Advertising Rates. Wo desir It to be distinctly understood lhat no advertisements will bo Inserted In he columns of-Tim Cardo.v Advocate that may bo received from unknown parties or Anns unless accompanied by tho cash. The following aro our O.H.T. terms: OKK SQOinR (10 LINES), Ono year, each Insertion (. lOcts. Blx months, each insertion.....' 15 cts. Threo months, each Insertion 20 cts. Less than three months, first insertion $1) oach subsequent insertion 25 cts. Local notice 10 cents !or lino. II. V. MORTIUMER, Publisher. CARDS, ' hoot anil Shoe Mftkers. 011atonllretney,fn Ltvan' building. Ilank street. AllardertprompUy IllUd work warranted. The Carbon Advocate. And Independent Family Newspaper Published every SATURDAY, In Lehighton, Carbon Co., Pa., by IfAUIlY V. ItlOUTIIlIUUR. Omci-DANKWAY, a short cllslauee atT the Lehigh Valley It. IU Depot. Terms: $1.00 per Annirn in Advance. EVERT DEtCBlrTIOX OF PtAlS AND FAKCT JoTd Printing AT VERY tOW PRICES. II. V. Mohtmmeb, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT-" Live ana Let Live." Si. 00 a Year if Paid in Advance. VOL. VII., No 34. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1879. If not paid in advance, $1.25. mmmu Attorneys. JOHN KLINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office i Cornor BufQuch-una and Race streets . MAPCI1 CHUNK, r, j.ilySHy JOHN 1). BEUTOLET I" 15, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office i Room 2. Ground Floor Mansion Honso maucii ciiunk, rA. Mar bo consulted In Oorn) in. loaiM ly P 1'. LONU STREET, ATTORNEY AT LAW Levan's Building, ANK STREET. LEIIIOHTON. rA. Dumber 10-Om. yjy M. uapsuiou, ATTOItNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Daks SiRttr.LinionToK.rA. RsalKstataaod Collection Antucv. Will IluA and gall It. nl fatal, ilonrejaniliig .leatly done Col- ctlons promptly nuda. Suttllng KMataa or I .lut a uedalty. May ba cousulti-d In Knllah nd Uarman. Ncv.2. J AS. R. STnUTHKUS, ATTOKH Y AT LAW, 3"Otncei 21 floirof Kbo-id'a Hall, Maucli Chunk. Pa. All Im.lneM eutrunted to Mai will be promptly attended to. . ?lav27. ly. p J. JIKEII.VN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE, No. 3, Second Floor, OAK II ALL., MAUOil CHUNK, Ps'mka. Jf-Can h consulted In German. rJan9. Justices and Insurance pr A. UICL.TZ, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, OFFIC8: Llndormm'a Blork, BANK-Strcet, I.HIIOMIO.V. PA. Conveyancing. Coilestlis and nil other binl-nes-. connected with the offleo piomptlv attend, ed to Agent for best Fire and 1 lfo Ilianr ance Comp inlo i Rents coliocud at reasonable charges. c Aprlil'i-vl rpwoMAS khmerer, JL CONVKVANUER, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The fvllovrlnx Comptntea are Represented: LEI1A.N )N MU PUAL FIR 12, UEAkINO MUTUAL FIRE, WOUING Flltii, POIT-V.LI.E FIRE, LUHIOIl VI HIS. nndtholRAV Ef.ER-j Al!UIDIiN r INSURANCE, Alan Fennsvlvanl- and Mutuil Iloi-be Thlel Deteo lve and In-urame Company. MarcaSI. 1871 IIIOS. KEMERER. Physicians and Dentists. Slatington Dental Office, Ehtahlisii ED 180. Artificial Teetli Made to Eestore tliG Original Contour of Lips &CWs. Porsons ordering a Set ofToeth, and rcsldlni; at LohlRliton, Welssp -rt or vicinity, or any point within '5 miles from Slatington, will BECEIVU AN Excursion Ticket TO AND FROM SAID POINT FREE! Very Iterpcctrully, Dit. L. Campbell. Filuno Tsktii A Specialtv. April My "W. W. HEBER, M. I)., EAST TENN, Carbon Countv, Pa. Residence ...fiom 7 a. m. to 10 a. m IlbTJRS ana I2iio ui to 10 p m Parry villo ..from 1 1 a.m. to 12 uooit. liar be i-onau ted In th German LanctusRO P. O. Address LcbL'hton. Nor. 30,- 1 yffl A. DICltllAHRIl, JI.I)., IMIVSICIAV ANDSCItOKOtf Pparlal attention piid to Chronic Dlfieapea. Otnea: South East corner Iron anu 2nd at... I.e hljhton. I'a. Aprl'3. 1675 QI1AS. T. IIDUN, I. I)., OP'ICEl OVER II A. PETER'S TJHUG HTOUE. BANK ST.. LEIIIOUTON, PA. Genera! practice attended tn, and SPECIAi ATTENTION OIVEN TO UI-iEASES OF WOMEN iuar23 .yi It. UElIEIt, 31. I). II, s Kxamlnlni; Surgeon, rRAOTICINO PHYSICIAN andSUliQEON. otriCEi uank stieet, iiedek'b dlock, LMuch ton, Pa. Way beconsntledln the Oerm m Laugnage. Nov. j). iviu bbi:kts Livery 8s Sale Stables OANIC STH.KICT.I.KI1IOUTON, Pa FAST TROTTING HOUSES, ELEGANT CARRIAGES, And positively LOWER I'llKT.S than any oiuer itivory iu me vuauir. LManrl hndanmo t'onlaires for Faneral 11fls anil WbOUIUES. DAVI D EUUI'UIT pi-,v. z an UUSUA NI1S Cnlciiictl Magnesia, Four First I'muiru Medals Awarded. More agreeable to the Tasie. and Smaller Dose thau other Magnesia. Tor sale In Government btaraped Bottles, at Drngki'U and Coonlrv stoiea, and bv T. J. HUSBAND, Jr., V-twtl rillLADELrUIA -F-----ifKVMr? Lz Railroad Guide. plIIt.A. &. UliADING KAlLltOAU. Arrangoment of I'asseDger Trains. MAY 11TII. is-". Trains lcavo AL L KNTO W N as follows i (VIA FliRKlOMBX URAN'CII.) For Philadelphia, at 4:41, e.w, a.m.. and u M p. ill. PUNDAYS. For Philadelphia nt 4 So a. m..3..v n. in. ivia liAsr rr.'.'A. uuancu.) For Ro it' iiR, 2.20. i.vj, sua m.. 12.10, 4.30 a idour, p.m For iluiisaurg. 