TCfetisins Rates. We dcsir It to bo distinctly understood hat no advertisements will bo Inserted i hi columns of TiieCardos Advocate th m 1m received from unknown parties c firtni unless accompanied by the cash The following oro our oki.y terms i OSE SQUARE HO LIKES), One year, each Insertion 10 cts Blx months, each Insertion 15 cts Throo months, coch Insertion 20 cts Less than threo months, first Insertion $1) each subsequent insertion 25 cts, Local notices 10 cents ier line. ' H.V.MORTHtMER, Publisher. CARDS, Hoot ami lliof Plnfceri Jllntonllrtnejr,(n Onus's huildiny. Hank street, AUordtrtpr'mplly MUd work wamnttd. Attorneys. QAM. K. UIMIAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE! 2nd Story. 1st iloor abovo "Carbon House," HANK Street, LEHiaHTON, l'ENN'A. Collections and all other Legal business en. trusted to me will receive prompt attention. August 16 1870-yl JOHN KLINE, ATTOltNEY AT LAW, Ofllce i Corner Susquehanna and Race streets MAUCII CHUNK, IM. july-ly TOUN I). BEltTOLETn:, ATTOltNEY AND COUNSELLOP. AT IAW, Office i ltoom 2, Oround Floor Mansion House MAUCIt CHUNK. TA. Mar h rnn.alcd in Oernnn. maiiS ly' f I. LOXtJSTltEET, ATTORNEY AT LAW If van's Unlldlng, ANK STnr.BT. L.ilUOHTON. PA. December tG-Om y N. UAPSHKIl. ArrOltNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Dank Sestet, LinionToii. Pa. tt.nlKttsteao d Collection Aiencv. Will tluyiind Jell lUnl KsUte. HoilTejanitiiK .leatljr done Col fetlana proniptle made, ettllnir K'tntes of l) adants i penl!ty. Mv be consulted In inllh adUertnin. Nct.I J AS. tt. STUUTllEltS, ATTORN lY AT LAW, S" Office: 21 floor of Ithoiid's Hall, Mauoli Cltuilk. P. All builneM eutrunted to Lira will be promptly attended to. Msv27, ly. p .1. MKEIIAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE No. 3, Scccnd Floor, OAK II ALL, MATJCil CHUNK, Tksha. av-Cn h" ronmilted In Herman. !Jn9. Justices and Insurance. T UOAS KCMKUCn, COfiVElAitliBK, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The f ,llO"lna, Companies Are lteptesentedl LKItAN N MUTUAL Finn. KUAill.NO MUl'UAL FINE, WOMING FlItK, roCT.-iviLw: Fini:, 1. 1 : 1 1 1 (I I i FIfti:. nnd thn YIUV Bf.EUs ACOIIIWN'T IN'SUltANCE. Also Penn-Alvonli and Mutual florae Thiol Detec Ivenuit Iu-urauco (;omnany. Marcil S3. 1871 I llOS. 1C liMEHEIt. -jgEKSAUD l'lllLLII'S, Cocstt BciLntKO, MAUCH CHUNK, Pa. Fire Insurance Agent. jV POLIOIES In SAFE Compinlcs only, at lteasonable Katis Aug. 83-yl Notary Public & eonveyancer, Fire anil Life Insurance Agent, MAUOIl CHUNK, VA. -Business transacted In Enirltsh and German. Aug. '.3yl ' Physicians and Dentists. Slatington Dental Office, EBTAUL1SIIKD1870.1 Artificial Teeth Made to Restore tte OriEfrial Contour of Lips & Cheeis. Dit. L. Campuku,. Fillimi Tbetii a SrECiLTV. net. My JU. Y. A. M)Kr..I(JMT, SURGEON DENTIST, Tenders his professional services to the peo ple of Munch Chunk, Leliighton, Wcieort, l'ackerlon nnd vlriiuty. OFFICE: Opposite the Broadway House, BROADWAY, MAUCII CHUNK, Pa. Fro.h Laughing Gas always on hand. All work guaranteed satisfactory. aug2-yl w, W. HEttEIC, M. I)., HAfeT rENN. Carbon Countv, ra. ) rleahlenco ...fnni7 a. ni. tn (On. m lluUnS? "n I 12 iio u to 10 i in i Parry ville ..from I to 12 noon. Mar be consu ted In tho German Laimiisge P.O. Addreu.-iaHilihtou, Nuv..yyl A. DUlllIAJlrCIl, M.O., I'HYflCIAN ANOSl'ltUKON JiperUI atteDtlou ptld to Chronle Diseases. tlfflee: South Kaat otrnvr Iron and 2nd ftts.. I.e HUUton.ra. Aprl'3. 1875. QIIAH. T. IIOUN, M. II., OF'ICKl OVEIt II A. I'KTRIt'S DllUO brOllli. UA.NK sr.. LUHIGll'ION.PA. Urnera' practice Rtleiided in, and 8PECIA1. ATTENnO., UIVUN TO DIlOIABUS OF WOMKN mam .yi JS" . UEI.EIt, M. I). U, S KxamlulUB Surgeon, rllAOTICINO PIIYSIUIAN andaUKGEOK. OiriCKt llanlcSlicct, IIKUEU'i ULOCK, Lrhieh ton. Pa. May be consulted In theGorm n LanRUSKO. Nov. 3 1. DU J. (I U. SIKOEUT & SON'S' WORLD KE.VOH'.VED Angostura Bittors. An article of over Pifty I'oai's' Standing. Tbla inoi lavlirnr'tlnr Vmlo U Justly celt trtetfor it. exqu .ito fl.voi auj extrao.tii. Iisr MrmciN'AL v. Hue. It iui prove the hPiMiueand cure uyspepsls, dtarrcBi and fever aun asne. No cocktail or uilied diiuk is nerfee t with, patn.'-erau it prtvuuu tus dad tllttUotaU tvkr.Mlviwirt. Copies ot certificate, of eo-ue of he ntur eail. neat pbyi'Uiia aud chtuuuui ot the w iiid, re fardmr I whotebotueesa ait puitr. aru ptseod la aa.V Pox soil b iha prmtlul ariocere diuirKlala and Bsniu-lalere 1- W. HA.VCtlX.aole A tent tor theU. fc-.W Broedwey, New York P. O. Bix JHi. Oct. t-.'m. i AVfXftm tfv , w mnn.j i I ' ' ijiimi mil, .ill .nijj H. V. Mortiii.meu, ProprioLor. VOL. VII., No 49. Railroad Guide. plIILA. & HISAUIAIO UAII.UAOD Arrangomcnt of I'asseDgcr Trnlns. ocronnit nnt. i8;. Trains lea vo AL L EN TO Wt. as follows i (VIA 1'kllKlOMCV llAttJlOAIll. For Philadelphia, at '4:30, C.30, 11.10. a.m.. anil o 09 v. m. HUNDAYB. For Philadelphia at l.i0 a. ni..3.V" n. m. IV1A r.Ubt l'RNNA. RKANCI1.1 For neidluB,a.o5, m 12.10, 4.t0ni:d0 05 p. m. Vvt IIntrlsDurf .5 53,0.03 n. m 12.10,4.30 nntls.05 p. ni. I'ur Lancaster aud Columbia, & 53, 0.3 3 aud t. at n. ui SUNDAYS For Readlnir, Hirrnourg, and wa7 pi nts. 0.C5 n. in. Trains FOTl AM.E N'TOWN lcavo as followsi IVIl riCIIKlOMtSS UAlLnOAll.l Leave Philadelphia, 7,40 n. ni., IM, 1.30 .mil O.CO l. IU. SUNDAYS. Loavo Pnllnrtclphl-i a.o a. ra ard315p. ra. (VIA l!AST PKV1A nRAXCIf.t Lcaro Readlns7.3' 10.3) a. m.,2.wu 3.31, ando.15 p.m. Leavo irnri Wmrc, 5 10, 8 (5 and P.