tmni iirwim siimi in miijiijjautaaaitjiluai Kiaji)jigniMtegM- - gx -Advertising Rates; The Carbon Advocate And Inicpehdent Family Newspaper -Fubllehed every; EAtOKDAY, In T ' LbnrtoCartjoH'Co'.jPa.i by UAitivv x. moiiTniiTiEU. orrjes-jiA.'jilWA-."-' short dlitanea attrve ' ytio KtWrvalley R. R. Dcpoii . Terms JMw Aniinm to AdfM rntnr t tsentrrios o? rtm M jcf Job Pointing AT VER7 LOW PEIC-Si tYdie8"r il to 6a distlncllyunucr'stoodi; II . 1 11 l iifll. ,... ...t IhDA, no au,vruseniiii3 win ou iiisunt- n. the columns of 'Tub CAnnos Advooatb lliiil may bo received from unknown parlies or firms unless. Bccotnpanlccl by tho cash. The fotlov'lniarB rar onur terms i . - One year, each insertion 10 els. Bix months, each Insertion 16 eta. Throe months, each insertion 20 els. Less than three months, first Insertion ; $1 1 each subsequent Insertion 25 fcts. Local notices 10 cents per lino. II. V. MORTIIIMER, Publisher. - " - ' - ' i , , . ii 'i.. ' ' ''. ' ' - H,V.:MoBTniMEn, Propnbtor... .. - 'INDEPENDENT--" Live and Let Live." Sl.OO a Year i Pnid in Advance. VOL. VII., No 24. LEIIIGIITON, CAEBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1879. , If not paid in advance, $1.25. Id 'CARDS, -' t Hnot mil Shoe Mattel. JIlftBnnretnsr.iii street. AtlontmprmiitliraUiwrk warranted. Attorneys. OJIN KLINE, 7 A-TOIWMliX il otsvrith Al'en Crutg. nuposite" American II o 'jTS tel. market sauARE, jiAueu chunk, r. Jniy2i-ir TOHS 1). UEUTOIiETrE, t) . "V & ATTOnN-VfAND, COUNSELLOR at-Law, Broadway ana siuuiKbanna.troots. Opposite . , .Court Ho iio, 'jIAtJOU CHUNK, TA, May.lAconsiiluWo'orm.ii, : uiayS3 ly' P. LffiMSTttKET, .,J.' ft ATTORNEY AtlAW" Levan's llulldln; 3KH AN.K STREET. LEIIIOKTON.'.rA. ;. ATCOIlKV AND COBNSE1J.6ktAT2AT, Kenl Estate sndColleetlonifmcv. Will Hoy and Sell It. al Kutate. cjonrevansilng .lentljdoriif -Col-octlons promptly mado. Bottling- l1steSTof D.- il.lUS .1 specially. .UHy ue cuuBunnu .1. ....ay... iltmrniii.- .. XCT.2.. J AS. O.'STItUTlII'.I-S, xttoux y at'law, JC3- OMcej21 floor i f Miiad's Hall, Manoll Oliuiilc. I'a. All balnms ontrustcl to him Mill bo promptly attended to.t , , ' ,,i , " Slav 27, ly. T. MRHI1AX, r "a. ATTflIlMEVATiI.AW, 'V s' Next Poor to F.lrnt National Dank, i. ' JtII0II CHUNK, I'A. la-Cm lin'iyinulted In German. Jau9. iq- a. PjKitz, , , justice or ran peace, OFFICK: Lludcrmin's R'nk,-I!ANK-Strect. MIUlOlllUN'. I'A. ConvyauclnT. CdToJlitiT ard rll other nnsl.. nos. cohnc'ctPd with tlmohlro p. nnmtiv attend, od to AGeilt for tao bout File mid I lfo Iii!nr. nnce Comjunlo. i Rents collected at reasonable cliatccs. itc. April l".vl rpi70MAs"rii3JinuKR, J ...... CONVEYANCER, AND GKNERAL IN8UHANCE AGENT The Mlovrlii Compinh. are Represented: lehAn Jn mu ruAT, Finn, KUADJNO XIUi'UAI, 1'lltE,, JV'k)tIl Flit 14. . ! , l'orr-iVii.r.K l'lmi. Iiilllldli l'lrtK.nnd thoir.AV. CLUll? AilUIDKN 1' lKSUltANClJ. Also l'yniHvlvanH and ilutuil lloro Tblel Drtc lveand Iii.uiumori'inpanr. .Maicn'.'j. lb?) uiua Physicians and Dentists. Slatington Dental Office, ' r.8TAnusm:D 1870. Artificial Teetii Made to Restore tlie OilpalCoiitoiirofLiEs&CWs;' 1'ersnns ordering a Set of Teeth, and rctldln at I-ClilRhton, t or vicinity, or any point wlthlnvS miles from Slatlngton, wll ItLOlUVUANi kl 5' Q -;( Till J'iXCIIHSION 1 IC vl T irn. -. TO AND 1'nOJI SAID POINT FREE! Very Ito.pcct.ully, Dit. L. Campiiell. FitLiNa Tketii a Sr,i;ciALTV April My t V.ABT, rllNKf Cirboii Countr, r.i. 1 Tlcalilenco. .(torn 7 a. iq. tn 10a. m rtiii) 12110 in to 10 11. m 4l.v u 1.0. fliryviiifl .f Dm lu a.m. to 12 noon. 5rav Ijn ronstrteri lit tho nennnu I.nncinPKo r. O. Aildreas l.ititrlitoD, Not. 3),-yl WA. DiilHIAlll.It, 31. 1). NIY.-MCIAN ANUSCIKIKOX Spp.9l niti-ntlon pild to Chronic Mfennep, oma.: Spulji liast ctunyrlroninu Sti.l Kto., 1. hlxhton. VnJ ' , AprP 3, 1875. O HAS. IT. IIOII.V.'JI. ., ,. .. ( . OF -Ii-K 1 OVER II A. l'ETCUVS DRVO eroitE.u.vMc s r-immun't dn; pa. ticneiai jiraettcar.tleaced jo, and SPI'.ClAi ATriiNTIO.. QIV-.N TO UI'.EASliS Of WO .IHN nilirSJ .yl V. h ICiHinlnliip; Surg. on, I'p... Treisft i-nv&i'uiA.v'andsaitQEos OEFicis: liauk street, licuca's lltocit, , I'a. lay boconsatlul (n tbo Gsroi n"LaiiRnKe. Nov. 3 D Livery & Sale Stables II A NIC STItHllT.lilSIIKUITOX, Pn PAST TltOT i'INO HOUSES, Er.KGAVXT-OAUItlAQES. And pixlUwij I,OWUIt J'llICKH than any OWUIt J'llICKH ory In the Cujutv. Lariroand bihdanme Canla.ea for F.ineral pur Josn aaj. XV Midline. 1) AVI O DUUUUT Nov U l71 "1 orman Jlorso nn-I Co.v Towdcr ICerpa etoolc healthy an4 In gooo comlltlon, It aula tiiK04iUh and momiu ktton, it tuaifa fat, mu.clu aitUifillW. fly uiu it a hora will io mure wurk nt aotw five mnre nil t atnl i o in better nnrlu ai'tl pKlition, It ateo kevps pool try healthy and incraen thr qumtity ote tg. Id- LUJ-Utt hv Iir. Lavt Qbefhoitm athi mttla. buck or i3i N. Third t-ti eet, 1'hllii. It i nold bv artuAl we.irht,t 15 w.U per bun nd by A. J. Ill Itl.I.NOftltiirb-Wb. Xux. , lWriu. Railroad Giiidir ptllbA. A UISAU1NO UAll.KOAP. Arrnngomcnt of l'assenger Trains. NOVKMnEIl 10TII, 18TS. Trains leave AtiLEiN TOWN as f.llowsi VIA FilltKIOMEM IlIiANCW.) For Xhllauolphla, at 4:23, C.5U, 11.10. a.m., & e m ... r RTlKtlA VR. For rhllail. Ipbla at 4.2, a. m.Alo. tn. ivia r.Asr rrasA. iiitAscn.) t- a For rtnnUni, t 2.30.5.IW,l)i"oin.rflJ.W.'2 10.4.30 ai:ilnor. ( : For II urisDcirs. 2.3) 5 SO, 0.03 a. tn.. 12.15, 4.3Q o.o p. m. 1 v . For Lancaster anil Columbia, 5 50. 