The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 15, 1879, Image 2

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LElllUllTON, t'A.i
SATUitDAYi KE1IUUAKY 15, 1879.
KloPz can. at last, thank Gov. Harlranft
for his sent In Congres, ami we trust Mint
when IheUovcrnor neeila friends, Klotz will
lint forget lilni. tW Gatitte.
It is sehlom that we feel called upou,n9
an Independent journalist, to make
Miuuieiit, and never In tho liitciest of tho
triumph of one political party over another.
Tor some months, however, wo hnvo care
fully watched the maneuvers of certain po
litical aspirants in Caibon county, ami have
cuine to the conclusion that if their labors
urouccoiiiplishliig anything, or if they ever
lieaf any kind of fruit, it will bo an evil
ami pernicious crop to the community, and
for that reason wo proposo to give tlio lliink
Ing jiortioii of tho community n little eyo
opener on the subject.
First let us sjy, there is nothing so easy
as to defame, and the cosiest kind of
r ation is thut of public men. To abuse men
holding ohVo Is about tho only conception
Soma have of the privileges of living under
a fieo government. To attain to position or
reputation Is to tiiuko oneself shining
mark for every lewd fellow of the baser bolt
who Ims strength and skill enough tolling
dirt. A man desiring to attack u politic, il
opponent and roiso a prejudieo against him
in tho minds of the unthinking musses, finds
his easiest and surest method to bo to charge
him with corruption. This is vague, in
definite, and most difficult to meet.
For a few weeks past E. Moll Boyle, Esq.,
hus seeu fit to try to heap up u mud-mouud
on tho fair fume of a man who has been
more highly honored by the Itepublicaiis of
this great State than any other man who has
sought tho iopular luvor since the existence I
of the parly. In administering tho Exeeu
tivo of IVnnsylvania for eight consecutive
years, Gov. Ilnrtrauft's conception of right
and justice seems over to have weighed first
in the balance, in shnpingall his publicacts;
yet os ho steps down to receivo Jho honois
which n grateful people would naturally
tender him, he finds himself confronted by
tho direful condemnation of tho Chairman
of tho Republican Committco of Carbon
Connty. Alight not tho ex-(iovernor, as he
reaches forth his hand to tako tho postmnst
erjhip of Philadelphia, proffered him by
President Hayes, turn a wild look north
eastward, and say "Ministers of Gruco de
fend usl" Should he, however, in his old
ge, find himself bankrupt in purso and
character, ho is recommended to tho charit
able consideration of tho Congressman elect
of the 11th Distiict. How very kind and
considerate in Mr. Boyle.
Wo shall not argue tho lalo Congressional
contest. It was a hard fight and is settled.
Msj. Klotz will tako his scat on the -1th of
March, if no untoward calamity intervenes,
and will serve his constituents no doubt
with ability, and with honor to himself.
General Albright would have dono likewise
if fortune had smiled upon him, but it did
Onot, and lika any other sensible man, he ac
cepts the situation.
And now to tho real issue. Mr. Boyle
staked his bottom dollar, figuratively siiealc
ing, on the last fall's campaign, in this
,county, and even figured himself a seat in
IhlfBtatjJjglslature. It was a laudable am
bilfonTtnjratere, Ho planned hi3 cam
paign, however, where tho unwiso man
built his houso. Nevertheless, at first the
cable all seemed to coil to his side of tlic ship.
Ho balled, "with a smile that was child-
...iuum.....-. -
ocratic cyan to assume an ,mle,..lent
rolo and tddictale a certain inoof, ,!,ey for
our adopted Irish bom citizens to re.
Mr. Boyle look particular pa us to copy and ,
neditlho orjK,,,', pomled editorials, while
lll Mltliml ii clrnum nf" ......' iiti.i .. . 1 1... I..-
. J"""" t"i V I
the persecuted Mollies out of tho back-door
of the Oaicfe office. Ho thought he "heard
something drop," when ho saw tho organ
switched olf tho party track on u suspicion
of encouraging "impure and unauthorized
alliances j" und ho found himself, when the
real issue was cuhiiinatlng,mcasuriug swords
with a most unexpected plot and counter
plot in Ids game of intrigue.
Bo it said, to tho credit of our adopted
Irish fellow citizens, that they took this ef
fort to ally them en masse with Mollio Ma
guireism, ami as n peoplo oppressed on ac
count of their nationality and religion, os 'in
insult to their intelligence and manhood.
They knew that, as citizens of tho United
States and of the sovereign Stale of Pennsyl
vania, there was no wwer under the sun
that could peiseeutc them whatever le their
birth-place, and for this reason they spurned
the sycophantic sympathy which was thus
being so lavishly dealt out to them.
It is not surprising, then, that our hero
found his compalgn an ignominious failure,
and himself in a condition calculated to lore
the confidence of his party as a leader. This j
Idea was enough to, and seems to have'
driven him to desperation, and now lie un-'
musks, and, us a journalist, abandons him-j
self to the centralized puriwso of trying!
to stimulate factions on the questions of na-1
tlonallty and religion. During a political '
camiialgn such labors might bo tolerable ; '
otherwise they are rep-eheusible.
Horace Greely ami others, authors of the
"Great American Industries," said of coal
mining in Pennsylvania :
"The coal-miners are a rough and some
times u troiiblsomo class of men, who are
greatly given to combinations and strikes,
and who aio made responsible for the iro-
nuent 'scarcity' aud cuiiseuucnt hMi nriiin
of coal " I f i 1 1 uul 1110 I,ro"lS
. , . , ,, , , of tho concern, keep a sharp cyo ou the iron
And this will not bo" the less true a, long tra,Ie and on .ho markets consuming aTl
he min ng ,x,uula iou have such Journals LCeding their manufactures, and when anv
to manufacture public sentiment for them current in tiado look, promising to tl.enf
astheCWGow,,c has been for the past William, tho elder brother, lays aside for the
lew month.. 110un(.0 ,l!a foumlrv forlll1jon, i,,..Suu.
For the common weal there has been too i day-go-to-mectings, patronizes the villas
much corrupt trifling with tho baser pas- barber who twirls tho ends of his mous
eions of tho people of this region. The nn- tache, and hies awav to the mart, or trade
mcrousinstance.ofatrociousbloodsheland andiu seldom, if ever, returns without a'
wantonJueendUrism, within a decade, the fresh supply of orders. As a consequence
outlay of thousands o money to vindicate during tho recent panic, when hundred, ot
law ana order, and the execution of nine I foundries run by conditions and stock
men in tlio little county of Carbon, will ' companies, all over tho couutrv, have closed
cause the future historian to stop aud reflect. ' their doors for lack of remunerative orders
The whole secret of tho matter is mado th pri aii v. i... ....
plain to any one who will watch tho under-,
sjrface operation, of a few men whoso
litical asmratlon. ont-wei-l, ,.n.
and their convictions of duty to society and
their fellow-men.
