gl It. SlttWKUS, DISTIIIO T ATTOllNRV COUNBELLOll AT LAW, Office, Kloti's llnilninu utoilnway. MAUUIt CHUNK, TA Mottling Tlstatrs, Fllltia Accounts and Oriilians Court lTnottco n specialty. . Trial of ntnos carpltilir attended ta I.CKnl transactions In Kmimh nu'l Ucriumi. jnnv. linnet TtHlYPD mv i (mlnd 0,1 flle ono- THIS "AfhK I'. IIOWKM. A CO'S New;, iiaiicr Advenl'inir imiean, 10 r-p nco Mrjjt, where A nVKHTIbt NQ CON VpW VflM TRACTS may bo ramie lor It In 1111 II IUIIUi SATUHDAY, SEfTUMDtn d, 18T9. Local and Personal. to simscuii3"s. Subscribers to tlio CAtiitox Advocate will lako special notlro Hint nur terms nro one dollar n year sfnrtty in ndvanoe, if not so paid $1.25 will bo charged In every instance. Subscribers getting their craby mall will refer to the direction tabs on their papers nd noto the date, and remit accordingly. l-Tlie South Easton cotton mills have startwl up. Tho No. 3. furnaco nt Coplay, recently started up, continues to work well. Chew Jackson's Best Sw'cet Navy To- bacco. 7-50.- rarties going west can get tickets from Bert., h. V. R. 11. depot. lfi-4Z Tho Berks county railroad wfll bo sold at public sale on Til s lay, Sept. 23rd. -Iron, and tho manufactures of iron, arc steadily on tho advance. Is tho HazlcUm Scntinct dead ? fc Wo not received a copy of it for a week past. Tho li. & S. Railroad is having a largo lot otwal cars built nt tho Harrisburg cai simps. The debt of Bethlehem Is 34,800, di vided as follows- Water, $48,200 i borough - . i .i cr. niifi rr:r ;:; u 0( tho Bethlehem firo companies will be held fin tholCth or September next. Wo were pleased to meet James Edgar, on Lansrord and a number or our old soldier friends in our sanctum Thursday. Tho Republican delegate elections will take placo Monday.and the Convention will In held Wednesday, at tho Court House, Mauch Chunk. The Royal Arcaweum, meets In Ruber's Hall, on the 2nd and 4th Monday evenings iu tho month. An immense stock or envelopes and wrirtag papers, sold at Luckcnbach's Muucli Chunk. Fou Sal. Eight shares of tho Capital stock of the 1st Notional Bank ofLchigliton. For further particulars apply at the Advo cate office David Ebbert, at his livery on Noith street, this borough, is 5reparcj to furnish you with stylish teams atjow figures at any time. About 10 o'clock p. m. on Wednesday last, wo were visited by ono of the heaviest rainfalls it has ever been our fortune to witness. Don't movo out of tho election district in which you now icside if you don't wait to loso your vote. A residence of sixty days is required to ono nciiizuu ui election district. When that neighbor or yours comes to borrow this paper just whisper gently in ills car that it is tho duty or every good citizen to take Ids own paper. Tho Popular Western Ticket Agent, B. D'Brian, will bo at this oifico next Wednes day night. H you intend to go west, call and see him, he will send you right, cheap and quick. 300 boxes West's Vegetable Liver Pills' forsaloat Durliug's Drug Store. 20 cents per box. The annual meeting uf tho stockholders or tho Thomas Iron company will bo held on Tuesday next, September Dili, at Hokeu- datrqua. The proprietors of tho Lehigh Cor Co., at Stcmton, haw increased tho wages ol their employees ten cents per day. If you wanta nice smooth, easy shave your hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz Rooderer's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho tel. Ho will fix you right, and don't you forget it. Tho Lehigh Valley railroad for the weekending August SOtli, shipped 77,C7o tons of coal, a total for tho year to that dulo of2,043,45'J tons, being an increase on thai vear's business or 527,077 tons. The Berks county Agricultural Society will hold their 25th annual exhibition, at .1 -..i.tia.i ..i Reading, on September 30th and October Ut 2nd und 3rd, 1S7U. Nr.vr AanivAL. II. H. Peters, the tai lor, has just returned from tho city, with another largo and elegant stock r summer goods, comprising cluths, casslincres, and suitings, or latest and most fashionable do signs, tor mens' youth's and children' wear, which ho is prepared to make up in the lat est und moat durable style at prices so low 08 actually dftfy comietition. Cull and ex amine goods and lc-arn prices beforo ynu buy elsewhere No trouble to shbw goods at this establishment. For the seven days ending August 30th thero were shlpied over the L. A S. Railroad 101,572 tons of coal, maklugn total or2,572, 38G tons for tho season to that date; an In crease, compared with sametlmo lastycarol 1,115,885 tons. Henry Campbell, ol East Wcissport, an- nounces to his friends and tho public that he is prepared to supply them Willi the best quality or reiulvmaila fall and winter BOOTS and SHOES at a great reduction in price from last year, notwithstanding the recent advance In manufacturers' prices ol from 10 to 15 per cent. These boots aim shoes have been made expressly to his ord"r and are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Cull and seo them. Mr. Tims. Kemerer, Thursday showed vs a small piece of lead, apparently a (hot, which had been discharged from the abscess in his abdomen. How it ever got into his body he is at a loss to know, unless he mav have sotnelimo swallowed it whilo catim? n.i !.,! I,,, .l,t (,., rs, A,r.vT T. n.1,1 .n..l.l..r. il'.n v,rv W T.n , ,.,, .. ,i. r .ii...t, , ...i r. . J at yd. dollv. No. 2 Chetnut per ton $1:75 I 2.05 Ho, l s.ja J.Ui btove................. J.uu j.m Now is the bt time to put In your winter coal, aim uou . j ou inrvb u i Last woek Joseph L. Bibighatts, a cigar manufacturer and tokaaao dealer at taury's Station, was arrtwtod on a charge or having violated tho revenue laws by putting up tobaooo and cigars, and selling the same without stamping the boxes, ns well as using cancelled stamps on oigr boxs Wo understand that Dr. C. T. Horn lias purchased the drug business or Mr. ... C. Peters, and took charge of it Thursday. The Sr. will be pleased to ntevt all his old friends and all the new ones who may be plaaW to tutrenize him iu Iim new departure. He will keep a full supply of pure drugs, eliein teal", wall wr Ac. dc. Michael Bellis, o Catasaunua boy, em ployed at tho Crane Iron Works, had ono of his fingers very badly damoged tho oilier day whilo engaged In ah effort lb ealcli a firo brick which was coming down through a schulc. Mrs, Samuel Glace, of Cotasauqita, had the 111 luck tilio clay last wsck to break her right arm abovo tho wrist. She, accompani ed by a servant girl, Went out to Brcinlg's Grovo to eccurb a 'fpiaulily of ricli earth for her flowers, and whilo walking around stumbled by catching on a root with ono or her feet, ahd as i result was thrown down with tho result abovo slated. Sarah, tho widow of the lalo Joseph Hnfford, of Salisbury, (lied at her residence near what is known as llofloril's Chapel, on Tuesday evening of last week, at tho age of 70 years, 8 months and 2 days. The body of Kate McLaughlin, Who dis appeared on an excursion from Chester to Cajio May, lost week, was found in tho Del aware, below Marcus Hook, oh Saturday evening. In rottsvllle, (Saturday evening, Henry Christian, keeper of a disreputable Ing frenzied from .'