II. V. MOHTIIIMKH, EDITOR LRiiraiirofJ, pa.i BAtTJRTJAY, JUNE M, 1879. Tire Orangemen of Montreal have de rided tint lo parade on the Twelfth of July. The President lias approved the bill re-Cf-ully passed by Congress ipaklng subsidi ary silver coins a legal tender up to $10, and providing fur their redemption at the Trca t'iry when presented in sums of $20 or its multiplies. - We observe ty the last ft-aneof UioSlark county (Inil.) Lvlgcr, that our friend Oliver Musseltiian, editor of that paper, lias been successful in getting re-elected as Superin tendent of Common schools for his county, notwithstanding the strenuous cITorl iiinilc by the "solo-heads" to defeat him. Wecou gratulate Bro. Mus-'etiiinii on his success. At a inas meeting oCeitir.cnsof Easton, held Kit Ft tdny evening, .resolutions were adopted, dcclmins tlmt Pardee Hall must m relin-ilt and restored toils former beauty and usefulness, asking the friends of Lafay ette College all over the country tnald in re storing tho Hall, pledging the cit'zrns ol Kuston to do their full share, and naming a eouunittee of twenty-one prominent Kasloii iairs t" feeuro'sstiseriptioiis. The SuWrip lion Oiiiniittec organized hyclcctitiijWcnry Oreen, Cluiirmannd JohnT. ICnighl.Trea pttrer. It is expected that rebuilding will begin at once. It will bo very gratifying to every friend of the-late Judge Packer to know that the Muster's rcjiort in his great case with his former partners, Noble, Ilammet & Co., lias jibt been published, deciding in Ids favor every point involved in the dispute. Instead of being a debtor to tho firm In two or three millions of dollars as was claimed, it is found and decreed that the film is indebted lo him $32,000 in addition lo $1 111,000 previously received by the Judge. Tho claim that the "firm had a two-tenth interest in his contract for building the Lehigh Valley Railroad is rejected, and the charge that ho tibed the inouev, and drew it of the firm for his own purposes in building tho mad is utterly re pudiatcd and denied. Tho result is a very grcat.victory over an unconscionable attempt to swindle Judge Packer out of his character as a man and a partner. Eutton Exproa. The "campaign" in Ohio isofadecid cdly military character. In the Republican Convention a General led oil by proposing the candidate who got the nomination for Governor, and the Convention then chose oue General as its nominee for Lieutenant Governor over another officer of the same rank and also over a Colonel. The Green- backers selected a General to run for Gov ernor, but the military, under the lead of two General?, nfierwards witlidiew from tho Con vention, as a result of a dispute about the platform. Finally, the Democrats assem bled, choosing a General as their chairman, and nominated two Generals for the highest offices iu the state. The general result of al tl.is is, there are two Generals candidates for Governor and two for Lieut. Governor in Ohio, and the soldiers are Buro to be re presented, no matter which party wins. The following from the San Francisco Bulletin of the 27lh ult. may be of interest to attorneys: "Tho State Supreme Court Mon day rendered a decision which is of intcres1 to attorneys throughout the State. It has been customary from time immemorial for Courts to request attorneys to defend Impe cunious prisoners, notwithstanding the fact that no pecuniary allowance is ever made for their services. Judge Clark, of Sacra mento, requested a young attorney of tha county to lake charge of thedefenee ill acase of this kind some four months ago, but the lawyer declined tho honor, seeing that there was no compensation attached tn it. The refusal was adjudged a contempt of Court and a small fine inflicted. Monday tli right of the Court to compel tho attorney t undertake the case was argued in the Su preme Court upon a writ of habeas corpus, The decision was against the attorney, an it may, therefore, be regarded as now settle.! that Courts have the right to demand such services from members of the bar." The Ilcxt Is tho Clicnpcat. The announcement that a new edition of Webster Unabridged Dictionary hasjnst been published, containing many new and valu able features, suggests thought that buying a Dictionary is a good deal like buying an egg or a watch; a bad one is not cheap at any price. Webster being the standard authori ty for tho English language, he naturally has many imitators, but imitators are usual ly held at their true worth by tho public j who wants a wooden nutmeg, though it may look ever so much like tho genuine article? The ipularity of Webster is based upon this principle. If you want n handy thing to carry with you, a companion that you can always rely upon, and one that will never tire you, n really vnde meeum, we recommend that you get a copy of the pocket edition of Webster, with its 18,000 words and meanings, rules for spelling, tables of weight and measures, abbreviations, words phrases and proverbs from the ancient and modern languages. It is printed from new type, and bound in morocco, with tucks, and bright gilt edges, and, when not otherwise obtainable, will be sent by mail, on receipt of one dollar, by tho publishers, Ivison, Blakeinan, Taylor k Co., 138 i 140 Grand street, New York. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE. no ward, But In tho nlghtof death hope fees n star and listening love can hear the rustle of a. wing. He who sleeps here, when dying, mistaking the approach of death fur the re turn of health, whispered Willi tils last breath: '1 am tetter now.' Let ns believe, In spite ot doubts and dogmas, ur fears and tears, that tliego dear words are true of all the countless dead. And now to you, who have been chosen from anionic the many men ho loved, to do the I o si sad otllce lor the dead, we give his sacred dust, spcechcanuotcoutatnourlove. There was, thero Is no gentler, stranger, manlier man." The coffin wan born to tho hearse by Senators Maine., Allison, Voorhccs, David Davis and l'addock, Ward, I.amon, Jeremiah Wilson and Representatives Garfield and Stevenson, who acted as pall-bearers, and were followed by the Immediate relatives and friends of the deceased; The solemn proces sion then moved to the beautiful burying. ground at Georgetown, and all that was mortal of