FARMERS' COLUMN. lfioculruloirfor (ho Cnttlc Pliisttc!. Tlietdreail Ti)ciirn.piieumon1a Is creating n gooJ dciToTunomlncSa among euUle men. It appears to prevail in places In (no eastern atatajffut hi,i5qf;o faros can uoascerlalp. eii, traveled west jet. Heroic incisures nro generally Ttcommnided fur "stamping out" the iliteaso, but on account of it Insidious liatOrtHttaliB? first tagcSj.Jt-, ilaVtfd) Whether sucli measures can bo npptinl so ns to eflVctualty "stamp ou(" tliS disease If It becomes spread Svcr llfu wide, extent of tho Uiill-ataiM.. f, ., ; yi'Ht'f 1'he remeoy practiced tn AtfslraKn. would seem better suited t ipect lliBreiil'incnt9 of this country. H'lic'ii ca'ttlo died by thou-s.-yvls during tho prevalence of the disease iil Australia, ns a last resort inoculation was resorted to. 3. B. Colerrta'n, of tho Sow York Collego' of Veterinary Surgeons, who was cattle Ins) efr torjn tbQ CQlony jn Australia at the timo it was ravaged by tho cattle plague, gives the mudaofiprpcuripg the vncciuo matter ami tho manner of using It. Tho mode of pro curing the pneumonia vncciuo was first to iiioculnto arranlina) wjtli the fibrinous exu dation of a' clfscase'd lung) then a sccojid' animal with vaccine obtained from the local mimmratlyn wf tlio flrst-inocculatcdpnoj finally a third. The vaccine generated in tho third inoculation was found sngest ami best fo tho purpose. The method o.t opcMp i iijpwas very simple. -Little pellets of clean wool was first saturated, with vaccine. A trilling ami yery shallow Incision was then made in tho skin at thoend or tho tall, and thojiellcfc' c'.iught between tho lips of tho wound. H'ien tho vaccine had been com"- plctely absqrbed-a process which occupied" usuaWy-l)Uta few minutes tlto pellet fell out, and no(irritatlng matter remained, sav ing such pneumonia matter us hud been ab sorbed. Subsequent cxperlehcc Showed that this proecsj.noj.only sijvid tluaiiimolsfrom attack in the same manner as vaccination saves from sinall.pox, ut that -it was tho nioecctivcriuarautlue that could bo pro scnieilu Jlenis conslsli'ng in some instances of 3,5(10 heads, were inoculated en rmH6e, with tho.rps.ull of preventing outbreak en tirely where it had not occurred, and of limiting it to thooniniaU actually attacked at the late of tho operation, where It had already commenced its ravages. rrofessor . Coleman and his assistants in oculated over 100,000 animals while the plaguo was raging, and the whole loss was not more than tliivo percent.. This would seem to be the only practical niojn of pro cedure against a disuaso which is as contag ious mid destructive among caltlo as, small pox' amoug human bciugs. Kansas Farm-cr. .Harrowing Wlicnt. There has been a good deal said and writ ten .hi favor of harrowing or cultivating wheat, lately, and of tho astonishing results attending treating this grain similar to corn and other summer crops that have to bo kept cleajbj weeds and grass, by cultivating the ground betwcejijtlio.roM'a. Jit) liojra some ofou wide-awako Kansas farm ts will ex pertinent in tliis direction the present spring and report results. Tho Agricultural Col legu should Invcstlgato this new system .f wheat-growing. shweii cliff. TltX UCLAKCIIOtT FATE Or, X RETBIlHltD ruR TUNE nUXTXR. llcnry IIonicriug,of New Itlchmond, O, went to Silver Cliff on tho 10th Inst. . Ho catno back yesterday. ire feels grateful to a kind Trovidence. Mr, Helincrlng called at tho luquirtr of. ficn yesterday, to express nfs'joy in Vcturn Ing onco inoro to God's countiy. "I have had nil I want of Silver Cliff," said tbe-young man, "Then it is not as much of an Eldorado ns It is cracked up to bo ?" " Not by a jugful I" " Vou don't seem to think it a good placo to go tor' " It's a GriUciass pl.ica to' come from." "No silver there?'' ' "No; nothing but people to takq your money." " What does board cost?" " 1 palJ $2.50 n day." ".DidjVou get, a good living for the. prlreVj- ' ' ' was. no in jot a nogjo, cat, but people have to pay it out (hero or starve" " What