The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 26, 1879, Image 3

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    , 81KWBH8,
oisTiiior ATronNEY & coONsr.ii.on
Office, Klott'i nmlolna: Biouawoy.
Hettlln Estates, rump acootoh and Orplam
Court Vractlco a specialty. ,,.,,.,
Trial ot ninwi e'lr,?f'"idrndloif 1
trnaotlotni In Knmmft and Herman. Jon a.
THIS VliXba l JioWKM, co's New;-
TRACT" nT 60 roiMio for It 1
SATUHDAY, JULY 29. 1879.
Local and Personal.
xo sunscitinKits.
Subscribers to tho Camios Adtocatk will
lake special notice that our terms aro ono
dollar a year itrictly In advance, If not so
paid $1.25 will be charged Id crar Instance.
Subscribers getting their papers mM wl"
refer to the direction tabs on their rapers
and note the date, and remit accordingly
-KJhcwJiCESOs's BSi Sweet Kavy To
. 750.
Potatoes have been selling on our streets
during tho past week at 60 cents per bushel.
Parties going west can get tickets from
Bert. Beaboldt, L. V. R. H. depot. 10-42
And now rumor Bays that the Green
backers will hustle Uncle Nathan to the
front for the nomination for Sheriff by that
Mrs. Thomas A. Williams with her
four children left hero last Monday night at
11 o'clock, to ioin her husband at Brenham,
F. S. Boas, lumber dealer, of Reading,
Ta., has made nn assignment. His liabili
ties are said to bo $150,000, his assets con
siderably less.
The employees of the Pennsylvania Iron
Works at Danville, Ta., wcro notified, on
Saturday, of an advance in their wages, to
date from July 1st. The present price of
puddling is $3 per ton.
Fob Salk. Eight shares of tho Capital
stock of tho 1st National BankofLchighton.
For further particulars apply at the Advo
rite office.
A twelve-year old "cracker" boy was
killed bv falling 100 feet down the Sloan
Shaft of the Delaware and Lackawanna
Company, at Scranton, on Friday of last
Two men started out on a wager to see
M.h mold tell tho biEcest lie. No. 1 com-
m.nrd. "A wealthy country editor"-wbcrc
upon No. 2 stopped right there and paid the
forfeit Factl It you owe lor mis piii
mitat once!
For cheat) Farm Land in Carbon coun
t.,l, t. K. D. Corlricht, Mauch
j, ....J - -
Chunk. 21-
While Levi Honeywell was driving a
waeon loaded with hides near Dallas, Lu
zerne county, on Friday evening of last
week, he was kicked by his norse, and, tail
ing under the wagon was run over and kill
ed. The Topular Western Ticket Agent, B,
fi'Iirian. will be at this office next Wednes
day night. If you intend to go west, call
nnd see him, he will send you right, cheap
and nuick.
0 Mrs. Weidenheimer, who has been
snendini! two or three weeks among her old
friends hereabouts, returned to her home in
Washington county, Kansas, on Monday
eveninc last.
300 boxes West's Vegetable Liver Pills,
rVirKileat Durlinc's Drue Store. 20 cents
tier box.
The puddlers of tho Palo Alto rolling
mill, near PotUvllle, struck Tuesday morn
ne for " higher wages and better iron.'
They resumed same evening, a comproiniso
having been effected.
If you wanta nlco smooth, easy shave,
your bair cut or shampooing, go to Frunz
Roederer's 8aloon, under the Exchange Ho
tel. Ho will Ox you right, and dou'tyou
forget it.
Hon. Allen Craig, of Mauch Chunk, is
one of tho four members selected by the
Senate to meet at Hurrisburg, at 12 o'clock
noon, on the third Tuesday or January next,
for the purpose of opening, computing and
publishing the returns of tho election for
State Treasurer.
There were shipped over the Lehigh
Valley railroad for tho week ending 10th
inst, 103,743 tons of cool, a total for the
season to dato of2,539,432 tons, an increase
as compared with same time last year of
444,437 tons.
Tho most popular placo in Carbon coun
ty, for purchasing wall paper, stationery,
and useful articles generally, is E. F. Luck
enbach's, two doors below tho Broadwify
House, Mauch Chunk. First-class painting
and calsomining at reasonable figures, and
work guaranteed.
There were shipped over tho L & S.
railroad for tho week ending tho ISlh inst.,
84,048 tons of coal, making a total for tho
season to that date of 2,004,009 tons, an in
crease, as compared with same date last year
ofS7A25 tons.
i Nw Arrival. H. H. Tctcrs, the tai
lor, has just returned from the city, with
another large and elegant stock of summer
goods, comprising cloths, casslmcros, and
suitings, of latest and most fashionable de
signs, for mens' youth's and children's wear,
which he is prciiared to make up in the Int.
est nd most aurable style at prices so low
as actually defy competition. Call and cx
amine goods and learn prices before you
buy elsewhere. No trouble to show goods
at this establishment.
The new Postage law in relation to the
pre-payment of postage went into effect on
Sunday. Heretofore all letters insufficient
ly stamped were forwarded to their destina
tion, and the amount duo was collected of
the persons to whom the letters were ad
dressed. Under the new law postmasters
are required to place upon letters not fully
prepaid the stamp or additional stamps,now
kuown as the "postage due stamps," and to
send to the office where the letter is to bode
livercd a bill for the amount of stamps ad.
vanced. The postmaster receiving such
letters and bills returns the amount to tho
forwardlug postmaster, and collects the
amount from the receiver of the letter.
UKLAwruLPaociKDixas. Tho sealer of
Weight and Measures, of Carbon county
demanded of Mr. J. L.Gabel,dealerin hard
ware, to seal and stamp bis entire, stock in
trade, and pay for each article the usual
fees prescribed by the act of April 15, 1845.
Mr. Gabel refused ,and the Sealer of Weights
and Measures brought suit to compel him
to submit to his demands. This was an uu
just and unlawful proceedingand tho official
will be compelled to back down. Jlaileton
A water famine In Reading is imminent,
owing to continued dry weather. 11'uU
ceased to flow from the hydrants in the up
per fart of the city on Saturday, and some
factories have been comiclled to stop work
The Reading Railroad has been compelled
to lit up a train of tank cars to haul water
from tho Schuylkill to supply the boilers in
its shop. Councils have been asked to sp-
tiropriate (50,000 for aaditionul water fa
Get ready for camp meetings
The Philadelphia and Reading railroad
are preparing to erect large car shops
Lehigh Valley railroad stock, la quoted
at $11 a share. It ia gradually creeping? up
to the old mark.
The Catasauqua Manufacturing Co, ha
Increased the wages of its employees 6 per
cent., to date from the 21st Inst.
On. Filday morning last a valuabldcow
belonging to Mrs. Joshua KunU, residing.
near Cherryvillc, died from clover bloat.
A largo number of tho mining contrae
tors throughout tiro county have voluntari
ly raised the wages of their employees AO
cents per tiny.
Mr. James PorccII! Bouth Bethlehem,
wlio was sliot several weeks ago by Barney
Hatpin, has entirely recovered from his
A gray mare, seven years old, and. 16
hands high, was stolen from the stable of NJjiuJltof brick in 1844, stands near the south
S. Wyckoffi Son, in East Stroudsburg , ono
night last week.
