I'DtTOIl LKIIinilTON. I'A.t BATUnPAY, JUNE 7, 1870. We arc Indebted lo Hon, llobort Klotz for Congressional ilortimrnla. The public debt statement Issued Mem dor shows an Increase of $02,250 during May. Colonel J. W. Cake, who was Culleclor of the. Tort of Philadelphia under President Johnson, died Simitar morning at his resi dence In Bunbury, aged 75 years. A story It on its roands that a Green back orator In Iowa tells his audience that Cunimonism in France means the same thing as Socialism In Germany, and Social' Ism In Germany thnsnmo thing as Nihilism In Russia, and Nlhi'lism- in Russia thesame thing as Wreenbackism In the Uriiteil States. The Ohio Democratic Convention met Wednesday in Columbus, and nominated a ticket neaileiT by Thomas Ewing for Govern or and A. V. Hico for Lieutenant Governor. The resolutions adopted denounced Federal interference in elections, tho action of the Republican Minority In Congress, and the Presidential vetoes, and reaffirm tho finan cial principles heretofore enunciated by the party In Ohio. Major General Jnmes Shields, who re presented three-States Illfnms, Minnesota mid Missouri in the Scnato of tho United Slates, ond was ir soldier of the war ngnimt Mexico and the war for the Union, died sud d nly In Ottumwa, Iowa, on Sunday night, the age of CO years. lie was a native of Ireland, General Shields appeared In his nsual health on Sunday evening, but com plained half au hour before his death of a p.iln in his chest, and died silting in his chair. lie lectured in Ottumwa on Wed nesday evening, previous. Terrible storms of wind and rain visited portions of Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri n Friday afternoon aixl night, of last week, fining f mmeirse damage Improperly and caus ing serious loss of life. The town of Irving, in Southern Nebraska, was almost entirely dcnioll.hed; 15 of its inhabitants were killed nnd thirty or forty injured. Near Manhat tan, Kans is, a woman and her child were killed. Near Lee's Summit, Mo., several dwellings were demolished and a man nam ed Harris, his wifo and onechild.were kill cl. Near Delphos, Kansas, 15 dead bodies hare been found. A VEM WORTH KCCOMMEIVDINH. We have been favored with sainplesof the celebrated Spcncerinn Poublo Elastic Steel Fens, and after trying them feel justified in highly commending them to our rcadcis. They nie made of the best steel, and by the most expert workmen in Europe, and havo a nationai reputation for certain desirable rjualilies which no other pens seem to have uttained in so great (lerfection. among which ore uniform evenness of )int, durability, flexibility, and quill action. It is thus quits natural that the Spencerian should be pre ferred and used by professional penmen, in business eul leges, counting-rooms, govern ment offices, public schools, ond largely throughout tho country. Indeed, so popular have they become, that of the "Number One" alone, os many as eight millions are sold annually. The Sjiciiccriaii Fens may be hod, as o rule, from any dealer; but when not thusattuinable, the proprietors, Messrs. Ivison, Blakeinan, Taylor i Co., the well known publishers, 138 & 110 Grand Street, New York, will 6end for trial, samples of each of the twenty numbers on receipt of twenty-five cents. The leading issue in the Presidential campaign, says the N. Y. Sun, through the instrumentality of the vetoes and the course of politics in Ohio, has become sharply de fined at this early day, ond there seems now to be n prospectof an unusually long nnd heated controversy. It is evident that in Ohio the Republicans are going to ask to be intrusted with power on thegronnd that the rebellion is not yet wholly and efl'ec'ually suppressed, and that danger to the Union and to the supremacy of the notion in na tional affairs is still threatened from Con federate sources. Wo do not say that if tho fiep.ibli.uns can, convince a majority of the Yotcrsof this, and if they can maintain that belief until the Presidential election, they may not elect their candidate. Were we of that belief wo should support tho candidate of any party for the Union against the can didate of any other parly against tho Union, or doubtful on that point. Wo are for the Union, first, last, nnd nil the time, against everybody and all things. Hut wo are for liberty also. " Liberty nnd Union" were the immortal wordsof Daniel Wkiistek. Danger to liberty nioy arise in various forms; it may come in the guise of the savior of the Union in the shape of Grant and a third term. Irft us jealously guard the priceless treasure from encroachments in one quarterns well as in another. We believe, however, from the campaign being opened so early, that tho true view of public affairs, whatever it may be, Is all the more likely to prevail before wo arriv at the voting time for President. If the Democrats deserve power, they ore pretty likely to attain to it at tho next Presi dential election. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE. Our Letter from AVai.liliiton. Jiuultu from the sale of Refunding Cirtift eofei. raipoioi for uhich the uioiiryt ie rci'raf Kill be usat.Ihasoni for Judge Dillon's designation Jl'iff .IfcCVary o ceidl Justice to Mexican lito-aiu. Honors to the Hi-are, Waeuinoton, I). 