2.3)5 10, 0.03 a. m., 12.10, 4.30 9.01 p. m. For Lancaster and Columbia, S 4), 0.3 a.m. and 4 30 p ra IDocs not run on Monday. tBMDAVS. " For Roadin, 2 and 4.30 undo OS pm. Fni 31irr!ainirp.2.t a. tn nn-l 9i8 . in. Trains FOR ALLE 'TOWN leave as follows! (VIA rKUKIOMEN llRAXCII.) Leave Philadelphia, 7.43 a. in., 1.0J, "1.30 and 6.30 p. in. . SUNDAYS. LoavoPhllirtclphl'i . -m and 3 15 p. m, (VIA nAST TENNA BRANCH I Lcavo Ro.oluc J.'-n 10.33 n in., 4.01, 0.1". rnd 10.43 o ni Leavu Hnrilsburc, S 15,8 10 a. ra., and 2.00, 4.C0 and 7.53 p. m. Leave Lnnrniter, 8.10 a. m., '2 51 and 3.45 p. m. Leav" Columbia 8." i.'0 and 3 33 p. m. sUKDAYH, r.eavoRcndluir. 7.20 niid 9 eg a.m. Leave HirrUlJUie. 5.15a.m. npni,ia llitm l run tn and from depot 9th and Orceu alrecti, Phlladelpbla other tlnlnston n liom uro-m "iroct nepnt. T, 11)1(1.55 p. n. tlttlns fnim A llAn. tovrn, and the7.45 o.m and b.3i p.m. trains from Philadelphia, have through cars to and lioiu I'jllodulpliia. Ocuernt Manager. C O. UANCOCK. Oro'I Tiact Anent. Hotels and Saloons. The Fort Allen House, WEISSPORT, PA. BEHLER & KRESGE. Proprietors, This Hcuo Is located In llio Horniiitli of Wf-iRvnnrl. (?nlon ( 'ountv. Pa., and Is hull on 1 lie site of Fori Allen, an old sto' kado fort Itlcatlon. erecio-l hero ovtr a century airo to proteittlro early settlers naalnt the ho-illo Incursions uf Hit' Indians. The house Is a sub. atanllal brick, and was named "f ori Allen llnufo" bv thulnle l.dward Weiss : It contains Thirty-two Itoonis and a handsome Kcsiau rant, nnd tht present Proprietor have newly anil thoroughly reUitcd tho establishment It has all the niipolm uienta of a 1'ui3i-(JlaS8 COUNT KY IIDTLL, adapicd for tho com. fort of Its patrons. In clnfo proximity to tho Hotel, ill pericci preservaiuu, is niu iii&Luriu OLD FRANKLIN WELL, which was dug by order of Benjamin Frank lln 'o supply Hie arrifon of I-i.rt Allen with water. Its wulls of stone, which will defy tho rava-zes of nges, uie as licrlcct lo-day as when put there, anil the well now contains about lx feet ol crystal water The will Is now being titted upas a historic relic, to iho water of which the patrons of tho House will liavo ireu access. SUMMER BOARDERS will bo accommodated at Rcnsonablo Prices. Tho liar ts mm tilled itli the uc.-t Wlne. Liquors anil t:lgur. ISoud MaMlnir nttuched. ApilllVyi C11L.CU U l.LiLtSJ Ia. Eating and Drinking SALOON, Lewis J. CimiSTjiAN, Prop'r. This well-kept and exorllmtly fl'tcd up Sa loon la loeilleti lurco uoors uuuvu v.musa 1 allorlng Store, on HANK STREET, LEIIIflHTON, Pa. ll.rancr & Engler's Philadelphia Beer al. w.iys on 1'ap. Choli-o t'igar, and till klnda of Rutrcrliiucuts In reason. I'nc I.mxli eery Mtlurilm Nilit. Patronago solicited. May 17 1870 ly Astor Place Hotel. EUROPEAN PLAN. stor I'lnce, 3d Aw. n d Slh Street, (tirrosiTE OoorEU Institute.) NEW YORK, Best Loeatlon in the City. Elevated Rail road and live other lines pass the dour. Rooms 60 cts. to 42 per Day. By the Week $2 and upwards. April 13-uiO OPEN ALL NIOIIT. NATIONAL H0TEL7 COIlTI.ANIl'r St., near Ilronilivny, 3STE-W YOEK, UOT( HKISS & TONU. Piuprletor. On Hie r.uropi'iui l'hiil. The r.cattiurant Cale and Lunch Room at tached ore unsaipoased fur cl.fatnesa .ml ex. rellenceot scivice, HoomsS cts to 12 per dev. 93 toll" per week. Convenient to all Femes and ihty R ilroads. NEW FURNITURE, NEW MANAGEMENT Jiuls-yl TOLEDO BLADE. NASBY'S PAPER. BEFORE YOU "i"VornTCr,h.- lieclmcii ci.y of TUj5 TOLI-.DO OLADi;. Ii h n iMammotli Lic'tt l'nao Wtelsiv i'a cr nl sixtv-lour COiUmtiH miM wt U cuefuliv ( re. omeii reaaiutf niniier 01 inierou huu vniueio ito pleinal paitaot thn Uuliwi States Sl'ECIAL FEATURES. All the DeDiirimrn a whic'i htin mnde Tub It lade bj nomrui ol) ovet the United rtMe Mil ate eu Tlv conrnue!. nanioiy i Vh l'op ularL tietB vt tiiQt ftintiuo-utHiiftl Democrat c nnlitit'l It. i EV li Tt OLEUM V NASBT. which nrf written xreft. f.r Tub Jjlaub- our HOUSEHOLD Dl 1'AKTUEM. a licit Uoiolb-rr Of fnuctical i n fo r t initio l. uptm culij eti olinteie-t n ,prv hitmoiu Youxa I'loplk's Depart. miint ; a Ite ig vm Ueuartmnt etubino ig tne t ePKiy ionnui j via-iimum Toe ryi tli Hi I Jilt eHt Wit ami HuiuortTutc llKfiT -TORIES.OII HUl Slid HttlPCtCd t A.6VlItS TO i 'O U UEfc'l0 DENTS HUll til LnTle-tC PW8 fiotu UllliQUiUl Ilie UOl tJ. lHi: KLtUKCUCUHl" InrRfliv in eveiv wnlo and TnrMr u the Union anO in eveiyviliere ii-ctKnied a tbu lamest ami I1K jT Ni:V AND FAMILY i'Al1. lUt pub in tied anywhera Tiv it and OU will nevo wilil-ifflv oe without it a -non it iue uow leututes lot tnis mater Pro a A ndersonville Prison Sketches, dv nne who wos tliero A new Sarlv Ht rv comiueocen now. liia. noiaer ono win torn meneo iu jaii'ian. TKltMri sin '.e codv. nep vtap 12 flvo OOpies.l,i f acn - cu or mora corion ecu ao't an extra copr with ever, ilub ot ten. suecliueo cottle- M-ni tree, send for one Ad drum TOLliUO iiLADK, J -leoo, Obto. Fifty Thousand Books For Sule nt ilalf Price. We are now offering to the public postage prepaid, ai ONE-UALF the molar price .fl.ty Ihouaiind volumes ot choice books, vumprUmir ..