The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, May 10, 1879, Image 3

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    n. S1KWBI19,
OtfWe, Klots's Umlolng Biodiwiy.
iririi'ir mitlNK. PA.
Detillne; Estates. Filing Accounts and Orphans
Court mence a specialty. . . . ,
Trill ot dates carefully attended to . W
trsotiettont In English ami ocrman, Jin i,
Hrrrra Di DED may loma on nl ' 0K0
pipe Advertising Iiniran. 10
wee Btreet,
TBACTS may bo rodo for It In
SATURDAY, MAT 10, 18ft.
Local and Personal.
to sunscmnEits.
Subscribers lo the Carbon Advocati will
talcs special notice that our terms are ono
dollar a jtar ttrictty In advance, if not so
paid $1.25 will be charged In CTery Instance.
Subscribers getting their papers by mall will
rafer to the direction tabs cm their papers
and not the dale, and remit accordingly.
TTesl's liver pills cure liver complaint.
Read J. T. Nusbaum & Son's advertise
ment in. another column.
The Commissioners of Northampton
county have Increased the county tax 5 cents
on the $100.
Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy To
bacco. 7 SO.
Parties going west can get tickets from
Bsrt. Seaboldt, h. V. R. R. depot. 1642
Recent experiments havo developed the
fact that Iron railroad ties are superior lo
wood, and In localities where wood II scarce
will probably supercede them. Another
bright outlook for the Iron trade.
The Manufacturing Co's.
mill is now running its full capacity. It is
turning out about seventy tons of finished
iron every twenty-four hours In ndddition
to forty tons of ruw Iron Irom tho puddling
Fob Sale:. Eight shares of the Capital
stock of the 1st National Bank of Lchighton.
For further particulars apply at the Adto
c in office.
Just opened another large assortment ol
ladles, misses and children fancy gaiters,
walking shoes and slippers, at astonishingly
low prices, at J. T. Nusbaum & Son's.
New and elegant assorted stock or wall
piper, just received at Dolon's Mauch Chunk
at prices defying competition. Paper hang
ing a specialty.
Witches put In first class order at Dol
on's, Mauch Chunk.
A trotting match is advertised to take
place at the fair grounds, to-day (Saturday)
at 1 o'clock.
18,000 tons ot coal wcra shipped over
tk L. k S. railroad for the fivo days ending
the 30th ult., and 76,433 ton per L. V. rail
road for the week ending the SQtli ult,
Tor beautiful designs in wall papers,
fincy stationery, Ac., call on E. F. Luckcn
back, near the Broadway house, Mauch
Chunk. Lowcst.prircs in Carbon County.
II. II. Peters announces to his friends
andlne citlicns in general that ho is now
receiving and opening his spring slock of
cloths, cassimcres, vestings and suitings, and
that he is prepared lo make up all classes of
clothing at prices never before heard of in
this eection. 'Terfdct fits and Lowest
prices," is the motto of this house, and don't
you forget lUJSto rein the rost-oflicobullding.
The Mexican war pension bill recently
passed by our State legislature has gone to
the Governor for his approval. It allows
seventy-five dollars a year to each Pennsyl
vaniin who served in that war, or to his
Sportsmen will do well to bear in mind
that it is against the law to kill blue birds,
swallows, robins, or any other inscctiverous
birds it any season. The penalty fof violat
ing this law is $5.00 for each offense,
Lewis Weiss is now receiving and open
ing a new and elegant stock of hats, caps,
boots and shoes for spring and summer wear,
which he is prepared to sell atunprecedent
ly low prices. He rcspectfufly invites an
inspection of his stock feeling assured that
lie can give full satisfaction.
The Popular Western Ticket Agent, B.
O'Bnan, will beat this office next Wednes
day night If tou intend to go west, call
and see him, he will send you right, cheap
,and quick.
W. C. Weiss, Esq., has opened an office
far the transaction of business pertaining to
the office of Justice of the Peace,'at his resi
dence opposite the boat yard, In Franklin
The dressmaking establishment of Mrs.
E. Ilibbler, opposite the Advocate office, is
now in most successful operation. The
number of ha-idsome and stylish dresses
turned out is really astonishing, and those of
our lady readers needing anything in this
line should not fall to give her a call. Charg
es reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed.
Pimples and blotches on the face can be
removed by rubbing with camphor milk
It costs only 25 cents per bottle. 21-24
To Fa aunts and Others. Wm. Butler,
at the Lime Kilns, nearly opposite the Man
eion House, Mauch Chunk, is prepared to
supply farmers and others with a pure artf
cle of Lime, for agricultural and whitewash
ng purposes for cash. This llmo is warrant
ed to be just what it is represented and t
giro perfect satisfaction.
The. Great Council of Pennsylvania.Im
proved Order of Red Men, met In Easton
Tuesday. The following officers were elec
ted : Great Sachem, J. II. Uuschcr,of Phil
adelphia Great Senior Sagamore, D. F.
Probst, of Reading ; Great Junior Sagamore,
Thomas IC. Donnelly, of Philadelphia
Great Chief of Records, Charles G. Conly, of
Philadelphia Great Keeper of Wampum,
Thomas K. Winkwortb, of Philadelphia)
Great Prophet, II, B. McNeal, of Lancaster,
Harvey Trixler, aged IT years, residing
about three miles from Bethlehem, met with
a singular and fatal accident on Friday of
last week. He had climbed up a tree to
trim it, but lost his grip and fell, striking
upon the sharp edge of an axe. He sustained
a deep gaping wound in his left side, just
below the lower rib, some six inches in
length. The axe almost severed the liver,
and portion! of that organ protruded from
the wound. Hemorragea followed, nd
though supplied with the best surgical atten
tlon, the young man died in the greatest
During a visit to Mauch Chunk on
Monday last, wertepped into the Broadway
House, and were no. less astonished than
pleased to meet the smiling face of our ge
ial friend John W. Reed, formerly proprie
tor of the American House, whom we found
doing the honors in the office and bar, for
the proprietor, J. S. Keiser.
Milton Rittcr, brakeman on a Perklo-
msn Railroad train, entered the private sa
loon of a car to light the gas, on Saturday
night, when an explosion took place, which
knocked him down and burned him severe,
ly. The car caught fire and was destroyed
but all the passengers were got out safely.
Shoes for 75 ct. boots $3j shirts, JJcts.,
hits from 15 eta. upwards, ran be had with
a nice suit of clothing for everybody, at
Jonas Sondheim's first clothing store above
tht Mansion House, Mtuch Chunk.
Peter Evans, aged 68 years, a huckster,
was murdered on Black Log Mtuntaln,aboui
15 miles from Mifflin, Pa., on Saturday
evening. The murderer escaped. It Is sup
posed that robbery was tho motive.
Jacob Tauslg, on trial for ticket scalp
ing In Harrisburg, was convicted on Satur
day on one charge and pleaded guilty to
another. William Jack, on trial for tho same
offense, pleaded guilty. Sentences lu both
cases was deferred.
Polio Toco Tribe, Imp. O. R. M. of
Weissport, propose to hold a plc-nlcon July
4th. Particulars hereafter.
For cheap Farm Land in Carbon coun
ty, Inquire at N. D. Cortright, Mauch
Chunk. 24-37
A San Francisco woman married a
coachman unwlllngly, believing him to be
a Mexican nobleman. Ho was deceived,too,
for he supposed her wealthy, whereas the
was realty poor. They parted after an un
pleasant honeymoon of a week. "Had I
known that I would only get morning
brceies for breakfast, trade winds for dinner,
and fog for supper," she wrote, "I would have
told you that my constitution couldn't stand
It I trustthat,lf you ever marry agaIn,you
will prepare lo provide your wifo with a bill
of fare Instead of a bill of air." And sho
might have added hiro teams at David El
bert's popular livery in Lchighton.
