The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 22, 1879, Image 3

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    rsrrxsrwiatisjjftjijMSLutawiijw?i.3i'L'ga i
Office, ICloti's nullum Dioilaway.
Uettllnir KsUtrs. Fllln Accounts and Orphans
Conn I'ractice specially. ..... . .
TrUlnt ninc cm-ctnliv attended to. will
transactions In Jinitlish nnil Oermnn, Jmi n.
Md THTTPD mv lie fonnn on file at OEO.
S rAl bit P. IIOWRHi A CO'S News
nnnrr Advrnl.inT lmtiuui, li) Mi nen "'tjjj.
1 nA.CT"s nisy bo mado lor It In 1111 II 1 Uluta
to (Barton gtacntc.
6ATUHDAY, FKWtUAHY 22, 1870.
Local and Personal.
Subscribers to tho Cabddx Advocatk will
toko special notice, that our terms ore ono
dollar year itrictly In advance, If not so
paid $1.25 will bo charged In every Instance.
(Subscribers getting their papers by mall will
refer to tho direction tabs on their papers
and nolo tho date, and remit accordingly.
West's liver pills euro sick headache.
A good wheat crop Is predicted for 18S0.
Shrove (Tuesday (Kastnacht) occurs this
year oti.tho Zitli inst.
Chew Jacsson's Bxst Sweet Navy To
baoco. 7 50.
A bill has been Introduced into the
Legislature fur- tho extermination of Spitz
The Allciitowu Iron Company, a few
days ago, received an order for a thousand
tons' of pig Iron.
Lewis Weiss, at tho post office storc.hns
reduced tho prices of his winter stock of
boots and shoe.
Dr. 0. 11. Linderman,Qf Bethlehem, was
seriously ill last week. Ho is however
rapidly recovering.
The stockholders of the Allcntown Iron
Company bavo decided to pay the Indebt
edness of the company anil start work.
Head Tilghnian Arncr's new advertisc
lnont in another column.
Tho employees at Tackerton aro now
making full timo 10 hours n day.
J. L. Gabcl, after an Illness of two or
three weeks from diphtheria, is now able to
be about again.
Do you know tho fact that Lewis Weiss
is selling his Btock of winter bnoU and shoes
at a great reduction.
It is reported that tho business on the
Lehbjh ic S'isquehanua railroad during
January last was the largest in the history
of tho company.
Tho best and cheapest boots nnd shoes
to bo found in town are at Lewis Wciss',iot
office building.
. To-day (Saturday) is the anniversary of
the birth uf George Washington, the l ather
of his country.
Ifyou want a fashionable hator cap,call
at T. D. Clauss', and buy one for a small
amount of mancy.
If you want a good and cheap set of
HARNESS, light or heavy, call on M
Florcy, manufacturer, East Wcissport, near
canal bridge.
Tho U. S. Senato Monday confirmed
John F. Hartranft as Postmaster, and A.
Louden Snowdcn as Superintendent of the
Mint, at Philadelphia.
You can buy tho cheapest and best
elolhinx'and uuderware, at tho storo of
T. Schmidt.'Wcissport.
It Is rumored that the Lehigh Car
Works at Stcmton have nnnther big order
this from tho L. Js 8. Railroad Company for
twenty-five hundred coal ears.
Tho Allcntown Holling Mill Company
has been shipping merchant iron at thcrato
often cars perday forsomo weeks past. The
Mill runs right along, day and night.
For boots, shoes or rubbers, of the finest
makes, call on T. D. Chiuss. You will find
an immense stock to select from, at lower
prices than ever before oH'ered.
Ifyou want shirts, neck wear, or any
other article in gent's furnishing goods, mil
on T. D. Clauss, and ho will supply you at
extraordinary low prices,
A young man named Johnston, of
llokendauqua, in jumping ofT a passenger
train at that place on Wednesday oveniug
of last week was badly hurt,
Overcoats, latest styles and best material,
for a small amount of ready cash, at II. II
Peters', Post office building, Lchightou.
For the we ending Feb. 14th, 78,506
tons of coal wcro shipped over the L. AS
railroad, and for tho season 345,S01 tons, be
ing an increase over last year to dato of 178,
633 tons.
Clocks and Watches carefully repaired,
and work warranted, at lowest cash rates, at
Slagcmau's cheap cash store, opposite public
square, Wcissport. 44-13.
Tho wife or Mr. C. C.Tonibler, or Beth
lehem, died on Friday morningfrom tho ef
fects of a paralytic stroke she suffered the
night previous. Shu was nearly seventy
nine years of age.
If you would save time
and money, fail not to attend
the grand closing out sale ol
Winter Dry Goods, Dress
Goods, Boots and Shoes, now
going on at the Original Cheap
Cash Store of J". T, Nusbaum
& Soil
Luckenbac!ia retail prices are but
trifle above tho lowest wholesale prices of
Philadelphia aud New York. His stock of
tationcry of every variety is excellent. Ho
lias also a splendid assortment or wall paper,
from tho , very finest down to the cheapest.
Just step iu aoJ look at his goods. His
store is a few doors below the Broadway
House, Mauch Chunk
Violent Coughing racks tho system and
brings on hemorrhage, l'hmnix Pectoral
cures cough, brings rest and gjvs strength
It tastes to pleasant that children cry tr
Owing to our increased sales of Boots
nnd Shoes, and tho superior advantages wo
njoy with tho Leading manufacturers, wo
are enabled to oiler tho samo from 15 to 20
ier cent below market prices. Cull and bo
convinced. Itcspcclfully,
J. T. Xl'SSll'll A Sox
Doctors anil Chuuchf.j. Tho Doctors
of Kew York City say Specr'a Port Grape
Wine has proved to bo pure, unadulterated,
ufa fine flavor, and tonic properties, and is
unsurpassed for its rctoratlvo powers, aud
they prescribe it as a very superior trine
Churches use it for coujinuuion. For sale
by druggists.
Our old friend William Wagner, former"
ly of this place, but now resident at Ply
mouth Meeting, Montgomery county, tvos
licre visiting among his old friends during
(he post week. Ho Is looking well.
After lha announcement of tho results
of the election, on Tuesday evening, the
Young America Baud, of Weissrt, turned
out and went over to Franklin on a jollify.
ing serenade and parade. A considerable
proccsJon was formed and marched to the
Franklin House, where W. O. Weiss, tho
newly t heeled "6ulro "set up" a "bor'I of
upplcs," and a genral pxiKinou fnt was
partaken or to the young 'fe.ju.rc i future
health and j"o I f 't'ua.
Tho undersigned offers for sale a good
size! Fint Pnour 8iri:,as good n new, com
bination lock the property of the Lehigh
Building it Loan Association. The safe can
bo seen at tho office of W. M. Kapshor, Esq.
I will receive bids or offers for tho samo In
person or by letter until March 3d, 1879, at
2 p. In., when It will bo sold to the highest
and best bidder. Daniel Olkwisk.
2times. President.
0 - Inepirctl by tho "beautiful snow,"
which covered un tho rough places In the
roads the first of tho week, Mr. Aaron Sny
der, of East Wcissport, concluded to im
prove tho opjiortunity on Tuesday evening
by a slclgh-rido. When In the vicinity of
Stcmlcrsvllle, it appears that both the horso
and !lgh, by a singular coincidence, were
upset. Tho horso, in tho fall, was somc
whut injured, Mr. Snyder lost his temper,
and tho young htdy was frightened. At a
subsequent hour they reached home in safe-
At a meeting of tho Weissport School
Directors, on Monday evening, a resolution
was pas.d closing tho present term of tho
High School in that borough on and after
Wednesday of this wsck, tho school having
been kept five months of tho current school
Tho 22d of Fbrusry was born on
Washington's birthday, and thus became a
legal holiday. If it had been on tho Oth of
March It would havo been different. But
It would not havo mado ony difference to
David Ebbert, ho would still continue to
loan out teams at popular prices.
At tho Eagle Hotel, J. T. McDanicl,
proprietor, in Mahoning Valley.on Tuesday
next, 25th inst., there will be a shooting
match for a tamo black bear, all kinds of
shot guns may bo used on tho occasion. In
tlio evening there will be a dunce in tho
large hall of tho hotel. If you desire a good
time vou will bo thero.