do (hey pay a man for work 7" " Tho sanio prico $2.50 a dny." "That's tho samo as working for ono's .board?" " Exactly ; and you'll have to sleep on prairio hay at that." " WJio that raised tho Luc and cry to take so.rnany pcopje oub there?" i " Well, tlii' railroads ifnd' llio' first occu pants of the country. But tho stage drivers bctwecu Carson City and Silver Cliff have most tp-di "Tjtoy nro reaping tho harvest." "How so?" " w,,yi )'ou scc "'W' chargo $T a trlp'for 30 miles, and carry hundreds of russensrora n day." " They say tho country , is beautiful ?". " Tbcii'l don.'l?.know wiinl a drcorycoun- 'ry Ifc .The onlytbeauty lu .IhoiJucc, that I noticed, was. tho wind. It "blows a 'little hurricane Jill tho tlnip." . " How largo is Silver CJliff?" , " Thcro nro n thousand shanties in tho Jjlaco, I suppose." " Not much show then for n, poor man ?" " Well, I should say not. There isn't much show for anybody except thoso whogo thcro to beat suckers." " You seem to have given up soon ?" " I had to, if I wanted to get homo again. My money was limited, 'and I had tensn enough 'to leavo bifure it becania exliausi-' cd." " Did you sco anybody out there who was fullering V" " Did 1 1 Why, Silver ClifT and Carson City ore overrun with young men who arc moneyless nnd ".without ftie. means to get home. They aro many of them begging for bread." Mr. Ilelmcr'ing left for Now Richmond on last evening's boat, whero he intends to stick for tho present. r It is strange how different ho saw things in Colorado from what Charley Ballance saw it. If you haven't gono to Silver Cliff, young man, take Sidi.o Smith's advieo to tho felluw about to get married. Dou.'t.-Jix. Tho Prospect Tor Fnriu Produce Tall. Ell Terklns has been' interviewed by a Chicago JHbKt reporter on the crops, tind predlets.tlio pneo of wheat will rise to $1.10 or $1.25, and live hogs will sell at $5 a hun dred in Chicago by next January. These predictions arc founded on tho prospect of a very, short wheat crop and the low prices of hogs laswiiiter and fall. Tlio farmeis, us usual, got lid of their hogs, and will not have large stocks to sell tins season, and our surplus grain and provisions have gouo to Europe. These aro very good reasons lor believing that -Vr.jl'tfikin's'prediclious will prove true. . TS - " r ' ' Hocln,VIictu to Fight Insects. . i Si 5 :. b . . In the rapidly increasing practico of extra nanuring and cultivation of wheat, as by drilling nnd hoeing, it is found in very many casgs that tho Ilessir.n fly and other insects are far less troublesomo than on tho wheat fields where only ordinary cultivation is practiced. It frequently occurs, too, that rjp'rijr ultlva:iou wriuits of earlier sow ing in tlio tail; Iho extra growth more than od'seltiiig thu damage done by tlio insects, to avoid which mo&t tanners now aro obliged to resort lolato planting. Several examples aro cited where drilled nnd cultivated fields with results wholly in favor of tho former, the Hessian lly greatly damaging if not to. tally destroying tho latter, while tho culti vated fields escaped almost unharmed Theso facts aro brought out in tho reports publishedjlast nionth, wjiich all wheal grow. ers may smuy wun pront. American .ijri-cuifuriar. A Chi'tip Uih. Select well filled wheat, white if yen can. If you try wheat with a very thick bran or shrunken grain it will bo a failure. Cover with cold water and boil slowly until done, when the grain. will mostly burst open and ... ..