0.3; a.m. ana 4 30 p tn . IDoosnot run on Monday" t-UNUAVB, For Itcailint, 2 33 a.m. ami 0 03 p m. For Jl'irrlatmrE, 2.3 1 a..m. and 11 na n. m. Trains Foil ALLIS ,1WN leave as follows:' (VIA l'KUKIOUKN UBAXCll.) Loayo rblladelphlu, 7.4a u. m 1.00, 1.30 .ma 6.30 p. m. . RUNDAYf. " LeaTOI'lilladclpMi. 8."'.m anil 3 IS p.m. (VIA HAST rBXSA DltANCII I Lcavo noiolng 7.4). 7.43 1 0.33 a ni 4 05,0.1. and o tn I.cavo llnrilsburc, 5 23 8 10 a. to., and 5.00. 4.00 and 7.63 1). in. Leave Lancaster, R.10 a. m.. t2 53 and 3.13 p. tn. t-eaV Columbia ..1111.111 1.. 0 and 3.35 p. m. HUD.vY, r.eavoltefltilnff. 7.20 n. m. Uinto lI irilMutit,S.2 a.m. Trains niaikon tints ) t"n to and from depot otli and Oreeii streets, rhUnrto'pMa. btiier trains ton A trom Iiroail street drpot. Tno0.50 .i.m ni 1 1.65 p. m. ttalns from All"n. tovii.nwl 1 110 7.43 nl in, and ti.3i p.m. tioins from Vlnladripiita. havo through cars to and troiu l'lillaaolphla, it.'.t ' . 'JV'E. WOOT1I3M. '' Oeii.rol Manager. Paynlie Postac ' ' t - ' ' ' 5 " . ' AND SESD OV The Carbon Advocate , - 1 1 ,...- ,. ' t .j : ' ONE' YEAR FOR i A O'-mBS j:o?Ij ja'j-j s v pr,Sixi Months . -.- f m 5 . wiiicn is -;!.'(' Less 'than 2 cents per,' Week 1 1 Fon A LAttHD. 5 f f ft) COT-UMN1, 32 1,A1JII ! ! ! '.TO' p: o Carbon. Advocate, - I.clilglitou, l(n. SHOW 1IIIS TO YOUR NtlOIIEOR . . . THE . - ? , 1 TOLEDO BLADE. nasbyJsTapeh. before YcuTTr; -leilmtMi coj vof Tlli. TOL1UO OLADl'. It in u AlainmutU l.iu' 1 1 niM' Wi'oiy l'a er of Bittv-lour Co.amns uuo-t wi.U uneful.v 1 ie 0 110 1 icailinji lunttoi of uitttott turn ruluo to m ilo iu 1. imit4 01 tho Uuiti-11 Stau-a SPKCLV.L FEATUitES. AH the Depjrlmen s wlro'i hH ninile J iib JiLAUli bu-iwjtiular nil over the Unltcil Stuttw. wil so icpulitriv-conl'nueil, liamt'ivt Tli-' Top. uhir J t(cm vt t.iat nMiiiifu.Hi.ed Dt'tnocrntic pnlitici hi, t.Ev pi T.tOLKim v NAsnr, wuuh art' tvriilfn ixireM fur Tim liMDtt- our nou-ciioui Di l'AitTMtT, aiicii ilepodiD-'ry oi paicticil tufoanalioi. upon sahj ct ot uituut in ncry himieja You mi 1'r.oruc'a Dei'akt. Mknt t ft Uo 1g (mi Ueutntint'nt embino ngtiiu wcriliy r-uinmy cumioi j.-t.uut vii'ir.niua I'oo'ivi th 'htcst Wit Hint Humor ; TllK Jti'hTfioniilfi,'tii in il nuM -t'lctOil ; ANhWr.liS to toum.hl'iJM)i;NT8 :mii tit I.-te-t Ncwnfioiti ah vuit ul I ha wuv 1). Iim 1 lade Uu'ul tf inrsHv in overv s'ntn mul T.i.rtor 11 tho Union, pnd 1 eveiywhtiiu ire i;u zrd ui llu .tti avn nnd IliJ T I IJWs AM) FA M J IY PA i i:it pub ianoii onywhrro 'liv itauUouwill new Willi tH do without it A in '.it tho uuw 1 cut 111 --a lot this winter pro a A ndersonville Prison Sketches, bv one who wtis tl.rre Anowbjili tit 17 vat commonciMi no. i-h. Aiiuucr ouo wilt 10m. mojii'Q m Jan'Mrt. j J TKUMS i?ih to oopr, per y nr f?3 : fire onplcwiQiaeh ton or moio opic '.0j ei ch uul an extiH copy wtth cvpr 1 lull 01 ton. vecliucu cou'o ciH tree. Send tur nue Art dro TOLl-UO JiLAUU 1 -leuo, Olilo. fifty Thousand Books ror S.Uu nt fiSnU' t'rlcc. viara now offprtncf 16 thft TJUbhc. nosfneo rrepunt, u om.uam tho rr-ruiar price tu ty thotifttimlToluti04 ot choicti bofcn, oowptUinu Mrdift iLltello'iuLMitiiil So eutlt o WorLH-tdlllim orv, uio luiiiiy. ricdun. rwiv iiumui. of btuudnu Authors etc., old. Thoae books areltcied by our .Mr. Lociiis tNa&bvl.rom the Khotvea o too i rating iiub.isher) or tho ecu w vry, c uit piiiW ami tliioJi uuu uia mw IDKN'lICAl. KDIT10N3 hond'trt by tflete tall booi.eeurr'. Wo hnVe m-itled ttioujaudHt"! thes imoUfc to ab part of the country, and every boo Beut oiu la Ai;itAN t'ICU x be iSCAOar.Y a iiKi'ni-SKNriiu uud togite lijmitEfcMTlBli'AOnON. CATALOGUES FREE. Wolmvepniiiol a lmce and o tun rte rata loiieoi onr UimiBh, rr.iuti&l br ml jocta nun u i HMi't uniuu tviu jiiuir v i'vn irco i i any no utes-t. vo uluill io e trt ud to urn frt -irm any ud men coi losut Uio ULAblf wiipucvei a.fctil .otlu ,o. Ml iieriions i enulng tbiBauviitiemoiit mo l-oldiallv tlulted to n-uo us bv io-tn la.diT o in'FWlec in- nnuie. ni ui-iuneivo. ma t It-iwU AUi-B TOLl-.l O IH AIII.. Tol. f n, (li.ln, Vickrs Floral Guide. A bsailtifnl work Of T'i. Tafrs.'Ono liotorM I'iiivo. I'lita. ii ml w I liiMr.ttnuM. with Ik'. H4-Hlt ons nt the be t Flower, ana V"set ible. 'd iiowt i iiiuui All far .a i'lvc t'ufci 8TAf lu HnsUfh ..i Oerniau. ihe I'iun. r aui( VfRiHi-b e Oaidoji. I75pnc. Mtxi'idoiel Pint a ml iu. uyiiatidred Kiigruv. iagi I'or SiioitH lu oovers; (llaeo B.i. to nili. lnO munnnd CiiHiith. Vic-'. 11 u.traleU Monthly luuea a co'ored ola'e In everi- ouuiber and tnsnv iiuu e cravluei. l'ric 4l.a a vcjr; J ivu u..ii,v lur f BtiAclmeu uuullMira sent lor ! cents. Vlck'a Hoeil. ai e the bek in the wi.i 1,1. Beml i-Tvi Cast STAUl for Floral Undo con.alniu. i.t au4 I'nooit, aua ptvoiy ui iiii(irmsiiin. A dilru.. JAHl'.K VIOK. Jin is 9 Reckeslrr. NiT. A. IB .M sw Manufacturer ot and Dealer In STOVES, RAHQES AND HEATERS, Till, and MM Ware and General House FnnMiiiE Goods. JIOOFlNn nml SIrtirriNO.donot '.shijrt riotico and at Lowest Cash' Price's?,. ' I am Ih'o aalhonjert asort for the Palo of tho foiin in first-class HIOVUS TIllJSfLVEIl & OOLDAIEDALCOOK, . TIIF,I,IOlrriIOU8ECOOK. TlIKMAYrLOWISR ltAVOH, TilE BUNSIIINn MANGE and 1 ho NEW ANCHOR HEATER, and am Selling them VK II Y C1IEA P lor Cosh. l'vorvklndnf S10VI5 ORATES anil FIRE I11IK. XS kipt eonstnutly on liiml. SroiiE-on SOIJTH Strpqt,-; A.'few doors' a'bovo 'Bank Bt., LBIliailTOS. Fatt nnnccnollcitwl S.itistac'irn ifwirnntcd. Ott 6-yi A. 11. MOSaiilt Central Carriage Works, Banlf St., leliiglitoii, Pa., Aro prepared to Manufacture ' Carriageg, Buggies, Slciglis, Spring Wagon, &c, Ofevcry description, In tho most subslantlal ' iuanncr, and at l.uwtst Cash 1'rlccs. lloiiairiny i'l-oiupl ly Atlciulcil In. THKXLEU & KKEIMjER, April 23, 1870 yl 1'roprletors. QAUBOJi ADVOCATE JOB PllIXTBG 0FICE, LIIlalITON, PA. Kvcry description of rnntlag, from a Visitiug,Ciir(l to a Poster. a.wms, I-, RII.L HEABIj, ' ",- J up LETTER, HILARS, NOTE HEADS, " ' ' I J SPATiaiENTS. - '-.