The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 08, 1879, Image 3

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    Jjjt It. SIEWKHS,
Office, lUots Bnikttnic Dtodaway.
t a tti tt niltlNK. PA
MtltUnK Estates. Film Accounts aud orphans
TrUl or rnu caretni'r attr-ndtd to.
transaction! In Knluh and Oennsn.
Jail V.
I ror do fonnd on file at OF.O.
p. now ALL A CO'8 News
baper AUTrrii-i
TiULCTsJ mar b mado tor It In
Local and Personal.
to sunscmnuitB.
Subscribers to the Cardon Abvocat will
Ult. special notice that our term arc ono
dollar a year strictly In advance, If not bo
paid $1.25 will be charged In every Instance.
Subscribe getting their papers by moll will
refer to the direction tabs on their papers
and note the date, and remit accordingly.
Weil's liver pills cure sick headache.
A man cannot bo required to servo on a
jury more than once a year.
Chew Jamsox's But Sweet Navy To
bacco. -so-
-Orders for printing, by mail, receive the
same attention nt this ofdeo that they do
when brought In iicrson.
Martin Graver, of, left on last week for Atchison, Kansas,
on a prospecting tuur.
A bill now before tho Legislature pro
vides for the annual election of a tax collec
tor in each borough and township.
Kew tomatoes have mado their appear
ance In the Allcntown markets. Few, how
ever, have stamps sufficient to invest.
Lewis Weiss, at tho post office slorc.hns
reducsd the prices of his winter shook ol
boots and shoes.
You can find everything in tho drug
lino at the store of C. W. Lenti, Wcissport,
fresh, pure and cheap.
Uead Tilghman Arncr's now advertise
ment in another column.
Frank Iluber, son of Mr. Ed. Habor, or
the Northwestern Hotel, left for the west on
last Monday night.
Do you know the fact that Lewis Weiss
Is selling his stock of winter boots and shoes
nt a great reduction.
Nimrod Spaltcnhower, convicted of the
murder of John Ivcson, in Lebanon, Ta.,
was sentenced Monday to be hanged.
Jacob Leckronc, aged 87, was suffocated
to death by coal gas In his room, at York,
Monday morning. His wife was uncon
scious, but may recover.
The best and cheapest boots and shoes
to bo found In town arc at Lewis Wciss',iost
office building.
Wm. Knudelt, aged 18, was killed by
being caught in the shafting of tho Pennsyl.
yanla Agricultural Works, at York, Monday .
Wall Paper at and below
Cost at C. W. Lentz's Drug
and Fancy store, "Wcissport.
Tho amount of coal shipped over the
Lohigh Valley lUilroad for tho week end
ing March 1st, was 60,828 tons, a decrease
of 152,231 tons so far on this year's business
us compared with same time lust year.
If you want a fashionable hator cap,call
at T. D. Clauss', and buy ono for a small
amount of money.
The Governor Tuesday nominated and
the State Senato confirmed Alfred Hand ns
Judgo of Lackawanna county, iu placo of
fituuton, resigned.
Matthew Heed was killed and nn un
known l'ulauder fatally Injured by tho col
lision of an engine with some curs ut tho
Heading Colliery No. 4, near Shenandoah,
Tuesday afternoon.
By an explosion of sulphur gis in tho
Lower llauche Creek Mines, near l'ottsvillo,
Tuesday ix miners were badly burned , one
of whom, named Crone, Is not expected to
For boots, shoes or rubbers, of the finest
makes, call on T. D. Clauss. You will find
an immense stock to select from, at lower
prices than ever before offered.
Workmen are engaged in retiring the
No. 1 furnace of the Thomas Iron Works
Hokendaunua, and No. 5 furnaeo of the
Crane.Iron Works, Calasauqua, preparatory
to putting them in blast.
A large deposit of iron ore was recently
developed on Ileuben Lcibeiisjicrgcr'a farm
about a mile north ot Toptou. Several
shafts were sunk to a deptli about 40 feet,
and large and rich veins struck.
If you want shirts, neck wear, or any
ether article iu gent's furnishing goods, call
an T. D. Clauss, and ho will supply you at
' extraordinary low prices.
A daring attempt was made to burglar
ize tho store of Samuel Yost, at Bethlehem
the other night. Tho noise made by the
thieves awakened tho family, who got down
stairs iu timo to see thrco men run from the
Correction, In tho sheriff's sale adver
tisement on 1st page for seized and taken
into execution as the properly of Geo. Lin
aey,rcad taken into execution as the prnpef
ty of The Carbon Iron Company, defendant,
and George Limey, terrt tenant.
-Overcoats, latest stylesand best material,
for a small amount of ready cash, at II. II.
Peters', Tost office building, Lehighton.
D. M. Zimmerman, Secretary and
Treasurer of the Camden 1 Atlantic It. It.
Co., will please accept our thanks for com
plimentary pass over that popular and well
managed road for the present year.
70,338 tons ol coal were shipped over
the L. Jfc S. II. It. for the week ending Feb.
28, and for the year to date 475,115 tons, an
increase to same time last year of 2211,724
Thomas Ballict, a boy about 14 years of
age, resident in this borough, died on Fri
day last of diphtheria, after an Illness of
about three or four days. His funeral took
place Monday from the M. E. church.
--Mrs. Monahan, of this borough, mother
of LleuUII. T. Monahan.ofthe U. S. N.,
has been very ill during the aat week,
with pleurisy.
Luckenbach's retail prices are but a
trifle abore the lowest wholesale prices of
Philadelphia and New York. His stock of
stationery of every variety is excellent. He
has also a splendid assortmentofwall paper,
from the very finest down to the cheapest.
Just step in and look at bis goods. His
store is a few doors below the Broadway
House, Mauch Chunk
VIolont Coughing racks the system and
brings on hemorrhage. Phoenix Pectoral
cures cough, brings rest and gives strength.
It tastes so pleaiant that children cry for
It. 13-18
Ke. Mr. Oram, pastor of llio M. E.
church of this borough, will preach his fare
well sermon to morrow (Sunday), and will
leave for conference, whioh meets at Ger
jnantown on the 13th Inst., on Tuesday
morning. We are sorry to learn that the
Ilev. gentleman does not expect to return to
this charge. During his stay with us he has
made many warm friends, whose best wish
er be will take with him to his new field of
A meeting of the School Directors of
this borough will bo held nt 7 o'clock on
Monday evening.
Samuel Hcberllng Is lying very 111 at
his residence on South street, with Bright's
Farmers and others will do well to read
II. A. Beltt's coal advertisement In another
column of to-days paper.
Our young friond Wesley Wentz, or
Parry villle, left for Cleveland, 0, on Thurs
day evening last, where ho proposes to 6lay
till next fall. Wo wish him success.
Pro posals for carry Ing the mails 18 times
a week between the Lohlghton lHisl-oflieo
and tho Lehigh Valley depot, will bo re
ceived until the Uth Inst. Proposals to be
addressed to Thos. J. Brady, Second Assist
ant P. M. General, Washington, D. C.
p,cv. B. J. Sinoycr, the new pastor of
the Evangelical church of this borough will
prcacli to-morrow (Sunday) morning nt 10
o'clock in German, and at 7 p. m. in Eng
lish. Sunday School at 2 p. in. All are in
Many of tho friends of Rev. B. D. Al
bright express ft sorrow that has been ro.
moved from tho pastorship of the Evangeli
cal church to that of Mcycrstown, but ten
der him their best wishes for success in his
new home.
Did you over? no ncvcrl what never?
well, hardly evcil still several of our mo6t
prominent citizens did last Thursday even
ing visit Allcntown for tho purposo of wit
nessing the rendering of II. M. S. Pinafore.
Keep out of debt, out of quarrels, wit of
dump clothes, out of reach of liquors, out of
doors all you can in good weather, and hire
your teams at tho jiopular livery of David
Ebbert, North street, this borough, and you
will bo happy.
District Attorney E. It. Siewers and
Benj. O'Brian, Iho popular Western Ticket
agent, were Iu town Monday evening, and
called in to see us. Mr. O'Brian informed
us that on that dny ho had sold some dozen
tickets to parties leaving tho neighborhood
t.i seek "better times" West.
Those parties contemplating to "go
west" will le pleased to learn that hereafter
on Wednesday evening of each week, the
Western Ticket agent, may bo found nt the
Caunox Advocate office, where ho will Lo
ilcascil to meet them ami furnish all nr-ces
tary information as to routcs.price oftickcts,
Tho Lehigh car wheel and nxlo works
ut Ferndule, have received an order Tor
11,(100 33 inch Empire car wheels, Tor the
Empire Transiwrtution Company. Tho air
wuiks of the tame firm have received nn or
der fur 500 box cars from the same compa
nv. This will give employment to about
150 men. Tho car and cur wheel works
hnvo been idle Tor nearly five yeurs,
Wo have received the first number oru
new monthly magazine entitled the. Xorlh
Pennsylvania Jlailroad Monthly, published
under tho supervision or Geo. A. Schafler,
general ticket agent or tho N. P. It. It. Co.