&S a. in., 1.43 n'ln ,.uu ii. in. Loavo Lancaster. S.01 n. m., 1.00 and 3.31 p. ni LcaiBColuuibla T.Mn. m 1.03 and 3.40 p. m. SUMJAVM. Lcavo ncidlllff. 7.20 n. m. Lenvn Hflrrlitl,uiu..V2 Trains nmlkeil thus lrnnto and from depot 0th nnd Urceu streets, Phlladolplila other tralnitoa dlroni liro id "treet depot. Tnno.31 . ni n'til s.M p. -n, tinlim fiom Alb-n tovn. and tho7.4- a. m and trtuu from tMiiladi'iptna, hao through cars to aud loin I'uuuuuipnia. a. iv. wuu ri i. m . Grurrot Manttatr, C G.nANCOPK. atn'l rait. & Ticket Agent. Hotels and Saloons. Eating and Drinking SALOON, Lewis J. Ciimstman, Pron'r. This well-kept nnd exeellantly filled up Sa loon is loetueil llirco uuors auuve i.inuss- lailorln Store, on HANK STREET, LEUIUHTON, Fa. Ilorancr fi Lnirlcr's l'lillndelnhla llccr nl- ways on Tap. Choice t'lgars, and all kinds of Refreshments In bcason. Five I.iipcIi o.crr Mittirdii! N'iirlit. PatronnKo solicited. Jloy 17 1870 ly Astor Place Hotel. EUROPEAN PLAN. Abtor 1'lnrc, 3d Ate. n tl Sth Street, (OrrostTE CoopKit Ixstitutb.) NEW YORK, Hcst Location in tho City. Elevated Rail road nnd 11 vo other lines pass tho dour. Rooms 60 cts. to $.2 per Hay. Uy tho Week $2 nnd upwards. April 10-uiS OPEN ALL NIGHT. NATIONAL H0TEL7 COICXf.AMX SC., near ISrmuUvny, IIOTdlKISS & rOXl). Pioprietors. n tliu i:iirvfitii JMim. llin T:pr.iimrnnt Cnfr nnd Luncli ltoom nt tnclicdaio unHjiiJiisseiHur chP.itncH mul fx- rplltiuen( isoivicc HMitlidS CIH tu f'l or 08V, ?Jt"il" per wevlc. Couventeut t nil runts rtlW AlAIHAIil'.All'. 1 jtllJOJi JOHN P. IIALBACII, Instructor of Music, (l'iano, Organ, Voico mid Theory.) LEIIKmTOX.l'A. OPINIONS OK THE PRESS. Ills pupils spook tilutily of his ability as a teitolicr. Alleniown Vlifonltle. He Is well iiualinvd for his calling Ca(a lau'ia VUpittih, He is n worthy disrdpio of Hnydcn. IMosnrt. noetlioven. We Imve hnil the pleasure "filet cnlntr tn his rendition ot the Old Masters ami were charmed with his touchand eAccullou. Slatintjlon A'etcs. Sole agent for tho J. & C. Fischer Piano ; and, also. MASON & HAMLIN and NEW HA YEN I O'S. ORGANS. For particulars, terms, &e., Address, JOHN F. HA1.IUC1I. Aug. 2, 1879.-1V. Leliighton, Pa. TOLEDO BLADE. NASBY'ITPAPER. ir wirtiT kfii 1 inr i t'iinioit opvot rtii' r )Li io it i, a i) i;, ii m a .Miiiiinioili Km' i l'au Wi'ckiy l'n -ti nl nix v-limr t'oiutuni miptt with u leful r . rc i le.iiiuin iimtter of ititeieit miui vuluo to tu "jlo lu nl piuu ut tlio UuUi it htai.'H S1M0OIAL FliATUKES. All the DepnitiMii b whe H'it mmlo I nn ItLADK n. nun u ii 111 own tho United -Mute ,V .ie rzui rlv cnu iuumI laiiicn I'h Top Hiirli Kelt nl t.'iit ciMtiui'uiNi.t'd licmocnifa BV I T.(OLKUM V aVammy, w inch ur ffrlitcn xiru t t Tiiu Hldu our .(OUfKUOLt! Di IHUTMliNT. A IK'll (1quU r. 01 pr..ftitvtl iiiftniniUoi. upmi cul'J tU nt iiitti t in ery rtMnotii Vouxct rr.on.K'n Diu-Ain-Mttst ; lie Ui l)t'baitinm oiuuino t k ttui wtH-k v uitf ay hc nl Lu hiii cliiruiluii I'm rv ; th" lit! atcn Wit nuil lluinor; Tin; J Y.6T TOUIIM. til UlillUDit -i'ICtl ASWKUS TO',OUHl(TUMl;Mr4Hn.l 111 L-IO-C ANt WHfujiil atumit ol the word. I HE LPCLtrcul tti inrptiv ut cvuit Ninto iii.d Tiirtr -n tlio Union imii it evt-iywhem ire t;n znl a- the .uru. nt ii ml UU -T IN tV AND I'AaiJ LY I'A tiltptil. luiwi anywhere Tiv it outl uu will nevu w.lii uv op without it Amonv tho new tcutuu'M tui this wlutet rro u A ndersonville Prison Sketches, ov one who wus H.ito coiiiineiiCt4l Nov. t4ih, inAiirtiiti Jau'ur . A now 8-srU Ht ry wai AnoiJtr ouo wilt iom TUHM sin '.o copr. per y ur f20 : five nch ti'ii or moio iojmc fc'.Oi e. i'h Hint an rxtiB copv with fvvr ilub ot ten. stjecltiuucoioifiii Irt'e. fM'Uilforoim ,il. circa TOLUDO ULADIC J.'lcuo, Ohio. Fifty Thousand Books Tor Sala nt Half ITIcc. W'oarenow offering lo tho nulillc. postazn prepaid, ni ONK.UALK the irsrular price ,U'ly thniiSHndvnliliiies ot etiniro bonks, couiniisllnr lli-iorv Uio ronhy, I'icilon, Pooirv. Jluinor. .MMlicai,ltellt;ioiaHiiac.cutllic Wnrks.tditiiiu. of btnndain Authors cto.. etc. These books are.plcciodby our Mr. LocKRlNaabvlirom the ai'olvea 01 too iiwliajr putiiifhers of tho voui. try, a o all M:w and I'lthslt mid aie the IDK.MICAl, lilllTl JNS hend'ed tv thelo tuli bookseller". We have ni lilen tlionaande of teae hooka to al part nt the country, and eierv home (tent out la W AiUtAN IKU t'l 00 i XAC1LV A-'.NfEU uud toeiie UMlltBSATISPAOl-lON. CATALOGUES FREE. VVolmvei.rnuol a lmgo and ciuipipte rota lonoof our Hooks, rruni.oa by nltject una oti uppi ciitlou wu man cmoH Irret'i anvud niCB's, o hh ui fiiii f e (TiHtt to neui. free prut mcucot tetni il o tiLAuu ttiieuevur nukctl .11 do t-o. Ml pernim reauhiK UtU mivi rturiuciit mo rouliallv nnlltti m mho us liv io-t rnnlor oiherwiiO tlif untncMni ttiiuiteiiei hiuI fitend Addrctt TOLr-ltO ni.AUK.Tolfco,Onlo. THE WEEKLY C'A PITALIs a flrstlnss Ncwsupcr, wivlni; lati'i- and most reliulila State news, bent nanyaddreei.tHietaire iald, six montlis for &0 cents Ono year tor V.oi, Sample ooiiy freo. HUDSON tt