-.u.,. u.u,,nujr, riuuuu, it.nnv. uuuioi, Medical, ItellEioiaaim Scientite Works, ediilona oi niauuaiu Auinors elo.. eto. These booka aro.flccii',1 hyour Mr LocKB(Naahv) rora the shelves oi too iradng pulM.her of the cou i. try, a o nil Miw and l'H,-.H nud aie the IDEMICAI. KDITl.lNs himlinl w tall bookseller.. WbIoiva m uIpu tiinn,ai,.u f Iheae books to al pait oi the country, and every boo sent out is A..I1AN tED ci no rXAOILV A- RKPIlhSl-.Nl'EU and lome EMIRESATISFAOI'ION. , CATALOGUES FREE. Weltavei'nniet a largo and c mj'ete cata losueot our Hook. rruu el br Kiilijectsuna on appl'uitiou will mail cnue freet'i aurad ores', ye ihnH lo t e nau ioen- free iki men co leu ot Hie UL1DK wuncver odo -o. ll pcrnnna reaalug this advt rtwement nre coidiallv united lo Heuo ua bY iota rardor o Uerwise tb imtueanl thetiiBeiei and filend Address TOLM O HtAHK.ToifCo.Onto. $300; A MONTH puaraoteed, llJadiy jt home made by ilio indnattloui. carjital net requliea j we will siait vou. Jdeu. wuineu. bora and virii make money tatter at work for u tnan at aur thliiK elae. 1 h work is lifcht and p eaaant,anl ruch a aurooe can K" Tight at. Taote who are wit who see ttila Lotlce will tend ua their ad dreea at once and ee for theoiaelTea. foetiy Outfit and teimi free. Now la the time, ihoae already av wore are liUntr up larjro turn of moQT, Addreia THV12 A CO., Aujruata, Maine, Judo 7, ijr- A. !l. Hosier, Manufacturer of and Dealer In STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware and General House FnrnisMngc Goofls. HOOFING nnd SI'OUTI NO done at short notjeo and at Lowest Cash Prices. T am the anthonzM age' t for the Sale of the follontn J-'IRST-CLASS dl'OVES THE SILVER GOLD MEDAL COOK, THE LIOIIT1IOU8E COOK. THE MAYFLOWER HAVOE, THE SUNSHINE RANGE and IheNEV.' ANCHOR HEATER, and am Selling them VEHY CHE A D lor Cash. Fvcrv kind of STOVE 0 RATES and FIRE URIL1CS kept constantly on haud. Store on SOUTH Street, A lew doora above Bank St., LEHIGHTON, Pattonnce solicited Satisfsc inn Knaranterd. OU.S-yl A. 1. 4IOSSEII. Central Carriage Works, Banlf St., Lehigliton, Pa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, Of every description, In tho most substantial lnauncr, and at Lowest Uasb Prices, Ueialrliijr Promptly Attended to. TREXLER & KREIDLER, April 23, 1870 yl Proprietors. QAIUJON ADTOCATE JOB PllIXTIXG OFFICE, LEinnuTox. rA. Ti'very description of rnntloc, from a Visiting Card to a Poster. CARDS. UII.L HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS. PROGRAMMES. POSTERS, HANDBILLS. DODGERS, CIRCULARS, SHIPPING TAOS, ENVELOPES, PAMPHLETS, BY-LAWS, &C. 40.. Done lo tho best manner, at very Lorrest Prices. We ao nrcoared to do work at as chean rates asuv cUIre in the fitato t.1at aeals boneslly vruu it- Luiomcrs. OUR MOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. reorders by email rcclvo prompt attention. MRS. A. O. PETER, OF H. A. Peter's Central Mi Store. I.EUCKEL'S BLOl K, LEHIGHTON, PA., Poaoecllnllv annonnco tn the people of Lo lllghuin and vicinltv. that she wll continue the huainorts, as In-retotoie and thauKiog thorn for past tavora, asks a ctntlnuance the.eof. You will a.waVB nod a lull Hue ol PURE DRUGS and CHEMICALS, PArENTMEDICINKR HORSE and ' MTI.E PO VDERS. TOII. El ARTICLES.SPONGES. CI1A MOIShKIN-.. P AI and FAN. OY STATIONER Y.bitoal style, ot PLAIN and FANCY WALL PA. Pi..i,s. otu-lcea to Jlt the tlmea, PUi.E VVINE and LIQUORS for luedicluai uae. c. at Lowest Prices. Phyalciau's pre. scr pilous compounded by Dr. C. r. Horn, at all hours of the cay and night, Hunuayimlud. e".-. . MRS A.C. fhlElt. March S3,"76-yl jprlnio Homo Mndo Bread ! WHY GO HUNGRY! When you can Buy tlfe cuiiuu, vi i ii. b uuu uieaa FIVE LOAVES FOR 25 CENTS I 3. W. O'NEAL, the popi'ar Bread and CsV HaKer,of Leiugbtoii In c. to meet ihe wants nftlmtinirB haajieduttd b ' i'r.oeot blsceie brtted Hume dado Bl.lA to Five Loaves for Twenty-five Cts. Cash. Sugar, Raisin Coco. not (scotch, Drop, Cream and other CA KEs, only Tun Centa per Cozen, IiOoU Out for tho Wagon! At MAUCH CHUNK, on Tuesday, Thursday andKatnrdty Moiinuga, LEII IG II f ON aud V El SoPORT, every A f ter uoon exiept Friday. TERMS STRIOTLV CASH I Patronage -ollcited J. W. O'NBAL. Ml'OltEt Opiioslte First Nalionsl Bang, aprllayl linn c feeu Lealghton Ta. all ! sul X I tarn now supplying the verv Beat LATTI MUK COAL at tile lo. lowing Low Prleea, vis i No,l Chestnut by tho Car, ?3 is per to No. 1 Ciestnut, aingle ton 3 S3 per ton No.! t'he.tnut, hy the Car 2 00 per ton Vo.s Chestnut, smaiet n 2 to per l on DELIVERED, stova and Egg Slies at eqaauy low Prices. J. L. GABEL, Dealer iu General Hardware, &c, Opposite the Pnhllo Square, BANK BTREE LERIOUTON, PA, OOT,0,1W All about Its soil, climate, its settled and Its Tacnot landa, its farms nnd farmers can he learned in THE KANSAS elubt page weekly paoer, la years oiO. Coirrapoi.d ents In eveiy county. Bent to any address II wceia for (o cent. Postage stamps taken as money. Addiess, HUDsOr, AEWINO.To peica. Kansas. I learned moio abOnt Kanras from yoor paper that I can rolr upon iban from all oiner sonrces.