The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 05, 1879, Image 3

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    n. 81KWB118,
OElee, Klots'e DmlalnK DiodaWiiy.
Nettling Bstates, Plllnp Accounts and orphans
Conn Practice specialt:
Trial of denies ejnrettiilr attended to Ix-Ral
traductions in Unxilsh and Herman
wnere jiut FJKW tI KK
TACT mar bo i
mar bo made lor n in nil u i uiuu
Local and Personal.
TO SUDSCItllir.ltN.
Subacribera to llio Carbox Advocate will
take special notice tliat our terms ore one
dollar a year strictly In advance, If not so
paid $1.25 will b charged in every Instance.
Bubecribera getting their papers by mall will
refer to the direction tabs on their papers
nod note the date, and remit accordingly.
Wood cock shooting Is legnl now.
E. ILSnyder Is putting a handsome new
front in his store building,
Chew Jacmox's Best Sweet Navy To
bacco. -
As the banks do not like trade dollars,
come and pay for the newspaper with them.
The Lehigh Telegraph Co., have de
clared a dividend of 3 per cent., payable
Parties going west can get tickets from
Bert. Seaboldt, Ii. V. K. R. depot. IOj-42
This is a good lime to tako an airing in
one of David Ebbert's handsome teams.
Terms very reasonable.
All the litllo folks are hnppy because
Coup's great show is to be here on tho 12th,
next Saturday.
Foa Salc Eight shares of tho Capital
stock of the 1st National Bank ofLoliighton.
For further particulars apply at the Advo
cate office.
Mrs.Thos. Kemcrcr fell down stairs
Wednesday afternoon, and very seriously
hurt her,shoulder.
A litllo daughter of Frs. Moulthrop fell
Wednesday ami broke her collar bono.
For cheap Farm Land In Carbon coun
tr. Inquire at N. D. Cortriglit, Mauch
Chunk. 2-37
H'illiam Moncbock, a freightbrakema
nn the Lehirh Vallev Ilailroad, was kiliC.l
by striking a bridge at Hokcndauiiua
Snitk'i Bible Dictionary, and at una.
brideed CrudenV Cbnconaiicc, each! to be
aold for $1.00, are recent announceiiiliils of
tho American Book Exchuoce. 55 Bctkinnu
street, New York.
Batcheller i- Doris announco that'
will visit Lehlghton during tho
month with their great llailruad
Museum, Menagerio and Circus.
Fiiday the 4tb, the Fantastics will meet
at 5 o'clock p. m., sharp, at the shed of the
"Carbou House," and parade. This will un
doubtedly be the feature of tho day in this
Thanks are extended to tho gentlemen,
who serenaded the young ladies at tho trick,
last Friday night. Tho music was excellent
and highly appreciated ; a repetition would
be most acceptable.
The Popular Western Ticket Agent, B.
O'Bnan, will be at this office next Wednes
day night If you intend to go west, call
and see him, he will seud you right, cheap
and quick.
300 boxes West's Vegetable Liver Tills,
for sale at Durliux's Drue Store. 20 cents
per box. If.
Mr. Coup's show is as far superior to
Birnum's asBarnum'sto the ordinary dusty
shows. It is the best ever Been In New
England." Springfield Republican.
One large mower, one lawn mower,
one heavy 2 horse iron axle wagon uud two
iron corn shelters all new and of tho latest
and best patterns for sale, cheap for cash
by the Lehigh Valley Emery Wheel Co.
Weissport Pa. 30. tf.
Bolh the Delaware and Huilwin and
Delaware, Lackawauna and Western com
panies issued circulars Monday
vanciog the price on all grades of coal 10
cents per ton.
Daniel Graver, at tho Beo Hive Store
calls the attention of the ladies to his new
stock of summer dress goods. Trices dowm
to the lowest figure.
Juvenile Classics. Beautiful large typo
elegantly bound editions of Arabian Xiyhts
and Robinson Crusoe, for 55 cents each, and
ot Runyans Pilgrim's Progress aud Travels
of Baron Munctauscn, for 50 cents cach,have
just been published by tho American Book
Exchange, 55 Beckmau street, New York.
One of the most accomplished hii)Ksters
upon Odd Fellows is now ranging tho coun
try bearing the namo of John Mason. He
claims to be a member of Mountain City
Lodge No. 839 of Tennsylvania. Heisabout
28 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, and
wears a black moustache. Iiu is well wblid
in the initiatory degree of tho order. Look
out for him. Ex.
If you wanta nice smooth, easy shave,
your hair cut or shampooing, go to Krani
Kocdercr's Saloon, under the Exchange Ho
tel. He will 6x you right, and don't you
forget it.
The celebrated Howard Watch now sell
ing in Mauch Chunk lor 13, is being bold
by E. II. Uohl, in Lehlghton lor 'itlj and
a good Eljtin watch for $10. Don't buy your
watches away, when you can get them at
bme for less money -where expenses on
not so high.
All kinds of dry goods and dress goods
at Dan. Graver's Bee Hive Store, rheaer
than ever. Call and examine goods.
The children connected with the M. E.
Sunday school, of this borough, will pic mc
in Linderman's woods on the fourth. May
they have a happy time. Teachers and
children will meet at tho church at 8 o'clock
a. m.
An Encyclopedia of Universal Knowledge
in 20 volumes, 18,000 uges,all for $10, and
enual in all iinrtaul respect to any Cy
clopedia heretofore sold for less thau $100,is
announced for publication by tho American
Book Exchange, 55 Beckinan street, New
York. They have also just issued an edition
of Chamber's Cyclopedia of Englih Litera
ture, complete in four volumes, neatly cloih
bound for $2.00. Their catalogue of several
hundred standard publications, at very low
prices, will be sent free on request.
Go to the Uee Hive Storo for groceries
and provisions or the llncst quality at lowest
The most popular place in Carbon couu
ty, for purchasing wall paper, stationery,
and useful articles generally, is E. F. Luck
enbach's, two doors below the Broadway
House, Mauch Chunk. First-class palming
and calsornining at reasonable figures, uud
work guaranteed.
II. II. Peters announces to his friends
and the citizens in geueral that he is now
receiving and opening his riug stock of
cloths, cuasi meres, vestings and suitings, and
that he is prepared to luako up all classes of
clothing at prices never before heard of in
this section. "Perfect tits and Lowest
prires," is the motto of this house, and ihm't
yon forget it. ritoreinlhi IV.4 ..iVel'UHdin.
As per notice published last week, we
Issuo the Carsox Advocate Thursday, In
order to allow our employees lo celebrate ye
glorious Fourth. The parade of tho Tolio
Toco Tribe Imp. O. R. M., will take place
at 9 a. m. Friday, and the picnte will take
place In the afternoon aud evening. Bo on
hand lor a good time.
New editions of Rollin's Ancicnl JUs
tory, and the "Complete II oris of Joicphus,"
both printed In large, beautiful type, and
'rongly and neatly bouud, havo just been
Issued nt about one-third the former prices,
viz: Ilollln, $2.25; Josephus, $2.00. Ameri
can Book Exchange, publishers, 65 Beck
man street, New York.
On the evening of the Fourth of July a
grand children's meeting will be held in the
Millport Evangelical church. Uev. C. K.
Fchr, T. E., aud all the ministers belonging
to the Carbon County Suuday School Soci
ety will bo present to address the meeting.
At the sama time and place the Board of
Control will meet lo devise measures for
holding a grand reunion of all the Evan
gelical Sunday schools in Carbon county.
