Advertising Rates. Wo dosiij it to lio distinctly understood lliat no tulvcrtiseiiienU Will bo Inserted In he columns of Tim OAnnox Auvooatk that may bo recoVcil from Unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by tho cash. The following are our only terms!' OSltSHOARByO LINKS),. One year, caclv!n!cftron..r1A.rf...l 10 els. Six months, each Insertion..,.....!..... 15 cts. Three months, onchiitlsertioi i...... 20 cts. Loss than threo months; first I hscrtlon $1 1 each subsequent insertion.. .uti 25 cts. Local'notices 10 6cnts per line. H. V. MORTHIMEIl, Publisher. The Carbon Advocate. And Independent Family Nowspaper Published every SATURDAY, In Lehighton, Carbon Co.,i'a., by ItAIIIlY V, ?IflllTHI,lir.H. OrncE-rllAN'lUVAY. a ehott-dl.lance abover the Lehigh Valloy R. R, Depot. Terms: $1.00 per Aiiuum in Advance, EVntlT DrfCMMION OF TLAK A!tO FAXCT To1d -Printing AT VERY T.OWPP.IOES. II. "V. Mobtuimeu, Propriot-or. HTDEPEITDENT " Live and Lot Live." 1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. VOL. VII., No 32. LEHIGIITON, CA11BON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1879. If not paid in advance, $1.25. Ijool ttAit.SliiOe, Makers. Clinton Br.tney, VnTW iilfftfoij. . Mlorderipromptlifilfed workaarranM. ' Attorneys. TOHNf!LSEf t. lATTORNEy AT LAW, Offlcoi Comer Bosqnclionna and Raco streets T 'JT'J 'J Hf I . A AAPCItrC-UNK,,r-A, JnlyiMy JOHN' I). BEItTOLUTn:, Attohnet and Counsellor at Law, rjfflte i ltooin 2, b round rloor Mansion HoUso ' MAUPII CHUNK, TA. May be consulted In Oorm m. maiSS ly' pt 1. LOXUSTUKKT. ATTORNEY AT LAW Levon's Building, (Ak'street! leiiiuhton. pa. D..ooibcr 10-Oin. ' ' yj M. KAPSUtStt, ATrOltNKV AND C0U.N8litt.0n AT LAW, ,, DSKStMT,!inionto.PA; IWal RutaUsnd CoIletlonvAL'Biio. 111 nu.rand Bell ItFnl KstVlef (luTejnrfii neatl doue Col ectlmis promptly mada. fettling- hatates of j teutH np.dalty. May be consultad In l.n,Ilab lij UiriMn. Ncv.Zg. jas.'r. STUUTHISnS, ATTOItX Y AT LAW, 3- Offlce i St Hoar of Khoad's Hall, Almtoli Oliuitk. Pa. XlfW.tuss entrusted to hlrn will be promptly attended to. n. , m p-?. SIKKIIAN, 5 ATTORNEY AT LAW - Next Poor to J-'lrt National Bank, MAtlCU CHUNK, TA. a?Cn ) i-onsidted lu German. 'JanO. X 9 Justices and Insurance pr j?A. MBI.TZ, HI JUSTICE OP THE TEACE, OrFiC-i Lindorm-in'.. niok. BANK-Slrect. LUIiiOiirox. PA. Cnnvovanclu. ColleMlur ard ell other hint Hess connected with tlionfllcopioniiitlv attend. til to Agent lor uo-s uirc nun i iium-ui. mice Coiimiiu1o i Rents cuhceied ntreasoiinbii chatcrs. &t April rriuosiAS i-Kjinnn-, JL CONVEYANCER, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The f-JIowlna Compmles are Represented! LErtA.VW MUTUAL FIRE, Il-AIUNO. MUTUAL FIRE, W.OMINO 1'tltE, POIT-.VILf.E I'lltE. LI-lllKlll 1'IIIU. and thoTRAV Ef.Elta ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Alan, Pcnnsilv.iiil'i and Mutual Horse Thief Drlio lvonnii Iu-uiaiuo mm ianv. -Urea .!; 1HOS. KEMERER Physicians and Dentists. Slatington Dental Office, EbtauLisukd 1670. Artificial 'Teeth Maflc to Restore tin? Original Contour of Lies & Clieclis. Persons qrlerlns aS';t ofTectli, and rending at Ljdhlghton, Wolssp'irt or vicinity, or any point within .5 miles from Slatington, will WiCElVU A"N Excursion Ticket TO AND FltOJI SAID POINT FHEE! fVery llcspectrull', if y l)it. L. Oajipbeix. t'lLla Teeth a Specialtv. Ayrtt My -VXT W. KKIJKK, M YY . - KAST.rEN NXfCirbon Conntr, Pa., mm llOTJHS S iwpiHnot'n 10 in p m 1 Parry vllle ..ft-'im ti a.m. tn 12 noon, 5Iar 1e cousti.teil In th" Ocrman Iitinnnpo 1. O. AiMrcti-i i,cliU litou. Nut. 3),0 1 ... a. m. tn ID n. m A. DICUUA.UEU, M.I). attention pitd tn Chrnnlc 1)Uenei. iHTIch: South Kaht corner Iron an J "nA stx.. I.e hUUton. Ia. Aprlt 3, 1875 O II AS. T. IIOIl.V, III. U., op?iani OVER H sroitE, RANK HT. A. VET I! IPS DRUG , LEIIIOHTON, PA (jenera! nractleeuttoiKid io,and SPJ.CIA' ATrENTtU.V.GIVUif TOt.l)IsKABEH Of WO)IIi)lWW V inarM..yl n. iiiami!, m. i. V. S Examining SurK", I RA'TICINO P1IYHIOIAN and tSU ItGEoN OEricn: Rank Street, IIkdcr's DloCk, Letsh- ton, ru. , May bo contain il tn tho Orrm n LatiEuaire. Nov. 3 V 1V1U CBIIUKT'S Livery & Sale Stables HANIC, I' a CAST TROTVIKG HOUSES, ' ELEGANT CAUUIAGES. AB4 gafoto.! Wtu: Hills than uuj latroanit lini.Wmio curilauo. for F.ineral p.irww and Veo4unla. . UAVI O EIIUIUtT Nv n a7i -' ' 'I1UKIM Kill islciiicd MajiicsKi, Focn rifiriPilppfiI.bA4s AwAitDBD. More agreeable to the TMti, and Smaller Duo Ihau other 'i.igiiila. For aria U aTrnment Ktamp-d Pottle UruifKitU aji i uouuirv iuh-. nn wy t..t. nrsinxT). .iv w; f MT am j nu Railroad Guide. plllLiA. As IlliADINQ ItAll.ltUAD. Arrangement of Passenger Trains. MAY 11TII. ts:. Trains leave Al.I.ENTOWN asfollon-sl- fVlA PKUKinllCN 11RANCI1.1 Fnr rhiladelulila.ut t:i. CM. a.ta., and o CI p. in. For Philadelphia at 4 2n a. tn.,3.3!! n. m. IVIA i:ASl- I'FNN'A. 1JUANC1I.) For noiO'im, t 2.0O. 5.411, g.u n m., 12.10, 4.C0 ni doer. n. Fof It.uUsUiiri'. 2.3)5 10, 0.03 a. in 2.10, 4.30 Tor Lancaster and Coldmlita, 6 40, 5.3 a.m. ami 4 30 p m tLocs not riln on lomlnya For IlcnilliiT.2 .lOaiiu. and 1.0-1 and 9 03 pm, Foi.H'irrlaiilli-ff, 2.JIMI, in and 005 n. ni. Trains FOH Al.LE VTOWN leaTO as foltowa: (VIA l-lillKIOMEN URANCn.) Leave Philadelphia, 7.43 a. m 1.0J, '1.30 .mi! S.30 p. in. SUNDAYS. Leave Plillidcliihla. 