-. - ,;,.,. mo waier give uieupiicaraiiru oi mill eiarcu Some wheat requires to bo on tho stovo twenty-four hours. If you set it off the stove and let it get cold it will not hurt it When cohl It can be used the samo as rico seasoned with butter, sugar, etc., or wilh milk ameggs as for pudilings. One pint of wneai win piojje nnvai tof a large laiiiuy, It nukes u ginl variety on a well filled ta ble, and is u g'l addition to a skiro one. It is liealthy aiul fur theso hard tunes. JLfi-: A. A- t Waltm Farm and Luc Stock Journal. Eurl- Ithiittnrb. Tutn a barrel over tit" crown of rhubarb and you bwn will liavo plenty of long stocky leaves, Render and nice, Tito barrel will protect from the cold wind and exclude the light and tho rjants will grow white and tender. If ca,rlh and manure is heaped up on the north and west sides of tho barrel having the south side ex'used tn the rays o: the fun, the growth of tho plants will be quickened. Brngs' . and ' Medicines ! : The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store. " If you wrttifc auyfclring in tlio Drag lino at bottom prices, go to tlio Old and Itoli.ible Drug Store, in Dr. N. J3. llcber's Block, near tho Post Office, A. J. DUELING, Proprietor, '' l Wl.cro you will fled n lull nnd 6omplete stock of Puro Drugs, Medieines, Chemicals, Perfumory, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, &c Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils. A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Brriccs. Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and Sncramontal "purposes. Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety. Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi cians and Family Prescriptions. Establish 1867.J A. J. DURLING. WsfalHPTpKWiiicTs If Will Fay to Ifceati 3TM V e N. Y. P. S C'o's Column, Lrbighton. NovrmD' r 2. Wet s&jjB!,t Fla flainag; ;,Mill9i JOHN G-. BIERY, Agent, Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kinds of Xumbev, Sasht Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets; Ballust , crs, AYindow and Door Praines, Scroll Sawing, Turning, Planing and Pipping done at- short notice and at Prices to SiuE the Times. dtair Msa5laSHaay sail Mew and of the Latcst and Most Improycd Pattern ; wc em ploy noiic, but the ,Bcst Mechanics, and use only the Best and Thoroughly Seasoned Lumber. Contractors and Carpenters are invited to call for SpecificationSj which will be ' cheerfully furnished. 1 Orders livMrll pinmptt ottPnitcrt lo. anrt Antlsfnctlon pmrantecil. Thftnltfal to our friends scd tlii' public for putt la vols, wo iopcctIullv asiu sunre CI four pauonaco In tho futnro. Viry ncspcctfully, JOHN G. BIERY, Agent For the Wcissport Planing Mill. P. O. box G3. jan.4- yl It Invntlably Ctire CoA(th, Cblfls, Ilotttse U0D8,tiur6 Tbtoat, Atbiua,Croapt andotber AilecUOni of tho Hreathlnff Orcons. ttS poothinir faflritnre nron ihh lrrltfttfrt lln Ingot tlin air" pattenjrect U dun to tbelact ttui its ,DcrciUentnrp tae mnst clllcflclotts tmimon ic Klhiofes known to mefllcnl tmionr. thtr b&si of tho nrllclo oelitie tae HONEY of ile ilOIiK- 1IOU-N1J riiANT, CllcmiCAllVUMUCd With tho mcriicinalDftncmlcnltho AllIICsnAUSAM KA or Batm tot Qiiettd. There oro brictes. flTobther botonlo clcmciua,whtci Rive auulllonal ctflency tnrthirniHt tmmnil two. ino?e who nave uoed it, far tnat jialhs onlf wonderfully rctnodlal in nil Jine whcio meoruan oi rcaiuraoon aro wirooiea. outniso taai Jts action Is uiiuftualiy rnptd. A few Onset ficauentlv eirvo to relievo n verr ubsllnate routih.' It contains nothin tuftt can OiRonler tho Btoruucn, a fact luflt can io alogea w;to truth of but tow t "on irh remedtes t It Iia nn ex tremeir nTeenoiouarorvaiuiia poiu at h upiro which cnahlca lboo ni tho most limited means to Avail thenviCi c of U virnirs. It 1 Ftuipla mnduosHtn trfHoWlth ft Too ph. Irritttton of tU Throat, Cheit nit Lnnp.trav cla raoldlv find what is n trifllnc mid cnaili conquorablo UifBcnlty in tbose organ? (o-dhy, mav lua tew wuoKe itovoloo into UronrhltUor Inn ilfhrAfti! which rflrrv ninrn victims to eurtr ftrnves. than any other In tho long URfcOf uouny uinoruerf. A Couch may he fitly termed tho rrcltmlnnrv St tiro of Oniiaiimvtion, n miliulv rf which HALE'S HONKV Qli IIOni3UOUKD AMD TARtathc t-urpt In own lirtiventivo. Thoso thoioton who wodU arroi the prngrnsa o! tho ilenrovcr BhoulitUciay not a, momunt totnkp A CrRTAIS Specific ClllLDTttlX tie live' Rreit benefit' from fta soothlaff propcrtica, when Buflerlon with the parosynw of Cmup and Whonn ng Coun. The Hrst named disiM-o w eTfcelaly detructivo