II. V. MORTIIIMKR, . . . EDITOR LEIII01ITON, PA,I SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1879. Democratic Ticket. IOII STATE TRKASUnEtt, DANIKIi 0. DAItn, of Alloglieiij. Republican Ticket. fOR STAIR TREASURER, 8AMUKL HUTLER, of Cheater. OUlTUAtiV. The Bight Rev. William Henry Oden heliner, D. D., Bishop of Northern New Jersey, died Friday afternoon of last week, about 3 o'clock, in Burlington New Jereey, He was born Aug. Il,18l7,in Philadelphia, His father, John Odenlielmcr, was a mcr- chant In that city. Tlio eon, nt tho ago of 19 years, was graduated from the Unlversi, ly of Pennsylvania, delivering tho valedic tory. Ho Immediately became a candidate for holy orders, and entered tho General Theological Seminary of New York, from which ho was graduated at the ago of 22. At this time ho wa3 ordained deacon by Bishop Ondcrdouk of Pennsylvania, and he was made assistant to tho Rev. Dr. Do Lancy, rector of St. ruler's Church, Philadelphia Six months later Dr. Do Laucy was mode Bishop of Western New York, and Insyoung assistant, who was only a deacon, was chos en his successor as rector of St. Peter's. Ho was too young to bo ordained minister and Instituted rector. Ho served until tho fall of 1841, when ho arrived at tho age of 21 and was ordained and instituted. His ad ministration of the parish was notably sue Cessful. In 1850 tho Univcrsityof Pennsyl vania conferred tho degree of D. D., upon him. In May 1859, tho Rev. Dr. Odenhei- mcr was chosen tho third Bishlp of New Jersey, to succeed Bishop Doane, father of the present Bishop Doano of Albany. Bish op Odcnheinier, was consecrated at a meet' ine of tho General Convention held in Richmond, Va., tho following October. When in 1871, it becamo necessary to di vido tho diocese, Bishop Odenlicimcr chose the new dioccso of Northern Now Jersey : comprising tho seven northern counties of ho state. He came to Newark to reside. About this time his health began to fail,and Bright's diseaso of tho kidneys rapidly do veloped. Tho Bishop went to England. where ho remained six months, and return e l much improved. Ho performed his ac tive duties in his dioccso until about a year ago, when ho retired to his old homo in Burlington. Sunday 10th iust.jWas his sixty Bccoud birthday. Tho deceased Bishop was a fino classical scholar, and was deeply read in theology. Ho wroto a number of books. Bishop OJcnhcimer leaves a wifo and tlireo daughters, one of whom, Mar', was recent ly married, and is an aitist in Paris. One of tho latest occasions of his appearing public was at tho trial in New York of Bish op McCoskey of Michigan, on the charge o! immorality. Ho was then very feeble. Secretary Sherman predicts for thisyear tho largest crops and business wo have ever had, and claims that our domestic gold will remain in tlio countrv nnd afford tho banks an excellent opportunity to provido them selves with a coin reserve instead of United States notes. Tins, in connection with the fai t that our exports will bo greatly in ex cess of impnits, should mako everybody happy. Wo havo received tlio first number of tiio Tittston Express, a daily ovening piper published by Lutton, llutlcdgo A Co. It is neatly printed on new typo ami is well till ed witli interesting matter. It is sent to subscribers for 40 cents per month. It ought to succeed. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE. Our I.cticr from WnkliliiRlon, Our Xational Capital Under Water A Con tinuous Jice Jays Shoiccr. Secretary Ttiompson taking care of the Country's Jfealth. Washington Echioits Another De faulter. f'C, itr. WASiusnTON, II, U-, August 18. For tiro days a tropical "rainy season" has aflllctcd the District anil surrounding country Thunder storms succeeded each other, with moroor lcssfreijueney and vlolcnco from Wed nesilny till to-day, and tho rain has fallen In one monotonousjiour, tho only variation bo Ine that It would frequently try to rain a little harder than before, and scml-occaslonally let up, tempting tho unwary citizen from his hearth, only to drive him for shelter to the first protecting doorway. OnSaturday nljtht the sewers proved insufficient to carry off tho storm water, and for tho first time this sum mer tho water backed upln thcin,nnddld seri ous damage to low lying cellars. Tho streets loo, were temporarily submerged In many sec tions making travel difficult, and even danger ous. Tho water, which had been rushing down tho riftccnth street sower (now being built) with great violence ull tho evening, reached a climax about 9 o'clock on Saturday night, and took along with It a largo quantity of tho side excavation opposite tho lllggs Houso. Doing on the sl-lo next the railroad the cars wcro c-ompcllcd to Jump tho track and proceed up tho street on the concrete surface. Secretary Thompson has Just Issued an Im. porlant circular calling theattentlon or modi cal officers of the navy to the Instructions al ready Issued to them regarding reports oftho sanitary oondltlon or places visited by naval vessels. Tho Sccrotnry orders that during tho oontlnuonco oftho yellow fover and other con tagious diseases, returns 'from parts oftho West Indies, Oulf of Mexico, and North America, shall bo forwarded withal! promptl tude. In all the last named ports tho surgeons or fleets and ortno several vessels aro required to make a most thorough Investigation of tho causes of prevalllngdlscases, particularly yel low fever and cholera. Tho results oftheso observations will be forwarded without delay, and will bo turned over to the National Hoard of Health, for their guidance In the Import ant matters confided to them by law. The De partment orstate has also issued a circular to United States consuls directing them to co operate with, tho National Hoard of Health In every way possible, with a view to advising It or the outbreak of any Infectious dlscaso. It Is the desiro ot tho general government to use every means ul Its command to prevent, In the future tho Introduction Into this country or yellow fever, cholera or other Infoetlous dls. cases, A strict watch will hereafter be kept upon all vessels leaving tho West Indies, Mexican and Central and South American ports where epidemics exist. The names ot all suspected vessels will