EW1NU, 'lortKA, kAM)A8. Risley's Vitch Hazle. I'ures Heada-he, Hums, Sprains, Wounds, Uuts, HUeiiinatlsiu, Tixithaclie, t-rtrache, etc., etc. Warranted ciual In quality tuauytuade, at hall the price. Oiix UuMlr. USe. Pint Unities SOf Have your druitcist order, if he his not la stuDk, el CI1AUI.US V, IlISLKY, wiMilctsle Drujrglit, f J Oortlsndt. St., New Yoik. m. A. Mosscr5 M nnnfacttirer of and Dunler In STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, Tin aud Slicet-Iroii fare anfl General House Ftiriiisning GoocLs. ltOoriM! nml SPOUTINO dono at short notico ami nt Lowest Cash Prices, t am the nothonzed saoi t for the Pate of tho lonowin" nitsr-uijAHS BlUVliH THE SILVE It & GOLD ill EDAL COOK, THE LIOHTHOU8E ( 001. THEilAYFLOWUIt IIAVOE, THE SUNSniNF. HANQE and H10NEW ANCHOR HEATER, and am Selling them VERY 01IEA p tor C'nsh, l'errl;lnd nf STOVE ORATES and FIRE turn ivs ai-picousiiintiyoii hum. Stoue on SOUTH Street, A few doors abovo Bank St., LEUIC1IITON, Pntionnco solicited Satislae in gnarnntei d. Oct. 5-yl A. I). MOSSHH. Central Carnage Works, Banlf St., Lehiglitoii, Pa., Aro prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, Or every description, In tho most substantial manner, unu at Lowest oash Prices. Rcpalrliic? I'romptly Attended to. TRKXLEK & KUEIDLEII, April 23, 1879 yl I'roprlctors. QAKH0N ADVOCATE CHEAP JOB PRIXTI1VG OFFICE, LLIJIOHTON. PA. Itvery description of Printing, from a Visiting Card to a Poster. CARDS. llfl.L II EACH, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS. PltOtlltAM MKS. POSTERN, HAND BILLS. DODGERS. CIRCULARS, SHIPPING TAO-", ENVELOPES, PAMPHLETS, J1V.LAWS. ciC AC. Bono In tho best manner, nt very Lowest Prices. We no nrenaroil tn (tn work nt a rliemi rntps asnnv offlce in tho htate t.iat dculs homttly IVllll lb lUolUIIUTS. OUR. MOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. tVOrdcra bv oniall reclvo prompt attention. P rlnio Homo M.ido Dread! WHY GO HUNORYI WTion you can Buy OH pouijds rt Fliot CLsa J llicad- FIVE LOAVES FOR 15 CENTS I J. W. O'NF.AL. tho nnnnlfir llrpnd end I'uVn linker. Of LcMBtllitll In ,.r. t, In ntftpr. ill. u-a,ilu oftliotiiurs baa itoihind h 1 Pr.oo of his ceio brsted Hoiuu Made UULA . to Five Loaves for Twenty-five Cts. Cash. Suirnr. llalsln Gneo nut Scotch, llron crrnm aim other C A omv Ti-n Cents per Dozen. Look Out for tlio Wagon! At MAUCII CHUNK, on Tuesday, Thursday andH'itiiidiv Alitioiniri,. LEHIGH TON and i LIS, PORT, every After- TERMS STRICTLY CASH I Patronaan 'ollclted J, w. O'NEAL. NI UHEi uiipoaito Fltst National jiauic. aprlltvl Hint feet. Ixiltghtnn Pa. Important to Farmers I ! The u nil ertlir limed palls thn attention nf Farincn and oIIibim tt the tact tl.nt hn In nnv Mnnurncturlnir, In cunnccUou with ii U N K MKA L, a superior nrtlclo of uper-PIiospliiitc ! Uuarautced to be Made from PICKED RAW BOXES, which U far tupcrior to nny other now la tho uiurKtii 11 is a Purely Bone Fertilizer ! I rrsitectfullv ask that a fair and hnn.o rial of MY I'lIOxPIl ATH ho 1. ,1,1. 1,1.. not claim that homocnathlo doses will vmrir wonders, but recommend a liberal applleatl n and a thorough test, and 1 am smutted to Ide by the result. Fur further particulars, address A. AltNER, New Mahoning, Carbon Co., I'A. Aug 30-wS itTii "gtg TOIitOI A Yi.AH. orlJtof20u N4BfIiUy m your ovu o UlUV risk, women do as well men. AIhiiv ti'txo more tbu loo amount ftUtrd above. No one o nftlltoronke uio tytAt Auv one cun the wuik. Vou ohii nmio from & reuts tu $i n hour iv devoi. I uk our evwiiDKift'nt n-aio tluolu. the imal lie. It roU uothiuir tu iry tue tuirior. MothiUK like it lor mouer inaktn evernfftMed bwme. liuiue p!eaaut au'l utrictiy honor hmc. RMiei, if u wamtukuow m11 about tre tet pit lug L-ilues beture the imbue rend u louraddresa and we wl I neud ou lull par tieularoHiid private Icrma (reei aamp ea worih -S alBoIre" t you an Uisn n-ake up your wind torjroune4 Addrea UiiOKuK bTJNUON ftCO.trortliDd,MAi t, JacT.-Jr- INDEPENDENT" LEIIIGIITON, CA11BON COUNTY, pun SLAllMlXOiN PLANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, ATSLATlXfllOX. JOHN" BALLIET, Propr. Deals In all UlniHnml rIzch of line. Hemlock uax hiki Jiftia wooo iAimocr. nnii lnuowpie kv lAttUlU Mil J UlfiOUUt UI UrUUlS lOf DrcssoD Lumboll OF ALlj KINDS. Doors, Sashes, Winds, Shutter Mouldiiijfs, Cabinet Ware, Sec, With Proaiptncss. Brackets Made to Order. Tho Machtnerr U all new aud nf thn host; nml most Improved kinds. I employ none but tlio bent workmen. u veil aeaniiel nml irnnrt n,:i tPiirii.nnd nm llioierorenbletoffmi'nntcnciitlro KatiMartluu to nil who tnav favor me with a rail. Onlcrs nv mail piomptly atlenaod to. Mv cm ri?P9 arn liiocrrntpi ioimi rn. or iittiMif-t cuargeu nucr iiuriy unys. QIVJB ME A CALL. rW" Those pnvnireinn llmMinp will flmiitt i heir advantage to h ivo Milium. Floor ilonrda Tact or v. Way lOyl JOHN UA LLI12T. THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN! Mrs. C. DcTschirschlcy, nefprctfllllV invited thn nttrntlnn nf he-r Ifiiti iiiiuu-. ma mo jiuoie geneianj' to liei ivcw Larpo au(j Kleaut block ol Notions Fancy Goods, comiirlslnf UNTPinVVKAP., l-ERLtN AND UbUMA.VI'uWN WtlOL. HIiSIlVltY 1m- nnn nome.iio uaiHUOIDlJKY. ItlllllON'S. at.OVEM. nnd a Inijo inrietyof tho Ncno-t