SE5 ii. r. MottTimtmi, r.mion LKItlCIHTON. I'A.i SATURDAY, AUOU8T 1(1, 1871). Democratic Ticket. POR STATS TMt.tSVKF.B, DAN'IBIi 0. BAItIl,.bNAllAgIicny. Republican "Ticket. " ron ST4TK TRKASCItlCtl, 8AMUCL BWTIjTJH, of Chester. I.TKLI,3KAT EMPJ.OVES. There aro two kindi of Intelligent hands or help, as every observant employer is doubtless aware, who lias had much expe -ience in hiring tho services of others. Tho ono is ready and skillful in doing tho work given l them, ami are usually classed undt r tho li.-o J of "good hands." When they liavo bcco npliklied tho work assigned tliem, rr have put in the time allo'tsd, llioy havo no other concern about it. Tho interest of their employer does not claim a second thought. Tiiey have fulfilloiClheircontrnot in a literal sense, and whether good or ill betido their .0 nployer's businoss,roncenis tliem but little. They do not comprehend the Importance it is to them that their employer's business should prosper and continue successful. Their Intelligence docs not reach so far as thut or discover tho close affinity of interests between the employed and employer. There is another class of woikmen equally utillful, who po?sess(S not only the know ledge of how to deftly, but have an Intelli gent idea of tho necessity of having tho woik done. Tho latteroinonglhosowliomwoUiro, aro tho mobt raro and .valuable. They are tho men end women who maleo themselves a necessity to employers, or employers soon pcrsuado themselves to think so. They take a portion of tho load of care off of tho shoul ders of the master, which is by far the heav iest load among life's burdens, This kind ofhelp soon mounts to tho top round of the ladder, is not uufrerpicntly offered a feliore in tho Imsinosi, is sure 'of tho best and most lucrative place at least, In the gift of tiio em ployer. Such employes retain situations whoever elso may bo discharged. And all because they cultivate tho unselfish faculty or an Intelligent comprehension ol tho neces sity of having the work done in proper time nnd In the bsst manner. Such men possets a reserved capital fully as valuable as mon ey, which the cmployeis of other men's la bor nro quick to discover and generally ready to offer for it its full value. Tho cm- ployo who comprehends tho importance of tho work he is nbout,stand3 nearest the man whoso busy brain plans employment for hundreds of hands which would otherwise be idle, and makes possible ihe bread wliiedi is to fill tho stomachs of many more. Jnst after tho destruction, by Cro, of Pardee Hall (Lafayette College). i:aston,ru., there was a good ileal ol'scolding against the insurance companies having pnlicirs on the building, because of an alleged undue scal ing down of tho amounts payable by the companies. The oggtegaloof tho policies wjs $120,000, while tho sum paid was but $100, 80V. This was tho basis of complaint. Hut there is another side to tho subject. The sum awarded by tho insurance, companies was tho result of a complete and fair survey ol the property destroyed the Collegers well as tho companies, being represented on the survey; tho award fully covered tho actual loss; and it is entirely satisfactory to the Trustco3 eomiMjsing tho Building Committee of tho College. On tho 7th of this month, the committee, Ario Tardee, Chairman, "ro solved that tho Trustees of Lafayette Col lege, icpiesented by the Building Commit ter, nro entirely satisfied with tho manner of adjustment and tho liberality of the nwaid of tho insurance companica in the settlement of tho loss sustained by tho burn ing of Tardto Hall." Embezzlers of money belonging to the Treasury of tho United States, says an c chango, should not afterwards enlist in the United Stales ormy. That was the misloko committed by feter G. Claike, an cnibiz- zling ostmaster of Alabama, who, having spent his ill-gotten gains, enlisted as a pr vale soldier. Th Secretary of War has found a section of tho Revised Statutes uu dt-r which private Claike cannot draw any pay until ho has mado good tho deficit in his former accounts, llo cannot resign, j-ither, but must work out at tho rato of S10 a nionlh tho amount of his stealings. This will require two years' servico in tho ranks with nothing but army rations to livo on and presumably no credit at tho sutler's store. Thcro is much excitement among the Mormons nt Salt Lake City, arising out o lha impiisouinent of Reynolds for Tidy gamy, tho murder of Standing,tho Mormon preacher, in Georgia, end tho Imprisonment of the trustees of Iho Brlghani Ytuingestnte. Thioatcning letters havo been' published in the leading church paper,nnil inflammatory speeches havo been mado by Mormon lead ers. Tho report that tho Stuto Department intends to send a circular to foreign coun tries in reference lo Mormon immigration, is ridiouled. It would bo absurd they say, to suppose that any Burnpean Government would ottabliih an Inquisition to determine tho religious faith of emigrants, or their in tention to become )iolygamlst3. -esse II. Drake, a prominent citlren of Nash county, Nt C.i who ilil on llio sm inst.,- requested that his-will should be road on the day of his deatn. In accordance with this death-bed request the will was opened and it was found that ho had lefthls wholo fortune, estimated at from $10,000 to $30,000, to three of his formerslaves, Calvin Drake, Aaron Drake, Judah Drake, for their lives, with rover! to thoir children. Jin will woa'wrHten on the 20lliofMarcli,1877. He leaves all hi estate, real and pernal,to them, and nysi "Thsy have been my faith fill slaves, ami havo remained witii me sm.-e their freedom, muting and earing forme in my old Si and I desire them to share my grands." 