8. m and 3 10 p. tn. (VIA KAhT TRNNA nnAXCn I Leavo rtcolng. 7.20 10.33 a .tu 4.0S. 0.15 fnd 10.41 v m Lravu Ifarilsbure, S 13,8 10 ft. ra., and 2.00, 4.00 and 7.51 p. m. Loavo Lancaster, 8.t0a. m., 12.51 and 3.45 p.m. Leav" Columbia 8.4a. in 1.1(1 and 3.35 p. in. HUIsDAYH. (.care Tlcnillnir. 7.20 ami 9 05 a. in. Leave 1 tut i-l-nuiu,. 1.15 Trains jnaikoii thua ) rim to and from dopot 0th and Oreo'i streets, I'hllndelphta. other trains to a id lrom llroad atrect depot. Tno 0.31a. 111 and 1.55P. u. tialna from Allan ton n. and the 7.45 a. m and a.3i p.m. trnina from I'liiMoolnma, liae ttnough cars to and Hum pjllodelyhla. J. K. WOOTl'EN. ffeueral .Uanaotr. C O. HANCOCK, arn'l TicKct Aaent. Hotels and Saloons. The Fort Allen House, WEISSPORT, PA. BEEER & KRESGE. Proprietors, This Hr,na Is located In tho Ilnronah of WtlBfpoii, Ciubuii County, and lb bulli on tho alto of Fori Allen, an old storkade Tort llicutlon. creeled licre ovt-r a century ago to iiroterlthe early settleis niralnt tho liosillo Ineiirslonaorihi- Indians. Tlioliousn isasub. Ha11tl.1l hrlik, and was named "Fort Allen lloiifo" by thelniB Idnnrd Weirs; It contains Thirly-ltvo Huoms and a liamlsomo licsiau rant, and tin present Proprietors have niwly and th'iriitiirhiy rellited the csiablUhinent It has nil the appointments of a Fiksi-Ulass COUNTKY 11(J I'LL, udnplcd ior tho com iortor lis patrons. In clnso proximity to the hotel, In jierleci preservation, Is the lllstorio OLD FHANKL.1N WEJjL, which was dug by order of Benjamin Frank, lln 'o supply tho irarrison of li.rt Allen with water, lis walls id stone, which 111 defy tho ravaut-s of iiges, aio as perfect to-day as wlin put there, and tho well now contains abuut fix feet ol crystal water. 1 ho Will Is now belno; litted up as 11 hiatorlo relic, to 1 he water ol which tho patrons ot the Houso will liavo fteo access. aujisiER noAisunns will bo accommodated at Ileafennnble Prices. The liar Is Mippllcd with tho bei-t Wines, LjUinors and Cluats. (lond Maljllmr nttached. April 11) )1 HhllLEK J KllEsUE. Eating and Drinking SALOON, Lewis J. Chmstjian, Prop'r. This well-kept and rxoelltntly fitted np Sa loon is located thteo doors ubovo Ulauss1 l alluring Store, on BANK STKEET, L,EHir)nTON, Pa. Deraner & Emrlcr's Philadelphia lloer al. ways mi Tap. Chutoo Cigars, and all kinds of Kelic.huiciits in season. Fno I.imcli c.cry iSalunl.n Msrlit. Patronaao solicited. May 17 1870 ly Astor Place Hotel. EUROPEAN PLAN. Astor rincc, 3d Au. n (1 Mil Street, (OrrosiTE Cooi'i'.n Isstitutk.) NEW YUIlli, Ilest Location In the City. Elevated Rail road and five other lines pass the door. llooms 60 cts. to il per Day. liy tho Week $2 and upwards. April 10-inO OPEN ALL. NKJIIT. NATIONAL HOTEL, COIETI.AlXnT St., nt-nr Uromlwa)', IIOTIHKISS & rONU. Proprietor. On tUu I'.uiopran iMan. Mm TlpRtnnrnnt C'nfc und LurcU ltonin at- iticheitnio unsjipaMitil tv eliuun' m nil . reliciicoot feiTicti. HfninmS cih to it per Uuv, SJtoiiu per wofk. Convenient tn all i-'irma uud iUty " llrjiul. KUW I'UIlMTUnii, :r: TOLEDO BLADE. NASBYSPAPER. RCfrnriE Vnil 'nliscrltiofornnTOlh. litrUlii: IUU t.r nnner s.-nl ior a .iia.inieiieoiil'OlTIIZ TtlLI DO IILADK. Il is a .Mainmotll Eicl.t Pace Weekiy Paner ot HtKtv.iniir Coinmua n.le.l wi li cuefnliv re. o n eil leaning inaiior 01 iqicioil alio vaiuo 10 pot-pie in at. pans Ol mo uuiii'O btaii-a SrKCIAL FEATUllES. All tlio Depirttnen 8 whio'i hn mndo TliC IILADK hj nuniiiiii' uu ort ilo uniien niwies. wil i)'pcni rlv rnni nuptl. iiaineiv i Th' Von ulnrL ttciH ot tiint nirtilncuiKiictl DrniocrJt'O nnl.tici Ml. LEV li TttOLKUM V NAfeHY, which urn tvifiirn xretn fur Tills JiMDii- our HousEiioLrt Dil'AUTUR. ariclt (ljiosltrv 01 pructiunl infoMmitiot. upon poIiJ ctn ormteio-t In t-very lunnoiu Youno PKurLE'tJ UKr.ia jiknt i u Ho itfi'UH UeuaitnifUt rtubi&o i-KtUo vpi'Kij' Mim ny iiMin s cnar.ninc 1'imrrVi tli Ui i'-Mest Wit ami Humor j Tlilc litbT anit Sfifcteil ; anhwkies 10 l'UUtLMuMiBMtf.Xl(l th Litec rwHiiom nlipnit' vt l ho wort). 1HU HLnii clicul 'ts 'niKlv lu tveii" "tutu nl Tointnr iu tho Union ano' u eveiywlicio u-i't t;n zed a- tho .iiiceft umtllli .TM;V-AM)F.UULY At' pub uMicii unywhrri Tiv it aud ou will neve wiln mlv uo without it Ano;. tho new leutuitalui thlswluterrrea A ndersouvillo Prison Sketches. ov on who wan tlitro A new Birii Ht ry waa eoiimionC"fl Nov. Hih Acotaer ono will tom tuenco in Jau'iur, TJ2HM"1 m 'iO copv, per y nr t2 3": flte ooplea.1.7!it ach tun nrinoioopiOH9.Uei ch aii'l mi topv with ever t luh ol ton. Mjcolineu coiie -f ut lren. Kpnd for orni Ad diub TOLC DO AJLAD15. I'-leuo, Ohio, Fifty Thousand Books Tor Sale at Half Trico. Wo ore now nnrlnR tn thft nublic, pnataco prep.n.i, hi ONIMIAM-" the reffnlar prtee ,fl ty IhOdHiiua valu t ut climco booktt, cuinp-Uiliu llfiurv Uio imihy, lie, 'tin lnfi iv. ilmuor, Million MUligtui se ontii o Work 8.i diitnu of hiaurta ii Antitors bio, inc. Ihe-ao book nroM'lecU'd tivonr Mr. LocKKtNabUvl tom ihe -"civosoi too tiaduR