be forwarded by telo. graph to the Stato or Navy departments, and the Atlantlo and Uutrports notified. It Is be lieved that It a system of this character can be established and supported by C'ongross all Infectious diseases usually linportod Into the United Slates can be effectually shut out. The dlscovory of a heavy defalcation by W. N, Roach, cashier or tho Ulllzens' National Hank, caused a great sensation last Friday. Rosen, was regarded as one of tho most up- rigm uuiiucn men in inociiy. The latest ac count from the bank ofllolals places the loss at I5T.WX). Tho speculations oxtend over a period of two yean. Itoaeh was Interested in a lumber firm and attempted to make un low. M, through unfortunate speculations, by ap propriating uie imw.oAine tank. Ho evi dently hoped at mine time Ui replace tho money, and In the meantime to smooth mat ters vr by forcing; balances. He mly fi-lt deeper Into financial complication. There soemi to be no disposition on the part or the bank officials to prosecute him. Ool. JolmO. Hrownlow, who was removed from tho position of revenue agent In Ten ncssco to mako room for iv man- from Michi gan, hni been given a clerkihlp In th Treas ury Departmontby Secretary Sherman. Tho (Joloncl says that lite romoval from the post, tlon of rcrcnuo agent naa not the net of Sec retary Sherman, out one of his bnreau officers, Mr. Jlaum, the commissioner or Internal rev enue Ho says further that ho hag never been able to learn from Mr, ltaura the reasons for his removal. Those who assume to know the cause say that It was a mere matter of politics In Tennessee, In which tho Treasury Depart ment may some day be Interested. AuariT. roi.vrs in politics -When' Blaine gets through In Maino ho is going to Ohio to- help Foster defeat his cousln,.Tom Ewing on tho principle that though blood Is thicker than water, politics is thicker than blood. Tho Democrats have controlled tho House of Representatives for tho last four years, and mado all tho appropriations of money. During this tlmo tho expenditures havo been $84,720,000 loss than for tho pre coding four years, a saving of over $21,000,- 000 per year. Tho Democrats ol Washington county, Miss., have nominated a colored man for tho Stato Legislature. A Greenback orator at Brunswick, Me., a fow days ago, said that the national debt is nineteen billions of dollars, and that the annual interest Is more than two billions of dollars. Tlio Boston Advertiser warmly com mends President Hayes's refusal to allow tho political clubs in Washington to be re organized and says : "A party that cannot succeed without taxing tlio offices in its gift can succeed but n, very short timo with It." Tho supposed leading Greenback candi dato for Governor in Wisconsin, Georgo B, Goodwin, has written a sharp letter to the executive committee of tho party, declaring himself a hard money man nnd opposed to tho Greenback platform in every particular. Ex-Postmaster-General Crcswcll says : If a man is not a member of the party run ning tho Government ho has no business in office, nnd should be turned out. That tho civil servico I practiced when at the head of tho Postoffico Department, and which ought to prevail now. Straws aro beginning to appear on the vexed surface of Ohio politics. Among the latest was the following voto taken in an ex cursion train in the northern part of tho state tho otiicr clay l Foster, 305 votes ; Ewing, 95 votes. Th!s straw is, of course, gleaned by a Repuhlcan newspaper. The Indiana Stato Museum has obtained copies of tho Presidential tickets used in the elections of 1821. One is headed! "Indi ana electoral .icket For President, John Q, Adams, who first recommended to Congress asystem of internal improvement." The oth er begins: "Tho people's ticket gratitude, glory, patriotism For President, Andrew Jackson," STATU M1!WS. A good nurso is a blessing to every family nnd all sensible nurse3 recommend that in nocent but effectual remedy for nil the rain nnd ills that bofall a baby. Dr. Bull's Bab Syrup, prico 25 cents. Eighty thousand dollars in script was paid to tho hands of tho Philadelphia and Read ing Road at tho latter placo on Wednesday oflast week for Juno wages. John Simmons was arrested for robbery in Reading on Tuesday afternoon oflast week, tho Grand Jury found a true bill against him tho same day, an A next morn iug tlio Judgo sentenced him to three j'ears atsolitary confinement. The Reading papers regard this as quick work. The Easlon Express says that on tho road leading liom Williamsburg to Portland, in Northampton count, tho excavations in n limestone quarry havo penetrated an ol graveyard. Bones may be seen protruding from tho earth and many families in th neighborhood havo utilized skulls unearthed ns liower pots and for other purposes about the house. A child missing from Wilkesbarro nearly threo years ago was supposed to have been mado way with by the father to avoid its support. Suspicion fell strongly upon him and he would havo been arrested had not the then Mayor of Wilkesbarro, who hal tho matter in charge, taken sick and died. Th child has been found in tho vicinity of Tunk bannock, Wyoming countv, where it had been taken by tramps. Tho parties to whom the child had been given refused at first to givo it up, owing to their strong attachment to it, and only consented after legal processes hail been resorted to. Since tho new " tramp law" has become opperative at least three hundred tramps, who had been prowling about Northampton and adjoining counties, havo crossed tho Del aware and taken up their abode in New Jersey. Nature does not execute "snan" ludzments but always warns the offender against her laws uy mo muietion ot pain. Utve nlten tlon to her wurninir. and tnko Dr. Hull', llallimoro Pills in a good lime to prevent tho encroachment of disease. Trice 25 cents. It was announced in tho Burnette House at Stroudsburg, Tuesday, that the jowelry cf several ol Hie boarders had been stolen dur ing tho night, the aggregate value of the missing properly being $1000. A search warrant bciug obtained, the stolen jewelry was found under tho bed of a young man named Fulmer, son oftho owner of tho ho tel, ho was arrested, but earnestly asserted that he was innocent. William