The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 12, 1879, Image 4

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llcil 86rrel fur Itav.
(flits Intruder Is now allowing itself
jncndotvB almost ns plentifully ns In former
years. It abounds on tlio farms of our best
farmers, ond on tlioso of cur poorest. New
ly-secded mtndows are roil with It, as well
ns thosa that aro oliler. Formers who use
flali scrap, pliosphnto and other so-called
special fertilizers, which aro sometimes
thought to favor Its growth, have it, and' so
do those Who hevcr buy any fertilizers. A
very heavy growth of crass will crowd It
out,bul It comes in badly on newly-seeded
land before tlio grass becomes established
anil etill worso in meadows that lihVo passed
their best. I can look on a field from where
1 nuw-sit which is red willi It J this field
was seeded to grass with oats last year. For
a dozen years or nioro the field has been
manured and cultivated like n garden, and
where the eorrcl camo from I do not know ;
but it is there.
In cultivated land wo can subdue it, but
in meadows wo aro compelled to havo it
willing or unwilling. It is said that nothing
has been made in vain, and I have learned
that sorrel is not so utterly worthless as I
formerly supposed. Last year I bought 20
acres of slandinggrass. On fivoacres, which
had been seeded before, thoro was tho largest
crop of Borrel I over saw. Early in Juno
there was very little to bo 6eon on it except
sorrel. I then thought I would not mow it,
but by July -ltli tho clover and timothy had
grown up so that it was about half grass and
half sorrel, so I cut it, getting about six Ions
of this mixed hay.
I supposed that when I camo to feed It my
cattle would pick out the good hoy and reject
tho sorrel ) but I found last winter that they
ato it all. They actually preferred this sor
rel hay to timothy ond red top which was a
little over-ripe when cut. I hesitated a litllo
before bringing so much ripe sorrel seed into
my barn, disliking to fill my manure full of
It, for tlio wcoit ripens its seed by tho last of
Juno ) but as my farm was already stocked
with it, I thoughtlniightas well have more,
I would not recommend sorrel os a desirable
crop to grow, but if we must have it, wo may
as well make a virtue of necessity and use l
as best wo can, and wo can mako a passable
kind of hay from it. G. F. 1 in the Country
Now Advorhscnionts.
or tiik
licliighton jSchool Board.
E. It, SNYIiKtt, Trcnrurcr, In ftceoxlnt Willi'
tne JbeniHiiton rnooi jjoaru, ivr ma ) vui
ending Juno!, 187
ltli. collector.... A 239 bl
li. KOlienuaucr, cuiiecior.,,.. aov w
Htnto Appropriation thO SS
Tax Unseated Land 'f So
W. Miller for Taxes or Emery
Ix-hr... M
It. Fcnslcrinnchcr 33TS CO
Male or new llomls looo 00
Notes Discounted 4513 66
s and Medicines
ft 12107 at
. in Te
UO 00
280 00
210 CO
1M 00
lindanes dilo TreasHro?. . ,
lly 1". K. Ilcrnd, teaclior
iUIss U J. Ilellman, teacher.. .
s. It. uunam teacner
Miss llnttio Koons. teacher....
" Jliss Uurrto llsucr, teacher zoo 00
10 uv
1C0 00
127 61
230 60
20 78
85 t0'
76 00
66 00
1 UI's Kiniim llnuk, tcacliur..
" A. A. u rover, teacner....!
" lniurnnco
11 Coal nml Lumber
" 1'rlAltno;
" Ifc-niulUtiii?
" J. Kostcnbader, collector com...
" .lanltor's Fees
' lfctlcmntlon of "Certificates of
Indebtedness SOT 12
" 11. H. Snyilcr, supplies 4 60
" . O rarer, savpllcs. . . , 11 2a
" J. 1,. Unucl, supplies 41 03
' (Iriubcll fcOo , supplies 9 10
" II. Kostcnbader, supplies 18 43
" II. Olenlnc, supplies 6 73
" Tlios. i). Hock, supplier 7 64
" John Khcckler, supplies 4 07
" II. Kostcnbadcr, repairs 17 60
" Jim. Miller, repairs St S3
"' A. 1). Mossor, repairs 22 83
" Henry llcckcndorr, repairs 3 00
' Aaron Krunvrcpntrs 1 26
" KiintJ ft .Incnbs, repairs 4 60
Juhn lllnkcr, repairs 1 75
U. Hravcr, repairs 13 90
" A. V. Knclics, repairs... 1 12
" A. 1). Mosscr, repairs 14 32
" li. J. Youngkln, miscellaneous.. 3 43
" It, Fcnstcriiiachcr, miscellaneous 100
11 S.un'l Hclicrllng, miscellaneous. 2 00
" Jno. Sliccklcr, lnlseellancous.... 10 00
' i:. II. Snydtr fur llzra Mover.... 6 23
' Jos. Zalin, nilscellancnus 2 25
" Unas. Fruolicli miscellaneous... 3 01
' F. 1. Loni;strcet. miscellaneous. 8 00
" II. J. Kunlz, miscellaneous 2 75
" Lewis Graver, miscellaneous ... 4 03
" llondedcstroycd 1000 00
" Int. on Uouds and Certificates. . . 1010 60
" Notes & discounts paid at Dank. 6131 57
" N. 11. ltclier, rart payment or
llond No. 70 60 00
" N. H. lteber, balance as Treasur
er, 1878 8 1 44
" Miss llnttio ICoon, teacher 00 00
" Miss llinma. Hank, teacher 25 00
" Miss li. J. Ilellman, teacher.... 00 00
L. II. Snjdcr, Treasurer o com.. 133 07
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store,
I you want anything in tlio Drug lino at bottom prices,
go to tlio Old and ltoliablo Drug Storo, in Dr
Hobcr'a Block,- ncatf tlio Post Oflicur
A. J. BURLING, Proprietor,
iWl.rrn ron mill 11 ml d Intl flUll couiDleto stock of
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, PerfuuiGry', Soaps,
Brushes,- Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating' Oils.
