The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 15, 1879, Image 4

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Muring Caro of .Slock.
Jhrcli Is a sevcro month on all klnjs cf
farm slock, especially on young animals, If
the best of caio has not been given them
through the previous winter. The farmer
should begin to look well to his cattle as the
vtlnUr wears' awa)'. A careful, observant
riiati will readily detect thoso animals which
are nut In proper condition, by their mel
ancholy air. The hair will have lost its
natural gloss and In place of a soft silky feel
to the touch, will be'dry and harsh, much
of It ''turning the wrong way." The eye of
mi animal la perfect health Is bright, clear
una generally mild. Ono out of condition
shows a dull, listless eye ns well as a harsh
coat. The horns of n mature ox are apt to
bo cold if the animal Is ailing, and among
the old school farmers and cow doctors the
disease was pronounced "hollow horn,"
and a gimlet hole wasforthwlth bored in the
underside of each horn about two inches
from the head.
The horn is Indeed hollow, and like cold
rxtremeties in people, Indicates a low condi
tion of health and lack of vitality. A lib
el at supply of healthy food is the remedy.
Boring n hole lu the horn does not injure
the animal and sometimes seems to give re
lief. But the real trouble is generally the
low condition of the animal, and extra care
ehould atoncu be given. A more nutritious
diet Is demanded and succulent food. If
turnips'or potatoes or any kind of roots can
he had, a light feed of them daily, chopped
up and Fprinklodjwith meal is thobest treat
ment that can be practiced. A generous ra
tion of wheat bran mixed witli corn meal
should be fed with a few spoonfuls of flax
seed, first pouring boiling water on the llax
reed and allowing it to stand till it cools,
then mix with the meal and bran. Cnlvcs
especially should be closely looked after as
spring approaches and treated as above di
rected. Lice arc frequently a great pest to
cattle in tho latter part of winter and spring
and if not attended to calves are much
weakened and often dio from the effects of
vermin. Examine the animals, and if these
iusecls aro discovered on them, mix coal oil
and lard equal parts and apply tho oint
ment to the animal's back from the horn to
the root of tho tall. Hub the salvo well in
about tho routs of tho horns, around the
ears, the loose skin under tho throat, and
wherever tho insects are found clustering.
A good carding occasionally willassist great
ly in cleaning out the vermin and bringing
the animal up to a better condition. Wa
ter In which potatoes havo been boiled is
said to bo fatal to cattle lice. There are nu
merous remedies which if prop.rly used
will clean thoanimal of these ugly parasite?.
Any animals, whether cattle, horses,shecp
or pigs, which show symptoms of having
run down during tho season of cold weather
and dry food, should linro immediate atten
tion, and the same mode of ticatment will
bo found beneficial to all. An extra ration
daily of nourishing, succulent food, will give
tone to tho animal and an improved condi
tion will be speedily manifest.
Animals needing extra care should bo sep
arated from the more hardy and strong ones,
and fed by themselves, where they can con
sumo their food quietly without being knock
ed about and kept In fear, which is always
au injury to tho weaker animals. Ewes
that are heavy in lamb should ho kept from
crowding by tho flock, and be fed where
they have plenty of room and aro not ex
posed to Injury from rough treatment.
Such caro and attention is considered
quite a hardship and very much bother by
many farmers. But the choice lies between
proper caro and attention to stock in the
most trying season of tho year, an caily
start and rapid growth when spring opens
with tho resulting pecuniary 'profit and ne
glect, with the certainty of run down stock
in the spring, which will require the profit
able, part of the grazing season to restore to
a, thrifty condition, with tho novcr falling
result small profit or uouo at all to tho ow
ner. The Careful farmer is tho farmer who
is always found in tho most prosperous con
l'lnntliifr Corn In Triangles.
Mr. F. Fanning, engineer and road-master,
sends us a diagram and "specifications
showing how by planting corn in triangles
instead of in squares, that an addition of
seventeen per cent, can bo planted on an
acre, at threo feet ten inches between tho
hills, to planting in squares. Almost any
farmer understands the problem. By plant
ing the hills in tho second row, opposito the
middle between tho hills 'of the first row,
aud thus alternating in each row, while tho
desired distance between the hills is obtain
ed.the rows will be drawn much closer to
gether, requiring a cultivator to work In a
narrower space to clear tho corn. This is a
good plan to lay out au orchard on, but it
would bo found Inconvenient for cultivat
ing corn. f it is desired to plant more
corn on an acre, tho better plan is to plant
in drills, and tliln to ono stalk in every ten
to filleen inches in tho row, according to
the strength of the ground for feeding tho
rrop. Hinted with a drill in this way,
corn can bo worked very close and clean by
running the cultivator ono way between tho
rows, and on strong land tho crop bo con
siderably increased.
Most of tho diseases of caltio aro caused
ly wrong treatment too much fcd at ono
timetoo little at another, etc. if caltio and
horses were fed, and watered, and used prop
erly, there would bo little disease.
To clear cistern water add two ounces
powdered alum aud two ounces borax to a
twenty.barrel ciotcrn of rain water that is
blackened or oily, and in a few hours the
sediment will settle and tho water be clari
fied and fit for washing, and oven for cook
ing purposes.
His stated that a Minnesota miller has
invented an entirely new process of grind
ing wheat, which does away with tho mill,
stones now in uso and substitutes therefore
a vertically running granito dlso in direct
combinatipn with a circle segment of
French burr. This new process produces
80 per cent, of middling.
The island of Jereey, In the Encllsh
Channel produces a remarkable variety of
cabbage, called the Jersy-oow cabbage.
which grows to the height of three or four
feet, and Is cultivated for fodder. The
s'alk, which is tall and very straight, is of.
ten made Into walking sticks, and when
smoothod off and varnished it is similar iu
appearance to bamboo cane.