.rink, sliot and perhaps , . lit- i.i. ii fatally wounded Lizzie Britton, Ills reputed wife. Ho uftcrivauls attempted suicide, but was prevented, mid was committed to jail. -Mr. Charles Ciellcn, or Mauch Chunk, , , . i.i Thursday nlglit of last week, entered the drug store of Joseph Laciar, ami took there from about $30 worth of cigars. W under stand that the proerly has been returned lo its owner, and that no arrest has been made. The Rev. James A. Little, tho successful pastor of the Hokcndnuqua church, has been absent cn a tr,p lo tho telecast, and has re turned much recruited in health, and streiigch. The Ladies Mito Society of tho M. E. church, of Iichightoii, will hold u Fruit and Ice Cream Festival in Lindci man's Hall, on . .ivnli. R tlni-it-tv, nl'nn nill Yw.vl IVP.ilr. ; ...... 0 , Sept. 12th and 13th. Judging from their pleasant and successful Spring Festival, the vyon f u very enjoyable occasion. President Oowcn, ol tho Philadelphia and Roidlng road, will visit Pottsvillotliis week in rcgaid to tho location at that placo of the Miners' Hospital, for winch an appropriate ion lias been made by the Legislature. Ho Lausanne, had been duly elected as dclc will at the same time' meet n delegation ol gates, and weic entitled to seats in tho con- canal boatmen from Schuylkill Haven who complain of being discriminated against in the loading or boats. To tcinponzo with your health instead of promptly using L'r. Bull's Il.illluioie Pills is noi indicative ol uiucu inougiiuuiness. ooiu by all druggists. Charles Roessler Was instantly killed on Saturday by tho bursting of an cmcrywheel jn the foundry of Skinner k Sons, at Freo- mausburg. List of I.rtlersi Remaining uu.'allo.l for at thisoflicc, Lehigh- ton,Sept. 1, 187'J. Ebbert, Dennis J. German, Lueetl.v, Etna M, Ktstler, J. M. Keterer, Paul. Miller, Amanda Nothstein Reuben Krum, Ldwaril Steigei wait, Stephen. II. H. Pctkijs, P."M. Otflcvrs. Kli'cK-il. At the regular meeting of Lehigh Hook .t Ladder Co., No. 1, of this borough, held on ,,,.. nv.,,ta ... ,,, cdWinr. nir.r. wcro duly elected to serve for tho ensuing term: President If. V. Moithimer. Vice-President Geo. Kenierer. Rcc. Secretary Geo. W. IVihl, Fin. See. ami Treasurer W. 1 Lung. Foienian W. P. Long. Ass't Foreman Georiio W. Delhi. Trustees O. Ivemerer, 3 years, O. Clauss, 2 years, Alex. Crick, 1 year. A. Directors Aariin Krum, O. Kemercr, John Miller, Ld. ltaworlh. (elisions poll's. l.UMItlllTlIN St. K. Ciiukcii, Rev, J. P. Miller, pastor To-morrow, (Sunday , 0 a, m 10 a. in., scrnu n by the pastor, Subject "l'ho Trial of Abraham." 2 p. fa., Sunday scho d. 6 30 Prayer Mcctlnir. 7:30 Sermon bv the pittor, Jsubjuct, "1'ho Eagle Stirring up her nest. I.tmicuiTojt F.vANniaiCAi, Cut-lieu, Rev. " - v"-" .-.ummj IV, III. , II, Kl 'UlVUltl i lJ I.. Ill ., UUIIUlll, PRaelilnit; 1 p. in.. Teachers' Meeting; 2 p. in., Sunday Schuol ; 0:30 p. m., Prayer and Pralso MectliiK ; 7i30 p. m English I'reach luir. Wt-KK Day Skiivices Monday evening, Class Meeting; Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday evenings. Prayer meeting. Mnto EEoipllnl for oilier. The com m ttee of six consisting of Messrs. D. A. Ileeltlcy, Jolui W. Morgan, Thomas F, Kerns, J. R. Ehy, William Lilly nnd Wil- lii.m -Innin. t..r I. ... . 1 1 ., ...I I... 11.1 !,. n Slo In . ,i i , I 1 ...... ...v ..v... inal legions, wero in Philadelphia, Tuesday inspecting several or tho largo hospitals fiir theurku cif Icui liing their systems uf ITat- inent and inaliagement. Several claims ol towns in tho anthracite coal regions have been urged iijwn tho committee as"llio best" location for tho hospital, but as the coin in it tee have only just advertised for lots the lo cation of the hospital Is as yet a matter of uncertainty. The present amount appro priated Tor Its must ruction ! limited to $(10,- 000. Plans forllio projected building will bo solicited ill n short time. ' DUiippcnraiico Thrco mouths ago James Matthews, who had been n leading business limn of Hones- dale, yno Co., for thirty years, abscond- cd, owing between 5.20,000 and $30,000, neariv all ol which was borrowed money, Much of tho money had been borrowed on falso pretenses. Matthews was one or the bondsmen ol Tax Collector Henry Gray, of whom ho had borrowed largely of the pub- lie moneys in tho collector's possession. This fact was recently mado public. Gray had been a public officer for many years, and had not betrayed the confidence o! the pub- lie. The disopiiearunce of Matthews with money for which Gray was accountable preyed on the latter's mind. He was tin- able to mauo it good, I wo weeks ago he was obliged to tako to his boil. A few days ago ho went out of his house whilo suffering tnun fever. He has not since been seen, It is conjectured that bo has committed sui cidc. Ollllot i. Tho survey of the projected railroad from KlWou to Hawley. through the Moosic i. Mountains, the new coal outlet fiir the New York, Lake Erie und Weteru Railroad, has been completed , und tho work or Kradlnc has been begun. The road, which will be about filly miles u length, will bo built bv a party of English capitalists at an aggre- Eal0 ofa muon dolln ,ho 6,till,aU)(1 cost per inilobeiiigabout$20,000. Tho object ofiu construction is to afford tho Erie com- pany an indendent outlet for Us coal from the Wyoming Valley .where it has 2000 acres of rich, undeveloied coal lands south of Sorantou. At juiweut the Erie's coal is principally shipped from tho volley oref the Delaware ond Hudson gravity road to Houeedale, but this jiortion of the Delaware and llu.i.m Canal Company's highway is fully taxed with iu own shipments. The projected road will connect with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Pitteton, and the Erie Railway at Huwley, thus atfonhng fine fa- ol lilies for freight alid assenger trflic, as well ssforooal shipments I rum this section. MUURUH1 Dtluiirrallc Count)- Convention. Tho Democratic County Convention met at tho Court House, in MaUch Chunk, bit Monday, September 1, anil was called to order by John Taylor, chairman of tho County Committee, and organized by elect ing A. K. Schecls, Maucii Chunk, president ) Michael Kromer, Weathcrly, and Levi Harleman, Lower Towamcnslng, vlce-pres! dent;. Samuel Motzcr) Sumhiit Hill, and James I'. Smith, LeliigtitontWcro appointed secretaries. Th6 credentials of delegates Wcro called Tor, and tho following committed appointed on contested seatst Daniel Graver, Reuben Stcincr, Levi Hartz, John Strohlond Ed ward Kelly. Tho following Is tho list of delegates I Audenried John Oarali, Tat. Gallagher. Beaver Meadow C. Gallagher (contested) Iltiirh Gallagher. Uisl Mnuch ChUhk. John Gassllcr.Chas. O'Donncll. East Penll. D. Komie. Levi Slclacrwolt. Franklin. Jacob Bcchtcl, Henry Miller anil II. 1". Iievan. lfl.Mni. Tf. I- T. irhlmmli. f!linrli S. Ifunk c. Kidder 8. Joseph Hcimbach, Amos Meckes. I,anslonI. Jas. McOinty, Frank Wester. Lousanno. Jumes Kennedy (contested), jjcs Smith. Lohlcii.John Heinev, Edwin Fritz. Lchighlon. Ezra Nowhart, James P. ""l" "' ,-,',,; ,., Lower Towamensing. John Stroll, Levi tlarloman, Charles Greenswcig, Alex. Beer ami Samuel btroup. Mahoning. Jonas iienrig, ianiei iiex. Mauch i.'luutk. 