the ex-congrcssman was deposited In Its Bnal resting place. There were no ser vices at the grave, and r.o services of any character save those described above. Tho House Ootnuilt'co on Appropriations last night authorized Representative Oiymer ol Pennsylvania, to report for printing nnd re committal the army appropriation bill agreed apon by the Joint Dcuiocratie caucus, with Important changes. The bill Is an exact copy of tho bill of like character recently vetoed by the President, excepting in the tbllowln;; par ticulars: Section a (which Is substituted In lieu of tho previous section upon which the President based Ids veto) Isns follows: "That no money appropriated by this act Is appro priated or shall be- paid for the subsistence, equipment, rransjurtatlun or compensation of uuy portion of the army of the United States, to ue used as a police force to keep the peace t the polls at any election held within any State." An additional clause Is Inserted In the bill, In compliance, with u recommenda tion Irom the Secretary of War, appropriating 130,000, or so much thereof as may bo neces sary for t lie construction of a military store room, depot, &.C., at Omaha, Neb. Tho friends of tho Warner Silver bill In the Senate show great feeling over the action of the Senate Finance Committee to-day In post poning action on the miasuro until next De cember. Gov. Coke, of Texas, brouaht In a resolution in the Senate to discharge the com mittee, from tho further consideration of the bill so as to bring it directly bcloro the Senate. Tho resolution was objected to by Gov. Whyte and went over, but it will be called up at tho next meeting of Ue Senate, and it Is claimed that there will be a majority In lavor of its ainicdlato jassovo. Even should there bo a majority it will be found no easy matter to get the bill through at this session. Tho name of Secretary McOrary has been to the Scnato for tho vacancy In the Kluhth Judicial Circuit Judgeship, occasioned by the resignation of Judgo Dillon. Sir. McOrary said to day th.it It ho Is confirmed ho shall en ter upon his new duties September 1. Some of tho Democratic Senators cay that McL'rary had better not move his household goods yet anhlls, and sumo of them say, that If It Is shown that he wrote the veto ol the army bill he will be rejected by the Scnato. They say he cannot mako bayonet law and then rule on it as a Judge. The following names aro being considered by the President fur tho Secretary. ship or War in caseof McUrory's confirmation, which, notwithstanding the rc oris, Is beyond peculation : Ex-Senator Ramsey, ol Minn, j Ex Governor Ilnrtrnnft, olPcnn'a.; Ex Gov ernor McCormicK, of Arizona, and Assistant Sec ctary J. II. Ilawley, of the Treasury Do partmcut. MacVtagh's name has not been considered, and If the appointment should be made to morrow it would bo taken from one of the above named gentlemen. fit Is authoritatively announced that Miss Itcttte Evarts, tho third of tho unmarried daughters of the Secretary of State, Is engag ed to Mr, Edward Perkins, of Ronton, a sou of Mr. Charles Perkins, of that city, a highly esteemed gentleman, who has written well on art subjects and is very wealthy. Tho match Is highly approved by all concerned. Miss IU tile Evarts Is the young lady who was false ly reported last winter as engaged to Secre tary Schitrz. All In a position to know have asserted from tho first that there was never any foundation whatever for that rumor. Miss Itettla Hearts Is n fine-looking blonde and very Intelligent. Her elder sisters and hertelf seem to relieve their mother of all hou-cholil cares, yet they regularly teach in the parish eeliool ot St. John's Eplstopil Church, which Secretary Evarts' laiully at tend. Auoi-dT. ni;vs uossip. Walter Reckwith. aged 00 years, a prnnii n"iit larincr of S'anl'oid, N. v., was gored by n bull Sunday morning, and died two hours afterwards. Our Letter from Washington. A Funeral without Clergymen. Imposing Ceremonies. Distinguished Fall Hearers, The. Latest Political Mums in Congress. Sccixtaiy UcCrary's Resignation. An- other Fashionable Wdding in I icie. Washuxitoic, 1). O., Juno 7, 1879. A notable Eatherlna was that which assem bled In the spacious parlors of No. 103 K street Tuesday afternoon. Senators, Cabinet officers and members of Congress were thero In large numbers. The only persons who wero net present were the clerg) men, who on such occasions are usually oonildered Indispensable. Midway between the two rooms reposed a cof fin heavily oruamentcd with silver-plate and banked with flowers. The IIJ was raised and dlsclosod the well-known features of the late Khon C. lngersoll more familiarly known as Clark lngersoll, Surrounding the casket was the stricken family of the deceased. The John MeDevitt, of Philadelphia, was shot dead by a policeman named Atkinson, dur ing an affray ut Iicverly, N. J., Sunday morning. Another heavy frost occurcd in New Hampshire and Vermont, on Saturday night resulting in much damage to the crops, Children cry for it but they stop eiyinsat once, after they have taken a single doo as Dr. Bull's ll.iby Syrup cures nit tho pains our tittle: ones uro tubject to. Piicc2iceiils n bottle. Foltsville, Juno 0. Fire broko out in the Keystone- colliery, near Ashland, Bix weeks ago, caused by an explosion which has ever bince been a mystery. I no men loreed fleam into tho workings and thought thev hail ex tinguUhcd it, but recently it was discoveicd t.j be still on liie,and they can neither locato it, nor ascertain llio causes which produce it As it burns so stubbornly, tho district super intendent lias ordered the walkings to be Hooded, tho snma as was dono at tho Wides- vine shall a tew years ago. Hits causes tin co hundred men to remain idle for an hi lled nite ti ine.becauso it cu n not bo ascertai ncd how long it will take to fill up, and how long it will roqulio to pump the water out again. At Burrillville, R. I., Alonzo Anthony was family shot by James Driscull, who "did not know tlicplsibl was loaded. und snanncd the cap, holding the weagioit ut the man's head, unending u irigtucn nun." At itulge way, III., Mason Evans "supiiosed that an old pistol was unloaded, muting it at his wile, punea me trigger snouting her tnrougn the bend." At Norwich, N. Y., William