FARMERS' COLUMN. Drugs and Meiiciaos ! IIcaullfiil'lleCiirc for Alt. Tlie Croat Art Publlshlntt Ilnine of Oeorgn 8(1 hsoti A Co., of Portland, Maine, moves steadily In tlio even leuor of il wny,nppur ently not leeliiix tho dull tiniiM, During lliu vcar 17S they Bold over Four Million lilctuioa of nil ilesoriiitiom. They publish every description of lino pictures, nn.l the prlcvs rnngo from leu rents upwards to twen ty dollars per eopy. Their mrresondeiico lor this largo business is immense) tlicy ro crive, on an average, over one thounnl let- lersi-er.hiy. ..son j 1Wfl T1W1, ,. f.1,n pnsr, Dll'inn. IV IS II I w J .. " 7 The People's Drlig Family Medicine Store. If you want anything in tlio Drug lino at bottom prices, go to tlio Old and Itoliaulc iJrug btore, in JJrv The Best and Most Popnlar Fnlinonic is 'Jomuloin, The time Is nt liainl for sotting out tomato ihi!.l, mid ns those who propose raising n rronof this valuable vegetable, l.nvo cither pnivided tlieinselves with plants by Making seed beds in the, proper season, or depend on buying them fiom gardeners who make plant 1'iiMug a pait, and a very profitable p.nt, of their business, nothing need be said of tlio manner best adapted to propagating early plants. Tlio niajoi Hy of our readers will only cuTtl vato tomabies for u family supply, and may pursue n itinerant luoilo from those who rultlvato them on the field plan to supply eannersand largo eity markets. If the place to Im wnpied is a garden bcrl, have it well prepared hy deep digging ond manuring. I'rom Hat hill", four feet apart, In n straight line, the number of hills to aeh row eon forming to the size and Bliape of the bed to be planted. Plants that havo been taken from the seed bed when quite small and sot In pots make the best vines. If you havo plants that have been treated in this man lier, empty Iho ballof earth from the pot, be ing careful not to tllsturb the roots by break ing the lump opart, and form a place for it in the hill and set tho plant with the adher ing mold. Plants managed in this way re ceive no check from transplanting, butgrow rapidlv Into largo vines. If, however, as the majority of plants will liava to be re moved singly from the seed bed to tho place whero they are to stand, the roots should bo dipped mton batfer, composed of ndi eartli and water which has been leached through stable manure, and set firmly in the hill,ono healthy, stocky plant to each hill. The young plants should be covered to protect them from the. sun for three or four days after setting, or till they show eignsofhaving tiken root and commenced growing. The bet covorine is 11 board, wiile enough to iehadc tho plants completely, and raised suf. ficieutly from the ground'by placing blocks or something that will answer the purpose, under each end. H'hen the plants commence to grow and branch, drive short stakes about eight feet apart in the rows, and about threo feet high between which stretch wires, two will be suf ficient, one halfway and the other near tho tops of the stakes. As Ilia vinos branch and grow tio them to tho wires with stripes of miisliu, twine, or almost any kind of cord will answer. If tho vines incline to grow rank, keep them shortened by nipping off tho cuds. Tho best soil for keeping tomato vines vigorous and protracting their growing, fruiting qualities, is a damp rather heavy clay loam, which should bo kept well worked up, loose and free. onlv the bett'r classof liietures.nncl known mat auyming coming iroin una ie liable houso is of standard merit. Wo havo just received cojiies of four very fino ttccl ngraviug, waicu nicy iiuyu just, uiuiigut out. Tlio plates wcro engraved in IONW)W, at. an cxjene of of four Ihotvand pounds stcrrlng.or twenty thousand dollar", to which great sum mint bo added the riitoms duty of twenty-five percent on account of their being imported luiniiio united amies, iiiese engravings ale lifter lntings by great mullein masteis 01 nrifiiiHi 1110 nriisis who enzraveil the nlalcs stand In the front rank of tlio world's iciKHvncd engravers. It is behoved, and generally conceueii, that these engravings make up tho finest uud most elegant set of works of high art ever brought nut by American publlsheis. This enterpiislng linn, though many years ill tho Art Publishing business,, buva not grown old ami uuprogrcssire-, but on tho other hand maka improvemcntutid progress vcar by your, giving the peoplo better and Letter pictures for tho same or less money. Tlicy niav, wo icci sure, i.uny ciaini iu stand at tlio head of tlio Art Publishing busi ness in America, We can only understand tho colossal proportions their'traile has ns giMiipd hv reineinberinir that this is a ereat ivtrd mighty nation of nearly fifty million people, we cannot ueuer illustrate wis maenitudo of their business than to state the amount of nmney paid by them for pos tage stamps during mo years ihiu, ib(, and 1878 We havo tho figures direct from tho firm, or wo should think tbcro was soino error. In 1R7I5, they paid for postago'$33,- 104.02. In 1877, they paid for postage. 