The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 12, 1879, Image 2

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l.KlllailTON, l'A.t
SA-TURDaVYvJUliY 12, 1670.
ffilliMn Cramp, the well-known ship
ktlVd'ef, of Philadelphia, died nt Atlantic
City, Sunday, nged 72 years.
Tho June report of the Commissioner of
Agriculture of Tennessee says tho wheat
crop of tli at State will'bethrcc-fourtns.of an
average yield, but of a superior quality. Tho
curu rrop will exceed tlio average, and is
fine In nit parts of the Stalo. The tobacco
crop will be one-third' less than last year
Cotlon is very promising, and the increase
of acrcrga planted over that of last year is 16
per cent.
Tho San Francisco Mullctimeta forth in
detail the programme for tho reception of
UfUNT In California. Tho Reception' Com
nriltcc announce that it is its object "to givo
Oen4U.8.ClniST a united, hearty, non-parti S'
an'reception upou lite arrival at San Fran
cisco' ami they want signatures to a "Oen.
GitASt'Msstcr rtoll" of persons who aro to
take part in the affair.
Rev. Dr. Alexander Clark, of Pittsburg,
editor of the MdhodxH Jltcordcr of that city,
died at tho residence of Governor Colquitt,
In Atlanta, Ga., on Saturday evening, after
are illness of about threo weeks. Dr. Clark
was a great worker. In addllionto his cdi"
torial labors he contributed to several relig
ious weeklies, and was also author of several
religious hooks, which had-a largo circula
tion. Alanson Work, famous among tho early
abolitionists of the country, died in Hartford,
Conn., Sunday,, aged 60 years. In 1835 he
moved from Connecticut to riymouth, III.,
and subsequently went to tho Mission Inst!
tuto, near Qulncy, where, with James K.
Burr find George Thomson, two theological
students, he engaged in an attempt to liber
ate slaves in Missouri by getting them over
the? fiver on to free soil. Through treachery
this scheme was disclosed while the three
men were on Missouri territory, and they
were surrounded by an armed band of slave
holders and conveyed to the jail in Palmyra.
Three months later they were tried, convict'
ed and sentenced to twelve years' imprison
ment in the penitentiary. It is said that
armed men wore outside the court room
ready to haufr. them in caso they wero not
convicted. In the prison In Jefferson city
their accommodations were scant and their
food was poor, and' they wero forced to cat
tfith their fingers. After serving over 31
years, Work was pardoned by Gov. Edwards
"on the express condition that ho returned
to Connecticut, his former residence, ami
settled himself there." Tho condition was
not known to Work till after his release.
Burr was kept in prison i years,and Thom
son nearly five yeais. Mr. Work has lived
quietly in Hartford' for nearly thirty years,
very few persons of tho present generation
knowing anything concerning this chief
event of bis- life. IIo had nine children.
Ono of his sons is-Henry C- Work, tho well
known rmnlcal author and composer.
roi.vrs in politics.
Darn's Kearney is ambitious to be United
Stales Senator from California, and at the
rato at which political affairs arc degenerat
ing thcro his ambition docs not seem a bold
one. Miller, a Greenback talker, said
last week in a speech in Lcwiston, Me..- "It
is a great wrong to stamp ono dollar on a
piece of coin that is wortli cighly-four cents,
when it can just as easily be stamped on a
piece of paper wortli nothing."
A Maine letter to tho Boston Journal
Bays: "It is freely admitted by dcmocrals
that if Governor Garcclon is nominated he
will not gel over twelve thousand or fifteen
t'mnls.-rud votes. It is nil open secret that if
the Greenback-Democratic combination car
ries tho Legislature it has agreed to drop
Garcclon and inako Smith Governor.'
Tho Charleston (S. C.) "Sows" (Dem.)
referring again to llio Army bill, says: "We
do not know ofasiuglo instance in South
Carolina where tho presence of United States
troops at tho polls has prevented any Demo
crat from voting. Wo know of hundreds of
instances where, in tho absenco of United
States troops, colored Democrats dared not
vole as they desired."
Mr. Wattereou's editorial expletives for
Mr. Conkling, in connection with tho lato
bout with Mr. Lumar, are characteristically
liberal and definite. Tlio Senator from
New York Is "a horso jockeyy "a butcher,
an oratorical vender of wart cures," "a poor
coward," "a swaggerer" and "is aa corrupt
a hound as ever eat in Congress, for thcro
are donna of people who- havo moro than
reason to suspect that ho was willing to sell
Himself to tho DcmosiaU tr a prico in
'76-T." Mr. Lamar, on the other hand, is
"of sweet, gentle, womanly nature," " a
dreamer and a poet," and finally "a states
man and- philosopher,"
Tho Fayette. (Iowa) Union was an out-and-out
Democratic party organ. Tho edit
or went on a trip to Manitoba,- leaving tho
newspaper In charge of a friend. Tlio next
number of tho Union was Republican
throughout, and the following explanatory
paragraph was inserted: "We were request
ed by the editor of tho t'm'ou to conduct its
columns in a proper manner, and wo have
conscientiously endeavored to do so."
The fact is, saya tho Springfield (Mass,)
Republican, tho movement to make Grant
President, which Bone and Chllds and all
of Grant's old cronies are working up with!
all their might and cunning, is a great big
transparent fraud. Wo don't want Grant
again, any more than Franco wants a Na
poleon dynasty. And we need to shake off
all the Grant worshippers the whole Rorie
Robcson-Conkling-Chandlcr-Logan crowd,
and we are doing it.