-A1c7iarii Ji. fivani. Columbiana Co.. Ao It lTosjuai what those ol us wanting to n.ovo west, most want, iu Know. 6'amuei CAeiier Uranne Co., Hew I'orfc..... Ho a isrxe corns of ahls out! iuutoi s. 0a bhaft.... t he beat agricultural papct In the wei-tcni countty. St ring Hill l'rogtM...l is a va.ualdo paper. --IcAm.on CTam;;lon.....H lsilUlv edtted. pirtt o;Kiui,oi....a ft-arlcssoutSDOiOii Jonin a .Lawrence Journal ....Our Kansas fr enda should f el lunch pi loe In the hiah cbatactor of tholrbtatoAcnculturslp p r. Aativnat Xt btoek Journal., ..It has qu cly t koualngli f'aeehmoiifraaricultaral Joiinuls. AT. Y. 2n uns....A worthy lepiei motive ol tho great est.- 2 AU'o. irocf ie Farmer. Feb. 8.' wt beak mm : If yon are In want of auythlnc in the way of't,l?S, REVOIYVKKS PILTOLS, Amn nniiion.Gun Fisbtni Tackle or any other fine SrotiTiNO Goods p. ois write tor ray Larce 111 nm ated t'ataiogue nod rrlr,- Liar whioli 1 mall thee. Vouis tru T JOHNSTON'S QhEAT V EbTEILN GUMWOllKS. 1'iTTtnuiio, pa T HE SLA1IXUT0N PLANING MILI Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLAT1NGTOX. JOHN BALLIBT, Propr., ucain in Uii avintn uiii i DiiQa ui i iui. iivuiium Ouk Hud Hard Wooo Lumoer, and la now pie pared to execute uuy. amount of orders for DressoD Lumbcll OF ALli KINDS. Doors, Saslies, Illlnds, Sltiittciv, Mouldings, Calilnet AVare, &c, With Promptness. Brackets Made to Order. The Machinery la nil new and of the best and most Improved kinds. I emuloy none but tlio best woikmen, Ude well seasoned and cood nm terlni, and am thei croro able to puai auteo entire aaii'lactlon to nil who niavlavor mo with avail. Orders ov mail piomptly attended to. Mv charges are mo.leratin terms cash, or lntcmt charged alter thirty days. GIVE MKA CALL. inoso cnageo in uuiiuuig win lion iv i Ihoir advantngo tn lnvo Millnc, Floor Boarils Doora, asues, hut.ers, Ac. Ac., at thl Fai-torv. May loyi juuh 1.1.1 ci. G HAND OPENING! I I hpff tearo to Infnim nv old nrlronanai! cu tomerrtiind ho pub to lnpeneral. i lint I have opened and hTe uow ready for luapcaon In tho TOST OFFICE 11UILDING notib fttrAtkt T.nn ranTfiN r. at the IsOW EsrCAttli IMllCnia, a full anduew asaort uicut Lf HATS, CAPS, &c. Rnecial nttenllon hnvine been (riven to a we' aeloeledliiii ufMLU'd WOilKN'S anaCIlII DItEN'd WE A It, My Motio shall bo QUICK SALES & SMALL mOFITB." 3 invite the publfo to coll nnd exnmlno rriy inrr nnd nrlces ticfore nurchnslna elHewbere. as 1 ciq otfr special incucemunts to cah tiuyeri. LI WTSWEIS o pt. vi --im. r. . nuiiaing ixntgni-on i-u THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN! Mrs. C. DeTschirschky, rtenpectfoPr invites the attention of her ladr irtetuU fnd tbe pub'lo genual y to hor New' Notions Fancy Goods comprlalrf U r K R WE A II, TEnrfN AND UM.M4.M'UV WOOli. JlOSIKItY ItU ported and ifomentic KMUHOIDEItY, UimiOVS. GLOVES, nnd a turio variety of the Ken et Designs lu Fancy Goods. AlStl. In connection Willi thn ihnrM T trAn 1U. BilU VUUipiCiO BlULA Oi OEIIMAN FRUITS, LIMnuilGEfl and 8WITZEU CHEESE, CAN D I ICS and CONFECTION 8, tOCether With a V inlV ftt Onnrla tint irnAcnilv oiikiuouiuuici IMUtom IIIWJ1 it you HOI BOO Wllllh VUU WBDL. flKIC T, r It. mid I will trt If Aahaieof puotio patronatre in solicited, and pei feet sailafattlun guaranteed la puce aid ijuataif wi sjuvun. Nearly Opposite Darling's Drug Store. Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa November 30. "WHAT HANDSOME GOODS! AND WHAT A SPJjENDID VARIETY ! Is the Ualversal Verdict of all who Examine tua e, rresn spring tstock of Glolris, Cassimeres. Vestings & Snitiiigs, Just reoelve ! at the MERCHANT TAILOR 1NO STORE 1. 1' II. II. PETERS, Agent, TOST OFFIOE BUILDING, The Popular Clothing House IN LEIIIOUTON, Every Department Is full and complete with " P erfect Fits and Lowest Prices" the motto angtl-tf II. II. PETERU, Afc't ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMA who sulTered fur vears from Nervous DEUILITY.r HEM Tt'RE DECAY, and ad th.,tfl.-cHol jouthiul ludlacretlun. will for ihe sake of suffering humault , send free n all who need It. the reclua and direction for making thf simple remciy by which he v,aa cutd. Suffereis wishing to protlt by tho ad vei ttser'a exi cneuce rau do so oy udureaalug iu perfect confidence. JOHN U. OODEN,t2L'edarSt.N. V. KEND AT .1 Tnl remarkable med i ,, ... will cure Spavin, opllat, Curb. Callous, ite, or any eolarae. ment.and WILL REMOVE THE IIUNt'll SPAVIN WITIK'UT 1ILLSTI-1MNO " orcauslnga so'e. No remedy ever discovered equals It lor certainty uf ac tion In stopping Ibe lameness and removing Cril? R uuneh. Price 1.00. Send for uulllJ circular giving PosltUe Proorand yournrarest agent's address. rold by drug gists, or sent tu any address by the Inventor, II. J. Kendall, M. P., Enoshurgh Falll, Vt. PILES Of all kinds TUMORS.dlschar. ges of m OOD or mucus nut Hll diaeaaea of lh ItFryrtT&l quickly and perfectly cniei br simple sad soothing REMEDY. For laformsuon sddrrss IlV J, FABER CO. Z2 Ann Ht , N Y We will Pay the Postage AND BEND OU The Carbon Advocate ONE YEAR FOR ONE DOLLAR! Or Six Months UTor 50 cents! WHICH IS Less than 2 cents per "Week FOR A LARUE 32 COLUMN PAPER!!! ADDRESS. Carbon Advocate, I,clilghton, Pa. SHOW 1 HIS TO YOUR NEIGHBOR New Jewelry Store IN LEIIIOUTON, Under First National Bank, BANK STREET, LEIIIOUTON, Oreat Bargains In "Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. PRESERVE YOUK SIOHT, BY USING II. OINNEL'S SUPERIOR Spectacles and Eye-Glasses ! 3- PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. tf WATOIIES OLEANED FOR 60 CTS. All work guaranteed, and no Second Charge. Prices to Suit the Times. April 19-m3 E. II. IIOI1L, M. " EIXMAN & CO., BANK STREET. Lehighton, Pa MILLERS and Dealers In Feed. 411Kmdof GRAIN BOUOHTnnd SOLD at REGULAR MARKET KATES. Wo would, alao, lespectlullv Inform ourelti tens lhat we aro now f ally prepared to bUP l'LY taem with ISest of Coal From any Mine desired at VERY LOWEST PRICES. M. HEILMAN & CO. E. F. LUCKENBACII, Two Doora Below the "Broadway House JJAUCII CHUNK, rA. Dealer in all Patterns ot Plain and Fanoy Wall Papers, Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, LOWEST CASH TRICES. No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors In the Cnited States, Canada and Europe, at reduced rates. With our principal office located in Washington, directly opposite the United States Patent Office, we aro able to attend to nil jwtcnl business wiin greater promptness ana des patch and at leas cost than other patent nt- torneyB who nre at a diatanco from Wash, inirton. and who have, therefore, to employ " a&sociato attorneys." Wo make preliminary examinations ana furnish opinions as to patcntablity, frca of charge, and all who are interested in new inventions and patents are invited to send for a copy of our "Guidt for obtaining Patents," which is sent free to any address, and contains completo instructions now to obtain patents ana other valuable matter. Wo refer to tho Gorman-American National Bank, Washington, P.C.i tho Royal Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Legations, at Washington; lion. Jaw. Casey, lato Chief Justice U, S. Court of Claims; to tho Officials of the U. 6. Patent Office, anil to Senators in d embers of Congress from every Stale. Address! LOUIS BAGQEIt CO., Solid, tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, LcDroil llulldlng, Washington, i'.u. dec:z A WEEK tu jour own town and no fs.la0 n lairs ed. You din give tho bos I 63 UU -nets a trlxl wlifco .t expense. The ! boL no r.unt,veveruff.rM! for those j wiling to work Yi u should tiy nothlna- elau uuiu you co lur T'u"". .wi )uu ran una. j Ihe bu.lueas u e one. No loom lo explain here. 1 You n n devote all vour time orantrvoursDara I time toth ' I'uioess and mate gi eat piv tor t everv hour tuai you won. woiuru m.niH 1 mnrli .a ,n.. Rnil for BoMlul nr VHt. terms I an I particulars, whicb wn mall fre. to Outnt , tree Don't oomidaiu of hard llmea while you I have such a cbsnrA. Address H. BALLET r mii rt lliil Usne. Jun7 -y" A Walk Around Uie Dlock. My comrade lives on a sunny street. Near the top of a famous hill I When I'm up there I hate to walk, But walk my comrade will I I ronse my friend at half-pait five, And wo read some Greek together, And then he hauls me round the block, No matter what the weather. Ue gets me broiled In the morning inn, He gets me roaked with rain.; And when he's lug'd me round there once, lie lugs me round again. Fur whisper 1 my comrade's lady lives In a bouse on tho other street ; And he loves tu tramp around the block, Though she be not there tu greet. To look at the curtains that shut her In, And tho walls that shut him out He's pined away till bo's leaner than me, Ue that used to be so stout. Now, I know the lady Is fair to see, 1 know she's gracelul and gay t ' But I know ray Mend has no good right To make me walk that wa, I know tho shape of every brick In the wall of that house divine ; And why should he stand and gaze at It T Till a pain comes In my plno? lie gets thtre ere tho matin birds Commence to carol tho morn, When he knons that then not one Is up Of the girls lu this land born. But patience I a day of respite comes, A 'happy, happj day I Next Monday sees the maiden fair To her summci haunts away. Safe Is our firm old friendship then From wreck upn that rock ; My friend and I ran take a stroll And not go round the block. A RIDE FOR LIFE. It was a beautiful midsummer afternoon. The sun was shining brightly upon ono of tho largo plains of Texas, dotted hero and there by settlers' houses, and the glittering waters of the Eio Grande. Riding up the dusty brown road at a slow pace was an army officer. He rode a large sorrel thoroughbred, which seemed ever im patient to movo more rapidly onward. The rider was a young man, with a hand some sun-browned face. Ho had bright gray eyes, a light moustache hid his well cut lips, and a wealth of dark brown curly hair clustered around his head. As he was passing a wayside house, the owner came out and hailed him : " Colonel, hold a minute." Tho