537,- 2(18.76. la J878 tho amount ol money that they paid for postage- stomps was simply enormous a little over $30,000 00. Stinson ,fc Co. stand ntnoni tlio largest ami most judicious advertisers ill tlio country, and a slioit time since paid ill asinglo day $24,- iilio.uu in casn on a contract lur advertising. They employ ogents everywhere through out the United States and Dominion of Can ada for tho sale of their pictures by subscrip tion; wo call attention to their advertisement lor agents in anotlicr column, rnoso who need pleasant, profitable work, should cor respond with them. Ifcsidcs liiviue tlio larco amounts of pos taeo stated above, their express and freight bills uro enormous only small orders ore eerit by mail, tho larger being sent by ex nress and freisht. American homes should bo mado beautiful by refined works of art, and prices for really meritorious pictures are now so low mai mere can ue no excuse ior tho walls to remain gloomy, unadorned and cheerless. American homes should be mado beautiful, and tho tendency of this will bo to make more refined aud beautiful tho lives of tho dwellers thciein A. J. DUELING, Proprietor, twiicro von will flml a full ami cotnploto stock of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, &c. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils, A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces. Pure "Wines and Liquors o all kinds for Medicinal and Sacramental purposes. Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety. Personal nltenfion given to the compounding of Physi cians and Family Prescriptions, Established 18G7.1 A. J. DURLING. It Will lay to Bead This ! T1IK Lchlchtou, Novemp"r2. .Respectfully announces to the people of Lohighton and its vicinity, that he has just enlarged his Manufactory by the addition of another story, and that ho is now prepared to furnish them with every description of Manufactured from the best Seasoned Material, at Prices fully as low as the same articles can bo bought for else where. Ilero are a few of tho inducements offered : Parlor Sots at from $50 to SG0.00 Walnut Marble-top Dressing Case Bedroom Suites, 3 Pieces $40 to $G5.00 $18 to $40.00 $6.00 $4.00 Painted Bedroom Suites, Cane Seated Chairs, per set of Six Common Chairs, per set of Six and all other goods equally cheap. Tn this connection, I desire to call tho attention of tho citizens to my ample facilities in tho IN'ole from tlio Agricultural jresv At tho oat-meal factory in Cedar Rapids Iwelvo run of stones aro in operation night and doy, and every 24 hours 7,000 bushels of oats are ground into meal, making 000 bairels of 200 pounds each. About fifty hands are employed. The hull or chalfis used for fuel, supplying the furnaces of th mill and also ol the water works. About 30 kegs of 100 pounds each of pearl barley are aUo prepaied every thiv. Tho removal of the hull of barley is by attiition, a slow pro cess. .Most of tho oat-meal is shipped to Scotland. An nat-mcal mill Is fitting up at Des Moines. Tossibly the much neglected oat is tho coming crop. Farm and Lice Stuck Journal. Tlio farmers pay eighty per cent, of tho taxes, yet tney elect men of other professions to represent their interest in congress and the legislature. No wonder that the agrt cultural interest I: crippled and wading, when those who have tho iower to chooso the political repiisentativcs ofjthe people, select men who are utterly unfit for the pos itions which they aro called upon to fill men whoso sympathy and interest is but too often at variance with tho agriculturists of the country. S. L, Slick Journal. In the year 18C0, the Stato carried 114,000 sheep, and 112,000dog3, while at the present time, with the s.imo nuuiberof dogs or more, wo have but 55,000 sheep. The dog tax op pears to atlord farmers very slight encourage ment In tlio sheep breeding, so bug as tho dogs aro allowed to ruu at large day and night. In 1375, thero were 11,189 dogs re ported as having been engaged in killing 1,073 sheep, and in 1878 theio wcro 10,000 dogs taxed, but the amount of damage done by said dogs exceeded $10,500, so that, although the sheep industry might bo mado one of tho most remunerative in the state, yet it cannot Improve until mole radical measures for the suppression of dogs aro