(', POSTERS" , , ,' , . HANDBILLS, ' ' ' ii t n n. DODDERS, ' ' ' CIRCULARS,.' ' ' SHIPPING TAOH, l .... 1 i ' - ENVELOPE-,' M k . ' I in .,PAMPUI,ET8. - , .,)RV.LAVS, i!iC.,,tC,. !. - - t Dono In the best manner, at vory Lowest Prices. ! ' . . . . . lll,.7 in" Wo ao nrooarod to do work at im chctp rates asmiv cfllro mtlio.htato taat ceals boucstly with Its customers. OUnJlOTTOIS Ghoap;1Prorapt '& Roliablo.'. recorders by email reclvo prompt attention, 'J7)rlmo Homo M.tclo"Hrca(l I WIIV GO IIUNORYI When yon can Bay CH pounds il ntht Riead FIVE LOAVES FOlt 23 CEN'TS I J. . O'NEAL, tho pon-i-ir llrrnd and Cake Itiucr, of Leiughton In er. e"loniect the wants otthutinieB Iijh ItoiMurd h i of his eeio. bralcdllume Undo Ul.lA j to ' Five Lonvcs for Twcnty-flvo Cts. Cash. Sujrnr. Raisin Cocotnat Scotch, Drop. CVcam anil uthir OAKEs, only ' Ten Cents per Dozen. Look Out Tor iliu U'agon! At MAUCII CHUNK, on Tuesday, Thursday and w-iturd ly Muiiunu. LEH Kill ro.N and v lit SaPORT. every Aflcr uoou except 1'nd'iy. TEIt.MS STKIOTLY CASH I Patronasra -oll'clted ' J. W. O'NHAL. Kl'OltEt Opposite i'Ust National il ii k. " ...... MIIIHUIUHirik -1 '"' ' " "' T. Dlt (llioi lirill7orQ T InlniKiit . . . It. UUCIilOllzei S l,llllmeilt,J,!, 4 OA TT "D XT TJ HTTT 17 T ... . 'rs,.- m f J . ATX X X-L J X. AVX X XJ XX Is now hlaUlrrocoiiimended and .ex'cnslvo'y meil for llbcnui .tisni. l"rH''il Fiet, Ailits lMns. orii. Minus, swe.lltigs. fepriln, (vc. It i ot Cii erratektvilno in cnuutr t'uts.Qalia. t alns nnd swiddmrs in horses. ,J acts quickly and suri ly. It nt oni'e soothes n,p ' leimes the stiffjo.nts thi L me Mb clos aid ihe Arhiui Ni-rvcs Hiomonev wll Im PSidbacaitoa'iy rno not .all llei with Itwef lects. itice certs, t botthM for 1, fie- Hv ..j. v.i uuviuuiizvr, IU ii. - Tho IMicvulx Pectoral. fin Drove J ltrelf irt uenecniinrlviiilnittril tn nld persons, comtiimp ire ano tlilinnn. it brrars n cold. It stops ucouh It Aidaexpn'toratio'i. xbKivua lUBiiiiiL renrn it civet n reuallh It bniifti rn u It ha tunde more 'cures t'mn anv other iDOUwue rU"Um,d.(i(.tljoclllc5im of SMteru 'P(unflyiTuia nave uned it lor tear ((jst f ml tea' ly t- the rehif ivn nnd ruremf lectf d. Price, ft cent U a 1 otMealor 1'rc mreu in L 1 phrholtKir M,D.,nndtnr fcalo bv A. J DUi; rIN'J, ikiix chtou. Nov. 2u(i(n. t am 1107 supplying: tho Tery Ren LATTI M'Slt COAL at the following Low Price., vn i No, 1 Chektunt by the Car, f3 li nor ton sNo, 1 Ciestuut, stnale ton 3 SC por ton No. S rhn.tnnt, by tho ear,.. S or per ton No,2 0httnut,tiniet n, ........ ?Jft!rJmj uisi.ivKHEii. Move and i;ra mig at equally Low Prices. J. L . G A-B E L , Doalerla " Geneiml. 'Hakdware, &c., Opposite tho Pabo Squr, RANK -TREE LBIIIOIITON, PA, Boy,,lsr' All about its soil, rllmate. its settled audits vacant limits, lis fiirms nnd farmers can bo Icnmo'l in THE KANSAS FAR.URIt,an elftht. lioto weonlj' paoir. in years out. cuts Iu evety county. Sent to any uddrons 13 ween lor 60 cents. Postago stamps taken IS money. Addiess, IIUDSOW dtKWINO.To peiCH. Kansas. I learned moi o about Kansas from your paper that I can rely, upon than from all oinor sources. HlChttril It. -Kuan. ISilllmhiitm I'D.. Aiitu..... Jt, ivosjuwnhat thosaol ussvnntinpr ui ii ov.. west, most want 10 kiiuw. samuec vnester Orange tu. 2ino 1'orA' lia.nlare corps ef ablT ( nntrlbutots. Oinus i!inrt..,.'i lie ben oericnlturalpapci In tho western country. 8mng IIIU fiQoiett...t, is a valnahlo paper. Alchlnton Champion It Isnblv edited. pirir ofiiama$.,..A fearless ontspojen Jomn. ai. Lawrence Journal ....Our Kansas fr ends should t el much initio In tho biuh character of their staio ARriciilturol psp r. A'aftotml .ir Aleck Journal,, ..It lias qutotlr t ken nlinth p'areuiuniiRaaricultural J iinmls. .V. n lrl ouns....A worthy repioi.iitfltlvo of tho great Wst.-iira. Iraclica Farmer. Fcb.23 w4. If you nro In trnnt or anyttilntr In tho way of otm's.itiFi,i:s, .ti:vo-,yi:ii'-, PILTOLS, Am-i nnulun.Oun Fishlnir Tuoklo or nny other 1 im; SrouTixo OoorB p'cssi. write lur my Lnrco lllntl ato.1 t'atniituo urri I'rlr" List which 1 mail ntEii. Youis tra v JOIINtTON'a OUKAT UE&T-IUI QUSI WOUKS, l'lrrtniiito. Pa rj-MIE SliAIIXGTOJi PLANING MILL Cabinet Ware Factory, ATSLAT1XGT0X. JOHN B'AJiLtBT, Propf.,' i Denis in nil kltiuWiiTHl Mzcs of IMnp, Hemlock Oak mid HaiA Wonp Luinbcr, nml Utiowpio paicd to txecuto any awcuut of ui tiers lor Bressel) Lumbell ,or AL KINDS., Doors, Saslics, BUmls, Slmttciv, Jloultllnjjs, Caliini't Ware, &c, Vith Promptness. Brackets .Made to Order. Thn Mnchlnerv Wall new nnd of tbo best nnd most improved kind p. I etnnlny uono bill tti. best woiKmcn, ur-o writ neaooed and iroo.tma tPihii.inid nmtho'croronbtoti.riinimitpoentirp snii-lactlon to nil who ninvlnvor mowith aunll. Older a uv mail piompily attended to. Jlv chnrpo nro iiio.ieratPi term, cash, or lntcrcfct Lhargud alter tLlrty days. " GIVE WI- A CALL. ft?" Thne rn--.