0 May 51, ls.o. Tho complaint has been made in various quarters thatthe saloofrefundlnirccrtlflcntcs has been and Is a most dangeroui-contraction of tho currency of the couutry i and that the Treasury Is locking up tho greenback circu lation to the great detriment of business. This complaint would seem to bo groundless when the facts are known. While the Treasury Is gating in money for certificates It Is paying It out In the redemption ofca'lej bonds. Care Is taken not to call upon the banks for the payment of their subscriptions to the four por cent, loan which are really duo at tho option of the Treasury luimeUlately after the sub scription Is made as long as the proceed ot refund uigcertlnates furnish means to redeem called bonds, ltlj(lmpl) an picomoof money fioia certificates and an outgo In redeem ing called bonds. For example. It may he stated that on the lit or April, tho date or Is suing the corllBcutcs. there was held In the Treasury 17,000,000, proceeds vr the sale or four per cent, bonds held to meet called bouds when presented for redemption. To-day there Is Id tha Treasury but !t,0Oj,oxdcrlved Irom the sale both of four per cent, bonds aud re funding certificates. Since the mhlnst .llicro has been paid out 17,000,000. In the rcdemii tlon of called bouds, which Is fully equal to the sales from refunding cottlfieates since that dve. The exhibit thus presented shows that there ea have been no contraction of the cur. raney on that aacount. And beildesthe regu. !r pensions will tx payable luueilh next. Moh 111 tu Le $T,u VOO out ul the 1 reaiui y II. T. MOKTIIIMKR, In addition to the redemption of called bonds which kocs on every day. Slncu It lias been developed beyond dispute that .fudge Dillon has resigned, some Inter filing f.iet( are coming out as to the Induce ments offered hlmto vacate tho bench. The principal reason assigned by the Judge's I rrlcnds for his resignation Is, that n professor t In Columbia college ho will get n larger sal ary and lvivo an easier time. It now turns out that tbe $7,600 salary as professor will not bo the only ono tho judgo will get t he will bo paid $10,900 annually as consulting Attorney forthe Vnlon Faclflo Hollroad Co., or which his unlo Sidney Dillon Is president. Whllo upon the bench the Judso could not accept sirchn good thing as this, but his duties as professor will Dot Interfere in the least with the nrrangoment and performance of the duties Involved. It appears, too, that Secrc tary Mct'ro.ry was one of tho very first per sons advised or tho IntendoJ resignation, and he got the Information from no less a source than Judge Dillon himself. Thus forcwaroetl, Mr. McCrary put In his bid for the suocersor ship, and hail the place preempted belore other iimMtlos& lawyers- of the circuit even suspected that there was to be a vacancy. As soon os tho rumor or resignation was spread, several gentlemen put In applications for the appointment through trusted friends,, but It wns discovered In short order that MoCnry had mado good neo of his early Information, A Western attorney, who carao to Washing ton hi the Interest of a friend as tho successor of Jardge Dillon, says tho latter has been dis satisfied with tho bench for several ycars.and really sought tlu Colombia, profetsorshlp knownlng, of course, that the $10,000 salary from the llnlun 1'nclno would also bo secured, 1 ho House Committee on Invalid Pensions havo determined to make another effort to do Justleo to the old soldiers or tho Mexican nnd Indian wa-s. Thay have agreed upon a bill granting pensions to nllthosurvlilng soldiers of Iheso wars and their widows, without ills tlnctlon as to political principles. Chairman Coirroth has been directed to report the bill, and will do so tho first opportunity ho din got. In order to give theso old votorans what Just ly belongs to them, the committee are anxious to pass the bill at this session. Tho beautiful home of tho Lee family boro the appearance yegterday.whh h Is tho annual Incident of Its present occnjimey as a Nation al cemetery. Arlington Heights probably never presented o finer appearance stneo Its appropriation to ceraetcrlal uses. The grass was In Its greenest condition, forming a fitting setting to the little marble slabs, the sufficient reminders of the simple citizen soldiers whose resting place they mark. From early morn the patriotic and loving dccoratlons,wlth their commercial co laborers of the transportation and reaction departmouts, lined both the Georgetown ond Long Brldgo rentes. Among thotlrstto nrrlvo of Ibe active participants, was DcpartmcDt Commander Harrison Dlng lmin, chairman of the executive committee . and of tho epcctators.Mrs. Hays, accompanlcii by Mr. Hayes, and their son, Mr. Webb O. Hayes. Tho decorations nnd hcarlfolt tributes to the sleeping braves were of the usual character. August. " Morlcy's" Letter from New York New Yoiik, t, 1819. THE FXIIIB1TION SITK. Whcrotho world's Fair oriSSJ shall be lo cated Is a question of no mean proportions, especially when tho peculiar sh.ipo of New York city is considered. It Is not as though an Inland clly, capable or expansion In nny di rection were locating a ralr ground. New York Is tho longest and tho nirrowest city in tho New world, nnd no vacant ground Is- to bo had except at the upper end oltho Island. At best, the groat bulk of visiters must rldo a longdistance, and every half mile added to such a trip moans, for many million people, an aggregate or human dlsonifort- which should not bo thoughtliisf- or needlessly In. Aided. Tho Commlttco havo named Fort Morris, a point In thcSjund, above the Har lem river, out of the way and accessible only after a long and tcdlonsrl e. Hit Is seriously proposed to locato there I can promise tho Couiinittco more attention from their fcllow cltizcns than prlvato citizens usually obtain. The Herald proposes Harlem Flats, a. low, Illy drained, malailal icjlon, whose denizens shako with lever and aguo tho year round, Others urge Central Park Itself, hut a storm of opposition rises at tho bare mention. West and north-west of tho park lies what Is becom Ing known as the Wett End l'latena, n high rocky ridge, overlooking tho Park on one side and obtaining a hue view of the Hudson on theothir. An elevation of50or OOfcct irlvcs a view of tho Sound, the whole city and the Hay. This spot Is without controversy tho most eligible on the Island. The open lots begin almost opposite the lower end of Con tral l'atk, and extend two miles or more In length by almost a mllo In width. There Is ample space, perfect drainage, the Park In front for a foreground nnd nddltlonnl nttrac tlm, and this spot Is preeminently tho most easy of access and nearest to the heart of the city ot any open space wlthln.lts limits. Two elevated roads tiavcrse It, seven lines othorsc cars run almost to It, tho Hudson I! Ivor Kali road Is within one-quarter mllo and the river but little lurthcr. That this ought to bo tho location Is clear to every Im partial examiner, and as It Is ) et comparatively unencumbered wi h buildings, It seems quite certain to bo finally selected, unless prlvato Interests oro paramount to public convenience. DCCOUATIOX PAY IS SEW Y OI11 J. A procession over four miles long marched through our streets to decorate the sol dier's monuments and scutter flowers upon tho soldiers' gravis. Dullness stood still; New York forgot her manufacturers, her com merce, her politics,; even Wall strict ceased Its wild scramble after the' almighty dollar, while the trump oT armed men, and tho lees elastio tread of unarmed veterans, went by our doors. The bread rant', tho brilliant unilorms, gllstcnlug steel and martial inu.