Thero are some farmers in Lehigh who
will not thresh over ono bushel of rye to the
100 sheaves. Others again, though few In
number, will havo a very fair yield.
Tho trout season will closo on the first
of August under tho new law. Tho plsca-
torially Inclined will govern themselves ac
cordingly, and catch their trout in season.
D. C. Dissinger,of Sunbury, prominent
ly before the Democratic State Convention
last week as a candidate for State Treasurer,
is a brother of Rev. Moses Disslnger.
The T. and R. express Co. is now car
rying money packages of $20 and Under to
all points on Its lino for 15 cents, $20 and
under $40 for 20 cents, ic. F. P. Whitney
is the agent at the L. & 8, depot, this bor
ough. Our young friend Harry V. Jones, tho
popular salesman of Thos. W. Price .t Co.,
of Philadelphia, is in town spending a few
Jays with us.
Persons who aro in the habit of putting
holes through United Slates coins, or other
wise defacing them, will do well to remem
ber that they aro liable to a fine of two thou
sand dollars and o-io year's imprisonment.
Tho other daone of tho workmen at
tho top of one of the Catasauqua furnaces,
through carelessness, left tho buckets drop
down to the bottom, a distance of about fifty
lcet, totally demolishing tnem. i
Tho honey crop this year will bo a light
one, and those engaged in the honey traffic
aro very much discouraged. The work of
killing off the drones was commenced last
week, which is a much earlier date than is
commonly fixed for so doing.
Ex-Senator Ramsey, of Minnesota, has
accepted tho office of Secretary of War; to
succeed McCrary, when tho latter shall re
tire to succeed Judge Dillon, as Justice (of
the Eichth Judical Circuit of tho United
States. But we aro authorized to state thai
David Ebbert will remain at his popular
livery on North Street, in order to furnish
the dear people with cheap teams.
Lieut. Horry T. Monahon and his
charming bride, after sending nearly three
weeks visiting Niagaru Falls, and the prin
ciplo cities of Canada,arrivcd at his mother's
residence in tills borougli,on Monday even
lug, and remained until Thursday morn
ing, when they proceeded to New York city.
Tho Lieut, and his wife have tho best wish
es of all their friends in this place for their
future happiness and prosperity,
Mr. John rcfferle, proprietor of the
Lynnport Slate Works, at Lynnport, on the
Kith inst., stopped operations in his factory
and quarry, owing to the depressed condi
tion or the trade. It is said that ho invested
upwards of $20,000 in the business, and
that up to this time ho has made sales to
the extent of only a few hundred dollars.
It is doubtful whether ho will again start
up tho works
The white whale exhibited hero two
weeks ago along with the curiosities in
Coup's show, was, on tho concern reaching
Lancaster, sold to a candle maker for con
version into sperm candles. It was quite
young, and only about 10 feet in length. It
was carried through the country alivo in a
tank Tor some weeks, but died at Oswego,
New lork, and was then placed on ice and
so lugged along until it would keep uo
All the collieries in the Lehigh Coal
region ore now at work, excepting those at
Lbervalc, which aro idle for want or orders,
A strike of the breaker boys caused a suS'
pension of two days at Jcddo, but tho pay,
ng off of about one-hair the boys, brought
back the rest, and the collieries are now all
No further trouble is now apprehended
until a general strike is found feasible,
The Lehigh miners held a secret meet'
ing at Hatletou, Saturday afternoon, to dc.
cido whether they should insist on tho de-
nmnd made on the 5th inst. for an advance
of wages. Twelve or more collieries were
represented, namely i Andenriqd, Beaver
Brook, Beaver Meadow, Ebcrvale, Stockton
Yorktown, Tresekow, Jeansville, Ecklcy,
Jeddo, Highland and others. The meeting
discussed tho snbject fully and concluded to
withdraw the demand for an advance and
resume work on Monday, tho men privi
leged to make the best terms they can with
their employers.
In all towns where a newspaper is pub
lished, every business man ought to adver
tise in it, even if it is nothing more than a
card stating his name and the line ol busi
ness in which he is engaged. It helps to
sustain the paper, and lets the people at a
distance know that the town is full of busi
ness men. The paper finds its way into
thousands of places where a hand bill can
not reach. A card in a paper is a travel
ing sign board, and can bo seen by every
reader. " Think of these things," and let
your light shine.
New Goods. T. D. Clauss, agent, res-
ptotfully announcce to his friends and the
public generally, that ho has just returned
from tha city of New York with a new and
elegant assortment ofcloths, cassimercs and
suitings, suitable for tho present season,
which he is prepared to make up in the
latest fashion and most durable manner
at very extraordinary low prices for cash.
An early inspection of goods and examina
tion or prices is invited. Perfect fitsand full
satisfaction guaranteed always.
On Tuesday ,in Scranton, rctcr, Mullin,
John McIIale, Brian Collins and James Mc
Donnell were committed for trial for com
mitting an outrage, on the 10th instant, at
Shanty Hill, a suburb of Scranton, on Miss
ilouora t iiigibbons, a girl eighteen years of
age. 'ine girl only made Information a rew
days ago, and a committee of citizens has
been pp 'ntod to prosecute the men, as the
parentt ol tho young lady are poor. There
was talk .u Scrautou of lynching tha pris
While James Edinger, John T. Palmer
and Samuel Buckley were out hunting wood
coek, last Monday, Mr. Edinger had the
misfortuno to get shot in the face by Mr. Pal
mer. Several or the shot struck him close
to his eyes but fortunately none entered
them. Dr. J. P. Mutehler extruded several
or the shot, and although his race is consid
erably spattered up Mr. Edinger is around
and attending to bis business. Monroe Dem
WcfsrOTf Item.
John Krcsge, aged about 20 years, son
of Daniel Kresge, on Friday afternoon, last
week, laid a railroad torpodo on a stono.and
giving the torpedo a whack with another
Btono, it exploded. A piece of the tin cov
ering to the torpedo struck the calf of his
left leg, inflicting a deep and painful ilesh
wound. Dr. Zern dressed the wound, but
thought it advisable sot to cut out the piece
of tin which had lodged deeply among the
muscles of tho leg.
Tho work of rebuilding the belfry and
steeple on St. Jacob's Lutheran and Re
formed church, which was blown down in
the big storm last fall, will commence on
next Monday. The Woissport rianlng
Mills furnishes the lumber, and C. Semmcl,
of Catasauqua, has the contract to do tho
work. Tho architect's design, on exhibition
at the postoffico, Indicates that tho spire will
be a handsome one. Tho church edifice,
east corner of tho old Franklin stockade
Fort Allen.
Mr. J. C. Bryan, of Philadelphia, was
hero on Monday for the purpose or exam
Ing tho rolling mill property, with a view
to a purchase. His conclusion was that
the price asked for it was more than its In
trinsic value.
The work or creeling the new L. A S.
depot has been energetically pushed for
ward this week, and most or the work on
the exterior or the building is completed.
It will be a handsomo little depot when fin
ished. The Young American Band learning on
Monday afternoon that Lieutenant Harry
T. Monohan, U. 8. N., and his bride, from
New York city, on a wedding tour, had ar
rived at tho residence of his mother in Le
hlghton, at an early hour in the evening
proceeded thither and complimented the
happy couple with a serenade. The gallant
lieutenant made the hoys feel happy at tho
A meeting has been called for next Fri
day at tho Fort Allen House, to hear the
oico of the surviving veterans of tho lato
war on tho question of establishing a post or
the G. A. R. here.