Designs in Fancy Goods. Also, in COIinopttnn nri 1 1, Ihn nhn,.. T fuil and complcto stoci of GERMAN FHUITS, LIMBUnOEIt and SWITZETt CnLESE, CANDII'.S and CONFECTIONS. JoEcther with a variet v of aoods not R-onornllv kept in nnv other stole lu tnnn. it voucionot ,,,,,1. vuii wttuL. aK mrii. nod i win L'etit. Ashnlnnf nnnlin i,nli,,..a,. ..'t prifrct aailatndtou Kiiaiauteed lu unco' aid Nearly Oppodto Durllna'a Drnu Store. Bank Street, Leliighton, Pa Novembrrso. WHAT HANDSOME GOODS! AND WHAT A SPLENDID VARIETY ! Is tho Universal Verdict of nil who Esamlno me ntn, tresii spring stools uf Plnlhn nnnnimminn irnnl,ift-f, 0 nnxIM, uiuma, uqmiiudiou, v Diiiuiua u mna For HI EN'S, HOY'S nnd YOUTH'S IVK.1I1, ii in . t ' i i!" ME"l'"A" TAlLOlt. II. II. PETERS. Ajrent. - o POST OFflOE BUILDING, The Popular Clothing House IN LEHKJHTON. Every Dcrartmrnt Is full nnd completo with inw ..iiu-D, ..uvouiee Perfect Fits and Lowest Prices" tho motto H. II. l'ETEltll, AKt E. F. LUCKESDACII, Two Doors Below tho "Broadway Houso MAUCII CHUNK, TA. Dealer tn all Patterns ot Plain and Fancy Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies. LOWEST CASH FLICKS. No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors in tho Tjnltcd States, Canada anil Ennuie-. at reduced rates. With our ollieo located in Wushltigton, uirccwy ojijsisuo uie uniun states patent Office, wo nre nblo to attend to nil patent business with greater promptness and ilea patch nnd at less cost than other latent at torneys who aro nt n dietanco from Wash ington, and who have, therefore, to employ "associate attorneys." Wemakonreliiniimrv examinations ami furnish opinions us to paUmtoblity, freo of charge, and all who ure intercte.1 in new inventions and patents aro invited to cnd fur n mnv nf nttr "fiiildM fr. obtaining Fntcnte," wldeli is Bent freo to any iiddross, and contains completo instructions now to omain jutenu ami other valuable matter. Wo refer to tho Gernmn-Americnn National Ilank.Washineton.D.C.: tholtoval gwtdish, Norwegian and Danish Legations, at Washington; lion. Jos. Casey, late Chief Justice U. S. Court of Claims; to tho Officials of the U. 8. Patent Office, and to Eenatoiu an d cniliers of Congress from every State. Address! LOUIS BAGGER St CO., Solici tors of l'ulents ond Attorney! at Law, LoDroit Tt,. II. I.. 11'....... . T, n .,..-nn 1LES Of all Hilda TU'JOIIS. Ul-chsr ties of 111 OOI1 or mucus em J all (llseaaea of tho HKLTl'M quirklr end nerrertly cuieJ bv a simoio and soothilifi 11EMB.DY. For Information addi. a. mi J. l Aiinil at ((). -ti Ann l , K v. j,tVII t; IUI CUT'S Livery & Sale Stables UANIC STUKKT.LIS1IIOI1TON, f. FAST TROTITNG IIORSE3, ELEQANT OARUIAOES. And poslilvely LOWI'.ll PllIOBH than any other Livery In the Cojnly. Large and handsome Carrisens for Faneral purtioeoa and Weddings. UA.VI D EUlllUtT Wv, a, in. Live and Let Live." PA SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1879. womi'jv or scmiruiic. Not vainly did Anna keep watch for our j.orut She saw Htm a babe In tie temple adored, B Uernlce, with pomp, proud Agrlppadld bring, To hear Paul's defence and appeal to the king:. C Candace, the queen, was of Ethlop fame. Whoso stowart through Philip, a Christian became. D In Israel Deborah judg'd.neath a palm, And Slscra'a conquest proclaimed In'a psalm, E Lvo, first of all women, man hnnnlneta Drought; By Satan beguiled, all bli noe, too, she wrought. F False Felix's wife was a Jewess, who eamo And heard Paul concerning tho faith In Uhrlst't name. G The Oalllco women, so faithful nmaicd, un i.'alvary's cross, weeping mournfully gazcu. H-I Oast out wcro both linear and Islimael wild Because ho mocked Iseac, Sarah's own child, J Hravo Judith renowned was because, as we' vo roau, She Blow Holoferncs and cut off his head! K Kcila, "so fair," as Job's daughters all were, In sweetness excelled, by her name we Infer. L The "tender-eycd" Leah was Jacob'! first wife, Though "beautiful" rtachel ho loved as his life. M Alllinll to thee, Maryl 'mong women mos blessed. Tho mother of Christ, sweet vlrglnconfess'd N Sad Nloma's heart forher native land ycarn'd And wldow'd and needy sho thither returned O Then Orpah forsakes her, but Ruth to her cleaves, Whom Boas soon loved as she gleaned 'mid no sheaves. V Prlscllla and husband nt Corinth Paul souitht, And with them abode, nnd at tent-making wrought. Q Said Shcba's fair U.uccn, who to Solomon enmc, 'Thy wisdom and riches exceed their great lame." It Itcbecca, through cunning, Isaac's chief bless. Inx won From Esau lor Jacob, her younger pet sons. S soiorae was blest, when Christ's tomb she drew near. The angel's glad nolo, "Ho Is risen" to hear. T Good Tabllha's loss was so greatly dcnlorcd. Through prayer ofSt. Peter her life was re- stored. U Uriah's wlfo's beauty King David's lovo won. iuu iiu ui ui. mother or wise Solomon. V (luecn, modest and proud, Vushtl dared to refuse To unveil herbcauty.hcrthronothusdld lose. W Tho Witch 'twas of Endor that wretched snul sought, Anu Samuel's semblance to counsel Mm broughht. X Tho X Virgins numbered flvo foolish, five wise, W hos story bids "watch." lost Christ's com ing surprise. Y Young PnughlcrofJarlui from death oped ncr eyes, At Christ's gentle call, "I say, darnel, arise 