Our readers who may want to learn
about tho Fur West, are referred to the ad
vertisement of tho Kanva Farmer, an old
astablishcil and popular journal in the West.
It is published at tho Capital uf the State.
The total loss by the sinking of the six
teen houses owned by tho Reading Coal nnd
Iron Company, at Shenandoah, is estimated
at over $30,000.
Tho arbitrators In the civil suit of W.
W. Scranton against A. 'A. Chase, editor of
tho Scranton Timet, havo awarded tho
plaintiff$l000 damages. Tho Times charg
ed Scranton. who led tho "Scranton vigi-
touts" in tho riots of 1S77, with the murder
of three men killed by thoso vigllants.
Sitcial Ixvitaiio.v. Ladies nro re
spectfully Invited to call and examine our
elegant assortment of Shoes and Gaiters, just
received from tho manufactory, which for
quailily, beauty of style and finish are un
surpassed, having placed the same at lower
prices than ever before reached. Respect
fully, J. T. Nusbacu X Son.
A warrant was placed in tho hands of
Constable Lcvan, on Monday, for tho ar
rest of W. C. Weiss on a charge of libel,
iuwhichJ.K. Dimmick appears as com
plainant. Bofore the warrant was served,
Mr. Weiss retained Hon. Wm. M. Rapsher
as counsel, and scrrendcred himself to Jus
tice II. A. Bcltz and gave bail in the sum or
$500 Tor his appearance at Court. Tho case
grows out of tho publishing of an election
eering circular which Mr. Dimmick com
plains was defamatory to his character, and
holds him up to tho contempt aud ridicule
of the community.
The Phoonlx IronCompany,ofriicoti!x-
vlllc, hut'e nt work now over two thousand
men, and the wages paid fortnightly, pro
vided they nveragalwp dollars a day, which
it is said they do, amount to $48,000, or
$90,000 per month. Add to this the sum
paid for coal, iron and other material, anrt
for freight, and tho immensity of the thing
begins to dawn upon yiu.
Musical Hours for Ff.bruart. Wo
have received the February number of
"Musical Hours." It contains ( Peal
of tho Village Bellj Every Inch a Sailor;
Light in the Window; Do Banjo am do In
strument for Mcj King's Highway, Butter
fly and the Rose. Instrumental Over the
Billow; Joy fulness; Pell Mell Ualop; Flower
Song; Cavalry Parade; Hunter's Call.
Terms,$L50 porjrear: siugle copies, 20 cents.
This is ono of tho handsomest Musical
Monthlies wo have seen. Published by G.
W. Richardson A- Co., 37 Templo Place, Bos
ton. To-day (Saturday,) being tho anniver
sary ir Washington's birthday, is a legal
holiday, nud uo business will be transacted
at the banks.
The family of Wm. Rothermer a carpen
ter living iu Putin Forest, was discovered
by tho woplo of Weissport, ft few days ago,
in almost a starving condition. Mr. Ro
thoiner has been out of employment du
ring tho entire winter, and has a wife nnd
fivcfhlldrcu. A number af charitable citi
zens made up a generous purbO ; aud it was
invested in groceries nnd provisions which
Mr. Josiah llurlrt team took to the homo of
tho distressed family. Tha (Minister says
that his arrival was hailed by tho mother
nud children with a joy and gratitude that
no words can describe. Tho Poor Directors
or thedinVrent townships should keep their
eye open, that notmilur case of suffering
occurs in tho future.
In It lobo a Combination 1
S.iys Wednesday's N. Y. Sun: Tho ap
pearance In town of the venerable Judge
Packer, President of the Lehigh Volley
Railroad, was tho occasion Tuesday of a re
newal of rumorsof a new coal combination,
and it was soon said that the coal companies
had agreed to limit production to tho extent
of stopping work in their roll-rios for two
weeks, and that this action was preliminary
to an effort at the ro-esUMiihiueU of the
combination. It is known that the proposal
to close the collcries for two weeks meets the
a.prbatiou of all tho interests except the
Delaware and Hudson. If this action is
taken tho price of coal is, it is said, to be ad
vauced $1 per ton. President Gowen of the
Philadelphia and lUading Railroad, and
other coal men, havo sent word that they
will bo in town on Friday.
i:nt l'ruu Dot.
Moro Snow.
Be very moderate.
Eggs aro 16 cents per dozen.
Butter is 14 ccuts per iound.
Reuben Petr was busilv cncaTed drawlnir
sjwloga last Saturday.
Learn to take jokes. Take them easy,
aud Like many of them.
Election is over, and many now rest
from their labors.
Reuben Peter has haded his new and
elegant carriage for a horse.
James Smith is still working at his
trade making bookcases.
I noticed reeently, in the "Mahoning
Twinklings" an item enjoining every man
to mind his own busiueM. Now, I would
advie "Rod Cloud" tu evupoiate and mind
his own business. L',CL Bah.
It unites with itio blood, nnd coursing
through the veius.reuchra tho seat or disease
in the lungs, and thus cores pulmonary
complaints. What does? Dr. Haas' Expec
torant! 25 to 50 cents a bottle.
Strange to ray; there are not enough law.
mA lu like tt ,uici,n. ,,.
licport of the L.U.1: N. Co.
The annual report of tho Lehigh Coal and
Navigation Company, which Is published In
advance of tho anunal meeting on Fobrvnry
25, gives tho receipts of tho year 1878 at
$900,250, and tho expense (ncludlng$890,
393 Interest) at $1,325,113, a loss on the
year's operations of $355,860. This sum is
deducted from the dividend fund, which at
tho beginning of tho year was $403,032, nnd
leaves' to the credit of that fund now $107,172,
Tho company carried 2,503,731 tons of coal
Iu 1878, n decrease of 612,438 tons. Of tills
tonnage 1,197,193 tons were shipped by the
Lehigh and Wllkesbnrre Coal Company, nnd
their production for tho year was 1,221,126
tons, compared with 2,196,864 tons In 1877.
Compared with J877 tho incoino from cod)
tonnage decreased in 1878 but $25,413. The
railroad rent was less and the canal and coal
earnings larger. Of tho decreased revenue
$148,171 wailosson Ihcleasoofllio Delaware
Division Canal. Tho company's floating
debt increased during 1878 about $300,000.
Tho report, in giving the year's history,
states that tho revenue or tho earlier months
was very light, and all tho losses wcro In
curred prior to May. After May 1st the Com
pany earned alt its fixed charges, including
tho rent of tho Delaware Division Canal,
The company's pait in tho coal combination
is described, nnd its share in tho output
umder the allotment to tho Central Railroad
of New Jersey it stated at but iJ per cent of
the total output. This was much less than
the compauy's capacity. Tho total, produc
tion for the year, 17,005,202 tons, was nbout
two-thirds of tho total capacity of all the
mines for eight months full work aud four
mouths' halftimojtay ten full months. The
company had five breakers working nnd
threo idle, and the allotment gave about
two thirds work for the five breakers. If
the consumption should incrcaso to 28,000,
000 per annum, tho fivo breakers could still
furnish tho quota as allotcd in 1878, and a
continuation of that projiortionate allotment
would require tho abandonment jicrmancnt
ly of threo operations. Tho other shipiiers
are in nbout the samo position. The tym
pany always claimed certain advantages for
tho coal tributary to its line. Tho hard
while ush Lehigh is always in great demand
during the active season, and tha company
ias never been ablo to to meet tho wants of
its customers even at prices considerably
higher tliau those of thrco-fourl'is of the
anthracite product. Tho coals sent by this
lino from the other Lehigh regions aro very
iiopular, and command ready salo at iut
little lower prices than tho company's own
product, nnd the Wilkosbarro coal ranks
witli the best from tho Wyoming region.
The view of tho report is that tho abandon
ment of tho combination will be for the
company's benefit, and it proposes to ayail
of every advantage given by its position.