adopted. A", ii". Farmer. Corn in Kansas Is cheap and most abun dandaut, u fact which has been greatly in favor of the feeder ol stock ill that State. enabling him to euccasfully compete with rival feeders in States nearer to the great centres where cattlo aro consumed. It Is this which has made profitable the feeding of Texas cattle, uud which will lend to per twluute Iho custom of driving young cattlo from Texas a .d even encourage the growth of that business, ith range and water uusuipassedi witli corn cheap aud plenty and with young stock available at reasona ble prices, there certainly seems to be good reason fur believing that in the feeding of cattle the Kansas farmer will find a very satisfactory business. American Stockman, Asparugus should not bo exhausted by too long continued cutting. The usual rule is to stop as soon ns early jieas are ready. He. cent inquiries show that it is not generally understood that tho crop of next year de peniUupou the growth of tho tops this sea son, as. wo havo bcen-nsked by several if tbey should not be kept cut off. This would completely datroy the bed. The growth of the foliage is of the greatest importance, as it provides for the buds for next season. Al low he tops to grow until the change of color ohows that they have done their work i all weeds that appear should bo pulled. Exchange In transplanting tender vogetablo-plonts, sochns Wiatocs, cabbage jnd other similar plants, it is a profitable practice to have pre pared a buitkrt of ipanure water brought U tho consistency of thick batter by mixing in soil. Dtp the root. In this pa.te before, pla cing tho sets in the rows or hills. This treatment will generally insure thrir living and making a rapid growth. Kaunas Fprmer. To rue Stalk -Chop half a loal of bread In a basin, add ln j, butter the me of an og. Male, peppir and sage to. son, ct wiih milk j shape into a loaf ami brown in the oven. Kc. IiKn.iNo.v. Pa.. Juno 2. William Ulrich.a butcher, who once did a thriving business in this hamlet, became involved, and about two years ago ho was sold out by theSherlil. Since that time his all. lira have been going from bad to worse, until he became reckless and threatened to commit suicide. Not much attention was paid to his threats, but they were to-day carried out with terriblo ctlect. i short time ago a levy was made on Ulrich's household goods and other clfects which were to be sob! for taxes. The sale was to havo taken place to-day. At two o'clock in tlio afternoon, the hour appointed forthcsalo to begin, Tax Collector 1'eter Hann and Constable John Lciningcr came on the premises and told the auctioneer to go ahead. Ulrich appeared, and witli an oath declared he would kill tlio first man who would attempt to tako any article be longing to him, and he at onco began pu' tiug his threats into execution by drawing a huge Colt navy revolver from his pocket, and shooting I,eininger in the abdomen. An ugly mid it is feared a fatal wound was Inflicted. Ulrich then turned on Ilann, who was running to get away IVoin the in furiated man, and fired. The Ball 1 1 ami's shoulder, inflicting a slight wound. Ulrich then placed the revolver oack of his own ear, and fired, tending tho ball through his head, lie fell to tho irmiiud and died instantly. Ulrich was about 37 years of ago. lie leaves a wile anil live clulilreii in itesli tutu circumstances. Ho served throu"h tho civil war in tho Twelfth Pennsylvania Cav UMBERS A alrv. case ho buried rn Mount Ijcbauon Cemetery as soldier. BUSINESS, with a now and handsome Hearse, and a full lino of Caskets and Coffins, I am prepai'ed to attend promptly to all orders in this line, at lowest prices. Patronage respectfully solicited and the most ample sat isfaction guaranteed. V. KCIIWARTZ, Oct. 12. BANK Street, LEHIGHTON, PA. lfllo pFtiig styles. lf f&o (g It Invnrlnbly Cnrci Cnnpli. Colds, Hoarsc iiCPBitnto Thront. Act limn, (To up, nml other Affections ot tho Uroatlilng Org a us. Its ronthlnp influence upon tun Irrit.Vetl llti 1 tiff of ihn ft r passflpci, t dun to lltotnct time iVi liifrrodKMitnnio the most efficacious tmUnoit is nUuplrn known to bntniiy, tue Lin si nftlin article-oeinti tao IIONKY 0NI10 JlOIU HOUND l'LAN IVolipmicttJirnnitert with tho lupfllcwnl principle of thn A JilKH MAI,HAMKA or llnim ot Onead. Tlioro nro tioniitan, livo other botnnto clomencs which givo additional clflcacy to the ttmt named two. IHofo who imvn mod It, far that TlALH'a IIONKY OFllOKKiUiU.Nl AN1J TAU i not otilywondcrfuiiy remedial in nil cases wheio tlio oritnu- ot respiration nro nfTocUrt. tint nlo tiint its action is umiMinlir rupirt. A few doseB ticqueuil mrvoto relievo a vony obstinate roiurh. It