The State Agricultural Board lias issued
Its edict prohibiting county agricultural so
cieties that receive llio animal $100 State ap
propriation, from ofl'erlng premiums for horse
racing. There can be trials or speed, but no
premiums paid without losing tho $100 ap
propriation. Hon. Edward Harvey, of Allentown,
has becu solicited by a delegation of the
Berks county bar to bo a candidate for Judgo
of that district, but ho declines.
A great failure in business is sometimes
less lamentable than a failure in health. Dr.
Bull's Baltimoro Tills prcscrvo llio health.
Trice 25 cents.
A litllo son of Mr. Daniel Shoch fell
on Wednesday afternoon, Inflicting a severe
cut over the left eye. Tho wound was
dressed by Dr. N. B. Kcbcr.
Tcnclierw' Uxfimliintluiiv.
The following Is a list of .days appointed
for tho examination of teachers by the Coun
ty Supt., in the district normal:
Audcnricd, July 10th.
Lehlghton, July lGlh.
Taekerton, July 17th.
Harlz's Tucker twp., July 10th.
n.wkiort, July 22nd.
Summit Hill, July 24th.
Tarry ville, July 2filh.
Edst'Weissport, August Oth.
rowiicil Wlilln Itnihlnir.
On Saturday last William Henry, son of
Daniel Itomiz.of East Tenn, was scut to a
blacksmith shop ut Bowmausvillc, to get
some work done, and while the article was
being repainv, tho boy proceeded to the
c.innl to lake n Im'.li, and, as is Biipposcil,
was taken with cramp and wai drowned.
His body was recovered, Rtid he was buried
from his parents residence on Monday. He
was aged 13 years, 8 months, nnd 13 days.
SilVcil from I1l'Iii llnncd.
A Milford dispateh.djted June 30th says:
Alvin King, aged 22, took a horse from the
barn of James Ward, in South Canann,
Whyno County, on Wednesday. Ho drove
the horse for several hours, aud returned it
to the barn almost exhausted. Word was
waiting for him partially intoxicated. He
seized King, placed n halteraround hisncck,
and being a powerful man, limited King to
tho beam. Ward's wife heard tho noise of
the scuffle in the barn, and ran to the scene.
Ward was holding King clear of the floor by
tho end of tho halter. King was strug
gling to reach the beam with his hands,
and was rapidly strangling. Mrs. Ward
tried to force her husband's hands from the
halter. Failing in that, she seized a scythe
that hung t llio sido of tho barn and cut the
halter with a blow from lis blade. She de
fended ICing from her husband, and dragged
li.'m nut into the nir. He soon recovered
consciousness nnd made good his escape.
Religious IVutcs.
i.khioiiton M. K. Cbuiick, Uev. J. P.
Miller, pastor Sunday. July . s a, m.
Glass Meeting, 10: a. m., I'rcachlnir, 2 p. m..
Sunday School. 6:30 Prayer Meeting, T:30
Preaching. 3 p. ui. Saturday, Little Tcoples
EvAnoELtCALClicRCii, W'KissronT. Itev.
J. K. Scyfrlt,paBtor,Oerman preaching atlOa.
m. ; Teachers meeting at 1:30, p. m.j Mimlay
school at 2 p. ru. ; English preaching at 7:30
p. m.
LsmanTON Kvakoklical Ciidrch, Itev
II. .1. Snioyer, pastor, to morrow, Sunday 9
a. ra. rraycr-mectlnu;; 10 a. m, Gorman
preaching subject : "Elijah under the Juniper
'tree;" 1 p. iu. Teachers' meeting; 2 p. m.,
Sunday schoul; 0:30 p. m. Prayer and praise
racotln; 7:30 p. in., English preaching, sub
Ject: "The Coming Circus Show," All are
cordially welcomed.
I.nfnyctlc College Commencement.
The annual commencement exercises of
tho Lafayette College were begun Sunday,
The town was filled with strangers, the at
tendance beinggreatcr than of any previous
years. The baccalaureate sermon and ad.
dress to tho clas of '70 was delivered Sun'
day morning in the college chaiel by I'rcs
ident Cattell. The edifico was crowded to
its utmost. The College Band played a sa
crcd march, aud Dr. Cattell, in his ofliicial
robes, and the graduates entered. The ad
dress was full of earnest entreaty for a man
ly course in Ufa on tho part of each member
of tho class and of well-wishes for all. The
class numbers forty-four graduates.
Sunday afternoon the Rraincrd Missionary
Society held Its anniversary, nt whh
s leeches were mailo by prominent alumni
present, and the report of tho Society for
tho past year read.
Monday closed the final examination of
undergraduates, and in tho afternoon the
class formerly presented to tho College a
largo bell, which has been placed in the cast
tower by tho class of '79. Tho class promo
nade concert came oil' in the evening.
The Allentown Female College.
One of the most pleasant features of Com
mcmccment week was the reunion of the
graduates nf Muhlenberg and the Allentown
Female College, at the latter institution.
Thursday night. The evening was delight
ful and everything seemed to contribute to
the success of the occasion. Friday evening
the ninth annual Commencement of the Al
ientowu Female College took place. Al 7:30
tho Faculty of the College, city official
and a largo number of tho lady students
formed n procession on the College grounds
and marched to the Opera House, where after
a chorus by the graduating class ami a prayer
by tho Ilev. Mr. Augbiiibinigli, President of
Palatinate, College at Myerslown, the exer
cises commenced according to the following
programme I
Salutatory, "Aftermath," by Millie L,
Stetler, Tottstowu, Tenn'a. "Decision of
Character," Annie L. Davis, Slatlngton, Pa,
"Our Mecca." Emma It. Wolmcr, Lebanon
I'd. " veiling Hod and Morning Gray,''
Emma S. Dickinshido, Shicuerstown, Ta
" Siectamur Agendo," Lizzie A. Loos, ol
Bethleheu Ta. "Beyond tho Alps Lieth
Ihiuo Italy," Sarah Deshlcr, Allentown,
After the presentation of diplomas, by
Rev. Mr. Huflurd, President of the College,
the valedictory, by Irene HarUell, Alien
town, followed.
The exercise were intermiugle.1 with vo-
i cal and instrumental music The Opera
fr,u ,. j twI, i it, fulh .t ra acli-.
It. IS. S. IMtlnforo.
The English opera of Pinafore, which was
given In the school hall on Friday and Satur
day evenings of last week, by a party of
young ladies and gentlemen of Lehlghton
and Mauch Chunk, agreeably surprised, in
point of artistic excellence, almost everyone
who witnessed the performance. On Friday
evening there was a slim attendance, but
the following evening brought a comfortably
filled house, there being between four and
five hundred people in the auditorium.
Several weeks ago, when the preliminaries
for rendering the pieoo here were inaugu
a ted, it was contemplated to be an enter
tainment for the benefit ol (be Reformed
church choir and it was so generally un
derstood. With such a conception, as wo
always have done In co-oieration with all
the churches and other humane and benev
olent causes, we published in the Advocatx,
from week to week, current extracts from
the presi, and other articles, In regard to
Pinafore, calculated to call it to ttio popular
attention and lo create for the entertainment
a demand among our people.
At the last we learned that the church
choir hod withdrawn from tho original ar
rangement, for reasons not important to the
public, and that the entertainment had
become an individual enterprise. Hence
forward wo dealt with the manager on busi
ness principles just as wo do, in self-defense,
with all other business speculations,
the purposes of which are to make jnoney.
This seems to have astonished some of those
interested; but the man of sense finds noth
ing mysterious in the matter. We had al
ready done n very liberal amount of free
advertising under the impression that it was
a contribution iu favor of the Reformed
church choir.
Pinaforo lias several popular features, and
on account of the simplicity of its composi
tion, is well adapted to talented amateurs;
and if the business had been managed less
clumsily here, so as lo harmonize the local
feeling in the vicinity, there is reason to
believe thai It would have been greeted each
eicning with a crowded house, and have
been a financial success.