young officer turned his horse, rodo up to tho man. " Colonel," said the man, "that Mexican band of thieves crossed the river this morn ing, and they mean to bo up to some mis chief." " Yes," said tho colonel, "those Mexican raiders are tho plague of the country. Have you seen the rascals?" " Yes ; I met them this morning, when they crossed tho river, and they told mo they intended to kill the Thompson family before they go back ; so I concluded to tell you. I thought you might warn Thomp son to get out of the way." " Why, what have they against Thomp son ?" " Oh, you know Thompson chased two of them away when they were trying to steal his horses. They have boasted that they intend to kill every man, wman and child in the family." " When do they intend to do It?" " As they come back. They have gone down in tho valley ; but, from what they said, I think they will be back in two houfa or so." "As soon as that?" said the colonel; " then I will not have tlmo to ride to camp for troops." " No; and thoy may bo back in an hour; no telling." " Well, if they may be back so soon, I'd better be going if I wish to Bave tho family Good-day." " Good-day," said the man, as the colon el's horse bounded nt a rapid pace up the road. Thompson's house was about a mile and a half distant. Reaching it, the colonel rode hastily up to the door nud knocked. " Hello, Colonel Charlie," said the good hearted farmer, "come In and have a drink of milk, and cool yourself. It is a mighty hot day." " No, I thank you; that band of Mexican cutthroats have crossed the river again, and " " Aro They?" exclaimed the settler, wip ing tho sweat from his brow. "Yes; and they have threatened to mur-' dcr you and your family." "And I have no mercy to expect from them. That thief I hurt for attempting to steal ono of my horses was one of thcirgang, and I supposo they ore thlrstiug for re venge," "Yes, Thompson," said the colonel, "tho best tiling for you to do is to lcavo hero as soon ns possible, ond go to camp." Tho settler hastened away to alarm those within. Tho family consisted of Thompson, wife, brother and two children a boy and girl. Tho boy was about a doien years of age,and the girl was six. After quickly hitching a pair of horses to the wagon, It was smn loaded, tho colonel w.irkliig as industriously as any. The children were put In it, and Thompson's brother-in-law drovo away, leaving the rest ( fill ll. o remainine wagou. Tho man had driven but a short distance, when the littlo girl began to cry for her doll. Oh, novcr mind your doll, I'll buy you another," said the uncle. Oh. nleaBO let me go back and get my doll," cried the child. "I'll K atraight to mamma." She cried and begsed so hard, that at last her unclo put her out and told uer to nuiry .imli-ht to her mother. Going back she enteral tho house unob served, and silting down on the floor soon fell asleep. It was sometime after tho wagon had started that tho other ono was ready. They therefore had traveled nearly two miles be r,,r. nvertakine It. Then the mother put ting her head out of the, wagon, called to her boy i "Where Is your sister?" Blie Is with you," said tho boy. " Isn't ab with you?" cried Mrs. Thomp son to her brother. , " Oh, heaven I" cried the mother, " my ch Id is left behind. For a moment all were Bilent, gazing in each other's faces, till Thomas eaidi " I fear I could not get back before tho bandits would bo there. That dust in the distance, I supposo, is caused by the band. Perhaps they may not injure the child," " But," cried the mother, frantically, "they have sworn to kill every man wom an and child in the house. If they should spare her, they would carry her off into slavery, which would bo even worso. Oh, my child, my child I" " I know not what to do," cxclalmea the bewildered father. ' There is but one thing that can be done," said tho young officer. " I'll ride back, and rescue her if it bo in my power" " God blcs3 you, colonel, God bless you I May heaven reward you I" exclaimed the mother, her eyes filling with tears at sh saw the nobleyoung fellow turn his horse and gallop down the road. The colonel galloped on till he reached the settler's house. Then riding around to the back lie lookod in through the open window. There lay the child upon the floor asleep, grasping her doll. "Oh, Colonel Charlie, where's my mam ma?" cried the child when he awakened her. "Your mother has gone away ; but I have come to take you to her. Now, come to the window, nnd I will lift you on tho horse. Be quick I" Lifting her up before him, he clasped her firmly about the waist, and turning his horse's head, plunged up tho road. He could plainly distinguish the bandits now as they were moving towards the house. He had ridden about half a mile when the Mexican bandit caught sight of him. They immediately changed their course. Not di rectly towards htm, but so as to intercept him about midway between tha settler's homo and the camp. The colonel understood their movement, ami knew they had a shorter distance to ride. For a moment ho hesitated and looked back; but in that instant he decided to move forward, for he saw eeveral strag glers uf the bind had already reached tho house. "My horse is faster than any of theirs," ho muttered, "and lhat is my only hope. Now, Hero," he said to the thoroughbred, as he patted the hors j 'a arched neck, "you have a hard ride before you. Now, do your level best, old boy." Tho horso seemed to understand ; for he pricked up his ears, and shook his head as eager for the race. 