A special meeting or tho School Board
was held on Monday evening, in the recep
tion rooms or tho Wcissport House, all the
members being present. Several bills and
some minor matters held over from last
regular meeting wcro disposed or. Thoop'
pointmcnt or I'rof. Snyder, at present ossis-
tant in tho Normal School, as principal or
public grammar school was confirmed unan
imously. The school term will continue for
seven months, and the salary or tho princi
pal was decisively fixed at $35 per month,
and that or tho primary teacher at $22. The
Board then proceeded to appoint u teacher
for the pritmry school, thcro being three
applicants. Alter repeated ballots, and no
election, the Board adjuurncd to Thursday
evening, when Belle Nusbaum was chosen.
Constable U. II. MacDanicI lias nego
tiated the sale or tho defunct Keystone
Band's instruments to parties in Mackerel
town, who aro organizing a band there.
IVcqucIioiilii;r Screenings.
St. Patrick's Cornet Band will hold their
fourth annual pic nic in Paradise Grove, on
Friday, August 15th. A number of cornet
bands from the neighboring counties will
participate. A grand time is anticipated
-There aro ten persons living here of
foreign birth whoso average ago is eighty
years all halo and hearty.
-One day last week Engineer McCabe
run 475 loaded cars from the mines, and
returned the same number of empty ones,
thu largest number ever beforo handled in a
John McKcnna, who has been in the
Fenna Hospital for sumo time with a broken
leg, has returned homo almost healed.
Thos. Solomon and lienry Griffith, two
accomplished youug'mcn, took unto them
selves wives lust week, thus fulfilling the
divine suggestion, "It is not good for man
to be alone." We wish them success and
happiness in their future career.
The L. C. Jc N. Co. havo notified their
employees that they will pay at the rate o:
$3 per ton for alt insido labor for July.
outside work no change.
Hon. M. Cassidy and mother went to
Philadelphia on Tuesday.
On the 23d inst. Mr. John McCaffrey
and Miss Mary Lawler were married in the
church of the Emaculato Conception, the
Rev. M. Bunco performed tho ceremony.
In the evening a sumptuous wedding sup
per was served to a large number or invited
guests; after which tho festive party repaired
to tho Hall where music and dancing was
the order or tho evening. Wo wish them a
long succession or happiness. J. C
Spccln.1 Iiivlliuion.
Ladies are cordially Invited to call at tho
Original Cheap Cash Store, and examine our
elegant stoek of ladies linen suits, which
we aro rapidly selling nil at lowest prices,
J. T.'NCSBABM & Sox.
nellgloilH Notes
J. K. Sej-(rlt,iastor,(lerman preaching at 10a,
m.j Teachers meeting at 1:30, p.m.; Sunday
school at 2 p. ni. English preaching at 7:30
p. m.
Dedication. Tho new Evangellcalchapcl,
at North Wetssiwrt, wlllbededlcated on Sun
day, August 10. The dedicatory sermon will
be preached at 8:30 a. in. Sunday school at
p. nu English preaching at S p. m., and ser
vices axaln at 7:30 p.m. Several ministers
from a distance are expected to be present and
participate In iheexerclses. All are cordially
invited to be present.
Ssondat School Hicnios. The Sunday
schools of the old "Carbon Circuit" of the
Evangelical Association, will hold a grand
reunion in Craig's (J rovo, at Lehigh Gap, on
Thursday, Sept. 1th. About a dozen schools,
Including the Lehlghton and W'elsiport
schools, will participate. A good tlmt Is ex.
B. J, Smoyer, pastor, to morrow, Sunday!
m. l'raver-meetlog ; 10 a. m German
preaching; Subject: "Elliha's Ascension and
hllihi'i Inheritance;" 1 p. m., Teacher'
meeting t 2 p, m., Sunday school l 0:30 p. m,
Prayer Meetlag 7:30 p. pi., tngllih preach
Ing; Subject: "Elijah's Mantle worn by
r.lisba. All are welcome I
School Opening.
Altera comparative brier vacation, Prof
Weber, principle of the Centre Square pre
paratory and normal school will, on Mon
day next, open the fall term. A large uum
ber of new students are expected this term
The opening address and other exercises will
take place on Monday evening, to which the
public is cordially Invited. The Vocal
Class of Centre Square, under tho direction
of Mr. Dennis Nothstein, will furnish musi
for the occasion. This academy now enters
upon the fourth year of its existence, and
under tho efficient management of its enter
prising young principal, is rapidly growing
into Kpu1ar favor and importance. The
object of the echool Is to prepare young men
for college, to give teachers an opjiortunlty
of reviewing the commou branches and
give advanced pupils of tho public schools
an opportunity of continuing their studies.
Students are prepare! for the sophomore
class in our colleges the tuition is $9 per
term, and good board in private families
the vicinity can be bad at (10 per month,
from tho County Sent
Maw Wahtid Sheriff J. w. Raudenbuah
received a letter from the authorities at Ea
ton, on Wednesday morning, asking If a man
with sandy hair, and a finger from one of the
hands missing, was In his custody, In Carbon
county Jail, TheShcrlfl made an Inspection
of the very limited number o fprlseners only
three new being led by the tax-payers of this
eonnty, and fonnd that the nlne-flngered lnd(
vldnal wanted In Easton was not at present
rusticating In Carbon county, at least not
under the Sheriff's vine and fig-tree, and he
promptly Informed the authorities at Easton
that effect.
Democratic Ooithtt Msetikd. John
Taylor, Esq., Chairman of the Democratic
County Uommttteo, has Instructed the Secre
tary, Capt. II. E. Schwartr, to call the Dem
ocratic County Meeting for Monday, August
18th, at the Court House In Mauch Chunk.
At this meeting, any change necessary In the
County Committee will be made; a time fixed
for holding the County Convention and the
fall election, and to hear a free expression of
opinion from representative Domocrats from
different parts of the county on the questions
and fssucs which will enter Into the coming
camptlgn. The present outlook Is that the
greatest harmony will prevail In all the party
Bas JJall. An Interesting, and for ama-
tuers a good game ol base ball, was played on
e grounds of the Welcome Base Club, In
East Mauch Chunk, on Wednesday, between
the Young America's, of Upper Mauch
Chunk, and the Tamaqua Club. The latter
won the game by a score of 11 to 5. In the
evening the Young America's save a plo nlc,
complimentary to their visiting friends from
Tamaqua, on the grounds of the D. O. It., In
the 2d Ward, which was pronounced a very
njoyablo affair.
Minor Tories. An excursion, represent
ing the Daltimoro coal trade, paid a visit to
the Anthracite coal regions during this week.
From the Wyoming region, on Thursday at
o'clock, they reached M Chunk, From there
by way of the Switch-Back railroad, they
went to Summit Hill, vlsl tins; the mines of the
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, anil
from there they went to the Schuylkill re.
With the party, the daily press of Bal
timore was represented by Messrs. W. II.
Whlttey of the American, John L. Ells of the
Sun, and Arthur Foster of tho Herald. The
party consisted of most of the solid coal men
the city of Baltimore.
