liWnsnl Advertising. Rates, Wo (Mr it to boMlstiirttlyAmu'errtood' lhat no advertisement!) wilt bo Inserted In h columns of Tile GxnnoN Advocate that may bo received from unknown parties or firms unless .acconjmniediy Iho -oasu. Thefollowlnglifoijuf oxtvlerriTsr ' 01S SQUARE (10 LINES), Ons year, each insertion...... i.... 10 cts. Blinnuntlis, each Insertion 15 cts. Thrco months, each insertion.. 20 cts. Less than thrco months, first Insertion $1 1 each subsequent Insertion 25 cts. local notices 10 cents per line. ' H. V. MORTH1MRR, Publisher. The Carbon Advo'cate And Itidtrftsflclnil. Tamlly Nempspsf Published every CATURDAY, In Lehighton, Carbon Co., Pa., by WAHHY V. PIOIlXHinlKH. OrncE-DA-CKWAY, n short (HetSflci ntOTf the Lehigh Valley It. It. Depot. Terms: $1.00 per Annum in Atace. . EVERT BEBCMTlJOS OP MAW A.MJ tiXVt Job Printing II. V. MouTtiiMER, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." 51.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. VOL. VII., No 27. LEHIGIITON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1875). If not paid in advance, $1.25. AT VEtllf LOW PKIOES-. CARDS, ;ool nntl Shoe Makers. 3ILtonurtny,in Lrmn't building, Ilmk street. AlXaritTtpfcmplly Mltd work warranted. Attorneys. fOlIN KLINE, ' . ATTOItNEY AT LAW, OffleVwUh Al'en Craig, nnnoslto American Ho tct, UAlllf KT SQUARE. MAUCtt PIIUNK. iniy-'y ATTOnNKY AND CopN&KLLOlt AT LAW, Brosawayand snsq'irhsnn Streets opposite .Ucuit Ho no. j . MAUril 6liuNIJ, PA. Mar be eonsulloa In Oorin .n. ii)aT53 Ijr pf llonIstiiui:t, - ' ,-ATTnP.NEY AT LAW J Levon's Building, ArtK'BTItEET. LEIIIUHTOS. PA. D.Pember lo-0m. w. mriiAPs lllt ATTIHIVRV, AND COUNSELLOR kX LAW Bi!(K9TiiEET.f.i!iiinT0i,l,A; rt.alEstat. and Collection Acencv Will tlu.vnnd Sail Rtl Kstato. Conveyancing .leitly done Col aetloni promptly made. Settling Untates of tdenta a specialty. May b consulted In fcnlltli adllarman. - Xct. 28. . JAU. lUSTllUTIliaitS, ' ATT0P.N iY AT LAW, 3 Oftlcs : 21 flofir nf Huaid's Hall, Mauoli Cliitiilt. I'n. All lm(nets'e'ntruted to hlla will lie prraipll.i attended to. Mn 27, ly. ATtOKSKY AT LAW NeXtIoortoFlrt Natlnnnl nnnk, MAltmi CHUNK, PA itVOn h ronnnlted In (ierman, jan9. Justices dncl Insurance py A. BISLTZ, JUSTICE OF Tlin l'EACE, OrriCBi Llnderaim1 B'onk. HANK-Strett. a ' ' ' Lwinoillu.N. ra. PnnvniAMn, nnllp.llnw nnl nil nthrr hill nem connected with the oftlpo pioniutlv ailcnd. d to ARent for tao liot l'lie nnd I ifo Innir- ailCC tJOnipiUlO-t I Attn IS UI,UUCll. U Hi. ll-uinil. in liarsM.Ae. AprhlVvl rpiroMAS Ki:.iiRni:n, L CONVEVANORU. AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The' fjllowlnji Conipmlen Hre Uepresented: LEI1AN )N Mljl'UALFini5, UEAiUNO MUl'trAL FIUE, wiomo Fiitu, ror r.-iviLLH Fim:, Li:ni(iii run;, omi tneiitAV ELElti AOCIDUNl' IKSimANOl), Also Penntlvanli and Mnttnl Iforso Tlilcl Deteotlroand Inuram-o roinpauv. Maica 29. 1871 ' lUoa, KHMEWSIl. Physicians mul Dentists. Slatington' Dental Office, i:sTAr.l.l5llEl 1670. Artificial Teeth Made to R:store the Original Contour or Lir-s & GliCBis, Persons ordering a SUf Teeth, nnd residing at LehlRhW, Wclisprt or vlcjuilty,' or any point within 1 infies from Sl.ttlngton, will HECEIVB'AN ll . " ExtTuusioN Ticket TO AND FROM SAID POINT FREE! Very Respectfully, DaiL,CMrEi,u FllilNOTKITll' "W. Y. ULItElt, M. I)., KABT PENN, Cirbon Conntv, ra. Residence.. ..t-nm 7 a. m. In 10 n. m 1IUTJRS I'll I 12 noni In to n in 1 1'arrvvlllo nn I ' a.m. to 12 noon. Mbv he ennsu ted in tn' nerniau Laimnefto P, OflAddrcsi iehtih ihtun. Nor. 3V) l iqy' "X. niiaiiAMEU'.i.M.n., VjIVSICIAM ANIlEU'lKlVKlM PperUl iitlwitlon plld to phrenic lilseife, Office: 8ou1ll corner Iron ami 2nd t.t.. Le- aUlitryi'iPii If I , Aprl 3. 1873 QH ASJiT; HOICK, HI. I)., a; "it rr. it's n:ivo SrOItl! 11A.MC HI' LintlUH'ION, I'A General practice aliened! in, and BPL'IA ATT UN nO. GIVliN TO DI'Il.VHLS Ol WO.MKX f , lliai'51 .yl 2 iniinfitji. i).1 TJ.S Hxnmtuliif; Mtirgemi, PRA,TIC1SQ PUYSIOIAN nndSUtlQEON Oiricitj iHDk8tieci.i;nBEu'e Uiock. Liliieh. luu, 1'a. May becoiiiuiLiaia.thojicrin p LanBuace. ivjtu unni:siT's Liv.ery & Sale Stables f. HANIC STIliaiiT.LKlIKill fast rlil?yi'iITbJ''n6nsES, 11 "'EIjEG AS'T OAUUIAGES, And poflllvrty Low Kit I'UIl'F.S than any -inner j.ivoiyju iuo voanir. LarRnanrt hnodwinie carilanos for Fjiierel pnronsea and Woodiuss. DAVI1J EUUFUT Qermau Horse ami Cow 1'oiyiler Keep" stoelr healthy an tn gno eondlHon, It i-la iilnoMinn aud aMim lation. it uian'M rat innaele aed tabk Jit iimny a 1 ru will ilo more work ai.d iviw 'tvn wore mi k ami i e In matter amrlu ami onndlt on It also koeim pool trrliojillhv aud iboreaMi. the qMauli-o!p v., ltlamadoliv Dr Levi (iberhoitser at Ins n uu Hackot 'I' N Tlilrtistieet, Phila It is .old y Aflual wol.i is re la per bound by A. J DP n LI .NO, Lehighton. Not. 3, i--a-mo. TON, li Railroad Guide. plIILA, ib HEAUIHU UAILKOAU. Arrangomcnt ot Passenger Trains. MAY inn. is:o. Trains lcavo AL L KM'O Vf N at follows i - (VIA l'KtlKlOMBX HKA&C1I.) For Philadelphia, at 4:21, Cut), 11.40, a.m.. and 01 p. in. SUHDAYS. For Philadelphia nt 4 2o n. m..3..05 o. m. IVIA ItAHl t'PXVi. llltAKril.l For tto ill lie, t 220. B4U, u a m., 1110, 4A0 a 'd ti or, p.m For lilt moiir;. .3)5 (0, 0.03 a, 10., 12.10, 4 30 ror Lancaster and Colombia, 5 4, s.35 a.m. aoil 4 an p m Loos not run on Monday. ' r-UNDAYS. 