Advertising Rates. Wo dcslr It to bo distinctly understood that no advertisements will bo Inserted In he columns of TnBCArtoos Advooatk that may be received from unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by tho, casii. The following are our only terms : ONE SQUARE (10 1.INI59), Ons year, each Insertion.. 10 cts. Bix months, each Insertion 15 cts. Throe months, each insertion 20 cts. Loss than three months, first Insertion $1 1 each subsequent Insertion 25 cts. Local notices 10 cents Per line. II. V. MOItTlIlMKIt, Publisher. CARDS, lloot ami Shoe illnkers. ClltonBrelney,i'n Urnn'M building. Ilank street. A 1 1 orderi promptly filled work warranted . The Carbon Advocate And Independent Family Newspaper Published every f ATURDAY, In Lehighton, Carbon Co.,Pa., by iiAiticr v. luoitTiai-tiuit. OrpiCB DAKWAY, A short dlstauce abort, th Lehigh Valley R. R. Depot. Terms: $1.00 per Atmum in Adyance. Evitnr Bcscntmos np rtAis akd mkct J" oTd IP rin ting AT VER LOW PfHCES. H. V. Moutiidier, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT" Live ana Let Live." 51.00 a Year if Paid in Advance VOL. VII., No 30 LEHIGHTON, CAHBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1879. If not paid in advance, $1.25. Attorneys. JOHN KLINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offlco with Al'cn Craig, opposite American Ho tel, MARKET SQUARE, maucii chunk, r. j.iiyi'My JOIIS 1). BERTOLETTE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Broadway and Nneqnebnnna Streets. Opposite Court, MAUCH CHUNK, rA. Mar be consulted In Oormjn. iiiatJ5.Iy p 1. LONUSTREET, ATTORNEY AT LAW Levon's Building, ASK STREET. LEIIIOHTOX. PA. Deoomtior 16.6m. w HI. IlAl'SIIKU, atioiinky and couNsnr.Lon law, BASK 3Ti:ST,,EHIOllTON, PA. ItaalBstatanndCollectlon Aiiencv. WlllBuyand Ball Krai Batata. Conveyancing .leitly done Co), action, promptly matte. .tiling Kstatea of I). admit, a apaclalty. May b consulted In Knllab nJ Herman. Ncv.g. J AS. II. STllUTHEflS, ATTOltN 1Y AT LAW, 30fRce: 21 floor of Ith'ud's Hall, illnuoll Gliunk. Pa. All bmlness eutruitud tu Mm will 1 promptly attended to. May 27, lr. p .T. BIKEHAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW Next DoortoI'Mrit National Bank, M.AIIRII CHUNK, TA. xrV-CUrt lie consulted In German. JanO, Justices and Insurance JJ A UISI.TZ, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, OrriCEi Llndermin' Block. BANK-Strcet, LHIIiaUTOM. PA. Conveyancing. Collecting nrd nil other busl nas. connected with thn omre pifiiuntlv attend. d to Agent for trio brae Fire nnd 1 ifo Insnr anee Corah inloi 1 Rents collected ut renxonalile names. fce. Aprlilrl Tiro. ii .vs Kt:iii:m:n, CONVEYANCER, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The fallowing, Comp inies ar. Represented: LIH1A.N )N MU 1UALFIBU, HEAIUNO MUTUAL FIRE, WOMINO PI UK. i'orr.-iviLf.K nnrc, LEHIGH rum. and the TIM V elerd acciden r insurance, Atao Pennsvlvanli and Mutnil Horse Thief Detrc'ivn and Iu-iiiraiuo dun pan v. MarcnI'J. IHOS. KUMEHER. Physicians and Dentists. Slatington Dental Office, LEbTABLlSUKD 1870. Arliflcial Teeth 1Mb to Restore the Original Contour of lips &CMs. Persons ordering a Set of Teeth, and residing at Lehlghton, Welssport or vicinity, or any point within '5 miles from Slatington, will HEOEIVE AN Excursion Ticket TO AND FItOM SAID POINT FltEE! Very Hcsiiectrully, Dk. L. Campbell. FiLLtxa Tkitu ASruciALTr. April 5-ly Y. REBER, M. I)., EAST PENN, Carbon Countr, Pa. Residence.. ..fiorn 7 a. m. to ton. ni IIIjURS.) ami Uno 111 In 10 n. 111 J Parry vlllo ..from Mo.m. to li noon. Mar be consulted In the German Lnugungo r. O. Address Lcbu bton. Nur. 35,-l 1 A. OBtlll A.HKlt, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND Sl'llOKON Ppcrl.l attention ptld to Chrmiie DlMiea. Ortiea: South L'ait corner Ironand 2nd at... I.e olilhton.l'a. Arrl' .1, 1875. QIIAS. T. IIOIIN, M. !., OFfiCEt ovr.n it a. rurrcirs nnva SrOltU. ll.V.NU f.KHHllfloN, 1 A. Ueneral nractlceatteuOtd to, ond BPKOIAI ATTHNTION GIVEN TO UI-iEAHhS Ol WOMEN. iunr21 .yl N. II. UEIIEIt, M. I). V. S ICxamliilng Surgeon, rnACTICINO PUYHIOI AN and SU KQEON ocricei ua.nk street. IIeiieu's ulock, Lehicb tou, fa. Way beeontailcdia the Oernnn IjniRttaKc. Nov. 3 . j-).ivii nitituiiT's Livery 8s Sale Stables n A N It STH.Kl2T,L,KtlIGirrO.V, Pa PAST TROTTING HOUSES, EIjEGANT CAKUIAGES. And poittlvely LOWHIl PHIftF.S than any other Livery lu the Co juty. Larue ana handwrae carilaeM for F.iner.l SfUorvIS7? WMa'us"- UAVID UIIUHUT 1 1 V S II , fi I ) s" Calcined Magnesia, Fooa Fiusr PaaMiOJi Mkdals Awauoeo. Wore asrccblototha Tasie and Utualicr Doao tbau otber 4affneia. For ale in Oavernment Mmpd Dottlea, at lraniriu an 1 1'ounirv sioies and br T. J. IirSUANI), Jr., ; ijiii .vun run Railroad Guide. plIILA. & UI2AUIND UA1LIIUAD. Arrangement of PaiseDger Trains. MAY HTM. is:o. Trains leave ALIiBM'OWN aa follows: fviA tKHKtnev nnAcit.l For Phlladelohla. at 4:21. 6.uu. II. J". a.m.. and 6.6? p. in. riunuAyN, For Philadelphia at 4 2o a. in..J..Vi n. m. (via KAsrrexNA. nuANcu.l Tor Ileid'nR, t 2.30. 6.4U, o.u a m 12.10, 4.50 ai.dnop.m. For ilaiilsDiirg. 