The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, June 14, 1879, Image 3

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    jjl II. S1RWK118,
Office, Klott'a llmlolna: Diednway,
Hettllng Kstatce, I'lllii Accounts aud Orphans
Conn rraouoo specialty. , ,
Trial of ;nnM orptnl r attended to 5
transactions in Kngnsa and Herman. Jin
THIS rArhni-. kowru co-b New.
.nir ArivrrilMnir Kuieati, 10 hti l nco Hitwt,
1 HAOTA roar bo made for It In
"Local and Personal.
to sunscuinKiHu
Subscribers to the Carbok Advocatk will
lake special notice tliat our terms ore one
dollar a year strictly in advance, If not so
paid $1.25 will bo charged In every instance.
Subscribers getting their paticrs by mail will
refer to the direction tabs nn tlicir papers
and -note the date, and remit accordingly.
The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com-, TUo Lutheran iyilnltcrltim of rn.
pany gave notice that on and after Monday Lkbanon, Ta., Juno 9. The ono hundred
last the rales of toll on tho Lehigh and Del-1 nd thirty-second annual meeting of the
awaro Division canals would bo advanced, ! Herman Kvangcllca.1 Lutheran Mlnlsterlum
South Bclhlchcui has a bonded debt of
New iron mines are being opened daily
In the neighborhood of Alburlis.
Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Nnvy To
bacco. -50-
Parties going west can get tickets from
Bert. Seaboldt, L. V. It. 11. depot. 10-42
The damage to wheat through tho Hes
sian fly will amount to but little tills year.
The South Bethlehem Pre companies
will hold Hieir first annual parade on the
coniintf lndependcnco day.
Fortv-eielit shares of the Northampton
county Notional Bank, at Kaston, were last
week sold at $17 per share,
The Bingen furnace, which has lately
come into tho possession of the Bethlehem
Iron Comnanv. has been rc-starteu.
Foa Sals. Eight shares of tho Capital
stock of the 1st National Hank idLchighton
For further particulars apply ut tho Advo
catk office.
For cheap Farm Land In Carbon coun
ty, inquire at N. 1. Coitright, Mauch
Chunk. 24-37
The Montgomery Furnace,r.t Tort Ken
nedy, which lias been idle since July ISIfi,
will "blow in" next month.
One hundred and sixty tons of iron ore
are hauled daily to tho Allenlown furnaces
from the country districts some of it a dis
tance of from eight to ten miles.
The annual commencement of Lafjyette
College, nt Easion, lakes place on Monday,
SOth insMnd ofLehigh University .atSuuth
Bethlehem,' on the 25th.
II, II. Peters announces to his friends
and tne citizens in general that he is now
receiving and opening his spring stock of
cloths, cassimcrcs, vestings and suitings, and
that lie is prepared to mako up all classes of
clothing at prices never before heard or in
this section. "Perfect fits and Lowest
nriecs," is the motto of this houc, and don't
you forgctit. Storoin the Post-office building.
The announcement is made thai the
Beading Railroad will begin sending coal
over the Bound Brook and NewJcrscy Uon
tral Railroads to Elizabcthiort, New York
harbor, next week.
The Lehigh Vullcy Railroad announces
a dividend of one percent, payable July 15,
Tho transfer books will bo closed from June
19th until July 1st.
Maggio McNeil was killed at Scrantnn
Tuesday night by falling from the Delaware
and Lackawanna Railioad bridge, a distance
of 70 feet.
Lewis Weiss is now receiving and open
ing a new and elegant stock of hats, caps,
boots and shoes forspringand summer wear,
which ho is prepared to sell atunprcoedent
ly low prices, lie respectfully invites on
inspection of his stock feeling assured that
he can give full satisfaction.
Dog days commence to-ninrrow (Sun
day), tho 15th inst. So you had better put
your dog's snout inside a wire muzzle.
There were transiortcd overtlic Lehigh
Valley Railroad fortho week ending June 7,
9(5,101 tons of coal, making for the beason to
that date a total of l,94fl,7'J9 tons, bein
Increase on last v car's business of 297,903
tons to date.
What are the jieoplogoing to do on the
Fourth of July? If ve celebrate it is about
time to begin makingthe necessary arrange
ments. Speak up, who is the first to take
the initiatory steps?
The Popular Western Ticket Agent, B.
O'Bnan, will be at this office next Wednes
day night. If you intend to go west, call
and see him, he will scud you right, cheap
and quick.
300 boxes West's Vegetable Liver Tills,
for salo at Durlinc's Drug Store. 20 cents
per box. tf.
Parties desiring a light running sewing
machine, will find it to their inteiest to ex
amine the" irhite,"llie Boss machine in the
market, John II. Faga, Susquehanna street,
Mauch Chunk, the only agent from whom
you can get the very latest improved. Take
no other until you have tried the " famous
While." Machines left on trial.
A soap factory has been started at Trc
mont. -Pur'tr Tri- Weekly. Good, now
let the untcrrified of Schuylkill county
wash I
If you wanta nice smooth, easy shave,
your hair cut or shampooing, go to Franz
Roedcrer's Saloon,' under the Exchange Ho
tel, He. will fix you right, and don't you
forget it.
All kinds of dry goods and dress goods
at Dan. Graver's Bee Hive Store, cheaper
than ever. Call and examine goods.
Samuel Wagner, ol Duncanon, waB
struck and killed by a freight train near
that place on Satuaday
ruro Taris Green aud Land plaster for
sale at J. L.Gabel's Hardware store, opposite
the Public Square 28-4.
Go to the Bee Hive Store for groceries
and provisions ol the finest quality at lowest
Augusta Belli, aged 90 years, was killed
by falling from a wagon at Scioto, Mouroe
county, on Thursday of last week.
-Jobn Kays, aged 45 years, wai killed
by the fall of a chimney while tearing down
an old building at Middle Smithfield, Mon
roe county, on Thursday of last week.
A frieud of ours writing from Altoona,
Pa., says t "Business is brisk and improve.
ments many. More building this year than
any year since the panic of 1 S73. The shoj
men are working 10 hours a dav.soveral de.
partmeuts in the machine shops have been
working nights."
An East Saginaw grocer haa secured a
monopoly of the business in his neighbor-!
hood by connecting all the houses with his
store by telephone. And David Ebbert, the
popular liverymun,of Lehighton, has secured
all the patronago for teams, by gentlemanly
treatment and low charges.
Mr. Jonas Snyder, an old resident of
Bethlehem, was stricked with paralysis on
Wednesday of last week while on a visit to
the family of his son-in-law, Rev. William
Rsth In Allentown.
-Daniel Graver, at the Bee Hive Store
lo Philadelphia and wints beyond, ten cents
per ton. A similar advance is expected on
the Schuylkill canal. Tho stock of coal at
rort Richmond is now lower than at any
other time for n year past, amounting to but
25,000 tons. It Is projiosed to advance rail
road tolls in July.
Tho amount of coal transported over
the Lehigh and Susquehanna railroad for
the fiyo days ending June Cth was 00,103
tons, making n total for tho season to that
date of 1,591,122 tons showing an Increase
of 700,338 tons ns compared with same tlino
last year.
A locomotive on the L. & S. rnilroad(
near Whito Haven, exploded her boiler on
Thursday afternoon, killing John Fuller
brakemon, and badly scalding T. J. Herbert,
conductor, E. Vocste, fireman, and Joo
Adams and James Curlin, brakemcn.
Tho Mineral Springs Colliery, at Par
sons, owned by Ihe Lehigh Valley Coal Co.,
resumed operationson Thursday of Inst week,
after two years' idleness. It employs 200
men and boys.
James Snyder mid Harrison Greens
wcigaurcsted lately at Sljtiiigton,near which
place they resided, for stealing a lot of hams
from the premises of Daniel GeU, at Kresge
vi 11c, Monroe Co., on the night of May 1st,
were week before 'last tried in Court at
Stroudsburg, and convicted nnd sentenced
each to 10 months in tho penitentiary.