The subjoined critique refers to the piece
as given Saturday evening, and from an
amateur standpoint. A number of young
ladies end gentlemen of talent even, with a
director but a little more experienced than
themselves and with less Innate ability than
some of them, with an illy appointed stage
paraphernalia, were not expected to give on
entertainment of professional excellence;
but in this caso they mora than met the ex-
lactations cf their patrons. An orchestra or
good piano would have been a pleasing ad
dition, and somo of the exits and entrances
were inexcusably ill timed. The plot of the
piece was marred by cutting.
Mr. Harry Taylor, as Sir Joseph Porter(
K. C. B., Lord of the Admlrolity, hod a per
fect conception of the character, and sus
tained it well throughout. His singing was
fair and his acting fine. Had he "made up"
a few years older, and been well supported,
his rendition of the character would have
stood a professional criticism.
Dr. Charles T. Horn, as Capt. Corcoran,
made a good personal appearance, and sang
a fair 2d tenor, but hurried too much in his
dialogue, without action, and totally failed
in impressing his individuality as captain of
Her Majesty's Ship Pinaforo. Iu the de
nouement he partially reclaimed himself.
Messrs. A. W. Vananda, as Ralph Rack
straw; Robert A. Kline, os Dick Deadcye;
Oscar Swartz, as Bill Bobstay ; Frank Obert,
as Midshipman, and Charles Obert, as Boat-
Bwain, each sustained bis character with
much credit.
The chorus, composed of Messrs. Daniel
Wieand, 1st tenor; Chas. Ycnser, 2d tenor;
Daniel Acker, Ut bass; Frank Kershner, 2d
bass; Misses Emma Dollcnmeyer, Ella Rex,
Louisa DeTschirschsky, sopranos; Agnes
Hauk, Lizzie Mautz and Jane Greenawald,
altos, was a redeeming feature of the whole
Miss Emma L. Hauk, leading lady, as
Josephine, was too stlfl" In her dialogue,
and evinced too little emotion, necessitated
in part by these qualities In Copt. Corcoran,
her principal support. She has a sweet, flex
ible voice, nnd in every case where the
power of her song became the principal
feature she triumphed, winning much ap
plause and an encore.
Miss Lmnia Obert, as Hebe, sang a sweet
soprano, and sustained the character admir
Miss Clara Hibblcr, as Little Buttercup,
had a fair conception of her part, and
rendered It well Sho sang a fine alto, and
her aclihg vas good. She "made up" loo
young and comely, by far, for a Torts-
mouth bumboat woman who had been
"baby farming" a generation or more since.
In the grouping, at tho close, she impresses
the thought that she has become the afil
auccd of Capt. Corcoran bod taste, even
though it may bo suggested by some Amcr!
can version of Pinafore. The part she had
is ono in which genius shows to poor ad van
Uge, and only the judge of the histronic art
will appreciate the talent required to give
life to such dramatit pcrtonau A gentleman
who admiringly witnessed' her rendering of
the character dashed off the following poetic
elfusion, with a moral, which wo publish by
his request, nnd inscribe to Miss Hibblen
When balmy Spring Its children bring,
From woodland, dell and boit'r ;
Then fieptth up the Buttercup,
An humble little flow'r.
It struggles oil 'ml J dodge aid thorn,
And blooms a golden hue ;
No hands caress, no lovers bless
It sl S the midnight dew.
No artist's touch can fashion such
A brilliant piece of art ;
Nor music sweet a chord repeat
To reach the tender heart.
It poisons not, It stlngeth not,
It speaks no evil thing
It yauateth not, It envys not
This humtle child or Spring.
It never errs, nor sheddeth tears,
And lives In Virtue's cause;
Its secrets keep, In silence deep
A gem or Heaven's laws.
So, every one, beneath tho sun,
Like little Buttercup,
Must win In lite, 'gainst tide and strife,
ir tbey but Pkki'Ktu Ur,
A Cord of TliaiikH.
The officers aud teachers of the First
Prcsbyteriau Sunday school of Lehighton
take this opjwrtunity of expressing their
thanks to those who so cheerfully contribut
ed of their means to hold the Fifth Anni
vcrsary of tho above named Sunday school
to tho ladies for their liberal donation of
cakes and bouquets; to tho speakers who so
eloquently and pleasantly spoko to the
children and added lo making the event a
joyous occasion) and to those whoso kindly
In the past took an interest In the school,
and at this time seek its Welfare; and Would
respectfully solicit a visit to the school from
nil those who wero present ujon the happy
occusiou of its Anniversary and take an in
interest in Sunday schools iu general.
Every mother in the land should kuow
the value of Dr.Bull's Baby Syrup and never
be without it. It is fiee from opiates. Price
I cent.- u tittle.
U'cUapprt Items,
Mr. Ellas Miner, Superintendent of the
Fort Allen Foundry, went to Philadelphia
on Tuesday to purchase a larger boiler for
the establishment. The employees were
paid otTon Thursday, Instead of waiting un
til the 15th. The fouudry will be shutdown
on Thursday evening, and resume- work
Monday. In this interval the new boiler
.will be put iu.
Says the Stroudsburg formers ,lrfiV)cafe,
oftbc20tb ult "Daniel Kresge, of Weiss
port, was arrested on Wednesday, charged
with passing and dealing in counterfeit
Bland dollars." Of course this is a grievous
lalsehood; and Mr. Kresge is much agitated
over the fact that the papers generally have
copied tills libellous Item from the " homo
news" column of the Slroudsburg journal.
He is making strenuous efforts to get at the
origin of the story.
P. J. Mcehan, Esq., D. G. Dictator, K.
ofll ., was in Weissport and Lehlghton, on
Monday, arranging the preliminaries for
instituting a lodge of tho Knights of Honor,
in these two boroughs.
The committee of arrangements for tho
parade by the Imp. O. R. M. on the Fourth,
held a meeting on Monday evening, and op
pointed C. It. MacDanicl, Chief marshal,
and he apjioiutcd F. A. Graver and 1)'. A.
Smauley, as assistants.
Mr. Scott Grout, who has for the past
two years been attending the State Normal
School, at Trenton, New Jersey, returned
home on Monday for the summer vacation.
Mr. John Zcm, on Tuesday and Wed
nesday was busily engaged packing a large
shipment of Emery Wheels and Machines
to be scut to San Francisco, Cal. For such
a long jaunt, the wheels had to be packed
with saw dust iu Legs made for Urn purKise.
Treasurer Wills, of the Emery Wheel
Works, is busily engaged on his statements
to bo laid before the stockholders, at their
annua! meeting on the 14th iust.
Almost cverv afternoon tho trains on
the L. & S. road, iriug from Mauch Chunk
ami other points along tho line a number of
lodicswho prefer to buy their miliuery goods
of Mrs. Goth.
A number of tho soldiers of tho late
war, in this vicinity, will hold a meeting at
the Foil Allen House, shortly, to organize a
Soldier's Union.
Tho flag, purchased by Mr. Daniel
Kresge, at auction, last week, has been pur
chased bv subscription, by llio veterans, who
will use "it on the Fourth iu tho parade.
The new instruments for tho Young
America Band, have been ordered, and arc
cxectcd in a few days.
It must bo refreshing to Hie readers of
those Mauch Chunk pajiers whicn now
copies the Carbon Advocate's arlielo pub
lished three weeks ago, on migratory quail,
and credit it to the Jlcthlchem Timet.
B. F. Kuhns has made a sign of sheet
iron for the proprietors nf the Fort Allen
House, simply an Indian in the actolshoot
ingan arrow from a bow. It has been
mounted on the ost in front of the house,
which contained the old sign "Fort Allen
House." it loons wen lor a sign.