contains nnthinrtbnt can disorder tlio stomach, n fact that can bo alleged with truth of bnt tew rotmu remedies j it Iihs an ux tiemclr apreeablo flavor, and ta old al n flgnro which enables thoia of the most limited moans to avail theinsclTCH ol its virtues. It 1 simple madness to trlOowlth n Conjrh. IrrUiittoii of tUf Throat, Cheat nrt Lnngs trav els ravldlv and what is a trifling ami eauilv ctmquorabto difficulty in tboso oisaus to-day, niav In a tow weeks Develop Into- Uronrhitl or Consumption, two disraso which carry moro victims tn eHrlr ernv?f, than any other In tho lone usini nouiiv uitoruer. A Conch raiy bo fitly termed thorrellininarr Stuco ot Cmimimimnn, n mnlndv of which IIAMi'S HONEY OF IlOIUSItOUND A1SD TAIUflthP (miest Vuown pruveutive. Those thorcloie, who would arrest tho proprna of the do-trover ahnnhl delay not a mom cut to tak? a cntTAts specific CIIILDnilN, doilvo creit horcflt rrom Its fionthino nroneriien. when Rnfleriuir with the paroxyrms nt Cfimp and Whoop ng Couch, The n rot named d'Biuo is deBtrnctive nmoiiff voune cutldien and ih's reliamo remedy Fiioiuii do Kept on iisihi in nu iion:ouoius uuy the lur itr PaeKiifres and LCcouotnlzo. I'lllCKH. 50 cts., ond fl, l'Kll DOTTLE. Sold by all Dropglus.- C. N. Crittciiton Prop'p, KB SEVB2T SIXTH AVENUE, JC. Y. Fnr into hr A. LclilKliton, I'a, J. DUI1LINO, B 'ilk strcst. Have you a "Raoikq Tooth" HeaJct7 IP YOU HAVE, BUY Pike's Toothache Drops unit Cure thn aunty In Osis Mixnnt. Tills jrn caniluJnrTiVKNTY.PIVK OUN'IS Tlio nr. Ilclo w II dti tho busmen uu brovvii, Ut'iteml upon its mor-oor it lontains 110 luitiodicut wlilcli cau injure j'our i cem. riucr; ss cents, tou ajaw'sis. C. N. Criltcnton, Trop'r, SOT'S "Vc have cri.tcrcd into nn'angements with Rev. J. IIknuy Smyth e, oi' riiiladelpliia, the publisher of Sunshine foii Little Chimihex, whereby we are enabled to rnalco you the following unrivalled offer an offer which will, we feel as sured, secure for us not only your name, but the names of very many of your friends and neighbors as subscribers to our paper. Although OVER A MILLION OF HOLLARS have already been expended in this " great offer " by the " Sun shine Publishing Co.," THIS PAPER MAKES NOTH ING ON THE BOOKS. Our sole object is to place your name on our list as a subscriber to the Camion Advocate and to Sunshine for Little Ciuldiien. ALPINE SILVEB 1NIHG COMPAQ Capital, $2,000,000. 200,000" Snares. Vivf Viiluc.iSlO cr .Sttnrc. UNAFSKsSlHI.B, I Dan. J. Sptntio, Treasurer. J. L.,Tlioiiip$oii, Secretary, And OTHER PREMIUMS, Offered to Subscribers of 66 Tlio Carroll AclYocato, "Worth $G4.25. Chambers' Encyclopedia Sent on receipt of $'27.00 $G0 00 Ten royal octavo volumes. I.lbrnry law bfeillns. marlilo cilircs, extrn irllt. 40UI) eii(5ruvliii;s anil 40 maps, nn.l liom 80 to loo ulcximtlv niriivcil lilates. Latest una llest Edition. Tills speeln.! subscrlptlmi work Is uiailo h onler by tlio urcat liouso or J. 11. Llpplueott Uu.. or I'lilluilcliihln, cxprtsslcy for this (rent ircinlum otlcr oniio beautiful publication of SunBiiiMt ron Lit tlb (Jiiiliiikn. It Is a library In Itecir. Is not sold by tlio triulc.and caiiuot be bought elsewhere for less tlun SIXTY DOLLAlt. Sunshine for Little Children .... Sunshlno for Little Children Is ono of the most lmnrnlficcntly lllutralc(l publications In tho United Stales, Slio by uUr "ls.u;d monthly. Tho twelve numbers will mako u hanilsoino Inllu work id 288 puircs. 3ou bcaull. tul pictures, 60 ol them full pago cuts. 100 exquisite stories lur llttlo ones. The property of this Company consists ol twelvo mln and mining loeatlons,- Ideated tn I.ako riiutity, CoUfrndo,' lir the vicinity of I.oadvlllc, upon nil ol which extrusive wcrlc bus been done. In nil cases exhibiting truo lissuto veins, mood pay stieak, and yoll tic Bned lodes. Three of tho Ica.llnTilSIncTTlro'WellTlpeiieil up nntl linvo nt the. ltnfesUooiuiiutattun over TK.V THOITANIC TONiT' OF HUM IN SIU1IT ! by May 1st. the llnllroad now under construction wl(bo nlthtnu short distance of this properly.- i, 'I ho (;ouipnny proporrs to sell n pprllon of lis slock nt $ M pc f Hiiro for the purpose of more completely dcvcloptniriis Mines, und lor tlio erection of works fur tlio treatment of Its, ores. Application Tor tho stock may bo made to the oillco ot tlio Company, nt 81 liroadway, New York, N. ll.