2.3)5 10, 0.03 a. ra., 12.10, 4.30 ii.on p. m. For Lancaster and Cotnmbla, S 43, 0.3; a.m. and 4 30 p. m tljoos not run on Atnmlny MINDAYS. For Itcadlni. 2 30n.m. and 4.30 and 0 0)i.m, For 11 jrrlaliurfr, 2.'l i a. in anil tl n.1 o. in. 'irains I'UtLALii.i'i.NTtlwn icavo aaiouows: (VIA 1'RIIKfOMICN UIIAKC11.) Leavo Philadelphia, 7.4d a. iu 1.0J, 1.30 jnC 6.30 p.m. LoivcPlilltrtclphla. 8.nn.m niiil315p.m. (VIA KABT 1TSMA linAXCII I Leave tte.utue 7.'-'i 10.31 n ni., 4 05, 0.13 rnd 10.41 n III Leavo irnrilaburc, 3 If, 8 li a. m., and 2.70. 4.C0 flll" i oi p. ni. Leave Lnncaitcr, 8.10 a. m., 12 5-1 and 3.4S p. in. Lear Columbia 8.'n. in. l.'O and 3.35 p. in. nUNIJAYh. Leavo ltcndinir. 7.20 nml o 03 a. m. Leavo Traliia.nmi koil thus i) run to and from depot 9th and ureo'i streets, Phllattelplita. other trniui ton jit irnm liroiu atrcci itepnt. and ."..55 p. ni. tinlns from Alln town, nod tho7.43 n.m and n.3i ji. m. tinina from Plntniti-iptiia, bavo tlnongh cars to and (torn Philadelphia. I7efrn itanaaer. C O. IIANCOCK, Gtn'l Ticket Agent, Hotels and Saloons. The Fort Allen House, WE1SSPORT, PA. BEHLER & KRESGE. Proprietors. Tills IZciixo Is lncatcil In tlio Itormiirh of Wt-l.snxirt. Ciiibon L'tmntv. I' i.. iind Is ImlU on the cite or Fori Allen, an old etockario lort Itlcatlou, cn-cicil here over a century ao to rtit'ci ino cany peuicrs iiKainit 1110 noino nciirsioiisorihu InrllniiH. Tholioue Ik a tub- t initial brick, and was named "Fori Allen House" by the hue L'dward Weiss: It contains Thirty-two Kuoms and a handsome Hestau rant, und iht prescntal'inprfcturs have nwly and thoroughly re lilted the establishment li nns an me nnpninnaeiuc 01 a. r i rbt-ulabu CO UN THY IIUI'LIj, adapted for the com fort oT Us patrons. In close proximity to the llutcl, In pcrlccl preservation. Is the llislurlc OL1 Fit AN KLIN WELT which was dujr. by order of Ilcnjatnln Trank- iin io supply i lie uarriou m rx Alien wun water, lis walls ol etonc. which will deft the ravages oTaes, arc as pcrlcct to-day as put there, and the well now contains about six leet or crystal water. The well Is now bulri fitted upas a historic rllc, to the water of wnich the patrons of the House will havo SUMMER nOARUEKS will be nccomnrndatrd at Itcafnnaldo Prices. The Itar Is Mii t cd w lb tlio beet Wilier Liquors and Clears. (Innd stabling attiichud. April IfCllljK ic KKUU. Eating and Drinking SALOON, Lewis J. Ciiiustmax, Piop'r. This well-kept and excellnntly fitted up Sa loon Is located tlircu doors above (Jlnuts' 'lallorlnir tstore, on HANK STHEET, LEIIinilTON,- I'a. Hcrncr & Engrlcr's lMilIadtlptila Hcer nl ways nn Tap. Uhoive tfgars, and all kinds or Uutieshiueulg in beason. l'ri'o I.iti:cli oi cry Saturday Night. Patronage solicited. Slay 17 1S7D ly Astor Place Hotel. EUItllPHAN 1'L.A.N. Astor Place, 3d Aic. a- d Sth Street, (OrrosiTK Cooren Inbtitutk.) NEW YOU1C, Ilcst Location In tho City. Elevated Rati road and fire other lines pass the door. Itooms 60 cts. to 2 per Day. 11 y the Week $2 and upwards. April 10-n.O OPEN AI.I. NK11IT. NATIONAL HOTEL, UOUTI.AMVr M., near Ilrimilwn y, istew 'ob-is:. UOTtllKlSS & POND, I'toiitii'torj. On tliu i:iiroiriui Plan. 'Ibo lieatanrant Cnle and Lunch ltnnm ar taclied arc miajipaaaed fur cheat lies mid ex. eetlviicoot Keivicc Itiaiuia 5 ' eta to r2 per flnv, fltnlln per wevlc, Couliiciit tu all Ftinia anil ;itv H llriuda. NEW rUHNlrUHli, NEW MANAOIi.MKNT Jilll.yl 1HB TOLEDO BLADE. NASBY'S PAPER. DCrnDC vnll antiacrleforanvolli. DtrUnL IUU ,,r ,n,,er ai-nd Inr n -peilmoncoiTofTllil T'lLl'.DO IlLADi:. Il la a Muminnth I'.tEl.t I'aao Wi-ekiy Pn''cl ol sUlvdonr Coinmna hlie.l wi'h onef.ilr ,'ro. ouwl iiMilinir matlor of inleieit uo alne to po pie in nl. paiuot tlio Uiilmi Ktul. a SPECIAL FEATURES. All the Lie pi rt mm n wh o'i hivninnde Ilia JILADK i nootrur till otorlbe United rttntCH. Wll ilO iCl'ZUl TlV COUl'IlUWt. I.UIUfl v t Th" Pop ulnr L ttcitt ol font i'tHiliif awia-d Drmocruto politlCl'll, l'UV IM T.1ULKUU V NAM1V, WlllCll are written xiresH Ir TDK liLi)U- our H0UKiioLH DM'AUTURNT, a rich deport- rv ot liifo-'iiinttoi. upon MibJ't-tn nlititiiet in reiy home i a Younu l'i:uri.i:'a Dliiuin. hunt i a Ho tjc im Ucpartinent embiou or tlio weekly hum-ay Huamd Lownf 1 clnr.nliitf inntrrt tli-IIiU'hteHi Wit and MatuortTiiK nvTi-TOiiiH.i,(iimual ami -itl-etM ; A.Newias loroitKLMmuBNTS nmt th- L-tloic pw Ijo-h nit pmt ol the word. HIR liUltK ilicut it" IniKniy in t-veiv nto and Teiriltir m the Union and h rveiyubetP I t-t'i eihI a tlu .met-! ami nu .'r m:wi axukamjlv pai. Kit pub ifiitcit iiny wht rii, 'iiv H ond iou will neve Willi ifilV bo without it A nuni? the ucw leatuica lot till 3 winter cro a A ndersonville Prison Sketches, ov one who w list I pre A upw Baiin' at' ry was commenced Nov. UtU. A 110 tier one will com m nice in Jon'iarv. TEltMs Mutr-.c copr, per y tir 2 3' 1 Are oopU'M,ti,7S 1 ach ; ton or morn ropier ff'.Cl ench and an xtta copy with evert tlub ol ten. Nieclmcu coulei m-iu tree. Kt-ud tr uim Ad dret TULLDU ilLADK, JVIeuo, Ohio. Fifty Thousand Books for Sale at Half I'rlcc. w 0 are now offeiing io the nubile, poataao prepaid, at ONK-UALi- the renlar PHco .tidy ilioiiaaudvoluinea ut cliuicu bonka, cumiuiainu Ih.iury. tiiu- raphy, Metlou. Poeirv. lluiuor. Mwiical.ltrllgioi aaiutHti entlt'.o Works, win linn of btandaiu Authors etc.. otc. Tbeao booka are.plrcted brour Air. LKKa(Naabv)iroiii tho .