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses. Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Puro AVincs and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
If all Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention given to the1 compounding or rhysi
cians and Family Prescriptions,-
Established 1807. J A. J. JJU LiULSS ut.
LchlEhton. NovemOT 2.
tt Invariably cures CourIh, Colds-, HoftSc
ness, Bore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and other
Affections ot tho JHroathlug Organs.
Total $12312 10
Wo tho undcrslirneil duly elected Auditors
or tho Uorougli ol Lchlffhton, docortlfiy that
the accounts or E. II. Snyder, Treasurer, Is
correct to thobestorour Knowledge and belicr.
W. A. DUIUIAAimi, )
W. W. limVHAN, J Auditors.
F. 1'.. WHITNEY, )
Juno 28 ws.
l'nrlsCrccuanil l'olntocs.
I never believed I'aris green could to ab
sorbed by tlio roots of any plant, for plants
do not tako up through their roots anything
but solublo matter, and I'aris green does not
disj'.vc in water, but Moats in it for a slioit
time. It doubtless decays in limo mingled
with tho earth, but by that tlmo ils natuio
will bo changed, anil tho poisonous effects
neutralized. It is probablo that this change
takes place beforo tho particles decay, or at
all events they aro so thinly distributed in
the soil as to bo harmless. This is proved
by the fact that we used tho baby's nut grove,
whera I'aris green hasbecn liberally applied
to tlio otatoei (grown under ttraw), for a
feeding yard fur a score or more oflitllo pigs,
and they rooted it over many times seeking
slray (Kitatocs and feeding on tho angle
worms which wcro mado plenty by tho cov
ering ol straw. None of tlio pigs wero ever
sick, and, in fact, wo never thought about
the poison until to-day. In the field tho old
hogs havo rooted over tho potato ground
thoroughly with no harm to lhcmselves,and
hero tho poison was applied tlirco limes.
li'o can raise good crops of potatoes by using
plenty of I'aris green, and without it wo
cannot, so long as the beetles stay willi us.
Tho vines khould bo gathered In heaps and
burned as soon as tlio potatoes aro dug, and
then all danger is over. This is my judg
ment and experience, and I shall act on it,
although it may bo contrary to science. F.
D. C. in X. V. Tribune.
Pond's Extract
The Vegetable Pain Destroyer
iKVJtujAnLB ron
Inflammation & Hemorrhage.
Piles, Sprains, Lameness, Hums, Scalds,
Ilrulses, Soreness, Khcumatlsm, Dolls, Ul
ccrs, Old Sores, Wounds, etc. Also for
Toothache, llcadacho.Soro Throat, Asthma,
Hoarseness, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Colic,
Diarrhoea, and all Hemorrhages, S.C.
It Is acknowledged by Physicians of all
schools that I'ouiI'm Mxlrnct has moro
wonderrul curative properties than any other
remedy. No lorm or inflammation, pain.
&OHCNKS9 orHLEKDixo.butltwIllcuro. Space
will not admit or naming all tlio diseases lor
wiuen it is a speeinc; out wo win scpuanis.
toryot Its uses by mall, on application. Ihe
pleasing results or using tho i'.xiracl as
toilet requisite, lias Induced us to prepare
inoitlncd lormsot tho Uxti-nci In a Toilet
nnu. (50 cents n box or.1 cakesj. a Toilet
Cnniii Tor soltcnlng and bcautlTylng tho
skin (tl.00 a bottle), a Ileal m ice (60 cents)
ror sensitive nnd scvoro cases orOATAr.nn.
our Cuinri-li 1'iu-i-175 cents) used with our
Ituzni syringe 123 cents) is a radical cure.
Our lnlinler (So cents), ror IjUNii and
TituoAT IIiscasks and Internal hlcedlutrls
Invaluable. Our Oliiimciit (60 cents), ror
Soim Piles, etc., should bo kept In every
family. Our Pinters excel oil others, use
our Miclitaicii I'lipcr to prevent and euro
Pilks nnd Ciiavino.
Thobasootour Toilet tnd Jlcdlcatad pre
parations Is Pitml'M ICxIrnct, whlchls a
guarrntco that they aro superior, anddescrvo
ttieennlldcnco or tho public. Sold by A.J.
DUlil.INd, I.clilgliton, and all Druggists.
1-rep.ireu only uy
New York and Ijndon.
Juno 7. lot.
A Sure C'iitu forilic Cinpcti,
Tor tho last four or ftvo years, sinco I have
had the care of young chickens, I have been
troubled every year by my chickens having
tho gapes, that disease- which often scctns to
some to be incurable. I had often heard
that by running a horso-hair down tho
chick's throat, tho small worms which
stopped it up could bo extricated. Though
this method may seem to some, as it did to
me, to be impossible, yet it is a suro and
casycure. Tho following Is tho way I cure
my chicks i
Tako n coarso horse-hair, twist it between
tho fingers, leaving a small loop nt tho end j
men get soma one to noni me cinck around
the body and by tho back of tho head, while
you hold its bill open witli your left hand ;
then with your right hand Insert tho looped
horse-hair in tlio small aparturo back of
and which seems to bo a part of tho tongue.