nmonc rouiiar ciUlldrcn and ih's nllaolo remedy BhoiiM bo Kept on hand In ail households I3uv tholnrro Pacioiffcs and Economize. ritions. so ct,aaa Pi;n iiople. C N. CrUtcnton Prop'rj NO SEVEN SIXTH AVENUE, N. V. For Sale bV A.' j. BUltLISi, B.nLstrtct. i.ouijfuioa. ra. Wc hrtviTenterccl into arrangements with Bcv. J. Henry rt n n 4C. .. .... . omytiie, ol riuladelphia, tlie publisher of SONsniKE ton j j ...iw.uwj 1 ' v ... w Vy.lllUlU vvy iiiuiw J IUU lollowing unrivalled offer an offer which will, wc feel as sured, secure 1'or us not only your name, but tlie names of very many of your friends nnd neighbors as subscribers to our paper. Although OVER A MftLION OF DOLLARS have already been expended in this' " groat offer " by tho " Sun shine Publishing Co.," THIS PAPER MAKES NOTH ING' ON THE BOOKS. Our sole object is to place -your name on' pfir list as d subsprib'cr to' the OahbOk AnvodATE and to Sunshine fou Little Childiien. ... , .' RUSSIAN CtXJT VIOLIN STRINGS, Itl I S Kit , II I.K RSS. The most wouirful ami marvelous sue nsi, in rasffi wliaifi ersons are sick or pin ing awa from ii oiutlitloii nrmitcrubleiiMS, that no one know, wjuit uU tljwii, (pr.i flutile uUeiiU ilwUirf,) Is b'jiiul tiy lli iisliT!lI6J DltWri.. iTliey W-yiu to cure from lh tint ilow uiul keou It up until perfect Iicallli nni) (ircni;li ts restored. wiiiwYtriramittfU'M ttili way met nt utfer. when lliev' can' cet 'Iloii llittem. Bea 'TrulW!', mi "YmtiU" lu inother A DISbUSXKO DAItKEV. "TOO MUCH EI.EWATED IX CELLED S0CIETT." " Sartin, boss, shino 'cm uti In Irsj'n no time," said he, and wo mounted to tlio hur ricano deck of his placo of business. " Wall, yes, I's ; not been licro long, but I'so gcttin' insight inter do ways mighty fast. Do ways here, sail, is different to wat dey is down in ole Massissip. Lia Jlassas sip, sah? Fine ole State, sah." "The culled people hero appear to ho quito as happy as in any part of tho world," wo ventured to remark, "No, salt; bo leavo tu difTah: you's not on do inside, 6ali ; dar's too much elewation; las' week, you know, sah, do culled folks had a ball quito a high toned affair, sah. Well, I engaged a young lady for do party. sail : ono ilnt I at dat timo looked on nn iln prido ob do country, sail. I put on clothes, sah clothes dat don't cbery day seo do light of do sun and went to tho residence ob do gal." ' I 'rived at do 'plntcd time. Do cal was in do bes' room on' in her bes' clothes, waitin my arrival ou do scene. Doolcman was dar, an do olo woman also figgercd in do tableaux, wid a few juYcnileuuperyniim- ry members go do. family.. Miss Augusta smiled on mo jn dat mcltin' way ou no eyes, uat alius guv mo a movo ob do heart. I was intcriuccd to do moro influential members ob do household, an' do discours was agreeable. Tresently I suggest ed dat it would bo well to bo movin' for do party, an' Miss Augusta roso in all do pomp and circumstances ob her high-priced attire. " Wo arrived on do stoop ob her door, an' offeriu' my arm, I supnoso wo should pro gress. No, sah, not a bit ob it. D.t gal re ceded. Sho row cree' to an astonishin' bight an' as sho transfllxcd mo with her gize, sho uttered ilcso memorable words : ' whar'a do transr-o'-ntion 'Do what? says I, feclin' dat suffin was agoin' wrong. "'Do trans-pot-ation I Whar's do trans- potation V ''Whut'a do transpotalion?' says I. '"Do wehicio whar's do wohiclo?" sho says. " 'I don't know nufHn. 'bout nowchiclo," says I. " 'Whar's do kerriga'?.' says she. " 'Do korrigo,' says I. 'I haven't seen no kcrrigo!' " 'MisLah Berry, does you pretend to tell mo dat you've como to tako mo to do ball widout a kcrrjgo V and sho becanio of a still greater bight. " 'Why, ob course,' says 1. 