pubiUht-rH ol tho uoui try. e all KW ami nud aie the lJ)i;MICAl JEJITUNS haml'id uvt.ibio tnfl booKBelU'i. Wehnvu milled thousand if ttieHO Uoouft to al pait- ol tho nnvmiy, and erery hnntc fteut oiu la A it It AN I'K I) to no j xaoti-V a Jii.rin-si-Miuii uud iokho l..SilltEBATlSFAOnoN. CATALOGUES FREE. We haie prime 1 a I4ig and complete oata lononf mir lloo'. -nuiuod bv mibjoels ano o i aii,o tinn will man o pios freet-i auyad cie. u o i l o e ir.uil lo sou free r rei uku eu lea ni il e UiAiiii wuwirve. ukeil uilo .o. II ivn i tailing tlua adv.rncnioiit are coiMiallv in!ied in arua ua br io-ta raid it o-tli'rwiM tnliaioeol Uieiaeuo. iiiuLfileud Adurg Tt'Ltji O Iff aim:. ToivciifOnlo. I J I iru th.. ha in itit iiv tin tiulti;ilnu i.bnai m t nuuiicu i we wlh aiait ion. Mtu. Him on b. va aod wiriM l nivUonionoy later at worii fur utM-n ut iuv. ! t U ui e lb work w liflLt itudp aaant,an1 t "ikIi a ftuvnuv ran ki ngh uU Too who are Wi Wliu lUH l ou win ii mwi u- i'ri'-.. ut (iiici u -ti mw for tliweivea. Coftiy imt'iim iUi' iii -sine Ni i m' uuie, lhoe num. iv i w a.- l.i In uti t'um nuuit uf - , , i i. - i t.' t u. .u-Tisti, Mr. r nn.T. Manufacturer of and Dealer In STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, Till alii SliceHroii fare ani General House FnruisMn Gooits. ltOOn.VO nntl Sl'OUTIIVc: done at short notice and at Lowest Cask Prices. T am the authorized niter t for thn Palo ot the follonlnsr FUlST-CLASH SIOVES THE SILVElt A OOLO UBDAL COOK, THE LK1HT1IOUSE COOK. THEMAYFLOWEIt KA.vat?, THE HUNS1IINE RANOEftnd IhoNEY.' ANCHOR HEATER, and am Selling tfaem VEflV CHEAP tor Cash. Vverv kind of BTOVlFortATna and FIRE ORIlKS kept constantly on baud. Stoke on SOUTH Street, A fcfr doors tbove Rank St., LEIIIOHTON. Patronnco solicited Satlersotion iuarantei-d. oa. 6-yi a. u. .Mossi:n. Central Carriage Works, Canl( St., Leliigliton, Pa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, Of every description, In the most substantial Uianuor, aud at Lowest Cash Prices. Hepairlng' Promptly Attended to. TItEXLEU &. KuEIDI.ER, April 28, 1879 yl Proprietors. QAItBOX ADVOCATE CHEAP JOB PllIIXTIiVG OFFICE, LEUIOHTON, PA. Jcvcry description ot Pnntinc, from a Visiting Card to a Poster. CARDS, RII.LHEADM, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS. STATEMENTS. ritOUUAMMRH. POSTERS, HAND RILLS, DODGERS, CIRCULARS. bllHTIKO TAG, KNVEL0PF8, Pamphlets, ry.laws, etc., &c Done in tho best manner, at very Lowest Prices. Wo ac nreoared to do work at aa cheap rates aai.uv ofllco initio htato tial itcula noueatly wall itH iiuioiiiirs. OURilOTTOIS Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. recorders by small retire prompt attention. MRS. A. C. PETER, OF . H. A. Peter's Central Drag Store. r.EUCKEL'-J BLOCK. LKUIGHTO, PA., I oh sect lull v annnocce-i to thn Deonle of I-o. hlghton and vlcinltv. that eho win continue Hie nusUiivs, nsluretofoie and tlianttnc thorn for past favor, na u oiutlnuance tho.eof. Yuu win a wayn uuu n mil iiue 01 PURE DRUGS and CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES IIOIISE aud l AITLE I'OH 11EIIH, TOH, EI AUTIL,I,ES.PON(ll.S. CI1A MOISHK1N-. P Al and FAN CY M rATlONElt rjati-M ntylp. t PLAIN mid I'ANOV WALL PA 1 M. I.H fit II ll. in u lit rliu tl.iinu PUltl'. WINE and LK1U01IS for medicinal use, ,iio. at Lmveac Prices, pnyhician's pre. acripilong compounded by Dr. O r. Horn, at all hours of the Oar and meat, "umiarimlud. of. MRS A.C. PK'lElt. March 51, '78-yt jprlmo Homo JLide Dread 1 WIIV GO IIUNORVI When yon can Buy OH pounds ol F1tt Cl taa flieud FIVE LOAVES FOR 25 CEVTS I J. V. O'NEAL, the pop-'ar Brrad and Cake liaKrr, of LeiilAbtnti In rr e-to meet the wanta of the tmit'H has itei'nci d ft I'r.eo of his co.o brated llumu Mado UltlA to Five Loaves forTwenty.fiveCts, Cash. Snjjar. Raisin Coco mot scotch, Droji Cream and other CAKES, only Ten Cent! per Dozen. Look Out for the Wiikiui! At MAUOII CHUNK, on Tuesday, Thursday and samrdiy .uuiinna. Li!H 10 II ro.N aud V. Els jPORT. every After uooueicept r'rtd.iy. TERMS STUICT-Y OASU 1 Patrouaso solicited I. W. O'NEAL. SI'OIIE i OpiKialte Flr.t National BaiiE. Urn t d'eet, Lehighlon Pa. l am now .applying the verV Best LATTZ Mlilll'OALattlie followiuK Lo Prices, vis i No, 1 C'heatuut by the Car fa IS ncr to No. 1 Ciestuut, sincle ton, ., 3 35 per ton No. : I'lia'lnut, by the C'ai... 1 0C per ton No.2 Che.tuut. ton. let o , 2 li per loo DUI.IVEtU'.l). Move and Ens lz.t at equally Low Prices, J. L. GAR EL, Dealer m Genekai. Haiiuware, &c, Opposite the robllc Hqusre, RANK bTREE IVIIIlHfnV, PA. tio,5".lM All about Its soil, climate, Its settled and Its yocldt lands, its farms alio funnels can bo learned in THE KANSAH 'AR.uKR,an elpht napo weekly papt-r, la years oui. Conespond. oiiti In evciv county. Bent to any addicss 13 weeaa for to cent". Postage stampa taken ns money. Addicss, hudsoin MyINO,To peica, Kansas. I learned luni o about Knnras from your paper that I Cun lelv noon limn from all oilier tnurccs.-Alciun! II. rMm. I'oiumMana CO., I'Atu It lvoaja.t what those of ns wanting lo n ove wcat. most want to know. Minuet Vlxester Ctranacvo.. A'rto 1'orA Hn.n larifO corns of nbls i ontiibutois. Osnvc i?ian....'i he bct auriciiltiirat pnpei lutho weem coontiy. Strinff ft( rivi'cst.'