The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 12, 1879, Image 4

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l'ljf Til I It.
'Mr. J. H. Orion, of Henry County, 111.,
VfM on exhibitor nt the Chloigo Fat Stock
ihnir last winter, and lilt swino won several
lending prizes. He gave us n litllo "pig
iBlk" one tifteruuou of which we made a few
He prefers to have pigs.droppcd In April,
My, or early June. The sows run on grass
nd he given them juit enough corn In tho
cur to keep them In good condition.
As soon as the pigs will eat corn, let them
have all they want. They will begin to cat
cracked corn when two or three weeks old.
When at this ago the sows are allowed slop
frequently. If given previous to this tho
pi. r will be likely to "jcour."
The sows will wean the pigs when thcV
are about two and one-half mouths old. A
litter ef six pigs is large enough for ordina
ry sows, If they are to be kept as breeders
Let them have a good clover pasture during
the summer and fall. Two or three times a
wek throw to the herd a bushel or so of soft
coal. Do not let them have it all the time,
as they are likely to cat so much of it as to
ruult injuriously. Salt them two or three
times per week.
In winter provide good warm,wcll cover
ed sheds, with plenty of bedding, which
change often. Do not give them so much
bedding, for they must not bo kept too
When fattening hogs, give them dry
ground to stand or lie upon, but no great
abundance of bedding. In bad weather, al
ways give them their food under shelter.
It Is a cruel thing to work a horse that
lias a neck worn raw by a badly fitting col
lur. In putting horses that have been com
paratively fdle during winter to the hard
work of the plow and tho harrow, painful
and unsightly sores are often caused which,
unless cared foratonce, prove of longstand
ing, permanently disfiguring the animal.
When the abrasion first appears, give the
horse a day or two of rest. It is better to do
this even if important work is somewhat de
layed. Chlorido of zinc diluted with fifty
pa' is of walerand applied with asoftspongo
Is a good asliingent, serving to harden and
toughen the skin. But alter all, tho he't
w.iy to prevent galling is tu have llio collar,
and every part ufiha hardnm touching the
hurt, a pel feet fit. Keep it well oiled and
p'iabie. Then Inure lli nu uial to Un.d
woik grarkn'iy and 1. ndly.
riNAroiii;" in ur.ititrAX.
That tho 'success of " Pinaforo" has been
unprecedented; nobody will deny, amateurs
and piofcsslonals, coloicd and Caucassian
trmiies, have sprung up spontaneous and
what Is stranger than all, each hos been a
success financially, artistically and melod
iously. It was, however, reserved for Phil
adelphia to pi-educe the Operetta in German,
as it was lust evening tn a crowded house.
It was well mounted, many of the prnjier-
ties comparing favorably with the best set
ting tho piece has received on any stage.
There Is no alteration In the text) and those
who arc familiar witli the various airs, and
not familiar with the German language, cull
readily follow the plot of the play. The
oiwiiing chorus, " Wo Sail the Oceau Diue,"
Is rendered
" Wlr segen durch' bloue mcer."
And the reference by JMe to her numer
ous relations Is transformed to read. ' Und
so siiid seine schwester, und selno vcttern,
uud seine tamtuu."
The Admirals autobiography, In verso
commences thus :
" Cos Ith eln Knabe war."
When Cunfam Corcoran says ho will ncv
cr treat Buttercup harshly, the following
dialogue takes place:
Chorus Was, nie?
Captain Ncln, nie.
Chorus Was, nie?
Captain Woll, kaum lemnls.
The duet between Dick Deadcyc and the
Captain has this chorus:
" Kin lustlg, lustlg tuodclicn,
Kin lustlg, lustlg modchen
Uud der matrose." Philadelphia
A Woodward avenue druggist put up n
prctciption brought by a boy, slid ns he
bonded over the bottle, the boy osked :
"Did you'put any sugar in It?"
"I don't think I did," was tho reply.
"Well, then, I don't believe ma'll touch a
drop of it. I got some medicine ltcro t'other
day,"nd pa o. 1 In't even hire Ler to tako it,
'causo it wasn't sweet. She's pretty sick
but she's down on medicine."
"Weil, how docs your father manage. ?"
"lie dou't manogo nt all. llo tries to hire
mother, but, you sec, she's too old to care
for candy and tienuttts, and too young to
want siiectaclcs or enull-boxes, and there wo
are, you see. If them onion draughts on
her feet don't do any "good, I'll bet I'll hate
a step-mother 'fore f.ill." i-Vcc l'ress,
Wlint Gnrilili Have You.