1 I Jjepar'.a from all partsof Northern New Jeney, received 'n Morristown, indicate a decided revival in the iron trade. Miner, furnsciM and forgss. Idle for the pant six years, are reopened, aud, in many of them, wjrk is pushed night as well as doy. New miir-fPoiig, and new furnaces built, notably a Chettsr and Port Oram. The n ily place la lhe entire region which shows no sign of revival is Soonton. There has beeu uo inaicrial e-uarigo in lha aspect of the yellow fewer epidemic at M,9liifi4kK"JI the lest weekend no spread ofyfr sHaseie'td other pi sees. One peculiar feature of the epidemic the present season that the blacks are attacked as well ae the wh-tc. 8 ...... davs Ih- s an,,,,,,. ,!, nrgmes bs-o l-co.) m ,,- mm.Mi- ihm The Philadelphia newspapers my that Mr. Gotten, President of the Beading Itail road Qtfmpaiiy, wiled from Liverpool for homo last Saturday in tho Arlsona. His oirivnlmay be( therefore, expected early, nxt week. It is said that hn will bring with him $5,000,000 borrowed In London far his company. SPEGIALCORRESPONDEHCE. "3IorIcj-'K" J.ef tcr-ufrtim New Ynrlc. New Yonrc, August 13, 1S7P. kidicmmeu in tiiu MnTnorotls. Doubtlosi many of your readers will Rasp and call for a fan at tho baro mention of a Metropolitan August but let thciS savo their pity (or more needy objects t Tho tenement house population Indeed suflVrs with summer heat, ns It does with wintry cold, and with foulness, and .disease, and endless suffering through alt tho year. Those are tho accom paniments of extreme poverty almost every where Ood pity Its poor victims over all Its bcitutllul world t But tho average dweller in Ootham I am not speaking of; and ho gets about ns much comfort during these hot days and nights as In any part of the year. For a PALTUV HAtf DOLLAn. ho can tako a sail down this, matchless Bay past Sandy Hook, past the Highlands of Nav. cslnk, tho last land a traveler sees In leaving our shores, and the first to Krcct his return; and on, ploughing tho blue-green waves of tho Atlantlo Ocean, thirty miles In all to tho great Iron Ocean l'ler at Lonu Branch; spend seven hours on tho beach, and tako thirty miles of Ocean nnd Bay back again to hlsclty home. No suchsltty miles for fifty cents Is offered nnywhero that I know ot. Or for liko sum, ho can ko by boat or rail to Coney Island, once tho haunt of montc-men, gamblors and roughs, but now tho most de lightful or family resorts, whoso visitors often number 1:3,000 In a single day. CO.NUY ISLAXD Is a low, narrow strip of sand lying along Long IslanJ facing the ocean. It Is six or seven miles long and about half a mile wide and Is separated from tho main land only by a sluicglsli, narrow stronm-that a good horso could jump across If tho banks were firm. Tho sea front Is divided Into four dlflcrnt localities or settlements, nlmoft, and in some cases, quite toucnlng each other, and Is known as Manhattan Beach." " Brighton Beach," Wcstlirlgn'on Beach" (formcrly"Cablo's,") and thC'Wcst i:nd"or"MlkoNorton'i " Tho latter li the oldest, and Is kept by ex-Senator Mike" Norton, and Is still the favorite, resort for people of a certain class. Hero the build ings aro rough and low, liko u.ost of their habtlutcr, though tho beach Is very fino. A mile abovo comes West Brighton Itcaa whero hotels ami summer gardens aro thick, iho big t'ontcnntal Observatory offers a fifty rallo view of Old Ocean ; tho Acquarlum exhibits Its wonders of tho deep t tho big threo staiy Ocean Tier offers its manifold attrac tions, and German bands.boiubard your ears ot every turn. Two liugo railroad dopots stand herefrom whoso wl, lo doors tho crowd piurtt ad lly outward from morn till dewy eve, and where, till midnight, cyef y portal Is choked with throngs wending their way home ward a;nin. A marine narrow nuago railway now run3 fron Norton's Point to West Brighton, bring ing crowds who prefer tho sail down tho Il.iy totlo all-rail routo. Half a mlto further cast stands Iho hotel Brighton un "Brighton Beach." It Is a huuo building of handsome design, finished throughout In Bastlake, with plazzts 50 to.75 feot broad running tho wholo length. Hundreds of people fit onthesomog nlficcnt piazzas nt supper, whllo tho bind from a big stand directly In front discourses sucli miuto as you would pay a couplo of dol. lars In winter to hear at Stelnway's or the Aiademy, whilo alien ten to fifteen thousand people erowil tho planked walks around Tho Brighton Beach railway has Its dcpotdlrecily in the hotel. It would bo prcsuiup ion to nt tempt u description of this beautiful sceno at night, with tho long lines of brilliant lights, tho denso mosses of ever moving people, the shouts of merry bathers In tho roaring surf. the sweet music, nnd, abovo all, tho powerful rays of tho electric llht, shedding u bright ness almost like that of tiio sun over all tho set nc. Manhattan Beach tics about half a mtlo still further Bast, and here piands tho hotel mado famous by Sir. Oorbin's declaration lhat "no Jews aro wanted." Like Brighton It Is very large, very elegant and very lucra tlvo. A room to bo secured in cither ol these monstrous bouses must bo engaged weeks ahead. But even their Immense profit from regular boarders at ii.SO a day Is dwarfed by tho Incomo from tho tens of thousands who visit each of theso beaches dally. Cone) Island Is a uiudiroom. Hotels nro golrgupwl h a rapidity that would seem In ctcdlble, nnd all aro fairly coining money. Next year wo shall hare a big Seaside Bark just beyond tho Manhattan Beach nnd xood ne;s only knows what else. Brighton has a raco course now, nnd Manhattan rivals It with a balloon, whilo Vc?t Brighton, besides the Acquarlum and observatory, boastsa variety theatre. r.OCKAWAY still furl her Bast, up n another Island, Jlraws Its thousands ami maintains a wholo fleet ol lino stoaiuers which ply between It and tho city. lint I'm less than halfthrough tho story of our Mlinmer comforts, and tho admonition eomts to "cut It short." I will f Moulet. Otir I.ctlrr frum Washington. Wasiiinotos, I). O., August 11. Tho Sunday which rose upon tho city to-day has hail a touch of autumn In It, though mid summer has scarcely passed. It was, however, but a faint trace a foreshadowing of things to come. Thcro was not a stramto voice in any of e ur pulpit. Tho riverside abounded In excursions. Iho porks, never greener, drew crowds, and Washington was quiet and content. Tho hills around tho District cities are all belug cut down, baked Into bricks and bu It up again in their new form as sumplu. ous and lontcnlent tnvcillngs. The savage dug a holo in tho hill and dwelt there, but tho clvlllied man puts the hill In a holo or grinds It up into clay aud presses It out Into bricks for dwelling. Tliecentrehlllsof