His many frlendc and tho public will
be glad to learn that Judge Packer, the
president of the Lehigh Valley Railroad
Company, who lias been confined to his
house from Indisposition for the past two or
thrco weeks, is within a day or two strong
er, his physicians declaring themselves
much encouraged athis improved condition.
The Judge docs not seem to have any con
firmed disease, and suffers chiefly from
weakness of the limbs. Being but 73 years
of age, his abstemious habiU and well pre
served health favor tho consummation of
tho wish that ha may soon be restored to his
usual good health. Ho is at his house in
On Tuesday night n sight explosion of
gas occurred in the Scranton Shaft of the
Lehigh and Wllkcsba'rre Coal Company, at
Wilkesbarro, icvercly burning Martin Ker
rigan. An hour afterwards, while the men
were "brushing out" accumulated gas In the
lower vein, a terrific explosion occurred se
riously burning eight men, named Wm.
Smith, Levi Gibboon, Sara. Lloyd, John A.
Davis, Richard Foull,John Richards, David
Morgan and William Walkins. Smith and
Davis died of their injuries Wednesday, and
most of the others were in a precarious con
dition. The mlno caught fire from the ex
plosion and COO feetof solid coal burned fur
iously, compelling the flooding of the mine.
Jonas Sondhclm, Mauch Chunk, offers
to the public some of tho greatest bargains
ever seen yet. He will sell you all wool
Scotch and Cheviot suits from $3.75 to $10 ;
boys suits, $2.75. Come and cxamiao be
fore purchasing elsewhere.
Sunoat Starlets. Lchighton M. E.
Church, Sunday, May 11th, RcV. J. P.
Miller, pastor. 10:30 a. m., subject, "The
Great Conquorer j" 2 p. m., Sunday school ;
6:30 p. in., Young Men's Prayer Meeting;
7:30 p. m., subject, "God's Husbandry."
A cordial welcome to all.
Go to E. II.Hohl for American watches
at reduced prices, and for all kinds of jew
elry. Watches, clocks and jewelry repair
ing a specialty, at lowest prices.
Mauck Chunk Notes.
In tho Equity case, thecitizens of Banks
township School District vs. tho School Di
rectors aud Tux-Collectors, to rcstuin said
School Directors and Tax-Collectors from
collecting certain taxes which tho citizens
allege to be illegal, testimony has been tak
en this week before Master in Chnncery
Hon. Wm. M. ltapsber, at tho law-oQice of
Albright Jc breyiuan.
District Attroney E. R. Siewcrs, on
Thursday next will lead to tho alUr one of
Slauch Chunk s lairest and most ainiuule
daughters. Miss Lizzin Yeager. They will
mako a bridal tour to New England. May
the sunshine of happiness aid prosperity
ever keep the flowers of life blooming and
Iragranl in their pathway.
Prof. Vananda is drilling a choir to take
part In tho anproaehini; exccrcises ol Decor
ation Day ; unit aim an orchestra for the
school commcucemcut to take place the last
oi J une.
The first mcctint; of Uio Democratic
Club was held in their new club room last
Saturday evening. A meeting will be held
this Saturday evening to elect officers, etc.
Now who will bo tho first to christen it the
"Ring Den?"
At an early dale an entertainment will
tike place in East Mauch Chunk for the
benefit of the Onoko Band. Another en
tertainment for tho benefit of the Lutheran
and Reformed church of that borough will
uk place in a lew nays.
An adjourned session of court will con
vene before the Associate Judges on Mon
day next.
-Schneur's Switch-Back Bazar is now
open for the season ; and the Switch-Back
railroad cars will begin to run for the
public accommodation on the 1 D Hi inst.
At a nicotine of the County Commis
sioners on Teusday, a resolution was car
ried to do soma needed repairs on tlie roofs
of the Court House and the County Jail.
Perhaps this movement may aroso "Econo
my" from the letharcic slumber into wheih
a reduction of the price paid tho Sheriff
for boarding prisoners and the' apixiint-
mem oi a Dealer, causca uim to cunt
We shall see.
The spirit of improvement on build
ings and the streets is still unabated here.
Almost everybody is havlntr somethintr
done to his or her house or grounds.
A liccenso to keen a restaurant havine
been refused to Leold Reiss, he has con
eluded to ojien on ice cream and refresh
ment saloon on the temperance plan, in the
Odd Fellows building.
Now we have a Sealer of Weights and
Measures, which will prevent servant girls
from being cheated at the stores where they
am sent to purchase family supplies, some
one suggests that, another oaicer bo ap
pointed to "seal" the girls.
Our Pnrryvllle nudge.
Our surrounding hillsides are dally ex
plored by our boys and girls with basketand
blade for the orunge-blossomed dandelion
proverbially known as tho "liver regulator."
A most memorable event transpired in
our villaee on Tuesday mornini. list Tlinnt.!.
not shocking in the general acceptation of
uiiu wuru, iftnmiui jaxunar sense startling.
We refer to the blowing of the furnace
whistle,for the first time in upwards of three
Paying a visit to the L. 4 S. station this
week, we lound that the room had been
renovated and much improved by the brush
ofllie kalsnmine artist, charced 'a (Tain Mil
ler and operator Williams, per consequence,
am nippy, or ai lean, ougni to be.
Eneine No. 2 was nut in motion on
Tuesday and worked likoa charm under the
guiding nana ot ii. F. Connor, mechanical
Owing to the Urge patronage promised
thc.lnstltulion by the people of Weissport,
Lehlghton and vicinities the Carbon Norm
al Institute will be located at Veissport,that
locality being more central to a great major
i)y of the students. The public school lias
been secured ana me fciiooi win be opened
as already aunounceu, juonuay .nay ivtli.
Jas. Souder a former resident of this
town moved bis family back from Alburtis
Our High Constable, true to his Instruc
tions as er borough ordinance, is enjoying
quite a target practice in shooting down stray
canines. Several "dorgs" whose owners
tlldn t "know they were out" are now be'
neath the tod. Peace to their ashes ensures
a measure of peace frour inhabitants.
Every mother-in-liw should recommend
Dr. Bull's BabySyrup for her grand-children
aU'J thus keep pctce in the larniiy.
In nnd Around Jennnvlllc.
Jeancsvilto has lost another old citizen,
Mr. Thos. Richards, who died on Saturday
evening, at 7:JJ. Deceased was a machin
ist, was s!t "years old, and leaves a wile and
four children. . .
J. B. Hutchinson, with his son. Master
Willie, and bis, uncle lelt here on Monday
for Nebraska. ' He expects to take up two
claims, as a stock larm. lie ana nis son win
return as mo purcnase nas oecn maue, icav
ing nit uncio 10 manago me -arm.
Miss Bertha Haydcn rcturnd Saturday
from Philadelphia, wncro sno nns been
making a visit to an aunt ana a cousin.
Robt. GauiT went on a Using expedition
recently. He returned with sixty fine ones.
Tho Trescow Band treated us to some
fino music the other evening. Hopo they
will favor us again.
Robert Renson and James Clark left
here on Saturday for Colorado, which they
intend making their future home.
A free lench at GaufTs Saturday after
noononly pay for It.
-No. 4 Slope is idle since last Saturday,
on account of a lack of shipping facilities.
Thos. Smith, of Beaver Brook, who was
recently hurt at tho mlno there, and who
was reported fatally Injured, is Improving,
with prospects of recovery. He wat tint
week sent to the Pcnna. Hospital.
