sir.wKiis, OUTHIOr ATTOtlNBY A COUNSt'XI.OIt AT LAW. OBlce, Kloti'. tin-liUnsT tvotiiiwa.v. MAt7Ult CHUNK. PA Metilln Esiitm, Fiitiii-ArcountsainlOrir.nn. Conn l-ramiee n apecilltv ..... Trial nt Cinn citrcml v -ittciulril to. I-cit i tramasctlonii In Knitmli Mid Ocrni .11 Jail u. THIS PAPERS I ran be foiiiul in file, nt Ol'O. ItoWKLIi A t'O'S News t-ui-r Ailv'-i- 1 in Imiran 11 Mi nc'i JSXU .HAITI mar b umilc lor Jt In SITUIIDAY, APMI. e, 1ST9. Local and Personal. to iuiiscitini:its. Siibvribcrs to the Oaiuios Aiivocatk will take apecinl notice that our terms are one dollar a year strictly In advance, if nut so paid $l.2i will uecharfied in every iiKlniiee. Subscribers getting tlicir rwirat.jr ninll will refer to Hie direction tabs on (heir papers and note tlio date, and remit accordingly. Easter, April IStli. Next Friday will be flood Friday. West's liver pills cure liver' complaint. Tho reduction of tlio tobaeeu tax fioea in to effect Mny Ut. And now trout are ripe, and will soon furnish royal sport fur our fishermen. Chew Jackson's Uest Sweet Nnvy To bacco. 7- SO. Parlies going western get tickets from Dart., h. V. H. It. d.-K.t. in 12 There is inucli danger of gr.ifliii" Im early In the spring. Wait until the buds U--gin to swell. Our merchants wiio desiru to liixuriutc in the spring tr.ido should nut forget to hand in their advertisements. You can find everything In the drug lineal the store of C. W. Lents, Vt-iespui t , fresh, p lire and cheap. Tlio new firm moved Into and took m cession of the. Kurt Allen Hou-e on Tiles .lay. Sew and elegant assorted stock of wall pawr, just receive.) ut Union's Mauch Chunk at prices delving competition. P.iier lung ing n sieeialty. "1'iish along keep morlnj," is tlio vi hi in this vicinity just u.iw. Watches put in first clu-4 older ut Dol--oil's, Mauch Chunk. Mr. Ilnrry K. Sweeney, of Drifton, was at homo with his parents over Sunday. He is I. Hiking tip top. Mrs. L. Iluicrt has removed her and store from next -lour to the Auvo cat r. ollico to.ono door above. For beautiful designs ill wall pipe s, fancy stationery, .'ic., call on 11. F. LitckiM. back, near tlio Hrn.ulway hoti.-e, Miiueli Chunk. Lowest prices in Carbon County. II. II. Peters aunouueos to his friends and tne citizens in general (tut ho is now receiving ami uiichiug.hli spring stock ol cloths, cussnuercs, vestings unci suitings, and that ho is prcpantt to make up nil cla-isos ul clothing at prices never befoi-o heard of in this section. "Perfect fits and Lowest prices," is tlio motto nf thWhou-c, and don't .you forget it. Store in the Post-ofi'ieo building. Start llight. If you are goiug West, don't fail to call nt IbisoH'ieo on Widuewlay availing, and learn all paitieiilarsastn mules fares, Ac, from tho and reliable Western Ticket Agent, 13. O'ltriim. HoasKs, Cows A- Poi'i.Tuv Feci tlu ni well, and give lliein Ocrman Horse an.) Cow Powder to digest and assimilate what they eat. 17-2U Lewis Weiss is now receiving and open jug anew and elegant stock of hats, caps, boots and shoes forspriiijand summer wear, which he is prepared to bell utuuprccclcut- ly low prices, llo icspectully invites ill at inspection of his stock lecling assured tliat he can give full satisfaction. In tho case ofassitillaud b.ittcrv.befoio Justice H.-ck, last Saturday, Joeph I'ulli n I vs. AUranaiii Aimer, the case wascompr. iu isctl mutually by an agreement to pay tt sU by tho ilefeuil.iut. who entered into reeogi.i zaueo to appear for filial hearing 011 the lath imtint. C. Ben. Johnson has been chosen to re present the Peiuooraey of the First Legiila--jutjys District of Luzerne couuly in tlio next Uentocratie Stale Convention. 2Tlron mills ul Ph(euixville, with their jn ' from2,000 tuSftOO emploYces, have contracts uough to keep Ihein miming lull lo. 'ear or more. Tho New York contract will be Jillctl by September. Notice liusliccii jiostwl.savsnu exchang.-, it tho several mincsof Charles Purriili .t Co., that tho reduction of ten per cent, made in tho wages of miners and others on tho 1st of January, will bo restored, dating from the 1st of April. This action fulfills the promise at Mr. Parrish made on the previous date, and give general satisfaction lo the interest, ed lurties. There Is no doubt that tke annual Ma sonic Conclave, which will inccl inAlleu town in May next, will bo 0110 ot the grandest dciiioiistratious ever witnessed in thula'ity All tho hotel room Is already en gaged au.t numerous other buildings rent ed for tho accommodation of tlio visiting Masons. About three thousand tire expected to bo present from Masons llllVrcnt jiarts of the Slate. Simon Siiecht a moulder, nt the Fort 1 ien Foundry, 0110 day last week, while lilling his moulds, spilled mine hot iron in one of hisshocs.burniiig liiln so badly that ho will probably be disabled from work lor several w.ujkj. Ha is faun Tun qui, is about 2tty'clirj of age, and boarded w.lli M f. GiilhjMIgxv2 taken honu to Tuin.i llthiVIIeaw i.ui'piu last 1Wc.ln0s.lav. -l-p llio week ending Mucch 29, thcic ere CMU Ions of coal Ii1ijni over the I. nkiiiL' n (itt.ti hiitiuiitxit tint ; year ofift)i(,7il tons, on inercaso of7,ni2 tout uuiiiared with sainu tiuio last year. Mrs. llibbler having rcmovcl into tho building cp.ito this fli,v, on Bankway, riectrully annoniuva t., t,0 ladies that she is prereil lo receive their onlcrs for fash ionublo driws making at very p.pular prices. PkrkOift to tiik Siu-iaiiMi A copy of "Medical Common Sense," a book uf 1 1 1 pages, will bo sent frco to all siilferiug with Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Ac, Ac. See advertisement in uuother column. Address Dr. N. B. Wolfe, Cincinnati, Ohio. S.iLumis Haut I Our soldier readers should notice the card of W. C. Bcringcr A Co.'s Claim Agency, in tinollier col 1 of this lujieri and all interested should h.Mivm them ut once, and receiyo the benefits of tho new ieuion law. Tho Lehigh Car Mauufaetuiing Cn.,al Steintuu intend in the near future to cr.-ct several ud.litionsl buildings to their exleiisivo workv. A new order far 7uu box cart wus couintcnoed last week. Theein. ployees will bo very busy for .ino lliue. Tho Irflilgh Iron Co., whoso furnaoes r locale.1 down below tho Kat IV1111 Junc tion, started their secml ,ueV last week, uud tho Works are in full blast umv, tiirniug out an excellent quality ofiron, Cr which theo Is a good dnmand. It begins to ,A ie thpI ol.llimmhmn around Aineyvillo This starting up of furnace after furnace is sare cv.dcnce of ivming, We. nro now fixed In our new sanctum, In the room recently occupied by Mrs. ltu wrtnsa Cigar store, nud will bo pleased to sco all those of our friends who may favor us with n call. Tho "latch tiling always hangs out!" Many of the Iron mines throughout tho Whitebaits and Macungies, which, owing lo the depressed condition pf tho Iron trade had been lying idle all winter, have restarted. Onel.noch Prull,of Phllllpsburg, recent ly forged two notes, each for $73l), aud se curing tho money 011 them fioui the Easton National Dank'', cut sticks for tlio West. He has however been captured. Mr. Edward Itaber, formerly proprietor of the North Western Hotel, of this borough has moved Into, mid is thoiougly uniting throughout, tlio Franklin ltouso in East Wcis-'iiort. Mr. Ellslui Miner has this week been busily engaged 111 designing aud making u spark-catcher, to cover the top of Ihocupoln ol the Fort Allen Foundry. It la luado ol H (Mterii, of his own Invention, of cu-t iron and fire-brick. He has inado oiioof them before 'or another establishment, and says they are liericct. The danger to tho wooden utiil.l iiigs ill the vicinity fiom Hying spark, is Jpccailly 111 windy weather, has called Ihu etcher into existence. A startling c.ilosion occurred in tho Ilclhlelieiii Iron Compuiiy's Works day tluiiugli some one pom lug water uhjii.i mould containing melted steel. Tliu con tents of the mould went through the roof. Sixieen shuns of tho stock ol tho Itelh lelicm Iron Company sold at sale 111 Ik'lielieui the other .lay nt $32,a0 n-r shale. Four shales ol the New Stieet Bridge, lletlileheui, wcio sold at tho same timo ut .?! 