(elves ot tno li ndi.ig niibiihera ol tho ciiua try, a'O all NEW uud I'ltl.dlt aud aio tho lllKNUCAI. KDIT1UN.-) hsud'ed l.vliielo tall bookseller. We hue ni nlco thousand, of theao tinok. to all parti ot the runintry. and every borne sent out la Al.ltAN 111 1) to oa I XAOILY A HUl'ltl.Sl.Nl'ED and lOgllB EN 1111 E U A'l'lS FACTION. CATALOGUES FREE. I Wobavevrmlel a laiRe and ooinptete cata logue of our Jioob-i. rruii.ed br nulijecta ami , on auproitiou will mail oonio freot'i aurr.d i tireo. We shall Llm I c r.-id to m'iiu free peci uieucoi totfut ibe IIUlUK vwiufver anklet iuUo so. -U pcroiiR i caul n if tbU advt iti-cmeut aro ! cordially nulie-d io m-ho ua by to-tai riudor l oiherwue th uamtiit themKeive-i ami filend. I AduiM TOLtLO ULAUK.ToUtio. Onta orl?al. or to Rent. nu ouci'Mr tor.iea : norr imuiua 1 1 9 in n iiinn .jmvtt'iu r..,ai rivaiKiri with fit e and one hall acr. a ol l. id, a frond Orrhaid of ehoice apulea, r. For fanu rr arilcu an, apply io J V Kl I I'PINdKIt, Jai-.l' i i nt.,u xx A. ID Maussei M annfaettrrer ot and Dealer In STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, Till aiiJ Sheet-Iroii Ware and General House Mshing: Gootls. IIOOFIXG nntl KFOUTIXH clone nt short notico and at Lowest Cusli Prices. I am the anthnnzed aaei t for tho Sale of tho follow Inn KlltST-CLASS srOVUS THE SILVKIl & GOLD MEDAL COOK, TUB LIOHTHOUSE COOK, THE il AYFLOW1S11 HANOU, THE BUNBI1INE HANGE and 1 ho NEW ANCHOH HEATElt, andam ScIIIiib them VEltV CHEAP lor Cash. Kvcrv kind of KiOVEaftATES and FIHE IlftlLKS kept constantly on hnud. Store on SOUTH Street, A few doors above Hank St., LEHIGHTON. Pntronaae solicited Satisfaction rnarnntor d. Oct. 5-yl A. i). JdOSSEH. Central Carriage Works, Bank St., Lcliigldon, Pa., Are prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c., Of every description, In the most substantial manner, and ut Lowest Cash Prices. Repairing rroiiiptly Attended to. TItEXLER & KREIDLER, April 2U, 1870 yl Troprlctors. QAKB0S ADVOCATE JOB PRINTING OFFICE, LliUinitTON, I'A. Uvcrydctcrtpllonof TrmtlnK, from a Visiting Card to a Poster. c.utns. lill.L IIUADU, LETTEa HEADS, NOTE HEADS, Sl'ATEJIENT.S, rnouitAMUES, POSTERS, HANDBILLS, DODGEItS. CIItCULArtS, SHIl'l'lNG TAO, ENVELOPITS, PAMl'ULETS, HY.LAW8, &C, AC,, Done in tho best manner, at very Lowest Trices. We are niepnrod to do work nt na chenp rnlea nsuiir cUlro initio htate t.iat deals twiifttly wlthUaLutoincrs. OUH MOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. Reorders by omall rcclvo prompt atlcntkn. IllS. A. O. PETER, OF H. A. Peter's Central Dm Store. LEUCKEL'S 11LOI K, LEHIOIITONr PA., Poarcllullv nnnounco to thn penile of Le. lilclilnn and vlcinttv. that sho win continue 111") liuainia. ua htretofnie aii'l thanking them for pat favors, asks a c intlnuanco the. cot. You will n wave Unit u lull line ol PUKE DRUGS and CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICIN KS HOIIHE aud AlTi.i: POAllElls. TOU, El AUTICLES.M'ONOI'.S. OI1A K)lShKIN, P A and FAN. CY S rATlONUIt Y.l iti at atyle of PLAIN mid FANCY WALL PA- I'KI.H. fllll'IPH. In i, il..llni.. 1'UUIi. WINE and I.IQUOZtSfur inediclnai uae, .to. at Lnweet Pnres. l'liyteian'a pre. hcnlHluna compounded by Dr. O T. Horu. nt alihouraof thocayund night, hundar tui lud. , . MltS A.C. ftlEIt. Maich Sl.lS-yl P rime Home M.itlo Ilread I WHV GO HUNGRY! When yon can Buy OS pouuds 1 1 Flr.t C'l.ioa Iiicad- FIVE LOAVES FOR 25 CENTS I J. W. O'NEAL, the popnlar Ilread nnd Cake Haaer, of Leinghtoti in on rirtomoct ihe wants of the times hue llei'm id h i IT Co ol tila ceie bratixl llumu Uado llltl A J to Five Loaves forTwenty.fiveCts. Cash. Sugar, ltalsln Curomat t-cotch, Drop. Cream aud other OA KEs, only Ten Cents per Dozen. Look. Out Tor the tVugon! At MAUCH CHUNK, on Tuesday, Thursday and SHtuidjy Moiuings. LEU lull TON and wtlSol'OUT.evcry After uoou except Friday. TERMS STRICTLY CASH I Patronage i-ollclted. J. w. O'NEAL. hl'OUEi Opposite Fllst Nallonal Uauic. aprllsvl 11-iiteJ.LaJgJnr l am now supplying the very Best LATTI MElt COAL at the following Low Prices, mi No. I Chestnut by tho Car, I 1 per to No. loneatnut, mogleton 3 W per tou I No. 2 Chestnut, by tho Car SOP per ton No. 2 Chculuut, amnio t n, 2 3. por tou DULIVJiltKL). Move aud Bui Slits at equally Law l'rlcf . I J. L. GAR EL, Dealer in General Hardware, &c, Oppoalts the l'ubllo suar, BANK t-THLB LI IIIOHfON, r.V. tioi,J0,l7 KA1M. All about Its solL climate, its settled and ita "', laiins. lis irins nnu farmers can be learned in THE KANSAS FAllMKlt.nn eight, pejto weekly pnnir, m years old. Coi respond ents In eveiv county. Jjent to any addioss H wecits for 60 cents. Postaao etnmpa taken as money. Addicss, IIUDSOtt iEWINO.To peica, Kansas. I learned nioro about Kansas from yoor paper that 1 can rely upon than from all oiner uui,;i;n.sfiriaTH it. j-.rfliif. uoiumoianct CO.. )ito.....Ii vivcsjnat what those of us wonting to morn west, most want io know. sanwet Vne$ter. Oranie Co., A'na VorC.,... Una u large corns of nbls t-ontribuiora. Office tthatt. ...'lUs best agricullnrnt papci mibo weateru countty. 