-it la a vnloablc oaper. -Aiehtiuen Chamiiton It liable editid. Vpmr frKamn....A fiarleesoutaiioieii Jniiin. au Limrtuct Journal ....Our Kansas fr ends should f ol much urlooln tho hicli cbaiaiter of their Stale Aciicnltuial pap r. Aoriimal iir iloffc Journal. ...It lias qu'olv t ken a lush P'arc aiooiiRnirricultitral Jo minis. .V. r. 3r( oime....A -worthy rftptoiutatlVo ol tho great est,-l Ai('a. trachea I'aimir. i'eb. SJ w If you are In want of anything tn the way of GiJNs.uiri,i:s,iti;voivvi:u PII.TOLS. Aran nintlun.Onn riahiorx ruckle, or nnv other i-iM hI'oiitiso goods p'.eiwi wrlto tor my Lame lllin-ttated itataiocuo nild Prlc Liar r mntl piipu. Vr.,,,. Irti v JOIINFT03 UllIiAT WKSTB1UI QUNWOIIK8, i-insijuKa, i'a rpilE SLAJINOTO.N PLACING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATIX0T0N. JOHN BALLIET, Propr., DealBlo ail kinds ODrtBiBoi of Tine. Hemlock Uuk Hnd Jlard Wooo Lumber, and Unnwpio paicd to execute any mvouut of orders lor DresseD LimibeR OP AL KINDS. Doors, Snslics, Blinds, Slmttciv, Mouldings, Cabinet Ware, &c, With I'roinptncss. Brackets Hade to Order. Tho Mnehinerr nil new and or tho beat and most improved kinds. I emntoy none bill tha best woiKmen, life well Beannctt nnd t:ood inn terhil, nnd am tho cfnro iihio to uai nntee entire sn 1 1" fact iun to nil who mavtavnr nie with ft mil. Orticn ov mail piompily nttejided to. My ch upei nro nio.lcrnte'i terim caah, or tntcicst ihargcd niter thirty days. G1VU MK A CAf.L. V Those cnaRPd In UinhVns will find it t hoir advnntnire to lute hiding Floor itoor.W Doors, asiie8. ?hutitr, etc.. tte.. inrdoatthi Foetorv. .... M ay lOyi juiia uauuuuii G HAND OPENING ! T hpor lenvfi tn lnfmni m old nnlrOns npd rn toniernand ho puh fc In peucnil. that I have opened and have now ready for inspection lu the POST OFFICE 11UILD1NQ Bfintt Street. LEIliailTON r. Ptthe LOW KsrCAbii riUCiis. u lull and new asoit uicflt of i9 &ui8e5 HATS, CAPS, &c. Special attention havinp bean plven to a weT aolecled lino of M.-N'.-. WOMI- N'tl ana C'lIIL DREN't WEAR. My Motto shall bo QUICK SALES fc SMALL PROFITS." 3 invito tho pnblio to coil and examine mv toctt and pritoa heioio ciSLWliere, as 1 oiii olfjr avceiul Inducements to ca.h bnvera. Ll-.WIS WF.lBi. 8 pt Sl-rm P. -. BiillilinE Lehlplitan Pa THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN! Mts. C. -DeTschirschky, Jtepectfnl'rinvUes the a tt en lion of bcr ladv f i Ifii d md the pub'lo geuutaliy to bei New Larronod Klegaut stock ot Notions! Fancy Goods, cemprlalbn- UNDERWEAR, PERT. IN AND OMIMANI'oWV WOOL. HIISIEHY liu. ported and Xiomoatio KMIIItOIJlEltY, HIllUONh, GLOVES, and a laro satiety of the Neire-t Designs la Fancy Goods. Also. In cnnnecllon with the above, I keep a fuil and complete stot ot GERMAN FltUITS. LIMRURGEIl and SWIT-ER CHEESE, CANDIES abd COXFECTION9. ' together with a vanetv of Goods not fr-norat.v Kootln aurolhoi- htotoin town. i, votidotiot eeo what you waut. ask fur It a-m I will net it. Ashateof ptiolio patrnuairels aottctted, aud poifeet aallstaitlon euatanteed In puce aid qualify of gooas. Nearly Orpotite Dnrllna'a Dnu Store. Rank Street, Lehighton, Pa NovembrrSO. "WHAT HANDSOME GOODS! AND WHAT A SPLENDID VARIETY ! Is the Universal Verdict of all who Examlno tno New, Fresh Sprint; Stock of Clottis, Casstoeres, Vestinss & Snitinis, P...StF.tVK IinV'S anil VnTTTU'K lust receive.) at the MERCHANT TAILOR lNO bTUHE . y II. II. PETERS, Agent, POST OFFIOE HU1LUINO, The Popular Clothing House IN LEIIIUHTON. Every Department Is full and cowpleto with the Latest Novelties. " Perfect Fits and Lone't Price." the motto H. II. PETEIW, Agt ERRORSFIJTH. A OUNTLKM A n who Buffered for vearafrmn Nervous DilUIMTV.lMiKM -.TlUtK UiUAVt und a.l ihu tftt't ot i out hi ill lutLUcretlon. will for itiv rake of lufferine Human tt , eud frst i all who ufod it. tbo recipe auddiretUon for inakiuc thn imp io retneuy by which be waa curd. tiuffereia wishing 10 prollt by the ad voi tlufi 'a exiei leuce tan uo ao by adtiressinii iu perfect couhdeuce. JOHN it, OODE.N. Cedar St. K. Y. Iv VMIIAl 1 This remarkable med IVJjIMJIIjIj O lel- ewlll care Simvln, Splint, Curb, fallout, 6-c, or any enlarge. lu-ui, ami w iu ttcKOb inc. nuv n onufTv WITH -UT HMSTrlUNO oroauBimrafloe. Noremeiy ever discovered equals It lor certainty if ac tion In stopping Ihe laineuaes and removing PTTlf li" the bunch. Price tl.OO, .end fur j u jvj-i circular giving I'otime Proof and your nearest agent's address rold by ilrug. gists, or sent to any aibtress by the luicutor, IS. i. Kendall, M. P., Knusburgh Falls, Vt PILES Of all kinds TUMORS, dlactaar. ire of lllOOD or umeua nul all rinH-aao of the Itl- t rl M nuieklr and nerf-y-tly i-uiei bv aiinsla and jlhiua llEMtliV. ioi iofo'iuaciou add.aa I'U J lAUERAi ". Aou'.t N V, We will Pay the Postage AND SEND iOt The Carbon Advocate ONE YEAR FOR ONE DOLLAR Or Six Months For SO cents! wmcn is Less than 2 cents per Week FOR A LARGE 32 COLUMN PAPER!!! ADDRESS. Carbon Advocate, Lchlglitolt, la. 5HOW IHIS TO Y6UR NElGHEOR New jewelry Store IN LEHIQHTON, Under