J, Hoiwwell "took down n broken musket, be lieving it empty, und was bonified when it was discharged, kitting nis sister. To icnoro the warninc ofannroachlnir dis ease is neither cautious nor safe. Prudenco would suggest the immediate use of a good preventive remedy, sucli as Dr. Hull s Ham more Pills, which eradicate utoiiceullsyinp- loms oi uiuous diseases. Accordins to the Clucazo Tribune, this i the way in which souls aro saved in that city : "A few youuggirls belonging toa wcsl sine cnurcu nave set nuoiita nooic mission ary work to Increase the attendance on thcii beloved liastor's ministration. Thev co ou just before tho cveninir. service hour and lure yontijj men to follow them, pilot their vic tims in through a harmless looking side-door, anil give inein in custody ot two venerable deacons as sinners desirous of turninz from the error of their ways, and before those voung men nave recovered irom meir shock of surprise mid disappointment they fin themselves stowed away in front scats be tween trustworthy members, and being prayed and preached at by Hie olliciatinc clergyman in a manner which for directness discounts mat ot Nathan." Ntlllc Snhhlith School Coirvcntln. Rciiorled fo. the Cauboh Advocate.) Altuona, Ta., June 7. Tho Fifteenth Annual Convention of the Pennsylvania State Sabbath School Association was held In tho Second Presiylerlan church, f tbt city, tliis week, opening on Tuesday after- nonir sad closing on Thursday evening. The attendance throughout was large, and the session; were of unusual interest to all Sunday school workers. It fs estimated that about 300 delegates were present, from vari ous ports of the State; but I did not recog nize any from your county. At the eve ning session, the church, though a large one, was too small to accommodate all who applied for admission. Tt.K31,V ATTHKSOOS. The convention was called to order brtho chairman, John R. Whltncy.of Mryn Maur, at 3 o'clock. Alter devotronaf exercises, he introduced Rev. Ricii'd Newton, D. D, "Tho Children's Friend," of Philadelphia, who addressed his remarks principally to the children, this being a children's "meeting. Ho look a the subject of his iliscnurso tlie words found in Pmv. xit 111, "To him Hint I Ut,bolli of this city, sowcin in riguieoMsiucis snan uo a euro re ward." Getting tho children U answer nnd repent, the spcaher defined " sowelh righte ousness" to u man " doing good'' and "re ward" ns meaning " getting good," tlnu he had for his subject " Doing good is the best wny of getting good." The nditress was listened to most attentive ly by nil present. His illustrations were siniplo and easily understood. One of his illustrations woa the story of the woman who gavo to the prophet Elijah, the last lucalnud oil she possesedoind by so doing always liad a iicver fairing srvppfy afterward. Another was by wheat being " thrown uwny" by the sower which he cithers again nt harvest, it having been increased many fold. At the nt.n of his address, to have tho subject im pressed more fully upon the minds of the children, ho had them again to repeat it. Alter singing "jjiru dismiss us wiui my blessing." The benediction was pronounc ed by Dr. Newton. TUESDAY KVKNIM). After sineingand nroyer.Rov. II. B. Ham lill, ol' this city, dclivcicd an address ofgrcet ing nnd welcome, which wa9 responded to by the Picsident, Rev. J. R. Whitney. "The principal address of the evening was by Rev. P. 8. Heiison, of Philadelphia, on "The possibilities of tho future." Jlosays 'wo need a higher grodo of teachers. Too often Superintendents lay their hands on nnv one. icociiera nmst bo npi io leucn. Not all aro called for this work; some nro like the candidate for the ministry, who on being asked if bo hod becu called to the work, said ho "knew of no one that had call ed him except his father I" Ho took the ground that teachers ought to be convcited, so that their life would bo that of a christian durin-' the week as well as on Sunday, and not like tho littlo boy who described the shape of the earth. Tho school master had told the class that the earth was round like his snull box; but tho boy observed him having a square ono on Sunday, and so nt tho examination hcrepliad that the earth was round nil week and square on Sunday. H'e do not need such teachers, wo need men trained for tho work." One of the "possibilities of tho future" he thinks will ue, "lewcr tcaclicrs, ' anil tneso will be cilu catcd for their work osnny other profession nl man is educated for his work, the teachers he thinks will ho salaried so that they can go among the children and dovoto "tbeir whole time to the work. Tho Dr. is an nblc and entertaining speaker and his remarks received close attention. After singing a hymn, the benediction was pronounced aim tnc meeting adjourned. WKDXESDAY MORN'SO. The exercises commenced with n song ser vice and recitations of scripturo versos', witli running comments', conducted by J. Howard Seal, ol tho Young Men's Christian Associa tion of I'liiladclpliin. The rcnort of VA. S. Wii'-ner. Socretnrv. who being absent, was lend liv h. D. Vtiil, chairman ot the Executive I onitnittee, niter which several comiiiitlecs were appointed. "All hail the power of Jems," win Ming, followed by an address on " Ilmvtn inerciso tho ellicicnev of ourslate nnd conntv orgaii- atinns," by Rev. J. M. Reiiiieiisuvdcr. l Lewistown. Reports from the different couutie-i were then heard. AFTERNOON S1.3.MI1N'. General business was now biouclit before the convention and discusaed. The Pecre- ry was instrudod to .send u letter to all schools, recommending a religious, patriotic Ijservanec of tho 4th of July. It was also recti upon that dele-rates be appointed to tho London Centenary by tho Executive Committee, nnd that the next meeting par take of tho Centenary character, and that tliu Committee mako it a prominent feature pon tho next programme. Alter singing "Heavenly l-athcr, Dies mo now, J. JInwum heal delivered an in teresting lecture- on " Illustrative Teaching." J.lf. Bombcrger, President of TJrslnus Col lege, addressed the Association on -ncsponi- 01 1 11 let oi me leacner. ins numi-oa wna an nble one and cloned with, the words, "Re nKinber, onr work is not for n day, but for ever. Let ns go to work ernstly for the young, so that