Mr. Gibbs and Miss Mary Jones will
leiva here for Prof. J. P. Rowland's Normal
Institute for instructing in tho art of teach
ing, on the 18th Instant.
Rov. C. Graham was attacked by a par
ty of ruffians going home, on Sabbath eve
ning, as he was returning from hisappoint
ment at Humboldt A person seized the
horsobvlho bridle: tho Reverend ccnllo-
man began to dismantle for the encounter,
when the buggy-driver struck tho horse
which sprang i'oiward and knocked the as
salants Into the ditch, and lis cscaned from
them. These highwaymen should Ira looked
after. Wtl.L Wisuxa.
Ccliocti front Itcnvcr "tlcndow.
On Thursday last Mr. Fred Isreal re
ceived n very serious hurt at Chas. F. Shoe-
ncr A Co.'s, No. 2 colliery, in getting his leg
broke, and other serious injuries about tho
body, by a fall of coal in his breast He is
doing very well so far.
On Friday last a young man by the
name of Patrick Kelly, while running a trip
of railroad cars on tho siding from under
tliu No. I breaker of Chas. F. Shoener & Co.,
came in contact with other cars, squeezing
him very sorely about the body
. Mrs. Evans, mother of Mr. Evan Evans,
of Coleralne, ied on Monday night. Mrs.
Evans has been a very Gne old lady among
her people, was never conversant in the
English language therefore was confined to
her own language and people (the Welsh)
In- tho business of life. Sho was eighty
years old.
The mines of Chas. F. Shoener Jt Co., arc
being Tun to their rull capacity. This is very
cheering to the miners and their families,
who mako a much better appaarance this
spring than last.
Some person, more forward than wise,
posted some notices, signed many citizens,
calling tho citizens of this place and vicinity
to a meeting held in tho Odd Fellows' hall
on Thursday evening lad, for tho purpose of
laying beforo the people a very grave subject
in regard to the grave yard fence. Many
of the citizens were somewhat amused at
the arbitrary manner in which the leader
thought to conduct the meeting, saying noth'
ing of his parliamentary ignorance. In an
nouncing the object.of the meeting, he said
the ground was given to the people of Bea
ver Meadow by the old B. M. Company for
a cemetery in which to bury their dead. This
affair was managed by the trustees of the
Lutheran church who charged tho people
$5 a lot for the ground, nnd appropriated
the money to keep up tho fence. In the
meantime the citizens would often join in
and clean up tho grounds. Some four years
ago the citizens ogaiu put the grounds into
a very respectable condition, spending sev'
cral days at the work. As soon as this was
done tho trustees raised the price ol tho lots
to $12. The (Kioplo would know why
the money that has been collected has not
been sjwnt ubout the cemetery.
WcUiport Items.
The borounh Council met on Monday
eveninn. jiurgcss Arner In tho Chair. Sev.
bills were presented, and some ufthem order
ed paid. The borough treasurer was ordered
to renew his bonds. U. II. MacDanlels was
appointed Chler.of.Follce; Councilman Trapp
handed In his resignation from the Council
wh eh was accepted, and at tho next meeting
the vacanry will bo filled. The Council re-
lolved to use the public school house In fu.
ture ns a place of meeting.
Tho new official, the sealer of weights and
measures, paid his visit here on Wednesday.
He called on the merchant, unceremoniously
entered their stores, fingered over tho scales,
measures and yard-sticks and then presented
his lilllt bill, the mostlinportantniatterotall,
wo believe, In most cases was paid, and then
departed. Hut the merchants feel this mat
ter to be an outrage, and the question Is ask
ed who Is responsible ror Itt Who authorized
tho levying of this tax upon the merchants
who are already taxed to death. There mus t
be a day coming when this systematized sine.
curlsm, by which honest Industry Is taxed
doubly taxed to fosteran armyofofflco-hold
ers will end. Cut let tho ioplo remember
that the place to remedy such evils Is the bal
lot-box. litt voters of whatever party, make
a memoranda of this.
One evening, the latter part of last week.
a number of the friends of John O, lllery.
agent of the Weissport Planing Mill, fot to
gether and made a surprise call at his rcsl
dence. The result was & pleasant, social
The query is. why do the authorities keen
tneparx in mis borougn closed from year to
year, why not put some plain seats la It, lay
out walks turougn It, and open It to the pub,
lici it would add very much to the attrac.
tlvenessofWelisport. As It now Is, one Is
reminded of th old plantation ditty,
" Uncle J oo cut off his toe,
And hunK It up to dry,
The ladles all laughed, ho I ho I
And Uncle Joe did cry."
Two New York ladles called at Weissport
this week, purposely to see the old Fnnk.
lln Well, and to icet a bottle ol water there
Irom as a relic. So much for advertising and
letting people know whit you have got.
There seems to be a spirit of Inharmony
among our borough omclal this year.
Iluslncss is so driving at the Fort Allen
Foundry that a portion of the establishment
has to be rnn nlifht and dav. Th wnrlr nn
the addition to the bulldlog hat been com-
XoWamrnsInu Ilrcvllle.
Our wheat looks ordinary good this
Our Supervisors were busy repairing
roads the last few days.
Farme'j are busily engaged in prepar
ing tnrir fields for planting corn next week.
Mrs. W. Christman.nfiiearTrachsville,
intends to trect a new barn Immediately.
Miss Mary A. Snyder , formerly of this
place but now ol Arpuachlcola, Is leaching a
6ummer school at Millport We with her
abundant success.
--Dennis Moyer, of near Curtalnville.hat
just completed his new barn.
The confirmation took place at Jerusa
lem church, at Trachsvllle ou Friday of
last week.
Miss Catharine Smith, of Monroe Coun
tXi i paying her sister and friends a flying
visit at this place. Miss S. is a sister to
David Dreubach's wife.
Miss Ellen J.Distler.of Wild Creek, re
turned home to her parents, from Mauch
Chunk, on Thursday of last week, and on
Monday she went to Lehlghton where the
it doing house work for Ellas Snyder,
- Buiinen beforo plesture, ts the sbo-
maker said when he worked on the day of
hit wlfe't funeral.
A ton of Thomas Beers, of Beers' Val
ley, met with an accident" that caused hit
death a few houn after. On Wednesday of
last week he wis off with othen pealing
bark, and was (truck with a tree that was
being felled. The funeral took plaee on Bit-
urday of list wtelral Jerusalem church, at
10 a. m. '
When a'man It In the wrong and owns
It, he admits that he is wiser to day than
yesterday, and to confess it it noble.
It sport ot Lelilghton School
For the Term ending May (th, 1179 :
.IS! J
m J? 'rz
No. olBnollsbolonBinB", I I
during term, 10 57 UJ6'
Average attendance! Ml
during term 2015 25,45
Mi 07,293
l'cr ceni. or auenaance i
during term M si bi 81
,79,171 T0( 82
The following Is the result of the examina
tions !
miMAHT mo. 2.
Pupils promoted to C class, Primary
No. 1. Harry Graver, Elvln Jones, Harry
Oaricr, Clement Klegcl, Tillle Sehoch,
Laura Levan, Emma Williams, Annie Hagar,
lara Goggus, Ella Fink, Mary Ebcrt, Ida
Kemerer, Sallle Qabcl, Charlie Rapsher,
Marie Drelbelbtes.
Promotions to No. 1, B class. Emma Kneas,
Emma Fuehrer, Lester RehrlK, Emma Frey,
Uussle Walters, Clara Rex,
rniMARYKO. 1.
Pupils promoted from O class to B class.
Henry Moulthrop, Francis Peter,AUce Shlng.
ler, Llllle Klelntop.