tho city were long ao converted into rows of two-story houses, aud still tho brickyards climb tho hills on tho edge of tho city, and as tho hilltops sink the clay rises Into houses. Tho great hills In tho northwest and southeast sections ot tho city that formerly dominated tho sur rounding neliihborhood are btliig rapidly "brought lo grade'' by lusy brlckmakcrs, and soou tho city will havo swallowed us last hill top and ufttftiaulaleU U into a well-built street. The home-supply of clay needed, however, Is far from sufficient, and lor years tho Vfrglula hills, acrot.3 the Putomae, havo been carted, In bricks, across the Long liildgo. Washington has sent eut a brlckmnking colony to occupy tho nearest bills, nnd at I ort Runyun, the first maitdaud that tho road realties alter having ciotted Iho I.oi.g Bridge and Alexati. dcr'S Island, is a populous illago ot brlek kilns, and shows the capital a column ol smoke by day and of fire by night. Theso kilns ore surrounded by factories that use the most Improved machinery, and employ many hands. One of tho most affecting Incidents of tho times is the Interchange ol epistolary compli ments between lion. Oarl Shun and Ills Bx. ce'llcnc; Spotted Tail, chief tho Brule Sioux. It appears lhat old Spot has detected certain faults In the civil servleo of his admlnlstintlon auddeslriug the iihisianoeof an expert to reotlly iheu, naturally turns his utteullon to- the most celebrated professor of civil service reform now living. Uatuirdsonogrratplws ure Hurt Jdr. Sburz has aeeepted the iuvlu tbm of hi red brother, nud will shortly pro ceed to reform lhe olvil service of the Brule Uux. Thre 's no Information as to what method ol reformation It Is proposed to pursue Whether he bus some special plan, or Intends to proceed lu the regular way, at $300 per i ., .nJ foulid l'robubly the Seeretary hiastsK has not yet decided upon a course of procedure, but Intendrto be gevcrned by the Is exiguous t u e oase as they leiay io-omui liloalfa, Uln auvoim the meet hilly in the (lift thn, Alltl.nt nunluiuMl ' ' themselves on the .pot. All tnat can be said I"-' that In ease ho elects to proceed " ' K' ' of bis precept must le 1 .v itr illes. ux f. ' 1- I' a' T i - . o ftc-l lhat ho will visit tho New Idrla Mining Co., In whose favor ho recently rendered a decision worth over $10,000,000, leaving poor McOara han In tho cold, Ono of tho Republican Congressional Com mit! tccmcn who has been spending a week In Maine, returned hero to-day. Ho s.rys that Senator lllalna reports lhat ho has his party lucxccllent working order, nnd for tho first time since tho canvass was began hofeclasnro that tho Republicans will carry tho State. Blalno has broppod tho question of finance, or at least has mado It a secondary place, nnd Is running tho campaign on tho old war Issues, especially In regard to the question of Sinto rights. His estimate of the vote Is that there will bo 135,000 Votes cast. Of this number he gives 70,000 to tho Republican candidate, CO.OOOtotho Qrcenbackcr, and 15,000 to- tho Democratic candidate. In reaching these figures he thus estimates that there wcro 11,000 Republicans who dld.not go to tho polls last year who will voto this year; that tliero arc 13,000 Republicans who voted tho Qrecn back ticket last year who havo returned to the Republican party, and will nt tho coming election voto tho ticket of that party. Rapid progress Is being mado In tho oon. strucllcn of the now building for tho Bureau ofllngravlng and Printing, nt tho corner ot Fourteenth and II streets, southwest, and It already gives promlso ot being ono of the finest specimens of brick architecture to bo round anywhere. Tho structure at ltsprcsent stngo Is an Interesting subject for study. Tho site chosen Is a commanding ono. The spa. clonsness of tho grounds nnd thoso of tho Washington Monument, and Iho-parks south of tho White House, glvo tho building an un. obstructed view to tho north nearly half a mtlo in a direct line. To the cast llo tho grounds of tho Agricultural Department, tho Smithsonian Institute, and tho Botanical ( nrdons, forming a continuous ornamental park between tho Potoniao and the Capitol, fully a mllo In length. Tho walls of tho new building aro more than three feet thick. Seen rrom within, with tho skeleton ofinosslvo iron girders and supports, they seem designed to last forever. Iho chief Iiaturo of Interest is found In tho claborato system ot outsldo orna. mentation. A water-line of gray granite nnd n continuous sill of tho some material mark tho floors of tho first md second stories. Tho window sills nnd a portion of tho ornamental work around thoentrnncoarool Brown stone Alltho remainder is of brick. In two colors, but moulded Into a great variety of patterns. Bach story has Its special pattern of orna mentation, In pressed brick, whilo over tho wholo thcro ritLS a series of springing win dow arches, supported upon piers which ex tend from tho around to tho roof. The main cntranco is a "study" In brlek and stone. Del icate columns'ot brick support tho arch pan els of brick with sunflowers fill tho spacos and overhead hangs a graceful balcony supported upon half arches of tho two materials com blncd. Ornamental work of a still higher order, also in brick, Is promised within. AUGUST. ioj.vss in roi.ixscs. Tun JumscoN8Ut.T axd the Ovster. Two men disputed fiercely o'er an oyster, Which they upon tho seashore found one day. When, as ihelr tongues grew dry, their pal ates molsturo. A fudge came down that way. Thny both agreed, becauso of his great learn ing, Ho should dccldo tho question in dlsputo ; And lo I he showed a mind tho most discern ing In listening to tho suit. . Ho looked as sober as a monk in clols'cr When, alter jiondiilng tho metier wo 1, Ho split tho tjlvalvo, gently ato tho ojster, And gavo thein each a shell 1 Tho story's old, but new tho application, SInoe i'onhSilvanla pre-Bcnts tier claims To represent tho mighty Yankee nation Before tho Court St. James. Whllo Hartranlt, Woyno MaoVeagh, and eithers quarrel. And angry talk in s'eady current flows, 'Tls strango that nono of them can see tho moral That's plain ns Cameron's nose. For Mr. Bvorts, with fino Intuition. When