Secretary Sherman will leave Washing
ton next Monday for Maine, where he will
make several stump speeches. He may also
before his return, address the Boston Board
of Trade. A special correspondent of the
.Boston JVut says Mr. Sherman, in conversa
tion with a member of the Ohio Legislature
who Is on a visit to Washington, has "frank
y admitted that he is a candidate for the
nomination" to the Presidency,
To the already long list of aspirants for
the Republican nomination for State Treas
urer has been added tho namo of Speaker
Long. But ho doesn't stand the ghost of
show, as Recorder Quay and the Camerons
have settled tho matter among themselves
by deciding that Butler, of Chester county,
shall have the nomination, and whatever
Quay and the Caincroua say U law with
tho Republican party of this State.
When Til Jen was pressod recently to
run for Governor of Keiv York ho answered
that he was now tho rightful President of
the United States, and that he could not
bold two ollicea at tho same time. Who
lays ha is paralyzed?
Senator Ben Hill and Representative
Alexander u. btepiiens, wno nan not spok
en to each oilier for five years, shook bands
Uio other day. Mr. Stephens' praise, of the
Benator'a re.nt speeches on political affairs
uj-io me reoonciuaiipo.
"riNAroiiK" orvoi: iraoni:,
Mn. IloiTon t In my last article 1 IntlmaU
ed that I would write ni?aln, but I hardly ex.
pected to do to at so early a day, my intention
was to look after several llttlo matters. That
I will be compelled to put oil unui some more
convenient season,.
The last artlclo to my surpr lso created quite
R'rufflc, In Iho communltyr and Judging from
tho answer In tho last lesuo of the Advocate
signed II. J. Smoycr It would appear that
something I said had been taken very much
to heart, at least, tho rev gentleman has bo
come very much cxcltod and very angry, and
In the bat cfpntslon calls me tnean,cowardly,
misleading, slanderous, fcE IIo even brands
mo as an Inndcl. Now, If It was tome hot
headed Southerner or somo equally hot-head-od
Northtrncr In our National Legislative
balls JhAt was hurling; theso hard names It
wouUV't bo wondered at so much. Hut for
anilnlsttrortheOospcl to lower himself so
far "benesth tho dlgnliy of his otnce"'sto
get In a rage and act and talk In that man
ner. Why it has shocked tno community.
IIo assails my grammar p I bow to his superi
or scholarship, I never had tho advantages of
education that my rev friend has had. Ho Is
master of different languages, at least) two,
the Pennsylvania Oerman and the English
almost as well versed In the former as In the
I like a few Ideas as well as so much mam
mar, and II I wero to chose between tho two, I
should certainly wrefer the former. Docs the
eminent Dlvlno set himself upas a gralnmatl
cat model? Ood savo the mark. I was very
sorry to hear that the gentleman had got on
thn rurmmire. if he had wailed until his excite
ment had nnaicu no woum pcninp?, on soocr
second thouuht have said soincthlnirmoro bo-
coining his station, Instead of hurling harsh
exnresslons and BCVt-roeiHincisai-i-inaiore."
Theso things will not pass for argument, If
fllr. a- ininKS so ne is very inucn imsiaKen,
When n Dcrson resorts to vituperative lanir-
uago It Is evident that ho has exhausccd
all his other Intellectual resources. Ono part
of his artlclo was made up In that way and the
Imlnncu liv auotatlons lrom '-I'lnatore.." tho
latter, 1 supiioso to spin It nut and glvo It a
Jltuotono. low ii no rcnuy is 1110 sincere
christian one would sunnoso a man In his sta
tion to be, and ho really thought I had done
wrong would It not havo sounded better If he
had tried to show lno tho error of my way,
and talked pleasantly Instead of dealing In so
much abuse which was vcrv unbecoming a
truo c hristian. Hut, as I said before, thcro Is
no accounting for what a man docs when ho is
In a passion. I can discuss these matters coolly
dispassionately, and not get ruffled. Should
consider It beneath tho dignity of a gentleman
to so far forget myself. '1 ho rev. gentleman
In his article has notanswered or argued any.
thing contained In 'l'lnnlorc," but goes on to
say that I tried to make It appear that a cruel
war had been declared by tho Evangelical
church against tho M. 13. church, lte furth
er Intimates that I only Imagined that tho
nrtlcle In the Sunday 4V hool VltUor was a fling
at tho M. V. folks. Now If 1 had " clsht to
suppose tho Aid Society's cake walk was
meant, what rlirht had lie to SUDnoso that I
meant the Evangelical lecture, ldld not say
so any inoro than the Sunday School VitUor
saia tno mug was inicnucu lor llio 31. E,
church, i did not mention anv names.
"Whence, hath this man this wisdom?' "lih.
conslstanev thou best or ewcls." Now I wl
deal more honestly with him than I think he
has done with mo ; ldld mean tho Kvnnir, lee-
turelust as much ns ha meant tho M. K. cake
walk. As to his saying It was not meant lor
the AI. U., only a word of warning nnd advice
to his own people, to whom he suys what he
picascs, (uocs nut tins smack a lime oi in
lalllbllity ? ) That wont do. Excuse tho ex
nrcsslon. but that's too thin. Ills own flock
do not believe that he Intended tho cake walk
remarks ns n word of counsel for them, why
some ol his very precious ones, Ills near and
dear counselors, stuck the very paper under
church and wanted to know what thty thought
iim uutjus oi sumo ui 1110 mcmoersoi mu iu
oi umi, ami even uacKcu it up uy saying unu
a cako walk was ns had as a horse race. I un
derstand Mr. Sinoyercvt-n handed n copy
ui uio paper 10 mo I'asioroi ine ai. cuurcu,
mcy wero torn mo articio luignt cause sum
comment, and the renlv was. that is what wi
wunt; but now tho position that Mr. S. takes
appears 10 ioo io uo inning wun me iruwi,
lo whom suuuhl wo look for an example o
honesty and Integrity? Inilder, you astonish
mo. who ever heard of a church waging a
crnci war at-ainst anoincr. excepting peruana,
tho warofiUartsrdom. Uocs,'tJlnaforo" talk
or write about a cruel war oFany war?' Docs
he exhibit so malicious a spirit In his artlcl
as to lead a man of straw, (why not ol Horn.
bast), to think he was to bo victimized? If so
ho usks pardon fur if he ffeuded he did not
mean to. Hi thought he only stated facts.