First National Bank, BANK STREET, LEIIIOHTON, Great Bargains In Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT, BY USING H. O INN EL'S SUPERIOR Spectacles and Eye-Glasses ! PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING. WATOHKS CLEANED FOR MOTS. All work guaranteed, and no Second Charge. Prices to bult tho Times. April 10-m3 E. II. 1IOHL. M. IIEICDIA & CO., BANK STEEET, Lehighton, Pa., MILLERS and Dealers lb ITlMif&; Feed. All Kind, of GRAIN BOUGHT and SOLD at REGULAR MARKET RATES. We would, also, i osoectlntlv Inform onrctti zcua that woaro now fully prepared to bUP PLY tnem with From any Mine desired at VEI1Y LOWEST PRICnS. il. IIEILMAN & CO. E. F. LUCKENBACH, Two Doors Below the "Broadway House MAUCn CnUNK, PA. Dealer ra all Patterns of plain and fancy Window Sjiades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, LOWEST-CASH rl.ICES. No Patf nt No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors in the United States, Canada and Europe, at reduced rates. ith our tirineinat otlice located in Washincton, directly opposite the United Slates Patent Otlice, we are able to attend to all patent business witn greater promptness ana aes natch and at leas cost than other patent at torneys who are at a distance from Wash ington, and who have, therefore, to employ " astocioto attorneys." Wo make preliminary examinations nnd furnish opinions as to patentnblity, free of charge, and all who are interested in new inventions and patents ore invited to send for a copy of our "Guide for obtaining Patents," which is sent free to any address, and contains complete instructions how to obtain patents and other valuable matter. We refer to the German-American National Bank, Washington, B.C.; the Royal Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Legations, at Washington) lion. Jos. Casey, late Chief Justice U. S. Court of Claims,- to the Officials of the U. 8. Patent Oiliee, and to Senators ml d embers of f ongroea from every State. Address! LUUIS BAGGER k CO.. Solici tors of Patents and Attonifys at Law, LeDroit ,, ,. A. ri i Building, V asuinotom, V.U UeeZZ dint A WErfK in Tourowu town an1 ro II r 11 r s ru l .'li I nil aive iu. uu. i..;. trial vi do i piuenic ine be.i.-i n r iinl.vevei offoie. farthov w lime lo woii Y u should tiy ni.thiua' lae unii you ee for v -urn If what yoa ra . no al tueJmdueH wo otter. Noiooui loexpbuubere. YotTb ndavoteail your tune orony vnurspar tliaetotb.- hu.iueiw and mai e Krat p v tor every hour thai you work. Womeu ina.e u much aa i..ou. Hejid for sueolal nr-vaU. terms ..!. H -vK.nh uanill fr. SA.Il.ttlt tree iKiu'l cuiipimu of hard ilme while yuu Jl O . Portland Maim. WnueJ If- FAIU ItOJIi: OF GOtitf.tlltlAt Our Toet'i Tribute to the Glurioui Fourth. We wander far o'er land and sea, Wo seek tho old and new, We try tho lowly and the great, The many and tho few f O'or states at hand and realms remote, With curlons quest we roam, But And tho fairest spot on earth, Our own dear native home I Wo hotd communion, high asd sited, With men in ancient lure ; By day by night, with reverent eyes, O'er volumes old we pore; But Rome, and Greece, end Orient lands, And heroes, far an ay, Orcnt In their time, still lack the charm That lights our own to-day. Wo seek for lanrcnpcs fair and grand, Seen through tho summer haze, Helvetia's mountains piled with snow, Italla's sunset rays) And take, and stream, and era?, and dell, And new and fairer flowers; Weown tberafleh and falrj out not More grand, more fair than ours. With solemn air wo tread, where trod Tho feet of nnclont men, And fill old palaces nnd courts With echoing sounds again. Temple nnd for Urn, bath and arch Vncarthcd In glory's dome, These wlihndmlrlng gaic we view, But lovo Columbia's homo. Wo hear wlthjoy the golden speech Of men or high renown, Wo see with pralso tho Jowcled wealth Of sceptre, mace and crown; But dearer far the golden words That made a people free ; And crown and seeptro palo beforo A nation's liberty. O land, whero saint and pilgrim oomo; With loftiest pdrpoee fraught, Nurtured In hardship, toll and faith, O landtdlvincly taught; As streams the light lrom headland tower, (1 Utile over the stormy sin, So hope, to all tho oppressed beams fotth, Columbia's land, from thee I BRANDED. " It won't last long 1 Can you tear it, baby?" and with a wild look in her great, brown eyos, eho clasped the wee thing tight er to her breast and went rapidly toward the roclty lodge that hung over the ocean. She had played here a thousand times in her childhood j had watched tho tide crcop lazily in nnd out on a summer's day, or, wild and tempestuous, dash ships with their precious liycs upon the rocks. The ocean was like a lover. It could bo all things; " Will it bo very cold for tho baby my baby his baby 7 Will he mind it much 7" The birds sang sweetly, and the baby cooed, and the mild spring air brought up tho breath of tho violets. For a moment sho faltered. If life were only birds and blos soms, but it was not, and, with alast kiss on her baby, and a dcath-llko grasp, a leap, a struggle, and all was over. Missing I '' Grace ltcevcrly was missing, butthc ocean