Swcnt, oged 50 years, committed suicidi in Milton, Tuesday morning. He had been melancholy because oftho loss of money. Jessio R. Crawford, of Blair county, Tuee day entered bail in $2000 at Harrisburg, for his appearanco at tho next term of Court, to answer charges of corrupt solicitation of tho members of tho Legislature and perjury, in connection with mo 1'ittiburg Riot bill. On Saturday night Miss Julia, daughter of Hon. John W. Ryon, member of Congress from Schuylkill county, was stopped on the street by a trump, who demanded her money and jewelry. riliocallciV for help and her assailant was frightened ol)'. , Two unknown men entered the store of Robert Motlat, an old man, at Pino Creek station, four miles from Allegheny, on Satur day nsht, and after boating him. in a horri ble maimer, rilled his pockets. They secured very little money, as their victim had but a short while before taken the result of the day's sales to hU residence. At tho conclusion of a song by Miss Ida Burt, at tho Academy ot .Music, In Bradford, on Saturday night, a young man threw a bouquet upon tlio stage, which he Immedi ately withdrew with a string when tho ac tress reached for it. Miss Burt hod her re venge by emptying the contents of a sack of flour over the.oirc nder ill tho presence of tho audience. Hero are a few evidences of prosperity taken from State tuners: 'The Harrisburg Car Company now employs 700 men, nnd seme of the machinery that has bn Idle for years is in full operation.. The Gautler Steel Works at Johnstown have ncrapaoity, which they aro working up to, to produce annually 20,000 tons ofstcol,20,000 tonsof wiro.50,000 pairs of carriage springs, 45,000 sets of horse rako teeth and 60,000jfinger,fons. Five cot ton presses of peculiar design are now being built at the Reading Iron Works for the South at a- cost of $30,000 each. Both of the city mills nt Sharon are running double turn. full blast, night and day, with sufficient or ders ahead to Insurestcady work during the entire summer- Tho new furnace to- be erected, et Bedford will be completed about tho first of next June. The capacity of tho furnace will be from, 40 to 50 tons of pig Iron per day- Tho men employed at the Richardson colliery, Glen Carbon, who struck two weeks ago, resumed work Wednesday at their old wages. The driver boys and car runners of tho Exeter colliery, operated by the Lehigh, Valley Company, at Pittston,areou a strike for higher wages. Tho mine and nearly 600 men and boys are idle. A train of twenty-eight loaded oil tanks on the Sunbury, Haileton and Wilkesbarro Railroad was wrecked and burned at Kipps' Station, seven miles from Sunbury, on Tues day night. The trestle bridge over tho run at Kipps' wus also burned. PUZZLE. Weary mortals racked with pain, Ever Booking but In vain, Sweet relief from mortal ills : Try, I pray, IVcif's Iavtr IHtls t ,fc as sure as morning's light Cometh after shades of night, O'er thy life, health's sun divine Shall arise, in joy to shino , iiignt anu ncaiin, anu joy and mtrtn, In suu-bcnms sparklo round thy hearth; Vital energy shall start, E'en to muscle, brain nnd heart; Rid the Liver of its load, t'unly the lilo, the blood, Intercept disease and death, Leaving fracranco on thy breath, Lighten life of half its Ills, Sale add potent Liver Pills. FntlicrlckN Tlvlns. Miss Maria Walbert, of Wcisenberg, on the 3rd inst. gavo birth to a pairof healthy, vig orous, handsome twin boys, oho of them with black hair and tho other with locks of flaxen color, a circumstance that is regarded as signifying something. Tho reputed fa therthe one charged with the paternity of tho little ones, a fellow by the name of Sechler, formerly a school teacher in tho township, on being notified by the girl last winter that sho had by him been brought into that condition in which her shame could not long bo hidden from the world. nnd appealed to him to marry her so that their indiscretion might in a manner be covered over, declined to givo his consent and remaining obdurate tho girl finally went before a Justice and mado oath against him for seduction. Before however the warrant could be served upon him ho niadi his escape and has not since been heard from ho before absconding giving as a rca son for declining to marry tho girl the fact that sho had been giving hor company to another beau on nights when ho wasn' about. Whether or not, now that the fruit; ofthelovo affair have been ushered into the world, one witli cool black hair just like Sechler, nnd tho other with a crop of silvery hue, will servo to convinco the fugitive ped agoguo that ho was right in his surmises, remains to be heard. Certain however it is that the circumstanro lias raised much com ment in the neighborhood, nnd it is said a certain young cnap in mo vicinity has rea son to fear that when tho now little white head rises up to manhood's cstuto nnd see him ho may go along nnd sing tho lino of tho old song "there goes the feller that looks Uko me.' Ailenloicii Ucmocrat. Tlio Conl Trtnlc, Philadelphia Ledger, ISth: Tho darkest houroftho nightissaidtobo that which im mediately precedes daylight. If this holdsas true in temporal things as in tins movements of nature tho anthracite coal trado of 18 must have passed its darkest hour at tho close of last Wednesday's auction salo atNew York by tho Delaware nnd Hudson Canal Compa ny. Fifty thousand tons in all wero sold, good numbcrof persons being present as buy ers. Tho several sizes of coal offered were as follows: 12,500 tons of grate, 15,500 tons of egg, and 25,000 tons of stove. The grate was tho first lotoffered ; it was started at$I,75 and was run up to $2 per ton at which it was all sold. Tho egg coal was next put up; it was started at $2 and ran up to $2.12 per ton,n which figure it was all taken. A start was mado on tho etove coal at $2,25, and it ad yanccd to $2,32, at which it was all diss posed of. The last previous salo of this com pany was on tho 0th of April last, when the prices obtained were as follows : Grate, $2,25 1 egg, $2,45; stove, $2,70. One who was present at the sale, and who is intclli gent in coal matters by long practical ex perience in tho business, informs us that there is no doubt that tho sale was entirely a fair one and