Advertising Rates. Wo desire It to bo distinctly understood Hint no advertisement will bo Inserted In the columns of Tub Carbon Advocate that may' bo received from unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by llio cash. The following are our osi.y terms! nsit sqOAnB (10 Lixr.3), One year, each Insertion 3?c8' Six months, each Insertion 15 , Three months, each Insertion 20cts. Lc than three months, first Insertion $1 ! c.ich subsequent Insertion 2o cts. Local notices 10 cents iwr line. II. V. MORTHIMEIl, Publisher. CARDS, Hoot mnl Shoe Mnlwri, llntonnretney,n tsmri building, Hank "tree!. Allord'riprnnplliliUrd umrk warranted. Attorneys. JOHN KLINE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ofllco with Allen Craig, onpolte American Ho ttl, MARKET SQUAWS, MAUCH CHUNK, PA. jnl-ly JOHN . UEBTOLETrE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT IjAW, Broad nay anil snsqmhama Strcots, Opposite - Court Ho io, MAUCH CHUNK, I A. Mar bo conitillod In Oerm.n. tnn251y f V. LONUSTItEET, ATTORNEY AT LAW Lrvon'a Building, AKK STREET. LEIII01ITON, TA. DMeoiber lUm, w. ill. IIAPSIIISU, ATTOItNHY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, DAKS dTREIT,LEniOHT0!f,PA R-.l K.f.tu.nit nnll.etton Airencv. Will Ruvand Sell lUal Kutnts. Conveyancing aeatly done Col- actions promptly maae. seining r-niaiea oi u? iilenti a specialty. May lie conlultmi In Knllsb a'llinrman. Ncv.ii. J.IS.II. STHCTIIKIIS, ATTORN' Y AT LAW, A3- omce: 2d. floor "t llhoad's Hall, Maunll Oliunk. Pa. All lmlni entruntcd to til in will be promptly attended to. May 27, lr. MICEIIAN, ATTOKNKY AT LAW Next Door to Flmt National Dick, MAtlCIt CHUNK. I'A. rj-Can h. consulted In German. jau9, Justices and Insurance JJ A. UKLTZ, JUSTICE OP TUB PEACE, OFFICE! Llndormnn'. Hloi-k. ItANK-strcct. LVIUOIITON. PA. Canveynoclnir, Collecting and nil other bn.l nen connected with tlio ofllop piomptlv attend oil to Ajtem for ttio beat Flic rnil l.ifo Jumir. ance Citnii inlo i Rents culiectcd at reasonable clutces, .Sec. April lt-vl JL CONVEYANUER, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The following. Companies am Represented: LSI1AN )N MUTUAL FIBI3, RE.MUNO MUTUAL FIRE, WIOMING FIUK. POIIYIVILLK FIRE, LKIIIClll FIltK. and thoTntV EI.Ells ACCIDEN f INSURANCE, Also FenusvlvanW and Mutual Horse Tlilef Detro'lvft ana jtwiraui-e i-nmpanv. . Mdrcn 2P. 1873 1 IIOS. KEMERER. Physicians and Dentists. "W. Y. KEUUK, M. 1)., IS AST PEKXi Curbon Countr, Pa. ) Ttealilenco, TTl iTI US. from 7 a. m. to IP n.m , nn.l 12 no n to 10 p tn. S PotryviHe frim 1" n.m. to 12 noon, Msv be consulted in th tier man LaimupRe 1. O. Address Lchlrtitou. Not. 3-y I W A. DEIUl.VUKIt, M. !., PHYSICIAN ANDSl'ltUKON Fperial attintton paid to Chronic ni.eaie. tintci: South liat corner Irooamf 2nd Rt... l.e hljhlon. Pa. April 3. I87S. HAS. T. IIOH..V, M. 11., office: over it a. i'Ercii'9 nituo store, cask sr.. lkhiuhion, pa. General practice nttetided to, and BPl'.CIAI. ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISEASES OF WOMEN mar23 -yl It. KKHEIt, M. I). XT. S Kxamhltlig Surgeon, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN and 8U HOEON, Oitricti.- Hank street, mnmu's ulock, LehiEh. ton, Pa. r , May bo consulted In tlio German Language. " ' Nov. 31. D 1VIU BnilCKT'S Livery & Sale Stables HANK STUKET.L.KIIiailTO.M, Pa FAST TROTTING HOUSES, ELEGANT CAUUIAGES. And positively LOWER P1U0F.8 than any other Livery In the Coauly. Larco anil hmdaomo Carilaires for Faneral ptiruosea ami Wcudiuts. DAVID E1JUK11T Nov. tZ 1S7.I 'EiV UEl'AltTUItE. Thounderiirnrdre'peciful'y RiinouoceHstohia pair in and the puUiOKOerally. that Iron) aud after tut. ilate he Sell Goods for Cash Only, And to t tint end lias marked down tbo Puccaot Jjih ei ttreato'kol Groaorics and Provhions ConBt'tlnp of the Cnnlcrt TEAS COFFEES. "-UOAItS. SPICKS. HAMS BUOULIIKHH, LAUD HUIT.'.n. EtlUS, i&c. Ac, ti. the very Lowest 1'rcca. Best Fam'y Flour $2.75 a sack ml a 1 otlier articles at equally Low Price for itie Hradv Cobj. 1'HtrounRo tw nc ted and satin taction nurau it dm allowed. P. A. ANDREVS, Neir the Leh audhnsij Hit. Drldee, jsnll-tf 1'ACltr.UTOX, Pa. v J GENTS f Jk WANT Eli fob ou i CJStET WORK, ow ik pit -'fiM, am i.iu(jriiii. HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, ,3,:.r,!a"v,m,e''r!i:1 xusm cial aud o.her e urpru. Abia. no. la Ee octavo oaireaanHa'taBriirravIn. NO OTHER WORK LIKE ITEVI'Rl'UB MrtltEl). kut Ttriui akd Teir:wry anply t oar to TU K UKMIY BILL 1'1'riI.TSHINn CO., 4M.lrml Nos icu, cons ill 1e H. V. Mobtiiimer, Proprietor. VOL. VII., No 20. Railroad Guide. plUI.A. Si IUCAUINU UAII.IIOAD. Arrangement of Passergrr Tralus. NOVKMHEll ICTH, IVS. Trains leavo ALt,UMO,VN ni Iidlowst (VIA l'MIKlOMUN IinASCII.) for Phtlndolohia. at C.5J. 1 1 .10. a.m.. anil 4 51 p. in. For 1'LlladrlpMa at A 2o n. 111..3.M n. m. I VIA ICASl' rnM. UltAKClI.) For Ho itlinit, t 2.31), 6.S11, u ti a ni 12.1J, 2 10, 4.30 ai.di or. p.01 For It tiilstinrtr. 2.1)590, 0.05 a. m 12.13, 4.30 U.ol p. 111, For Lcncanter iind Columbia, 5 50, 9.13 and 4 30 p m tDocs not ran on Monday. UNDAYS. For Itoadmr, 2 33 n.m. aiido 01 p m. F01 11 irrl.tiiirfr, 2.31 a. m nmluian. m. Trains FOU ALLE vroWN lenvo as follows: (VII fRKKIOMEX UI1AXCI1.1 Leave Phlladolphlu, 7.43 h. ni 1.00, 1.30 .'tie 5.30 p. tu. SUNDAYS. LeavoPhllnrtclpht'i. r.'h . til mil 3 15 p.m. (VIA KAST TRNNA nltANCll I Leave Iteonif 7.4 ) 7.45 lo.3ia ni.,4 05,0.15 .nd n in Leave HnrilsliurK, 5 r. 8 10 a. m and 2.00. 