Patrick Burt nnd Michael Morarity,two
employees in tho Bethlehem Furnace, got
into a quarrel on Thursday of last week when
the former struck tho luttcr on the head with
a bar of iron, fracturing his skull. The in
jured man Is now lying in a precarious con
dlsion at St. Luke's Hospital.
The annual commencement of Hie Muh
lenberg College will take place on Thursday
the 20th inst. The exercises will consist of
orations by the students of the junior and
senior classes, and the conferring of Degrees
on the graduates. The Biceal.uircato ud
dicss will bo delivered in St. John's Luth
eran Church on Sunday ev.Miingprccccding
the Commencement by Rev. Dr. S.ultlcr, Hie
President. On the evening prior lo the
Commencement an address will bodelivcred
before tho Literary Societies of the College
by Gen. W. II. H. Davis, of Doylcstown.
Tho Valley Record, published at Cttta-
fanqua, has been enlarged lo an eight co
lumn siicet.aml is now published at $1 per
annum. Wo congiatulute Brother Barthol
omew on this evidence uf his prosperity.
Beii. O'Brian.tho popular Westorn tick
et agent, of East Mauch Chunk, accompan
ied by Mr. M. M. Pricluird, of Sadalia, Mo.,
wore In town Wednesday evening, and de
voted mi hour In our sanctum fui lushing
of Pennsylvania convened nt this place In
Salem Church on Saturday last, but the first
business session was held this morning.
About ono hundred and seventy-five mem
bers aro expected lo participate In the pro
ceeding during Iho week.
A report of the doings of the Synod, to
gether with other matters, was "read by the
President, In tho conclusion of which ho
urged Ihe Synod Is show the samo zeal ami
united action in the wcllaro of the Synod
as was shown by the fathers in daysgoneby,
especially in missionary nnd Sunday school
The Treasure! 'a report was roadand shows
the receipts, from all sources during tho year
to be $10,989 59, the expenses for the same
time being $13,505,58.
Rev. J. A. Kunkclman resigned as mana
ger of the Orphan Hume, Oerinantoivii.
Rev. Dr. J. Fry was elected Treasurcr,nnd
Rev. Jacob D. Hhurdlo elected English Sec
retary. Rev. Dr. Krotel, ofNew York.was receiv
ed into the tiiintsterliiin of Pennsylvania.
The missionary and educational anniver
sary was held this evening. Addresses were
delivered by llevs. ur. ocuinucKer anu
Rev. Dr. C. W. SehacfTer, President, and
Rev. 8 D. Werskeller, German Secretary,
were re-elected.
Juno 10. The second day's proceedings
of the Ministcrium were opened with prayer
by Rev. H. B. Strobnch.
Tho reKrt of tho Board of Cily Missions
was read. The trustees of Muhlenberg Col
lego presented their report, and said the in
stitution greatly needed theosslstance of the
Synod during the present year. During the
past year the College proper has had sixty
six students. A resolution requesting tho
Finance Committee of the Synod to instruct
their treasurer to relinquish ono per cent. on
tho bonds which it holds against the College
was passed.
Revs. Messrs. Hill, Spaeth, nitt, Shantz,
Ruth nnd Schlndel were elected as Trustees
of Muhlenberg College for three years.
Rev. Mr. Apple read the report of the
Committee on the Oiphnns' Homo at Ger
mnntown, and the rejiort of the trustees was
read hv L. L. Houpt. It says tho homo is
overcrowded. For the new building over
eight thousand dollars had been raised. The
expenses of the institution fur maintenance
iluiing the past year weie something over
tfjSOO. Different members urged upon the
Synod the necessity of doing all in their
power (or the benefit of tho Home. This
afternoon tho Synod visited tho Cornwall
At this evening's session tho church was
crowded to its utmost capacity. A general
discussion on the advisability of increasing
tho power of the Synod was had up to the
lime ol aiijourumeut.
SlicrirC'K Stilt s.
Sheriir, J. W. Raudcnbush, at tho public
sales held on the 20th of May. and tho 9th
of June, disjioscd of tho following realestate:
Property of Fred M i I ler, of Leli igiitou, to
Reuben Fcnstermachor, $40.
Propel ty of Charles A. Getzingcr, of East
Mnuch Chunk, to G. L. Ilulsey, &T75.
Properly of Reese Williams and wife, of
summit mil, to the l-idelily uuilding anu
From tho Coutitr Sent,
BoHotau Constat. The Bo much Coun
cil held their regular mcellne on last Satur
day evening, all tho members being present
and Uhlcl llurgcss 'i nomas ureilin in tne
Report of Chief Engineer Charles m.u ani proutor sentenced to pay costs.
Armbruslcr, of tho Fire Department, was f Jun n c'uni1 P on was ap
rccelvcd ami (lied. Report of Constable PJ"ted a constable for Banks township,
iir-ii. -r.i.-o i nr...i .j at..i Com. vs. John Carroll. Thns. Sheppard.
The Secretary was Instructed to make out 'f0"" Malloyi John Heberllng, prosecutor:
bills for balance due on Expense Account rconyi Carro l was sentence.1 to pay $1 and
and If not paid In a reasonable time lo bring , j' ' ?. ""J" "'"' "el "
suit against the debtors! to have a copy of 'rd and Malloy were pninouticed notguil-
thotaxduptlcotemadcj to procure an order tynd discharged. ,,..
book for use of the Borough. Tho lax levy Com. vs. Stephen Smith, J. J. Gallagher,
for 1879 was fixed at the same rale ns the K J, ;'""- rlV j ,
previous year-7 mills on the dollar. The diet, not guilty, and delendcnt acquitted,
receipts for the mouth were $149.12. Bills to"v- Victor Ackeri chorged with
to the amount of $344.42 were ordered paid. Pfl'riatltig a pa nt-brush belonging to the
,. , . L. C. A N, Co.. to his own use; verdict, not
First Excursion. Tho first summer ex- gUiy,
cursion to tho "Switzerland," took .place on cm, vs Charles Rehr, threats j Moses
Thursday, and was , hat of BenhMoUurgs Fritzinger, prosecutor sentenced to pay
Band.of Philadelphia, numbering between natd cacU party to pay his own
three and four bundled ladles and gentle- wiin(..wa
tickets to parties goin:
: west. Mr. Piilch.ud 1 Lo"" Association, $25.
is the traveling agent for the Ohio mid Mis
sissippi Railway Gnnpany, nnd one of the
pleasautcst gentlemen wu have met in some
Tho pic-nic of Excelsior Band, held on
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, not
withstanding tho showery asp ct of the
weather on both occasions, was well at
tended and much enjoyed by the partici
pants. Wc understand that it was a finan
cial success,
A lund-slida on the Lehigh Vulloy rail
road, near Lehigh Gap, Thursday afternoon,
caused the wreck of a coal train, and delay
ed the 5:35 up pascnger train for about one
and a half hours. Wo understand that no
person was injured by the accident.
Mr. George Boyle, of Linfoiii, was in
town Thursday morning on business, and
dropjiod in to see us.
Tho most jiopulur place" in Carbon coun
ty, for purchasing wall pajn'r, btationcry,
und useful niticle-! generally, is E. F. Ijiick
enbu'li's, two doors below the Broadway
House, Mauch Chunk. First-clas painting
and caisoininiug ut reasonable figures, and
work guaranteed. .
A strawberry anil ice cream festival,
under the auspices of tiio ladies of the Mite
Society of the M. E. church, of this borough,
will bo held iubiuderman's Hull,on the even
ings of Friday and Saturday, June 20th and
21st. The proceeds for the benefit of the
church. We trust this festival will be most
liberally paliouized by our people, as tho
church is much in need of pecuuiaiy aid.
There is no possible doubt ol tho fact
that this paper Tun Caiuiox Advocate
has the larrext and most intelligent corps of
local reporters of any paper in tho Lehigh
Region. The people will make a note of
this fuctaind hand in their subscriptions Ac
The Philadelphia nnd Reading Express
company has completed arrangements with
the Central Railroad of New Jersey to have
its express matter cariifd to ttnjnts on Iho
line of tho L. & S. branches ol the C.R. R.of
N.J. This arrangement is to gn into eU'ect
next Monday, June 10th, nnd w.U no doubt
be hailed with delight by our merchants and
business men.