'Now, my littlo girl, put your arms about me, and bold on tight. You aro not afraid, aro you ?" 'No; not with vou," she replied, as she looked up into the young fellow's handsome face. Tho next moment the thoroughbred wos flying at a rapid pace. Tho bandits saw it, and with a wild yell urged their horses at full speed. Rapidly they shortened the dlstance'be tween them until they are not more than a mile and a half apart. The colonel saw it was a critical moment. Ho glanced toward the camp; he saw the wagons had already arrived, and the soldiers were out in front of the tents eagerly watching the race. He grasped tho little girl's waist till he hurt her, then bracing himself firmly in the stirrups, he gave a wild yell at the horse. The animal sprang into, the air, and the next moment it was Dying over the plains at such a rale that ono misstep would have been fatal. Each moment they camo closer together; the colonel was gaining rapidly on them ; but ho had a much longer distance to ride. The excitement among the soldiers in front of tho tents grew intense as each moment brought them closer and closer. A death like silence fell upon the men as the critical moment drew near. "Ho is lost," said ono of the soldiers. A (ear stood in many an cyo; for the colonet was a favorite with them all. "Look I look I" Bhouted Beveral of tho men. Yes, look I When the bandits were al most upon him, tlio horso suddenly gave a splendid hurst of ejieed worthy of his blood. Was he running or flying? Ho was down lo his work at Isst. Tho next moment both parties leaped In to tho hollow that lay between them and the camp, and wero lost to view. Silently the soldierh watched the hollow. They knew it was now a question of lifo and death, and eagerly, almost breathlcssly.tbey watched the result. The next moment the colonel camo full In view from the hollow. A low cheer al most involuntarily burst from the men; but it soon subsided, for it was now the para mount moment. He was passing the Mexi cans at about seventy yards- They raised their gun and fired. Did horcelorfiil I No; hewasstill firm ly seated in the saddle. A loud cheer broke from the soldiers, that rang far over the plains. The band gave chase ; but rapidly ho widened the distance between them. " Tho colonel's safe," cried the men. But ho was not. He was rapidly approaching a growth of willows near a pool of water, when sudden, ly a mounted Mexican sprang from bohind him armed with a revolver. It looked as if ho had escaied one danger but tn fall into another. He had nochunco to defend him self. One arm was about the girl, witli the other ho bad to grasp the bridle ; and even if be could use It, he could not get at his re volver. If he laid tho child on the ground, before he could defend himself and get her again the bandits would be upon him. So he concluded to press onward. The villain rushed toward him, exclaim ing as he raised the pistol and took aim i " Al Jin ft canla la gloria" (Boast not till the victory is won). At that moment there was a low report, scarcely audible for the distance, and the Mexican reeled In hissaddle and fell to the earth. The colonel looked ahead of him, and there, fully half a mile away, sUaal a tall Kentucklan grasping a rifle which he had just dlacharged. The onlnnel pushed on, anu as lie passeo the soldier, the latter said i " I rather guessed I fetched him, colonel." "Yes; It was m splendid shot. Go Into camp. You will bo a coiral when you gt there." " A corporal," miitlwl tli'-t .ll K -nt " a isn. "Mighty lucky shot, that. Didn't ex- pect to be a corporal for a year yet. Lucky shot, that, you bet I" In a few moments more tho oolonel plung ed Into camp amid a wild yell of cheers and a discharge from t he battery, which rolled oyer the plains and across tha river into Mexico, announcing that the colonel had won the race. Pottcr't Monthly. HAISI CHURCH FJJ.VDS. It has grown into a fashionable custom of late, as a means of raising' funds, to have mock auction sales of the prettv girls at church festivals. It tends to Increase the resources of tho church, and at the same time very clearly demonstrates In which way tho affections of youth are bent. For It is reasonable to suppose that no ambitious young man will permit his sweetheart to be knocked down to a rival until be has ex pended his last cent In tho effort to become the fortunate purchaser. Acting upon this idea, ssys a western ex change, one of our fashionable churches is preparing for a festival, in which the auc tion business is to form a prominent feature. It has putthe young ladlesln quite a flutter of excitement, and