ho has thoughtupuii the subject well, May tako tho oys'cr of tho English mission And givo the rest tho shell. AVw York iun. Secretary Schurz intends to leave Wash ington fur Cincinnati on tho 30th Inst. Hit will speak onco in that city, and then go to Yunkton to visit tho Red Cloud and Spotted Tail agencies, and other points on tho Upper Missouri. On his way bock ho will visit Denver, ami pass through Kansas and the Indian Territory. Charles B. Salter was arrested Monday afternoon at tho instance of the Riot Bill Investigating Conimitle, on a cliargo of cor rupt solicitation of members of the Legisla ture In connection with tho Riot Claims Dill, and entered bail for his appcarauca in Dauphin County. Wm. II. Kemblo was also formally notified to enter bail at Harris burg on a similar charge. Tho investigat ing committee held n meeting Monday at Hnrrisburg, when tho details of tho prosecu tion wcio arranged. They havo engaged as attorneys for tho prosecution Senutor Matt Carp ntcr of Wisconsin,Judgo Jere. S. Black of Pennsylvania, and Franklin B. Gowen, President of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company. Chairman Wolfe says that the caso will bo vigorously pushed, anil tho trial is expected to como on early in September. lion. J. S. Rutan, Collector of tho Port of Pittsburg, has been interviewed nbout State politics, and ho believes that Candidate Butler will receive 40,000 majority in tho coming election. Mr. Daniel O. Barr, who continues to work along nt his desk in the First National Bank at Pittsburg, says that ho finds things looking well, and that tho other fellow must look out for himself. Tho cases of Jesse R. Crawford, of Blair county, Alexander Leisenring of Carbon, Dr. Shoemaker of Dauphin, and J. MeCuno and Chris. Long of Cumberland, charged with corrupt solicitation of members of Iho Legislature in connection witli tho Riot Claims bill of last session, will oomo before the August term of Court at Harrisburg on the 25th inst, Tlioro is an additional chirg0 of perjury ngalnst Jeue It. Crawford The bonded debt of the United States was stated on January 1, 1870, to bo $1,702, 050,150, On May, 31, 1879, it was etatedto bo S1,007,-104,7G0. On Juno 30th it was stited to be $2,027,207,-250, and wo observe that tho Republican organs, of roccnt dub say It is $1,000,114,250. Aeuording to these figures tiie debt lias actually been increased abaut $300,000,000 sinew 1378. It is no wonder that General Spinner declared that when he was in the Treasurer tho public debt statements "ntwr agreed with h it UoU," and that "ho was not allowed to publish truthful statements. The activity of Charles Tester's cam palgn work in Ohio may bo judged by this epitome from his own lips of his labor with in forty-eight: "I nude a speech inCoium bus on 1'iiday; took a train in tho afternoon for Laneaster, more than titty miles distant; made five ten-minutes' speeches on the way ; spoke at Lancaster for an hour be tween 2 and 3 r. u.; look tho train for Ports- mouth on the Ohio Riwr; spoko there in the oveulng, and Immediately started over the country by carriage lor West Union, tho seat of Adams county, it distance of forty seveu miles. The journey occupied all night, and we arrived at nest Union about 5 o- otook in the morning. The roads were very .""""' l "ere.ooti it was oniy a the engagement I Ult ra little more than twoit I -ic.'ch d'nin Iho f.iro- '1 1 . f '! ('. n nd --v pie who seemed anxious to hear the issues of the cniupnlgn discussed." An nntl-ciiluow) club In Burekn, Ne vada, has given thirty day's notice tottll employer! of Chineso labor to dispense with it under tonally of a loss of patronage Detroit's city credit almost roaches that of tho federal government. She has just marketed a loan of $200,000 bearing fouricr centum interest $50,000 at par and $150, 000 at a premium of ono-tenth,' of ono per centum. Tho Cincinnati "Commercial" remarks: "Ono would supposo from reading the aver ago Greenback speech that thero is only one class of pcoplo in. tho country namely, tljbtors and that their cliiofiiliii is lo avoid tho payment of their debts." The convention, of tho Fusion party of Lackawanna county was held at Scrnnton Wednesday, and a bitter contest for tho judgeship nomination was engaged in be tween F. D. Collins, W. II. Stanton nnd Ed. Merrificld, Mayor Towdcrly opened the convention nnd Gcorgo Allen was permanent chairman. Tho following nominations were mado: For Judge, F. V. Collins; Sheriff, Michael Grimes) Prothonotary, A. Miner Itenshaw llccorder, John Kelly of Carbon daloj Treasurer, Philip Robinson; District Attorney, Cornelius Smith; Clerk of the Courts, Thomas J. Bolandj Begisterof Will", A. B. Dunning; Commissioners, Dennis Tierney and Joseph Sciberlt; Jury Commis sioner, Michael Ilnunick; County Surveyor, A. J. Smith, of Wavcrly j Auditors, Gcorgo Duhigg, Francis Johnson.) Coroner, Dr. John Sullivan, Thcnamoof tho Democrat-io-Labor-Greenhack party was adopted. STATU NJ1WS. Largo shops hayo-bcen opened In Read ing for tho manufacture aud repair of boil ers. The Pennsylvania Railroad now pays about $100,000 per month to Ita employes at Altoona, the shops running on full time Tho Hurrisburg Telegraph reports that in tho First nnd Second wardsof that city there is not a man idlo and not a dollar of icut duo. Samuel BIuo nnd Jacob Mann, of Muncy, Lycoming county, cut in ono day 100 oak trees. They also cut 175,000 feet of oak tim ber in nino days. Mrs. Mary Lockaril, of Bradford town Bhip, Clearfield c.ounty,celebratcd tho 101th anniversary of her birth Monday of last wcck by a basket picnic. Horace McQuoy, aged eighteen years, sat tlowuoutho luiiioad track, near Watson town, on Thursday afternoon, 7th inst., lell asleep and was cut to pieces by a train. The Ouc-hundrcd-nnd first regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers will hold a reunion at Leccliburg, Armstrong county, on the 1st of September. Colonel A. W. Tay lor, formerly of Braver county but now ul Washington City, will bo tho orator of the day. Governor Iloyt on Friday, Sth inst., issu cd warrants for tho execution, October 0, of John O'Neill nnd Peter McManus, the Northumberland county Mollio