.TIiiucli Chunk XtHem
What Must be Done. Chief Burgess
Crellln Issued a proclamation suspending the
borough ordinances relative to flrlnic squibs,
fire-crackers, etc , from 5 o'clock, a. in. to 11
m., on the Fourth. Another proclamation
orders the muzzling of all canines, male and
female, In tho borough, ond notices that all
uch animals found at large, on and after the
10th of July, unmuzzled, be Impounded and
held Si hours for reclamation. If not re
claimed, they will be killed. Ttioso nbo own
and wish to cave their pets, must not neglect
the necessary precaution. Muzzle your dog,
or send him off to rusticate.
At a meeting of the County Commlf-
sloncrs, on 1 ucsday, It was ordereJ that Neal
Manclls be released from jail where ho was
committed by the Court for non-payment of
costs. Ho gave a Judgment note for the
amount due.
"Jim," the right bower at the Monslon
House, carries a green bag with him now
when he goes on casual errands up Susque
hanna street, which causes somo philosophic
minds to conjecture that be Is reading law.
Mr. Joseph Gollus and his bride returned
home from their wedding tour on Monday
evenlng, and on Tuesday night they were
complimented with a serenade by the Phcenlx
Mr. E. F. Luckenbach Is decorating the
Interior and glazing the new building belong
ing to Chas. Schubcl, on Susquehanna street.
The larue show-windows were glazed on
Wednesday with heavy French plate glass
exD feet, which cost about "0 euch. They
ate the largest panes of glass In the borough,
except those Just put In the windows of Ilex
The young Republicans effected a tempo
rary organization of their club on Monday
evening, and were addressed In a stirring
speech by E. M, Mulhcarn, Esq. It has a
membership or(7, and will be known as tne
Lincoln Club. The election or officers will
take place on Tuesday evening, the 15th of
J. S. Loose, Esq., Is rusticating for two
weeks among his relatives and friends In the
Lebanon valley.
Between fifty and a hundred "Chunkcrs"
witnessed tho performance of Pinaforo at Le.
hlghton on Saturday evening.
It. S. Calrln, Warden of the county Jail.
Is painting the Interior of that structure, the
prisuners confined there voluntarily assisting
him In his labors.
"Pap" Painter, who has been confined to
his bed for several weeks, Is able to be out In
attendance to his duties.
As one very marked evidence of the re.
turn or good times Is the Tact that Isst sum
mer there were a number of stores and busi
ness places standing Idle, while now they are
nearly or quite all occupied, presenting a
brisk, animated and cheerful aspect.
f rothonoiary Thos. Keincrerwas at his
office on Tuesday, but Is still weak and not
able to attend to business,
nialtonlng Twlnklng.
Last Sabbath the Centre Snuare Rundav
school held their election of officers and
teachers who are to serve for tho ensuing
Mr. Elvin Mnntz and sister, spent last
Wednesday eveninz with Mr. T. M. Bailiet.
of this place.
It is very becoming for ayoune woman
to go with her father-in-law to church on
Sunday evenings and leave her husband at
The sincine school at New Mahoninc.
under the auspices of E. S. Hopper, is doing
Mr. Erank Kistlcriof West Penn. and
his brother we'ro visiting somooflheir friends
in the Valley last Sunday.
Prof. A. S. Weber, left for Myerstown
last week, where ho intends to siiend his va
cation. Wo wish him a happy time.
The fellow with tho match-horses is a
source of much trouble aud annoyance to
Some women remind mo of Ihe defini
tion I heard a clown cive once for liberty.
Ho said "If you give a horse liberty he will
run till he'll drop, if you give a woman lib
erty her tongue will never stop.
It is very discouraging when a singing
school teacher wants to get up some music
for certain occasions, auu can't do it with his
own scholars. J. Pamvs
IVcvv lfvloriucd C in tin.
Tho Reformed Synod has been requested
to form new classis of llio Reformed church.
The Lehigh river from Ihe line of the East
Susquehanna Classis on the north, to the
line of the Tohlcknn Classis on tho south,
will divldo East Pennsylvania Classis and
the proposed new one. Tho congregations
and charges, together with all the territory
of the East Penusylrauia classis lying west
of tho Lehigh are to be transferred to the
new closiis, and the following clergymen
will furm its membership, viz: Rev. Messrs.
W, A. Hellrich,J.S.lIeruian,A.J. Herman
W. R. Hulford, Abraham Brrtholouiew, N.
S. Strassburgcr, E. J. Fogcl, A. S. Leinbacb,
A. J. G, Dubbs, Benjamin Weiss, J. Fritzing
er, T. N. Robcr, J. N. Backman, W. C.
Bchactfer and Licentiate Pharon S. Kohler.
They are to meet ou or before next Ascension
Day In Allentown fororganization.
Let us have a street-sprinkler by all
lllrtlidny Anulvcranry.
One of the most enjoyable events of the
season at Parryvltle was the surprise party
given in honor of the 36th anniversary of
the birth of Mrs. Jacob Peters, on last Tues
day evening, the 1st Inst. Tiie occasion was
a complete surprise to Mrs. P. During her
absence in the evening, her friends number
ing over thirty, after meeting at the M. E.
parsonage, entered her residence, and on
her return she was greeted withquite alarge
increase in her family, all of whom, how
ever, were able to care for themselves. In a
short time the tables were filled with a great
variety of delicacies and adorned with
"beautiful flowers;" conspicuous among these
was a handsome bouquet with the compli
ments of Miss Lizzie M. Bauman. When
the company were ready to sit down tho
Rev. Mr. Schaefier stated the object and
motive that had brought so many of her
friends together; and through Mr. Peters
tendered the congratulations of those present
to his amiable wife, wishing her "many
happy returns of the same." The feasting
over tho party enjoyrd themselves in social
intercourse and amusement, quietly kept up
to the sounds of music, skillfully rendered
by Miss Sallie A. Hess. Before dispersing
a by mn of praiso wos sung and a prayer of.
fercd.whcn tho company slowly tet'irncd
hi their homes, feeling that it was not only
"good to be there," but that it is more
"blessed to givo than to receive."
They will please accept our thanks nnd
best wishes for the very liberal supply of
cake furnished the Advocatx office.
IHff Creek Items.
Oats look splendid nt this place.
A large amount of hay has been put
uway during the week.
Daniel Krum is the first lo begin har
vesting. Ho began on Tuesday last.
-F. J, Solt, has been promised tho Maria
Furnace school for the coming winter.
Messrs. Longslrccl and Gilliam, of Le
highton, were at this place ou a visit on
Thursday and Friday of last wock.
A kind "no" is often more agreeable
than a rough "yes."
The Moria Furnoco Sunday school will
hold n picnic in the grove at that place on
tho 4th iust. May they have a joyful time.
Hon. Win. M. Rapsher will plcaso ac
cept my thanks lor a valuable addition to
my library, in tho form ol public documents.
I am indebted to Hon. Robert Kloli.our
member of Congress, for the Agriculture
Report, Congressional Record and u number
of other favors received from Washington.
Franklin will speak out for Kresgo this
fall. She always goes for the best aud most
popular men.
The committee that wero appointed al
the Conference in Millport, on the 26th of
April last, decided at their meeting In Weiss
port, on June 20th, to hold a Camp meeting
should nothing interfere, to begin on tho
lfith ol August next; the place of holding is
es iccted to be where it was held last year,
at Lizzard Cieek. Should a change bo made
I will note it.
Rev. E. Butz will preach In the Soil's
Church, of this place, ou Sunday Morning.