'or rtcadin". 2 3(1 a.m. and 4.30 nnd 0 0J I ra. .-'oi Ilirrialmrg. 2.:iin. in and a "3 tf. m. Trains Foil ALLI3 TOWN leave as touows: (VIA rKIttCIOMP.S 1UIANCI1.1 LoavoriitladolpblH, j.4n u. in., l.ou, 1.30 antf 6.30 p. in. SUNDAYS. LeavoPhiliriclpTil'i s.'i n. m nmlSlfip. m. (VIA LAST mXNA IlltANCII I Lcavo rto.ulng 7.21 10.33 a in., 4 01, 0.15 f nd 10.45 i) m Lcavo irnrilsburg, 6 1!,8 Ida. m., and too. 4.00 aim , n n. in. .... Leave Lnncaiter, 8.10 a. m.. U 61 and 3.45 p. m. Lcn Columbia in i.'O and 3 33 p. m. HUISilAT". f cave Ttonolng. 7.0 mid 0 05 a. m. Leave It iiiiUnrn.S.Hn.hi. Trnlns muke.i tlmi ) run to and from depot 31 h anl Oreon streoti, Philadelphia otlier minima ! irnin uroni inruct uriim. T.imt l ii. m nnd ft-lis ti. n. tlalns from Allfn- to n, nnd the 7.4a a. m and p.m. tiffins from Philadelphia, hao tblongli caisto auil tioiu l'MladclpUla. (Jenf r( Manager, a. HANCOCK, Oni'l TleM Agent. Hotels and Saloons. The Fort Allen House, WEISSPORT, PA. BEEER & KRESGE. Froprietors. Tills II(.uo is located In tlio Ilorons:li of Wilsmuri. failion Cimntt. l'n.. and Is built on the site of Fun it lien, an old rtm Kado lort- lllcatlon. crtcio.l licn'ov.r n century aicn m iroit'ittbo early settleis nirauirt 1110 noiiio iiuiirslnnsuf tin. Indians. Tlip liouse Isaeuh. brick, nnd was named " Fort Allen I louse' ny tile laiu I unuru v eies : it eumiiino Tiiinv.twn Iliiitins nnd a ham Hume lCesiau rant, and Hit present Proprlctnra have n-wly mul lliurn uglily refuted the establishment It nns ail liic iiiinoiniini'niioi iv riitai-vL.AMi t'OUNTHY IK) I'LL, nilniiiecl for tho com. fort ol lis patrons, lnclnso proximity to tlio IIOICI, 111 pCriCCl IirCSlTV.IUUU, IS IHU tllSLUlIU OLD TIIANKLIN WULL, wliieh was duff by order of Henjainln Frank. lln 10 supply ilio arrl?on or t-i-rt Allen with water. Its walls ol stone, which will defy tho ravages iifngcs, ate os nerlect tn-uny ns wii'-n put there, and the well now contains aunut six lect 01 crystal water The well Is now liii nif fitted nuns a historic n- c. to Hie Wilier of wnich tho j.atrons uf the llouso will hava iree autes?. SUM1MER HO.nir.T!S wllllio ecciiininodattd lit Ilensnnablo Prices. The liar Is tuin cd with the wines. Liquors ami Clgms. Uond Mnbllmr attiichcil. a ....I in . 1 1, L 11 T .I.' I, k. I."IIIVI1V JVi'lll IPJ, 11111,11 J.l.l.... Eating and Drinking SALOON, Lewis J. CiiiustjiAiV, Prop'r. This well-kept and c.tccllnntly fitted up Sa loon is located three duors above Clauss' latlorlnir Sturc, un HANK STREET, LEIIinilTON, Pa. IliTirncr & Enirler's Phllodclntila llccr al ways un Tap. (Jholeo t'lg.irs, and all kinds of lU'irciiiiiicius in beiieun. Five Ltircli Cicry Salnnlai N'iplit. Patronniso solicited. Jlay 17 1870 ly Aster IMaco Hotel. EUROPEAN PLAN. Astor Placf, :til Ato. n tt Stli Street, (OrrosiTE CoorKn Ixstitutk.) NEW YORK, Best Location in tlio City. Elevated Rail road and live other lines puss the dour. Rooms 60 els. to 2 per Hoy. lly tlio Week $2 and upnnrds. AprlllO-iuO OPEN ALL NIGHT, NATIONAL HOTEL, COUXSiAxVIJX si., nnnr IXrondivny, 3STEW YORK, IIOTUIK1SS & rONU, Proprietors. On tliu i:uropcan I'lmi. Hin TtPAtiiiimnt C'nfp Hiid Lunch Ilonm r inr.lietlntu tinJinaetl tnr clieatuesH mid ei rcLlenco ol poi vice. Hi oms 5 1 cts to fc- vcr Oar. 6Jtulu per wci'lc. Conveuteut to nil Funrs NJSW Ji AN liriT. ) ill l-yi THE ' TOLEDO BLADE. NASBY'S PAPER. er nun r s-mi lop Dei-iMioii coi.v of Tilifl T.) Li'.DO liLVDi-:. I ih ii Maminnth hitj'-t I'aae Wcekiy 1'iv-ei cl slxiv-tuui- Cuinmiitt Uiioil wi.h cnefuliv .rc a noti rt'aiitiitf lmuier 01 mieion mi value to SPECIAL riUTUltES. All tlio lieuirinion e whio'i bivn mnde The iilauii aj nouumr un ovriiio uimcu ami en, vvil oo .esiii rlv com uucl. liatiu-iv i 'lli -i'np ulnr L UciH ot tiint r.irtiiiifniMticil UfTnocntt'c puLtlCl'h, l KV I'l TilOLKUM V NASUV, Wlllch art rvrlmn . xirebR- rr Tim ltLADU- our liOUeLllOLIi 1J1 1'AUTUOT, a riCII tlfiiOfill'TV 01 pmcucui luio'inuiioi. upon buuj cih oi luifiei In M(rv holiioiu YOUXQ rKOPLK'ft DKfAUT- MKNT i u Ho lg i m Ueoai tinfut embiOQ tig the 1'ofi iv i thM lUl litest Wit and Humor ; Tu TO t'OH .tM'OMJEMS nntl til LatO-C ('VH flout HliI'Illt-4 ut 1110 UOl'll. HHUKillCUltlfAH lnrK"' cveiv h'nte autl Tturitor i the union cnu n evi'iywiieru ree- i;n zeu a lue .artzi ktaml ULi ,T N KWn AND FAMJ LY 1'Al'- Kit. nub IMumI liuvwlir-rei Tiv it nud ou will llt'VO Willi IKIV o W1IUOUI 11 A doov tlio uuw teatmts toi this wluter ere surie4 1 1 A ndersonville Prison Sketches, nv nnn who uqs ll.cro A new Sarin tit rv was coiimet)cta now U4U, uoiaer oue wiutoiu aiento tu jau'iar. I'HitAt-hiii 'ie cpdv. ner v ar tsa! flv ot'iic8.?l,73 1 auh ten or more copies epch aui nn xtia copy with ever, ilub of ton. biiccluicu cooler he m true. Seud tir oue Ad. ilriw TOLLUO ilLADIO, li.leao.OWo. Fifty Thousand Books I'm' Sale at Half I'ricc. Wo nro now orTfriuir lo tho pnbllc, poslaire prepaid, m ONU.IIALK the reeular pneo ,nny Ilioi.Min.l volun e nt choicu bonus, compilsina Ui-iorv. ltio lauhy, iicilon. Poeirv, Humor, Medical, Uillginii,iu Bo entihc Wnrks.litlnii3 pf btauiUn, Authors Those books ro "rti'cted bvour Mr. Locke (N'asUvlirom ilie i.i'1voh oi toe Matli-ijr tniii tHhern of tho couu. try, o all NEW and l" nnd aie tho JDKN1ICAI. KDITl iN.s