-lo of citizen soldiery forced our admiration ; the thinner ranks of the Grand Army, with here ond there the empty sleeve, or halting gait, and everywhere tho ' age marks'' of service called out our warmest sympathies, but the sight that stirred our blood tho deepest that day was the tattered battle flags. Oh how eloquently those I Milled ensigns told or the lurid glare ot battle, of manly breasts bated to the Iron hall of death; orpatrlotle endurance and march and fb'ge an! charge, of hcrolo yielding up of life that the herttago ofour fa thers might ho transmitted unimpaired to our children ! We vainly try to choko bock the tears that dim our eyes os those silken rags go fluttering by; their muto appeals sink deeper In ourroulsthannll the silver-tongued oratury or tho hour, for lliosc of us who know wh.t tattle Is caunot forget how the death angels cluster about the reglaiental colors, and brood beneath their rustling folds! War ( an awftil thing. Ood spare our land another like the last but spare us first the crime of forgcttlngwhot we oweour Nation's Dead ; spire us alike from sectional animosi ties, on the ono hand, and from nny degree of tolerance with a spirit of ulsuuloa on the other! These are tho lessons or Decoration day, and the growing disposition or the people to ob scrvo the day shows how theso vital convic tions nre Unking deeper Into their hearts j ear by year. BITTKK TIMES. Times grow better unmlstokeobly. Not that men are making fortunes In a month; not that ordinary Investments pay 10 or IS per cent.-, not that ordinary business profits are large enough to Justify reckless luxury or living; not that every plausible fellow can raise unlimited capliul todovclop his latest device for making a suro thousand out of on Investment of a paltry hundred. Times arc no better that way than they were; chapj who live only by their ttltsnre llttlo further from lie aforesaid wit's cud than formerly. Uut real legitimate trade Is better; tho vol ume of geueral business Is now steadily In creasing; profits are reasonable, not large; confidence Is almost wholly restored ; men breotho more freely. Ileal estate Is partially recovering and seems to bo slowly rising in valne. In many localities rents havo been advanced this spring and lessoei havo con sented. Capital Is plenty for any solid, safe Investment Interest 1 lower than before in forty years, and the margin on gold has dls. appeared. The number of unemployed has dlmlnli-ucd materially In the last year. Now lei some grumbler make something else out of this than " better times" If he an MoiiLtr. a sri,EiDii lionv Is n rarity, ond tho reason that lew men. or women reach thin standard. Is- that they neglect themselves and &11 Into decline. Some simple troublo of the blood, lnugs, nerves, liver, stomach, kidneys, genital organs develops Into a chronic character. Tho efl'ect is aoon- obsorvublu In the apjwar ance ami fee-lings of the loveliest woman or tlio liamlwmnt man. "It is never to Into to mend," however, If Sandaline ia used. Tho dysptic is cured of n-11 trouble. Tha nervous stiii'erer is soothed. The victim of llyer complaint, kidney nllectlons, or blood disorders is thoroughly restored. All tboso who- have btconio affected with painful com plaints, find in Bandoline n remedy. Bun dalino llair Life makes, the hair soft arnl glossy, and prevents baldness. Will ilo just us recommended, used asdirectcd,or money r fundeiL Price $1. Ask your druggist, Atlanta, Dec. 10, '78. Dr. Oourrod,.- West 15th street, N Y.t About fifteen years ago I was unfortunate enough to get sick, nnd through mismanagement it became- consti tutional. I tlwn wns long troubled with eruptions mv my chest, a kind of dry,, scaly scab,, also lump on. different iru of my body, My hmr nil mine out, ond. I was generally dilapidated. 1 tried various pliy sic'nns, visited tho hot springs anil other places,, but found no relief, Sandallne, Sou dalino Hair Life ami Siuidnlini' Lotion have mode a. new man of me, ami you may use lliis ns yon'.pleaso. V. S. Mutton. Dr. Gounod's great medical work, full of inter est, over 250 pages. Price $1. Scud for it. New Advertisements OF Till Borough of Lehigiiton. WILLIAM MlLLKlt, Treasurer, In account with tho Jlorougli of Lehigiiton, lor the Year ending May 2Mb, 1870. HEUElPTSs To Tlfilance as per last Ileport S 658 15. unsn irom .zrn rtcwnaiM, uorr, bal. duo on Dup. for 1877 CIS U Cash from Kzra IScuhurd, Col'r, on Duplicate for 1878 S300 00 Cash Iruin L. M. Utrawn, grass. 16 00 $4117 01 EXPENDITURES. Fok V.'obk on Highways, he. F. A. Acker 2 24 lllghman Anthony 2 00 uaviu jirner i uu Simon Aci.cr 2 00 E. II. Albright 25 .loscptl Dlcekley 2 00 W. 11. Iluchinnu 2 00 Henry llartholotncw 7 oo .1. F. lluss 8 70 Henry IJeckendorf 6 00 Ueorge Dcen 6 76 Mary Drcher 8 76 Ell DeKrehn i GO Linanuel lllanss 1 lb Nathan Druniboro 3 60 ueorge Derliainer 108 Si VV. A. Derh.iincr 7 10 Catharine Lech 2 00 .lobn Escli,.... 