The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 21, 1879, Image 4

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llotv to Train a Colt to tSiinnss.
I'nt on lilm on ukw collar, liitTing a Jinlr
orrcms nlliiclie(l,nrnild two pieces to lf-nglli-cn
the traces anil let a strong man walk lie
lilml lioliling those After a few minutes
llio leniler may order tho man to pull the
traces very gently, en as to (ires tho miliar
but slightly nl first. In a littlo t'mo Ire may
pull lighter, whilo tiro leader keeps his cyo
on the colt, nnd If ho shows any signs of
flinching let him order tho traces to teslark
eneil, and then gradually draw ng-iin until
tho colt is seen to lean into his cnllor, when
the man who liolds the traces may use his
whnlo forccjforaehorttiuieonly. Thotroccs
must now he slackened again, and tho same
course gnneovcr repeatedly, but stopping llio
tho colt occasionally tn gentlo him, taking
rare, however, to slack the traces Just as he
strips nnd to turn a littlo to one side when
starting each time, whifo the mu pulls the
opposite tnu'e.
After this exercise let him bo taken to the
cart or other vehicle for which ho is In
tended ; allow lit in to smell and examine It,
then push it awny nnd diaw it up to him
several times raising and lowering the shafts
until he takes iio'nolice of its nolso or of the
(lilTerent nppea rami's when raise nnd low
ered. Knw turn him trrmind nnd put him
between the sliafis, rub them against his
sides, push back and draw uptliernrt, strik
ing him behind and on the sides with it un
til he allows himself to be " knocked about
by it" so to speak. This will do for one
clay's lesson. Next day let all his harness
be put on leaving chains to bang und strike
ugainst him, while the wiinleof tiie previous
day's lesson is gmio through step by step.
Same on third and fourth days. Ho may
th'clY be yoked or hitched to n cart nnd
should have at least ono liocrr's exercise in
going up and down lull, turning, etc. First
start on level ground. )f those directions
are carried out tbtfcult learns that thu vehi
cle he draws is not meant to hurt him, nnd
he would never try to "kick It away or"run
oil" from it."
Rules for training: 1 Xevcr try to beat a
colt into doing p thing, for, if nervous, he
may turn out u vicious horse, and if stupid
he may become stubborn Itemember that
by putienco und gentleness ho can bo got to
da anything that will not hurt him.
2. IKIien the horse shows signs of shying
at an object, do not beat him, but lead upto
it allowing him to stand und look, as he
comes closer ; mill alter he examines it a few
times he will not fear anything of the kind
again. In passing by hedges with a colt,
throw in stones and stop him until he takes
no notico of the noise.
3. Before puttingon any article of harness,
let your colt smell it, and then rub against
his head, neck and body.
Always start a horse with tho voice, never
cut of tho whip. In starting turn a littlo to
one side, und in stopping, when going up a
hill, do tho same. London Agricultural Ga
Fcc illll- for 31111c.
D. G. Roberts, manager of Hon. Thomas
Allen's farm lit Piltsfield, believes in semi-
soiling for cows. The JlcrkMrc County
Exglc thus summarize:) the paper read by
him at the recent fanners' institute iu that
town :
Cows should bo turned out early and have
access to the entire pasturage tlioyiuo toen
joy thiough tho season. Early pastures
should be supplemented with feed. Orchard
grass and clover sown together on good and
well-tilled soil at the rato of 2 bushels of tho
former and fllteen pounds of the lulter to an
acre should be mowed for them as n partial
coiling, to be followed by oats, barley und
peas, and this in turn by fodder corn. Orch
ard grass and clover for winter feed is tho
best. He gave the record of what was cut
in 1877-8 from n Bix-acre lot after being cul
tivated iu the ordinary way for two years.
It had been seeded witli barley in 1875 nnd
in October cut one ton to tho acre. Tho two
cropsof 1877, cut June 10 and II und Au
gust 10 nud 11, stood In tho field 5 days nnd
together weighed at tho barn 251 tons. In
1878 the crops weighed 27 tons. Each fall
there was a fine alternioth. In the spring of
'78 ten acres were thus seeded, half with
spring wheat and half with bailey, nnd in
October 10 tons of orchard grass ond clover
were put Intothe barn, li'iuler experiments
by the tcile iu feeding these roots, compared
witli tniKithy and routs, shown that 20 cows
gave 305 iwunds uguiust 227 ou an 8-day
As to roots, tho beet and turnip received
high praise. Cabbages, fed after milking
were well spoken of. Under his winter treat
ment 10.88 xmuds milk made 1 pound of
butter, and in June it requited from lusturo
22.11, and as his cows mostly caino in in the
lall the experiment may bo judged in the
light of thu fact that the new mihh cow does
not give milk its rich ns that which she
yields 5 months after. Unargued that milk
was us prnlHablo ill winter ns In summer,
notwithstanding many argue it costs so much
to get it.
Mr. Huberts feeds regularly nt 4:45, hay;
at (1:30 the cows are milked and then fed
roots with grain. At 10 they are turned out
to water ami exercise. At 2 p. m. they re
turn to their stanchions and aro cleaned.