nana ert dv theio tall bookmnitT-. Weli.ivuni den tliouiiauds uf taeo tmoKb to al part- ot the citiuiry, and iTfry Imio aent 0111 is AUHAN t'EU (i no J-XACTLV A- rtKl'ltLMl'.NI'ED and toiriie EMIHES.lTlSt'AOriON. CATALOGUES FREE. We have priiueJ s laiga and onnipiete rata tonueot uur Itooin, rrauced by fubjecta nua oi aopl'ett'.ou Mill muil c inot (reet'j auytd. me. Ue Khali Mo e irad to Ren free fprci uieu co lt'ut the Hlapu wneuever aed lodo to. U perMns reoidntf this adv rti-eroent are cuidmllv uiMti'd in m-uo us by tota enitlnr o herwue th" nnnuvot thciusenet und fi tends. Ada If TOLC.LO ULAUK. Toledo, Oulo. or Sal. or to Dent. ii a1IiHI.1v InMtsil 9 Htnrv nnnMa It a rati JIo ite itiut tu Kat U'eloapnrt. with five aud of-hi acra olLand. a good Or hard of choice apples, Ac, For tunu i pnttivuuKia, uupiy iQ , uv KLr.priNGEn. M anufacturer of and Sealer In STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, Till and Sheet-Iron Ware and General Honse Furnishing Goods, ItOorilVO mul SIOUTIXIJ dono at sliort notice and at Lowest Cash Trices. T am the anthonzM fleet t for the Sale of tho follow to" FIB9T-CLASS STOVES TI1E SILVEIt A GOLD WBDALCOOK, THE LIGHTHOUSE COOK. THE MAYFLOWER KAN'OE, THE SUNSHINE RANGE and TlloNF.W ANCHOR HEATER, and am Selling tbem VEHY CHEA P tor Cosh. Kvcrvklnd of STOVE GRATES and FIRE BHIlKS keptconsthntlyon hand. Stoiie on SOUTH Street, A few doors above Bank St., LEIIIOIITON. Fnttonnae solicited Satlfitac'lcn gnarnnlerd. Oct. 5.yl A. J). .UUHHlill. entral Carriage Works, Biinlc St., Lcliigliloii, Pa., Aro prepared to Manufacture Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagon, &c, Of every description, In the most substantial liiuuncr, nnu at i.owtit uasn rriccs. Uepairlng' l'romptly Attciutctl to. THEXLEU & KREIDLER, April 20, 1879 yl Proprietors. QAUI10S ADVOCATE JOB PRINTING OFFICE, LL1TIGIITON, PA. ICvorrdcECrlpltonof Prinllne, from a Visiting Card to a Poster. CARDS, HILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEJIENTS. PltOUItAMMES, POSTERS, HAND DILLS, DODO EIIS, CinCULAflS, SHIPPING TAOS ENVELOPES, PAMPHLETS, DY.LAWS, 40., AC Duno in the best manner, at very Lowest Trices. We ae nrepared to do work nt ns cheap rates siiiiv oinre 111 ine rituio tnat ucais iiuueEiiy ivituiiH tnioiiiers. oun MOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & Reliable Reorders ty araall reclvo prompt attention. MRS. A. O. PETElt, OF H. A. Peter's Central Drag Store. LfcUCKELS BLO( IC, LEHIGIITON, PA., PesPctluIlT nnnnanco-' to the pconle of Le hlghtou and vicinity, that sho will continue the Imiue89, as htTOtofoie nntl thanking them for past favora, asks a cnjtlnuanco thotoof. You win a.ways uuu a iuu line ox PURE DRUGS and CHEMICALS, PA TENT MEDICINES HOUSE and i tlTl.n I'O A HERS. TOIL. ivi a's.i'.i'uufc.s. ciia MOIS hKI.V. P Alt, and FAN ui rji.iiurHiiY,i!itiM styii" PLAIN nud FANCY WALL P Pi4 i.a. atn-lcoi to Miit Hin tlmri. PUltl', WINE-t and LlQUOHSfor liiMhcluul nso, Ac. at Lowest Prices. Piii'hlciau'a ore. scripilons compounded tiy Dr. O r. Horn, nt niiuoursoi iau Havana niRiit, hunnav nn lQd. ec. una A.c, rucii. March 23, '78-yl mo Homo JIaile Dread! WHY GO HUNOUY1 Vhonyon ean Buy CX laiuuii. in xiih iiiiHis meau FIVE LOAVES FOR 25 CENTS I J. V. O'NEAL, thn nnnnlnr ItrflA nul I'.I'm Haaer, of Leinghloii In or, e to meet .lie wants of the timet, has lleeuifd h i Pr.ce of hU cele brated Home Made 111:1 A to Five Loaves forTwenty.fiveCts. Cash. Sugar, Ilalsln. Cucomut scotch, Drop, Cream and other CAKEa, only Ten Cents per Dozen. I100U Out fur tlio Wngon! At MAUCH CHUNK, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday AIoiiiiiich. LEUIOll TON and WLISjPOnT.every After TERMS STUICTLV CASH I Patronagn.ollclted J. w. O'NEAL. is ruuis t upiHisite iirst National jiauit, aprlUvl Him -tecu Lfhlghtnn Pa. Oossl I Coal ! I lam now supplying the very Best I.ATTI. MElt I'OAL at the following Low Prices, vie i No, I Cheatnut by the Car 1 3 13 oer to No. I ooeatuut, single ton, 3 35 per ton No, i Chestnut, by the Car... ! 00 per ton No.s Chestnut, unmet n, ........ per ion DSLIVEUBU. stove and Egg Elus at equally Low Prices. J. L, GABEL, Dealer in General Hardware, &c, Opposite the Poullo Bquare, BANK 6TKEE le ii io ntON, pa, nor, ,isr All nbnnt Its noil. r.llmntA it kottlfii ntuntn tneiiit land, its fmnis nnd fat m pis cbu to fenrne t in TIIK KANHAH FAUaiKlt,nn ctpht pfro weokly pnotr, id years o d. CoirrHpoid enH In every county, bent to any uddies 13 weesa Is? M cent. I'iipIuco stamps taken ns money. Addiesn, HULfeOlw & IuwlMJ,To peiCH, KAnsiin. I learned mot o nboat ICanf as from your pnprr that 1 can tely uuoti ilian from all oilier sonrcofl.-A'ifiard ii, JSvant. Columbiana Co., (Aty,..,.Jt i von Juki what those tit us wanting to ti ot west inot wnnt in Know, aamuet Chester Oranaeco, Acw JorV..., .inna ttrAe corps cf null onttlhutorB Ousqs Shaft, ... ile Don ci'ciiiiiirai apei tutiiowe Icin comuiy. Qi TTiguiu i-togicisB ii ii n vniiiauio pnper. Alchxmon Chnmi,on..-,,.lt laihli' nlltrd. fptrit (JCantor..,A rcailersoutqpoxcn Jomii ,j,nwrence journal ..wur Kalians jreuu" tiotlld f el lniicli it ilno In the In oh rhnmrti-) t f tliCirbtaioAKrici lturnlp'p r.An(?ojiaI Lue Aocte Journal,, ..It hns nu o tly t kvu a lnh 'nreamoitg agricultural in u-uals. A', Y, iru une....A worlhv icnio-uitnlivo ot tho trout v est.