fit th last day it will prove tuat wo nave noi raoorcu in vniu Alter sineiEca. hymn, tho Committee-en Resolutions reported, Closing remarks were nifitlf. hv KQverul fronllcmcu. llev. Bwallow, rrcsiuing fjuer, inougui thero was danger of dyspepsia. "So many pood lb lies have been said by the doctors and others, that I feel like going homo lo digest it, or If I do not, I fear thero will be mental Indigestion-". His remarks were pleasant and pertinent. Lewis D. VaiUnid tliis had been the best convention ever held in tho Slale,nnd hedid notboliovonny other State was holding a convention that would equal it. "It was indeed a I'cmwlvania couvention-every speaker Eavo ono was from our Stole." The President made a few remarks fitting tho occasion. After singing "Blest bo tire tie that l)ind," tho benediction was pro nounced by Dr. Bonibcrgci- and the meeting New Advertisements A1 NNUAL STATEMENT B6K0UGU oi- Lkiiighton. WILLIAM M!LLE"it7Trcaurer,ln neeount with thn Horoiigh of l.-hlghion, for the Year ending May U4th, 1810. RECEIPTS, (59 45 610 49 Now Advertisements. F FASCIAL STATEMENT OP THE 1879. Summer. To Ilalnnce as per tst licport $ " Cash from Evra Nowhard. Col'r, bal. dire on imp. lor 18,7 " Casli from Ezra INcwhard. Col'r. on Implicate for ls" 3300 00 Cash Irom 1.. M. drawn, grass. 15- Oil nd certificates of ind.wcd- jU!5t received from the Large Cities, which we are offering at Unprccedently Low Prices I ftm si EXPENDITURES. For Wouk on IIiuhwatb, fee. V. A. Acker.... $ 'lllgjitaan Anthony David Arncr Simon Acker.., niltniirnod Kin tlie. Tho music was under the leadership of Prof. J. II, Leslie with II. L. Dclo as organ- lours, 11 S. SI. now sin; did it Was a subject of absorbing interest tn thoe who realized hoWBodlvdiscaso had imiiaircd her once marvelous beauly. Physicians of eminence nail ciiioustcu nit uieir sum in her behalf, and It vet seemed impossible to cll'cct a cure. She had long been a sull'ercr from pains in the side, back and hcadj dys pepsia ensued, tho appctito failed, nr.d the nerves became unstrung. Atorpid llvernnd iullamcd kidneys intensified tho trouble. It was a complication that uot uufrcqucntly occurs through tho pernicious Influence of one tllseosol organ upon niiotncr, until me whole body is In unnatural sympathy. Fi- ,,-..., .,!..- ...t-.l , t nauy, wiicit oaiiuaiino wna iiici,u,ivsi,avic reaction immediately commenced. Tho pro cess of recuperation progicsscd until tho full nnturnl planilaru ol nealtn ana vigor was re trained. Thero arc thousands of similar in stances where S.iiidaliuc cured when doctors and drugs had failed. It is a priceless boon to the despondent, as it opens to thenift woy from death to lilc, and to-day, multitudcsof these nro tn enjoyment ot pcrteci ncaitii Will do list ns recommended, used as di rected, or money refunded. Sandaline Co logne is tho most charming nnd delicious pcrlumo yet discovered, rrico i. ask rour druggist. Dr. (Jounod's great medical work, inllot interest, over -ou pages, i nco $1. Send for it. Lost Seven Pounds In Three Weeks. Allan's Anti-Fat is a ccnulne medicine and will reduce corpulency from two to five luuiids per week. Purely vceetablo and perfectly harmless, acting entirely on the food in the stomach preventing tho forma tion of fat. It also ii a witive remedy for "Jrepla ami rucuiiimisiu. Uustok, Mass., Feb. 11 lb, 1S78, HOTANIC ilKOIClXK CO., liUlIalO i. . Gentlemen The ladv alluded toiost seven heavy fragrance of the Hewers wnicn were pounds in three weeks by the use af Allan everywnare io oe seen anu me grcnv turuuic . Anu-rai. lours trul present combine,! with the heat to make the temperature almost unbearable. Every little while one or more ol the visitors were assisted to the door unable to bear the oppressive slmo.phero a moment loniitr. It was nearly nve o'clock that Robert II. lngersoll. only sur. vivlng brother of the deceased, arose and In IV. SMITH, DOOMTTLE .t SMITH, Wholesale Druggists. CUItRD OF DHI.-XKINC " A young friend of mine was cured of a insatiable thirst lor Liquor, that had so pros trated Ills system that he was unable to do foimed the mournltil gatnerlns that he had any business, lie was eutiicly cured by few words to y. In a volee tremulous with , the ue of Hop Uitters. It allayed all that New Advertisements. ricovcitns. "Tho Richest Blood,Swcetest Breath and Fairest Skin in Hop Bitter." "A little Hop Bitters saves big doctui bills and 101111 sickness." "That invalid wife,niothcr,sisler or child can bo made tho picture ol health, with Hop Bitters. "When worn down and ready to take your bed, Hop Bitters is what you need." "Don't physic and physic, for it weakens and destroys, but take Hop Bitters, that build up continually. "Physicians of all schools use and re commend Hon Bitters. Test them." "Health is beauty and joy Hop Bitters cives health and beauty." "There aro moro cures made with Hop Bitters than ol other medicines." "When the brain is wearied, the iiervefl unstrung, tho muscles weak, use Hop Bitters." "That low, nervous fever, want of sleep nntl weakness, calls lor Hop Hitlers." Hop Colon Cunr. and Pais Ekmkf isl Pl.KASANT, SUUK AND ClIKAr. For sale by all Diugitsts. June 11 lm- DANIEL WIEAND, E. R. Albright Joseph llleckley W. lLllactinian Henry Uartholoincw J. F. Huts Henry lleckcndorf Ueorge Deen.. ............ Alary Drcticr...... Ell DeFrchn Emanuel Claus... Nathan Drumboro Ueorge Derliamer. W. A. Ileikamcr Catharine Escl , John Esch Ow.li Ebbert Frank Elsenhower David Ebbert Ferdinand Frcsch Charles Frontieleer Tliomas Fink Charles Froetiltch Ouutrey rants John Frltilnger Joseph lolk Frank lierber Jos. Ueiiicr Josepn uumbert Lewis Graver Samuel U raver Solomon Helmbach Peter Helm James llouser lieuhcn Itunslcker A. W. Horn (Icurge llarpel Jonas A. Hum Aaron Haupt John Heberling, ......... L. J. Held 111. Hcltman Wllloughby Koons L. F. Klcppinger , E. Klsilcr.... Daniel Kostenbader charlcB Klclntop William Keiucrer Benjamin Kern David ICrcainer William Keiser Thomas Lcatz Drako Iong Alexander iMIllcr Thomas Mantz David Mantz A. D. Jlosser W. 11. Jloulthrop Ezra Ncwhard Reuben Moibsteln James Nothstcln Henry Nothsteiii William Noll Joseph Ubert Charles Patterson, Jr.,.. Daniel Rex L. ltelehurd Muliion itelcbard Tlioii.ns Ratclllf. Jacob Sbenglor Abraham Stout Iiavld Stout William .