The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 24, 1879, Image 4

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Now the blossoms flako tdc orchard,
And the clover lightly blows,
While rings tho merry robin
Where the lisping; brooklet flows (
And Tthlle the placid lakelet
Doth seem a looking-glass
Tho man comes to to the window,
And asks to cut the grass
For fire cents.
Tho Wlicnt Crop of 1S7D.
Already speculation is ripo (is to tho conr
Ing crop and with the customary pleasing as
pect of the horn of plenty. Specu lnlof a will
pleaso lake notice that tho farmers of the
west say In advutice that they expect a largo
wheat crop tho present season, and arrange
prices accordingly.
Drouth has prevailed and bocn protratccd
to an unusual length of tlino in tho spring
wheat region which Is in tho north west.
Apprehension was felt for the safety of the
winter wheat during tho dry, cold, windy
weather which prevailed in March for sev
eral weeks, but wirra copious showers,
showed that tho roots of the greater part of
the crop wero uninjured, and tho favorablo
turn irt the weather gavo new life nnd prom
iso to1 Winter wheat fields.
From Illinois and Indiana wo receive fa
vorablo reports of tho crop. Tho prospects
In Iowa is reported favorablo and encour
aging also. In Michigan wheat has with
stood tho drouth, and an increased acreage
and fine oppearanco of the young plants, be
speak an exceedingly lino crop.
In Nebraska tho rainfall is sufficient for
agricultural purposes, and the farmers have
got in (heir spring wheat in a most satisfac
tory inanncr, tlio outlook being mora faror
alio than at this timo last year. Tho farm
ers of the wheat districts in Ohio aro in good
heart and say their wheat prospects could
not bo better ; the wheat is strong and heal
thy and'growing vigorously. In Minnesota
tho great spring wheat State, the increased
breadth sown over last year is reported to
bo 300,000 acres. In the southern part of
tho State the grain has been got ill tho
ground in good condition, but in tho south
cm part rainy weather threatens to interfere
disastrously with getting tho seed into the
ground, and with its germination and
growth afterwards. In Wisconsin tho same
complaint of dry weather prevails, and tho
crops of nil that northwestern region depends
largely upon the rainfall in a short period.
If rain is withheld tho spring wheat crop
will bo short, and "new process" flour cor
respondingly high. A'liMM Farmer.
Weary mortals racked with pahi,
Kver seeking but In vain,
8weet relief from mortal ills i
Try, I pray, Wul't Ztttr JPilhlr
it as mirons morning a ngnt
Cometh after shades of night, .
O'er thy life, health's sun dlvlno
Shall arise, In joy to sbliio j
Light nnd health and Joy and mirth,
in tun-Mama sparwo rouna my ucmi
Vital energy shall start,
E'en to tnusclo brain and heart)
Hid the Liver of its load,
runty the lire, tho blood,
Intercept disease and ilcolii,
Leavinir fraeranco on thy breath.
Lighten life or half its Ills,
Sato add potent Liver Tills.
Cheap nnil X'crputunl Asprrngus.
Unnecessarily elaborate directions for
making things after an expensivo fashion
often deter busy people from having them,
This is especially truo in the matter of as
paragus. The fuss of the fanciful amateur
(liseoruages farmers, nnd therefore- very
many of them go without this delicious
"eaily greens." Our bed at Kirby Home
stead is a dozen year3 old and cost for the
roots $1, and each year it helps lo make
spring more welcome by Its abundant yield
Tho plants uro set n foot apart in a spot o!
ground out of the way aud dry and warm.
It was made rich with manure, and every
fall a load of horse manure is spread on tho
led, and when a weed makes its appearance
it is pulled out. Tho manure, in tho fail
protects tho crown of the plants from the
cold and makes a mulch for tho plants to
come up through, and at tho same timo is
nn annual fertilizer. Fifty cents each year
will cover all of the expenses our asparagus
bed is to us, and it is good for a cutting every
otherday for a month or longer. Tho variety
is Conover's Colossal, bonly and excellent,
but it should not bo set closely if mammoth
stems aro te bo expected j two feet apart is
scar enough for big sjiccinicns, and sixteen
inches is better than a foot, The bed should
not be cut the first year after setting. A bed
can be raised from tho seed which will bo
ready to cut the third year. Tho seed should
be planted in hills sixteen inchesapart,and
the young plants kept clear from weeds, and
the ground kept mellow.
Wo raised a bed onco from tho seed, but
had to dig it up, owing to changing the
grounds; and this reminds ma that a spot
tor an. asparagus bed should always bo se
lected which will not bo likely to bo dis
turbed, and tho bed with tho caro wo givo
ours, will last through a great many gener
ations. It is a nico legacy for one's children
and grandchildren. I have known of beds
in flourishing condition a hundred years old
surely a pleasant reminder of the thought
fulness ol ancestors. Ex.