3 00 Owen Ebbcrt 3 00 Frank Eisenhower 6 13 David Ebbcrt U 87 Ferdinand Frcsch 4 00 Charles Ironhelser 3 00 Thomas Fluk 100 iJharlcs rroclillch 2164 Qudlrey 1'r.intz 2 00 John Frllzlnger 2 DO Joseph Folk 1 oo Frank (Jerber 1 50 Jos. Uclgcr 2 00 Joseph Oumbcrt 2 (0 I.ow.s Graver 10 33 Samuel Uravcr 3 00 Solomon llelmbach 6 75 Peter Helm 3 00 James llonscr 3 00 Kcubcn Hunslckcr 12 50 A. W. Horn 4 75 George Unrpel 1 00 Jonas A. Horn 13 60 Anronllnupt 0 00 John Hcbcrllng 2 00 L. J. Held 7 .11. Heltmnn 4 05 Wllloughby ICoons 2 00 L. F. Klcpplnger 18 80 E. lvis.lcr , 2 00 IMnlel Kostcnbuder 7 00 Charles Klcintop 14 76 William Komerer 2 00 llenjamln Kern 2 00 D,ivid Kreniuer 2 00 William Kelser 4 00 Thonins Lcntz 2 60 Drake Long 3 00 Alexander iMIllcr 2 00 Thomas Mantz 4 OJ David Mantz 5 00 A. II. 31ossur 2 00 W. it. Moulthrop 3 00 l.zra Ncwliard 1 O'J Ifcuben Noihsteln 2 00 James Nuthsteln 6 00 Henry Nolhstein 2 00 William Noll 8 00 Joseph Obert 10 50 un.irlcs ratterson, Jr., 6 25 Daniel Itcx 3 00 L. Itelehard 2 00 Malnon lii-lchard 1 05 Thou.as ltatclltr 3 uo jacoiiMicnglcr 2 00 Abraham Stout 12 76 I'avlil Slout 1 00 William Miecklcr 2 00 Wallace sewall 6 25 Uliarlcs IShcok 2 00 John Swnrtz 5 25 Jooeph hheckler 3 00 .101111 stiecKicr 2 00 Wendell Schwartz 6 60 Frank V, Inland 300 Levi Weiss 11 00 Henry Wert 3 00 Wllloughby Wert 10 20 Henry Wagner 8 25 James Williamson 1 do William Werner 7 ss Jacob Walker 4 00 Charles Yetiser 1 6u Robert J. Youngklu 2 00 James Znhn 11 60 oiei neu :-pengicr.., 500 Charles Trainer 6 26 I'hnon Clauss 2 00 MlSCELLANKCl'S. James Hoiicnbnch, carting 20 Elvin Druinbore, carting 6 26 Henry Kostcnbuder, police 4 uo Stockcr and Kcmerer, pollco 3 25 josepn a. wtbb, police 4 00 Urlaudo Kcmerer, pollco 4 00 Francis Slocker, pollco 4 00 n ullum aimer, salary nnd labor lor '.be years 1877 and 1878 165 26 W. M. Itnpsher, salary 10 April, '7S 30 00 E. II. Snider, tor Auditors 4 60 .1. l. uuiici, limtcrlala 71 2; Tliouias a. Heck, pos b 60 Theodore Kemcrvr, materials 1 60 A. D. Alosser, pipe 1 10 Jacob Mrausberger, materials 1 45 John Itlnker. blucksnilthing 60 i.nas. rrucniicn, uiacksmiiiung..., 4 38 L.ewls Klingcr, carpenter work 1 to Moses Kchrig, carpenter work 4 60 J. It. Grlllln. trees 8 00 II. V. Morthluier, printing 20 00 Wendell Schwartz, witness recs .... 3 00 David Mantz, lulercet on bunds 39 00 , " " , ditto .... 17 10 w. A. Snyder, ditto .... t9 00 H. Gcrmun, ditto .... 108 80 F. Hrlnkman, ditto .... 81 00 I. eali llo.icr, ditto .... 30 00 Wllllum Itomlg, ditto .... 24 00 Adum German, ditto 4,.'7 80 Uhos. Solfcrt. ditto .... 7200 A. Uaithulomow, ditto .... 0X 00 D. il. Siraup, ditto .... 00 00 E. A. llouer, ditto .... 3000 Hairlson German, bond I200 uo W. A. Miyder, bond 600 00 Paid Jos. ri. u ebb, note' 2io 5 ilalance 671 03 1417 01 This amount, li2& 05, Is the balance duo on note given by J, S. Webb In settlement or liupllcuo Tor 1875, Original amount ot note was lor )4.7 09, which was discounted and Mr, Miller charged with proceeds. Mr. Webb reduced tho nule to $225. when he failed to pay, and the Hank charged the amouut with cusis, 1 65, to .Air. Sillier. The Horough hold F. I. Setnmel und J. W. llau'lenbasli's note for Item, with Interest, amounting to $214 40. KUOAI'ITl'LATION. UAUlLUIte. Uonded Indebtedness 111760 OO ASSETS. Cash In Treasury !71 03 liuoon Duplicate lor 1878... 338 o3 F. P. Semmel and J. W. Itaudenbush.note tor bal, duo on Duplicate tor '76, with Interest 211 40 1162 OO Liabilities In excess or assets May 20111. 1870 13027 04 Liabilities iu excess ol assets Juno 8th, 1678 15519 00 Decrease . OHM 00 EZIU NEWHAHD, Collector, In account with the Horough or Lihlghtoc. Hit. June 6, 1878. To balance due on Du- p)liatolorlM7 618 48 To arr.ount or Duplicate lor 1878 .... sun 79 84101 25 OR. Uy Cash pild to W. Miller, Trcas- - urer, amount or llupllcito Tor '77. f 648 40 lly Cali paid W. Miller, Treasurer, on account, Duplicate for 1878... 3300 00 Exonorallon on Horough tiX 89 70 Commission jg 40 14121 tl Halnncedneoii Duplicate for'78. 1 838 03 Wo 1 he undersigned duly elected Auditors of tho lloronghol Lrhlghlun, do certltythat the foregoing accounts are correct, to the best ol oar kuowlodge und belief. W.W. HOWMAN, ) F. E. Will rNty. Auditors. W. A. DKltll A.MEIt. ) JuncT.-nj. Now Advertisements. I3ANCIAL STATEMENT 01' THE SCHOOL rtOAItD of tho Horongh or LcMah ton. for the fiscal venr cndlnir the First Mon day or June, A, D. 1870, as required by Act ot Asseuuiy, approveu may ut, isio. FUNDED DEBT. The fnTlowlntr Is the funded Artit. ennitlKllnfr or School Bonds and Certificates otlndebted- SOHOOL BONDS. No. P. J.KIstler Thos. Kcmorer . Thos. Kemcrer ., David Klstler... E. A. llauer E. A. llauer.... Henry Kolb A. F. Peters,. k.. ...... 600 1560 IOOOi ...... SIX) 600 600 60 1007 1000 1000 1000 1000 ....... 100 , 3300 ...... 1000 600 200a 1000 1000 ...... 1100 ........ 200 TOO , 700 1600 1000 2000 1000 400 1000 228 47. 48. 60. tl. 63. 64. 68, 60. 00. ei. 2. BE. eo, 7t.. 71 73. 74. 15. 7 TT. 78. 80. 81. 83. 84. 65. 80. 82. 87. 88. 89. It u. tl Reuben Kolbt .......... Geo. Ilnrtcr Wm, Mulhnren..,..., David Klstler Patrick O'Donnell... Dennis Shoveling.... David Slants, David Mants Iteaben Mtelgorwalt. John Peters..... James Kerrigan Mary J. Clauss Hugh McGroaty James McGlnty John Wynn Patrick Aleehan Mnnus McUtnty O.U. A. M. No. 149,, 1st National Hank 01 1st National Hank of Lehlghton. 600 Lehigiiton, 600 129,028 OEUTIFIOATES. OF INDEBTEDNESS. No. 1. A. W. Enchc... 68 12 " 4. A. W. Kacho 175 00 " lo. Samuel Graver 233 68 " 29. llavld Klstler 2io 00 " 30. P..T. Klftlcr 600 oo " 31. Aaron Wcldaw 200 00 $1,308 70 Total amount of Funded Debt Jnno 3 1. 1870 4,30,001.70 Funded Debt oil at 8 per cent. Total amount or Funded Debt, per Annual Statement for year end ing June 4. ISIS 433,530 43 Total amount or Funded Dctt Juno 3d 1879 3t,M 77 Decrease of Funded Debt during the year ending Juno 3d, 1879. ..(i 1,620 86 OnDEItS UNPAID. No 1ST. Daniel Graver 76 00 " 138. K H. Snyder 133 07 u 133. Mary J. Clauss 9 00 " 130. W, SI. Ttapshor 10 00 " 140. Chas. Eckhnrt&Son. 60 00 " 141. Ilattlo L. Knons 28 00 " 135. Emma Hauk 22 00 $ 415 07 Note duo 1st National Bank oT l.ehlirhtnn 600 01 Total amount or Funded Debt 30,901 70 Total amount of Indebtedness.... $31,000 77 ASSETS. Two Lots on Pine Street $ 600 00 Three Story School Houso 46 000 00 House, nnd Lot lor Janitor. 1,200 OO Due School Hoard from Daniel Kos tcnbuder uncollected tax 623 68 Duo School Hoard Trom J.S. Wol.b. 220 10 Duo School Hoard from A. G. Dol- Icnmnjcr 700 00 Duo School Board rrom Snm.Graver 78 45 Total 1(48,222 21 Total amount of Indebtedness.. 