Tho second feeding begins at 4 p. in. similar
to that of the morning, including inilkiug
alter eating hay.
I'ltooit.f.nrtn; ion j im: ivtt.
A communication from a leading cltiren
nt the last mooting made inquiry ns to the
pinna of the Lime Kiln Club for tho coming
gloriuus fourth. It was desired to know If
tho club would take a place In tho proces
sion, nnd whether any member could be In
duced to deliver nn oration1, If more than
oiieoralton wus necessary to insure a whoo
ping tunc.
"Izo been lurnln' dis Fo'th July In mind
for mnw d'ays back," said Brother Gardner,
but will licv to nolo on a lectio whilo yit.
I expect tint dls club could jlno do pu.'sw
slon on' bo a bull hour passin' a given pint,
an' tint more'ii a dozen members could
stan' up an' repeat n glorus or.lshun by hart
widout winkin his c c, but for do present
our programmy will bo us follows!
Kustly Ills up at sunrisa anil put ou o
clean shirt.
Twoly Buy de- chilPcn fircworEs, nnd
send tn do grocery for a lemon to make a
bnr'l of lemonade.
Tlireefy Take do fam'ly down' town to
see dc bird of fieedom.
Las'ly Go to fireworks nt night and see
de elephant trot out
As I sod befo e, wo can tell mo o nboui it
long iiex' week. If it becomes necessary
for dis club to turn out in a body to 'honce
dc glory of do dr,ttc'll 'hatico till Jo- star
of libei ty looks sick, nn' don't cunybody dis
remember itl Let us now percolate dis
mcotln' to n closo nnd go home."
Won't go out on that log I" screamed the
maculino nltondant us ono of tho damsels
walked out nn llio careening limb of an old
dead tree, which lay diagonally with tho
"Why 7" but she kept on gomgv
"It will turn with you ("shouted the gen
tleman, warcingly.
"Howcun it?" nnd the lino witli a long
sweep of tho pole descended into the water.
Just then there ima slight oscillation of
tho log, two dainty feet swept from under
n cloud of skirts, a sylph like form, bent
gracefully to the treacherous flood, and, with
stilled scream, body nnd feet disappeared
from view. Hut for a moment only. The
next instant, liko the twin extremities of a
puirof scissors, two symmetrically modeled
female continuations appeared nbovo the
surface, bobbed about for si second, and then
sank again. By this time tho gentleman
was in tho water, and by good fortune con
trived to got hold of ono of tho gaiter-clad
feet, and was lugging away manfully in the
direction of the bank. But the unfortunate
lady apiearcd to bo turned wrong side out
and dragged heavily liko an inverted um
brella. But a lauding was made ntlastind
tho young lady, like n capsized sailing ves
sel, wis put right side up with care. As soon,
however, as sho had regained her usual bal
ance, sho turned furiously ujion her res
"You wretch 1 Why did you pull me out
by tho feet 7"
"Because I couldn't get hold of any other
paitofyou. You seemed tome to bo all
Sir? How dare you?"
"I begpardouj but really I did tho best
I could."
Tho subject was too delicato to continue,
but it was evident the lady nnd her friends
were excessively indignant. No apologies
could conciliate them, and it was iu a tone
of inexpressible sorrow that ho said iu turn
ing away :
"If you ladies will persist in turning up
side down when you get into the water 1
can't help it.
Brags aM Medicines !
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store.
If you want nuiytliiiiGT in tho Drug line rtt bottom prices,
go to tho Old nnd Keli.vblc Drug Store, in Dr. N. B.
llobcr s Block, nenr the rost Uihce,
A. J. DUELING, Proprietor,
t Wlitre voa will And a full AUil complete Block of
Puro Drugs, iMcdiciues, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils.
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, nnd Shoulder Braces.
Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
Established 1867. A. J. DURLING.
Leblchton. NovemOTZ
The Best and Most PoDnlar Pnlmonic is
It Will Pay to Read TMs S
V a
Respectfully announces to tho pooplq of Lohighton and its
vicinity, that ho has just enlarged his Manufactory by tho
addition of another story, and that ho is now prepared to
furnish them with every description of
HoiiselioIB fumiteE,
Manufactured from the best Seasoned Material, at Prices
fully as low as the samo articles can bo bought for elser
where, llere are a fow of tho inducements offered :
Parlor Sots at from 50 to SG0.00
Walnut Marble-top Dressing Case Bedroom
Suites, 3 Pieces
ll Invariably Cures Coughs, Cold's, Hoarse
ness, Soto Throat. Aftthma, Troup, and other
Alfcctioua ot tho Uroathluo; Of gaus..
Its ronthtiR Influence tiron the irrlta'cctllii.
Ingot Ihonir passnres, Is ilnn to Lhoiact tunc
Mm incrailipntfl nro the most efllcnrlous imtmon
le pimples known to mertie al bnraiir. the basis
nl the article oetu tie HONEY ofilie JIUltK
1IOU.NU PLANT, chcnucaiir united with the
mratie.insl nr ncin enf tlio AHIES iiai,ha,ii;a
or ltniin ot Gieod. There aro besides, lire other
bntnnlo elements winch sire additional efficacy
to the til at named two.