1. 30 per share. IlllAMlY, WlXK A XII UlTTKIlS. SK!Cl's P. J. lliandy, IVit Orupo Winu and Wine U. Iters have an exiciisivu and reliable tle tuaii.l, Plitsieiain rciiimincud them in prcletencu to nny other g Is ol' the kind dK'er' Vineyuid's ut, Passaic, New J. r soy, 1111. 1 his wine wm awar.hil the highlit premium at the t'ciitcniiiiil. l-'orsule by al IrugiSls. Skunks nro reporle.1 to be so plentiful ra id so tame in smiio pillions ol' Fiankliii mid also III tlio Mahoning vuilcv that tlie aro ofien mistaken for honsj cats. A farm cr a short distance up tho valley, 11 day or tw isluce, loiiud in his hay-mo.v mid His patched three of these lillle annuals w.lh a piichl'oik. The skins sell In the fur marke a, from 7. cuts to $1,511, a.v.ii.ling to I e q 1. lily of (lie skin. The tl' t'. I, m icli relislicl by many, having it is s. d Wii Ml neatly ilrcseil and bike.1 u very ut II c lie flavor, not very uu.lko the meat 01 1. young pig. The D.'puty U. S. Intenial Ilovcmtorol lo'ior for this district, will ho at the Kx cliango Hutcl, in this borough,. .11 too "III o. May, I10111 11. 111. lo 12 p. iii.,iind ul Weiss hiiI Marsh's Hotel, .11110 day Iroiu 1 to j p m. Thoso interested will iiiakouuoio ol this fact. The Iidiighton Stovo Woiks shut down on Satuiday last in older to do soiiu much uee.le.1 icpairs 011 tho under Used in Hie es tajlisiiiiii-iit. It cuulinued closeil 11 large pait ol this week lor tho sauiortu soil. i'no Hokeu.laiiiia cliurch was crowded to uvvrilon 1 ug hist Sunday lugiit. Tneltev. I ..inea A. Little 11 short mid nucl eating bciiiiou to ihu S.iobaiii Sciio.ii, ti(l .listriuulitl 11e.11 ly one iiuiulred linde.-. auu Tcs ..incuts as prizes 111 honor ul h..- tea... aiiuiversiiiy. M r. J. T. Drill, the butcher of Weatneily, was 111 town Wednesday, auu caile.1 111 1.1 m-u us. Cull iigt.lh. Hon. Dr. J. I!. Kicuiuer, of Millior was 111 town mid cilled 111 to see us .lay evening, v-.Mrs. J,.li: Monday even day evening tin ll iscii.or Franklin, died on evening, ulter long sulleiing, U cancer 111 the hreit. Her plivsichin-, six weeks ago, removed thucauctr by surgica opera tiun j but II had been lung ucgleclnl, and she being far udvanccd in years, Hie ill teniative d.d not save her lile. Sho was about 1,11 years ..fag . Ono mure 111, mill of tho public sohools. For tho eight days ending M.iich III Ihera were shiiipeil over the L. A- S. U. It 10S,:;.J'J tons of coal, mailing tho lot. 1 shipments to .lain SriJ.S.Hi ', mi lucre., c of-IU,:iOU ascoHipaivd Willi saiii-j time las year. CyCI.OCKIU t OC I.ITKII tTl'IIK. A list o the ivieurate.1 until rs w!io,e lives and ings rejrescii:cl in volumo 3 uf tho new Acmo clilion of Chamber's Cyt-lnjicili.i ol l.uhlisli Lilenilure, just rece!ve., is ccrla; ly very attractive to iiiiyp'rsoii of lino lit. r ary tas'c. Pox, Pcnii, Il.iMcr, lliinyun L.K'ke, Newton, Browne, Hule, Walton, Diy den, Temple, Hvelyn, l'.pys, Hitler, Add. son, Sitifi, PH), HaiiKay, Cibher, SutIc. II -rkt-ley, IK'Uv, all I II iling'jioke, uru 11 lew ol'lho biillianlstais which bilghteii the II p.gcs. "It will bring gladness to many .. s.Molar's bean," saya the VVihm.oI Pinla lel pliia,"t.i liiidlhatlliis truly aduiii-ahle w.ok has oeeu within lilo rangoofslui .ow i,!ki-l4." Eight Mich volumes, be.niti fu ly printed, uud elcgiutly bm.i I in, lor t.nly 2,!), nr by tho sin glo volume loi ' cents, pitt-Li,., is ceilainly 11 nur e icapncss, and should establish an enviabk 1 -paiaiiou mr iiiu puiiiishers n it cm 11.1 m .ko their fortunes. Alitady they reiit 1. saioorneaily fiO.OOO veluincs. It uiignt to bo in every library 1111.I homo in tho l.m.l. Sjitviiiieu pages an 1 lull particulars us t., various styles of bin ling, terniJtocl,ibs,ctc. will bo scut freoon request by the publishe. (he Aincriiun 1U.U Exchange, ij Beekiuaii street, New York. The work is sold only to sil'jserojcrs iliroct, an I llni present won lor I'ully low rates aro tillered only to early pur chasers. A choice lot or Clover seed, und 11 lot ol Michigan While Vine Shingles and Floor nig, just received, and lorsaloehcapfurcas.i, ill .1. L. Gabel'a hardware, etnrc. l'J-3. Moucitx Socialism. It is not general ly known that the laic John Stuail Mill, .erhaps tlio ublest of lumlurii writers 011 und social science, c.iminence.1 111 tho year lSG'J a b..k 011 S.H-ialisui, which, it 11 liad b-cu cunpleteil, would probably halo recoguizwl us thogicalost of his work-. Manuscript chapters of the inoouipleto work have recently been brought to light.nnd are found so nearly complete in thcmsolvos,ai)d s 1 ably to discuss quttions now most promi neiit in tlio public thought, that a Loudon lleview, and uImi The L,bmry Mtgaiine of "ok uro puuiisii ug them. They aro, iinuniinivd in b.ik f.irui 011 April 2alh. publishtxt hy tho Aiuurican ll.ik Ex- change.New York. The prh-e, post-jitM, , j cloth, will bo ii) ivnu, or in Mwr Si tvuts. It is 11 work which all students of liticj ' and topios, and ull enlightened cili-1 sens, will be ghd to rt ad. I Foil Sai.k. Eight shares of tho Capital slock of tho 1st National Dunk i.fLehighlun, For further jurliculurs apply ut Ihu Auo-l CATK Ollice. Mtvssrs. Youngkin and flx, lea Thins-' day evening ;Tor .Minnva.lis, by Hm II o'rl.MktMiu 011 L. V. 11. It., and Mr, Zcttlo i Moyer ttn-l wife of Ii.t p.-nn, f. r Fori Worth Texas. Ml bought tickets of Mr, Ik O'U, :on, rrof. J. M, Kittlcr, of New Mahoning, will leave for Ileiilon, Ohio, Monday even ing next. As nil cvldeneo of his good tnsto and appreci.i'i ti hodropp-d into our sanc tum and renewal Ilia subscription to the Admicatk for tho coming year. Tho Popular Western Ticket Agent, II. O'Bnnn, will bo at this oflleo next Wednes day nigh!. If you intend logo west, call nud sec him, ho will scud you light, cheap and quick. rriini llio Count)- Sent. lluiiot'nii Council Tho last meeting of tho old llorouxli Council w is held oil Satur day evenimr. Suo.lryb ainoiiiilli.g In the agrega o to. 2 2 were ordered paid. C O. Armbruster, tJldof r I Ire Department, tiled , 1,1s reKu:nr monthly report,an.lsiip.lImenled 1 Itwlthantnvoniory o Hi, .roportyrtho Dr. I panment, and making a favoraMe report of , tlio result of the test made wl. 1 .the new hose, t tenlly turi.lsl.ed the 1'her.lx Hoso Company by S Eastman 4t Co. Lxunerutlous from the paymen id taxes mad. in nnmeroiia cifs, and John Painter, collector, made his reimr.,oo..,Bt.m,....u...,..uU... ...v,..., "... 4t,7t7, of which amount, at various times, I'" h,,t ,. ,1.1 ,,1'nr t.t tin, 'I'rivifl.iPt r 1 S Ml ihcm had laid over to tho Trc.isun r ifJ.iJO -there tijlng a bnlanee dua or tuui. The 1'reas irer and Sec.etitry were ordered 10 htvn their bo,.k, uceouata and properties ready lo bo turned over tun-w Incoming tim ers April 1st. Ureat credit la duo Secretary Wllhcim lor thti r.i hlul manner In which hi lias kept llio horoiith records during his toiln ; and all llm attaches urtli.i press are indebted to lilm far his unlforin 0 uncsy. FinsT lloT Tmiot'tiM. Lat Saturday, the First Lehigh Canal boat or tho season passed thru kH iho Welah lo k hrru f r Co ii Portforacaro. 