Maguircs, convicted of tho murder of Coroner Ilesecr, near Sharnokin, Pa., in 1874. Also, for tho execution of Audiow Trucey, of McKvau couuly,who murdered a young lady to whom ho was paying attentions. Blwuid Ileibert, Hugh Murray, George Shtiman and Peter Hull, wcro severely -Ujunied by uu expleision of gas in the bi" tunnel ut the) Poltsvillo cidlicry Fiiday morning, Mil lust. -ino explosion was cause-d oy tho cate-lcssiicss of a miner. A conference of Chiistian Railroadmen will bo held at Altoona from September 18 to the 21st, inclusive. Tho confcrcnco will bo hold in tho reading room ot tho Railroad Men's Christian Association, at tho above namcel place. Tho oldest couple, perhaps, in tho Stato of Pennsylvania, aro Topo Busliuell and wife of Dyberry, Wuynocopnty. Theynroninety years of age. They wcro married in 1812, and built the houso they now occupy in tho heart of tho wooils In 1817. In Tittston, Friday night, a man named Hopkins accosted very rudely the wife of a blind man, who was leading her husband Tho latter drew-n pistol and fired in tho di rection from which Hopkins voico came, aud inflicted uon him a dangerous wound. Meetings of tho Tipo Lino men havo ro cently been held at Oil City, and it is learn ed that ono of the results of this lias been an order for heavy shipments. All possible lank cars havo been pressed into scrvico,and shipments from this lime on until tho pres sure has been relieved will bo hcavv from tho Northern district. A Dr. P. M. Nelson, hailing fiom Pitts burg, recently settled at Emporium, Came ron county, represented himself to bo worth $100,000, drovo well and dressed well. He won tho nffections of a lady, and just ns the knot was nbout to be tied an officer from Jefferson county arrested him for numerous crimes, lie persuatieu tno oiuccr to remove the handcull's, slipped outtho back door and has not been seen sinco. Tho York Eecninq Diipatch. states that Professor Lincoln, of tho University of Penn sylvania, who is attached to Iho geodetic survey of rrofeswT Haupt, In this State, has an observatory erected on Round Top, War rington township, York county, whero lie has instruments, reflectors, etc., by which he oati communicate witii another corps of 6ur veyors who nro stationcel on the Welsh mountains, along tho borler of Lancaster and Chester counlioe. A correspondent of tho Pittsburg Com mercial Gazette, writing frum Bedlord Spungs, has this to say : '-Tho right of the Anderson heirs to charge visitors f. r the use of tho water at the Springs will not be tested this year. I examined the original in the Recorder's office, and find that they have a right to charge enough for tho jhee of wuter to keep the grounds adjacent thtreto in fact that their title of it is now clour." Thews nro a few of the evidences of the prosperity in business in tho State, taken frum lhe Labor Tl tbune, a strong Ureenbae-k organ published at Pittsburg; The mills ut Conahohocken are running on full time. Tho old rolling mill at Scrauton will start this week. Tho rolling mill of Wood & Co., at McKeesport, is running full in all depart meuts. The rolling mill at Dunoausville will start up as soon as the necessary repairs can be made. A new rolling mill is to be established at Fiedericksburg, Lebanon county. Tho Hampton mines ut Wilkius- burg are ruuuing with nearly all the men at work, Owen Maluney and John LnfTerty, princi pals In a reeent "glove fight" user Pitts burg, were arrested Mouday, and commit ted iu default of $1000 bail eoch, for viola tion of the law against prise fighting. The use ol tho gloves did not prevtnt litem from inflicting considerable injur' upsn each other. Thu Ilota) Lou Works, at PutUtowu, are now in full blast and giving employment to seventy men Mr. David Wearer, ef AHeatown, who is seventy years old, jumped out of a second story window on SuuJay .ohilo suffering from pain and was killed. Benjum n Fink, of Re.i In r, died In lhat c"'v, ,,q Mon l,v, .rt his rU'-1 fir-t ve.. lie was prominently. Mentlfled at one time wllli Democratfe illtle m that dty. The Board of Malingers of tho Lanmstor County Agricultural nnd Horticultural So oioty have votW to hold llieir exhibition from tho lOllf bf September to the 12th, in clusive. Thomas Pctirnro and his sleison, a young man named McCormlck, were Instantly kill ed on Monday aftm-noon, In Wuddcll A Co.'a mines, nt Mill Hollow, Lucerne county, by it fall of the roof- Tlie coinpelllion for trndo between saloon keepers nt Mactingie, behigh county, is so strung that one of them has converted oandy jars into beer glasses, for which tho modest sum of fivo cents is chnrgcil. . The largest furnace of tho Reeding Iron works, which went out of blast four years ago, was blown'ln Tuesday. This company is now building a new tubo mill which, when completed, will givo employment to 200 ad ditional hands. Andy Tracy, who is (o bo hung in Mc- Kcnn county on tho 0th of October for Iho murder of hiq cousin been u so sho would not marry linn, regards his approaching end with very litllo concern. He says that if ho cannot bo pardoned ho wants to bo hung, ns Imprisonment for life would bo worso than death. For tho OAnnos AnvocATis. 1'I1XS!V'I,VANIA DITTCSI. Siiiurri.i.Tuwx, Aug. Uui la70. Mu. Druckeu : Es is now sbund Ions sidder dosichcich an brccf ccashrivva hob : un dan morya wc mcr om cssa worm, hob ich gasaut, dos hid wod ich aniohl ancr shvivva. Now, Mister Brimlcr, es hut feci lite in dar weld de laueha yust lvvcr un1, wile mer aw do m Pennsylvania brovearra an shproch tsu lasser, un shri va. Awcr ich mus uf dar sub ject lnimma, was ich now saw ya will. Ich Inn slituls; yah rccht shtuls bin ich, for por wocha tsunck do hob ich m de Carbon Advocate galrtser dos now aw an Dictionary im dnu-k is, uli es sul an pure un didlich Pennsylfonsih dich si, hut iwer diei lmnncrd sidder, un ollcs so plain un didlich dos war atall an hupp uf sich hut. kon Pennsylvania dich lamia, un eb long hut yader monn an change for aner tsu howa, un is des ncd ganunk for much monn shtuls tsu maucha, for os is an sproch dos miser anes aw shtay kan, un now war es garn lanna will, dar brauch yusht subscriber for the Carbon Ad vocate un sich aw mauch by am Sam