31.0J9 77 Assets In excess orindcbtcdneii.tU,312 44 We have paid oirand consequently reduced the debt by lt6CO 66 I do hereby cerllfly thatthe foregoing State ment Is correct and In accordance with said Act ot Assembly to tho best of my knowled.ro and belief, and that I was, on motion, order ed to havo tho nbovo Financial Statement published In tho OAlinoN AdvoOatb. DANIEL GRAVER, Secretary. Juno 7, 1870 3w. JS'NUAL STATEMENT OF Wcissport School District, For tho Year ending June 2nd, 1870. beoeipts. From W. H. Knccht, Into Treasurer or the Hoard 273 78 " P. J. Klsiler, fir A. Whlttlng- ham. Collector 255 08 " Ihotnas Koons, rent of School House 25 00 " P. O. S. or A., rent or S. Hnuso 10165 " D.Shoch, balance ollust year's Duplicate 207 77 " Duplicate 1878-0 481 80 $1435 t7 EXPENDITURES. Repairing School Houso Teachers Wages Fuel nnd Contingencies Fecsof I'ollector Secretary " " Treasurer Bonds ltedecmed lulcr.st on Debt Hooks Purchased Hook Case W. M. linp&her, Services ..... Insurance , Othor Expenses For 18 CO . 2C0 00 CO 03 24 09 15 00 10 00 CO 00 , 1117 12 , 130 33 15 00 10 00 5 411 10 17 $1200 75 , 160 22 , 160 00 Balance Bal. of W. 11. Knecht's Band. Total Resources , $ 316 22 H EOAPITUL ATION. Amount Borrowed nnd Un paid $1600 Ofl Cash In hands or Col. and Treasurer.. 166 22 Bond or W.H.Knecht 160 00 310 22 Liabilities In excess of Resources. . . . $1233 78 We tho undcrslirncd Auditors, report that we have examined tho hooks nnd accounts of J. G. Zcrn. Secretary, and Reuben MunscI- nian, Treasurer, of the Welssport School Dis. i irici, lor ine year cnuing June 2itu, i9iv, ana find the condition of said District as set forth In the above Report. F. J. K AST. AL. WHirriNOHAM, J. G. UI15KY, Weiss ort. Pn 1 Auditors. June 6th, 1870. w3.( t TOfMOl A YJiAlt. oriltoiMo I alBB,llir 1D your own locally, No risk. Women do na well a men. Altnr majo more inun l.le amonnt stitcd above. Nn ono o ,n fall to make 1 money fnst Any one can do the work You can mako from 60 cents to S2 en henr by devoi. i In? lonr eveiitneaand spile time to tho bind-1 iis. It eost nnthintr to try the buiuess. Nothing like it lor money mautna ever crToied btflnie. llii'iness pleasant an-t strictly honor in In. Under, , jOQ want to know all about the be.t pirlugbalness bctoro the publ c ;crd u your adnrenn aed wo wpl send )nu lull par ticulars and private ierina free i eaniu'eY wuith II also Ireot you can then t.-ake up your mind inr vnurse'f Adlrcsa UKOUOi: SI'INSON tt CO., Poitland, Mali e. Jnno 7.-1). i Pond's Extract The "Necretable Pain Dcstrover 1 VALVAnLE roil InHammation & Hemorrhage. 1 Piles, Sprains, Lameness, Burns, Scalds, ' Bruises, Soreuess, Rheumatism, Bolls, Fl eers, Old Sores, Wounds, etc. Also for Toothache, Headache. Sore Threat, Asthma, Hoarseness, Neuralgia, Catarrh, Colic, Dktrrhrea, and nil Hemorrhages, &c. 1 It Is acknowledged by Physicians of nil schools that I'nutl'a Kxti-nct has more wonderful curative properties than nny other remedy. No form of inflammation, pain. HonKXKsa or ui.EKniMi, hut It will cure. Space 1 will not admit or naming all the discuses lor which It Is a specifies but we will send a Ills, torvol fts uses bv mall, nn nmillcatlon. The pleasing results oluslag the Kxiravt ns a toilet requisite, has Induced us to prepare moillflcd lormsor tha Kxiraet In a Toilet Roipi 150 cents ahox of3 cakes), n Toilet Crram for softening und lKmut!r Ing tho skin ($1.00a lHlle),a Dciitm ice (60 cents) a Lip Salve (25 cents). For senMtlve and severo eases ol CATAnnn. our Cslsrrli Cure (75 cents) used with our N'aial Myrlnge (25 cents) Is a radical cure. Our lnhnler (60 cents), for I.u.Ml ami Thuoat DiaKiSEa and Internal bleeding Is Invaluable. Our Oliilmriil (60 cents), tor ' Souk Pilics, etc., should be kept In every ' lainlly. Our Plaitrra excel till others. Use! our Mrillcnteu Paper toprereut and cure . l'lLun and CnAra. , Thobasoof our Toilet snd Medleatad pre-' paratlons Is I'miiCa Kxirnoi, which Is a guarantee that thcyare suirIor, antldeserve tt.oconfldence of the public. Sold by A. J. I DURL1NI1, Lehigiiton, and all Drugalsts. Prepared only by l'OND S V1XTUACT COHPANV. New York und London. June 7. lot. 66 fzi A WEEK In j our owu town an1 r.o cimtal r s'.cd. Yon can Give the bu. ines trlnt wlihott fxjeuso. Tbe beL odd. riniiUveririiffiiien far tha? willing to work. You should tiy nothluir else until you ee for yours-lf what you cat do at the tudueva ueofier. No tooin toexpUlu here. You o m da vote ail your timo or only vour spate time t'i tha bumutMU and matt prtat p.iy for every hour that you work. Women inae a much as men. Svud for uoeeinl private terms and parttcnlurs, wiuca we null free, ti Outfit line. Doiit coniuUm of hard tlmea while vnu 'UjTesucb a cuauoc vdtliea 11.11 h'.CTf A. CO.roilUnd, Muiir, June7-ty . New Advertisements. SUMMER TRAVEL If yon Jomncy for lmriii, lionlth or recrt n tiontotne 'Mountain, IWikes, or 81 1 oro, over ImxtOT ovr tot. !m't tnil to wcmottien o trctlnn nf ACODENT INritt MANCjC In TJI13 TAVISliKlt4v p( llnrtront. Anr irorntftr Aront win wrlir a Milf or montbir ToUcvin n fnw minute, or a Tirkot from ono lo t'liriy itnvn. Tho co ii no hmuli tlmt any ono enn m. lord 11 wio ttftvrJ n. nll-Cnsli piiUfurAccl denim Initlen ovee OMO.lOit. Wo will pay AKiMiuiufeaJuiyut tlno per numlh snd eim-tnten,or nllowft InrtiP communion, Im-1I our new nnd woadernil Iiivi-iiIioiib. Hf mean hat wrtv. Bsmplefrce AddrenHtUKUuAN ACo.tMrfrsliatLfcLllch. O I7t TVT PI T l'' O- Itll ll Ct).. Portland' O JIJXn xj M-iiiio, for host Ar ucv Uttilnees Inhe VotlO, r.xnenstve OnlfltFrcO; J. 15 YOU NEED NOT SUFFER A MY WITH Dyspepsia, Constipation, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Debility, Sec, when yon con ho relieved nnd cured by tho use or that reliable ( Established 1850,) remedy Dr. J. S. HOUGHTON.S It Is Nature's own remedy, nnd contains no nauseous drugs. If you are so had ofl ns not to be ahlo to eat a t racker without distress, try Or, llniiKlilnli' I't-imlii.alid ou will not be disappointed. Ho sure you get Dr. llntifrJiioit' 1'i-psliinndtalionn huso Imi tation'. Sold by nil Drugulsts. J. II. Katun, I'roprletor.Phlladclphla.l'a. HUKNTGOOD it CO., General Agents, New York. June 7. 