Then keep twisting tho hair around between
the Oncers, while, at the snino time, vou run
It down tho chick's throat to tho depth of
. .- 1 .1 -I I.. .1 .
muuu. Knv uit;iit-ag turn tmmy Ulaw 11 oul,
twisting it all the whilo in tho samo direc
tion as beforo
There may bo some difficulty in inscrtlnff
tho hair, as tho aperture keeps opening and
Closing i but witli perseverance it cau bo casl
ly done. Hun tho hair down two or throe
times, using a new hair each time.and your
chick will bo cured. Tho operation seldom
has to bo dono but once. J. H'. II, in Foul
try Yard.
news t; oss ip.
Ilesnectfullv announces to tlio people of Leliiffliton and its
. ... i , l .1 1 -At- E-.i 1... J.1.
vicinity, tnat, no nas iuse cniargeu ins luuuuuiuiury uy mu
addition o another story, and that ho is now prepared to
furnish them with every description ot
Manufactured from tho best Seasoned Material, at Prices
fully as low as tho samo articles can bo bought for else-
. t r n i.-i 1 rf 3.
where. Jlcre aro a tow 01 cue inducements onerea :
Parlor Sets at from 50 to 60.00
Walnut Marble-top Dressing Case Bedroom
Suites, 3 Pieces. 4U to ijuo.UO
Painted Bedroom Suites, $18 to 40.00
Cane Seated Chairs, per sot of Six 6.00
Common Chairs, per set of Six 4.00
and all other goods equally cheap.
In this connection, I desiro to call the attention of the
citizens to my ample facilities m tho
BUSINESS, with a now and handsome Hearse, and aful
lino' of Caskets and Coffins, I am prepared to attend
promptly to all orders in this line, at lowest prices.
Tatronago respectfully solicited and tho most ample sat
isfaction guaranteed. V. KUILWAIITZ,
Oct. 12. BANK Street, LEHIGHTON, PA
'ho Best ana Most Popular Pulmonic is
It Will Wtty to lUiul rmi
t p.lftfhlniT Inlfnmrd ifbnn llio lrHtntcd Hn.
Ingol tlionir pasBnircPilB dim to Uiclnct that
its uipxedientB nro tho most cDl en clous imtmon.
in aininlpfl tunwn tft mnllcit tiotnuv. tlie b&n
ni III 11 lllllVIU UCIII lUU 1J 1 Ul SSIVJ iiutiu-
lIOurJJ riiAn i , cneraicnur nnueo wim me
mxiiirinni iiruiriTunni iiiu Allien iiai-iawj'.a
or linlni of uiienu. There nro besides, flvo other
botanic cicmcuta wmcn give nuuuionai cxiicacy
to the tli at iiamcU two.
i iinxR wnn nnvo ucu il. pbit iuai UALryn
only woodcrfulir remedial lu nit cases Vrlieio
thooruan ot respiration nro fleeted, tiutolso
tnat us acuon is unnfcuaiiy rapiu. a lew aosea
freni'cntlr servo- to relievo a very obsitnste
cough, it contains nntnlnsrtoat can iliRordcr
the stomach, a fact that can bo nliogcd'w'th
trnin oi mil lew i on ten rcmecucB i li nas an ex
whtcn cnaoies luoio m ino most nnmeu means
to avail themselves oi m viriues.
It Flrople mndncsto trifle with n Conph.
Iriltntlon ol th Throat, ChCfit nrt Lntics trav
eH rnplillv. ami vrhnt is n trifling nnd cnsltr
rnnnuornuio diiucuuv in thoBo ortrnns to-dav.
TTinv In u lew weeks ttcvelon Into Llroneliltis or
Consumption, two disease which corrv moro
victims to curlr Kravffp. than any other in tho
ion f! iisi oi uouiiv uisoruers.
A uoucii may uo mir lernicu ino iTciiminnr
Stiiro ot Cniisumptinn, n mtlndv of whlcl
TAitisttie Rarest Known ureveniivo. Titoso
tueremre, wno wonm arrem no progrnss o: ino
destroyer, should delay not a moment to lake
n rrRTAIN Bncclflp.
ciiiijiJuiJJN. iieiivo irrcit nenciit irom its
soothing properties, when sutlortnir with tho
aroxjTms oi uroup nua w lumping coun. tjio
rst named dlstiie is o-T)felailv destmctivn
among vouncr cUlldrcn and tn's rvliaolo remedy
non hi oo Kept on jinim in nil i)ou-euoiua. nay
moi-irao l arKncra ami tjcnnonuze.
I'ltlCKS, 50 cH.. nnd 1, BOTTLE,
uoia uy an urupsiaw.
C- N. CrUtcnton Prop'r,
Wc have entered into arrangements With Rev. J. Kenhy
Smytiie, of Philadelphia, the publisher of Sunshine Fon
Little' Children, whereby we arc enabled to make you the
following" tmrivallcd- offer an offer which will, wo feel as
sured, secure for us not only your nainc, but the names of
very many of 7otir friend'a and neighbors as subscribers to
oiw paper.
already been expended in- this " great offer " by the " Sun
shine Publishing Co.," THIS PAPER MAKES NOTII-
NG ON THE BOOKS. Our sole object is to place your
name on our list as a subscriber to the Oakbon Advocate
and to Sunshine ron Little Children-
Fur Ralo lir A, J.
LelifgUtdu. l'a.