Hon. Samuel F. Carey, of Ohio, the can
didate for Vice-President on the Greenback
ticket at tho laBt election, was a guest at the
Mansion House the fore-part of the week.
From here he went to Shenandoah, where he
expounded the greenback mythlclsm at the
miners' grand plo nlo on Thursday. It Is
understood that the worklngmen there made
him a present, irom their bard earnings, ofa
purse of nearly $200. Eticky Samuel F. 0. 1
'oollsh worklngmen 1 1
A hearing In a case, Albln Stolle, sealer
'of weights and measures, against Jonas Sond-
belm, was had before Justice Mosser on Tues
day, Gen. Bertolctte appearing for defendant.
Verdict for the plaintiff, and defendant was
sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and costs, for the
benefit of the Coalfield Poor District.
lion. Allen Craig and family removed to
Ocean Drove on Tuesday morning, where
they will spend tha summer.
Gen. Fits John Porter and a party of
friends from New Jersey, were registered
among the visitors at the "Switzerland" this
Mr. F. C. Kline, who last spring disposed
of his boot and shoe store has, while other
wise disengaged, accepted tue position ol
nlghwatchman In the banking-house ol G. B.
Llnderman & Co.
John Saucrs and Joseph Armbruster, of
East .Mauch Chunk, who went to Texas a year
ago, returned home on Satuday.
Tho "Merry Man's Fishing Club," went
to Drelsbach's Dam on Wednesday. When
they decided to return, the horse, in the most
positive manner, refused to be harnessed to
the wagon. At a late hour they arrived In
Iowd, one of the club riding the refractory
horse bareback and the others pushing and
pulling the wagon. It Is reported that they
caught four catfish the combined length of
which was twelve Inches.
-A large, fine black and whltedogfollowed
Wcissport butcher to Muueh Chunk on
Wednesday, and, being unmuzzled, he (not
the buther, but the dog) was seized by the
dog-catcher and Impounded. At this writing
the imprisoned canine's tenure ol llle is ex
tremely fragile.
A hearing In the case, the Sealer of
Weights and Measures against J. L. Gable,
was had before Justice Moser on Thursday
alternoon, and a verdict rendered In favor of
the plaintiff, lion. Wm. M. Ilapsher, coun.
sol for defense, made no plea before this court,
but will take the caie to a higher tribunal for
a decision.
Letter from a, former Iclil(riitoiilnn
The following letter received from our
old friend, E. II. Rhodes, a former resident
or this place, will no doubt be read with in
tcrest by many of our peoplo ;
Ithaca. July 21, 1 679.
Friend Mobtiiiuxb i It has been one year
audahnllMnce we left Lehignton. (It seems
but six months). I havo often thought ol writ
Ins to jou. but put it iff lor to morrow but
to-day I am resolved to wilte. Your very solcr
nd Interesting paper the AnvoCATE-finds Its
way into our home circle resularly every wee,
and Is road with considerable Interest. A few
weeks ago I was very aaroeabtr surprised to
meet my old liiends. J 8. Lenti, Tnos. Harle.
man and Wm. Montr, as they stopped here tor
short time on their way 'own the Lake.
Ithaca Is very pleasantly situated, rtjht attlie
head of Cayuga Lake, nnd Is lovely little city
or ubout twrlve thousand Inhabitants : the
streets are (It bordered vtlth large trees, are
regularly trimmed and kept in nice orUer, fias
adlna tlio stieets very nicely In noms place
smt completely in others. The people In this
pl'.co are very enterprising people, always on
the move for something new i there Is a large
o gan factorr. Ithaca Calander Clock Works,
paper mill, glas. works, several large fonndilra
uu oiner pumic works. I noticed In jour
paper Mine time ago, thai your schools were
reduced to Mx months. 1 think that U a enamel
Here wc have I en months bcbool, anil none but
the best aod most competent teachers Yea
cau send your chil.i in bis primer, and he cn
go through a full audcomplcte course of st aides
and graduate, and not cost you out cent tor
books, pens, paper or tuition. Taere Is every
facility offered foi persons to improve their
minds i some of the best atid most emtutnt
speakers and ministers are brought here. The
Corue 11 University has between six and seven
hundred students, thus mik!tir it necessar) 13
have some foieigu Ulent to compete with horn
talent. Now, last and best is that personsown
tag no real estate have no taxes ot any kind to
pay, and yet have every privilege and advent
age ol schools. Ac, Iluslness Is lively, crops
sreaood. We get the best butter tor 11 tenia
per pound and eveiytbloic else In proportion.
Wo aie ountforubly situated much ulcer iban
weeyer were lu XAhlghtuu, and I thtnL
woaidrcquiie a great deal to persuade us to
come bacK to live there, lloplug to hear Irom
you. end with kind regards Irom all to all, I ie-
maln, lleaepclfullx, E. U. IlllUUiia.
Evnngellcul CutupiMeeting
Tbe annual "feast of tabernacles" will be
held this year again in tbe beautiful grov
owned by Bro. Hoffman, aud situated about
one mile west ofBowmanvilleR. R. Station
It will commence on Saturday, Aug. 16th
and continue one week; No boarding and
huckster stand will be tolerated on tbe
ground, or within isnile of the ground on
Sunday. All who come on Sunday must
provide Tor themselves. On Monday morn
ing u boarding tent will be erected in which
reasonable boarding can be obtained fur the
remainder of the week. Applications for
tents must be made to the Evangelical pas
tors in Carbon county before Aug. 6th
Camp eauipago will be shipped free on both
railroads. Tents can be rented at the foi
lowiug rules i
tit without floor S3 00
9iu with dour 3 is
12x13 without floor 2 M
mu Willi nuor a 34
bleeping bunks extra M
Lvt all earnest christians "come up lo the
help of tho Lord, to the help of the Lord
against the mighty,"
Work will bo resumed at the Copley
furnaces in a few weeks.
Dcntlt of Ir. C. Arnold.
Dr. C. Arnold,ono ofllatlekm'i oldest and
meet prominent physicians, died Tuesday
morning about six o'clock, after a short Ill
ness, Induced by overwork, The Doctor
came to ltazleton, says tbe Sentinel, about
twenty-five years ago, and under tho patron
izing care or Mr. G. h. Deganhart, who had
charge of the Tresekow colliery, he soon at
tained a lucrative practice. Illskindnessof
heart, and his skill as a surgeon won forbim
distinction in his profession, which was at
tested by his large and constantly increasing
practice. When able to attend to his patients
bo was untiring In his devotion, and day and
night, found him at tho bedside ol the suffer
ing and dying. Ho was the most devoted
of physiclansyind generous-hearted to a fault,
and no man will be more missed by the peo
plo or this community. His attachment to
his friends was Doled, and wo have tho evi
denco that be never forgot a kindness. Dr.
Arnold was born in Eichenland, Wucrtem
burg, Germany, March 2, 1819; emigrated
to America in 1845, and settled in Hazleton.
lie died from inflamation of the lungs, and
was attended in his last illness by Dr. W. R.
Longshore. He was twice married. He had
five children by his first wife, namely, two
boys add three girls, and one child, a boy of
five years of age, by his second wifo, His
second wifo and five children eurvlvo him.