4.C0 and 7.55 p. 111, l.eavo Lancaster, 8.10 a. m 12 51 and .1.41 p. ni. LcavPColutubla 8.ioa.m 1.1 0 and 3 35 p. in. HUN DAYS, l.eavo no.tdlnir. 7.20 a.m. Leave Hirrutmii.5.2' Tralnsiinu feed thus i) run to and (rom depot 9th and (Jreen elri'ots. Phllmlelplita other trains to a d lrom llroail street tlrpnt. Too 0.50 ..111 ami A.55P. 01. trains from Alln. toflrn, nnd lhe7.45 n.m and f.3i p. 111. tmn (roTii Pliilnrti'lphin, Ua 0 through cars to and troiu Pntludclphta. J. E. WOOT1 EN. 0eiiri itanamr. C Q. HANCOCK, On'l 7Vct Alltnl. "SVc will Pay the Postage AND SEND IOU The Carbon Advocate ONE YEAR FOR ONE DOLLAR! Or Six Months For 50 cents ! WHicn is Loss than 2 cents per Week FOU A LARUE 32 COLUMN TAPER!!! ADDRESS. Cavbon Advocate, IcIiigliion. I'n. SHOW 1HIS TO YOUR NLIOIIBOR THE TOLEDO BLADE. NASBY'S PAPER. BEFORE YOU JW.' Ijecinion copy of Ttl j5 TULKDU ULAUti. ll In n Maiuiiiotli KiKiit 1'qbp Wt'ekly Pa-ter ot Biilv-tour Colatnn iiiicd wi h ciefullr (re pjied readum matter of inteioU huu value tu petjplolnul. pa its ol tlui Uuliwi fcstatt.'8 SPKCIAL FEATURES. AH the Dep.irHiicn s wutc'i hif mode 1HE ULADK B'j ponular nil otertlie United Mtt. wilt no iPpul irlv confnued, liaineiv i Th Pop. ulurL 'tierH of ttiat i.iiiliniilniied Uomocrut'O poUtiCl1i, UEV PlLT.t01.EUUV NAPIir, Wllllll uie written t xitTeanit the dladk our HOUMIflOLIt DH'AltTMCNT. ni U'Il dUjiOdU ry ot infoi-uiatloi. uiou htilJ ctn ol mteio-t III vwy MUllOlU VOUXQ Pl'.Ul'LK'S UKfAltT- UttNT t t Iteilg oni Dcunrt incut erubrao iig tho wcrklr !-uti.ay t Lo-poii; clnnnlno poo'rvt Hi Itttchtert Wit aud Humor i Till! JlFsT trT0ftlK8,(iiiuiii it and rlcttnl i ANHwkub TO t'OULUbPUNPENTti flUil tl) L'ltCC New fiom allpartui the nurd, Iiik hlauc cltcul ttf laiKoiv m everv h'iUc aud Tir'tir .u tho Union end h evciyl.etu teo'-f.U'Zt'il at tho llUr MJWfl and PA M J M' PAf U It pub tsbtt) rnvwbera Tiv it aud ou will neve Willi itsU' on without it Aaioair tho uew loatuu-n foi thU whiter ere a aerie cf A ndersonville Prison Sketches, UV ono who was lliere A new SjrH Ht n was coiumeiiccit Nov. Hih, Auouer ono will torn luencfl in Jannari. 'IKtlMs sin"e copr, per y nr 12 3" i fire coplt'8.51.73 1 nth tun or tnoro corues '.61 ench mid an xtia copy with evert ilab oi ten. svecluieu coo'e mih trev. sendforone Ad. ill nil TOLKDO ULADK. l'..leuo, Ohio. Fifty Thousand Books lor Sale at Hall Price. Wo are now offer I hit to the out) lie. nostacu prepaid, mi O.N.UaU; the regular price- .tl ty iiiuiinuiiu vuiu'i'ra in rutmo u"is uuunii isinu 11. -lory uiu rapny, licon, fiwiv. liuuior, Medicui.lti'tlg.uibMiKtiSo iittihc Worka.editlonv of btamU (a Ant Intra etc, tto. 'Ihetu bonk aro M'ltcU'd by our Mr. Iaickk (NusIjv) ioih iho t-tved oi tne radi iK imh.lahera of tho couu. try. me nil NKW and Pitudll nnd aie the lDKMICAl, KUITIONS hfiid'td oy t.ieie tall booLaeiier". We have msileu thousaiuUof thea hioK& to all part of the country, aud ecry hootc Kent out la Alt It AN Wli to bo KXACn L V A HKl'ltKSl.NriU) uud lOfflte U.NlIltCSATmPACTlUN. CATALOGUES FREE. Wehaveiirimel a laicaaiid complete cata logue of our Jtooka. .r runted br subjects ana on aiipl'oitlou will limit c pioh trto m uuy ud urea, u e mIihII hn e fr.ud lo stu . freo micci ineuco! les oil he IILAUC woucver a-te-i to do i-o. All perMni reaulu this advi nuemctit nre rtiiiliallv united lu wuo ua by io-ti' tuiilor o.herwi-ie the names ot thf inset ve ami fileud Adorea TOLi- O 'l'AJiljTo.cco, Onto. Vick's Floral Guide. A beautiful wnrlc tit 1 I'aifi i. Que Ualornd F'W I'lii". and 31 I 1 u ir Imm.-. w;th lli- i I a otisol thu bo t Fionrrit aid V 'H O.o, d liOWt'lirow t Li UJ All f tl FlVK L'E.M HrAur )n Kuzli li . 0 nuau, ' 'the Flow rami VesPttvb o Uaiden. 175 DflRM, i fctx Li loie t Pht a iiu ui. by liandred Kugiuv ' . is. wi'a,;,u:n'aii.r'K,;h: ",m 8 !r7,U VtL i? i J vilif fill RfmL tiJ ?."vl"', "''I iMri f ""V1M ,ur 15. 8 ."M urn utimiicr ent lor 1 Ciut Vlck. o it. ji e the lei In the wnrld. Brud lv i. aST tamp f r a Ftoia. Uu tIeron.aluii.B Li.t aim Pncra. and pltui v ol i I rn .tli n. Jin I. AUUIU. J .V J ' . 111,. llu-hi.trr N T A. IB. Mussi'5 Manufacturer of and Dealer In STOVES, RANGES AND HEATERS, Ti anil SliecMron Ware anfl General House FmisliM Goods. Itoori:vn mnl .SI'OlTI.yfi done at short notice and lit Lowest Cash Prices. I am tho nnthnmeit aaert for the Palo of tho foiiowini' FiiisT.cLAsa aiovEa THE SILVEII i GOLD MEDAL COOK, the LioirrnousE cook. THE MAYFLOWER HAVOE, THE 8UN8HINE RANGE and Iho NEW ANCHOR HEATER, and am Selling them VErtY CHEA P tor Cash. FvervVlndof STOVlFa RATES and FlItE BRILK8 keptconstiintly on haud. Store on SOUTH Street, A few doors above Unnk St., LEHIGUTON. Pnttonniro solicited Bjtlstae'lon gnarnnterd. Oit. 6-yl A. I). MOSaHli. The Grandest Exposition Of Ladles, Gents, and Children's Boots, Shoesl Gaiters Kvci offeied In this vicinity, is at J.M.FIUTZINGER'S, Bank Street, Lehigliton, Pa. I havpjQ't received n full llneof FALL nnd WIN'ifin dootj, noi:s and itumiriia, which 1 am Selling totiie ptopleor Le ifihtou and Iho iifriiei(rhi.orhoot CltKAi'JIlt THAN KViAl JILJ-Oltli faoldluttiia Ubuut3 lt-o, all ciufl'tsol Boots & ShoesMade to Order nt AstonlHhingly Low Prices, nd M ISM DING Nfotlv done m i'rice tosutr the Itmtn. I nviteito p-io lo to cill and examine my Stock itii'i Prices heioro pmoiasiou el-ewho.o, tin hf comlucod f tho nb ivn facts. HOUND r- rtATIdPY -Itciiir-madoUoRts and shoes buugnt of uie that rip will bo repair ed without elurnc, Tlimkful ft-r vast nattonfifro. I rcppccfully ask n coutlnuuiico t honor. J. M. FntlZIKabR. Two docs below Uomi a fc lloftoi d s i;on pge Woi rf. Jtunk. flticec. del. r.yi QAIUiOX ADVOCATE CHEAP JOB PRIXTIIVG OFFICE, LLHiailTON, TA. Kvery description of Pnnllnc, from a Visiting Card,toa Poster. CARDS, 11II.L HEADS. LETTER HEADS, NOTE IIEAD8, STATEMENTS. rrtOUHAMllES, POSTERS, HANI) HILLS. D0D0EH8, . , CIRCULARS, SHIPPING TAOS ENVELOPES, TAUl'llLETS, J1Y.LAW8. AC, AC, Done In the best manner, at very Lowest Prices. We oe nreoarod to rto worlt at na rhenn ratea aaxiiv oftlre in the Ktute t.iat oeuls liuuebtly nltliltcntomerH. OUR MOTTO 18 Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. C3""0rdcra bv omall recivc prompt attention. me Homo Mailo Itrcatl ! 