The best pnyingplot on any fiirm.nudthe
ono yielding the most enjoyment, loo, is the
Vegetable Garden or "Kitchen Garden," as
it is Ircquently culled, and finite, appropri
ately, csjiecially when tho "Kitchen folks"
have the chief or sole caieofit. Agood sup
ply of garden products for the table coitilcsi
than tho standard bread, meet and tioUtloes,
is more healthful and noiir'thlng Ih-iu all
corn beef, salt ork, and tho small assort
ment usually found on tho farmer's table.
ralaUblcncss, comfort, homo enjoyment?
Contrast a table set nearly the year around
with bread, salt pork, corned beaf, potatoes,
boiled cabbjgc, varied with hath, mush,
buckwheats, and occasionally n few other
items, with a table well supplied in succes
sion and abundantly with Asparagus, green
pcasJJiua Uoaiis, Spring Beans, Sweet Corn,
Eadishes, Carrots, Beets, Parsnips, Celery,
Salsify, Turnip, Cauliflower, Spinach, Let
tuce, Egg Tlants, Tomatoes (all the year)
Rhubarb, Okra, Squashes, Otilons, Cabbage,
Cucumbers (?), and otlics things, filled in
with Currants, Strawberries, Raspberries,
Blackberries, not to mention Grapes,
Pears, etc. We do not accept the standing
excuse, "I am too poor, too hard driven, too
much to do in my fields, to bother with tiio
garden." We reeat, tcilh cmphatis, that
every farmer can have most, if not all the
above pleasant ond , healthful variety urirA
ills labor and Icm expense than tho table can
be supplied in any other way. Every day's
work in the garden will produco several dol
lars' worth of good things. One quarter of
an acre, more or less, according to tho size
of the family, will suffice. Select tho best
soil available, ns near tho house as possible,
but at a distance if absolutely necessary. A
good loam whero water novcr stands is do
tiiable. Heavy clay will not do well with
out a good deal of preparation. If not nat-
urallydry, undcrdraining is desirable, but
even an open ditch around tho plot, and
one or two through it if needed, may ans
wcr forthe present How and harrow fine,
working in a liberal supply of the best well
rotted manure that can bo obtained half a
wagon load on every squaro rod will bo all
the better, but much less can be got alonj
with. The directions for planting, cultiva
tion, etc., are given inour"Hint3for Work.'
from time to time, beginning back to the
February number. For the bestvorieties of
vegetables, seo article on page 84 of March
number. From American Agriculturist for
too hot roil mm.
As confederate war reminisenecs aro al
ways In order, hero is ono too good to be
hurried. The hero ol'tbo joke was one Jim.
Ho was attached to Itosscr's cavalry, in
Stewarts command. Jim was noted for his
strong antipathy to slinlnml shell, and a pe
culiar way he had of avoiding too close com
munion with the same; but at last all his
plans failed tn keep him out, and tie with
liis companions, under n lieutenant, was de
tailed to support a battcey that composed a
portion of llio rear guard. Thceneiny kept
pressing so clns, in fact as to endanger the
retreating forces,and the troops covering the
retreat had orders to keep the enemy in
check a given period at all hazards, and the
order was obeyed to tho loiter under a gal
lant fire. Jim grew desperate. Ho stuck
behind trec3 that appeared tn his excited
vision, no larger than ramrods. Ho then
tried to lie down. In fact, lie placed him
self in every position that his genius could
Invent, but the hiss of tho bullet haunted
him still. At last, in despair, he called to
the commanding officer :
"Lciutciiant, let's fall back 1"
'I cannot do it, Jim."
"Well, I'll bo ibrned if we don't get
cleared out if wo stay herol"
'My orders are, Jim, to hold this place,
and support this battery of guns. If we fall
back, the enemy will rush in and capture
tho guns."
Just at this moment a well-directed bullet
impressed Jim with tho fact that a change
of base was necessary. Jim found another
apparently protected spot, and as soon as
he recovered his mind, ho sang out :
"Say, Lieutenant, what do you think dem
hero cannon coat?"
"I suppose about $1000, Jim."
"Well," said Jim, "let's take up a collec
tion and p.iy for the guus, and let tho d d
Yankees have 'cm."
Bmm and Medicines !
The main cause of nervousness is indices-
tion, and that is caused by weakness of the
stomacli. n one can huvo sound nerves
and good health without using Hop ltittcis
to sirenginen tue siomacn, purity tno uiotrt
and keep the liver ami kiducys active, to
carry oil' ull tho poisons and waste matter
oi tue system, bee otuer column.
now to Warm llcn.IIouvcs.
Mr. Henry McCormick has his hen-house
lathed and plastered, and bo says it does not
freeze. This, In the long run, would not be
a very expeusivo way to fit up a hennery
as the plastered walls will bo lasting and
cheaper than liniug with matched lumber.