Promotions from D elass to A class. Charles
Raudenbush, Frank Bartholomew, Charles
Frantt, Alvln Noll, Edgar Noll, Alice New-
bard, Sarah Fuehrer, Lena Tsohlrscbkey,
Mary Albright, Emma Seaboldt, Minnie
Promotions from D class to D class Second-
ary No. 2. Lizzie McCormtck. Laura Miller.
Promotions from Aclass to O class, Second
ary No. 2. Frank Nusbium, Eddie Nusbaum,
Willie Rothermel, Eddie ICuhnt, Willie
Swarts, Eddie Qomerer, Lilian Semmel, Ida
Mantz, Bessie Lelbenguth, Ella Retchard,
Alice Qaggus, Mamie Romtg, Laura Trexler,
Mary Qabcl, Ella Anthony, Cora Smoyer,
Carrie Ulade. Annie Miller, (jalrln Fesner,
Eddie Ohl, Willie Illeghe, Amanda Koons.
Promotions from II class to A class. Eva
Denllngcr, Emma Ebson, Emma Froellcb,
Ella lleberllng, Annie Rex, Aqullla Christ-
man, James Krum, ddlo Koons, Kobcrt
Stansberry, Wm. Seaboldt, Pierce Trainer,
Thomas Webb.
Promotions from B class to B class Second
ary No. 1. Mattle Longstreet, Ella Peters,
Laura Weidau.
Promotions from A class to B class.Second-
ary No. 1. Laura Dlntlnger, Emmailunslck.
er, Dalsle Ilibbler, Florenco Koons, Martha
Levan, Anzle Mantz, Eliza Marquirt, Emma
Mulhern, Martha Held, Martha Iteber, Mary
Smith, Ida Trainer, Francis llachman, Lew
Is Drelbelbles, rddle Helm, Robbie Itouscr,
Harvey Koons, Willie McCormlck,Eddle Mc
cormick, Alvln Rothcrmal, Uswlllo Wert.
Promotions from U class to A class. Tillle
Sclfert, Minnie liclchard. Testa Hunstcker,
Floy Clauss, Ida Reed, Llllle Relchard.Mary
Ibbert, Emma llartung, Tommy Yenser,
Charlie- 11 auk, Henry Stouber, Willie Horn,
Freddy Miller, Willie Sehoch, Willie Hung
er, Harry llcchtel.
Promotions from A class to B class, inter,
mediate school. Eugene Bartholomew, Harry
Clauss, WHIlo Longstreet, Elmer Strawn,
Harry Painter, Horace Raudenbush, Frank
Obert, Elmer Schrochl, George Schults, Val.
len Blank, David Horn, Sarah lleberllng,
Minn e Peters, Minnie Romlg, Mary Sehoch.
Promotions from I), class to A class. Em
ma Schccpe, Delia Krum, Maggie Leonard,
Daniel W. Nolhsteln, Alvln Stoudt, Charles
Trexler, Wm. H.'Watertor, Levi A. Barthol
omew. I'romotlons'from A class to B elass, Oram.
mar School. Fannie It. Dlntlnger, Henrietta
Krum, Clara Brown, (Esther Kiber, Lily A.
lilgoly, Mary O. Wert, James O. Wert, Geo.
P. Miller, Geo. Steubcr, Willie J. lleberllng,
Q co. B. M. Stocker, Chas. A. Wagoer.
onAMKAR acnoou
Promotions from B class to A class. Albert
Watcrbor, Lizzie Ash, Laura Reed. Ida
Strawn, Alice Mantz, Emma Iteber, Emma
Koons, U cast o Clauss.
Promoted from B class to B class, High
School. Milton Rex.
Promotions from A class to B class, High
School. Lulu Zehner, Lily Ulskey, Aggie
man school.
Promotions from B class to A class. Emma
Obert, Sallle HoBurd, Emma Nothsteln, Ag
gie 11 auk, Geo. llelchard, Charles llartung.
Passed History or United States, with the
understanding that It be reviewed the lat
ter half of next year. Alfred Leuckel, Laura
Clauss. Laura Hoffurd, 'Emma Ash, Clara
Passed Physiology with above condition.
Emma Ash, Laura llofiord, Laura Clauss,
Curtln Koons and Milton Bretney, (not sub
ject to condition).
Passed first jjur books In Geometry. Mil
ton Bretney, and Curt. Koons.
Passed Latin to second period of Roman
History. Milton Urctney, and Curt. Koons.
Passed General History to Modern Epoch.
Milton Bretney and Curt. Koons.
It Is also proier to mention the names of
Chas. D, Clauss and Frank Raber,who studied
the same branches as the last two gentlemen
above named and were equally good, but ware
compelled to leave school a short time beforo
F. K. Beund, Principal.
Cnt Penn Dots
Fine the weather.
Onward Is our aim.
Church on Sunday at 0:30 a. m. ; Sabbath
school at 2 p. m,
Our roads are in fine condition at the
present writing,
The fishing season Is at hind, but the fish
seem less hungry than the fishermen.
Every body one meets says "good roads
but cofJ weather."
Jacob II. Schappell planted corn on the 2d
Mr. Fred O. Kline passed through Llzzard
Creek Valley on Friday. He was collecting
for the Carbon County Dtmtcral. He com
plained that he had so many bills for mtn
who claimed not to get that paper.
Mrs. Reuben Peter has bad the tress In
her young orchard white-washed. It greatly
adds to Its beauty.
Mr. Owen Smith Is busy clearing the
stones from bis nay field, to that they will not
Injure his "Champion" when he comes to cut
the grass In "haying time."
ILr. James Smith took bis sweetheart out
carriage riding list Siturdiy.
Mr. Joel Semmel and lady visited bit
father-in-law, Mr. Hsnry Kolb, on Sunday.
Among the relatives who attended the
funeri 1 of Mrs. David Northtteln, we noticed
our friend. O. W, Engle, Esq. The cause of
Mrs. Nothstelu's death was typhoid fever.
The remains were Interred at the Ben Salem
cemetery list Friday, and were followed to
their resting-place by a large number of rela
tives and friends.
Mr. L. F. Klepplnger, of Lehlghton, has
been on a business trip to Mr, T, W. Stelger
walt Mr. Jonas Andreas bouzht for himself a
horse of Mr. 1). Hunslcker, of Lehigh county.
The consideration was SIM. He thinks It wis
"a big price," but be wanted good hone."
Mr. Divld D. QuWnef bounht a horse ol
Amos uuiuner I consideration is.
Mr. Jonas Andni and wife visited their
ton. in-law, air. Uwen smith, last Sunday.
Reuben Ohl. ar West Penn, Is erecting a
barn for l."W. Stelgerwalt, aiidllldeon Pter
of this plaee, will soon commence a slmllur
enterprise lor Edwin atelgerwatt They are
both reliable mechanics.
Mr. Simon ltuch tnd Miss Aminda !tueh
were visuina; tneir irienas here last iMnaay.
The good wile of Mr. Edwlu Pete pre.
sent hi m with a daughter list week.
People are waltlna anxiously for the r
PIirauciof Pit Kuoekworshd and Uncle
jo. VfClVBAH.
Lilt of Jurora.
The following It a lilt of the Juron drawn
for June term, 1879 1
Arfisr, Moset, Summit Hill
Hums, Moses, Lanslbrd
lianman, George W., Pirryvllle
Dicbmin.Orimth, Weatherly .