-!?ed In Ilmhl'np will find it t their advfliitnfjo to 1ito Mdluff, Floor 'ilonrda Doom, -na.ica, hut.erst &c, t.. mrde nt till I'attcrr. .May lOyl JOHN HALM 1ST. Gr ItASI) OPEMXO ! I bep lcavo tninoim m- o'd pjitronsimd cu. toniriMinid he" pub lo iu prneral. ibatIhaT unencd aud Uavo- now ready ?or,insp"CUQUj.u tho - TOST OFFICE BUILDING nnnfcGtroet. I.T-IIIOnTOX. r. Ptthe LOW j.srcAhii PlUUl.rf, a lull auduovv as.oit mcnt cf Sc EATS, CAPS, &c. Special nltentlou hnvinp been piven to a wo'l solei tp.1 line ol JltN'a WOMEN'H 0110 CHIL DREN'S WEAR. My Motlo shall bo QUICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS." I invite tho publ e to call and exnmtae my toe- and vikus beioio purchnEltia elsewhere, aq cm olLir special lni.ucemoiits to cali buvcrs. LI'.WIS WEIS-. apt. !l-im. P. Rnlldiuc LchlRhton Pa THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN! Mrs. C. DeTscliirschky, -.onpct-nllv mMtea tho -nttenllon of her lad v friend ind tlio pub lo general y to hoi Hew' LarfO nod Klogant eto.k ot NotionsJ Fancy Goods, cemprlslp- UNTRWEAR, rERLIN AND OMIMAN'tVW.N WuOL HDHIEltY Im. por'e.l and Domestic. EMIlltOIDEHY, itllillONS,- OI.OVEM. and iarno vatlciy of theNenot Designs lu -Fancy Goods.' Also. In connection with tho above, I keep a iu 4 iu iu vuiup ii'tu eiui Ol OERMAN FRUITS. LIMRURQEP. aud 8WITZKR CHEESE, CANDIl''S and OON'l'EOTIONS, tojether wlthnvinctvol Goods not generally knot in any other stoioiutnnii 11 voniionot fcco whlit vim waut ask f. rlt a'ni I will irettu Ashsioot puohc patroiiiiaois solicited, and jii'ifcct aailstaitlou cuatautevd lu puce aid ijuaiui Ul uuuuih Nearly Oppoilto Dnrllna's Druic Store. Bank Street, Lchigliton, Pa NovcnibrtSJ. VAi.ii.iisi.i; g TItUTICS. If y u aro .ulTijrme HngitlsLiUe; ou a Ledjio sickness rake cheer, trom pooi health, or iur lion Hitters u n win rn-vmi , If von ato simp v n l ClHpilltC'l, w.tliout c I Hop Hitters will1 Inn if vou feelwoik and jatly tnuwIiiB why, j Itevivo You. jaud havo overtaxed ;your.elwtlliyuiirpaitor.1iimiosjiraiothi'r 'wutn on. wit'i ca o anPd ork. llup Bitters will B Ue.toro You. If vou ato a man of uhUHlttesa. weakei rd br the stri in i f oicryiUvLilutiei'i or a manol let. 1.1 )uuaivu iinuiiii. ttrs. lolliu. over ynui m.dutirht wnik. lion liilters win btreiigtlien You. 4i-illutrnm anv Indls- Iiyoitaipvnuiicai a ciotioii nrKniwiu iiu Hop Hitters will If you iiroin tho wi the I'tnU. ant-Whe'e Ii m needs ele u kluir without tntoxientinu. Jfop Hitters is If ynu nie md and i torn, in. isn t mi lh cno. Helievo Ynu. Irkshoo on t.p farm, at mil leel that your sy. toning or ittmuatiig, What You Nee.1. Rour pulto Is Jeeblo your nerves u SA'adv, inuii your ucuiiu'4 waniili;. Kivo you New Life, Vicor. nop uuters will nml TryHopConCiire! 'aud Paiu Relief1. For ft. In by A. J. Dnriluc, Lebighton Shoats ! Shoats ! !. Thnund r-ljmetl icpoct fn'ly nunonnces that ho la now nrcp.urd to ut. r vB in. my q ii who we III wnn l.iwftd iu oritt orlcea Alo, HKI HOQ nt Ikiitoiii fl uipn h.r oinh on y I Yurd ''-id i( tle nt . XUUANGi; UOTUU Jinn,: t'eel.Ii'-, bisit.n, UKO, I, HKX Ja i. M. lJ0-6m A Fiinu (arr Of a copy of myMKntrAI. Oommok Sense iiiiou iu Hiiy iirrpnn guiicrin- Willi uoniumit Won, Asthma, Catarrh, Ilrt.nchllls. lloss oti 'oleo, nr Nero Throat. Send name and im-t nflli-'e ftddren, with twos oent postaace stamps I and t7eourlokn0ts. The lim k Is elegant. ' !i.,&'irl!I.,.(14.,iP' il'"0. WX) T"V)ro i" ! has saved mauy live. The author has been .... .n, v.. iiinu; 'iid3. i iiu nui uor una uecu T traattngdlseasesnftba Nose, Throat U l.unuJ, as n Mielal nraetiee In Cincinnati, since 1&S7. -Aildreis, Do. N. U. WOLFE, Uiucinnati, unio. apr.s-nu 6nn Mads n a Slnitlo Day, Jan, 30th, br Kl7rUWSi i. Tiilssfi;, Jllueapa; apr.s-ml ReTS. among tub roirrs Ito put his arm around hor waist And swore an awlul sworo, And as ho Jerked It ou", ho said, Tve lelt thafl'ln-a-foro I Now. In tho bog, tho frisky fropr llcglns to croak and sing, Whllo on the scone, with smile sorcna, llrlght beams tho balmy Bpring, And In the pond, n step beyond, Tho ducklings aro at play, While In the barn, with shrill alarm, The hens sing out their lay. doyly tho oyster Opens his rholl, Murmuring gladly, "Now all's well I" In tho bright summer ' ' No one may caro For broiled or for roasted, Jucy and tare. Now then tho chlckon, Hatching In tho spring, Badly concealing Ills head with his wing, I-ll well he knowcth That whllo oysters rest, Iirollcd Uttlo chickens Aro at their best. Iter eyes are like the Do, Most beautiful to SI, And though I roam a Fa, Thore's only one sweet -ol, (Such souls Immortal La), And brings a brlsslul Ke, Of heav'nly hope to Mo. Stella's Inheritance. BY S. AS.NIK FROST. "A lauy to seo Miss Wentworthl" Tlio forewoman stnndinj! In the doorway of F : Co''s lone work-iooni, made this announcement In a resentful tone, as if MissWcntwortli's visitor wasa personal af front. Blella Wentworth, rising from her seal, whero her daily routlno of labor whs perforin al, came blowly across tlio long room, no excitement flushing the marblo pallor of her clieek, only n faint wonder hi her soft brown eyes. "A lady lo seo mcl" she asked, when she' fared tho frowning woman. "Yes you will please inform her that it is out of order for visitors to call work hours. She is-iu a carriage at the door." ""Thank you 1" And for Stella poke to tho grim" forcwonion; lor tho last lime crossed thp threshold of tho work-room; wliero slio had slaved patiently for two years. At the door,sho found a carriage, and .waiting in side a loll, stately blonde, whoso rich dress and wonderful beauty wero entirely tin known to Stella. A voice singularly sweet and low-toned addressed her. "I have permission from Mr. F for you to spend tho day with tno. I am Gertrudo Wetitjvorlh." SlcHa flushed rusily now, nnd drew back witli a movement nf shy pride. 