They surrounded his bedside in his dying
moments, and done all that their kind hands
and willing hearts could do to render him
comfortable and Iinf py. He was a devoted
member of the Catholic church, and died in
that faith. Father Cummisky attended to
all his spiritual wants. His remains will bo
interred in tho Catholic cemetery, by the side
of his wife and Bon.
The funeral took placo at II o'clock on
Thursday morning, nnd proceeded to tho
church, where selemn high mass was sung
and remarks nppropriato to tho occasion,
inado by tho clergy.
Now from Ilctlilclicni.
Betiilkiixm, Pa., Jnly 22. Mr. Robert
H. Sayre,Supcrintendentof tho Lehigh Val
ley Railroad, denies emphatically that Mb
company has taken any steps looking to the
building of a railroad from Philadelphia to
this point, cither alono or in conjunction
with the Pennsylvania Railroad .Company.
No such matter has be:n proposed at the
meetings of the Board, and as long as the
Valley is afforded tho facilities now given
by the Philadelphia and Read ing Company
no road will be built. The reiwrte thus far
lublishcd have been altogether Imaginary,
nd are without foundation in fact. All the
Lehigh Valley officials havo done was what
common business prudence dictated dis-
cussed what might bo done in tho event that
their Philadelphia outlet Bhould be en
croached upon.
In South Bethlehem, the other day, an
attempt at murder was frustrated in a sin
gular manner. A man named McShnnc, a
law-abiding citizen, was set upon and hor
ribly beaten. In the hope ofcscapiug w:th
lis life, ho feigned death. His assaiiauts,
believing they had killed him, carried him
to the track of tho North 1'enn. Railroad
Company, and laid him across a rail. They
hoped tho next passing train would mutilate
him and hide their crime. As soon as his
assailants left McShane followed suit. Two
of the party, John Conneli and Patrich Con
Dell, have been arrested and held in bail to
answer at tho next term of court.
Tho rriends or Lehigh University having
provided the means, a dam is now being
erected across tbe Lehigh river at this point,
witji the assent of the Lehigh Coal and Navi
gttion Company. Tbe dam will have i
fill of four feet, and its effect will be to give
a clear stretch of two miles, on which the
University Boat Club will do their practic
An unknown young man, 19 years of
age, who claimed Bethlehem as his home,
was run over and killed, at Hampton Junc
tion, N. J., yesterday. Ho has not been
identified, and no ono is missing from here.
'lewamcnslng I!rcvltlc.
The weather has been quite coo for sever.
al days past.
largo amcunt of rye was stored away
throughout this township last week by the
Grapes bid fair to be plentiful this year,
among some farmers In this county.
Most of the farmers aro through haying
and harvesting, and have already cotnmenc.
ed getting the ground In readiness for sow
ing again this fall.
Fur tho past few days the boys have been
wandering up and down tho creeks, of this
neighborhood, eagerly watchnlg for a bite,
Some have been quite successful in thler en
dearors, while othors have very little cause
lor rejoicing as their samples of tho "speckled
beauties" were both few and small.
.Mr. Lewis Itelnhart will please accept
thanks for favors (?)
I am pleased to state that Mr. Charles
Drelsbaeh Is recovering from his hurt, recclv.
ed by the running away of his horse.
-Hev. E. Butz preached at the Upper Big
Creek meeting house last Sunday at 2-30 p.
m., and at the Soil's church In the evening,
Hev. Mr. Elsenberg will officiate at the
Lutheran church, at Trachsvllle, to-morrow.
I am sorry to learn that Mr. Emmon
Drlesbach, Is confined to the bouse by a serero
attack of Illness. I hope he will soon recover,
and enjoy tbe line summer days with his com
rades lie Is now under the medical treat,
meat of Dr. Selple, of Lehlghton.
Some of the bridges In this township need
the attention of tbe supervisors.
Mr, Paul Eekbart and wife, of Albrights
vllle, were at this place (Trachsvllle) on a
visit, last Saturday and Sunday, the guests
of 11. Kunkel.
Mr. Purlett Snyder and Miss Ida Seam,
both of Lower Towamenslng, were united in
marriage recently. We wish them all the
joys attending married life. Mescuht.
IMooniingdnle Valley I'ltutiem
A necessary evil A woman.
Huckleberries are scarce in this section.
Andrew A. Seem, of Lansford, passed
through here on Thursday last.
Nelson A. Nothstein, uf Lizzard Creek,
paid us a flying visit nn Friday last.
Stephen F. Oplinger, of Cberryville,
Northampton county, is rusticating with us.
Constable II G. Deppey, of Albrights
ville, is still with us.
A Burprise party took place at the White
Bear on Friday eveulng or last week. It
was a pleasant affair.
Gideon Nothstein and wife, of this place,
have been visiting friends in New Mahoning
Wm. F. Youngkin, of Trachsvllle, who
has been among us since Spring, will short
ly leave for Minneapolis, Minuesota. I wish
him success and a safe journey.
Henry J. Deppey. of Albrightsville, is
pushing Simon Reichard's barn towards
completion ; It will soon be completed. The
structure is 35 x 70feetlongand 10 feet high,
and is one of the largest barns in this valley
and ornaments the farm considerably and is
well built by Mr. Deppey, one of tho best
carpenters and mill-rights in the county,
Mr. lleichard, owner of the larm, Intends
rebuilding tbe dwelling house, and erecting
a summer house, wagon shed, ice
Mrs. Eliza Dreislwch, widow of Ellas
Drelsbaeh, or this place, met with a painful
accident on Thursday or last weeki while
working in the hsrvest field, and being near
tne loaned wagon wnen it Uet, tne con
tents thereof fell on top of her, and sprained
her right arm, making a deep cut in her
head, and otherwise bruising her body. Dr.
Wm. Newuiiller, of Summit Hill, was sum
moned and dressed the wound, and at pres
ent writing the, patient is doing well,
July 15. Durni.
x. o. o. r. lN.suitAivci:.
The Odd Fellows Endowment Association
presents tho most economical Llfo Insurance
Plan ever yet brought before the public. It
Is, or course, exclusive to a certain extent,
being confined to members or that order.
Yet a young man or even a middle aged
man can unite with the Odd Fellows end
also with the Odd Fellows Endowment As
relation for cm money than any other or
ganization in existence. Ho will be entit
led to the sick and funeral benefits, general
ly ranging Trim $1 to $15 per week, for the
former and tbe latter from $30 to $500, ac
cording to tho wealth of tho Lodge, and up
on the death or tho wifo of an Odd Fellow
half the funeral benefits are paid and if a
member of tho Endowment Rank $2000
Insurance besides. An Odd Fellow can
unite with the Endowment Association for
$2, and at the death ofa member an assess
ment of $1 it laid for a full rate member
and 50 cts., for a half rate momber a full
rato member being entitled to $2000, and a
hair ra to to $1000.
Tho officers ot the different Lodges attend
to tho business under tho supervision of the
Slate organization. Each state has its sepa
rate Endowment organization, so that Pcnn
sylvanians run no risk in being taxedor any
death occurring in a malarious or yellow fe
ver distnet, as all other organizations are.