-.heckler Wallace St wall Charles Shcck John Swartz Joseph Shcckler. ....... JohnSticcklcr Wendell Schwartz Frank Wi Inland Levi Weiss , Henry Wert , Wllloughby Wert Henry v oirner James Williamson William Werner Jacob Walker , Charles Ycnscr Robert J. Youngkln .., James Zahn Ste hen .spongier Charles Trainer , Pbaon Clauss fjL 2 25 2 0O I 00 1 00 X 25 2 00 2 00 1 U0 8 70 t, OU e :t t 75 1 00 1 IS 3 60 lii 84 7 10 1 00 3 00 3 00 6 13 14 87 4 00 3 00 1 00 21 64 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 bl) 2 00 2 u lo 3a 3 (HI 6 74 3 00 3 00 12 60 4 76 1 00 13 60 0 00 2 00 7 88 4 US 2 00 18 to 2 00 7 00 14 15 2 00 2 00 2 00 4 OU 2 50 3 00 2 00 4 OH 6 0J 2 00 3 00 1 00 2 00 6 00 2 DO 8 00 10 60 6 25 3 00 2 00 1 05 3 00 2 00 12 76 1 0U 2 00 6 2i 2 00 6 25 3 00 2 U0 6 60 3 00 11 00 3 00 10 8 25 1 60 7 68 4 00 1 60 2 00 11 60 5 00 5 'J5 2 00 SCHOOL ROARD of the Dorongh ofLchlgh ton, for the Itscnl year ending the First Men day of Jnne, A. D. 1879, s rermlred by Act of Assembly, npproved Way 1st, 1870. FUNDED DEBT. The following la the funded debt, consisting of .school ltonds a nets. SCHOOL BONDS. No. 45. P. J. Klstler 600 47. Thus. Kcincrcr l&io 48. Thou. Kemcrsr luoo 60. David Klstltr (00 62. E. A. Hauer 600 63. E. A. lhiuer. , 600 64. Henry Kolb..... 60 68. A. F. Peters 1007 69. " " " 1000 90 " " " 1UO0 L " " u W00 62. " " " 1000 03. Reuben Kolb 100 69. (too. Hurler 3300 71. Wm. Mulharcn low 12. David Klstler (00 73. Patrick O'Donnell 2i00 74. Dennis Shoveling. 1000 76. Iiavld Mantz looo 42. We Start in To-Day ! s WITH AN KNTIttE NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OV -:o: 76. Davkl Mantz . 77. Hcubcn Melgerwalt 200 78. John Peters 700 80. James Kerrigan... 7U0 81. Mary J. CtausS 1600 83 HughMcOroaty loOO 84. James SlcUlnty 2000 85. John Wynn 1000 80. Patrick Median 400 82. Nanus Mclllnty 1000 87. O. U. A M. No. V49 228 88. 1st National Bank of Lchlghton. too 8t. 1st National Bank or Lehljtbton. 600 CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. No. 1. A. W. Eaehes- 6S 12 4. A. W. Eaches 175 00 19. Samuel (J raver 233 68 29. David Klstler 210 00 30. P. J. Kltlcr 600 00 31. Aaron Wetdaw 200 00 KVKXISQ SESSION'. Tho Second Presbyterian church coats about 1200 iorsons, but beforo half-past 7 all mo scaitt and standing room was occupied, nd many wore turned uway not being iiblo to gain admittance j about loOO persons were inside. The largo crowd had assembled to hear the Rev. John Hall, of Now York. The pulpit platform was adorned by two beauti ful lluwcr stands most handsomely and taste fully arranged. Tho first speaker of the evening was Rev. George. P. Hayes, D. D., rrcsideni ol v aslungtun una Jcilerson Col lege on " Teachers Encouragements," The report of tho Finance Committee was read and adopted. A telegram was now handed tho president, which proven to bo a message ol greeting Hum uio state uapusi Association. -Message was UallalKuis vl. 13 ! to which the Becro tary responded with I John iii. 2. Alter singing "Only an armor bearer," Dr. Hall was introduced, and as be came forward on the platfoam he was greeted by rounds oi applause. Ills sutiieet was " The Word what it is and how to studv It." Ho just told us what tho "word" was, and then went on to disprove some arguments, put forth by writers against the "word." "It is not a book ol sciences ami ologies." What teacher could teach it, if it treated of all these things? And for what ago should it navo been adopted j The truth is, tho battle has been fought and won in tho hieli places. ii is oniy in mo low, ueiilud-llie-ago places, in obscure valleys, where they do not know what isgoingon in other parts of tho field, that they talk of scicncecoiillictingwith tho Bible. Tho greatest scientists are among tho devoutcst christians," Ho then spoko of the -siuiiy oi me worn aim moitcni me uia Testament should under no consideration be lorcottcn. "No man understands tha New Testament until he knows the old Testa ment: How else can ho understand tho Ho brews. There is no better wnvto undermine religion man oysueivingmeold Testament, font will end in taking Ciirist out of the new." He spoke of the social circle for Biblo study. "Studv that vou mov t.aeh. and you will grow in ability." The Dr. mougui uioies should be published in larger print and more attention should be given to the reference columns. He favors tho In ternational Lessons" for tboy take us nlso to meuiu lesuiment." The addresses this cvenini?. wero listened to with the closest attention and cannot fail The meetini adioumed after sin"!!!!?1 "Thee, O Chrisfjtrt all I want'nd receiving benediction. TiirnsiiAY MonMNO. After the usual devotional exercises, the Treasurer read a detailed rcjwrt whicli was occepted. nr. naves, (in the chair) now held him self in readiness to answer any question in reganl Ui the Sunday school,even if it should be witli tho words "I do not know." After a number of questions had been asked and discussed, the report of the committee on nomination ol officers was read and occept ed. The officers for this year being about the same as last year j the time and place for locating the nest convention was reierrcd to a committee. AFTKBXOOX SF.S3IOX. "The-subject mailer of instruction in the Sunday school," was discussed by Rev. J. A. McCuuley, D, P., President of Dickinson College. After siuging, "Whit shall the Harvest be," Rev. II. S. Bullerif Clearfield, addressed the convention on "The Sunday school as an Educator." He says, "The Sun day school seeks to instill right principles, which siiuii kiiieiu anu guaru irorn me ienu- Carringcs,"VVrtgons,Slciglis,&c. coaKKn op BASK AN!) IKON STREETS, LEHIOHTON. Penna., Respectfully announces to his friends and the public, that ho Is prepared to Build all des criptions of CARRIAGES, SPRING: WAG-ONS, T: SLEIQHS, Ue., In the Litest and Most Approved Stjles, at Prices fully as low as the tame can be obtain ed elsewhere, guaranteeing the best Seasoned Material and most substantial workmanship. Particular attention given lo REPAIRING In all Its details, at the very Lowest Prices. Patronage respectfully solicited and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. April 26, 1879 yl DAN. WIEAND. MISCELLANEOUS. James II, llcnbach. cartlmr Llvln Drumhore, cartlmr 6 25 Henry Kostenbader, police 4 uo Stocker and Keiucrer. polieo 3 25 Joseph S. Webb, police 4 0J Orlando Komerer, police 4 00 Francis Siocker, police 4 uo William JI.lli-r.sal.irv and labor lor the J cars 18,7 Olid 1878 155 25 W. M. linpsher, salary lo April, '78 30 00 E. 11. binder, lor Au liiurs 4 60 .1. L. Uubul, uii-entlls.... 