The liquid yielding of animals are
worth more good AuthoritiM say one-sixth
more round Tor nuund. than the salhl r.
cremenls, and are saved with greater sura by
the best Kumpuau farmers and gardeners.
All the leaks in the stable are nut iu the
roof, those cften In tho floor are quite as ob-
je tmnalile. and are the cause of a great deal
Mn. DnuiCKu. ITusht Doo
in dime lawa shun ktiirfwog
'n luftcrgiftcr is Ich denk
net os doo lmslit. Un fer-
mnrvflinli linn nw rlo Incnv fmri I
nlOOUlCll lieil HY Ue laSCl Hull
1. 1 i
idvucatu nocn Ken ousiegmg
deftm kaivt. Dawruin will
ich des mol slneiwa iwer den
subject. En Liiftfcreifter is
cn niensh, ow'r 'n formoledi
ter niensh ; 'r is an's fun sel'ra
orcl niensha woo's gnwr keny
hoba sut uder gons wenich
dlun. ljultiovgiltcr is
an'r woo de luft fererif't so dos
won 'r on'ra airlicha shmarta
unich dc awga lawft se sich
shenia misa mit earn dos so 'n
ufgabloscner frotshons really
'n mensh is. E'r is an'r woo
im'r finc'a glatcv wart un
grosa pickadilies 0111 hols nuf j
stha hut so dos r de naws
im'r hoch in d'r hilt hawa kon
wo 'n zweboch. En Luftfev
gilter is an'r woo ork fi lawft
un ferzeak's moul os we 'n
grut won sc knovelloch frcst.
En Luftfcrgifter is an'r woo
mant 'r war ma Ave on'ra lite
un fel't so gros dos worn 'rn
kawfa date on was 'r wart war
un date 'n no fcrkawfa on wos
'r mant os 'r wart war kent
m'r ma field howa os de Rons
welt wart war. En Luftfcr
gifter is an'r woo mant os won
'r net uf d'r welt war date de
welt im'r an.
En Luftfernft-
er mocht 'n ksicht we 'n sow-
era gum'r won 'r si dinger im
ksicht hut woo net he bosa.
So Mister Druker hob ich d'r
don dc ouslegirig gewa fornix
un du se ow'r now aw in de
zcitung so dos di subscribers
fum Advocate se aw lasa kena
un so don sich inocht noma
kena for so mensha woo m'r
Luftfcrgifter hast.
Pit Knokwoksud.
It has just occurred to an out-of-town
exchango that "Lot's wife was too fresh."
"Somebody's Coming When The Dew
drops Fall" is said to bo a very beautiful
song. "Somebody's Coming When Tho
Xuto Falls Duo" is not so enchanting.
A farmer's boy on being asked to yoke
up tho cattlo late at night replied that ho
"wasn't used lo such midnight haw, gees."
A'tio Harcn llciuttcr.
lion. Mr. Tallmogo not our Talmago
(got more "1" in his name) wants to punish
adulterers by fino or imprisonment adulter
ers of food or drink.
In ono of the Detroit schools the other
day a class in English history wero being
questioned by the teacher about Heury tho
VIII., and sho finally asked:
"Did Anno of Cloves, Henry's fourth wife,
dlo a natural death?
Thero was an awful silenco for half a min
ute, and then one miss stammered out:
"No, ma'am sho was divouccdl" I'rcc
It is said that Henry VIII ncvcrpopDcd
tho question. Ilo married his wives first
and axod them afterwards. .Boston Com.
Boston Transcript : Argonauts look
their names from the plaint of their wives,
who, upon tho dejurturo of their lords stood
on tho shore crying, "Ah, go not?"
Chicago Journal! Bub Burdetto has a
brother John who sometimes occupies a pul
pit in Burlington. Such things will hap
pen in tho best of families.
Bishop Corrigan says there shall bo but
12 carriages to a funeral. Thus tho funeral
business is being gradually shorn of all its
charms. Buffalo Vxprots.
Instructor "What does Condillac say
about brutes iu tho sculo of being?" Stu
dent "He says a brute is an imperfect man.
Instructor And what is man?" Student
"Man Is a perfect brute."
A Sixth street grocer found'an egg in a
lot just receive I from tho country, with n
landscape, photographed on the shell, but he
doesn't know where tho scene was laid.
Cincinnati Saturday Sight.
"Was tho fog thick?" "Why, my dear
sir, I couldn't seo a thing. I had to uso my
handkerchief, and tho first thine I knew 1
- i. ,
got hold of the now of tho fellow next
mo, thinking it was my own."
Biecher says tliero is 10,000 times more
hairiness than trouble in this world. Thero
may U, but it is not equally divided. Some
jiooplo 00 per cent, of the liapplnesa,
and others 13 ier cent, of tho trouble. Abrr
The Arkanss legislature took a recess
the other day to witness a bowio-knifo dl"
vertiseuieut between the minority and ma- 1
jority of the ays and Means Committee,
While the doctor were sewing up tho min
ority, the majority got in their report.wbioli
was unanimously adopted. Timu Journal.
"What ever shall I do with such a bad
boy," said a loving mother, as she strovo to
impress on tho mind of her six-year old
tow-bead his manifold (Foublasomenees.
"Oh, you let me alone; I ain't half as bad
a I oan be."
"Is the howling of a dog always follow
ed by desthf asked a liUle girl of her fa
ther. "Kut always, my dear, sometimes the
i man that thoots at tlie dog inlsvs him,"
ticpai.'' i'
Cabinet Ware Factory,
Honliln nil Iclmli ami Mies of .Tine. Hemlock
Oak Hitd llQitl Wogq Lumber, ami innowpio
pared to executo nuj at vaunt of onlcia lor
DressoD Liuiiboll
Doors, Snslies, llllntls. Sliuticiv.