'lhntthoM. E cako walk was criticised
that the Evangelical pulpit was desecrated,
lor the former see the little monthly sheet
edited by tho llcv II. J. S.j lor tho latter wo
relcr yuu to tho hoarcrsorillssluKcrand now.
man s iicturc?. -we uo not ooject id mo lec
tures, we nro nlwas wllllnir lo hear some fiu
lor Ihsslngcrdld give It tothe Eawers.aiid
liowinan mauo mat ucar uia urccnunca
brother enulrm In his seat: wo eniuved It.
Jlut wo do object to lecturo ol that character
being delivered In tho pulpit, Horn bastes tothe
contrary notwithstanding, tor bombast Is alt
wo can lind In his ' clluslun." lie has not
proven thccomi-alibllltvurleeturcsforcluu to enlcets within thoe icrcd atmosphere
oi llio iiotisu oi uoli. rairioiitm t wnai do wi
want with patriotism In timo of peace It
otitof date, Us lorclnir thescason. Tho only
patriotism compatible with tho pulpit Is
Christ and him eruclticd. The patriotism ol
christians Is In "ftghtlng tho world, tho flesh
ana mo iicvu." vt u are not jigniing Kcott
now nnd Is patriotism now awmcl subicct
Var from It. I'tilrlutlsm now is iiullilcnl par
tlsanshlr. and is of a very nueslionabln kind
Tho motive to tills partisanship aru oltcn lar
other thin tho lovu ol country. Hero It was
actuated by the luvu of inonov. to raise fund
tor tho btinday school, and therefore was con,
sldcred compatible with pulpit discourses. 1
have however taken the flberly todlUer, for
i noiieve mat in general me puine-iieui ui to
dav la ol a Kind that Christianity should con.
ilemn, becauso It Is "in opposition lofieneral
Did "l'inaforo" say the Evangelical church
nan ueciarca war ngauiBt mo m. e. cnurcni
No. he only said tlio cako walk was criticised
Did ' 1'" say ho would slash allaround
and show un tho luruier ? Wo lull lo sco It,
" Pinafore" nover uskod tho 31. E. churoh
toenlltt under " InDdul" colors, forirthcy
would, they would not bo "Pinafore's" colors.
Calling u man an intidcl dues not make him
one. J t is easy to call bad names, lo snspeut
the wrom; party. lut what is tho lllble rule.
' Thinkeih no evil." Observe, thuu pink ol
perfection, thuu lluly servant, thou preacher
uf the Gospel, and nut ul patriotism, the rules
oi your jiioiu aim ices jiomnast.
The rev. ircutleiiian's whole nrtlcle lsamiS'
application of quotations from beginning lo
end, unu, n lime anu space would iermit,
would pulverize It. A little advice (ulthoug
It Is not asked) to tho Indiscrete parson, uo
not Indulge In censorious Insinuations, and
pretend it was meant for counsel tor your be.
loved; preach to theinchurliy, christian liar
mony, and unity. Docs not the apostle Pau
say ; -iiiuuku i s
and of angels and
come as suundinu brass ur atlnallnKcymbal,
Docs ho not also say . "Charity sullcrelh long
Charity envlcth not, Charity vauntclh not It
self; Is not pulled up." "Doth not behave
Itsciruuseemly, is not easily pruvolied, think,
eth no evil."
Preach to them also from the words "J udze
not that ye be not judged." 'Strain at a gnut
anu swauow a camel." "strive lo enter
at the strait cate. lor tnanv I sav unto v
shall seek to tntcr In and shall nutbe able.
The rev. gontlemun charges me with cow.
ardlce because I did notslicn my real name to
my communication ; If, Indeed, the lact of his
signing bis real name showed unylblng more
than cuurage I might bo Induced to follow
his example. It might be that the alnxlnir
uf luy own humble namo would add some uu.
dltlonal lorce to ray communication; 1 Uo not
however consider It worth while to do
peclally when 1 seo how little weight and
consideration his article receives, cvtn with
so respectable a signature underneath it as
mat oiu. j. smujer; ine modesty oi me
rev. gentleman, too. Is equal to his great
uourugi-, us is siiowu uy me lact mat uis sig
naturu is appended to not less than three artl.
clcs and one piece ol machine poetry In one Is
sue ol his 11 by 19 sheet.
It does nut look well to see a nerson strut.
ting about pouring forth nothing but words
and sentences, like a great JJuiobailes i'u
rloso. It Is a beautiful thing to look at an ocean
wave and see it heave and swell as It moves
along It Is not so Leautllul a thing, however,
to sue an inuivmuai uuueriaKiijg to cut a
heavy swell.
Tho rev. gentleman dropped down In our
midst several munths ago, and from the way
In which be has led out. it ADueared to me.
and, 1 doubt not, to others, that he was some.
what anxious to provoke a recognition as a
sort of aggressive and belllgeraut Individual
In the religious Held, and that, It he could
draw some one out, he would be satisfied. Ho
anxious was ho lo be noticed, that like tho
cringing spaniel he was grateful for a kick.