11 wis boat No. 1J7. or the 1.. '. k. N'av. Co. treluht Line, and handled hy t'apt. M. Ii.illlt-t The first boatthat went through luaded, on Wednesday, was N'o. SOa, Capt. A. llreisbach, bound lurl-imbcrtsville, .V. .1. This was also n '.Inc. boat. M soi-LLAt,ors. An auction sale or tho hous -hold an I ollleo Inrnoure of the Amirl can House has I.-en held ill's week, 111 accord aui'c with 111. attachment to satlsrly a land lo d's claim. I Is uu tentood ilial Captain Foster has been extreuoly unlorlunate in riiuntng the tinusu .lurlnu; his tenancy, nnd that no rellies w ill a cou d. rablo loss. ,Mr. Lil'ayetto l.entz bepo-i.t-s the new host Mr. William Will e, llm if utlein.iuly and clllcknt steward ol l.t. IMonsion Hons, who during tho past winter has been In a hotel In II uokly.., New Y irk, hut nuro recently on 11 western lour, has returned to hla post hu- e lor the so ison, Mrs. .loin. Illi II will open a (lrst-cla's b .ardlng liousj at Octun (trovo this season, ariangcm. nts havinir. already been uoido to th ten I. Wo kn..worno lady be.tcr fltleil to iii.iko such a 1 est'bl sliment ni;iceable to her 1 atron'and prutlialdo to he scir. I'lieol sirocturu 1 as be .1 removed, nnd wuk commented un the Inun latlou .r Mr. Ohirles -hui hel's prop-ctlvo new building, I 0 , Sn-,U I. tun h street. ' ...ou- i-"in. unrfr Leadvlll... t) dorado, the nrst of nott 1 month, wher. If hell. ids hln 8 to Ills lllllld, howlilico lino tho tavern or .estaurim bul ncsi In tint cisi wo shall lose an ellle cnt Olilcfof tho Flro Pi'par.mcut, and a goud lellotv. In tho Item lat week rcl itlnir to the old Herman I lrheran churc. on Ilroadwav, wo made a mis alio In s -ylug 'Olio c .nreg.-itt will build a new ida"0 of worshlti." ILswlll w. rshlp In Iter IVackcrn tale's new liurch In Ihe2d Ward. .Mr. Plus S,-hv,b!ni has removed to Last M-iiieh Chunk. Tho brljht, sunhlny days ol the list ..r this we. k heiran to I til 11 -e new life Into mifler, but Thursd ly a regular April snow sforinl l'ow long I 11, how toiu;!-are we to vaun-dy drcain ol'a.hi) whn tlienowdls our ntrt'd therm mct. r will welcome ut with a triumphant V3 .11 the slia le. Fr Sale, Five r-dinrc of the Capital Stock of ll,elt ' Nnilonal Hank of L-hiirhton. For lurth.-r pirtleulars apply at llio OHleo of iho 1 aiiiion Aovocatk. March 'Jo t3 List uf Letters Ucinalnhig uncalled for In th l'..t Olllee. April -Illi : LeliUh'.n Frltrlnir'T, Francis Powell. M. r. (Mnwlue. Asker S u.irt. Mls Woirn.T W. Wool lord I. 11 Pkteks, P. M. Iry. I. 'wis llotier, reriFoy lloppes, A1111I11 II .iif, Ma-v Nichols, 11 Win. sI'kjm; c:oo:s. Daniel Oravcr, oftho lleo Hive store, has J j'l-t returned from the cily with a new uud choice n-soitiu.'iit of spring and summer lie-sgoodj, nf tho very latest de-igus, which lie is tillering nt pi ices fully as low us goods oftho same quality can bo Imugl.t for in llio cily. Also a full line of dry goods, notions, 'I'leeiHwarc.Ac. To till of which ive rvspect ul y invite tlio attention of purchasers w ill cirjul.irs. :callt ol 7Ir. Cii'urgo Smith. Mr. George Smith, an old and much esteemed citizen of I.rliightnu, died in Wednesday morning, aged 7'J years. He tin born mil brought up in Ldilgh oitnly, but has been a resident of Lelilili 011 for the n-t thiity-llve years. Hi, ,1111 'nil will bn soleiiiuizi-l mil the remains interrol al t'10 llvi Silein c'i tru'i, in I'miii township, next Mon lay. Ho leaves 1 wile, und one son, our well-known young i.'llow-towiisiiiau, Mr. James Smith, trim have our sincere sympathy in their sad oop uvemeut. 1. . o. r. 111 1 .st 1 lies lay even'tt; th follownir ii. .ii s w. ro Ins. alio I ntilcers ot (Ilia ien H.itten I.o'KO, No. CSa I I). 0 V.. for tho ensuing 0 111 i.y aclinic II I)., Dr. N. 11. ltobcr : N.U.. V.Lo Still . V. il.. Fraiiii . itiroian. Itsi Sic, II. A. Ilelir. Tre .surer. John tihert I he followlnr Is a list of the appoln'cd oin. c-rs lor Ihe term : 11. II., Henry K 'Stenbider. 1. II , .1. W. d'Nell, fun uctor. 't.t'. Crexler. W .rdcn.. Ilr. Will It. it. a. J. Yolie. II S. 10 V (J. (l.-orxo Nubaum. I. S , Ja.-iib It. lieu K. It. s. to V. II.. James Clements. I S . Allrcl rr-ilu r. It. S. S . Frank Fredericks. L. S S.. I.. S. II uer. The Lodiro Is well ollh-cre.l and the ntlcnd nnce uooil, and It will 8,10:1 stand equal lu any I.olge In tho coun'y. UcniKtoiics lur holtllt-rs' ; raves. It is probably generally reir.cmliered that o no yeurs ago in I873 Congross ssil a liwpnivnllng lor the erection of durable headstones over tho graves or soldiers nf the r-jnlar and volunteer forces of tho United Stttes whoso remains nre interred In tho National Military Cemeteries. This law has ben carried out, and tho graves oftho Nil t. oil's dead in these cemeteries aro now jier niaiirully marked. At tho Instance of tlio War Department, Congress has recently au thorized tho erection of similar headstones over the graves of tho Union soldiers who are buried ill private uud village cemeteries. This will be dona us soon us the im-OMary ari-ungemeiiis con bo ma le. In the niwiii timo tho Quartermaster General, ut Wash ington, will atone,! proceed to collect the nccossurv information as to where these ho.ul, tomis nro reiiulied. All lHtwin having I any liiiowle-lgoof the buritil plucoa of sold-1 of tho coal trade, but it has not yetdoiio lull icrs lu private cemeteries who graves uro justice tu the shipjiers iu the Hushrtuu ro not in, irked, are rcpuirteil to commiinimto ' giou. While llui fieights on tlu muni line the I'act to tho Quartermaster (luierul, uud , huvo 1-ecii ruliietil over JO wr runt, ihu rales pive regiment, oumjiany, and ttute vt death ordutvosoil, if known. Similar information ia dceiro.1 fnun rwrties In charge i.rsuch oemeteriea. Of cunw it ia tint intended to furniah headsumea for gruves over winch niouumeiita hive ul ready been ervetul by ' lelatlvra or frlec'ia oriha deooaaol. Our Piirryvllie! mullet, All Fools Ilajr was duly observed Ly our Young America. March certainly went out like a lion. Old llorens reigned supmne ou .Monday, Tuesday and Wttlnes.liiy. Mr. Thomas' Slraup and John Daiiha', his son.ln-hiw, moved their families Into town .luring tliu wetk, And now that It Is universal y conceded ; ,l0maiid ofts,al netually imlcred for shln Clir works aro to star', the ones Ion tll- , r 1 that cur works aro to star', the qucs Ion ill cussel Is u-Arn that Iclleltous event n 111 trunsilre. I hla week, generally speaking. Is tho last of tlio school tetln, In our rur.i districts. A Inro flock of nll.l geeso passo,! over (),1.Mlm,nvevri,in!,,, .n ii..;,.... town norlliwiit.l a lew .'ays airo, ,. , ,, ,, , , , My croc,8 ,,crmancllt ,K,ln7ftli0. re,,CIltcdly seen It asserted In our 0oul)y mt boru h nn(, ,,, ,tnlolncn hv ,alT r ,lroi, 0 ,, ,l,c,l by poster. ni tn.ntton in Con,v , C(morklm , , cil ftnlu(c KK,xM the snmo7-Seo ah. M1 , , ,,,,,,,,, , , , wccl..