Jlottldlnss, Cabinet Ware, &c,
Willi Promptness.
Brackets Made to Order.
The Machinery Ii all new and of tho best anil
most Improved kind. I employ none but Ilia
bent wDikmeu. uxo well seasoned nml uool ma
terlil, and am llioicforo able to puainntco entire
sati.lactlon to all who nmv lavor mcwttli n call.
Orders ov mail titouipily attended to. Mr
charcc are moilcrutoi terms cash, or Uitctcet
eiiargca alter thirty oars.
EfTlhoe encased In llniMlng will flndltt
ihcrailvniitaqotoluvofikllni:, Floor Hoards
jjnors, r-nsucs,
.May lOyl
shutters, c, &c., nicdo at Ihl
I be? leave tolnoini mr o'd pntronsn.d cus
tomer nnd -ho iiuh.lo In ncnoral. that I liave
oncned aud U-tve now ready torIuspnction In
Hank Street, LnillOIITON. r.. at tho LOW.
UsrcAsu ritiuiis, a full nnuuow asuort
ment cf
Sncclnl attention htivine boen Riven to a wo'l
soierloil lino or MENVi WOAIHN'H ana C1IIL.
DllUN'd WEAlt. lay Motlo shall ho
1 Invito tho publfo to call and cxamlae my
-tociC and rirlccs betoro purchasing elsewhcie,
as 1 em otfor spscial Inauccuiunts to caih
burem. LKWtS WUISS.
a, )t.;i-rm. r. n. Iinlldinc Lchighton l'a
Mrs. C. DeTschirschky,
llesnectfnTy invltea tho ntlcnMon of her lndv
lrli'ud end the I'Ub'lo generally to her New1
Large and Ucgnut stock ot
Notions Fancy Goods,
eemprliilni' UN' MlWEAR, M!ltl,IN AND
UKUMA.vrow.N wnor,. iiohihuy. im.
imrleil and Uomeho K.MIIKOIIJUUY.
ItlllllONS, ai.oVEH. and a lai'o
arlciy of IheNenct Dc6lgnsln
-Fancy Goods.-
Also. In connection with tho above. I keen a
full aud couipleco stoccof
LiununoBii and swtTzuu ciinnsi:,
candiks ana coIl;cTIoa,
toscthcr with (kvanetvof Goods not (enerallv
kept in imv other storo hi ton n. it vou no not
sco what von waut. ask It a-id I will cct it.
Afhmoor puoho iiatrouacols solicited, and
perfect K.iilslaitlon Kuarantced in pneo aid
(juulity of goods.
Nearly Orpoclto Dnrllnc's Drug store.
Bank Street, Lchighton, Pa
November 30.
H. A, Peter's Central Mg Store.
lt soecllallv onunnnco. to the pcoile of Lo.
hlghton aud vlcinltv. thRt sho win coctlnue the
hilHlness, us hclotofme nnfl thanking them for
past favors, nks a c tntlnuanco thoieof. Vou
will a,wavs llud a mil line ul
and fAlTMi I'OW 11EI1S, TOIL.
JII AKTIff.E-i.M'ONahS. C11A
CY K rA'nONKUY.lntOKt style of
1'Ulll'. WINES and I.IQUOlJSf'ar medicinal
use, ,te.. at Luwesc Trices, l'liyslcian'a pro.
scripilons compounded by Dr. C. T. Horn, at
allhoursot tho cayaud nlKht, Miudnyunlud.
cd. lilts A. C. l-hlUlt.
Match 21, '78-yl
Two Doors Below tho "Broadway Houso
Coaler in all l'attcrns of Vlaln sad Fancy
"Window Shades,
Paints & Painters' Supplies,
lowest cash rr.iciss.
rpiiu Gii.ixousT
Exposition of Clothing
Ever made tn LfilliailTON Is at tho rost
OUlo Buildlugcf
II. II. PETERS, Agent,
oil BANK STItnnr. nndtl-o people l.uowlt.
lltiLecj) everything waoledln
Men's and Boy's Clothing, at
tho most Moderate Prices
He never yet misted time in Selling nuh
Fnccd Uuods. Ill Trices aro so LOW, that
people aro wondering now it can be done. Hut
It IS done. Those In need of
Fall or Winter Suits'!
will find It to their advantage to consult II. II.
l'KTlUlS.nscnt, about tho matter. augSltf
l-'nrh, and alt rtrlea. Inclndlnjr GltAND. ,
t-QUAHK ASUUl-ltltlllT.ullctnctlVFilthT
CiASS. Bold ai the lowest net cn.h uho'ea.i o ,
lacioiv ixlcon. dtiecc to the l'Ultt IIAMill.
. The rianov uiaoe one nt the finest dlsplayM at
lu'iu ceuteuuial i;ihlbitlon. aud eie unaui.
uiousiy recoinineuueu lur mo highest iiooub
ovet I2.WO It use. lteauiatly incorporated
MauufacturiUK Co. Fartoiy o-tablished over
be years Tho Square Grand, contain Msih
nsiiek'. ncwpaieui rinpiex uverwtrunu bcaie.
niu Rrruirttb luiinuvi uieuv iu iuu niMnr
v of
l'lano luailec. The U frights are Iho IINK-r
IXAMHIIICA. l'lano. Bent on lllul Don't 1
tall lo wnte lor Illustrated and Detcrlvllto
Catalocno vl 48 pates runliwt fric.
Ul ICnat IStlt Street, N. Y.
1 ear.
Slioats I Slioats ! !
The undirlgned respect
fully announces that he
is now prepared to u,.
ulv nil who want with
cliouo HI1UAIW l'UUM ni:w JKltSi: ut
lowest uiaiket prices Also. IHtiHUD UOQs
at Ilottotu 11 'inc. tor c isli ou.y I Yard aud of
uce at KXCIIAKOi: HOi'KL. lln Htreel.I.e,
hlgliton, a ho. M. HEX.