71 2, Thomas S. lieck, jhjs a to Theodoie Keuieier, materials 1 60 A. D. Mcsscr, pipe 1 Jacub strausburgcr, materials 1 John Rinki-r, blacksiiillhiuir l. bus. Froehllch, bliteksinlthlni;.... 4 34 Lewis Kllngcr, carpenter work 1 60 iiloses Ifchrlg, carpenter woik 4 60 .1. IE. Urtllln. trees 8 00 II. V. Morthliner, printing 20 00 Wendell Sslinariz, witness fees,... 3 uo David Mantz, Inlcnsi on bonds 30 uo " ditto .... 17 10 W.A.Snyder, ditto .... 30 00 H, Herman, ditto .... 108 80 F. Urinkman, ditto .... 8100 Leah Hover, ditto .... 30 00 William llomlg, ditto .... 24 00 Adam Herman, ditto .... 47 80 Cbus. Scilert. dl to .... 72 00 A. Dai tholomew, ditto .... 102 UO 1). il. Slraup, ditto .... 60 00 E. A. Hauer, ditto .... 30 00 Harrison Uerman. bond 1200 to W. A. hnyder, bond 600 00 Paid Jos. M. n ebb, note 2:6 65 Balance 671 V3 motion, and at times so broken that the words eouid hardly be understood, he read from a manuscript the eulogy, which he closed as fol lows I "Wo strive in valo to look boyoud the heights. We cry aloud and the only answer 1 the eeboofourwslllng cry. From the voire. less lips of the unrrplrlng dead there comu ency of crime, and, operating as it docs up-, on the lorniing of character, exercises an in-' burning thirst: took nwav tbu nnivltln far liquor; made his nerves steady, and he has Hueuce which cannot bo estimated. Its remained u sober and stoady man for more ) training is mental, moral and religious ;" than two years, and has no desire to return "I"" e-lc'1 of these subjects he dwelt separ-1 u ins cups, others that it"-From i Ills. gllEUIFF'S SALES. OF Valuable Heal Estate, Hv virtue otsuni!r writs of IVndltioni Ex ponas, ls.ued out ot the Courts or Carbon county, and to me directed, tbeie will be ex. posed at pnbtio nale, at the court hou-e, in tho uorougn ol Jloucli Chuuk, lusald county. Saturday, June 14th, 1879, at ON Si o'clock p. tn., sharp, THE FOLLOWING rRUPi-llTIES: All that certain MESSUAGE. TEI.EMEN1 OR TIECE OP IMM, situate tn the towmMo of Towarocnsmr. Cr- lim, n.nnlr. Pffnimilvuina. b.uned Ud d,-H cnbed ustoitow, to whi Deituinliia at a line bv landot William Kciitiait,8ouiiiiouiieeniiiin one-timth degiecs to a whit oaki Itience sli. ty-two eeirree east eleven and eix-teuthsper i-lintftnn tnnnliii thpneo OV land lit Hioroas Cmib nor.li uy loud ot Conrad Deer north inuiv-iour ana oue nun uomioi-b wrw, ni&iy lun nnrpliM f ft Ktr.nn: theilCti bV landol Tbnin as CraiR north lorty-eicht des-recs west Hi r V -elsrlit iK-rctios inn p.ue ibencesoutli eiirbtv ciht tlt-arces east ninety-lour neictea to a stout Ihencoseveuaud one hull itefrreea east, nitv-two perches to a MaCK ou i mi-i ts iionu elthty-twodeareeseat, fourteen peicbeto a stone ty luiduf Peter Jouea i tfieuce noriii fortv-'cven andoiiehilf tle-rrees west, thiity ilx perches to h clone t-bence south seventy suven and one ha,: ue-iiees west, ntue perches toa stouei thence north fortt.tevtn deiriets west, tweniv ierclie to a bmct cberiv ireei thence nnrtn-west eua liundred and twenty flvo lieicnes to a stone i theuco north elgtity eitl.t and thret-iourths iipjrrees west, City lour per cites to mo piuee oi Dcgn-niuir, eou tiutus ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN ACHES. and allowarcis more or 'ess. The Improvements tturcon aro a TWO-STOKY FltAME DWELLING nOUSE, tweuty by twenty sit feet i a Swts. nvn. forty by fifty feet i ttBEon House, sixteen bj twenty feet i and oa bu'.ii ing. Seized and laken into execution as the prop erty ol Melcbor bnnth. -AIJsO- A1I tbit certain TRACT OR PIECE OF LAND, situate tn Franklin township, Carhen rouitr. reuitavivauta, Dotiudeab lamirot Flank Kiivri. Webster Wcim and Hartmau Zelieni, eouiaiu lac about FIFTEKN ACREJ. inoieor less. Trie improvenunts t&ereon are a TWO-SJOfty FRAME DWELLINO HOUSE, elrhieen by tweatrlx t'et i Darn, elxhteen bv tweatv lour feel with suiad shed alueliaieutJ, sod nutbulidli fra: HeistMi and tiken tnt4i executon as the prop el. w.iiunsoiiia. J w. nvuDENiiosn, sheritr. Mauch Chuuk, May 281b. 187V 4-4117 Ul This amount, j,226 05, Is the balance duo onnoie given ny.i.s. w con in souicmenr. i DuollCi.c lor 1876. Orla-lu.il amount ot not was lor l-'7 00. which was discounted an- Sir. Miller charged with proceeds. Mr. Webb reduced ttio note to4,225. when lielnllcl to nay and the Dank charged the amount with costs, 1 65. to Sir. Sl i er. Tho liorouirll Hold p. Seinmel and J. W. Rau-cnbush's note for Item, with Interest, amounting to $244.40. RECAPITULATION. I.IAML1T1K3. Uondcd Indebtedness J11TS0 00 ASSETS. OashlnTroasury $(71 03 I'uo ou Duplicate lor 1878. .. 330 03 F. 1'. Seunnel alld J. W. Raudcnbush.ucte tor bat, due on Duplicate for '75, with Interest 241 40 1163 03 bargains ;irgams .amains irgnins 'arprains aarsains jargains m in in in in in in in in in Dress Good Shawl Notion Trimming Corset Hosiery Carpet Oil Cloth Cnssimcrc Boots and Shoe s s (41.360 70 Total nmonnt of Funded Debt .Tune 31. 1870 tSSWH.iO Funded Debt nil nt 6 i-er cent. Total amount of Funded Debt, per Annual statement lor cnr euu- Ino- Juno 4 1878 433.530 43 Total amount of Funded Debt Juno 3d 1879. 31,003 77 Decrcafo of Fnnded Debt during the year ending Juno 3d, 1879.. I,e20 66 ORDERS UNPAID. No 137. Daniel Oravcr 76 00 138. I-:. 11. Snyder 133 ut 133. Slnry J. Clauss 1)0 00 136. W. SI. Harsher 10 00 140. Chns. Eckhart&Son. 60 00 141. Hnttle L. Koons 23 00 135. Emma Hauk 22 00 4 415 07 Note due 1st National Rank uf Le b ubtnn 600 00 Total amount of Funded Debt SO.UUl 70 .31,09 71 Total amount of Indebtedness., ASSETS. Two Lots on Pine Street 600 on Three Story School Houso 45 000 IO llouso and Lot lor Janitor 1,200 00 Liuo bciioo! iioaru irom linmci ims- tenhadcr uncollected tax 23 69 Duo School Hoard from J. S. Webb. 220 10 Duo School Hoard from A. (J. Dob lenninxer 700 00 Due School Uoard from Sain. Oravcr 78 45 Total t48.'-22 21 Total amount of Ii.dcb.idni.ss.. 31,909 Assets In excess of Indebtedness. 