It is neatly printed and illustrated, and
contains a lurgo amount or interesting read
ing matter, lime tables, Ac. Price only
$2.00 a year.
Mr. S. II. Anthony, who after havin:
very successfully run Craig's Hotel at the
Lehigh Gap for a number of years quit tho
place last spring ami took the stand at Mill
port, has just retaken tho former. Mr.
Kram, tho lute proprietor, has moved to
Bowmausville and taken charge of the ho
tel there.
On Friday evening, of last week, Wm
Guinbert and Elias Beck, 10 or 17 years of
age, of Mnhonlng, alto ideil a sjielling-bee
and while on their way homo got into u
dispute, which ended iu a ease of assault
ami battery. They were arrested on Mod
day, and arraigned before 'Squire Bock, of
this borough, who bound them in rccogni
zauco for a futuro appearance and hearing
iu the case.
"Golden Years are Passing by," a new
song und chorus by Will L. Thompson, nil
thor or Iho ruinous song, " Gathering Shells.'
Nearly lialTn million copies havo been soli
of this uuthnr's beautiful compositions. 1
you want his latest and prettiest Eong, order
"Golden Years arc passing by." Any music
dealer will send it for 35 cents. Published
by W. L. Thompson .t Co., East Liverool,
Gen. John D. Bertolelte, of Mauch
Chunk, made a Hying visit toWiessport and
Lehighton, on Wednesduy. At the former
pluce he took a peep at Mr. Ij. E, Wills'
handsome nviury of quails j and, what no
distinguished Mauch Chunkcr ever fails lo
do, when in this vicinity, in the afternoon
he paid his compliments to the Advocate
office. The General is looking extremely
Several Mauch Chunk marksmen were
present at the shooting match nt Mc-Daii-lel'f,
last Tue-il.iy. As we have not seen
any tome bear about town we conclude tin
prize must have gone elsewhere. Mauch
UiunK JVoppcr.
Tho t'oppcr is not posted on transpiring
events in the Lower End. He should have
consulted some ot those "several in like
men." The whole thing was positioned, on
account or bad weather, until to-day, (Satur
Daniel Graver, of tho Ticc
Hive Store, will dispose of the
remainder of Ins winter stock
of dress goods, dry goods, Sec,
at cost, commencing to-uaj
( Saturday ) and continuing
until April 1st. It you wish
to secure best
bargains call
On Monday morning as an early train
was running up Die road in the vicinity of
Black Jeddn, at what is known as the "old
slope," the train hands discovered a man
lying in the snow near the road, dead,
marks or blood was round, and a wound on
his forehead. The supposition is that he
fell on the track and froze to death. His
name is Keilly ami he resided in Jcddu, he
hud been on a spree for several days, and
tho evening before had quarrelled with his
wife, and left tho house in anger. An in
quest was held Tuesday attcrnnou. Jaic.
ton Bulletin.
Large flint-rill.
Tho funeral ol Dr. H. O. Wilson, of Slat-
Ington, took placo on Monday afternoon last
from tho Dr's. late residence. The fu
noral cortege proceeded to the Presbyterian
church, where services appropriate to tho
occasion wero held in English and German
The funeral was largely attended by tho
medical profession, testifying to the Iilgl:
estimation they held for tho deceased as a
physician and friend. Among those pros
ent wer: Drs. Itcber, German, Selple,
Derhumer and Horn, of Lehighton; Hnu
Dr. J. G. Hern, of Weissportj Hon. Dr. J. C
K reamer, of Millport) Dr, Iteigel, or Cata
sauquai Dr. Huebncr, cifCopluyj Dr. Bal
lict, ol Unlonville;Drs. Humphrey nnd Eng-
leman, of Cherry ville ; Dr. G. Miller, of
Baegersvlllei Drs. J. Miller, Young, Schull
and Steckel ofSlatlngtnn and others. From
the church the funeral proceeded to tho
oemetory where tho last ceremonies were
performed. Hugh O. Wilson, M. D., was
aged 55 years, and died ol nervous prottra-
From Hid Count- Sriil.
Tub Ooobtv Kihaxoks There lias been
considerable misunderstanding In the minds
ofniunywho have lightly read tho County
Financial Mntcment, recently published, ns
lotho real condition of tho county's finances,
and certain "sorehead" newspaper publishers
here have not been slow In tin-lightening and
further atiutlnK the public mind on the sub-
JecU In thcsojournallsllemltreprcsentatlons
I would Impress upon tho publlo tnina luo im
portant fact that tho wily editors of Ihcso
ournnls are Inspired by reelings or disappoint
ment and envy and would therefore malicious
ly prejudice public sentiment. On the first
day of January, 1879, thcro was n balance on
the Trcasurcr's.account In favorofthocounty
of 652 1 or this balanco 18,719 wcro assets,
In the ehapeof uncollected taxes, mlnuaexon-
ciat'vns and cominlstlons, leaving actual
cash In hand, $11,129. From this are to bo
iledueted tho following I remediate necessities
tor iah,(e9llniatod) s
Cash In hand
Januarv Courts 3 500
lntpmt on Imrrowed money... 1.3H0
MiUriennnd Incidentals "..600
Mate lax 1.022
Uorough election expenses. .. 7uu
Unseated lands. 4.000
Thus It Is seen that unless somo of tho un
paid luxes are turned In, tho UountyTrcaiuror
lll bo obliged to borrow money Wtn wnicn
to pay tho expenses of the approaching ad-
Juurnod term of Court. With what, then, at
present can the county bonded debt b) paid 7
The present administration, however, will no
doubt bo In a o jndltlo n to llquldato the bond
ed debt within tho next two years, but tho
people havo thus far had good reasons to Im
pose Implicit confidence In tho discretion nnd
Integrity of Messrs. Oallaishor and Andreas,
and tho people arc content to let these gen
tlemen manage tho county's affairs for the
next two years, with a consclenclous guaran
tee that their confidence will In no manner
be abused. I am authorized to say that tho
windmill battle" which ono of tho Mauch
Chunk papers has so desperately fought for
tho past few weeks In regard to inuklne re
pairs on the Ucurlhouse had no foundation In
lact! Ihat such an expenditure of money nt
present has never been sanctioned ly Messrs.
ilallagherand Andrea", nnd that If such a
plan has been advooalcd by any Commissioner
It must have been Mr. Ash who that Journal
holds up as a J ar igou of economy, Hlthuuicli he
drew from the county more tor his services lust
year than any other Commissioner on the
HrsiNEss ("HASOKf, Mr. John Brighton
has sold out his Interests on; Susqchunnnnh
sircct, to Mrs. M. Qcrstcr of East Mnu h.
Mr. Sain. Bchlcr will become mine host of
.Mr. Brighton's old Eland, and Mr. lianlel
hcrMan supplants Mr. Uchler In his present
location. Abcut the 1st of April Mr. Joe
Smith will tnkeehirgo or the public houso
now kept by Mr. Pius Schwclblns who. In tho
luture, tvill give his entire attention to the
brewing business In fast Mauch Chunk
Mr. Leopold l.elss chinges bis base to tho
Union Hotel, and Mr. Jidin Smith, of thu 2d
Wurd will do the agrosablo In Mr. ltlcss'
old stand, Mr. Mldi.n-1 Martin will movo
from his present location to the ctore under
Udd Killows' Hull. In n short time Mr.
Charles Shcubel, iho baker, will commence
tho erection of u new building which wlllnc-
ces Itute the rtmuvul or Mr. llcnry Sondhclui
who will remove lo tho next above his
prctcut loca.lon.
MiKon topics. Shcrlll Jacob W. Itau.
denbush who has been sosorlously HI of pneu
monia ns to a. arm h s many lrlunds lor his
sufety, we uro pie -sed to noto Is recovering,
and will, wo hope In a few days be uu his feet
The adjourned tirmoftho Court of Quar
ter Sessions will convene on Monday next, be
fore his Itouor, President . I ude Urelicr mid
associates Leonard ami Meondsun. Tho
three Ubelcuses against Jos. l.)nn ure first In
order, and are followed by the ssvcral cases
ol laicony against J. II. Ilauser, lteuben Scr
fa, Frank Wood, Henry Solt, W. 0. Frcdl
ricl, James and John Fritchnian, These are
tho will-known 1.. V. H- It. robbery o.ises.