DUItLISO, Dnktrcct.
Havo you a "Raoinci Tooth" Reader?
Piko's Toothache Drops
and Cure tlio nsocy in onb Minute. This yon
cnniloforTiVKNTY-PlV!C CENTS Tho or
Uclo will do tho bminos up hrown. dt-itend ution
It; moreover It contiilns no luloJlcnt which
can lujuro 3-our 'l con;.
rniOE 23 CENTS. Sold ty all Drucats.
C. N. Crittcnton, Prop'r
The Largest Spring Stock
Of Ladloh', Qcntb', and Ciilldrcn's
Boots, Shoes Gaiters
live! offcicd In this vicinity, Is at
Bank Street, Lehigliton, Pa.
I have iut received an Immense STOPi; OT
oriuu jiuuia, "iiuiia tru iAlllvlt,
which 1 am bclllim to ttio mimic of T.otnirhtnii
nnd lliohurroiiml'iicniKliborlioodCltKAl'KH
thaw i;vbJt iiuiuiiu eoiaia tins county.
Boots & ShoesMado to Order
nt Astonishingly Low Trices, nd MENDING
Neatly dono nt Vncctt to Biilt the times.
I invito Iho public to call nud cramlnomy
Stock ond Pritys beloro pnrcansinjt oltewhcio,
ami lie convinced of tlx bovo tacis,
HOUND TO faATIdFV. llcadj'.tnado Boots
and Mines bought of rao that rip will be repair,
cit without clurpt.
Thankful tor tmut patronage, I rciinccfully
ask ni'ontluuaucu themif.
m J. w. l'-nnziNai-iit.
Two dnarn below Itomtfr it llotloid 8 carilico
Workx. Hank trcoc net. Syl
The undersigned most respectfully announces to the Ladies
of AVeissport and the surrounding country, that she has just
returned from the Cities, and is now receiving an immenso
assortment of the latest designs in
Comprising Hats, Bonnets, Notions, Trimmings, &c, &c.,
all of which suo Is prepared to dispose or to her palrons at prices so low as to bo perfectly
astonlshlnir. Hats and llonnets made up to order. SWlTCIIhS ami I,AI)1ES
OWN HAIlt mado up to order on short notice and at very rcasonablo prices.
jOjT4 Call and examine Ucods and learn Prices.
Mrs. M. Guth, Fashionable Millinery Store,
April 2G, 1879. White St., WEISSPORT.
Tho 'Leading External Spcclfio
Beautifier of tho Complexion
Saddler and Harness Maker,
Calls attention to the following extraordinary
nuuiry Harness at Irom $12 00 upwards
l-xprt-ss Harners at from 18 00 upnards
llrtechine; Harness at from . . 8 00 upwards
Itoatlnjf Harness at from e 00 uimards
norso collars (hair) at from. 3 to upwards
". (straw) at from. ITS upwards
llrlillaa n fan... . . . .
u.iu,iivui i (o upwarus
and all other articles nt nniinllv Inw nrir.o
and iiuaranlefd of best workmanship, ltli.
1A llllNtl- promptly att ended to at reason
able charges. Patrunago solicited. Way 10
Elizabeth Lcibesbcrcer. areJ 02.rcsidA9 in
Rlchmnnil township, Berks county, nnd. Is
in ai prooaoiiuy, one oi tne richest maiilen
ladies In tlio county. Sho owns several beau
tiful farms in Itic'lunoml tnwmhin, wliero
the has lived nearly all her life. She has
silvery pay hair.isneat and trim In appear
ancej. A few days ago her farm handscom
mcnoed hay making. To their great sur
prise the oged lady and land owner made
her OPIicaranco in tho Held, rako in lmn.l
She was suitably attired for the occasion, her
skirtaand dress being well gathered in and
tucked back so as not to drag or give her any
trouble in moving over tho field. She said
sho was going to show them how to work.
This, was greeted with a clapping of hands
and yhecrs. MIm Leibcsbercer went to work
in good earnest, toasod tho hay over and over,
raked it into rows from one end of tho field
to the other, and then helped to rake it on
piles, and dually assisted in loading and
raking after the wagons.
Late on Saturday afternoon two storms
met over the lower part of Baltimore and
swept tho waterfront of that city from Light
street to Canton, doing groat damage.
Jf early one hundred buildings wero unioofed
windows were broken by hail, and signs
were blown down, A cual-eil place at Can
ton was struck by lightning, but tho rain,
which fell in sbet, soon put out the flames,
Thomas A. Banders, bathing in the river at
Spring Garden, was"beatcn under the waves
by the stnrm" anil drowwd. Severn! per
eons were severely Injured by bting blown
out of their carriages or overturned with the
vehicles. A storm at Klicott City, several
miles from Baltimore, blew down a tree and
killed a man and his horse.
Rsumno, To., June 29. This evening, at
0 o'clock, fire wae discovered In the cigar
box factory owned by A. Thalheimer, and
before it was subdued, the factory and the
houses of Haunab Gior, Samuel Kaufman
and Faanklin llabn, were destroyed. The
kiss Is estimated at $11,000 1 Insurance $5000,
Supposed to be the work of an incendiary,
or Sal. or to Kent.
An fllcililtr !ni-nt.l A Bin.,
Frame Hoase ntuatoin K.nt Weiasnnrt.
with llvo and ono-huit acris of .Laud, n
rooii urrnara ol choice spules, Ac, 1'ot luuu
V. yd. MUUIKIO. uijiy to
Jan. 11. LollirUlnn. l'a1
TO f MOJ A YKA It. or CI to t a
day in i yonr own locailiy. ro
A anr mazo innr-n ti,i,,i ,h.
amount st-ited above. No one c .u fall to make
money ffiBt Anv one can du tho work You
can niako from so cents to .' an hour hv devot.