Judiro Lauehlln. of tho Criminal Court at
8t. Louis, Monday charged tho Grand Jury
to examine tho books and accounts of all
public officers who receive and disburse
moneys, with a view to-ascertaining wheth
er the nlfalrs of their offices aro conducted
according to law.
Charles Itced. n Jail at Sidney, Neb., for
the murder of Henry Loomis,was token out
by a mob of 400 lynchers on Saturday
nigni, ami nangca iroin n teicgrapn oie.
George Falgle had his skull fractured and
was killed instantly by a blow of an oar, in
n fight with Kdward Cook at Mcnhassct, L.
I., Monday morning.
Andrew Manning, a drunken factory opo
tiTe nt I.iniclsonvllle, Conn., quarrelled
Monday, with his wife, murdered her with
an axe, and then drowned himself.
Tho body of James McGuirc, a factory
boss of Mcchanicsvlllo, Conn.r who disap
Dcnred a week oco, was fomid Monday in a
swamp, With a bullet hole in his head.
The, (nil at Cochran, Ga.. was burned
Mondov. ami Gfofne Long, colored, tho only
inmate, was burned to death. It Is sup
posed ho fired tho building to get out.
"My mother-in-law is a walking adver
tisement for Dr. Bull's B.iby Syrup," n sub
scriber remarked yesterday ; "she recom
mends it everywhere."
Two insane men, namerj Zink and Suth-
crland, perished by tho burning of tho
County Infirmary at Grccncastlc, Ind., on
Sattinlsy night.
Tlireo men were burned to death, nnd a
fourth was severely injured, by tho burning
ofahousoin which they were sleeping oil'
tho effects of n drunken spree, in Uullalo.on
Sunday night.
While several men wero attempting to
land from a skill', near St. Louis, on Sunday
night, tho boat was upset by a squall, and
fourot tho men were drowned.
Frederick Uitcl, supposed to liavo been
irunk, perished by tho burning of a restau
rant ami shoo storo at Flint, Mich., Monday
rcrsons of sedentary permits aro predis
posed to constipation j such should always
uso Dr. Bull's Baltimore Fills which insure
safety against Constipation and ullol its dis
astrous consequences.
Honcsdalc, Fa.,May 12. Thojury in tho
Ilollistcrvillo masked burglary case, after
being out two hours, retuined n verdict of
not guilty as to all of tho prisoners. Mrs.
Jiurns, who ni one ni mo prisoners, ana
Fanny Van Gorder shook hands with the
jurors and thanked them for their finding.
Two indictments remain to bo- tried at the
September term. Thry aro for conspiracy
and arson. Tho general belief is that tho
commonwealth will abandon tho case, as
It,. .- i,. i,,,.,.i t, i....
pense, and an acquittal seems inevitable if
no new testimony can uo produced.
Tho body of Dennis Murphy, who disap
peared from Towanda, l'a.,two weeks ago,
was found in the Susquehanna river, near
Summerficld, on Friday last, with marks of
violenco upon it.
John Taylor under senlcnco for the shoot
ing of Toliceman Moore, of Fhamixville,
escaped recently from tho Westchester jail,
and was captured by tho coal aud iron po
lice nt Shamokin, on Monday. lie) was
placed for tho night in the Mineral Coal
Company's office, under guard, but again cs
caicd, and is now at large.
3mm and Medicines
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store.
If you want anything in tho Drug lino afc bottom prices,
go to the Old and Reliable Drug Store, in Dr. N. B.
Reber's Block, near tho Post Offico,
A. J. DUELING, Proprietor,
IWhcro you will Hud a full nnd complete stock of
Puro Drugs, Medicines, Cliomicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, (Jombs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils.
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Puro "Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
Establish 1867.1 A. J. DURLING.
Tie Best aiiff Most Popular Mnionic is
tespectfully announces to tho pnoplo of Lohighton and its
'icinity. that ho has iusfc enlarged his Manufactory by the
addition of another story, and that ho is now prepared to
urnish them with every description or
HousefcoID liirnitiirE,
Manufactured from the best Seasoned Material, at Prices
tilly as lovr as tho same articles can bo bought for else
where. Here are a few of tho inducements offered :
ai-lor Sots at from 50 to 60.00
"Walnut Marble-top Dressing Caso Bedroom
Painted Bedroom Suites .' 18 to 40.00
Cano Seated Ohairs, per set of Six 6.00
Common Chairs, per set of Six 4.00
and all other goods equally cheap.
Tn this connection, I desiro to call the attention of tho
citizens to my amplo facilities in tho
BUSINESS, with a now and handsome ITearse, and a full
ino of Caskets and Coffins, I am prepared to attend
promptly to all orders in this lino, at lowest prices.
