The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 06, 1879, Image 4

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A I'ciiiisylvniiln t'rnlt I'nriu.
The Erie (l'a.) Herald publishes the fol
lowing concerning the fruit farm of Mr. A.
Dallies, at GIranI, in that cwniily : "The
largest, finest an J most proJuotlvo fruit fiirni
In Erie county, in the SUitc, 1$ Hint of this
article. Although this farm is only about
three mllc3 from the beautiful borough of
Olronl, I venluio to say that many persons
in this township who oro admirers of rural
b.muly, of thoice fruit have never seen it. Of
the, 10.000 or 12.000 bearing fruit trees on
these two hundred acres, 0,000 nroopplo trees
1,500 pear trees; 2,600 peach trees, and 500
quince trees) all of choico vurieties. When
1 visited the larm In June, the prospect for
a fino yield of opples, pears and icac!ics was
Haltering ; but the tevcro and protracted
drought has caused much of the fruit to
wither and fall. Mr. 15. has six acres of
grapes, mostly Concords, although he grows
C'alawbas, Isabellas, and other choico kinds
to acconiinodato his customers. As his f.inn
Is bounded on the west by a dense forest,
his fruit havo never been injured by that de
structive insect, Uio rosebug.
"Fourteen acres of tho farm aro planted to
strawberries, raspberries and blackberries.
Mr. D. prefers tho Cresent Seedling to any
oilier strawberry for tho table or market. Its
yield is wonderful. It is larger than the
Wilson and has a finer color and flavor.
"Although tho extremely dry weather has
probably reduced the yield one-half, I pro
sent tho figures below as a result of Mr. B.'s
strawberry season. Whole amount gathered
from 1J acres, 275 bushels, mostly Wilsons.
Whole amount for Cresent Seedllnrs gath
ered from one-tenth of an acre, 47J bushels,
or at tho rato of 475 bushels per acre, .l mount
of salo from li acres, $482.51, aderdeducting
the expense of marketing. Paid for picking
tho berries, $51.21. Trofit from H acres of
land, $ 131.30 ; not a bad result, considering
the unfavorable season.
"I noticed on tho farm somo splendid spec
imens of Lancashire swine, the most profit
able breed of hogs even introduced into this
country. They run In the orchard, and be
come fat easily and in a short time by feed
ing on the grass and on thediseascdandim
maturo fruit that drops from tho trees."
Wages of rami Ilniul.
The Department of Agriculture has been
collecting some figures of wide Interest re
garding the rato of wages paid farm laborers
in different parts of the country. These sta
tistics show that, with tho exception of Min
nesota and somo Stales and Territories still
further West, tho avcrago monthly rato of
pay declined from three to fifteen per cent,
during tho year ending last April. But this
decline in wages was moro than conipensat
ed for by an equal and sometimes greater
reduction in tho expense of living, so that
the relativo condition of tho labor improved
during the year. Tho pay of farm laborers
in New England on yearly engagements,
without board, averages $20.31 per month,
and tho averogo cost of living, $8.02. The
average for tho Middlo States is $19.09 j the
South Atlantic States, $11.19, and in tho
Gulf States, $14.80 j in the nine inland states
cast of the Mississippi, from $15.50 south of
the Ohio to $20.90 in tho north. West of
the Mississippi the present avcrago is $23.81
per month, a slight increase over a year a,
while tho prico of subsistence has fallen oil".
In Colifo'nia and Washington Territory tho
incrcaso has been still larger and now reach
es $38.25, but is more than ofliet by a much
greater increase in tho cost of living. Tliero
is almost everywhere a good demand for la
bor, and there seems no donbt that tho con
dition of tho agricultural class is steadily
improving along with that of tho rest of tho
Progressive running-.