As a sample of Mr. Boyle's peculiareflbrts
to prejudice the mind, of the unthinking let
u. take the coso of Sharpo and McDonnell.
After they had been convicted by a Carbon
county Jury, upon evidence, which in the
abseiicq of rebutting testimony, left no doubt
of their guilt after their oonvietlon three
able lawyers did alt in their power to hunt i
up new rebutting testimony and printed
i..i. ii.- .1 ...
. Yp . luiwd iinjiariiai jiuies, Uie J
sides this, the two men were not
in dark dungeons or hurried uw
scatruld, but were allowed weekly
seven mouths, to converse fnwlv u
inenus ana tne yisiting public who ear-1
ried their stories In sympathy to the Chrir-
lu world, and,ti.'Uoth,r;gUrirtJl.
I establish their Iriiioceneo. In llio face of
fciireiiuiii niTh iu vYvctt. fcnu uuituctuiiuiiui-ti
tip to tho day of tho execution, in contempt
of Jurors, courts and judges, to stultify Itself
by proclaiming the two men "innocent,"
although ono uf Ibcm was a sclf confessed
murdered and tho other, oil account of his
notorious Infamy, was called by his associ
ates "Sharps the Scrapcr."On tho day of
tho execution, just before the trap was
sprung, Sharpesuld, hastily glancing around
the corridor of the jail, "Tell Mr. Boylo to
print that statement he wrote down for me
it is true, every word of It." The strong
point in that statement, as published, isi
"If they (tho legal authorities) would
come out and tell tin truth, wlnt they are
hanging mo for is that I am an Irishman
and a Roman Catholic. They can't find
anything else against lue In this world."
Shades of the Inquisition! How much
truth is there in this statement? Is It as
true as tho other statements inauo by this
man on the gallows? Is it as truo us the
other statements inado weekly In tho Ga
zette! If so, and ruiy of them are true,
may wo not go in shame, as n jieople, and
bury our boasted Declaration of Indepen
dence and our family Bibles, burn ilownour
public schools and libraries, and our famed
institutions of learning. But it is false in
famously false, and adds but another black
fK)t to tho memory of tho now doubly un
fortunalo man who uttered it, and for this
icason, if no other, it should never have
been published. Had Sharpo lived a truo
Roman Catholic, in all probability to-day,
ho would bo living, a useful and respected
member of society, as nro thousands of his
fellow-countrymen in almost every Stato of
the Union.
But in tho publication of that, as in n lit
tlo doggerel hi last week's Gazelle, "So Re
spite Until After Breakfast," dying the
peoplo a poetic pen-picture of a model Re
publican Governor tho scratch of whoso pen
sent nineteen Mollies to tho sen Hold and
Major Klotz to Congress,. wo eco typified
friend Boyle's mania tho "means unto an
end" tho fire-brand that scared his last
campaign and damned him as a parly leader
in this county.
And withal, every effort to engender bitter
and factious strife in communities, on tho
questions of nationality or religion, is so
ditious and diabolical, and all thoso who
engage in it should bo scourged under the
lash of viituous public sentiment. When
a man immigrates to tho United Stales, at
tains citizenship, and so vows, ho censes to
bo an Englishman, Welshman, Irishman.
Get man, etc., and whoever labors to etir up
a different feeling in his bosom is nil evil
wirkcr, in unhuimonlzing and weakening
tho moral forces ol society.
Tlio Tort Allen rolliirtry.
For tho consideration of an enterprising
Mauch Chunkcr who, with a most com
mendablo intention, urges tho business men
of that borough to form a stock company,
with a capital of $100,000, to start a shoe
shop for tho manufacture of miners' shoes,
wo present this week a brief glanco at the
history and present operation of tho Fort
Allen Foundry, which covers, with its scv
cral building', an extensive area of ground
in Wcissport, near the site of tho old historic
block-house and fortification, in memory of
which the foundry was named.
Tivo or six years ago, just at llio com
mencement of tho commercial depression
which has so distressed business of every
kind, two enterprising young men, brothers,
William and C. D. Miner, botli practical
moulders and skilled in tho various details
of tho making of castings, but witli a capital
so small that men with lcs cnurnoa woul.l
nave shrunk from the undertaking even In
0,. !aictf detcnnliicd to cftablish a
f0UllJly, wiUl a lllU failh in labor, which
.i rb Ihelr own llmo ami talent and
giv0 ,,, all ()1,lwrlunitv to l30 komo of
;ho natural icsou.ees of tho Lehigh Valley
..... -
to Uitiradvantnzo. There was no hnlluei-
nation lu tho prospect that lay before them.
They were brought up and had learned their
trades iu tho locality where they now pro
posed to try their fortunes as partners in a
business venture.
That which staggers every new venture
in tho field of manufacturing, in this coun
try, is not so much tho makinig of tho wares
as tho finding a ready market for them by
which tlio oiiginal cost witli a margin can
be realized to tho manufacturer. Ifhocoiii
mences business witli a small capital, he
finds himself at onco besot with n net-woik
of the most trying difficulties his current
expenses, tho payment of salaries to em
ployees and imjicrativo bills and duns from
dealers in tho stock which ho ha3 used in
his business oil theso cast their shadows in
his pathway to try Ids nerve, and make
him wish. witli Shakespeare's dramatis per
sona:, "Would it were night, Hal, and all
were well." Ono of tho first large orders
which the young propiietors of tho Fort Al
len foundry executed was for tho patentees
ami manufacturers of tho Bunting Car Seat
Frames,- and this proved disastrous, ns tho
company makiug Hie frames camo short in
meeting their obligations, and finally, we
believe, susjiended. This inconvenienced,
tho projectors of tlio Fort Allen Fouii
dry, but they steered firmly and safely
through jt, kt their credit good, and fin
ally recovered nil that tho suspended com
pany owed them.
Ono of the secrets of their success lies in
the fact that the two brothers are both prac
tical mechanics ami business men, work
hard every day with their employees, In tho
various departments of tho foundry, cm
ploy no clerks, bookkeepers, ogents or other
gincciiriia III mil Mil nn.l t..n.. - ...