The combination is described as having ope
rated injuriously on the Lehigh Canal, which
during 1878 had $99,327 profits. Hbusiness
is unrestricted this year a largo increase or
tonnago is anticipated, with hotter financial
icsults. Tho report mentions that at the
annual meeting tho modification of tho lease
of tho Delaware Division Canal, already
referred to, will bo presented to tho stock
holders, aud recommends its ratifica
tion. This modification, already agreed to
by tho Canal Company, is expected to save
tho Lehigh Navigation Company about
$70,000 annually. It reduces tho rent from
8 percent to-J per cent dividends on tho
Canal Comjiauy's stoc,k,aiid provides fo ex
changing the latter stock for Lehigh Navi
gation stock. It also extendsfortwenty years
from July 1, 1878, tho time for paying the
principal of tho $800,000 bonded debt of the
dual. It further provides that tho rent due
this ycaranil In February, 1S80, may be paid
in scrip, and that thereafter until February,
1881, half scrip and half cash, Tho present
year, the rcxrt states, opened with a small
stock of coal on hand and a good demand for
Lehigh uals, and says that for tho first time
in many years tho company derived a profit
from its coal business in January, and ex
jiects equally good results iu February,
whilst tho railroad earnings have been larger
than usual. Tho company has fivecollierics
iu operation, with a productivo opacity of
3000 toas a day, and it has nodoubt this can
all bo sold ut lairly remunerative prices.
Tho Lehigh ojierators aro described as all
increasing their shipment of coal. The re-
iiort confidently anticipates a much larger
shipment botli by railway and canal thi
year, aud that tho sujierior quality of the
Lehigh coals nud tho company's other ad
vantugas will give it a larger share of the
year's coal market than hcretolore,aud with
more satisfactory financial results.
Donation lortj-
It is pleasant to bo fooled at a certain
timo say, about once a year or so by our
friends, by whoso folly hearts are made glad
On tho c'cuing of February 3d, Rev. J. E
Freeman, jiastor of tho Reformed church,
Weissjiort, was imperatively sommoncd to
North Weissport. During his absence, u
number of his friends from North Weissport
joined by others at Weissjiort, congreguted
at Ins residence, completely filling it. The
nocturnal invaders numbered some seventy
or uioic. When tho good pastor returned
he uuud it difficult to gain admittance.
Knowing his fouduess aliku for "loiig sau
sauges and short sermons," the surpriscrs
did not forget, in bringing with them a
goodly supply of the former, to remind him
of their own deep admiration of the latter.
In additiou they had brought with them a
bountiful quantity of other kinds of house
hold necessities, to make glad and thankful
the hearts of tho faithful jiastor and his
family, thus making the little evening sur
prise one not soon to bo forgotten. Ono of
the lady visitors remarked : "Now we have
proven that we are not of thoso who thank
tho Lord that we havo been church mem
bers for ten, fifteen, twenty or even forty
years and it has not cost us a penny." The
evening's visit was very pleasantly spcut in
social converse.
Golden ITcddlu j at Sliamoltla.
On Tuesday Mr Joseph Snyder oud wife
celebrated their golden wedding at their
residence iu Springfield, a suburb or Sha.
mnkin. At 8 o'clock iu tho morning the
aged couple were brought to St. Edward's
Catholic church in a carriage by Mr. John
Schabo, pioprictor of tho Shamokiu Hotel,
where muss was held in the presence of a
large congregation. Rev. Father Koch,
officiating. From the church tlie newly
wedded and friends rca!rcd to the homo of
tho " bride and groom," where congratula
tions were showered upon the aged couple
throuirhout the day and cveniuc. About
ono hundred ami fifty persons partook of
ninner, wiiien is spoKen pi as bcine; very
fine indeed. On the lllh day of February,
1829, Joseph Snyder nnd Margaret Kyan
were married iu the town or Leive, district
or Trier, Germany. They are the iarents
of thirteen children, seven of whom are liv
ing. They came to this country nbout the
year 1872. Mr.Snydcrisnowaged 7 7. years
and Mrs. Bayilcr 71 years. In rellirioii
they are German Cuthofioj and they I Live
always been prompt in their religious du
ties. Thev are hale, active and hearty nnd
Ibid fair to live many years yet. Friend
were present ii iim.Minersviiie.Asniand, roils
ville, Tuuiaqua, and other distant points.
The presents received were prineiully gold
coin, amounting to n handsome sum iu all.
Some half dozen itersons were nrencnl ou
Tuesday who were iiresent at lliuir first
wedding fifty years otto, nmonc them we are
only able to mention Mr. John Kohl, of
Hits plan.
Xlic Mnnufncturo ol Clffnri.
In our Industrial articles, for tho past few
weeks, we hnya dealt with the mora solid
and substantial enterprises which, It) past
years, havo been started in this vicinity and
havo been crowned with success. But, jt
has been truly said that "variety is thesplpe
of life," and so this week wo prse to treat
our readers to a gllmpo nt an Industry that
has, with one exception, been lha worst
abused nnd tho best patronized ol any that
Amcrioan civilization las called into exis
tence tho converting of tobacco into cigars.
Thero aro thoso In every community who
sco 111 tho
Sublime tobnecol which from east In west,
Cheers the tar's labor or tho Turkman's rest,
Only a continual evil, nnd no doubt bcliovo
that every puifof tobacco smoko that rises
from the lijisof tho contented smoker tickles,
in the most agreeable manner, tho olfactories
of his Satanic Majesty. Wo do not purpose
to combat this theory, booauso we have no
positive knowledge of his Satanic Majesty's
views on this or any other subject, and are
not over anxious to form his acquaintance
for tho purpose of interviewing him. But,
suffice, it to say, that a recent American
writer has dared to proclaim that "History
shows all of our best Presidents were cigar
smokers; therefore ifyou would be success
ful in entering the White House, provide
yourself with a box of the 'General Grant
cigar." It is a well known fact that what
ever part smoking might have played in
putting General Grant in the Presdantlal
Chair, it certainly took a great deal of pull
ing to smoke him out of it. Again, Lord
Byron wrote' of tho "weed :"
Divine iu hookas, glorious in a pipe,
When tipp'd with amber, mellow, rich and
Llko other charmers, wooing tho caress
More datzlinz when dariuz iu full dress t
Yet thy true lovers more admire by far
xny naKcu ucauues uivo me a cigar i
Tho tastes and inclinations, then, of the
multitude iu every thickly settled commu
nity lias created the demand for the cigar
maker, and the number engaged in this in
dustry in tho United States is thousands.
About three years ago, two enterprising
young gentlemen from Allcntown, coneeivcii
of a plan to start a cigar manufactory la
this borough. They were both practical
cigar makers, and therefore run HtUe risk
in tho establishment of tho enterprise; for,
procuring a good stand on Bank street,
nearly opposite the Exchange Hotel, they
opened a neat retail tobacconist's store. If
they had not succeded In extending their
trade outside, they could not fail to make a
living by patient Industry and economy.
But from the start their enterprise was a
success. They adopted that safest of all
mottoes in business "Honesty is tho best
policy." The goods they mado contained
exactly tho kind of stock represented, and
that the best that could bo had for tho
money. Whenever they succeeded in get
ting a customer they kept him. Their ci
gars recommended themselves. They be
gan a system of judicious advertising; their
business gradually extended; they soon
found It necessary to engage additonnl help,
until at the present timo they have six em
ployees nt work daily, who aro capablo of
turning out about 10,000 cigars per week.
What would seem a singular fact, Koch
Bros, have sent out no drummers or agents
to solicit patronage, yet their wholesale
trado extonds into New York aud Now Jer
sey. What they most need atthepresant
time is more room in the manufacturing
departmental problem which (hey aro study
ing to 6olvc.
The brands, under which cigars arc sold
llko bonnets, pin-backs aud shoes, havo n
fashionable run, as it were, and then the
cigar maker finds it necessary to change tho
sliajio of his cigar a litte, put a iiH'erent
pattern on the boxes, nud they aro sent to
tho retailer as "something new." Of course
smokers understand this, but enjoy the
novelty, just tho same as tho young lady
docs her last spring bonnet bcing.trimmcd
over into tho fall style. Tho brands which
Koch Bros, aro now running are "Our Bull
Dozers," "Royal Seal" nnd "Our Own." In
each of these brands a different combination
of stock is used, giving ash a distinct
WcnllierUs' Item.