8vrnt JIM rromeu...ll is a ralunldo nnper. "Atehtneon Cliampxon..... It la ably edited. vpint of Kama t.... A fi nrless ontaroicn Joiun. ai. Lawrence Journal ....Our Kansas freads should ftel much niido in tho Inah chaiacter i f tliolr stalo Agitcultural pnpi r. A'ational Zirs blade Journal.. ..It tins quietly ikcn n high pinccnuiongnaricultmal Jnnnials. A-. Y.Trt bunt... .a won Iiv rrpto-i utallvo ol thn great West.- IhWa. iraclica Farmer. Feb. 21 W4. If yon aro In want of anything In the way of PILTOLS, Ami nniilon.Gnn Mnterlil. Flslilnu rcklo or nny other l'l.MS sronnso goods pleaB. writo lor my Lnrco lllnstiatni I'ata.iiguo mid Prlp Liat wlneli 1 mnll fiibk. Vonis tin v JOIINhTON'S OlIEAT WEiTKllN QUXWOUKS, 1'lTTenUlIO, I'A T ME SLAIINGT0N PLANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SM.TINGTOX. JOHN BALLIET, Propr., Deals In atl l:tnd ond fttzes of Dne, Hemlock Oak mid Haul Wooa Lumber, ami Uuowpio pared to exocutu uuy uueunt of ordeis lor DresseB LumbeR OF ALli KINDS. Doors, Sashes, Rlinds, SlmUcrv, Mouldings, Cnljinct Ware, &c, With Promptness. Brackets Made to Order. TheMnchlnorrisnll new and of tlio bent and most Improved Jclmls. I emuloy none but tlio beftt woi jcmeti, u-e well atoned and jiooJ ma teihl, nnd nmihotcforonbln to puai antro rtittrn Bnii-iactlun to all who mavlavor mo with a call. (iiflcrit or mail mommlv attended to. Mv clnupc aio modrratn; term? each, or liiteicbt charged alter tl.iity days. givk am A CALL. n7Thop rnortRPiMn Unild np will flndltt 1 heir advnntngo t hivo Mdluff, Floor Ilotmls lloot as.iCB. Gutters, itc, At-., mudentthl Voi torv. May 10yt JOHN I1ALLIKT. RAXU Ol'EXIXG ! I bog tenvo to Infnim m old ru toniei-i unit ho uh ic In penernl. l lint I have nui'ucd aud h.ivu now ready .for luspcucn In tho l'CST OFFICE UUILD1NG nnniietrort, LEIIIOnTON. r. at the LOW. j;.sr CAill PHICh.'S, a full aud now asuoit mcut cf HATS, CAPS, &c. Sneclnl attention hnvlna been elven to a we'l selected lino of MEN'S WOMEN'S ana CIIIL. DllEN'S WEAU. My Motto shall bo QUICK 8 ALES & SMALL PrtOFITS." 1 Invito tho public to call nnd examlno my .toe and viices befoio purct.n&lng eisi where, as 1 cm olTjr special Inducements to ca-ih bnvers. LKWI8 WEISS. B pL21-(m. P. o. Ilnlldmg LehlghMn I'a THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN! Mrs. C. DoTschirschky, nospectfuUr invites tho attention of her ladv IrioniK i nd tlio pub io gontialy to hoi New' Lari o aod Elcgaut siotk ot Notions Fancy Goods, cnmprlalre UNrEItWEAR, PEItf.tN AND UKIIMA.N'IWV WIlOl.. IKlMIKltY. Iiu. ported aud liomeatlo EM IIIIOIDUUY. ItlimONh, OLOVES, nnd a lurao taiiety of the Ncuo-t Dcalsusin -Fancy Goods.- Also, in connection with tho above, I keep a fu 1 aud complete stot ot OEItMAN FltUITS, LIMUUllGEIt and SWITZEll CHEEbE, CANDIFS aud CONFECTIONS, together with a vsnetvnf aoodsnot gt-ncrallv knot in nnv other store in town It rouitonot seo what von wuut. ask fur It and I will cetit. Ashaieur puolie patruunceia solicited, and naifrct sailafiution guaranteed in puce aid quulitv of goous. Nearly OppoEite Durllnc's Drag Store. Rank Street, Lehighton, Pa November 30. "WHAT HANDSOME GOODS! AND WHAT A SPLENDID VARIETY ! Is the Ualvcrsnl Verdict of all who Eiamlne tho New, Frtsh Spring Stock of Cloths, Gassimeres, Vestinss & SnitiM For MEN'S, HOY'S nnd YOUTH'S WE Alt, Just received nt tho JlEItCHANT TAlLOlt. INO bTOKE t.F II. II. PETERS, Agent, TOST OFFIOE BUILDING, The Popular Clothing House IN LL1IH3HTON. Every Department Is full and rompleto with the Latest Noicltles, " Terfect Fits and Lowest Prices" tho motto auszi-lf It. It.I'iiTEltU.Agt ERRORS OP YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who Buffered for rears from fiervoua DEIlILITY.PilHMATl'ltE DEI AY. and all thfiflectant youthtiU ludlacretlou. will for me sake of auQenug humauit , send flee lo alt who need It. the recioo and direction for making Ihe simple reiueoy by which be waa curd. Suffereia wl.hing to profit by the ad vol User's exi cileuce cau do so by adilrcsng 1U perfect conudeuce. JOHN ll.OGDEN.lSL'eilarSLN.Y. I X I ST It ATO R'S ' 0TI CK. Notice Is htrebr given, that Letters of Ad ministration uiion tlio Ls ateof Hlch'd Tharp, late of Franklin Township, Our Um County, l'enua., dee'd, have been k ran 1 0.1 to the un dersigned. All persons knowlug; themselves Indebted to said Vslate will make Immediate lmyinent, ami those having olalnis will pre sent tbem duly autli.utioaiad for settlement to LVDIA Til 111', I Administrator. Franklin Twp., May 10, HID hi) F OR SALE. A tine, nearlv thorouuh.hred Al.TlT'lrN RY III'I U alwut 7 mouths old. will be mid nt a reasonable price l"r -4li. A ply at this ollica tor Urtiir jurtiiui ,r We will Pay tlic Postage AND SEND 'iOU The Carbon Advocate ONE YEAR FOR ONE DOLLAR! Or Six. Months ITor 50 cents ! WHICH IS Less than 2 cents per AVcok FOB A LATltlE 32 COLUMN PAPER!!! ADDHES8. Carbon Advocate, Lclilrriiton, 111. 