Inn vour ovwiinss aim spaie tlmoto tho bUHl.
'iff! lt,r.0,t" uothinir to iry tho burtnons.
NotlnuK like it lor money luaktaa ever offoud
bWnie. llii'ineM ploasaut ami unctly honor,
yble. Iteaiier, il joa want to know all about
the uet piyinebulnesa belore the pulmo send
m your addreas act we will eud jou full par.
ticular and private terms free i samples worlh
j alao froo t you can then make np your ininit
& CO., Portland, Maii e.
Juno 7. ly.
Eilate of Vriat Jlchr, deecatcJ.
rf!',,0'. Administration upon tho Kstate
0f.t,rl.a., dco J' If'oofSlalionlnirTown.
ship. Carbon County, Pennsylvania, havlnir
been Kranted to tlio unilerslisned, all persons
Indebted to said estate will please make pay.
ment, and those havlnit claims against the
samo will yrcsent them lor settlement to me.
or to Bit. N. U. ItKHElt, Aient, I.ehljhton
l'a. SUSAN lti:lU,'widlw. '
Juce -JS, 1879-W8 Admlnlstratrlg.
The adyettlacr. bavlnir been permanently
t ured ol that dread uisejue. L'onsuuptlou. bvi
simple anxious to make ki.owu to hi-,
lellow-sule.rrs the meaua nt cure, Toall who
Ceeire It. be will aeul a copy ol the nreacnullon
used, itreeof cnarire with the ilirwilona for
rrepariuir and ualua; the aame. whlen tav will
I'artiea wiahinu the Precription. will please
oddre, K.A WIL80X, lit pean itreot,
Wllllaiuaburgh, N Y.
atJ.Ouo A YEAirioTTShMMTOflTKebTbuTr.
"ness men orageuls. New business i lliibt
work, A'tdress Co-OrtiiATivis Aoesiv,
June 28. 4m.
My Motto : " Be Sure You Are Right, Then Go Ahead !"
l&i'iBw-So Medicines.
Pharmacist, Family & Dispensing Druggist, l
Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, choice En
glish, French and American Perfumeries, Hair, Tooth
and Nail Brushes, Imported and Domestic Soaps,
Sponges, Chamois Skins, Stationery, Fancy
Box Papers, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures,
at prices which defy all competion !
My Prescription Department
Receives special attention, and is the most complete
in the county ; it is supplied with tho best quality of
lemedics that can he obtained, and so regulated as
to preclude the possibility of a mistake. Prescriptions and
Private ltccipcs compounded at all hours of the day or night
by myself, at the Lowest Prices possible.
tV All Drues and Splcet sold by me ore anaranieed to be Staidly rnre and Manufactnrad
from tho verv Heat Grade Artklca. No flood Adulterated at Stv Kstnblishment, 8ATI8
TION OUAtlANTIiEli OH MONEY ItEFUNDIiO. OrdersbyWail rcoelvo prompt attcu
Tbanklnsr my friends and the publlo (tenerally for past favors, I eoDflaemally ask a share ol
future patrouaee, gua'untclno: eatiaiacllou in every caao.
Next to the Fort Allen House,
WEISSPORT, Carbon Co,, Pa
It renders tho Cuticle Healthfully
Clear nnd Smooth, nud Is the ifcst Pos
slblo Substitute for Expensive Sulphur
It I Incomrmrnblo npnipdr tar nniTisira. TTr..
CER3, Cuts m.d every irntublo or unhealthy
r.Dinlltloil Of tho ftldn. unit tit u mnt. Rfiivirnnliln
I rcmetilal turcnt nml source nt epcotty relict In
casea or Gout nml Iuieumatism.
TiisnmntcpRirniie UIHINFECTANT OF
CLOTHING Olt JJKP LIN JON, wotn atid uctl
UvDersoui mlicrluir from ounoxioits or ro.
tag 10 us diseases, nnd la it Capital Itemed v ana
iTorci'muvu ui tueni, wiicn uscn anac injec-
I ion l'ctsons rnni ovintr il iinvo no neoi tr
take Suhtliur Hath, or to resort to Sulphur
plnffs fiir bnthina punoaes.
Ah un adjunct or tlio TOILKT it 1 far more
rte-irntilo than anv Coe me lo sIlco It does not.
iiho i iiia ui in Kb iiuiurr, VUUCl'Ul VUlUpisJI'
TAN.FlihOKLis.ii&iiLi:s. urnTniTrs
aid tho like, dhocdilv nclutoila clarifvlnir in.
fluencoi and It la the ttry teU fcjoap to sinvo
with.Decnuse it leaves tlio ekiu stuooth and free
irom ino lriitaiion procuceii on a sentlilvocu-
UcIp. iy the annlicatlcn or thti razor It also
ootnplclely eradicate iiANlHtUl-'K.
ilousonlrnt dertare it tolo EXCELLENT for
wishing v OOMCN LINh'N. LUUoud oilier
fahiica and ladiet rnovitifi lu tne ieat urclesof
metropolitan uuu ruiai society spoaic oi it in
Tesild'OiitalBpour m from nM quartrr of th1
Union upon ltBl'roprlrtjr. manv ot wlmh hnii
been puullelfd In the form ol a neat pamphlet.