Headily going, and at the present writin I is
turnine out plumbers' cA.ti..
, .. ""'""' J'1""!
and faucy fouutalns, tho casting, for a half
tiozen umcrent tewing and knitting ma
chine companies, while from ono to three
men ore kept constantly employe! on mis
cellaneous liouio orders or job work. No
pioco of work leaves the foundry until it lias
Leeu thoroughly insected by one of tho
proprietors and found Jierfect.
i -As .ft bflinple of telecraphlo news
. ., 1
bciisu nuns, or riiliilT exaggeration , thu
recent announcement that n meteor had 1
fallen upon mid killed a man In Ind.nim,
I. ...
luriis out lo tia.vo n on merely n brick
names cry Leenuse they suffer) and tlio
5'"' '"'Me iciiedy for the reliof or iheir
?74iut,' O,,.,
iie. uai uu in ltl! evee nut o m in n .... " "'ciiuu;'rato.i. iiuiiioere.1 uv I louuiu s. liic i vmir 1m.
inearoeialed I raowl fntlu r ai n . . . ",wo ,mo '''CJ'" u' oi'en.iesnae -oiiio." it 1 witnessed an increased sale. Its reputation
ay to the 1 . . 1 "s atie.waius iraospired last tue worthy peoP e I "ie result of superior nwriU If the dis-
, .-..w tt uuuuijicr wuu an ac.i . J ' "-".w .-rramruiiai aiivice on the "'"' '" iimiwi io iiieinroator Ulna. Vr.,, a Si 1 1 1 1 1
Tho Controller of Hie Currency reports
uint. too mini nniouut. oi uomts held by nn
tlonal banks as security for circulating notes
on tho let of February was $348,930,200 Of
this amount $07,001,850 wer6 0 per cent
bonds, of which $53,0,07,500 aroOs of 1881,
$5,054,000 Pacific Railway 0s, and $0,000,
150 are 2-20s. Tho banks also hold $184,
85yf00 of 5 icr cents, of which amount $05,
31 0,750 are 1 0-40s and tho remainder, $110,
530,160, Bs of 1881. There are also held by
tho banks $43,578,550 of 4J per cents and
$52,512,700 of 4 per cents. Tho Controller
reports an Increaso in national bank circula
tion for tho last three mouths of $1,030,051.
Tho amount of national bank circulation
outstanding on the 1st instant was $322,
030',840. The Tolido Made, gets off the fol
lowing Joko at tho expense of olir'U. S.
Senattv. "Don Caim-ron, they nay,
seldom sinllus ami never laughs. The
last attempt at hilarity that any of his
fiends remember tuliavu seen 111 in make
vtas at his wedding In Cleveland, wlieii
he smiled a whole smile, which caused
those near lilin to look around anxi.ius
ly for a camphor bottle, as they fcltaure
lie would faint." If the Blade man had
been in Ilnrrisburg recently, ho could
have seen some 'smiling' done that must
have suggested to him the necessity of
at once ordering a car load of camphor
bottles from Ohio.
Letter from Wtililnstnii.
Jfi'.e Ap2roaeh of Lent 1'rcsidcntial Gossip.
Grant, Jllainc andHSltcrman. Women
Harriitcrs Admitted to the lUuprcme Courts.
Tic Creation of the Census Jlitrcau.
The ll'afcni Union Tilcgraph Looby at
IVur;, i(c, ifc
VA6UiaTOX, 1). c.. Ten. 10.
Less 111 n three weeks more anil ItaodDVscf
fast'ui! oril pruyer begln-a sudden Jomp from
Kay to crave, fioin lively to severe aim then
back uj.ulu oiler forty days ta the irlvolitles ot
tliovuirhl. Has tjstim ol lapfd tronelt in re
1 glous mutters does seem a mflo Irreverent,
anil to uure;;cncratca humanity it looks i I; u
more cencial ditttluiulon ot grace would be
belur. To eschew " the woild, tho llssh. aud
tho davit," fur toity dsvs end Lights only, and
to dill gonUy servo tho lurace of darancas the
rem-ilnocr or tho year is haiuly fa r so far ns tho
Lrdls concerned, rnd illy calculated toba'
ance recounts la the big boot a'jovo.
I was ppcantuir In the Cai ltol cno alternoon
with a u-ominent oPJcoholdor under tleaeraj
Uraut.aud now rrt.ud. Ho isa pirtlnrooua
0 lt:o of Hayes and Sherman, lie salit to mi :
"flj you ki.ov. sir, th t General Ormt islu
great daucr as to tils rcnoannttioii I" "I sup.
luso it wort hurt him." A'o,sir. Butitclklug
cllously, his nlcnds nro lutthig off their or.
ganlzancn for 188!) too locg. In the tlrst'daco.
lu the Southern States. Iho Itcpuulican parly
Is horj du combat in all thoso States, with tho
exception of Nor ti Carolina. John Sherman Is
miming tals Acni'n'straHon. ana lie has tho
power to mako his oCce-hotdcra tho co'lectors
and, assessors ot rcyonue.the district attorneys,
and tho rostmastcrs rccrcato that party, and
glvo tho bias to the delegation which thy will
send to the National Convention. Oca. (Hunt's
friends nro lotting tt be loo late, a oa. Grant's
only chance Is that Shcrnvtn, with inn usual
wont of decision, may feel too timid to under
take tho task." Whsre nest is Grant imperil,
ed r "Well, tlie ro ts Jim HIoIlc, who does net
lovonhalr ot Gen. Giant's head. Thoso two
men pcifcctly umlcrsttnd each other. Grant
lias no faith In IHjItic, and itlalno knows it.