They would bu warmer also. Our hcn-houEe
is too cold. We are satisfied of the fact, and
it is the main reason why the hens do not
lay more eggs in winter. They have grain
enough, and bone-meal, and lime and meat
but they are too cold. Wo aro coIub to line
tho insidowlth tarred paper and try that to
sea If it will not make the hennery warm
enough. If It does not, next summer wo
will cover the paper wui, lath, aud plaster.
The tarred paper will help to keep the lioo
out of the room. It only costs three cents a
pound, and the expense is not much. Pa
per Is one of the best non-cenductors and
therefore a very effectual lining to keep the
heat In und the cold out. We are going to
make it a rule to shut the entrance every
night and not to open It until the cold of tho
night is somewhat modified by the sun not
before nine o'clock in the morning. This
will help to keep the temperature more even
day and night. Where there aro a warm
southern exposure ond a glass front.the, tem
perature will rise quite higli during the mid
dle of the day, and in the night change to
be so cold as to make an unhealthy differ
ence. Keeping out the cold at night will
help to make the temperature more uniform
and prevent roup and other disorders, tho
Jesuits of colds. Fowls thus kept comforta
ble will require less food to be kept Id good
condition, and will lay tr mora eggs. Su
ra! Yorker,
-Subscribe for tho AvociTtlU)0 aytar
The-People's Drug & Family Medicine Store.
If yon want anything in tho Drug lino at bottom prices,
go to tho Old and lioliablo Drug Store, in Dr. N. B.
Reber's Block, near the Post Oflice,
A. J. DUELING, Proprietor,
I Where vou will 11ml a fntt and complete stock of
Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils.
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Pure Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal altontion given to tho compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
Establish 1867.1 A. J. DURLING.
ThG Best and Most Popular Pnliaoiiic is
Lrb'clitou. NoveinU'-rS.
Weissport Planing Hi!!.,
Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kinds of Lumber, Sash,
Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust
ers, Window and Door Frames, Scroll Sawing,
Turning, Planing and Pipping done at short
notice and at Prices to Suit the Times.
Om lfalfifiBBfy as salt Mew
and of the Latest and Most Improved Pattern ; we cm
ploy none but the Best Mechanics, and use only
the Best and Thoroughly Seasoned Lumber.
Contractors and Carpenters are invited to
call for Specifications, which will be
cheerfully furnished.
Orders tiv Mrll pmirpllr attrndeil lo, anil satisfaction pmrnntoeil. Thankful to our friends
ALU the public fur pjel fa vols, we rc-pectlullvasx a bhatc-or jour i-atronatre lu the future.
Viry Respectful!-.
For the Wcissport Planing Mill.
P. O. box G3. -jan.-i- yl
It Will Pay to Mead Vliis I
It InVnriablr Cares Conch.. Ccldn, Horn se
tups, smo riiront Asthma, ("roup, aud otber
AJTcctiou cf tho Urea thl n f Organs.
TU mnthlnii ltiflnenco nron tit Irrlt.i'rri lln
ins of lln n r ptiMwirr?, la dn to tho lint Hint
lln in Jim i em nro me nmsi emuuemua in imm
in Mfiiplfn known tn mcMlict) tir-tmiy. the I.11
nf theaiticie udiif IIUMKY of t lie HOkK
JIOUM PlAN V, rhprtvcftiir umtrn with lh
inc. 11cm nl prlnoiplenf tin AJUICS HAIXAM ISA
or lta:m ol Gicad. Thero aro IioiiiIbi. five nttiur
hot Mile olcineiit which pivo additional cKlcocj
IO Hie U'rll Ulimi'tl IWll.
I hnpo who him. nod It, pav that TIAT.E'H
IIONnV OF HOltluUuUiN l AND TAIl in not
only wonderfully remedial tn nil ciscs whcio
thooritnn nf rrRjilrntloti nro iifTectert. but nlo
tan Ha action Is umifcuoltv rnpid. A few Uosen
lirqicml7 servo to relievo a very nbsJtintp
rough. It contains. nnthtnr tatit can dinoriler
tho stomach, n fact that ran ho nl efred w'th
truth of but few i'oui;h remodtefi; Itlius nnex.
tietrolr agreeable flavor, a n1 is Mild nt a llgurc
which enihica thodo of the most limited means
to nv.ill thcmicli en if its virmea
Itl Mroplo ranrtnestn trlflowIUi n Oonjrh.
Irrlt itton of th- Throat. Chet "nd Lnngs trav
Kin jiimuiy. unit mint js ii ii'uiuts uiiu Jimin
ronqnorahio dilllcnlly m thoiu oirhii" tn-dny,
mav In a tow weeks develop Into Hrouehltls or
Cnnmmpt on. two disease nhlch enrrv more
victims to ciirlv Krnv. ilian any other lu the
long 11t of bod 11 v disorder.