1 vn pound, ol Flct Cl-ma luead- FIVE LOAVES FOU 23 CEN'TS I J. W. O'NEAL, the pon"i.r lire oil nnd cnlto HuKrr. of Leliictitini in r" etomett ilip wantu rfthHtmirM ha. Reitiiird h rr ce of UU ce:o- orotcit uuiuo undo Dill A u to Five Loaves for Twenty-five Cts. Cash. SuRar, Raisin C.icoinut Scotch, Drop. Cream auo uther CAKEs, onlr Tfti CenM per Dozen. I.ooK Out fur tlio Wagon! At MA UCH CHUNK, on Tuesday, Thursday and Siitiudjy jlmiuiibx. LE H I o 1 1 ro N and V. li 1 3 j PO RT. e very A f ter noun eicept trld.iy. TEUMS STU1CTLV CASH I Patronaso -oilciled J. w. O'NEAL. hl'llltUi Oppoaito First National IUiik. apillivi lim t teeu Leiilghton Pa. Jlt. Oberliollzoi's Linliiieiit, CAMPHOR MILK. Is now hlirhtv recnmniended find expensively ufil fur lthcumtisin, FrM.ti'd Fret, Aiht. l'.lns. Korea. Minus. Hwe.llitg. bnralu, ,tc It i. ot tho irreatoKt vhIub in cuunir ruta.Galis, bo uln. nnd awehinira in horn's. It actsiiulckly and aurrly It or once soothes on : relievo, tlio aiifTJo.iits lh L me llu elca aid the Arinii" llvo Iho uuiwr will bo pulilbacetoa'iy rue not -all lieu with It-ef tect. Pneo !1 cents. J boitlm for tl. Pre pared 'iy i-oitooeihulttcr. M, D. Tim I'lHL-nlx Pectoral. no. proved Itself to oo pecolinrlyadapted to old peraoua. conaumpilve una children, il breaks a cold. It stops a couh it aids exoectoration. ItKiveslnatuiii relief n cItm airenath. It i. It baa mode more cures t'au anv oilier medicine. Tiinu.n a. ot the cltltens of Eu.teru Pennsylvania navo naed it tor tears p-si mid testify to tun relief rrtven ami rureaef. fectcd. Prlco.25 eeut tf 5 lottinfor ti I'r tnred uj Lr oherhnltii'r M. D, and lor Halo by A. J DUlll.INO, Lua cUtou. Nut. i'Mm, aS I Coal ! I famnow.nrplylnn the verr Beit LATTI M'JIt I'OALat tho fo'loiring Low Prices, vist No, I t'heatnut by the Car tl 30 ner rou No. I Cii .tiiiil, aioele ton 1 50 per Ion'hn.iuut, by the fat t per ton 'o. SChe.tnut. ain. et n j 50 per ton DWLIVISRI'.D. novo and Ey tilts at equally Liw Prlow, J. L . G ABEL, Dealer in General Hardware, &cm Opposite l he ruUte Fqaut, DANK ST REG T.EHIOIITON, Ts. Iiot.J0.1FT INDEPENDENT" LEIIIGIITON, CAltBQN COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1879. All about Its poll, cllmatp. lis nettled nnd lt vncnnt land1, its f-trnm nnd far mo in can t.e learne I in 'I'll I! H AN8A8 FAll.U F.ll.nn clffht ppiro weekly paoir, in yciri on. coirtKpuul ents In evcty coMiity. went to any addicts 13 wcex for 6" cimt. PoMnpe stomps tskni as money. Addicss, IUDUH &LAVIMU, To pe, Kansas. - I learned mot o About Kanras from yopr papist that 1 cn lely upon tlinn from nil other sonrces. it chard JU F.vau. fofumbiana t'o nrtty ii tycMnn what those of us wanting to tiiov. west. niO'ot want to kuovf.iamuei Chester Oranaet'o. Kcio For,,..,Mnn mrite corps of abla rontrlbutors Otatje trutft't he bett DftriculiurJl pnpei in the weittcm count ly. ST.ntf ItUt I'rvQictr,. Itisnrnluatdonnpor. Atchimon Is ably edfttd. j)irtf fKana...A fenrlers outspoieu Joiiin. n'. Lawrence Journal .Our Kansas fi ends should fi'd ii uh m loe In the hitih chaiocter of thoir Btaio Amiunliural pnp r. A'aftonal Lwe btoetc Journal. ... It has qu'oily i tkeu n lnh p'aco amotip acncultaral Jo iinnts. X. V, lri oune..,.A worthy repio-nitotlvo of tho frrcat est.-ifttPa. iraeucal Farmer Feb. 2i w. JIEAE& If yon are In wnnt of anythlnc In tbo way of GiiNs.itiri.i:s,Ki:voivvF,ii PILTOLS, Ami unitlon.Onn Material. Flahlns Tnck!e. or nny other l'l.Mf tdroKTiso (loons plo-is" wr.te lortny LnrtfBlllii.tiateti t'nlaiiuuo nnd rrli'M List winch I mall FUEK. Youis tin y JOHNSTON'S GI1EAT WE6TO11N UU.N WOllKS, PiTTenuno, pa rpili SLATINGT0N PLANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATIXGTON. JOHN BALLIET, Propr., Deals In all klnd and sizes of rine. Itrtnlock Ouk mid llnitl Wood Lumoer. and In now in o pared to execute uny uwouut of ordeia lor BrcsseB Liimboll OF ALli ICIND3. Doors, Sashes, Mlntls, Slir.lleiv, JIoulilliiss, Caliiiict AVnrc, &c, With Promptness. Brackets Made to Order. The Machinery 1. nil new nnd of tho heat and must Improved kinds. I enmloy none bin Iho best worKmen, nio well iea.oued nml koo3 ma teilal, and am Ihoiofore nblo to punt nntre en tiro Bsii.lactloii to all who inov lavor mo with a call. Orders ov mail piompily attended to. My ehurpes nre niodiTiitoi terms cash, or Interest charged alter thirty oays. GIVE mITa CALL. tT Those cne"iseit In lliuld-nrj will find It t I heir advmituse In li ive Millus, I loor lloants Doors, !