Now, Jim Dl lino has managed to crc.ito quite a
a pmt7 In his Interest in tho Northwestern
Stairs. Ho has an organization In Iowa. In
Neoraska, Kansas, and Co'orodo, and I ihink In
Minnesota and Wisconsin. Besides that. Mas
sachusetts Is disaffected to Grant and no doubt
Maluo will go Blame's way. Ir. Blclae tsa
relatiyoof tho Ewiugs who ere lntermsirled
with tho Shermans. I thliiKall otihoso South
ern fct-tcs wilt appear at tho Nailonul Courcu"
lionlnfavtrof John Sherman, lomcd by thoso
Honnern and Eastern States, act SLcrman
may t,et t.o nomination. "I aked tiio tamo
man about tho condition of tho Stats cf JIaine
liosald: "lucre fs only onobigrlna in Jlnlnu
and Ihiit has mado nil Hit politicians ud Blaine
anwnjrthcm. It Is is called tho lame
Hin." There Ib but ono polut on tie Atlant.c
where limestone roc crops out on the ocean
front and. thut Is nt Ttoekland. Tho Rockland
llnio Is burnt r gt.t thero nud the vessels load
with It and carry It all over tho country. Tlio
lncouoiati rscf Iho Limo Companyuru also llio
ownei s of the big qnairles In .Maine. The gran
ite ot Mnlno Is ued luthe public buildimis all
over tho United Slatcs-wheucver a court.
hou-o, post-oiSce, or cnxtoni housi Is coins up I
Tho men who are big lu tho Llmo Company and
tho (Irjiillo Company make tho Ueoublieun
rluc. It wua reaction against the tyranny it
lli'isoincwporntors which heat Halftone ot tte
creatures of the comp.ny, for Congress last
Tho Ldckirood bill, giving women anthoiitv
to piDctico Dcfoio the Supremo fouit of tho
United states his ra'sed tho Kenato by a vote
01 two to ono. auduo.v Itomy requires Iho an
pi-ova of .Mr. llat ca to becmuo a law. Senator
McDonald todchargo ot the measure, anluls
advocacyuf It luflaenced a number of votes
The bill passed ns it camo from tho Houso. and
piovidcs Mat ' any woman who shall have oeen
a iiicmbci ot the bar ot llio highest court of auy
stuto or icultorv, or of tho bua.eme jCourt of
tliotJI-trictotC'iluintili, lor the space of three
ycais. and ehill have maintained a good stand,
lug before such court, aud w honhall be a per.
son of g od meral character, shall, oa motion,
ono ihepioductionof such record, bj odraitled
to practice before the Sujrcma Couitofthe
Unlied States." Tue puwtrlul iffjct otprrtis.
tent and ludosirfous loblymg is maeile-ted fa
tho succc.s of this bill. Wheu It was first In.
trtKtuceu. It ii din'jlfu; If one foanh of the
niembemf Unnirresi wouta hove voted for it.
nuiuoui iiu sii-'ing-miuneu te'-mos, who were
Inter, sled lu the 11 I. siuc to It belli the fort
liom Oav to dav, anl tallied memters and sens,
tors into believlna it njust measure.
Tho census bill repotted b Mr. SI on 111 has
been passed by tn almost unanimous yote In
the i-tn.ite. l!r. Conklins ippioved It with all
hl misht and favoro t too bill now In existence,
but his li.tljenco counted for noilrug Tao bin
establishes in the Inteilcr departu etit a ctnsu'
office tobo mniiastd by a superintendent, wli
s iallbJ appjiatol by the l'reofd-ut and con
formed bj IboSenatii theclerfor tho census
ofllcoto bo arpolniod by tho Secretary ot the
Intenor. as ninoy as may bo necetsary. The
supeilutcndent of census shall nominate one or
moi o supervisors m each state and terrltoiy
not to exceed in tho aiigregato ono bundled and
fllty.oudtho Secretary ot the Inter.or to np.
polut them Iroui amotiK llio nominations i sup
enltois rboll uppoiut euumeiaturs In their re.
pcclivo dlstilcU wilh tho oonscnt of tho super
intendent, tho supervisors lo sub dlvifu theli
distrcts anil supenutend the wor of tiking
the census . tuo supcrlutcudeut may, with tho
cousent ot the Secretary of tue Interior, re.
moie supervisors, and sipeivlsors may. with
consent of the superintendent, rcmoi e enumer.
ators The offlcers. Irom upenatcndeut down
am lo be swtru to a fallhlul iHsoaareo ol duty.
Mi. Con's census b.ll, now pending before the
Hou'e, Is about the same as the one passed by
Scute, exieia In the provision relating to tlio
appointment of enumerators i It giTei that
power to tho governors ol states, but thetels '
" B"r mm. tui u n.'rcnce vnil lead lo any
rolilsion or contest betweu ihe two bouses.
Tho uur nlnilty with which the amendment to
the army bill, gl lug railroad comranies having
hues of telegraph the rlgbt to carry on a goner,
al telegraph business, Is an incontrovertible In.
ulcstloo of the popularity of the messure. The
Westi rn Union Company is senourty alarmed
at the situsilnn sod will endeavot to defeat the
proposition lu tho senaie bat It iiharaly strong
euough to do so. The prospects ol the passige
by the Eeuate of tho anoy rcorganution
siheme, Wflich pjtsed the llonseyestrid.yas
."'JT'Tv' ,0,V V,mr ?,""rtstl-' .
orJratlicrtaveraHe,olthoni?U Hwill aroo.bie
uuderpu so inaur uneucnients chut .h
"" '""J"110' reach uncsieesioLt lu limMor ,
fu" " i I ,' rn1a , 1
ineoii.eroarsn vea coapls ci:intrtttim
WUU. llou.e.ent u-i ,Ueirr,us. lnouocorucr
.... ., iud vftiiiiiue.i luatthe,
lnort t.. ...uteiiu-e ta make uie',5 ,
iiiubjsu. THi remind, ouu ol .ho c.uld who ut
tuee i.cnioa.o( Ii r mimr. idjtctj .ood
bye God- I'm , in2 0Tt.. ,ut0 (e, j,.r f,
niB - T
Tho following bills of special interest to
this section, have been introduced Into the
An set to prevent tho frequent cliongo" in
common school books in the several coun
ties of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
nn establishing county uniformity in text
books. Tliis bill was amended so that
when a now series of books may bo adopted
under the provisions of tho net such scries
shall go into use at tho beginning of tho
next succeeding school term after the elec
tion of a superintendent) and also extend
sjig the time for advertising of bids to eight
weeks Instead of four, and providing that
the cost of advertising lbr said bids shall bo
paid out of tho separate school funds cf each
resiwctlve district.
An act to provide for tho convcyonco of
lersons nijureu iu or auoui tne mines to
their homes.
An act to secure to co-one rntives and
laborers engaged In and about coal mines,
manufactories of iron andstecl,the payment
tn ineir wages at regular limes aim in law
ful money nf the United States. Tho con
stitutionality of this bill is nucstionod.
An act to establish boards of arbitration lo
settlo all questions at variance between em
tiloycrs and emnlovcci.
An act to provldo a legal remedy for tho
decision of controversies and disputes exist
ing or which may exist between official or
natural persons engaged in manufacturing,
mining, as common carriers or oilier busi
ness, and their employees and to prevent
"lockouts," strikes or such other disturb
ances ns may tend to injure or disturb busi
ness tr jicajjo of tho community.
