SPECIAL CORRESFCNDENCE, LETTER FROM FIT K1KW0RSHD, ITotIpj-'s" lm r from Sew Yorlt lr M"Hoy. Ilkp Mrilor Itng.tock, li "tniinli, tdr, tmtrtlit" he li tint o touch M Hi up In-pnll1i" to the kindly word, viiilcli crwiHi IiIh return In t lit nulni v In-fi- inlll, gels-urn ittul nlcpot rc viflMin tiiletitcr ll'nn the snoril ul Arhllli'i 01 Hip n tl 1 1 fry of Napoleon Ktirnll of which, kind filend H"cept tl i' prntmtnrW'Bt n. knnwleilnrnerits ul "nnr truly." A O'lt.n MINE IN SKW YOIUC CITY. G 'tlmm Imi vindicated her i-lnlm tn lave h little nf everything by linvlnu h vry ropoctnhln pulil mine. In 1H77, thu Appletnn iMilldinK, on llonrt street, v r til rued and p"W nnd silver warn .viirlh a million was melted nwi burled In the rubliMi. 'J be liinitnnrB cin jHnles wnrked over the ruin and tooV untall the 'arger m!ieaof metixl, Then t c owners of llm property put put n I. -at sum by n thorough umhlng. and left'lhe renmnnt for the street Arab" Tim ti'ehln" met with such snerei Hint jt Spring two Western miners innden liberal bM for th prlvlliigp nf wnrklnir over the lefu-B sclentllipnlly. C'rod of cnrloin penplu wntcbpd the operation clay by dtiy; anil now, when tl e miner hive tlnli-hed their work, they prniiiinnee It one of Hie richest "findi" tley ever worked The nveracn yield approxl mated ! 000 n iliy, one day they took 1 700, nnit the whole tmn-netlmi Jleld rd them prnllt of over 20,000 above expense' and cost of their privilege. A PtltKCELY DOCTOlt'8 FEE. New Vnrk physicians, p'artlclng In very wealthy families, reub-r no bills, but their patlenti tra'te It a waiter of pride to pay handsomely for the riiie'nr'. permission tn cheat the nmb'ttaki r, tlx Ingtbeimnnnt tlienipve. Very rerefi ly the wife or a well knoan x i d 'e I ad an operation performed to p move tumor, which was uniiprpfiil. Het Intl-iiate friend, n mlilioniilru's widow, I revallcd upon her lo try her own phy Me'an, n young doctor, and very skill fill as a surgeon. The fair patient eon fen ted and the operation wis success fully performed, greatly to the dellahl of a laige cliele of filends. 'I he doc tor sent no bill, but wlely waited her complete reenvry, v hen, "in token ot her appreciation of his skill, she sent a note nt profound thanks, coveting her check lor $0,000. Doctors need not C't excited; cises like this are rievei c ntiiginu I Hut I promised to t"ll yon, in tliN letter, 1 o.v Iw i Hems of farm produce arc looming up till It take-, no propbit to predict a vast profitable industry in each. U you will look nmniii; the Ftatl tics you will see the stranje spec tveleof "hl.NO COW" DKTI10NIX0 "KIND COTTON." L.lugh If you will, lull the Co piances rampant where King Cotloc held stately court twenty short jcar ngol Itol est mort Vive lo Hull in Cledlble as it seems, the Cow prodiwei more wealth to-day than Cotton doe-. Our cheese and butter hi-t jear sold loi i:;!50,000,000. Think of III Kven our fabulous wheat ciop does not equal thai ; only one American crop exceeds that ulue, and that is coin. Ihe Cow .n afeei a woithler King than Cot,lot jlid. She keep out ofohlics, drinks ro whi;key, and never chases a "nlg 't" unless he shows her a red thirl. cnr.Esn. Tew people dream to what proper ttloni oi r cheese trade has grown In a fi w