3mo. jyj-AltOMXU TOWNSHIP. Annual Financial Statement of Mahoning Township. CHAKLES LENTS., Collector of Tax and Overseer of the Poor o! said Town ship, lu account with said Township lor tho year ending April, 1870 : DU. To Amount of Duplicate $ 003 18 " Cashrec'dot r. Born, Into Col'r, 75 34 " " interest on nnovo ,& 34 o uo t. ree'd of Joel Monk's estate.. 45 35 " " " or Mid. C. F. Poor Hist. 0 72 " " realized rrom sale of -Mrs. F. Mj eis' furniture 10 11 " " received of Geo. Kline, being amount expended for nnilii nanco of Uubcoca Strauss, deceased 200 00 " " rclundcd by O. Shoemaker. . IS 10 $1208 03 2 14 1 Balance due Chas. Lcntz . $1271 07 CR. By Cash paid, as per receipt $1051 08 . " " Nallnin Frantz, forscr- vlccs ns Overseer 31 00 11 Services rendered as Oieisccr,per seir. 60 75 14 Amount of Exonerations 0 6J " Commission on fS'Ji 63 at 5 per ct. for Collecting- 41 77 " Commission on $1082 08 at 3 per ct. tor Paying Out 32 48 " Bahinco liom last y'r's settlement 4138 $1271 07 Wc the undersigned, Auditors orMnhuiiliig Township, do hereby certlly that we h ivo ex aiiilned the above account, and liud It cor' ect as above staled, this 16th day of A pill, 1870. OUAHLKS H. SE1DLE, ) THOS M. WEAVER, Auditors. JOSlAIlMt!&tELM.l.N, ) HARRISON MILLER, ono of I ho Supervis or's or Mob. .till ir Township, lu account with Mid Townhlp Tor tho year ending April, 1879: DR. To whole amount of Tax Duplicate.. $ C03 48 " Cash receive I ul Nathan l.nllkr. 4J5 00 " Balancoduo from Tonnshlp 60 65 $1130 01 OR. BvC'ash nald for Kenairlns: Roads. Bridges, K.0 8 001 OS " Exonerations 5 64 " Services, pcr sell 103 Oo " Comniission on $052 02 at 5 per ct, 2 80 81139 01 NATHAN LAFFLER, one or the Supcrvls or's of Mahoning Township, In account wllh said Township lor the year ending April, 1870: DR. To wholo amount or Duplicate $1100 40 " Six dnjs'labor by Win. llchtol for tomnshlp (a pauper) 6 00 $1103 42 OR. By Cash paid Tor Repairing Roads, Bridges, ftc $ 874 01 " Cash paid II. Miller, Supervisor, 42 O'J 14 Exonerations 6 04 " Services, tar sell 78 00 11 Cash paid Auditors for settling accounts 4 50 ' Bnlanco dueTownsh p 34 88 " Commission on $1185 33 at 5 per ct. 77 28 $1106 42 Wc tho undersigned, Auditors of Mahoning Township, do hereby certify that wo have ex amined tho abovo accounts, and found the samo correct as above stated, this 10th day ot May, A. D. 170. (HIAlil.lS 11. SEIDLE,) THOS. M. WEAVER, J Auditors. JOSIAHMUSSELMAN ) B lay 17 1870-W3 JEUISTER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the Executors, Administrators und Guardians hetclnaltor named have tiled their respective accounts of the following estntcs In tho Register's Ollico at Mauch Chunk, In and for the County ol Carl on, which accounts have been allow cd by tho ltealster, will be presented to tho Judges ol tho Orphans' Couri on MONDAY, tliou.h day or J ONE NEXT, at 2 o'clock P. M., lor continuation : First nnd tinal account of Silas and John Solomon, executors ot (he last wilt und tes tament of Nathaniel Solomon, deceased. First and final account ol Adulph Husinan, administrator of the estate of Chas. lluss. man, deceased. First and tinal account ol Mary L. Buckinnn, executrix of tho estate of Adam Hucktnaii, deceased. First and tinal account of John Bynon, guar dian of Charles Powell, one ol the heirs of Morgan Powell, dcccastsl. BKRNARD PHILLIPS, Register. Mauch Chunk, May 10. 1870-W4 UDITOU'S NOTICE. In the Matter of the Asiimicd Imitate of J-'. I: skmuj:l. Tho undersigned Auditor, having been op. pointed to make distribution ol the lunds In the hands or J. L. Gabel, Asslgneo ot F. 1'. Semmel, "Wll meet tho parlies Interested ot lilslitllee In tho Horouirh or Mauch Chunk, on Thursday JUNE 12th, 1570, at 1 o'clock 1". M.. where all Interested can attend, F. BERTOLKTIK, Auditor. Mauch Chunk, May 17, liP-4 SSIUNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hcrely given, that Henry Boyer, Asslgneo ut the Esiato ul J. 11. Seidel, has tiled Ills account as such osslgnce, lu the Court of Common Fleas ol Carbon County,nnd that tl Mino will come up for continuation, und will be allowed by said Couit on tho Dili day ol Juue, 1870, unless cause be showu to tho contrary. By the Court. jjj;,mkri:r, May 10, 1870-to l'rolhouotary. feSIUNEE'SNOTICE. Notice Is hereby given, that Chas. Mcend een, Assignee of the Estate or Lei 1 Kern, has tiled hisacvountasruch usslgnee, lu tho Court of Common Pleas or Carbon Comity, und that the same will come up for continuation, und will ho allowed by said Court on thoUlhday or June, 1870, unless cause be shown tathe coutrory, lly the Court. , ,.,.,,,.,. Muy 10, 1679-to 1'rutuoi.uiary. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Hie adrertLcr. harine been permansmlir i ureJ ol tnal Uread uiso.i.o Cuuauuiiitlou. bra a'mule rxratilr.I'anilaiis ;o insko kuiwu to In. lellow-aalferviatlie meuui ul oure. 'loall who (.Nile It- be will teiala CMiy ol tno vreaeniitiun used. (lire of cMrcm ) Willi llie iliiHIIuiia fur ureuarin; uul utiuaT th Auiwe. vinoa taay will Uuifa blue cubk (jr C'oaoUMi'lioH, AsTiiutT UiiL.scnnw. rsrura nikhinK tlie lTewriptlon. will tluue adiliiui. t:. A 1 1 .so N, 11 1 1'iuii '.t' nt Wil .ui Uuiili, . iVjQZg? d B2 So 1 2.. New Advertisements. s UEUIFFb' SALTS OF Valuable HiUl Estate ! By virtue of snndrv writs uf Fir.m Facias, Llvat;i facias ond Venditioni Kxcosas innucrt out ot llu) Court of CDintnou l'leasof uaritou Countv, nno to mo dUettod thtro vnU bejex posed at l'nbltp bale, ittho Conrt House, in tho boiough of Sftuurtt CbiruK, ou Monday, June 9th, 1879, nt KLHVKN, o'c'ock A, Ma shnrp, tho follow. lngproprrtlPa t All that certain. nor on vtzvr. or ground Bit unto nn tho north word! v de of Centre alrout, mtiio vulnrt- of Upoer Mwuch Chunk lntna lioronithof Mourh thnntc, numbeirdlu the Mnn or plot ihvrof 1(5, coiitHtnlnir in front or uroMtth on fmd Rtiect,Iiftv leot. mid extend Ini? ihenconorthwnfdlv of thnt vtrtih, between pninhol lines nt tight tingles with the Batd CentroBtieei. in length or depth ono hundred nnd ninety ft. to. oiiU.siiccU Unnndui south' wnrulv bv Contro street, noiriiwnritlr bv Nonh street. DORtwaidlv bv lot No. one bundled mid foit.v-tlirce, westsTRidly uylotlso. one uundied nnd fony-ecTon, The taiptovcmcntfl ttisreon aro a TWO-STOnYFaAMED'yELWNa HOUSE, sixteen by twcnty.fivo feet, Kitchen attached, twelve