The Oak Hall Association has added n
new window and oilier needed Improve
ments to their storeroom during the week.
Some of our idle mechanics havo se
cured employment nt tho llnzleton shops.
George Kline, M. Wendllng, C. W. Nuss,
ana Thos. Dunn arc some of the fortunate
D, Shepp Si Co. aro negotiating for a
tract of timber land near Itockport. In
tracing out tho lines they accidentally dis
covered that some enterprising Individual
hail made lot of railroad ties, soma of which
had been recently removed.
Notwithstanding three other candidates
for tho offico of Assessor and regular nomi
nees, M. G. Kromer, tho old Democratic
war Horse, again walked oil with tlio Honors
running iudeieiideut, at that.
Jacob Eberts, of Laurytow, tells us he
will soon start lor Kansas, Villi a view of se
lecting better farming ground. Scccess to
-From pre. out indlcalion.tvearenre up
on the eve of a general SUelKMlBioU of Coal-
iimiimijj auu snipping, t uujiu tuy jtruuic
tious will prove incorrect.
It is wonderful to nolo tho sudden de
cline in the price or eggs. Not over three
days ago, eggs sold ut 30 cuts icr dozen
now they sell slowly at 20 cents.
Iu the opinion of our butchers, it is
worth 7 to 8 cents per pound to cut up beef.
They buy at G to 7 cts. aud sell at 12 to 14 cts
lr liund 100 per cent, profit. Cheaper
to eat eggs at 20 cents. Rockaway.
JUIr Oxcrli Itcrati.
Tho Protracted meeting in the Salt's
church closed on Sunday evening last, and
a number 01 new converts wcro admitted to
membership ou probation.
Mr. Benjamin Shoenbcrger has returned
home from Goldsborough, Lackawanna y.,
where ho had been helping to stock a mill
with logs.
A spelling school was held last (Friday;
evening, by Benjamin Peters, at Pino Run.
Addresses were mado by W. E. Kemcrcr
and C. A. Buck, Esqs.
Mr. F. Ilehrens, or Bear Creek, was at
this place over Sunday, the guett of Thos.
Solt, Esq. In the evening he attended set
vices at the Evangelical church.
The Legislature adjourned on Friday of
last weeje 10 Wednesday 01 tins wcck, in
order to allow tho members an opportunity
to lartiejpate in the spring elections.
Rev. J. L. Werner, of rarryville, de
livered Ids farewell sermon in tho Bolt's
church, on Sunday evening. The church
was crowded.
The East Pcnnsslvania Conference of
the Lvangelical Association, will meet
in Allcntown 011 tha 20th instant. We sin
cerely hoiio that IheConference will send us
Brother Werner agsiu, who iu his ministe
rial labors, has so an-eptibly and ably tervd
us during the ps.t two years. Should itdo
cido otherwise, we shall part with deen re.
gret, but with many wishes for his success
mm iiujijiiucss iu ills new ueiu 01 lauur.
The snow or Monday nlcht considera
bly improved the sleighing.
Three sets of tickets, amounting in the
aggregate to 1300, were printed at tho Auvn
catk office this year for Fra ikliu township,
eaeli containing seven candidates for tlio
office of Suervisor and the same number
Tor Overseer of the Poor the whole ticket
coiitaing 37 names, where only twelve were
needed. It followed, therefore, that 25 as
pirants were disajqioiuted.
Common wine. For all eases ol Coughs,
Colls, Soar Throat, etc., uso Dr. Ball's
Ceiiyh F; nip.
Itcdiiclnu' C'onl Freight.
It Is rumored that Judge Packer and the
managers of the Lehigh Valley Railroad are
contemplating a sweeping reduction in the
fricglit rates on coal, to tnko effect on or '
nlinlit llin flrit. nt Anrtl. In flirt fant nrilial
tri-polorcd, liydra-hoaded combinations that
poison from every sourco the currents of tho
coal-trade, it l not easy for even tlio wisest
heads to forcsco what is tho best course to
pursue, as a matter of protection, nt tho
fountain head of this Industry. Thero nro
Various and conflicting Interests to ho subt
served, and there will always bo as many
opiptons, clashing With caph other, ns there
arcliidlyidual interests to be Injured or bene
fitted. Up to tl;ls timo it has been ossjblo
to monopolize anthracite coal mining, be
cause tlio mines are bound up iu mountain
rayincs nud are therefore hard of access;
but the finding of coal iu divers localities,
coupled with tho progressive spirit of tl)0 jco
pie, ha ye rendered it almost iuqwssiblo to
hold the hand of monojioly over it any
longer. It has therefore become almost a
necessity for tho Lehigh Valley interests to
make somo progressive tiioyo In self-defense.
A reduction of carrrying rales would iu
yojro a corresponding reduction iu the prico
of coal to the consumer. But there Is a class
of reasoners in this valley who argue that
the higher It hat tho price of coal cau be
mado In tlio market, the greater tlio prosper
ity of the trade, nnd that if tho ojierators,
miners and carriers, identical iu interests,
would flrm)y combine, aud make the prico
$5 at tide-water, it would usher in the "bet
ter time coining," and shed a halo of pros
Jierity over tho now gloomy coal fields.
This is n narrow and dangorous viejv of the
matter, and calls to mind the man who at
tempted to raise himself up by his own boot
straps. Tho argument assumes that as
much coal would bo purchased and consumed
at $5 as at $2.5r, which Ib a false hypothesis,
ir an unnatural high prico is demanded for
any necessity it distresses tho consumer nnd
this, sooner or later, rebounds ujkhi the pro
ducer by curtailing tho demnnd,. IT the
price of coal was now forced to $5, it would
benefit u few operators nud miners; would
throw thousands of minors and carriers and
others engaged iu iron-working and in man
ufacturing, all over the country, out uf cm
ployment,and bringdistress to every consum
er or coal,oveu to tho poor man who uses it tu
warm his (tenement aud cook his meals. It
is, indeed, the opinion or many that if oil
the cliques and combinations in the anthra
cite coal regions could be hopelessly broken
up, and our carrying companies, opporatcd
upon .a tfore economical basis, would take
the products of tho mines to market at the
lowest possible figures, now life would bo
iufused into coal mining ami selling, and
play an important part in lifting the gloom
that euvclopes nearly all our industries.
Coal having become a necessity, like every
other necessity, should become subject to the
law of supply aud demand. This change
would put thousands of now idle aud hun
gry people to work, and no grcator blessing
can be thought of in each community than
that which will assist iu putting the unem
ployed to earning their daily bread.
Itlnucli Chunk Kutca.
Bonouoii Election'. Tlio borough clcc-
tion,bo it said to the everlasting credit of the
editor of tho Coal Gazette, was a complete
victory. Tlio Deinocmts.through a masterly
stroke of political strategy by Air. Boyle, at
the eleventh hour, tvaro completely annihil
ated, and tho Democratic party leaders feel
very much as the old lady did when sho
was inlorined that the "cow had eat up the
grindstone," and they do not find much sol
ace, as they glance over the results of the
elections, as tlUeyjiro brought in from tlio
difierfcut boroughs und townships through
out ihecouuly. The Republicans, in every
direction, seemed to have mado the 18th a
sort of -'ground hog day." I saw a forlorn
looking individual standing at Packer's
Corner, early Thursday morning. A glance
at his physiognomy showed plainly that he
was a Democrat. Ho was waiting to sco a
friend from Towamcusiiig. I saw him an
hour after, iu front of tlio Prothonolary's
office. "Hah, hah, he, eh, he-e-ol We
suailed 'cm iu Towameniing, by jingo 1" I
heard him eayiag to himself, as ha bolted for
Arnihruster's oyster house.
Minor Tories. Capt. U. E. Scharlz has
been suffering during tho week with a se
vere cold and high fever. In somo cases,
he has been unable to attend to his official
Thomas A. Williams left here 011 Thurs
day morning for New York city, at which
oiutiio will tabs a steamer for Florida.