Jau. 36, 1 $79 6m.
SJ"ow Ponsion Lawr.
AU pensions by new U, hrirln liu k at day of
dischsrg". injected cases also re-opened. 1'fn.
tioue r- and aaahuantji, seud twoslsmns lornew
hv. hlilia aud Instructions tu N.
UhtlALU, llox Ml. Washluetou, U.C.
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store.
If you want anything in tho Dpug lino at bottom prices,
go to tho Old and lleliablo Drug Store, iu Dr. N. B.
llebcr s JJlock, near tho Post Olhce,
A. J. DU11L1NG, Proprietor,
IWl.cro von will find a full and complete stock or
Puro Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils.
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Puro "Wines and Liquors of all Jdnds for Medicinal and
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention given to
cians nnu i'amily Prescriptions.
Established 18G7.. A. J. DURLING.
Lfhlghton. Noreino'r2.
JOHN G-. BIERY, Agent,
Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kinds of Lumber, Sash,
Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust
ers, Window and Door Frames, Scroll Sawing,
Turning, Pinning and Ripping done at short
notice and at Prices to Suit the Times.
ani' HsuasEaiBaasi'y Is sail ETew
and of the Latest and Most Improved Pattern ; we cm
ploy none but the Best Mechanics, and use only
the Best and Thoroughly Seasoned Lumber.
Contractors and Carpenters are invited to
call for Specifications, which will be
cheerfully furnished.
Oi'rtctn hv Mall piompllv attended lo, and satisfaction cuirantocd. ThanMnl to onr frlenda
ai.d the publlo for past faroia, wo rct-pectfullr asi u fc'uaiocf jour patronage iu the future
Verj llcrpcctfully,
Por the Wcissport Planing Mill.
P. O. box 63. jan.4- yl
Respectfully announces to the people of Lohighton and its
vicinity, that ho has just enlarged his Manufactory by the
addition of another story, and that ho is now prepared to
furnish them with every description of
Manufactured from tho best Seasoned Material, at Prices
fully as low as tho same articles- can bo bought for else
where. Hero aro a few of tho inducements offered :
Parlor Sets at from SCO to SG0.00
Walnut Marble-top Dressing Case Bedroom
Suites, 3 Pieces. $40 to SG5.00
Painted Bedroom Suites, 18 to 10.00
Cano Seated Chairs, per sot of Six $6.00
Common Chairs, per set of Six $4.00
and all other goods equally cheap.
In this connection, I desiro to call tho attention of tho
citizens to my ample facilities in tho
BUSINESS, with a now and handsome Hearse, and a full
lino of Caskets and Coffins, I am prepared to attend
promptly to all orders in this lino, at lowest prices.
Patronage respectfully solicited and tho most ample sat
isfaction guaranteed. Y. SCHWARTZ,
Oct. 12. BANK Street, LEHIGI1TON, PA.
mauniR up mo nnesc
for Men, Youth, and
actuady nstonixhlng
au luimcujo suck
for Men. Youths
HiO UuOit ana uci assorinjeui 01
a- Vt inn nnrn nt nn Immonan ronnntlnn nn fflrtlUT TirlprS I
AnendlesviiiletyofQt'Uts NKCK WliAU whichl telling nt pilcodfutt theae Ifard Times.
Tho Department for
for Lpdiet'. acnllcmen'a and Chlldn u'a now fully lnrnlhed with the ben Manufactures
to ho Innml in tho country, which have been purchased dirictlyfiuin the Alakers aud
tore, i fleri'ii nt an IMMKNHU HUUULTKIN nn fiirmir l'licea.
oi lire rarnctt.v InvlloJ to call and ciainli o Rooda hcfoio inaklns your pntch.tea, nod ho
convlnc d that I om tell'na gooasat lower orlcea than the mine quality can ho outlined elo
whro. It is niwaja a ploasnio lo exhibit Uocds, whether you purchaso cruot, rerlectnu
truaiauletd or no su e. Uou't lorgct the place I
T. D. CLAUSS, Morcliant Tailor,
2nd door above tlio Publlo Squnro, HANK STREET, LehlRliton;
?i ii aAsaassaEq
g- j-
CO w p EalS H
Ee-E3 c: y-s
r-e S f 8
s ago SS3sa
tho compounding of Physi
Cheip and Ifatnlwrno FALL AND WIXTEB SUITShas Jost com.
tnenced at thopopu'ar
Merchant Tailoring Establishment of
I am Juit recelvInK and openlnir up my new stock of FALL AND
WINlMiUCLOruS.UASMMlilllM So., (Foielcuaoil Domfl'tic)
anil ropctfully announce that I em o 1 all description of Clouds
at lot prlccx thau ever before offered In tals county, Iain now
Boy, In tho latest fashion at prices that are
1 i;all aud be convinced.
or an hid imcst mjn-s v.
athj and Children, very cheap.
and Children, very cheap,
1 U
a ?
"s -a a "2
o ji ij -g c a Atg
rt I "3 g k3
o s
J TS - H M
, tug Si-J S
; O
t -a j: - a .s -c .5 h od a ?
The Best and Most Popular Pulmonic 'is
It Invariably Cnroi Confrh, Colds, Hoar Be
lies, Soro Tin oat. Asthma, Croup, and other
Affections of tho Urcathlng Organs.
Iiftponthlntr Influence tiron tho IrrltaiMlIn.
Ingol the air pflSMtrep, fa dun to tholnct that
Its inKrrdients are tae most e flic n clou a iiuinion
jo rilniplnn known tn meiiicnl txitnnr, tlie Inula
of thnnrttclo oc!n tao 1IONT1Y ot ilio JIUHK-
jiuuiNU rjiAr. 1 1 cnemicnuvunitcii wan tno
mertlcinolprluciplcof tlio AIlIKsnAIHAMi:A
or llaini ol Oitend, Thero are hpiilfe. tlvn other
botnnlo elements which p,ivo additional clUcacy
to the MiBttiaiiH'd two.