tho prices the highest that could possibly bo obtained nt tho timo. Tho decline on the prices obtained at the auction sale at the same placo just two weeks before, was 30 cents on the broken, 32J on tho egg and 41J on stove. These figures show marked decline in the price of coal, that for grate being tho lowest prico ever known It was announced that, should the purchas crs fail to take the coal away before the 31st instant, the company will bo relieved from all liabilities to deliver, and tho fifty cents per ton deposited will bo forfeited. It is not probable, however, that buyers will fail to claim their bargains before tho expiration of the time limited. Authratito coal cannot be put into the market at anything like the price hero quoted. The end of selling coal at less than tho cost of production we belicvo has passed for tho present. - For a year and a half or more there has been a 6teady and persistent effort on the part of tho trado to hold prices up to a fairly remunerativ poiul. All last year the effort was directed to unity of action through conciliation. It was but a partial success, and wus wholly abandoned as a policy for this year. Every body has put into the market and sold as mucii cool as possible, ana to-day the an thracito production is about six millions of tons more than to corresponding dale las year. All along reports have been weekly unit uionviuy luruisiieu mai tins, coal nail gone into consumption, or, at least, had been taken out ol the market by purchase. There is now some reason to doubt the impression Eeneral,tbat this year's production ot eoal lias eono into consumption, even snnnosintr that any considerable portion is stored for mture use. ino large consumers ol coal, tnose wno use it in targe manuiacturtag es taoiisnmems ana lor steam marine pur- loua, ftuunu vuaitUUUI Ullllllll IM, aiioru- cd at last u ednesday s auction nr ces. It i: therefore, to be presumed that there is more coal on the market than thero is current sale tor. That unity which could not be brought about last year, and so far this ycar,of maintaining prices at remunerative jioints by self-limiting production, checking lb ua priueucciiutf,iitt nut wurKeu satlslac torily. The impression, months ago wai that tho revival of business, which, all have so gladly welcomed, would take all the coal tnatoould bo produced during this year, That impression time, as the year has ad vanced, has not confirmed. It is now Mm almost universal opinion that there is too much coal on the market. How shall the product be lessened aniicablv and reajnii. ablvjby ounited nnd general suspenslonof coal transportation, wuicit would work a stoppage at the mines for one, two or mora weekB, until the sumilv of coal should ha used up; or, by the harsher operation of ivuiiuuiug luu proauction until the least favorably located of operators arc, one by one, broken up and lurcod out of business uy tiieirnoro iuvorauiy situated rivalst All coal is not put into the market at tho samo tost. There Is a difference of ten to forty cents per ton, owing to location, Ac. When the strong shall crush out the weak the production of coal may be so reduced by tut lessened number of coal operators that prices will advitwe to paying points. But would it not be well for the consumer to InqnlrtJust here, "Will prices halt at the point which fairly remunerates tho favora bly located operator 7" Having trained con trol cf the coal market by n removal of a part of the competition-, the consumer thereafter may be made to feel the consequence of mon opoly. Is it not, therefore, wiser on tho pari ol tho competing transportation companies to lanv i-uuusei irom reason nnet agree to tem porarily restrict tho marketing of coal to ft point In prices that will fairly navr Individ- ual operators are dally stopping work nt tneir collieries. m in Bcbuylklll region two jarge con leries were stopped on Saturday evening, the Bame party having stormed one other previously. This stopping of work nt coat mines ir, is Known is nn expensive bus- I 1 T 1. . 1 ! . 1 , . , uieas. i-iiu'iKii ii. is liui, su nenerai v Known tint the cost In the end falls on thotrnde.llie consumers naving to make It up in higher prices of coal. Something, it is honed, mnv DO Boon cueeieu ironing to a protection 01 tno iraae. vjoai is now given away, the price not covering tho cost of the necessary hand ling. This should not be. Mr. Gowen.of the iteauinguaurDau uompanv. is exneoterf in this city to-day, an ovent which is looked to with much hope in effecting some arrange ment that will work haruionkmsly and to tlio healthy reinstatement of the traclo. Prompt action 01 mo ngiit cuaractcr will not only protect the threatened loss of prico on tho coal already produced and unsold but a snc- rilico on all that wnicli is required for the mantel nenco to tue enu ol tho year, nn ag crezato amounting to many millions ol dol Iars. Bad as the condition oftho coal trado is, prices must advance ot n general bank ruptcy af Individual orjerators is sum l fnl low.with no improvement In tho onndllinn of tho controlling corporato companies. Tlio uusiou-rtut-eriiscrEaiu on us receipt ot prices un wiu nisi, iiuciiuii emu i "iiicso prices ana this condition of affairs cannot last long. The arrival of Mr. Gowen is looked for with eagerness, perhaps anxiety, nnd In the next ten aaya sometningaccedcdly important will be developed. There is a chanco that Phil adelphia may meet the last auction prices but it is very much doubted, and an adv'aneo In prices is anticipated nt no distant date simply beeanso It is Impossible to sell at picscub piiors iiiiu live. itlurticrcrsi Sentenced. Lkbanou, Pa., Aug. 18. About 2 o'clock this afternoon, Charles Drews, FrankStich ler, Josiah Hummel, Israel Brandt, and Henry Wise, who were convicted of tho murder of Joseph llaber in order to obtain the Insurance money for which thev held a policy on his life, were brought into court to receive tneir aeaui sentences. The Pris oners with tho exception of Sticliler. the youngest, wore a downcast look, and for tho iirsttimo seemed to realize their terrible position. The court room was completely filled, among the audience bcinc n nnmLcr of women. Much excitement prevailed, ns it was expected