A Co u el i m ly bo fitly termed thorrellmlnnry
Stjun of Consumption, n inilndv if which
If A I.K'H 110 SKY OF nOlltillOUN'O AND
TAlltstbe Hiret Known preventive. Thono
thoielote, who wonld arrest thopropro's of tlie
destroyer aaoub1 delay not a mumcnt total:
a crRTAiN Snectfle.
C'JIU.DUIJN, deilro creit benefit from Us
ppothintr proportlca. whon ftuncrliiir with the
naroxyms of croup and WhiMipinR Cotnh, Tho
tirat natiied d'ae-i-o it eDrclalv destructive
nmons vountr children and th'sr 111 hie lomedy
fthotild bo Kept un h:md in nil honeholdU liuv
tho lariro PacKujres aud Kconomlze.
I'lllUKH. 60 ct.. and I, PEU UOITJ.E.
Sold by all UrueKista.
C N. Ci'Htenton Prop'r,
rorRnletiv A. J. DUltLIXO. B.nkstrcot.
Lelttghtoii. Va.
Wc have entered into arrangements with licv. J. ITknuv
Smythe, of Pliilndolphia, the publisher of Sunshine van
Little Children, whereby wc are enabled to make yon the
tollowing unrivalled offer an offer which will, wc feel as
sured, secure lor us not only your name, but the names of
very many of your friends and neighbors as subscribers to
our paper.
already been expended in this " great offer " by (he " Sun
shine Publishing Co.," Til IS PAPER MAKES NOTH
ING ON THE BOOKS. Our solo object is to place your
name on our list ns a subscriber to the Caiwon Advocate
and to Sunshine for Little Children.
I am convinced that the world is daily
growing better," remarked a reverend gen
tleman to a brother minister, "my congre
gation is continually lacrcasing.' "Curi
ous," replied the other, who was chaplain of
a pcnitcntiary,"for so is mine."
The kind of a dentist who will always
be popular; ouo who fills and extracts tetth
without pnyln'.
Two sophomores entered a horseear ami
took the only scat, number two sitting in
the other's lap. In a few minutes a young
lady entered. "Take my seat," sold num
bcr two, politely rising. Young lady ac
cepted with a gracious smile.
A small boy attending one or our pub
lic schools, whooo detriment had always
been rated 100, came homeoueday recently
with bis standing reduced to 05. "What
have you been doing!" asked his mother.
"Been doing the same as all aloug," replied
the young hopeful, "only, you see, the
teacher caught me this time."
Ellison feels discouraged. On appllca
tion lie rind j he cannot get a patent on his
new boy. It Infriuges tno much on a prior
claim, issued years ago, to a man named
Adam, and Eve his wife.
Old Gent, who firmly believes in com
pulsary education, to Cow-boy "Oh, you
go to school, d.i you 1 Now, I dare say you
can tell me who it was that was saved when
the world was drowned, can't you J" Con-
boy Yes, sir j but I forgot his name."
Rescuer "I have brought your son
homo that I rescued from drowning." Mo
ther "Accept a mother's thauks. Now,
Chorles, I hope this will be agood lesson for
you. Don't you never go ne-irthe Water
again until you know how to swim.'
An authoress says; "a womanly woman
never gets jammed, crowded or pushed,"
and adds, "thee things never Lapcn to me,
ond I am neither young nor handsome."
This explains it. Let us hove the experi.
ence of some of the young and pretty ones.
I think ,twas in September, If I rightly
now remember, that I heard a knocking,
at my door j yes, I know 'twas in Septem
ber, for quite well I now remember, he had
been thero fifty times before bait been
there knocking at my door. But I opened
not, or wondered, as upon my door be thun
dered, fur yelledi "Say, now, will you set
tle this 'ere bill I bring your at lie bat.
Uredon tho door j and I tnswtrcd, calmly
aiswcd, ',Nevfrroor.
Respectfully announces to tho peoplo of Lohighton and its
vicinity, that lie has just enlarged his Manufactory by the
addition of another story, and that he is now prepared to
furnish them with every description of
HouselioIB EurniturE,
Manufactured from tho best Seasoned Material, at Prices
fully as low as tho saino articles can be bought for else
where Here aro a few of tho inducements offered :
Parlor Sets at from $50 to SGO.00
Walnut Marble-top Dressing Caso Bedroom
Suites, 3 Pieces. $40 to $05.00
Painted Bedroom Suites $18 to $-1-0.00
Cane Seated Chairs, per sot of Six $0.00
Common Chairs, per set of Six $4.00
and all other goods equally cheap.