I nnpo win nnvu it. mv that, TiATiK'a
only wonderfully remedial tn nit cases wheio
thooruanof leaplnxtloii nro nffected. butiilm
taat Its action fa unni.ualir rapid. A few Cosps
ficqucntW 8i-rTOto relievo n vory cibstlnnto
cough. It contains nnthtn? tat can disorder
i no eionuicn.a iact mat can no itnejjeU w'tli
lrutli of hut low (onirh rpmoiHent nn mt.
tremelv acrconblG flivor, and in pold nt u Ukupo
which enables lhoo of the most limited moans
to avail thcmcU c of it virtues.
It 1 Plmplo lnmlnest to trlllowlth n Conh.
on rnpldlv, and what la n InfllnR and crmlv
couquorablo rhl'lcultyln oitfuus today,
inav lu u lew weeks level on into lirnnchitl nr
CoiKumpt on, two disease which rnrrv more
victims to mriv cravtff. llinn cny otber Iu tho
A Conch tniy be fitly termed tliolTcliininxr
St nro of CDiisnmnttoit. n Tii'ilndv it whr
iialivs iioxky or nonicnouND AND
TAIttsttio (-urejt Lnonu prcvcntivo. Tlioso
thoroloie, who would arresL tlioprofno8ol tho
doHrover shoubl elay not a moment to tnk-
CJ1ILDUKN, dotlvo prcit benefit from lta
soothing propoiiK-s. when Kuflcrinir with the
paroxysms ot Croun and Whoop ng Cousii. Tho
llrst linked dBi'no m dentrnctivn
nmoiiff vounff rhtldrcu and th's rt-If utile remedy
rthoiilif bo Kopt on hand In nil hourehoids Buy
tho larco VnrmiFC and Economize.
n I'lticKs. 5a ct-.. ana t, ijsu corrLE.
Sold by all Urucslsts.
C N. Crittcntoii Prop'r,
rorsalohv A, J. DUItLIXO, It .nk street.
I-ehlhtou, Va.
Have you a "Kaqino Tooth" Reader'
Pike's Toothache Drops
andCurothnnsorvIn Osn JtixuTE. Thii von
cnndofiirTtVKN'IY.FIVK CU.NT3 The nr
tlclo w 11 do the purine up brown di-prud upon
Uj mor.-oor it contains no luiouient v,hlcb
can Injure your Teett:,
rillOB 53 CI3XT3. EoU Dy all Druafflsls.,
C. K. Criltcnton, Prop'r,
Tlio Lending External Specific
Beaulifier of tho Complexion.
It rentiers tho Cutlclo Healthfully
Clear nrd Sinootli, anil Is the J7est Pos
sible Substitute for Expensive Sulphur
ir I Incoraparab'o Tiemcrtr lor Hrtnsn. Hi.
CEitfl, CL'TS am cvpry lintabio or miln'.1liv
cotulithm ol tli Hkm. nritl la 11 mobt EOivirrablo
rcmciUil a'rnt and houuo of Hiitoilv rt-llet In
canosot uouTitud luicim vrisM.
ItmnnioKtm'Kirniuo i)isi?irEUTANT OF
Ot-OTILIKG OU111U) Ll.NKM, oi nnu WCU
Uv pt'iHou-" tullTinf; froui ounoxiol'8 or cox
tagiol's PisKAbrs. uiul U a Ccpitai ltcmi dv ind
l'reroi tativo cf tncni. when use.l oannlrlre
tlou I'ctflona nnplo. iiiff it li.ivo m notsl in
tano bulpliur Bailm. or to itsurt tj Sulphur
pr1nl.,a for b i thine pur nose.
As an in fuact of tno TOIIslIT It Is fnr jnnro
do'imhlt) any L'omiio lc )i V0C XoT,
llko ft'tlcloi of I lift n at urn, cnnconl Complex
Joual Jilrnitglipn but removes ihcni.
ai'd tho like. utiOPdtlv viclntnitR (Innri-iiii? tn.
lluenco' an t It la the very beit Bonp Ut Hiiixe
wjiu.uit iush il ivavrH mo bkiii nn.ouia una ireo
troiu too Irtttation t)r0u.nii on trnritlvecu-
Icto hy iho ooopcntt'iii of the ittsor. It also
coirpletely erad rates IMNDUUl-'F.
lldiisewlvn- tlor'aro tl to bo LXCELLRXT for
wufhu-g tVOOLKIS X.I.N li'.S. I.ACi;, uud uilicr
fabrlCM uud ladio- inuviu In tlio lcst circles of
metrapolita.i uud ruiol society speak ot It lu
thft lu-best tsrmi.
ICdilirouuiHpourin from aU quart rr of the
Union upon lt XUoprPtir, many or vrhv h linio
been puull8h"tl In tlio form nr n neat p.tmphlet
procuraitloot Drupk'it untl Fancy Uoodu Deal
cru, the on f in fits licinp open tn pubPo insofo
tion ot lua Mfdicinal U'ai:i:iI' UcL. So. 7 1 1 XT II
AVKmjk. NEW Youk. The artic o U moreover
lnuoised be ttio JKdlcu) fiau'inity,
OMlNMisULlMlUH wiAl' baub onuuitat
til. Hoiim witl.oat tho sni:Mcet frncii-m of xe-
nioMlat i racacv liaro I ccn anil iiro fointca upon
the unsuspecting aurt unobservunt, genuine
Hulpliur boaps pnesoslu? propmle iJcptlcai
Mt(i or equal to tho Ore it Hpeciflc. which thelt
vert dor ee turivul liv undorhnud craDeil
tio". The publio Klioultl tU- reform ho eaieful to
Inquire fur (H.KNN'd bulptitir boap by Ut lull
name, and tee that they pot thfi roal nrtlcle.