'I thought wo could walk. Down in ole Massissin do eals think uuflin' ob going miles ami miles' '"So you expect mo to hoof it, Mlstah Berry T You tell me 'bout do gals in Sliss issip, Mlstah Berry j do do gals In Mlssissip Know 'bout proper attire, Mistah Berry ?' An' sho g'iv a sort of kick on" sling of her body, on' trailed out about four yards of train. "I)e ole man, an' de ole woman, an' all He rest nw put in dar 'pearanec, and says denle map, "Wha'tY all dis confusion of tongues?" " Mistah Berry dossii't consider de honah sufficient to warrant Ijinyitiulo outlay nec-, ess-iry for do furnishing of propha t'rauspo'r talinn' said.Miss'AugustK. " Sah I" said d olenjarf "Sah 1" aald de ole womail '.'Sail " sald'all de little mem bers. "I said nuffin'." " Does de niggali 'spict he's gwlne lo lead our darUr offon dp hoof like sho was a cow?" taut de ole woman. "Who do y6u call nlggah, ole woman ?" ays I. Why. drovtf better lookin' heifeis nor yours lo de plow In'old KIi" sip I" "Degal shriektl "Dar you talk to m an' my darter in dat bituminous manner?" said de ole man; an he gur me a lift wid his old stogas dat rais ed mo offo de stoop and follercd it up wid numerous of de same dat was much assist, ance to me In gittln' out do gate. "Daj-'a too much elevation, sah, creepin' Into cullud society, I (urns my back to It, sahl" Respectfully announces to tho pnoplo of Lebigliton and its vicinity, that ho has just enlarged his Manufactory by the addition of another story, and that ho is now. prepared to furnish them with overy description of HouseholD Fnrniinr Manufactured from tho best Seasoned Material, at Prices fully as low as tho samo articles can be bought for else where. Hero are a few of tho inducements offered : Parlor Sets at from $50 to 60.00 Walnut Marble-top Dressing Case Bedroom Suites, 3 Pieces. $40 to $05.00 Painted Bedroom Suites $18 to $40.00 Cane Seated Chairs, per sot of Six..... ...... $0.00 Common Chairs, per set of Six ,. - , 4.00 and all other goods equally cheap. Tn this connection, I desire to call the attention of the citizens to my amplo facilities in tho UIDERTAKIH& BUSINESS, with a now and handsome Hearse, and a full lino of Caskets and Coffins, I am prepared to attend promptly to all-orders in this line, at lowest prices. Patronage respectfully solicited and tho most ample sat isfaction cuaranteed. V. SCHWARTZ, Oct, 12, BANK Street, LEHIGHTON, PA. The undersigned announces to tho ladies of Lehighton aud vicinity that ho is now receiving and opening a large assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising such asMatalasses. Delaines, Cobiirgs, Alpacas, &c. Also, a large stock of PRINTS and GENERAL DRY GOODS, which ho is offering AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Grocorics and Provisions a Specialty, at prices to suit tho times. Clovor, Timothv, Hungarian, and all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, VERY CHEAP. Opposito tho L. & S Depot, BANK Street, May 0, 1870 yl LEHIGHTON, PENN'A. E S ;5 I mil 2! a Ea r i 11 W M 2 -5 -a Jt- pes : - -a s 3 4 o S d a a i S'-i u ct E 9 R C .9 8 8 '3 J s 9 is? 5 as-? wv. o It 2 s 85 a .5 t-. m 3 o rfJ bo d I U i Ilave you n "nAaifcavTobTii'-'-Reafler? if you have, nuv Pike's Toothache Drops nndCnro tbonjfocv In ONit Minutb. This you rnndoInrTvViiNTY.l-'IVK CK.NTS Tlio nr tlclo w 11 ilo tlio buitnes tin lirowu dt-pend upju It! mor:ovfr it contains 110 Initi cutout wlilcli caa lujuro your i qoik. miCE 13 CENTS. EoU oy nil DmsRtsls.. C. N. Crittenton, Prop'r, SPLPnUB AP, Tho Leaping External Specific for DISEASES OF THE SUIN and Beaulifier of tho Complexion, It renders tho Cuticle Healthful) Clear ncd Smooth, nud Is the i?est Pos sibld Substitute for Expenslvo Sulphur aths. It I Incomparnb'o Ttcmcrtv for Humana. Ul curs. Outs nnd every Irritabio or DiiticgttliT Couilitloii of tlio Skill, ii tul la a most ectvireable rcmetilal nont nuil nomco of Hicoay rcliclln castwor CIOUT nnd HimuiiATisir. TtlHnninHt nofinnbto 1 1 8 IN fECTA N T OF Cf.OTllIO Oil It 121) LIN KN, nom nito neti U? person mflerliiff fmtu ounoxious or cox TAGIOUS DIftT!A6Ra. Hlltl ii H Cupitai Itfllll'dv and rrovei'tatlvo tt taem. when use.1 at an Injec tion Pet sons Piimlorfncr u liavo no nei'il to taKo Sulphur Jlaiiin. or to rrsurt to 6nluhur )lnIr8 lor uainnitt puriosei. AHunoiMuuci-oftiiO TOILKT It Is far more