There Is no accumulation or funds, in the
Treasury, consequently no Inducement for
fraud; no expenses incurred in making in-
-vestment or conducting a regular banking
business or in paying agents ur officers for
organizing societies nnd drumming up re
cruits; no salaried officers. Tho officers of
the different Lodges doing what little there
is to be done, the smaller mortality on ac
count of only healthy men joining tho order,
nnd the healthier men of the order becom
ing members or the organization, making
the assessments low. All of which accounts
for Its cheapness, so the system is very
much simplified and as near perfection as
any plan can be. In fact it is justtho organ
ization lor the poor man, unuer tne super
vision of tho Poor man's orders Odd Fel
lowship, the most suitable organization in
existence, vieing with the church in its ben
cficince and charity, with a Lodge In almost
every villago nnd in many rural districts,
and in larger towns more than one and
numbering in Pennsylvania almost 1000
and over 100,000 members. Wherever civ
ilization has extended its influence is felt
nnd acknowledged on land and on the
broad expanse of ocean in the dark mines
of Pennsylvania and in tho crowded cities
or tho world on the rugged hills of Switzer
land nnd in the gold bearing valleys oi uai
ifornia amid the'snon-s of the north and
under tho burning sun of tho Topics the
fraternal intercourse or Odd Fellowship may
be lound. it.
Itlalionliiff XM'liildngB.
The Centre Square Singing school was
held last Sunday evening at the rcsldcnco of
Mr. Nathan Balllot. It was well attended.
-Mr. F. W. Smlih, who spent part of the
summer In Nevada, Ohio, came back on Fri
day last. Ills friends were glad to see htm,
and he seems to havo enjoyed his trip very
-Alex. Seldel and wife from Lehlithton,
were visiting some of their friends In the val.
ley on Sunday last.
-Miss Amelia Wanamakcr, from Kieldcrs.
vllle, Is visiting at C. II. Seidel's this week.
She seems to onjoy herself well.
We learn that there Is a new post office
established not far from Centre Square, from
which a mall driver carries the news to West
Penn, Tamaqua and the different parts of the
country free of charge.
We understand that the party that went
to the Mauch Chunk Mt., after buckle berries
on Monday last, were quite successful. They
returned with the determination of going
again soon.
Mr. Aaron Oumbcrt, while engaged tin
hauling grain from the fields Into the barn
last week, met with a serious accident. The
wagon upset, and ho being on top of the load
fell off and had one ol his legs broken Just
above the ankle. It wilt no doubt be quite a
while till ho Is ablo to be about again.
Miss Mary llallict, of this place, is visit,
ing friends at Lehlghton this week.
On Wednesday eronlng of last week the
barn of Ell Hex was struck by lightning and
burned to the ground. Everything burned
with the exception of the horses and cattle,
and a few machines, wagon, etc., which they
managed to get uut. The barn was Insured.
We notice that some of our young ladles
are wearing pleasant countenances. We sup.
pose It is because Mr. Klstler Is coming home
A young lady rcbukelngly asked us,
'which is worse to lace tight, or lo get tight."
We give It up. We never laced,
Cast Pcnn Dots.
No church on Sunday ; Sunday school at
2 p. m.
L'Kgs are selling at 11 cents per dozen ;
butter, 14 cents per iound.
Farmers have all finished harvesting.
Picking huekleburles Is now In ordor.
Corn and potatoes are short on account of
the dry weather, Our farmers say that they
cannot remember when it was so dry as at
Tha house of Lewis Ruch was struck by
lighting on Wednesday of last week. The
chimney, gables, and some parts Inside were
damaged. They notified the Insurance com
pany of the damage done.
Why not have a Sunday school at the
Brick church? I would advise them to tako
courage and organize at once.
Dr. W. W. Iteber, at Pennsvllle, Is doing
a thriving business. All do well who are at
tended by him.
Charles Glnder, P. Glndcr, James and
John Smith, and some others have returned
home from White Haven.
The water Is so low at present that the
mill, owned by Isaac Danber, car hardly run,
Uncut Sax,
Lincoln Itepiibllcnn Club.
An adjourned meeting of tho Lincoln Re
publican Club was held at the Town Hall on
Tuesday evening, and a permanent organlia
lion effected by tbe election of the following
Prtiidentt. M. Malhearn,
ltl Vtce-Pretident G, Orion Strob.
2d Vtee-Pretidtntth E. Terry.
3d Kle-Pr(itnl William Strob.
Recording SeiretaryJ. W. liodge.
t'orreipondlng Secretary ,1. K. bayre.
IVeaiurer W. Cullen Morris.
A committee, consisting of J. W. Dodge, U.
E. Terry, O. Orion Stroh and G. Van Ronk,
was appointed to secure speakers for the next
Pris. Malhearn made an eloquent address'
urging the Importance of extraordinary effort
In the ensuing campaign. Short, stirring ad
dresses were made by Messrs. Dodge, Sayrei
and O. O. Stroh.
Cx-Trennurer CI nuns' Deficit.
The deficit of ex-treasurer T. D. Clauss,
which amounted to $5,341 on the first of
April has been reduced, by the payment of
$1,300 on the 15th of that month and subse
quent payments, to about $2,300, and the
County Commissioners and his bondsmen
believe that the entire amount will be paid
by Mr. Clauss before the end of the year,
with interest at six per cent. The bonds
men have pledged themselves to pay the
balance ou demand, or when needed to meet
the current expenses of the county. Goictte,
Mr. Martin Graver, after a sojourn of
several mouths in Kansas, has returned to
iitiuus ji:iiTiricA'rns.
It is no vile drugged stuff, pretending lo
be made of wonderlul foreign roola, barks,
Ac., and pulled up by long bogus certificate
of preteuded miraculous cures, but simple,
pure,etroctive mediolue, luadeof well-known
valuable remedies, that furnishes its own
certified lei- by its ouros. We refer to Hop
Bitters, tbe purest and best of remedies. See
"Truths" and "Proverbs" la another col
umn. 31 2.
Tilt! Conl Trade.
Philadelphia Ledger, 31sti This Is tho
dull period of the anthracite coal trade, and,
compared with that of the post few months,
the business of the past week has been dull
and unsettled. Production Is off a little
compared with that of last week and the
week before, but Is very well tip compared
with that of corresponding time last year
and the year before. In tbo aggregate for
the first six months of the year tho amount
of coal put Into the market is far ahead of
that marketed in the first half or last year.
Notwithstanding tho fact, there Is compiirn
lively little of piled coal iu tho market, and
prices or coal hold up very well, though they
aro too low, and have been all tho year, to
givo operators that reward nnd strength of
mcaus that they should have. Tho dullness
therefore, common to tho month of July,
s but natural, begets a feeling of apprehen
sion ns to tho future of the trade So far,
on tho whole, however, the coal tradoof 1S79
is better, much Icltcr.thnn it promised nt the
beginning of the year, aud thero is no just
causo to apprehend an unfavorable cliango
now lo tho end of the year. Tho policy of the
conl business this year has been upon the
wholesome one of keeping production so Tar
within tha limit of tho market demand as
to enable operators to slightly advance cir
cular prices as the year woro on. Tho ad
vance for tho current month or July was
small, and tho figures perhaps havo not
been as universally lived up to as could
have been desired. Tho near future of the
trade Is naturally becoming interesting to
both producers nnd consumers. The former
are looking for a further small advance of
prices for tha month of August, wlillo the
latter aro holding out or tho market as much
as possiblo in order that the amount of coal
on hand may become so large as to head off
tho advance contemplated by tho operators-
As having some bearing on the future of
this issue, the next auction sale or Scranton
coal nt New York is lookod forward to with
soino interest. Just at tho present time
labor in tho coal regions is tolerably quiet,
but in such n feverish condition that a very
small matter may unsettle It; and a gene
ral suspension, as a consequence, in cither
or tho larger coal regions, would havo the
almost inevitable effect of advancing the
prices of coal, and probably also of advanc
ing tolls and all transportation charges.