I note who have itfCd It. sar that HALE'S
nuiv vrnuderfoiiv remetliul lu nil cases wheio
the oruaii of respiration are utTecied. but. also
Mat ltn action Is unusually rapid. A few doses
ftcqucntlv servo to relieve a very obstinate
(-omen. It contains nnthtuvtuat can disorder
tho storoiicii.n ran mar can do nregcu w:m
truth of but few ronch remedies t H has an ex-
Iteir.elr nereeoblo flavor, ati.l la fold at a figure
which enables tuo-o of the mopt limited moans
In avail tliniiFeUPH or lti virtues.
It l slmole marines'. .to trltlo with n Couph.
lllll'llion oi iun 'i uroai, uuera nu i.uugs irav
ii4 rnnldlv ami what is n trifllnir and cftaih
ronquorable riiincully in those oi-sun to-day,
may In a lew weeks ocvelnii Into Htnuchttl. or
(;onnmpt on. tttn it'mnu"" nhtch corrv more
victims 10 enny Krav . uiun auyoiueriu uie
long liu oi itodliv nnoruers.
A Ceuch miy bo fitly tunned tuePrellmlnary
tieeof Consumption, n malady if which
TAlllstlie suiet Liiown preventive. Those
tlie.elnie, who would airt"i the progress of the
ileurnrcr annuii delay not a moment to tnka
n cntTAis specific.
CHILDREN', ilotiro Brett heneflt from Its
toothing propcrllcn. when surtorintr with the
pnroxyms of Croup and Whoop ng Couch. The
lirst named dlaet-o h deatnutive
among young ehlMien and th'a rclhole remedy
fchmilil bo Kept on hand In all hon'cholds lluy
"Vc have entered into arrangements with Bev. J. HenhY
Smythe, of Philadelphia, tho publisher of Sunshine fou
Little Children, wherehy we arc enabled to make you the
following unrivalled offer nn offer which will, we leel as
sured, secure for us not only yoir name, but the names of
very many of your friends and neighbors as subscrihers to
our paper.
already been expended in this " great offer " by the " Sun
shine Publishing Co.," THIS PAPER MAKES NOTH
ING ON TIIE BOOKS. Our sole object is to place your
name on our list as a suhscriher to the Carbon Advocate
and to Sunshine rou Little Children.
S40 to $05.00
18 to $40.00
Painted Bedroom Suites,
Cane Seated Chairs, per set of Six
Common Chairs, per set of Six
and all other goods equally cheap.
Tn this connection, I desiro to call the attention of the
citizens to my ample facilities in tho
BUSINESS, with a new and handsome Hearse, and a full
lino of Caskets and Coffins, I am prepared to attend
promptly to all orders in this line, at lowest prices.
ratronago respecttully solicited and the most ample sat
isfaction guaranteed. V. KCIIWAItTZ,
Oct. 12. BAiNlv Street, LUH1U11TON, PA.
Wiit Submit to the discomfort nnd lm
initiation entailed by u local diseaso of the
skin, when Glenn's Sulphur Soap will rid
you of it witli certainty and despiteli? It
is a remedy which never fails to relievo cu
taneous disease, uud usu means of banishing
delects of the complexion, it is ennlly relia
ble. The benefits arising from sulphur
baths, iu cuso of skin disease, nud of rheu
matism and gout, are well known, but the
eot is too Heavy to bo incurred uy ninny
ersons who would otherwise take advan
tage ot them, olenu s sulphur soup an
swers the same purpose, and is both inex
ieiisivo und convenient. No one need stir
abroad in seareli of a sulphur bulh who has
tins uiimirubie means ot providing ono in.
doors. It is incomparably the best deodcr
izer and disinfectant of clothing and bed
linen in use, and prevents disease ol an ob
noxious nature caused by contact. Sores,
ulcers, bruises, scalds, culs unit sprains are
promptly remedied by it; and its cleanly,
oyuiiug nun snouting properties cousiuuie
it u far more desirable reined v for searbulic
ailments than ointments of any description
since sueli creasy compounds soil the cloth
iug, olten nggruvutcitud very rorcly Indeed
do any permanent good. Sold by Druggists
I'riee a cents per cuke, l mix ys cuites)
1 5 cents. Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt
ot price, u. . (jritlcnucu, noprielor,
aixiu Avenue, isew lorit.
JJutl'a Hair or H' Dye, black or
urown, ij cents 30-33,
I'linni'i'M, Don'l I
Don't lUteu in or have anything to do
with lightning-rod jicddlcrs. Don't sign
any papers under tho delusion that you nro
making a fair contract with a stranger who
has some iatent device, tho right of which
he promises to sell you for the county or
elate. Don'l give your nolo in iaymetit for
anything to strangers.
Don't mortgage your farm. Don't go iu
debt hoping to pay ntn more convenicut sea
6011. Don't buy what you can do without
by pinching a little.