1st Ward. A. 13. Sheetz, Wm. Sweeney and Eli Sensitizer. Maticli Chunk, 2nd Ward. Edward Kelly Wm. Geering. Nesquchoiimg. ralrick Lnwler, Patrick Connelly. I'acucr. Jonas nariz, iieuucn oieiner. Packerlon. J. T. Somuicl, Dan. Kroek. Pairyville. F. P. Boyer, David Moycr. renti Forest. E. Koch, Jr., II. G. Deppcy. Summit Hill. Sam. Motzcr, Peter Can non, John C. Bnylc. 'iWnmensitig, Jonai ft Beer, Wm. C. lirown, diaries bliacllcr. lo .t. i.. r n ir..... T.rtl irnf . ..... J ' Juonu anner, Wcisiort. John G. Biery, John Arncr. Adjourned to meet at 1:30 o'clock, p. m. At 1:30 p. m.,the convention reassembled. tho roll of delegates was called, and all being in their places, proceeded to business. Tho committee on contested seats made their report, declaring that C. Gallagher, of or Beaver Meadow, and James Kennedy, or ncntioli. Tho following resolutions, which wcro of- rered In tho forenoon, wcro now read and unanimously adopted : Remind, That wo agiln proiloUnce the great fraud coliltniltod by tho Republican party in itwo, wncrcoy oauiuci o. iimcii nnd Thomas P. Hendricks were deprived of the hicli ollices to which they wcro elected tho ccalost outrage oer committed u gainst the libeitiosot a people HcsolecJ, That tho Democratic paity in justice In itsdislinguislirdstundard bearers is in duty linuiul to ro elect tl.em in itisu aim uistai tiicm into ouico at all nazzanis. HciohcJ, That the delegates chosen to-day to our next Slate Convention use nil honor able moans to secure tho election ol'Tilden and Henilriclisdelegalcs from Pennsylvania to tho .National Convention HcKOhctl, That Hon A. G. Brodhead and Eiitreno P. Williams, Esq., ate hereby ap- imintcd delegates to the next State Conven tion Tiio Chairman then announced that a nomination to fill the office of Prothonotary, was in order, and the names of George W. Esscr, of Munch Chunk, Elwin Bauer, of Ivnt Mauch Chunk, and Thomas A. Rich inond, or Kidder, were put before the con volition. On motion, Daniel Graver and John Strohl were appointed tellers. Mr, Richmond withdrew' his name, olid a ballot was taken on tho other two, resulting in Es- ber, 30 j Bauer, 22 j and Georgo W. Eascr Was declared the nominee. A motion was made and carried that the nomination bo made uiianiiuons A nomination to fill tho office of Sheriff was next iu order, and the names of F. P. Scmmel, Lchighton ; Taul Kiesge, Town incusing j Win. Nesly, Summit Hill; J. Keiser, Mauch Chunk; Chas. Kline, East Mauch Chunk, were lespectively submitted Mr. Klino withdrew Ins name, and tho con vention proceeded to ballot, with the follow int; results t liallots, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. 7. 8. 1). SiMinncl 21 16 1 17 10 10 15 15 00 Kresgo , 12 22 23 24 22 22 25 24 35 Neslev 5 4 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 Keiser 17 17 18 17 20 20 18 ltl 23 And thus on the Uth ballot Paul Kresgc was declared the nominee, Snd on motion tho nomination was made unanimous nuild much applause. The Chair now called for a nomination to I '"" I .lu.i.u fill tho olilco of Coroner) and the name of Dr-C. W. Lentz, or Weissimrt, w as submit' . , , , t...i . ted, and ho was nominated by unanimous acclamation. Tho next nomination was lor Jury Com missioner, and Thus. O'Gorman, Sunimi Hill) Dennis Gallagher, Lansrord W. II Rauch, Kidder ; James Appcnzcller, East Peuii, and Ezra Newharl, Lchighton, were named. On the first ballot Dennis Gallagl; cr received 38 voles and was declared the nominee, which was made unanimous. For County Surveyor, Henry Buyer, or Woissiiorl, was nominated by unanimous acclamation. Tho business of the convention being now finished, a motion was mado and carried to adjourn) and tho convention adjourne sine die, At a meeting of the now county commi'.tee held in tho grand jury room, immediately alter the adjournment or tho convention A. E. Schects, or Mauch Chunk, was elected. chairman of tho county committee for tho current year, and Captain H. E. Schwartz was re-elected secretary, A noticeable feature of the convention w-as that it was fully and largely represented mini every portion oRbe county ; and, not withstanding the sharp individual contests, tho greatest harmony and unanimity pre vailed in all its deliberations and measures, While there will necessarily always be per. sonal prfcrences in the selection of cundi dates, and therefore individual differences or opinion, the general impression Bcemci: to be that the ticket nominated is, taken la whole, a strong one, anil rtdll, wilh good management, bring out a lull jutty vote the coming election. M'cntlierl j- Iiriui.. -Married on Tuesday, the 2d Inst, at the residence or the bride's parents, Mr, T. McAvoy to Miss Kate Ball, Rev. It. Col burn officiating. Tho happy party left tli wni8 ,Ia)' for Philadelphia and other point orl " wedding tour. Mr' A.Smith, who sailed several months ago for South America, has been heard from; he had arrived at tho island ol Trinidad well. Leadville, Cowrado, oeeording to re- lor,, received from the Westtherlr boys, must be a great place. A fellow caught out doors after dark is opt to be bailed with the ebjnificaul request, "hands up I" Strange M it mar seem the request is invariably granted. Jeeob Glntsr, Sk., of Mauch Chagk, lies weured employment in eur foundry, Not less than five families have ehanged P1" "s reenleuee during the week) we wffl reminded of the let el April, Mr. Johu Dougherty has turned up in Dsuvcr, Col. Rogkatat. niuttcli ctmiiic rvoti-H Anotiiku Old Rkmdkstrr Gonk to RkoTi On Sunday evening last,-while on tlin way to attend dlvlno services at tho Presby terian church, Mr. Samuel B. Hutchinson, old and much respected citizen, was stricken down with apoplexy) was token omo Insensible, and died tho following ovening at 0:30 o'clock. Mr. Hutchinson was born in Lower Mount Bethel, North- mpton countv, January 17, 1803, nnd was, therefore, aged 74 years, 7 mouths and 15 ays. At nn early period, while the present territory of Carbon was a part of Northamp ton county, ho came lo Mauch Chunk and allied his labors with the early dcvelopetnent tho anthracite coal interest. Foranum- ber or years ho was paymaster for tho Le high Coal nnd Navigation Co., tho duties of lieh office ho filled with much ability, winning a reputation for punctuality and integrity. Ho resigned tho Jiosition sonio years ago, on account of lulling mental (ac uities and a threatening or thodlseaso which terminated his life. During those yoars ho reared a family of children, who ate mar rjed and settled Indifferent sections of the country, one of whom, Mr. James Belford resides in Mauch Chunk, with whom, slneo the death