Ho contemplates locating at Arroudado,
Alachua county. If he finds matters to his
liking, ho will isiniediatclreniovo his fam
ily there. Tom carries to his new tropical
home the best wishes of a largo circlo of
mends here.
'Tap" Painter, though still compelled to
uso a crutch, is out attending to his mani
fold duties; ho was re-elected as Constable
on Tuesday.
Tho Athcnajum, on Thursdoy evening,
will hold a iiioeUng nt the residence of Dr.
Leonard. Tlio services, literary and musi
cal, will be seasonably appropriate nil tlio
exercises havingreferenee to Washington,
the "father of bis country." J. A. Remind
will tell tho story of tho "Little Hatchet,"
J. S. Loosn will read an essay ou" H'ashing
ton as a Statesman," and Miss Annla Hart
mau will discourse 011 tho incidents of his
youthful days; T. F. Salkeld will pre
sent him as a military hero. A poem by
Charles S. Butler and musical selection by
Miss Carrie Brown mako up tho remainder
of tho exercises.
Edith Mcridith, the distinguished elocu
tionist and dramatic reader, gave an en
tertainment In the Court House ou Thurs
day evening.
Mr. Louis Armbru5ter,who has been con
fined to his bed with rheumatism, for some
time past, is again on his feet.
Election day was barrcs of startling inci
dent.'. Rescue Hook and Ladder Company gave
n ball at the American House on Wednes
day evening.
At a meeting of Phrenix Cornet Band, on
Wednesday evening, called by W. II. Beers,
president of the organization, it was unani
mously resolved to re-engage Prof. Dlttcr
hue as teacher and leader for tho ensuing
year. The band has made rapid progress
under his leadership and system of instruc
tion. Klnhoiihiff TtvlnklliiBHs
Last Tuesday was election day.
Sleighing is again good in our valley.
Last Tuesday was a good day for fox
A. S. Miller and Tilgh. M. Balliet were
on a visit to Lehighton last Saturday,
J. M. Kistler intends going West after
his school closes.
I notice that Frank Montz, of West
Penn, is a frequent visitor to our valley.
Andrew Balliet and his faithful dog
killed four skuuks last Tuesday,
George Horn was confined to tho house
the foni urt of the week, but is now able to
bo around again.
Lowis Rex will leave for Wentherly in
a few weeks, nt which place he has scoured
work for the summer.
Milt Lizzie Kistler is visiting friends in
West Penn. I hojw sho will have a plens
aultime. lt:r C 1. rd.
liorotiglt ttitd Towiihlilit selections,
Tlio borough nnd township elections on
Tueday, passed olf quietly, apd except iu a
few individual cases, without any special
contest. Thero was very little partisan spir
it, lu any enso aroused. Evciythlng clso
being equal, fitness, etc., a charitable spirit
predominated among the voters. Offices to
which there were perquisites attached, in
most cases, wcro nyarded to men who would
bo most benefitted by them. The people of
Franklin, seeing tlio beneficial working of
tlio "Homo for the l'oor," established In Lo
hlghlon nbout two years ago, very wisely
on Tuesday, voted, by a laigo majority, to
establish n similar Institution fur that town
ship. In this portion of tlc county, the re
sults wcro ao follows 1
l.cnrouiON llonouoii -Jutlee ot tlio reaco
Thomas 8. Hock l!nrj:es-ll. J, Uuntjt Cuun,
rllinaii Wm. Millet; Constable Jotepli H.
Webbi Brliool Dlroctorn Daniel (linver, )
yean. I) intol Olcwtne. 3 ynrr. A Ilattbvlomcw.
I year; OrerMrcia of tlie Toir Wenasll
Bnnrlsand Feter Helm; Judcecf l.lrctlons
Z. 11. Ixtigf Inspectors of lS'ccllnns-Orrcn
llelirlir, W If. Monlthrrpt Asessor-T. T).
CUiinsi Anil-trint Assiswr it. llelunan anil
Charles Gieiiwaldt Auditor W W, Bow
man. The largest ugarrgxto vote cast was JStl,
WmssronT lioitouail-Constoblc C, Ji. Sic,
rinnlell School Dlieitors Joseph Feist, Vi.
II. Miner. Chn.. llnyeri CMincllinoii Clmrlos
W.l.enti and John Amen In ycctors ot KUo
lions U, U. Xusbanm und Alfred W hitting,
ham 1 Overseers of the l'oor-Urbln Hover und
A. J. uutpt Assessor Henry Foyer t Apriltor
John O. licit jr. Tho laixcst angicgato veto
cast was 75.
W.C. Wlcssi Constable H. C. Levau 1 JuiIro
of Elections Jseob Ilegc! 1 J.Dspcc!ore ol tt ec
tton-LcTl Ilom and UeorKO lZnzlcin Supnrvt
soi's-Jtihn Khwup 11c J Daniel liiumt Uver
soers ui tlie loor John hctiwub nud llniiul
Kruuii bchoot Directors Jscub SJtiQup nnd
Ho onion Wales: 1 A sses-or J. K. Iticlieri
Ail iter stiflim So:t. Toe towustilp voted (or
a "Homo for the Voor." Tho largest ugirregute I
vote fras 8JC
I'ABBrviLiK Bococou. Eurcoss-Jacoi) re
tcisi Cotincllnien Evan Ooruiau, Wm. l:lo-o.
llcunli ll.iumaii, Harusou Weill 1 J. ,. sillier,
Win. Klnkci 1 l-ctiool Din cto.'s-i. harlci Jiel
ford, A. K. fjuyilyi Justlco 0MI10 l'e..ce-Don.
ms liaunitai Constat! 0 -D. Snyderi Oreisccrs
ot tho roor Chas. ItailUi tz Stephen hi yuci 1
Assessor J. M I'ctcis j Assistant Ascsors
tvui. U. Anthony. II. 1' 'leteri Aumtois J 1'.
Jtewland I year J. L. Miller, 3 jcsrsi.Juiigo
ot Klectlons Daniel lleltz Inspectors of Klc
lions II. P.. Xeter, 1'. 1". Bo,cr. Tho largest
vote cist water.
Maucu, .chum: Corouoii. Asses?cr-E. O.
Itemmel! AudM K. r. LucLcubccft; Coun
cil Thus. It. icuin: Scbio. DliectorVm. C.
Morns, J i; Coustablo-Julu; lumii-r: Judce of
Ulccttuns luliu Brelttoidt Inspector of eke
tltns Thus. 11. llcoii; ncptttor Assessor It.
W. Tobias, slco.nd Wacd Councilman
Henry Lubien : School Director D. Mcl.oau 1
Cuustiblo-Tas. Walker j Jticlco of tttectious
llvrou W Taoy 1 Inspector of Elections cuas.
Noicoi Assossor-C. D. L'ncs
Maiiomxo Township. Constable Ed. is.
Krurai Mipcrvii,is 2athan Liliii andllanl.
sou .Miller: Ovirsecrs of l'io l'uor l li no
Leuiz. Nntuan I'.auns bchool Dliettnrs
J, I'.Ooin'jeit, Nation! Uo lusii 111 nrd Jacob
Frontal Judgoot Kiect:ona-J a. Mlllcri In
spectors of ! lections D. 1. Mostcr iinojohu
Freymauj Assessor-Win. Ilom; Auditor J.
Schlogol : School Dlr tetoys J. It. Ilcers, An.
drew Klliottt Judie of Eloctious Ooo. Dolou j
Inspectors Lui-e Bojlau, T. &!. Weaver) Hee-Asses-Mir
W. J. Peters.
Towamrnsixo Lonstublo-BenJ. Green) Su
pervisor Paul Bock. Jihu UcMiardt Uver.
secisof Foor J. fcmlth, D. ouikln; rhot
Dliectois 11 Ecklmit. Wm. tiliooiibeigar -, As.
tea-tor J. C. liter 1 Judje of Klectiuns J. II.
Velssj luspooiors 2f. buiitu, A. Kucbnt-ri
Auditor W. O. Blown.