Krishashtufllcr. Now was ich sawya will is des, sella ruich Kate, un so ollia shticka wo ear so in de drucka for mich, hut awer an gross ufruc ganiaucht, do in ShtufHetowh, tor won dar Shomsdog ols by kumed ; dar dog won de tsitung ous kum ed, un don huts so an set ktuis do im shtctlo do hock yusht in de posht-onices rum un worta ut de tsitung, do om Shoms dog bin ich aw mohl m yusht we de mail aw kumma is, un yetz will doeh aw an sikivvcl lull gnunbarra ous irassa, won ncd dor Charl Kafierfingcr aw dad wor, un dar Harry Unim- fucas, un dar Gead Oroshon, und dar Pit Winkeriliggleim dar Johnncy Maxamiller un dar Mos llulderbuck, un inch feel onra, uu ich bing so ni,un mich dad he kocked un don is dar Mos llulderbuck mohl uf- gashtcpt un loled so tsumer hea, un last mer evva oil so niichkats wc in worra, un no hut dar Charl Kaflernngcr gasaut, now ich wonner yuht war dar report er is, un war es is dos do shticka so shriva dute, un no hut dar Jow llundolhr, ga wonerd eb im'm'or so Pennsyl vania dich dVin wor; un de ondwort, wor, for de letshter tswa moner is olla woch an shtick drin gawesd, un now is an gonscy lot do dos subscriba woller, un noch anes dar J)rh Bradmoule dar hot gawonered eb des dar Krishashtuiller war wo for drei yore tsurick ols ga- shriva hot,un de ondword wor Unnow will ich Uiun shlus kumma, un yusht nochlJJK- sawya dos eaner hut, gamaned ich sut es coppyreita lussa,av- er iun so operation wase icJi nix, un icli dus aw net. Olles wos ieh shribo un sog public ly, sell mog aw fors public gay we cs is, so good by, Kn;.-;iAs;ji! rn.T:u. Tneornit Coosn.ass Littlb OemtrtfM in the sklti, Invisible except through a micro scope, the perspiration, in a state of health psrehdet, hour by hour, night nnd day. The total obstruction of these minute outlets would produce dcalli j nnd when they be comer partially blockaded, Iho skin grows dry, yellow, nnd finally diseased, nniT the general health is "injurioudy nll'cctod. Ur.r.xs's Sci.riii'n Soap, by iqicning the (Hires removes eruptions nnd tinhenlthy grnmila' Hons on the skin, nnd Imparts toil a health ful clenrnciwi, humidity ami smoothness, banishing from the face of beauty complex lormt blcmishci, whether nttribtited to im purities in the capillary ciicukitinn or to un due JxpoSiire to tiio auii and wind. For oh stinuto sonrbulin complaints, liko Iho Itch, salt rheum, and erysirielae, It is a Sovereign remedy, being quite as cffectlvo as Sulphur Baths, for sueJi maladies, as well ns rheu matism nud gout. It Is wmiilroiisiy Healing and soothing in its action, reuniting tho cu ticle whero broken by external injuries, re lieving tho swelling anil inflammation nt lendniit upon sprains, scalds and bruises, and curing tho most obstinate soresnnd ul cers. Medical Profession sanction its use, and from all classes of society, voluntary ev idence In Its favor is continually emanating. Ladios of fashion prefer it lo nny similar ac ccssory of tiio toilet and tho bath, sineo it promotes not only honlth but personal nt-troe-tiveness As a disinfectant of disease contaminated clothing it tins no peer. Afler they havo been washed with Olrx.n's Sui, murtoAP, garments and linen from the sick room may bo handled with perfect im punity. Sold by Drugsisls. Trico 25c. per cake. 1 box (3 cakes) 75c, sent by mall,- prepaid, on receiptofprice'. C. N. Chittk.ntox, I'rop'r, 7 Sixth Avenue, New York. Huta IIaib and WmsKKtt Dvn, Black or Blown, 50 cents. 37 3. .YOUDO'T ICXOWXIBllBIS VA MJ V. "They cured mo of Ague, Biiliousncssnnd Kidney Complaint, nsroaunmotuteMl. I lnul n half bottle left which I used for my two little girls, whom the doctors nnd neighbors paid could not bo cured. I um confident 1 should havo lost both tif them ono night it I had not had tho Hop' Hitters in my house to use. I ioiuid they did tliem so much good I continued with them, and they arc now well. That is why I soy you do not ktmw half the valuo ot Hop Hitters, and do not recommend them highly enough." B., itocnester, a. i. ;is-3 CANDIDATE NOTICES. FOR SHERIFF, FRANK P. SEMMEL, Of Lolilghton. 15f-Stibicct to tho decision of tho Demo cratic Nominating Convention. t.c. FOR SHERIFF,, FRANCIS STOCKER, Of Lchtghton, afcTJ-Subitjct to the decision of tho Demo cratic Nominating Convention. t.c. FOR SHERIFF, JOSETir S. WEBB, OfLohighlon, jr-Subjoet to decision of tho Republican ejounty uonvciillon. t.c. New Advertisements. NINA atALF. TH VOlir.R'! for'tho PUB I.K! SCIIOO S Of 1W AllO.NlNel TOW N. Mill. lixumliiatloii will he held onthcOtli 01 -rpte-mli.-r, 1870. at School louso No, 0, situate tho lintel ol .1. T. .McD.lillcl. Also, tho UCI'IA.'ATi: for t OLL11 T INel tho SDlltiUL TAX for said Tuwushlp in uo awarue.i NATHAN KHIIINSMITH. Aug 10, 18:t)-wa .Secretary, S.ui i:. ;ii.i:a.ii, ATTOIt:;UY AT LAW, OFriCIl: 2nd Story. 1st door al)Vo "Carbon House," HANK Street, I.UIIQUTON', l'KNN'A. Oo'loctlonsand all other I.oal business en. truste.l to mo will receive prompt attention. August 10, lbja-yl Numerous complaints liavobeen mado tint the lowp.ueculii driving over the UUI' t 1'V IllillKlKS laslcr than n walk, Is not observ ed 1 iherefoio the t;uiuinl.sioncrsliereby ulvo notice that i crsuii.', s i.liciiani will bo eloalt wl' h according tu law. Ily ordpr of County ('ommlssloncr?, Aug. 16-ft. 11. 11 SWAltTZ, Clerk. M. AISA o THK WKEKTA" CV PITATj Is a (IrsUclass N"ewi!paper, -xlvIrjK lntes nml most reliable Stuto new, hunt nunvmldrL'he.pMStno iihl, nix months for 60 cento Ono vear for ,Qh Sampio cty free. UVLHuU it JiWlNQ, Risley'a Witch Hazle. Cures Ileoda. he, I!urn, Sprains, Woundf, Cu s, Itl.viiiiiaiisui. To'.tlmrh.', l..raohe, olo., etc Warranted ei.iual In quality tunny made; nt halt tho price. U nz lllilllra XBc. Pllll ltntllrs 50c Havo your drugl't order, If ho has not in stoe-k, of OIIARI.K 1. KKhKT, Wholesale UruKaUt, 61 Corilandt, St.. New York. Aua. 18-Om. JJlOIt AN AflSOI.Ora,Y Safe and Brilliant l-iglit, Use StraulD Si Harrar's Starinc Oil ! ! , The Family pAvonun BURNING OIL ! ASK FOR STIUUn & UAItUAR'S 8TAR1NK OIL I Aug. 10 mS Till. COM. Alt rn 1 a Cow M.lker free to rarmer .