of his wife about five years ago, ho mado his home. Perhaps no man had fewer enemies nnd moro friends than Mr. Hutchinson. An honest friend to nil, his social geniality mado friends of all. Since tho war he has had occasion to remain for time in the State of Virginia,'nd also In tho West. His sympathies wcro very armly elicited for tho rrccdmcn, and also for that fast declining mid much persecuted race, the American Indian) and ho never tired of presenting their claim for sympathy tho attention of his friends. Of late, much impaired by age, but full or warm hearted sociability, it Was a dellghuul habit ith him to mako short afternoon calls 1110112 his friends nnd neighbors, and es pecially among tlioso who happened to bo sick or in sorrow; and ho was always a elcome visitor, bringing with him u halo of sunshino and hopo. His life was ono usefulness, and ho lived moro years than are allotted to man) ho leaves behind what Solomon tells us is moro to bo desired an great riches n good name. It was s intention to accompany his daughter California .m Tuesday, sho being hero on visit. His" funeral was solemnized on Wednesday, and liis body was laid to rest n tho cemetery on tho hill, wliero sleep many of his associates and co-laborers of years past. MiscKLUxnoua. Tho public schools in nth wards wero opened on Monday. The graduating class Tn tho high school has but four candidates fur diplomas this term. The hotels complain that they ltsvo not realized tho business this summer tliat tho prospect at tho commencement gave icm reaon to hope for. Mr. J. S. Keiser, proprietor of the roadway House, was married in Philadol phia, on Tuesday to Miss Sarah A. Bower, r that cllv. Rev. Noblo Frame, a former pastor of St. Paul's M. E. church hero ofii ciatcd. Tho hapiiy CoUplo Wero expected homo last evening, where the Phoenix Band awaited to welcomo them with a seicmulc. John Kliiio. E.q., has declared his in tentiou of being a candidate for the office of District Attorney in 1SS0. Rev. Joseph Heinan, of East Maticli Chunk, on Thursday morning, united iu the bonds of wedlock Mr. Stephen HenUell to Miss Mariana nieghar, daughter of Ben edict Plleghar, Eiq. Dog days are past; the occupation of the dog-catcher is gone j and now the blilho- somo canine wanders light-hearted over his nippy hunting-grounds with no muzzle onW his nose. l'nckvtt oil ICipiilcM Nathan Lcller lias just returncdTrom n tri)i to Jersey, where ho purchased a boat load or melons, Ac. While there ho visited Rev. J. B. Wlutton, formerly pastor at Pack ci tun, ho found him very comfortably situ. nted, surrounded with kind friends, and a church in a nourishing condition. John Mullen for several years operator at tho Forwarding Oflico bete, has accepted a position with tho Pliila. & Erie Railroad Cbmpauy, at Suubury. Ho entered uion his duties on Monday. Charles W, Wooly, an officer on the Steamship Switzerland, (Red Star Line), running from Philadelphia to Antwerp,was visiting at W. L. Stiles last. week. The convention is over, and the noini nces beforo tho public. Tlioso who failed have tho sympathy of their friends, and are encouraged with the idea that next lime their chances are good oyo better. Broken promises nro tho subject of much thought and comment, yet we never well hardly ever, meet a mlitician who does not pride himself on his honor, when they say a thing they mean it yet alter all tho amount of mental reservation is what does it. The campaign promises to bo lively. Tho Re publicans say they will nominate a strong ticket ; tho Grecnbackers (that unknown quantity) will do likewise, so they say. With three pood tickets iu the field and every voter determined to vote for tho host man, the best interests of Carbon aro not endang- cicd it is hoped that icrsonalities will not bo indulged in; that is not argument; let everything bo done decently and in order. Tho Democrats have tho lead in the racc,atid if not the winner somebody will bo to blame. A visit to Dolonsburg will convince one that tho spirit of enterprise moves tho resi dents there, rri.A.. 1...... .... I...- r-..: nB i. , 1 uU1uUuu....uUi31ule-Sru,IV.,1.r,pm . ...... Dr. Boylon has tho greatest yield, and takes p.l-a.u......un,..Bu .,,uSu.,..B U- ... ,mom" lr,s" uemicmau-onooi piutblo kind. David Hatch, lho veteran 5ror,,.,luUM,iU. Alfred Vaneoooter boosts of the large! pears, his place is in excellent order. John Mc Kelvoy is not far behind in quality or quan tity. Levi Krum, W. F. Brodhead and oth ers aro busily at work improving their prop erties. A new road from the railroad up the hill makes the ascent easier. Dr. Boylon claims to have surveyed the firtt route. There seems to bo somo dispute about it, but the Dr. is a very positive individual. Thero has beeii quite a number of cases of fever and ague hero. John McKclvcy was confined to tho house for two weeks and James Long was housed for a few days, and quite a number aro complaining. The Doctors are kept busy, The doal trade remains about the same; the cutting of prioes if oontinued will be very likely to hurt somebody. Somo plan should be adapted whereby all interested could feel satisfied. ( A slight collision on thoL. Jc S. railroad at Paakerton. No articular damage done, only a badly frightened brakemeil. Our School Board have us yet not decid ed to regard the wiehes of the people in re sieot to free books. There is a dead-loek. The gentlemen who are favorable and who are really made of the right materiel are John SeinmeM. H. Beers, an.j Henry Bums. Why the other three are not favorable we dou't kuovr. We hojie they will, at their next meeting, deeide to adept the Free Book System and thus deserve the commendation j of the Taxiaym of Paekerteu ludependant School District. - AKOH, LoU-er KlihU-r Ileili"i Sunday school at 12:30 to-morrow1, Peddlers aro plenty In this regionSo are stones. The weather has been quito warm tho last few days. Rev. Mr. Slralisa, of Pleasant Volley, will preach nt this place to-motroW (Sunday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. All nro cordially In vited to bo present. Somo of tho fanners In this region com menced sowing rye last week, Farmers, 1 think it Is most too early yet Considerable bark hos bcelt taken from this placo to Fcnnersvillethe last few weeks. Owen Weiss, Broadheadsvllle, went through this place, to Whilo Haven, with a nlco lot of npples, crab-apples, .5c. I learn Mr. W. did quite well In selling oUt his etock. Dr. J. ',. Zcrn, of Wcissport, will plcirso accept thanks for favors received I learn that tho Sunday school pie nic, nt Effort, was held on Thursdny last, and the Krcsgovillo Sunday school will hold their's to-day (Saturday). Christian George, of Albrighlsvlllc, claims to have tho strongest horso in Carbon unty. Ho has brought to this placo,from Moses Tortd, 1013 pounds of winter green leaves, with ono horse. Mr. G, would like lo see the man who could equal or exceed that with ono horse. A delegate election was held at tho Tine Grove Hotel, at this place