Ptickcrton Itlpplcs,
Thomas Weaver, Esq., is now doing a
heavy contract business. Ho has thirty
horses in use and will purchaso more.
B. F. Connor, Master Mechanic at Par
ryville, was visiting I is sisters here on Sun
day. Mr. Connor is a young man yet, an
excellent mechanic aud of good executive
How about Purdon's, 141, ic? Now
come, don't you think it is a little thin to
bring such an argument against the excel
lent effort of tho citizens of Taekerton 7 We
know the opposition, and can assign no other
reason than pure cussed ness; no one but
what believes that tho Free Book System
would be an excellent thing; our County
Suporintcndant encourages and urges it,and
we feel confident that, it it were not for one
man on tho Board, wo could have tho sys
tem here.
Ono hundred and sixty five Yale col
lege or Harvard, either, are authority,
The best legal talent of the valley It
can't bo done, wonderful what Insignificant
creatures we are, to even think, hutch less
talk, twenty dollars some time ago now
ten, make out the list and present to our
Mr. Charles Hnnlz, ond Charles McAl
lister, with their brides, are ou n visit here
ami enjoying a good time generally. The
mansion of George Dolon is all aglow,
A very valuablo canary escaped from
Thomas llarlemali oil Tuesday. A liberal
reward fur safe return.
On Monday night while the residents
of Lehigh Avenue wero wrapped in slumber
the cry of fire rang out, in an instant win
dows wero thrown up, and sure enough the
switch boys' shanty and section master Wa
terbor's tool house were In flames. The vol
unteer lire brigade were ou hand, but the
fire burned too fiercely; there was no hope
of saving either building, fortunately the
wind blew from tho mirth cast, thus prevent
ing any dinger to the scale building or the
dwellings. The fire was caused, (it is sup
posed) by a spark from some passing engine.
Extensive preparations are being made
in Packer's Park for the Methodist Picnic
A general Invitation Is extended to all the
citizens to come anil enjoy themselves. We
understand John Kuons will furnish ice
cream from a stand erected on the ground.
Wcnthorly Item.
Harlacher, tho baker, has orders for over
luu gallons or Ice cream for used "on-the 4tu.
The wife of Henry Shaffer nnd her bro
ther, Henry Hiukle, jr., will leave for Den
ver, Cel., on Tuesday next,
Win. D. Zeiclcr. the carnentcr. has re
moved, with his family, to Highland, near
ocuuo, iiuzerne couniy.
And now Weathcrly post-office has be
come a money order office. On and after
July 7th business in that line will bo trans
acted. Wm. II. Jones and family, from the
western part of the State, are visiting friends
iu town.
The residence of J. F. West, on Third
street, has received a now coat of mint and
other needed repairs, adding much lo the
general appearance.
Whortleberries bring 10 cents per quart
at retail. So far the- have only been gath
ered in small quantities, principally by chil
dren. ltOCSAWAT.
Letter LUt.
List of letters remaining uncalled for at the
Lehlxhton Post Office July 1, HTVI
Levan, J. O,
Knssle. Win,
Knntz, Wm.
Ilorrle, It. II,
Danthcr, Amanda,
Dorward, Sarah.
NcfT, Amends.
Kehrlg, Gideon,
Kcrrlo Uharles.
Haas, Uharlos W,
ltunslcker. John.
Ilrlnman John.
Munny, Lena A,
Newhart, T. W.
tlltter, Joseih P,
Karle. Ileorrb.
long Howard.
Edward, Peter.
Persons calling for the above letters will
please lay advertised.
II. II, Piters, P. M,
137187 tons of coal were shipped over
the L. V. Railroad for the week eliding
June 30th, a total fur the season of 1,858,651
tons, an increase, compared with same date
last year of 7(5,633 tons.
The Chairman of the Rupublican coun
ty Committee lias Issued a call for a meet
ing of the said committee, to be held In
Mauch Chunk, at 2 o'clock p. in., on Friday,
July 18th, for the purpose of reorganization.
The place of meeting Is not named iu the
Dr. C. II. Bowef, who lias been attend
ing Ihe Vermont University, returned home
last Saturday evening, having graduated
and received bis diploma. He proposes
spending the coming winter at the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia.
During a thunder-storm .at Morrisania,
'e York, Sundsy Afternoon, two little
daughters of Mr. Wiswell, aged respectively
t and 4) years, were killed by lightning
while sitting in an arbor between two; trees
in front of tlieir fslher'i limse.
The Value of a Good Reputation TVe Per
formances and Hundreds Turned
Away at Each for Want of Room.
A good reputation Is valuable at all times.
Last summer Manager W. C. Coup came to
Utlca a stranger, lie introduced himself
and what he styled his Equescurriculum to
our citizens. Few here had heard of him,
though in New York he was well known as
the founder of the Aquarium aud a success
ful manager of many years' standing, lie
was but fairly patronized last season. But
he gave a show of superior excellence just
as he had promised to do. Every feature
was clean and unobjectionable. The attend
ants were courteous and obliging. After he
had left the city many were the regrets ex
pressed by those who had failed to visit his
show. We promised Mr. Coup then that If
ho ever camo to Utlca again he would reap
tho benefit of the reputation he then in ado
for himself as a show manager. Bnt he was
not satisfied with his undertaking of lost
year, and this season united several shows
under one canvass. He did not folgct our
promise, and, as wilt be seen below, St was
fulfilled to the letter.
Two iierformances were clven In Utlca
yesterday. Two more should have been
given to-day, and ills doubtful if even then
all our citizens desiring seats in the circus
icni count uo accommodated, it is seldom
indeed that difficulty is experienced in ob
taining seats at an afternoon performance.
Mr. Coup's case was an execution. Hun
dreds were turned away. Tho same thing
occurred again in the cvcning,nnly that the
numuer oi nisapioiiiicucuriosiiy-iovcrs was
much larger. And fearing lest they should
havo to stand duriuc the circus nart of the'
show, many deprived themselves of the
pleasures prcsenicu uy tne aquarium ana
the menagerie. Another day's visit would
havo leen very acceptable on this account
alone, for this department of Mr. Coup's
show is well worth an hour's careful study.
a lie menagerie contained mc ursi live nip.
poolamus ever brought to Utlca.
Once inside the circus tent, music much
sucriur to that generally furnished by trav
eling bands pleased the car. The ring per
formance began with a novelty the Japan
ese jugglers. Few, If any of the thousands
present, nod ever uelore seen tho Japs in
their specialty, and voted this feature alone
worth the price of admission. But this was
only thebeginning,aiid they voted the same
thine when tho wonderful trained doc;
showed what they could do, audagaiu when
tne niagiiihccul tlrouclio nurses entered the
ring. Without doubt no other cieht horses
are to be seen In the world so handsome, nnd
tuuglit to do so many things winch unless
witnessed would bo deemed utterly beyond
tho intelligence and ability of a burse to per
form, as these Bronchus. The military evo
lutions thev went tlirouch at the command
of their trainer were wonderfully soldlcr-llkc.
ui tne many lea is they perlorm we will men
tion but one. A handkerchief is dropped
into a box, and tho lid closed. Calling a
horse by name, nt bid oi his master, lie goes
to the box, lifts the cover, hikes out tho hand
kerchief and returns with it iu his mouth.
A second horse is told to take it from the
first, carry It across the ring, put it in the box
and shut down the lid, which is Immediate
ly done. Tho clown buries tho handker
chief entirely out of sight iu the sawdust,
and mak;sa couple other piles of sawdust
tho same size (to fool the horse, he soys)atid
the animal named is told to find the hand
kerchief which he does by going around the
ring, pawiug over the several pilos till he
brings to sight the article, which he picks
up in his mouth nnd takes to his master.