Hut now that the ball has started rolling, he
lias suddenly become very loving, especially
lu the M. K folks; he calls them all brethern;
extends his hands right and lelt, and calls In
a louu voice, "lii ui nave peace." 'i ne Kick
I suppose was too hard. To the M. K. church
I say. be careful ol that hand, and forget not
"Walk la to my parlor, said the spider to
thorlv." '
I am just as responsible as I was In my first
article, and don't euro a snap whether Bom
bustes replies or not I'd rather he would,
The rcv.gcntleman says he will not answer
any more communications. 1 do not wonder
at his conclusion. Some cows will not bear
tMUlng very olten. "Thoso who five In glass
houses should not throw stones." More anon,
iiuoevssury I'lHArouK
A contract for furnishing 10,728,000
pounds of steel and 31,000 pounds of iron,
for the New York and Brooklyn East River
Bridge, has been awarded to tho Edgemoor
Iron Company at 135-100 oents a pound,
Thn nnntrnni flmannU In 1A!M47- Ttlh
,... r i i , .i,.i ,i
tower of thU b"d arB D0W mpleted, the
iMt worI upon the Brooklyn tower having
uvcu done last Saturday,
For tho Oarbon Advocate.-
SiiTurrLMowH, July 6th 1870.
Mr. DaocKtB, Wile Icbdlch nefgasan
nti hob om faertcr July,' tin to liob lcb ga
clank Ich wotdcr anbrcnfslilrvfl,utrWon do
an net In do taltuug- drncka wit, urr dou
maughst, dl shmok-plfe mid awshtcckc Ich
hob awcr gawot do warsht by mcr gaweslf
in dar slitodrun wile do awer ned worshl,
will Ich an bresf shrlva. Ich was tied'
oil wos es govva hut, owerom arshlcr ploti,
do ban so so kononna ob ob 'gashosso, un
don Is do band rotta kumma, un bla about
nine ohure do sin nlla graai'dnra rous kum
ma, uf gilc, of ehllta, uu ls fuze In fact
ca war an gross tornout. Awer Im gross
gabl wo so nl sin war net feel satisfaction,
wile so feel lite dorl Warra so fcol das mcr
tsuaaugx nix fun dar meting sanna- odder
harm nut kenna. Un noch anes, ones wor
uf English, un sell ferstbea Ich evva net or-
rick good. Awcr Ich hob doch so a wennich
oua maiicha kanna fun der apeeeh Im
arahter plot: is oner uf,-on but cbca gasaut
fun am fryca landV mi no ower bin Ich uf
gnjumpt, un atnolil my boot, gawafed, un
awcr cb Ich hurrah grisha hob Senna, hut
ancr wo grawd hinnlch mcr gehockt hut
gasawt ich sut micli onna hocka. Douno
hob iclv can. gafroked eb se kan checra gov
va wctta, un don but nr in English gadu
doa wan ar mich an norr considra dad. Ich
10b ea awcr net long shtanda kenna dad
drin, awer ich bin nous un imohl awhile
drous rum galuffo.. Ich bob om enk sheer
grawd nlvcr tnohl. nn Ivvcr ous sbenucy or
ange gakaufed un. hob ee ow gessa. Ich hob
mer aw no fitif cent wart grund-niss kawfed,
un bin amohl clean nunncr gal u da bis rns
gross wasscr wo ee do shiff un steamboats
hen, un dord wor ich Ivvcr a shtund un hob
tsu gakucked we boat-rasser, un wo se ollnr
lia arwet shoffudord. Ich hob mcr aw noch
amohl finf cent Invest in grund-niss, un ca
worra drct shtnnds mid kucha un shmall
beer un so eaucha, un a ycader butnn ivver
oua grosser variety kotta.
Ich bin don aw widder tsurick un do Mor-
rick Bhtroso nuf In anea fun danua cars, un
so ben mlch yusht aivva cent gaeharged
Iyvcra while bin ich aw witter tsum car
rous un bin an onra shtroso nuff goluffa un
tsu lctsbt bin ich on grosa cak-houso kumma
wo so dar show hen, un ich hob aw on fortel
dolla batzald uu amohl dod nlc. Sell war
awer aw about an gooler show. So han dar
grasht variety gahot fun curiosities doa Icli
all my dog un doa lavcr noch gaaan hob,
Un aw Lawaj an rclnasscerus, tigers, mon
keys un babboons, rossel-shlonga, tnng-a-
rangs, un ginny-picks, un aw wildy kred
doora on ivver oua grosser cllyfont, un sell
Is now aw about olles W03 ich was fun am
facrta July, dar hagsht dog bin ich hamc
kumma, Sam. Kkishshasiitciil,
Francis Mulbrandon,aged 47 ycars,dicd
iu Memphis Wednesday, after four daya'
illness, of yellow fever. A twst-mortcm ex
amination of six leading physicians, includ
ing Dr. Mitchell, of tho National Board of
Health, and Dr. Thornton, President of tho
City Board of Health, established tho iden
tity of tho disease. All tho physicians
"have declared it a spo a he case," but con
sidcablo oxcitcmcnt p e -ails.
Thousands of men nnd women nrn starv
in!- thcmsel ves to death. Thev dni
not eat or drink thia or that, fearing it will
increase uieir liesu. Lile deiiends upon
continuous self-denial. Tho only safe and
reliable remedy for this tcrrihlo condition
ia Allan a Antl-l ut. it is wholly voce
tnblo and perfectly liurmleu. Its use in
surcs a reduction of from two to five pounds
per week. Sold by druggists.
Buffalo. N. Y.. June 13th. 1R78.
To tiik Pnor'ns of Allis's Axti Fat:
Gentlemen Tlio fo owinu renort Is from
tho lady who used Allan's Anti-Fat:"It(tho
.inn-tat) unu me ucsireu oiwcl, rcduciiij
tho fat from two to ffvo pounds a week, un
til I had lost twenty-five pounds. I hope
uuver vj regain wiuu 1 nave lost.
lours resp'v
Wholesale Druggists
Bishop Odenhiemer. of Xew .Terser, who
has been seriously ill for somo timo nasi, is
reported by his prysiciana to ho growing
weaKer every nay.