3 HOW iniS TO YOUIt NEIGHBOR New Jewelry Store IN LEHIOllTON, Under First National Bank, BANK STKEET, LEHIGHTON, Great Bargains In Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. I'HESERVE YOUIt SIGHT, BY USING II. OINNEL'S SUPEIUOH Spectacles and Eye-Glasses ! 3- PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO 11F.PAIRINO. -ga WATCHES OLEANED FOR bO CTS. All work guaranteed, and no Second Charge. Prices to Suit tho Times. April l.m3 E. II. IIOIIL. M. " CI 11 AX & CO. BANK STEEET. Lehighton, Pa MILLERS and Dealers In All Kind of GRAIN BOUOHTnnd SOLDai ltKUULAU MARKET RATES. We wonld.nlso, lesoectluilr inform ourrlti lens Hint wo aio now fully prepared to tjUP PLY tuem with From tny Mine desired at VERY LOWEST PRICES. M. IIEILMAN & CO. E. F. LUCKEXBACII, Two Doors Below the "Broadway House MAUCII CHUNK, PA. Doaler in all Patterns of Plain sad Fancy Wall Papers, Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, LOWEST CASH P1.ICES. No Patent No Pay. PATENTS obtained for Inventors in the United States, Canada and Etirotw, at reduced rates. With our principal oflicc located in Washington, directly opposite the United States Patent Office, we aro able to attend to oil juitent business with greater promptness ami des patch and at less cost than other patent at torneys who aro at a distance from Wash ington, and who have, therefore, to employ " abbociate attorneys." Wo make preliminary examinations ana furnish opinions as to )wtentnblity, free, of charge, nnd all who are interested in new inventions and patents are invited lo send for a copy of our "Guid. for obtaining ratcnts'wliicu Is sent free to any address, and contains complete instructions how to obtain patents and other valuable matter. We refer to tho German-American National Bank, Washington, P.C; tho Royal Swedish, Norwegian anil Danish Legations, nt Washington) lion. Jos. Casey, lata Chief Justice U.S. Court of Claims; to tho Official of the U. S. Patent Office, and to Senators an 1 embers of Congress from every State. Addrosss LOUIS DAGGER A- CO.. Solici tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, LeProit Building, Washinqtox, D.C. dea22 Snn A WEEK lu your own lowu and no Iklh o-ipitU r ai-ed. Yuaeiu kit. the bus lv'ness trial wlibo .t rxpenae. The bossopp nunl.reveronVreo far those w Urns' lo work. Y u should liy nothlnir else uum you ce iur t ur.u wimt you hi no at . the buailie.a we ofle. Nolooiu lo explain here, lone udvoiesil our t me ornMy vouraiiaru 1 time tu the buiueM and mas. rmit p .y tor i every hour thai you work. Women tua.e ua . much as men- Beud for aHclal private terns aud particulars, wliicb we mall free, Outhr. i tree Don't oiuiulam ol hard lime, wnlle ou haveamti ohaur ddreu II. H LLETl' t (.0 , Portland. iWla, Junei-iy, Our Idol Is Dcatl. BY AKOS. Close the door lightly, Bridle the breath, Our llttlo earth-angel Is talking with Death; Gently he woos her, She wishes to stay Ills arms are about her Ho bears her away 1 Muslo comes floating Down tho high dome ; Angels aro chanting Tho sweet welcome home. Come stricken weeper t Come to the bo.l, Gore on tho sleeper Our Idol Is dead ! Smooth out tho ringlets, Close the blue eyes, No wondor such beauty Was claimed In the skies ; Cross the hands gently O'er tho whllo breast, So liko a wild spirit Strayed from tho blot; Bear her out softly, This Idol ofourg, Let her grave slumbers Bo mid tho sweet flowers. THE TW0WISHES. bv Mtts. n. c. i.r.mtix. Willi a run and a jump, a boy darted up tho stairs ofnnoid house, and burst open the door of nn nttic, exclaiming: ''Ahoy, my hearty I How goes it V Tho "hearty" was n liltlo girl, tho only inmato of thn room. Sho was a prelty little creature, with eyes tho color of violets nnd hair liko spun gold; and her dear mouth and lovely smilo won every heart. Sho went hopping to meet him on a littlocrutch, for sho was very lame. Her brother Jock gave her a hug nnd a kiss, nnd asked: "Has n't mother gut homo yet? Howbavo you got along these six weeks without me, Lizzie?" " Mother will soon bo here, for sho was going to be let oil early this afternoon. And, oh 1 Jack, wo arc to lmvo a r'gtilar fcaslt You knuw Mr. Bates, at tho St. Charles Hotel? Well, ho said, if sho would go thcro with a basket, she could buy lots of nice things that were left over, and they would bo very cheap. So wo arc going to celebrate your arrival with a grand dinner." "You don't say so?" said Jack. "That sounds good to a jolly tar, who is as hungry as a shark." Jack Lovcjoy had been employed on u yacht all Summer, and tho owner, Mr. Hnwcs, had been off on n six weeks' cruise. Poor little lnmo Lizzie had passed many long days trying to nmuso herself without her lively companion. "But, Jack," said his sister, "what makes you look so funny?" " It's my new jacket, I guess," said Jack, turning around and displaying! pea-jacket, very much too large for him. "No it's not that. It's the color of your face; and your hands, too. What makes them so black I" "Why," said Jack,'tliats only tan. Just wait till you sco my arms I" And ho rolled up his sleeves and showed two well-black- eued wrists. '01i, dear," cried