Jlaksr, Ubirles. Mauch Chunk
Urate, John, Towamenslng
Dorwirf, Francis, Franklin
Veahn, Henry, Upper Mauoh Chunk
l'oner, Wlllouahby. Weitberiy
Kaches, Amos W.. Leblahton
Freeby, Solomon, cast Penn
Graver, Daniel, Lehlahton
Ualligher, Hugh, Hanks
Graver, Andrew, Weissport
llirleman, l,orl, Lower TowamcniiDg
Koeh, Knot, Penn Forest
Klitler, David I)., Mihonlog
Kelly, J ohn V., Laniford
McUlnty, James, Lausanne
McLaughlin, John Lansford
Peter, Joseph M., Parry villa
Smith. Nathan. Tuwamensinir
Stelgerwalt, T. W., East Penn
rxriT jcsonsj.
Apptnseller. James. East Penn
All'i, Isaae, Lansford
Albright, E. H , Lehlghton
Arner, John 11., Mahoning
Jlaohman, Maraud, Mahoning
Belli, David, Franklin
Brown, James, Franklin
Dauuiin, Dennis, Parryvllle
Uradwtll, John, Mauch Chunk Township
Hechtel, Thomas, Mauch Chunk Township
lllsblng, Amos, North Kidder
Buck, Charles, Weatherly
Ucliuer, John, Mauch Uhunk
Uronir. John. Weatherly
Cook, K. it., East Mauch Chunk
Copse, David 11., South Kidder
Crump, Joseph, Weatherly
Clauss, O. A., Lehlahton.
liuniap, Kobert, weamcriy
Deruioit. l'atriek. Ncsonehonlnv
Eckhart, William, Towamenslng
rrvjinan, ievi, itianoning
Faust John. Banks
i-. i i . ...
dumber t, Joseph, Lehlghton
iiuwk, jbc-od aouiu muuer
Horn, Jonas A , Lcbhthton
lllnser, Conrad, i.ebigh
Hoffman, David, Franklin
Hontz, William, Mauch ( hunk
lehter, Uasper, Summit Hill
King, John, Mauch Chunk
Klotz, Charles, Lower Towamenslng
Krltz, Henry, Mahoning
Kuehner, Augusius, Towamenslng
Klelntop, David, Lower Towamenslng
Laurlsb, Simon, Mauch Chunk
.tichlruy, James, Mauch Uhunk
Muybec, W. W., North Kidder
Nonnemachcr, Joseph, Mauch Chunk
llamaly. Lafayette, Parryvlllo
Kelts. Thomas, Mauch Chunk Township
Kauoh, William IU South Kidder
Snyder, Reuben, Lower Towamenslng
Stewart, Reuben W., Packer
Transue, Edward, South Kidder
wvrueu. i rnniz. couin judder
Yenser, Wilson, East 1'cnn.
TiiAvinss Jonons
Uarroll, George, Mauch Chunk
Connyngham, Patrick, Lausanne
Mark, Frank, Mauch Chunk Township
juagan. joun, maucu uuuiik
iiuiernne, William, ninucn ununlc
Duffcy, William, bast Mauch Chunk
Foulk, Jacob, Lausanne
Freyman, John, Mahoning
Faust. John. Picker
Hinder. Jacob, senr., Mauch Chunk
jiuuoru, it. r ., jeuiuiiion
Hinkle, Jacob, Lausanne
Harleman, Edward, Weatherly
Hunslcker, John, Mahoning
llooven, Samuel, Weatherly
Hunter, J. W., Weatherly
Hlno, William 3., Packer
Harkins, Hugh, Mauch Uhunk
llennlnier, Jacob, Mauch Chunk Township
lleldt, Frank. !.. Franklin
Koons, Joseph, Weatherly
Kern, Levi, Lower Towamenslng
Krum, Peter, Franklin
Lawser, E. P., Lanslord
Alice, Jacob, Packer
Sloore, Charles U., Lehigh
U'Urlan, David, Franklin
Pryor, Julio W., Weatherly
Phillip, William, Banks Township
Qulxlcy, Michael, Mauch Chunk T ownship
ltuch, Jacob, Franklin
Seebrlng, William. Penn Forest
Selgrrld, Thomas, East Mauch Chunk
Woodrlng, James Ll., North Kidder
Whlttlngham, Alfred, Weissport
rtlnhonlng' XwlnkUmra.
Planting corn it all the work now, among
the farmers.
Daniel Kressley Is making preparations
for a new barn, which he Intends to trect be
fore harvest.
Miss Sarah Walker, from Mauch Chunk,
was visiting her friends at this place this
Mrs. L. II. Nothsteln was visiting friends
during this week in the valley.
Mr. and Sirs. Sutler, of West Penn, were
the guests of Thos. Musselmau last Sunday.
J. II., Jr., made a first class fiddle with.
out any assistance. I congratulate him on his
Joslah Musselman and Daniel Kressly
wero grafting trees for Stephen Miller on
Monday last. These gentlemen seem to un
derstand their business.
AmandesTCIttlor washout en tome busi
ness on Saturday evening, and on his way
home he stopped at MeDaniel't hotel, where
we bad a pleasant talk with him.
On Sunday evening, after tinging school,
a party of young ladles and gentlemen stop
ped In at U. 11. Scldel't residence to bid fare.
well to Mr. Smith, who left Tor Ohio on Mon
day. The evening was spent with pleasant
talk, and tho party was especially entertain
cd with a song by one of our friends.
Each beau plucks a leaf from the coquette,
so that thorns only remain for thevhnsb&Dd.
Most people are like eggs, too full ol
themselves to hold anything else.
The singing school was well attended last
Sunday evening. I notlcod that quite a num
ber of the students Irom Centre Square Semi
nary were present.
Cat Bartholmew, from Lehlghton. spent
last.Sunday with us.
-Messrs. A. S. Weber and T. M. Billlet.
Misses Hannah Balllet, Mary Ualllet, Sarah
Walker and others, werethe guests of Joseph
itunsickcr last Sunday afternoon.
When Is an egg not oral t whin yoo turn
It around, f We havo sent the " Devil" after
the perpetrator of this joke. Ed.
MigrCrcelc Itcistv.
Potatoes were In great demand here last
Rye ts selling at 50 cents pet bushel.
Miss Kate Wagner la teaching a select
school at Maria Furnace this summer.
The greater part of the oils Is sown.
A considerable number of potato patohes
were planted here last week.
Look out for spring chickens.
One of the most baro-faced humbugs In
this county l the office of Sealer of Weights
and Measures. This is a thing entirely on.
necessary taxing the people for no benefit
ho are the originators 7
W..E. Kemerer, of this plaee, Is the See.
retery of the Towamenslng Horse Thief Do
tcctlrc Company. Persons wishing to Insure
their horses can address Box 54, Weissport,
where tbey will receive prompt attention.
nr. Selple, oi Lehlghton, wat at this place
on Siturdiy last
II. D. Snyder, of Beltsrllle, ll reading
law with Mr. Jos. Kilbfus, of Mauch Chunk,
Prof. J, F. Snider, bat returned home
from teaching school and stops with his par.
ents at present.
Everything Is from two to three weeks
lite this yeir on the farm.
When a man thinks the world owet him
a living, he generally quits working for It
While writing I am Informed by a friend
that Mrs. John Smith, from the upper end
of the valley, departed tblt life Thurtdty
morning, at 4 o'clock, of Erysipelas. The
funeral II expected to take place on Saturday.
An election of officers for the Solt't ebureh
Sabbath school waa held on Sunday morning,
after the service, with the following results!
For Superintendent, O. A. Buek) AistSnpt,
W. E. Kemerer Secretary, Nithin Solt;
Treasurer, Jeflerson Sowers Librarians, O
v, Morris and James Krum.