- i 7ittu. tract tea I'armer, Feb. T. w-L IE s If you ore In wnnt of nnythluc In thn way of 1'ILTOLS, Ami nntilun.Oun Mntrrl il Fishinc rMcttle or nny other l i.n fcrou'JiNo (lours i!os write lor my Jjarirollintiatotii'auiioMUu nd i'rlc' List which j mul Fiur.K. Vouis tiu v OHINSTO'S GllHAT UlESTKRN GUNWoilKS. I'nTtnuna, pa rj-iiiE SLAnXGTOX PLANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATIXGION". JOHN BALLIET, Propr., Denis In nil kinds and sizes nf Pine, Hemlock Oak mid Hnid Wono Luiiioer. nnn isnowpio pared toeiccutouny uwouui oi oiiieiaiur Drcssel) Lumbell OF ALli KINDS. Doors, Sashes, minus, hltiiltciv, Moulilliiijs, Cnlilnet Ware, &c, With Promptness. . Brackets Made to Order. Vn.hln.rr 1. nil now nnd Ot tllO llCSt nnd must Iniprnieu klndi. I einiiloy none bin ilio best norkineii, use well heaouoil nnd koo t inn teii il, nnd am ilio- eroro able tn puni nntep eiiti; n .ni-Inctloii to nil who n a lavnr nicwitli a rail, nniira ov mail tuointuly attended to. Mv charce are mii liTiite, tenus cash, or iiitcicst charged alter thirty days. GIVE ME' A CALL, rry il,ni pTiw.iired In lluild'lic will flndltt lioir advantage to luvo Riding. Floor Bosnia Doors, i-asiics, yhut.ers, .so., itr, nu ue at im l'o torv. ,- . r-.r,.n May luyi juixii mmum. G U.VSD OPENING t T I.A.. Imvi, fft Infrtim mi nld nrlrons nnd cn toniei'ninil ho null lo lii pcneriil. ilmtlhav (inenca nua navo now reuuy iui- maijviiiuu m the POST OFFICE I5UILD1NG Tln.ib Klrnrt r.1311 TOIITON. Ta. nt tllO LOW EMTCAoll PltlUKS, a full auduow asioit uieut of HATS, CAPS, &c. Sneclal nttentlou hnrinc bpn riven to n wol FClCC-ieil llllO OI..1L1 nuwi'ii onim vuiw DHKN'H WEAU. My Motlu shall oe QUICK PALES & SMALL mOITCS. 1 invito tho pnbl o to ra'l nnd einmine my toe uud mittw lieioio purc'insniH wntn is 1 0ti olfr Bpocial liuucouionts to'Va h THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN Mrs. . C UeTscliirschlvy, nesnectfnliy mvttea the attention of her l.rtv Irliiidi. ind tho pub lo geuiiul y lo her New' Larre and Elegant siock ot Notions Fancy Goods, comprlMtJi tTKKnU'KAR, J EnLfN AND UKKMA.MuWX VIUI. lil W1 KltX . ilU- porled and Uomeotio KM 1J ItOlUKUY, UIILUONS. OLOVKH, and a luio arJotyot tLers'ewo tDeeIfiU8u Fancy Goods. Also. In connection with tho above, I keep o fu.l and complete stoi j: of oisuwan rrtuii's. LIMHU1U3KH and svixzi:u oiiEn&u CANDIl'8 anil OOVrCCTlONS, together with n variety of Goods not gtnernlir keat in unr olhe.r Mpto in t'twu It you do not eeo whnt you want p.nU f rlt ant I wil kpI it Ahaionr puolio patronntrei MoiicitHl, ninl peifcct sntlsfattlaa guaiautocd lu piico aid quality or goom. t Nearly OimotHe Dnrllnca Iirun Stc Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa November 30. Iteject all Vlolem j-uig.itlves. They ruin thn tone of tho bowels and weaken the diges tion. Tarrant' Effervescent Seltzer Aperient ls used bv rational neonle a s a means of reltey S I til r ar Ing all ih-rai geinenis ot tho stomach, liver and Intestines, because It removes obstruc tions without pain, nnd Imparts vlor to the organs which It purines and regulates. Sold by all drug 1st. ,Q'.ay Ky1" SMOKE T1IE 0NLY QENUfNE 11UV ML JlIlI lltllll . t A pure Tobacco, not flavored with poisonous drugs, Manufactured by Z. I, LYON & CO., Durham, N. L". maylO-ml For salo by A. J. Hurling, druggist, Cilfl fr, CilflO lnvekted lu Wall St Btiiks S?1U IO makes fortunes ever' month. Ho-.k sent free oxiil.iluing evi'iytli'nf; Adnrws iiAX'lLlt it CO nirret N. . uhukits, i, m I f S " m i w n t.-.a -T-o will pay Agi.iiuuaiiiaiyiinliiupi,riuoiita M VTljrW.i n7.rr:V,r ii J"fv - tiiupHifrn. AdJiejMiiiic.,Hit.liall, Ni.n. i?.i nnn mui.on3.."l.i..nvetniinii!M fill iJlUll o offloml JtriHirtr, liee-W'"". linti.i 1 n1 lplulnu ctih niM.k nn i.ftvk On Hon T . - in: I 80, - '. .Adaiew T P TTieit WIOlIT & oo., lli-nser i Wall Wt N.- tjT'-r Mimili ami expenH kii iront -ftt 'o V ' Aaents, OulUtlree biuw it'u.AU oust Maihe. 111 a year and eipews tn airrnls. f'nt "'' fit rreo Address P. O, VICKEUY, Auicusia. Maine . i L- a- l l l!nfa Inaorti it 1 . AUVmiSCniriHS .eVu, soo., ' en for 10. S nd lu e. for 100 page pann Met, O. P KOWELL ft CO., N V may 10 UEIEiniAi CO., BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa MILLEKn and Dealers In All Kind of (HtAIN ItOTJOtlT and OLD at lll.UUIiAil JlrtllKlit' HATES. Wo wnnlr!. also, lcsorctinilv Inlorm onrcltl na lhat woaio now fully prepared to bUP i ii mem wiiu From rny Mine deslied at VEtlY LOWEST PRICES. if. IIEILMAN & CO. Jnlr 5S. BPEER' S PORT GRAPE WINE need In hundreds of counrrirnllons lor cnuiei nrcoinninninn pu p rei. z::iz,t,i;i res ladhe ai-d weaslt tzi::vz AIi THE AQED. MT. PROSPECT VINEYARDS, N. J. Speer's Port G ape Wine FOUK Y 14 A It a OL. Tills Itlstlv Celebrated Nntivo Wine Is made tionitlin juice ot tie Onoito urupe, luised in Huh country. Its liivtiliiaolo Tonic nnd StrcngtlicuiiigPropcrtics are unsurpassed Dy nnv other native Wine. Items the pu o Juice of tho grape, produced under Mr. .