years. Twenty-right years go 12 mi llllun pounds were sent abroad and .iMiud on unwilling mirket During level) months of 1S78, this city alone xportcd ISO million pound-, and the Inline consumpliox takes about 31 0 mil lion more. Yet tlui outlook i- to t lit oil satisfactory Id tlii- field. A London inerihaiit-l-'-uesa circular quot'tig prices for finest English Cheddar clnese lit 17 1o 19 cei, mid lined An cricau ehi e-e Jit U Wil2ci'nt per pound. A mono nl' irtii'iilation t tn in these figures shown that mi our expert d cheese alone we ruiliziGjnilllitiii dhl'ars Ic-s than though our best chffse wire confessedly i qual to the best Enjlish rutlcle. The cau-e is cirtalnly not In our la-turage; no Unit under heaven grows finer glass. Nor Is it probable in the method ot mak ing, for the bi'!t Cheddar roces-cs arc l.ow generally usitt in our larger niau ufactorles. It Is complained of Ihe Ameilcan cheese, that it does no l.cep: t) at !t grows sluing and rank, and Unit some chemical change takes place In it, which makes It compare very uiilavma My wilh that of Engll;h make, after t'Aoor three months. May not thii in (.rial measure be due to thu sdi? In Kngland the greatest cate Is given to thi- item. Dr. Voelcker, Ihe eminent English agricultural chemist, said in a recent paper, "the salt used in dailies should be of the flnestdecrlptlonj"and to show how Impoitant the polity of call is esteemed, the English govern ment has recently granted a patent to one of the Cheshire salt ummilacttirer- Messrs. Hiomas lliggln & Co., for im provements In salt making. This par ticular salt Is now finding its wny to this country, where It is to be hoped that It will toon bj as extctislvely used tu In Europe. New York, Wisconsin, Turns) lvanla and Ohio are the leading ehee-e Stales, while Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan, unit some of tint Eastern State-, mnk con siderable amounts The rest of the country buys mure cheese, than it pro duces. The entire south Is suppliid from this city. Is not this growing In dustry worth stimulating throughout thecountrj? Nature has given u-rarr resources lu farming and grnzlng binds, and we may, if wo will, build up n giant trade In this and other staple farm products which the limited ru sources of the Old World can i.evi r suc cessfully dispute with us. Striking as nre the above-named dif ferences In prices of English and Amer ican chcose, they are none the less to, us regards IJUTTEJl. No fact strikes the investigator nf this subject more forclply than that so very small n, portion of the butter made In this country Is exported (23 million out of 1,600 million pounds); and that this Is principally of the lower grades, which aro consumed by the laboring classes. In fact, when butter gets poor that It can find no market here. It Is sent abroad as the only outlet for It; but In fine qualities, weare only laughed at by the epicures on the other bide of the water. While this may, In some measure, be accounted ror by the delicate nature ot the article, and the difficulty which un questionably' 'exists ot retaining the fresh, rosy delightful flavor which charms the palate of the gourmet, It I: undeniably true, that the kteplug qual llles of our butter are as defective ti re those of