Patronage rospectttuly solicited and tho most amplo sat-
sfaction guaranteed. V. KCILWARTZ,
Oct. 12. JiAiNK Street, IjlliUltiHTOJN, PA.
Under tho nbovo heading, tho St. Croix
Courier, of St. Stephen N. 11., in referring to
tho analysis of Dr. Ficrco's Golden Medical
Discovery and Sago's Catarrh Itemoily, re
cently made dy I'rof. Chandler, of New
York and others says : "Nothing was dis
covered which wo think objectionable, and
tho published analysis should increase,
rather than retard, their Bale. To us
seems a little liniusl tn cull n man a nuack
simply becauso he seeks to reap as much pe
cuniary icwatd as other classes of invent
ors," The English Press is conservative, yot
after a careful examination of all tho evi
dence, it not only endorses but recommends
tho family .Mi-ilicino manuucturetl by lr.
Pierce. No reme.1 ics ercr offered the a fllictcd
givo such perfect satisfaction as Dr. I'ierce's
Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Sago's
Catarrh itcmctly.
Itccclpt for linking Illuckbcrry mill
Oilier .Small Fruit Jrllltc.
Dace tho fruit in a stone jar; set this in
a kettle of tepid water and put it over tho
fire; let it boil, closely covered, until tho
fruit is broken in pieces; strain, pressing
tho bag hard, putting m but a small amount
of the fruit at ono timo and between each
squeezing turn the bag inside out to relieve
it of Ilia pulp and seed. To each pint of
juice expressed allow ono pound of sugar.
Set the juioo to boilj if thero is a largo
amount divide it in two or mora vessels.
While it is worming place thosugarinshal
low plates or pans in tho oven; stir it oc
casionally to prevent its burning. Boil the
Juioo exactly twenty minutes from the in
slant it begins to boil. Then throw in tho
sugar, which should bo quite hot by this
time, stirring rapidly all the while. It will
soon melt. Let tho jelly just come to a boil
and remove it from tho fire. Roll glasses
or cups in hot water and fill with the scald
ing liquid. If theeo directions ore followed
aud the fruit is in good condition the jelly
will bo a success, whether made forcurrents
blackberries or strawberries.
Tho Latest Invention In Useful
lConscliolil ArlKHs.
Within tho last few years thcro has bceii
expended a great deal ofinventivo thought
ana genius upon wnat may properly bo
classed as household articles, tho most noted
results of which aro tho production of tho
sewing macninc, tno wringer, tno wasliln
machine, tho carpot sweeper, Ac. Almost
every week wo chronicle tho advent of some
new invention by which the cares and la
bors of housekeeping lire lessened, and wo
man's work muclo easy.
Tho newest thing to challengo our alien
tion and gladden tho heart of tho housekeeii-
I. . ..!. ! .1.. X- 1... 1, - I Jl
IT, 19, WUUI. ISltllVll UIU 4.MWtlJr tU3H Hol
der, uarpet etrctclier aim bwceper, a very
siiuplo coutrivauce designed to Jirmlu bold
in position any kind of a brush or duster
having an exlcntion handle that enables
ono tu wash or dust windows, walls or ceil
ing without tho aid of a step ladder. That i
ono of Its conveniences, and it is also ono of
the best carpet sweepers in tho market, hold
ing tho brush firmly at an angle. It clean
the carpet thoroughly, raises no dust, and it
docs not wear tho cornet liko tho onlinarv
broom or brush, and will outwear n half
dozen brooms. As a haudlo for tho scrub
bing brush it is tho best device ever made,
no more" kuecling on tho floor, no more
bactc aches or sore lingers.
As a carpot stretcher alono it is worth its
cosi, as a driiet ol any size can be laid even
nuiiuub uiiy oi uiu laoor anu vcxauon
usually attending such work. It is stroiic,
simple, thoroughly made, cannot get out of
iimer, "as no screws, icver or hinges, is com
iMi-i, cneup. anu uurauie.
It is manufactured by Brown A- Co.. Cin-
cinnati, the well known manufacturers of
useful household articles, and is sold only
by their ogtnts to housekeepers. Tho real
utility of this article will at onco bo seen liv
those most interested, and wo predict for it
a largo tale. Every housekeeper in tho
land will want one.
Any reliable lady or gentleman wishing
remunerative employment, would clo well
to secure tho ogencv for this county, which
iui ou uono oy enclosing n stamp lor des-
iTipuvu circular auu terms, lo
23-27 IIeowsi Jt Co-
Grand Hotel Building, Cincinnati, O.
riants should be blared in a hole filled
with water, aud the roots covered with the
dry dirt. They will not wilt when set In
this way. Dig tho holes first, anil carry th
water along In a pail and pour it in, setting
the plant as soon as Ksiblc. Tha water at j
the roots will keep the plant fresh and green
and the dry dirt around it at the surface'
will keep tho moisture from evaporating.