-ooi r'a own pi rsoniii suiein.inii Its putity ami genuiuei eo nro nua imteeo. Tlio youngest child mnv oaitake of Its gener. oiianKltlr". ami the wr-iei st lnva'id uo il to rutvnulago. It is pHrtlcnl-irl1 benencb 1 In the aged nud iiebilitntcd. nnd suite t to (ho various uliincuf- that nflllct tho m inker sex. Ii Is. In cvory respect. A WINE 10 11. LEI I ED ON. Isralils Vsg Cpoet'i Fcrt Grip) Tics, fcaslu Vsi Ciccr'a Tort Cripo Wlco. Weitly rcr:c3 nil i Bccs&t t? Its Vtd. Ruler's Wims in Hosullals arc nicferrod to ntLer W.ncs. hn'.d oy Jirtiginsts eenernllv, who iio sel pi.iKti'rt im:iiU(i .t. an.iN'iiv. l'Ktino .r fliEHHV. una STAND ltl) U INE HIT TElts. Trade siiniiliid by nil holi-hnie Dial. eis. rco mac ine siirnaiiiie oi iiirieu pn r Pnsnlc.N. oiei tbeiolk of each buttle a. MPUI'll'S rllllt Prospect Viui'.iauK jrew jer o. unite, o. 4 wuireu suiet, New York. For wile by A. .T. DtTltLI.NO LKI1IGHTON. TA. E. F. LUCKEXBACIl, Two Doors Below the "Broadway House MAUCH CHUNK; PA. Doaler in ell Patterns ot Plain and Fancy :Walfl lpeF Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, LOWEST CASTI n.IOES, . WHAT HANDSOME GOODS! . A.N1) WHAT A SPLENDID VARIETY ! Is tho Ufllvcrtal Vonllct nfaU who tuo iscw, i re8h spring btucK ot Clollis. Cassiineres, Vestiiigs & Snitings, For M EN'S. HOY'S anil YOUTH'S WEAI! ut rccelvei nt tho JlEltOlIANT TAILUll. 1NU blUIlK i i ' II. II. PETE IIS, Agent, . .r6.s.r gF.F.ioij .'nuiLUiNa,'.' The Popular Clothing House j "JN LE1IK1HTON. Every ilcparlment is full nnd eomplcto with the Latest Novcltlis. " P erfect Fits ami Lowest Prlcet" tho motto .. Jl. II. I'ETEIW, Agt No Pate nt No Pay. niilnlrioil ilmlnt'eiitors in the Uniteit States Oanaja iiml Hfirojie, nt icilticcil niles. With our nrinclnal DiHeo located in Wnshincton, iliiectly opiioMle tho Urijtwl States V-ttent Oflleewo uro able to nltihil to nil patent business Willi greater promptness nnu ues patch ami at less cost than, other patent at lonievs wlio are at a distance fioin-Wnsh' incton. mul who have, therefore, to employ " associate attorneys." We make preliminary examinations ami furnish opinions as to patentahllty, free of charge, nnd all who nro intorotcd in new inventions and lwteiits aie invited to send for a copy of our "Guide for obtaining Patents, wnieii is sent iree to any address, and contains complete instructions how to obtain patents nnd other valuable mailer wo reier io we ucriiiiiu-.iiiienini. National lianU. Wnsliintrton.P.C: tho Itoyn: Swedish, Norwegian nnd Danish Legations at Washington: lion. Jos. Casev. late Chirl Justice U. S. Court nf Claims; to the Officials of tho U. 8. Patent Ollloe, and to Senators 4n d embers of Coinrreiw from every State, AddwW!.LOUIS.L(iGEKiA; CO., Solid tors of Patentsund Altuniiysnt'Iiaw, LeDroit l!lUIdlngWASlllNQION, JJ.U. IICC2 IIUMI.. ND'S Calcsiiqil Magnesia, Focn First Premicm Medals AwaKded, Mot. a'grioabla to tho Tasie. and smaller Dote than other 'Angnesla. ' For sale In rjnvernmeiit Ilotlles, at Druggirta an j 1,'oouirv wioies, uyti uv T. J. HUSBAND, Jr. ip.jtl.( PHILADELPHIA. ERRORS OP YO,UTH A O EN rLEM A who suffrM fur years f rnro rcrvous uiimi.x i v.i'in iu vi i-xiw a umin I l iiiillilul liiilinrrolioii wn fi-r bake i.f .uflrrina uuinnint , end Iree to nil viim i,ul it thi. ri'Cn ii ai-d illr. cilun lor making 111- aliiipm reuio. y by which he v. hs euriU suavre a winning i'i pioui uy ui" nu veitlsMt'rf ixiciieucoiau ooao oy ad.ireslng in 1 crieel cinniieiiio- . . . JOHN II. OODEN, Cedar St, N,Y. 1TI0K SALF, . I A fww,. narlr tlwronab.bre.1 ALPEItNKY i'LL alwut 1 mouths old. will I s..M al a 1.1. prw for cash. Al'l allhisuBIco ,ur luruier imrucnian iniiMsnu'i oil's mitiir, Nnitm la liirnliv clten. that Letters of Ad. inlnlai rat loll uiun ilio I ' ate (if llieli'd 1 harp, Iuim ,.r fr'rua.lf iln Tiiuni.hiii. t'nrtxin lluillit t'enna., iteo u. iiavt own .runiwi in mo u itetsigneil. Alt imukoiib knowing ihemsidV' a Iniebtud to sail Vsia'e will make I in mull te I.ajnii ut. and ih ,ae having claims will pre. i ut duly aulh'ni li-i e.l fur setileuient to LYlilV TIIAHP, 1 a iiiinutraior. Franklin Twp., Mylo,l7o M. AlisiCi:. nr rnANCKS Anna eemhib. What shall I do with all the days and hours That must bo counted era I see thy fucet llow shall 1 charm tho Interval that lowers Hotwecn this tlmo anil thai snoot time .of grace-1 Shall I In slnmber steep each Weary sense, Weary wllh longing? Shall I fleo nwny Into past days, nnd with some fond pretence Cheat myself to forget the present day? Shall love for theo lay on my soul the sin Of casting from my Ood's rent gift of time? Shall I these mists of memory locked utthln, Leave and target lll'u's purposes sublliuo? Oh t how or by what means may I contilvo To bring the hour that bilnxs theo back nioro near? How may I tench my drooping hopo tollvo Until that blessed time, nud thou art here? I'll tell theo i for thy sako I wltl lay hold Uf all good aims and consecrate to thee, In worthy deeps, each moment that Is told, While thou, belov'd ono I art afar from me. For theo 1 will arouse my thouKhts to try All heavenward flights, all high and holy strains; For thy dear sako I will walk patiently ThrouKh heso long hums, nor call their minutes pains. I will this dreary blank of absence tnalto A noble tiuk-llnic; and will therein strive To follow absence, and to o'ertake HI ore good than 1 hare won, since yet I live. So mny tills doomed time build up in mo A thousand graces, uhlch shall thus he thine: n may my love ami longlnpr hallowed bo, And thy dear thought nn lnQucnco divine. ily Highway ltobbcry- It was no