by Hiteen teet and putuulldinga. Seized nno tnken Into execution aa the mop oity ol Nicholas lUckcr. -ALIO, All thnt certain LOT Oil ri&OE OF UIIOTJND, sltuntoontho south, side nf llnsnra street In Ibe Vlltnuo of Bum rait Hill, Oat Don Count , lcun-ivtmlA. minihereo tu tho tin or plot tlieieof .Vnuiuer TMiuv-lx. coiitQiulnj; In fiotit or bronilth on paid Hazard street tbuty leer, und ex tend i uk thCLCe Bouthwardlyoiio hundred and twenty flvo leet to n twenty feet wide nltoy, 'bounded north by said Hnzsid strict. cBt by lxt Number 'rbirly.eifii., toutn by snd mlcy, nnd west by hot Kumber Jhirt; four. Tno Iruprovciaccta thcrcou aro a Ono an! a Hull fcitory FRAME DWELI.INP HOUSE, twenty-eight by thirty-two feet. Kite lien nt tncheo, tea by twenty four fcut, und juibuild tiitrs. Hened oud tacn t.iti x"Cu:V)n ns the prop ottvoi lluo c Wtlnams nnd Jeuipina WilmiiU" h:a wifo. A LQ AU that certain LOT Oil I'lECE OF OliOUND, Mtuntoontho nottn slrfoof Hi surd meet, tu tlio ViLi:o of bumunt Hhl, Ojir-on Countv, i'euunylvunia, uumotU'd lu ihj plan or p ol tin loot umber MtiV.uuo cotital nlus; In Iront or bieantb ou s-ild Hazard street tht ly-iour tect, nno cxtei ding tlieuco uoiihwiiid olio hun. drert and twemvllvo tret to u twmtv tint wioi nl lev, boundud umth bv snd aitcv. east bt JsOt Niiiniiui blxiy.threo, a-mth bv Ilozjid etieot, nnd webt by i.tt Number Filty uhc. Tae Improveuicnts tlicroon aioa Two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, sixteen bv twenty-five fectKltclien Attached, eleven by fourteen feet, uuu outhuiioiugB. Bo zed nnd tn'fn m'o execution as the prop city ot Johu W. Ihou a, -ALO. All that certain Messuage or Tenement and LOT OU PIECE OF O HOUND, aUnritooii ihonotthwarrtly side of Broidwav, lu the Uurongli ol Miincli t;)iunk lu tho ('omitv oiuniuou uuucsiavuoi r-nuej ivuiiiu, numui'r pil mi tho n'an or nlot t hereof rumtier T went v. four cotitii.ulug in iront or br.itlt ti on en id Uroauway eltftitfvn nnrt one half feer. and eon tlmitnjfot ina bieuiith nt rip at Hntiiesfinm tho Bald Iruudwav, t-lxtV lhU'O teet, ui m less, loTnip Alley, nnd liom tlib norti wnrdly S1G Ol imp t. rev onymo wvi, minu vv less to I'ipo Alloi . b-.undttu ku hwardly by Rio u wav jitoiestid p.mtwardly by Lot Numberct Twenty six, wetwnrdly bv Lot Nurabered Twenty two aulnorihwnidly oy Flue A hey ntoica.iltl. Tho ImprovemcutJi thcicon aro a Two and a nan aiory FRAME DWELLING HOUSE. olehtern feet four Inches bv thlrtvthrco feet. wit:i Fiume K'.tctien aitachcd, ouo nndi llo-i Saonei hlifh, elliteou feet fnur lncneri bi six teen ftet, aud a iwo-wtory Friunc out uoue, eihcocu ieet four luehes oy Rumen teet. Soized ai.d tikou Into execution as the prop city OL F. C KIlUl!. AL 0- Atl that ccrtalu TRACT OR PIECE OF LAND. sltuotn nnrtly In Towouienslnff township, ond ,i-itly In i'laukllu tuwnsh'o. O nbou ;eounty. I'enusi ivun a, bounded by lauds of VNUiim rho mid, tiubml "-chmUe, Hnniwm wchiu:dt 1 homm Soit, iteubeu Hilt, Luuiml Gravei, nnUUtorpo u own, conciiuiu"uuodi ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY ACREs, inoro or lea. Tbe iiuuioveir;enti thcieonnie a TWO- -TORY 1'HAMfi DWELLIXG IIOUSF, twrntr frtin lir twrntv.rnrl.t fiet: stable twon- iv hi- ihi.tr fe.et' mcistv. fiuiiteen tiv mxUen ieet, hiw nnd, tweutyllvo by Jitiy-two feet ana oiner ouiuuiiuniKa- Sr. zed nnd taen Into cxrcutlon as tho i icp tity of Come xua buyiler. -AL-O,- AU that certain LOT ORi'IECIu OF GROUND, aHnntfl nt. thrt 1 nrth R'OA )f West RroadwnV. In tho Jlorooehof AiHiich chunk, betf' mug nt the D'au orplotoriotnumoei thiuyeDihf. on Wml liroadwuv.nini;extciiUiutr tnenceno Ulwaid be tween the iliu'H of F-ald lot number tuutj-eipbt cxtendwi slxty.flvo Ieet uioio or lops. toilio ItOQU tO Upper JunilCU iiuhk' uuinimu ujiiii Uv saiti j mull I'uai ut luwium .ui mi ij -niAi i tending houth oy West liioadvvay.auu wctt jv lut number forty extended Tho Improvements theieou aro a TWO-STOnY FRAME DWELLING HOUJE. with basement to tho tenr. twentyn.no leet Irnnl sunt I ir 11 1 w.Oi irli t Tpot, iltMln. Seized and taken Into execution m the piop city of Jacob II binlth nuJ J anu UmltU. -ALSO.- AU that certain LOT OR TIECE OFGHOUND. at tun to nn'tlin ftnilth ftlri of NortU StlOCt.in thi vibuirei.f Unitr Jduiich t'liun. ami Itoiouh of Mauch Cl ui k, uuwoerert in the plan or olot theieof mneiy feix. ct'otamiiiR lu front, or breadih on said North Mrcet twenty tivo feet; nnd in depth llftv teot to a twenty uet wido iit'ey, boundoti uortubvNo th stieet, oast by 101 IIUuTJer U1UIHV I'lur, miniu uv n.uu ut.cj-.u-iu webt bv lot uuiuiiernuifiy eurni, Tho improvements thorcou aro n TWO-3 TORY FRAME DWH-LLINGJIIOUSE, nurtitreii feet front hv twenLV-elah. feet dep klteheu nt'-ftched fourteen by olahteeu tool, aud oui-uui;aiu'ii Bilzed aad taten lnlo execot'on as the rmp crly of Joan faliutt und Caroline ?hutt UU wne, AL30, All that ceralu LOT OR PIECE OF GROUND, situate on the eastward y side ol Ciml st ret. In Jluchelbiruie Mauch Chunk Townshn.Cjibuii Cuuniv, l'ennpy.vnla( Nauibeied tn hi ilau or plot tiicrcot Hix und E'K.it, routaiuing lu riout or bioidtli on said toul stieet eitnnwfl.o feet s x luclius, and exteini.u thenco ErHi ward out numbed and tUiy leitto other ground ot Ihu Lehtgh Com ana Nuvigiilnn uuiupuny uouiiuro imiiiiuyju' numui'r nmr. Cd3t b other piouudi tl aiil Company, south by lot .Vumner Ten, ana west by Coal Btieoi. The unpioTcuieutti thereon are a Tn o Story FRAME DOURLE DWELLING HOUiE, twenty by thlity-thiee feer, end a On Story l'rame Klttlieu, twenty-four bv ten feet. feized uuc t.Uen into execution the proi' crty ol chju.es 1J. Miller. -AI.'SO,- AU thai certain lot on rnx'E of anoujfD, situate on the fsoutbwardlj' side nf llniiioad street. In the lili,'e of bunmilt 111 I. Muuch C'Uuuic luwiislmi CnrbouCouiiir.Pcuusilvauiu, Numueti-il ttiiriy.fout tn h cert lu i.lau or plot of it lui oi lauu, Kiiunu as lh romuirv 1'roiH.T. tr. ConiuliiliiK in flout or bteadth ulouif aj1 Uailtpuit stit-et tinny loot and extcudina theme suutuir ,nlU' of mat width, betwteii iiaialicl illica ut naUl angle with caluslnot ouehuu. rieduud twentv-uve leel, lioondi-d foutbnuii Ir uv Inu nud uuii ol tho Uaucli uhunc and Mlinraic