We set a lot of cabbage plants the other day
in the hot suu in this way, and put horse
maiiuro around them. Not one dil or
wilted. Tomato plants grow in hot beds are
generally tall slender things they should
be set the same way and bent over so that
the stalks may be covered up with soil, leav
ing only the heads out of the ground. This
Is the layering prooses, and when thus set
they will do much UtUrj new roots will
tart out from the stalks or stems, and the
plant will not be knocked about so much by
the winds or wilt so much.i'. D. Curia,
K"rby Jlonutcai,Xcw York.
Why Submit to tub Discomfort, and
humiliation entailed by a local disease of
tho skin, when Uiann's Sulphur Soap will
rid you of it witli certainty and disnaleh?
It is a remedy which never fails to release
cutaneous disease, and, as a means or ban
ishing defects of the complexion, it is eoual
ly reliable. The benefits arising from the
use of Sulphur Baths, in cases of skin di
sease, and of rheumatism and gout, are well
Known, uui me cosi is too heavy to bo In
curred by many persons who would other
wise lauo advantage ol mem. Glenn's Bui
iiiuir boap answers tho same puroe, and
ooiu inexpensive ana convenient. No one
need stir abroad in search of a sulphur bath
who has this admirable means of providing
one in doors. It is Incomparably the best
deodoriser and disinfectant of ofolhing and
wl linen In use, and prevents diseases of
nu ounnxious nature caused by contact.
Sores, ulcers, bruises, scalds, cuts nnd 6pralns
ore promptly remedied by it ; and Its clean
ly, healing and soothing properties oonsti
tule it a far more desirable remedy for scor
butic ailments than ointments of any de
scription, since such greasy oomnounds soil
the clothing, often aggravate, and very rare
ly indeed do any permanent good.
Bold by druggist. I'riee 2i rents per
oake. 1 Box (Soakes) 75c, sent by mail,
prepaid, on receipt of price. 0. N. Critten
Ion, Pron'r. 7 Sixth Avenue. Now York.
Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, Blaek or'
Lrhtghton, Novemb'T 2.
1 ifc i
It Will Fay to Meml TMs
It Invariably Cnnn Conghs. Colds, Hoarse
ness, Bnro Throat. Asthma, Croup, and other
Affections ol the Breattilng Oigans,
Its soothing lnflnerice uron th Irritated lin
ing ot the air paspaeee.tR iVtiftto Miclact tliac
i lnirretlicnts nro tne most rlfk-ncioufl ni
simple known tn medical botany, tin
Suites, 3 Pieces.-
$40 to $65.00
My Motto: "Be Sure You Are ltifrht, Then Go Ahead !"
Pharmacist, Family & Dispensing Druggist
Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, choice En
glish, French and American Perfumeries, Hair, Tooth
and Nail Brushes, Imported and Domestic Soaps,
Sponges, Chamois Skins, Stationery, Fancy
Box Papers, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures,
at prices which defy all competion !
'My Prescription Department
Receives special attention, and is the most complete
in the county ; it is supplied with the best quality of
Remedies that can be obtained, and so regulated as
to preclude the possibility of a mistake. Prescriptions and
Private Pccipcs compounded at all hours of the day or night
by itYSEi,r, at the Lowest Prices possible.
nr All Dmn and Spleen sold by me"nro pnaranteert lo Do Staidly Tore and Mnnnfactnrd
from the very UeM Cruilo Articles. No ftimd Adulterated at Mv Ket blislimout. SATIS-
TION GUAllAKTisi:!) oh mo.n l;y uui' U nd isu. orders uy wail receive pioinptatteu
Thanking my friends and tho public ircnernlly Tor past favors. I copficntally ask asharoot
future putiouage, gua'tiatelnir aat'stnetlou in every caso.
Next to the Fort Allen House,
WETSSPOET, Carbon Co., Pa
nr ir.ft f.mrtn nr.lne tan 1IONKV oftlio JlOIti:
JIOUiN'b IMjANT, clicmicmivunitcti with the
nifiMrinnlnrlncmlenf tliu AUIICH nALMAMllA
or llaira nt G.-end There ate besides, llv ntticr
Uotnnlo element!) wnicu rivo auumonai cuvcacy
to the tit at two.
I hntn whn linvo mod It. par that II ALE'S
only woiideifnliy remedial tn nit cases wheie of refli'h"iiuc. nro nrfectcrt. font nlso
tint ltitnctlon Is tiiiuMiallr ruptd. Afewdnsoa
tiequcntlT 8iTvoto reDcvo a xqtj obiKloato
rouirli. It contains nothlnr tnt can ilinonler
tho Btoimicn, a rnct mat can uo n.iogruw;tn
tmtii or hilt, low Con trli remedied! It has nn ex.