The tricks of the dogs are equally wonderful,
and are not to be described. The only way
lo enjoy tricks of trained animals is to see
them pcr:orm.
No such balancing as (hat of the Japanese
has ever been seen in Utica, and this is an
other feature that must bo seen to be appre
ciated. No one who saw little "All Right"
at the top of that lung flexible pole that bent
with his Weight, and was balanced on the
upturned feet of another Jap, will ever for
cet Ihe picture. The tumbling was good.
Tho Snow brothers, as acrobats, havo no su
periors in quickness and precision of action.
The spectators would liko to have scon more
of them, but in this cose as in many others,
before the applause accorded the brothers
had fairly begun, another feature of tho per
formance entered tho ring. Not a moment
was lost in waiting. All moved liko clock
work and everything on the programme was
enjoyable, much the more so by being per
fectly free from anything of an objectionable
nature. We heartily join witli our disap
pointed friends who failed to gain admission
to his tents yesterday iu requesting Manager
Coup to ship at Utica ou his return from his
Western trip.
The aboye notice of Coup's great ehow,
wo clip from the Utica Daily Obscrcer, of
June 20lli, in order to show our readers
what is thought nf it iu those places where
it has already exhibited. They will show
in this borough, on tho flats near the Le
hlghton Stove Works,on Saturday July 12th,
afternoon and evening, and of course you
will bo there. Seo advertisement ill another
The fair reader Bhudders when she thinks
of the Bottler's wife watching, from the door
of her lude hut, the retreating form of her
husband going out to his daily labor going
out crltaps to return not again, for before
nightfall a savage hand may have laid him
low among tho pralrio graiscs. Or it may
be a child, a bright eyed daughter, is
snatched away in an unguarded moment, to
grace the next war dancei Whch we read
tho heartrending details of these saVoge de
predations, we are apt to blame tho govern
ment for not taking more strict precautions
to insure the settler's protection. But we
dally read of the depi citations of that arch
fiend, consumption, with scarcely a thought
of the terrible inroads It is making iu life.
Tens of thousands of homes aio annually
desolated by consumption to ono by Indian
outrage. Like the Indian, consumption of
tenest comes stealthily, and no danger is ap
prehended until the victim suddenly fi ,ds
himself hopelessly ensuarcdi and death's fa
tal arrow ends the scene Dr Tierce's Gol
den Medical Discovery, a powcrlul alterative
or blood purifier anil tonic, has restored
thousands of consumptives who had tried
every other remedy reconimeudcd, without
obtaining auy relief; and are willing to tes
tify to its remedial powers.
Oil Citt, Pa., June 20. The residence of
Mrs. Rachel Hollis, a widow residing in
South Oil CitVi was entered bv a burclar at
three o'clock tills morning and robbed of
ioiu, wnicii was taken trom a cupooani in
the room in which aha was aleenin? The
thief effected an entrance through tho cellar
oy culling a wire screen irom one mine win
dows. After obtaining thd money he started
fires in five different rooms In the house, and
distributed oil about, to moke suro the work
of destruction! The old lady jsasawakened
by the smoke when nearly ennbeated, but
managed to give the alarm in time to save
the building. Iter escape from death is won
derful as her clothingand everything in her
room was destroyed. There is noclUe to the
perpetrator, though be is evidently someone
laminar witu tne premises.
SOLT SCIIALL. On the 7th ulU,by Rev,
A. Bartholomew) Andrew Solt, of ' Frank.
jin, and Estella Venora Bchall, of Lehlgh
ton, this county.
by the same, Isaac Gerbcr, of West Penn,
and Mrs. Priscilla Williams, of Tamaqua,
ecnuyiKiu county.
ME11TZ. On the 11th ult., in Motioning,
vu tiiciu, uuugnter oi Aim ana .Mary
Alerts, ageq i months una zi nays.
BAIiliIKT. On the Uth ult.. iu llowmans-
villi', Alice hliniru, ilanghU-r of John uti'i
Aniumla Hullitt, aged Vi years, 10 monVha
and 21 days.
SASSAM AN. On the 20(h ult., in wMl
Penn, Fiwlcric &issamau, aged, H years,
6 months and 211 days.
ItOMIG. On the 28tU ui., In East Penn,
William lleuiy.bonof Panlt-l and U-vinu
Maria ltomig, ugod 13 years, 8 lnotnhs
and 13 days.
iA-lslghton Produce Market.
ConaiCTiD WaiKLT.
Flour, per sack ,.. J IS
Uorn, per bushel ta
Uais, perbusbel so
MlndUhop, perowt 123
Middlings, per owe 1 3D
Ilran, per cwt. BO
Butter, p:r pound , it
lgK, per dusen , 14
Ham, per pound , 11
Lard, per pound 10
Shoulders, per pound 7
rvtatova, -er bushel ISO
Special Notices.
Dr. Im D. WEYBtlltK'B A1TEBAT1VI blHVr
CeT"A remedy used Till rTV-TIVjc YEAtll In
a private pract ce.and never .'ailing to lodicaJtlr
siiarB-o-jM -a-ti s:m: ,
Dropsy, Ei T'lpfln". Hscoliitsir WTpblil, (jrlyst,
Diabetes, and all diseases in whlcb ibebiood la
Implicated, l( now offered to the pab.ic.
omyi tr niK wkviiuiin uuniCiMi co.
P. 0. Box lis, lloctiester, I. Ti
t will mall ffr'reel the leeloa for a afunlt
Vxoktabls Halm, that will remove TAN,
l'llliUKI.Ul?. I'lMPLKS aud HLOrClIKS,
Influx the skin soft, c.earaiidbeaul'.iali also
lu-cruitlotis for piodncinit a luiarlant cmwth
of on a bald hi ad orstnootu fiice. Auuress.
Inclosing Sc. stamp. Zen. Vandi li dfc Ct 2i Ann
Stieet, N Y
SAVE A DOLLAR ly"1 ?ni
'SVStt .A GUIs. AM) 11 V Kit A'AD W.tboUt RflJ
exceinlon tbe best id in exlMinnre lor tliw core
etiti nierentioii of all ni iiurio.ts rti-easf una
Ibe most woudcilut medical discovery tif I bo
age. Xo mpniclnR required. Oiiun UyHlorp.
tiuu Send lor imtnpniet. vrnich nie teitfl
cateof oiiraordiuarv cures pcrlorinoit tiy till
Pad, maiieO free. Ask your DiujTKt'-t fortiie
Kgypiiati Pan nnd take uo other - If He ua
uoue, I Kill fcnd ou on by mail on necpt of
MlCtCl. JUL itIJ hlklUlAlU, Cl itillikCli OS.
LMlUburffli. J ft. boo Aceat lor the UuitAu
ntatos. May 3i 1 year.
Oriental Cream ;
KlIHtA a clear, trftnunaient comi)tcxlon freo
trom tan. 1'iucKLrs or-MoTU patcucs Tlieer
qahlic. ndded to tbe Imiocf me uud puiltr ef
Ha snstedteuta. maiio tlio "Oriental Uienm"
bo d its KiumiKcnt place- a public esteem on ,lic
Dcsb tuiiMCoaipauiun. wo ujvo
THousniitla of Tratlmnnlala
urortiifr ibis, from cmtlnin.lieil 'Derahcntirt
in amntlc uniftts and bMes. Woman sbuuUl be
bouumm. nuifin siiuuid bo omuui. 'Ue "nu
llum line divine" lose its charm it not fiet
f nun not or Itlcmiflh. The nun e or Ibis OrI.
entul Cream is in accompli!! this In t'Veiytn.
f.t ft net, and without hmm. A mi "P.Ui1io buu-
liei," iir h moving Miptimom Lair in.ic intiv,
without mtui'i. T. GOUItA.UD.43B)udt..IS T.