Tn this connection, I desiro to call tho attention of tho
citizens to my ample facilities in tho
BUSINESS, with a uow and handsome Hearse, and a full
lino of Caskets and Coffins, I am prepared to attend
promptly to all orders in this line, at lowest prices.
Patronage respectfully solicited and tho most ample sat
isfaction guaranteed. V. SCHWARTZ,
Oct. 12. BANK Street, LEHIGI1TON, PA.
nave yoti a "Raging Tooth" Header?
ir vou have, buy
Pike's- Toothache Drops
unit Cure the a;ocv In osn Minute. TIiin yon
rain.)t"rTvVi;N'l V.l'lVK CJJN'IS 'llio nr
Hclo w II do the bU4iuo) mi brown ilen ml uprm
it: moreover u loutums no lUKieJteut which
cau li-Juioyuut Teoiti.
rilici: 25 CCNT9. EoM Dr all DrnoRlsis ,
C. K. Criltentoii, Prop'r,
sDLpnuft mu
The Leading External SpeclOo
Beaulificr of the Complexion.
It renders tlio Cuticle Healthfully
Clear Red Smoutll, and Is the Bnl Pn.
slble Substitute for Expenslvo Sulphur
Fall a ul Wiu4er $peiaiiiig' I
The undersigned announces to tho ladies of Lohighton,
and vicinity that ho is now receiving and opening a large i
assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising j
such as Matalasses. Delaines, Coburgs, Alpacas, &c. Also,
a largo stock of
which ho is offering
Groceries and Provisions a Specialty,
at prices to suit tho times.
Clover, Timothv, Hungarian, aud all kinds of Field and
Gardon Seeds, VERY" CUEAP.
Opposito tho L. & S Depot, BANK Street,
May C, 1879-yI LEI11GI1TON, PENN'A.
5g grf; rite!? f.i ?
I I f pq Iab1itflll.iul
ir U Incoropnrnb o Uemortv for Buuisfb, Ul
C'ERS. CL'TS mill pron IrntntilA nt- intl.M.ihc
condition of (he HMu,ml is a most foiv oublc
rcmcillal nTDi and non ce of Hieotlr lellellu
catienui (loUTiiml Iiiieitmatism.
It a mwt cioairulilo IU8INFE0TANT OF
ui.u i uiru tut iiuu iiiiSKXV, worn ana nei
bv imtmou" uflriiff (mm ohsoxious or cox
TACIOUH DIsEAHrs mid li n Cupitai ltf mt'dr bihI
l'rovei taiive 1 1 toem. when nmsl a an IpJpc
llou rciHitna (Miintovlncr u huvo nn iihi-.i tn
taKo Sxilphur Bati.B, or to resort to 8nl hur
M ukbiui minium jiuri'iini'N.
AmnidiUiiici. of ti.e TOILET H lfarxnorp
ti(liui'ii initu uiiy uiillie ic MLCH M VOK" SOT,
llko a tlcloi of ili it natum, conceal Cuuiuiex
lonnl IllPintuhe but n-movfti tliem.
'rAN.FltKCKIJis.piMPi.vs itT.nTnirrM
at a lh like, Riit?ililv yiela toisn cianfylna tn
(lupiicf an 1 ItH tiif very beU Soap tu mIiito
witli.tjeciiusoit loaves ttm mm Huiooth and frc
Iroui lio lnitatloo iifiKtu -e.t on tenlM vo rn
tlvU ly iho nnllca!'n of tio lazor, it alao
con ploiely erad ratfn LAN!)nUlF
llnUlPlvn- tlw'aro it to EXCELLENT for
wnnhjrp . OOLl'.rs LINh' MCJi. uud ullicr
fabric and la.lio hioviuk lu too cat irc!eMof
mctropuliia i uud ruial society Bpeak o( it lu
tholnjot t Tuif.
lesiln ontMsrnarin from a'l qnartcr of Iho
Uiilnu upon it 1'rontietjr. mauv or wlm h lime
been publlti' tl In tho f. mi or n neat i unphlet.
procuruil ot l)ruiri:it und Fancrclooda Deal.
rrti. iur unumti'H ufintf i pen in puuicitifoic
t fin at lllH MF.DICIN'AL VVaohiI IThP. Nn. i siy nt
Avknuic Ntw VuitK. The artio o Is mortover
ixiooivoir uv mu-jiiuioni iiaieinur.