An act, authorizing the several counties,
cities, boroughs, townships, and school dis
tricts of the State, to refund their public in
debtedness at any time, nt a rale of Interest
below tho rate per centum now paid.
An act appointing two inswctors for each
of tho several mining districts, at f 1500 ier
An art regulating tho right of redemption
of seated lands and returned to tho County
Commissioners and sold for non-payment of
taxes (providing that such lands may bo re
deemed In tho samo manlier that unsealed
lands are redeemed.
A supplement to the mining laws was In
troduced by Mr. Hines, of Luzerne. Its
general theory was to moke corporations
liable lor accidents hoiincnlne throueli lieir-
ligcnceor mismanagement, and ono of its
special points was, Hint whenever ten men
gathered together nt tho foot of a slope and
desired to bo linulcd lip, their wish should
be immediately granted.
Tho Judiciary Committee navigated a bill
giving tho Courts power lo make rules regu
lating the advertisement of all sales of real
cstato by sheriirs assignees, executors, ad
ministrators, trustees and committees.
An act prohibiting tho issue'of store orders
for wages of labor in or about mines, or
manufactories or shipping of coal, but auth
orizing firms or corjioralions to issuo duo
bills payable to bearer.
An act preventing wages of clerks, miners
and mechanics from being attached for debt j
also, declaring that debt tor wages should bo
a lien upon tho property of corporations.
Attorneys who aid In attaching wages shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor.
An act compelling a general suspension of
labor on nil public works on election days
except in cities of tho first and Becond classes
and in cases in which tho stoppago of woik
would cause their injury. The design is to
allow every citizen tn cast his vote without
uisctiargo or disapproval ol his employer.
Chamber'! Cyclopedia of Est;
Iiltcrti turc.
Voltimo 1 of the new and beautiful edit
ion of this excellent work, just issued by tho
Americas Hook Kxciunqe, 55 Bcekinan
street, New York, embraces tho history of
uur iiicruiure iroin uie earnest period loino
nines oi nccii J'.nzauein, Willi lives ol all
noted authors, and choice, specimens from
tho writings of each. All who nro interest
ed in tho higher class of literature will wel
come this new edition, with its clear tyw
unit iiuuuy lorni, vvno navo uecn
longing for tho era of cheap books, will bo
more than satisfied witli Its wonderfully low
price. Tlie entire work, in eight volumes,
numbering over 3,200 pages, is offered, de
livered freo of cxjicnse, in paper binding,
for $ 2 50; cloth, $3.50 j or hnirmnrocco.gllt
top, $5.00. Specimen pages, showing sizo,
v ,c V f"1 1,1111 I'oi1 r oi um cuiirc woi kiuii
eivine; full iiarticulnrs, including induce
ments to club3, will bo sent freo on request.
To those who would liko to examine it, vol
ume cine, which is cumiilcto in itself, con-
tainlng-llt! pages, will be sent, postpaid, for
nominal prices: In Jtfiper, 20 cents; cloth,
.ij cents i nan morocco, gut top, 50 cents
Purchasers liavo tho option of getting tlio
other seven volumes by paying nt any time
mo jciiiuiimcr oi mo regular subscription
price. Tlio publishers sell only lu subscrih
crs direct, instead of eivine to dealers and
agents tho usual 50 or (iO per cent, discount
to sell for them, which accounts for llio re
markably low prices. A specimen volume,
in cituii uiimitig, can oo seen nt tlie ollico ol
this paper, and thoso who desire to ordorcan
add their names to a club, which will eoon
bo forwarded.
Druffslst ana riiyvlclan
A physician, complaining bitterly about
dull times, went lo Ins druggist to find out
tho reason why, nt this season ol tho year,
his practlco was not so extensive ns formerly
also, to find out what inducements his bro
ther medico offered tn attract away his pa
tients. Ho was startled when his druggist
answered ns follows: "Doctor, coughs and
colds nro very prcvulent, but every ono is
purchasing Hale's Hosf.y or Hoiikiiousd
axd Tar, nmd recovers so rapidly that there
is no necessity for calling in ft physician.
Again, tho reason that Dr. F., on th
street, is having so many patients is owing
to tho fiankness ho adopted iu pcrscribing
in every case of Coughs Colds, etc., n bottle
and finding it successful, ho had concluded
in future that all his ialients, when troub
led with any disease of Iho lungs, shall im
mediately commence taking Hall's Husky
Tho druggist's nilvico was snapped, and
tho almost discouraged physician now con
sidered a successful practitioner. Ills claims
are based upon the virtues of Iho medicine
ho adonis, which in all cases is IIalk's IIo.v
KY of Huueiiousu AS1 Tau. Sold by till
druggists, Large sizo much the cheapest.
1'ikk's Toothache Daors euro In one
minute. 11-14
m:vn ;vmi.
About twenty lies wero found piled on
tlio Long Island llailroad, near Columbus
vilie, ou Saturday night, and removed in
time to save a passenger traiti from being
Michael Daly, stabbed by John Harrison
during a bar-room quarrel in Pittsburg lat
week, died of his wounds on Sunday. Har
rison is in jail.
At Troy, N. Y. early on the morning of
the loth inst., G. F. Simmons, being crazed
by Ids wife's desertion, poisoned his thiee
children and cut his own TI...
ciniuren are exacted to recover, hut Sim-
(nuns, il is ucueveu win uie.
George V. Seiber Treasurer of St. Clair
county, 111., is reorted lo be a defaulter for
W0.UO0. Ho has about $15,000 in property,
and his bondsmen, it is said, will pay the
Correspondents of the Louisville Courier
Journal report that "thero is noycllow fever
hi uie oouin, oiiiiougn sotuesort or sickness
seems tn liavo been caused by disinterment
of bodies of jieroons who died of yellow
At Lebanon. Wednesday, Israel Brandt,
Jo6iah Hummel, Henry wise and George
iiiiiiiuii, cuurgi-u wuu complicity in tlie
murder of Josenli Itaber. wero brought Im.
fore Judge Henderson on a writ of habeas
corpus, (several witnesses testified that all
the accused held policies on Itaber"s life,
and had frequent meetings and conspired to
procure his death. They were remanded
for trial.