-7VlfiVfn(nj Krroii, or New ork, tho lilKlust mlolns uutliotlly In this country, s.tys Feb. 1st, 1S70. Tho principal owners In tins ooinpunyir0-.hard.wurkliiir.inviuwlio by tliclrown labor have itncoverul lari;o utiles ot ore which they now wish to extract and fend tn market. Onr renders will do well to yiako n venture witli tlieso worthy men, till money will probtbly bo returned to (hem1 twenty fold. Tho business u.nnncmcnt hatf been placed In tho euro or Mr J. I.. Thomp son, nn otliccrorhlli Mnndlng tnoneoftho' liirircstniul lic.t banks in the city. A Pros, pectus irtvlnir mil pnrilctilars sent Irco, oh application to tho Stcretnry. lln:irli-3m Manhood: How Lost. How Restored ! Just nuhllHiotl. n now ml J t Ion cf Ur. C'uUoru'nH CVlrbrntvil TtMnv :i the rndirnl roi c(witliout lnt'iliO'iiO) i ri'UMAl uiitiOK A or is'iiimii WenLin's, lnoluntfiry t rmliinl T,n'nr. Imnotcncv. Mou trti a. in ItuaKifitv 1'iititilimentH to nuil i'Mf.nidai ) ''y HLil-i.iuuU'oncocr Htxual cxmmiumit'. cza ' inn H'ftl diMivo'nuo, on'v fi conti. t Tiiof"iii nlnl . ulhoi in tins fti.tnirfiute K. ( isny. cltnr.y i.rimm tMiie. fti.ra a tlnity yenrn hiicio -tut pi- ci ((, t ,ai tlio tiiorii in cuno l uup uce til vpfjtbttHC niny lndiciUy cniui wnlmut it c ilnie-riu. uo ot internnl moal. ritioin'tho uy l cjtln.i nt Iho liii'If: polntlair ' o it a MfWoa 1'iiU1 tit viw h inn e, certain outl , fit ctmil by tiictu ot wli th every sufferer, to irmittT wli it Inn lomliiluti in-.y un, may euro ! hlnHciri'liHnil.vfiiiiiitMk ftiin uullcii 1'. i hi jjci lino hi oun. ut in iuo aaiius vi uvcry iomn nn.l every man Hi tho land. Scut uiiiler ficnl. In plnin envflopo, to wit ndilrosH, po-t iiatil. on recent vt r'.x ceutB, or two iOBtniro stmps. Aildicss t jo Publisher, XI i c CuIvc rwi'II nicititnl Co., r. o.nox mo. Tho Carbon Advocate Tho Ncwslct ami Most Kcmlnblo Weekly in tlio ( Kmnlly Pjiper. ami tho ONLY NtiVSljYlKlt enl TH V k (ilJiNTV, Curclully cititid, ami with nti ab! 3 25 1 00 'ountr. Tho Favorlta llrely PltlNTKI) iN ' tltlll tvt.l,..n lv L'n a ol Corrcsnondcuts.Us coluuiiuimake a weeklv iourn.ilurMinii,io,. iir,i,,,.u. out tho cuunlry. Total offer is worth $64 25 Worth $2(5.25. Shakcspcrc's Works . Sent on receipt of only 9. GO. 90 Charks Knlitht'f famous London pictorial edition. In two Immense roj-al octavo volumes. 3i0 woml.ciils nml fnll p.iRo plates by tlie'celebrutcd alt .luliii tlilbert, A. It. A.; also 38 elegant steel engravings rrom the nu it ecnl. ucut artists ol Kuiopi'. '1 liete plates alono sell in one Vuluine, Imported Iroin Oeruinny. tor Twenty Do lum, at tlie establishment ul Kstes 4 Laurl. nt. llostun. 1 lio text cannot be purchncd in ler tlinu OS parts, at tu cents pir part. Uoutid In cloth, t levant glli tops and gold slumps. Sunshine for Little Children .... AS AOriUED AI10VE. The Carbon Advocate . 2 00 3 25 1 00 The undersigned most respectfully announces to the Ladies of "Wcissport and the surrounding country, that she lias just ins wiiv, says that he tola her 'that in returned from the Cities, and is now receiving an immenso i coniimtteil Hmctee ho wantert to bo . . . : . . Total oiler is worth s-joo iu; ai:i. We will pay tlio nbnvo rotranl for nnv rase of Liver eoinpluini. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion. Constipation or Cos tivcuess we cannot euro with West's Veget able Liver 1 ills, when tlio directions nro strictly complied with. Tlicy nre purely Vegetable, uml never fail to pivo satisfaction. Sueur Coated. Largo boxes, containing 30 pills, 25 cents. 1'or sale by all Druggists, llewaro ol counterfeits nml imitations. Tlio genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. WKST & CO., "Tho l'ill .Makers," 181 A 16.1 W. Madison St., Chicago. I-Vco trial pack- ago sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a Set, stamp. assortment of the latest designs in l5 MB TSPT'S B B 5 HB Tr4HTf7 Comprising ITats, Bonnets, Notions, Trimmings, &c, &c, nil of which Bho Is prcparod to dlsposo of to her patrons at prices so low as to bo perfectly astonlshlnir. Hats and llonnets inndo up tu onler. httl'll II I. S unit I.AlllUS OWN 11A111 mado up to order on short notice nml nt very reasonable prices. A3- Call nnd examine Ucods and learn Prices. -:a Mrs. M. Guth, Fashionable Millinery Store, April 2G, 1879. White St., WEISSrOllT. If Pkstkuku ii y aneruiitioii, ttso Glenn's RuLl'MUli BoAitlieruliiigspecllic for diseases irritation mid abrasions ot tlio skin, nml ti most salutary beaut i Pier of tlio complexion This adniirablo article is an inexpensive substituto lor sulphur baths, and is equally ns cH'ectivo in banishing cutaneous maladies und relieving tho pangs of rheumatism mid gout. Redness and roughness, tan, freckles, pimples, and indeed every imperfection of the cuticle is entirely removsd by it. It is avouched, by ladles who havo used it, to bo the most cllcctivo means of elaiifying ami soltening the skin that tlicy havo ever em ployed i its health promoting projieities aro widely recognized by medical men.nndcvi denee