'Il'leaso cotne saiclffthola'dy'. pleading gently. "If you do not wish to stav, you may return in an hour; but plcaso coino now !" , - Thero' vvnsjnb resislingtho "persuasive power of tho sweet, musical vofco; and Stella, saying she would soo'n return, went fur hat and shawl, " In a few moments tlio two wero drivingrapidly to tho hole), neith er sjieaking till they were in tlio luxurious room there, where Gertrudo Wentworth was staying, ffhen; removing herself Stella's shabby hat and coat, Gertrude drew her gently to a sofa. "I should have been hero before," sho said, very gently, but I did not hear of your mother's deatii until last week. " Sho died three mouths ago," Stella said, in a choking voice. "So longt'Poor-cliild, how lonely you havo been!" ! . Tho true, heartfelt sympathy brolto down tho last barrier of Stella's pride, and she bent her nnd sobbed. By the contrast between tlieso women, ouo would havo sup p)sed Gertrude greatly tho senior of her cous in. But sho was but twenty-three; whllo Stella had passed her nineteenth birthday. But Gerlrude, tall, full in figure.richly dress ed lu flowing garments, nf a uoblo yet win ning type of beauty, had the gracious dig nity of one accustomed to control wealth. Wliilo Stella pale and thin, small in figure, dressed In shabby black, looked crushed and subdued, though her face was exquisitely fair, and promised beauty, if ever tho heavy cloud of soirow could bo lifted. When tho sobs grew fainter, Gertrude spoko again. " You have been taught to believe my father was strangely unjust to yours, Stcllat" "I think papa felt so," was tho reply in a low tone. "Bernuso my father married at an ad vanced age, after giving his nephew your lather a home, lovo, and care for thirty years. Ho had intended tn make him his heir, Stella, until ho met my mother, and married her. I knew little more of the es trangement, except that your father was in solent to, tho bride, and .there was n quarrel. All this was long ago, before either vou'or I wero burn, Stella. But I am uito sure that my father intended to leave something to you. Ho could not quite forgivo your fath er! you,r ipotl;er he' never knew; but ho looked upon you as a near relative, and often talked of you. He died very sudden ly threo years ago, and never mads a will; so I inherit everything. I wrote twjco to your mother, but sho never answered my letters. She felt herself wronged, I suppose, But you, Stella, will bury this old quarrel, will you not? Wo two are the only Went worth left, and If I die you will inherit all I own." " But you wilt marry." ''No, I shall never marry 1" Tho noble face grew very pale, and Into the largo bluo eyes there came an expression, not so much oTsaduoss as of solemnity, as i! tie words liau stirred soma profound emotion. " I have no near relative," Gertrudo continued, " except my mother's widowed sister, Mrs. Croeson, who lives with me. You will seo her lotlay, I have come all tlio way from. my home, Stella, to ask you to return with ma, to be my sister. You will some? " Hut ydu do not know," faltered Stella, t i . t .in ' 1 0,11 working girl. I have not a dollar in the world." ,. ,. ., ... . , . . " I have thouijlit of that. oil will have 1,18 inoomo of twenty thousand dollars whllo I livfi- After that, you will havo all, except a few legnoieo," "But! do not understand. You are young, You will live years and years. I hope you ,W? toUoU." . added, and ther, was so doubting th sincerity of hor tone. " Wo will not bo euro of that," Gertrudo said, with a sad smile " but tho twenty thousand dollars will be yours in any case, Butyou linvo not told mo that I am to have my sislcr." A quivering smile, a sob, and then Stella throw herself Into tho kind arms opened to her, and wept out her gratitude. It was impossible to' rementber nny inhentcu-ro- se.ntment, in tho faco of such winning, graci 0(19 kindness. Bcforo night the had packed up her few possessions, mostly trifles dear from associa tion with her dead parcntSjhad bidden fare well to.hcr few friends, and turned her faco from tho old life, humbly gmleful for the new ono. It seemed to her, as tho carriago drove up the wido avenuo to Wentworth Placo two days later, that she was entering fairy land. Juno was yet young, and tho cxtensivo grounds, wero n mass of bloom, every new fancy of gardening smiling from tho care fully cultivated estate. In tho midst the white marblo hbiiso rose, stately, and yet graceful,tho wido porches vino-wreathed and rose-crowned. From door to door was a wido matted hall, whero light furniture mado a summer parlor, nnd whore birds nnd flower baskets mado a bower at each end, Waiting thero was a gentleman, who was, from tlits first mectingi very hero In Stella's eyes. Her father was the only truo gentle man in courtesy and education the young girl had ever known. Poverty, such as had followed his death, finds littlo companion. ship with tho gcnllo class. And this stranger was like her father, In having a pair of largo dark eyes, a black tnoustache,.ind waving masses of dark brown hair. Like him, too, in delicacy of feature and courtesy of mannrr. But wliilo her father had been ill in health peevish nud suffering, with bowed form nnd face, tho stranger was erect and strong, with tho sun ny light of perfect health aud good temper on his whole countenance. 