W. E. Kemerer, of this place, has taken
an agenry for the Bible, published by Hub
bard Bros., Philadelphia. Persons wishing
to see samples, In English and lierman, and
liferent styles ol bindings, can do so by can.
Ing at his residence, ai he has just received
several copies. He will call on our neighbors
in the course ofa few days.
Mr. Wm. II. Krcimer, of Millport, wis at
this place on Sunday, and atteaded services
at the Soil's church, In the morning and Sun
diy school In the afternoon. We were pleased
to see him among us, and to have a shake ol
bis hand. ,
We wish to call the attention of our far.
roers to "A Treatise on the Horse and his
Diseases." published by B. J. Kendall and
for tula by the editor of the Advocate. Itt
price It only 25 cents, and It it worth tbrct
limn the amount asked fur It. Call sarly, at
hikii but a limited numUr of copies left oa
Bind, KEVI1J.
The notorloui denredilor Ktte.Arrh.VTbo
has for so many years eluded the most ac
compnsuea ana tkiiirui detectives, hit been
ciueni at last in uuiuio. n. x. i or mrtner
particulars atk your druggitt for a bottle of
ur, Dtge-t vaurrn iteroedy, aa muted to ue
ine Den rtmtay tor catarrh yet compound
The) Lntcet InTentlonlritJaefal
Household Article.
Within the last few veirs there hit been
expended a great deal of Inventive thought
ana genius upon wuii may properly be
classed as household articles, the most noted
resultt of which are the production of the
tewing machine, the wringer, the washing
machine, the carpet sweeper. Ac Almost
every week we chronicle the adventof tome
new invention by which the caret and la
bors of housekeeping are lessened, and wo
man's work made easy.
The newest thine to challenge our atten
tion tnd gladden the heart of the housekeep
er, is, wnat it eaiiea tne novelty urusn hol
der. Carpet Stretcher aud Sweeper, a very
simple contrivance designed tojCnrtfy hold
in position any kind oi a orusa or ouster
havint au extention handle that enables
one to wash or dust windows, walls or ceil
Ins without the aid ef a step ladder. That it
one of Its conveniences, and it Is alto one of
the best carpet sweepers in the market, hold
ing the brush firmly at an angle. It cleans
the carpet thoroughly, raises no dust, and it
does not wear the carpet like the ordinary
broom or brush, and will outwear a half
dozen brooms. As a handle for tho scrub
bing brush it it the belt device ever made,
no more kneeling on the floor, no more
back aches or tore fingers.
At a carpet stretcher alone It It worth Its
cost, as a carpet of any size can be laid even
ly without any of the labor and vexation
usually attendine- such work. It Is strong.
simple, thoroughly made, cannot get out of
order, has no screws, lever or hinges, is com
pact, cneap, ano aurioie.
It is manufactured by Brown Jc Co.. Cin
cinnati, the well known manufacturers of
useful household articles, and is told only
by their agents to housekeepers. The real
utility of this article will at once be seen by
those most interested, and we Drcdict for it
a large sale. Every housekeeper in the
land win want one.
Any reliable lady or gentleman wlshinir
remunerative employment, would do well
to secure the apenev for this rnuntv. tvhieh
can be dene by enclosing a stamp for des
criptive circular and terms, to
ii-il ilBOWN Jc (Jo.,
Grand Hotel Building, Cincinnati, 0.
Why Sciuit to the DiscouroaT. and
humiliation entailed by a local disease of
the skin, when Glenn's SuLruoa Soir will
rid you of it with certainty and dispatch 7
It is a remedy which never falls to release
cutaneous disease, and, as a means of ban
ishing defects or the complexion, it is equal
ly reliable. The benefits arising from the
use of Sulphur Baths, in cases of skin di
sease, and of rheumatism and gout, are well
known, but the cost is too heavy to be in
curred by many persons who would other
wise take advantage oi ttiem. uienn s dui-
Chur Soap answers the same purpose, and is
oth inexpensive and convenient No one
need stir abroad in searcn oi a sulphur bain
who has this admirable means of providine
one in doors. It is incomparably the best
deodorizer and disinfectant of cloth inn and
bed linen in use, and prevents diseases of
an obnoxious naturo caused by contact.
Sores, ulcers, bruises, scalds, cutsand sprains
are promptly remedied by it; and its clean
ly, ueaung ana eootiiing properties consti
tute it a far moro desirable remedy for scor
butic ailments than ointments of any de
scription, since such greasy compounds soil
tne doming, oiten aggravate, and very rare
ly Indeed do any permanent good.
Sold by drueeists. Price 25 rents per
cake. 1 Box (3 cakes) 75c, sent by mall,
prepaid, on receipt of price. C. N. Crilten
ton, Prop'r, 7 Sixth Avenue, New York.
Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, iilack or
Brown, 50 cents. 23-26
"I believe it to be all wrone and even
wicked for clergymen or other public men
to be led into giving testimonials to quack
doctors or vile stulfs called medicines, but
when a really meritorious article is made
up of common valuable remedies known to
all, nnd that all physicians use and trust in
daily, we should freely commend it. I
therefore cheerfully and heartily commend
ltop Hitters lor tne goon tney iiuve done mo
and my friends, firmly believing they have
no equal lor lamuy use. l win not be with
out them." Bey. , Washington D.C.
When dull days settle down upon the
European capitals, some half-witted fellow
borrows a pistol and goes forth to shoot the
king. Ho is rarely successful, but a week's
holiday Is granted, with full pay, to every
body, the city is lit up with Chinese Ian
terns, and on the whole, the people hardly
know which is the better man, the would
be assassin or the king.
A school misstrcss, whilo taking down
the names and, ages of her pupils and the
names of their parents at the beginning of
the term, asked one little fellow his father's
name. "Oh, you needn't take down his
name ; he's too old to go to school to a wo,
man," was the reply.
A boy who had run away from home
and at last returned, was asked if his father
killed the fatted calf for the prodigal. "Not
much; ho didn't kill the fatted calf, but he
came darned near slaying the prodignl,"
said the boy.
To think clearly and act quickly one
must have good health. Indigestion is the
foe of health and should at once be driven
from the system by the regular use of Dr,
Bull's Baltimore 1'ills. Price 25 cts.
Lehlglilon Produce Market.
Vtnns1 Tj4ilr
Corn, per bushei
Oats, tier bushel
Mixed Uhop, perewt
Middlings, per cwt....... ,,
isran, per cwi.
Butter, per pound
KgKS, per dozen
Ham, periwund
r.arit. Ttur nnnnil
Shoulders, per pound.
I'oiiioes, per ousnei ,.
Closing Prices of DtnAVK.t & Townsksd,
block. Uovernment nnd uoid. 40 Mouth
Third Street, Philadelphia, May. 8, 1879
a. s.s's. I Sal..
...ll Did IOSH jikef
ii. is. iimu a..
IT. 8. currency, t't
U.a.a'tiMI. new.,,,,,,
U. H.4Vi. new
U.S. 4'snew
Penniylvima It. It
Pnili. A lletdlnfr It. 11.,
Lehigh Valley It. It
iblah I'oal May. Co
,.. ciiien
,,.174 bid 125k asked
,,1031, b'd 10)S asked
,..107 bid IOTI aiten
..Kii nid irzlt aiked
.. 17)1 bid 17 H isked
.. is), bid 17 atket
.. S7H bid IIW liked
. 181 om ion iaen
United Companies ot N.J.HI
oiu titi aiiea
Moithern Central It. It.... 19
nia itt naei
Ite-tonvllle fa. Fl.It. I'o l bid UH uted
lumnr. a norr. n ii. co. ii uia oil like"
centra T ansportatlon Co It bid 111, sued
Int. Co. ot it . A zoj, nid ll i.le.1
Silver, Ored.M 19 bid S3 aiked
iH'iwna a I ,w) Dia sin ineo
' (Dtmeiaoa HD'mei). 88. bid Hi aaked
Habic KtjWTi. On April tth, by Rev. J. S.