ill its behalf, emanating fiotn other ami equally resiiectablo sources, ptccludcs any reasonable iloubt as to tlio genuineness of its claims to public confidence. Clothing and linen from the sick room nre disinfected by it, nml it prevents contagion when the dangfr of obnoxious diseases has been in curred by contact. Sores and ulcers that resist the operulioti of salves and lotions, ire healed by it, and it soon relieves the swel ling ami pain caused by britisoa mid sprains. Tlio opening of tho Kres, resulting from tho wholesome stimulation of Hie superficial blond vessels that it produces, is the ell'ect best calculated to ease tho circulation when overheated, ami carry off thoso olfensive granulations which disfiguro the cuticle and render existence a state of martyrdom while they remain. Eruptions, ailments Hint ointments will not euro are entirely eradi cated by Oless's Sumim Smp. Sold by druggists. 1'rico 25c. per cake. 1 1)ox(3 cakesi 75c, sent bv mail, prepaid, on receit of price. C. N. Obiitb.nto.v, I Sixth Avenue, Joiv York. llll.t-'s lUlh and Whisker Dye. Black or Uroivn, 50c, 27-20. C3 To our fanner jutrixw the "Farm ers Column" In the Advocate will U worth more Jhaul a year j besides, ihey get with la m .- uut ; Coal I Oosul 1 1 II. A. BKLTZ. rrspectfullr annonnres to the peoQie el Letiighiou and vicinity tbat he bas mine airiifment lor iniipiylnir ibem with tholllivr LKHIG11 CO AL iroin tho LeblcU. ton lieiKit ol ilie Iblgb & auiq., int.. at ihe following Low I'i ices i K'ove ta 53 per ton Chcstuul j o. per ton Ko. S i ;j per tou STIUCTLY FOll CASH Leave vonr Orders at my OtHce, nA?K Pt., twoiislip tlio t'uplio Squqie. yoat will beileliv ered. wlien delrea, at vary lowest Charire. on ulove price. n,A lltL-JZ. March 8.-201. IctitBhtou, Pa, pjQltSEMEX, LOOK HCltJfi tvu.i.oiroiinY ivcitT, Saddler and Harness iMaker, HANK St., I.EltiailTON, Ta., Calls attention to the rolluwlnir extraordinary LOW I'ltlUKSi ' luugy HaruMi at Irom $12 00 upwards y.xpreH HariiMi at Irom is oo upwards llraMhlnic llarnew at Irom . . il upwards ll'tlUK HarneM at from s M upwards llorw collars (balr) at Iroiu. 3 w upwards o ill nif 1 ul front I TA itmuc...,.or.1(1e:. new- weekly i unoariielesaiequ.,,:1; ruruUbtil by any other newspaper pubiisheil and uriuc(d of best woikiuansblp. Itbl ....... ... v, V..,K, , j unvuimiuBi rraim . ai.l.argi I'aif uig .i,iiit J u My Motto: "Be Sure You Arc Eight, Then Go Ahead!" hub aei . CHAS. W. LENTZ, Pharmacist, Family k Dispensing Druggist, Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, choice En glish, French and American Perfumeries, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Imported and Domestic Soaps, Sponges, Chamois Skins, Stationery, Fancy Box Papers, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, at prices which defy all compction ! My Prescription Department Receives special attention, and is the most complete in the county ; it is supplied with the best quality of Remedies that can be obtained, and so regulated as to preclude the possibility of a mistake. Prescriptions and Private Pccipes compounded at all hours of the day or night by myself, at the Lowest Prices possible. fV All Drui-A and Snicna Roll! liv tun nrn minrnnirrri In hn Rtntntl? Pnr. .ml Mnnnfnrt,it..1 from the verv mt Crude Artblra. No Clomp. Adularnled at Mv it .bhslimcut, HATI8 TION (lUAttANTLKD Oil MONEY IturUNUliU. Orders by Mail receive pioiuptatteu lion. Ttinniilnr rar frlcrds and tlie public cenernlty for past favoia. I confldentally ass: a share cf future patiouaKe, Bua untelnir sat sineiiou m eery case. ltvapecttuly, . CIIAS. "V. LENTZ, ' 1 " " ", " lSTdxt to the Fort Allen House, jan, 4, 1878,y rSVETSSPOUT, Carbon Co., Pa SDLPMJR SOAP, The LcaiUng External Specific fo. DISKASIiS OF Tlin SKIN nnd Beautificr of the Complexion. $2G It renders tho Cuticle. Healthfully Clear ard Smooth, and Is the ?c&t Pos slblo Substituto for Expcnslvo Sulphur RxiUs. Ir 1 Imrfjmpornb'o nempflv 'or Bruiskb, Ul cEKS. C'L'Ta mi A ovciy lintahio or onhi'.tliv comlitlon ot tho 8km, miU is 8 most sotvirtwbln lemtHllnl uthl anil onnice nf i-cols rellclin cac or GOUT ntiil Kiieujiatish. TtiinmiiHtOMirnhlo UIHINFECTA.NT OV or.OTIUNa OH HUH MNJCN, worn nnoiucrt hy person mflcrinff Imui onxoxious or cox TAQloi s MSKAf iuhI U a Cupi tm lUim-t) v n ml rrcveitativot'f tactn. when nse.l enpn I nice. Hon rciaons rmihjjln u have no liccd lo take feutphur Ualim, or to rrsrt tu Sulphur pnntcH for battinic purt'os e8. Ai un adtunct of li.o TOTLKT It lufflrmorc (lo'iiftlilu lltaii nnv Cot mo lo pIi co it DOB- nut, like a tides of Hint nntiin-, cud c sal Complex 1 oil nl lihnnitUifs bill' rrmovr