10, 312 44 Wo have nald oITand conscaucntly reduced tho debt by 1,620 66 I do hereby ccrtlny that tho foregoing State, mcnt la correct and In accordance with Bald Act ot Ass-emblv to the best of mv knowledge and belief, and that I was, on mutlon, order ed to have the above Financial Statement published In the CAitnox Advocate. HANI EL UR AVER, Secretary. Juno 7, 1870 Sv. Bargains in House Furnishing Goods generally. Call and be couvinced. RcsTctfully, J T. KUSBAUM fc SiV9 Linderman's Block, Opposite the Public Square, Jan. 4 LEHIGIITON, PA. Important to Builders, &e. o Wd8piel- IIssMlgfig- Mill, JOHN G. BIERY, Agent, Is prepared to furnish all kinds of. Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust ers, Window and Door Frames, Scroll Sawing, Turning, Planing and Ripping done at short notice and at Prices to Suit the Times. Machinery ia all $Tew of latest Pattern. JiNUAL STATKHLNr OF Weissport School District, For tho Year ending June 2nd, 1S70. RECEIPTS. late Treasurer From W. II. Kneeht ot the Hoard " P. .1. Kisiler, far A. W hitting- ham, 1'nllcctnr u 1 bourns Koons, rent of Schoul Route " P. ). S. of A., rent of S. Huo " D.Shoeh. balance of last year's lhiitlleatu " Duplicate 1878-9 273 78 255 U8 25 00 101 66 297 77 481 SO Contractors and Carpenters are invited to call for Specifications, which will be cheerfully furnished. J Special attention given to Orders by Mail. Thank ful to our patrons and friends for past favors, we ask a share of patronage in the future Very llcspcctf ntly, JOHN G. BIERY, Agent For the Weissport Planing Mill. P. O. box 63. jan.4- yl icw -ofil I Mew Prices ! 1435 97 EXPENDITURES. For Repairing School House 4 16 69 ' Teachers VVajrcs 260 00 ' Fuel and (Ion Insrcnclcs 30 05 ' Fecsofi ollector 24 09 u .. secretary 15 00 i. i. Tro.isurer 10 oo " floods Redeemed O-'O 00 127 iz UO 33 15 00 10 00 5 40 10 17 Inter st oil Debt. " Rooks Purchased " Hook Case " W M. hnpshcr, Services . " Insurance " Other Expenses $121)0 75 . 160 22 . 150 00 Hnlance Dal. of W. H. Knccht's Rand. Total Resources t 319 22 RECAPITULATION. Amount llorrowcd and Un- li.ild Oath In hnnds of t ill. and Treasurer., ion -.-j Rond ot W.ll.Knecht 160 00 5ieoo oc 316 22 Liabilities In excess of assets May 26th. 1879 13627 01 Liabilities In excess of assets Juno 8th, 1878 15519 00 Decrease (1921 96 EZRA NEWHAHD, Collector, In account with the Uorough uf Lahbiliton. DR. June 5, 1878. To balance due on Du. plb ate lor 1877 To amount of Duplicate lor 1878 .... t 516 49 3914 79 4191 25 OR. Dy Cash paid to W. Miller, Treas urer, amount ol Duplicate for '77. t 649 46 By Cash paid W. Jllller, Treasurer, on account. Duplicate lor 1878. .. 3500 00 Exoneration on Uorough ui 86 76 Commission 191 4o (4121 62 Ralance dneon Duplicate for'78. 336 63 Wo the undersigned duly elected Auditors of the Uorough ol Lchlghton, do certilyth.it the foregoing accoonts are correct, tothe best ot our kuonledge and belief. W. W. DOWMAN, ) F. E. WHITNEY. Auditors. W. A. DERHAMER. ) Juno 7. w3. Liabilities In excess or Resources.... 1283 78 Wo tho undersigned Auditors, report that wo have examined the bookB and accounts or J.(. Zero. Secretary and Reuben Musscl niati, Treasurer, or tho Weissport School Ills net, for the year ending June 2nd, 1879, and find the C'Uiditlon ol said District as set forth in the above Report. F. J. K AST, AL. WHU'TINOHAJI, J. (. U1ERV, Wels orl. Pa.. ) Auditors. June 6th, 1879. w3. fix i TO jC01 A VAlt. or tl total a 1 'illllldar iu your o vu loca lly. No Izfv" rlst. Wouien ilons wellaincn. hlnv irmn innrA tllun t.ie amount t itert uboe. No ono o.u tall to innko money f-st Anv one can do the wink ou can ii aio from M cent" to ii i n hour Hv deToi. Innour eveninjisaiid roue time tn tho bnsi. It cott nothioir to try tno bunness Nothing llko it lor money making ever ofTeicd oiloie. llu iticss vlea.aut an I strictly bouor Hue. llwie . it ou want to know allabont tbe be.t nulngba-lnoss beinreibe oubi etend il your uddresaaod wo will aelid jou full par. ticularn and pnvato lenns freo i aainp cs worth tl also free, you can then tonko np ynur mind lor vuuraolf Adlresa UEOltoK bl'INBON I respectfully announce to tho citizens of Lehighton and vicinity that I have leased tho Old Post-Office Stand, on BANK Street, Lehighton, and that 1 am now receiving a full lino of Motions and Fancy Goods, consisting of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Underwear, Hosi ery, Handkerchiefs, Jewelry, Ribbons, Iluches, lady's hand-made Clouds, Gloves, Fancy Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Buttons, Collars, Machine Needles and Oil, Znphers, !Faitcy Stationery, nnd all other articles usually kept in my lino. Also, Agent for tho celebrated FEms&Y Cabiiht Obom. Iggf" Call and examine my poods ; the prices are so low that they cannot fail to suit- all. 7-1 . S. C. WIIEATLEY. New Advertisements. A CO., I'oitland. Mai e. Jnno7. ly. SUMMER TRAVEL If lon Jnuraey for taurines. lro'tltUonecrea. tioti to tt o Mouutam, LtiLe, or Bfioro, over Ijndorovor o tfoii't lair to BPcuretiiep n tcctlMii uf AOiMDENT INrtU MANCiC In TilK TUAVKLUUs. or Hartford. Aur reenlnr Afent wl!l write a enilv or monthly rolUTin ti fow mlnutci. or a Ticket from one to t'llny ilavn, Tliecoftiasufiinall that any on van l mril U w 10 tiavula a. all Cash paid fur Acci denial Iujuilea overl3.ut0,(j0u. 3 luwn lirstf cunuiiiiMiion, iotv 11 our nenraiitl wouumiui nivenuoiii. t ra, v.v. fcimplQ free, AdJreti t?uEMi ACo., MrbH, Mich. TUuna. .iiue, for uesi Atitcv imetucss in tlio World. KxiiiBlve Outfit Free. We will pay AEcntsabaiKryoi sioupcrinoi nnd ezMuaeN, or nliu UTPTVTTi TO O. ltlCII A CO.. 1 UJJtl XJ Sin i(lll'B Sl.Ytt!10t I The Vegetable Pain Destroyer j lSVALCAni-E FOB J Inflammation & Hemorrhage. 1 Piles, Sjiralns, Lameness, Ilurnf, Scalds, ! Urulses, Sorences, ItlieuinatUni, Holla, Ul cers, Old Sores, Wounds, etc. Alio for Tootliache.Headaclio.Sore Throat, Aetlnna, Hoarseness, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Oollo, Diarrhoea, and all Hemorrhages, K-C. I It Is acknowledged by 1'liyilciain of atl I schools that Point's Kxiract has more wonderful curative properties than any other remedy. No form of invi.aumation, i-aih. gonKNKSB or liLKBDisa.butll will cure, bpacc I will not ailuilt of nainloic all thodlieascs lor -which it Is a specific; hut we will send a his. tnryol Its uses l,y mall, on application. The 1 plcaln roults uf ujIok tho Kxiract as a toilet requUlte, has Induced us to prepare modified lonniof tha Kxiract In a Toilet soap. (60 cents a box of 3 cakes), a Toilet Orriun fur softenlntr and heautlfylnK the skin (tl.OOaUittle).a Dentifrice (60 cents) a I-1 1' salve (24 cents). Kor semltlvo and severe cases ofOATAnnti, ourCalarrli Cure (76 cents) used with our Nazal Syringe (25 cents) Is a radical cure, llur Inhaler (W cents), Tor I,uso ami T-uon.