These several contingencies would provoke
a universal demand for moro wages at tho
mines. If this demand should bo resisted
further strikes would follow, thus making
coal so scarce that prices would have to ad
vance, and if not resisted, but freely con
ceded and paid, then the cost or production
would bo such as to rcqulro au advance to
covci its cost. Thus tho next auction sale of
coal has much of interest in it. If con
summers fail to be buyers upon that occasion,
holding out of tho market with tho view of
depressing coal prices, they tako tho risk or
letting others buy the coal sold at low prices
and or being compelled to buy nt higher
figures later in tho season. If they deter
mine to buy according to their wants, ut the
market price, whatever it may be, or at
whatever the operators may foroo them to
pay for bidding up at the sale, then will ope
rators advance coal almost immediately,
and tho transportation companies in all
probability advance tolls. With coal prices
advanced and tolls higher tho demand for
higher wages it Is not likely can long bo re
sisted. Any aud every aspect or the situa
tion points to higher prices for coal. What
ever may be tha result as to prices for the
month of August, thoso supposed to bo best
informed as to tho movements of and de
mand for coal during tho remainder or the
year believe that it will bo largo and so near
thu full transportation capacity as to pre
vent any decline on present prices or coal.
Thero docs not seem tho slightest proba
bility or their going lower. The policy
however, or any ono coal company attempt
ing to find n market for tho current produc
tion of uny other coal company, and that a
competing company producing inferiorcoal,
us is said to bo tho case, wo think unwise,
if not sulcidul, for the carrying company.
But, with all this, the outlook for the coal
year 1879 Is encouraging in the fact that it
will snow a marked Improvement on tne
trade ol tne year lbYB.
At a special meeting of tho AmericusClub,
held at Democratic headquarters, in Mauch
Chunk, on Saturday evening last, the fol
lowing resolutions, endorsing the action of
tho Democratic State Convention, in nomi
nating Daulel 0. Barr for State Treasurer
were unanimously adopted i
Resolved, That tho nomination or Daniel
O. liars, of Allechcnv county, as tho Demo.
cratic candidate for State Treasurer, meets
with the lienaty approval ol this Uluu, and,
as wo believe, of tho entire Democracy of this
Jleaoheil, That having entire confidence
in the nominee and satisfied that, in the
event of his election, the state Treasury will
be administered m the interest of the tax
payers, we p'edgo ourselves, individually
and rallectivlly, to givo tho said nomiueo
our nearly undivided support.
JiUohcd, Tljilt we approve and endorso
Messrs. Jjeniz una ciiieets, our neiegaies to
the State Convention, lor the laitlilul man
ner in which they represented tha Democ
racy of Carbon County.
Itepubllcnn County Committee.
The members of the Republican County
Committee met on Friday afternoon of lust
week. About twenty-five members were in
attendance, In the absence of Chairman
Boyle, Mr. W. F. Streeter was selected
chairman pro tern., Mr. Charles Llppincott,
acting as Secretary. After Gen. Lilly ad
dressed those present, there was an inter
chanee of views, when E. C. Remmel was
elected Chairman of the County Committee,
and E. C. Mulhearn, Secretary. No time
was set for the holding of the County- Con
vention. The meeting adjourned to mectat
the call of the chairman,
Ir FrsTtRcn or an Eruption, use Glixh'b
SuLrnuit Soap, the ruling specific for di
seases, irritation and abrasions ol the skin,
and a most salutary uoautiuer oi tne com
nlexion. This admirable article is an in
expensive substitulo for sulphur baths, and
isenuallv asellectlve in banishing cutane
ous inala'dies, and relieving tbe pangs of
rheumatism and gout, jteaness ana rougn
ness, tan, freckles, pimples, and indeed every
Imperfection of the cuticle is entirely remov
ed bv IL It is avouched, by ladios wno have
used it, to be tho most elfectivo means of
clarilying and souening tne sum mat mey
huve over employed its health promoting
properties aro widely recognised by medical
men, and evidenca In its behalf, emanating
from other and equally respectable sources,
precludes any reasonable doubt as to the
genuineness of its claims to public confi
dence. Clothing and linen from the sick
room are disinfected by it, and it prevents
contagion when the danger of obnoxious di
seases has bean incurred by contact. Screa
and ulcers, that resist the operation olsalvoa
and lotions, aro healed by it, aud it soon re
lieves the swelling aud pln caused by bruis
es and sprains. Tho ojieningof the pure,
resulting from the wholesome stimulation
of the superficial blood vessels that it pro
duces, is the ell'ect calculated to ease, the cir
culation when overheated, and carry off
those offensive granulations which disfigure
the cuticle and render existence a slata uf
martyrdom while they remain. Eruptions,
ailineuU that ointments will not cure, are
entirely eradicated by Olikx's BcLruVR.
Sold by DruagisU. Price 25c. per cake.
1 Box (3 cukes) 75-e.. seut by mll, prield,
on receipt of price. 0. N. aniTTtaTo.v.Prup'r,
T Bixili Aveuue, A. i.
IIill'. Uau aku '
WU1S&KK urn, vt
Brown, JO cents.
Weary mortals racked with paln
Ever seeking but in vain.
Sweet rellei fiom mortal ills i
Try, I pray, M'tsft Liver PilU
A- as sure ns morning's light
Cometh nfler shades or night,
O'er thy life, health's sun divine
Shall arise, in joy to ehlbej .
Light and health, and joy and mirth,
In sun-beams sparkle round thy health (
Vital energy shall start,
E'en to muscle, brain and heart;
Rid the Liver of its load,
Purify tho life, the blond,
Intercept disease mid death,
Leaving fragrnmo on thy breath,
Lighten Ilia 6T hull" Its Ills,
afo add potent Liver Pills. ' '
JLclilghloit lrodttcu illnrket.
ConntCTxn Weekly,
Flour, per sack (2 76
Com, per bushel..;, 60
Oats, per bushel .-. to
Mixed Cliui). Per cwt 1 -2S,
Middlings, per cwt 136
Hran. Per cwt.
Duller, per pound.
i'.nt!!. Dcrdo7cn...
lima, per pound.
Lard, her pound.
Shoulders, per pound .
i'oiaiuis, per Dusnei ..
Closing prices of Deiuvf.x A Towksknu,
Stock, Government anil Gold, 40 South
Third Street, l'hiladelphla, July, 21, 1879
17. b.c's, ist-1 lMt mil loin (swe
ll. H.CUriellCV.S'a 4(175 hut iZbh SMU
II 3.6'ISS!. new 10-iS iild I ml, united
U.K.4V. new Klk bid IKK, 0,1 01
11 s 4'miow 10 " ni l toil, asfcen iwis bid .4 akrd
Plilln I9U ud let, nsklO
Lehigh Valley 11. It 'i bin 4 ? askeil
Lelnli Coal ,t Inv. lo.... ! Vmil 2lt, hsbco
Unlfd ComiHinloiof M.J.i' It id 111 nkcd
nithcrii (Irritrui 1, lil it -flmtnii
lliwtuitvilln l'a". It. II. o li till
l"tts..Tit. ,t llnir It II. Co. S. out
Central Trnnsnnitaiton Uo U lid
Noithcrn l'aultic Com Hit bid
. " rrcl'tl. 4ilt hid
Sliver, O rails,) Idli bid
t ufttrd
5a nskot)
41! .an'tea
14 ti sareu
43' asked
link, osliril
t -vn iino v" ' I'm
.iau u mi'.