its. the orKrtiinla bplnc onen to mitilm innnro
turn nt Ins medicinal Vauehuui;k. No. 7 mith
avenue. New Vouk. The attic o Is moreover
Hjnoiieu o iuo jituicm iraieiuity,
nisKNaS'S fiULl'lllIlL hiiAl ItflMli ciiiimtnt.
cd. Soups wltlioat the mallest frnctinti ofro
menial cUlcocv have tcu and are fointed upon
theuiisuHptcting'anil nnoliserviint, i (;i.i(e
sulphur boaps, poesetmr propmlu lUeotfcal
Mini or equai 10 ino ure u npt'uiuc. wuich their
vendors tea to rival hv undtTinimi nmnfii
tion. The public should th' reform he caieful to
Xiauir, aim ecu mm mvy na reui aiuoie.
AU rerpt-ctahle I)ruvcitU, FarcvGooU-t Deal
mBnd Oiocera keep ULUNN'H SUI.I'IIUU
bOAT. and wjli on demand for It, supply the
UtalUi-IA IU1.IU w tutlt VlUlrUUlOIIh
jan. 4, 1873.y
pi'iian & uniuicia Opening!
Tho undersigned announces to tho ladies of Lohighton
and vicinity that ho is now recoiving and oponing a largo
assortmont of SPRING & SUMME14 GOODS, comprising
such as Matalasses, Dolainos, Coburgs, Alpacas, &o. Also,
n, largo stock of
which ho is offering
Groceries and , Provisions a Specialty,
at prices to suit tho times.
Clover, Timothy, Hungarian, and all kinds of Field and
Gardon Seeds, VERY CHEAP.
Opposito tho L. & S. Dopot, BANK Street,
May 0, 1870.J-1 LEIUQnTON, TEHA'A.1
Prices, ;a5 cla. per Cuke 1 llox, (3
takes) sent by iuall,'(irepali( for 70c
No. 7 Sixth AtcN,V,
For Said bj A. J, DUHL1NO, Dank Street,
are comronicated to Giav and Flarao colored
locttu, aimosi ui8tanutueoui.T by
Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye
anrcpaiatlon absolute! r free from hurtful In
gTeUiirniftandlnUu tlv wiptrior hvrtmbouor
lue en cm pmoutwi loany ariiuittoi iimoiomi.
Piemtture GtLiTfeiiiii ami TiJtUMbut uro nm.
ventod, aud tbe ailveiy halm of aire aiqtttrt the
C. N. Crittcnton Propfi
Kor Rsla lir A. J. DCItLINU, Hank street
ttiublon, Fa. Aoe-Sl, IT
CaDital, $2,000,000, 200,000 Ste
I'nr'Vnltip, Rio ii" Slinrdi
Dan. J. Sptnnc,
3, L. Tliniiipson,'
Tho property of tills Company coiiststs ol
tWeWo intnra nml wining locntlonvlccated In,
Iakc County, Colorndti, In tho vicinity of'
I.cmlrlllc, upon all or which oxtcnslre Ttcrlt
hns been tloiifl. In all cases exhibiting true'
llssuro reins, koo1 pay streak, nnd well de.
lined lwles,
Thrco ofthc lcndlntf mines nro well opened
tip and have nt Iho lowol computation over
TllM T1IOIKAN1) TONS Or' olli; IN
S1011T i by May iVt. Ihe llallroad now under'
construction will be within a short distance or
this property.
Tlio Company p
Its stock nt 1.00 1
And OTHER PREMIUMS, 01Fci:cd to Subscribers of
"flie CarlboE Adrocate."
prflpcs to pcU a portion or
UHj'flmro fur tMe iitirnouft ofi'
more completclv developing ttiTmliic?, anJ for
tlio erection of trorkfffor tho treatment of Its'
AimUcntlon for tlio stock rhnv xs mnde to'
thooillco or tho Company, at 61 llroaUwar,-
1. H.-Tfle Mining Record orew Ttork,
tlio hfKiiest mining uuthorlty m till? countrT,-
si, lsiu. ino jinncipm owners in'
nv nro lmnt yorRtnlr rtlbn whobv
thclrown labor havo tihcovereU laiVfl'lHvJlfer
Manhood :
"Worth $G4:.2o. Sent on receipt of $27.00.
Chambers' Encyclopedia ...... $G0 00
Ten royal octavo volumes, Library law binding, mnrblo edees, extra itllt.
4000 cnuravlngs and ta mars, and irom 80 to loo cleitnntlv cnirravcd plates.
Latest nud Host Edition. This special subscription work Is made lo order
by tho Krcat house of.I. U. LlpnlnrotthUo., of Philadelphia, cxprcssley for
this ureat urcmlum oiler oftho bonutirnl tiiililirniin!i nrn w r t.,.
tlk Cllll.DRKN. It Is a llbrnry In Itself. Is not sold by tho trade, nnd cannot
lere for less than SIXTY DULLAltS.
bo bought elsewhere for less than SIXTY DULL.A1W.
Sunshine for Little Children ....
Sunshine for Little Children Is ono of tho mist mao:nlnccntly Illustrated
publications In tho United Stales, Slio HJ4 by MK, lsucd monthly. Tho
twelve numbers will mnko a handsome folio work ol 2SS pa ires. SCO bcautl
ful pictures, 60 ol them full-page cuts. 400 exquisite stories for litllo onctr.