Mr. Milton Darlington lives on a farm of
175 acres, six miles from Coatesville, Chester
county. His leading industry is butter mak.
ing, and in this ho uses 45 cows of his and 35
of his father's. He has but recently com
pletcd his milk houso which is L-shoped,and
in size 30 by 20 feet. Itis divided into threo
parts ono for a fivo-horso power steam en
gine, another for milk, and the third for but
tcr making. Ho has a lino spring of water
immediately beneath his engine, tho waters
of which ho uses in churning and lor bath
and culinary purposes in his home, all of
which in delivered to the desired points by
steam power. To regulato the state of the
atmosphere in his milk room ho has con
structed a duel 200 feet in length, 12 feet
under ground, and 18 by 14 inches iu sizo
through which be draws air which is lorcid
into the milk room by means of a "blower,"
aud by which he controls tho temperature
at will, so thai the thermometer marks from
60 to 06 degrees. Iu this mils: room tliero
ore 8 pans mado of tin, 14 feet long by 2 feet
wide and 5 inches deep, Mr. Darlington be
lieving in the shallow process. Tho milk is
allowed to remain hero somo twenty-four
hours, when It Is drawn oil" by means of n
pipe attached to ono end of tho pan, which
is slightly lower than tho other, and tho
cream is then gathered and churned. Tho
milk is drawn from all tho pans In thosamo
manner, and enters a comniun main which
conveys it to the hog ien. somo 150 yards
away, where, underneath that building, is a
tank for its reception. Thence it is puinied
to the porcincs above as needed. Mr.
Darlington churns every oilier day, and
makes about two hundred jiouuds at every
churning, which ho sells at present at from
thirty-five to fifty cents a pound. Tho hog
house has a capacity for cno hundred and is
so arranged that tho animals aro shut off
from tho troughs while 'tho milk is being
pumped into them : and then, on tho other
hand, when it is necessary to cleanse the
house, they can bo shut out from the
centra of the building so as not to bo in tho
way. Then their hog.hij are colonised, so
that not moro than sis aro together in ono
Turin Nitv.
Onion seed sown thickly now, in rich
loam, will grow sutllcieutly largo to make
good sets next spring. Vull when tho size
of peas or beans, or they oun stand through
the winter by covering well with straw or
Oats aro justly advocated as the gram
above all others adapted to home, and it is
true that for young horses, aud those used on
the road, there-is probably nothing equal to
oats, but they ought to be oruthed or braised
and not ground, Iu fact, all grains aro bat
ter fed iu this way.
Moore's J!m-id chronleltt the auoeettful
result duriug tbo past yearofanexerimeni'
wnica is no-, new ouiuvewug J.uua im
wiinoui uy simply pmohluf o
'I'll Id AND THAT.
A countryman seeing the sign "Ilouds
OiT," innocently osked if they Iiad gone on
a uicuic.
The young man who prides himself
upon looking spruce, slionld bear In wind
that the spruce is ever green.
A pretty girl won amuskcl in a French
I lottery, When lliey gave it to lier she oalc
, ed, "Don't they givo a soldier with It?"
I Fosd parent, if you want your boy to
glide gently down tho stream ol life, cult!
vato his little skull.
Tho Philadelphia Bulletin heads a col
umn article wHh, "Shall wo grow eur own
sugar?" Vo answer sweetly, "We'd raise
An English critic says that American
clergymen say, "larins" for lambs. This,
you know, Is beeauso tho old wether wears
a 'larm bell for tho flock.
Lady (to rlicumo.Ua old woman) "I am
Eorry you should suffer so ) you should try
galvanism." Old woman "Thank you
kindly, mum j bo I to awaller it or rub it
Bulkins, In relerrin!' to Hie time his wife
complimented him, says tho coal firo need
cd replenishing, and she pointed towards
tho fireplace with a commanding air, and
paid, "Peter, the grate-
Another dldn't-know-it-wns-loaded pis
tol went otf Iho other day at St. Paul. This
is worthy of notice, beeauso tho pistol wni
tho only ono of the kind on record whicli
didn't kill somebody
A man out West has killed his physic
ian, and tho occurrcnco is so unusual a ono
that the papers can't find typo big enough
to express their astonishment.
Husband Maria, my dear, you seem to
bo very lonesome in my company. Do you
not lovo m now as you did before our mar
riage? Wife Why, of course, Gerald ! but
you know sinco our marriago wo havo bo-
couio ouo. and I feel loncsomo without a
second party.
A precocious youth in North Wheeling,
prompted by an unpleasant recollection ol
tho last term, says tho Echool teachers are
like dogs, because "they lick your hand
This carries off the palm.
The threo proudest moments of a man'i
life, between Iho cradle and tho grave, arc,
when ho gets his first pair of red-top boots.
when tho girls first call him "Mister," and
when the doctor tells him it's a boy
ChasllnoCox wants to boa ministcr,and
perhaps ho can bo accommodated to the ex
tent of making his choker a white one.