Hold bv dmectsts and fancy goods men
M-y iQ times
I'urlrlca, l:nrlcliL'k, Gives Color and
Tone to the Illoort; it increases the
quantity as welt as the quality, giv
ing Vigor, Vitality, Energy,
Power and Life itself.
It li cpcclallr adapted lo Female Dlseaaca.
such as Weakness lrotn rturslug. or any other
cuue. pnlntitl. Irregular or deranred monthly
periods, falling ol the womb, nansca In preg.
naucr. sterility, chance ol life, etc.
Dr. Harter's Liver Pills
Combine tho two essential qualities of a JFomllv
Pllt. Tney act as a mild and efficient pargcand
nt tho scino time ro the best Liver rills ever
offci ed to the ptiMic. l?
New Advertisements.
Paix is A llLKsstNU. It Incate disease.
Whenever the bowels become Irregnlir, use
Tnrrnnt's S'-llzcr Alicrlcrit,
I. Will sare much patri and ilnntrer. TJntnr
sometimes Is so outraged by the burden she Is
inndn lo curry, through I lie needtossnres of In r
children, thnt she openly rebels, on' punishes
fearfully. Hon't nr-xlect the I'rnpor treatment
when the symptoms Mrs appear, llcsortto
the aperient, nnd get well si ecdlly,
SUM) UY am. nitOaulsW,
2;1 Ofifl pmfltsnnSpilaj'sihvr-Rtmont t2 1 tc
5) 1 Z.) ot-Offlcl&l ltf ports, tree p 1 UU
I'roM rtlonat rcturda every Week tia Stock Op
lions nf fjo, i- fv. tioo, - ti'.. Address
T. l'.ilTEH WttlllT dt CO., Bankets, 34 Wall
fit. is, -i.
Wn trill nav AciMiutuhaiarvot &lou tier month
md eiptfii.eisor allows Urge cuniini.iinn, to .ell our
new sod wooderfill Invention. IW tnfoiiMnl vtay.
bsmple free. AddreuSuiBKAS 4Co., Alar, hall, Mich,
J:1 fi fr. fft 1 Ort Invested In wall St Stock
plU 10 jp IUU makes loiluues CvOi r
month. Bonk pent free ccolalnintf everything.
Address HAXHJJt & CO., lUnKels, li Wall
alieet N. .
t- e
& 1
73 s
XT' 3
daniel Wieand,
LEHK1HTON. Penna.,
Respectfully announces to his friends and tbe
PUbllCj that be Is prepared to Build all des
criptions of
SLEIOHrj, (to.,
In the Litest and Most Approve. Styles, at
Prices fully as loir as the tame can be obtain
ed elsewhere, guaranteeing tv,e bestSeasoned
Material und moat substantial workmanship.
Particular attention given ta
In all Its deta Us, at the very lowest Prices.
Patronage respectfully solicited and perfcet
satisfaction xuir.aiitcod.
April 2, 18",o.yi DAN, WIEANI1.
JJ0'.1SE11E., LOOK HElljgl
Suddler nnd Harness Mnkefj
HANK Kt-i MSlIiailTON, Pa.,
Calls attention to the following extraordinary
nuKgy Harness at Irom, Sltl 00 upwards
Kxprres Harners at from1 10 00 upwards
llrechlng Harness at ttdm . . 8 1J upwards
lluaiiug Harness at from a 00 upwards
llurse Hollars (hair) at Irom. 3 w upwards
" " (straw) at from, 1T6 upwards
Bridles at from., 1 T6 upward.
And Ml other articles at equally law prlees,
and uuarauieeil of but workmanship, lib
I'AlKINU promptly attended to at reason
able charges. Patronage solicited. May Is
or Sal or to Kent;
An aMIaTilslv IflAAttxA CIapv IVtnfilM
ftuue Uo u itu.ito id KtH VeUipori.
with flTtt tod one-lull acrvi of Land, a
(Md Orchard of criotre applet, Ac. For lurib
r pariicu-irt. apply 10
Jan 11 I ihtfo. t
aauauuLjuaaa , i.ii i .i i.uKm J
Nett Advertisements.
uditoI(& aHsuaiTrFi'o ht "
or iht
Lehighton School Board.
C. It. KNYUEn, Treasurer, In aieuant with
the XjchlKhlon bciiool Board, lot the iSar
ending June 2, 187V
From J. P. Smith, eolhetnr a t1
" 1). Kostenbxder, collector...., ii60 00
State Appropriation ,0 88
" Tux Unrcuted Land 6 19
" W. Miller for Tales of Emery
L'hr........ ii, M
" R. Kemuermacher.Ki 1878 00
" SSaleofnew llonds m.... 1000 1,0
" Notes Discounted u.. M3 06
t UiST ti
Balance due Treaiurer ,,, 11179
Ily F. K. Bcrnd. teacher. a Hi Od
i Miss E J, llclluian, teacher .... 20 00
" s. It, Ullham teacher '-to 10
" Mill Untile Koons, teacher 150 Od
" Miss Unrrle Bauer, tcachir VO0 tit?
' MIJa Lmtha Huuk, teacher,.,,.. 1(4 00
' A. A. (Iravcr, teacher ,. HO 00
' Insurance , V21 ti
" Con I nnd Lumber 230 60
" Printing so li
" He aildliliiK , 85 60
"D Kom ontiaiter, collector com... J6 oo
' Janitor's Fees Si Oil
" ltedouiptlofi Of "Ucrllflea es of
Indebtedness, 890 II
" U. II. Snyder, lepplles ,. 4 K
" 11. Urnver, supplie. , lilt
" J. L. Unbel, supplies 41 93
" tlralbcll & Uo , supplies 8 10
" 1). Koftenu.-i.ler, ui piles,.. 18 42
" II. lllcwlne. fupplies , S 73
" Tims. S. Heck, supplle .......... 7 04
" Juhn Miccklcr, tupplie ,.,.. 4 97
" II. Kostcnbader, rrpalrs 17 ta
" Jno. Miller, repairs 24 31
" A. D. M Offer, repairs 22 82
" Henry Hcckcnilorl, repairs 3 OCT
" Aaron Krum, rep.ilis 1 -iV
" Kuntt & .Incubfi, repairs 4 M
Juhn Klnker, repairs 1 Ti
" 1). (Jravcr, repairs 13 W
" A. W, Laches, repairs 1 12
" A. D. MosSer, repairs 14 82
" R, J. Youiigkiii, miscellaneous.. 8 4S
" It. FrnsteruiHCher.inlfCetlnneous 1 00
l Sittii'l Hel'eilinu: uilscellniieuus. 2 00
" Jno. Shccklcr. luisccllfliuous.... 10 00
E. 11. Snjdi r h,r Kara Moyur.... 6 25
11 Jus. Ziihn, miscellaneous 2 26
" I'liHi. Frneikh miscellaneous... 3 ut
" F. P. I.i'iigsircct mlS'-ellaneous. 3 00
" II. .1. Kuntt, miscellaneous...... 2 76
" Lewis llrnver, mlscelljiieuus ... 4 9)
" Bunds di-stroied 100O 00
" Int. on llomis ami Certificates... 1949 b3
" Nutcs & discounts pnid nt Hunk. 6434 67
" N. H. ltclier, iuri pajmcnt of
Bond No. "9 , 60 00
" N. 11. Kcbcr, balance as Treasilr.
er, 1678 : 84 41
" Miss llaltlo Koou. toucher 90 OJ
" Miss Ltninii 1 In ii k teacher 26 CO
" Miss K. J. llcllnuin. teacher.... 90 UO
" E. 11. Snjder, treasurer's com.. 133 07
Total tl!12 10
We tho undersigned duly elected Auditors
of the Borough ot Lehlirhton, docertlfly that
theaccuunts uf E. II. Snyder, Treasurer, Is
correct to tho best of our knuw ledge und bellcr,
W. W. Ill I W MA N, 5 Auditors.
June 28 w3.