Tlio fall wheat in Iowa la all catherod In
nnd the spring wheat is being harvested,
Both aro good in quality nnd quantity. An
immense corn crop la promised.
Baby Shows aro tho rage crvcrrwhere, and
wo understand that the universal reined v
used to keep the little ones nuict is Dr. Bull
Baby syrup. It contains no opiate Trice
25 cento.
Henry Scliire, a nine-year old Cerman
fell, on Monday, from f he roof of the als-
story tenement No. 103 Eliiabeth street,
New York, whero he was flvinir n kite, to
tho sidewalk, a distance of eighty feet, more
or less. Jie was picked up by me neighbors,
and a physician Was called. Tho latter said
that no bonea had been broken, nnd that tho
boy's injuries wero trifling.
Tho erection of the soldiers' monument
in I'otlslown, on the toitrtliof July appears
to havo been the expiring net ol Graham
Post, No. 108 O. A. it. Tho Tottstown Lcdn.
tr reports that its five or six members havo
"disbandoncd." Foreseeing this result, lliey
expended tho money in tho treasury,
amounting lo several hundred dollars, In
tuo erection oi ine monument.
Lancaster, Pa., June 28. C. E. Ilershcy
and Louis Sowers, while engaged at work
in the tt.-am flouring mill of J. M. Brandt,
at Mount Joy, on Thursday last, quarrelled
about Cay cents, which Hershey had bor
rowed from Sowers, and which ho refused
to pay.back. Sowers struck Hcrsbcv a tor-
rible blow on tho head, knocking tho latter
mrougu a aoorway to the railroad track bo
ncatb, where, striking his head on the rail
he was rendered unconscious. He was car
ricd to his home, whero ho died vesterdav
morning. Both men aro old residents of
Mount Joy, and havo large families. Both
were under the influenco of liquor at the
iiiiiu. cuwers was cuinmuiea to jail.
The clatter ot anvils round tho Altoona
(Pa.) car shops has drowned every other
sound for many weeks, and the local paper
says an extra lorco oi workmen nave been
employed to fill an order lately received
ior juuu iruignv curs.
The Americans lead the world In cverv
thing and especially In fast eating this has
made Dyspepsia our national disease,though
now under tiericct control by the use or Dr,
Bull's Baltimore Pills. Sold everywhere.
Price 25 cents.
The weather continues verv hot at St.
Louis, the temperature there Wednesday be
ing 08 in tbo shade. Ten cases of sunstroke
were reported, four fatal, the dead being Au
gust melcher, Julia Nugent, Hermann Huss
and Fdward Thompson. In DcsMoins. Ia..
ll ednceday, the average of Iho thermometer
was vu degrees In me shade. Jn Springfield,
III., J. Huffcrman, a railroad employee, died
of sunstroke. Two deaths from sunstroke
wero reported in Memphis iredncadar.
Milfoed. Pa., July 7. Thomas Kane.
aged Ii, lived with his parents on a farm
near Kimble'a, this county. Ho was nearly
six icei nign, ana wciguea zuu pounds, lu
jiiarcn last, no contractea a severe cold,
After that a bad couch troubled him. Al.
though this had no apparent effect on his
health, tho idea that Ire was becoming aeon
sumntive took possession of him. It nrevod
on his mind so that he became despondent.;
va luesuay last, aiier mowing lor nan -a
day io a hay (veld, during which work he
led all the other bands in the field, he sad
dled a horse and rode away from the farm,
Nothing was thought of this until Itte at
night, wbeu, not liaving returned, search
was made for him. On Wednesday, his
horse was found tied to a tree a mile from
Wolf Pond, halfway between the pond and
The latest advises from Mexico Indicate
that much of tho trouble is fomented by the
agents of American jobbers and adventurers
wno are intriguing to bring about the au
nexalion of tho northern States of that re
puoiic, in oraer mai mey may enricu them.
eolvce by plunder on a glgauUe scale. Sea-
alor Eatos 1ms put a quietus on the move
ment for the picsenl, na for ns Congress Is
concerned, but, according to the San Fran,
cisco' Chronicle, It Is- expected' that largo
quantities of arms and ammunition will be
scut from New York elCy to aid the insur,
gents-In-Mexico, nnd thus that country will
he kcftt'ln turmoil tlhtil the next session l
Congress, when another appisl will donbli
less ho inodo lo'lhat body tij lako a band la
tho pieifleallon of Mcxco, with a View (
Ladles, you cannot make fair skins, rosy
cheeks and sparkling eyes with all tho cos
metics In France, or bcautlficrs of the world.
while in poor health, nnd nothing will give
you such good henlth, strength and beauty
as Hop Bitters. A trial is certain proof. See
another column. oJ
New Advertisements.
At a remilar nrcct last of tho First National I
Hank ol Lohlghton. a Dividend of Two per
cent., on the capital stock was declared, pay-,
able on and aRrr July 16, 1879. 1
w. v. duwman. uasnicr,
Lchlghton, July 15, 187B-3W.
The nndersfgncd Auditor, appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Carbon County to
restate, settle nnd make distribution of the
fnndaln the hands or Adolph llutsman, Ad.
Mlnl,l..,n.nrtlifl t-'a.nln nf I'hnt tllllllitnh
ec'il. will attend to the duties of his appoint.
ment on JIONDAY. AUGUST lltli. 18TP. nt
TEN o'clock a.. PI., at his OHicc, Oak Hall,
Maucn Chunk, when and where an parties
Interested may attend.
PKTtll J. MEEHAN, Auditor.
If audi Chunk, July 12, 1870.
Of Valuable Real Estate.
Uy vlrtuo of sundry writs ofFir.m Facias.