that startling revelations would bo made. This, however, was not tno case. After tho prisoners worn bciUI m thn jury bos, District Attorney Adams moted ior juugineni, ngainst mem. juilgo Hender son then requested them to arise. ITn frn. pounded the usual question ns to whether tney iiau anything to eay ns to why sen tence of death Bhould not be pronounced ngainst them. The old man Drews, who with Sticliler, committed tho murder h"v holding Raber under the water, was the first to speak. Ho replied that ho was not guilty and had nothing further to say. Sticliler said he was not guilty and had not received justice on his trial. Hummel nnd Brandt uenicit tneir guilt and said they would havo uiiiuliiiii u, any in. some mturo time. Judgo Henderson then addressed tho pri oners. Among other things he said : Wo naye patiently and calmly considered every thing that has" been advanced in yourde- lence. lour cause has been zealomly guarded by ablo counsel. Wo svinnnthizu willi eacii ono of you in this hour of-deep distress, hut your crimo calls for 'tho' jiutg ment of the law, from which indulge in no vain hope of escape. Sentoneo of dentil was then passed in tho form usual on such occasions. Tlio prison ers after sentence wero conveyed baek-to jan. rientenco was deferred in thocasoof Ilenrv Wise, at tlio suggestion of District Attorney Ad.inn. It seems that Wise, who for-snnia timo past, has been attentively engaged, iri ,.1,IUU3 V.UI L.ISUS, Uf-Hl-U U IIIIIKU II .UIOIlll breast of the affair, and for this purpose ho sent for C. P. Miller oftho Attorneys for tho Comiyonwcalth to visit him ill the jail. Miller, In company with District Attorney Adams and Grant Hcidman, did ns request ed, nnd on Saturday, Wiso revealed the pan no toon in tno murder. His conlcssion it is said, covers about 30 pages of manu script in his own handwriting. Ho impli cates several parties who wero nt ono tin suspected, but who wero not arrested. Ho charges them with being engaged in 1h business ol insuring old people with the ob ject of having them murdered for the bene fit of those holding tlio policies. Wise, while numitting mat a plot inr tno murder of Ra ber had biin concocted, said it had been abandoned, ho refusing to havo anything to no wiin it.nnct when no aucrwnrds was no tified of tlio drowning, it was a terrible sur prise to him. The confession is in tho hands oftho District Attorney, who will not make it puunc, ns lie Intends to use it m the com ing i rial ol zacliman. fFor the OAnnoN Advocate. I'm Trnvcliiiff Hack to Dixie. Song and Chorus. By G. W, Dr.IlAvnx. Oome gather round me all, 'ye darkles from the South, Listen to my little song, and what I sing about ; I'm very sad Indeed lo-nlglit, wherever I do ,BO, Sly heart still turns to Dixie, where the orange blossoms grow. Chorui I'm traveling back to Dixie, The street land of Dixie ; I'm' traveling back to Dixie, Where I'm bound to go j Where, so early In the morning, I hear my children calling, I'm traveling back to Dixie Where the orange blossom grow, The sweet land of Dixie, all In tho sunny, south, Why did I leave you to go roaming here. about There we used to sing and dance at night, and piay tne banjo so. In the sweet land of Dixie, where the orange blossoms grow. Cawui I'm traveling back, etc. My little cabin home down In the cotton Held Where tho mocking birds do sing how happy x aia icei; There I left my I.ucy, a roaming for to go. And bid farewell to Dixie, where tho orange blossoms grow, CAorui I'm traveling back, etc. I'm traveling bath to Dixie, my Lucy tot to see, My little ones will gather round, a happy time luero ii no : Then well sing that good old hymn, the chorus won't bo slow. We'll givo our praise to Dixie, where the orange blossoms grow, Chorui I'm traveling back, etc. A HINT TO rOKKIrVR3IE.V. The honest workingmen of the country, many of whom have largo and Increasing families tojaupport, havo been tho chiet suf ferers from trie great financial pressure under which we have labored lor the last lew years. Diminished wages have not been attended by a corresponding diminution in price of everything which the workingman needs. Rents, fuel, food, and clothing, are cheaper, but these do not constitute all hit necessities. It is sometime necessary for him to employ a lawyer or physician, yet the fee rates of physicians and lawyers are as high as they were in "flush" times. Yet cheap medicines are as necessary as cheap rents or fuel. Cheap medicines aro not neceesarily poor medicines. It must be ob vious to every intelligent person thnt medi cines, cominunded and put up at wholesale. can lmj son at mucii lower rates man when retailed from the doctor's pill bags. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pellets havo completely restored persons who hail spent hundreds of uoiurs in yaiuiy seeking reiiel Irom prtyate practitioners, ana an at a very slight ex pcntiiture. For the OAnnosr AdvocAtr. l'U.M'IS.YJL.VANiA DUTCH. Shtcfflrtown, Aug. 27th 1B79. Butter ttf am mork tswon sich cent. uycr on ocntsca cent es dutzend. Beearra sin planty, un woL fa desyorc. jnow is bold de tside do for de grumbaira aus mauch,awer car mist noch an wcnich wor ter. Planty rayer-wettcr dar nagsht moncrd, so dud unser wedder profaid tins uf de mailing shtella. Well now is aw an law for the tramps, tsitram 15 dan monerd, un des is es recht dinar : los de follansers aw sholfa. According tsu an calcula tion sin tswa lmnnert un fuf sich flinta ob gafned im Gros sa Greek tswislia Frankreich un Ditslilond for an yadcr mon dos gadroffa worra is. "Sog du, Bill, dutslvt mer net an fertel laner bis ivver moryal" "Kent gawis net, for ich wor drouse collccta geslitor un hob yusht tsca cent garaised, un sell muss ich hov va for chaw-duwack ; un my cigars mus ich runner uf bor ricks. An monn in Lawvillc hut forgonna amohl sinner maude a klaner buss gevva, urf sLfraw is yusht dartsu kumma. Er trawght ollawile anes fun dan na grcany umhenglin ivver simTink aus:, un hut yusht fpSfarjout holver so feel hor uf am kupp dos ar ols gahot hut Sam Khisiiasiituffler. m:vi:u icutuiciv. It is said that one out of every four real invalids who goto Denver, Col., to recover heaiiii never return to tlio Last or isnuili ex cept as it