Hill Ilallrriail, mslwaidiv Uv lot num. beiediussld u au unrty-aix. Miuthwatnlv bv Ijiii'h of the Ixluh coal & Navivanou Coin. nanv. ajd wotatillv by lot Huiuoo-m tlnr y tno ou tbn piau almrsuld, with ull ltupiovc- Ull'llti Oil thO JitCtUlftOS. S.lxcdand lakeu Iniooiecuiloa aa thcjiroj. city ut lulo ilil.fr; -UiO-, All tint certain rail, vlere 01 section of LOT OF LAND, numbered on- hnndir-d aud one. situato bc tft'eii Noitbominon ueet aud widow al.ey, m 11,0 Uoioitgh uf Lehl..liloii, C'aihou County, rounsy Vdiilu.beinirtuo wodtemnurtot auldLuc Ivo. One LuLiiiidui o o.ic. uuu which woaleru nait or tdoio or ectl"ii Hiicavirji-d u loilowa: hea unt the eornir ol Mahuulinr atiwt aud wiuuw allay, theiice ut nKtit amies Willi aia Willow uller, lust Oue hundriU uud uuo fettilhtliro ut lUIH uniilos wall tald Hut hue nxtr-MX feet, to a i.ululiu ihe i;att aim Wut ime ot ta.d wliu'.e lot and ihein o at right sua-lujwithiMiid slitytlx leel hns west oue liuinlie.1 aud one letl to v illow al.oi . and taeuce oaih sixtv-.lx leet alorni aaid ahoy eo tro place of ocfiiuUua. The Inipruveuieuts thereon aie a Tno Story FI1AMU DWBLLO IIOUbK, twnlr fMit b. thirtr tict. btablo thirteen by i lahlrou fit, aud ouUuildugi (?e awl and taken Insoaxeswilen astoenrnn erty of The I'uat l'ii)j'tiiua Uluuh cl L LigUtou. aud to ue aold by J. W. nUlU5Nl)U8II, Sheriff. MaucU ' hum., May 3, ST-,'. sS. Wc Start WITH AS ENTIRE NEW Al'fl U'ELI, SELECTKIJ BTOCK OF Just received from the Large Cities, which wc arc offering at Unpvcccdcntly Low Piiccs I -:o:- Sinvfrains m in in in in in in in in in iargains U-gains bargains amains Sarmiins Barg ahis in House Furnishing Goods generally. Call and be couvinccd. Respectfully, tcFe To MUBBATOJI 8j$"9 Lindcrman's Block, Opposite tho Public Square, Jn. 4 LEHIGIITON, PA. The undersigned most respertfully announces to tho Ladies of Wcissport and the surrounding country, that she has just returned from the Cities, and is now receiving an immenso assortment of the latest designs in pBlaag MMItaery CoslSj Comprising Hats, Bonnets, Notions, Trimmings, &c, &t, all or which sho Is prepared to dispose of tn her patrons nt prices so low ns lo bo nerfrctlv astonlshlnir. Hals nnd llonncts uindo up lo order. MU lll.S and LAI11KS OWN 11A11! nuiiloiipto order on short notice and at very reasonable prices S- Call aud cxaiulno Urods and learn Trices. -fca Mrs. M. Guth, Fashionable Millinery Store, April 2(5, 1879. White St., AVEISSPORT. Important to BiiiMere, e. Welgpsi; lflaSBliag Mill, JOHN G. BIERY, Agent, Is prepared to furnish all kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust crs, "Window and Door Frames, Scroll Sawing, Turning, Planing and Hipping done at short notice and at Prices to Suit the Times. sna Ms&cMEnoipy sill Mew Contractors and Carpenters are invited to call for Specifications, which will be cheerfully furnished. sT Special attention given to Orders by Mail. Thank ful to our patrons and friends for past favors, we ask a share of patronage in the future. Very Kespcctf ally. " JOHN G. BIERY, Agent For the AVcissport Planing Mill. F. O. box C3. jan.4- yl Mew Crdsa&ails I l respectfully announce to tho citizens of Lehigiiton and vicinity that I have leased tho Old lst-OUice Stand, on BANK Street, Lehigiiton, and that 1 am now receiving n full line of consisting of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Underwear, Hosi ery, II andkerchiofs, Jewelry, llibbons, Ituches, lady's hand-made Clouds, Gloves, Fancy Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Buttons, Collars, Machine Needles and Oil, Znphers, Ffiiic,y Stationery, and all other articles usually kept in my line. Also, Agent for tho celebrated IDJ3Bl.Mir AlgSMSjr (tlSS-AI. Call and examine my goods ; the prices tiro so low that they cannot fail to suit all. 7.11 Si. H & TP.TRV j i'Kvi:itiss. Nooneeun be sick when the stomach. blood, liver mid Kidneys nre ncuiiny, nuu lion Hitters keep them so.' "The irrcaten noiirlsliliiB tonic, nppe-U titer, stmiKthcncr and curative on earth Jl Hop liuters." 'It Is Impossible tn remain lonar sick or ,0111 ol licit It li. wucre nop iiiucrs lire neeti. kv iv i n lu u hits curu Ml II1UCII7 1 Itcciiiisu thev ulve uood dhrcstlon. rich blond und healthy action of the organs." No matter what your Ccellnz or ailment la II.,., lllttrK Will lit, l.ll, l.ftrtiT ' " liciiieiuncr. nop jiiiers never iiiii.f. Iiarui, out tcooti, ainu) satin continually," "l uriiyuiu uuHji,, i:ii'.ii,su me siniuiicii. ,IDU sivetien ine nri-uiu wiin nop lllliers,' "Oulet uertcs mid balmy sleep In Hoi Hitters " "No health Willi Inactive liver and urin ary organs without Hop Hitters." fllY HOP CofOll OCBE AND IAIM HtLltK. For sale by all Urugitlsts. UKIJ3 N otici: la hereby clven to all persons who are In debted to tho 'I reasurer uf Oaron IJuunty far- Slereanlilo I.leenses, that unless they take 1 out their lleenaes within ten da)i fruin date lenal measurs will Ue taken lor the cvlleo-. tion of the amount charged to them. Tho ' amounts Mill Im r oelvetl ut the ll.inl.liin I HuuMofll. II. I.lMlKliMAN fclJO. ' liy order of Uouuty UowuilMlouers. ll. E. SWAldZ.OIerk. Ma '.'llli, lTJ-3t. in To-Bay! 1879. Summer. Dress Good s Shawl Notion Trimming Corset Hosiery s . Carpet Oil Cloth Cassimcrc Hoots and Shoe w m Mew IPrices I URIAH FATZINGER tlcsvcctfully announces lo the peerde that h haa Icjsid the Shop ot SAMUtL Ulillisn I.INU, on North Street, Lehigiiton, Pa., and projK)e to resume hi olt bulnrs ot Carriage and Wagon BUILDING, and re ipertf ally atk a ebtro of publio patron. ukq. minrauteln- liie Wot ItmamLipto be fqnal iu ttiobit, auU tuel'rtcofl tobo t lowttie lowcal, REPAIRING of nil kinds promptly attended to a very tea. fouauiecharirt fa. U1IIA1I I'ATZINOER, Opuo-lto l'ub:lc fcquarc, Koithfilreel, fob ll yl Lehlghton, ra. SPAVIN wrniiiuT uLisTMtiNo OJ-il ' oroauslin; a soie. Noremedy everillseovereil ctiuuls It (or certainty of ac. tlnuln stopplnif the lameness and reinorliifc Pill? P ouneh. 1'rlcel.oo. Send for j j jv,aj circular Hiving l'oiltlve 1'ruofand your nrarest ageul's address, bold ly drug, ulsis, or sent lo any address by tha Inventor, 11. J. Ken Jail, M. II., lio.Uursli la lb, YL