As In a fire tho loss ereatlv dtnendi umn
the time required for ellicient aid to arrive,
so the nult of catarrh r.t ,l.n....l. .....
on the speeily use of efficient remedies. For
, " ,, ,?.,f,rT5 ,I f .c(,'lu7. Vr' f "s, Cj-
tarrh Ueimxly has been the ttaudanl renm.
''r - The Witlvo cures it has elided are
win speedily cure the mott stuLborn him ,f
ratai ih. eVe the 1'eoplo's Sense
M -d Adviser, a w.rk of over VUO ras.
1'iiee ffl.iO. Address the ouiliur, it.V.
Iki.c.M. 1.1! .. V
My Motto 1 "T3c Sure You Arc Right, Then Go Ahead!"
lloflgg'S. . . Medlielncs.
Pharmacist, Family & Dispensing Druggist
Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, choice En
glish, French und American Perfumeries, Hair, Tooth
und Nail Brushes, Imported and Domestic Soaps,
Sponges, Chamois Skins, Stationery, Faucy
Box Papers, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures,
at prices which defy all competion !
My Prescription Department
Receives special attention, and is the most complete
in the county ; it is supplied with the hest quality of
iicmcuics mat can ue
to preclude the possibility of a mistake. Prescriptions and
Private Recipes compounded at nil hours of tho day or night
by myself, at the Lowest Prices possible.
fP" Ail Dru and Snleoj sold by me are
from tlin verv llesl Uruile Artlrlen.
Thontiinr my friends and the pnbllo Generally for post favors. 1 conntfentallv ask a shsro ot
fnturopulrousfro, cia'unlelnRsat'stncliou in every casa. '
jan. 4, 1878.y
New Advertisements.
rtcapcctfullv annruncos lo tlio peoplo that he
lias leased the Shop olSAlUkL IIEBElt
LlXU.on North Street, Lchighton, Pa.,
and proposes to resume his old business ot
Carriage and Wagan
ntid rcspcclf ulty neks ft rtiare of public pntron
niro. ctinrnntcln? iiie W'm kinati bin to !e count
in tlie best, a lid tne 1'ilcei to bo ua low ub lUo
of all kinds promptly attended lo a very rca
souab.echjrfti .
OpDolto Tub.lo Equaro, It'onli Street.
Bed n y I Lehlgbton, ra.
If you are In want of anytliiDC in ttio way of
riTrOLS. Am 'i unitiun.Gun rishmff
THckle. or any other 1IM b touting quods
ple tbM write tor nty i,artre llliittatvtJ i:atauxue
uud i'rlci Lint wbtcli I mail Fttuic. Yorns tru vt
wo will Insert a aeven-liao advortUoment one
Wticlc in a Iihi of 2oa woeitiv newsDaperi, 01 lour
liuoa t.i a diGeretit lint of 3J7 ponera, ot teuluee
two Hfettfi i a choice ot eitber lour eepeiuto ami
dlitilUKt liUacimiuinlnic frotu7utnit 0 vapeit,e ch
or 4 iunn one wteut lu all four ot tlif ttiuuil nsta
oroouJliieunowook lu gUhIx lisw couibmed
Dompr moro tnau 1,000 pnpcia. We n.H iiuve
list ot pitoers bv btalea tUroatliout the United
Mateaud Laoodi. aeatl iu cemsfur our 100
paue iminphlct AddreHaO. V. HOWKIIO ,
cwMmpor Advertising bureau, Ijnruceat.,
New Yuri.
1. ti It you will send us the names of a ba'f
doten hijr.i prtcwl ti.ipeis in widen you would
dveitleJUrNOW,ita eatistciory luduoc
mi'iit imaae, wo will eubiiilt u propoAition, by
letiiin mail, which wa thin will n.Laeou.
Money tavcit is money earned b-ei d copy o. the
mlvt'it.bttiueui o wilt ue and el uie iu what
paper you tuw ttu .
u iiiiy lo Aireuia cuuvatauitf 1m tlm flltu
biuic Vis itu ic lcrnu uuj Uultlt f ue
Addict 1. U. Vl KUIt i. Auutstv,
dn u rJ mi ill tiuil eipcuse ruarnnt' eJ to
V 1 rfP0IU8.
ObtUt iree. fciiAW&to.. au.
All Owners of Cioclts, Jcwelrv and the
Watches, Checks Numbers 15,23,24, 28, 211,
20,31,32, 33,34, 33,30, 3U, 43, 47, 00. 5(i,
59, 00, (11, (13, 73, Wi, 83, and 1)1, remaining
nt tho Shop of tlio undersigned, lire lequcst
ed to call and get their goods, or they will
Thursday, March 13th, 1879.
Also, nt the samo time and place, will be
offered for sale,
One Show Case,
ami a variety of useful
fcif Terms Cash.
Feb. 15, 1S70-W4 Lchighton, Pa.
WHEUEAS.thc Hon. Sauuei, S. DnitnKn,
President of the XLIIId Judicial District,
comjiosed of Monroe und Carbon counties,
nud It. Leonard and Charles Meendseu,
Esquires, Judges of Common Pleas of Car
bon county, and by virtue of their offices
Justices of the Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer
and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
and tho Court of Quarter Sessions of tho
Peace of said county of Carbon, have issued
their precept lo me, for holding a Court of
Quarter Sessions of tho Pence, Court of Com
mon Please, and Courtof Oyer and Termin
er, and General Juil Delivery,nnd Orphans'
Court, for the purjiose of trying issues in
criminal cases, and the transacting of oilier
business of said Courts, at the Court House,
iu the borough of Mauch Chunk, on Mon
day, tho 10th day uf March, 1879, at 2
o'clock, r. 11., to continue ono week or more.
Given under my hand at Mauch Chunk,
in said county, Jununry lSth, 1871).
God save the Commonwealth.
J. W. RAUDEN11USII, Sheriff.
Mauch Chunk, Teh. 1, 1870.
01 Valuable Ileal Estate
Th mdcrM (rued, Executor of tho Est to of
Viu. KViS -JOhr, Uto of the TOWSUU' OF
vii iNKLIN. In tho count v of Carbon. wiiom.
ii cd. will offer at ruolio nule ou tbo premues
Murrfiaui, u
Tuesday, February 18, 1879,
between tha hours el 'two & TnitEUo'c:
1" M. all mat cet tain LOT or
itnate suout tlirc-fonnlis of a mile Fast or
Welsitort on iae roan icsaiuir noni veispcrt
to -trouusourR. In -1.1.1 r'niiikliii Tnwnsti.p
Carbon u mnty. renna.. beffiuaia in salit road
tbeuce bv laud ot J. K. Itiozert. contalnlnff
1 IliriCCU 1 UUUSKUU iwnnuuiunu rgiuuc jri-et.
upon wblcli l erected a Two story ixtg
Weatlier llrtrtled Uvelllnr llOUau.