cheese. Whether the camu reason will applj or not, I must leave to thejeadrr to de cide, lint when It costs ouly about a hundredth part of a cent per lb. more to use the best, than It does to use the poorest salt, In the manufacture of -hee rind butter, It would seem as It our shrewd dairymen would nut think very long over It, One thing Is certain, If Hip Hem of salt can have any possible Influence In Improving the quality of American dairy products, so that they will ap proximate lu price the best or their kind made lu other countries, American dal rymen should not hesitate to use the beat, America boasts the longest rivers. the biggest lakes, Ihe highest falls, the itcreaoilest eagle and the biggest and twt of everything and Un't It funny that her greatest wealth should, alter all, bo squeezed through the dairymaid's Sogers? This It a funuy world any .! UofilXT. tVi'LaaocTrir.r.K, 1'i.a. 1.18T0. Mn. Dnt'KEti : Dcs mol sink ich d'r mi pictcr, tin sliunst nilcs os cvawd 's libl o'ticli likeness fum Pit schver. Ich kont (Vr toga dos ich shduls bin mit mime pittcr, tin wo rum snt ich net. En nton tw irh os so 'n sha pictcr moclit vc d r Jikcnrssm n Bmm and Medicines ! The Best and Most Poplar Muioiiic is The.peqple'sprug 8t. Family Medicine Store. If you want anything in tho Drug lino at bottom prices, .ro to thp Old' and Roliablo Drug Store, in Dr. N. B. Ruber's 131ock, near tho Post Oflice, A. J.' DURL1NG, Proprietor, iWltcrn vnil wilt 11 rd a fall anl romplcto s'ock ot Pure Drugs, Mddicincs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, &c. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils. A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces. Pure Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and Sncrninentnl purposes. Wall Paper ami Borders, a r reat variety. Personal attention given to the compounding of Physi cians ar.d Family Proscriptions. Estabi isitm 1807.1 A. J. BURLING. 11 C. TriEXUiR. It. It. KllEIDLCa. CENTRAL CARRIAGE 5 SLEIGH WORKS, Li Million NoveniD'TS. vnsht bonsr druwel .rcva.- ma, lint fun mcr! nn snt do net shduls dnif lbla ! I, dos war km mon ! , Be Royal sccht os won m'r ncch ola bad ledich wnra un sc dad mi pic tcr scna dad sc mich "'wis hciva, un sc war os kent noch Wcl ich hob d'r lloval 'sawt os won's nng'far so wide kam't os 's druwel ucwa. sut kent sc niniond blania os grawd sich sclwcr ; un sc hut aw g'mant 's war so. Sahst, Mr. Biuk- cr, ich hob mich net obnemn wulu luso, hob ow r ken ru ma kota bisich's ferwilicht hob un mit d'r Royal gonga bin noch 'cm likencssshop un mich obncnia lusn. el wo m r hr kuma sin, hut d'r likcncssnion 'sawt. Wos kon ich du for cieh I No hut do Koj al 'sawl os sc hrt earn d r 1 it obganu- nia. AVcl, (hut d'r likeness- men 'sawt), dcs kon kshnna. No hut'r mich don uf n slidool har a huka un wc ich don kiikt bob no hut 'r m'r so 'n ding hina on d'r kup 's hut fel g'gukt os wc 'n hoigowcl; no is 'r gonga un hut dorch so 'n ding g gukt un hut m r sawt ich sut now yusht rccht shdil hohla un shnoor shdroks grawd in scl gla Inch guka woo on sel'm ding is woo ni'i dc pictcrs mit nam't B'no hut d r likeness mon ob s rous r - doo MM les' aw ,14 V It Invniiablv Cnrcs Conaha, Colds, Hoarse- ncB, Soro Throat, Aftbma, Croup, audotlicr AfTcctlous