Mrs. Jefferson Davis, in referring to tho
defunct Mrs. Dorsey, remarks, Tliero was
a woman I what grace 1 what mental pow
er I what a will.1
Saratoga in tho Indian language means
"tho region of the big hills." Ir. plain Eng
lish it means the region of big bills."
A little bit of a baby has his burdens-
all tho good looking girls kissing him. Ho
kicks against It now j but in after years
well, let him do his own anticipating.
It seems paradoxical to say that a thing
can bo bigger inside than out, but if you eat
a pint of dried apples and drink a quart of
water you'll find that such a thing can be,
A lady in Cincinnati attempted to com
mit suicido beeauso sho could not master
the Italian language. It docs seem hard
that tho young ladies of America cannot be
placed on nn equal footing with tho organ
A current Item affirms that American
women cat moro candy than- any other wo
men in the world. And wo wish to remark
that they aro swecler than any other women
in tho world, and it isn't candy that makes
them so, cither.
"I havo nothing butmy heart to give,'
suid a spinster to a lawyer who had con
eluded a suit for her. "Well," said tho law
yer, gruflly, " go to my cleric ; ho takes tho
From Silting Bull, Esquire, to 11. It. If,
King Cetywayo, K. C. B., P. I. Q.: Ugh
big chief come to my wigwam share all
kill whlto man play poker drink firo
water. I havo spoken.
"This, dear children, is tho bIioo ot
Chinese lady; seo how little it is, what
very narrow solo It has." "I'll bet it uin'
half as narrow as Deacon Smith's. Fathc
says his soul will fall through a crack In tho
floor somo day and get lost," was tho shrill
comment of a boy given to sharp listening.
A colored man observed, while in con
vcrsation with a friend, "I dusn' believe i
bavin' a pardncr when you've on'y got
small business. If you mako enny thing,
why, yer don't git it, and if yer lose, yer
havo to lose It all." "Jcsso," remarked his
A gentleman from the provinces went into
the shop of a Parisian tailor to onler some
clothes. Whilo his measure was being taken
he said to tho sartorial Aristarchus, "You
must find that I am very badly dressed,
'Oh no," replied tho artist," you aro not
dresced at all ; you nro simply covered
A man climbed a tree to tho height of
seventy feet, at Offham, England, drew
crowd of spectators, among whom was h
wife and daughter, by singing hymns. Then
ho took a rope from his ockct and said
"Good-byj" I have made a nice noose, and
now I am going to tie tho knot." Then he
hanged himself.
A boy recently camo homo with hi
hair dripping wet, having just como from
tho river whero ho hail been swimming,
Ho was equal to the emergency, and es
caped a busy timo with Ids mother and a
birch sprout by wearily wiping his forehead
and remarklng,"Itsawful hot work hoeing
down there in tho garden I"
A New York man has been fined $50
for kissing a girl. If every man should
bu on offender in this lino end bo thus fined,
tho courts could soon pay tho national debt.
But justice demands that tho girl should
pay half tho fine.
A happy-looking married couplo wcro
pointed out, and I was told that the lady
had been married once before. When her
husband died ho left a will giving his wid
ow iv,ivv a year as long as sno remained a
widow and all of his (ortuno if she married
again. For ho maliciously added, " I want
another man to know how wretched sho
mado me, and he may find some consolation
iu my money." The widow was not louj
la finding another husband, and out of spite
to her former spouso makes tbepreseut hus
band extremely happy, aud tho wealth of
the deceased is an immense factor to that
ond. Women ore contrary creatures and
men don't understand them.
Exception is taken in England to the
manner in which Mr. Tulinago points a
moral. In his leoturo on the " Bright Sido
of Things," delivered at the Temjieranoe
tele at the l rystal Palace, as an instance
of "tho ruling passion strong," ho related
tho following; "Ah," said a man who, was
on a sik bod, to his wife, "I am going to
liesven." "You'll look vory pretty," said
sh, "stuck up in heaven." "Bring me the
i i i . . . .
unium, we uiouuMi, -ana i; me give you
another walloping before I die."
these ViOfdsaaemesurjiideiit lately
apleeeet peetry u Ute not toe of
of u HWMswn "The fclkiwiuc
lines were written fifty veers too by ouo
lsatSy SSxewi'sioHi e Cape May
Tim Famous. Mammoth, Timin-DscK Steamer " ItEPUDUO," leaves Hneo fit. Wharf
nllH A. M arrlrlnx at Cape May about Vi'i I'.IU. . Hiiurning, leaves unpe ijiunm
1. St.. Klvlnir nmiilo time tut tunning or a drivo on 1110 ncaeu. a iuii u.Rt iwn.i nun vr.
chestra lulo for Ilonclup. Parlor L'nttrtalnments varied weekly, l.uiiclicons nnd llo-
rrcsuincnts In ovmidnnco. Dinners anu Buppeis iir.viuou. ujhuiiouuihuiutwiui
per a fow uionicnlsattcr taken from the water.