Priqwrty of Caleb Fisher.of Summit Hill
lo the Fidelity Building Loan Association
Propel ty of Richard Morgan, Jr., Summit
mil, to the i iuelity ilulldine .Loan as
sociution, $25.
Properly of Richard Morgan, Sr., Summit
TTS1I ....I.- 1 .1:... T1..M.1V. T -
iho, lo uiu ruieuiy xiuuumg a uuuii
soeiatiou, $25.
Properly of Noah Griffith and wife, Sum
init Hill, to the Fidelity Building & Loan
Association, ?J5.
Property of Noah Griffith, Summit Hill,
to the Fidelity Building & Loan Association
Pinpeity of Nathan Klotz, Summit Hill
to C. O. Skeer, $55.
Property of Daniel Rex, East Penn, lo A
A, Hubermnn. $1525.
Property of Jacob II. Smith.Maucli Chunk
to the Tiustees of Norma Glove, No. 23
Properly of Cornelius Snvder, Town men
sing iiml Franklin townships, to Williuu
Ynuiiirer. $10.
1V..I...I1! nf Vii-lmlfta Decker. Maucli
Chunk borough, to Munch Chunk Building
& Loan As&ociation, $735.
Propcilv of W. W. Scott. Maucli Chunk,
to Mauch Chunk Building Sc Luau Associa
tion, $1100
Propeitv of John Shutt and wife, Mauch
Chunk, to" Wagner Starr i. Co.. $1055.
Propeitv ol'Clus. E. Miller, Ilackelbiruie,
to Elizabct.i Miller, $190.
Proierlv of F. C. Kline, Mauch Chunk,
to J. M. Droisbach, $200.
Prnpeily of.Ienken E. Jenkins and wife,
Summit Hill, to the Fidelity Building A'
Loan Association, A25.
Propeitv of John R. Morgan, Summit
Hill, to tlio Fidelity Building & Loan As
sociation, $25.
bastardy j Alice May Young, prosecutrix.
Grand Jury returned n true bill against the
Com. vs. Catharine Malloy, assault and
battery) Neal Alanelus, prosecutor) Ignor
men Irom that city, 'llicy orrivccl oy ; tno Alias order on report of bridge viewers of
.v.ou uin, Bin. ............ ..a lowaincnsing township) bridge
allowed 1
same, Packer townhlp, disallowed.
Com. va Joseph Vcrzl, larceny) the pros
ecutor, James Buck, falling to appear, the
headquarters at the Mansion House, dis
erscd to Glen Onoko and tlx: other places
of attraction in this vicinity, a large num
ber of t hem returning o uine wun m ne Di,lricl Attorliey enlcrcj a "nollt p,:Mequi,
host Wibert. Philadelphia excursionists n.., . 'r tw.n . rn.itr. o,i
always enjoy themselves here, and this one bastardy) Emma Geidncr, prosecutrix)
was no exception to the rule i) although the tho defemleut pleaded guilty, and was re-
allornoou programme cloaca wun a sruari manded to jail to await the seutonco of Ihe
Minor Tories. At the lost meeting of Com. vs Wilson Bnydcr. larceny I Charles
.1.. I.! I r... f! T ....... . ..... ' .m..
kliu (AJUIUIlldl Ilia mmiiHiiui-a, uvuiua uuauu, urusecuior i Ytrruiuk. u'Jb KUHiy.
Williams was elected Assistant Chiefof the Coin, vs Harry Beigfried and Edward
Fire Department. The election will, no Christmnn, burglary ) Joseph Otto, prosecu
doubt be confirmed by tho Borough Council tori pleaded euiltv ! uwallinz sentence.
at its next meeting. Reports of road viewers of Kidder and
All who heard the plea made bv F. P. Vwer iowaincnung townships, asking
Lonffstreot. Esq.. on Wednesday, for the de.
fence, in the case Commonwealth vs. Victor
Acker, a young man charged witli tho lar
ceny of a paint brusli from the L. C. Sc N.
Company, pronounced it a masterly effort.
In (act, (tho bar will concede it so), thcro
arc few belter pleaders at the Carbon county
"bar than Mr. Longstrcet. His arguments
appeal lo trie higher convictions oi tne mum
and the better feelings of the human heart)
and the arguments are tho moro convincing
because of the source from whence they
eininate) for when he peads for a high
standard of right nnd justice to tils lellow
tnan, his views will bo found reflected in
his own private life. The brush was found The next crop that tho farmers will
in Acker's possession, but tho jury returned sow will be buckwheat.
The harmonious jingle of tho cowbell
that certain roads be opened I so ordered by
the court one in the lonncr and two in tho
latter township.
Illir Creek Itcnix.
-Clover will be short this year.
All are not friends who speak us fair.
The pea and apple aro from Europe.
-Tobacco is a native of Virginia.
The Onion originated in Egypt.
The horse -chestnut is n native of Thibet.
The cucumber camo Irom the East In
a verdict ot "not guilty" ol larceny.
Tho M. E. church aud Sabbath school
will make their annual excursion to Ocean
Grovo and Long Branch this year on tho
18tliorJuly. The tair lor the round trip i ,i .. n ii ....... a? n..
Will LK bill? OUIIIU 111 1U3I. jc.ll Jjr lij- I .
ing$l extra, the excursion ticket will be Hcns
is heard in tho mountain pastures.
An expert can tell what kind of liquor
a man drinks oy the color ol ms nose.
Charcoal is said to be good food to make
made good to remain oyer with.
A larco numbor of Democrats from va.
rious parts of the county have availed them.
selves of an opportunity to make the Demo
cratic Club Room here their headquarters
wlulo visiting hero tins wcck. Aim uic
availability ot tho room has been demon.
strated. It is cozily furnished, pleasantly
located, and is free to any Democrat who,
detained for a few hours in Mauch Chunk,
has no place but a public house to while
awuv the time in. In reporting theelection
of officers of the Club, recently, we omitted
the vice-president Jlegister ana llccoraer
Bernard Phillips. The leaders of the party
claim that the Democrats have not been so
well for years as nt present lo en
ter n campaign ; aud that there is no dauger
of inhariuony Irom any quarter.
A drive throueh the country at this sea.
son of the year is delightful.
Eees have advanced somewhat in price
while butler lias uecnne.i
The recent bountiful rains have made
the crops all that could be desired
Pototoe-bucs have appeared again in
re-cnlorced numbers.
Mr. Robert Miller was home from Al-
brlghtsville on a visit last Sunday,
Dr. Seiplc, of Lehighton. was at this
place on Sunday,
An iiouest man s wora is as goou as nis
Pleased to see our friend Dr. Zern once
again iermaiienlly at home to attend to bis
medical proetuo,
lion. i. J. ijong win picase accepi our
The Slilnklo Itotilicry C'nno.
Some months ago we gave a lull report of
ihe arrest of Harry Soigfried, In Jersey Cily
by Officer Webb, as one of the principals in
the assault nnd rubbery of Gabriel Shlnkie,
nearly two years ago, and lor which Joseph
Otto was tried, but acquitted. In the trial
of Otlo, Amos Soil was a witness. Suspicion
having subsequently centered upon Alfred
nd Harry Scigfrled and Edward Cliristinan,
the two latter were arraigned before the
term of court this week, pleaded gul'lyi "nd
ill be sentenced on Monday. Alfred Soig
fried is still at largo, Edward Christmaii
makes the following confession in writing,
hlch we give for what it is worth. It im
plicates AmosSolt,thc former witnesses the
Instigator of tho crime which was com
mitted by the three men. This is tho doc
ument verbatim ct literatim :
Mauch Chunk, June Slh, 1879.