Iterrcir OPTrqrihto flavor, nnl i rold at a figure
which rnnMestho-unf tho most limited means
to nvnil themscl v e ol its Tirinn.
Itl lroplo nintlnes tn trlflo with n Conjrh.
Iitltitlon of Ui Throat, Chot ml Lnnjya trv
els ravhllv. and what is a tr. fling and caftih
rmimtrtrHhle dlfllcullv in thoso OI1IJU4 to dAv.
mav In ti tow weeks nevolon Into llnmehltl or
Coii'limpi on, iwn (iifM'iw" which rurrv moro
victim to eurlv (rravrtp. U.nii any oilier tn tho
Ions llct of hodllv rtlonleri.
A Couch miy bo fitly tPtmed tuoFicIlmlnnrr
St i cro of (Jnneiimntioii, n mil'idv if which
TAItlsttit t-uro't Utown preventive. Tl.ono
therotoie, who wonM arrest the proprofB o? the
do trover s.inuni ueiay not a niomeni iu tnic
n -m"T1taiv Srinrlflc.
CIlHiUUION, doilro CTent benefit from Its
ftontlilnir nronerllcs. when Rutteilnir with the
fmrosyms ot Croup and Whoop nu Conah. Tho
irBt named diHWiie n iJfMrnctivo
amoiiff vounix children and th reitudo remedy
olio till I no Kept mi nana m h u jmni-euoiU4 liuv
tho inreo rariEiiccs ami lcconomize.
i'ititM:s. 50 ct., end ei, run uottlk
Sold by all Urupglata.
C N. Criltenton Trop'r,
ko sr.VKN sixth avunue.n.v.
Wc have entered into niTangcmcnts with Rev. J. Henry
S.mytiie, ol' Philndclphia, the publisher of Sunshine for
Little CinuinEN, whereby we are enabled to make you the
following mirivnllcd offer an offer which will, wo leel as-
j sured, secure for tts not only your name, but the names of!
very many of your friends and neighbors as subscribers to
our paper.
already been expended in this " great offer " by the " Sun
shine Publishing Co.," THIS PAPER MAKES NOTH
ING ON THE BOOKS. Our sole obicct is to nlace vour
i -- j
name on our list as a subscriber to the Caruon Advocate
and to Sunshine for Little Children.
ic bals
For Sale bv A, J.
J.clilghton. Pa.
DUItLIXO, B.nk street.
nave yon a "Raoiko Tooth" Header?
Pike's Toothache Drops
and Cure the ocony In Osi? MisuTtt. This j ou
canrio fnrTiVKNTY.rtVK CENTS Tho ar
tlclo w II do tho liusinos uu brown, (li-pcnil npon
It; mor?oei it rontains no InKlodltnt uhlcll
can iuj uro your i ecu:.
rniOE 25 CI7STS. Eolil by all Dracglsls.
C. K. Crittcntoii, Prop'p,
New Jewelry Store
m liinnanTON,
At Dollcnmayer's Old Stand,
Great Uurgolns In
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.
it. oinnei8 surcnion
And OTHER PREMIUMS, Offered to Subscribers of
TIlo Carbon Aiyocato
Spectacles and Eyc-Glasscs !
All work guaranteed, nnd no Second Charge, i
Prices to Suit the Times.
April 19-m3 E. H. HOHI.
Worth $64.25. Sent on receipt of $27.00.
Chambers' Encyclopedia
Ten royal octavo volumes. Library law binding, marble cdircs, extra bIIL
4000 engravings nnil 4? maps, and Iroin SO to loo clcnantlv engraved Males.
Idlest nnd Host Edition, 'this special subscription work Is inado to order
by tho great house or J. H. Efppliicolt Ji Co.. of l'hlladclplila, cxprcssley Tor
this great premium oiler oriho tvautimi publication orbUNsiiiNK run Lit.
tlb C'mi.imnN. It is 11 library In ltseir. is not sold by the trade, und cannot
bo bought elsewhere rur less than SIXTY 1IUEL.A11S.
Sunshine for Little Children ....
Sunshine for Llttlo Children Is one or tho mrst ninirnlflconilv nimimi.,1
publications i In tho United Stales, Slio by 14U, Is-ued inoiilhly. Tho
twelve numbers will make a handsome fnlin wi.rir .A "sa ,,,.,.. i,-r. i. i
$G0 00
3 25
The Fort Allen House,
BEIILER & KRES6E. Proprietors.