them. TAN,riihcKi.j;s.riairi.i;y. ijlotoiiks i d the like, Bifocdiiv yiolntuiu clanfylnff In Jluenciii ou'l It in tho very bet tioap to Hiiirtt wnli.Ueciusn it leaves tliuKkm stitoolli nnd frcu iron) itiolnltntloi) pruiiuco'i en t cntlvo cu ticle, by iho H')iillcatim of tin laxor. It nUo coirplrtely rrail catc liANDHUVF. Ihiuscnivot dH:ain it to bo excellf.nt for iOOLi:N LINliVS. I. uml i.ihrr fabrics and ladio iimvuif In ttie I'Cst tuclon o inetroiiolitoii una ruial eocitly Bpcak ol It In thnhlhcjttcunn. letttiioiitaiii poor in from a1 1 quartern of tho Union upon 1U rromtPt-ir. hiriiv ol whi'h linio born pul)Iifli"tl In the f rm or n ucat pamphlet procuratiltjut Iiu,7iii-ti)iid Fancy Ooooa l)inl-i-rtt. Iho oiiirinMls Im'Iii? ojien to public injure tmn at Inn Mkdicival Waiicih u&k. No. 7 biXTit AVHNUK, Nmv Youk. Thii artic e U uioreovt-r ludoiaeil ov the Airdicul finioiuity, 1.1 KK MOST FAMOUH IIEMFDIKS, Ol4l:NUIii,UItSHAl lmb cnunitat. CO. Soma without the -niallest fmcin-n of re menial lucucv luvo I cen uml are loixicu upon tlcal "Worth $U.2o. Sent on receipt of $8.10. Worcester's Dictionary .... 10 00 thaiuisusiuctliignml uuo'j&prvuiit, t genuine buipnur tnapa potsossiatr properties lacrucai wit u or equal to Iho Hp tut lie. which tuelt Tho undersigned announces to tho ladies of Lehigliton and vicinity that ho is now receiving nnd opening a large assortment of STRING & SUMMER GOODS, comprising such as Matalasses. Delaines, Cohurgs, Alpacas, &c. Also, a largo stock of PRINTS and GENERAL DRY GOODS, which ho is offering AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Grocories and Provisions a Specialty, at prices to suit tho times. Clover, Timothy, Hungarian, and all kinds of Fiold and Garden Seeds, VERY CHEAP. Opposito tho L. & S Depot, BANK Street, Myfi, 1T9yt l.EHKHITOX, FKN'N'A, r en dors bee a to rival hv iiiidprtnnid ctmnetl tio. 'i ho public imuld th reform bo careful to inqa're tor GU:.NNS hulplnir honp bvlutull name, onil&ee tbjt thev cut the real urilc'e. A'l rcHpfCtalile Dnivmttt. FiipcvOohU Denh ffatn! llioct-rt Keep UUiNfl hULlMlUIt BOAl1, anil will od ittunantl for It, aupply tho gunCINB intNQ to tct-trcu.touiera. Prlcei,;S5 eta. per Cake 1 Hox, (3 caket) aent hy mnllfjirciiald for 70c, C. N. CRITTENTON, riiopniuToii. ATB..N. Y. HUItUNO, Bant Biro, t, For Sole A. XjsliUhtou. Va. BLACKS and BKOWXS as Natural as katuhr'sSelf, arecommnlcfited to Oiav aud I la me colored loci, uioiotit iiutautanoouBiy hy Hill's Hair aud "Whisker Dye a nrirnaiatlon ahaolmelv free from burtfalln- gmbftim atn( inllu tely wpermr by retwrn ot iheiff ctavrpduent to any itrticloof iu c au. i'lfiupture Ghaymm and IUldEM ato Die vfuied. ond the i vety luiira of w mqnir the true youimm not irom iui uiait:u:w uye. SOLD BV XLh DUU001ST3, C. N. Crittenlon Prop'r. SIX I'll AVK.. N. V. Illustrated nnd imnlirldKCd. A ina'slvo raluiac ofIS34 rajrer. Latest and test Itlmi. Colored pluit-s. Library sheeji hiudln. '1 lie auiliorliy In our olllce." N. V. Trlltuuc, "'1 hdiesi writers use W orcestcr ns ihelr authority." N. Y. Herald, "The stnmlard Dictionary of America." I 1 1 1 1 u I e . i hla 1'rcM. " Imuk eoLsidered the standard ul Auicrlea." Lvtnliis I'ust. Sunshine for Little Children . The Carbon Advocate Total offer is worth Child's SBible. Worth $10.25. Sent on receipt of $6.00. The Child's Bible A magnificent hook. I.irge quarto. KlSpnjics. 000 flno engravings, color ed msiis and lllunilnaud l It Irs. especially dctliiiicd hy the hest urtlais or I ho day i;loih,clciaint lull ulll nuilullt cdars, )iold side and (suldiluiun. UUar, large IJ'l'C, and iirlnteU on eiqulslteljr tinted paper. Sunshine for Little Children .... The Carbon Advocate Total offer is worth 41 ANN Strcot.N. Y. nor. t: ti uisli:ys ruin: distilled 23c. KXTKACT 25c. WITCH HAZEL, On, II AJIAMKMS VIliOlNIOA. ljiual In quallly to any made, and only hair the price. Ooz. bottles 20c. Tints toe. Ilcllcves Headache, Toothache, Karnehe, Sore Kycs.Nosr.lllccd, llleedlnBl.ungs, I'aln. lul SIi uses, Whites. Asthma, lleduccs Swell ing', rile. J.C. Cures Ilrulses.Scalds, Hums, Sprains, Wuui-ds, Iiheumatlsin, Erysipelas, Chilblains. Varicose Veins, Neuralgia, 6.C. Natukh's Vnivkhsal IUmudv Ton iNTwr- Ar. AMI 1.XT1.K.NAL USE. If your Hnifrgl't has not got It, tell him lo order it or the proprietor. CIIAKI.HS F. HISI.HV, Whoksalo IJrutrirlit mar:o-3ni 103 Orccnwlch St., New Yotlr. Ilillili1 cn'' 25 emts In stamps or cur larjBiili rency lor a new Hmmie Hook. It treats nil diseases, has 35 lino Engravings shewing positions nssumcd by sick horses, n tuhlc ol doses, a large collection or Valuaiile li(lil!t 1'irii'KP, rules for telllngtho nuo ljIrlrfiV of a horse, with an engraving sliow fng teeth of each year, and a largo amount ol other valualdo horse Information. Dr. Win. 11. Hall says, " I havo tiouuht honks that I paid (5 and 10 for which I do not like ns well us I do yours." fci:xr koii a C'nicyLAit. .,tt,,-i. Uf . u-..,. II , !. l.'TTT I . t -ill II Lnosburgh Falls, Vt. mar. 15-yl Vick's Floral Guide. Abenutiful work of lint I'ncea, Ono Ooloreo! Fowor l' la tin nntl 301 Ilutritin. with De. hi i Ut oils ot ino bot Flow ers nt.a Vtot ibtox, mil how to sritiw ilum All for a X'tvii ceat Stamp. In I-;iik1i1i .ir German. 