do-inUtle tlian any Cotniu.lo It iokh koj, lle a 'tic I Ps of itmt nalurt, rouceal Complex Jyuat lilntnieliptt but remoTfa tlicm. TAN.KllKCKLKa.X'IiMl'Mi. UL0TCIIE8 nnd the like, upeedllv yielnton clanfylntr in fluence: ami itu the very teU boap to muve with.Uecauao it leaven tlio skiti Minooth and free iroui ibeinitation produceit cs HcuclHveca tide, by tho nuuliiaii'iu of tin ift.or. It alto completely eradicate if ANDIM7FP, lluusewiriw dec'arn it to be excellent for waning OOfiEN I.INLW.LACi;. uudotlicr fabrics aud ladio movtuK In tho best ore I en of metropolitan ud ruiol society BpcaJc ol It lu tlio inchest terra n. TeMlriiOiiiaispourio from aM quartern of the Union uion It l' of whit i ha in been published lu the form or a neat pamphlet, procurable of Drujnii! nnd Fancy Uood Deal, ers, thooritrin tlB bolnff vpen to public Intrnec t ou at Inn MKMCIXAL VVAftfitlnUSK. No. 7 blXTU Avknuk, Nkw Vuuk. The artio e li moreover lnaoised bv the Slcdlcal fraiernitr. mki: most oTiuit Famous iigmedirb, GLK'stMUIvlMlUltMiAl haftb en imitat ed. oap witl.oat tho smallest franx-n of re. nieuiaumcacv navo ieeuanuaru foimea upon themisuttpt ctluff and uno'jeervunt, i genuine Hulphar boons. DOBaeHgln? nronerue identical ultn or equal to toe OreithpeciUc, which their vendors eee to rival hv nnderhuud ei mnflii tioti. The public ahould ih reform he careful to Inquire fnr UMONN'ri bulpbur feoap by lu lull name, and tea they (rue the rem Hrtio'e. AH tespfctablo Uiu-emts. Fancy Gnd Deal frsand aioctra iteep QLKNtJ'H wULTIlUlt tSOAl. and nlh oo dtmaud fur It, supply tho OE.NUINEiui.Na totaclrcu tomera. Prlcei, ;25 cti. per Calcc 1 Box, (3 cakes) sent by iiiatl, prepaid for 70c. O. N. CEITTENTON, rnopniETOit. For -Pule tor A. J.-DUKIilNO. Dnnl Btrett, LotiUbton. X'fl. ;i-, . f. BLACICS :and BR0AYNS AS KATUIUL Xt NiTUIlE'S BZIT, re comronicnteil to Oiar nnd Flame colored loco, almost luatauuccounlr br Hill's Hnir nnd "Whisker Dyo aprepaiatlon sbsolaielr freo troiu liurtful i jrrrtiimiBiiainnii leir superior iiv ivewiu ot t Ibertf cts produced to any art ole of luo-asa. I rieiuature QuAY&ua and liALiiXcaa ma tire. leuivu. nuu iu riirtii y nuira ui mo aiqaire uie truo Toatblut tint from tliis ma.lclileaM Ufa. SOLD BY ALL CUUGai8T3. C. N. Crittentou Prop'r. Blrtu AVE..N.T. liMcyclojiesl'ias., EtTssiA?! Ain iicw tors mj ixinitdirtnf tltrlf MlhHN.khkMtllrimluili vrorld. lit ware pf Tfry wlnn I1tfar4 atrlnn Unutl- 1 tAlonkkt ill tBt II A Blu. (.AaiMlakat TffAOft MAAK". ktitn Out Strtairt rfOlr livllcirliiiiff. Ictttlimii. Lrcry box lui Tridvnurk of tlio uU Import its For Bate by A. 3. DUUMHU. llaufcht, LehlKh. ton, V - . NrorO-Ctni WITH h lIlSTORV" Kpw ottprt finm next inffrmllrnt! n tipwromctlv Ihiil t.irfnrir iviii;trr. k. a rinto.Vi oi it:, quick relief v.forJli)ar!irncM. Sjtq llirnnt. Cold. TicHng. l.i7reT Voice; nufnT); rfplilhfl rln. ItrfinrhltK-nntl IluItrrSor Ihroat'.' And OTHER-PREMIUMS, OfTcrcd to Suliscribcis of " lie Oarlboa Adtdeate5 , -AVorth..$64.5. Sent on receipt of $27.00. Chambers-Encyclopedia . . . ... $G0 00 .5 KJal '"to volumes. Library lnw binding, roarblo edges, extra ullt. i? u nraiV iiKi S"i, 0 raarnl from DO to loo elegantly engruviid ilau-s. .ma qjwiut auuaeriiuiuu uorK m, ui.uio lo order Latest and Jlust Killtlnn. by tlio Kreat bouso or Jt isV.LIpplncoit f (Jo., oi l'lilladelpbla,' cjiirtssley lor tills iireat iircmlum oiler of tlio ueauillul lmuilcatloii ol aui.aiii. tf koii Lit tlh OiilLuilEN-. It Is a library in ltseir. U not tutd by tlio trade, and canuut be bought clsenlieru for less llun SlXl'V DuLLAlt-i. Stinshihc for Little Children .... Eunslilne for Llttlo Cblldrcn is ono or tho most magnificently Illustrated publications in tlio United States, Slio uuj by 1VX, isjued moni lily. 1 lio twelve numbers will make a handsome iolio norkVd puL'es. awi Lcoutl. ful plciures, 60 ot llicm lull-page cuts. 400 exquisite stories lor llttlo ones. (m 1 The Carbon Advocate Tho Ncwslet and Most Hcadablo Weekly In tlio County. The tuiiilly Paper, und the ONLY NMVSl'Al'KU entirely 1KLY I lib iiU.Mi. Carelully eUltid, aud Willi an able and wtde-awi flf I inrm m7hi Inn I lie f nln.,.,.innl.. . I.I.. 1 . . 