Ai.ont is t 94 fenfc with a Double rnrcti.
Ac. a Will ot Oord Water wltb Pump In tan
Terms anil Conditions will be mide known on
tne 0-vy oz, nr
Tl.X'UT. WFKTK ttTMtitor
reb.l.lSTtwl otllrs.Eveolt.Ucoll.
j. itKoio Auctioneer.
Two Doors Below tho "Broadway House
Dealer in sll Patterns of Plain ltd Fund
Window Shades,
Paints & Pnintors Supplies,
New Punsion Law.
All wnslont dy new I w, bruin ba. k at ar ot
discitiirir . it J )Licd c so4alio fiueuod. Pan.
1 iifr nud ail'i'lcauis. fa. lid twOKtumtiN InriiHw
l iw i r.i.k. liihiiuiiuius t N NV J IIZ.I
obtained, ana so regulated as
unaranieed lone Staidly Pare and Msnnroctur-d
v" iiT.t"iiKr.T.n,?erA,e.l "l Mt Es' 'blishmoilt. HATI8
ItKFUNUliD. Orders by Mail receive proinpt'attcn
Ncxfc to the Fort Allen House,
WEISSPORT, Carbon Co., Pa
New Advertisements.
Of Valuable Ileal Estate.
Bv virtue ot an older of the Orphans' Court,
oil aaonCountv. i-n., tho uiiderlimed. Hj. e
utprj ot hoionion 6ott lute et I rsnmiu town,
slilli. Catbou Conniv. Pa. doc.M will offer at
r Julie eiale, at Boll's Mill, In said townslnp, on
Tuesday, Feb. 25th, 1879,
commcnclcir nt OS12 o'clocit P. ir.
oil thtt ccr-
iltnfte In Franklin townsnip roreald. bnnnd.
eil Bv lunds or llenrv Luckcnnlll, ntitliman
Dici-bicb, Tliomai toll. Jo-eob eliweibim
llejbeu tolt and by a Puulto, contsluiuc
55 Acres and 140 Perches,
stitct measure. Atl e'etred and under n irood
etatootciiltivutlon. Tferolsnl-oa well wnut.
ert nrcnatd of choice Iran trees on llio bind.
TtS - MH i u cimii down t H In B mini I lit with
Irlereit. nuu tue icuialnlofl:!, in twelve luuuthi.
wltn iuierest Horn dav ot sale.
'IHUo. J. So,T.
. lcculois
Partle- dcslrlnT tn view the juopeity or to
learn tuither pniticulars will uddrcs enberot
the Executors. rel t. wt.
I'lirUlcK, Enrlclics, Gives Color and
Xono to tho IIIooil; it increases tho
quantity as well as the quality, jn'o
ing Vigor, Vitality, Energy,
JWcr and Life itself.
It n specially adupted to Female Diseases,
such as Weniness lrom Nursing, or anr ( ther
cane. palntnl. irregular or derantred monthly
periods, rallinB of the womb, nansea In pretr.
naucy, sterility, chanfco ot life. etc.
Dr. Harter's Liver Pills
Comblaetho two es-entlslqnaiitlesot a Family
Pill. Tacy act as a mild snd efficient purKearid
at the same tlmohro the best Liver Pills ever
offjied to the pullie. JpnM.inS
erinaii Horse nmi Covr 1'ouilcr
Kim p" istcok licnltbv an-i In pood condition. It
nutfl dUitlnu aud aeim lutuu. It maniM fut,
muacloandnijik liy ni-in it a hnrm will i.o
moie woik iii-da cow ive mote mi k odiI i o In
better "Lnlti un) cxiidit on. It also kceim ponl
iij' henltlir and incioaueH ttic quantity ol o ft?.
It it m uio I'v Dr. Levi Ouotlionzer at In n lilu,
buck of 3 N. Tiilra ttioct, riiila It ih fold bv
ortiinl woii'lit. at IS ro u per boini'l. bv A. J.
UUitLI.NO, LeLiPhton. Kov. i87tf-3mo.
Of a conv ol my M?DICA1, COMMON
MICN'jE liOOK, to tiny pcrsiin ftuffarlliff Witil
ai-d post oflice udoress with two 3 cent postage
ttainiM one itnto vnur sicuiio Tie fniox is
eleimntlv iilustitited. (114 pp It mo. 1379.1 Tho
intoiluutK'U it tout Ins, in the proviileiico of
Clod hs HHVedmaiir lives, Tlio author hasbecu
tteiit lur dueaoi or to Xoc, Toiont, and
Lun.s. ns b special piactlce lu (.'inclnnati. since
1SS7. Audicss, Ur. N ii. WULL- v:, Uiuciunali,
uhlo. J.uiswt
A Gnntlemnn tinvinjr been so fortunato ns to
cnio nls ton of Coramupiinn In th worltlss.
aftei lou? Kiven up tndtooytho rnont vole
oral el nliyficlaiip, dewlrc-Hto mate known tlif
car" i which p'ovt-s SJcee.vdul in every o.ihvi 10
tlinofifll ctcJ wi h At-thru i, Iln nchiLis Cnniha,
Coldd i ouoainntion and ul) Affecilnns of tbe
llirort nd Lunus. min will send the (leo po,
ino ui rietiici?, iu mi who ursiio u, u inn will
forward their aC(irra tu UAXI&L ADKE, 34
Liberty at., ISew York. JinlnnO
COKXI.ANDT SI., ncnr nroadtvu)-,
ne-w -sroEete:.
UOTtHKISS & rONl). Proprletorj.
On llio IUirojH-uii l'lnn.
The Tteriteiirant Calf und Lunch Itoom ar
Inched are unsjrpasscd for cliearuess nd ex.
cetlenceol i-eivice. KooiusS'Cts lolsperdsv,
fi to Cm per week. ConveiileLt to all l-Vmes
and tJitf H ilroails. NKW FUItNITUItli,
H. A. Peter's Central Drag Store,
Posnecttnllv nnnnnnnn. tn tne nennle of T.n.
hlghtou aud vicinltv. that she will continue Ihe
business, as heretofore mill IliaiiKInx hem for
pout favurs, nskti a eiiitlnuauce the.eot You
will a.ways flud a mil line uf
and aiti.k i'u nnns. von.