on Saturday of last week at which Joseph Hcimbach nnd Amos Meckes wcro elected ns delegates for F. P. Setnmcl, of Lehlghum. But I am leased to learn that Paul Kresgo, Esq., of Towamensing, has made tho nomination ) and I hopo all parties will heartily vote for him nt tho coming election. Thcro wcro brought lo this place, on Thursday of last week, 4,013 pounds of win-tcr-grccn leaves. Winter-green picking is about the best business in this region. Many tnako their living chiefly by picking sinco tho distillers pay St per hundred pounds. Somo pick as much as 150 and somo ever 200 pounds a day. Tho distillers in this vicinity have brought to their works during seven days, tho following wiutor-green leaves: Josiah Kunkel 7000 lbs., William Gctz 0000, lbs., Samuel Moycr, 4000, lbs., Augustus Husaj man 3000, lbs., John Sillies 3500, lbs.,whi makes a total of 24,100 jiounds or 12 1-20 tons. Joseph Scrfas", of this place, was at Mauch Chunk on Monday last attending tho convention. A dance was held at tho Hunter's Hotel on Friday ovening, and at Koch's Hotel on Saturday cVcnillgof Inst week. Two things a man should never fret about) what ho can help, and what he can not help. Pno Bono, Ills: Creek Items. Cider making is now In order. Sheriff Raudcnbnsh was through this valley on Tuesday, notifying tho jurors that aro drawn fiir the October term of Court. I have been informed that thcro is a movement on foot to establish a teachers in stitute in Franklin township by the teachers or that district ahd Weissport borough. I hopo it may prove successful, for much good is derived fronl thece meetings. Edwin Koch nnd wife, of Hokcndau- qua, wero nt this placo on a visit to friends on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Always start a horso with tho voice, never with tho cut orn whip. Wo aro pleased to learn that Paul Kresgo Esq,, was this time successful in making tho nomination fiir Sheriff. Paul deserved it ns ho is a hard worker for tho party, and as the honor belonged to tho Lower End. Tho selection of Mr. Kresgo is ono that meets tho approval of all We aro confident in saying tiiat Mr. Kresgo will fill the olflco with credit lo himself and honor to his coustitu cuts. A number of persons from tills placo were in attendance at tho re-union, at Le high Gap, nn Tuesday last. Tho County bridge ocross Big Creek, at Griffith's, should have several planks put on The way that it is at present is dangerous to drive across. Let tho proper authorities at tend to litis matter before an accident occurs, Whilo on n Hying visit to Towamensing last week wo captured the following, which did noteothe to the notice of your corres pondent from that placo i Died of consumption on Thursday of last week Ella Beer, accd 18 years, and 5 months, interred on b.iittritay last. Also, a son ofWm. Shaffer, ol summer complaint, on bunday evening ol last week. Interment on Tuesday. Aged 4 vears, 5 months and 14 days. Interment ol both at Jerusalem church. Services in German by uov. Mr. Birause. iieverk, ?! 11110111110- 'I'lViiikliiira. Tho Republican delegate election will be held on Monday, Sept. 8th, at the public House of J. T. McDaniel. A. J. Ballict shot a king-iisher last week which measures six feet across the wings nnd stands five feet six inches high. He in tsnds to havo It stuffed und exhibit it at the Lohigliton fair this fall. 0. E. Beltz, of West Tenn, spent Satur day and Sunday with somo or his friends in tho valley. Wo Understand Hint Amos Eberts, of West Pcnn, whilo searching for buckle-hep ries last week on tho Mauch Chunk moun tain lost liimscir. lbo unfortunate man Wandering about here and there on the vast mountaih, and even at times coming down to the foot and ascending again to the top, (,own lho vfl,t nlmost Me )t o anJ yct he c,mlJ & mt wnulJ jj out of this va9t fore3t; finally, after being 1 h fa(igucJ w(h ,raveljngj h(J n1cU man that took him by tho hand and load him upon the right path, and directed hint to his homo; ho reached it very Into lit the eve ning resolved never logo after huckleberries again. Miss Lizzie Kemerer, of Lehlghton.who has been spending a few weeks w'tli tl, family of Thos. Mussclman, went home thi week. Frail k Kistler and sistcrspent last 9dn day in this valley visiting some of their friends. Tho Democratic delegate election was held on Batur Jay last, and as wo understand quite an interesting conversation took place between two of tholeadlng Democrals,thougl it was settled without any blows. But would advise that "little man," if he ever wants to perform a slight of hand trick again to devise a better plan for doing it. Reporter. Ellkt 1'Cllll tlU. Church 9:30 a. id. Butter is 18 cents a pound, Farmer are now engaged in sowing. A large and good crop of busk wheat is extiected. James Smith has nearly finished dear ing new land for II. German. Granville Shoemaker had the good luek to shoot a buld eagle, last week, wldeh measured 6 feet 11 inches acroes the wings from tip to tip, aud was 2 feet S Inches long from head te tall. Weight 10 pounds. He received f 1.00 for it from J, T, MeDsulel The teachers examination for this town ship Will bo held nn tho l!Uh of this Inolith. ! Last Monday being ill Uglily-second j birthday of Mr. Daniel Reinardi of this i place, his relatives and friends from Leliigh ton and the neighborhood, to tho number of over fifty, gathered at his house, bringing baskets and bundles of good things, which wcro greatly enjoyed. Mr. Rolnard Is halo and hearty, having worked somo this sea son at haying and harvesting, and expects to cut his own buckwheat, of which he has n nlco field. I'm nk Louchnor and Miss Kitly A. Nothstein wcro united In tho bonds of mat rimony, on the 21st of last month, by James Balllet, J. P. May they enjoy much hap piness. Usct.n Sau. Wclvxptirl Hems. LeMvclssport had a m Wcissport had a mad-dog excitement "' "t of tho week, tho cxcilod canine, be longing to Irwin Boyer, On Tuesday morn ing tho dog was observed lo bo moro than usually combative among his brother ca nines on the street. It went to the premises ofC. H. MacDnnlel, nnd attacked his ken nel. Believing that tho dog was mad, Mr. MacDatilel shol at but only slightly wound ed it. It went home, and Mr. Boyer at tempting lo cxamlno its wounds, was bitten In the nrm. Subsequently tho dog snapped ono of Mr. Beyer's children, and attacked Mrs. Boyer. Under tho circumstances it was deemed judicious to kill tho dog, which was immediately done. All the Sunday school of this borough attended tho reunion nt Lehigh Gap on Monday, making the trip by way of tho Lehigh cannl. F. Lattry nnd H. Rlckert received a largo boat load of watermelons from Phila delphia on Tuesday, which they disposed of within n fow hours after receiving them. Thoaycrago prico received was $10 per hun dred. -Frank L. Raber has received tho ap pointment to teach the school at Long Run. Ho was a student iu Porf. Rowland's Nor mal school, and makes tho eleventh of the normal class who havo thus been appointed to