Like most gthlu l-'Awni' iipitrnira
riLCNSrtlTLlkiiUllMiAla lia b tn mutat
ed. 8n i on without tho niiiHcst frtuuiMii of re
me'dal Ij3ciicv have I een und art toi"ie(l uiwii
thoiiuausttctli)gnii.1 ano!mpfviit. it genuine
cuipuur wiuiia puMeuiiua' iiroprino- ljerllCfil
ujta or tqu:u to iheOieii HpiuiUo. which theli
vend'UH tee to rival Uv under ft nl e in pel I
tin . Tito luHtllo nliould lln ivfnr ht rnifful tn
Inqu'reioroi.hNlt'd tul;ilrtir boap brttAiaU
nam", amlfoe lb it they gm the rem urilcV.
Al renpi-ctab Inu ota. FdrcrQoMtt Deal.
wsp4 4lioor rieep QLKNff'8 sULl'UUU
bOAl", mid wit cd dtrcaud for It, supply tlie
Prices, cts. tr Cuke 1 llnx,(3
cakes) scut by mull, prepaid for. 70c.
-o.7 8ltti Ave., n. y.
For nie bv A. J. BURUNU, JJunk btre. t,
LoiilsliUiu, l'n.
are commnlcated to Giar nd Flamo colored
i0C4, uluioet lustauUueouslv Uy
Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye
apreptiatlon abaolutelv free Irom hurtful In.
ttr dieni" ami Intlu telv superior tiv n-uiiu or
the i ff cts I'lnduteU lonny art civ ot luc ubs.
1'ieiuvturt QiUYNR'ti and Halo Esa aie ure
trnliHt. ond lhoi veiy hairs of utre u qnn the
true j outlilul ifut from this walcu'eat Uye.
0. N. Critteiiton Prop'r.
Ei)rl A. J. DUnLIIO. Osnk tret
ritkvis. A.(. k ir.
And OTHER PREMIUMS, OlFcrcd to Subscribers of
Site Garlboi. Advocate."
"Worth $6-1.25. Sent on receipt of $'27.00
Uiambcrs Lncyclopcdia $G0 00
len royal octavo volumes. Library law binding, marblo edges, extra ctlt.
4wo engruylnics and in wap,, nd liom 60 to loo elegantly ensruvod piaics.
La est aud 1 e.t lilitioii. 1 his social subseripttou work is 1o.,ao li urto
by tlionrcut bousoofj. li. l,i..intoiifieo., ol I'lnhuloli.liu, ci)rissky lor
tills treat premium oiler ol ibu beauillul ijuoilc.uiouof auMjiiiAH iron i.iT.
tlk ijiiiLuiibN. It Is a library In Itnir, Is not sold by tho Hade, uud cuuuot
be bought elsewhero for less Hun alX 1'V UobUAit 5.
Sunshine lor Littlo Children ....
r-unslilno for Littlo Children Is ono or tho must ninimllkcntly lllu-tratcd
.ulmeailons lu tho Unlied S.moa, SI20 1. by 144, Tued niu.i til). l lio
twelvo uuinbeis will iiiuko 11 huiulsomo lolio wurk 1 'Jss u;rie. M icautl.
lul ideiures, 60 ot Ihem lulbiiusu cuts. 40U oniulsito s.ones lor littlo ones.
The Carbon Advocate ....
N. Y. P. S. Go's Column.
Ii 1-9 1 ! nnpr 1 bsi pw 1 ru b 1 T m jTHflft-ICILr
sod lfiMlMMf-Mtfk to KisrNMit-ItrltllaRt
Ta-lhtrftbl-afrd bvsll LKlilll MLkui.
dlWJ!7 Asln Hew York cltj. Coniidcrlnf their
'tiyi rlH"t theefciwlitHi(tliitlw world.
WV lultnlkfttt; toftta lua. k....
THAI! MABK", tUn Ont Slrlnra rpnalra no blfirlihif.
Xuttbetu. vcrjr box liniTrmle-miirVi of tt sole importers
For Sftlfi hv A. J. lltTTtt.TKn. Ttnntr Rt . f Atilo-h.
tun, I'a. Tiot 0-tin.
WITH A HISTORY-; Iiew eflccts from new
Ingredients : n new remedy lh-11 i'rlorms woi.dcrs.
UvAI'ONTIItioAi Ol Ui:, quick relief
nml ladlcal remedy for llimrwnrsa. Soro 1 hrost,
l'uld. Tickling, 1.ok nr Voire. Oulir, I'lrhlhr.
rla. Ilrnnrblll., nn.l ''MlnMer's Kor. Thiost."
Orcnt relief and comfort for Comnmptlvea.
tend eard for Ihn ' History." Imner-
lam nrnri ior vacnusm, pesKer n a iescntn.
tmnjiii' Thrnit 'ur- 14 rold by dmrclsts.
Address II. A. Ulds, 10J Full on M., Ii. Y. t-Tiy.
KnrHflloliv A.
piRntmi l'a.