A'i refjMctablo JJru'cita. rurcy Good I3al.
nrsand Oiocr Ueep (ILKNIS'S sULIMIUU
bOAP, mid will od dtmand for It, supily tlio
GENUINE 1U1NQ to taclf cu turners.
Priceless els. per Cake 1 Dox, (3
cakci) icut by mnllt prepaid for 70c.
Ko. 7Slilh Ave.,N. y.
for "tie br A. J, DUIILINO. Bank Btro.t,
Lelitshtou. la.
urecomronlfflted to Oiay nnd ITamo colored
ioci. uluio&t lualautanooutlr by
Hill's Uair and Whisker Dye
aprepai&llou nbolaielv frw from hurtful fn
frmlifiHftamlliittu twlv uurnr ijyrwwituot
tlio eff CU produced loaiiy article of liaoaw.
Vinutturo Qkai'MIM ash I1aldiEmi utouie
VNittMi. and tho feii vwy Lairn of aif at quiit the
t:ua j oulhful tlut from thi U)atcb!tM Uye.
C. N. Crittenton Prop'r.
EorHsla br A. Dl'M-INU, HanV street
Lehijhlvn, 1'a. Aug. 71, 1J
sr.'c. Taaxtitn.
It. it, KMIBLIHi. I
Oppoilui T. I). Clatiss',
Bnnlt St., Leliigliton, Pa.,
la prepared to ninmifnmire any ilestilp'
tiou tt
Carriages, Buggies,
Spring Wagons, &c.
Uciialiiiiif rroniiilly Adriiilttl lo.
CSTAIl work dono ut this establMitncnt i
cuarantoedtohoot the verr heat ractcrlaland
workmanship, end thopilco fnltvaalow aa the
same artlclrB can lo purchased lsewhoro.
Special .Inducements l!Tel(d strictly cash
BANK STETIET, Lchighton, Pa.,
llILLnns aud Dcalcis lu
AUKind.ol (lltAIN EOUOIITcnd sor.Uat
Wo would, also, icsocctinilvlnlnrm ourrin
zeni that wo are now fully prepared lo taTJl
I'liV tacm With
Troui cny lllno ilcslicd at VE11Y
July 25.
pokt' grape wine
uaod lu hupdrrdi of coi;kh cations tor crime!)
or communion pn- p rs.
-SGELLiiir rca laduc aud wzaelv rr:::i;o
Speer's Port G ape Wine
This Justly ColPhrnto l Nnttvo Wlno N mcda
fiom tin Juice ot tno opoito urupc, i&ucil m
tins coiiutiy. Ita invnluablo
Tonic nlul StrcntliuningProporties
nro umurp!isfl ty anr otler native Whip.
Benin tho pit o Juico of tho rrniio. incdm-nl
upiler fir. i-r.pi t's own ptrsoiml Piitcn uion.
it a i-utitv end ponuturi.08 nro Lrtia nnt(t-n.
Tlio youiiffCfct chilli nmv imitn'rco or lu kcikt
oiiHuitiiiln. tlio wrniirst liiva'id uo U to
iidvniitnro. It in nurttciil.-irlv biMio.lL-li 1 in tlu1
ascdninTf'cbilitntc(l. nnd Miitoil tulbo vnnimi
nliinem" tlmt i fillet H.o Mmkerrrx, It is. in
oveiy ruppect, A WINJJ join-. ltKMKU 02;.
IstiHSs T:e Cpce's Fctt Craps T.'lca.
rea:l:s Us8 Ct:e:3 Tcrt Craps Wire.
Weakly Pcr:mi Fici a BcteiJ ty Its Use.
Rncpr's U'lucs in Hospitals nro picferred to
otLcr W.ncs. t -
bold by JinipTTiilH cenorallv, yho lifi nch
siaiitnv. niia hTAND Jti wiyi: hit
Tfcllta. TrndoHiiimlltd hy nil holvsulo Ural.
pis. tco tlmt tho flitnctuto of Allrcd spoir.
Pasaic.N. J,,(s otpr Himoik ot pnch btittlo.
A. riPUl-'ll't Mount l'tospcct Viiionidfl,
Wow Jot oy, Oflltp, No. 34 Warren Muet,
Sew York. Kornalo br
a. j. nuitLiMi. x.uuiaiJ'iox. pa.
rRiRntni isbb't bbu itti
Wo nh to my tlin mm of our oldest and
inoit esperieuccd phystciane, alter glvtnrt
Dr. Soth Arnold's Cough Killer
A TIIonOUQIl 'IltlAI.. iuionoukces it
Couch Itcmedy he ever fnw. Tho doctor hnrt
u.-u , n,r. luu ,v,i ii Huvereci'U wiiich wnult'
not 3'lod to anv prerctipwi ho cuu d com.
pound, but will) ono bottluct the C'onih Killer
linTsoiniieli relieved tl.nt hocaino i.ack ami
bought toveii hotiliM mure. II anv one ulshc !
to Know who the doctor is wo will lulnrin them
by calling at enr store.
riti Hall In uj storo
Corner Second Street ana KicoHrt Avetme,
flisii.roLI, MIN.N.
Is sou ty all Drugalsia evert whtre. i
Tor Sale by A.J. D'.'niINa. LchlRhtoa. l'a
In tlio I.nillld Chemical Co'.
UNIPEft Till
Is iJIscovorert tlio oulv coromou jpd'O, pikv
pleufnm autlctitam euro fcr lionlliio ill
tuf-e Cututra.
CatnrrU ilonlrt never bo trlfll with or let t
run. r tnrrli u iho lotoruuner ot L'LDouuiptlou 1
CONSUAlIT10N nicuua Ututu.