-Uo no ai AKeuti.. .it tl.l-.ont .utltiU . reus w ,h tamp SMITH A K)N II Por St.. N. Y :6 -3ai. W A .V T K I J I 111 3 1 K II I A T li L V. Seventee onnrmon lo .earn 'jelefriHphv el 'i.dBl iiat'n a uu ranlectl Por pjit:eu.arsj aditiinswjtUslaii.p R1IEHIDAN nDIII) Bex os:. eluo.iio, Ohio, $75 for $1.00, $5.00 for 1 rent 1 imv lAre pticea foi masr dati- of O d Top jut aii I Kilver c iu. Pond 10 ceot t ouco for in Untahso mid I too Aihlios-, A. O. Vfc.LilIONa, Ut. J'!w-nnt Pa. Juiy f-iuo. t.'ivttiv T iq This remarkable meil lVrji lJ;ljli O lci3 win curoSnnin, Rultnr Ciirh. fAltntiM. k.a . or nnu rnlnriso. tl.mln stopuiuit lit" lameness and reu.ovn.n O I T T? V ouueh. l'rlce 1.00. Send for j u jvjj cireulsr kIvIok Posltlo Proof oa your nearest agent's address, hold by drug Klsts, or sent l any sd.iieu by the linenior. It. .1. Kendall, M. 1)., Enosburgh falls, V. JJVor Sal. or lo Hont. An ellePdv leestsj t Rtory luabls - -Vrsiuo llo m fci!itt in Est welaiquiri. g-nrg witiitlvoaud ene-hiit a ltj?t, KKninrt'hiir.t of ol.ff.- spldcH, Jte. Foi faiili er pan., u inn, upiitj .', j. V i:r i im r.-.i ". 3 ... it, I c i . i-. . i j K -u - a paiior. New Advertisements JUST RECEIVED, or GOOD NOTE PAPER! which we arel offering nt the iinpreecilenlly low price of $1.00 PER REAM, on 10 quires for 50 cents ! Call early if yon nro In wont of NOTE PAPER nt this extraordinary LOW PR1CB I Carbon Advocate Lchigliton, P.i. I'tsuvcuns. 'Sour stomach, bad breath, indlrreslion md hendaeho easily clirod bv Hon Bitters. "Btiiuy nop miters ooous,us the) moil- cine, oo wise, healthy nn.l happy." ,y lien uio 18 a oru, un.l you havo 10S1 I h'.pe, trv Hop Billers." "Kidney and tirniarv Iroublo is ttniver- ni, nnd the only sale turn sure remedy i. Hop Hitters rely on it.'1 "Hop Hitters does not exhaust nnd des roy, but ro-itorcs and make new." Aauo, billiousnos, drowsiness, intin- hop, imp Hitlers removes easily. "Hulls, nmplos, ricclelo, liougii Skin, niplinns, impure blood, Hop Bitten cure "Inactive Kidncyannd Uilnary Organ' aire tho wnrst of diseases, and Hop Bit crs enrei th.-m all "More health, itmhiue and inv in Hoi Bitters than in all other remedies." Hoc Cucoit Crar. ano Pais 1- Ttir. r.EST For salo by alld run utst1 J7tate of Vriat J?cr, decc&cd. Letters of Ailmtnlstr ltl'in iinon tho lltntr of Uriiia Uvhr iUxM. ta'coriMnlionitiK Town shlp. r:irhon Tuunty, i'crnsylvuiil i. tiurins uvvu itruiui'ii u) mo iiiuierpineu, 1111 icrtoni fmU'litcd t'i 5nli csta'c will jilciisij m.tko p iy merit, niitl tliofo h.ivlhir chilms ngalnst the pnme wlli yreisciii tliem lur suttlfinfut to iit, ortulu. N. li. HKIlblt. AttPiu, lA'hUhton, Pn. MJSA.N niilllt. vM.llw. Juro ';3. 1S78-W0 AtimiTiinriUi tx. Letters Tostamcntarjr on tho nptnto'of ,T tin hnn Kuht Into uf tho Iturouiih of Wo s t'irt, i) irtmn (.'mnity, I'mtut . thci'an'il, have tici-n LTiinti'il to tho untkrpiitned. to whom nil jititsohS lmkOtpit la tho f.ihl iftitn tiro rr. qucU'il to tn.iko i)iiymcnt within six wecl,?. ti n ' th"!o h.irinu; cl-tlms or ilom.iiulti will tuaku knuwn Ihu pntnc, wl hout tlei.iy, to 1U.NU HDVLll, Kxccutor. Wcljrport, Ju.y 5, l&TO-wt r0 mm it ai.vY uoxcj:Us. AH persons aro hen hy forbM mnklnir con tracts lo hurchiifC tnim or to stll ht inv Wile. .UAHY iUN, nf-cr this ilati-. i-sl will not btj (UDIJON 7.IM3Ii:ilMAV. rrmlln TtiWMUtp, Carbon County. Pa. .Tuly 2Sth, 1B7'J.-W3 UliO.H i V MAY CONCKUN. All persons aro hereby forbid mcMHns wllh tho toiiowltiir nrtlelej', nuw In poesd-Fion of llKh Donahue, of Ho vt-r Uun. lahonlni iwi.t uarnun imnry, ia., inu ?imo n injr toy imiti rt, aiu' lo iiieil to him ilurinu; m lie s- ure, viz : filter Pros-. Vw, Stove, Seitcc, laum, liureau, ciocu. ljooKintr lii.tfs. c. iUJii I.'OnK lint'HT, July 23, 0-3. Jio.ivor Itun, Pa. Issoltitluii of rai'il:l. Notlco Is hercbvalven lhat the nartnerflliin liuln.-n ul IMMIIO ,v HOI'l OKI) In ninnu lactunnLr c.vichvs. nasoiis. hi:. Is this day dls- .olv.-.l by mutual consent. Tito accounts of tnc llrm will im sett 1ml in H. 1'. lloilonl. HUM 1(1 i. IIUFl'Oltn. I.el.ig'.iton, July lS,tii, 1870. w3. jgronsJinN, look utiijj Saddler and Harness Maker, DANK St., LEIIIClllTON, Pa., Calls attcntlorrtotho following extraordinary LOW l'UIOLSl IltiKiry Harness nt troni $12 OOupwards Kxpi. i-s Harness nt Irom.... 10 00 U.w ards iir.celili.s Harness nt Irom .. 8 0J upwards H"ainir Harness nt liom 0 U0unwai1s II. use collars ()ufr) at from. 3 fro upwards ' ' istraw) at irom. 1 Ilridles at from 1 75 upwards -and all othvr articles at equally low prices, aii.l i-uiiratitcul of lust wuikiminsliip Kb. 1'AlItINil promptly Rttcndeil lo at rca?or.. able cliargeH. I'.itr.'nayo solicited. IMny 10 The Largest Spi ing Stock or lisriles, GenU'. mid 'AMren's Boots, Shoes Gaiters tvei tiffclcrt lu til aviclnltr isct J. M.FillTZIKUKll'S. Bank Street, Loliigliton, Pa. .T linvejut rs.-rivo'l an Imrrensn BTOIC OF SVHI.S'll 110OTM. sl()l.i ANI1 flAITJi'lth, which I am So.iluje to tiio i-1 plo of r.o ihtm. nrl tho a'roa. (t iiKneiKbi CHt:i'l-:i; TIIAS ll.-tORK BeJellu tins Oouuly. .Im., an o as-1 a ut Boots & Shoos Mado to Order nc Astonishingly Lovr I'rtees, ml MDINQ Noutiv dntion. ' to s.nt mo itinft.. 1 llv. lotto p-l.l 10 t O 111 atll lOEBIIlll.o mv stook ,m I'uewa I r.oro iirouw.i.u ei.ewho e an b. oonv hiouu uf the b.Vo facts. 110U.N1 1' . VITSI''V .'.made iltmtc .md -h.icH h.i.igat .,r am Miat rip will b-rcnaii-0.1 without eh riro. . Th.nUfat I r i.aat oafronsre. I icp -chilly ask -i e-outliiua..oe tit. r. j. si. l-nnsisai it, Two rt'.ofl helnw A lloftot it k e all i Re ' oritM, Hank htioec. ' e. r, -i if; 1 Oflfl ni-ollinii3ilBys'nvcimeiii (il (r $14U ,,1-otSelut It, pon-. t eo-v?ltn; I'm . riioiial lelm a cvoiv wco'c oa itnolt i)n Mom I !0. 15", j 00, 6 AddlOBh r l' iT.:it wtaur uu., Ui.uer , iio won t .. ..uu ,i huiui v ol 1iaj ik r lnoulU ml okuru,-s.osi,Tluws, ioiii our iw and troutMrfal toiiiue..- meat wnl uav. pii. ItuSvpiiSI 4 -o., M.UUI, CVKiri To y. a. nie-il a Co.. I'.