J. DUHLINU, lmit Strut. h
Nov D.Cni
3 25
1 00
Tlio tlef.cemrnt of
ml nml scenery '
woy fiRn punters.
.uoilicruLo this I nro
Af pot would fliow nn
instantly. IJ.;tnDr.
lertCcct csnnowbo
cot In nn easier wny.
li.ib tbo bald pale
und thick now hslr will R-on cover It. Thus wc sc
are many n wslkln? wltncs that PArxxn'a Taij
iOAP Is a modern wonder, riiyslclars everywhere
eeonimcnd It for 1! lines, lurdrull, Scalp and
kin Disease, llradavhe. Lruptlo. of Children,
'icb a Sea d Ilcad, Ki 7 ma Acne. Chnflnc, Itash,
tc CurenSiltlt emu, Itinwnrin, Tetter fhlnjilfs,
Ujs, I i.nplci, Ituuirliuc.-, tedi!e:s. thrp., nnd
dl slmll ir illaoiipos, All physic nn prejcrlbc It for
Vn'Ciliii! Iiifniits i'n.1 tor tlie Toilet and llnlh. Tho
nly inrS'iap mulo from I'ui jVc eUh 0 Ol's and
eenncd Gl.ce Ina. lure, cleanflnj, ponhlnir und
le dlna. I'aikic. 's Tin Sj p ln.o.leil by i very
jody a a Fanitary luiury Ask for 1'AtKlilt'S.
lor Sale by'
TorSnlobyA. J. DUBLINd.
ton l'n.
L. 9 L.I.L
COHE for C'OUUHS, clironlo or common, Sorn
Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all pul
monary complaints. Tlio bett and clieapeet
medicino of ltn kind, l'rlco W and 60 cts.
Tho Ncwslct and Most Itcadoblo Weekly In the Oounty. Tho Favorltn
.m."i."y.V.",'";.riJ,"J ONI'Y NtttSlMl'hU uiuruly PltlMh.11 .N
lilt, iiu.1. Caieluily niltnl, nnu wlm an .ibiean.i ivl.iv-aimkccor s
or oorroipuiuni s its loluuiusiuako a ei.kly journal or tlwdoluas ihruua'u
oui ibu uuuu). 0 lwuoM
Total offer is worth
TOLU ANODYNE, the great
NEUKAUJIC HEM Kl) Y, cures Nervous, Clironlo
mid violent Sick Headaches. Sciatica, Nervous
Debility, Hysteria, Delirium Tremens.
CO cts. per bottle.
Mercurial Substltuto and Family l'bysic. Aro
composed exclusively of vegetable Ingredients
1 . tvperseac me me of titrcurv actairectiy on tno
JiO-i liO tiivirt, ond nro a most valuable remedy In nil
In tho euro of Constipation, Indigestion, and all
Ilillous Disorders, l'rlco Hi cts.
All are warranted tocuro or iho money refunded.
mrSnlrb, A. J. DUULIM), Uauk H'reet. r.e
blubton, l'a. Kov. 0 cm.
Worth $20.25. Sent on receipt of only $9.00.
Shakespcre's Works
22 00
film. lot,M. rnmn..D t f ..... ... ...... ...
.,.,,,lttluuu;l ...iiiuuu lui-iuridi cuuion. in two lmmenso roval
inVm?i,!ii-";?t' ?1,U,W0"tLU,lJ" a"1' M '"" I'."0 I'latc! b? ' celebrated ilr
i , ?: irt'.JV11- A,i u.", 3i "I'St'l stetl ingravings Iroui the nii-st euil
nehtaruslsot l.urope. Iheeo plnies alono mil in one vuluiiic. linnortod
Iroui Uei iiiuny, lur mcnty llo lars.m tho istnbhrliuient ol L'sus N. i.aurl
at, llostun. I he text iiinuot bo purehafed lu Iws tlnin 38 parte, at 1U cents
ptrpait. Hound In colli, clcjjuut glk tops und gold mnuips.
Sunshine for Little Children
The Carbon Advocate
Total offer is worth .
3 25
1 00
For It Is sadly too troo that thousands of
CI1ILi)KI:n aro T vltVMi I tth A'l ll
every year by Improper or Insurnclent t'OOUi
20 25
Worth $14.25.
Worcester's Dictionary
Sent on receipt of $8.10.
10 00
Is nil and a great deal mora then wo have claim,
edrorit. HfsBlmply a IMUIl'. v MIIUi-
ltli and family ns-lmilated VQOD, gratef'.'l
to the most dclicato nnd Irritable stomach, ami
esiicclnlly adapted for tho I k'.tt'V and
(ilintv inu :D3ll.l
and those BuiTcring from Iiuilqutlon will find on
Illustrated and un ilirldge.1. A maslvo volume or 1811 paxes. Latest
best edition, (,'oiored pla c. Llbmry sheep lnudiiu.