Don't invest in costly agricultural Imple
ments under tho stimulus of accomplishing
as much work in ono day as you can In three
or four with less costly implements, when
you have plenty of time to get through tho
work on hand with chcapr tools. In one
case you have the time and money looj in
the other you spend the money ami waste
the time.
Don't attempt to Improve your stock by
using half.bluod male.
Doti't ullenipt Ui cultivate moro land than
you can do thoroughly.
Don't let your work push you, but always
push it.
Don't plant In the moon, but put your
ground in the bwl order and iiliiit when
the ifami serins moat fsvoruble.
Uuii t attend corner groivry meetings Ui
1 to-T-ui.- VSVy JfTca-trtas-- I
Mm lartro I'artrrires and Economize.
THICKS. 50 CM., and I, i'i;it
Sold tiy all Ilrueglsts.
C. N. CriUcnton rrop'r,
ForSntobr A,
r.ehightou. Pa.
J. DDBUXO. B ink street.
nave you a "Raoikci Tooth" Reader?
Pike's Toothache Drops
nnd Cure the osoey In Onb Minutk. This yon
cnniloforTiVKNiY.FIV!-: CEN'IS Tho nr
ttclo w 11 do tho hll-uues up brnwu depi'lnl njmn
It; uior'over it i-outuius 110 luioJleut ultleh
can ltduro yuut Teeth.
PRICE 15 CENTS. Sold by all Drnnststs.
C. N. Crittcnton, Prop'r,
The undersigned most rcspor tfully annoxinces to the Ladies
of "YVeissport and the surrounding country, that she has just
returned from the Cities, and is now receiving an immense
assortment of the latest designs in
pu'tag- IMlMaaei'y -ottg9
Comprising Hats, Bonnets, Notions, Trimmings, &c, &c,
all of which sho Is prepared to dispose of to her patrons nt prices so low as to be perfectly
astonishing. Hats and Donnets made up to order. MVl It llhS nnd I.AII1ES
OWN 1IA1R innilo up to order on short notice and at very rensuiiablo prices.
C3- Call and cxuinlno (J cods und I turn Frlces.-CS.
Mrs. M. Guth, Fashionable Millinery Store,
April 2G, 1879. White St., WEISSPOBT.
My Motto: "Be Sure You Are Bight, Then Go Ahead!"
West's liver pills cure liver complaint.
West's Liver Pills euro Dyspepsia.
West's Liver Pills cure Indigestion
West's Liver Pills euro Sick Headache.
A Delroiter cured n long and severe at
tack of neuralgia by falling down stairs,
That's nothing. Some years ago a Lchigl
Valley youth was cured of a bad habit ol
swearing by U'llng oll'a cherry tree. Jfotn
singlo oath has escaped his lips since. The
tall broke his neck.
"That man is rich," said tho conductor.
You know lilm, tlicn?" said a companion.
"No j but ho groaned when ho paid his faro I'
"Does every rich man groan when he juys
his fare?" "No; but every one who does
.groan Is rich." Jlochalcr lirprcis.
A newsboy at school diverted tho minds
of thn other pupils from their books by
munching peanuts, whereupon the teacher
relieved him of hisediblesand reprimanded
him. Next day tho "master" received a
note from the new scholar's mother, which
conveyed this information! "Ifmi Boykant
eat P '' nuts out loud in Skule, I'll edikuto
lilm n.rself at home."
They had an ameteur brass baud out at
an O.ld Fellow's funeral ut Lone Mountain,
last week, and when they had snuclchol out
I 4ITI.A C11.1.1 p...n. .1 rt.,H .1 ii. 1-
the minister said in his address that the de
ceased was, "in ono respect, most fortunato
in having been called away thus early.''
mat was nil he satd, but tho mourners
The Leading External Specific;
Beautifier of tho Complexion.
It renders tho Cuticle Healthfully
Clear ncd Smooth, and Is the iest Pos
sible Substitute for Expensive Sulphur
Pharmacist, Family & Dispensing Druggist,
Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, choice En
glish, French and American Perfumeries, Hair, Tooth
and Nail Brushes, Imported and Domestic Soaps,
Sponges, Chamois Skins, Stationery, Fancy
Box Papers, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures,
at prices which defy all compction !
My Prescription Department
l?rrnivnc Gnnmnl ntrnntirvn nnil ,c tlin mod nmmlntn I itiehiheLtirm
. " . . -"'"i"-"- i osiliiouum innr in from aM quarter of the
m the county; it is supplied with the host quality ou
Ilemcdies that can be obtained, and so regi dated as yfiXl
to preciuttc inc possumuv oi a linstaKC. I'lescripuons ana w your. Tituc ummuver
.1 , . 1 , ... , , 1 . , , (uuoised bvtho JiiUlcl fraieinity.
rnvate liecipcs compounded at all hours of the day or night LSLn
by mysklf, at the Lowest Trices possible.
It I Inrompnrnb o nemcrtv fnr IinL'Isrfl, Ui,
rriw, cutu uud ccry iirit.iblo or nnhcdittiv
comlitlim of tlm Hkm, niul t most fciv rt'iibli'
trmrtllnl nent ami rou ro rf hi ccdy iclielin
Cnsi'riOt (JOUTllIKl Illir.L'MATIM.