This TItuao Is located In tho Ilorongh of
Wclssport, Catbon County, Pn., and Is built
on Hie sltcorForl Allen, an old stockade fort
I ticatlon, erected here over a century ago to
proteitthe early settlers against tho hostile
Incursions of I hu Indians. Tho house Is a sub
stantial brick, and was named "Fort Allen
llouso"by thelato Edwnrd Weiss; It contains
Thlrly.two Ituoins and a handsome Itcstau
rant, and the present Proprietors have newly
and thoroughly relitled tho establishment
It has nil the nnpolntmentsura FmsT-CLA8
COUNTHY UOTLE, adapted for tho corn
Tort or lls patrons. In clnso proximity to tho
Hotel, In pcrlcct preservation, Is the Historic
which was dwg ly order or Ilenjamln Frank-
uii losunpiy ine garrison oi riri Alien whii
water, lis walls orstonc, which will defy tho
ravages or ages, aro as perfect to-day as when
put there, and the well now contains about
six feet or crystal water. The well Is now
being tilled upas a historlo relic, lo the water
or wiilchthc patrons ur tho House will hav
ireo access.
will ho accommodated at Reasonable Prices.
Tho Is supplied with tho best Wlnct.
Liquors and Cigars. Hood Stabling attached.
April luyl 1IUILEK &. KltESUK.
ful pictures, 60 ot them rull-pago cuts,
The Carbon Advocate
JUO exquisite stories lor little ones.
1 00
The ewslct and Most Readable Weekly In tho County. The Favorlto
Jam ly Paper, and tho ONLY NEWSI'APEH entirely PR1N1E1) iN
1 lib lIiU.N IV. Carelully cdltid. and Willi nn nblo and wide-awake cor, s
. vvusqivimtiiiojiifl i:viuuju9iuui.e a wceitiy luuruaioi me doings Ibrouiiri
out Ino cuuutry
Total offer is worth
$til 25
Worth $2G.25. Sent on receipt of only $0.G0.
Shakcspcre's Works 22 00
Charles Knight's ramous London pictorial edition. In two Immenso royal
octavo volumes. 3i0 wooil-cuts and a3 lull page plates by the celebrated Mr
Jolin (lllbcrt, A. II. A.J also 30 elegant steel engravings from the musieuil.
ncntarllstsol l-.urope. 'lhcse plates nlono soil In out volume, lininrtod
Irom Germany, tot Tncnly llo lnrs, nl tho eatiibllsliment ol Esies tt l.aurl
at, Iloston. '1 ho text rnniun be purchased in lefs than 3 parts, at 10 cents
pir part. Jlouiut In cloth, elegant gill tops and gold stamps.
jan. 4, 1878.y
The Lc ailing External Sped llo
Beautifier of the Complexion.
It rentiers tho Cuticle Healthfully
Clear nnd Smooth, aud is the iest Pos
sible Substitute (or Expensivo Sulphur
Tho undovsifrned announces to tho ladies of Lchicrhton
and vicinity that ho is now receiving and opening a large
assortment of Sl'IUlW & KUMMlSll GOODS, comprising
such as Matalasses. Delaines, Coburgs, Alpacas, &c. Also,
a largo stock or
which ho is offering
Groceries and Provisions a Specialty,
at prices to suit the times.
Clover, Timothv, Hungarian, and all kinds of Field and
Garden Seeds, YE11Y CHEAP.
Opposito tho L. & S Depot, BANK Street,
May 0, 1870-yl LEHIGI1TON, PENN'A.
ess Ps mtjc I? j
g1 3 SSl. wjgiS
It 1 Incomrnrnb'o Uemcrtr 'or Bnci3ES. UL
onus, Ct'TS nnd every imtnbie nr Diiliriitlliv
uonditluii of tlio Hkm, tuitl its a most CivirnlItt
irtu ctllul iwenl ontl (iouice ot Hcetly rcllcllu
ItmnnnwtctMirable UISINTECTAXT OP
Ci.orUlKO OU11KU IjINKN, woin nnd med
Uvt'ltsoii- KutlirluK Irom ohnoxious nr cox.
TAQIOUS PI8EA&KS. ill ill U a CliplUl JU'Ilirdy (lint
Prevoiitatlvu ct tiicni, wlien usts! anno injec
tlon I'citvms H hnvo no netd lo
tnko Sulphur Badm, vv to rf&ort tu Sulphur
prnma fur bntlnnu punosf .