Lev. Fa., nnd Vek. Ex. psued out of the
Court of Common l'leas of Carbon County,
nnd to me directed, there will he exposed at
Public Sale, nt thn COURTHOUSE, In the
uorougn oi juaucu cnunK, on
Saturday, August 2nd, 1879'
at half-past ONE o'clock In tho Afternoon,
the following Properties, to wit;
All that certain
situate In tho Ilorouuh or Wcathcrly, Carbon
county, Pa., bounded and described as fullows
10 wit; ocKinningatinccorncroiaiiniieyuira
troet and running from thenco alonir said
street north ono nnd a half degrees cast fllty
leet, and running rrom thenco track irom snm
street between parallel lines of that width a
UlSinnco Ol two nunureu icei iu sireci, mumiuk
n lot nffirtv uv two hundred feet, and num.
bored on tho pint of lluti and Kline, ns lot ,
No. 43 nnd bounded north by lot ro. 41, cast
Dy street, south ny aucy anu west uy sireou
Tho Improvements thereon aro a Two
eighteen by twenty-four feet, kitchen attach
ed nine by twelvo feet, and outbuildings.
Seized nnd taken Intocxceution nsthepron-
crty of Elisabeth Itotbrock and John Both-
All that certain
:!? n,i JA m. ihA nniiniite side
of tho river Lehigh, from tho borough ol
whito Haven, anil located in Kiuncr town
ship, and Uounty or Carbon, containing
on said road, and adgolnlng E. S. Mullen's lot,
nnd running nt right angles lrom said road
two hundred feet.
The Improvements thereon are a
twenty by thirty feet, nnd eighteen feet hljth,
exclusive or bas-inent. with a kitchen attach
ed, sixteen by iwcnty-ruur feet, and ono and a
halfstory high.
Seize. I and laksn Into execution ns tho nron-
ertv of tho Lchhrh Oraln. Coal and Lumber
Company, owners or reputed owners, and
Charles S. ICunkel, contractor, and to bo sold
Mauch Chunk, July 12, 1870.
OFFICE, No. 3, Second Floor, OAK HALL
.fflr"C!n ba ronsuited In German. tjanO.
"For sinking spells
"4500 wilt bo mid
fits, dizziness, pnlpl.jfora caso that
latlon and low splnts.Mtliters will not
rely on Hop ltltters.",or help."
caso mat uoii
"Read or, procuro "HopDlttcrs builds
and use nop ruucrs.'up, sirengiucns ami
and you will beatronu'o u r o s continually
lioiittliv anil lin,tni-.t ifrom thn nrst dosn."
" ' - j 1 1 j
"L-idlcs. do youl "Fair skin, rosy
want lo bo strongcheeksand thosweet
healtliyand beautiful! est breath In Hop
i ncn use nop jiiiicrs.iiiiiiers, -
"The greatest an- "Kidney and Url-
ictlzer, s torn a o h, 'nary complain tsof at I
and liver regit- kinds nerinanentlyi
,lator Hop Hitters."
cured nyuopuutert,
vers. Ed tors. Hank-headache &uizzincss.
nd Li
yiiibUf -4im J mini us unis.s,un, b
ers and Ladles needillop-Hitters oures
itop Hitters daily."
wun a low uoscs."
UnnTllllers hnire.l "Take Hon Hitters
stored to sobriety and'three times aday and
health, perfect wrecks'you will havo no doc-
frora Intemperance." jior bins to pay. '
For sale by all druggists. lyI2.-Im,
Jutt rublithedt in a Seated Envelope, Price Cc.
MENT, AND RADICAL cure of Seminal
Wenlcncs", orHreiinatorrtimi. ledaced bv self,
Abuse, Involuntary i:misaion, Irapotencv,
Nervoui uuuimr una impcuinieuii io mar.
rlnee generally ( Consumption, Epilepsy, and
Ktt., Mental ami Phvficat Incapacity. Ac
or nt tlio Un en Hook. Aa
The world renown d auinor. in ima aamtrable
Lecture, clrarlv Droves from bla own cxnei.
lenco tliut the awful consequences ofSo'I Abuse
infy be effeciuaily reinoTetl without medicine,
anu without auiigerons umpical operations,
bouffies, instruments, lings, or tordlala t i-otiu.
idk uui b menu ui cure ai unco cc.ttiu aoa ei.
leolnal. by hicli eveiy anffeitr. nu matter
what his conottlournny be may cure hlnueif
cueapir, pnvmoiy sou rauicaiiy.
Thit Lecture Kill prove a boon to thou-
$a,nd and thoutandi.
Bent, under flea), in a nlaln envelone. to nnv
address, on receipt of e'x cenU, or two postage
Address the publlehera.
The Oulvertvell Medical Co.)
Tost Office Box, 4SS0. apr.ts yi.
coBsxn or
Itespeetfnlly announces to his friends and the
public, that he Is prepared to Build all des
criptions of
BLEIQ1IS, ie.,
la the Latest and Most Approved Styles, at
ITIces fully as low as the same can be obtain.
ed elsewhere, guaranteeing the belt Seasoned
Material and most substantial workmanship.
Particular attention given to
In all its details, at the very Lowest Prices.
Patronage respectfully solicited and nerfoet
i satlsraetlon guaranteed.
April 1879-yl DAN. WJEAND,
Four Masslvo Tannines, Threo Collossal Tralni of 40 Mngntflccnt Car Loads of tho FINEST
SHOW PltOI'HHTY IN TIIK WOULD. Nothing halfio novel, bcautirul or Intensely
raro and Interesting ever beforo seen In any tent show slnoo the world hcxan. All
other exhibitions ilwnrf Into Inslirnlllcanco when cnmparo.1 with It. Behold tho
Startling Figures and Incontestable Facts I
The only Living Hippopotamus
The only White Whale !
The only Trained Sea
The only Gigantic Devil Fish, 39 feet long !