ItMn mmt fiOMrnhlo DlMlNfE'TTAS'T OV
CI.OTU1KQ oitlilii) Mnj:w, om ant:
liv lK'tnon ntll''r.iiff Iri'm ouxoxious vr co.v.
TAOIOI & PlPEAtra. U a Crpilai lteiurdv ntM
Tiuvoi tativu cf tUcm. wtirn use.1 an an lilc
lion IVisona cmiluIn it have n noi-a in
laito Sulphur IlaliiS. or (o urt tJ tiulphur
f nii&8 for bat Iii 11 it pun ofps.
Asa aiMuDd of t.. TOILIIT It ii Tar more
rtc.iitil'lrt tlian any Como le f-li cn it ioiaot,
liko a ticUt of 1 tint nnlnrt', cmiceal Ooiuplex IilPtnimlioi but n-movti tliem.
at d llw liko. Kitwdltv yiolutoii uiuufviiikf tti-
, tliiPUCP; OD'1 It Im Hit rtry tteU oaj-tii xtiivo
witli.tiecjtURou Icjvort tho Kkiti Hitio ilh nml frrc
iroui tiolnttatlon rrK'ujoi cn nrnlitve ca.
Uric, by llio hoi Itruli n of tho tazur. It also
con plrteb' ercit rat" IjANDUVFF.
I llmisouirc- iloc aro )t to bn I:XCCLIXXT for
, WjuhniK VOOM:r IINU I,At'K. nud other
t.ibric and lailio movinc In tn ieHt i ircles of
netruiioiiia 1 una tutai eocuiy epoav ui it iu
1" A'l X)rui'M ami Prices nold by nip aro puaiHinprd lo DoStalctly Pnro and MaimCarttirM
from t bo vcrv Hcm Crtide ArtlrleH. No (loott Adultcrniril at Kv Kut blisbmouU 8ATI8
TION OUAUANTKKU Oit MONliV ItUt'UNUUIU. OrUern by Mail receive proiniit utttn
TJianVtntr mr frtprds and th nubbo ccnerntly for past favora. X covflJeulally ask a liaro of
lutuiopiliouuKo, cua uulciutfiut huiciiou muwi)' cao.
IlOripecttu ly.
id. So ins without tho sum Most fraction of re
menial flUcncv bavo Icon and are foiPicd upou
tho utiBUspt ctfiig and unobM-rvHiit, i genuine
Hulplinr toana potftcmlue pniprrtio idertical
m ltn or equal to I ho Orott n petit tic, whicb their
jan. 4, 1878.y
Next to the Fort Allen House,
WEISSPOllT, Carbon Co., Pa
Tho undersigned announces to tlio ladies of Lohighton
and vicinity that ho is now receiving and opening a largo
griiinci.aiHitiieniusieians ore etui going assortment of S PMNG & SUMMER GOODS, comprising
such as Matalasscs. Delaines, Coburgs, Alpacas, &c. Also,
a largo stock of
which ho is offoring
round saying that "this blamed sarcasm is
Infernally out of jilaco ut a funeral, you
Saddler and Harness Maker,
Calls attention to the tollowlngoxtraordloary
t!3 OOunwanls
19 OQ upwards I
11 (kl llliuranl.
Iluiriry Harness at from....
Ksr.M llarnew Htfrum...
llr. Mlilnir llnmnu at friim
1I.MIIIU7 ltarnvu nt rrmn " n ii Li! I (2 ..,1 ( .1 171 I) mill l 11
ll..r Collars (halrYat irorai 5 w u uuu oucub, IfltH OJ-iriVr.
.. ... , isirawjm iroin. 1 7ft upwards
llrldles at from ... i jj upwards
AnvnriTIf nmt roml it n and all other Hrttelel fit ftnuHllv lnw r.vlM.
Iiouw with vonrlaiiilly, and It will nrov. ?.nd "H"11'"'"' of best workinaiistilu. KB. Dnnnelln flir T. ,fr B Tln n A ATI." I-
....... i . . ' J AilUPIII ltronillllv ult emle.1 In at "I't'"ffc-W luu JJ. KXi KJ OI-IIUl'. OJl.i.liV LjLIIUL.
.abieih.rgs. Tallage solicited. May ID May 0, 1870 l LKI1IUHTON, I'ENN'A
ealherlnfnriinlion aim gsi, hut auurioe ,
the ue.iitive.liiii'iitoii Ua linn,
Groceries and Provisions a Specialty,
at prices to suit tho times.
Clovor, Timothy. Hunrrarinn. aud all kinds of Field and
fpudora nt'Bti tu rival lir undorliHiiil a mnetl
tioi . The public tthmild ia rrfor be cnrHul lo
Inquire for()l.l.NNs htitphur boap bv ltn lull
Iiaine.AUrifFe tbat they got the real aitlc'e.