Tlie Juniper 'lor CiKftiertc net upun a new '
nml eeiisiblu tlieorv aud itfect u cutolacety j
'lacy ore orant Miccpful icnicrtv for AMh t
ma, I'htlnatM. Coidlu tlio llcatl. lloar-iuiu
oiollin-ut, Common 'olil ami all citeasonot'
tho air parage ol the Head mul hut tun. 1
Tho ino-t i-uccoMnfui lovctlv iu tho world I
S0.1l by lirntrftmU at ou h. PivimreU ouh
hv tho Lei til Chetuioul Co. 2 llan lav HtM New j
Yoric City. Dec. 2 ami'"
Carefully reduced to Charcoal, tlioioujlly
puittlod nnd mane Into Ijoksuuo lorm.
A rational leu edy endorsed by I'lir-nl'DK t .r
Ditjietiiua. IlMiitouru 1 nUigi stl iu. Hour Mtoia
aili Foui lire .lb n, icblur. Owule 1l-tarb
slices aud all derauKeuienls of SUooislIi au4
TliDM Tablets purify the bioed and rendec tlw
Coniptcxlnii i uiii sud ..ihUaut.
The best lieulltlcu erei marie, Iova'iirlil t
nuoken and lierv "muert pui." Mold by Druir.
tuts for Ti cents per box. Tiy tbeu tnd havo
a quiet sUiuiaul una a puie bleats.
A Pea Water hath la t&0 W th lu the '
wwl4. It p.veuU all kifrtff ofdhi- wnni
oorva niAOT. Evfryuodr can nnw eiov tlu i
bwlthiuiijgttirT n rrontn or town hy aj) un
to ordiutry water JUTMiK i s4 ham 'lho-c
who one um) It bocMuiB HMidy iatri. iu
as cent per larvf bor a our Diuaitiatn Jim
lp Tr t iffttrettea, Mumtv'a t tin tvu 'J u- c -
N. Y. P. S. Cb's Column.
ii- r.vmr irififitvrTm-iL.tirft iRtiirvitr
RT ind Itatiilmnr luklc lo IttxtHinil -IlHtlliBt
TtmiirMlv-tfiMl bytvlll.KtUIMl
Aftiit tw iof it oiy. i uiuiotrini tin If
t-Mlvtluf. tufl tfatnil fttrlnytliitti worM.
T jMwftre ni toft wutie bMittnt-a finnp imwuu
! I til tiilnnl. nt i.i r nfttn .. !s.lB.t tf...
tnnvb iriAn iMH tint Slrlnf rcqviro io wcariihif.
UcittUtlU. Lvcry box jmi 'I mrff-mnrlt nf tha mlc Import ert
JOHN f. fciiurruN to., s. i
ror rnl!byA. J. UUllLINU, llaukbt., Lrlitph.
WITH A HISTORY' -; New effect Horn cit
Innrcdlcntf: n new remedy Ihnt piTlorms unudtrn.
nnd radical remedy t
jor no:
Cpldi..'1'leMliui, l.o or Voire, (Julni), I lnlilhi
rta, llrnnrtlllfi, nml 4l?Iliillfr's S.irn Tluoati"
Croat relief and ennfertfnr Consumptives,
tend poslal cord for tho ' lllstor.r." Impor-
laiu iicH. lor ncnuis, pcascs n a lescncrf.
JluriiD''" Cum H eolil hy tlrnnlsts.
Ad8res JJ. A. Olds. 10 1 1'nlion St., Y. Illy.
. l"or Ka!o by A. J. DUiaiXO, linolt 8lmrt. l.a
hglitnn !'. xov
T!it ilcr cciucnt of
lulnr 1 scenery "
if cfpn pilntcrs.
.uhcriMso this hnro
no! wouM show an
ni! vor 1 1 cm en t
.instantly. II .tn bet
ter ctTect can now bo
put l.i a:i easier way.
ltub tho bald pale
tab m$
vn a i1 to no with it. 8 cHJ W iSH I
and thick now linir v.-.11 n 'on covrr it. Thus wp so.
enro many n v wltnc thnt TArKtu's Tah
oap is u moduli .oh1,t. i hysiclflt s cvcrywluro
rccommcul it for 11.1 ue-", Dn.Uruli, btnlp nnd
kin Dni'afc, llciu'n ho, Lruptto, a of ( lilldrcn,
acli Sea il Ilciid, J,t ,n ma Ac.nv Chuflm', Hash,
utc CnrosShltlt Pirn, lint ;wnr .i. Tetter bhlnlcc,
c'ilii. Pimple, nouchtii1"-. Uc i v. iltap. tml
nil fimll ir di-vflsea. A.) phyk- nn 1 prescribe It for
Wiinhlns fiiraDt,rnil fr tiidToikt nn 1 Kath. 1 ho
onlr i nr Sonp initio fr.nn rur Vo etih c Ols and
nwincj CJhcciinc. l"ure, clnunln;, fuMhiuj; d
he.illnK. I'a'TIK-. Twt Oji Hni-o.lcd hy rfcry
body oe n eaniturj luxury Aik for l'ACKEU'S.
l or Balo b'
Tor Salo br A. J. DUHI.ITVQ,
i COUGH REMEDY, a sunn
i CUU13 lor I'OUdllS, chronlo or ooninion, Soro
' Throat, Croup. Whooping Cough, and nil pul
monary complaints. Tho best nml cheapest
i mcdlcmo of its Mud. 1'rlco '-'3 and Ml cts.
TOLU ANODYNE, the obkat
NEUltAI.HICltLMUDY, cures Nonous, Chronic
mid violent Sick Headaches. Sciatica, Kcrvoun
Debility, Hysteria, Delirium Tremens.
CO cts. per bottle.