The Carbon Advocate
Tho Ncwslct and Most Keadnblo Weekly In tho County. Tho Favorite
Kamlly raper, and tho ONLY NEWSl'Al'Elt entirely PltlNTEI) IN
THL i-iiUNT. Cnrcrully edited, and with an n bio and wide-awake cons
of Oorrcspondents.its columnsmako a weekly Journal of tho doings Ihrouith.
out tho cuuutry.
3 2i
1 00
Total offer is worth
snjs Feb. 1st, 1870.
una coin pan
of ore which they now wish to cxtf&Ct and
send to market. Our readers will do well to
tnnko n cnturo Willi theso worthy menj this
money win prouuiuy do rciurncu 10 tnem
twenty fold. Tho business management has4
been placed In tho care oTMr. J. L. Thomp
son, nn olllccr of lilxh stnnillng In one of the'
lnrgcst and best banks lu the city. AU'ror.
pectus Klvlnir full particulars sent lYCCy on
application to the Secretary. marl&ahi1
How Lost, How Restored !!
J8t piibtlf iicil. n newetlltum of
Ir. CitlMrn'll'M CVIChi'.lte.t
INny on tliorn(l!calcure(witliout
llHlllClhO) nf MCltMAlOHKOR.V OP
ts.nmiHl Wetikhi-H. luvoluirtnry
KrmlnnI t.oturn. Tinnnlnnpi. Mftiu-
tm nun L'hV ical Iticnpacity. Iinuriilmcnts to
Mnrrno. t'ti. , nn, rnmumptx"). jhpllopsjr'
ami i'iiw, -nuucftl ty aclf-inouUenco or icxnal
qitntvnjraui'o, Ac
''ncd in a urnl'Ml cnvolnTjo, f)h!f 0 "oht.
lh ei'ichintrtl hutlmr hi thin acihltrfhie Ka,
pny, clear-y (.tnmn t alol, fnim a thirty yeata
NUcco-tttl pr. ciico, ti.ui tuo iilHrinlna; cune"
(liieiieoi ot fiifnbuso inny i indlcnlly cursd
without tic danir-rnui to ot mternut meoU
cniooriiio npuiicniloa ol tlio ku'fet pointing n miu'o ot riiient one ntmp.o, certain and
tmctual hymenuHor winch every auffdrer, lo
tnnlter wimt Iiih t-omlitlon my he, may euro'
hinwelf ihfaUy,ptivntti nun nullca ly.
Thl- Iit'ttuio ftlmuni ho in tho hamla of every
j ou tn nnd every itinn lu ihe lund.
sent umler seal. In plain envelope, to anr
ndtlroM, po-tp:ii(l ou receipt of six cl-iltt, ot
two I'OHtnuo ftNinua
Address tao Publisher?,
TIic Ciilvrrwrll Itdlcnl Co.,
41 ANN Street, N.Y.
r. O. Itox A'Afc a ir. 12 vl
5c KXTRACT 25c-
Equal In quality to nny mnde, and only'h'alf
the price. Ojz. bottles 25c. I'liitsrouc.
Ucllrrra Headache, Toothache, Earache,
Soro Eycs.Kose-lllccd, lllccdlngtunKS; Pain,
ful M nc(., White.'. Asthma, licduecs SWolU
ln;, Piles, .c. I'ures Ilrulses,Scalds, IIUms
SiiralnJ, Wound', lilieumatlsin, Eryslpel!tr,,
clillljl.ilnJ. Vurlcoso Veins, Neuralgia, &c
ir your DruuKlst lias not H"t If, tell him lo
order It of tho proprietor.
wnoicsnie uruggist,
:03Clrecnwlcll St.,.Ncw YorkS-
Worth $26.25. Sent on receipt of only $9.G0.
Slmkespcrc's Works
Charles Knlnht's famous London pictorial edition. In two Immenso royal
octavo volumes. 3io wood-cuts and 36 full page plates by tho celobrated Sir
John f filbert, A. H. A,; also 30 elegant steel cnnravlngs from tho most cml.
ncnt artists or Europe. 'Ihcso plates alono tell In one volume, lcnimrtod
Irom Germany. Tor Twenty Do lurs, at tho establishment ol Esies it I.aurl.
nt, lloston. 'i ho text cannot be purchased In lets than 38 parts, at 10 cents
per part. Hound In cloth, elegant gill tops and gold stamps.
Sunshine for Little Children ....
The Carbon Advocate
22 00
3 25
1 00
Total offer is worth
Worth $14.25. Sent on receipt of $8.10.
Worcester's Dictionary ....
10 00
Illustrated and unabridged. A massive volumo ofl854 pages. Latest and
best edition. Colored plates. Library sheep binding.
" The authority In our office.' N. Y. Tribune
"The best writers use Worcester as their authority." N. Y. Herald.
"Tho standard Dictionary or America." Phllado.phla l'rcss.
" Long considered the standard ot America." Evening Post.
Sunshine for Little Children ....
The arbon Advocate
Total offer is worth
$U 25
Worth $1G.25. Sent on receipt of $0.00.
The Child's Bible
A magnificent book. Largo quarto. 838 pages. 300 fine engravings, color
ed mspa and Illuminated titles, especially ileslurned by tho best artists or the
day Cloth, clcitant lull gilt and gilt, gold sldo and gold stamp. Clear,
largo type, and printed un exquisitely tinted paper.
Sunshine for Little Children ....
The Carbon Advocate
12 00
HfUJSR Send 20 cents In stamps or cur
rc,lcy lora ncwHoRUK Jlooav
It treats all diseases, has-36'flno Engravings4
shi.wlntr positions assumed byslclr horses, a
table ol doses, a largo collection of Valuable
IMUlK llwti'i'fi rules ror telling the ago'
'""" or n horse. With nnen!fra lug show.'