If any llmo Is kit, thcro arc a few other mis
cellaneous cases In order.
lir. A. J. Meyer, dentls', Is contoraplat
lug putting u new lionl In his rcsiduico
ou iirua.iway.
Judgo Asa Packer has been subpoenaed
ns a witness by the Commonwealth In the
Klotz-Lrnn libel suite.
llio dime entertainments at St. Paul's
M. U. church are Immensely pouular and
profitable, we hupc.
Tho County Commissioners Instructed
II. 1.. Schwart, I eq., to notify the lux-eolltc-tors
that all unpaid' county tuxes duo must
bo collected lurlhwlih.
Thu elegant new residence which hus
been erccicd by Hon. John l.elsenrliiK, and
which is n present Irom him to his daughter.
Airs, Al. 11. Ko ..erer, Is now being luruislied
and will bo ready lor occupancy ubout the
Olli Intfjiit. Thu Interior dccorutlons woie
mado by Mr. tl. F. Luckeubacli, und gcod
Judges pronounce them pu-lect. In every re
spOCL the residence is the handsomest ono In
Ibis bjrougn.
The borough Council met on Saturday
evening and besides suino mhcelluneous blu
nts, ucknuwlcttgcd thcvcelpt, Irom various
sources ul ubmt $55', and ordered bills puld
umountlngto (518. The present Council will
hold its Usi meeting on tho Villi Instant.
somebody on rusquehumiah street tho
other day said : "There mutt be somethln
wrong .n the prl.itlug olliee up the way ; 1
saw the divll tilting In tho window just now."
it Is ihjs I bio that thu devil was to pay.
She ground-hog as a weulhor-piophet Is a
pusillanimous failure.
llljr Cruclt itciuK.
Our worthy und cfllclcnt County Super
intendent Is still engaged In his visitations to
the schools In the county, und his culls are
everywhere uppreclated by pupils, teachers
und patrons.
Tho difficulty about the text books In Up.
per luwauunslng has not yet died out,
Our schools will close In the early part of
Fianklln Is very far In arrcar In paying
their teachers several of llu-iu have received
but odo months wages so far this winter,
a ton ui unaries neppo isvcrystcKatlho
present wrltini;. Hope ho may toon bo con
A good dictionary should be found In every
school-room fur the pupils. This Is a matter
that should not bo overlooked by directors,
Jacob Weaver, of Cutunlsia, was on a
visit iu his biother Solomon, who resides at
this place, over Sunday, he left for home on
Solomon Weaver, or this place, expects to
go west In the spring, iriie can dispose ol In
W. Krlncr, or Mauch Chunk, paid his
parting visit at Jo-epu Hover s, In Ulckerts
ville, on Saturday evening last, With Miss
L. llojcr playing on the organ and he on the
violin, a sweet, loving musical time was en.
Jojed by those who visited ,r, llojcr's on
Saturday. .Mr. Krlner left lor Colorado on
David Uielsbacb, or this place, has rent.
ed the farm or Mrs. II. tin) der for this sum
Sleighing Is now about over, since the
few warm do) l.
Harry Werti, of Lock 18, Is expected to
movo on iho raint Mill rarni lo morrow,
March 3rd, lbT9. JlcVKnr,
lufonunlloii Wauled,
On Sunday night at about I! o'clock,
Stephen Kunkle, a young man HI years of
age, son of Adam Kunkle, residing near
Millport, iu Lower Tuwameiitiug township
Carbon county, left his homo for kirts tin
known. Ho was kuowu as n young man of
very steady hubits well liked by every ouc
who knew him. He is six feet high, has
auburn hair, and wore, when ho left home.
a long sack coat, dark jxiutaluons, a slouch
.u-uim uc-atjr uwis. jiu, uuu never ueen
away from home any length of time, and
I 1. IT. 1. I 1
no cause can be conceived of his sudden
leaving. He has always been ou good terms
with the family and the neighbors. Any
information concerning him can b address
ed lo his brother, Reuben Kuukle, Aqua
ibioolu, Carbon county, Pa., who will tbank
fnllv S' " le l;n Ihi .m,
Arrrtt of n ruuJllvo from Jiullcr. .
About ono and a half years ngr, somo
doseradocs, one night burglariously enter
ed the houso of Gabriel Shinklr, an old
gentleman living in Towamenslng town
ship, and forcibly took therefrom a trunk or
chest containing some munoy, two watches,
and divers articles of value. The burglars,
at the same timo assaulted Mr. Blilnkie, nnd
Inflicted several sevcio wounds on his head,
ho narrowly ccaping with hlslife. A neigh
bor named Joseph Otto and his son were
arrested on suspicion, who wcro tried at the
Jnn'y term of Court, last year. Atllie trial,
Mr. Slilnkle swore very poaitivo that ho re
cognized Otto Kind son as two of llio robbers,
but the rebutting evidenco was so strong In
their favor, that the Jury returned a verdict
of not guilty. In the meantlmo quite con
clusive evidence had been unearthed by
District Attorney Siewers, Implicating Al
viu II. Seigfriod and a brother and one Ed.
Chrlsttnan, ns tho real guilty parties) but
they had mado themselves scarco in these
parts. Somo time einco it transpired that
Christman had been arrested, tried,and con
viclcd of a felony and lcidgod In Wilkes-Burrc
jail. A warrant was Issued by Mr. Siewers
for the arrest of Chrielmnn ns soon-as bis
term of imprisonment in Luierne county
expires. Meanwhile Constable J, S. Webb,
of this borough, has boon shadowing tho two
ScigfricJs, who ho had reasons to believe
wcro last summer working on tho Erie Canal,
Positive Information as to how ho could best
lay his bunds on them did not transpire un
til last week, when a trip to Jersey City on
Friday was mado. Ho ferrelted out one of
his men, certain, Alvin II. Bcigfrcid, who
was engaged in retailing milk to tho Erie
Canal boatmen, In that city. The other
brother ho also ascertained was in the city.
Ho at onco oppllcd to Chief vt Tolico Nath
an, mado known the cac, and the chlcr de
tailed two officers lo assist him. Alvin Scig
field was at i n.:o arrested and lodged In the
Jersey City lockup, but the brother evaded
arrest. But now caino tho critical point.
Constable Webb had no requisition from the
Governor, and the Jersey city authorities
could only hold tho prisoner for twelve hours,
and It was impossiblo to get a requisition
from Gov. Hoyt, within that spaco of time.
Constublo Webb did not communfeato with
the District Attorney, ns per preconcerted
plan, but decided upon trusting to his wits,
tho ignorance, of his prisoner, and good luck.
When, by order of tho Justice Court, on
Satuiday morning, Scigfried was released,
Constable Webb met him nt the door of the
prison, and while the jailer explained to
him that he was discharged, he tool: Scig
fried by the arm, marched to llio depot, and
before ho discovered the difference between
a discharge and a Governor's requisition
found hims-df comfortably lodged in Carbon
County Jail.
Slnco his airest, it is said, Scigfried has
admitted his guilt, but says Cluistman did
llio assaulting at the timo of tho burglary ;
nd he further denies getting any. money
which the stolen tiunk is alleged to have
Important to I.Hille.
A few days ago wo had our attention di
rected to a very valuable invention, which
is worth Iho seriou? nttcntion of every lady
who owns ono of thoso indispcnsible house
hold necessities, a sowing machine. The
nvciition referred to is Lillis' Adjuitible
Sewing Machine Treadle, which can bo im
mediately nduped to uny ono of the dilTcicnt
makes of machines. The. value of the in
vention consists in reducing by half the
amount or power required to operate the
machine, and confines tho muscular motor.
entirely to tho foot and ankle joint; nnd.
thus, by using alternately first one loot amh
then t lie oilier, the operator can work
steadily all day without ratiguc. It is it
well known and uu established fact that op-
crating tho tewing machine has a tendency
to produae spinal and olhor distressful mal
adies. When a lady operates a machine
rapidly, with llio old treadle, the movement
f tho limbs becomes n succession of violent
jerks, imparling at each motion a hurtful
shock to tho lower part of Iho body und.
spinal column. This violent jerking of the
heavy limbs, hips and back, while iu a sit
ting posture, and tho shocks and strains
communicated to other pottions of the body
is what dues the mischief. Tho ndjiislihle
treadle entirely obviates this evil, and robs
operating tho machiuo almost entirely of
physical labor. But, llko every other good
thing, it must bu seen or tested to bo appre
ciated, mid we ndviso nil our lady reuders
to call nt Mr. S. C. Whcatloy's store, on
Bunk strict, and examine one of these
treadles attached to the Huwo machine,
Mr. T. C. Baker is agent rbr tho sale or tho
treadle or rbr county rights in this portion
or the State.