AH ip clab.o Di U' cutH. Ftrrv(lo4Kl Deal,
rrantl Uioors keep UMINH'H sUMMIUil
HOAl ami will op (IttraiHl for U, nupply tho
ac.NUi.NK tu tuclr tu touierd.
Irlceit;25 cti. icr Cuke 1 Ilox, (3
cakes) ient by mnll irrpaltl for 70c.
No. 7 BUth Ave.. K. V.
Vor '-nle hv A. J. SURlImu, Bank btrei t,
Letiluhtou, Va,
And OTHER PREMIUMS, Offered to Subscribers of
"Tlio Caribou Advocate.'
Or UOI.OUA11U. i
Capital. $2,000,000, 200.000 Shares.
Xm-Value. $10 jicr Share.
Dnn. J. Splanc,
Treasurer. '
J. L. Tlioliipson,
nie'hrnncrtv of till tlornnnnT consists of
twelvo mines and mlnlnir loeiitliiiis, loeated lit
i.aKo county, uoiornun. in too vicinity ot
Lcndvllle. mion till or which' extensive wrrle
has hcen done, lu all ea'is cxhihillnir trim
llssuro reins, (tood pay streak, nud well de
nned lodes.
Three or,tlio loading mines nro well opened
npnnil nnvo at tho loWBfWinJuimtlon Brer
SKUIT ! hy Jtny 1st. tlw ltnllroa.!
UK ((Hi; IN
Mny 1st. tl Hullrond nAw undvt
construct toil will he vrlthlua short dlstunce of
this property.
The Company propof S to sell a' porllon of
Us stock at 1.W) pc' share for Hie purposo oC
more eoniplctelv ilevcloplntr Its mines, and for
the erection of worl.s for tho treatment of Its
Application for the stock may lc tnado tn
the ollloe of the Company, nt 01 Droadway,
new 1 orx.
N. ll.-TAe NWng- ntcora, or Hew lor.
the hirhest mining authority In this country,
snjs leh. 1st, 16"V. Tho principal owners In
dot hare uncovered larire indle
Worth $G4:.25. Sent on receipt of $21.00.
Chambers' Encyclopedia $G0
Ten royal cetnvo volamcs. Library law binding, marble edpres, extra kIIL
400U enjrravlnus nnd"0 mars, nnd lrom 80 to loo elemmtly cnirrurcd plates.
Uitcstand Host Kdltiun. Tills special subscription work Is made to order
by the ureal houso or J. U. I.lpplntott ." Uo.. ol l-hlladelphla, cxpressley for
tills great premium oiler oriho beautiful publication of sujibhims kou
tlb tJiiiLintKN. It Is a library In liself. Is not sold by tho trade, and cauuot
bo bought elsewhere lur less than SIXTY DUL.L.A11-;.
Sunshine for Little Children ....
Sunshine for I.lttlo Children Is one of the most ninitntficciitly Hlu-trnled
puhllcallous In the United States, Slio 1! liy HJ, ts-ued nionilily. Tho
twelve number j will make a handsome lolluwurk . 1 'JsS pilots, suubcnull.
ful pictures, Suol them full page cuts. 4l)J ixqulslte stories for little ones.
The Carbon Advocate
The Ncwslet nnd Jlost Itcadnblo Weekly In the County. The Fuvojlto
Kiinilly 1'iipcr, nud the OM.Y NKWSI'Al'KK entirely I'lUNTEl) IN
TUB , iiUIvTV. Carelully edltcit, und with an able and wlde.nwnkccori s
ol Uorrcspiidents,iis Loluuiiisinako a weekly journal of the doings tliroutrli.
3 2c
1 00
this company aro hard working men who by
tneirnwn laDor nave unnovereu inre nonies
of oro which they now wish to extract and
send In market. Our rentiers will do well tt
mnke a venturo with Ihcso worthy men, this
money will probably bo returned tn them
twenty fold. Tho business management has
been plnced In the euro of Mr. J, I.. Thomp
son, nil ollirer of hlxh standing Inonooftner
liirircsl nml best banks In tho city. A Pros
pectus giving full particulars sent free, on
application lo me secretary. (.mano-iim
Haw Lost, Mm Restored I
Just pitbllHiori. n new edition ot
Ir. C'ultt'nTi'lI'x Ci'lcbrntcrt.
I.hxkvou thPinlfcalcoie(witiiout
nu-iliciio) of .-rutiMAioniLOKA. or
b nun 1 1 Wuithiicfl', iuvoiuooiry
b(tulnil f.o ni'. Iinnotciicr. Men.
t.iiauo fiiv-ical I icapacity I'npodltncitts to
Moii'ingo. cti'., iii-o. romnmnUoii. hiiili-pnv"
uuil Kiif.Miilu il ly 8c;f-iuuuU:(iicocrcxuaL
cttravanuoc, tto
'" 'neo Mi h rnl mi phvo ooo. on'v (l crnt1.