-aslie8, iiuticrs, itc. Ae innilentthl FMayrToyl JOHN 11 A LLIKT. G UAXI) OI'EMNH 1 I beR leave tolrfoim m o'd pntronani'd ru. tomeiannd ho truh.lo In peliernl. that I have opened aud now ready for lnspBcnou In the POST OFFICE UUILD1NG RnnW street, LEIIIGIITON P. et tho LOW. PltlCliS, u full onduow asoit incut of HATS, CAPS, &e. Soeclal nttcnlton bnvtus bien irlven to a wo'l soleeled of MlN'.i WOMEN'S ana CHIL DREN'S WEAR. My Jlotlo shall ho QUICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS." 1 invite tho publ'o to call and examine my -tocE and vilcos lietoro purchasing elsewhere, as 1 oiii orjr spcc.ul tnt-.uoeinoiits to eah buyers. LEWIS WEISs. S ptsi-im. P. o. BnlldinB IhiRhtun To THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN! Mrs. C. DeTsclrirschky, IteRpectful'y invites the attention of her lml V fricmW tvnd tho pub'le Kutidliy to bet New' Lartre and Llcgaut stock ot Notions! Fancy Goods, oomprlslri' UNrK It W E A P., HEIILIN AND Uf.ltMA.VroW WOOL. IIOMIKliy.ini. porled and Domostio HMUItOlIJERY, ttllll'.ON'S, GLOVES, and a iari;o 1 aiiety of tho Ncwet Dcslgus lu Fancy Goods. Also. In connection with tho above, I keep a f n.l and complete stoi of GERMAN FRUITS, LIMIIURGEIl and 8WITZER CHEESE, CANDIKSund CONFECTIONS, tofrethcr with a variety of Goods not irrnerativ kept in nnv other store in low n. It vnuoonot too what vou want, ask Ii.r It a'.o i will aet it. Ashaieot puolic patronoueis solicited; and poifect ftntistnitton oainnteed In puce aid quulitv of goous. Nearly Orpotlto Dnrllna's Drun Store. Bank Street, Lehigliton, Pa November 39. VAUIAItl.i: B XltWXIIS. if vou aro lufrrlntBrrom poor health, or langiilshiug ou a leoro' sicbuesa take iheer, for I Hop Bitters H will Cure You. If von are .Imp v ailBinir If you fcelweikand dt.nlnted, u It hunt cKBarly snowing why. Hop Bitters willB Itevlve You, If vou nre n mintsteifSand have overtaxed yotirre I with yoor pa'atoml duties; or a mother wurn ou with cak'oaond Mork, Hop BitUrs will a Hestoro You. If vim aro a mas if Hbnaliii'iL.. w.Itai rt tiv thu strnlii of ereryiUiUJntiri; or a manul let ters, lolltnirover iiUlKni.ilnlght work. Hop Hitlers will H Strengthen You. If you ai o rouua ,ai oj mfferiuirl rom any India- ci eiion.or iriowiug iih Biaar, as is o'teu tho case, Hop Hitlers will B Relievo You. If you oroin thewrgrltshoo on the farm, at tlio ite.k, aiivwhe-eBind toel that your ay, tern newls cleuiiklna: Itoiilng or stliuuatug, without lutoxicitiux, H Hup Bitters is H What You Nee.1. Ifyouareoid and )Biur pulse Is feeble your uervi-a unabeaor, iiuoflrour racuitiea waiiliig Hop Bitters will I kivo you Xew Lira anil B Vigor. Tryllop CougliCareiaua Pain Relief! For salo by A. J. Darling, Lehlghton 1 4 Shoats ! Shoats ! ! I. . Tho undTslgnod respect- iSiMrw tally announce a that be I Z'"2i 14 now prepared to u. 1171 -;-r? piv nil who want witn chiiito tftlOA'IH FROM NEW JERSIili a lowe.t market prices Alo. DltE-sED 1IOCW atHottoiufl uie. fur oi.h on.yl Yardnuuof flee at tXCHANOE HO IE I., llani treer.L'. hizl.i oi, UhO, M. HEX Ja-j. , lf:5-tiu. a ruri: gift: Of a copy of ay Mkoioal Oohuox Ssxsb- ,,m iu uu, iicrauii .uunrinK Willi uuii.uiui - tl.ui, Asthuia, 4'atarrh, llrunebltls, lAt ol vJ1,,re- VI ore Throat. Sind name and po-t ottlco addrets, with two 3 rent postals stamps and state yimrslcknc.s. The ho k la elegant. U.'.l!JVir?"!,,'.,,M lf- V" "?, Th ftor. inatlon II contains. In the prorldenea of Uml, has saved many lives. The author has been Iroatlugdlseasesorthe Nose, Throat ScLunuf, sa.pwial practice In Cincinnati, since 18I. Aiiurcu, ua. n, ii. wuLitt uiuciwnati, Ohio. apr.t-ml nn Mad. In a Single Day, Jan. 30th, br an JUv. b!f T Upk! MHtn!!? ?alr,MoY,, Live and Let Live." ATlOTiG Till: I'OETIt. O, would that I could call her Krmlne, Although stio Is a siuey Minx t Fur get her I No such ittrls divine In liro'sdull chain aro golden Lynx. I Utter toll her all my love, And Seal that love as young Fox do, She's purer than tho saints above, And playlul as tho h'qalrrel, too. Ex. Judgo not a man by namo alone, No matter what it be; You may call the peach a thorn hush, 'Tls still a lovely tree ; Wliilo the death-provoking Upas May hear tho orange name, Yet a breath from its dark petals Will provo fatal Just the same. . Braddock. Tls on easy thing to sing of Spring, When the air Is calm and brccty ; 'Tls a snecty thing of Spring to sing When your own head is whocty. Ex, Six Inches of space I'll devote to my chnrcb, Thought an editor up at Slauch Uhunk, But all the remainder, he said with a lurch, I must giro to tho b 1 "all hunk." Our Spring Pott, TTrn Chronic Crumbier. Qruinblc, grumble, grumble, From early morn till night, Taking all tho year through There's nothing ever right. Hates the gulden sunshine. And shivers In the breeze, Cannot see the beauty In flowers, birds nnd trees. Friendship is but seeming, The world Is all a cheat, Indeed, 'twould to refreshing An honest man to meet. Women aro but humbugs, Their graces all a snaro ; Grumble, grumble, grumble, To stop him who may dare. Clnriucnts never fit hlin, They aro always largo or small ; Ills food 'tls simply awlul Tho way it's ruined all. Children merry laughter Arouses quick his ire, Wonders for what reason Toey are bcrn to vex and tire. Grumble, grumble, grumble; In this world nnd tho next, He never falls of finding An ever ready text. And when ho passes over, Tho Angels he will s:old ; Too warm will bj tho lleav'n, The other I luco tco cold. COALS OF FIRE ; on, EMMA'S ELOPEMENT. BY G. W. BTAXIOX. "Emma, this is wrong, give it up" I beseech you, " Wrong, Ada. No, it is not wrong. Sneh worils wouml