(l uf ta nv .cats. Co. cv. j, u Werner, on Tuesday of this i W(1(,k ri.,vc,i faintly 0 hi, n,,w appoint. . tllcnt tn Mclmj-tkllt Uouiuy. i.n.t Hv. i: llutr, .. . . tils suce ssor here, on the same day took ps- s.'sslon oftho vacali-d Sir, I has. IinddctitaktS poss sslonol Ihe (lold KiigloHoiel this week. The liuus., we 1 un rstaiid, Is to b well furnlslo-,1, througli with utw and tasty liuiillure, 1111,1 will nu, be put In good condition tor summer hoarders. Ammuci's. Wcmliprly lli'ins. Wo hive been urcetcd with another snow storm. Mrs. T. O. Waant-r Is nsl;tlnir In tlio milliner w. rk ill Kricslcy's, .Mrs. Iv. having purchased the stock lecently owned ly h r. I Miller, iho merchant, Is away to ihe cl y , huylnic goods. The posi-olfice boxes, since their removal I to the new oihec, have hud 11 general clean up and uru imw adorned wlih a new coal ol paint, j Iho II, purlin, nt kIvcs imlleo thai head siones wl 1 bo luriil-lied tor Iho graves ul all deceased soldlt-rs. lheio are u tiumber such lu our cemetery. A'lillelnui gl.ul to nolo tho tcmpnrary rej nlr of Com. Unmi's ijnce, nloii'f eeoud stnei, ihu pavement upon Ihe same remlM-s 'needs Ii ill, g up vu.y buby. I do hopo our w. rihy Cm. will a ton I to this inaiier. alusseluiui. baseoiiiru iet Willi Kit. Huek tor the eiccllulior a twu-s.oiy kitchen to his duelling. I Air. Join Lnydcn, ho hit lnro a 1 short lime. ago. ha, s-curtd 1iNplo.vnn.nI1u reialisman on a Now Jcrs. y railroad, at il CO per woik nnd lioa-d. Julm Is looking out lur a better piling ub. Some members ufthe rnnillv ol .Mr. Lewis Kcnglu hive le t fur Chll, coiha, 1 ililo. Mr. K. nnd daughter wld tnllow uLtr tbcclusu ol ti.e school term. Foil THK Wi-8T. 1 hoso about to leave are Henry Shall'i'r, H. Illnkle, and 1 barles Monk and family. A number of others aro tliln Ingol iol g. ncr. evenwn. tho fl-emm. l.nto.l t aei'ldrllt te.r IMIIKton. w .4 lnt-tii..rl. i, ! .1. nt of this pi .Co Ills father, John Steven son, s'lll p Seles here, llo has the synpa hy uf the community. Hockaway. Oltltuarv. if On hist Sunday the remains of Frederick Bohn, fiithcr ofjiilin Ilohn, !., wcronnict o i.ii.i 10 usi 111 me una. 1. ien ituiion Cem etery. Servics wero held in tlio Pa'sbylo riau Cliiirch, by the llcv.. Mr. Smoyer, of Iho Evangelical cliurcli. For th" last five years deceased has made his homo witli his son John Holm; his health being poor, he was iinablo to woik but part of llio timej since last October ho was nit invalid. and for the last two months confined to his bed, a great sulleror. All that a ilulilul and loving son could do wnSllone, but his tliti-.i-o baf , ,l the i-kill of llio phtsieinns. rrederit k Bohn was boru in Wt-llzlicini, Werteiiberg, Gcrniaiiy. October 13, lSI5;cumelo America in 1817, nud nioveu to Gcruianliiwii in ISIS, lie there connected hinisclf Willi 1 1 01 Kviin As-ocialion, was n ('laWlX-ihler for 11 number uf years,. m l moved to Piiil idelphia 111 1851. Ill IS57 his wife died, leaving a largo nnd young family j he married ngiin, aud the socoinl wifedied in 1S75. Owing to tlio death of father when quite young lie was compelled lo lake charge of the bus iness of tiiniiiug ; ho had received nu acade mic education nud intended to prepare for some profes-don. Two tons and three daugh ter are still living. S. ICttllroail Act iilt 111. The Wilkcsbiuro Jtcconl nf the Times ol hist Tuesday, gives the following particulars of the railroad uccident near thatcity which occum-d nt uu early hour on Monday moin lug hut! Tliu midiiiglil train bound North met with a sad disaster Monday morningal the deep eutat Mill Cieck. Tliere isa sharp curvo nt this point and this ell'eetu.illy pre vented tho engineer from sccingthat a m iss of earth nnd rocks had fallen 011 Iho trucn Tlio tinin was iiiiining at its sk-ed when the engine stmck the obstruction and nearly ran over it. After breaking tho coup lingnnd separating from tlio train tlioeng turned p.irli.illv nroiuid aud capsized with 11 lerrible ciiish. The baggage car uud uu sleeping coacli was thrown froni the track, bill, fortnuati'ly, noouc in them win injured. From under the engine, however, wassjiecdi. ly taken tliu ile.ul body uf Nicholas Scliillin ger, terribly crushed nud disfigured. Death must have been iii-,tautuncoin. Tlio fireman. Henry Stevenson, was seveicly burned aim scalded nnd was fatally Injuivd by inlialiii steam. His deatli 01 cured at 1! o'clock in the nlleriioon. Both men live in this city near the L. V. It It. round house, nud were known us reliable mid caicl'ul men. Both leave families. 'I'oivaiiiciisln ISrci lilt's. Iti.a.lsarolua rcarpilly muddy cmd Hon. U 001 Friday Hill bo iho noit 1, boll, day. KIblcr's school, No, 5, closed on Wednes day. A great many will li ivo to begin to stir around. A spelling beo will bo hid I at Klb'or's ehtol housu this nturday evenb g. It is ex pectoj thill W. 11. Kcmor. r nnd O. A Buck, live teachers of Franklin, will n.aka remarks for the bent tit of tho-e present. VII thosj who d.slro to uict rid ot their rata, will do well to call on .Mr. II. Drelsbacli. Ho has tried It himself und louud ll 10 bu II. K. The brldg) tint extends over tlio Illi Creek, I. II. Wcl-s'a saw mill, needs tlio attention ol the supervisors. A spelling beo was held at Stemlersvlllo on Friday evening or last week. 'I ho attend ance was very large. IUiucciiv. Another ICciltlclloii In Fi-clglUx. We uro reliably iiifornieil, a.iys tho llmlo ton .Vfoiiif, thattlioLehigli Valley Il.nlr.Mil OouiMiiy have made uuothar reduction of 14 cents r ton on lolls mer their nud, .....ui.lij tlio .U1C.KII tvnisir Mauch Chunk to tide, a reduction of 05 cents ' in ull over the rotes of 1S7H, or iiioro than 50 ' iwrivnt Tim uumiuny has been n long I lima getting down to tho "true iiiwurdtitW on Iho lateral muds remain as formerly. This la unjust and niirussivo lo llie iudi- yhlual otwrutors, who furniah the bulk of the trade. The rates on llielaleraU to IViiu Itavtm are from 40 t., HU cents, t.r aa much sisuq tho mam liuea from Mauch Chunk lu tide. I tide. Tho fonl Tnii! o. There la very little In the tendency of tho anthracite conl trade illfTercntfroni what wo have had occasion to reiort from week to week for several wccki ist. Tlio demand for coal is still reported pretty good by tho Heading Uullroad Company, nnd llio supply of vessels a t Port Iticiiuiond is oo-ok nooi mat uiii. uu l-ri. lay iat over ten thousand tons were shipK-.l, nud the huwiness ol tint eonip.iiiy is r'picwnlcl us steadily more profitnble this year under un lestrictcd tonnage tin' 11 It was last year when prices were higher under restricted prniluc tioii. Tho anxious Inquiry now is, will tho demand for coal keep prices where they are, or will they contlnuo to sink, nnd eventually Inula downward point whore there Is no market for coal nt prices which will cover thecost of putting it Into tho market? It is aid that that point hasulrcady been reached by Iho Individual oierators, and that the largo companies, which aro trausKirtera alone, can supply coal ill tlio 111 irket at pres ent prices. Tlio transnortiiitr I'nmiiiniot nuke up in loll charges what tlioy lack in profiti from coal sales. Unless sonic ar rangement is reached by which tho price cm bo held up to what it now H tlio iiidi vi I11.1l operators will bavo to prepare lo go out of tho business. They will bo found to ha simply giving away, hardly ex changing nu old dollar for 11 new one, and this is simply suicidal aud f.Kilish. The figures of tlio Heading Kailroa.l Company enitinueto show profits, nnd the Lehigh Navigation Company up to tlio pre-,0111 makes a similar rcmrt of g-iiu over Its busi ness in corresKiiidiiig time last year, and is now $lfii,llOO better oil' than nt tho end of its first quarter ill IS7H. That company now, we hear, begins to experience soino 'readion Its orders for coal uro lessening, uud especi al ly tho-e for coal to its line trade. Tliu well known superior quality of this com p uiy's coal, however, gives it