ot tho Breathing Organs, Ifcfl roMM"ir inflnpnee upon tho Irrlta'ctl tin ttiffof (htn r pipsnpi'P, l8 4limio tliolnct tliat itn inprodipnts nro tiio most oQcnclmin imimon io Blmp!ps known tn meilicil Ufitnny, tiie baM oi inn nmi'iu ur t it) ii uii in mo ihjjiij IIOUM) l'i.AN r. ciiriiticmir unitc.i with t in mrdicinnlpnncip'onf ihi A KIKs UALSjMl2A or liiitni t Gl'Piul, Thorn nro hc'tiils. iirontlipr bofimo Qtcmeiitn wincu dire auuitionai ciucocy to the 11 t naiiitMl twn. i iiofo wim nave u-oii u, par tunc iiAi.ii'. IinVI'A OF HO It Kill i UN It AXll TAlt ift not unlv wiiniJeifiinv rmo'tiiil in iU cms whoio thooritnn of ipplntloii aro nncii'il but "Nn tan it" neiion n iiiiiif.ii.iiiv ruiiiii. a Towunse f tn oiitl' fi'Tve tn nllovo a verv (ibsnato (oiikIi. It coiilnma imtIiln"tont cam tiwn1er nio hio'iini n ti iai-. iiiik un in dsfu w in truth of but tow 'cmli remanent it tins an ex- pptrelv nrcoihiouur,nnitHiuio rtn llpuro which rmWes thoto of tho m't limited moans to iiviiil thrmelvpi ot U vmnni it i m niiio iniui'ie tn itiuo wun n ( oiijrn Irilt itlon of th Tliro.it. Chot ml t.uniys tr.iv oi- rn"lUv ami wlmt is n trifling mid enmlt ponq'inrnhto dilllcullv in tliosn oig.tni tn-OiiVt mn m 'I iow wc'huh icvpioi uno urnm'uuii or 'on unit) ton, twn uimc wnicn earn more vlrtmntn oiir'v grav. ihnn miTOliicrlu the mnsll'tnr i-ndii? (inortipr. i. tonsil m ly hp imv icrinpii ino iTCMtTiHTy t iirn nf CnliHlllil'itllotl. n in 1-nlv f wfilnli rM';S I10KY OF IIOUlClIOUND AMD TAItHthP F-urp-t Minwn tvt r.iitivi. Tl no ttio ooi'p, wim wonM srrct fu progro'fl of tho li-L (li'i'r innul 1 dtla not n nmmunt totnkt- 1 CI 11T TN HpCCinf. ('Hiiuui;:. iio'iro rriPit. imnrnt rrnm it -0'itiiinsr nioiiprtlei wlion Hiiftoilii-j with Hip i!imvvin of Cfnun ni:d Whwm licr Couaii. fi hp itrni lift ned d'ftM-o n eiriiiv iltfttnittiTP miongvouiiffcuiiuirn miti tli a r'Irnilo reinptiv tliMiiltl ho Kont on lmnd in nil hnn-chu.ds liuv tho I n urn VnrkMfrrs ami Eoouornlzp. ritiri;. o cm., cnu ci, risu UOITI-E, Sold by all Diufii$ts. C. N. Crittenion Prop'r, NO SEVEN SIXTH AVENUE, K. Y. Opposltn T. D. Clnuss', BaiiL' St., IiCliightoii, Fn., 1b prepared to tnnnufacltiro any dercrlp lion tl Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagons, &c Itcimlrliii? rromiitly AtlcmUil In. C7"AU wcrk dono at tills I'stabllshmoiit i cnnratitei-d to o ot tlic vcrr best lnotcrlnl 01.1 wcrkmarulilp rnd tho trlco fullr as totv as 1h snino ni Hell scan lie purchasci! lsowliorc Speclnl luiluconients tITcieil strictly cr.f. customer?. m. c. tim:xlch & co. Juljr2l,l:77. N. Y. P. S. Go's Column. X1TJSSIAJV OUT Violin steino3. TEST llrlnpilmMrlrl-t:tlrii L ndli flfiir nd ll.iKtiia-ulrlt t. l(ntMinil llrllll.nt lanUiiraliU-llsi'd liy ftULK IIMMI IllMd. A11n titvt York city. Cuinhkrhig tlnlr rr.l t.lur, th rltrtif.t .lrin 1 ti l li i worltC Jlnwnro or very wltitobtrM-lml atrlnir. Wnutl. lultllllMkKtbltOfliat.lu.. II.nulM IUl. TJlADi mflnn. .un mi pinnr. rrquire iinoiesrlilng. luttUeul. J-ury box lit 1 radc-ln.rk Mllm noln liuportvr, jomi r. biiuTroj ti io., ir.i. 1UULlKO ll.il.k bt., Lrh rh Mn. 0-i.ci . l'or -iiln by A. J on, 1 n. IV1TU A UieTrDV-J'"""1 noms-f,..