I worktd fur Amos Solt In 1877, about S
months. Solt said ho would like to have some
money to pay his taxes and buy a wagon aud
x up his place, and I no you can get It ol the
old man Shlnkcy, If you want, and give me
my share ol It. I would help to get It but I
live to close to htin, 1 am afrelght he might
no me. You can uet some Boat Man to help
Mr. Shlnkcy went to Wels.'port one day,
Solt told me, that he would go lo the homo
and Coax tho Young Boy down to the Mill
ilatn, nnd 1 should go In the house and Break
the trunk Open and take tho money out and
take It down In the wooils and hide It under
some large trees. After I loft Solt, he told
me not to come to his house la the day time
or they might Suspect htm, this was alter the
deed, he also told me he would Ilk to see tho
Old man robt because he was soSllngewllh
his money. One day Mr. Solt hat no meet In
the house, About 10 O'Ulock In the Evening
he told me to come and Steal somo ohlokens
of Mr. Shlnkcy that he was In bed, by this
time his wife also told me that they Stold
Butter and Meet or them before. Solt Went
along when we Stold the chickens, alter wo
hat the chickens he told me that Easy
you can gel his money.
Solt said Mr. Shlnkcy has Loaned 3 or 4
Hundred Dollars to Paul Buck, and he would
hnd out wether Buck, had paid the money
Back, So that they could make a better haul.
Solt told me I should Black my face so they
would not no who It was, ho tcld mo to look
out that he had a 7 shooter In the house. Soil
said the best would be to got 2 or 3 and get
Shlnkcy out and tie him and go In and Brake
the trunk open and take the money out, then
go off about a week. Then como round the
Indian UIU Ron I In the night, so that no one
sees you and bring me my share of money,
Mest of the Shlnkc) money Is In Uold and Sll.
ver Exchange It lor paper money and give me
my share In paper money.
Yours he., EnwjtRD Uhmstmah.
Witnesses present : S. F. Bolder, and R. S,
John Kline, Esq,, has established his thanks for several copies of the C'oustitu
rt- . !.. I. ..!!.: .. f TIM T.l.n,.
law OllICO 111 tuv uilliunig, uuiiit:! Ul i uuuui icuukes.
and Susquehanna street, where he is ready
to give attention to legal business of every
The Phoenix Band mado a very pleas
ant trip to Blatington Saturday altcrnoon,
The Supervisors of Franklin have none
over the dillcrcnt roads of this township
once this spring,
Tho difference between a tale-bearer
and sealing-wax is, that sealing-wax burns
The Massachusetts Editorial Associa- to keep a secret, and the tale-bearer burns
tion ure cxectcd to visit this place on the to tell one.
27th instant, during their annual excursion. Mr. Lafayette Lcntz and several other
At the meeting of the borough School gentlemen from Mauch Chunk, were at this
Board on Saturday evening, the annual re- place on u fishing excursion, Thursday last
organization was effected, and the follow- week. How successful they were I was un
ine officers elected : President A. W. But- able In learn.
ler) Secretary, It. Q. Butler; Treasurer The improvement in tho times has not
James Ross. reached the farmer yet, and will not until
The school commencement exercises he Harvests nis crops anu gets inem to mar
will be held this year in the Methodist ket. His only resources thus far has been
church. Elaborate preparations are being "rom ouuer arm eggs, ana uiese ur.iigiug
made for the occasion. Prof. Vunauda's small price, gives mailers a null aspect,
oichestra will furnish the music. The Coal Gazette, which swung the
The Athcnioum, next season will oc- comer last wecK wiuiouipuuiisnerorcuitor,
lie n,iiiini tn-iiwimillv in mlleciinir locates our Inend Paul Kresge at Kresgo-
local historical and biograpical facts. viUc, Monroe county. Mistake) he lives
m. xt r ii .if ,i -.i r. t.,'io l,n, at Stemlcrsville. Wo could not consent to
on Monday, fur Boston, Mass., in the vicin
ity of which ho proposes to spend the sum
mcr mouths.
Mr. II. Q. Butler savs that he shall not
bo a candidate at the Republican conven-
cut him oil' to Monroe just now; we wish
to elect In in alien 11 ci uurbon tins lull.
A children's mcctine will bo held in
the bolt's church, tins (saturuayi evening.
atHoVIock. A uumberof excellent srieakers
vided the latter decide to offer himself as a lleJ to uc l,rC8e
Burgess Cicllln deserves much credit
lor his zeal in repairing I he side-walks of
this boiougii. His last triumph in this di
rection, the pundit week, is a substantial
F. P. Seiiimel. of Lehighton, haa lately
been through tun mm luwuinensing town.
,-Llp looking up his chances for the nomina
tioli for Sheriff.
Jacob Snyder, of Millport, was at this
VH Cllllly.
Mr. L.E.Schlaut!h, publisher of thoSafi'no-
ton Xctcs, last week went through his libel
suit unscathed, and in him the. rights of
the press havo ng.iin been vindicated. It
teems the Acict, about a year ago, published
a local in which the wife of Mr. Georte
Iloatz.ol'Slatlngton, was charged with hav
ing pcrloincd several cakes of eh areola to in
the store in Willianistown, and licnco came
tho prosecution for libel. The caso was
tried a second tune last week the jury hav
ing in tho first failed to agree 111111 a verdict
The defense proved that there were good
grounds for tho article in question, and that
the editor had used considerable diligence to
ascertain the truth, andtherefore, was enti
tled to an acquittal under the new constitu
tion of Pennsylvania. Tho jury brought in
a verdict ol "not guilty," and ill vided the
cost between tho prosecutor and defend 3 nt,
the latter because he hud mado some com
ments that were not exactly called for.
Itloontlngilnle Valley Flashes.
Church on Sunday nt 10 a. m.
Sunday school at 2 p. m.
Miss r.tlzalicth Nothitelnc, of this place,
Is visiting friends In Mahoning valley.
County Superintendent It. F. Holiord
passed through this place one day last week.
Mr. Morris Illcchard and ludy, of Mauch
Chunk, passed through here Friday last
week, enrouto lor Summit UIU.
Mr. Simon Relchard Is ornamenting his
farm most elaborutcly
Messrs. H. J. Deppey Ic Son have nearly
completed tho work on tl.clr new bain.
tlur amateur farmers have been hard at
work, and good crops are anticipated.
Mr. .lack Frost's recent visit here was a
sad calamity to youthful vegetation.
If you will tell me where the cow-bell Is,
Iwllllell ou where the dog.bcll Is which
we heard during tho week. But who knows
(.'ur business places have been decorated
nl'.h fancy paper which adds very much to
their appearance.
Mr. .11. W. Greene, of Albrltfhtirlllr, Is
rusticating with us cow. Ulmthkniau
plunk walk 011 the castsideof Susquehanna place on Saturday lust.
tirpt. l.euucn cizeiuus, 01 uower low.
, r 1.. i.!i. sing, tonco Biierin 01 uiroon couniyi, was
111V Illl Microtis IU9L9 Ul U.lSk.llliy Milieu 1 . w , .. . ... . ,. 1.,!.. . :...i
- I ,1,1 l,M, Ulm...t Irm nf lh u" 11 uusiucss visil lo rruiiKimoii ouiumuy,
ourt, in which tho UcleiiUeuts go to jail, no were mimiy buuwu '"su ')'
1'orks of Weissport.on Saturday last.
dren and tho mothers a titiblio charge, has by our friend L.L. V ills.also presented with
Our Count)- Courts.
The Courts, June Term, 1870, for Carbon
county, convened on Monday, at 2 o'clock,
betore President Judge Dreher and Associ
ates, Leonard and Meendecu. Tho cases,
This is the mouth for college commence
ments, and they will take place as follows :
Franklin and Marshall Colloiro, Lancaster,
tl... .I--.1 !..
Muhfenberg 'College, Allentown, on tho I ''ton, wilt conduct the services All aro
.-lilt inst.
Itcllglnu IVotck.
Rev. J. E. Freeman having returned from
the West, will hold Ihe communion service In
the East Mauch Chunk Lutheran and lie
formed church to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon
at 3:30 o'clock. Preparatory services to-day
(Saturday), at 2 o'cloik p. in. All are cor
dially Invited.
L.EIUUUTOX M. E. Ohukch, Iter. J. P.
Miller, pastor Sunday, Juno 8.-9 a, m.
Glass .Meeting ; 10.30 a. in., Preaching; 1 p.
m., Sunday school; 6 30 p. m., Young Men's
Prayer Meeting; 7.30 p. m., Preaching, Lit
tle People's Meeting, Saturday at 3 p. m,
All cordially Invited.