the ml vantage generally or better prices Hum can bo real ii'd by 601110 other of the coniieting con p lilies. Any further fall ol prices, however w,ll tell directly to the prejudices ol its In terest, us a dull market has already 1I0110 to tint of somo other panics in tlio trade. Tlio roMit in circulation last week, that tho Lu high' Valley Hallro.ul Company had reduced itt toll charges fiom Mauch Chunk to tide at Pel Hi Amboy to liU cents u ton weure in form ed is incuicct. The coiup.iuy's toll charges aro now seventy live cents per ton for the disluncu named, which istiie lowest mlecvcr ma lo 011 that road. The new toilers for coal with tho transporting companies 1110 light, but, in addition to thoso which had accumu late!! previous to l.i-t week, have proved enough to keep up 11 fair shipping business. U110 great source uf i-oinpluiul m tho cause of llio'picsent depressed condition of the coal tr.ulo is tho monthly auction sales of largo blocks These sales tend mater ially to iloinorulizo tho 111 irket. They afford oppoitunities for manipulation of prices. Iluyeis may conspire to not bid ngain-t each other by agreeing to let ono purchaser buy in much as may meet tho Wants of Iho or ten und ol dividing it after sale, or sellers may be equally delusive in runiiingiip price through tho use of "Peter Funk" bidders. If these unction sales were discontinued there is r-usoii to beliuvo that some arrange ment might be agreed Uhiii uinongoperators that would bring immediate lelicl to tliu trade without adding ultimately to tho cost of fuel. Too auction gain of 1011,1100 tons ol, 011 Wednesday last, tho i'litli instant, realized lower prices than al tiny public sale 111 market for a long time, tho decline from llio low a hi of November, LS77, ranging from 5J to 1 IJ tents per ton, except for chestnut, which oil Wednesday lust brought 2J cents 111010 than 111 November, 1877. Yet because tho great majority of Hie offerings uf the last sale con sisted of tlio twi highest priced sizes, the aveiage price was the samo as that of tlio sale in November, 1S77. There was 11 sharp .leclino in pries, and in nearly every in stance tlio rates were tlio lowest everkuown. The November sale of 1S77, just before the coal combination was organized, was noted for its low prices. Lcdijcr, Monday. II. lines from I.caier .lleailovv. Three men, Messrs. Thus. O. Iii'liohoe, .Michael . or Hi, ami John SU ruliin, h lu'ole. raine lur .Nct,raka uu Mutnhiy 1 st, with the iuiciitlun of purchasing laud, to make per manent hollies lor thcmselr s nnd lauillles. Mipt. John W.nrsivs ihattho new slate picking g-g, that wero put in their Nu 1 Lreaker lusi week, gives geiiuial satisr.ieiion. Mrs. Hussuii. late hotel kotp-'r ut Jeddo, lias moved In tho Central hotel, just tae ited hy .lames Cole, who has looted 10 Quakako Valley hutcl. .Mr. John Wear lias purcli is-jd two splen. 1II1I horses lur ihu farm he lately purchased in the (toukuke Valley, .Mr. Join lioilurock and family hate aualu muved I10111 W,ca.hcrly back lu their olil liume .Mr. John II . w.len and wife of Ashley, brought th. Ir Infant son, ttnil died ou Sun day, heiufui Inttruio ,1011 lutslay ultcriioon The Son. of 'rentpniaiice huvo fnvited ' I!ev. J P. H n'orl lo ilollvtr n leituro, fur thulheh orihonnler, in Ilia IM.I Pullow.' h ill, uu ihu lo. li ins,. Sulject : " I'rls. ou." Tho rev. tent tiiinn in an able oraior, and was hlinselt n prlMiuer fu I. bby f r tunic tune. Theieloru io m i)- eipect booiethlni; Kooil. Tho minors worki-d more ilays, at tho inliiC'o f. P. Sl.a'iier .M'o., l.isiuiuiith than tht-y workeiliiny mouth la.t ear. Wo think It ti great jilt y that Iho inliicr, according to the Keiier.l optnloii unions thentsrflvi a, wilt be thro a ii i.lle Jiut now, and ureil 11 it ca.'a pitv to pull out the nu slbat ttoio throtrii tn. to tho firu by those who were too .tubboru to co coao a llttlu to the of others, anil to Iho miens oftho whole combination. Wo hate no Idea a general nl peiKlon will take place, hut, Iftt Marti, it will ba conflncil to tills l.chlKh r"k'lon, whero tiny ray they are worklmj fur feta pay than la paid clso nh re. Mr. James Wa.lclell, late ni.ierlnten.lfnt ufthe mines ol I.. II. i:iy It. Co.. lias luken a ultuatlon as Mlnu'iit oinenhi-ru near Wllk. abarre. Wo arc very ula.l tu bear of the gentleman eclnit Buforlunatf, yet aorry to lo.e li s company, which Is generally very congenial Indeed. Uus. liven, I'atlicrton Itlpplt',. Andrew Kllltit nnd r.imlly left ror Phlla tlclphla this mornfng. Mr l.lllot has it misI thin iimlcr hla brother, who fa proprietor ora largo woolen and cotton manufactory, lie will hnvo charged of tho machinery. Mr. Kb Hot has been employe.! for n number of jeara by tho I.. V. Itl!.Co.,ralihfuland trustworthy ul nil tliutf. II. II. Delhi, well known by all who enjoy go 1 luualc, la iu town. He is iu buiincaa lur himself at Zlun'a drove, Schuylkill Uu. tlur geninl friend V. P. I.oeg. Iiavln-i Inktii unto h.iiiself n wile waa w irmly oun- , L- mo mul In- ilo i tflce buva al r.ukerloii 1 . f . ,,..,-,, ,0 . . ah no wait fur now la ,ho lion.) I hat yiK.n.ilured Henry ".lot likwls"." lluw about lutiery llckola-woteh lbs v... ..,t- ib.M.iu, ,i. io .i i 1ll,,,0m,.i-i.l lo T.ililt,titftn this ........... ....... ,.. ... I lie best "IfheaofiliotHMini unity are nun ttiut .urn io. iii.i.i. .ovii lumis i',.. lwr"'- I -lwira:Miatiuin ha a taken up h a nI- danttoa l-ark.rltai. William llarleuisn waa auldeuly proa, tratwl Willi let ere cold and fur a time hla ,,,,.. nJir -ui sjnte. wo are ., r !... ..n.l... ,K- ........... uJ to know Is Imi.rorlaic. ' A new parsiuout tulweco tba two Uoird. a nnvinvsmont hottt Inir Houses n.hla greatly lo the comrort or tho cliltyiu ot this place. Thanks to tlioio who I hMe 'uc'1 'ntcrprlie, Ilcr. William Plckop has been return'.! 10 tins Held. A young man with fine talents. ho deserves siieccst In his labors. Eight dollars it day and full cliargoofu largo shop Is what Is ofTcrcd to ono of Pack erlon'scltltcn. So It Is -aid. Anox. Waltten lor tho ('Aimny Advocatb. "MY m.VN.J.()!Iin!. 11 Y OIlUilNAt.. How should wo sHnd our evening", wero 1, . , t . . ,. ,, , , it not for grandmother? Sho ran bestow cnod advice) sho can rclato to us scenes of by-gono times. Bui, to come nearer home, let lis. proceed. My Briindinollier ono night had lost her spectacles, nnd two or three of us undertook to find thciiij but, after looking for somo timo tn tin purpose, wo gave up the search, nud Grandmother nt lal found them 011 the top of her own bond! Wo nil had a heaity laugh In which sho as heartily joined, and she then began lo lalk to us on tlio ndvnn tago, when anything was lost, of looking in the tu-ojier place j nud sho proceeded 1 Once I icmeniber of setting a ccituiii pel son to seeking loru piece uf money which I had lo-,t. Hu pulled about the chairs ami tables, making a great bustle, still he did not I'm, I it for me, though ho slid bo liad looked everywhere, uud so ho hail every where but in Iho light pi ice, and tliat was his own waistcoat B.cket, for there I un derstood It was nil the time. "Mirny years was I looking for peace, .mil found it not; nnd tlio only reason thai 1 .11,1 not find it was tliat 1 did not look for it in the light place; if I had 1 doubt not that I should huvo found it. First 1 thought t nit money would assuredly givo It lo inc. Hut it was quite the contrary. Well, 1 thought, If riches will not do it, I will seek tcputatmu; this also failed. My next tie termination was 'to make friends, for 1 thought they would increase my joys, anil solace me in my sorrows. Aiust I soon found ono friend was called away; a second quarreled with me, and became my enemy, uud u third died) so I saw plainly it was folly to depend 011 friends for ioace, and that I most certainly must have looked in tlio wiong plauo to find it. "So seeing that I had nil along sought for jieace, everywhere but in tlio right place, I sought it wlicio il is always to bo found in the Oosjiel of our lli'deenier, whicli tells us 'That Jesus Christ came into Hie world to save siutieis.' 