1" Z To Zllpah, In Israel, honor Is due. ui Jacobs twelve tribes sho was mother of w. Preibyterian, DAVID SWAIT. oxr. or itAwnionxE'a most exquisite SKETCHES. Could we indeed know nil tho vicissitudes of our fortunes, lifo would bo too full of hope and fear, exultation or disappointment, to fiord ua a single hour of true serenity. This ideu may bo illustrated by a single tiago from Iho 6coret history of David Swuu. Wo have nothing to do with David until find hint nt tho ago oflwcntv, on the high road from his native place hi the city or Boston, whoro his uncle, a small dealer in tho gioccry line, wns to take him behind the counter. Be it enough to say that ho was a uative of New Hampshire, born ofrcMicct ablo parents, nnd had received an ordinary school education with n classic finish of a year at Gilmanton Academy. After lour neylng on foot from sunrise till near noon of summer'! day, his weariness and tho m reasiug heat determined him to sit down nd await tho coming of tho etago coach As if planted on purpose for him, there soon appeared a little dump of maples, with a delightful recess in tho midst, and such a fresh bubbling spring that it seemed never to haye sparkled for any wayfarer but David Swan. Virgin or not, he kissed it with his thirsty lips, and then flung himself along tho brink, pillowing his head upon soma shirts and a pair of pantaloons tied up in a slripedcotton handkerchief. Thesunboams could not reach him; tho dust did not rise from the road, after tho heavy rain of yes terday; and his grassy lair suited the young man better than a bed of down. The spring murmured drowsily beside him ; the birds thated across the blue sky overhead, aud deep sleep, jierchauce liHingdrenms with in its dephts, fell upon David Swan. Vlulo he lay sound asleep in tlio shade, other people were wide awake, and iassed to and fro on horseback, and In all sorts of chicles, along the sunny road by his bed chamber. Some looked neither tu the right nor the left, and knew not that he was there; somo merely glanced that way, with out admitting the slumberer among their busy thoughts; some laughed to see how bouudly he slept; several whose hearts were brimming full of acorn ejected their venom ous supordulty on David Swan. A middle aipxl widow, when nobody ele wus near, thrust her head a little way into the rocess, aud vowel tnat the young fellow looked charming in bis sleep. A temperance lec turer saw him, and wrought poor David in to the texture of his evening'! discourse, as an awful inst&nTO of dtod-druokesnefli by SI. 00 the roadside. Bnt censure, merriment praise, scorn and Indifference wcro all one, or rather all nothing to David Swan. Ho had flept only a few moments when a brown carriago, drawn by n handsome pair of horses, bowled easily along, and was brought lo a stand still nearly In front of uavnrs resting place. A linchpin had fall cn out, and permitted ono of tho wheels to slido off. Tho damago was slight, and oc casioned morcly a momentary alarm to an olderly gentleman and wife, who wero re turning to Boston in tho carriage. While tho coachman nnd a servant wero rotilaeine uio wneei, tno lady and centleman she Iter cd themselves beneath tho maplo trees, and there espied tho bubbling fountain and navid swnu asleep besido It. Impressed witli the nwo which tho humblest sleeper sheds around him, tho merchant trod ns lightly ns the gout would allow; and his spouso took good heed not to rustlo her silk gown, lest David should start up all of a suuiiun. "How soundly ho sleeps I" whispered the old gentleman. "From what a depth ho draws that easy breath I Such sleep ns that, brought on without an opinio, would bo worth moro to mo than half my income; for it would arguo health and an untroubled mind." "And youth besides," said tho lady. "Health and quiet ago does not sleep tints. Cur slumber is no more like his than our wakefulness." Thus did tliis chlcily couplo feel Interest ed In tho unknown youth, to whom tlio wayside and tho maple wcro as a secret chamber, with tho rich gloom of damask curtains brooding over him. Perceiving that a stray sunbeam climmcrcddown upon his face, tho lady contrived to twist a branch aside, so as to intercept it. And having dono this act of kindness, sho began to feci liko a mother to him. "Providence seems tohavo laid him here," whispered sho to her husband, "and tohavo brought us hither to find him, after our disappointment in our cousin's son. Sle thinlts I can sco a likeness to departed Hen ry. Shall wo wnkou him?" To what purpose?" said tho merchant. hesitating. "We know nothing of the youth's character." "lliat open countenance 1" replied Uio wife, in tho samo hushed voice, earnestly "This Innocent sleep." While these whispers wero passine the sleeper's heart did not throb, nor his breath become agitated, nor his features betray tlio least token of interest. Yes, fortuno was bending over him, just ready to let fall n burden of gold. Tlieold merchant had lost his only son, and had no heir to his wealth ex cept a distant relative, with whoso conduct ho was dissatisfied. In such cases, pcoplo sometimes do stranger things than to net tlio magician, and awaken a young man in splendor who fell asleep in iwvcrty. "Shall wo notnwnkcn him?" repeated