Ing teeth orench year, and n largo amount ol
other vnluablo horso information! Dr. Wm
11. Hall say, "I havo bouitht books that
paid S9 and ilO Tor which I do not like as well1
its I do yours." bi:mi fou a- CinroLAii.--AtlKKTS
tVANTKD: 11. J. KENDaLL.-BI.!).,.
Lnosburgh Falls, Vt. mar. li-yl1
Vick's Floral Guide:-
A beautiful work of in. Pasts, One CnlorBrf
Power Plate, and 301 Illustrations, with De.
miliit'onaol enobort Flowers nun Vevetiiblo',
ond how tn glow I ban All for a Fivb cent
MrAJtiv In i:nelili oraennan.'
llio riowirnncl Veeetablo Oardon. l73pasoa..
Six Colore,) I'lntra an, i umiiy lioudred Kugrav
nigs lor Cochin In papor covcraj Alluele.
gaot o nth. In Oerinan and i:ngllali.
Vb k'8ll utmleil Monthly Maguzm&)t rgea
nciiioicdnla oln car- nuuibcr nnd manvtlno
oiEravliKi. l'rlo Jt.'ia vcari I-ivo Coplostbr'
f 5. Bpecinien numbers sent (or lu ceuta.
Vick's sord niHtliobonitiitho world. BenoV'
Five Ont Btamv fi.r n Flora I Outdo comainlua?
List and Prices, and plcntv or liifornintlon.
Jin IS
jami:m viok.
ltochcater. N.Y
A aptitlcmnn Iinvinjr been bo fortunate at to"
cnio nln ton ot Coi'Bitmptlon Id tht worst etnges,
nttct bump Kiven tip to tlio liy tlio most celo
brutcd tliyiclniip, rleMrcsto uiio krmwntbs
cm (which piovcss iccoastul in eery Curo) to
t lioo nlll cteil wi 1; AHIiiun, Uronchtiis Conn hi,.
Cnlds t oiiftmnption nml m I Affections of tlio
llirntit ami Luukb. u tiit will ncnd tho Reo pe.
frcoof ch'ti-fre, to ull who duslrn it, II thev wilt
fnrwiuil their nCdrens to DAXIIKLi ADEE, 34'
Liuertrp.t. rvcwYrrUA alim6
Tli Whit ,
Total offer is worth
Worth $7.7o! Sent 011 receipt of only $4.12.
World of Wit and Humor .
From tho most celebrated writers. A maffnlflccnt volumo of the rarest ami
rtcbest run. Large octavo. 600 pages. Cloth euro. 460 cngrarlugs and
full page plates. Gold side and gold stamp. A great bargain.
Sunshine for Little Children ....
The Carbon Advocate ,
Total offer is worth
0 50
$7 75
In order, if possible, to place a copy of THE CARBON
ADVOCATE in every household in this nnd the adjoining
Counties, and to largely increase its circtdafiofi in other
sections of the country, we have become parties to contracts
for the purchase of entire editions of elegant, rare and valu
able books, and our readers are respectfully requested to
write to us for any standard set of works; and in connection
with our subscription department, their orders will bo at
tended to at a large discount from retail prices, with the ut
most care, promptness nnd satisfaction. Among our "Prem
ium Offers we mention the following ;
HtlbWrni'S WOllKS, 1 (AllrttgKtcharlulcr JlltV'IN.ri WOIIKS, '
l'lthSUOTTS WfiHKS, f f JoltnliKr.l i JIAItllYAT'S WORKS,
JgirThc above "Club Offers" arc only forwarded when
the money is received by us.
All orders should be addressed to THE
Carbon County,
lis Introduction and World-renownerf
reputation was tlio death-blow lo hljh
priced machines.
This. Is a very Important mailer, as It Is a well'
known and undlspulcd tact tnat manf ol ttto' to'
called first-class machines which are ottered to
cheap now-a-Cays are thoto that have been re'
possessed (that Is. taken back Irom customers
alter use) end rebuilt anil put upon the muktf
" "cwiiite is the rccn of an sewino
Do aot Buy any other beforo try
ing tho WHITE,
Prices and Terms Mafle Satisfactory
IThito Sewing Machine Co.,
Msr.i3'79-llni JUAUCH CHUNK, la
Fjcu. and all rirlra. Inclucins OHANI).
Ci A8H. imiIiI ni Iho lowiat ntt raah whotea:er
lacoir p lcea, iHicct to Ihe l'UllC.Il AHElt
Thea Tianua maoe oi e itf tlio tlueat displaya ab
tlie OuteuniHl KiblUltinu. and ur-lo unaui.
utouaH' reenumiendrd for the ItiaiiUT lloitoiiaf
orei ittso l-i e. limruiulr liirorporaied
SlanuraetuiiiiK Co-Partiy e Ub'ubni oTrr"
t leara llie hquaie Oraiid- coniuln Matli
uahek'i new pali ui Duylei Oveianuua bcxl..
the Rratesi ttunrovi-bjeiit lu tlie tilaiorr of
I'ianu maulrg. Tlie Uirlanire tlie ll.VHM'
IN AMKHli A riauua ai t uu lilal on't
fall lo wiite lor liluairaie.1 and DetcrlullTO
CataliT'ie if 4a pa( uisiuu frtT.
ill Kaat IStli btrcet, N. V
I) tar