corpse. The undertakers, next to hotel kcepcis, have the most profitable bus iness. Kxucssivo mortality may bo prevent ed and jiaticnts Eerved and cured under tho 'caro of Iticnds and loved ones at home, if they will but use Hop Hitters in tlmo. This wo Know, ceo oiner column. i7 a, TlIROCOtl COUNTI.KS3 Littlk OrnxiNOs in the skin, invisible except through a micro scope, tho perspiration, in n stato of health exelnies, hour" by hour, night and day. Tho total obstruction oi tneso minuto outlets would produce death , nnd when thev be- coina partially blockaded, tho skin crows dry, yellow, mid finally diseased, nnd the? I I 1.1. . I.. I ! ,.. V IIOI.ll IIC-lllll 19 IIIJIII IOU3I v itiiucieii Olksn's Suu'iiun So.tr, by opening tho pores removes eruptions and unhealthy granula tions nn tho skin, and imparts to it a health ful clearness, humidity and smoothness, banishing from the face of beauty complex ionijl blemishes, whether attributed to im purities in tho capillary circulation or to un duo exposure to tlio sun and wind. For ob stinalo scorbutic complaints, like tlio itch, salt rheum, and erysipelas, it is a sovereign remedy, being quite us effective ns Sulphur xiiiius, iur bucii iiiuiiiiuei, ns wen as rncu niatism nnd gout. It is wondrously healing nnd soothing in its action, reuniting the cu ticle whero broken by external injuries, re lieving tho swelling and inflammation nt tendant upon sprains, scalds and bruises, and curing tho most obstinate sores and ul cers. Medical Profession sanction its use, and from all classes of society, voluntary ev idence in its favor is continually emanating. Ladies of fashion prefer it to any stmilarac cessory of tho mi let and the bull!, slhco it promotes cot only health but personal at tractiveness As n disinfectant of diseaso contaminated clothing it has no peer. After they have been washed witli Glenn's Sul phur Soat, garments and linen from the sick room may be handled with perfect im punity. Sold by Druggists. Price 25e. per cake. 1 box (3 cakes) 75c, sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of prico. C. N.Ckitinion, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. IIilis IUib and WiusKK.it Dve, Black or Brown, SO cents. 37-3. CANDIDATE NOTICES, FOR SHERIFF, FRANK P. SEMMEL, Of Lehighton. JM-Subicct to tho decision of tho Demo cratic Nominating Convention. t.c. FOR, SHERIFF, FRANCIS STOCKER, Of Lehighton, O-Subject to tho decision of the Demo cratic Nominating Convention. t.c. FOR SHERIFF, JOSEPH S. WEBB, Of Lehighton. ir-Subject to decision of the Republican County Convention. Lc. New Advertisements. -gEUSAUD rillLLU'S, Cocmtv Boildimo, MAUOII CHUNK, Pa, Fire Insurance Agent. n- POMOIKS In SAFE Companies only, at Reasonable Jlates. Aug.SS-yl LBIX stolli:, Notary Fuhlic & Conveyancer, Fire ami Life Insurance Agent, Office In the Oennty Building Second Story, MAUOII CHUNK, PA. sry Dullness transacted Qtrman. In Kngllsh and Aug. 23-yl New Advertisements. ureas IBy sendlngSSecnts.wlth age.hlaht, rent Icolorolevps nnd hair, von w TQTJfi&SLy.leclve bv retnrn mall n correct lde- mil sureoi yonriuturenusi,anaorwiie,wiiu name and date of marriage. Address W. FOX, Box 77 Fultonvllle, N. Y. Aug. 23 3m. "F 100 AUK IN NEED OP Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, or, Gents' Furnishing Goods, GO TO T.D.CLAUSS,Agt., THE POPULAR Merchant Tailor, Bauk Street, Lehighton. PRICES VERY" LOW FOR 0AS1I. Tho public patronage solicited. aug23-tf J MFOUTANT ANNOUNCEMENT t JLewis We!ss5 l'OST OFFICE BUILDING LEHIGHTON, PA., has tho Largest and Most Extensive Stock uf !ts9 ladder HATS, CAPS, &c ever offered In this borough. Having pur chased my Stock In the Eastern anu other Manufactories early In tlio season nnd at u saving of 10 to 15 per centum on tho present Auvancca irices, i am preparcu to oner ex traordinary Inducements to mv customer!,. Special attention has been given to tho selcc- UUIl Ul Fall and Winter Boots! and I Invito my numerous friends nnd patrons to call and oxnmlno my stock belore making their purctinscs elsewhere, ns 1 mil iirL-niiri-,1 to glio special Inducements to nil LfASH I'UllUlliSI.KS. Hetncinbor, LEWIS WEISS 1'ost-OUlco Building, Lehighton, l'n. Sept. SI. ' The undersigned Is now prepared to supply the very best LATTlMElt COAL at tho fob lowing LOW l'RIOES FOR CASH : At Yard No. 2 Chestnut, per ton,., $1 T5 No. 1 Chestnut, per ton,.. 1 73 Stove, per tun, 3 00 Dcliv'd. 3 Oj 3 SO J. L GABEL, Scaler in General Hardware, &c, Opposlto tho Tubllo Square, BANK fcTItEET, LEIIIOIIIOM, VA. ivov, C0.1S73 w ANTED, NINE MALE TEACHERS ibrltho PUB. LIU SCHOOLS OK MAHONING TOWN. Mill. Examination will bo held on t In- 0th ol ficptember, 1879, at school ilouso ISo. 6, sltuato near tho Hotel of J. T. McD.inlel. Also, tlio DUI'LHIATE for COLLI! T. INUtho SCHOOL TAX for said Township win uu uwurucu. NATHAN RHEINSMITH, Adg IB, 1870-W3 Secretary "1 AM, It. UILlIA.il, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE: 2nd Story, 1st door above "Carbon House," BANK Street, LEHIQIITON, l'ENN'A. Collections nnd nil other Legal business en trusted to me will receive prompt attention. August 10, l&iB-yl NOT IIUE. Numerous complaints havo been rnndo that with according to law. By order of County Commissioners, Aug, 18-3t. 11. E-SWAltTZ, Olcrk. THE WEEKLY CAPITAL Is a first-class Newspaper, vlvlng latest and most reliable -Stato news. Senttoanyaddrcss.postnge paid, six months for 60 cents. Ono year for '.oo. Sample copy free. HUDSON k EW1NO, 'lor-LKA, Kakbas. Risley's Witch Hazle. Cures ItcnilaMic, Burns, Sprains, Wounds, Cuts, Rheumatism, Toothache, Earache, etc., etc Warranted equal In quality to any made, at half the price. O ox lloltlm JJSc. Pint Unities BOc Havo your druirglst order. If he has not In stock, of CHARLES I'. IIISI.UV, Wholesale Druggist, M Cortlandt, St., New York. Aug. 19 3m. -JJ10U AN ABSOLUTELY Safe and Brilliant Light, Use Straub & Harrar's The Family Favorite BURNING OIL ! ASK FOR STRAUB X- HARRAR'S STARINEOILI Aug.lfl.m3 This COL1.AII and a Coir Milker free to Farmers wlio act as Agents, Out tblaout end ad dress with stamp BM1TH&SON 21 Der Bt.. N. V July :0.-3ai, Nnn.1. .a-s paper, IVANTKD IMMEDIATKLY. Seventeen fount men to learn Telesraphv. Good situations guaranteed. Tor pui liculai-s; audi ess with stamp. SIIEBIDAN& BUID. Sox CS7, Ubellin, Ohio, 575 for 1. 