An Old rioroagli Debt Unearthed.
A meeting or tho Borough Council was
held on Monday evening, nt which Council
men Gabel, Kcmerer, Miller, Itapshcr nnd
Wntci hor wero present. An account, from
the Auditor General of the Commonwealth,
was received, claiming a Stale tax on loans,
for ten years past, amounting in the aggre
gate to ?3BI.45. Thcro are somo very fine
questions of law Involved in this claim, and
the matter was placed in the hands or Hon,
Wm. M. Itapshcr who will adjust the mat
ter with Auditor General Suliell. The law,
levyingn tax uwn borough Indebtedness or
loans, was passed by the Legislature April
39,1801, and provides that a 3-mills tax
shull be assessed, and that Iho lax shall be
deducted from the annual interest due the
bond-holders, thus making tho holders j
uorougn uouns me virtual payers oi tue tax.
In 1 800 a special act was passed authorizing
Lehighton to issue bonds to tho amount of
$5,000. And in 1S71, n similar net, author
ising an additional 410,000 loan, was passed.
No returns of any bonded indebtedness was
made lo tho Auditor General from this bc-
roughfyintil lo7G, when $175,00 was rc 1877,$I8.0S0,and in 1878, $18,180.
Yet this present claim (and the first one
made), assumes that there was a loan "f
$5,000, commencing with Dec 1809, which
was increased to $15,000 three years after,
and at that amount remained for four sub
sequent years, when a return was made.
They are surely getting very sharp and
pennywise iu Hutrisburg iu' this year of
Important lectins' of 31 lucre.
Last Saturday a joint meeting of the rep
resentatives of miners and laborers of the
several anthracite coal regions was held at
lliuleloii. and the proceedings not divulged
until Tuesday. It was unanimously decid
ed by the representatives that there could
be no improvement in the coal business un
less a combination of some kind was formed.
A meeting was called to take place at liar
risburg, on the 11th inst, and tho following
resolution adopted, signed by the represeu
, tatives, comprising tho counties ofCaibon,
Columbia, Northumberland, Schuylkill and
Luserne :
We recommend to all miners of the n;,.
threeile coal regions a sutiKiisinn of mining
commencing ou the 15th Inst., to Itst as long
as may be deemed necessary or available,
uy a central committee of operators and
miners, or either, to be selected at the said
meetinr hrrebv uravidr-d h this w.lti
1,W.ha-., ,, ." "
" u-
IVcnllicrl)-1 IcuiN.
Win. Flleklngcr Is tho owner ef a hand
some horse, whloh he drives dally In his milk
Mr. Edward Ilurkhard has sold hit resi
dence on Carbon street to (J. W, Miller. Mr.
It. will move to Bethlehem, where he has the
promise of work.
An unrorlunato tramp (somo mother's
son), had his head cut off, Ly a morning train,
between hero and llatlcton during the week.
His reeialns wcro placed In a cheup coifln and
forwarded to the Poor-house for Interment.
-Geo. W, Kline, for some Utile fullering
with an attack of rheumatism, Is, we uro glad
to slate, again ablo to be about.
Mrs, M. E. Dinkey and family will re
move to Iliaddoek's, l'n where she Intends
keeping a boarding house.
Mr. Miller, our new merchant, has, since
our last, secured the services of a new clerk,
and a new horse, these In addition to the new
dwelling should make him happy.
Mr. Lewis Flleklngcr Is about to take pos
session or his new dwelling, uu Ids frrin near
Buck Mountain railroad.
After about four da) a of most dlslrccslng
pain, there died, during this week, nn only
son or Mr. Adam Folk, residing with Mother
Dlelil, between th!i place and White Haven,
Loath cnauod from accidentally running the
sharp point of a pair offhenrs into hit cye,a-
reeling his brain. Another warning to nreuts.
Another sonsatljnnl play (Loekwood's) Is
booked for Monday ulghJsJIaich 10, at Hoik
cr's hall. I would advise those having money
to spare to give It to tho poor,
II. F. Hofiord, County Superintendent,
visited our schools during the week.
N. T. Beadle, reported 111, Is getting hot
ter slowly.
Oco. W. Thlrloway and J. McGulgan, be.
fore their departure lor Montana, visited their
rnends at Mount Carmcl and at Patterson,
New Jersey,
D, Bradford has been heard from, report
says ho has gono to California, Wo rather
think he rusticates In a rnoro congenial clime.
Pay day to-day (Saturday.)
March 9. HocuwAT.
Echoes from Ixcnrcr Uleiuloiv.
Tho public schools ol Hanks were closed
for the term on Frldayof last week.
It Is expected that tho mines will work
nearly full timo for the prcsc nt month.
1 ho Wc.ithcrly Cornet Ilapd discoursed
somo very fine niuslo here on Saturday even
Iqg last, whllo on the way to Ilatlelon. Our
compliments to them for their kindness.
Wo will ask our miners If they have been
so foolish a to authorise the representative
or tho miners and laborers or Carbon county
at that racellng Iu llatlcton on Saturday
last to express ihclr views? It looks llko an
assumption on his part. Wo shall bo very
sorry to see any plan adopted Just now to slop
our men from working under present clrcum.
Several or tho good ladles or Humboldt,
Lucerne county, camo to town on Friday eve
ning, lat week, nnd surprised the rtev. Mar
shall and ladyln tho most aurccablo manner.
Airs. Thomas Cummlnics, or Coleralnc,
died on Monday, leaving n husband and six
small children, Hor funeral took place on
Tho (Jrccnbackors nro threatening to up-
set the lato election at Lcvlston. They say
tho board refused to count nil tho tickets
Well, Iflholr tally was not right, they had to
do something ns a matter of course
-County Supt. Hoflord was in town Alon-
dny last, wo guess ho was very much surpris
ed In finding nil the schools or tho township
Mrs. 7111Iara Philips, daughter or N. It.
Penrose, Esq., Is ljlng In n critical c million.
Her hnjband and Irlcnds are dlsparlng or her
Allss Emma McCoy, ono or the lato public
school teachers oTthls place, will open a, sub
scription school on Monday next.
Hl.ilimiliig TvllllilllN.
Thcro will bo an auction at Pleasant
Corner on tho 15th Instant.
Ed Hough, Wm. Sharer and Win, Krlncr
loft fur Denver City, Colorado, lust Monday
night. They wero entertained by a largo
number ofjoun,f Irlonds lust Saturday niglu
who met at the house of Mrs. IIouuli.
John Newmoyor nnd Havld Mosser took
Ihclr respective ladles out slelgh-rlding on
Monday evening.
Joseph Sillier and wire, or ftockport,
have been visiting frlcnJs In this valley.
Miss Kate J. Arner, of this place, has
been on a visit to friends In Lehighton.
Tho shooting-match, for a tamo bear that
was to havo taken place on Tuesday or lust
week at Alcllanlcl's Hotel, was, on account or
tin bad weather, postponed until Saturday,
the 8th (10 day). Thcro will bo a social hop
In the evening.
Allss Vlolctta Konicrcr, ofLehlgh county,
Is visiting friends here.
There was a sleighing party at tho houso
or II. D. Klstlcr, on Monday ol last week.
From thwlr appcaranco next morning, wo
should Infer that they enjoyed themselves very
Some or our ladles who saw that big black
bear at McUanlcls, declare that they would
rather bear ft hug than hug a bear
Allss Alvlna Kcmorcr has been sick for
some timo. It Is hoped that sho will recover.
The sleighing Is about over for the pres
ent. The roads are In a state of complete
Airs. Cbnrllo Frit t, had a young daughter
last Salurduy morning. We hopo Charlie
will soon come down to see tho baby,
Philip (Under of East Pcnn paid us a vis
It on Tuesday,
J. II. Nolbstcln moved to Krcsgevltlo on
Saturday last.
(1 rlBlth Eberts has obtalnod a situation at
ltush, bchuylklll county.
1 he snelllng school at No. : school house
was largely attended last Friday evening.
ICkIo Moult, Valeria Monlz and Fyctta
Shoemaker were visiting some of our schools
on Alonday last
J, II. Arner Intends to make a trip to Col
orado licit mouth, If he finds tho country to
his laste he Intends to locate there.
Hxd Cloud.
Xolviuucllslii ItrcvllK-s.
Sleighing Is nearly played out.
A number or our roads are In a bad c endl
A danee was held at Kresgevllle on Tues
day or last week.
Alfred Klblcr, ol Wild Creek, Is doing a
flourishing business In making house lurnl
ture, brackets, plolure frames, etc.