Lows a TowAiia.NsiNO. Constable John
Strohl Hupervltors Atlaru Kuuklo, Jr., Duvla
Kllnedupt Oxrseere ol the l'oor Niclio us
Krill, Adaai Kunklc, br.: racoi Directors
Jdo. Cralfr, Eramuel Oeorirat Assessor Wush
ingtou uuj'deri Assl.tunt Assessors Levi
Jlailcroan, .?lcuolos Georire; Auditor Aiiaio
Iti-lirkuaui; Juogo of Election JotuQlecDSf.
IiippoetorH Hi uri Belts Harrison Andrew.
14AKT Fess. - Jude ol ElicUaji-T.inhujan
Ai.oieasi luspectoih Clias.O. HehrU. J. II. Al
orlKUti fccliool Directors DavM Dol.oug, 0 o
Alauier: Uveisecrs &f Foor lijutiou Uiltor.
Tl'omaaflume. 1 Supirvlsoi Gliicou Kostier,
Levi to,aerwa!tj Assessor Itcubeu Heff- As
sistant AS'es-nrs--D. H.Straup, Hoi lyfcchul z'
Audi'or Jostali Audio-is; Coustable Iiaiau din
1 e.-, Jr.
Sudden Dcutlu
Allcntown Democrat : On Monday fore
noon our jicoplo weic shocked to htar of the
sudden death of Mr. Mifllin Hannum, one
of tlio beet-known citizens of Allcntown, and
whoso unexpected demise, iniprctecd most
forcibly upon tho minds ofalltho uuceiUln
ty of life and the mortality of humanity.
Hu at about 10 o'clock visited tho post-oflieo
and several othor places, aud reaching his
homo soon after complained of being ill.
Seating himself in a chair in his sitting
room, ho there soon after expired, of hcait
disease. Thus suddenly and unexpectedly
lo luwe who but a short timo before had
seen him ou our streets, tlie
vigor of perfect health, passed from eart a
man who occupied an affectionate place lor
many years in the hearts of his fellow-men.
He was bom In Luiernocounty in 161S,and
came to Allcntown in 1817, and resided
in Allcntown ever slnco with tlio exception
of nn interval of seven years, when he was
located at Wllkosbarrc He was known
among his friends as an honcrublo man, and
nlwuysheld thocontdenceof the people, not
only of this city, but of tho entire county.
As a man ho was conscientious and upright,
and although ossessed of nn nmiablo and
compassiounto disposition, he was neverthe
less firm and Indexible, in his purpose of
what ho conceived to be just and proiier.
He was practical printer by tr.ide,'and us
such came lo Allcntown, and with his long
time friend, James ItalTerty (long sines de
ceased,) bought out tlio office of tho Lehigh
Bulletin, changed tho titlo to Allentown
Democrat, and then forasericsof years, with
his oo-partner, conducted tho paper very
successfully. Later Mr. Ilafierty retired,
and Mr. Hannum continued the paper alone.
Later on the deceased bought out the Lu
icrnc Union, at Wilkoebarre, which ho con
ducted until 1 SCO, when ho again sold out
and witli his family returned to Allentown, J
At tho time of his deatli he was In his Cist
year. Ho leaves a wife and two children
a sou and a daughter the latter tho wife ol
Mr. Kdgar Shinier, of Jamaica, New York,
and tho former a midshipman ju the U. S.
Ilrltors from Itenvcr .tlcmloiv.
Klection tlsy passed off qnielly, con.
sideriug tho anxiety aud cxuiteuieut of the
many candidates.
Tho lato fall of snow has mado sleigh.
ing very good.
Little Stephen, son of of Xothan Van.
IIorn,dlod yesterday, after u long audio
vere sickness.
l)r J. n. Longshore left for Pliiladcl
"nl .t"
The mines oft!. F. Bhoener arc
tvnrbA.1 v,,rv lillln Rit Tip IIiIm tnnnfli
In? times very hard for many families in I
this neighborhood, osiieclally for those who
nut e nuiiuug eisu to ueieuti on-
Our lcadini: iwlitielans are nrincimllv
new hands at the husiuoss this eleotion, and
wo think they doserve great credit for lhr
It is very evident that peoido somo.
times get tired tvith tholr Qtvn rula. Ho
clearer case is wanted to nruvo ll,nns..rii,a,
.su it.uiijr VAttlStSS glVtfll Oy SOlilO Ui
Iheoitiseusin 1'aeker tnwnshin. who have
never voted auythiua hut tho Deinocratio
tlkt before iu thair live, yet this time
wWOBladtorwi,hth8lW1tubliu,fl,r. " " " '" m I ttLWVm&Xi
U-hau, aud bv so aing elswlwl tho Uepub. t'l"i- 4u .(.. Win u, I'rk. ft ,! v ,",
liouu uekM. Suofa a thins was uevorkuotru ery Ite.pectfully, , baUia lor tVMt if-r Wurui w. ia u
lufor.lulM.Ur. VilWBLIK li OotVEN TUrkZ
Tho eleotion iu Banks resulted in the ! 1 .Wrlit. i-dta In K. V Vl ;hi.l.i,iN ( , ,
!-e,f-.. .f ah tr r,Mln.i..l..r -(....xu Tic ixj-o-uro of the cluing of tho iu! T', fl"., ., " " ' J
backers fine) pemncrnls, but the Republicans
nro uguln' creeping up to their old num
bers. It is vey evident from tho present
prospect, Hint tlie' day Is lint fur distant
when tlio balance of power will be moie
, ...1.1 to.. 1 i.
even 11 tuniteiii), iiintier. e iiutu in iim-
...11 r.. i .i,.. 11... ii... i..i,,-.
of this township was iiin?t honestly conduct
ed when the various ollicei i were filled by
equal numbers of Democrats and Hepubli.
enns. All'l if tLe iieople would olilv look
to their ovfn interest, nnd vole for tlie best
men Instead or adhorilie; so closely to Itir -
tv, wo would yciywoS cfilct tlio much
needed reform.
The pijiesol'n grent number of our dls-
appointed politicians nro tillvrly extin -
guished. how, brother politician, you
know something by this Uuio nbout ihe
anxieties of being a candidal) for office.
Wo would udviso you to lay back now n
while, nnd 1,-t .. ntheis 1.-C- their hnud nt
tho wheel 1 beeauso It is very hard oil Ihe
constitution, especially 1
to bo defeated tou often.
l eu. IU,
TMU IWlCins r VMlOlt.
Philadelphia and Heading Cual and Iron
Company, Ociieml Oj!ice,Z2i South Fourth
St., Hiluddphia, JUruaiy 13, 16711.
JJ. 11. U'liltlng, F-sq. Hear Sir. At n
ineutlnir nf a I'ecri't nssiiclatlni) known
as tho Kuluhts of Labor, held nt l'olts
vllle on January 14, lnl, u committee
eonsUtlnc of Junies Mason, n tuhac, nf SliLMinniloali, II K Diffciuli-r
fer, n dentist, of l'ottsvllle. nnd T. V.
Hputr, 11 wheelwright, ol NJnlianny City,
tveie itppnlntt'd toeoniniunlcntu wllh me
through tlm prest alleging oeitaln nilev
niictM which workliiKuien vpret!inluriii!
iimler our employ, nnd In pcrsnance of
this nppolutuielit tho f .till committee
piiblMuil niinnj niously n botlcc of an
Intended strike at 0111 collleiles on the
10th of February iu cute tlio wages Tor
the prevluus mouth 11 ;e nut paid by tho
15th lust.
It Is difficult In ennrflivu what the
three gentlemen named have to do witli
llje BUbJect. They certainly Iirvh no
connection with otu company. We aie
nut In any manner Indebted to toy of
them either for tobacco, teeth, or wheel-
Blight work, and theiecan be nodoubt
whatever that even If their on private
nvoct,r do no, teijuire .heir oin per-
ponal attention, It wo Hd bo better for
their families nnd friends that they
should avoid tho risks of llio conviction
and puuulshment for conspiracy which
mutt always nttend their efforts to its
bUtno the niaiiaiif inetit uf our utlalr.s.