me. Can you look into my heart can you feel the tumult there, the hitler, hilterstruggle between love ami ilut? Xo, it is impossible! Then, how can vou mlvite, how ran youjiulgo oflhnt which you never ureomedof?' L'niina passed her liaiul wearily over her brow, ami arising, slowly paced tho room, tears running down her cheeks tho while, nnd her busom throbbing convulsively. " I did not mean Iniviin vm, ,ln, nn vr 1 ' "6 lleaven knows nothini was further from my intention 1" said Ada, throwing her arms around her sister's neck, and gazing upon her in mingled sorrow and aflectien. "I only thought you might regret it afterwards that it is not well to throw awny a love tried nnd true for a love untried and un known " " But lifo is not mado up of one lovo 1' 're plied Emma, passionately. "Hit were, my father would never havo loved my sainted mother, and you and I had never seen the light. You know not what you talk of I Untried and unknown! Shamo sister I How can you speak so, when for five long years Robert lias waited, oud hoped that ho might find favor in my father's eyes, loving mo all tho whileind never swerving an instant from the constancy? If this is not patience if this is not devotion, what is rcw her lovely form up lo IU full height, her face glowed with n noble enthusi asm, her eyes sparkled with tho reflex of tho emotion that thrilled her being, and one unshed tear trickled down herclieck, adding a touching pathos to her expression, Ada gazed upon her in admiration, for an instant forgetting her solicitude. But the fear that that very beauty would be shadow ed with care and grief that that very gran deur which now rested ujion her like tho mantel of an empress, would bo changed to tho stoop of rcmorso by her own act, return ed with force redoubled, and Ada plead ugain vehemently. " I know all this I do not breathe aug'jt against Robert; indeed, I believe hint to be good; but think, sister mine, this act will change tho whole current of your life once done, it cannot bo undone, no mutter how much you may wish it. You at least will lose nothing by waiting a little longer" "'A little longer! Will tho heart that has been hardening towards me " " No, not towards you, only towards your purpose " " My purpose, then 'tis one and the same thing. That purpose is my hope, my life, my all I I say, will tho heart that lias been hardening towards me for five long years, melt now Will iy father's iron will bend fur no reason before unknown, simply to satisfy that vain hope of yours? You sug gest impossibilities your love for mo leads you to idle fancies. I must not I cannot I will nol listen lo you I I am resolved, and all the eloquence of" "Our mother, Emma our dead mother? Could not she turn you from it?" " No," with achokiog sob, " not even her blessed voice; for I am right." Were she alive, sho would not oppose me as you and father do. But it is pst words are useless God and my heart aro with me they alono shall counsel me 1" " And you will leave your home, your father, your brother, and mo leave us all, Emma?" " Yes." " Knowing that fatherwill think you un 1,. , , ... . Kra'eful, and-and wrhaps never forgive you iierhapj die before you can make your ' .... . aee with himl Ada sprang forward and threw herself on ! . , ' , " , , , , ,, her knees beforo her sister, and clasped her ' harlda In sunnlication. "nu,n supplication. i jimna leajieu to uer ie ana siroue away, i,.. c . ,. , ,l , violently. Pausing involuntarily, she g - upon the kueelmg form, passed herhand 51.00 hastily over licr brow, nnd sighed deeply. Then her conflicting emotion, found vent. " You delight to torture me -lo paint tho future black lo conjure up dreadful pic tures" " No, no-" " You do, clso you would not do It. You speak as if it wero n pleasure to me to decide between two loves, both Inspired by nature, and both pure in the Bight of Ood ; you act as If I wero free from pain as If 1 wero f si dieting nn injury upon our family out of n desiro for revenge I" " Oh, Emma, you wrong me you do not understand mol" " Understand you ! It is you who have no idea of my feelings I It never occurred to you to suggest a pleasant ending to a doubtful project, to liopo that my father may forgivo me, that Robert may bojprospcrcd, 'that I tuny bohnppy I Oh.nol thesothings never came to your mind. Enough I I am weary of such consideration I" She left the room, leaving Ada to sob and weep by herself. The sisters wero diametrically opposite in disposition and temriernmcnt, Ada's cau tious mlud could never comprehend the im pulso of Emma's soul, the anient longings of her heart, or the delicacy nnd sensitive ness of her nerves, and henco Ada often wounded when she meant to comfort. But her lovo for her sister was pure nnd strong, her sollcitudo intense, her regrot that cir cumstances had thus combined so keen as to disturb her whole nature. With her head resting upon the chair whero Emma had sat, she wept as if her heart would breaki her form quivering at intervals, her hands clastx'd firmly together. Suddenly a sharp kuock sounded upon the door. " It is father I Oh, what shall I do now ?" she exclaimed, starting up in alarm. " I must shield Emma I can't betray her, and yet Ho knocks again ! I havo no time for thought." Hastily wiping"hcr eyes, sho opened the door. The old gentleman entered, a look of mingled wondor nnd suspicion upon his long, s para fuee. " You havo been crying, Ada. What for?" Tho maiden