tho lady, persuasively. "The coach is ready, sir," said tho scrvani uciiinu. Tlio old couple started, reddened, and hurried uwny, mutually wondering that they should ever dream of doing anything so ridiculous. Tlio merchant threw himself back on his back in his carriage aud occu pied his mind with tho plan of a magnifi cent nsylum ibrunfortunato men of business. Meanwhile, David Sivan enjoyed his nap. Tho carriago could not have gone above a milo or two, when a pretty young girl came along, with a tripping pace, which showed precisely how her littla heart wns lancing in her bosom. Perhaps it was the merry kind of motion Hint caused is there harm in saying It I her garter to slip its knot. Conscious that tho silken girth if silk it was was relaxing its hold, sho turn ed aside into tho shelter of tho mnplo trees, nnd thero found a young man asleep by the spring! Blushing as red us any rose, that sho should liavo intruded into a gentleman's bed-chamber, and for such n purpose, too, sho was about to make her escape on tip too. But there was a peril near tho sleeH'r. A monster of a beo had been wandering overhead buzz, buzz, buzz now amongtho leaves, now flashing through the6tripc3 of sunshine, nnd now lost in the dark shade, till finally ho opjienrcd to be settling on the eyelid of David Swan. The sting of a beo is sometimes deadly. As frco-hcartcd as sho was innocent, tlio girl attacked the in trader with her handkerchief, brushed him soundly, and drove him from beneath the maplo shade. How sweet a picture! This good deed accomplished, with quickened breath and a deeper blush, sho stole a glance ut the youthful stranger for whom sho had been battling a dragon in tho air. He is handsome," though, said sbo, and blushed redder yet. How could it bo that no dream of bliss grew so strong within him, that, shattered by ita very strength, it should part asunder, and allow him to precelvo tho girl among its. phantoms ? Why at least, did no smile nf welcome brighten upon his faco ? Sbo was come, the maid whoso soul, according to tho old and beautiful idea, had been severed from his own, and whom, in nil his vague but passionate desires, lie yearned to meet Her, only could he love witli a perfect love him, only, could she receive into the lepths other heart and now her Image was faintly blushing In the fountain by his side; should it pass awiy, its luster would would never gleam upon his life again. "How souud he sleeps 1" murmured the girl. She departed, but did not trip along the road so lightly as when she came. Now,lho girl's father was a tliriviui; coun try merchant in the neighborhood, and hap peneil, at that identical time, to be looking for just audi a young man as David Swan. Had David formed a wayside acquaintance with the daughter,lic would have become the father's clerk, and all else In uatural sueoe.- siuii. so here again hail gooa lortuue tho best of fortunes stolen so near that her gar ment! brushed against him ; and be knew nothing of the matter. The girl was hardly out of sight when two men turned aside beneath the maple shade. Both had dark faces set off by cloth OJW, which wero drawn down aslant over their brows. Their dresses wero shabby, yet had certain smartness. These were a couple of rascals who got their living by whateverSa tan sent them, and now in the interim ol other business had staked the joint profits of tholr next place of villainy on a game of cards, which was to have been decided here under the tree. But, fin ling David asleep by the spring, one of the roguei whispered to hit ftllovr i a Year if Paid in Advance If not paid in advance, $1.25. ''Histl Do you soe the bundle under his head ?" Tho other villain nodded, winked and leered. "I'll bet you a horn of brandy," said tho first, "that the chap has either a pocket-book or else bo has a snug little hoard of small chango stowed away amonghlsshlrts. And If not there wo shall find it In his pantaloon pecket." "But how If ho wnkos?" snld thooltier. His companion thrust aside his waist-coat, pointed to the handle of a dirk and nodded "So bo it 1" mutttercd tho second villain. They approached tho unconscious David, and while one pointed tho dagger toward tho heart, the other began lo scratch tho bundle beneath his head thoir two faces, grim, wrinkled and ghastly with guilt and fonr, bent oyer their victim, looking terrible enough to be mistaken for fiends should he suddenly awake. Nay, had tho villains glanced nsido into the spring even they might not know themselves as reflected there. Bui David Swan had never worn n more tranquil aspect, oven when aslocp on his mother's breast "I must tako away tho bundle," whiS' pored ono. "But if ho stirs, I'll strike," muttered tho other. But nt this moment a dog scenting along the ground, came In beneath tho maplo trees and gazed alternately at each of those wicked men and then nt tho quiet sleeper, Ho then lapped out of tho fountain. Sphawl" said ono villain, "wo can do nothing now. Tho dog's master must bo close behind." "Let's tako a drink and bo off," said the other. Tho man witli tho dagger thrust tho wea pon Into his pocket and drew forth a liocket pistol, but not of that kind which kills by a single discharge. It wns a flask of liquor, with