Several young men and women who were
out slelgh-rtdlng one evening last week, en
joyed their ride very much.
Mr.O. Anthony, or Plttston, Is visiting
friends at this place.
Kckhard h. Co , hare been busily engaged
making hoop.poles the last few weeks.
Mrs. Smale, who lived mar Kunkeltonn,
died on Friday or last week, 1 bo remains
were Interred at the St. Jehn'schurch on Alon
day last. Her age was 88 yean, 3 months and'
2 days.
Thomas Loves, jr., or this placo, who had
been engaged In chasing loses, caught a se
vere cold, which confined him to bed lor sever
al weeks. He Is new able to be out of bed
part or the day,
Jacob Snyder and family of this place, be
fore retiring a few nights since turned down
the wlek In the coal-oil lamp ; after being In
bod a short time It exploded and set the bed
on fire no serious damage was done by It, It
Is supposed the wick was too small for the
tube. MEi'.cunr,
Additional Locals, Sco 'Jd t'l'e.
Closing Trices of Heiiivex t 'fowssKxp,
Bloca, uuYtruuin unit -jopi, 0 $aMx
Third Street, rhilade'.phla, Mcr, 6 187"
K,2-?,l"h""V"" IKH oidiom, .iiKf
K- 2- .'Ji?"-1' " ""' .!
S-iilf.! !?,? ,'c' " "
W. H. 'I'.-.rcncv, ',,. ,..,..ll '4 bistritj ssieu
i . Vissi. iiow,M....J..liMt, bin irtH astei
I'.s.tVs. new id bid I H ad.
O. 4' new..... ...Itii ui I 1-t K uske!
IMiiDnvlvunU H. It, ,,, hid si i-m-n
I'lDla & lie-leluR tt. it .... . bid t:H asked rs in ja luk,,i
Uhtssconi ue av. Co.,.. 13- ft'd 'Sit ssvefl
I'otlM CninnanleaelA. J.I5SH bid 137 sskid lipoid 4 site-Jio-ionvllle i o mini III, mid
l"U..nt. A llofr. II n. Co. 4 k bid V keJ
' Oolrt I'd p.s l'.o sik t
Srver.m'ssjrf k'al pi? BUrts
Ti,aesi ffHl'Tnft-t
b 1
Mode by HOBErtT S. OALVW. Mr tho
County of Carbon, Tor the Year 1870.
An APPEAL DAY will be hold on IhoMd
day or MA HUH, 18T9, al tho COM MISSION.
LIIS OFFH'I". In tho lloroimh of MAUOll
CHUNK, nt TEN o'clock In tho rorenoou.
Elwln Hnuer, dry goods and gro
ceries. U (HO
Samuel Kennedy, notions and
groceries l'i 12 50
Charles Hwnnk,.flnur nnd reed... 14 7 00
Charles swank, coal dealer li 7 uu
John Dlckniaii, dry goods nnd
procerus... 13 10 00
O. W. it W.T. Hoovcn, dry roods
nn.l drugs r 13 10 00
Philip liader, lurnlluro store.... U 7 VI
William miner, canal store 11 7 00
I,. Miller, canal store U 7 OU
E. 11. Cook, coal dealer 13 lu 00
Mrs. tl. Sharkey, dry goods and
groceries H 15 00
John Hold, baker & confectioner. 14 7 00
John Kador. merchant tailor .... It 7 00
I'. F. Murray, boots and shoes... 14 7 ou
Ellas Sblek, conlecllonery 14 7 OU
AJ. Smith, saddler 14 7 0U
Jonas Muidhelin, clothing ftoro. it 7 ou
Charles bchuoblo, baker and con
Icoltoncry 14 7 00
Henry twntlheUn, clothing (tore 14 7 W
O. E. llullnrt, tooaeco storo 14 7 00
E. llartkolouiew, tin and sluvo
store 14 7 00
Airs. U. Ilronelser, tobacco store. 14 7 00
David Treuarn, dry Roods and
groceries 10 E0 00
(1. 1st Ebert, dtug store il 7 uu
J. W, HcberllnndCo., dry goods
and groceries 10 20 00
Heist tc Ucriihelscr, lneichant
tailors 11 10 00
(Icorue Woll, agt., tobacco storo It 7 0J
John U. Dolon, watches anil Jew.
olry 13 10 00
O. A. Rex & Uro., 'Ty goods and
groceries. 7 40 00
Abraham Hcrtsch, notion slore.. It 7 00
1). U. Hcrtsch, merchant tailor.. 13 10 UU
Airs. Hannah liollord, hats ui.d
caps 14 7 00
Joseph LTClar.drugStoro 13 10 uu
Asa it. lleers, dry goods und gro.
reilcs 12 12 50
Allss A. II. Harrison, milliner.., It 7 uu
John Kellil, merchant tailor 14 7 UU
John L. .Mednian, watches and
Jewelry 14 7 to
E. F Luckeubacli, paint nnd pa
per storu.... It 7 to
E. MlllOr, green groceries 13 10 0U
JUtt. Killer, notiou store 13 lu UU
Michael AlcGonly, confectionery It 7 00
Mark llyndinun, grocery store.. 14 7 uu
Spcngli r U Esser, tm and stovo
store 14 7 00
Al, A. ltoblsen, agent, merchant
miller 13 10 00
Airs, E. Yeager, conlectlonery... It 7 uu
Leonard Ytuger, lurnltuie sioro. 13 10 U0
Wm. 11. htroli, boots and shoes., 12 12 50
Lehigh dal mid Nay. Co., coal
jard 11 7 00
John Fuir.ti, suwlng machine store 14 7 uu
Henry l.oblen, grocery sioro 14 7 U0
HughAloore, xioeory store It 7 UU
William T. King, diy goods und
urocerlcs It 7 00
Charles Faga, dry goods and gro
ceries..... 13 10 00
llcury u'Hrnke, dry goods and
groceries 13 10 00
Henry Hemic, grocery sioro 14 7 U0
Nathan Faga, grocery and flour. It 7 00
Fred. Newuouse. drv iroods uud
notions It 7 00
F. Munde, iron merchant It 7 ou
Fred. Krone, Iron merchant It 7 Uj
Charles Ucutnir, Iron merchant.. 11 7 U0
W W Ttnl.1.A. ilrv frond-, nnd
CTocerlcs 11 10 00
Josciili Vc-rzl, merchant tailor. .. It 7 UU
. . .1 . i.-iii lurnui li. urv ltoou uiiu
irrucories 13 10 00
Ubarlis Cassk-r, coal yard It 7 uu
i. r . iriowoii. luvu noil un Biurc it , ou
1. S. (linker, grocery storo 11 iu uu
I. U. Tnecdli-. diusraioro It 7 00
Alver Sondheim. i-iotliliiir store.. 14 7 uu
J. tl. Kidle. drv roods und 1:10
con. s 12 12 60
Solomon siewart. grocery store.. 14 7 UO
i. I.. tioucK irrocery sioro it i w
Wilson .V llarlelnaii. drv rroods
nod o-rucertcs 12 la bu
Ferrasun St Uro.. stovo and liu
sioru 14 I ou
II. I,. Heck, furniture sioru 14 7 UU
losenh P. Uriel, irrocery storo... 14 7 Ou
W. Lt. Stiles, notion store 14 7 0U
W. IV. He Witt, drugstore 14 7 U0
F. I. Ilooven. irrocorv and cou-
lecllonery it i uu
Airs. Al. Outh, millinery store ... 11 7 00
J. a trnus jbcrirer.i: ruccrv and con
lecllonery 14 I OU
Fred. Schmidt, merchant tailor.. 14 7 uu
A. lvlstlur. drv iruous una irro-
eeries 13 10 fO
Wclssnori l'l.inlui: Mill Co 14 7 UU
Herniird Yoirht. drv iruous and
groceries it uu
.1. b. Jllllcr. Il.ur und feed 14 7 U
Al. llair.nnaii. drv iroods and cro-
ccrieS 14 7 00
Win. 11 ICmclit. boots and shoos lt 7 uu
A. II. Saidle, Hour uud feed It 7 uu
Dr. u. w. licuiz.drug store it 7 uu
Amon Arner. drv iroods nnd uro
cerlts 13 10 00
P. A. Andrews, dry Kouds nnd
groceries , It 7 00
C H. r-e die. dry iroods and uro.
eerlcs 13 10 00
J. Itucli. dr crouds and irrocerics 11 7 to
Jacob rrymuii, hour una rued ... 14 7 uu
Soloiuoiu lloppes, incrchunt mill it 7 U0
Li. li. lluuser, merchant mill.... 11 7 Uu
Ltmainc-N BOROUGH.