teach. Mr. Josiah Ruch says that tho lime business is better this Bcason than it has been for the past five yours. Wcissport feels complimented in hav- ng two Democratic candidates for the fall election tho Coroner, Dr. 0. W. Lents, nnd County Surveyor, Henry Boyer, Esq. And although tho nomination wa equal to on election, both candidates wcro put in tho neiu uy acclamation. A )nlttlili- lii ?iuiioiilii. Tho Centre Square and New Mahoning Sunday schools held a union pic nic iu Mr, Longacro's woods on Saturday last. The people of tho immediate community wero out ch masse; largo delegations wero pros. cut from Lchighton and Summit Hill) and Mnhonoy, Tamaqua and other places had their lcpresentutions present also. Both of lUtsi Sunday schools the one at Centre Square, under tho efficient euperiu endenco of Mr. Charles H. Seidle, and tho Mahoning' school, ably conducted by Mr. Thomas Musslemon have, during tho pres ent year, been making comrrl&Hdablo pro gress. A few months ago they introduced e international series of lessons; and rough these they havo succeeded in awak ening new interest in tho study of tho word f God, on tho part or both teachers and scholars; Saturdry last was set oji.trt as a holiday fur tho schools. The grovo chosen as tho place for holding tho pic nic was a most ad, nu ruble eno well shaded, largo and sufil liently retlied. A largo stage, bcnutlfully decorated With evergreens nnd flowers, vas erected immediately in front or several rows f comfortable seats. Hero tho two schools met at about ten o'clock. The morning cx, rciscs wcro somewhat different from what s usually met with on occasions of this kind, nnd a littlo moro extended nccount of tliem,than wo should otherwise givo may ntcrcst the readers of tho Advocatei The exercises were opened by singing after wnich Mr. F. W. Smith was announced to sneak on "The Relation or the Sunday School to tho Chuich." The well-chosen thoughts of tho speaker entertained the children as well oS tho older folk. He has devoted some attention to tho art of .public sjicaklng, and his clear voico and distinct pronunciation rendered this cll'ort agreeable, He speaks in German, and his wcrds roll forth with real German accent. Miss Kate Arncr, who is possesscd'of a rcmorkably sweet, though not very strong voice, fol lowed the speaker with a solo, the accom, pinlmcnt to which was performed by Mr, E. S. Hoppes. MrA. S. Wcbcrwas iutro- luccd, and offcted a few brief reflections on what was suggested by tho immediate sui roundings. He was followed by Mr. T C Young who to the delight ofa great many, spoke in Mahoning's favorite, vernacular, and confined his reularks principally to the necessity, on the part of young and old, ol leading God-fearing, pious lives, or relying not upon themselves, but upon our blessed Redeemer. Mr. Young is known to bo honest and sincero in what ho says; as a zealous and faithful worker in tho Sunday school aud church; ond therefore his words camo home to the heaits bf his hearers with it grcatdeal of fiirce. TliBinfautcIassof lb Centre Square school followed with a hymn and then Mr. Jonas Kistler was asked to speak about "ine Gentlemen of our Schools." He said, in his Introductory re marks, that ho regretteal that tho subjeci had not been a'signfd to some of tho opiiO' site sex, inasmuch as he felt confident that they could handle it with a much mora masterly hand. In what followed, however, he showed that be was fully competent to deal with the topic assigned him. II ist words were pointed and interesting, and the close attention wlilch he elicited from Ins hearers, was conclusive proof that his elfurt was highly appreciated. Miss Ivate Eberts then sang a solo and chorus in an artistic manner. Tho sweetnsssof her voice as well as her personal attractions wero re marked h'y not a few of tho young men who enjoyed tho admirable renditiou of this piece or music. Mr. T. M. Balliet, who haj not a little or the orator about him, was then introduced, and in his usual deliberate manner enter tained the audience by some excellent re marks on "Our Ladles." Whoever got up the programme must havo known that Mr. Balliet was a friend of the ladies,andno hap pier a selection douid Lave been made for the position which he filled. He sjioke in the highest terms of tho ladies of the schools) the important part they bare in the man agement and instruction of the children, tho great influence they exert upon tin youthful mind. He thinks they will give the first impdlseofull that is good ami use ful to the next generation, and by p'rorly directed efforts they may do much good to the present. He believes In reoogniiing woman as the equal of man, and subscribes to tlie rqiininn of Luther, that 'Wtr nleht lltbt weln. weib und gesaoK, Uer Uelut eln njrr slu laUn-lun." The next plaeoin order had been assigned to Mr. O. K. Muselenun who, to the regret of many, was unavoidably absent, He was to have spoken on the "Oajeet of Suuday setioul pic nice." After the siufiiofj of several by ram the olTicers and teachers look llu ir rcp ititc c!nss to the lablos close by, whiii! cre, figuratively, groaning under their hinds of cakes, fruits nnd delicacies', before begin fling the meal all jollied tneir hcarls sfld voices In singing to the praise of 0d the long metro doxology, After the banquet tho scholars were dis missed to enjoy themselves ns their inindl might dictate. The older folks Joined Willi thein in their games, and thus added much to the little ones' enjoyment. Somo or the older onos also engaged In games by themselves, and lltelr countenances gave as surance to tho looker-on that they were In tho happiest splrllt. Thus the afternoon was spent) tho best of order prevailed, no untoward Incident marred tho occasion, and when tho sun sank behind the hills all retired from tho gi'ov'0 iersuaded, it may be hoped, that it was good for them to have beeu there. Oiisrrvku. statu rviiws. Tho Grecnbackers of Centre county have indorsed Mr. Barr for Stato Treasurer. Frauk Colsoll, tk lad of ten years, was pushed Into tho water by companions at Oil City, on Friday, nnd drowned. Tho house of Nathaniel Davios, In Tal myla township, Pike county, was burned nn Wednesday evening while Mr. and Mrs. Davics were absent nt a prayer meeting. Mr. Davios' mother, 83 years of nge.ntlempt- cd to save the youngest child, but caught cr Toot between two limbers, nnd alio and the child wcro burned to death. The trial o( Tctcr Hordic at Bellefonte, Pa., on tho chargi of obtaining money by false pretenses from W. F. Reynolds St Co., bankers, resulted, on Saturday, in a vcrdkt of not guilty. An IiifanfcliiM ofa Mrs. Nelll, was kid napped fioni Rlxford, near Bradford, nbotit thl co Weeks ngo, whilo It was temporarily in the custody of relatives. John Campbell, whilo endeavoring to fas ten a rope on a shaft, at lho Cole (.'reck, Mc- Kean county, on Friday, was Instantly kill ed. His bod1 was caught in the cables and ornbly mangled. A market house Is to bo built at Erie not withstanding tlio