JTavc lor the Iconnil 'ICvip, mc jpoiiar.
HTIMnA vawlll lnnvs lines Street Wnnrfat IUA. Jt.-Il
wuapa isiauu in iiiinuii-B.
Uio Best and Most Pojpular Pulmonic is
V.S. A ffroiul Qnuito steam Kallroadwlll convey passengers t
Tickets for sale at all ilallrcad. Stations.
Daily Excursion to SEA BREEZE !
Tho splendid Saloon Steamer "JOHN A. WAltNEB," leaves Chestnut 8lreet Wharf
It Will lBsiy to Read Tints I
Uatiy at H:Io A. M., lor oca ureczc, iauoui oo irtucs;, uown mo .uciuwiire way, arriving
back to the city early in tho evening. Tills is one of IlioWsl pleasant Excursions out of
Philadelphia. A Musical Entertainment and Dancing will enliven tho trip llcfresh
mcnts in nbundanco. Dinners, Suppers, Ac. All tho conveniences for Salt water Bath-
"o i.
It Invariably Cares Congbs, Colds, Hoarse
ness, Sore, A rtlima, (.'roup, and other
Attentions ot tbo Breathing Organs,
lug. Fishing, Boating andi other Amusements aro provided.
Fare, GO cts. Children, 30 cts.
Juno 28, 1879-w8
Mew -ods I Mew Ibices !
I respectfully- announce to the citizens of Lohiphton and
vicinity that I liavo leased the Old Post-Ollico Stand, on
BAISK Street, Lehighton, and that I am now receiving a
full lino of
consisting of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Underwear, Hosi
ery, Handkerchiefs, Jewelry, llibbons, lluches, lady's
hand-made Clouds, Gloves, Fancy Soaps, Brushes,
Combs, Buttons, Collars, Machine Needles and
Oil, Zephers, ITaiicy Stationery, and
all other articles usually kept in my lino.
Also, Agent for tho celebrated
Hgf3 Call and examine my goods ; tho prices aro so low
that they cannot tail to suit all.
7-1 S. . WBEEA5PI.EY.
Its Poothiop: Influence uron ttm trrltntcd lln
W of itiGfilr TmesaoTF. Is dun in tlioinct that
1 lta in predion t nre tiio most offlcnclouii tmimon
teMniiucs Known i menioni imintiy, me duaim
nf ihoni llcln nrlny t?)o HON MY of I lin 1 1 0 1 1 K-
HOUND 1'JiANT. chenncftlU niutciMvilh ilm
or ifiiiiu oi uin'ou. 'i uuro nnj ucmnios, nvn in tier
boirmio oiemcms wincu riyo auuiuona. ciiicacy
to the (list liiinird two.
mono wnii mivtt ucti it, mv tnat UAJji'i'fl
onlr wonderfuIlT rrmeiflal In nil en for whcio
tlmnrunnnt rrftjUrntlon nro nlTectt'd ijutiilno
tnfltkanctlonlsiimiMifllir rapid. A rowdfne
ftrmicntlr nervo- to relievo ft vorr obsJonlo
coujrli. It contains nnthlnv trtnt tnit inrdcr
lite stotmicu, (i race mat enn no nlieficu with
truth nf tiutifiw I'nticli rcmcrtlpm it Iiiib nn it.
ticmeir aerrtuuHO uavor, nna is imuu at a ltRuro
nlilch enables ttioMi of tho most limited means
to aVfUi pft ot us vintios.
It I Mnila mndncMto lilllo wltli n Coujrh.
Iiiltdtlon of tU Throat, Cnft nd Mings trnv
rnrfdlv and what la a trlfllnir and onnilv
roiiqiiornuto difficulty Hi tlioH uijriins to-day,
mnv In a low weeks itovcluii Into lirotiehtlH or
ConMimpt on, two cUsea" which earrv more
vlithnstn ctirlv ernvwp, than cny other In tho
long nn oi iiotmv unfiicr.