Th ci li bi olcfl ..uil.ot in thu m mliiblo iia
nay. c.ini.y climon t nni Tnina tinny ycaia
lUi'LOtul in ci co. t ut tho uitirtrtnjr ctm-c
queiico" ot mfabuso may -1 nu'.icniiy tutl
wi.h.Kitilo tlinirinm ut-o ot tolerniil mcol
cine or tho aji'il callo.t ut tUc Vnft iwlntliiT
o itn modoo' nt oii" miiio c, ccrtini an it
tfT'Ctiul by im:it,ftir which every sulT'rcr, i.o
innttor Ins centuilou iny o may euro
blmnclt cht'.ioly, i-iint( l nun imUcah'.
'11.1 lAMtuio hl.ou u bo in tho huiida ot every
youlii niul every man lu iho tuixl.
scut uutlcr Rent, lu tlnni envelope, tn anr
ndtlio.HH, iKjtb.inl oa tccolt of blx centu. or
two Itostnvo ftnmut
Address tJO PublLshcr!!,,
Tiie t'uhcnri'II ?7riltcnl Co.,
out the couutry.
Total offer is worth
Worth 2G.2o.
Shakcspere's Works .
Sent on receipt of only
22 00
are commnicatetl to Otar R(1 Flamo colored
locci aluiofit Untautaiiujiwly by
Hill's Hair and Whiskor Dye
aprrpsiatlon absnliittlr fres trom hurtful in.
CTfiiivui. uuu luau io.i .upvrior urmwuu n
Iheeir eta traduced to any artiolect Imo'sh.
ricmrlure Ouatmsm ami lULlutbs Hie ore.
reined, aud the mveiy liuirs of sue si quue the
truo J oulhlul ilut lrom this matchluua Dye.
C. N. Crittcnton Prop'r.
blXTII AV15 . K, V.
For Kale by A. J. I'l'ltLlNn. nsnk nl
l.ehii,btou, 1'a. Aug.;i, ijr.
ObnrlfS Knlulil's famous Loudon pictorial edition. In two Immense royal
octavo volumes. SiU woml-cuts and ao lull pane plates by the celebrated sir
Jiihnllllliert, A. 1(. A.; also 36 eleuant steel enijrttviUKS from the roust, eml.
neutnrtlstsol llurupc. These plates ulono sell In one volume. Imported
lrom Uerniany. ror Twenty l)u l.irs, nt the establishment of Kates it l.aurl.
at. Uoston. I he text cannui be purelioed in lets than So parts, ul to cents
per part. Bound In cloth, elt'iraiit ylli tops und told stuuips.
Sunshine for Little Children ....
The Carbon Advocate .....
Total offer is worth
$2G 25
Worth $1-4.25. Sent on receipt of 8.10.
Worcester's Dictionary ....
10 00
Illustrated and unuhrldKcd. A mn'slvo volume of 1851 pases. Latest and
best edition. Colored plates. I.lbrarv sheep binding.
The authority lu our ollice." N, 1. Tribune,
"'lho best writers use Worcester as their uuthorlty." N. Y. Herald.
" Tho standard Dictionary of America." l'hllode. Ida l'ress.
" Long considered the standard ot America." Evening Post.
Sunshine for Little Children
The Carbon Advocate ....
Total offer is worth ....
3 25
1 00
$11 25
Worth $1G.25. Sent on receipt of $G.00.
The Child's Bible
A magnificent lionk, I.irse quarto. 838 "KfS. 300 fino engraving, color,
ed maps und Illuminated titles, especially dceluucd by the Iwst artists of tho
day i:loih.elemirit lull gilt nnd nili eduis, itoltl side and gold jtamp. Cltar,
laro type, and printed on exquisitely tinted paper.
Sunshine for Little Children ....
The Carbon Advocate . . . . .
Total offer is worth ....
12 00
P. O. Box WO.
41 AMS Strcot, N.Y.
anr. IS vt
uisley's ruin: Msmuiii
25c. IlXTItAC'l 25c.
ICqual In quality to any made, and only hair
the price. Ojz. bottles !3c. Tints 6uc.
Jlcllevrs Headache, Toothache, Enrnche,
Sore liyes.Nose.Illced, lllcedlne; Lungs, Pain
ful Mi uses, Whites, Asthma, Kcdiices woll
lnss. Piles, ks. Cures lirulses, Scalds, Hums,
Sprains, Wounds, llheumatlsm, Lryslpelns,
(.'hllblalns, Varicose Veins, Neuralgia, S.c.
If your l)nigglt has not got it, ttlllilmlo
order It of the proprietor.
Wholisalo Urugglst,
mnrM-3m M3 Urccnwlch St., cw York.
T 111) O M Semi 25 cents In s'tnmps or enr
llrjtl1li rency lorn new HonsK UnuK.
It treats all diseases, has 35 flno EiiKravlngs
sliHWinu; positions nfsumed by slek horses, a
tablo oi doses, a lnrgo collection of Vai.uaulu
Itnlllt It('ii'". rules for telling the nao
131lll of a horse, ivithnn cnginvlnx show
ing teeth ol each year, nud a large amount of
other vnluablo horse Information. Dr. Wm.
II. Hall says, "I hnvo bouuht bonks that I
paid 5 ami 10 for nhlch I do not liko as well
us 1 do yours," bi:u rou a Ciicci'LAn.