Mayor vetoed tho bill, Council having passed It over his veto. The city will be given its uso for twenty five years as an interest on tho money invested. Tho temperance camp meeting at Bryn Mawr, Montgomery county, opened Satur day night. Tlio largo tent was crowded tolls utmost capacity, over 1,000 persons being ireseht. Tho meeting will bo continued two weeks. Tho Erio Obncrtct is indignant lo think that nr. agcht has been sent thcro to scO if tlio people want lho erring postmaster dis missed. It thinks n man against whom such serious charges nro mado should be sum marily dismissed. Four ol tlio nino furnaces in Sharpsville, Mercer county, are now in ftill blast,andtwo moro are preparing to go into blast. These Tour, owing to improvements that havo beeu mado while idle, how turn out as inuch hictal us eight cithern did previously. IEOW IlAClCIt 'AS .UUIEDCItCD. THE TVlh AND FnF.i: CO.NFE3SIOX OF OXR OF TUB I1LUK-KYED SIX. Lebanon, Pa., Sift. 1. If any doubt as to the guilt of tho men accused of murdering Joseph Raber existed iu the mind or auy ono that doubt has been expelled to-day by tho lull confession or tho crimo by tho oldest or lho prisoners, Charles Drews. Tho con fession vrn3 made to tho District Attorney, Mr. Adam, and to Messrs. Millerand Wcid man. attorneys for tho prosecution. The Lawyers Wenr to lho jail on Sunday night, in compliance wilh the request of old Drews, and to them was given tho full and com, iileto confession of tlio terrible tragedy which was intended to net to its prosecutors about $10,0000 insurance trioney. Draws, thoconfessor now, is about 63 years of age, stands tivo feet eight inches high, weighs lau pounds, and is a typo ol iiruoraut backwoodsman, genial, goou-iiaiurcd, easily persuaded, and loud of meney. His head is bald.his skin yellow ) oyes blue, small,sharp, nnd nicrcini?: very prominent nose. Inirh cheek bone) high forehead, vell-10Uiided skull, small thin, and small cars. In out line, his face and head strongly resemble tho familiar features of G. L. Fox in his paraphernalia. HusjH-aks German. Drews is tho lather or a number of children, nnd lived iu a small cottage near the scene of tho murder, in December last. lie went tli rough tlio lute war as a color bearer, ami was hon orably discharged. Raber, the murdered man wasa near neicuuor oi urcwg.iuo vie. tim llvina in a hut several bundled yards backofDrews's houso on tho edge of the lorest. Sinco tho conviction of tho murderers they havo been very uneasy in jail. Befoio their sentence of death thoy wcro restless, but I eti cent. When Zccliman was granted a new trial, and Weis mado hss confession it fell liko a bombshell among them. When all wero sentenced except jSechman nnd Weis. tlio remaining four murderers stood up and heard tbeirueatn warrants wun iooks oi des peration nnd a determination that no guilty mall Blio'jldcscape. Drews, Stcchler, lirandt and Hummel wero sentenced to bo lianceri Drews said ho was not guilty, Stcchler that justice had not been douo him, Brandt that ho would tell all he knew at the right time, and Hummel had notuing lo say. Old man Drews listened to tho words ol Brandt to the Judge in which ho declared his intontion to tell the whole story when tho proper t mo came. Ihcreat Drews re, solved to get ahead or Brandt and tell the story ttrst. lirunui, was tne uiiuiom oi oi. Joseph's Inn, a tumbledown bickwoyds den where rum and beer were sola lo lho char. coal burners und woodchopiiers. The inn is about 100 ytrds Irom Drews s house. Raber's hut, Drews's house, tho inn, and the place of murder aro all Inn nuiicn, nearly wiiuui sight of each other. Lofty cedar trees sur. round tho houses. Drows s follows: "I wentln,Brandt'slast summer and wesat on the jioreb. Hetreuted mo it) beer. We both felt the eH'ccts of it. He said we could Uluke money, and told mo how. Bofoio be told ma he asked me lo drink azain, nud then he said he and others would insure Itiber'a lifo und 'work him out of the way." lie told mo how to do it. I said I would con sider iti Finally I nskod if he was alone. Ho replied that there were three others with him. Ho mentioned Hummel ami Weis, and I said I dM not know them. He then offered to bring litem up and hare Ine bee Ihem. 1 saw tuem out i oniy anew hcis, From bovhood ui. I had known him. 1 then a creed and I Lev insured Raber. I said it was a hard thing to kill Raber. Ho said they could mako money. When thy again met Brandt said there wero fire intureeted. Hummel also tnoko about it. Weis cauio and asked whether I was to kill Raber. I tnld him I was not certain. He urged me to go ahead, and said they would shoot me If I didn't. I promised, but I never intend ed to do it. They afterward of eu urged me to tlo It, as the insumnce naanu ueeu oiieri- ed. Brandt afterward said they hiul tho plan ready, and if 1 did not kill nun liiey would shoot me, and to save my life I prom ised. I knew not what to do, as my life was In danger. A week or two afterward Weis aid I should not do it, so far as he was con cerned, as he eaiil he did not like the job I think it was the seme day he said I bail to kill Raber as testified. I then asked Frauk Stickler to do it because I could not. Stioh lersaid that be did not care he could kill any one, but be bargained that I should go ahulg, which I promised, but deelured I would not touch Raber, Then Rsber came tn my house and we went otf together with Stichler. I was first. Raber was in the middle wilh Stiohler (ol lowing. I went over the nlank and lUber lot on it. Stich ler got lUber bv the leg with bis hind, llirUW lillM 111 HUH JWtllHW IH 'M lA'f ,M (ftf. Ilaber lell uelow tne ploliK, 1 men weni back to the fence. It wis first intended to drown IUber In the dew. Brandt hod pUnned that Ruber wee tugo fish iu jet KiU miller'n to cuteh fish for (blank) wife end then I was lo drown him. Wn wut end Peters went with us. Wlien I mw Wm dam 1 ami hi nut do it, and said we NsW return. IUber wjilied 'Y, Itw too uuM. anyhow. I iiitui.1 him. The drowulluz at the ideuk afuirwanl was uUo the 4au me aau oi omutn. Brandt had yrouuwd me ?3H1 and tht tuj ijjjij.'ni- wii'" mhers should trt lho same. Ha promised Stichler nothing. I hud tried to coax Elijah P'liehlcr, but lie would not g6 with mc. I saitl to Frnnk I would give him (300 flrl we paid. When it wn done, they tiied to s indie me out of nil and kill me. This Wns planned behind the Hied at Brandt's, as testified, This thcr told mo in in 11. n hen they asked me to n (blank) vi llinkslown, I thought they wanted to kil mc thcti. Brandt always urard ma in in I i to keep quiet about this matter,ns they hop- en to get ciear. i tun not bee mo conspira tors so Very 0 fieri about the matter. I cn gHged Frank Stichler to do the job after tho Jlittmnier plan Iniled. 