Lizzie. "What can you do for them. " Mother will bo so sorry I" "Sorry I" cried Jack. " I think it's jolly. I sat with baro arms lots of times before the tan would come on. At first they only blistered, nnd then tho skin would peel off. But at last the black got burnt in, and I tell 3-ou they are beauties " "It's too bad?" said Lizzie. "Did Mr. Hawcs mako you do it?" "Of course, not. Ho don't know anything about it. But tell how you have got on without mo. How has Jerry flourished?" Lizzio had for her only iet a scarlet ger anium, which was her pride and delight. "Jack would persist in culling it "Jerry," though sho did not liko it. " Look for yourself." And Lizzie pointed to tho six largo red blossoms, that did credit to her care. " How comes on tho Ventilator family?" And Jtick leaned out of tho window, to take a look at tho chimneys. Lizzie's lameness kept her in-doors so much she had lo draw very largely upon her Im agination for amusement. Tho rusty old ventilators, lhat wero in sight from tho attic window, afforded no end of fun. Many a merry hourhnd sho and Jack passed watch ing the crazy old things. Now one was whispering some gossip into it's neighbor's ear, when whizl ;rcsfo! round it would whirl, with a hoarse creak, ond the children would say they had quarreled. No two looked alike, and tlioy hud sc much expres sion they grew to bo almost real people to Lizzie, and seemed liko old friends. " Oh, dear 1" replied Lizzie. "Wo had a very high wind a week ago, and how they did groan nnd squeak I Old Mrs. V., was nearly killed, nnd her little girl hasn't stood up straight since." " I should think so," said Jock. "Mother V. has got an awful list in her bonnet, and they'll have lo take a reef in liltlo V.'s feather. It's tipped over backward. But who's this fine new fellow? When did ho arrive 7" " Oil 1 two or threo weeks ago. Wo have n't called on him yet ; ho looks so stuck up, ilh that whirling thing on his head. I don't believe he's half 60 nice as the rusty old bonnets, that look so sociable. But wo must begin to set tho table, for mother will soon bo in, ami then we'll have dinner." "I'll show you how to set a table," cried Jack. "I olways did it on board theyachL" Lizzio gave him tho cloth, and ho flapped it on in a trice, while she looked on, very much amused. "Brail her up thero. Wo mutt have everything taut, you know." Ho put tho plates on, bottom sldo up and stuck thoends of Ihe knives and forks under tlio edges. Tho peppcr-iot and suit collar he put in tumblers. "Thero wo aro now, all ship shape." And he sat down well pleased with his work. " Why," said Lizzie, "you havn't put on half the thiugs." "There's enough. Don't you see, sho might give a lurch, and then where would you be, with everything sent flying?" Lizzie laughed aud said to herself; "Jack is putting on airs, with all this new sailor talk. I must take bim down a little." "Oh! yes. I forgot. But you see earthquakes havn't been very common with us this Summer. I put on all the dishes wo want." Jack felt snubbed but lie laughed, and told Lizzie the was a nice little thing, if the did make fun of htm. "Little I" cried she. "Just see how I've grown. My crutch is getting too short. 1 shall have to have a new one." Jack's heart gaTe a throb. Ono day they had taken out a parly on tho yacht, and ho heard a lady tell Mr. Hawcs how she had been cured of a lameness. From what he gathered, her case was like Lizzie's. A wish passed through his mind that his sister might be cured. Tlio wish grew to a hope, and the hope strengthened to n firm resolvo that it must bo done. " Mother ought to be hero by this lltno. I will go down aud meet her." And, so saying, the boy ran out of tho room : soon coming back with Mrs. Lovcjoy, who went every day to work at a dressmaker's. Lizzio seized tlio basket, nhd found the sccond-hand.dinncr a feast, Indeed. Never did fifty cents buy sc much before. Mrs, Lovcjoy must havo had a Ificntt nt court. When sho saw a cold roast chicken, sho was wild with delight. "Wo can wish with the wishbone I" sho cried. She had never had but one before in all her life. " So wo cau," said Jack; "and shiver my timbers if I won't hit on the best wish in the world." Tho dinner was a merry one; and Jack nniuscd them with his adventures, which lost nothing in the telling. Tlio good time extended even to the dish-washing, and Jack proved himself a valuable assistant. When everything was put away, Lizzie cried "Now for tho wishbonol" which lud been drying on a kerosene stove, that had been used In making Mrs. Lovejoy's cup of tea. Jnck had his wish firm in his mind that Lizzio might bo cured; while the little girl's hope nnd desire was thut some day she might havo a home in tho" country. When she looked out from tho attic window, she would wonder what could bo beyond all the houses; and would long so to sco some trees nnd green fields tho pretty violet eyes would be filled with tears. Two earnest faces bcntovcrlhclittlcbonc. But alas! it had got so dry the head snapped off, and tho poor,disnpjKinted children stood with pieces of equal length in their hands. 