'Welcotno homol most welcome I" he cried, coming out to meet tho carriago, and assisting tho ladies to alight. " Are you til ed out, Mrs. Crcssoti 1" ' Not at all ; wa only camo from New York to-duy. If anybody Is tired it is tho young people. They did miles nnd miles ol shopping yesterday, alter riding all tho night befbic." 1 And you aro tired, Gertrudo ?" for tho sweet blonde faco was vory pile. ' So tired," sho said, softly, " that I must leave my cousin to your care, Frank. Siclla, this is my dear friend, Mr; Frank W ray moral" and Stella,' looking up; met tho deep dark eyes looking most kindly in to hor face. " You., will pardon mo if I rest a little," Gertrudo taid; and then, with a few words to her aunt, sho passed up tho broad staircase to her own room. But it was a strange, pitiful rest sho look there. In tho wide, luxurious room, mis tress of all tho wealth whose evidences wore upon every side, sho stood, white and sad eyed, trembling In every limb. Without removing her travelling dress or hat, slio paced up and down, often lifting her arms ill an agony of supplication, while a mur muring prayer escaped tho white, quiv ering lips. ' Help me to bear it, Heavenly Father 1 Oh, bo pitiful to Thy child I I lovo him so well I Teach mo to put Thy lovo first in my heart, that I might say, " Thy will bo dono 1" Help mo, 0 pitying Saviour I" So praying, never weeping, but with a faco far more pitiful than tears, Gertrudo Went worth passed two long hour?, falling ex hausted upon a lounge, whero Mrs. Cresson found her, white and weak. "In pain again T." sho said tenderly re moving tho dress and hat. "Iu sore paiu, Aunt Lois. Ah, moi in soro pain." Hut sho rallied soon, and, bathing her face, put on a soft white dress, and was her own sweet dignified self wheu sho lO'Cntcrcd tho drawing-room.' Stella had gono to drcs3 for dinner, and thero was no mistaking the joy of Frank Wrayman's face ns ho sprang for ward lo meet his betrothed. " My love," ho said, tenderly, aro you rested i" Then, seeing tho quick pallor and contraction of paiu in her face, ho brought a low, solt chair to tho open window, and mado her comfurtablo wlt!r"lla lover's caro. '' ' " " You undertook too much," ho said, in geullo reproach. " Yotiaronotstrongenough for such long journeys." " You aro right. I will tako no more," was tho answer, and tho tnua was very sad. But in a moment sho nsked, cheerfully, " Is not Stella lovely ? I did not dream, when I first saw her, that rest and happiness could develop so much beauty in her face." "She is very beautiful, and thero is a rhildliks freshness about her that is very fascinating." " I lovo her already," Gertrude said. "Bo- foro I dared to seo her, I asked about her, and poor, friendless as slio appeared, every body who know her had a kind word for her. I believe she is as lovely in character as in face,aud slio has improved every chance lor education. Sho is really lar better in formed than many graduates of fashionable seminaries." " You moan to love her," was tho smil ing assertion. " Yes, and you must help mo to make her feel at home. It will bo new and strange for it long tune. Promise mo you will bo her good brother from to-day.(' " Most assuredly. But, Gerty, it grieves ine to seo you bo pale. You aro not well V' "No," half reluctantly, "not very well, and the jotlrncy tired mo." " With tho shopping." " That was a necessity. Siclla knew noth ing of New York stores. But wo did not walk any." Then they glided into lovers' talk till Stella came down, very lovely iu u thin black dress, with rullloa of soft wliilo laco caressing tho slender and wrists. 'Al ready, as Gertrudo had said, thero was a chatigo in the lovely fuce?a tinge of color in tlio thin clueUju new in the soft brown eyes. The beanmiiigilrH,lhoarningemeiit of tho nut-brown hair in graceful fashion, tho foW well ohosen ornamanU Gertrudn's gift all added to this dawning beauty, I ronk Wraymore, without ono throb ol' disloyalty to his betrothed in his faithful heart, acknowledged that ho had seen faw maidens so fair and sweet as this new cous in of Gertrr-de's, to whom ho was to be a brother. And the impression deepened as the erening wore away. Gertrude, whoso pale face and languid eyes fully. Justified her plea of fatigue, leaned back wearily, and let Ihoso two bright young hearts find the pleasure of congenial intercourse. For tho first time sho hoard Stella's voice ring out in a Joyous peal ef laughter over a brilliant witticism of Frank's. Eortho first time she heard her sing) hot Willi any marvellous power of talent) but with a clear, sweet voice, ns pleasing ns the carol on,bird. The next day, and tho next, nnd every dajyisthc hot weather sloloawoy Gertrude's strength littlo by lllllo.these two were thrown Into constant intercourse. By Gertrudo's request, Frank taught Stella to ride upon her-codsin'a own gentle horso, and n fasci nating littlo horsewoman sho mode, in the becoming habit provided for her, with tho broad-brimmed hat shading hor lovely face. Her Ufa was not altogether an Idlo ono, for Gertrude called upon her often to aid her in tho control of her largo ineomc,carcfulIy ex plaining to her nil tho details of tho busi ness nccessoiy for on hcires3..of largo wealth to understand. Every day sho learned something now of Gertrudo's charities, both open and secret; of her caro for all depen dentupon herenre orhcrcustom. Even tho arrangement of wages and household sup plies was fully explained to her, though Mrs. Cressbn had long been solo housekeeper. Yet every day found Frank nt .Went worth Place for a morning drive, an after noon, stroll, or an evening visit. Ho was spending a few Idlo