A Conch may ho lit I v termed tho Troll mlnnry
St ico ot Consumption, n milatlv of which
'rAIMsthP Mirriit l.nown itrpvpiitivo. Thnun
thoietore, who would arresa t.'iopropropsof tho
H'-iroytr Hiiouni uuiuy nut u mumuiH iu ihkp
( JlILimiCN, doilvo ejeat benefit Trom Its
pontlilnif pronoitlen, uIipii nuneilnir with tho
nnroxvfnii.i nf Cfuun nnil Whonn.ntr Conuli. Tho
ttrst named Ulno 11 eDi-elady destructive
nmnncf vounc children, and this reliable remedy
pnouiii uu nupiuii iiiiiiu in mi nnu'-ijuoius, jjuv
tho iHrtrn I'aeicflfres and Ecouoniiae.
I'ltlCKS. 50 CK. and fl, PKU COTTLE.
oiu uy nu iJrusigw.
Brags and Medicines 1
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store,
If you want anything in the Drug lino at bottom prices,
go to the Ulcl and lleliablo Drug More, in Ui. JN.5
lleber's Block, near tho Post Office,
A. J. DUELING, Proprietor,
IW'licro yon will find a full ami complete stock of
Puro Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
.brushes, Lombs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & ubricating Oils
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Puro Wines aud Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramontal purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
Established 18G7.1 A. J. DUELING.
We have entered into arrangements with Uev. J. Henry
Smytue, ol' Philadelphia, tho publisher of Sunshine tor
Little. Children, whereby we arc enabled to make you the
following unrivalled offer an offer winch will, we feel as-
R? surcd, secure for us not only your name, but the names of
very many of your friends and neighbors as subscribers to
our paper.
already been expended in this " great offer " by the " Sun
shine Publishing Co.," Ill IS PAPER MAKES NOTH
ING ON THE BOOKS. Our sole object is to nlacc your
v 1 y
name on our list as a subscriber to the Carbon Advocate
and to Sunshine tor Little Children.
C- N. OHtenton Prop'r,
rorRalobv A,
Lchlgbtou. l'a.
J. DUItLIXO, Bank street,
Have you a "Ragikq Tooth" Reader?
Pike's Toothache Drops
nndCnro tlio njrocvln One Mixuth. TliU vnu
oimdttlorTWKNTY.FIVK OK NTS Tho nr
tlclo wdl do the Imnnofl up brown, drpcmt nnon
It; moreover It contains no lUKtcdlcut which
rillCE 25 CENTS. Sold by nil DrncRlta.
C. N. Crittenton, Prop'r
Lrhlfihtoii. NovpmDr2.
i a
Oil I
The Lending External Specific
ii rr
null oa suoii a tuey ihuwc.1 a dli
vine. ThU nud tbe nUuU to
thick-sot brutli. aud tlittv ware M naariv
reductive Bf wlieu ollonocl to climb a na-1 w'10 '' fur many yean flt In bu gv
uuo a.-si.;nr.i ImTely f"r lit" "WU ainn-wrnHnt,
Important to Builders, &c.
Weisspoi't lD!aQaam- Mill,
Is prepared to furnish all kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash,
Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust
ers, "Window and Door Frames, Scroll Sawing,
Turning, Planing and Hipping done at short
notice and at Prices to Suit the Times.
a -m -n -MVT-
y is an jsw
Bad i" lisntst; EDsB4teiBiio
Contractors and Carpenters are invited to
call for Specifications, which will be
cheerfully furnished.
feST Special attention given to Orders by Mail. Thank
ful to our patrons and friends for past favors, wc ask a share
of patronage in the future
Vwy itwpMtfally,
P. O. box 03.
JOHN G. BLEllY, Agent
For tho "Weissport Pinning Mill.
jan.l- yl
It renders tho Cuticle Healthfully
Clear nrd Smooth, nnd is the JJest Pos
sible Substltuto for Expensive Sulphur
.Respectfully announces to tho peoplo of Lohighton and its ,
vicinity, that he has just enlarged his Manufactory by the!
addition of another story and that he is now prepared to ! Beaulifier of tho Complexion,
furnish them with every description or i 1
HouseliolB Enrniturl,
Manufactured from tho best Seasoned Material, at Prices
fully as low as tho samo articles can bo bought for else
where. Iloro aro a few of the inducements offered :
Parlor Sets at from 50 to 60.00
Walnut Marble-top Dressing Case Bedroom
Suites, 3 Pieces. -10 to G5.00
Painted Bedroom Suites, 18-to 40.0U
Cano Seated Chairs, per set of Six 0.00
Common Chairs, per set of Six 4.00
and all other goods equally cheap.