Tllirhman Arner. dry iroods and
Krocuries ,,, ja iu uu
T. lt. Kcmerer, o i bluet ware.... 11 7 nu
T. II Clau.'j, merchant tullor 3 10 OU
eerles 13 10 00
Airs. II. .V. I'eter. druir store 11 7 UU
J. Al. Friizlnger, shoo store 11 7 UJ
nana KuL-cr , uouriui'i ieuu it r uu
J. 1. Nusbuuuj. dry Hoods uud
glueerles 11 15 00
J. I,. Haute, hardware 13 lu uu
J. 1.. Uuidr. coal und lumber,... It 7 Uu
E. W. t.'luuss, Un and stovo storo 11 7 OU
Wm. Keiuirer. dry ituods und
groceries 12 12 50
Koch &. Uro., tobacco store 11 7 OU
1). Oruvur. mrt.. drv iroods and
uroeerles 13 10 00
J. W. O.Ncul. baklnir uud cundy
siare , 11 7 00
Joseiih Obcrl. pork und lurdnore. 11 15 uu
llcllmuu it Co.. iiieiehuut mill.. . 12 12 5-
llelliuiiu it Co., coal yard 11 7 UU
Valentine Schwartz, lurniture
store 11 7 00
Mr. S. K. Fntilnuer.irrocerv and
millinery 11 7 00
C!has. K. (Ircenawalt. hides and
tallow 11 7 00
A.J. Uurllng, druir store 11 7 UU
Charles I ruluer. flour and teed.. 11 7 IU
Frank Lelbenxutb, grocery store 11 7 to
A. II. Alo.ser, stute und liu store. 14 7 UU
John Huuk. b.iLury and candy
store 14 7 00
It. Feii8termuehor.drvKoods and
urocerlcs 13 10 00
II. 11. rulers, ugent, merchant
lador 11 7 (
Lewis Weiss, shoes and boots.... 11 7 OU
S. U. Whialley, lancy store 11 7 uo
John Henry, dry goods and gro
ceries Ldnard Allnnlch. dry coods and
7 00
13 60
7 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
7 01
7 OU
7 UO
7 00
13 10
7 00
10 00
7 UU
7 0Q
7 00
7 U0
groceries 12
llcury Williamson, dry goods and
groceries.., 11
J. i miner, dry goods und grocer
ies 13
John McUready, dry goods and
groceries 13
lleorge Klino, dry goods and
groceries 13
I. Aicllugb, dry goods and gro
ceries It
Casper Ichtcr.ooulectlouery storu It
T. E. Huvis, drust sturo 11
Jobc. It. Harris, confectionery
store II
Joseph Klchardi &Co., dry goods
and gioeurlcs. 12
Joseph tchuelder, dry goods and
grocerhs. 11
Al. urilniard, dry Koudsand gro
ceries 13
Wm. hnank, lurntlurs slorc 11
Airs. Al. Davis, millinery sioro.. . 11
Joseph Nevlus, boots and shoes.. 11
T. W. Henshaw, drugsiore It
John Hugan, dry goods and irro.
eerlcs lt
Al. .1. Jones, dry goods si'.d gro
ceries it
M. htout. Jewelry slure.... ,i
?,Ir!-.,J.' 1K,u,''-",n' ""'ion'.tore 11
H.U,Honnel!,drygc0jlunj1(rc, !
eerlcs n
Noah Urinith grocery Bturo..:.. It
u. Ij. ai un uryguudi and gru-
00".cs "... io
P'. X-iwler, dry goids aud gro
ceries It
Samuel Jllckeit, siovcs and tin-.
ware .' lt
, John llelgiie.enial s ore,,...,.. 11
4. Friedman, dry goods am gio.
corles It
F, Hresliu, notion ami grocery
(lore 11
John .Medee, dry goods uud gro.
wmt 11
Samuel rjtevcuBon.dry xooJi and
gruorrief It
Thomas tlorby, dry goods and
groceries it
1). Tt. Hughs, dry goals and gro
ceries It
J. O. Edwards, kCa, dry gauds
ami uruoerfts 12
Price, Hull & Co.. furniture storo 1
Airs. O. llynon, notion and eaudy 14
S. Wuikins, sh'ie store 14
Anus Elwards, notion slu e li
11 H Edwards, uillllnory and con
O M O'" 11
7 00
7 00
7 UU
SO 00
7 00
7 00
7 10
7 CO
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
i i to
7 OP
tussroRD nonorjon coNTiuBnp,
II, II. Havtf, drni! store..., 14 ,7 00
II, I', Johnson, druir store 11 7 00
A, Al, Newinlller, dry goods und
groceries 12 1 60
II. AlcLauKhlln, grocery store ... It 7 vu
II. W. Diivis.coiifeetloiiery storo. lt 7 Ou
James McOlllowny, grocery store 11 7 on
W, Y. r.vitus, boots and shoes ... 14 7 00
lt, Wniklns, dry goods and gro.
win...... II 7 00
('. F. Kline, dry goods 12 12 60
II. fivnns, notions ami confection.
cry 14 7 00
I). Mmhcws Jc Son, dry goods and
groceries ,., li J 00
A, M-cin. agent, dry goods and
groceries 13 10 00
11. K. A u ran J K. son, store 14 7 00
James II. (lall.igher, dry goods
and groceries 14 7 00
Morgan Price, siove and .In siure. 14 7 UO
Jotlah Jl ucli, diy goods aud gro
ceries 13
N. Snyder, dry goods and gio-
10 00
10 oo
7 00
7 00
7 03
10 00
7 IX)
7 OU
7 UO
7 00
7 CO
7 OU
7 0U
7 VU
ccrlcs 13
N. Suydur, Cial yuid 14
Joel Ilex, Hour und feed 14
nonry uampucii, ury goutis uuu
iriocerles 11
J. K, lilckert, agent, flour, reed
and coal.,,.. 13
W, 11. Whitehead, grocery storo. 14
Havld O'llrl in, grocery store .... 14
W. s. Knhns, store und tin sturo 11
David lleltl, dry goods uud gro
ceries 14
Charles Buck, grueerlts and pro
visiuns 1
Win. E. Kcmrrer. irrocery storo.. 14
A. l'lllfcr. irrocarv. tluurnlid feed 11
Peho Poke merchant mill 14
E. Lazarus tc Co., dry coods aud
ixruccrles S 50 00
Thomas John & Co., dry goods
and groceries 8 80 CO
T. N. I'aitereon & Co., dry goods
nim groceries 11 id uu
E. T. Hoovcn, dry goods and gro-
ccrl. s 14 7 oo
T. K. Williams Si Sun, dry goods
uuu Kruecries it r uu
1'. lltoBS, dry goods und gro
ceries It 7 ou
C. F. Shucui-r, dry goods and gro
ceries 8 80 00
James AlrCloskey, dry guods and
aroeerlcs 14 7 00
S. E. Farrow, grocery stole 14 7 ou
.1eso Miller, grocery store 11 7 uu
Thos. O'Honuugh, Hour aud Iced, lt 7 00
Isaac Butz, dry goods and gro-
i-CllCH n 7 ou
A. J. llrudhead, dry iruuds and
urocerli s 11 1 no
0. 11. .-Mlnson,drygoodsund gro
ceries It 7 uu
II. W, Trevost, dry Roods and
grocuuis 7 40 uu
Charles AlcUlll, dry goods nnd
groceries lt 7 Uu
John Ballict, dry goods and gro-
eerus , ja
Robert Walp, dry goods and gro.
10 00
c-erics it
John liairenhach. canal storo.... 14
7 00
7 uu
7 U0
10 00
7 00
Wilson .uuschlltz. uiucorv sioru. 14
J. it W. Ciulir, dry uoods und
groecriis 13
it Y. llralir. coul and llmu 14
Klstlcr it Buyer, dry goods and
urocerlcs 13
Samuel Icxoiduts, dry goods und
A. Klstlcr. stove and Un storu ... 11
7 00
7 00
Levi Strnub, dry goods uud gro-
cent's it
I. Kostenbadir, dry goods aud
grocerhs li
,dain Alchrkaiu, ury xouds aud
gruuurhs ,,,, li
7 00
7 00
7 03
Paul Krrsire. dry Koods and sr 0-
eerus it
II. Kunkle, dry guods and gro
ceries 11
Lewis Christman, giuecry storo . It
7 00
7 00
7 00
II. Sbcllbamcr 14 7 00
Penroso George 14 7 00
Paul Hanncr li 7 CO
Slereantllo Appraiser,
The above Tax will bo due and payahlolo
S. S. SMITH, Acting County Treasurer, on
the F1IIST DAY OF Al AY, 1S70, ut O. It.
