruleye. and h.lr, y,i n,it0U I0CKSLI tvtv by telUtn msil a correct idol WiiWti.sni'v. i III 58 fHlr4 If lu: Charles Klpp ilciln t tn oall attention of his friends and i utti.itirrs toihelxci (hat he tuts oined A MEAT MAKKhT opolie Ihe Publio Square. Hank street. Lehighton, nhere uiuy bo louud at all times