1 I'll en Jack saw the grieved look on Lizzie's face, he insisted that it was all right, and they would botli get their wish; which Liz zio tried very hard to boliove. In tho meantime Mrs. Lovcjoy had been looking over a bundle which contained some clothes Mr. Hawes had given Jack. All at once she gave a startled. cry . nnd tho child ren saw site was trembling with excitement. "Old mother! What is the matter?" cried Lizzie, hopping as fast as sho could towards her. Sho pointed to an advertisement in a paper sho was reading, which was tho Lou don Timet. Jack took it and road aloud : "Any in formation concerning Elizabeth Archcbald, of Chessbrook, England, will bo thankfully received by her brother John Archebald. Communications sent to Messrs. Cartwright t Anderson, attorneys, Tcmplo Bar, Lon don." " irhnt docs il mean ?" asked Lizzie. "Can it be that Uncle John who went to Australia so many years ngo?" "I can't tell," Baid her mother. "I won der what I ought to do?" "Ask Mr. Hawes," cried Jsck. "He has a brother in London. That's the way ho came by the paper." "It's tho bcst.thing I can do, I believe To morrow morning, Jack, wo will go to his office." The next day Mrs. Lovcjoy nnd Jack went to see Mr. Hawcs. She told him her story. She had lived in Chessbrook until she was left a widow. Her only brother had sail ed for Australia und had never been heard from. Concluding ho was dead, she had sailed for America, with some friends, and had never go no back to her home. Mr. Hawes was interested ot once, and offered to attend to the business, ns hi brother in London could soon look into llio affair. Lizzie was left at home, as usual ; but she had plenty to do, and her crutch went lap, tap on the floor, keeping time with tho song she sung. " How gay little Lizzio is tills morning!" thought poor Mrs. Brown, who lived in the room beneath. "I will take baby and go up and sco her. She always makes me feel better, Ihough where sho gets her spirits from is more than I can tell." Sho went up, and put baby on tlio floor. Ho seized his favorite toy, the liltlo crutch, and flung itaboulin his aimless way, pound ing his dear liltlo head unmercifully. After sho had told her many woes (her oldest boy had been brought homo by a policeman, half strangled with mud, having fallen into the dock, while playing on a wharf) Lizzie told her about the advertisement her mother had found, aud that it must havo been put in by an uncle who went away to Australia 20 years ago, hoping to cheer up her forlorn neighbor. To her surprise, Mrs. Brown broko into wails and lamentations. "Oh, dear I oh, dearl Your mother will rue the day she ever saw it. You will all bo dragged olf to Australia ; and your moth er will marry a convict, with a ball aud chain round his leg; and Jaco will bo a 'tickct-of-leave man' ; and I don't know whatever will bccunio of you, if you don't die of seasickness on the way over." This dark picture quite upset poor Lizzie. She felt just ready lo cry, when Jack came into tho room, with enough fun in his face to drive out all Mrs. Brown's dismal ideas. "What's to pay hero ?" cried he, seeing Lizzie's forlorn face. How he shouted when she told him what would become of tbem all if that Uncle John should turn up. Before Mrs. Brown could think of anything else to say she was called from below, and, shouldering tho baby, she departed. In due time Mrs. Lovcjoy got a reply from England, with tho good news that her brothei was alive, nnd would join her in Boston as soon as lie could arrange his af fairs. He said he hoped to make his home with Iter, as he was alone in the world; anil sent some money fur Jack aud Lizzie,whoin ho lioried lo see very soon. Jack thought (he time had come fur help ing Litzie. He got his mother alone one day, and told her what he hoped might be done. To his great disappointment, she did not think as he did. The idea of an ojiera. tion frightened her and she onuld not banr to give Lizzie any pain. "She Is so well and bsppy, Jnck, I do not dare to attempt it. We might raise fahra hopes; aud how dreadful that would be t" "But only think, mother. She cannot walk,otitl How bard it must be fr her " "She has you and mo, Jack, and we must bo feet for her. Oh 1 no. I cannot think: of il for a moment." Jock said no more, hoping his mother might change her mind. Not long'aflcr this Jack awoke one night with a atmngo feeling of suflucatioii. When he could rouse himself, lie found the room filled with smoke. He rushed to wake Ids mother and Lizzie. "Fire I fire I" he screamed with all bis might. There was no time to lose, anil he told them to run as fasljasthcy could. They started down tlio stairs. The noise and con fusion so terrified poor Lizzie the stopped, and crying "I cannot come ; you must leavo me. I am too lame I" fell upon the floor. Jack turned and took her in his arms, and followed by his mother, succeeded in getting down one flight. But the scene below was frightful. Tho flames had reached tho staircase and oscapo was impossible. He turned into an empty room, nndqulckly closing the door, put Lizzie down aud ran to a window. Aller ono look, he