wonder 1 loved ljer ; tho won- ler would have been if I had not. Isolated as we were, shut out from other society and ivcisions I, young and susceptible! she, queenly and fascinating any young man in my place would have fallen in love witli Ruth Bnniicr. Ah I sho was so lovely, so graceful, so imperious, so strange; sho had as many moods ns there wcro hours in the ay, and in each sho was more enchanting than tho last. Sho was two seasons my senior. She had been a belle two seasons, and, disgusted in the midst of the third, ran away tn my mint's to recruit and forgot. Sho was there when 1 came homo from college ut the summer va cation. I was twenty, sho twenty-two, and we spent all thoto lingering, scentcil summer months in tlio samo house. I ilaro siy she never thought of anything so improbable as my falling in love witli her. I doubt if, in her sujierb indifference to surroundings, she would have cared if sho had. The idea of a stripling lilto mo falling in luvo with her quecnshipl The nudacily of a youth of my tender years telling her his folly I Her look, when I confessed the state of my heart, taiil ull thut and mure. The regal head turned languidly on the crimson cush ion against which she reclined, and she re garded mo witli a most provoking, steady Incredulity In her beautiful eyes. The full, finely-cut lips quivered with suppressed smiling, nnd I stood like a great awkward booby waiting for my reply. I believo my face was very red, nnd I am not turo there wcro not tears ready in my eyes. I did not like to bo laughed at, but I had some spirit. " Docs my honest lovo deserve to be laugh ed at, Miss Ruth 1" I questionedjwilh a half angry tremor in my voice, " Certainly not," said Miss Ruth, but bit ing her lips still. " I dare say you nro lion est enough, Stove, but really you are not old enough." Ruth Donner sank bock among her cuslv ions, convulsed with sweet, stinging laugh ter. I Blood meanwhile, overy nerve ting' ling, passions of anger devouring me. Miss Ruth," I'Baid, " I am waiting for my answer " You ridiculous Steve, haven't you got it" sho said, sitting up and staring at me 'I am 16 understand, then, that my age is vour only objection to me," I s.ijd, fprc ing a quiet tone, and with n fair show of smiling. "Timo will mend that." " Hum possibly," witli another stare.' I bowed 'coldly, and inking a book, usked her If I should read to her as usual Ynu won't laugh the next timo I tell you I lovo you, Miss Ruth," I said to my self, ns I turned the loaves. I had taken nn " Aurora Floyd," as it ehar.ced.and I opened and read nt random one of those scenes between Mrs. Mcllisli nnd the handsome groom. Jluth Bonner interrupted mo almost an grily "Why do you read that stupid book to mo?" sho Mid, "Aurora Floyd must have been a fool an idiotr She gathered around her and swept into tho houso,nnd I bjw her no more that night. " Women aro mysterious this ono must bo, most of nil," I sald.ns I watched her flit up the stairs to her chamber. " A gentleman in tho parlor to see Miss Bonner," I hoard the servant say Miid Bonner was lounging the morning away in my aunt's room. Siie seemed lo hesitate two minutes, nervously pulling to nieces the cnnl l'eggy hail brought her, then, with her proudest nicin, swept from tho room. Stepping through the window, I oirefuliy gathered tho fraguieuts of torn poslcboaid from tho cartict,jnu.putJlifijn togilhir on ihojitdniofmy baiyi. . ,,. ,.,, " Mr. Richard Dunkirk," was wnai heard. "Is it her lover?" I queried, knitting my Irrnws over the name and the query. "She did not seem pleased with his coming, But my brow throbbed as with fever at the thouzlit. The door slammed. "She's coming," and fled to the verandah a lain JiMt in-tlmo'tO'hearher voice in tones of paionateexiotilaliqn auswijrikl by an other's ioy with .triines. Bulli,changl piweiilly, as 1. stood fascl nated tu lhef"it. Hers said, haughtily, "I would never niarry you 'r I thria as mush in your power u. I ant," "Wlmm.then?1' w th rtwimft. in ae- WlltS ufkluW SMHSt!t ik . I "So matter, so it is a man mow manly ' than yuu." "TImii If" with alow lunch. "He m bo lew than a man wlm would yield one -i...-Ar ui.,,, il.o w.uiian Ii luved." .,.....j..,..--- - - I oouiu iwr wrqu..:.. ......... ........ .... . rutl of her dn-H us she moved l angry riww m nor !,- ... away frmii hun I had lio buMiie-s listen I away fmiii hun I had no bunne-s listen- ling. It wai cowardly and mesa to aW there envcs-droping. I felt It so, but I set my teeth and stayed, If I were a man," I heard her say pre sently, "I would force you to yield my property." "Your property I These aro mine mado mine by yourself, a free agent." "What will you do with them?" "Present them to my wife on her tved ding day) of, that failing, to your husband on yours." All I" sharply, and In a voice quivering with angry pain. I could have sprung into the room and throttled this cowardly threatener of a wo man j but leaping down among tho flower b"ds' 1 hurried out of sight and hearing. Half nn hour after I law a handsome athcr distinguished looking man, stalking through the garden towards tho road. 1 made a turn and mat lilni. Tlio dtsfin- gtti&hcd look chanced to be a sort of dare devil recklessness of air and manner us I approached him, nnd ho seemed decidedly out of humor. I