Special Notices.
Dr. L. D. WKVlibl'N'S iUrrmAiivit bvr.ur
'A remcdv u-.im1 Till ItTV.riVK. Iu
n private pruct to una ucier lulling to inuically
Propiy,i:ty''pelnB,sccoiiitiii-y bvphllla. (Irnvjl,
Dinbi ten. and all diseases in wtiicli tho b ood la
iiipiicnicii, is now ciuoieti in ino puuno.
ld bv nil lltTAll.-lmilnntAlM. nnd luhntpunl,.
onlvlhv rilB WJ.YIlUltN MJJIilOlMi CO.
i-. u. uox iwu, nocresier. is. y.
I Will mall irrrfl Ihn Irplnn fnr n .Tmnln
VEOKTA11LB II.M.M lliat will removo TAN.
FmccKL.US. 1'IMlM.l'H iiml nr.nrrnii.m
Tenvlmr the skin soft, c.enr and beaut'.lul i also
uiMruiuuuo ,or piouucinjr a lusuiiant crowia
nf lntlr ou a bald hrad orsniootu face. Aiiaretts,
lncloioc3c. stamp, Hen. Valid. It & Co ,i) Ann
sticet, N V
SAVE A DOLLAR! tub Enri-mit
fEVHtl ACUh AND l.lVtiU lAt la WltllODt linv
exception tho best I'.tU in ex 1 -dunce lor tho cure
and prevention of nil in .larioan Uoa8Pi and
l lie ni out wontlnlul medical iMcovciy of tbo
ane. Wo memclnG leqmrcd. .uie by Hbsorp
tiou bend for ynuiplilPt w'ltcli fdxeB ccrt.fl
rate of extraordinary cures pcrlcrtnoil br tnu
Put', mailed true. Ask your Dmjrgt-t for tho
I3gvpunn Part nnd tmo uo other - If he hat
noue, I will fiuil juuoun bv mait on reccpt of
iricCt Jus, i- i-.inu, m iiarKci ni.,
LMlUburph. J a. too A rent lor the Uulttd
rtlutea. Miu3i I your.
Oriental Cream ;
CllclU a clear, trinsnnictit rnmplrxlon free
trom 1'an, FiifxKLVB or Motu I'aiciii; Thoso
qux.itiu. ndded to the lniiiciitcoim jiutliy of
Its mgicdients. martos tlio "Oriental Oienni"
bo d Us ii omiKcnt placo in pobltc ebleera aa tbe
best taurt companion. Wo navj
TliouHnmls of Triltmonlnli
nrovlnir this, from rtltliitmtibert rDerntta and
utnmutlottrtiscduud bu.les. Bbould b
teautllul.niiiim Hhouiu bo dutiful. Ti.e"hn.
ninu lace Ulvluu" lose1 its charm if not fictt
trnro not or blcmioli. Thn mtri.ouL' of tho orl.
cnul Cream" is in Accomplish n in every in
Ktanc and without harm. AIbo 'loudies bub
illev lor removing fcuneifljoui hair instantly,
without injury.
WME. M. li T. GOUIIA.UD, 43 Bond St., N, Y.
Hold br dru crista aud faucy gocdsmen
May 16 ttiuei.
1'iirlflt') i:nrlcliOs, Glit-v Color anil
Tono to tho lllooil; it increase tho
quantity as xcell as the quality, giv
ing Vigor, Vitality, Energy,
Totccr and Life itself.
It 1 cpeclallr adopted to Female Diseases,
such as Weakness irom Tturelttff. or anr ether
cauto. point. ll, irregular or dcriinircd monthly
periods, falling of tho womb, nansca In prep,
nancy, sterility, chanao ol llle, etc
Dr. Harter's Liver Pills
Comblae tho two rs-entlal qnn'ltlea of n Family
Pill. Toey act ns a mild and efficient purge and
al the same UraoMre tbo best Hver Villa ever
offoiotl to thopublto, Ipull.mtt
Pain is a IIi.i-.hhimi. It locates disease.
Whenever tho bowels becomo lrreuUr, use
I'arrnnt's Si'llzcr Aperient,
It will save much pain and dnnsrer. Nature
sometimes Is so outraged by the burden she Is
madfltocurry, tliruugh iheheedlessness of her
children, Unit she openly rebels, anil punishes
fearfully. Iion't neitlect the proper treatment
vr hen the svinploms Mrs appear. Resort to
tho aperient, and art well si vcdlly.
!1 OHO prntllannS-iiiaisinvetttmenicM r(
Jl-o" ot-otflclal ltiports, lieo.-SpiUU
Proportion letnroi every week oa Qtnctc Op
lion i.i 120, t-v. tiOti, (Shi. Address
T 1'OlTElt WIGHT & CO., Bankers, u Wall
at r..
Wc will pay Ak't-iiLsubaiary ut tluupvrmouia,
tad eipentet.or allow a Itrpe cummUaioii, to tell ouf
nw and wouderfitl turf niiom, WtmeanvkatMxay
bimplu free. Addreit buBKMm & Vct Mwibsvll, UlcEu
Mn in CM On InveMed luWall 8t Blocks
?1U 10 iplUU makes fortunes every
month. Book cut free explaining ovciythinc.
Addns ItAXIiai & CO.. 11a ulcers, li Wall
I" r f n -
or Sal. or to Kent.
An ellirllitv located 2 Htorr Doublfr
Frame House .itusto to !ist WeUajMirt,
Willi Ave aud one-halt acres of Laud, a.
aood Orchard ol choice apples, c. For (unit
erparilcu,.rs. apply to y KliKI.plNaKJli lU'lghtun. 1'a
VUVTi IT 1 0 This remarkable med'
1V1'j1 UY IjIj o 1p1,i8 w11 ,., N,,avln,
Splint. Curb. 1'iillous. Ko , or any enlarne WII.l. HKMIIVE T11K HUNiMl
OX V ill orcausliitf a so-e. No remedy
ever discovered equals It 'or eerialutyuf ac
tion lu stopping the laineiwas and reuiovlnit
f'f Tl? If lliehuneh. I'rlie 1.00, send for
K U 1Lj r(rcular giving Positive I'roofand
your nearest imeni'i address Mld by drug;
Kills, or sent tu any aiMre. by tha Inventor.
U. J. KenJall, M. U , Bo.Uirgli falls, Vt.
Of all kind. TU 70U8.0l.cbar.
pu el i 1 OOP or uuaoa aul
nuirxlraud iwr'n-tlr eoiei bv a ninol and
Ml Plana aga w im nnvivN
yythlna HliMIillY. jrorinioriuawou .miiiM
Da. J. 1'ABUlt UO. U Anu St , K. Y,
i 1 1 im 1
si n rj
fa 3.; .,1
QS 119 R5
cos !
Its si