Tho only
Ever known to Leap Over Four Horses and
. Tn0 on,v Travelllnir Exhibition recognized,
I llglous l'rcss. In tact the only atiiuseincnt
by tho dtlUtanle, that Is high
As on cvldcnco or this. In mnnv Places In stnl.l
tea mis year, rutn.iu suuooi.s and faotoiuls have iii;i;. ui.usisu to
lot tho pupils and operatives seo It. In addition to tho novel features or
Oriast year, Including tho GIGANTIC DEVIL FISH, SOU rcct long, exhibited In an enor
mous water tank, halfthe length of a railroad car. Titanic Ocphnlopudlon Monsters of the
uccp, so auinirnDiy preserved as io aiiract mo wonuor aim ii'iiniraiion oi otien
tlUeMcn j tho ROYAL JAPS, with a full Japanese Circus Company J tho
I Educated Dogs! The Groat Tloz Hang-m
Injjf Act! lu which a Troupe ol Jlo;
net nt .luilKe, jury nnd Hiinsinnn, eruc
ting lliclrown frallows, overy lentur w
which Is tierronned by the bust Trninct'
Vvks In the world. IIorpe-Kblfntf Mon
keys Equestrian Goal?; Nettle, tin
Champion Horso Ecnperof tho World !
The famous Uroncho Horses
In their
Grand Military Drill !
And Hundreds of ether rare and recherche
attractions: tho Manaicor Iihs also auil.
cu io tins year's cntcriainuicnt a uruud
Of the Jlost
From nil parts of tho World, absolutely coniirisin,s tho only Live Hippopotamus and
Trained Sea Lions now traveling with any Show.
s Is
A ROYAL JAPANESE CIUCOS TROUPE. Three times more performing Horsei
nnd Ponies than aro contained in all other Shows iu America eumbmedl
-A. G-r' .A-CTariLim !
Five times more cxtensivo than that of last
year, and the finest In America I Giving
First-Class Moral Eutertaininent
presenting absolutely moro startling and at
tractive novel features which aro
Entirely New,
than is contained in ALL tlio SHOWS IS
other Entertainment ever left New
York that so (Mights visitors,
gives such universal satis
factionr receives such
hearty endorsements
everywhere from
Price of Admission, tb0 amo Ynre1rlo7s'hors.,m',I1 and on1)' 50 Ceuts
Children under 1 0 Years of Age, ..... 25 "
A few Reserved Seats, 25 cts. extra.
Two Performances Each Day. Doors open at 1" and 7 P.M.,
Performances to commence an hour later.
jf For full particulars see Illustrated rostors, Advance Couriero,.Ilooks, Pamphlets,
Circulars, Programmes, ami small bills scattered everywhere by thousands.
Lions !
River Horse from Hie White Nile!
Tho only Egyptian Crocodiles Jt Alligators.
Tlio onlv lesrttlmato Marine Anuarlutn
supplied with Iiunnlng Sea Water ever
lixniuiiuu under uiiiivase,
Tho onlv Preserved Octopus.
Tho only Tltnnlo Oephalnpod.
Tho only glirantlo Cnlamary nr Squid.
Tho only puro Whito C'ntnels.
Tho only living Hell Benders, or "Ana.
conilas,' of Iho Deep."
Tho only (Innd Kqucscurriculum.
Tho only
Herd of Broncho Horses
ever taught to Perform a Grand Military
The only Iforso ever known to walk on Stilts
The only O rand Menagerlo containing ex
clusively rare anu cosuy Animals.
The only Kettle, or Flyias Fegssiis !
a High FIvo Bared Gato nt a Single Hound.
visited and endorsed by tho Olergy nnd tho lte-
enterprise that Is universally patronised
- toned ami first-class, and
New England whero COt'P'SShow has vlsl-
Of Living Fishes nnd Marino Monsters, tho
massivo but exquisite Parian .Mm bio
and Glass Tanks being actual
ly supplied with ItUX
HiicntsiI Inisitings,
8" Rare Curiosities from WOOD'S MUSEUM I
$mly 1
mill mill I i in.! mill
A Large Eiglit Page Sheet of FIFTY-SIX BIlOAl
COLUMNS, will be sent, post-paid to any
Address, till .Tafiifary 1, 1880,-
June 28-w-l
sully I3xi;EiiissittEa g Cape May
The Famous, Mammoth, Timitx-llKi t Steamer " nGI'Ulll'jUV leavea liaccSt. Whsrf
nt 7 A. M., arriving nt t.'apo May abo,. P.M. lieturnlng, leaves Uspe May at 3 o'elk
P. M , giving ninple time fur tmtlilngtir a ilrivo my the bi nch. A full Il.nss Ilan.l and ON
chestro' Jtulo for llnnclmr. Parlor K'nUrtalnmcnts varlcil weekly. Luncheons and ltc
frcshments In nbmdance. lllnncrs ami Suppers provided. Oysters and Fish served for Sup'
per a few moments after taken frunt tha water.
ITiiirc for ilc ISoumi Trip, Oitc Ifollar.
KB" St'NI) AYS will lcavo rtace-Strcet Wharfat jUa.M.-K
P.S. A nrnaU OaugoMcmii H.illmadWIII co.lvey passengers to Cope Island In 8 mlnntes..
Tickets lur sale at all Itallrond stations. JulS-wS
Daily Excursion
The splendid Saloon Sffamcr "JOHN
Dally nt S:15 A. M., for Sea Breeze, (ahont 05 miles), dorfli the Selawore Hsy, rrivlntf
hack to tho city early In the evening. This is imo of tho most pleasant Excursions out of
Philadelphia. A Musical Entertainment and Dancing will enliven the trip. Refresh
monts in abundance. Dinners. Suppers, Ac. All the conveniences for Salt Water Bath
lug. Fishing, Boating and other Amusements aro provided.