twirled one of her bracelets nervously, and gazed steadily at tho floor. " Why don't you answer me ? Have you lost all respect for me, that you leavo me (done in the evening, nnd then disturb me, with high words, as I am on my way to my chamber, to say nothing of this stubborn sii-. enco which it pleases you to assume just now ?" Ada flushed red, tears sprang to her eyes again, nnd sho tapped ono loot restlessly. " Where's your sister ?" demanded John .Itoyco, his vexation increasing. " In her room." " licr room I" repeated the old man, ele vating his brows. " l'ray how long is it siiicoeho had a room by herself? You lov ed ono another well enough when you wero children, to sharo the sanio room, and now, when you uro women, you find ono room too small. Ahl crying again? You've quarrel ed with each other, have you?" Ada nodded her head sadly. " Shamo! shamo upon you both I Can you learn nothing by years? If not, why do you live? Bring Emma to mo at once 1 I'll sco I'll seo why you light you havo always lived happily until now I Why do you hesi tato ?" " I I don't know." What nil's you, girl? What means this trembling?" " Nothing, papa nothing 1 I'll go at once." Ada hastened from tho room. In the meantime Edwin Itoyco come in and sjwke to his father; but tho old gentleman took no notice of him whatever, and wondering as to tho cause of this strang'o conduct, the young man leaned against tho bureau, and waited forcircumstancestodcvclopa an explanation. Presently Ada came in, leading Emma by the hand. John lloyce arose, nnd noting Emma's palo face, her downcast eyes, and her sorrowful manner, said to himself, " Toor child I her feelings have been deeply wounded. Ada is very thoughtless." Then lie spoko aloud : " My daughters, this is a new and mnrti. fying cxrwricncc. Never beforo havo I known of a disagreement between you nov cr before have I heard such loud words as on this night. Emma you shall explain it." " We we inisuiidcrstood ono another," she answered faintly. It was very hard for her in force out the false wonls. Ada hurt my feelings, and I retaliated ; but it is pass ed now we have havo forgiven each other; let It go." " Not so. I must know the. cause," said the old man, gravely. Ada pressed Emma's hand ; neither knew what to eay. It was a trying moment. John Itoyco was growing impatient, when, by a superhuman effort, Emma forced a smile to her features, and thiowing her arms around her father's neck, said : "Dear papa, do not urge us I What mat ters it about the cause, as long as we havo been reconciled? Surely, ou must know that a cause for a feminine difference is a very trifling thing. A bit of lace, the color of a ribbon anything, in fact, is ground enough for a disputo when one's feelings are excited. Of courso wo are sad. Ada aud I, and we want to talk it over before we sleep. Kiss me good-night now, and leave us." "Ah, you rogue I you can coax your old fallic r into anything." "Ob, if I only could," thought Emma, resting .her head utun his shoulder, while contending emotions disturbed her ruiud and heart. Stroking her hair fondly, he called her hi, darling, and then klised her gently. His kind words only increased her pain, and do pi to her efforts, tears came to her eyes. " What, crying again,tny dear?" ho said, with tender solicitude. " Only because you are so good to me she murmured. "Now kiss tne again there! Good-night, tiapa good-night." He moved away; she sprang forward, threw her arms around bis neck again, and caressed him with all the tenderness of a child. He held her close to him, wonder ing as to her sgitatiou, and was about to speak, when, by a strong exercise of her volition, she became calm, and disarmed bis suspicion. Ada stood with averted head, struggling to control the grief that welled up in her heart, as sho thought that perhaps this part ing was forever. Oood-night, Ned, my brother my only 1 dear brother I" said Emma, railing b,er qulvtring Hps to hi,. a Year if Paid in Advance. If not paid in advance, $1.25. Placing his strong arm nrnttnil her, ho looked down Into her bltiuesull'cctinnnto ly, anxiously. " You havo n secret, Emma I Trust me with it I will help you nil in my jmwer," ho whispered. She nerved herself to main tain tier composure. " Your lovo for me gives yott strange fan cies. I am wnary lo-nlght that is till. Good-night, Ned." She kissed him again, and he passed from the room with his father. Once move alone, the girls looked at each other in relief, and yet in sadness. Relief, because the deception was over , sadness, be cause it had to be undertaken at all. Tho present was oppressive ; the future dark. " 1 have shielded you, Emma. God knows I hopo I havo not done wroug I" said Ada devoutly. "You have not, sister! Whatever is the result, I shall never reproach you," replied Emma, throwing her arms around Ada's neck. " It pains me to leave you iu this war it would pain me to wait, and wait, until my youth had passed and my life had becomo n sacrifice long drawn out. No, nol Heaven knows what the consequences might be to Robert I At all events, I should break my womanly word. You do not blame me, Ada, do you 1" ' No I no I" sobbed Ada. " I hope you will bo happy. My life shall be devoted to obtaining father's forgiveness for you." "God bless you, sister I" Locked in each other's arms, they ming led their tears together, and said over and over again tho sad and tender wonls of part ing. At four o'clock the next morning