lifted my hat courteously as we passed. Ho did tliesame, with a lialf-lmpudentstaro lid turned to look after me as I sauntered up tho walk. Miss Bonner was nowlicro tu bo seen; ml instead of coming down to dinner, she scut word that sho had a headache. I found Richard Dunkirk nngling in the trout stream below (he house the next morn ing. I angled too not for trout, but for his acquaintance. He scowled nt sight of mej but I bailed my hook cleverly, and pre sently he became civil. I saw that ho was trying to discover who I was, and my re lations with Miss Bonner. I kept him quite iu the dark, but wo separated witli pparcutly mutual pleusuro in cocli other. We cncounteiid again the following day quite liko old acquaintances, and I invited him to dino ot my aunt's. Ho gave a sort of startled sture, but assented. It was too good an opportunity to bo lost. An acquaintance of yours, I believe, Miss Ruth," I said, simply, ns I carelessly niinouiiccd to her nnd my aunt that Mr. Dunkirk had como to dinuer. Miss Bonner lind seemed out of sorts for a day or two. She gavo mo a half despe rate look al the announcement. You sec, Miss Ruth, I am not jealous," I said iu undertone. You nro certainly generous," sho replied coldlv. I was half of the opinion that she would not come to dinner; but sho did, royal iu beauty, nnd nonchalantly at ease, ns though nothing had or could disltib her. Dunkirk recognized tho seeming with a shrug of theshiiulders,nnd imitated it. Wo were, on tho whole, quite a pleasant parly. Oncoor twice I saw Miss Bonner change color at something lie said) hut sho main tained her ease sipd cheerfulness exceeding ly well. Ho oilereil a hand ut parting, but she shook her head and clapped her hands behind her. Ho bent low toward her then, saying something in, a whisper that made her f.ieo flash whitenessi but she only cum pressed her lips and gavo him a look that I should not have lilted to encounter. Glancing into the parjor.ns I passed, after seeing imnkirK qui, i saw jiiiss uonner standing as ho had left her, her hands still clasped behind her, and her beautiful face expressive of a hopelessness mid despair that smote me In the soul. I only glanced once. The ono look gave impetus to a half-fornieJ, altogether wild scheme I had in my brain. In my chamber I hastened to lock the door and change my light clothes fur dark ones. I-adjusted a plain mask to my face, selected from several wld hats tho must battered, took n tolerably stout walking-stick in my hand, and, swing ing inyselMowii from the window outside, lhat tlio household might not discover my absence, set forth. I ueeiiiniilishoil all this In about tho time it takes totclljl, By taking a shoit cut, which I was sum could not be known to Dunkirk", 1 readied u certain lonely and darksnnio siot, ns I hoied, before him. Barely that. He came iu sight presently, sauntering along in the moonlight. I could see him quito plainly, I was glad it was deep shadow just where I waited, and I wondered if Richard Dun kirk was the coward 1 took him to be. Just ns ho mute npimsife me I loveled my walking stick, resting it as I would a mm kot across a convenient slump, while 1 called in as deep a voica as I could muster: t'Hult, for your life 1" The cud of my sh.ut cino was tipped with metal j there Was just enough light to make it glitter. Mr. Dunkirk muttcrrd an colli; but ho Stopped stock still In tho jwth, with a "What is it you wnnt, fellow ?" "Step there into that strip of moonllghti where I call see you; and remember my gun covers you," said I sternly. "Do as I tell you or you arc a deud man I" He walked to the point indicated in stantly. "Now bo so good as to deposit the contents of your iock;lsBjhgniuud.'' He hwituted; but I shifted my wilking stick slightly, Intimated lhat I was in nn humor lor trilling, und he pmceded to obey me. There was a knife, a match-case, a silver tooth-pick, some loose coins, a pocket-book, and a purse, nnd there he stopped. "That Is not all," I said, sharply i "there aro scvetul inside pockets yet do ma the favor to empty those ulso." Ho obeyed, but rather slowly, nothing appoaringpf the description I sought. I be gan to fear he had them not with him. "It is not all," I said, deeply, and mora sternly than before, .' . Willi a groan, he took out a stnall parcel, "AH, ujion my honor, except this, which cannot possibly be of Buy value lo any oue but me; they are merely letters." "Allow ineto be the judge ol that," I an swer. isply. "If I ean1' ""-''" ' W'H returjUheiii to you in a safo enolosure. J'ut them EHcti." He laid them down ujmn the ground with therest." i "Vm on." was my next'OrnVrt and ha rnaichf.! nn uW my wooden gun iu safety ' I did not wait lr him to gH inure tlwn ItfiiMiil vimv UiW I lux tUimtUts f h KK'kelalli my'luit.nriil wis.Wrliiafo'h"'"" by the sliort out, and by the luuw aud urt 1 swifuwt .triil I evur took in m lif- I wailad a wwk in nii irpiuii'wi, m what would hapiwiii hut no Richard M.a , . . ... . 