Kennlnger, Mr. 8. Habn, ofMiueh Uhunk,
to MUiPrlscllla ll. Kunli.of North W hltt
hill. Been Daohkak. On April lUb, by the
H.v. A. Ilartholomaw. Mr. Horace Orselr
ltuch, to Miss Hannah Bachmin, both of
cast l enn.
GrwniaT Kcktzvaii. On April 3ith, by
tha nme. Mr. EIwlnOumbert.ofKast Penn.
Carbon county, to Miss Boss Mantana
Kuntsman, or lowblll, Lehigh eounty,
Wiu-iavs-Musssucaw. On May 1st, by
i no lime, mr it vv iuimdi.ui uvj ui,
S.-buyUm county, U Mlu EUtitwtb Mas
Krck. On April 10th, In I.ehtithton, Charles
Kdtnund, son of Nathan and Anna Maria
Krum, ageJ S years, II months and 11 dayi,
Bxcutkl. On April 11th. In Leblvhton,
Aaron Franklin, ion or William and Kllzi.
brth Uechtel, irjid 8 years, 1 month and 20
FaiTMAK.'-On An11 tth, In Tannersvlllt,
10 months and 29 days) and on the litis or
ine same monin, ai me aioresiiu puce, irfi-.
lie juinuna, ageu years ano iv airs una
being children of J-afayttte and liebstea
OxtouL On Anrll i:th. In Lehlghton. Mary
Kebecea, daughter of Joseph and Kebecea
Qolger, aged 4 years, I months and 11 dayt-j
UCKBKBT, ua jvpru iciu, in w anon ing, ri ary
Alice, oauanier ui jiuci ana E4iea Hum
bert, aged 7 years, I months tsd 12 days.
jf abrkv. a April aom. in j-enignton, ivii
lle ittnry, son of Dinltlind Harriet t'irren,
aged It years, 1 month and n dis.
Schbbsb. On April tod, In East Mauch
Uhunk, Wm. Kdgir, ion or John snd Boss
Ann Schtrtr, aged 1 mosth and dap.
Special Notices.
Of ill kinds. TO tf 0119, dl-chif.
et of JllOOn or mucus nnl
.11 .... tlv-tlTM
- .,. UlF,. .nliB u, ... U . . . V. . i
onleklrtnd perfectly cuiel bv a simple tnd
soolhit IUMJBIJY. Forinformatinn iddn si
Ii J.yADEllJtCO.MAnnPt.r! Y.
Dr. L. d. WEYBUBN'S AtRniTrvi BTstrr
(7-a remedy nsed TniRTTxyKTrEAns In
a tnvaie praet.ce.and ooser .Ulng to ladleally
lilibelei. ind all disease! In wblcb the b ood la
Implicated, it now offered to the public.
Bold by a" ItvTAiL Dmjooistb, and (whouvii'
only) by rUE WKY11UHN MKIUCIMJ v-O.
P. 0. Box W8, Kocbeitcr, I.T.
I will mail (Fret) theirelpe for a ilmsle
vkoktaols halm mat win remove wa,
'ltUCKLK8. l'lMl'LfcS and JILOrCUKS,
leavlnsr the skin sort, eleir and beautiful i also
lnnructloni for producing a luiurlant Krowth
of hilr on a bafd head oramoota face. Addreu.
IncioiiDjr to. sump, lies. Vandtlt dt Oo , 20 Ann
pueei, t.
Shu .AvArtlaar l,ftvtn tiCAn Mrm men 1 1 V
i ured ef that dread disease, co.numptlon. br a
uroDle rcmi dr.l nnzlous to mak 0 kanwu to hi.
lellow-tuSereri the meant nt core. To all who
("osiro It. be will send a copy ol the .irescmmon
useo. irreeor cnarsc.) wuii ine uin-v""""."
nrftn.nn nnd nalnir llin Katnn. which k Jey Will
Parties wishing tho Prescription, will pi"'0
address. IS. A. WILSON, tit 1'enn,
wnilamsonrsn, w. v.
Iron Tonric
Purities, Enrlclica, Gives Color and
Tone to the IJIooii; it increases the
quantity as well as the quality, giv
ing Vigor, Vitality, Energy,
JPower and Life ilstlf.
It 1' especially adapted to Female Dlseam.
such as Weakness from Iturslog, or any tther
cause, painful. Irregular or doranirod monthly
periods, filling of the womb, nantea In preg
nancy, eternity, chanfto ot life. eto.
Dr. Harter's Liver Pills
Combine the two cienttil qualities of a Family
rill. They actaaamildandefucieut purge and
at the same time are the best Liver rills ever
offered to tho public. Isnlt-ms
A Gentleman having been no fortunate as to
enre bis con ot Consumption In tho worm eUgea.
after being Riven up todiebyihe most.coie
brated phystclAns, denlres to maio known the
cur (which pi oves success tul in every cuke, to
those fifllxUtJ wuh Asthmti, llroncluus Concha,
Colds rouBumpttou nud ul) Affect: Ion 3 of the
Throat snd Luuk. una will send tho Iteo pe,
free of charge, to all who dcslrn It. if the' will
forward their address to UA-LNIUL A DEE, 34
Liberty at., isew York. JanlimC
Coal! Ctoain
It. A. BKLTZ. respectfully annnnnres to the
peooleol Lei.igbiott and Ticinuy that ho has
matin armnirempnt- lor ,uotlv:ncr litem with
belllsvr UJHiaU COAL ixoru the Lehlsh.
ton Mepotof Hie Lehigh & uuiq., lilt., at the
following Loir Trices i
Store J Si per ton
Chestnut I 9i per ton
No. 2 J 71 per ton
Lea vo roar Ordrrs at mr Office. H A K St..
opposite the t 11 pile Squsic Coal will bedcliv
cred, when desired, ul vsry Low cat Charred on
March t.lax. Lehlahton, ra.
Letters Testamentary on the Estate of
Samuel Heberllnx, late of the Borough ol Le
hlghton, Carbon County, Pennsylvania, havo
been granted to the undersigned, to whom all
persons Indebted to the said Estate aro re
quested to make payment within six weeks,
and all 'those having claims or demands will
make known tho same, without delay, to
Executrix of. Samuel Ueborllni;, dec d.
Lehlghton, March a, 1879-wa
asc. ExxnAcr S3c,
Equal In quality to any made, and only half
the price. Suz. bottles 25c. Tints lue.
Relieves Headache, Toothache, Earache,
Rore bvcs.Nose.ltleed. lilcodlncLunus. Pain.
lul Menses, Whites. Asthma, l educes nwell-
ings, i-iies, ate. uures uruises, ocuiue, uhoib,
Sliralns, Wounds, Itheuniatiem, Erysipelas,
Chilblains, Varicose Veins, Neuralgia, tU.
NATona's Uhitbbsal Ukuxdv yon IitTBit.
nal and External Usb.
If your Druggist has not got It, tell him to
oruer 11 oj ine proprietor.
Wholesalo llruk'clst.
marS9-3m 301 Greenwich St., New York.
coBMEn or
tEItmllTON. Pehna.,
Itespectfully announces to his friends snd the
public, that be Is prepared to Build all des
criptions of
In the Iistest and Molt Approved Stjles, at
Prices fully as I6w as the same can be obtain,
cd elsewhere, guaranteeing the bcstSeasoned
Material and most substantial workmanship.