-r liiswiflvH and internal Ideodlnir Is (Juruiillairiu too ceiuij, iur wlilch I am belling to tne people ot Iingbtnu . Sona I'ilks, etc., should l;e kept In every .i tno kiirrouud'uir ueiatiliorlinod ClIiCAI'KIt rumilv. llur Plasters excel nil others. Iso TttAr. i-.VL.Jt ucrunr. oumiu .m uuuir. lso, an ciusEts iu The Largest Spring Stock OI Ladles', (JcuU'. and Onlldren'a Boots, Shoesl Gaiters Evei offeied In this vicinity. Isat J. M.FRITZlNGElt'S. Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa. t h... I,,., wnlvftl an Inim.nM KTCiCW CtV BVUINU llOOTS, SHOHS AND OAITKltb, ' Invaluable. Ixi 1 s IS as , a -iii " i.-1 a is g m Cs cfi to .a M-O -4-5 U -1 la as o W S c 1j B a3i -Srf t2 rnj i l o j S . LU 1 S ST a 1 J5 s OOCfin a year. Send lOoents In 1 cent Stamps iJiOUll lor a linn Silver I'lated Thimble, re. , an.I I know of a number of atelyaud presented them in an able and im. I u", pn " S""; "VaettOorthu..mwhS it have been cure.1 of JrinkiiiR by Irejive manner. me bu?lne.?SeSd ?iv ' a, a leatling It. It. Oincia..r.,ASo, av.i.a sjsiox. TnvciT., M..,., P.. Ti. 0enc(l by Hey. J, K. Andrews. Jlcv. Marst-ni Boots & ShoesMado to Order at Astonishingly Low Prices, nd MENDINd Neatly done at iTicea to sun toe limes. I nvite ifee yno le to call sod examine my Stock and 1'nees beiore pui-olasina eltewtieie, an i be convinced of ihe nbove (acls. HOUND To bATIdrV.-llmdr-msdelloets aod i-hoes bongOt of ue that rip will be repair, ml it boot chirice. Tbaukfal fur oast patronaire. I reipeciully a.kaco0tlnuadcettie,eUil. i,nnziNQi3 Two dnors below llomli: it llotloid s carriage Works, Hauk street. Oct. tyl T 0 WHOM IT MAY C0NCEKX. our Mrillcalert I'aper to prevent and euro I'ilks and uuariKO. The bate of our Toilet snd Medleatad pre. paratlons Is Point' Kilrnoi, which Is a Kuan ntee that they are superior, and deserve I tnecnntldence of the public, bold by A. J. , lltilll.lNO. Lehlvhton, and all Druggists. , Prepared only by 1 POND S KXTItAOT COJ1PANY. New York and London. June 7. Ut. YOU NEED NOT SUFFER A DAY WITH Dyspepsia, Constipation, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Debility, &c, when you can be relieved and cured by the use of that reliable ( Established I860,) remedy j Dr. J. S. HOUGHTON.S It Is Nature's own remedy, and contains no nauseius druas. IT you are so bad oil as not lobe able to eat a tracker without ttlstrws, try Dr. llauBiilan'a Pepiln.and you will not be disappointed. He sure you get Or. Iloiitftiiun Prpslnandtakenn bute Irai. tatloni. Sold by all Druicitlsts. J. II. Eaton, T rAMPIIMiriTllrO proprletor.Phllailelphla.Pa. I1UENTOU00 III l.lllNillllVIr I IVr vl. . l,u nenerai agents, new sora, I W - ' 1 ho advertiser. I aving been permanently i ured ot that dread uiseaee Consuuiptiou bv a sMiiuie reinidv.ln anxious ui nuke kuiwu lo ni lellow suffeiera the means uf cure. To all wno resire it ho will send a copy ol tho preaeniillon useu. (ireeoi coarae i wun iuu uun-iiuu. lut June T. 3uio. PIMPLES. All ninons are herebv forbid harboring or trusting my wire, JULIA SUi Aliu, on my prepang ua umub the same, which taey will account alter this date, al I will pay no debts Unlf; BluE tuts tur Cossuuiliox, AsTliut, c,rac.eu oy u.r rETEH SCH A110. Up.?ues aistn,. the Prescription, will Please It h.ir on . toM Towamenilng twp., carbon vo ra. Ma") '.'3, l;--3. I will mill (FTeel the teelpe for a simple VKOKTAHLR IIALU that will reinove TAN. vu l.'1-i; I.KH. MMPl.kS and I1L.OTCHKS. leavlna iheskluMift, e.rar and beaut. tnl t alu In-iru- tlous lor piodoriug a luiurlant arowUi ntanorsniotHn ico. Auurru, addre. B A WIION, Isl I'enn wiiiiamsourgn, titel, i InclMiog. c stamp. Hen. Vend U & Co , W Aun I at tne asms umo .re btieet, N V ' off.ied to the public. URIAH FATZINGER rtcspcctfiilly announees to the people that he has leased the Shop ot SAMUEL, HEDEIV- I. INO.on North Street, Lehighton, Pa., and proposes to resume his old bnslness ot Carriage and Wagon BUILDING, and rrnpf etf oily ask a abtre of public patron i Ke, v'narantnlov in U'nikniftmiiipto be tqul in ttie best, and tu i'ricei to be nt low a tb loweat. REPAIRING of all kinds promptly attended tea very res. Hmabiechjrges, UltlAlt FATZINOEIt. Opoo'lte Poblle Brjusre, North Street, feb 11 yl Lehighton, ra. Tf'17'Wri ATT'Q This remarkable med-Xl-il.ylJlLjlj O Cio, will cure Spavia, Splint, Curb. Callous, tc, or any enlarge, ment, and WILL REMOVE THE IIUNttH QPAVTM WITHOUT HLISTKHINO 51- J-l-' orcauainga sore. No remedy ever dlicovered equals It for certainty of ac tion In stopping the lameness and removing rTTl? 17 ine bunch. Price ai.OO. Send for u circular giving Positive Proof and your nearest agent's address. Sold by drug, gilts, or sent to any address by tha Inventor. II. J. Kendall, M. D., Enosburgh Falls, VU Is hereby given to all persons who ara In debted to the 1 reasurer of Huron Oooaty for Mercantile Licenses, that unlets they take out their licenses within ten days from data legal measures will be taken for the collec tion of the amount charged to them. Tha amounts will be received at the lUnktog House ortl. II. I.INIiEitJUAn uo, lly order of County Uoinmlssloneri, ' it E.SWAKTZ, Clerk. May Stth, lT-3t, DR. HARTER'S Iroiv Tonric I'urlfica, Enrtrhea, Glrea Ca-larand Tone to tha II load it increases the juonfily as veil as the quality, giv ing Vigor, Vitality, Energy, Jver and lift itself. It Is especially adapted to Female Diseases, such as Weakness trout Nuralug. or any other caute, paiotdl. Irregular or deranged monthly periods, falling of tha womb, nausea la preg. naucr, sterility, cnange ol Ufa, etc Dr. Harter's Liver Pills Oomblae the two rsrallai qnaUtleaof a Family Pill. Toey act as a mild and ameienl purge sod at the aims time r the tt I4ver lUU avsr Irall-ml