told no talcs. Tho little Atlantic village was stirred from center to circumference. A lovely girl, con fiding in nature and pure as the snow, sho been tho pet nnd pride of the townsfolk. Her voice was clearest in tho choir of the littlo church i her hand was gentlott on the head of tho poorest and roughest ehild, and tho village schoolmaster thought she repaid his teachings a thousand fold by her intelli gence. There had come a young physician of good family to tho town, a young man of manly physique and agt eeablo manners. Acquaint ance grow into lovo nnd tho good pcoplo looked on with joy that providentially their loved ono had found ono worthy of her. He had been trained in city ways. Either wo manwas notasacrcd thing tohim,or,match ing her artlcssness with his art, ho judged Wrongly when ho tested her virtue by her self-forgctting love. Perhaps it was not true as Ballon says, "That every person has his price." All may not fall tinder tho strong est temptation, but must err because they blindly trust a leader who leads over the precipice. Is there no remedy 7 Mothers ruuet do more than they have. Girls must know that lifo is full of quicksands and boys. that virtue is of God, and tho destroyer of it, if not nlways punished here, will mcota des erved hell hereafter. Missingl Tho wholo town knew thcbtoryj how he had deserted her, claiming that a woman who could bo won was unworthy of him; how the day for the bridal eamo and went ; how Gracu aud her aged mother wept and prayed ; how, when tho baby came, she bid iU darling face against her breast, so that nobody ever looked upon it savo tltu mother, for, beautiful though it was, it had his face ; how tho bpring-tifnc came and the fresh May niorninga, but no color camo to her whitened cheeks, but a strange unusual brilliancy came into her eyes, and then tho old mother was alone 1 Everybody was questioned but nobody had seen her. The aged woman crept down to the ocean day by day, but Ihc title came in bringing only sea weed and cinptyshells. One morning, far up the beach, kindly hid den from sun and storm under a clump of trees, somo boys at play found the missing ones. JItr child was held fast in bcr arms. The 6ea weed was Wound In out as though to bind the hands still closer, lent the weak noss of death unlock them and let go her treasure. The town had a common sorrow. At tho burial the littlo church was crowded. All the way to the graveyard that lay justubove tho sea, where the waves sang constantly to the sleepers, there was au unbroken proces sion, r rem tnat nay no woman ever sjioko to the young physician. lie walked the streets uunoticod. Ho carried himself lert proudly. Circumstances Would compel him to ecek another home, "Strange that In country town a woman was so highly prized," he thought. The world was not all thus. Tho aged mother soon lay beide Grace and her baby. The good ship Betsey heaves in sight. Tho uew went liko wildfire through the town. The whaler of Captain Iteeverly Grace's only brother had been on a ten year'scruise. Tho crew were wild with joy, awuug their handkerchief long before they got into port, hardly waiting for the pUnkj and fairly embracing every person that came withiu their reach. The people whispered among themselves. Who could tell the cuptpin what thorf years had brought? Xubodyl i Aft'-r a few hurried diroutious, the Mutfand generous hearted captain Btartcd eagerly to ward tho djar old home. The old lady in the next house had stolen over, unlocked the door and gone back again. How light ids step wa3 as he went over Hid threshold. How natural everything looked. " Mother I Grade!" No auswer. "Not a very warm welcome to a homeless fellow ten years nwoy I" he said. The old lady had crept In, " Your mother's gone, captain. I hoped you'd heerd on it afore you got here. Won derful good woman 1 She was alius nk!n' me to a cup of lea. Never had nothin' lo go to my heart so since my John died I" " And whore's Grace 7" "She and Iter baby's lyln' asido herl" and then, between her sobs, tho kind old woman told thn pitiful story. George Itcevcrly's eyes grew very black and his Hps very white. Ho went straight way to tho new graves, and, with curses in his heait, he wept like a child. And that man had been the cause I There was much talk in the village, but the captain kept his own thoughts. The Betsey was ready much sooner than Usual for the next trip. Tho captain never seemed so anxious to be away from tho town. Some lumber was laid in, with extra quan tities of corn, potatoes and utiground flour, but why, the men could not divine. The liight fur starting camo. Thero was a knock ot the door of the young physician, who was just preparing to leave tlio village. "You are to go ou n journey;" said the captnim Talto your clothes and books if you want 'em." The young man slruggled,btit sailors arms were too strong, nnd ho was hurried on to he ship. From that ti inc on no ono spoke to him save once, when a sailor was com manded to print in India Ink, across his forehead, so that the world might read, "This man robs womanhood,"and on either hand, that it might ba forever in eight, the word "Grace." That