.Fare, GO cts,
Juno 29, ISiO-wS
Xmprt&iit to Builders, &c
WeteBOTfc .FlsMfiiB&g Mill9
Is prepared to furnish all lands of Dressed' Lumber, SasTr,
Doors, Blindsy Slmttcsa, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust
ers, Window and Door Frames, Scroll Sawing,
Turning, Planing and Pipping done at short
notice and at Prices to Suit the Times-,
Contractors and Carpenters are invited to
call for Specifications, which will be
cheerfully furnished.
flgjlf' Special attention grreit to Orders by Hail. Thank
ful to our patrons and friends for past favors, wc ask a share
of patronage in the future
Very ncppectfnlly,
P. O. box G3.
Mew I
I respectfully announce to tho citizens of Lehighton and
vicinity that I have leased tho Old Post-Oifice Stand, on
BANK Street, Lehighton, and that 1 am now receiving a
full line of
consisting of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Underwear, Hosi
ery, Handkerchiefs, Jewelry, Ribbons, Ruches, lady's
hand-mado Clouds, Gloves, Fancy Soaps, Bruslies,
Combs, Buttons, Collars, Machino Needles and
Oil, Zephers, ITinicy Stationery, nnd i
all other articles usually kept in my line.
Also, Agent for tho celebrated
IBB3mmr Cabmet OrCtAm.
ggf Call and examine my goods ; theprices nro so low
that thoy cannot fail to suit all.
New Advertisements
Will bo received until 8 o'clock P. M., on
Monday, July S8lh, 1879. Tor tho JANITOR
By order of the Hoard.
DAN. OH AVER, Secretary.
July 6, ls;o-wt Lehighton School Heard.
Six Teachers aro wanted for the Lehighton
Ilorouuh Public Schools, viz: One Principal;!
1 lor Urammar 1 1 for Intermediate; I lor See.
omlary, and 2 for Primary. Terra e moi.tln.
The Examination will he held In the School
House, atLehlghton, on Wednesday, July 10,
1879, at 0 o'clock A. M.
lly order of the Hoard.
HAN. UKAVEK, Secretary.
July S, 1879-W2
-jqyxEcuTOR's notice.
Letters Testamentary m tho Estate of
Jonathan Kolh, late of the llorouifh of Weiss
port, Uarbon County, I'tnna.. deceased, have
been granted tothe nnderslgned, to whom all
persons Indebted to tho said estate are re
quested to make payment within six weeks,
and all those having claims or demands will
mako known the same, without delay, to
HENRY llOVtlt, Executor,
Weissport, July 5, 187t-w6
NNUAL statement
Or the Receipts and Disbursements' of
Franklin Twp. School Dist.
count with Franklin Towsp. School District,
Uarbon Uounty, l'u., for the School Year end.
lug (Uounty Account) Juno 2nd, 187V:
To amount received from all sources, t:i"J7 01
Uy amount of Expenditures, as per
Vouchers, fHOI 01
Trearurer's n.llanco 21 88
Outstanding Uonds M!7 48
Oourt OoU 100 1)0
To lialanee 711 4
Total fiiv3 bo
Due from John Sehwab, Uoileetor, on
Duplkatel877 i 6? El
Due from II. l'i I.evan, Collector, on
Duplleatal878 ill ZD
Due from Doroaghof Weissport, less
Interest UBo 02
ssstfB 84
Dy lialanee M 1UU
Audltel and aeeented this 18th day of June.
w. I.., Auditors
STEl'HLN hOLT. t rtuuuo"'
July ft-w
Kcw York Citjv
A. WAItXEIt." leave Cheslniil wi,..f
Children, 30 cts.
sill Mew
For the Weissport Planing MilL
jan.4- yl
Mew IPrices I
W 1 T Xl ,
Dyspepsia, Constipation,
Liver Complaint,"lndigestionT
Debility, &c,
ithenyou eanbe relieved end esrredbythr
use of that reliable (Established ISM,) remedy
Dr. J. S- H0UGHT0N.S
It Is Nature's own remedy, and contains no
nousoous drugs. Hyou are so bad o as not
tobeablotoeata Cracker wlthoat illstren,
try Or. Houghton's I'epsin.snd you will
not be disappointed, lie sure yoa get lr.
II oughi mi's l'rislnsnd(alano base Iml.
lations. Sold by all Unionists. J. If. Eatok,
Proprletor.Ftllsdelphla.ra. IIRETiTaOOiy
k ( O., Oeneral Agents, New York.
June 7. 3mo.
Respectfully asnoanees lo the peeele that he
hsa leased the Shoe et BAUUEl IICBER-.
North Street, Lehighton, Pa.,
and proposes to reaame hht oid ttahieM ot
Carriage and Wagon
and repcctf ulif ak a abare ol public (ratntn.
ajts KnaraDtlov tne Woikmanbipto bieqnai
nt tie best, aud tlie I'rlcea to be ut lowaalbff
low fat.
of all kinds promptly sttfnde tsatery ret'
soosbte charges.
OpDoMIe Fublte Biasre, North street,
T-eb lly I Lehighton, I's.
If. A. tikltz. resnectfirllr tunontcea lo thai
pionlBol Lei.tshinn soil vicinnv that he has
inartiarrKMeoent- lor lunnlylnR them with
thelfET Li:i(KIll COAL from tbe Lehlrls.
ton Uenot of ihe Lehlch & f.ucr.. lilt., at iho
followiuK Low Trices i
stove,.. A a per ton
Chestnut ...f., I vi per ton
No. J 1 7i per ten
1yo tout Ordrra it my Offlee. BAfJK Bt
1 nnnnslln Ihfl iMiiiUa Bousre.
coai win wjoeuf.
ed. when deslreo, si very Lowest Charre om
I shorn nrlro. H. A BELIE.
I March t. 2oi. I.eWhten, r.