weeks, slolcn from ac tive business life, and devoted to Gertrude. But Gertrude enjoyed but litttoof his society. There was ever some business, some excuse, or that never feigned plea of ill health to keep hdr In hor own room,during tho great er part of every visit. And while tho hoblo generous girl watch ed o.'cr hor young cousin witli fondest care, sho seemed strangely blind to the danger of this constant intercourse between her bo trothed and ono so beautiful nnd winsome as Stella, strangely indifferent to tho fact that Stella was learning fast that lesson that opens every youthful hcaitto drink the joy ous iufluence of nfii'ctlon. No thought of faithlessness ever troubled Frank. He know that Gottruilo was queen of his inmost heart, and thero was no powor to move her from her place. Iiu knew that by love, and lovo alone, tlioy two wero firm ly botiud for life, nnd ho sorrowed deeply I'or tho falling health of his betrothed, hop ing that cooler days would restore her strength, and ho bo permitted to seo her ngain as ho had before this prostrating wea ther had so weakened her. Yes, while Gertrudo was not to bo seen, this fair cousin was surely tho sweetest of comforters. It was no small part of her charm, that sho gave such frank admiration and worshipping lovo to Gertrude. If his betrothed was invisible, it was surely conso lation to Frank to talk over her manifold perfections with so nn enthusiastic an ad mirer ns Stella. And s,i they would talk of Gertrude, and gliilo easily to other topics ns innocent ns children in tho freedom of their intercourse, and utterly ignorant of their part in tho scheme of life that Geitrude had planned. And' if Trank was winning a place dangerously near the inmost shrine of Stella's heart, sho was yet leal and true, nnd would have sped away back to her old bun djge, had ono thought of wrongingGertrudo over entered her mind. But tho, coojer weather, upon which Fran I; had built so many Iiojics, brought no strength to Ger trude. Every day tho fair, noble f.tco grew moro spiritticllo in expression, moro p'irety palo and tender. Every day tho .hours she passed in the seclusion of her own room wero longer, and traces of suffering deeper when sho joined tho others. Mrs. Cresson alone, nnd bound to scerosy, knew of the tortures endured in those long hours. Mrs. Crotsoii alone Know of the rare ly perfect life fading slowly Vjut surely from nil earth's cares and liappfncsBr 'sho nlone, tho tender.loving aunt.who had given Gert rado all she had over kuown of mother lovo, knew .perfectly what Gertrudo hoped for tho ruturc. As physical suffering increased, ns the hold ujion lifo grew Weaker. Gertrudo's mental conflicts grew less ficquont and more easily subdued. No longer she prayed wild ly for resignation, for jierfcct resignation had entered fully into her puro soul. No longer sho besought Heaven to tako earthly lovo from her heart, for already a Divino loyc filled il. Moro saintly and lovely with everyday that passed. vGcrlrudo was lifting herself abovo earth's sufienug and affliction by tho might of spiritual purification. October had come, when Mrs. Cresson, with a pallid faco und dim eyes, scut one morning for a famous Now York doctor. Gertrudo had been all night seated in an arm-chair suffering tho most filghlful toi- turo,but thero was cessation of pain, far moio terrifying to her aunt than its continuance, Already upon tho pure, noblo faco was felt a seal strangely solemn. Even Slella from whom tha worst had been carefully hidden, knew that there was a new light, not of tin's earth, In Gertrudo's bluo eves. Sho had coma in with some la'.o fruit heaped upon a plate, but she put It down quickly, and, with a strangoawoupott her face, drew near her cousin's chair. "You aro very, very IUV" sho faltored with tears in her eyes. " No dear; I am better. I have not been freo from pain for many mouths; now I havo no pain." " You aro better, then 7" Yet hesitating. as if too doubtful to be jyous,cvcn with this assurance. "Iam better. Boon, very soon, I shall be quilo Well I" And yet, Stella groped her way from tho rooni, blind with tears, unnbje to cgnlrol nn agitation sho dared not let her cousin seo. . Just a little later the doctor came, and when ho left the patient, 'MrsCfeneoniif tern few words, low tpnkcn, led him to a room where Frank Wrayupiro wolled.and left 111 m with him. An hour usseil before he came nut and drove to tho railway station Mrs. Cresson watched him leavo tho ave-1 nue apd went softly In the room he had left, j No sound name to her listening ear fur n long time, then one long shivering moan, like a suppretMiI cry (pSLicndurabhi agony, was! hennl. Sho -tefapway iijjaiii, but itwvs, still Imij Vefcra. r-iuk Wrsymurs pfld the door. When h& came fare was 'hat of a man who hod lotnVi.tTfrtlie last lime upon theipiemo hope of liTa lib. N. t only tho rigid tension of every feature, the liy . lor even of his lips, but the unutterable dec : pair lu his eyes, told of a blow newly sirick- en that shook his manhood to lis core. j Mrs. Cresson met biui befoic hooroMed' the ball. " Can I sea Gertrude ?" he asked, "She Is walling for you. Out, Frank, you must bo very calm. Any excitement how may bo Immediately fatal." Great beads of agony started on the man's brow, but ho spoko steadily.. "I will not ogilato hcr.'J . A'nd ncvcT had ho provfd his Ipve mors truly than In tlio calmness of til greeting, tho iron will crushing down eyery expres sion of Ills deep misery to spare her one pang. Sho was seated .in