A full examination of tin names and
occupations f llio various delegates
who atteuduj the meeting 011 tho 14th
ultimo, will show that hut it minority
uf those present li.tve any connection
tvith our company, Tho follovtiug is
the list of the mime or number of Lodge
or Local Assembly and the unities ut
lleto was given the tintucs of dele
gate!, and the location gf lodges, etc
Ut the nbove but thirteen out ot Ihe
entire Ihlity-six are lu our employment
and from all the Ijiloriuatlou lean gath
er, 1 11111 loiced to tlio conclusion that
the movement does not lu any manner
originate with our nun, but has been
gotten up in tho .interest of other icgluns
vith rt-vlew ot keeping Scliuylkillcuuu
ly in idleness and toiclug tt to beat tlie
buideii of such a restitution of piodus
Hon as will enable other coal Ileitis to
Kecure a good niaiket nud keep their
men employed while wo ate idle.
Icnuuut believe Unit any ot our nun
would willingly lend themselves lohiich
a scheme, nud It might perhaps be ns
well lor us to take no notice ot tho mat
ter under the belief that It is not possi
ble that we can iu any manner be affect
ed liy It, but a sense of duty lo the great
majority ofthoso wlioArelu our employ
met 1 1 and who have some right tu look
to us for assistance and advice has in
duced me to write you tills letter tor
publication and tu call the attention of
such men to the danger which umy re
sult from blindly following la any sec
ret at.sociaoil the lead ot demagogues
and ngltators who nru bent upun nils,
chief. Already some twelve or four,
teen persons all of whom' are member
ot the Knights of Labor, have banded
themselves together to burn breakers
and commit depiedatloiig upon the pro.
peity of Die company wlieneier tl e
pioposed stilke, ordeJcd by tljehr nso.
elation, commences. This body of men,
known among theiti-clve.i ns MuMully'a
gang, have been meeting nt the Inm-e
uf John MtUuire, at the l'h'.lailelphl.t
Coal Company's Xu UColllciy, nud is
composed of the following, viz: Pat'
rlek McN'ulty, John AlcUuire, James
Delnney, David i'cx, Jack Urown, I'.it.
rick Ft) 1111, Edwaid Hughes, John Ha
ley, James Quiun. Thomas Meruit,
Peter unlluglier, JeieuiUili Howard,
Patrick Maul;. One of llrco men.
called Jack lirown, lias but recently
come tu Schuylkill cuuiity,lini Luzerne
nud ts believed to be an eml.-Miry Iruui
the latter regiou tu Incite disturbances
In our district.
Of courailt would be an easy tiling to
iirrefat all or tlieie iiiuu and punish
them for the conspiracy, but it will be
Impossible for tlitiu ever to make any
movement toward carrying their threats
Into c licet without it being known In
time tor pretention, Unlike the old
order of "Mnlliu Magulten"thu present
association Is entirely too large and
compiled i,f too tncongi uous eicuient.-.
ever to do much uiUdiief, mid I have
but little oubt that the great uiajoilty
or Diembcru are really at heart good,
welt meaning im-11, who follow the
leaders without knowing how easily
they may itc led into error, aud ns an
evidence that the great majority uf the
men are leally good citizens and sensi
ble persons, it may be stated that on
Saturday last, at a meeting ufthu Dist
rict Assembly, held at Ftackvllle.tvhem
inch delegate cast a number uf votes
equal lo the mnubers whom ho ii-ptc-seuted,
a motion to strike for tlie S'i (it)
basis was defeated by a mite or SU27 to
S33, and the nctlon or the I'ottsvillu
meeting tu Hop work ou .the 10th of
the month In case the pay was not com
pleted by the 13th, was reconsidered,
nnd It was determined totaku no ac
tioi until the 20th. by which timo it wn
tvelt known thnt nil the wages would
have been paid. It might, therefore,
be entirely safe tor us to Ignino the
whole matter under Hits belief Hint 110
injury cau result to us from it. Wo
certainly do not claim Mio right to In
terfere In any maimer with our incti
olulng any society they think fit to tie
come members of, but If any secret fo-1
clity makes a direct attack upon us,
we must i re ne lo :avt niiyiii iig tu uo
. .. 4 . ..
Willi us nit'inners, nua uierrloro it any .
niii'iiipi blioultl hu iniulu nl i n y ur our
ciilllerit'i, either on tho MfU'entli in
twentieth of the month, to carry Into
etfect the t Incut ot the I'ottstillu inei't
I ii iT . you will at onco dismiss from the
employment of tlio company all iiitun.
bars ol the Kuif-lits of l.nUor who may
take pait In it. Vou will find encliiseil
can flllly prepared lists ut thu lUemburs i
nf the order In the .Ihtrlots .. ,
tllO CUUIllV. aild ttltlllll U few ll-ea I
,llforwrrdy..U copie8 of o-.'-ior list. I
wi'lcll will complete, the mmhertlllli lu
t ' . I
- rut " '.'no opportunity Is of
fereu jou, yi-a will make uso of It to
get rid of i irouhlesonie men and nil I
a.!iiai.,rs. tvuii kipuiiv tvnrir. r,t r vji. .
I" -a ami iinvm.-iitu vnn si,, ml, I It.
i.t-s ami casn payments jou Minultt Ut
ah'e to make a seivctlun from thu vtrt
best DWD lu Ihe entire CQ-.l rettlo. aid
in KHriitH Hih (rv.pH4 nf litiliisstrliiiM ,
rrspectahle and Hod fearlm: met., who
i ulll !.-! (tint 1 1 i.-l r uuirru m l,l,.ntiHu,l '
always Uo clad tu reciprocate the feel- .
(tigs vf frlfiidshlp and no.l will vtltl.lSiiJSi
Knlghh of Labor In Schuvlklll county
and especially that portion of them
known ns McXnlly'it pang nt Shenan
doah City, whom It 1m shIiI thr niein'il
, . I.,-, .. .. ...I i.ii
I Iiiaiit!ttt1u u ap'IM'IiiI slrlli&in
roul rtglui s unli'M tlio miners urn nil
, lll)r(, ,,,nHrVl paitlouUl by the)
, , ' , '
, llillnilt-Iphlu nil I Heading t onl nmUriili
CoiilpilliV, hat caused area L'xt-lti-inr lit
. ,,, , ,1 . , . , .,
omo,,K ,,:u '"ll.lirf who belong ti, tin,
. iirKnnljwt'nti In different pnrtu of tint
country. Slncu thu publication the ati-n
Mtt ul0 ..,,, Imvo stiiiidtt'ouiiil ill
1 ' ...
1 irrouiis d'ncussln tlie situation nud
I kwciuIiik Vi'iiiieniice nil tlmiino wnn cave
,.,.. J. ,. ,, ,, . ,r,
Mr' (j,,"L'n tl") Information. Threat
nro inadtf (hat If the miut-Hler in I ho
j be ordered. In mint) of lint dUtrleU
(lllf Catholic pllust lust Sunday dr-
,im,llce,l , Knights .)f 'l.ur from tint
pulpit, 11 tut said that ir liny (il tlio
ineuilirri of thvir coiicri-Katlnu belong.
ed lo tho order they must either with,
haw from Itorlu excommunicated fr 111
tlie Church. Tho Itev. James b O'
Ulelly, of tho Aiimuicialioii Cntbyllu
Church In Sheii.iiiilonli, lefused toatlo.v
members of lilu coiifjtOKatlorK, whom
1'rcMdeiit Coneu nnniej ns belomiliit;
to tlio McN'ulty crowd, to enter tlm
chuicli eilltico hut Sunday niornlinr.
This cained nn uproar. lVler Uiilhigli.
or, l'atrltik Mack, and John Haley, three
of tha inuii 011 Uoncn's IM, made ottli
thrt they never belonged to the Order,
nud know nothing of its Inner work,
iocs; nud Hint they will mako (Joweu
.-.ullcrfor hi charge In nsult for sla utter.
1 Dcaoon I!iie,Mrs.I!ie.,!iu, D'acnn Drown
were uninng tho mo.-t ncllte members of tlio
I I'-ipt'st church in Union, Ind. Mrs. Uieu
i '"""fcrred her love from her lnu-lmid to
0lld P-,v gi-punds for a di-
V'0 ,",n,!rt lfrw,Mni.
,.nn m,c- Ilulm.. Th!lt ?va, tlmll ,
Ujptjsu rould stand, nnd they expelled
Deacon Drown and his britle froai tha
' church.