Inderinnn it Co s Banking House, Mauch
Chunk, Pa.
Maucu Cuukk, February 50, 1S70,
Hotel, rcrs,tnuriint A- Liquor Store
C F. Curron, hotel 6 $50 00
I'hlllp liader, hotel 5 60 ou
1'our liusn. Hotel 5 bo ou
(!, .1. lllasser. lintel & 60 Ou
Owen Uullaghcr, liquor store.... 6 60 00
Jubn llarklns, hotel s 6U 0a
lUlchicl Uatf, resiauruut lu . so uu
UAUCii ciic.MC noKotraii.
James S. Wlhert, hotel 6
60 P0
i-aiii cnweiiinr, noiei b
1'iua Sehwelhinr, hole! 6
John Brighton, notcl , 6
Alia. J. II. AlcUlnlov, hotel 6
Lewis Anubruster, hotel &
John llehlir, hotel 6
I .conoid liclss. hotel f,
60 00
60 0O
60 uu
60 00
10 uu
to uu
60 OO
60 UO
60 UU
60 OU
amuel llehlcr. rtstnurunt lu
Bernard Mctlee. huiel
Ch-irliu Foster, hotel
J. S. Kelser, hotel
Mrs. I'. J. Miarkey, liquor store.
M eliael .Martin, liquor storu ....
Thomas Curr, hotel
Michael Mocady, rcsiaurant...
Mrs. M-huIenbuig, hotel
Win. Thompson, restaurant
60 00
20 U0
10 UU
20 00
til UU
60 UU
60 0U
60 UU
.ir. rreu. 1(0111,111111-1..,..
William tichring hotel
.1. McElroy, liquor store
Ucrald Wuodnug, hotel
WEATimuLv nonocun.
Win. O. Kamuicrzcl, hotel,
(leorgo W. Kclser, hotel,,.,
Levi 1 In rl 1, hotel
John lllnes, hotel
Walter Kline, restaurant..
Mury E. Hclkor, note!
Charles Boxineyer, hotel ..
, 6
, 6
60 00
60 UU
6U 00
6U 0U
'.0 UU
60 UU
60 0U
waissroitT nouucoii.
Joseph Feist, hotel 6
A. w. notcl 6
Henry 'I'rupp, hotel 6
Otcur Amur, rtsiuuract 10
SIAllO.tlSO TowMiir.
J. T. Mellanlel. hnt'l H
ritei.hcn i'vusicriuaeher, hottl .. 6
James FIciiiiiiiiiKt huttl 6
uuurge llanuu, hvtel 6
LKUionroM noitot'ou.
Edward Itaher, hotel 6
Fred. K. .Miller, res auruut 10
Levi M. htranu, hut-1 6
W. A. Ptters, icstuur.nt 10
"riiomus Muuts, lutel 6
W. A. Muuwley resiuuruut lu
Fred. Miller, Uotei 6
KF Klep, iner, hotel 6
Mrs. O. Ash, hotel 6
F. U. Millin, rustuur tut. 10
Havld Ebbert, reitumaut 10
MAXCll chok iowsuir.
69 0U
60 00
60 OU
60 00
60 UU
6U 00
60 UU
60 O0
'.'U UU
tu ou
SO 00
to ou
6u on
SO 00
JO ou
Na'hanKlo's, Summit Hill
f Hi . ... '
Ellas l ent, hilo 1 , 6
JacoblJun,NesiojOUOU1I1(f aXvl r,
Aunle yii hotel I
Hugh Ho-, iu, suiumli Hill, hotel, 6
Juiue. Medlnly, l.uutlord, holel, 6
,anci MeKeuuu. intlurd, ho
tel ' 6
Patrick MeKeuiiu, l.uniloro,
res aunint 10
J, II. Wulklns, Lanslord, resiuu-
rant 10
Mrs. Mary OamiUll, Lnuiiofo,
liquor s'ore 6
Ich. O'llounell.Liu.for.'.Uulel, &
(leorae Etans, Lanslurd, hotel.. 6
Frank Mecann, MetqucLQolUi,
hotel , &
Jauief .-fecnojY buiuuilt Hill,
hotel :.- 6
Sluion Anlcsner, Summit lull,
restuuraut.... 10
jUr-. F'nk Mulloy, Suuiiun l(ill,
liquor store.,... ............. 6.
John litbsou, ,qliOiilng, ho
bU U0
W 00
60 U0
60 00
SO oo
SO 00
60 00
to UO
DO 00
60 0)
60 00
:5 oq
50 00
l'atiick McKvnuu, r., quo
honing, uoiei.. ..... ........
L-,n..ia i- ,.,iv. l.nn lord, holel.
Margaret nmel,
.lohn t-'iitiut. l..intfurd. hotel....
I Johu&wo ury,tiuuiuill Hill, li
quor store
Sau son Hiiiicouk.Nuquvlioiilug
rvsliiurunt ..
Thuii'us M'tiuouib, reHiehou
I Inilinlal -
M TtatrlnU Mullet-molt. AesnUCUUU.
Iuk, letiuuruul... 10
T OJ IavM He.., Lotel... J
7 W W.O Fre-Uiioi.toul
i luvli o', r-iUBuraut lu
JarrfS Tt. Piireell hotel,
tin no
l v-i
6- u-l
6V 'O
60 0O
,urr. .jesse- unison, noiei u
Jai'ie- Mcl'l ke. liquor tto-e. . a
. .1. uailHg net, notti
Irs. Alarv I rruran. Iluuor Storo. b
Itlch'd iMugbdty, Ihiuor ctoie., a
James A! CO Inly, hotel 6
60 00
l.Kiuiiu Ttiwusuir.
Charles MeOlll. hotel ,. 6
John t. Dlicklei, hottl
60 no
6u ou
Lowxn towjuuhsiso Towssnli-.
Herman Foltmnn. rfslournnt..,. 10
21 uu
to uu
6U IX)
6U tQ
20 09
20 I I
61 (U
60 OU
Fro I. llorlflrlicr. hotel 6
Ueorue Krnin, hotel 6
l.nnls lirnfl, hotel...., 6
Anron Mroiil, reslnuniiit 10
Fro-I. Wiser, rrstuurnnt 13
Miniiiel iithony. hotel 6
saiuuol Jones, hottl 6
crrxn towauexsiko. Towsanfr.
Nnlhan Stcinler. hotot 6
60 00
to CO
60 OO
20 UU
John H. WHs, hotel S
. .-imlfr. hotel t
Peter Jones, restaurant 10
Wm. Kroni. hottl
(0 to
tl CI
6u UU
Peter 1'aiti, hotel
wbi. victor, Hotel
risT riiNN Towitsnir.
Penrose orge,hotel,... 6
(0 on
xit-OKR Towiteiitr.
Peter Houser, hotel
to oq
rxss roitT towssuir.
I'.nns Koch, hnlf 1 6
Emanuel Kuubler, hotel.. 6
6i aa
60 uu
Mr, It. (lelsell, Franklin t'w'p.. 0
25 o
s ou
Mrs. ai. tierster. r ai. iinunir.. v
P. ft P. H.Schwtiblni.E.AIueh
Chunk v
n uo
26 UU
Welsicr ttSlnier,MauchJbubk, V
Thorms Siegfried, Eait Mauch
1 huuk ,
Janus Sweeney. Snininlt Hill... 6
is 00
60 UU
6u uu,
Fred Huriucuer, Buxrajn's 6
Room per month.
Jamrs Wlblrt 2 60 SO 00
Iburlis roster 2 6J il 00
, II. Llndcrrann tt Co.
63 0
HOBEUT S. CALVIN, Appraiser.
JIarch 1-tt.
Special Noticos.
THIS VOtll.l)S I1AI..11.
- A remedv u'od Till IITY.FI Vt BAUS lu
rt prlvaie jjiuut to uud t,evur lauiug to luoacuilr
Drrpsy, liiy.ipatiusioooiii'iHybiplii li, fl-svjl,
Diuut-tct. mid ull ilito-iM-A In whlca the b uud 14
linparuied. is iiowoMoie-t lotue pab .c.
tuM ty nil HI Tall, tiitL'OGisTS and Iwho'o-alt
only) by 1'lte: WliYUUU.t UaiUlolMi CO,
r. u. llox aas. noeresiei, t. 1,
I win mail IVut) tlm none for a Vmp'A 1UI.M that will n-inov TA.N
Triwiiitr ll.e nLIii mtt. C.Pfll' lilid Ucftlll lUl . ill i t
ln 11 in tlm.M Inr nif ilut'ltiif m lillUi iuilt uri .f til
of lull uii a b:iid Urii orttmiHitu f-o. .Wnirfcs
mCIOltiTO kiailip, Mul. Vliuu iiwvUiWami
till a I, N. V,
H10 nilveitl-er. ' nvliu: bcrtn perniuuenilr
,,rn I nt tl, it. ilrnd ill-u' ..A fl IHUOlotlOll b A
H'liiua lem dv'.l.tinxioui ui luko ki.iwn lo hi
icIIow.sulIcrpiH llio meuiiH .1 cuio. loalwho
1 cue it lie wl'l rend 1 cony in tiionrescrmUnn
uoe. liieou: cimtko ,hii 1110 uaeunui -(
liieii.iru C iiid UHliifj the saaie. wine 1 tie. w l
Uud n mint cuuii l.r Cosuiitios, asihu.