WOlNKKlNv 1 Alt. IDd FAN.
C!V M rATlONKH Y.lntcsl style ut
1 1 i una rAiiui i a
1'Ultk WINK4 aud I.tQUUItS for loed.clnsl
use. ic. at Lowest Prices. Pliynlciau's re.
scripilonaeomitounded by Dr. C T. Horn, at
ail hours or taeoavand iilatit,Handsvinilad.
cd. MUS A. C. I'KIKU.
Match , ts-yl
Shoats ! Shoats ! !
The and rlned respect
(ally announce that lie
19 uow urcuarru io m.
nlr all who want witn
choica 8I10AI8 FUUM NKW JE114K at
lowest market price Alao, DUCUKO HUQm
bi ltoiiom n uie nr oisu ouy i Yarn auu ur
nccai K.vu4nu uuiliU Jim
as, 23, 1679 Cm.
or Sal. or to Kent.
An elftrihlr located 3 Rlorv Doable
Frame llojue ntiutolo Kilt weiiwporl.
with fire aud one-hsil acres of taw),
giKul Orchard ot choice apples, Ac. For tu.ilh;
vt imrLica.kM, apply 10
U. lel lgtiUn,
E. E. 0.
nuIUKAIt DOIL tl'tertrdfrees higher
Ore lest thsu tl o law irqelro.), csn bo bait rd
In any U1IF where lbs chimney burner is
under loriciture or I no.
rVKX0I.Ul VK COUMTY ntOII ra forss'e
Dy P.J KIIZai:itAI.D. Bole Proo. A Manol'i,
103 A IM N. t'ounli sU, Plillad'a.
f 11 A large assoitment of fa(l it nt
eiiA.sDfi.-Krp. ir.t cketo, iiiionzb
tAUPLU .M-P.S Jfcr., te Cmsuutlr en
Tn order to close ou the balance of our "Winter Stock of
ess CJ-oods. "Drv gumIs..
j v 7
we have determined not to pack away a single dollar's worth
of the same, and will positively move the entiiie stoci
quickly, at Prices rcgardless'of COS T, in conse- -quence
whereof we have made such Gigantic
Reductions that will astonish the public
in this section of the country.
OQf If you would save time and moncv, fail not to at
tend this important sale. Respectfully,
Linderman's Block, Opposite the Public Square.
Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kinds of Lumber, Sashv
Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Brackets, Ballust
ers, Window and Door Frames, Scroll Sawing,
Turning, Planing and Ripping done at short
notice and at Prices to Suit the Times.
nr Maclalaaefy is all JSfew
and of the Latest and Most Improved Pattern ; we em
ploy none but the Best Mechanics, and use only
the Best and Thoroughly Seasoned Lumber.
Contractors and. Carpenters are invited to
call for Specifications, which will be
cheerfully furnished.
Very Ropcclfally.
P. O. box G3.
au liuuieiiso bijcic
for Man. Youth
ll.o uo t and best assortmeatot
over r ron flit Into llil- tnvn. at nn Immensfl reduction on fnrnipr nrlrii t
Hit toivn. at nn Immense reduction nn former prices I
etvofQiuts NKCK WKAUwbiclilstcl.lnKatpileestornlttb
t Top
An eudle variety of OtDtn NKCK WKAlt
ThoDeptrtment for
for Toiltra1
Oentteraen'a and Chl'drf n
to ho lonud iu Iho roiintrv. which havn been
lore.ifleu'onian IMMJoNHK UKDUCTIiiN
io.i i re rarneft v invited to c-ill aiid txnrnti
rotivluo d that I vm sell'iin goons at lower prices thnn tho nmo an
whro. It i mwara
pintfeuie to exhibit
guai auletd or no ba e.
lon'i torpet tho pluco I
T. D. CLAUSS, Merchant Tailor,
2nd door above the Public Square, DANK STHEET, Leblghton
Mew BnsIg I
I respectfully announce to the citizens of Lchighton and
vicinity that I have leased tho Old Post-Olfico Stand, on
BANK Street, Lchighton, and that 1 am now receiving a
full line of
consisting of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Underwear, Hosi
er', Handkerchiefs, Jewelry, Ribbons, Ruches, lady's
hand-inado Clouds, Gloves, Fancy Soaps, Brushes,
Combs, Buttons, Collars, Machine Needles and
Oil, Znphors, JFnncy Stationery, and
all other articles usually kept in my lino.
Also, Agent for tho celebrated
Fkim Cabmbt Bis-am
$3 Call and examine my goods ; tho prices aro so low
that thoy cannot fail to suit all.
7-1 S. C. WmrJEAOCIilSY.
Willi sastal Winter Upeiniiig" !
Tho undersigned announces to tho ladies of Lohighton
and vicinity that ho is now receiving and opening a largo
assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising
such as Matalasses. Delaines, Coburgs, Alpacas, &o. AIbo,
a largo stock of
which ho is offering
Groceries and Provisions a Specialty,
at prices tp suit tho times.
Clover, Timothv, Hungarian and all kinds of Field and
Garden Seeds, VERY CHEAP.
Opposite tho L. & S Depot, BANK Street,
May 0, 1870 yl LEIIIQUTOX, I'ENX'A.
the Wcissport Planing Mill.
jan.4- yl
ChMp and Handsnmo FALL AND WINTI5II ftUITShaiJaat so ra
in en ceo at the popu ar
Merchant Tailoring Establishment of
.?J5ll,,t receiving snd onontntr uo toy new stoelt of FALL AND
t I.NTIJIl CLO'fils.CASiIMEItm Ac, (Korelm and IMme'lll).
anil re.p ctfiillr annoatico that I c-tn se 1 jii descrlniiou. of aouda
sc le- iir.ces than ever beforo offered la this county. lata now
makii.K up tho finest 1
tar Men, Youth and Boy, In the latest lashlon at prtoca lha ara
ftcttiftilvaatoniHhlngl i and be coiivmcra.
or an tus utest styles oi
and Children, vnrv rhnnn.
which UteLlnic at pilcono nit theie Hard Timet..
now fully lurnlhed with the host lannftatnrea.
nuicliai d
dm ctly from tho jUAkcru aud aie.ihtra
ou fnrmtr Trices,
e Roods hctoie waking your purcbaiaa, and be
Goods, whether you purchase cruet, rerteot 11 U
' ciu he out t toed ).
Mew Friceg !
1. II.IL.JI, JIUI t HBniuiou. IfA ill
Hand. Hepl flmo.