Aoom Wantkd. 11. J. KENDALL, W.I).,
Enosburgli Falls, Vt. mar. 15-yJ
Vick's Floral Guide.
A beautiful orkof 1n ratn, Ono Colorod
Power I', and 3i I lustr.niimc, with Ut
ncil,it oih ot tno boit X'iowcrrt aiid Vtttet.tblo..
And liow to tfiow than AUfJt a b'lXH CENT
Br.on. In ICnslii'li or Oermau,
'Hie Vlovt rami Vrgettblo oardrn. 175 ynizr,
8 L'llnietl I'lrtti a tm tin uj liaitdrt'd lnsmv
iog4 For ftto'1'tn In iwif.or oovei'Hj $Mu,e
gtititootli. In On man ami r.tiKllbh.
VUk's II uetratcU .Monthly Mngunncii unpca
ncotori'tlpla'olu ovorv linuibor ami mtinvlliiti
e tr.iviim. rrlo twa n vo.iri ivo Copiei tur
W. Byei'itiifn nunit'or tent lor l centti.
VlclV'a Sc tl mo tho bot lu ttio vol hi. Scntl
Fivk Cr.nt btawi f i r a i'joiai Gn ilocon.aluuic
Llbt niul I'ncta uud nlcu'v of informntlnn,
Aaaius", JAMliS VICK
Jm lo Iti cln-aiir, N.Y.
A Gonttcmnn havlnp' lieen bo foituuito as to
cm o tils ou ot CoiiRiiiupUon lu tho worst .Hugos,
nftci honjr iriven up todinhyiho inoet ceio
Uraiod nhyMciniip, delrcato maio known thn
car (wiin h p'ovea ajrOflstnl in every cuso) to
thoo cfll ctPtl wi'h cthmi, Uronchtua Conaha.
Colds ointuinotlou and all Affections of tho
Tliroi.t and Lnm,". aim will send tho tloo pe.
frro of chnrge, to all who desiro It, If tho- will
forwitid their aCiircPS to lANIt;i AUKE, 34
Liberty t., Jow York. janlliiiG
1G 2"i
Worth $7.75. Sent on receipt of only $4. 1 2.
World of Wit and Humor 3 50
From the most celebrated writers. A mnu-nlflcent rolume of the rarest and
richest fun. I.arira octavo. 500 panes. Ulothexirn. 150 oii(ruv(ngs aud
full pat'o plates, Uold sido and gold stamp. A great bargain.
Sunshine for Littlo Children . . . . 3 25
The Carbon Advocate 1
Total offer is worth ....
$7 75
Its Introduction and World-rcnownetl
reputation was tho death-blow to hlQh
prlced machines.
This It a very Important mailer, as It Is a well
known and undisputed lact tnat man ol the so
called first-clasa machines which are ottered so
cutao now-a-cars are those that have been re
possessed (thai is, taken back lrom customers
alter use) and rebuilt and put upon the market
In order, if possible, to place a copy of THE CAIU30N
ADVOCATE in every household in this and the adjoining
bounties, and to largely increase its circulation in other d0 not Bvij any other before try
suctions 01 uic couniry, c nave ueconic panics 10 comraciS in' tho WHiTiJ.
tor the purchase ol entire editions ol elegant, rare anil valu-1 po ym SaUSfaClOry
write to us for any standard set of works; and in connection ! Q W liul)
with our subscription depaitment, their orders will ho at
tended to at a large discount from retail prices, with the ut
most care, promptness and satisfaction. Among our "Prem
ium Offers" we mention the following :
UUl.WUII'S WOHKS, t ilrrieeAjroo I lltVINM'.S WOIIK",
IMIl-SCOTT-S WtlHKS, , tjJo(ioafiry. 1ma(IIYATS UOItks.
fThe above "Club Oifers" are only forwarded when
the money is received by us.
All orders should be addressed to THE
Carbon County,
White Sewing Machine Co.,
Fach, ami alt alrlra. inclndluR (I HAND,
Vl AHH. Hihi ai llio lowritt nil faith wtiu'rwi o
licoir I lew. illifcl to lho I'll Ht'll AWrJlI.
Then- 1' uiK.- umno in e of lho (In ml iliilar at
to Cfulruninl l:hititlon nid nciu uiiaiii.
mootlr rrcniiinif-nuVd loi tho Hioiiiut IIosouh
ovei IS.UOi-1 uko. Hciiiailv liKorpoiattd
ManufaciuiiOK Co-futu., o ub t.btMi i ?, r
Wi TMll lho hqoaio Oral t- cwtiluln Math
uvhek' new jKlrut Tu!ttc I'vsrmruuff brule,
ttio areatia: iimouveuient m Ih U'ftory ot
riat o n a tig. T o L'i'iicni-ulf iho liN.:-r
IN AMKIII' A. I'Unoa M I on lll4l Ihiu-t
tell to wiitc tot It uir led and iJetcrlptlva
Catalac. 0 f It l i - ojIKu liro.
Ul KK.t ISlll Slrtcl, N. V