said : "Mother, I must leave you alone willi Lizzie. I think lean get down. It's tho only way of gettingjhelp for you." Bo siy ing, he dropped from tho wludow to tlio roof beneath. Mrs. Lovcjoy crouched by Lizzio who had fainted. She kept her eyes fixed on tho door, her only shield from the horror beyond, fearing every instant to bc tho fiery tongue licking under tho sill. The heat was terrible and tho smoke stifling. Tlio poor woman's endurance was nearly at nn end when she heard cheers from the outside. Sho looked around, and saw a man's head nt theindow. Taking Lizzie up, she almost threw hor Into his arms, and watched "tho Blow descent with but ono thought, "Sho is saved, my poor, lame child I and I was to have been feet for her I God forgivo me for my prldol" In a few moments'cheer upon cheer rose from tho crowd. Sho knew then that Lizzie was safe. 81io had not strength to reply In any way. The tiro wasj eioso upon her. Sho gave up all hopes of being saved. But the brave fireman was again ot tho window, and leaping in, seized the unconscious wo man. "I was just in time, boys I" said he lo tho men who tookj bis burden from his arms. "I trod out the firo on hor gown when I picked'her up." Mrs. Lovcjoy and Lizzie were so ill after the fire, by Mr. Hawcs' advice, they wero taken to .the Women and Children's Hos pital. When Uncle John arrived, he was shocked to learn 'all they hud sulfured. Jack told him his wish about Lizzie, and ho took tho matter in hand. Ho inado Inquiries, and found that tho operation would be neither dangerous nor very painful. As soon as Mrs. Lovcjoy was stroug enough to bear it, he spoke to her on tho subject, und easily won her over, provided Lizzie was willing to submit to it. Sho made no objection, and it was safely'done. It was touching to sco the old weather-beaten man devoting himself to Ihe pretty, patient little creature, during the weeks sho was confined to her bed. It was Thanksgiving time before they wero able to leave the hospital. Uncle John had bought a pretty house in the country, and it was decided they should cat their Thanksgiving dinner in their new home. It was a happy day for Jack, as he watched Lizzie going from room to room without her crutch, enjoying and admiring everything. She gave a joyful cry when she saw a new "Jerry," waiting only for her care and love to be coaxed into bloom. "Yes, my turn now to entertain," said Jack. "This is no second hand dinner, I can tell you. Roast turkey, plum puddiug, aud no end of fixings." "Don't be too set up, Jack," said Lizzie, Remember our wisiibone und all il brought us." doing up to uncle John, she put her arms around his neck aud said, with her sweet face pressed to his : "This is tho best gift of all, for without him wo never could have got our two wishes." XIIISANII 'J'JIA'r. -De big sunflower may rise above De modest 'inter vine, An' brag about Its Sunday clothes, An' put on airs so fine ; Lut when de winter howls around, An' snow His at the door, De big sunflower, oh, whar am he ? Do 'later has de floor. Two things go off In a hurry an arrow dismissed from a bow, and a bow dismissed by a belle. Era man wants tu hokum unpopular with ladies, let bim kiss leelle gals and ne glect big wtins. Jo-ih Billing. What is tho diffcrenco between a hun gry man and a glutton ? One longs to cat, the other cats too long. An old maid up town, being asked why she had never married, replied that she had never yet seen the man for whom she w.n willing to get up three meals u day for forty years. It is suggested that the names ofdrunk en Congressmen should be publiibcd. It would save space and answer the puratoe equally well to publish tho names of the so ber ones. Edmund Yales says that some one sent him a mourning card recently with this in scription on iti "Epitaph for Beaconsfleld Giye tho dcvlt his Jew." The following memorandum of an out fit for a fishing party Is inado by an old hund at the business s "Whisky, fish-hooks, whisky, flios, whisky, flsh-iailes, whisky, bait, whisky, change of clothing, whisky, more whiBky," A young man in California begins to read a paragraph about mine to his sweet heart, commencing "Yuba mine ;" when she interrupted him with, "I don't care If I dn, John'" "Howshnll wo train nurgirls?" asksa-i exchange. Train 'em witli about twenty yanls of black silk, if you want to pleasa your girls. A silk velvet train would make 'em happy. A woman quarreling with her husband, told him she believed if she was lo die lit'd mnrrv the devil's eldest daughter. "Tue law does oot iwrmit a in.ui lo marry two slaters," replied the hiubainl, Phoenix girls have la;tin In go nn pin nic excursions, and sit down on bugs and bees. Fulton Timet. Then it is tru tlio la. male phusntx nwt. The landlord of a hotel at Brighton en. tered, in an angry nnl, the sleeping apart meutofab(urier,ands.iid,"Noivir, I want you lo liay your bill, and you mk. I v asked lor il olten enough i and 1 tell y now, lhat ymi don't leave mv house till y I iay ill" "Gun!!" said tlm" lodger; "Jit t put Hint in wi ilmsr. make a reiruur arj. meiit of l , I tu u il.i you uc ,ou as I Iivo!" '