n block-tin tumbler screwed upon tho mouth. Each drank a comfortable dram and left tho spot, witli so many jls nnd such laughter otllieir unaccomplished wick odncss, that they might bo said tohavo gone on their way rejoicing. In a fow hours they had forgotten tho whole affair, nor once Im agined that tho recording angel had written down tliocrimo of murder against their souls in letters ns durable ns clcrnitv. As for David Swan ho slept quietly, nei ther conscious of tho shadow of death when it hung over him, nor the glow of renewed life when that shadow was withdrawn. Ho slept, but no longer quietly as at first. An hour's repose, had snatched from his elas tic framo tho weariness witli which many hours of toil had burdened it. Now he stirred; now moved his lips without a sound; now talked, in nn inward tone, to tho noon day siectress of his dream. But a noise of wheels camo rattling louder nnd louder along tho road until it dashed through the dispersing mist of David's slumber; nnd thero was the stage coach. Ho started up with nil his ideas about him. "Halloo, driver I Tako a passenger!" shouted he. "Room un top," answered tho driver. Up mounted David and bowled away merrily toward Boston, without so much ns a parting glance nt that fountain of dream like vicissitudes. He knew not that a phan tom of wealth had thrown a golden hue upon its waters, and that ono of lovo had sighed softly to their murmur, nor that ono of death had threatened to crimson him with his Mood ; nil in tho brief hour sinco ho lav down to slcop. Sleeping or waking, we hear not the airy footsteps of the strungo things that almost happen. Xathnmtl 7nirWo-ne. a s.i.ui'i.i; kink of Tin; Cana da TAiiirr. Tho beauties ofn high tariff between coun tries nf essentially identical interests had a ludicrous but appropriate illustration at Niagara Falls llieother day in tho experience of ono of Barney A- Berry's drummers. Ho wns going over to Canada to sell thcirskates by sample, having a vuliso full nf "half skates" of small sizes, of no (mssiblo use to anybody, nad descriptivo list of the firms goods Ho opened tlio lot for tho inspection of the Dominion Custom Houso ofiicials,aiii explained his business in full. But it was no go. Tlio obstinato Britisher would have it that ho was going around to Montreal to meet an accomplice, who was to cross over from Vermont witli another set of half skates and then, haying evaded the. duty, sell the full pairs and he mado him pay $5 for the privilege of getting by. Spnnrjjidd (Mass. Republican. X JAW-Il If. UAKIAG I.OVK STORY, Modjeska is writing a story for Scribncr't Monthly. It Is a love story. The heroine's nan.o is Griselbavidch Topplowatchkitzky and tho hero's Vladimir Twhezarotih. The scene is laid in tho quiet little Polish village of Stlrritupitviseh. on the banksol'the classic river Muddioschky, in tho region of the Kolzebutitzclosky Mountains. We extract a rassago from advance sheet! : "Within her wan hunds she had her face concealed when to herVladimlr asked if she did truly lofo him. Yea, I do lofe thee; by yonder bale moon I adjure it. Let us,theu, said he, flee, but shehositotexlby reason of her trunks which were still unpacked. The team wan dered from her eyes, but meanwhile Vladi mlr repeated what for sho would not be coming pretty soon, not having been aware of the ga.h tho words of him made on the inside of her heart." Troy Timti. Almittt Young- Aguln. My mother was afflicted for a long time with Neuralgia and a dull, heavy Inactive condition of her whole system ; headache, nervous prostration, and was almost help, less. No physicians or mediciuedid her any good. Threo mouths ago she began to use Hop Bittere, with such good effect that she seems aud feels young ngain, although over 70 vears old. We think there is no other medicino fit to use in tho family. A lady in Providence, It. I, Journal. 49--3w -The patent almanacs, mortised for the publi.lier's name, have ulready begun to pour down for 1880,and the designs u re new ami very different from those of lust your, tho picture of a boy skating In his bare feet with one little brother on hia back and six more ou tlio sled, being put on the January, instead of the December liage; and the pic ture of Christmas Evo coming along about the end of December instead of lu the mid dle of August, as was the case last year. In (act, the alinsuto Ii entirely rearranged to that ft looks just as good a! new. JJurinff Art iavLys. The Carbon Advocate, And Independent Family Newspaper Published .very SATURDAY, In Lehlghton, Carbon Co., Pa., by JIAHIIV V. .IIOUTgllfUiati OrncE-IlAN-KWAY. a short distance above the Lehlith Vulle. It. IU Depot. Tens: $1.00 per Annum in Advance. IVERT DMCrUTTION OF rLATN ARB PAKCT AT VE11V LOW PKIOKH. She Only Snld (iooiUby. Good-by, if it please you, sir good-by. This is a world where the wild swans fly. This Is tho wptld where tho thorn! hang on When tho rose its tlmo is gone, is gone, Good-by good-by good-by. Good-by, If it please you, ilr good-by You nro hero and away I caro not why. This Is a world where a man lias his will, A world where a woman had best bo still. Oood-by good-by g'iod-by. Gond-by, If it please you, air good-hv, This Is a world where we see thasky, After a