I ah mi mil unci' oi mo jsrnrmorp
rtennlile than aur Comho Ic it ikjk- hot,
jiKe ft'iicios i iiini naiun-. Luucoai uuiupiex
lonut Jlleniifchi'H but romnvs them
fit d tin like, noedllv yiolutoHA cianfylnir tn
lliieuce! and UU the very beU Boai tu bIiivo
witli.bcciiuso it loaves 1 hu (k)ii emouth anil frco
trom ihoJriUation pmdnepu una ecnltlvocn
ilcltf. by the uvulicutt'iii or the tazor It also
completely eradicate JjANIiUUl-'i',
I Jiuusewive-. cw aie it 10 do KXCELLnxT for
wjfhuiK WOOLl- LINh'N, I,UK. aud nlher
l.ibtlct and Indie iiiuviiir In the best circles of
niotropullta:i mid rttiul society Bpealc of It 111
T 09 tin outaiapoarin from all qnnrtrrj of the
i Unluu ii;miii its l'roprb t jr, ninny of whit h lint o
upon puunriit u in mo idiiu nr a neat pain p met
proctiralilo of Dttijm-t mid i'uncy Unoda Ucai.
era. the oiijrinuts bi'inir I'pra to pnbbc itinnco
t mi at Ina Mt:mriNAL W.Aitnm tE, No. 7 bixni
AViiNUK. Nkw Voiik. The ortioo la moreover
ludoiaed bvtio3icdlcjl Itaionuty.
tiLjIINHULl'ilUUhuAl hab eniiuitat.
ciL Koan without the lunllefitfracuon ofre
nioiilaUtUcacv Jiavo l ecu and are foment upon
thoiiuBUspictiuff and unotiscrrunt, i.aprittiOi
Snlphorboapi, poMtetalu? propenlo idertlcal
Hltn or equal to the Ureit KpcutOc. which theli
tendora ee to rival by uuderhnud etnipetl
tion. The pubbo should threforp beraieful to
Inqalre tcr ULKMJ'ii bulphur boap by lu lull
Lame, and fee thnt they (rc th rent nrtfeie.
AiirefCtabte Uiu? mt. FarovOtHKln DmU
frai)d tiioc ra keep ULi:N"8 bULPUUlt
fcOAl. aud will vv dttnand for it, supply tho
rrlcea,',S3 eta. per CaUt 1 llox,(3
cnhci) sent by mnl), iirepnltl for 70c.
No. 7SUth ATO..N. V.
For ale bv A. J. DUBLiNU. Bank btrort,
Lclill)ton, V.
2!: S E.3 rl
c .5 fe
3 rf
111 2
z i
u 9
arecomtnnlcated to Oiay and Flamo colored
locca, almost lustatiiancousiy uy
Hill's Hair and Whisker Dyo
aDrenaiatlon abaolntelr tree from hurtful In
KrtUiPuta and Intlu faly superior by rMvuii of
the ruT eta produced to any article of use.asa.
PtiiiiBture OUATMSaa ami llALDsess are ore-
tented, and theHveiy liatruof aire ai quire tlie
C. N. Criltcnton Prop'r.
Eor Bala r A. J.
LehifMou, rs.
SIXTH AVE., if. V.
DUItLINU, Bank 8trt
Sunshine for Little Children
The Carbon Advocate .
Total offer is worth .
3 2i
1 00
Worth $14.25.
Worcester's Dictionary
Sent on receipt of $8.10.
$26 25
10 00
Illustrated and unabridged. A marslvo volume oflgOt pages. Latest and
best clltlon. Colored plates, l.lbrarv sheep binding.
' The authority In onr ollleo." N. V. Tribune.
"Tho best writers use Worcester as their authority." N. Y. Herald.
"1 ho standard Dictionary or America." t'hllade.i-hla Press.
" Long considered tho standard ol America." livening l'ost.
Sunshine for Little Children ....
The Carbon Advocate
Total offer is worth
S3c. i:vritAC'f 25o
Kipial In quality to any made, and only half
the price. Ojz. bottles 25c. Tints hue.
Iicllovcs Headache, Toothnche, ICarache,
Soro Kycs.Kose-Illced. lllecdlng Lungs, I'ain.
ful .Menses, Whites. Asthma, Itcduccs Stc1
lnt,'P, Tiles, &c. Cures Ilrulses, Scalds, Hums,
Sprains, wounds, Rheumatism, Erysipelas,
l.'lilllil.ilni. Varicose Vclnf4 Neuralgia, t-c.
If your Druggist has not got It, tell him to
order ll of the pioprletnr.
UilAltl.KS F. ItlSLUY,
Wholcs.ilo Druggist,
mar:a-3m , SOSOrccnwIch tst., Kciv York.