-nland, OJj1 XJ Mnitto forbosi Autcv lia-uu-ss in tho W rhl ljswiisivnon.fltrue. and expeuseM KU-irflntee.1 HP' ' Ae-nts. emw AI'o.Au. Ql'STt M.IINB eS:7T"7 a year and expenses to avents. Out "V nt free. Address P. O. VIOKEKV, Aukusiu, Maine TBS S)3IIT3I!H CT 7K WITH CTA73. ont fretflo any ad. Iron on receipt orscent stamp. Address t)eo. P. Kowell &. Co., 10 Spiue-e St.. New York. A LECTURE TO YOUITG MEN. Jut Publtihed, in a S$aUd VnviUpc. Price Or. A LEC.U JiO ' THK NATUUE.'litnAT. WK.Vr. AND i ADIiUL cmo ul bcu iuul w p.kues. v dpt. qruiffrrtia .. fiuiuceo u t ( A na luroiMiiimr l,mlNuon , Imiuteiiot', Niivouh Jeli.Juv. una Jui:hjiiu u i lu Aiur iInuo jieuctut i t Ltajftuuitiiiuu, i-pJl'iwty, unc Fit".. auiuti anil Plivwcal incupaoiu, t . JW HOHKitl J. UlLVdinWfcCL .J, I), auth- Tito w wi lu ruuwu ii am nor, lu tbisrdmirsble reit'Tt", dearly iitovfrt fnmi liU tiwn iipi a m u timt ttmului roimqiniriiofrfn t Ahutw m ybttifflc aaily leaif'vm uJtlmm n.wiioino. una witUttut uujigeiuua -u pual o it-it mis, bOUgiei!, Uimrtt'Ill UI, llU94 U CO'iMmU 1 411111' Iuk ul a iuM ' 't caru tit vtict c' t 'n aul ft tec i ol. by b:cli eve r ifff'Hr, uu ti ullm wuat l.U MRiQiilon ni'ir Do any cuio linuMi.i: (lici' lv, v uud racipatiy , ThU Lecture wtll prov a boon to Iheu 14 di and thotuandt, B7k Wfrr ml, In ilu lop. to sit v aOttreat ea receipt of aix 9tm$ ur iwu iue tttaiuiia. v Aw tlie imblfabar, 4 M1"' tliilvvrucll Mfjurnl Co , 41 XSH St., KVOMK 1 Pofi OIBm Vox. 4580, air.ilyt. PIMPLES. I will mad (Free) the leelp tar a stmpl Vsor.TASlJl HAtM that will rDiov TSR. FltKcKI.KK, PIMPI.I8 aud I.0 1!H K -,, 'tsv'iiH il-e Aklu u,rt c.ear and bestut lal , hIho It. mi il.iH..." .,. . itu.-iiitf ., luxu. Intit t'i.. wilt ..I I, .ir .... .. I. . Ilia .it i In t c-, Hi - ii l I ..'i 1 . . V II I HiUO.JiAlll WEISS & KERSCHNER, (SUCCESSORS TO ROMIO A HOFFORD,- Carriage Builders,. Bank Street, Lchigliton', Are prepared to Manufacture, to orders ovcry description ot OAHHIACIES, HUOOIES, SLBIOIIS, Sl'RINCf WAGONS,- Rom ig's Pat. PlatformVa gon , fco., at lowest rates fbfCasht BEPAI11ING' Of all description promptly aftcrided' to ot thtt' most re-aron.tblo prices. S-A11 Work guaranteed,-and patrohhxo' IS respectfully solicited. WBISS & KERSOHNltn'. July 20, 1879-jl DANIEL WIEAND, CaiTiagcs,Wagons,Sfeighs,&c,- conNi:n of I5.VXK WOX STUECfS; MIIIKIIITON, Pennn., Herpectfully announces to his friends and the' public, that hois prepared to Build all des-r criptlons of U.UilUAOLS, BI'ltlNO WAGONS,- SLUIQIIS, e., in tho Latcft nnd Most Approved Stjlcs, at Prices fully ns low as the same can bo obtain, cd elsewhere, guaranteeing the bcstScasoned' Jlaicrinl and most substantial workmanship Particular attention given to REPAIRING In all Its details, at (ho very Lowest Prices. Patronauo respectfully solicited and perfect satisfaction ituarni.tccd. April 20, 1870 yl DAN. WIEAND. YOU -NEED NOT? StJFFET? A DAY WITH Dyspepsia, Constipation, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Debility, &c, when von can ho rHItvcd nnd cured by the" uo of that rcllohle (tslabllshed I860,) remedy Dr. J. S. H0UGHT0N.S ip is jp ki ar It Is NVnre's nnn rcmcdyrtanil contains no" nauso. us druus. Ifj-oit nre'so bad oftnsnot' tu In-al.lo lo rat a t rackir without (Ifitrefs, I'T llr, I1o.iuiiii,i' I'rpaln.und jou trill not l.o dI9api..tMt n ur yon, get Dr. II n us li'on' plnnnd tnKono Imse lml. tailor).. Sold hy all nraiiitlsts. J. II. rtsTOK, I'roprlctor.I'hlladclphla.Pa. ItUhNTaOOIr S.CO., (lenerat Atients, New York. June 7. 3mo. URIAH FATZINGER , Ilcspccitullr ahnouue'os lo thn proplo lhat ho" his IcjBrd'tho Chop ot SAUUJiX, HEBEIt LINO, on North Street, Lchigliton, Pa., anllMOPOses to resume his old buclnisa ot Carnage and $ag2n BUILDING," Ss r.m1 res uec ini1'v nliR a aliaro of public pntroni i itnraiiti In' uc Wo- kn an J.ipto to cqnar i tlielictt.m.a tiio 1'iicui lo bo uslowuatue lowvats -.REPAIRING of alUfefml. promptly attrudrd to a very res' conaliTreliarp:. . Ultl.MI TATZIKOEll. OrDollo Public .pi.n o, North street, ftb 1 yl . LehlBhton, 1'a. cassis siiir II. A. T11'I,TZ. rr if ctlnllr annnnnre to thrf p,.(.inll igh'onnn.i vicir.ilv that he has ii.iHl n.r. na. mrt.t tor ti.i.lvnK liiera with tl...J!K T LK til nil fOAI. liom the I.flnch. tnn l.oit ol l.i' l li gh riutq., UK., at Iho' tiil.eAV.ux I-ow Pile-es r Slovo I e Chestnut . No ! ,(3 ' 0 per ton1 . 2 7J per Ion1 ,. I 71 per totf ,. 1 75 per (00 STRICT L,"L'OR CASH ljnavo vcur OnlT atwy OfSco. HAfjK St. ootitwlm tiio t'upiic Bq.iDie, I cu; will hflilflir rrfri. when lDlrca, at ve y lowest Charre. oti iilovnmice. I'. A BKLTZ. March 8 ',t.i,. LtMiiglitoii, ro Pond's Extract Tho Vegetable Pain Destroyer' ixweixAULE ron Inflainniafion S: Hemorrhage.- riles, Sprains, Lameness, Ditrns; Scalds Ilrulse. Sorrncrs, ItheumalliDi, Ilolls, TJ1-? con. Old Sure!, Wounds, etc. Alio for Toot hocl.c, 1 1 cho.Soro Throat,- Asthma Hoarseness, NeurnlLtla, Catarrh, Colic.' Illarrheea, and all lleuiorrliages, S.C It l ncknowlodKcd' ty I'byslclons or air rch'.ois that I'iiim Kxiimoi t.fti more wnnderful crirntivo properties than any oiher remedy. No I. .nil e.f i-k., taiw. so iik ness or ui.itKliisn.tiut It will cure, fpeoe Mill not u.lmlt of naming nil tho diseases for" whl.-h II Is specllle-; hut we Will Send a his. lory ol Its uses l.y mall, on application. The pleaiitiK results ol uidntf the as u toilet r.-qoUlie, has IndAcct lis to preparer imHliluxl loruiii.r tho Mitriiei In a Toilet toni (M cents a hex ot3 caleel), a Toilet Orrnm f .r aofteiilnic and beantlfylna tho sklu (sl.ooa bottle), u Dcuiirrlee (W cents a i.l hui ('Uccnii). Tor semltlvoand severe cases o f O'a'ta urr , nur I'nlatrli t urr i7 cents) used wllh our I .nznl ) rliiKr cents) If a radical cure nur iiiiiuiei- (ou centij, ior a Mr Tu no at DisnAShii and internal hleeellnir Is? litvulual'lo. liur Oltki mriii (60 cents), for ISoiik 1'iLre, etc., shnulil be kept In every family. Our I'ln.tri excel all others. Via' our ilrille-airti Pnpcr lo prevent and euro' I'ilub and OUAFIkO, Theliaseorour T.dlot end Me.llcsts.1 pre' paritlons I, p. Kxiraci. whlchli V guar nit-o ihut thoyure suirlor. anddeservo' ti ecmtldi u.'e' of tho ptfbllo. Mold hy A.J lll'lil.l.NO, I.ehiKhton, aud all Urngiilsts. rieparcd only by PIIJIIH KXVItAOT CfiMPANV. New York and IxindorT. June T. 191. $15,000 WANTED, Laljhton School Board,- at i per Mt. interest per annum, Theso UiisdcaM free from Tax, ami oiler a safe and uroflUbla investment for capitaluls. I'of further particulars Address, HWIKI, GUAVEH. Kr 1,'tarv fff tt Boanl An 1-TJ II. ' Uli.jhl. o