J. K. Seyfrlt,pastor,aerman preaching at 10a.
ni.; Teachers meeting at 1:30, p. m.j Sunday
school at 2 p. in. English preaching at 7:30
p. m.
UonxEB-STOKE Laviho. The corner-stone
of the Evangelical Chapel, of North Wells
port, will be laid on Sunday afternoon, Juno
1Mb, at 4 o'clock. Bey. B. J. Smoyer, of Le-
remain tho time required by law, tako the department of the Lehigh Valley Lmery
insolvent debtor's oath and leave their cliil- " heel y
nduced Judge Dreher to make n different a copy of "Autumn Leaves," a splendid
ruling in such eases. In the future such worn anu neauy gotten up; among uiu iuus-
defeuilents will be remanded to jail without tuitions wo hnd Laston, .Lehigh University,
sentence, and will there havo to remain Allentown, l?higli valley .emery wneci
until reparation in some shatio is made. Works, Mauch Chunk,Switchback,GlcnOu-
1 1 ..1... H-lll.nnl . f. f., , 1..1. li n ... i 1 1 til.n.a
accept our thanks.
Fourth of July will be our next legal
Holiday, und loung America is busily em
gaged in saving pennies for a proper cele
bration of the ever-glorious event.
The Dover Index says "As the worm
1 ... ..n. ... .,n it ,!... 1.1 1. II. a .1.. r.f
before tho Orphans' Court were disused of .,, ,,. ', .. .hurcI.,.. to nrcach olain.
r..n 1. . . . . . . .. .'
us lui.uns, practical, short sermons, una also liavo tneir
Estate of Solomon Solt, alias order of sale churches well ventilated." We agree with
crauted, on 6ame terms us former order, re- this in even' lespect, one hour and over, is
turnable to next term of court. entirely too long; many people become rest
Auditors' rejiort ol mo account of jsa, u. less ana pay bu' very nine attention u
Wilson, administrator of the estate of Peter sermon is made too long.
Steel ; coiiriimcd nisi. The school directors of Franklin met
Petition ol Wesley, minor child or Josiah a,a jn tue Soil's brick school house of this
W. Poe, of East Mauch Chunk, deceased, for ,Jaee ou Saturday afternoon, for the pur-
tho appointment of a guardian. .Hls! 0fiaying the School Tax and to decide
Widow's appraisement of the estate of E. !( ,.i,,,t i,o .,i In lm built nt Wnlcks.
S. Dreisbach, of Mauch Chunk, towuship; ville this summer or not; asa full bourdwus
confirmed nisi. not nrrwAnt thev were unablo to decide tho
Widow's appraisement of tho estate of hatter point, nnd the question undoubtedly
Harrison Snyder; confirmed nisi. wjh presCntcd again at their next meet-
wiiiowb appraisement oi tne estate oi jng.
'"and final a'cunt of Sila, and John I foot race question has not yet reach.
RI,nnn. oPnlnra if tli will nf Knlhnll " P'OCC.
Solomaii; nisi. Tho following we note from the report
First and final account of Adolph Huss- n-aa oy tne oupernueuueui. u no Hunts
man, administrator of the estate of Charles ville German Sunday school at their annual
Hussman; confirmed nisi. celebration, which was heldon bunday uf-
K1I1UV1I 1US,, 11. .UJ (,"V.V ......a ....
Paul's church. This school, he suid.was or-
Lafayette ColIc2e.Easton.011 the 30th inst.
Lehigh University .Bethlehem, on the 25th
Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, on tho
21th inst. ' "
Dickinson College, Carlisle, on the 2ith
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
on the 23d (list.
A Fuel I
E. H. Snyder is just opening another large
arrival of those beautiful designs iu ladies'
summer dress goods. The style and finish
of the goods offered ut this establishment aro
unsurpassed by the goods at any other store
in Ihe county, while the prices charged are
fully as low as the same goods are sold for in
Jfew York or Philadelphia. If you want a
really good article ut the very lowest prico,
don't fail to call on E. H. Snyder,
Invited, J. K. SisrruiT. Pastor.
PitKsnvTEaiAN Onui'.cu. A congregation
al meeting mill be held In the 1st Presbyterian
church, of Lehighton, on Wednesday evening,
June 18,1.70, at 7:Wo'clock. A full attend
ance of members Is requested as business of
Importance will be transacted.
Puiur MiLLKa.
First and final account of Mary J Bach-
man, executrix of the estate of Adam Bach-
man, ol Lchighton ; coutinneu nisi.
First und filial account of T W Stelcer
wait, administrator of the estate of Lewis
Monlz, East Penn township; confirmed nisi.
First and filial account of John Bynon,
guardian of Charles, sou of the late Morgan
1'owell : nisi.
First and final account ofM A Fegley,
guardian of Mary Diltcrline, (net Water;
confirmed nisi.
First and final account of Chat. Albright,
Woldspprl Item.
The water so low in the Lehigh as to serf.
onsly Impede the operation of the Planlmr
Mill, which at present Is driven to III fullest
capacity with a dozen or more of orders for
mntoilal, which must be (tiled Immediately.
At the special meeting of the school board,
held last Saturday evening, the organisation
wascomplcted by the election of II. II. Ever
ett, president. A school and building tax of
13 mills was ordered. The next term of the
public schools will commence Ihe first Monday
In September nnd contlnuo for seven months.
At the next meeting of the board, to bo held
Imported Qtinll.
The successful, but rather expensive m
Jierimrnt made last winter lo house end pro
tect Irom the rigors fif winter storms, a num
ber n! quail, by the lovers of field-eioil in
this vicinity, elicited considerable interest in
the matter. Sonic writers on natural history
have classed the quail nrnong the migratory
birds, a peculiarity which has never bein
observed in tips splendid gamc-bild, in this
country .and especially In the Atlantic Slates,
Gen, William Lilly and other gentlemen, rf
tho first Saturday In July, several Important i Mnucli Chunk j Dr. G. R. and
measures will bo brought to Its attention
llehlor and Kresge have had two new
signs painted and put up at tho Fort Allen
House. They havo made other Important
changes and Improvements, which will great.
ly add to the comfort of the patrons of that
hostelry. They report business brisk.
Tuesday was tho birth-day of Mrs. Dr.
ern, nnd the Young America Band memori
al I red the event on Tuesday evening by a
complimentary serenade.
Determined to keep the people of this
vicinity cool If possible, during too hoatcd
term, ConUabteU. 11. MacDanlet Is running
a retail Icc-tcom. The loo Is uf the genuine
campaign stamp, and Is warranted to keep the
fattest man cool with the thermometer nt M.
The foundation of the now L. it S.
nearly completed. The building will be a
frame one, on a stono foundation, and will be
an Important addition to the square In front
of tho can '1 bridge; In fact, It will b great
Improvement to Welssport In general.
A parly oomposedorMcssrs.Amos Marsh,
Solomau Yeakel, L. E. Wills, nnd Hon. Dr.
Zcrn took a sylvan ramble on Monday
throuirh the upper portion oftho county, ink
ing their flshlng.tackle along, ofcourse. They
speak n the most enthusiastic terms of the
wild, picturesque grandeur oftho scenery of
Bear Creek, which altera succession of cas
cades and waterfalls empties Its waters lato
the Lehigh near White ilavcn.
Wcathcrlj- Itpnisj.
Now work out your Borough taxes, no
substitutes taken.
How many of the old membors of this
place will attend the reunion of the 81st
Rent. Penn. Vols., on the 20th inst 1 Why
not havo a reunion of all the Carbon county
soldiers 7
JohnSimmons.of Tarrvtown. was buri.
ed hero on Sunday last. Ho had reached
ins sum year.
-Mr. Ed. D.uiffhcrtv. accompanied bvhii
brother Floyd, visited Philadelphia during
tho week, seeking medical treatment for his
Andrew Riltcr, having become tired of
farming, haa ngain taken up hii abode in
town with Clms. Weeks. His family are
visiting relatives in Allentown.