was an indescribable journcv. Go ing away from kindred.ho knew not whith er, but ho hod sent another on n longer journey. Tho days woro awar in bitter, stifling thoughts. What was their plan for him 7 How could ho appear beforo the world, branded as ho was? Would they bury him in tho ocean, where no law could reach tfiem becanso tho world would say his penally Was just? It'hat would lifo atnnunt to if ho lived? Where would it be spent? Ho slept and nlo little. Lines were growing along his brow and about his eyes. After weeks of anguish an island came in sight. Thither tho ship turned Iter course and stopped. It was a desolate place, Willi no sign of habitation for man or beast. Rock bound, the ocean washed up with tho same sound it used to have against tho olilX.whero Grace and ho had so often sat, and from wiionco she went to her death. Thero was a solitary clump of trees, just liko tho spot where they found her body. Must every thing remind liitrl of her? Tito lumber was taken out. Then quick hands fashioned a rude shelter. Sufficient food was placed in the hut, nnd seed for planting. Then, as the Betsy made ready for starting, the captain said, in a way, "This is to be your homo 1 Ueiiiembci!" " Great God I No I" gasped the voting man, "Kill mol Do anything rather than this deatli by inches. I shall go wild 1" "Another went wild for you 1" nnd the Betsey moved out from her barien moorings, and tlieie was only thofa-r-on'sky, Iholiniit' less ocean and the desolato wasto whereon he stood. Should he kill himself? A man who robs another of life usually has not tho courage to rob himself. Wo tiro creatures of neces sity. We accept what wo must. With fill tering steps ho walked around his prison. There was not one thing to lovo, not a flow. er or bird, only the monotone of tho sea that had no kinship witli joy. Tired, broken, on old man in a day, ho flung himself down in his hut to sleep, Na ture is kind even tn her enemies, and he slept; ho dreamed that ho and Grnco sat again on tho headland, an 1 sho talked, in her purity and trust, of her confidence ill him, her belief that he could do no wrong ; of their peaceful and blessed future, nnd of the joy her brother would feel when became home for ho so reverenced a noble man. How pretty their home should be down where they could hear tho waters us they heard them on the clilf. She was ptettier than ever ho thought; her hand sn smooth and white as ho held it, and her cheeks so delicately tinged with red. She trusted in him too fully; would that she doubted hlni a littlo, only that he might show her how true ho was I Then tho scene changed, and he was away on a far-off journey, longing In get lo her, but an ocean rolled between. Every vessel ho essayed to either sank, and some were far away or would not come, though he hailed them ever sn loudly. He cried out in agony of despair, when a voice, just liko that of Gracs, said sweelly. "I nm come to you 1" and looking up, an angel stood beside him, and it was Grace." Her hand touched his forehead. He reached nut to clasp her in his arms and awoke. He was alone ; alono on a barren island in tho middle of tho ocean, but he never forgot that touch of her hand. The hours, and the days, and the raopths, aud the years crept by wit-i a souil's pace. He planted the corn that burst through the ground and ttaik one blade and tasseled ear. with no eye lo see it savo Gial's. He read and reread his few books, and thought; but oh, the deso!atenes of such a life! Death would have been a mercy, but death did not come. Every morning and evening were the samo. Sabbath and week days were alike to him. No word was heaid. He forgot the sound of his own voice. Year after year he strained his eyes fur a sail, but thero was never ono in sight. Oh, to look upon one living thing; to see once mnreoue human face 1 Five years went by, and a sail was in sight. With an intensity almost suicidal, ho watched the ship draw nigh, rears mingled with his hopes. It was no doubt the Betsey, but what would that bring tn him? She could not bring wnrve than 4m had brought. She oumo alou.hie, diipil unehor it seemed only fur a iiiHiuto, when the captain handed hint Sniiie and said, in tu oM hard way, " IWnwmlwr !" ! the only word spoken, and Um IVxUay wns toon lost in the horisou. HI iMWrt ilil within 1iim, but he lwd sn a be ouee more, thank God for that, if only ot 4 bitter enemy I Uu hair had grown qn te white. Htwu. older by thirty years than when he came. How much longer could this last? He hoped when ha died it would bo Under tho clump of bushes like those where thoy found Grace. Kternity alone must wash out those India brands on his hands nnd forehead. His steps grew feebler year by year. It wasaterriblo expiation of n torrible sin. To rob womanhood was to rob God I At lost another fivo years had gono by. Ten years silect commune with God and nature had wrought a great change. Ho could bear now Whatever 'caino, but thero could not bo long to hear it. Again the old ship Betsey came In sight. Calm, unruffled as u man who knows he is going homo, whether he knows the route or not, ho waits for tho familiar ship. The