unhappily has come very nearly wrecking the future happiness of two estimable young creatures. The facts In the case aro these: A young gentleman who confesses to an amiable weakness for one of the young la dies who are to be disposed of on the occa sion referred to called on his dulcinea a few evenings since and very naturally the sub ject of the festival came up. "I'm to be sold, Charlie. Did you know It?" exclaimed the enchantress. Not Are you though ? I suppose I shall have to buy you." "Of course. But how much do you think I will sell for? This was a native inquiry, but it led to a moment of brief but sagacious speculation. If he bad any rival, the girl was likely to go high; if ho didn't have any it would appear ns it ho was Investing in an exceed ingly cheap urticlo. "I don't know." The words were long drawd out, and his faco was grave. "I sup pose a dollor or two." If he had reflected a moment longer ho never would have made this observation. It was born, however, of a senso of economy and had no idea what it would lead to. But as the words fell from his Hps ho looked at his inamorata and caught the flash of indig nant blue eyes, which made his heart sink. "One or two dollars, indeed I I'll sell for fifty at tho lowest." "I can't buy you, then." "Sir I and the lady's faco was rigid with amazement. "That is I moan to say confound it, Matia, I can't spare that much," and the poor fellow looked approvingly atthedivin ty which was about to shapo tho end of his purse. But the disaster had come. The young lady rose from her seat like a queen, and with the cruel remark that a gentleman who thought so much of $50 was not a suit able person to encourage as a lover, sailed majestically from tho room. And now that young man's soul is con vulsed with anguish, nnd remarks upon church festival are fearful to contemplate. THIS AND THAT. A new brand of cigars is called " The lottery ticket" because only one In a thous sand draws. The earth making but three hundred nnd sixty-five revolutions a year, it is away behind Mexico in that sort of business. "In tho bright complexion of my youth I'll have no such word as pale," and she reached for the rougo box with tho clutch of an angel. A lady who wassuffering under a slight indisposition told her husband that it was with the greatest difficulty she could breaths and the effort distressed her exceedingly. 'I wouldn't try, my dear I" ho soothingly responded. A man asked for admission to a show for half price, as he had but one eye. But the manager told him it would take him twice as long to see the show as it would anybody else, and charged him double. A fat French woman despairingly says: " I am so fat that I pray for a disappoint ment to make me thin. No sooner does the disapjiolnlment come, than tho mere expec tation of growing thinner gives me such joy that I become fatter than ever." A French newsjiaper says that in a cer tain Irish cathedral there used to be shown three skulls, one little one and two big ones, which the guido described to visitors as tha skull of St. Patrick when he was a child,the skull of St. Patrick grown up, and the skull of St. Patrick as an old man, General Gourko, Governor of St. Peters burg, is a very practical man. Ue received a letter which said he would be poisoned. Not at all alarmed he sent for his cook and thus addressed that personage: "You see this letter. Resd it. Very woll. Now keep in mind, (he first time I get the colic I will hang you." A boy had always declined to eat oat meal, although bis mother had urged It up on him as a strengthening diet. Suddenly he surprised her by one morning eating a liberal plateful and railing for more. When she asked for an explanation he replied: "I am bound to eat oatmeal till I get strong enough to whip Georgy 6cott, Aboutaweekognanlowamandied. He was very wealthy and left three sons, his only hoirs, and would you believe it, the ungrateful boys got together and ran away with all the property before the lawyers could get at it and divideitwith each other? There ts so much sordid, mean, grasping selfishness, in this world, that sometimes it is enough to discourage a good lawyer. Tho remarkable and terrible story of'L Assomolr," which in ono form or another, is taking tho place of light, cheerful "Pina fjre." It hus been tendered into English by Chas. Reade, under the name of "Drink," Instead nf "Delirium Tremens," which it should be called. It is said to produce a deep eli'ect on driukers. A rustic whose gingerbread is annually stolen by thi elephant was at the cirru. last week, and this time when tbe appetizing comfit was suddenly snatched from his hand he shook his M at the huge thief and yell, ed whild the tears ruursed down bis cheeks, "I).iru yer, ye double tailed loot, give that Uick here or I'll kiiiaik yer two front toclh dnwn verold throat!" Muuy vjj(jr. aro like facts stubborn thin?.. Joaquin Mlll'r Is in Chiaago. Chicago liiu our ,milliy nw. So Iw. Joaquin. J.u-k -ifcil Uiae Hm, fh ? 11 'Wdid . v u '' li-i r,..ifuu, Ui.i-r.uii 1 treated the lite a dog I"