Pond's Extract
The Vegetable Tain Destroyer
Inflammation & Hemorrhage.
Piles, Sprains, Lameness, Burns, Scalds,
Bruises, SorencS!, ftheutnatism, Bulls, Ul
cere, Old Botes, Wounds, etc Also for
ToothachciIIeadflchc.Sore Throat, Asthma,
Hoarseness, Neiiralgla, Catarrh, Colic,
Diarrhoea, and all Hemorrhages, &c.
It Is acknowledged by Physician of nit
schodls thnt' Kxunci has more
wonderful curative properties thnn any oihef
remedy. No furm of inflammation, pain.
stiitENKSS or lil.r.Kiiijn.but It will cure, Space
will not admit or nnmlng hJ.1 tho diseases ti't
which II Is aspcclnu; hut no will send u his.
toryut its use l,y mull, on application. 1 he
pleasing results of uetng tho miisi-i as a
toilet requisite, has Induced us to prepare
modified tornisiif thn Kxirnct in a I'uhet
oni. 150 cents a box of 3 enkes), a Toilet
Crrniti Fir Softening and hcautirylnit the
skin (11.00 a bottle), a llenilri lee (Ml cents)
a halve (25 cents).
For scmltlvc and tovero cases ofUATjtnR,
our Cniitrrli C'm-r 175 cents) used with nur
Nitinl iyrli.Rr (25 cents) is it radical cure,
our Inlmler (60 cents), fur Lnxo and
Throat Hiskasks and Intcrnnl hlccdlnic is
Invaluable. UurUlniinrni (60 centr), fur
rtoltK Pilks, etc., shuuld be kept In every
family. Uur IMnalrrn excel all others. I'll!
utir sir.llcntrii Pnper to prevent aud cure
Piles ahd CilAriNa.
The base ofotir Toilet snd Medlcntnd pre
paratlons is i...I'm KxirMei, which Is a
gunr.-ntee that theyore suiierlor. nnddeserve
tt.e confidence of the pull lie. Sold by A. J,
DUKL1NO, Lehlghton, and all Drugxlsls.
Prepared only by
New York aud London.
June 7. lot. i
Of Yalttnble Real Esiniri;
ily Tlrtue of an order nf Die Orphans Court
nf Carbon coumy ihe ui do Bipnrtl. ! itf.
utnrsof SnlotticnSo't. lato if 1'iankl u Twi..
i'pi U 1 count v, Va., do'ii, will te 1 at PuO .o
Hale, i.t .-OLTM MILL, In tud Towi.slup ot
Fran k u Cj ou
commtnctncatONE o'clooi Iu t'JO Aftornoorij
all tbat ceiiJin i'ract or
Bltmtoln Franklin tonnMilp nforeatr1, brtnndt
im! 117 la nl s of William Lsuueubill. Tiiliiil.iii
Drlbnch, Tiiomn So.t.Jon. nnwUbiutlllcubj
jolt, aim by a ptiuliti roaO containing w cim
nnd 4 PtrcaiH. ttilct niennuref. AH cifftrfd
ami tlndiT a row) state 01 cil liaUnn. Thtre Is
Uo a well iiintt'U O.-cbJid ul UiiOtxo Fruit
Treoaon the I.auil. .
IKllMol Oue tiilrd cash dnwn ; otio'ibtrd
In 6 moiittis wiih lntnesr, and tne remoii u g
oiic-ii'iraiu 12 muutlii with i itciest now bUy
of salo. KLIZA. KUt.T.
TiiU.J ticLr.
. I xucutnrs.
tVPflrMfiniie3lririto Tlmv the prouprt or
train filrilier Dai ticulara will aadie eitbci of
tbe ExfOtilorit. June '.'3 3t.
The Largest Storing Stock
Ol Ladle', Genu', and Cflllo'reu s
Boots, Shoes Gaiters
Evei otfeied In tha vicinity isct
Bank Street, Leliiglitoii, Pa.
I hare Ju.t recelvod an Imme j 8T0K OP
Bf ItlNir UOOTa. llOL 1MD OAITKltb,
whleh I am belling to tne .ir.pioel I.e ighton
and the .urrouud uk!oo,i CHIOAl KIt
THAN KhiQflB bolalu this Cuuuty.
Also, all casket ot
Boot? & ShoesMade to Order
at Asonlst,ingly Low Prices, nd MEMJIKO
IV done ni 11ice to suu tne Hue.
a invite the p'loie to cull aod examlnerar
-tockunil l'ncua LelorA nut-Aiasim. eirevhA,A.
ana ba convinced of luftwbovn faota.
BOUND Til BATWrV. Itmlr-lMilo IfOela
and hoca bongbt of me that rip will be reiair
en without charge.
Thankful tor past patronajre. I respccfully
aak a lonttuuauee tbei cuf .
4. m. yitnziNafcir,
Tiro doors below Ilomijr & llofford s CariliKe
Works, Hank ktreeb Oct. 6 yl
A TOfW)AVaAR. ortltorl
"tk I rillll dav in roar own locally, ti.
(SM(JJf risk. Women do as wells, men;
il.nv irae more tnn Ihe
amount stited above. No oile b n tail to uiako
money lest Anv one can da the work You
can make from 50 cents to t: in hour bv devot.
lavvonreveuiugeaiid apae. time tn the tul.
iiA.a. It rrot noihiuir to try toe bu'ineaa,
NotliiDKllkeit lor money maklua ever ufieieil
Oeioie. lluiuens plcanaut an I mnctiy Imtior
tiil& BeaOei. if sou want to knowr all about
I ha tie.t p lnfi Uanlness betoruihe uubl o 'end
u. vdur aridretia and we wl I send l ou full pur
ticutar. and pnvaro urma frb , snnip cs worm
$1 alao fre.', f you can thou o ake up your mind
lor rodrtiell Adlrew li;OHl, K bTI.NMON
& CO., foitland, Mai e. June 7. ly.
d.m i sis rir.vTiuxOTicE
Estate of I'rias Rchr, deceased.
Letters of Administration upon the Kitplo
orUrias. Itehr deo'd. laieof MhonlnFX""n.
slilp, Carbou County, Pcriisylvaiila. tluVibc
been urunted to the utiderslirneil, all tiorton
Indebted to said esta'e will please luako jv,y
meat, and those havlnir claims uitaluat the
same wll, yrcsent them for settlement lo me,
or to Dr. N, II. ItKlltlt. Atini, LehUhton.
Pa. HI SA.N KUIin. M Liter.
Jure 8, lSIS-wa Adiolnlitratni.
Ihe adTertVert 1 arlntr been ptrmanemir
areJ bf tbaf irfd aim ib ronsunlpiioii b a
B'muie rtiui tit .1 aoiioiln u my&e ki.iwii to tii
lellow-auffeiria Ihe mu4u f curp. To all who
iMite tt. he wl'l seuda cepjot tie urtcnituon
UMki. (free of coarse ) wltA the direction for
preparing; mid unug the aaipe, wbictt t tl
find a slue LCiifi fjr CojiaUMrnon AaTllMi.
Pattio wtaiihx the Pre act ptloo, will Diets
O'.0o0 A YtAlt loi honnLlntelllienl t".E
V-nessinenuraifeuis New business i
work. Addrt,s iv tinm-riva Aoxi
Jls-l'son, Ind Junsjs tu