" Tlio uu horl.y In uur oilW." N. Tribune,
''llio best writers mo Uurcvrtcr ns ibilr authority." N1. Y. Herald.
"'Ilicstiindiird llietlonary ol Ann rica.:' l'iillado.i lila l'ress.
" Louif considered tho standard ol Auierlea." Lvtulua l'ot.
Sunshine for Little Children
The Carbon Advocate ....
Total offer is worth ....
3 25
1 00
$U 2i
Worth $10.25. Sent on receipf of$G.00.
The Child's Bible 12 00
A magnificent book. Li rue quarto. 838 pigf s. S00 flno engravings, color,
cil niipa und lllumlnuted titles, especially declined by tbo best artists ot the
day t;lotli,eleKUiit lull gilt und nil I cluis,u.old sldound gold sluuip. Ckar,
lurgu type, uud printed uu exquisitely tinted paper.
Sunshine for Little Children . . . 3 25
The Carbon Advocate 1 00
Total offer is worth .
. $10
Wit ami !Is&flkfla,,o
Worth $7.75. Sent on receipt of only $-1.12.
World of Wit and Humor 3 50
From the most celebrated writers. A magnificent volume of the, rarest and
rlcnett fun. Lurge uctnto. 500 pages. Uloihexira. 450 engravings uud
full pjge plates. Uold side and gold stamp. A great barguln.
Sunshine for Little Children
The Carbon Advocate ....
3 25
1 01)
Total offer is worth
$7 75
In order, if possible, to place a copy of Tilbl CARBON
ADVOCATE in every household in this and the adjoining
Counties, and to largely increase its circulation in other
sections of the country, we have become parties to contracts
for the purchase of entire editions of elegant, rare and valu
able books, and our readers are respectfully requested to
write to us for any standard set of works ; and in connection
with our subscription department, their orders will be at
tended to nt a large discount from retail prices, with the ut
most care, promptness and satisfaction. Among our "Prem
ium Offers" we mention the following :
Hftkcad'l!rioiiad1't mnl it! with ir vltdottt milk,
innWti niMnr-l. rmMtiiR. Xr.. li'dhly iiirciiir ' tli
Ikk. lYJI.-l.l-vmiiu.I li'tfx 1 '
litird. It gltCiUuUli uiil ft n't: !lt luini.
wk 1.1. K
For Sale by A.J. DURLIMJ, Bank M.. Tfl ish.
uou, l'a. tov9Cui,
Sewiiiff Macliine
AUrtlghl eft a r of lo
be piiii on dtlivti y.
JThe above "Club Offers" are only forwarded when
the money is received -by us.
All orders should be addressed to THE
Carbon County,
lis Introduction and World-renownPtJ
rcpulatloit w-s tho death-blow to hloh
priced tnacliincs.
This is a ver Important matter, as It Is a well.
t.non and undisputed tict Inst min ot tr Su
cal ed tirsl class mschlnes which art oflered J
cietp ro-a-oas are those thst h been re
rosisssed (that Is. tiken bscK Irom custome.s
alter use) and rebuilt tnd tut upon the maiktt
"ticvvhiie is the rccn of any sewino
Do not Bvty any other tsfo.-o t:
ins tho WHITS.
Prices ana Terms Me Satisfactcr
lThito Sewing Machine Co.,
ACiuNr roit OAitni county.
Kacb, end all ftrlfi. taclnt'iuK U ft AND,
fcQT'AHi; A-JJJUfltKlJIT.sllltnctlvyiltST
V AKs. fcolj at I lie lowtH ict Ali hUii'viwi 0
lno i' v V ill ict to il.e I'UlU.Ji Anilt.
The 1 a not mano o e nf tUv flnet tltftlty at
tan OuilruMMl Exliiliillon aid ueib titmni.
ino'uly iirtiiiueDdtd lortheHiouuiT lloivoita
iv iCtO 11 me, lteun'ailv iin-irpoiatfi1
Mmiuftctuniitf ro.-Fn-toiy e lib ubnt 1 vtr
a lt-ar 'II. u t-quaio a rami i-oiiihIq Maib.
unliek' newiatPiii duplex Ovtrviiuutr bculr.
tlva urca'i'i; mp o tumit lu the lnniwy 01
l'U una U-a. 'i'l.e Vl llvtitMait- iUr HMr
I.N AMKHI A. riaaiM ae t 011 Mini O'U'l
tall tn wnto tor II uiriod and letcrtyUte
Catalocttoif 48 jama mallra fife.
Ul Kaat laili k-trtet, N.Y
I itar