3 25 1 00 Great rflttff aria e cirtrnrt fori'nnKmntlTi. bend postal rnrd for tho 'History." Impor tant news for.Voes(liHiioaVfrwiAd Teachers. jMinpii'n riiront fiir'li sold by dnicfflsta. Address K. A. OLbfl, llkl nillon St., M. Y. City. rorbaloby A. J. UUH1.I.NO, llank Slrfrt. L MruIoh. Ta. uot J,cm FORBIDS The flcf-ccm6nt of ' lutur l Mcnory iv flt;n inlntcra. uhcrv. ipc tills bare pot would show an ntl ve rt I omen t !ntantly. Ili.tabct. Icr i flcct can now bo pof 1.1 nneaslorway. It lb the bald pale PACKER'S All-HealiM TAR QflSP WHAT TO tlO H ITII IT. I li II U UH I and thick new hair will anon cover It. Thus wo sc enro mnuy i w.diln? Unci tint I'ACitKu'a Tab So.r Is n modor.i .oii1or. rhyalchrit Bverywliero recommend It fur ll.d.inoi, DandruO, Srulp and kin UtsuasiCJ. llcmlji lu. Urnpilos of lilldfcn, inch n Sea d Head. 1 ma Acne. Clmftiu'. Hash, cto Cures Silt It cum. Umwur.ii, Tetter thlnc,lc. t'ilC". I'iinplcs, Jtotu(H.e.-. licit. cs. tbnp'. nnj nil Flmll ir dlsousc;). All physic nn prescribe it for Washing Infants un.l Toilet nn i liath. Iho oaly i nr Snap made from niriVc ctab oOl'sanil LtinnCd Ghcoiine. I tiro, cleaning, fo uliliiu a1 hc.illui;. l'A kkk'9 T ii I3p p H needed hv i very body tia n B.tnltary luxury Alls for l'AUCElt'S.- bur iiala by ; 1'or Salo bv A. J. DUrtLltCO, ton IT.. HOPEWELL'S UNIVERSAL EEMEDIES. COUGH REMEDY, a suns CUHI3 for COUOHS, clironlo or common. Soro Throat, Croup. Whooplns; CourIi, nnd nil pul monary complaints. Tlio best nnd cheapest mcdlciuo ot its kind. 1'ilco -3 and 60 cts. Favorlto It. I) .rf ofDorrouw.h.lrnM. lt ml.,, ..: i.i " i .. i.r"""f luri. 3 Jut Tlii ouuiitry. .u.yjuii uiouoiugs inroufu- TOLU ANODYNE, the orhat NEUKAI.UIC ItUJIKUY, cures Nervous, Clironlo mill violent Sick Headaches, Sciatica, Kcrvous Debility, Hysteria, Delirium Tremens. SO cts. per bottle. Total offer is worth $04 25 Eor Kale br A. , DCRLINU, Itank Streal Aaf.ii, ly. Worth $26.25. Shakespere's Works Sent on receipt of only $9.G0. 22 00 Charles. Knlitht's famous London pictorial edition. In two Immenso royal octavo volumes. 3.0 wood.euis and M ruil pago plates by Iho celebrated sir S in. .:.i..1rt,A. A,! ". f. 3a "''Kant steel engravings rroin the must eiul. iient artists or Lurope. 'lhete pmics olono sullmune vuluino, imported Irom Ueruiany. lor I wenty Do Ur, at tho tstabllshmcnt ol Djtes ic i.aun ut, Dostun. Iho text cunuoi bo pureliaBed in less t linn 36 imrts. at to tents per part. Hound In cloth, elegant gilt tops and gold stamps. Sunshine for Little Children .... AS foriOKO AHOVK. The Carbon Advocate . . ' . 3 25 1 00 ECLECTIC PILLS, TiiEanEAT Mercurial Substitute nntl Fnmlly Physic. Aro composed exclush cly of vegetable ingrif llenta fiiptrsede the vse qf Mercury act directly on tho Liver, nnd nro a most valuablo remedy in nil cases of derangement of that organ. Invahiablo in tho euro ot Constipation, Indigestion, and all Bilious Disorders, l'rlco S.5 cts. All aro warranted to euro or thu money refunded. IIUNNEWELI. JIF'Q. CO.. Boston. I'nrSalcbj ... j. uuitU.MJ, Uai.kH not, i.e liU'btou, ra. Hov. 9 cm. UW TIE NATION! For It Ii sadly too trim that thousands ot CIIILDRKIVnro 'T.UVMi l'u Us-A'I'IE every year by Improiwr or Insudlclent I'OOD. Kemember, Total offer is worth Worth $14.25. Sent on receipt of $8.10. Worcester's Dictionary Illustrated and unabridged, A masslvo volume ofl851 pages. Latest and best edition. Colored plate.". Library thocp binding. " The authority In our olllce." Ni Y. Tribune, '''the best writers uso Worcester us their authority." N. Y. Herald. "The standard Dictionary ot America." I'hllade.i hla Press. " Long considered tho standard ot America." Evening I'ost. Sunshine for Little Children .... The Carbon Advocate $26 25 10 00 25 00 Total offer is worth $14 25 Child's IBiMe. Worth $10.25. Sent on rcccipl of $0.00. Tho Child'sJ&ble A magnificent book. Large quarto. 83S piges. 