captain took in all at a glance. "Shall I go homo lodio?" " Yes." " I should like to see tho gravo of Grace and our baby onco more." The incoming voyage' "was "shorter than the outgoing, but not short enough fur the weary man to roach the desired haven. They wero nearlng port. " I have asked and received forgiveness," said tho dying man. "I want yours alia. It is Grace's hand.; I feel it just hs in my dream. Sho has mine forme. I have but ono wish, to lio beside her." " It shall bo as you wish." And the cap tain's hand pressed warmly the cold hand of death. ' The Bolrcy came in with flags at half mast. Tho villagers did not soo the brand which repentance had washed out for heav en. And they buried him by tho side of Graco. Tunis. AND .'rillA'jr. God bless the' girls Whoso golden curls Are not just what they seem, But at tho end of the day On tho bureau do lay, While their owners sweetly dream. Tho rooster that will leave his crow ha'f crowed to gobble jt wirm,'niay not be a musical succcsi, but we will bet ou him for all that. A western woman has sued n barkeeper for $2J,(W0, fur the less of her drunken hus band. If she gels il, no one would blame her to immediately marry again, and set tho new man 113 the same kind of trap. Thoy rail it wonderful presence of mind In Iowa when a husband sees a tornado ap proaching and ptuhes his wife down the cel lar slairs. It opens a door fur fatal mistakes but wives must take the consequences. An old lady whot.iKC4 interest In being posted on tho movements of base ball clubs, but who never witnessed a game,asks why they cliango pitchers so often j why not get ono that holds enough at first. A lady not accustomed to raising poul try set a hen. and in tine time a brood of chickens was hatched. A friend calling In lour days afler, and noticing that they ap. peared weak and puny, asked how often they were fed. "Fed'l Oh my 1 Why, I thought (he hen nursed them," was tho as' tonished reply. Ilerr Joachim, the great violinist, went into a hair dresser's in Lo ,don, to havo ins haircut. "You really, sir, ought to allow mo to take more oil'. If you do not wish to be taken fur a fiddler," said tho barber. A pickpocket taken willi Ills liand in somo ono elm's pocket, endeavored to invent all litanncrnd'jiiiio3jibJecipjjiiiitinns of tho phenomenon. "What's the uso of your try ing to lio(about it soeluiniJy," jiij tjio judge, kindly "haven't "'ju goa jawyor?" Tito humming of the bees On tho clover-scented breeze, And the tender robin's notes ato very finof But dearer for to mo 3 Thau tho humming of tho bee Is tho sweet and tender-loin of tho kine. Tho red chairs that are so fashionable nnw-a-days on tho verandas of our fashion able residences, we respectfully submit are tno small. They do very well, to look mt, but when it is night, nnd the young lady has a gentleman friend call to spend the evening with her, ono or theotherwill have tn stand up, or well, perhaps she would make n lap or two around the yard, and perhaps again she wouldn't. A timid young Hiizlelnnian, onco mar ried a wife weighing over 200 juunds, nvnii-iliioise. They went on n wedding tour to the country. They wero taking a walk in tho fields. "My dear," said he softly to her, "shall I help you over tho fence,?" "No," said she.taking a side-angular glance at him, "help tho fuuno." 'Hello, Itobinsnnl I haven't seen yoit since you had your glass oyo put in. How does it work 7" "To a charm," said Robin son. "Can you see with it ?" queried the friend. "Well, you seo that town clockf It's 22 minutes past seven, ifii'llt?"- 'fl declare j it's wonderful, Isn't It? Why, It must bo as good as the eya you was bom with I" and the friend passed on, iwrfectly tlazod with the scientific disoovories of tho oculists. The fact that Robinson's other eye was not glass didn't once ooour to him. -Yew Jlavtn Jtej- A small boy had seen his mother's fur muff that had been badly eaten by moths. Shortly afterword he was in his father's stable watching tho process of currying his pet puny. The animal was shedding iLscont and consequently large bunches of hairime out with each application of tho comb. With tears in his eyes the littlo fellow rushed Into the bousenudoxclaiinedt "0, mamma, mammal the moths have got into my pony, and I'm afruld he's ruined," It was in a crowded ferryboat that an honest but rather unsightly sailor accidont-' ally name in onlhtion with n bran new dress of a fine lady, at which she indignantly ex-1 claimed : Refrain, nudaoioiis (art My kuit from pressing ; Rimenibr what you ara And what I'm dtvssed in I Santffortl Advocata .A linkrupt, wanting to gain time, nr derl IW oupius of a circular printed, which lie intended sending liisemdiUirs, informing them that he could not settle with them Im mediately, but would ut the vary earliest moMMUit Uke g-eat pleasure ill aeconiui'idat iiiglbwti. Tiipriuter brought Iheiu around together ilh the bill. The imfnTvent geri, tluian looked at it, said it was i-urrect, look wit utwuhur, tignt-d it. uud handed it with the ulmoMfn.ce and puiila-ass US the print er, hw was dumb With surprise al finding liiinscii thn. put on the list of creditor