1'tltlBlUlV UC t W I ! v ft ..i ! .1 . l.iilAiii,.uam nfttfLMril wlili h nr' i ,r I'" -- could not vtiuy valiw to a, one but himself); perhaps ho felt unequal (o meeting Miss Bonner's clear, penetrating glance under thecircumslanrcs)orhemlghs have suspected her of sohie connection with tho robbery .especially as everything except ing the lelters(lho cudgel Included), I had caused to bo forwarded to hlln' from K dis tant plac?; Certainly he seemed to have tome cogent reason for absenting himself from her presence, and trfnri' leftlie neigh borhood for parts unknowni Miss Bonner evinced a little wondertnff anxiety tit his disappearance; and looked incredulous nlien I announced his departure from this vicinity. She Was sitting in the old place, half re clining among Hie cuhions she liked, when I came softly beside her, anil laid the pro ceeds of my highway robbery in her silken lap. She slipped ofl" the cover thatbonnd them; her beautiful lips quivered, hpr faco whit ened. "Did he give them tn you, the dastard ? But better you than he," she added. For answer, I toldjlicr nil. "And you do not know the contents?" "Nor tysh lo." She began to tremble; her eyos filled witli tears. "Deafo to read them, Stove,"givingthcm back to me. "Do you want to preserve lliem?" I asked, taking out a match. "Shall I des troy them?" " Not il I have fallen in your good op inion, "My good opinion is nothing to you," I said, mldlr. "If it were, I would provs to you that you had it, by telling you' over ngain the tale you laughed at not so long ago.'' And I touched the' letters'- with II line. " I should not Inttgh now,"shesnld, hum bly, ns ii child, and looking down, while a faint color flickering in her check made my heart give n quick throb. "What would you do?" I demanded swiftly bending to look In her face. She shrank a little, thn color coining In rapid Hushes; then she rallied again, lilted the beautiful eyes to mine, and said : " I should say, i( you weru of tho mlud, two years from now " "You would be my wife?" " Yes." It is ten years sinco then. She is my wife; and though I know what those letlers were about now, I have never been sorry I did nut rend them. They were tlio fruits of one nftlioso boanlins school romances which (though innocent) litivo blasted the life of iniiny a too imaginative girl. THIS AM THAT. If a cut dulh meet a cat Upon a garden wall. And Ifucatilo h greet neat, O, need they both to .quail? Every Tommy fins Ills Tabby Waiting on Ilie wall, And yet ho welcomes her approach Vlth many a pelrcli g juwl, And If a kitten wish to court Upon a garden wall, Why don't he sit and sweetly smllo And not sit up and bawl, And show his teeth nnd nionn, As If 'twere col lo more than lovo That ma le tho fellow groan. The early passenger catches tlio trnln. Tho dentist's occupation is unrcsthctia one. Russia's choice Ant Cajiar nut Nihil. To muke a flno eye water stick an on ion on it. An auctioneer is a man of more-bid tastes. Miss Construction Whalebone, paint, powder, and so forth. When does a man smoke n cigar too long? When ho smokes it too short. The English begin In think that ra mie's name should bo spelled I'.iyroil. Dead men tell no talc), but dead walls are well posted. A bang-up affair A powjer-raill ex plosion, Paragraphs worth' copying are credit alio nllalra. Tlio shop lifter's motto ''Heaven helps those who help themselves." . The weather has been rather tough .on spring chickens, nnd they show it. It is very dangerous to make up .your judgment concerning n young Jady's.yvcijiht by measuring her sighs. A litllfl Philadelphia boy startled a Irieiid of. tho mmily tiieother day by ro m irking that he "was four years old with his clothes on I" Wntiii'ii ore fXtremeinalliolnls. They are la'tter or wurbo than men. That's why men take them fut better or wnr.c. A Texas chap shut five men und no at tention was paid tn it, bill one day Jie stole a mule, and in lees than uu hour the In furiate! citizens hanged hi in. A man In Michigan swopped his hoisa for a wife. An old bachelor acquaintance said he'il bet there was something wrong Willi the horse, or its owner would never have fooled It n ir. i v in tliui reckless manner. Ho was n hard-looking ol I customer; he wus blear-eyed; his hair was long anil struggling; his clothes "ere iu ms, and ho was tearfully dirty. Yon never would have supposed that ho was worth $(1,01)0,000 and he wusn't. Chili In Soulh America, has declared war against Bolivia and IVru. A war cor respondent on tho spot describes tho firat battle as simply terrific. The greatest hav oc lu the artillery, where a mule lost a shoe. Professor Felix Artier says there aro oc casions when It Is absolutely wrong; to tell the truth. Tlio professor may '"bo rjghti'imt ho can't swerre us from a habit, wo formed years before we embarked ip the' newspaper business. Practical survoying. Professor Now gentlemen, lei us latin up the Slope. - (Sub. dued applause.) You "f IIPTunt thut the CrliAie tleprnds largely on tho Slope (sensa tltmjra'ml, m iro Hun all, upih the Inch lyUnrt. (iJpToar.J J-Th e following testimonial of a certain piUllt iiiiiieine'sjwk for ifstlf: "Dmt Sir, Two iiBOitha Kgu my" wife coull hardly iiik. Sli. Int. taken two boufes'of your 'till tUncWer" nd imw alio eaii'i sjn-ak at al). Itense xud ine'two mure billies. I would ill bewifhuut it." ' ' . . A gentleman "was illriuriwil.iu his r-;t iu the mi Idle ofl)) Phf by some i-.a knuekuuf. on the jtrjituMr- "who's there?'' h hsImsI. " A frietnl,-" was the answor. " Wlml 'hi ymi-waottS . i'l want to stay he i all innht " "Qu"r lisle: stay there by a. 1 ucau.' was -1.0 benevolent reply.