00, $5.00 for 1 cent I pav larire prices for manv nates of Old Cop per ami Hilver Coins. Send 10 cents nt once lor ray Cataloirud anu Pilce List. Address. A.O. WKLlHONSrMt,l'llnnt IM. July 21 lino. Tf"Ii''N!'n ITT'S Ttd remarkable med J..i!iliiJAJjlJ O fioe will core Spavin, Splint. Curb. Callous, ko , or any enlarue. ment, and WII.I, 11HMOVI! Till! 1IUNUII JPAVTF WITHOUT llLlSTr:KlNO J-1- orcauslng a soie, Noremedy ever discovered equals It lor certainty of ac tion in sto CURE Hon In stountnir the lameness and reuiovlnir y ine uuuvii. i iito fi.w, o?im iur -1 circular irlvlnrr 1'osltive Proof and yonr nearest agent's address. Sold by drug- kIsis, or sent to any address by the Invcntur, 11. J. Kendall, 51. ., Knosbargh Falls, Yt. F or Salo or (o Kent. An ellKlldr located 2 Btor Donblft Frame House Fit uate In.tUst WeUaiHirt, WHunvean-u oue-mii acre ui-lauq, n good Orchard uf cboice apples, &c. For fium er particulars. .PPly jo p nxrpamu Jan. 11, teiilxeton. i' New Advertisements JUST RECEIVED, OP GOOD NOTE PAPER! which wo aro offering at tho unprcccdently low prico of 1.00 PER REAM, ou 10 quires for 50 cents ! Call early if yon are In want of NOTE PA Pr,Il at this extraordinary LOW PRICE I Carbon Advocate Lehighton, Va. l'ICOVDUItS. "Sour stomach, bad breath, indigestion iml headacho easily cured by Hon Bitters. "Study Hop Bitters books, usollio mcd ! icine, no wise, iicaiiny nnu nnnnv." "When life Is a drug, and you havo lost. in nope, try jiop miters." "Kidney and urniary Iroubloisuniver nl, and tlio only safo anil euro remedy Is Hop Bitters rely on it." "Hon Bitters does not exhaust ami des troy, but restores and makes new." "Ague, billiousncss, drowsiness, jaun lice, Hop Bitters removes easily." "Boils, Pimples, Freckles, Rough Skin ruptions, impure blood, Hop Bitters cure. "Inactive Kidneys nnd Urinary Organ 'auso tho worst of diseases, and Hon Bit ters cures them all." "Moro health, sunshine nnd Iny in lint Bitters than in all other remedies." Hop Couau Ci'tiK and Paik Rcmf is. TUB BIST For sale bv all drunatsts. auor o.-lm. DMIMSTKATUIX-'S SOTICE. Estate of Urias fichr, deceased. ..ut,i.tov iioiiio.. ,, ,i"u iinui im, j.muiv of Urlas Helir ileo'd, late ofJlnhonlng Town. mil, -win uuii V.UU111, i-ernsyivaiiu, liuring been ttrnntcd to Ilia undersigned, all persons indebted to said csta'o will ptenso make pay. ment, and thoso having claims ngainst tho same will yrcsent them for settlement to me, or to Un. N. H. 11EBE1I, Agent, I.chluliton, XI.. l?UOiVn Jl.lllt. WllllW. Jure J3. 1878-wO Administratrix. JXECUTOlt'S NOTICE. Letters Testamentary on tho L'state of Jonathan Kolb, latoortho Borough or Weiss port, Carbon Uoimty, 1'cnna., deceased, have ukkii Ki.iiiii-ti ii, inu uiHierriKiicu, 10 wuom nil persons iiiuciiieu to tno Sam i-state are re- ,llir-lnl tr. Itml.-n i-ltl.ln .1. nnd all thosd having clnims or demands will maKO Known tno s.iine, without Uelay, to HKNIIY IIOYhlt, Executor. Welssport, July 6, 187-W6 T "10 WJIOJI IT MAY COXOEKX. All persons aro hereby forbid making eon tracts to nureliitso Irmn or to soil to mv Wiin. MAUY ANN, nliertlilsdate.sslwlllnotbo resi unsiuio mereior. OlDKON ZIMJinRJlAN. Franklin Township, Carbon County, Ta. .luiy oin, litv..wo- rpo WllOil IT HAY CONCEItK. All persons are herebv forbid mriMltntr with tho lollowlnir articles, nuw In possession ol Hugh Donahue, of llciver Run, Mahoning iwp., unruon county, t'.t., tne samo n.ing my poperty, and lojiiud to lilm during int nlo.is- ure, viz: t'ldor l'ress. Cow, Stovo, Settee, lauic, nureau, jioc-K. .uooKina mass. &c. iUlib. HO.li; HOHl'T, July ID, 'jo.3. Heaver ltun, Pa. D is.suliitioii uf r.irtnor.sl:lp. Notlco Is liprcbvirlrcn that the nnrlnersTiln business or lltl.MUXt llOKFOlllt In manu lacturlnir coaches, wiikohs, fie., ts this day dls- solved by nun ual consent. Tim nceounts of tne linn will bo settled by It. I- . Ilnuiml. IIOMln it HOl'l-'ORD. Lehighton, July 18th, 1870. w3. TTOHSKMEX, LOOK IIERni Saddler and Harness Maker, BANK St., LEHIQHTON, Pa., Calls attention to tho followlngcxtraordinary LOW I'RIOLS: Baggy Harness nt trom 812 00 upward! Bxprtss llnrness at from 18 00 upward! Breeching Harness nt Irom .. 8 00 upward! Homing Harness nt from 0 00 upwnrdi llorso Collars (hulr) nt rrom. H toupwnrdi ' V (straw) at Irom. 1 75 upward! Bridles at from 175upwardi nnd all other nrlteles nt enunllv low nrli-pK nnd uuiirantccd of best workmanship ltlj PA III IN, I iwnnmllv nl, nn.la.l Inn, ....nr.. ablo charges, l'atronago solicited. Way 10 The Largest Spring Stock Of Ladle,', Gents', and (inllilron's Boots, Shoes! Gaiters IJvci otrcied In this vicinity Isat J.M. FHITZlNfiEIt'S, Bank Street, Loliigliton, Pa I IitiTe Jnt rprrtvpil o" Inimciifto STOHI-I OF which I am boilii-g to tho perplo of T.ouipliton and tlionntroiniit'iKr nciKhliorhtioa CKEAl'KIt THAN KVLK JlhfiUllK buMlu tins County. Boots & Shoos Mado to Order ot AntonlshxiGly -Low Trices, mi MENDINQ N pally done nt rnces to suit (tie time. I invito tho u'ltno to call anJ ctamlnnmv Stock tmi rnces bcloro pU'-clasiiiK eUewhoio, ami bo convinced of th nbovu facta. l.OUNU Ti faATMl-'Y. ilPniiv.niaflo Coots nnu "noes uongot ot mo mux rip will uo repair eti without rtmrfTP. Thankful for post patronoffe. I regp-ccfully ask a couUnuubco iboi i ot, .i. m. FimziNniiit. Two door below Itomip & Ho Hold currlipo "51 Ofin piofltsniiairtaj-Biuvestment 5l (t t-Sl'u of-omclal Itrports, liee-SplUU PrODtmlonnl rcturna everv week oo Brock On tlon- or 120, - tv, i.oo, S'0. Allilrcus T. PiiTTElt WIUUT 16 CO.. Hankers, 3o Wall Wo will pay A penis u binary oi iiuo per motiili and erea,-'l,t.orul0T' 18 cuminlx-iion, toai.ll our ne wi'l wonderful InTenlioiiii. Metncanukat wtay. bAmplu free. Aildressbusullis Co., M-ualiall, Mich. aTPTVTTi TO - nlCH A Co.. I'ortland, OoIJlN XJ Knlno, for boat .irincv lln,lntss la tho Wi rid nxoenslvo oulllt Free. t7Y a Month and expenses f-uuranteeil to S? I I ARlllts. OutUtfieo. bllitV A t0, AU. OUST, MAIXE. W ' ' I ntfreo. Address P. O. VIOKEKY, Augusta, Malno. 