IT. A. BV.I.TZ. respectfnllr annonnrci to tho
penu.u ol Loi-tgliton anu Tictnity that ho bns
inaitn aiTiueeuiPTit-ior hiO)Iv:iik ilieni vnth
tlioBUvr I,l;iIIffII CUAL iiom the ifOuipb
ton uopot or ilie I.ilngli a dui(., int., at tho
t Jtlowmg Low Trices :
Stovo (3 a per tan
Chestnut ) !Ci per ton
No. 2 1 is per ton
Lenvo your Ordrs at my Ofilco, JIAkK. flt.
ooiiDHitt. ttm I'uptio t-qiinu'. Con! wilt he deli v
tred, vvhen dealca.ut vtf y Lowest Clmrnv. ou . J'.A BliL'tZ.
Match a. 2oi. Lebifihton,
AGrmtlemnn luiTln? been so lortunjto as to
enro his tonotCotisumplinn In the vrortttstngea,
ofter be UK (riven up to illn by tlie most cole
bratod phyDicIanv, dcatrento tuaio tnownthf
car (which p'ovfB ajcecslnl in evtry easel to
those afll cteu wnh AMbmi, llronchtim Coniihs,
Colds t'ouRnmutlon nnd nil Affect Ions of tho
Hi rout nnd Lunqs. and will send the ttco pe,
frco of thnrge, to all who drslrn It, if the will
forwrrd their a C trees to J)ANIK1 ADRK, 24
Isibetty ot.. X"cw Vorlt. JaulitnC
OMM's IBiblc.
Worth $1G,25. Sent on receipt of$G.00.
The Child's Bible
A magnificent book. quarto, ajgpnges.
cd maps and ilium Inatt-d titles, especially designed by tho best artists of tho
day Uloih, elegant lull gilt and gilt side und
largo type, ami printed on exquisitely tinted paper.
Sunshine for Little Children
The Carbon Advocate
Total offer is worth .
300 fine engravings, color.
o ucsi ariisis oi ino
gold stamp. Ckar,
3 25 Bfci
1 00
I Ypfn
Wit SIBEil IfQflEBaB'o
Worth $7.15. Sent on receipt of only $4.12.
World of Wit and Humor
From tho most celebrated writers. A magnificent volume of tho rarest and
richest fun. Largo octavo. 600 pages. Ulolh extra. 4t0 engravings and
full page plates, Uold sldo and gold stamp. A great bargain.
Sunshine for Little Children ....
The Carbon Advocate
Total offer is worth ....
3 50
$7 75
In order, if possible, to place a copy of THE CARBON
ADVOCATE in every household in this and the adjoining
Counties, and to largely increase its circulation in other
sections of the country, we have become parties to contracts
for the purchase of entire editions of elegant, rare and valu
able books, and our readers are respectfully requested to
write to us for any standard set of works; and in connection
with our subscription department, their orders will be at
tended to at a large discount from retail prices, with the ut
most care, promptness and satisfaction. Among our "Prem
ium Offers" we mention tho following :
JglpTho above "Club Offers" arc only forwarded when
the money is received by us.
All orders should be addressed to THE
Carbon County,
i 11-!in nml Wnrlit.ronnwnPff
reputation was tho Ucalli-Mow to hirjh
priced machines.
This Is a erv Important mailer, as It Is a well
known and undisputed lad tnat manr ol the lo
called first-class machines which are ojered in
Clean nowa-oaiS are those that nso been re
posssssei (thai is. taken back Irom customer!
alter use) and rebuilt tnd tut upon tha roarktt
" pSTvviiite IS THE rCEIt OF amy sewinq
Do not Buy any other toforo try
ing tho WHITE.
Prices and Terms Mads Satisfactory
White Sewing Machine Co.,
Mar.MTD-tiu MAUCit CltUHK, J'.
lllll.WKIt'.S WUltKS.
uuut'r.i( .i wuuiva.
Mlrttiilchcrait lo
be paid on deliveiy.
Land othek wohks.
Each, and all strles. Including' OIIANI),
bQV A Kli A N 1) U I'it to llT.nll UnctlT FI KST.
CL.AbH. sold ai the lowet nit cah whoieaa'o
lao oir piltca. dlirct to ilia I'UUCli AbElt.
Tlie ltanus maoe one nf tlie finest alsplSTa at
tne Ceutrnnliil lxbltilllou. aud wei uuaul.
monsljr recommended tor the Highest IIonorb
ovei 1S.U0 tn use. Kecrulajly IncorporateiS
MaiiufattunnK eo.-Fuctoiy e-Ubllsbwl nrrr
M Tera lUo Bquaie (Irand. ranulu Math,
ualiel'j new ialrut Duplex Orermrnna Ucale,
the areaieai imiiroveuieut lu the history or
I'Unu roHi c. Tlie U'illilarmlio MNlinr
INAMKIIIIJA. l-laawi sent on trial. Uon't
tall to wnte lor luustraltd and UecriiUr
Vtitaloctie i f pane nisllut free.
ill Kaal 13lli Hlrcal, N. V
t Ttar