Em ma, closely veiled, left her home nnd walk ed rapidly toward tho outskirts of tho vil lage, where a carriago awaited her. As she approached, a handsome, manly form np peared, and came forward ilh hands ex tended. At 7:30 a. in., John Royce, Edwin and Ada, awaited the coming of Emma to breakfast. It wns difficult for Ada to con ceal her real feelings, especially when her father wondered why Emma did not come; but she did it, nnd answered when he ques tioned her, that Emma did not sloop with her last night. " Go to her room and arouse her," said John Royce, nt length. Ado obeyed, and returned with a note which sho handed to her father in silence. He opened the missive tremulously, while a pallor crept over his features. Ho read one'line. His eyes dilated, he clenched his hands; ho read the second. His face turn ed livid, ho pulled at his collar, and then starting back from the table, ho smote the air with his fist, nnd cried huskily: Left me dcserlod her homo for that scoundrel of a Lmitriml Oh, ungrateful girl viper that has slung my hand my hand her father's ! And only last night sho kissed mo so fondly, nnd lied to mo with the same breath I Oh, inierablo creature! and yet, blood ol my blood I But she slial bo so no lon'ir Fnitn this hour she is a stranger to nie tho and hers I They may crawl over thistles to nie, but I will not aid them; No,l will curso them curso their " 0h, father, father, forbear! Reflect think remember my mother I" cried Ada, throwing her arms around his neck. Ay, nnd remember nie," said Ned ex citedly. " When you disown Emma, you forsake me." " Then go I want nono of her sympath izers in this house! John Itoyco cm live if the whole world desert him; lie will never bo bullied by his own children I" "And lean live too. You ore selfish father" ' " Don't daro to call mo father, you rebel lions rascal I" "Oh, God help us!" cried Ada, sinking upon her knees between her brother nnd her father, who menaced each other with eye, voico aud limb. Three years had flown. On the porch of a little white cottage, all embowered willi roses, sat a beautiful wo man, with a bright prattling child in her arms. The birds in the tree-tops sang mer rily, the summer sunshine gilded the earth with its brilliaticy.lheinlhUouthwind sigh ed softly through the verdant foliage, ami kissed lovingly the petals of tho beauteous flowers on tho lnwn. Tho child clapped its little hands nnd crowed with delight, as gaudy butterflies flitted by, uud tho mother smiled, as only mothers can, Anon, she spoke, and the radience vanished from her face. " 1 am grateful, I hope, for my ieaceful homo, for my husband and this little treas ure, but, oh, how much happier I should be, if father would only como to us, or let us oome to him; I woader if ha over thinks of mo kindly, I wonder if ho remembers when I was a child liko my little Albra, here oh I if ho docs, his heart must soften, I havo realized all my unticijiutious in Robert he is good, ho is noble, aud he loves baby and I, better than ho lores his life." Sho bent over and kissed tbo rosy cheek,, and smoothed tho plump little hands. "I don't say much to him about father," she continued, leusively, " for it trouble, him as it does me, and ho is ao careful of my comfort, that it would b wicked to com plain. I chose between the two loves thrio years ago; and, oh, I know Iain happier than if I had staid at home and mourned over my loneliness. I did right events have proved it, I think; and I can't help feeliug that father is very unkind and ob durate. He would have done in his youth as I did I know he would. But poor Ada she has had to stand In front of the battle all all alone ! Ned isn't at home aud oh, dear" " Papa tumin 1" fried tho baby, struggling to gel down. Emma looked up, and aaw her husband coming rapidly up the walk, his brown curls fluttering in the wind, his frauk, genial face aglow with health and happiness. Reaching the lawn, he ilnng down his hat which ho had carried In hi, hand, kUsod hi, wifo tenderly, and catching his heir lu h!sdrnis threw him nearly to the top of the portico, to the alarm of the young mother, though she had witnessed the play a hundred times. Baby eujoyed it hugely, and carolled and laughed, and pulled papa's moustache, until papa thought ho was rath er getting the wont of it, aud restored the little rogue to Emma's arms. " You are home early, dear," tviid Emma. " Ym, but I'll go back if you want tne to" " You tell ps, Albra, that he is very naughty I" replied the young mother, who , made, the child the medium of her com- j , munlosjlon nine Utnss out of ten. The Carbon Advocate And Independent Family NeT'PP" Published every t ATURDAY, in Lehigliton, Carbon 0o.,P., by HAimY v. -noiiTiiinrn. ornrK-fiAXKWAY, a short distance above the Lehigh Valley ft Jt, Depot. Terms: $1,00 per Annumin Advance. r.vitrtT rxBcniTTion or runi Attn fakct Job Printing AT VERY LOW PRICES. Albra shook his head and laughed, but couldn't Et his little lips in shape tg utter the wonls. Robert chatted n few moment, in a light merry way, and then saidi "Now, little woman, we'll talk serious, and alioutsomcthing very near to our hearts, but I don't want you lo pull your faeo down. Promise before I begin You'll try? Very well. I see by your-face that you "know I nm about to speak of your father our father, for I bear no hnnl feelings toward him, al though he never loved me very well. Now don't look blue ; it's nothing very