300 fine engravings, color ed miiiM and Illuminated titles, especially deeigncd by tho best artists of I he; day. cloth, clcxatit lull gilt and pill cducs,KOld sldoand gold stamp. Clear, largo type, and printed on exquisitely tinted ; paper. Sunshine for -Little Children .... The Carbon Advocate . . . . . : 12 00 .1 9 1 00 Total offer is worth .$16 Worth $7.75. Sent on receipt of only $4:12, World of Wit and Humor ..... From tho most celebrated writers. A magnificent volume of tho rarest and richest fun. Largo octavo. 600 pages. Cloth extra. 450 engravings and full page plates. Gold side and gold slamp. A great bargain. Sunshine for Little Children . . . The Carbon Advocate ., Total offer is worth . . . 3 50 25 00 $7 75 0 JEtAED ALL OP THIS. Tn order, if possible, to place a copy of THE CARBON ADVOCATE in every household in this and the adjoining Counties, and to largely increase its circulation in other sections, of the country, we have become parties to contracts for-the purchase of entire editions of elegant, rare and valu able books, and our readers are respectfully requested to write to us for any standard sqt of works; and in connection with our subscription department, their orders will be at tended to at n large discount from retail prices, with the ut most, care, promptness and satisfaction. Among our "Prem ium Offers" wo mention tlie following : DIOKEWS WOKKS. HUI.WEH'S WOltKS. CUOi'EK'S won ICS. All freight chargei lo be paid on detivety. THACIKERY'S WOrtKS, lllVIN.I's WOHKS, inilliYAT'S WOHKS. AND OTI1EK WOitK. y forwarded when Is nil nnd a irreat deal moro then wn hnvn Hnlmi cdforit. It is simply n II Kill t'.v MJslCi j l ions and easily assimilated l'0()I), grateful especially ndnpu-il for tho IlMVi' and niton in:j cdii.k. INVALIDS, HUH MOTHERS, and those Euftcrinjj from Indlgeitlon will find on trial that JUkra a At ITrlona dlt, run tm nmt wltfi fr 1tSnnt milk, ma wa ciutaril.. pniMlnrk , r.. l,lKliy ,.m nt , l.y ilia lea. Ilrllrktu liu lima ulll nuj I llTji- a KoSl it ' , mcd. lt&lvvaucultljaui1rtr-iit,H'. Iimmi.::.. AUim.llIL" For Rule by A.J. DUItLINO, Bank Bt., rhleh. ton, Ta. Ioy.o-CDi. -is- THE EASIEST SELLING, THE BEST SATISFYING SBwiiiff Maclime Its Introduction ant World-renowned rrnutatmn wna tlio tlcalli-Slow to high priced machines. THERE ARE NO SECOND-HAND WHITE MACHINES IH THE MARKET. This Is a very Important It l well known and undisputed tact tnat man, oMha to calicd (irst-class machlnss which are onereil to Ciean nowa-cays are those that have been re poikesied (that Is, liken back Irom customers alter use) and rebuilt end put upon the maikit "Tr 'tVHIIE IS THE PEEII OF ANY SEWINO MACHINE NOtY UPON TH? MAIIKEI. If IS MUCH LflllOEH THAN THE FAMILY Ms. CHINES OF THE SmCEII, HOWE AND WEEJ "lYrOSTS MORE TO MANUFACTURE THAH EITHER OF THE AFORESAID MACHINES. ITS CONSTRUCTION IS SIMPLE, POSITIVE AK3 DURADLE. IIS WORKMANSHIP S UNSURPASSED. Do not Buy any other tefo;o try ing tho WHITE. Prices anfl Terms Hade Satisfecton AGENTS WANTED 1 White Sewing Machine Co., CLEVELAND, 0. JOHN H. FAGA, AfiKST FOil CAKHOK t'OUNTV, UarJI'TO-mi M Al'fll C HUSK, I'A U3irThc above "Club Offers" are on tlio money is received by us. All orders should be addressed to THE AKBOI AIVOCATPE, LEHIGHTON, Carbon County, Penn'u. NEW MAMS $125 I.'ach, and all atvlra lucliluiug OIIANTI. SQt'AIti: A ll) DrlllUIIT.nllttnctlrF.ItbT Ol.AH. aqli) ai I be iawft nn ch nhoieaa a tacoiy pic, U.. it to tlie l'UIU. Thes. riauot made u ei ot the lltieat dispUv at Ho OrulrUHUl Kablbition. and ueia unaul luouilr ircciiiiniiudi d lui tbeliiuUEai IJoaoua ovei is.wo n u. lirciiiaily Inrorporatrd Jlaimfaoiuiiuit ru.-Paruiiv e-uh j.hfJ nver ft TMra The gqnaie nraiut- rauialu Maih. uabeUaliwiat4Mll Jlgples Ovarsirnna Hculf, the grealw improvement lu the binory of riaiiuniatlns. The Urrlahtaaietho S'ltiMC IN AH UIUL A I'Uuoa aut on lllal. Ilou'l ' tail lo wine tor Illustrated aud UeacriDtlve OctawitHe ot t ime wallui Ut. MUMIKI.NSOII.N PIANO CO. UI Kaet istli tJirccI, X, T, 1 rear li