Mrs. Gilbert has again concluded to keep
house for herself, und has taken possession
of her dwelling recently vacated by James
-Stolle, the scaler of wctahts and meas
ure", done this town tho last week. Of
course those who have to bear the burden
of cxiwnso regard it as unnecessary, and
wonuer wmcu party is resionsible.
A lecture. Subiectj "Tho Trim Lad v."
delivered in tho M. Ji. church on Tuesday
evening last, was regarded by tho ones for
tunate uuougn to hear it, as a rare intellect
ual treat. Regret that so few of our Ladies
wont to hear it.
A Mr. Amcr, from Stockton, is now liv
ing in the house lately used for a parsonage.
-Strawberry and ice cream festivals in
the interests of the Presbyterian, Lutheran
and Reformed churches during tho week.
bo far wc have failed to sco the strawberries.
At last the lone begun Lcntz building
on main roua iook as mougn it win bo com
pleted soon.
Tully, the drover, is disposinir of a lot
oi lino snoats ai u cu. per pounu.
Our Maucli Chunk Democrat Itcmist is
bound to servo tho public if hu is working on
tne niguwuy.
Miss Ella Jones, for several months in
Philadelphia und Korristown, has again re
turned to ner Home.
Squire Hunter is about crectiim a respect
able sized barn uiun his farm near Rock-
I'nclicrtoit nipples.
Mr. Frank B. Morris, forwarding agent,
Lehigh Valley railroad, designed a test-car,
to bo used in testing the scales of tho com
pany) tho plan being approved, John J.
Kinsey, master mechanic ut South Easton,
superintended lis construction. It is built
ontirely of iron, and is 4 feet wide, 13 feet
long and -1 feot high, built in box form. The
inner part of the cur is for the putting in of
test weights, one ton of which aro used. The
car is a neat piece of workmanship, in keep
ing witli all work that passes out under the
diiection of this thorough mechanic. It
created somo oxcitcmcnt on its way to Pack
erton Wednesday morning it looked not
unliko an ongino of war, Undor direction
of Mr. Morris a thorough tost of tho scales
at Packcrton was made, Mr. Kinsoy being
present. Tho car will bo in charge of Mr.
Morris, nnd will be used by him eacli month
or oftencr, if necessary, in testing the differ
ent scales.
Rev. William Pickon. pastor of the M.
E. church, of this place, will deliver a lec
ture, in tho church, on Wednesday evening
icil. a. .I.!.i . t .
iiual, loin nisi. auojeci, . ureal, uusy
bodies." The gentleman is a fluent speaker,
and wc trust thero will bo ft good turn out.
To know whether it is hot, go down to
tno suop anu asu iuessrs. sweeny & Montz,
and they will take you into tho shop and
introduce you to tho men working on new
cars, and if they don't pronouueu it hotter
than not, tuau wo uon t know.
The officers oftho Picebytcrian Sunday
sciiooi, oi Lciugnton, propose giving an en
tertainment on the evening of tho 2ith of
June, in tho basement of their church. It
is intended lor the children only. It has
been nuita a burden on tho few to keep the
school in tho necessary books, .to., there
Deing out three or four upon whom the bur
den lulls. It is proposed, with the aid of
kind friends, to give the scholars an enter
tainment at that time, it being tho 5th anni
versary of the opening of the school. There
will be singing, short addresses aud refresh
ments. Anux.
others of Bethlehem, A. C. i-nd
L. E. Wilis, of Lehighton nnd nlliers, taking
tills question under consideration, learned
that tho quail of Ihe tl-indof Me"inn,wero
as truly migratory m are the wild geee ol
this country. Getting in communicutinii
with a gentleman who advertised to fiirnlh
a thousand birds from Mesina to Amen'inu
sportsmen, early last Spring, they nnlcmi
unc hundred of theie inlgralnry quail. They
arrived at tho Emery Wheel works, Weiv
port to the core of Mr. Wills, on Wednedny
morning, The birds aro very unlike Iho
American quail; and In fact, more resemble
the aky-lark, with several strongly marked
peculiarities of the American quail. They
are much smaller in than our
quail, hut their bodies are longer, so that in
the mailer of weight there is, perhaps, not
so much dilTtrence after all. They are it
shade, lighter In color than our quail, utter
nbout the same notes, and In fart wuihl tvl
bo mistaken for othor birds by the mml
careless observer. Thoir flight is very niu. h
like that of the duck, nnd they do not evince
the care for danger, whieh is an instinct of
American quail. These immlgrn nts loour
climate havo been set at liberty, some nt
Bethlehem, and Ihe others on the farms In
this vicinity. It is said they do lint male In
the spring, but rontinuetnlive in coinmuni
tics during the breeding season. Whether the
hopes of the sportsmen who hnvo Imported
lliem will be realized remains lo be seen,
Luirer JCldilrr Ila-iim,
Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.
Fourth of July will bo the next legal holi
day, Sour Krout plants are being anxiously
Inquired after,
Supt, K. F. HofTord was at this plnoe
visiting schools. Qlad to see htm.
A teachers' Institute was held at the Le-.
high Tannery school house on Friday or last
week, at which nil the teachers of Kidder
township were requested to be present.
Politeness costs nothing, but the want of
It Is a great misfortune,
Charles Cbrlstman, of Wild Creek Kettle,
Intends to build a new House Immediately.
The grain and grass fields have a fine a p.
pcarance, and are growing finely and luxuri
antly since tho copious ruins we have had.
Mr. Paul F.ckhart, hotel keeper ol Al
brlghtsvllle, will have a dance on the fourth
of July. All are Invited.
Joseph Serfuss, of this plac, Is at Mauch
Chunk, on business this week. Pro Hoto,
gnnized ill the year 1609, started with 00
members; during me iu years we navo iti
by death 10 members; nnd at present have
upwards of one hundred members on our
roll; tho school is in a promising condition
with money in me treasury.
Corn had made but very slow headway
before tho recent rains, tho cause of this was
the high winds und tho cool nights that we
The Conference of the Evangelical As-
.llbrlglttiiviile ltciun.
Mr. Chas. 11. Chlstman caught 139 trout
on Friday of last week.
Mr. Jos. M. Lelbcnguth, ofKresgevllle,
left for Boy City, Mich., last week, deter,
mined to seek his fortune In the west.
The frost done considerable damage here
to crops and other growing vegetation.
The artlul potato-bug fs an awful enemy
to measure swords with.
Mr. iilchard Urcene believes that some
"Inhuman wretch" has poisoned bis dog, and
offers i'2i reward to find out who did the pois.
lng, I wish 1 knew.
Our friend Paul Banner has been here
disposing of some of his celebrated washing
machines, and did well. He sold one each to
Wm. Octi, Henry Deppey, Franli Wernet,
and left several others on trial.
Constable 11. (J. Deppey and Mr. II. W.
Greene recently killed a rattlesnake measur
ing 4 feet and 7 Inches In length. It bad 12
Mr. James M. Kibbler, ot the Hunters'
bolt I, has shown men very ingenious pltce of
bis handinorkk with a penknife a skillfully
wrought picture-frame and a putzle-box.
They evince mechanical genius and taste of
a high order.
Our genial friend, Mr. M. W. Greene, has
taken to himself a better-half Miss Susan
A. Homberger, ol this place. The nuptial,
knot was tied by Rev. A. W. Strauss, of
Pleasant Valley, Success and happiness to
them. Whose turn next t Durusx.
executor of tho estate of Mary Angelina sociation will be held In the Bolt's church,
.Hccflny ot Director.
At the first regular meeting, Tuesday, of
the Directors of the Lehigh Valley Railroad
Company since the death of Mr. Asa Packer,
the president of the company, the following
resolution was offered aud unanimously
adopted :
Jlcsolccd, That out of respect for the mem
ory of our lato president, it Is the opinion of
the Board that It is iuexjiedleiit to appoint a
president at this time, und that the vice
president ierform tho duties of the office
until the next election.