Mercurial Substitute nnd Family l'hyslc. Aro
composed exclusively of vegetable Ingrcdlcnta
fujKnede the vte of Jlfercunj net directly on tho
Liver, and nro a most vnluablo remedy in all
cases of derangement of that organ. Invnluablo
Inthucuroof Constipation, Indigestion, aud all
Illlious Disorders. 1'riccXScts.
All aro warranted to euro or tlio money refunded.
I1UNKEWELI. MFfJ. CO.. Boston.
rorS.ileby A. j. DUltLIisa, Hank n'liot. Lc
hli'htou, l'u. Hov. n cni.
3Ml 3D IhL !
W Iiydo you carry thnt ruily looklni Trarelllna
tsnii, when ycu tan mako it look Just as well as a
new ono with
And let tho children" bootlook so rusty nntt
habby. when an clcU'int ;," ran be given
them by cither of thoso Drol.igF. whlrh yon Can
get nt any Hnoo s:ore. It will not soil tlio etlrts
.iun v ct.
In conserpicnco rf their crcit iwpnlarlty Ihero
nrotocral iiniiailnns. 'I o keep peace In Iho family.
that he r.ny bo on an equal foollnij.
Awardul thr pmnlitm nnd oiili
tno Ul i thu l'ar.j, 1S78.
Tor solo hy A. J. DUHLISO, Ilant St.. Lehigh,
tru l'a. Hut. o-3m.
A call, of BanittJ, a burl of watfr snil a bruih, cloth or
rj ijaav, vlUuin!..
ilULUl. U.UI.N a.f M r.un l. jai
WILL CLL'IV l'IITaaJull iijnlril Hubert
f L 31lCl:Li:. XAlrl.. Talilri Stiluarr
W rrtl.I, CtlX OIL (LOTH?, 1 loon, I Ltltn, it.
Fl HIU. IMMX DITII Tt 38, Vin.l.n.v.l.., ir,
B5 WILL CL:' l CIOtXrSY. ( Imitf, it
WILL CLr I , LriIlLMTIbISCftlll.!Bd- .
nnxcLKA! v.::.n!)n3iii.:n.ui.u.'iojtwt,r
hiix rons'i rrwiin4ciiiiiipitf
WILLI'DLI II r.:;iri8n;c.ruUlliciu
U ILL l!1 Si (ul SurLirrs and
IS Wll.l,ltl:tt .11 Moi.rhoH Arllila AJ I.
Priso EOc. Per Cake.
I rr s-nl" by A. J. DUltl.INO. Bank: Btiett, I.o
, blfhtiut IM INov.nsnt
For It h sadly too trim that thousands of !' IiVl H.) Hi ATI!
every year by li niro; i r or In -ufilclent t'OOI).
Is nil and a great doal tnoro then wo havo claim
eilforlt. ItisMmph- a ilt(JWM mji ici-
lolJnndor'-ilvr-'i."ij,. i("l I'OOD, eratcful
to tho most di'lk-utr end lrntuMu Ptonmch, and
espcclnlly tt(Ja:f'Ml f -r thu IMMINT and
CilfiMt inf.. vjdiu.
iwamik liiiHWift umm
HWlMlUiJ) AIUili,ll toiVlllUHWl
nnd tli'isotun'ciini; from .,.,'- .'k.i will find on
, trial tbtit ft i. i 1 , .'.i ( . , ,
lik. I'l n '1 i It .111 ,
Uutl It fclViiliLultij nj.t! -.Ii i, i 1 l-i
1, itl't rni ,u A nltU iT ulthnut mllv
' 1 "I 1 I .1 I7 llw
- . I II.! I '11,..
For Halo hy A. J. DUltHXQ, llaukbt.. reltlsh.
;on, l'a. or.D-ra.
obtoineil for Inveiitori in Hie Unlteil Stales,
Canada ami Kunijie, al reiliicnl rales. With
our irincirul olliw located in Wntliington,
directly ojitiosite tlio United Slates l'atent
Ofliw, we ale able to attend lo all jialcnt
business with penti r iiroinptnoM and des
tiateh and at less cot tlian other jaiteut at
torneys who are ut a distance from Wash
ingtoh, ami who have, theiefore, lo employ
' tusocinlo attorney." Vc make preliminary
examinations ami filrni.h opinions as to
jutentablity, fiv of charge, and all who aro
interested in new inventions ami patents aro
invited lo send for a npy of our "Guide for
obuutiing Patents," which is sent freo to any
uddre'S, anil contains coinplele iuntnicttons
huw to obtain iati'iils ami other valuable
matter. We refer to the Oennan-American
Kiitimial Bank, Washiiurton, D.t'.i the Jtoyal
Swedish, Korwegi.m ami Danish IKtions,
at WashiDfituii; lion. Jos. I'asoy, late Chief
Justice U. 8. Court of Claims; to the Oflicials
of the U. B. l'uti ut OtRve, ami to Senators
and inubers of Congitisa from even- Blatc.
Addi.-: I.Ul'IH BAtiC.KK A CO., Bolici
tors of raU iitk aud Attunieys at Law, Ix-Droit
Building, Wasuimjio, D.C. decZZ
$4 li uut easily earned iu the.a times
i d t but it on bf tude in throe months
Os ui any oaeof tether sei.iusny part
9f the ooniitry. nhn I. wilbntr to
wort- .teaU'lv st Ihn eiuphivnii nt tbat we turn.
uh, tut a wn l. iu inui owl) tonn. Ynuneed
nut be auay irom hmne over uiffbt. Yon can
i.i,i our vim e nnu tothiiworx orouiryonr
, . r, H.ouii'iii' li iuls nothlnR to try tho
iiiii,im Tt-iui-i 'iiiii l'i outfit free. Address
i II 11 til ' 'IT CO.
ii I reiiLud "J l-e