'iho Flowt r nnd Vigetiiblo Onrden. t7aparc, Six LVIouh) l'latia Mini mny haiulred Kngrrtr-wg-i For &ictitH In purer coven j ilueie gantc oth. In O rinan and Uiiffllhh. Vli h's It utratoil Alodthly Maguzino,31 fifigeV nctiinroilDla'oln oerv number anil manviltut o finvii tn. Trio ii.'i'j n i livo Ciiptos tor to. Si.pniiien nntiiieri pent for lucent. VlcIt'rtSeirt ntit tliebosi In thowi.rhl. Send Fiva CpXtstaw furn Floial Uu'da con.alninc LUt ami riit'ia nnapkutv nf lufurinntlim, AiUlus", JAMKH VIUK. Jin Id ltLChcsit r, K.V. TO CONSUMPTIVES. A Oft'it'cmon having bppn so fortunate nt to cine nln ton ot Coi sumption In tbit worl Ftngca, uUttt bu ns Kivrn up to ilto tjy tho most cole brntcl ithj'ichmc, ricsircH tn u.aio knoun th car iw hii'h ntoyi'H a icceanlnl In every oust) to thovo nfll cleil wi-b Ahthuiri, HrnnchutH Consha, Col d.i t oii8nniiittoti and all Affections of the ihrnt.t nnd Iniii;t. trnu w til ncnil tho Rpo pe, frre of chnrpc to all who nVatrn It, If thfl will forward their nCfirera to DANIICb A I) KG, 31 MbprtVrtt. ewYnrt. J.nuunr, 3 25 ThQ WMte i 1 00 -IS C' i O. 3Zt2S WM asafll Iffusaaoro Worth $1.15. Sent on receipt of only $1.12. World of Wit and Humor ..... From tho most celebrated writers. A magnificent volume oftho rarest and richest fun. l.argo octavo, SCO pages. Cloilieiira. 460 engravings and full page plates, Oold side and geld stamp. A great bargain. Sunshine for Little Children .... Tlie Carbon Advocate ..... Total offer is worth .... 3 50 00 $7 75 Kur Half hr A J I.Uiclitun. I'i nrrtr.isii. Bsnlc K'ree t Am si READ ALL OF THIS. In order, if possible, to place a copy of THE CAUBON ADVOCATE in every household in this and the adjoining Counties, and to largely increase its circulation in other sections of the country, we have become parties to contracts for the purchase of entire editions of elegant, rare and valu able books, and our readers are respectfully requested to write to us for any standard set of works; and in connection with our subscription department, their orders will be at tended to at a'largc discount from retail prices, with the ut most care, promptness and satisfaction. Among our "Prem ium Offers" we mention the following : DIOKEN'S WOIIKS. -i HUI.WEH'R WOltKS. I All freight chattel to l'lttSCOTTS WOltKS, , Upntd on Mail y. COOPUK'S WOltKS. j jggTThe above "Club Offers" arc only forwarded when the money is received by us. All orders should be addressed to THE LEHIGHTON, Carbon Coiuity, Penn'a. THE EASIEST SELLING, THE BEST SATISFYING SefiiMaclii Its Introduction and World-renowned reputation was tho death-blow to high priced machines. THERE ARE NO SECOND-HAMD WHITE MACHINES IN THE MARKET. This Is a very Important mailer, as It It well known ana undisputed lact tnat mini si Vis to called first-cli machines which are oflered so chean noiea-days are those that havo beta re possessed ((hat Is. taken, back trom customer alter use) and rebuilt and put upon the miikst "iHiTwillTE IS THE PEER OF ANV SEWlNQ MACHINE NOW UPON THE MIIKET. IT IS MUCH LAflCEn THAN THE FAMILY MA CHINES OF THE SINGEI1, HOWE AND WEEO MUKEl:0STS MORE TO MANUFACTURE THAN EITHER OF THE AFORESAID MACHINES. ITS CONSTRUCTION IS SIMPLE, POSITIVE Ar.3 "iS WORKMANSHIP IS UNSURPASSED. Do not B117 any other before try ing tho WHITE. Prices and Terms Mafle Satisfactory AGENTS "WANTED IThito Sewing Machine Co., CLEVELAND, 0. JOHN H. FAGA. ACiENr FOIt CAItnON I'OUNTT. Mar.5J7-BI MAUCll CIUNJ, rnch, sb1 all tyv hidndlnff OltANP, fcQI'AKKA'JOni'IlIUHT.iilUtnCtlrFiHST. Ci Abn. Mli) hi Iho lowtt m( cnh v.ho'ria loc uir 1 Hva, uiuct to ilie 1'VIU IIAhEK, Tlniianoiu60e 01 eM UiefluMtdiapltT'Ot tbe Ct-DtfiiPiHl KxblDUIou. and uuhdi. moimly recotnnifudrO furtli1tlui!CiT I1ook ov i .wo in um. U?iiily inmrporatod Jlaiiufctuiiuic rc-Fartniy 0 tfUifclitHi over M WX4 Itie t-quaiu Orainl- ouuutu Maib nftli" w i teH Jiipts (tverwruuc Hcale. Ihe Rraii .nipiO-tmtit m the htorj ot l'taiim.R hp. 'fhu l'iJHhlnrt llioHMkr IN AMKIII' A l'i.i.i.'H M" t n lilal Don't lull to wnto tor Ji utir-nxl awl DefcCiipUro tutulutr v vt W iM.vm uinikHi trt'. )lKM)KIfi(1ll.' PIANO CO. 21 Knit blrcal, N. V 1 vr I