1 had bcfoio been instructed that I was a sinner, but now I was taught to feel it llio Hole Spirit, gave 1110 that Peace whicli the woi Id givelh not, and can not take away. He assured, if with silicon ty you seek in tlio satno place, you will also find it; for 'Hu scckitli Jludcth, uud to him that kuocKelh, it shall le OJKMICll.' Veil must remember that I did not look for my spectacles before I found tliat I had losllhciii; und so in like manner 111 one w.ll seek for anything until ho feels tha want of it. 'My dear children, you will nut seek peace until you have known sorrow. If you want i'uce, you may look for it every way; nnd in every place in vain, unless you seek I r. mi tho Loul Jesus Christ; seek it llius it your euiliest diys, and us your Grandmother is talking lo you, so surely you shall find il." Kind Providence bo blessed for such a grandmother 1 Perhaps beloio long, dear grandmother will close her eyes In death; but I shall never f .rget her counsels. Per haps before long she will depatt to her homo up yonder in the heavens; but 1 will with tho aid of liod seek things in tliu right place. Yea, sliols nigh four scorn years old; und lier lime of departure is near ill hand, fur which her lie.ut is longing. L uigiiig tu meet her friends gone before, and especi ully one friend Jesus 1 With him to sliaio all eternity, to walk the streets ol gold. To sine; tho sous ol tlieicdeeiued in glory. To be limited in while, with palms 111 her hand and to praise Him eternally. "He loved us and washed us Irom all our sins iu His own blood." m:vs ;ossit Piowtllon Wednesday ran ten miles nt Pliilailelpiiia in one Imiir, eleven minutes and lilty-sevcn seconds. No fluid cm sleep soundlv while suf fering witli Cnliu or from Teething, lteiuovc the cause by using lir. Hull's Ihit.y Syrup. Only cents a bottle. Tudor, the man who has undertaken lo travel on horseback Irom New Vol k to Pata gonia, and his party arrived ul Kiiuxyille, Teiiu., at 11 a. in., Wednesday. Tho Merlin corresioudont of the Loudon 77iC4suys that I'ouul Schouvuloirs mission has been siiive-slu). Tlio mixed iHViiu.iti.iii of llouni.'lia will bo carried into elloct by Kuglisli troops, French, Italians, Autriau's uud Uiissiaiis, It is cruel for parents to let their child ien sillier Willi coughs uud colds, which 111 so many cases lead to consumption und pre nialiiio death. Oivo Dr. Hull's Cough My rup. Pntw Ua cents u bottle. iU 11 meeting of twenty-nine thousand spinners and weavers ut Itoueii Monday it vviu tieeiiUHi to semi a iiepiuaiiou in j.'aris ti, repreteut tn the government the destitution 1. 1 tho working iu ouw-uuciioo ol re- ililctiou of waes, an 1, iu some ca&cs, com plete bloppage ol work. Tliou.xtiu'iio l'rcucli republicans and their organs aro violently dfiiouuciux Senator IjuUmlayo uud tho uiiKlcruto Lett in mm ipiciico oftlio ivi,i t ugain-,1 the reiiioval ol tho neat of the la-gislaturo to Puris, and ihreateu to iiboiti Ihu Senate if atteiiipta to interfere witli tlio will of Prance, which they bay is leile-CMleil by Ihu Chamber ol Deputies. At lal tlio dreary Vaiidcrbilt 6uita have coiiio to an end, tho last two for $,s,ililll,iliiu Imviugbeeii withilrawii by I'orui-lius.l. uu- ileibitt, William II. vanderbilt waiving costs. It is lo he hnjicd the public will hear no inoio ot llio pnvato ullans. It is announced ofl'iciallv tliat tho death of tho youii' Prince Wulilcinar, ton nf Ihe Clown Piinco l'rederiek William of Ger many, was caused by diphtheria, and that luoa. tires have been taken to prevent llie spread of the ilUeue, which has lately been so ratal to memburs of the lloyal family iu I'ruwia. Her Majesty Queen Vict.iria," not yet sixty years tt age, lias now hi many graiidi luldienunil otiier relatives the natural course of events, tho Kughsli t'ouri stauils ii good chance ol being iu mouruiiig tho moot ol tho lime. Keep it in tho home, that it may be promptly iidiiiiulslcrcd in ull sudden nttacka of oouh's, colds bronchitis, or any kiudrttl iillection for which it la un eU'eetuiil Wo me.Hi Dr. Haas' Uxjioctoraiit, Si uud iu cents a bottle. Pittston, l'a., March 1 o'clock this morniii, us kifugcr liiiln Xo. 8, from Xew York, on Ihu Iiehili Valley Kailroad, duo hero ut I:2Hii.,iii. ivai aiipnittchina Mill I Cieek, ueur this I'lui-e, Ibo loconiotivu was thrown fiom tho truck lu i,n-iiielHV of uj ami 11,10 iv'i.cii luni occurrou u snort tun. lucvioiii. Tim t iiaiin-er, Nicholas Kehilnu I , tt-r. waa iiistuuilv killed, uud iho fireman I seri.tusiv imtirMi. ii,nu ut tu., lUftscu- ' S"r wvn -rioisJy hurt, I'rwleiit k Sbink, of I'ltlslairg, had n leg out ul)', uud wus mlierwiM aerimuly injured, by beliwui-oideiilully thrown under nu ex pi sua train ul Tieiilon. U.J., oil Saturduy 7" "'!- ,,....".'. .'.".-, .... 11'. t. I. ill. .a.. .. .Ir,., , .Jn. ou llie reiiiisylvaniu llailnuil, was latully i . .... c.m,,, ,t . Tioi,.,. 1, Bjtunluy, iiu.l illeil In u lew Hours. A leleiruni from Trenton X. .I..rcinrla an jllar-lrt f iwiru.p.i.u.i,,....,.. nui,iiiS tho iiallle in Ilueka i.hiiiIV. Pa., uud uUut iiiuu ber ol new eases nf the diseas in UerRcn. Morris, Kssex and Darliuiwui ouunlie., .S, w .lp a nn. .. t 1 cl.n.l,. ml.. V..t,llvlle. Aik . ,, Koo.l.v uiht las, sod Un-i IUW tliu friiUvJ nevre piper office and the resilience!" of ttircti rill r. ni,nfer whlehlhcy rem Minted and rule oil', rorliitiali ).' 110 one win liiliire.1, llo ' "''J"'' ,r'ls n? ur tl10 killing 1 f a lit- ...! n.,.nn.t 1I...-I I'l.n.ail..... ...., ,.,,l 1 .... ....... i vi.wiiiii-,ii,iim .. ....a ...... 1 some timo iirjetl his removal to 1111 insaiie uyluin, but his ivilo wouhl not consent to I I TheTnMii',iitirii., nt Claremunt, N. II.. wn ile-lii,f,.,l l.f li... l.u.,wiit and I in. as uestrotcil hi liiol-tween ono rtlul '""I .1 clock on Sat11rd.1v morning, nud five Of th" , inmates were burned to death. The victims were Mrs. 0,bm, mother of. he proprietor t Mrs. S. A. Place, pastry cook t Miss Auuio , Joliiiton.cliatiibcrniaiil t Mi-s Lvilln Menill ' .able girl, and Charles Morgan.; Foiirsn.all , stores, licsiiles Iho hotel wero destroyed by ( hi e, and the total loss is estimated at."ll,000. A firn in Modlsnn ll"i".,on Silurilay.ilcs troyp.1 the upper mitioii nf tlio FiinchiM block. Dunn the lire throe explosions oc curcd, injuring seventeen men, lliree of lliein it is thought, l.itnlly. Il is believed the block was sel on fiiv.'nnd liuit tin' explosion was ilue to niini' Fiib-lautt placed III the up per story by the incendiary. The new' rout l IIt.li1 ol Licking county, ut Newark. Ohio, was damaged by lire on" Saturday lo the ex tent of ffilil.OUO." It was tiiiiiph'fed last fall nt n cost ol ?d.7,""0. The lop of the vent 1 1 ntor was of wood, nnd plniiil in Ihe carrot containing valuable riTorils. The lire Is be lieved In have started In this veulilahir.imd I iiiidI ti, ,-i j,i 1 i,iui..iu.i ..d a. .. ,.r ,1... .sumtv- nilicers wvr charged with irregulari ties which could not