while the stars will fall, And the end will make au end of It all! Good-by good-by good-by. Sarah M.S. Piatt, 'I ll IS Afcl THAT. Flour is rising. All good flour should rise. Bergen Tunnel would bo a good place for the next walking match tho trains miiat be kept running, however. The ordinary life of a locomotive Is thirty years. No doubt it would live much longer if it didn't smoke so much. Painted belts are to be worn directlvi so that most ladles will have to bo lubelled "Look out for paint." An old man with a brllllantlv rod nc , should not be held up as u shining examplo for young men. Dr. Holland says a man's character may bo judged by his cravut. If he wears no cravat we supposo ho hasn't any. At n church fair In Hoboken the other night a blind man drew a tc!c:ciio. If ho had good sight the chances are he would have drawn a glass evo. A critic, in noticing n discourse on "Tho Sayings and Doings of Great Men," remarks: "It is sad to observe how much they said aud how little they did." A celebrated German hemest, to whom was addressed thequestinu, "Whiilis man ?" promptly replied, "A pinch of phosphorous and a bucketful of water." " I havo a lore-letter," raid Uio servant- girl to her mistress. "Will vo rude it to uie'f And hero is somo cotton wud ye stufl'in yer cars whoilo vo rado it I" Anna Louise Cary mado 22,0011 la-t car. Considering that sho is neither a po- lestrian, nor a plumber, nor u Tulmage, tins is doing very well. Disturbed parent and hia fivo-vour old. "See here, sonny ; what did your mother ell you?" "Sho told mo not to iutim." What makes you jump then ?" "I didn't hear her." An exchango has nn article on "How to run a Ncwspaer." This should bo read only by editors, as every other person In tho world knows just how u nuwsp.iper ought to bo run. "Death of n Prelate," wrote the editor f tho Winnipeg puHr, in announcing tho end of a bishop's life, but the intelligent compositor mado It "Death of a Piiute." "I'm going lo move out West among tha Indians," said an old bachelor to a friend. and I wish I wcie bald-headed m vnu me. What will remove hair from tho scalp?" Get married, sir many a blonde." Deadhead was tho na mo of a winning hnrso nt Jerome Park. Of cuuree ho wu bound to pass. O i tha other huud, Uieins is tho name of another horeo. Uuru was tho last of the raco. When a city editor wishes lo get up a big sale for his piier in the country, be sends through ill) ollieo presuleJ over by a woman, a postal card to a oorrespi indent, ou which is written ; ".-Send mo a lull ac count of that tcin lal." Ebenezer Stone and his wife Flora, out 'n Illinois, were diiorcod not long ago, but u Her ward they ciiue to un understanding, were remarried, ond tiro now happy togeth er, ns fur as uo know. It was u case of Eh nnd Fin, it would seem; at least they uio tide now. A professor lecturing on English Indus tries, t u olaj of juveniles iuliiriued them that it look seven men uud a buy lo make pin. "I cxeel," eaid n little fellow, "that its tlio seven men that make tho pin, and that they uso tho boy to wo if it is biiurp. enough," Says nn Albany daily In view of tho fact that no actress was re Jiorteil yctorday as having lout her diamonds valued nt $180,000, inclusive of tho necklace the Czar presented ul'lerone hiindrcdaiideiglitycuu. sccutivo recalls befure the curtain, no uie lod to the belief that the Millennium is tol erably near nt hand, Bistoii has u Phlseognoviisphooraphy Society. The motto of the Phiscognoseos phocruphickvrs is "lirovity is tho soul of wit," and riiieengnoscoephocraphy Is a good eieciinen of it. If t lie Phlsoigiinseorpho craphlcitc! were to start u pijier railed tlio PhlswiguOM-osphocraphor, lite editor would quita doubtless coll his brief JiarJgrapli! "PhikOognosou.phoeraphioulitie." Barnum was Interviewed in Philadel phia. He says that the report that Dcms Kearney once travelled with his show us the "Wild man from Borneo" is not found ed on fact Kearney travelled with him one season as a "ll.iorighn.iia Cannibal," but his language was so trlghtful that he shock ed the deaf and dumb Patagouiau, ami un Jermined the morals of the learned lag and educated mules. Even the elephatiU threat ened to pack up their trunks und leavo; so Kearney wai discharged. A very ugly gentleman was requested by a beautiful woman to accompany her to a painter's studio, where, having whi.iiercd a few words to the artist, she tell hlui, with a promise ut presently coming buck, Tho gentleman asked the artist what ho wai wanted llir, "I thought you knew, sir," re plied the painter, "that I am taking that ludy's porlniltin tho chsruoterof a saint be- ng tempted by the devil, and I ha Who wishes yuu to be good enough to sit for the temp ter. -Two boys had a few hot words and a sudden fight on High ttrtwt, and one ran awny, leaving the other with a bloody nose and a mouth lull of "bawl." "seems to me," said a iwdesirjan who had hulled, that you are big enough to lie that iy." ' 'Course I am," wai the reply. "Then why don't you run after him and dolt," " 'Caue 'tuuse," puped tlw led, "I don't want togwtvwy mud at him until his folks' full rs are all gone I After thai I'll catch him aud most break hi ntwk." cjubsoribo lor the CtkBu Advocate. onl tl per year.