her arm-chair, dressed In while, her golden hair loosely brushed from tlid fair angello laco. As her love.r camo In she held out both hands, and w-i gathered lujo. his.nus.ln. a close embrace, that scclncd too strong for even death to un clasp. , Only loving murmurs broka the silence for some moments, then Frank, fearing the effect of excitement, gently put tho wasted form back against tho pillows of tho chair, and slid kneeling besido It, his whllo face lifted in an agony of loving fear. "Oh, my darling!" ho whispered, "why havo you hidden this from too?" Tho low, sweet voice never wavered as Gertrudo answered. ''Only because I loved you, Frank. Only for love's sake I" " But I might havo helped you I" " Dearest, I know there was no earthly help for me, early in tho spring. It was &. blow to bear, Frank ; I was so young I Life looked so fair to me, so doubly sweet when I loved you I I was rebellious for n long time, but I havo learned submission." " How can I givo you up?" ho moaned, caressing tho shadowy whlto hand. " I leavo you a sweet comforter. Have you not guessed, Frank, why I havo left you with Stolla?" "Gertrudo I You cannot think I love any but you I" '" Darling, no I I know that every throb of your heart is truo to mo. But had you known of this fatal disease, you would havo so tended me, so pitied me, so loved me, my own, that to givo mo up then, would hare been like wrenching lifo itself from you. I know that I I know that eyery thought of mo is loving. And so,deorest, to make part ing easier, I havo drawn away from you littlo by littlo and put Stella In my placo." "She is a gentle, loving child, but she can never fill your place, Gerlrude." "Nor do I wish it. Keep one niche in your memory sacred for me,yourspirit wife. But in the future, when, not forgetting me, yon nro comfortable, remember it is the dear est wish of my heart that you love Stella.'' Then they talked long and earnestly of that future they had hoped toBhare. Already Frank knew that Stella would be horcousin's heiress, but for tho fust time ho was told of tho loving, careful training that had been given to fit her for her future cares. "Mrs. Cresson will live hero whllo Stella remained .slijgle," Gertrudo said, "When Stella marries, my aunt will go tp tho house I havo willed to her with a sufficient in come for life." "You think nf every ono!" "God has been merciful in givlnq; mo a long timo to prepare for this hour," waS tho grave reply. "Now, Frank, you will fiiid Slella and send her to mot H'hen I. have seen her, come to mo again. Death will loeo half Its terrors In your arms." Prepared by Mrs. Cresson, Stella was calm too, though her white fare and swollen eyes lold at what cost; Very tetidcrly Ger. trade ballo' her farewell, solemnly bidding her be a faithful steward over tho great pos sessions left her. Then, as 6he folded her close, pressing tender kisses upon the sweet, quivering lips, slio whispered low t "Stella, ono chargo above all I lcavo you. Comfort Frank 1" Slio gently dismissed hor then, and b!o ' ding faiewell to Mrs. Cresson, turnod to Frank. In his loving arms, talking low, tho breatli of life grew fainter, falntertlll, at tho peaceful sundering of earth's ties, lie, watching closely, scarcely could havo told when tho end came; Only at tho last tho bluo eyes dilated with a quick rapture, closed wearily, nnd tho golden-crowned head drooped heavily. Frank Wraymore went abroad, but two years otter Gertude died he came once more to Wentworth Tlace. A beautiful woman, ono worthy -to fill the place of the noble, self-sacrifislng lovo hojiad lost, greeted him., Aud when ho had been a few months at homo Gertrudo's dying wish was fulfilled, and Stella knew that she and she only could comfort Frank. And iu nil tho uoblo inhertance Stella holds there Is no spot more carefully tended than tho quiet inclosuro from which rises a tall shaft, bearing tho ono word Gertrude. THIS ATV THAT. An exchange says, "Jim Blaino always draws." So do the circus aud the dentist. The tailor's notice, "Fits guaranteed' is nn unhealthy sign. It is bettor to bo tho Czar, when he Is shot at, than tha crowd, Tho man who expects to move the world, should go to AVhccIing, Virginia, An old bachelor calls Chicago marriage casualties. He'll get a bullet-in, if he evil goes out there, "Itich end rare were the gems she wore," a walking advertisement of the big dollar-store. Never exaggerate, at least don't exag' gerate so exec-sively as to cause undue re mark. Brown says that a married man some times finds himself to be ou April fool soon after tho Wedding March. In 6no or tho western Slates there. H a village called Teaspoon .Comer, Of .course it's a'stlrrlng place- i "Our first Ba-," js Ihe'tltle of a ho novel. It is bound .In muslin, has a weak, and is all Ihe cry by novel readers. lluvo tho Chinamen Caught the pedes. Irian fever? Wnh Keo is the sign at the door yf a lloslini uuuilryi A diutcli Hum EinojK) aliiniunrfs the death nf a distinguished Italian. Wondtr who he willed his hand organ tu? "No I'isliin' Here," is the sign Which often greets Ihe tj.irliimiij uu I there is gen erally mure truth than poetry hi it. It is savrwl weeks sinue Ueufgd Wash iu ;tuii' Usly h-tvmit rtos last heard from, JC thta should meet his eye will ho eonimu nirttte with anxious public without the iottt delay. ixwne lu a CUmbrnlgo ballroom, Bnud kim to very young lady "Aro )rot engaged fur the Genua ii, Miss Carrie? Vyry young lady"-yrAljs.'Mr. Su-lkiu., am'" Bant km "o sorry j you were toy. last bop