1.M.I-.W n VM, nn.1 arlxan.a. tn n-.anl- .. rns c:if:iinii5H cr Tns.tmirss mixta. Sent free to any addrcrs on receipt of3-cent stamp. Address Geo. 1', Howell & Uo., 10 Spruce St.. New York. A LECTURE TO YOUNQ MEN. Jutt Publhhtd, in a Seated Envelope, Price flc. A LKOI UIK OX Tin: NATDHK. Til 13 AT MKIST, AND l AUIUAL cure of (Seminal We.ikuee-, or tipti mutorrhcB 1. 1 educed h Heil, AtaiftO Iiiroloiitniv JmUHion. Inipoteuov. Nervoui -Debility, and Jmpediiumti to Mat rtaeo ceoemliv i cousuiuption, L'tiilcpey. and Fit)., Mental awl t'hyeKral ineuuaciiv. Uy HUUKlil J. CULVBUWltU M, V., aath. irof tli "Ufen Jiook'io The v. orld renown it amaor, In this admirable Letture, clearly proven liom lit) own eipei leuco tliat tho awiui couscqaeoca vtsa t Abuse niiy Le effectually remove! without uicdiclue, auo nitbout rtngcious m ffieal opeiaiuns, IjoiiRiea, iU8irumuiH. iluj? ot cohIIuI-ji ,otiii- (or out a tiudcj il euro at once cit Hn aud cf leotiiaL liy rthich ero v uufiVjer, nu umtter v.liat I1 euiiottlou niur bo may emu binneJf ilitMtitr, bnviite v unit indlcatiy. Thit Lecture wilt prove d toon to thou laitfi and thoutands. Reot. under toa!, In ft plain envelope, (o inr addretM, oq receipt ol atx c-uuU. or two postage fcUtll llfl, Atldreai the publitlier, The CiilVerwell ItlctUcnl Co.t 41 ANBt.tNBWY01lKi Tost Office I'px, 4Wb ai r.JS- 71, 'PIMPLES. I will mail (l'rcl tbe iele for a simple Vexvktabui IULU tbat will rawovo TAX. FltllKl.K8. 1IMI'I.1.8 and flLorOHKa, leavlus ilioaktu soft, cesr aud bwMtltul i olu iD.truitloua for producing a luxuriant growth of hair ou a bald brad oramooto face, Adilrtum, Incloainx 3e. atanip, Uta. Vaudill A Co.XAiiu Btltx't, N V WEISS & KERSCHNER, BrjccESsons to ROM IO & KOFFORD, Carriage Builders, Bank Street, Lehighton, Aro prepared to Mnnufactnre, to order, every description ol OAItniAUES, BUUUIES, sr.Eiaiis, srnmo waooks, Romig's Pat. Platform Wagon , fcc, at lowest rates for Cash, REPAIRING Of all description promptly attended tost tbo most rcasonuDie prices. A3 All IVork cruarantetd. and TMktrmuiKft Is respectfully solicited. WEISS & KEItSOlINEK. July 26, 18I0-yl DANIEL WIEAND, Carriages,Vagons,Sleighs,&c. coniTEn or BASK ASI) IKON STREETS, LEHIOHTON. Penna., Kespcctfully announces to his friends and tbe public, that he Is prepared to Dulld all des criptions of OAKIUAQES, SPUING wAaorrs, SI&IOHS, he., In the Latest nnd Mo3t Approved Styles, at Prices fully as low ns tho same can be obtain ed elsewhere, guaranteeing the belt Seaioned Material and most substantial workmanship. Particular attention given te REPAIRING In nil Its details, at tho very Lowest Prices'. Patronage respectfully solicited and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. April 26, 1879-yl DAN. WIEAND. YOU NEED NOT SUFFER A DAY WITH Dyspepsia, Constipation, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Debility, Sec, when yon can bo relieved and cured by the use of that reliable ( Established I860,) remedy Dr. J. S. HOUGHTON.S jp inr It Is Nature's own remedy, and contains no nauseons drus. Uyou are so bad ofl as not to be ablo to rat a t rucker without distress, try llr. Ilnuirii-nii'a I'cp.ln.and you will not bo disappointed, lie sure you get lr. lloiiKliinu IVii.liiniicI taKeoo base Iml. tntlons. Sold by all Ilrnirnlsts. J. H. Eatoit, I'roprletor.Phllaclelphla.Pa. HHKNXaOOD & CO., General Agents, New York." Juno 7; 3mo. 1 URIAH FATZINGER flespectfullv ntnonncos lo the people tbat be has leased tlio Shop ot SAStUEli IIEBEH I.INU, on Nortli Street, Lehighton, Pa., and proposes to resume bis old business ot Carriage and Wagon BUILDING, and respectfully asks a share of public patron, aire, iiioraateln tno Woi kmaiibip to be r aoal 10 ton best, aud the Prlcei lo bo uslewastktf lowest. REPAIRING of all kinds promptly attended Ion very re. sonabto charges. UllIAII rATEINOEIt. Opoo-lto Public Square, North Street, Feb ltyl Lehlfbtoo, ra. II. A. IU 'LTZ. restieet Inlly antionnrea to the peonio ol li trthton au vicimtv thnt he bas 11'niln ain.nrK tnpnt tor tuotdvtng them with thoniiivr LkIIIOII COAL irom the l.ehirh. ton Uepotor ibe Leti.gti a tiueq., Itlt st tbe following Low Prices t Stove ..fs oo per ton Gag 2 7t per ton Chestnut...... , I 75 per ton No. 2 1 75 per too STRICTLY FOR CASH Leave vonr Orders at my OIQco. IIAuK St., oolioalle the t'tipilc Squate. Coal will bedeliv ered, when dealrca, at vsty Lowest Chitrre oil uliove price.. 11. A 11 K LIZ. March 8. 3ai. Lehighton, ra. Poiid's Extract The Vegetable Pain Destroyer INVALUABLE FOB Inflammation & Hemorrhage Plies, Sprains, Lameness, Hums, Scalds, Iimlsos, Soreness, Rheumatism, Dolls, Ul cers, Old Sores, Wornds, etc. Also for Toothache,lIeadache.Sorelfiroat, Asthma, Hoarseness, Neuralgia, Catarrh, (Jolfe, Illarrhna, ami all Hemorrhages, &e. It Is acknowledged by Physicians of all schools that Point's Kiiraet has moro wonderful curative properties than any other remedy. Wo tuffn of tun AitMAiion, ram, sonENESS cr ULEiiniKO.but It will care. Space will not admit of naming all thedlsoases lor which It Isaspeclllo! but we will send a his' toryol Its uses by mall, on application. The plenslns; remits or tloir the ttxiraet as o toilet requisite, has Induced ns to- prepare loodlflod lormsof the Kitrnei In a 't'allet aai, (60 cents a Imji or 3 cakes), a Tollat Onara for sultenlntt and beautlfylnti the skin (tl.OOa bottle), a Dentifrice (W cents) a l.lp salve (25 cents). For seniltlvo and severe cases cfCATAnnn, onr CMatrrli t'ni-r t7eenta) used with our Natal Hyrtiigr (25 centijli a radical cure Orfr lnlinler (50 centf), for Itvsa avo Throat Dibkasks and internal hlecdlnicls Inruluable. Our Olnimeiit (60 cents), for riunic i'ilks, ei.f snouiu dq Mepr. in ever family. (JDr (laatr excel all others. Uso oer iilrilleaieu Paper teprevent and oure Piles and CiiArino, Thebaseof our Toilet mil Slcdlcatait pre parstlons Is I'onU'. Kxlrnui, which Is a Kuari ntro that they are suiierlor. snddeservo ti.eeonfldenee of the public. Sold by A, J. DtTKLlNU, l.elilnliton, and all Drugsllts. Prepared only by PONDS UXTIIAOT COJIt'ANV. Kow York and London. June T. 1st. $15,000 WANTED, . nr this Lehighton School Board, at S per cent. Interest ixjf annum. Thcscr bornlsfra free from'Tax, ami of ler a safe ami lkrofitatle Investment for capitalists. For further twrtkulsj Address, DANIHIi GMAVER, Secretary nf the Itoanl, Auk- J, 17 It Lchichbin, Pa.