Feels Voutij Asuln.
"My mother wnsnfllicted a long time with
Neuralgia nnd a dull, heavy, Inactive con
dition of tho whole system; headache, nervr
oua prostration, und was almost helpless.
No physicians or medicines did her nny
good. Three months ago sho began to 110
Hop Ditters, with such good elloet that sho
seems and feels voun ngalu, although over
70 years old. Wo think there is no other
medioiuo fit to use iu tho family." A holy,
rrovidoncc, R. I. tr.
nriursiiit and i.liIclun 7r
A physician, miuplatnint bittorlv nbout
dull times, went to Ins druggist to find out
tho reason why, ut this season ui the year,
his practice was not so extensive ns formerly;
also, to find out what inducements his bro
ther medico ottered Ut ottraut away his pi
tients. He was startled when his druggist
answered as follows: "Doctor, roughs nud
coliis nro vcrv prevalent', but cverv one is
purrhising Hai.k's Honkv op Hiirkiiolxii
and Tar, amd recovers so rapidly that there
is no necessity for calling iu h" physician.
Again, the reason that Dr. V., 011 lh
street, Is having so many patleuU is owing
to llio frankness ho adopted iu pericriliing
iu every case, of Coughs Colds, etc., a bottlo
of Hale's Hoxev ok Houkiiounu ash Tab,
and finding it successful, ho had concluded
in future that all his patients, when troub
led tvith any disease of tho lungs, shall im
mediately coiumetioo taking Halk's IIo.skt
op HOUKIIOUM) ami Tau."
Tho druggist's ndvlca was snapped, nud
llio almost discouraged physiciou now ram
sidwcil 0 successful practitioner. Hisc'iiiuis
nro based upon tlio virtues of tlm medicine
ho adopts, which in nil cases is Half's Hon
kv op IIouEiiocsn and Tab. Sold by all
druggists, Ij-irge slzu much the cheapest.
J'ikk's Toothache Duoes cure in one
minute. 11-14
Wisituxu Si'sXm.ER. On tho litli ii)l.,
by Key. D. I). Albright, Cli.ulm A. Winn
land aud Mury Spenglcr. both of Lehigh
ton. 6i.avi:x SrnNni.Eit. Ou Ihe 15th lust., In
itio samo, Wm. Slaven, of vilou, nud
Xettin E. Spengler, of I.ehightoii.
Special Notices.
Villi WOUND'S HA 1.31.
l)r. I p. WJiYUU PN'S ALTsn.tTiva Mace
vA remedy u oaTIHtlTY-l'lV,'. VKAUSIn
a crivale pract coaud uetur luniug to luuically
Dropsy, Ki v-,il!H,.kioco!iri'!HT isvolil'ls. lrnr:
lmMiti'itrful IH ii-1'.ir iiIIm, n I Inllmnili n
uiuu te. nuuuil tlltiyises III wiiic.l uieuo.M is
.-old by all HIT til. IliiUCOlsTS. Ulid Ittlioleaajr
only) by 1'llU WI.VHUlt'J UJiiilOiMd LO.
i". v. uoxiiJS, iioci'eMtr, xt. y
T will nnil (Frffc the lecipe for a tVmp'o
Vlobtaule IULM Itiat will rt'imivi T.N.
FJtUlKlt.H, l'IMl'I.i'.S 11 1 nl iii.orcu..
(uviim Him ttl-lii Mirt. c.rar nut Iifftut tul . ula
liiMiu. Himh tor uudiu'iiiff a luia mut rttti
(f h ilr nu a batd h'a I oramootd f ui. Aiturfs,
lucloHtmr 3i btuuip, Buu. VanJill Co ..J alii
HistJet. L'. V.
llio nrtvertl..rr. ) avjiitr tieon parruaqo'iih
tiro I ot tU it tlreail tlitiu.vt) Co'inuiiiulioii br a
s'niine t em tit.." iiDXltiiis a iimku known to tu
iello.v.ttircrriH tlio uibjua ( curt. Tun'l who
coiuoit he wjilxcml'i c'.ny ul tourm-piiii-tu
iiH'iii, (free oj fpfit-im ) with luo ihttM'tlons for
nippaniifr nnl uwiitf the nanus whiotitie. will
Unan btu.; ciiui; tjr cusauuriiUA, Akin mi
llitoNCKiTId, AJ.
I'artioj HU&ii.f: tlm rrcner ptlnii. wll( iIooho
otliliosi. Il A WIUSQ.V, lii'ouutwt.tct,
Wjliianubursh.i-, V. 1 '
A a KN rLT M A V f ho snlT'i P i vea" frrnii
puu'UKl;IIsTV,lHi;H tcuk dkca v,
ni a 1 tin' tit Tt' of )uutbml imliuirti'm. will
fur 1 at bakocjf tuftHnuc li'iiuuint- eail ftt-p ft
all who ucoil It, lb rcltu fin.l i'i -ecil iu for
in along Hit ftltupio rLMiiOsty by which he win
cut tl. HmT-Tin n wlljliiff in iijotlt by tlit ixU
witlst't'dtiii Mlencucuu tlo ni oy uUurealngm
l'trtect cnutitleuce.
UfnlUliids TU 'iOn-S.iIi eli-ir
t-es or lltOOIl or iiiui'UN nX
fill flift.-iui'ii nf thn ltl.'r -rivti
qnitklraml orfo-tly eu.e iiv it simple utiil
stotttmii llliMI.Dy. I-ui'iiifo'iuKloiiiidd
HU J PA UbH I'O, -a Ann 't . is' V.
Ileum, and Happiness-,
Uojllb. nna HuppinpBi nro I'tivfleji Wcdtb In
ihmr )oH-son nud at thev m within tlio
lea U ol every ono who will uo
)Vrlglils Liver lMUs,
the otilv sure CUHI2 rar Tnninl Liver. m-,n ...
?.r;"jt "i.,T:.,!,,. u,?,,u,,1,".
'it . Niu.hi. and nil llll in is ibmn aims nml
b owl uunrjeis. Noun cnuium uniipiir id
tVm Wrtguti l".nl It yoar Dn.(j i.tttilt
1 not suopiv send 20 cenu for tins box tu 11- r .ck.
I Holler Co , 10 N. I.h s... 1'uil.i. l.,oiws
Nervous Debility 1 Nervous Deliillljl
Deollity. a dosren-'td. lintahle stile ot u
well, ue vous exhausted M Ins, -o -o r y lie
uniiiialiou cmtiiMj., head, weuli laerooty
coijsegueuce-t .'t ex.-o.-ne4. ut nt-H meror.
lh); nerr ,nt de iliirtlnda ran ei.n c'lrein
It luutat.iesyrteui.a spa4 u, , ,eru'al gl-oiu
i'iZZ ViL'T.t' vTt V!'"
JftlNKLIi-a. It lum ulli. nnumim ,,M it
:u?r, ."'.' drnt-t V.r
it. uiidliueimslt nt. uet 'l il.e 1-o'riKo .
Kluti t. I'liimdnuliia.l'u. rtdiicoHve,
liyeuo.otu(rtliircoouii.iiua. '
Wo mi
Wormi. Wqrmi.
MR m" C
jvuu e . ino uuiv sueuea mi niiv.iLriu r-,
notes tapo AolIU III lo Umi i V3 with
iiw,u,auduoiiMmuiilrjHiiii.l. Yoniiuuu oua
tuiH-siT-iw w-iu;.'i. bruiotva u a
Srul''laUu4dU1SuV.e.,,,i,'e-y ,.'i.;rUd,-:u,rV.VuUt
whather 01 not ili imlint him w.n m .n-
SKA'i'u, tlKyS!.i "ud
.,iit.uii! n a I,. .-...')..
itiin sa lo7 eooHKj(iuii titt-e-s.
im. lag auilsWiii , tin . ui,.. ,
k asti, HiiueiXrn( ll.k ,u
th siyas.
- ItltlUI
tliue,euU'Ti. tW,lltfiuj at iu'. ., ,
ItefUiur at in,- ut d
iwu u Ui SU-IH -in