This continues Mr. Charles Harlshorne,
the present vice-president of the company,
in the active duties of president of the com
pany up to the period of the next annual
lleaaouablo I'rli c
At E. II. Hold's t American main spring,
50 cents; case springs, 50 cenU) cleaning,
50 cents; kevs. i cents, and all other work election for officers of the company, to be
cans the attention or the ladies to his new and articles at equally low prices. All work held In January next. Robert A. Packer
slock of summer dress goods. Prices down guaranteed for ue yar. Cudcr the Firsl was elected a director ot the company ,in the
ione lowcat flgure, I.atlon-l Bank. place of William W Longstreth, deceased
Kuehncr: confirmed absolutely,
First and final account ol P J Kistler, ad
miiiistrutcr oftho estate of Peter Storm;
confirmed absolutely.
First and final account of Levi and Isaac
West, executors of the estate of Jacob West;
continued absolutely.
t irst and final account oi jonn uinesatu
of this place, on Saturday afternoon, June
.'1st at 2 o clock.
We have before us a letter from Or-
lander Buyer, Lawrence, Kansas., a con
stant reader of the Advocate, with the
request that we publish a synopsis of it.
In recard to those who return so soon
nn j ..t,u ,i,. i-.i .. ......
minlstrutor of theestato of Eleanorll Hines; t..n h ;. .nt i hn'me.ick should
confirmed absolutely.
stay where they are. Tho greater part
l-irstanu unai account omugoiumenus, -. . .'...iin. ?
'..lll.l,ol-ril,..lnlri.-rnnl,M,.r.r. "1"'6- "
ZZZl .1,1, ' rew weeks, and It disappointed, as tney
...... ---.v- .... ... . are ant lo he. tney cci oisoouraEea, re.
order oi court to wu tne real estate oi . i , - t -f K,n
Isaac Moyer, deceased. .as." Again he says ) "Emlgranta here
Petition of Caroline Zellner for benefits of I ,...??', . .i.. .i..r
Act of Assembly of April 3d, ,1872, ordered t t fc Moee1 to or diMover
to be recorded in the Recorder's office. ,,n(1 of Ctn'an Ten Ti(urDtd wth bad
w'i... 6..V, . ... and two only with a good report. Ten
roresi nmi Direamomniineu sliuo.oi i uu-1 ...,.. in . i.i..rnn it 1,.,.
ther alley. ren. and matrnlfvlmr the cities lor their
First aud final accounts of Chas. Meend
sen, assignee of Levi Kern, aud Henry Buy
er, assignee of J. B. Seidle, confirmed ni si.
Joseph Otto and John Otto vs. Gabriel
Sliinke, rule granted upon defendent to plead
wiiuin zu uays or judgment.
strength, and the giantly statue of the in
habitants. Rivxax.
"For ten vears mv wife was confined to
her bed with such a complication of ailments
Auditor s repon uisiriouung me mnus . b t d u ,,-,,1 wa, the mat-
he hands of John Bynon, assignee of I rank ' , , f
Uyr"0":X"'V,.'5iaiu1"r'-. t n V tune in humbug .tuff. Six Vnonth. ago I
Kleppiuger, Auditor's report confirmed nisi,
I though
Totrttmenklnsr nrcvltleo.
Warm days and cool nights.
The potato bug Is depredating.
The late frosts have done considerable
damage to the strawberries. Some say they
will not have ever a half crop.
Uulte a number from this vicinity were
at the Soil's church last Sunday, attending
the Sunday school.
Grass holds are covered with a rich and
promising verdure.
The Dally Bulletin, suggests "that It only
requires a moonlight night, a pretty girl, and
a front gate, to get the bang of IU"
The next crop that the farmers will sow
will be buckwheat.
The Towamenslog township school board
met on Monday of last week, and elected the
following officers to serve for the present
sohool year: Frcdertck Beer, President; J.
U. Weill, Secretary ; John Stetler, Treas
urer. I am pleased to state that Frank Zelner
has so far recovered so far as to be able to be
around the home.
Key. . Buti will officiate at the Upper
Big Creek meeting house next Sunday, at
J:J0 p. m.
Last Sunday was a beautiful day, al
though warm, and many Improved the oppor.
tunlty to go out carriage riding.
The most popular paper among women !
a paper of pins.
Atr..1 VIM, nt OTIM n,lr. who hll
a U. B. flag with Hop Bitters on It, and u craned to the house for leveral weeks,
Queht I would be a fool once more. I . ... .. ...
; t i Tr i ... . .. r i,.. ,.i i i.,i., is now again aDie loauenu iu un wun. r.
drawer and 1 have no
Sumlnj-School .Heelings.
The first Sunday school meeting of the
series, held at Furryville, by tho Carbon
County Sunday School Society, during the
week, was opened by W. W. Bowman, the
President of tho society, tho school earnestly
engaged in singing tho hymn, "All hail tho
power of Jesus' name." Rev. Butz lead in
prayer, plead'ng in an evangelical manner
especially fortho conversion of children, and
God's blessing upon thoSunday school, Af
ter singing, Rev. Smoyer was introduced,
and spoke in German, using for his text a
piece of petrified wood, as an illustration of
a sinner's heart, who has been hardened in
sin. C. S ll'cisstlicn spoke on tho subject
"Jesus," the model teacher and the five char
acteristics: justice, earnestness, sincerity
usefulness and sympathy. Rev. Soy frit made
a German address, making use of an inter
esting nnd instructive story, toaehing tho
reword of being a christian. W C. Weiss
next spoke on the subject of "Tobacco," its
evil effects and its use by parents, teachers
and the ministry, who very often set tho ex
ample for the Sunday school scholars to use
On Tuesday evening the meeting was
held at New Mahoning. Rev. Sinoyci
opened the meeting by reading a portion ol
scripturo and offering a fervent prayer. Not
having a Sunday School at New Mahoning,
tho addresses were pnnciially made for the
object of stirring up the people to commence
a Sunday school. Rev Smoyer made the
first address, and spoko of the importance of
haying n Sunday school connected with the
church, and of zealously luboring for the
conversion of the children. After sinuintr,
W. B. Roniig was introduced, and spoke of
the advantages lo be gained by having n
Sunday school in which to labor for Christ.
Mr. T. Amer then followed with a spirited
exhortation, in which ho exhorted them lo
commence a Sunday school ut once. Quite
a number of persons arose in response to
me question : "in you commence a Sun
day school in this Jilace 7 nnd the prospects
for a Sunday School are very bright. Rev.
Shullz Ihcn lead in prnyeryind after singing
the dnxology the meeting was dismissed.
Un Thursday evening the meeting held at
.North Welssport, was conducted by w. u,
Weiss. Because of the rain thcro. was com
paratively a small attendance. After prayer
by llev. bhultz and tho singing ot several
hymns, llev. beyint spoae in uerman con
cerninc tho evils of tobacco nnd intemper
ance. W. W. Bowman next spoke on the
subject of Dress, making use of a large pic
ture of a dressing-bureau, with the looking
f;lass God's word. Rev. Shultz then spoke
ii German, and taught a number of lessons
from a law tenn ; llev. bmoyer, followed In
English and compared virtues to flowers.
Judging by the singing, and the fact that
iuis is u new DcuuujfUuiiijHiruiiveiyi una lucy
nave doui an organ and u library connected
with tho school, we judge it to be in a very
flourishing condition, under the manage
ment of Mr. I. Z. Bageuctoso and Mr. W,
wnitencad. w,
Fire Damp Exploaion.
A serious fire-damp explosion took place
on Wednesday morning about 8 o'clock, in
Slope No. S, Lehigh Coal and Navigation
Co.'s mines, nt Coaldale, in Panther Creek
Valley. Fire-boss, William Haters, and
Benj, Davis and John O'Donnell were se
riously, if not fatally burned. Jonn II. and
Frank Boyle, Benj. Jones, Patrick Burns,
Hen-y Logan, Edward Jones, and others
were more or less injured. It Is rsiorled
that one of the men has since died of his in
Brown BcnsKTT. At the residence of the
briuo's parents, on Centre street. .Struu s
burg. Pa., on the 3rd of Juno, 1878. by the
llev. W. II, Elliot, Sir. Edward Brown and
Miss Emma L. Ilurnett.