ue proved ll the records wei e 1 lesiii.vci. 11' Ikosl.arre, March 27. At two oMick this moruiiiii puly of live men who had been playing cards iu a saloon i.n sonlh Main street, this city, became involved in 11 dispute during whicli Jiiiopli Sclinale llnent cued to kill a constable iiiuned John Zeis, but the matter was, I.y adjusted nud cordial relations existed between the two men until six o'cl.H-k. At Ihu timeSclinnli' diew n revolver und shot Jacob Schwab in the nhdnmcii, ihllicling luoital injuries. Seliaalo then lire I ut Zeis, Ilia bullet just grazing liis skin. Ze.s at oni-o nrrcsteil the murderer mi l look him bel'oi" Alderman Zicglcr, who, after 11 hearing committed him lo prison. Seliaale avs llmt he was drunk uisciaim. u uu liiiowie.igj 01 llio niur .ier. Uiiiontown, Pa., March ,"10. A. J. Coil' man, 11 I.n mer, living ten miles from lu-iv, is piiiBued b some lelontloss foe. First Ins valuable dog was siisoiieii : next lmison was placed in Ins lioi-su Iced trough; then an un successful attempt wis mod,! to liiirglaiiri ins house, winch was billowed by some mjs burning hi, stiaw stuck." Then his barn was 11 red nud destroyed, nnd between three nud lour o'clock vesli i.h.y morning un unknown person firt-il at Mr. Collinau in his bod-room. Tim bullet struck his wife 011 the back of the lieail.f.inetiiriug herskiill, Coll'man iiislied out niter the villain, hut tho latter i-iUH'd. The fanner knows nui ther the cause nur the motive of tins enmi ty. " llulih' 'J'tt:llMc." It is ail very fine when young people arc iiuiiling. having the ple.i-.iiit ttfe-a Uta,t tending balls, paities, , I. lees-1, 1 amiHi'ineiit. and nt last Jiopping tlio question w.tli 11 -light picture ol the hand, uiecliiig of the lips, uud the day upimi'-lei! to be 111 nlo one. Solid comfoi l uud pie i-uro eontinui! until a family olchildi en aw brought into the win Id, thou thero is tiui-tunl anxiety lor their health and comf.ut, and at any time when one of tho-o bright eyed rosy i-iu'okeil child ren is troubled witli Coiiglii, t'olils, Hoarse ness, Ilitlk'iilt llieatliiug, or any Croupy i-Svinptoni-., a Imlilo ol Il.vt.r.'s IIiim.y or 1 1 111: 1.1 iiiu s 1 xo Va it is immcdiiitely procur ed, ti few iloset iiilminisU-re.l,',lie disease 1111 niliiiateil, and then eve'-ylliing iignin 111. ivo along smoothly. Th s uitiele is now Usui by nlinost every family und gives universal satisfaction. Sold by all ilruggists ut ,111 cents uud $1 per hoi lie, und ut tliu iloj-il. CiilTTkNToN'si, 7 Sixth nvciiue. New Yolk Citv. lircat saving to buy largesizn. JhsT 1! a Niiui.i-ii, X. V., March 7, IS7S. ('. X. CniiiEMiix Ubar I'm : Iiv wiitim; to Mr. Bishop H'lliams, Fai-t Haiol'dpli N. Y., I think Jon can get 11 liivt cla-s ti-sliuio- lli.ll for'S IlllNKV 111' HollKlllll'M, AMI Tail, it having cttrctl u cough of ivo yem standing, ul which had been iiusiieeesssiilly treated by somo of our best physicians in this section, ('s S'ft.i'iirii is having n good run here; it's a success-. Y.nus liul.v. fi. M. Jkiikiiiis. Pikf.'m Tuutkaciik Duel's ctiio iu one luiiiute. !J:'2 Closing Prices of Kf.ihikx ,t Tuhnskmi, Stock, tiovertiniciit uud Cold, dll Sonlh Thhd Stieel. Pliilailelpiiia, April 1 Ih'li I. .UD, IDCl t I''a ll) 111 1 a. .v.i'm .a a .. , j. VJOV, ISiJs I'. J A U. S. llt'IU'V,(tV. is. ty is , 1 .. IT. tt, -ifj- IlL'W .... U s 4 new t'v-ti ii 11 1 iiii U j (ml I''., 'ihku .1 V 1 Id I' 2', 1 Kit .1 hu iv: Jts. ri I h f It UJi il hi l .tt4U inn iu- a 1.1- .1) lil 1 ! 4 Hfkl . sij iihl .-kit . .b'i ItHl VA Hki ;i 111. lva:iii It. J rinl.i iV H.-: (.! l: l.. 1; ... uelilfh VU'j 11. II 1 0J1UI1 (u v . v. Lu.,., lT lilt "1 1 Cl'IIIIinhll'r tl N" IllPHI IJ lltlil . 1 ... llo t.-iiviili" i-n it. u. ti i"tti..nt. it itrir. u 11. co. Uolil wi vo" 1 nil Jst j " t3'i.ioiu tlt li in 11-), A', Ml li ..lit 0 HSk'H 1 U .1 1 'i H f! 1 .ft it 4'i Ii il A tn ro I ft hi lift . M!i bid P5H nM U 4 Ulll W'lk I'CXII M.WMMI 1), IIlt.L KfllSIINKI!. On the 0 ll ull , by llcv. A. ll.irthoiotiimv, I'ciirltiliinnl.Mi-i. 1-lii.niii .lane Ivi-r-hner, hoth o ist Pcnii, Selitii Kill county. I, Will. KITS. H JIll.l I P.. On tll ISlIi lilt., iy tliu Mime. .Mr. John 11 l.t-culel n r. ol Wi ki Pcnii, Seliuylkill c. tintt, inn) ,Mlfs Alice M. IMIUt-r. ol .Maliuiiliia tin-cuiinty. STItolll. HUB 'NKU '111 ill- ti h lilt., by the a.i ine. .lull ii S. Mrohl uml Ml Aoi'iiiila t'. Kuthucr.liothoniruk si:rctk. ihlsc. limy. Ml-TIIAIIT NtlNtKMACll II. I 111 ihoCDIl lilt.. h the raine, I ilmn K. A ll hart, ul N ir Tripoli, I,. hiub e... hihI Miss Saruh Xuiiiiviiiiicber, il Tamiupi i, Tn. lllllTTAIN I-KINMIM.KI!. Ill 11 -tll'IOn. en tint '.'5:h till., hy liev. 1. a. II nu r. Hei rs Ilr t iiiu ami Min KHz Ihi h llelmiilllcr, hjtli of licit! er .Mni, low, Ins cuuty. ii!i:ii. - 1.DTZ. In Malionlnir, on tho 2nd ult., Tolm .laeob l.ulr, ngeU t!7 jear., ti mouths uiul 17 ibiya. X'U.i. In llowinansvl Ic. on th 18'h ult., O.lver ilcoig... sou of aujii.iiis miit'ar.k lino .Noll autiil o yours, lu iu a. an.l 21 ibt.ta. Strv In Il.iv orvlll. on .he, vi.t ult,, i harlle. a n of Paul and Sablua Xtff, ageu & uioutlis ami 8tla)8. Special Notices. Tiin voiti.ii'.s it,i,.ti. iu. li. wi:viii, fN'H LTKiuTivE t-vmr Ilr A ifluedy n cl TIlIltTV-l-'IV.-. UAUS Ic K" ",co1 tu ' ''" l" ' 1 -, . I -i-T. a ti a-v-Li. a.xi3xvjL, or, lur, 1., v'li.ois.'.eci.i.o.nv tuiitti m. "aTal. i iiiuu tea, nmlu i itist.ii!.H iu wiiica ti.ob oaa i, , liiii. icatt-u. -a ihi.. cm, e i in t ouo o colli by Ull IttTtIL tlltlGGlsTS ttllU (ttlHs-Csais on v by lilt; H'-V.iU;i. aii,,tt.j; iv. 1'. o, Hux 3as, i .oct'c t, i . . PIMP LiiJS I will noil U'ni) tlio iic.o for ft nip VtOKTAULit lUtu mat wi.i roinuv' Ti.N itlU'Ki.i.H. I'l.M 1'1,1'S uiul iiLOiein: . (Av!utr it.c fkiu Nil c.far una liwuu ji, uImi lu irti tlu niur ontlm-iiik- m luu lam um.,tii of h Or on a U.i d a a I of.niii.m f w Avmiom tucmiiic3f. niumyj, i,ru. Vaua li a Co A-u rilioul.K V. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Hiu oilvo tia-i. atluc iiooi. p 'riiiHiiei.ii J uio.til ihu ur.yiA ..ue o "ii mu uitiioa li n'm loe I 1.1 il . i. tltiiia. ttlli koki. u iln l i ,. , lie wi'l e t. tx-in ut Hin'iuta. r, . mm . fire o' co u . 1 Willi lUe me . t.t n.', Ull in HU, UU 1 l- LO-NSUsllMU. A tllUl ' lii.i sen. lis, ,ta. i I. i tie. ..Isjii.-u tho Vrcst-r u Iiiii. l l-"s ai'tlruM t; A WlLeOV, utl'uuut em. ' VMM uu nnieU, . . . ayKKdRs opbura. 1 .. . .. , , i i.o tt i , NWtou-DAlllUIV.I'lle..l-Tflih Ili:. AV f i n iu i th a il ol jouih.u', ii,,i,m-i-ii . w.,i lui !.- st.kei t uCs-rniir uuiuti. , , ,tti.l n, all who nt-eo it. IU- rwuie itbtlu lor usakiiKin slmiiu. rciito. y b, L.U Ue . tu t ur tl. butT-r lbl K i i ofutil uy tu t- ve tiss . xt to true tan ut so uy itl .v.-li ji, u. , i-trilt ' UU.-oew. J'lll.N 11. Of 11 IE v . I'.'eilirHI 1. V. , , 1 lllll I 1" -.-. t ,v,m-.,iii iu-,, rlLLO Tt'-'e ' '.'",!,,'o "i'.'.l '' l:. i l . .."-t.a ijtjp iv. 5.7 'lui' a. J tt ... -t,. . ajw b k. j. It XiitM Jt ij. J i V I - in i. 1 , : - - - -- , in- ,,'in .iniiviiig 11 uhui l ,1111 u' III tTUlll, all apnea patrol forlw defence of the towi night sw.uls 0 lu teoi weuicn, tluniiei'int ii....t V tn 1 11.. . r .. r.... V' b"i Iibru r.iiiilveimi 1 S'liu ent the mn Haywood . lti.I.lle ex-Congressinnii rrntu 01 ,. 