I'M not mulling the Prescrptlnn. wlllilaasa
ni'.diesi UA WILSON, ICi I'oiinut.ect,
Wiliuui-bnrgh. it. V.
A CHSNrLT-lMA whtisntrered tor ye-i-i from
Nervous UHMMTr.PItKit Tt'llt IHICAY.
11 u l n I 111 -1 11 it ol joiillitul liMtlcrii'iii will
for i,i sake i.J-uileiiuir iiiinimiit , send Iicno
ull won need it. Ihi iiDluo nnd :ireoiinii tor
making Hi" Siupie reine.iy by which he was
cur-il. h'lfXeroiB ultlilug tl nloUt by tue r.i.
vuitiai'iVi-xi biu-neoi-iui Co uu oy ud iu
perfect cmjhlelico. . , ..
WOI1N II. POPES. V Onl-'l- St. y. Y.
Oli'll kinds. Tl! JQltS.dS chrr
C01 of I'lLOOn oi' nillcus "l
nil H ten of tin- Itl-'Cl'l 1
nimkii and acrfe-lly cuioi bv u suii-i.c aud
suothlnv ltllMI-.DV. l-oi-iofo-nmioii odd ft
1)U J. i Allhli A OU.J Anu ! , N Y,
HoiiltU ami Happiness.
IIbjIIU hoc II U'pincsa ore rncdcsH Wr'-Ub fi
ilioir jhh"koi' unl ot itini io vriuu.i.tin
roj h ot uvery ono who wUl uso
Wriglit's Liver Pills,
theoi'VHiia CUftU for Tniuul I.lvei. Drsr-
-la. lle-diulio, tjiiiir 8loniiuh,Ciiiistipiitloii, 1)
n'ut , Naui. uud li llliihun ro..ip'ululs uu.I
B oJfl Iniorilcis. No 10 iifiiuinu iiiilissalira'-c
" Win WrtBUii l'il." if youi HniKinst wll
not uuoiir Mend .5 t-euis for uuo uox to Huri Ick
Uollor Co , 7u -N. i.h Hi., roil' (001 ni
Xenons Debility : Nervous IlebllityS
Hooiiitv. (leorcMnl. tt:ito pt mlnn, vou exbuuttitl fie e i (uii ivrnr
fliuniiiiicn ctiulutot lit-at). vt'tfilt luonmrr. inn
CiHiHuqueiii-urt n cxi'C4f4, iu.nta oefur ,
TliU n-rvut1e iHv fliilia nvo,Pi-)i ourilu
is. I'.KUMCUL-'dJiirrKnwiNHoriKo ,
lttiIiVJ4t'iUb,r-l(lU1.0 "P"Jl th1 MK-U'ltl f; .OIT1
und u8ion enpy tual rrJavinUoj tlin riiiiro
mnniin. un einiu 'iii-a cuiy K.
KO VKIitVfct Uliau yjll iwnMpiicruro ui3 it
hit paolnri.iiu mi uutlau. I'iicd. 11-00 ot
uutl u, or .i.Inr5U) Abit you. iliiu:t:lt Jq
.t, 11 in) ir lia litiHlt int. giit t the l'iopileHr
.VJ N. Mut i t.. rhiiiitt-)pnn, l'a. .a .trelriw,
uy eJjp osuk tUi i p-ceijt bf.tiup.
Worms. Worms. Worms.
li I Kinkrl H Wi'im Bviuptievir(4lli locn.
filmy tin. btat ami htnnmcli rtciu. JJif
Kuu el, t lie fu iv mccii iuI iUyticaii jnr
iu04inri orm in two liour a ivo wui
lieun. .ml nu ItouiiU. rouniieJ. couiiijuecuo
U'ui'bes ll Tt'l'O Woiuii. i4iii Ui. ri'iuuvutJ n. mh
cr WjiMm c-u to r dHy ie iro ei. ov:oat
oJIcj aud h oip trie. Tlie il'Htnr vttu tm
wlietlinr oi iifttthepiti-iii tiuR wunoK. T ou.
uiiuaiiiti d Uniiy sttii wniu-Ktai,d do it t
it I Ml W It. lltS, Hli3rtll4 Cf) cuuklng nd
oulTiioit't'ii tut to compi xiu.i lii',e aiouui
tiio vyes. hwo. Ing nttl u- in i.i thu aluii'f.oi ifl'tv.
lfa ut tlAOl gi unlit! (it (ha -to U, v oUliig c
tiio uoit'. ttm it, tevoi , Hram til I lie rut,lu-tii
(c!.e, f.iul Uiein, lliti lmisvut cinw xmu - t
fiilu, ilcktniir uuil inlhi Ion u ill mniK ill
(Uixu tviuiDniiii. mt mure romo 1 om wrrt.
v V KUI..t.3 iVOHU .UViiuver U U
U 11'U.OVU tl II. I'll CO, It 0 tn IrUtilfl, Ol H1X
ontura torfliM. (P. r 1t Worm wc.te nnd
vniinii i tio Jjuclm'.) l-'uru iuitur ,ba flour
lUUt'ff n( tint Ollli Njinn niid it i abm ll Dt.
M)nltii lit. K. V KUAKtil., Ziii X, .Mtitti U.
IM.lUoe pirn, l'a. Adicv uy uiuil iroi i urud
llite coin tainp. Fa- (6 lu.
riiririck, Iirhhtii, fJhcsi Color ni;t
Xoitt jo tho lilood ; i( increase tU
quantity as well H the awlity, giv
ing Vigor, Vitahty, nergy
rower and Life itulj.
It 1" especially odJilod lo 1'ema'e Hisussrs.
Niich as Weai-iicua liom urslnir or aur ' thrr
can e. PLiutil irreirular oi doruurtd mcnthlr
eilods, lalluio lit tl.e wi rub. nausea in 1'rea..
i.uucv. ttcrlUiy, cttaukv ot iile, etc,
Dr, Harter's Liver Pills
Com Woe the two C6en(l 1 qiin'tttf of family
rtH. Tn,ryctMamildniietIlcifnt paifreautl
t thouwatlruufcro tbo Ixt layer I1IU "cr
effjw to Uie puMic Jui ui.a
Of a couv ot my MFDICA1. COKMO
RhNlK UuOK, In Vny f nuni .uff-ilin Wlta
CONSUUI'iluK, AkTllUA. CAT4I1VU. lti.n.tlimi-,
i.U8 LV Vu.CU UU bUKK llUHA1. bu U liainu
ai tlrosi utlioj ndore withlwuSo-ot pstasn
staiupt au- i lulu vour siomitt-. 1 10 luos is
wo-junilv i.lusLalfd. (k4jj ui,- ) ilia
uiloiuiiii-11 it lunt Ins, in'iol n,c of
Clod hs Mred inaur uvt-, Tliuuiitliur has b, tut
tifutii di.ea-o ot tun Ao-e, Irti'iit, cud
I u ... .ni'i-ifll mci-llrlul mo u .nt fit
UJ ism. Aodress, ur. JJ ll. WuLfc t., i vcii nnti,
UM Ohio. i ll b tt 1
00 ' A On it siain l-syin hnrii so loiluii. o to
'cnienU onutCui suiiipiiuulniUi mu . -Ini.e-.
no I i.f,ei l- nv aiVii up tu am uy .1 in l i-t- v
i Uiuisl iihyigliius. diirettu ua o kuuuu t,,
oar iwiuuli a v.s accmdul iutoi v e -i m
I thineslll oo w-h i.lhui'. Mrt neuius tl a I",
lld o .aiuiilluu (lid nil Aaocilonsuf ib
00 lluo't iid Lane oil uud I bo Ho vt.
frutiol li it lo ull tho dMiri-II, il in tt I
W fniwi idih ir uccr ss tu ULVh t. Hi C.
I- bnrl tVfii- Inn