bad, only this, he's on the verge of failure " " Poor papa," said Emma, trying to keep the leant back. "It's very hard, after all hi, years of work I'm afraid it will kill him, Robert" " No,-lt won't, for I have saved him ! I sent him ten thousand dollars this noon" "Oh, my noble husband I' My dearest-"" nnd throwing her arms around his neck he gazed upon him with love and veneration, then, while an expression of astonishment flew to her features, she added ! "But how did you get so much money?" " Why you saved it, I guess, at least a por tion of it, by your prudence, andjnodesty in dress and living. I've been prospered, you know, and wo didn't begin witlt n brown stone front, that', it pet. It is true, I wanted to build a new house, but wo can wait" " Yes, for our house is in our hearts I 0, Robert, I have thanked God for you every day of my life but never so much as now. Oh, my darling, I fear I am not worthy of you I" He silenced thoso pretty lips with n kiss, nnd bade her never say that again, for had not she helped him lo his revenge. A mo ment later, Neil Roycocame outoTlhe house aud grasped Robert's hand. " It's all over I caro very littlo how much longer I stay in this world. Ada,come hero, look the fact in the face we nre ruined! All these years of work nre undone to-morrow I shall be a bankrupt! Yoii alone of my three children have remained true to me, and it would have been better for you, had you turned ingrate, and left your mis erable old father. Well well I nm old and wcuk wliat do I want of money, love? I have outlived my usefulness every man is in the same condition who has grown up sous and daughters to disobey anddefy'him ! I havo been going down hill ever since Em ma ran nwny with that miserable devil of a Lantrini I She is in misery, I'll wager my last dollar well, it serves her rightl 1 could curse " " Topa, dear papa, nlense don't ; Emma thought she was doing right" "What I You defend her? One ; word more, and you and I jiart forever I" Ada shrank back in fear his face wa, contorted with rage. At that moment the bell rang, and Ada wcut to the door, glad to get an opportunity to leave her fathetalone n minute. Presently, she returned with a package in her hand, which she placed up on his knee. Very listlessly the old man opened it, and threw up his hands with nn exclamation of mingled wonder and joy, as ho beheld a pilo of one thousand dollar bill,. With trembling fingers, lie counted them, and then, springing to his fcet,he ejaculated : "I am saved! We aro saved! I can weather the gale now I" "Oh, papa, there is Providence" in this I Who can have sent It?" "Ay, I wonder who; were he my worst enemy, I would grasp his hand, for my name, my honor is still safe." " I hold you to your word. Robcrt.Lnn trim'is the man I" and Ned Royce looked in at the open window. Willi a howl of wrath the old man hurled tho bills to tho floor and stamped on them, while he denounced Emma and Robert in scurrous terms. Ada regarded him with pity and reproach. The passion passed shame sat upon his features he sank into a chair, and bowed his head upon his hands. Anon, a dry sob welled up from his peturb ed breast, and soon tears started to hi, eyes. Arising, he walked toward the window,and took his son's hand within his own, and pressed it warmly ; then, in a hoarse Toice. he bade him bring Emma back to her old home. At eight o'clock that evening, Em ma came into the library with her babe in her arms, and knelt before her father. Tbo old man shook in every limb so intense wa, his emotion. Placing one hand upon Al bra', head and the other upon his daughter's golden hair, ho begged her forgiveness, ac knowledged his wrong, and prayed Heaven that he might live long enough to right it. Then moving forward lo Robert, he grasped his hand, and said huskily t " My son, you have heaped coal, of fire on my head." Happiness lived again In the old borne, and it was not long before John Royce wit nessed Ada's marriage to one she bad loved in eecrect for more than a year. THIS AND THAT. The best are the cheapest. This I, es espeeially so in the matter of wive,. Rum is about the only enemy a nan can really succeed in loving. Women are always in quest of aome thing; and conquest suit, tbem best. A graved Igger buried a man named Button, and brought In ft bill-as- follow, to the widow: Tomakingone Button-hole,$5, An old bachelor say, he', been ao often deceived by the chicken of those restaurant, and boarding-housei that he pall, it "the mocking blnl. "On thi, head," laid a lecturer, point ing an index finger at the audience, "there ts nothing left to bt desired." A bald' headed man In the front row sprang to hit foot to call to order. Sydney Smith onoe rebuked a swearing visitor by saying, ''Let us assume that ev erybody and everything are damned, and proceed with our subject," An editor thus gently alludes to a cote ro pers ry i "He is young yet; but he can sit at his desk and brush the cobwebs from the celling with his ears." The proprietor of a bone factory an nounced that person, leaving their bone, with him can have them ground at short notice. A professor f German asked an unre generate junior what the gender of a certain noun was. lie quickly reponded, "I think its.neuter, sir. At any rates its ntu-tcr int." "What do you know of the character of this man?" wa, asked of a witues, at a po lice court hearing. "I know it to .be un reachable, your honor," ha said, w(th much, emphasis.