8J ,i,i,i,cijiamniiii a-no I c, whli sinp. Tennessee, cumitiiltcd suicide by shoolllig tiu iii.i.toiii, tun iinuds, ua-liin-tt tlietmt, -himself, in Lebanon, In that Sla.c on Sal-1 "tfr. ;KSK Pa, unlay niniiilng. lie was about fifty years , i!,u u u . neavi ,0 ill mi eye ids lieqin lit of ug.' nud leaves n wife and four clilldreii. Iikck i olUlrlo" t t fo 0 tint 11 es, w t 1 si tTut. For several montln ho had been in bail , ."' '! , ' '',". ,; ,'J'V.",". ,,,,,, 1 1 1 , , ,,. , ' III Fl.o 1 ll 1 lie 01 n l 1-ot le-I11I fo.U lieallli, being tiiniKlleil to leavo Uasbtng- I A-k ftu H. I'.KtJMtBi.'J Wl.M-.olr" ton during the legular res-iou on tliat nt-- ; ltilK. ni.d In o liioi .s'. vmir ilniRg st count, undhia mind was uirected by pu ' ",.0.,""'i 1 i'.,l',,Vx,orl,'.,i,., fv,1, , . , ... r . j , !. KU.'l.Mi N . 2,. ?! I.ll Ttluln Ptlt el. 1 lu ).. j ' V Kmiki'l's HltMl Illi- f Iron, I n,,, mvlr i,nn uumn to Ml in the ri re nt ..i.d( niton, 101 svm 11 in-, i.ii, " it ion in--. ,1 i,ii-ii.,ii. . milieu V ill 1,1 ei'iniK! we.KiieM, nor 01 ut Ol'l'ltse. WlOu, ,1,, ToiM initioing 11 Onoi i anr 01 01 crulli, ccioii u. aiivicu uiei oi.c.t,np t.urcrteub UUivh 11 orillM. (il'li:s. tini'lni. r. P. Ku kil s Wi. iiisnupiievtrt lit totio. .'"V 11.1.11 mil t-tiauoch ,M,nn-. in, Ku" 0 "10 'I"" "ICCCS nil ul.ra.ts.l 0.1 IB , mo. ,ui. !onu 111 two hours a Ivo Willi hw.o, 11U no teenul.l r -uiotol. 1 1 niiuaii rtuire tei it ii w Woinis cai. ua r move.1 mi tuh. ZSSn.',' .'..."io'cior Witt whether o not lie 11 iti-nt hj worms, 'ri.oiiif ii.'Unire tl in tlii.Iy with tttirii .. ai d do ut ; JKU1.? ".niVi ttla eye", (iwo. Ins ill it t lu 1 the tw iesNiitiitui ariiiilit.vot ilia ieo u, v cuing c the hoio, t-ou L. level, Itciiillstitt Ihe stal.luuil. cie. 1 nt uic.'iii tn tmnetit glows tudr d ,i..o, litkllii,- A-iil It si it ton 11 ill nuns ill theM" n.-iuiiif rui, nu 11 uru trim f uu, wi ri. . ... V hU.tK L'd e. On .1 t-V ,01' never Is It t ien ova I. e 0. iMoe. i 0 ne 1 01 Ho, r ix tatiics IcrSTii'i. tFir',ni Wuriii wt le nnd u'Uisti 1 the iiuetoi.) s'ni u I otn. r ,iiu f vt n, ihll 'f st lim ..nil, s.ltll nli.l it i.e Ii is 1 in, 1. M'i'.iti lit. Ii. 1'. ICU -Kt.1, itv X. Mutii t.. I'l it no )lia. 1'a. .ttlviee t. lu 1 1 fieeisfiot Uit-C UCIll slailil. Jliltll c Dl. ilOihlll Illi pi ll ess'. II 1 1 li nw II ! ni I't lu-lt'H Vn th 't iI.h r p. nH'-cor Mil tot itit- miv witla".. tin? 10J II Of L'V.Tl' I.IH WllO Wilt URO Wniit's Liter Pills. tiioo'i'v UioCVltK fir loii'M tAvr DvsM'it a. iiovl ic it, tihti Mtt iu it'll tjini t p.i n. 1, Dj ' U . X ittt . ( fill It. !! I ' 11. ni mil h tin.! 11 .u't iji- r.Vi. Nu " t ''mm . uiiii hh if 11 ut Wi'if.i i i il ' tt i'"iu lniunt w 11 nut MK'ii'V M'i (1 onii f ct'ii ) irnx In U;ii- K'k KolIei-tV Lo,7' I US .. ftuiiua DR. H;RTER'S I'lirlDcs, Itnrlt lien, 3I r. Ctiltirand Voile to the lllootl ; t tiicrco'.r.s tho quantity n.i wll the yioi.'fi, yio ing IVyoc, Vitality, JCncrift', lnccr and Life it'tlf- It t" especially nd pied to Fcmn e I)' 1 iudivi Wo, tie- Irom k or anc ther can c. o nit .1 Ii-ic'tiilai' 01 ili'iau- il 10 nthl veriods. tnlling t f tl o w inh, nausea 111 in-cir. 'in lev. stcrl.l.'v, cnuiiLc 1,1 tile, tic. Dr. Harter's Liver Pills fxinuirctlio two 1 is-f ntli q n in s of a Finn ly I'llt. Tacy ait nsnmihi an oMui'it pu cca'.it it thes mt timo to tlio IiO'llavtr fills ctcr t IT.'.c 1 lo llio pul I'c. lui-ni) A FREE GIFT ! nf -1 coin- t.t ti y MrDlCAl CCVStON' iK, lit in p. th.,11 MflTHiluirW'it.i C0.MJIl' IM.N. .H1MU. ( ATVI.R 1 It ml Cllin t . ivm iFVuiCic oi;ii in i' jiu a i unu H It lOattUlc HLli'.' ltl. I UU JC lit . Ostlir- Kuiinp i lit tftio vi mr f'1'iiM-j T m Fiixii v riri mlv tl. (i 4 .1 1 I' no 37P.I lim lliMiluN tl 11 It Milt Uih, HI tlCplOU 11.(711 . f (inn it.i Kii(a mntiv itviii, i'i iiiitl.i'l;ib li ri tint Hi' m ot ci tu" i n i'. i .1 1, nii'l Lull h, . k i spi'i ril turd Iff in ' i i.o. ii nt Mru Abit.i', J r.. i. WCLb t, lfi'iiii'i, t Jin 8 h4 TO CONSUMPTIVES. A O.i ( em hu t r.viDfc' lilt ti lo.ltnnln"H tti riiiuiirt u;ioiCi tnini i n in th- r Ijiim. i f Ci I'D li;' u en ut i'i nui ty ii u ni'.ht li ii ti e 1 i-liy-icl iif, il irM tu n :t otantuur tji- viiii i nv s ("('pBtu 'ii cvt ly o rt-) it ihu i' i 111 c.m Wi 1' . Hun . jJr nchUH C n l , O lil' o nauii'liotl ttldtil) . HVrllotH of U.o J.J ii t til iiiiut hln ttil wwl I lie lupf, fii i' ul lit ifir, to nil wliu i.i'nir U, ,t (no wnl im 1 tl ill rlut,rKto IjA'Ii.-u , 1)1 U, I.b-iiv.;t uw Vir. iiil mi) It. A ni-I.TZ. rcHitt-ctiiiilr iu nrrnrcw 10 Ilia reo'it ol la- iMh.iiai-i v.einut tint he Inn lnro- a.r in', tn.a i uir tl olv'lTr i,,eio itita the HU r 1,1:111011 t (JAI. i nm tho l climb, ton I't'iiot ol in I, h j'.'i ,v tfa q , lilt., i.t ihu t a ow.u Low I'n tcs i tove 13 SJ per ("ll rccntnui a per ton No 1 1 ?5 per tun STRICTLY FOR CASH 1. nvo vt u.-Or.t'-m it lu llRIco IllvIC St , oi.i"hl i.ti.t. I in. .le So loe. , mi nlll l.tnl hv i ri'U. it hi1, i iltvircu, uiuiy Io.Vio.1 ih ir"e ou loo.e i l CO . ijSlir?' l)k. Z. .. ichijtUiou, i . "WHAT HANDSCMZ GOODS! AND WII A T A SPLENDID VAHIETY ! Is tho rnlrcrral Ver.Hct of nil nlct Kiamlni the Auw, Fnah Spring Mock uf Cloths, MmMes & Snipsfc Por MK.V'S, IiqWnWarCTirs w'KAff, lll.t T'CUte iillliutolt.lit.llAN'r 1'Ali.UK-. I Ml .vrnilll i' I. II. PETERS, .gc-nt, rosr on u;i; iifiwusu. The Popular Clothing House IX MdlllllllDX, Uvery Deparmi.nt la lull ami coiuplotc with tliu Latest .Nt.wlllts. rcrfeet FltaiinJ Uowe.i Prie." the molto nu 2l-lf 11.11. l'l.Ti:lt ., All jA. C;ii'tl to Ifatlieipi The l.ii.iiti I.liiili(oi., Wtl a port, Mftiieli I hunk ami vielult) aio tc'pwllully Inhumed thai I ! i'i is.' ii. i i i ii liL e ii wl'l, un alter A 1.1 1. 10, IS7P, Open Ibnina la Ihu lli lllmrop iisln-'li liAuiiii.t AoV't-air, IM.MC.tAV, I.l.lllUlll'.i.N, mr ILe pur pose ut ibilESS' MAKING,? wlcre she will ho timeli pltne. to a.tia Brit.'ly Iriei.ils nii'l Mil others lutere-i.,. j&i iiiotio U-lntf lo plena, nil who mnv rr4sbti)uri with their i.i Iron e. mil huviiu b..l nianV j-ojis ejpenei ce lu both t'lty anil I'oumiyj all. then-fore em tul v iel .-nvjuiibn h-ir Dresaea cnricTUv lliltd , ct-Wutem tuna oilier, lu '...' m'.!,, TxTuJ, .fSgjim 1" tutvuiLK t il irgi-K. I'leilseo illVnTSsEiiVill i-i ttiti it la Evnuun l.cAjKaofl, 1 " uoini iiiu itliuaiSiSMrTIo I m r it i -class KiTr.ft.MK- t.vkitv ur a Mi oTiia-vJ7r!if tiii taimmi rti iiik itrs n b.t, l.',ianst-;tiis; ixpkm) tk, ma erlal whl It Ib.'jr w,a-tn..o uk,.'rJVr irunrly li,- they na I'lnfell.o, Kri i.i b r ii,iia.m'm' m aiiimiv TH tllVt UIUI KNTl. IvATISrA. T.ON Its lA I".!, ItTVLKUrKl KUI'1',U !VoUKlIA-llll I t'Spt.Wruily. March 22, 187V. aitui. E. HltlDLEH. TflXW UTlilX'S. NOTIll J2J l.o ters. Tislanienlary on llio V.tUito of nmuel llrkeillnr.l It ol the Hoitiugli ul Lti- mgu tm, t-ji.Kio t Limit. I'l-miayltit .i , ha llMt Ik lie, h irianictl tu Ihu uiioeirfitn. -. i.i wluon h 1 lt.ra.,114 iU'b I, e.1 in no sal.i 1 uln .r.i ri.. tU. - s.H.l lo inaka symoiii w.'i.In six utt-ka, hu i nil lima, having claim-or ,..i n its wul lu., ke known the s Hoc. w In ll .Iclav lo ,. . ..'. .. .'''" "''. K-ic-mriv ol -iiiuu-I ibli rails, tlecd. I. hUhloM. .Maicll v, Ibra-us Kii.i.' IT. i: i iiiu, i.i.n JSC ISXTRAVr S3C. WITCLl HZGL. On, II A M A M li I, is V I II n I XI 11 , . Ho, ii '1 1" ipmll y .o ant u n,!.-, met mi y lia.f ,, '""" " Itellrita llemhieh ', Tmlh r . .'.hx r - ora lye.Xa -it o .1. Itlt-miliiglvi. u-, i am. lul H lu , tl bin a. Aa bum, i.n tae.a we i. Iwfi, Pin, , ive. I Ur-s Iiiu a..Scut.ia. Ilur a, - iu u. it.u,..i llio,.,ai i , ., I' , i btllilxtua. arloiatu oiiia, N.-uialt;. tve, XAltt.,K I ll.USItv v..(t lT,r. f.Al ami r.xruisxL orr'...,i h.-i ,' . a" ii tiiTB U ia ortr ,. oi luaa'iui tjin.l.r-r HIM n ' u .. . ,. ru if i aaHJrn.uit.JiM t,w 'totsv