Tn this connection, I desire to call tho attontion of tho
cilizons to my amplo facilities in the
BUSINESS, with a now and handsomo Hearse, and a full
lino of Caskets and Collins, I am prepared to attond
promptly to all orders in this line, at lowest prices.
ratronago rospecttully solicited anu tho most amplo sat
isfaction guaranteed. V. SCHWA HTZ,
Oct. 12, BANK Street, LEHIGHTON, PA.
It Incorapnrab'o Hemrrir for ntil'isca. UL
CEiw. CLTh mid every liritabie or iMihra.thv
condition ot tho Hkm, iimlift u mobt FOiVictnbln
ri'iticdlal iikpdi mid mm to of Hccdv iclictlu
It ih n mimt opMrnhlo D1HIN fKOTA N T OF
CLOTHING Oil 11KJI 11 SUN, Mom lino tl'Cd
bvpiTnoii- (Ullcr'uff inun ounoxiol's nr cox
Taoiolb MBCAM H, uiid U ii Cupitai lU nicdv nnd
l'revei tativo tt tnoni. wiu-n vhvA nnnn lvH-v
tloa l'L'iBuim I'lnphnfn u liavo no neiM hi
tflKo fculpbur JlaiiiH, or to rt-eurt to tiuluhur
prm cb lor bnthinc pun oj08.
AfliuiBt'liinci. cif tLe TOILET It Hrnrmorp
douabIo timn uny Conim Ic fUco It roi2toT,
lIUo n'tictPH of licit liaturt-, cuuoont Coin p tux
lUllllt JllrilliHlH'H bllt ri'lUOVCH UlCllt.
ni d tlit IKe, ni'iM'dliv ytelutorn o.anfylna tn-llut-ucet
and ItH tlit very bet feoap tu tthivu
vitu.becHUKBit leaves tliu bkni stiionth and freo
Irom i ti ti illation iirmJuctMi ont teiilMve cu
ilrle. y Hi" annllcatin or tin- inzor. It also
con pU'tclyxroJicati' JjANUUUFP.
lliiUSi'Ulvf- fH"EI( It tlH UXCELLRXT fnr
wiisUuik OOLIdN I.MjlJ.uud other
fabrics and ladio moving In the it iirclon or
iictnpoijta:i und tuinl fioclety apeuk ol It lu
li lu-In-M tPrnm.
lesiln oniHitiionrin from aU qnaitern of tho
Union upon lu 1'ioprli tjr. m&nr ot whv h liaio
bi'Pii publislc d In tin form nr u neat pamphlet
piocuralilt or Driip-m-tund I'miey Uoodn Deal
t r, Um oiiirmiilM Ih'Iuk" tpea to publ.o lUfoio
tiouathtH MnuciSAL WAtiiilti Ubk No. 7bIXTlt
AVEMJK. Nfcw Youk. Tim nit.c n uioieover
luooiseo bv ttjo aitiilcul fiaii'tnity.
ULUNH hl'UMlU It mA1 ha h en ltiiltnt
id. Hoapn without the tninlteet fractmn of re
metilul ttfli-uev havo lien nnd aro fumed upon
theuuennetlnKntl iino!tervnt. ib genuine
bulpbur uaps poeoRtQv piopertio idertlonl
wltn or etiuai to tho ( Hpei'ilc. which thtrli
rrndoiH fete tniival lv undt-ili.-iul con poll
tiou. Tho public Hliould tht refon be enieful to
inquire or OI-KNN'ri hulphur toap bv Its lull
uaiuo, and too that they pot Ibc rnu article.
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Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye
aprepaiatlon abtuluKlr free train hurtful Id.
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eir c Kwlu-it to any rUU' ( lu elan.
ak nm m u uio-
tiaira id UM iu uuirw Ilia
trua ) outbtul (tut from low AtrhlMta
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