Particular attention given to
In all Its details, at the very Lowest Prices,
Patronage respectfully solicited and perfect
satisfaction guaranteed.
April 29, 1878-yl DAN. WIEAND.
Tho Largest Spring Stock
Ol Ladles', Oenta', ind Children's
Boots, Shoes I Gaiters
Evei otfeied In this vicinity. Is at
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.
I hive last received in Immense STO"lOF
HmiNU 1100TU, snous and oaitkii&,
which I am belling to the people ot Im .lghtan
and Ihe surrounding neighborhood CHHAl'KIt
THAN EVliU 11KI011E Bold In this County.
Also, all classe.ol
Boots & ShoesMade to Order
I Astonishingly Low Prices, sd MEMDINQ
iaatly dona 11 mces to cult tne times.
I invito the pao.10 to c.U rid examine my
Stock ana Pnca beio.e .1 . a iu eliewbe.e.
anu beeonvlnceo of e . 1 ,ru .
BOUrfli To SATIo.".. "r .inideBoeta
and hoea bought of mo lu.'. p wlli b' repair.
oil without chirge.
Thankful fur rast natronaire, I rop.clullr
ask a contlnuauce thei rut.
Two doo-s below Itomig & UoSuid a C'arrl xe
Woi.'.Bankatreet. uci. 0-yl
In the trt bans' Court of Carbon County.
Account continued absolutely, Jan. 16, 1811.
lathe matter of the stond and hinil ac
count of Wm. Kamaly and I, .. lligenstose,
Administrators of tho Estate or Jonas Kama,
The undersigned Auditor, having been an
ointed by the Orphans' Court of Carbon
county, to sdust and report distribution of
the moneyi In the hands of iccuuntanif, will
attend to the duties f his appointment at the
ottleenl Albright A Freytnau, Esqs.. I uesday.
Maymh, at 10 o'clwlc A. M where and
when all parties lnltrsle.1 may attend.
'. 1. LIINUSllH.KT,
Mauch Oaubk, May !,W U Auditor.
BAKK BTRKET, Lehlghton, Pa.,
, MlLtEIM and Dealers In
Miira& Feed.
'All Kind of ClftAirr BOUOrtTanit BOLD as
Wewonld, 1I10, lespectlnlly Inform ourelts
sens that we are now fully pnpared to Mtir
PLY tnera with
Mest of Coal
From any Mine desired it VfittY
Julr 05.
fH 3? 2E2 i-i R, 5
niediln hundreds of consTmiiors lor cnuren
or enramnnlon purposes.
zxculxxx res tuns akd wuxlt ri2s;n
Att TBI 40X0,
Speer's Port G ape Wine
Thlfl Instlp Cfilehrntnil TCntivn Winn la m.ri
fiomtho Juicoof trie Opnrto Urape, i sued lu
tins country. Its inraluiolo
Tonic and StrcngtlicningPropcrlics
ire unsnrpasscd oy any other native Wine,
lleinit the pu e Jmico ef the prai. produced
under Mr. Krorr's own personal uror I.Juu.
Its runty suit genuineness are cnai anteco".
The youngest child may paitatte of lis rener.
ouh auilltlc. nnd the weakest Invalid mo 1. to
advantage. It la I'artlcnlarlv bcuoDcli,! to tha
need and ftebtlitated. and eulted to the anoti.
umiiuui- uitii bjuict iuq wioKcr rex, ir is. in
every respect. A WINli'lO UK lilil.Ilil) OK.
IotiUIi Cm Cftii's Pert Orif s Whs.
riailes Vn E:sr'i Tort 0:s; Wits.
W111I7 ftnui flrl l Bsilit ty Iti Cii.
Rnecr'a Wlnea in llosnital. aro nfeferred to
other Wines.
Mold by Jirnrelsts eenerillr, who .Inn soli
spKEiffc TEfino J. 11UANUV. i-nnnn J.
Ttilts. Trade supplied by all 'holca.le Deal,
ers. nob that ihe alimatuioot Alfred per.
A. Sl'UHU'S Muunt riotneet Vmeiarils.
Kew Jer oy. Office, No. M Wariou
,idw lurK, rnraaieuv
WO WIS), fit , . 1" th.l. Z. nf An. - J
most experienced physicians, alter Riviu
Dr. Seth ArnoWs Cough Killer
TOROuanIAL,,rnoouclE8 it
Couch llcmcdy ho ever taw. The doctor had
hoen tfflieteii with n acveie co'd which wt.uld
not yle d to nny prrscnp-ion he cou d com.
pound, but with ono mittia nf the Couah
uowHsaomuclirellevtdthatnecaiiie nark and
nuugiii, eovcii ooiiiea moro. 11 au one nishe.
tokuow who the doctor is we will iulnrm them
by calling at oursloro.
Cit. Hall Urur; Store.
Corner Second Street und Mcoiiet Ayenne,
ATtSOf.D'8 cnuail KII.LE11
Is sold by ill Srugirlsis cverrwhrre.
ForBalebyA.J. UUltLINO.Lchla.htoa. r
Kov. 16-tnO
Two Doors Below the "Broadway House
Staler in all rat term of minted rtuey
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Paints & Painters' Supplies,
'splendid VARIETY !
Is the t'alvcrsal Verdict of all who Examine
tho New, Fresh Spring Stock of
Cloliis, Cassimeres , Vesliiigs & Suitings,
Just reeelvcii at the MERCHANT TA1LOU.
lis II. PETERS, Agent,
The Popular Clothing House
Every Department Is full and complett with
the Latest NovolMti.
' V erfeet Fits and Lowest Prices'1 the motto
auuM-tr II. II, PETF.HJ) Agt
No Patf nt No Pay.
obtained for Inventors in the United Statu,
Canada and Ivurojio, at reduced rates. With
our principal office located In Washington,
directly opposite the Uhilcd States l'atout
Office, wo are able to attend to all patent
business with gteater promptness and des
patch and at loss cost than ether patent at
torneys who aro at a ilMnnre fiwn Wlsh
lngton(and who have, therefore, to employ
" associate attorneys." We nmkc jirdimlharv
examinations and furnish opinions as to
natentablity, frco of charge, ami all who art)
interested in new Inventions and pattnts are
invited to send for a copy of our'uida for
obtaining Patents," which is tent free to any
addrcss, nnd contains complete instrur lions
how to obtain patents Snd other va'iusbls
matter. We refor to the Gerrnan-Amrrinin
National Bank, Washington, D.C.; the Iloyal
Swedish. Norwegian and Danish Legations,
at Washington! lion. Jos. Casey, labs Chief
Justice H. S. Court of Claims; to the Officials,
of the U. S. Patent OfhVe-, snd to Senator
an, d embers of Congress from every Btate.
Address 1 LOUIS DAGGER A- CO., Solici
tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, LeDroit
Building, Wianlxaro, H.C. dwM
Calcined Magnesia,
Focn Fiftsr PneMioji Mnais Awabdid.
More agreeable , to lha Tas ,e. ,d (Jmulier Dost otl cr agucida.
L'rSsaTJiV? fflfr 11
ft6,',i5.,i v-ft01 ou""ul tudlcreu..u wul
in who , '.'un'r""! num.iiil , henrt free i
,6uriere,i w wont by ti.
JOHN 11. OODE&, il Cedar St. V. Y.
I 1 ,. Mf1rhorouB-red ALflEItNET
Hl'l.L. atwul I uioi.tht oi l. will U !. at a
reisonahlepneforeasb. Aiply atlblsvalv
forlurtbrirttculsri " '""vsav