1 tint not go I mo the water. After the drowning Stichler walked up to my house and went lo Brandt's. I did not see the old man's struggles. Tho dunk was made wet by (lie splosh when tuber fell. Brandt had llabcr insured in another company to kill hitri, but the fcoln pany failed, and with it lho plan. Brandt told mo what to say beforo tho Coifitcr's- Ifi- quest. It was part of the general plnil. Brandt often urged mo while in jail not Id coniess. lie caned nt my cell to-tny lor this Dtirnosc. I nm nfraid or him. but not of tlio others. If you hang me you will hang an lunooeni man." Tills conresslon fully substantiates tho commonwealth's case as developed during tlio trial. Drew's son-in-law, Peters, who whs up stairs In Drew's house, swore that he saw tho traeedv from the window. Peters's wife corroborated her husbands testimony. Now Drews corroborates their testimony. All of tho six murderois are now indtssolubly connected together. The Governor has appointed thlny, No vember 11, for tho execution of DmWliStlcli ler, Hummel nnd Brandt, four ofthomurj lerers. Weis, another of lho "bhie-oybd six," was remanded for sentence, nud Zecil- man has been granted a new trial. TUZZLE. Wenry mortals rocked with pain, Ever seeking but ill vnin, Sweet reliel I mm morlnl ills : Try, I pray, ll'et' iiwr 1'illal X as suroai morning s light Cometh nller shades of night, O'er thy life, health's sun divine Shall arise, in joy to shine ; Jjigm una Health, ami joy nnd mirth, In suii-benms sparkle round thy health ) Vital energy shall start, KVn to muscle, brain and heart) Rid the Liver of its load, Purify the life, tho blood, Intercept disease and denth, Leaving frngranco on thy breath. Lighten life of half its ills, afo add jiotcut Liver Pills. voudo.vt ic.oiv'i-hi:ii VAi.utJt They cured mc of Atruc. Billlousnessatid Kidney Complaint, as recommended. I had a half hottlo lei t which I used for my two liltlecirls, whom the doctors and neighbors saiil could not be cured. I am confident I should have lost hoi h of them ono tilghl if I had not hid tho Hop Hitters in my house lo uso. I iottud they did them so much good I continued with them, ond they aro now well, lhallswliy 1 say you do not know half lho value ol Ron flitters, and do not recommend them highly enough." B., Kocliesior, ti. I. 33-3 JLt'hlghtoii I'roiluco itlnrlict. OoillllICTKD WLKsiLT. Flour, per sarlc , . 13 00 Oorli, Per bushel it 65 date, per bushel 46 Mixed Chop, pcrcivt 1 25 Middlings, per owl 1 25 uran, per cwt."f Iluttcr, per pound Kgas, per dozen Hum. ncrpound DO 18 14 12 10 ,1 S3 Lard, per pound shoulders, per pound Potatoes, per bushel .....,. Closing prices of Dfhavek x TowNSrsn Stock, Government and Gold, 40 Sooth Third Street. Philadelphia, Sept.,-1, It 9 V.H l.'s. 1881.; in1! bid 1MH .iskid II. rt. currency. ' ii. uio iia first n II. H 5' isi. now (J. is. 4Vs now II. s 4'h new Pennsylvania It, It I' I iln .V Itiviilli k It. 11 ..IC 'lid IKH nsiirt ...II li ltd IC1, a kin . ui.i in, M a'kni .. 4l?i Old 4 h asked ... IS?, i, Id Ifclt naked up iiffn vauey it. lit 4 bid 42 h nskol I.cblxh Coal & rsav. Co.... 13). Old ajkiil Uiut-il ConilniiileiOf J. J.MS tinl l-tOlfcaskid v" iliei ii (X n t in 1 it. it..., '7H bid 8 asrl Ile-travllln i' ( o 1 H bid iii as' d . ,Tit. .t lliitr. n It. Co. Mi bill S'i neke t eatral Transvo, tnllon Co Uh bid 4 rs',td Nbithcrurnblticcom ittt bid 17 fisiUHi " ' 1'iel'd. 40". hid 4D!j asked North renrisvlvinia 11. It. 4IH bid 4SIH asked In . CootNonh America. 1d1 3.14 nsurd Hi voi, I'U ados,) 09't bid Ml. asktd Special Notices. Q O,000 a YKAIi lor honcst.Intcltfifcnt but: V-iasa tuinuragcnts. Now business ; Iluht work. AriilrLSS Cu-UruiuTivu Aount'Y Madison, 1ml. Juno S3, lino. " A SKIX OV lifcAUTY IS A JOY FOUKYRK." D It. T. FELIG OUIt AUD'S Oriental Cream ; OR) MAGICSiL XZAVTIFJEIi. Elicits p clwir. transparent complexion, free iron. TAN.l'uicKLra orMOTii lUiciiEa. Tliese qmhllun. added to tlio Innocence and putltr of lis insieilientu, maites the "Oriental Cream ho d lta inom Mont place m public esteem as the beat toitft uoiui-aiOuii. Wo iiuvo TliousnitiU provlntr litis, from dhtliiRulshcrt r.peintto and u aiuatlo uvtUta nud titles. Woman should bo liOttUtUitl, a innu hbouid be Outltul. Tte"hu: man laie dlvlito" 104 lta charm it not free rrom pot or bloinittl). The purrono of the "Orli entul Cream' is to sccoinplub this In tivery in. ntaii(V. and wuuout harm, A ipo "Vomlio-t bub clleV lor lemoTtug tmpeituotn hair Instantly without injury WME. M. 11 T. QOURA.UD, 43 Bond St., 7 Y Hold W druggists and fancy gocdsmeri Mny ill. 16 tluioi. 1500: TOfjfOO A YKATt. or 15 to ftt ft uny in your own jocaiuy. o risk, women do as well an men. AIhiiy ivaia moro than tho amount stitrd above. No one o n (nil to mako nio ey t at Ah one can iln tho work Yoo; can make from 5 rents to $i nn hour iy devot tnvvour evurunjra and pato time to the bust noi. It ruita iioctiio to try tne tm Aliens. Nothing like it tor money maktrnt ever offered beimo, flu .mom plea -111 nu1 otrictly honor i ii KiM'ie . it ton wanttoknow ull about tho bet pi ing b)Jnetw bet mo tho public tend m toiirmtdreMttt'd w wl I uiid ou fall par ticuluri and pnvate terms tieo ; Bump es worth tultiofro t lou run then nnke up your mini tor vurtf AdtreHs UUOUot: snissnN & CO., Tottlaud, Mai e. June7. ly. RAVE A DOLLARlTIIB eoypuan j-'EVKu Anuh, and i.ivuic i'AU la without auy excepiliiu the bent I'tdiu existence tor the cute andpievoimou of oil m lurioas dl-cases and I he umitt wondoilui meilleui discovery of the ao. -Nu inouwlur iejuitod. lutes bysbsorp tuu -end for pamphlet wriich oives certili cuteof exiruordmui v cure performed by thW le maiied tree. Ask your DniKKbt for the KarrpiiHii l'ut and tawo uo other It lie haw uone, I will nd louounhy matt onreceptot price,! JO i. I t-l.MIN(J, M AtatLet Ht.. VliUijurffh, in. boie A Kent tor tho United ntates. May 3l-l year. i7fc k i A MONTH (tuarauteed. flSa day vflllll t home made by Hi tndustilous. JtlUXf (.auitalnotrt-qaiiedt we wilt start ' vou. Mou. women, boys and Kirls make money luaterai work for uittiiu at any. thing ele. Hit work l litcbt and p.easaot,and Much an it n ynu o can k right ut. Tnoe who are wis ffluiHOJ thijfi.otieo wilt send us their nd. dtes'ex at ono noil ee (or themitelves. Costly Outfit and teims trie Now l the nine, 'lhose already at wir nio lnylutr up Ura-e sums of iiionev Aildro-B TUUiJ & CO., Aujrusta, wame. jmiBi.-iy- Important to Farmers I ! Tho underalajlicned calls the attention of Farmers and oitiers u tlio tact that lie Is now .Manuluo.urlni;, In oonncetlou "Itti HON E .MEAL, a suixirlur article of Supcr-PSiospliate ! (luarantced to be Mado from TICKED HAW BONES, which Is far luiwrlor to any other now In the' market it Is a Purely Bone Fertilizer ! I rttimtfullr ask that a fair and honrst trial of kV l'llOl'UATU be nade. 1 dc not eUlw Ibat homsithlo dfsaMllt work wouder. but r0Jiu.uead a lltNiral uppllrali m Mid a tburouifli last, and 1 am smviud to at Ida by tli. rn.ull. tHir furilwr lurlloutsri, sAlnss A. A.11NER, Now llahoning, Carbon Co.,- I'A. Aug iO-wi' Tpor Sulu or to Kent. AH .Ilril.IV t fMrr Doable Ft sui. IlaJt itk nva and iu Kwal(UASdt mms iwlw, &c 1 Ol IU1.U s?iNUtHiajre, sppu w K F. Kt.itrriKOETi. LiI.UjU. I. Jsn. II.