Ukeknk HoMnKROKn. On June 2nd, at the
Lutheran parsonage at Pleasant v alley, by
ltcv. A. M. blrauss, Mr. M. W. Greene, to
Miss Susan A. Homberger, both uf Al
brlghuvllle, this county.
In taking up tho Dlhlcwcflnd rlmostat the
out start, this verse; "And the Lord God said
II Is not good that 'tho man' should be alone."
Throughout the centuries that have elapsed
sinco theso word were recorded, man Inn ever
been ready and willing tofnlluw this scriptur
al advice. Mr. M. W. Urcene, our iiculal
friend ol Alhrlirhtsvllln, having grown weary
of threading the tangled mazes of lite ulono
and uncheered, choso tho hotter part, and on
Monday. June 2,1, was united to Miss Susan
A. llouibcrgcr, ol Albrlglitsvllle. Knowing
tho amiability, and tho obliging disposition of
both, I conuratulato thein, and do not hesitate
to predict lor them a tranquil, hippy llle.
May the sunshine ot liapplnossshod its beams
o'er their uthway, and no clou i nor shadow
arise to mar tho Joy of their wedded llle, li the
earnest wish or their many lriends. 1).
Kbiioiinkb Dottkb. On the 26th ult., by
the tamo JaoobK. Kerchner.ol Kresgovllle
and Miss Mury A. DotUr, of botttrville,
Monroo county.
Notiistkin RunnncHT. On the 1st Inst.,
by Hoy. W, II, titruus, John A. Nothstoin,
ol Lust Penn, and MUs Amanda ltubrccht,
ol West i'eun
KisTLitn .AUhtz On tho 10th Inst , by Ihe
same. Dr. Jacob Ktstlcr aud Miss Susan
Mauiz, both of Wist Penn.
I.clilgltloli Produce Kturkct.
Flour, per sat Ic $2 75
Corn, per bushel 60
Oats, per bushel 45
Mixed Chop, per cwt 1 V5
iuiuuiings, per cwi i
Bran,perowt , 80
Butter, pcrpound 18
Eggs, per dozen.. 14
Haul, ner hound 10
Lard, pcrpound 10
shoulders, per pound 6
z-utatois, per uusuei bv
Closing Prices of Deiiaven Tuw.nsknd,
Stock, Government and Gold, 40 South
Third Street. Philadelphia, June, 12, 1879
U. 8.0's. I8el 1K, uid lttlh nine
H.i urrciii-v.ti's i: t oi" i-i skiu
.lt3it uiu ifiiif npcia
mi bin lOOli aka
. KlClj Old ill. '4 ask. f.
. iT, bid ,1,H ilia
. sol, i.ul Ml, usktd
. 9tt Old Su'i Utktil
11. 8 S' 1881. new,
U. H. Vs. new
U. s 4' new
Pennsylvania It. It
Lelucli V.llev It. It....
I.clilu'11 ('aal & ;.nv. Co.... T&l, mil -.51, asktd
United Companies of fi.J.14.m mil in nuked
Kiulheru Outiul i.. It... 101 bid i7H nskcd
lle-tonvllle ra. It, It. i o u, b n 17 asud
PittH.Tit. & Hen It u. Co. SI, bid 84 asked
Central Tiaiwio iitlmico tiv. tuu 41i an cd
NoithiTiil'ablbcCuni .... I4i bid 14Sit:rd
1'iet'd. 44", bid 41k akod
f-ilver. (Trade,! 0.M, tile inn, anted
' (1,'nuno Vs ) fall but 91 1 ua.e.l
" (Smiesana lull rnoi), Oil, bid vs It asked
Special Notices.
A MONTH puaruutreil.
nimie mime uv liif im
mini nrt n qmiert t wu win sitvt
tl'in J .it
bntne mime by 11)
tou. Men. won. en. boy and irit
main money tauter ai vrotk (or m limu at auv
tiling else. 1 li work is I'ffht ami eawint.iiu 1
melt a huvodc cuu k" rigbtat. Tno-e whnro
wi who M)3 tlii i-o;lC3 will peudut tbelrnd
i1refte at nuce and ee lor tlmn)6lvia. Contiy
Outfit and tei nis Irt o Nw l tU ume. 1 lioke
aliendyat wnrt are lalns np Ur?e aaumot
moni'T. Addre a TilUf; A CO., Auuia.
Maine, Juuu 7. ly"
Ol all kinds TU 'ions, dlchr.
ires nf moon or mucus unl
all disram-s oftho HI-XT I'M
qmrklrand perfeetly cuiel bv a simple and
soollilnii llEMr.DV. Korialurmstion addii i
Uh J. 1'AUEK & CO, W Anu ct , W V.
CVA remedy used Till aTV.FIVJi EARS In
a private pract ce.aua ueier lading to ladlcallr
Drops7tKivlp,las.ueooni1ai'r bvphllls, flravsl,
IJiaulVa. and all dnmases In which the b ood Is
Implicated, is now offered to the pub.le.
bold bv sd UrTAiL DBt'OOisTS. nd tsholeut
onlTlbv nit: WKYllUll.N aKIUClMJ CO.
I'. O. Boi S3s, ItocheiiUr, Y.
S A V E A D O L L A R ! Ja j""
"l-'KVKH AOUfc ANU l.lVUtt 1'AU l W thout nr
exoepiloii the best INd in eitmcnr lor III oure
andpreveimon of all ra larioaa llt ! und
Ihe tvwt woudertul niwlluui lU-coveiy i.rilio
aiio. JJomeiiiclne required, tuiee hr ubsorp.
lion bend for pamphlet which (lives ceit.fl.
rate of uraord'uarv oores pcrwruiert bv tnu
lHd. mailed tree. Ask your 111 uKirti-t fur the
Ugvpium Had and take ao other - l( he ha
none, 1 will wnd t ou oue hv mail on recert of JOL 1. I.KMINO, (H Market ft..
I'ltuburgh. la. boe Acent ior ihe Uotti-d
Btatea May l-l year.
Oriental Cream. ;
Fllclta a clear, tranaparent ooiupiaien. free
Iroui rAN. Fbkckles or.ttOTU I'ATCima. Thew
qu.liuej.. adrted ! the imitceiii-e am' puiitv of.
ita miriedteiita. mae thu "Oriental t'reaui"
hu d tta oiiiinu.ent place -n public eatet-m aa the
beat wnei oonipatioa, u uivo
ft ... If....... I..MU I.' ... t Hku. .....I.
w.' vT? r?.ni"" I . "lr! j ,. . : 1 doubt. Ilfh. -ouU nracllce the art ofdellne-
ecutori ennrge inreatsi aeoieuceu to rar anu Knmj nv mu nii.,.uun o i, , - -- ... u..v..,n. ..v. ,. i nil
cost of prbsccutiou. only two aollars. Be ye likewise foolish." allon), would make ono or the best In the j An eye witness from Packettan says (he hall
Coin. vs. David Bradford, fornication and H. V.( Detroit, Mich. :g.:9. eotinty, McritT, fall at that place wi terfttle.
A Severe Storm.
A very severe storm pasted over this section
on Thursday afternoon last, accompanied by ,
vivid flashes or llghtnln and tremendoua
peals or thunder. The rain and hall roll In '
torrents, the latter covering; the Kround la the t
depth or an men or moro along Indian woun- pwT,01. lm,. ttom Hntl-heA i peratio and
tain, In Franklin township. The houie otWut, u amallo artlatianrt tr lii. Wmnij ahould til
Asa, Mackereltown. wa. struck by IlKhtnlng, SSSS i& ffllS V'iSK
carrying away the gable end, but we are pleas, irow t put or blemish. The pun-cueof tlio tin
ed to state the occupant. Mrs. Heaver and ZSu5lm:
child, eicaed Injury, The Itorui laited about iilui." l, r nuiovlo, upeiflaoui hair Inaunttv,
two hours. Its greateit force being tini along r,""u,:t ,', ", i
the Maucu Uhunk and Indian Mountains.
Thtiiinniida of Trl ImoiiloU
MmiuM, 11 l'00UnAUD.HJud6L.K. Y.
Held bv druvinnii aud larcr go'tmen
U y 11. 6 time.