- Kill it IV HlOlUnl New effects fiom new Ingredients! n new remedy that prrrnrma uoiidcri. UNA IT'S 'I'll Ito.VI ill JtH.qulck relief and radical remedy (or llimr.oriess. horn 'I li roar, Cnldv Tlckllnir, l.o nr Voire, Quinsy, IHplitlif rla, llrnnrlilll., and "MlnMpr'S Sore Throat." Great relief and comfort for Con-timptlvcs. Send postal rnrd for tho "History." Impor tant news for Vocalists, Speakers n d Teachers. Sftmprj'A Thvonl Cr Is sold by druggists. Address II A. Otn, loo Mton St., K. Y. dry. For ato liv A. i.clulitoii. I'a. J. DUItUN'O, IJ nk street, eii:eii... & co., BANK STREET. Lchightou, Fa IttiiLEIts and Dialers In Ml Kind nf OltAIN BOUGHT and 80L"Da- ULUULAll AHKJUi ItATh'd, We would, nlso. lesocctmilv inform nnrrn zoii (hut wonio now fuiiv nrejmml to bUT liX lUL'Ul Willi Trom any Mlno ileal led at VEI1Y LOWEST I'll ICES. M. IIEILMAN & CO nave j cm a "IiAOiKQ Tooth" ReatUr? IF YOU HAVE, BUY Pike's Toothache Drops nndCaro thn a?ncr fn onr Minutr. This von -nn lif(irTViN'iV.FIVfl OUV'iVS Tho ar tlclo v II tli tho hu tiio-i iiu brown, depend upon tt; aiorjovnr it nuitjuna uo iiMie.ik-nt which i i lujuru ymir iuuii;. IM.U B S JD ,T3. SoU t)y a'.l DiU2Klaia. C. 2J. Cnltentnn, Prop'r. f n k PS tn" s.i o f?'Mini'ii Amprieim Wiifciio 'li.ii is. IJ. ill-iil. ito Vest rlmins. Fi 'i'-'nl: V Silk Giuirds Tlii nbltv, li-iclots II -.m l'i r.U'ovo Uut'ii'tw, E ii'- D D'-s. Ij I'jkt't I'l'u 1 i lling-i, Silvoi'W.i!''', I'lo'k , a id ni-ike- -;)t hut 'Itikt ich was net ynnvd wc OS WPv wos, s moelit ow'r aw niks ous, do waislit ferniootlich wol wisa wes ich man. Wcl anyhow tl no wc dcs nous wov Jiut r wid'r cb's ni 's hut mich mawnt os we'n ferckicha flatn nox, wc r ow r dc arm kota hut no hut 'r on duch ufkowa I tUlU 'an suit any one in this line. GLEMT'S , fi-ld Ve- lX V-i.;i -WMii Repairing Neatly done a Lowest Prices. Tlic Lc,i"" sMo woo iwcr's dins nun'r konka Ittpec fully announces to the people of l-oliighton and its .1 . ' ... -ii .ei. 1. to? DISEASES OP THE SKIS nnd Beaulifici of the Comploxion nut, un nut whit sawt now guk noch a mol shuoor shdroks grawd in des Inch ni, no wil ich d'r mol 'n feg'li do rous vawca. AY el ich hob don gagukt, hob. ow'r harly rccht j'gnkt lcota hut'r shun 's duch wid'r iw'rs ding nun'r lbla his.li un 'sawt now konst ufshda un hut dcs woo g'gukt vici.iitv, llmt lie a. "put cnlargea ins iinuiirucrory uy un.- iddition of anoficv story, iruj t'.mi n- is now prepiiteii to furnish thorn with every description of OllSOJiO urE. It renders tlio Cuticle . Ilealllifullj' Clear nrd Sinnolli, niul U t lit- J-t l'i t slble Substitute for Expen'Ivo Sulnhur Cllis. Manufactured fiwn tho bot Seisoned Material, at Prices r'nlli. ln.T fist t in sjimn nrtiu es can be uoii'r lit tor else where as Here aro a few of tho inducements offered Parlor Sets at from to fcou.uu Walnut Marble-top Dressing Uaso Bedroom Suites, 3 Pieces. PiiintcdiBedroom buites (-ano Seated Chair?, per set of fcnx Common Chairs, per set of 'Six and all other goods equally clicap. $40 to $65.00 $18 to $-10.00 $G.OO $4.00 It I Inromtiirrb o Uemrdv for Bitl'ISER. UL cers, WW aud ivery liritnlito r iniln-titltv Clllll II I Ul I IIU ft 1 II. ItlMl 1- V IlinSC t-Ri V 1'f'lllil it niodiil a"fnt and 1011 c nf iti-tiMy lcllcllu l-ascnui OOUf JUid KllKUMATISM. It in a most iti'sirtium 1 u H I N rE'JTA N T Or u i iiiisu tut Jit'i jii mo' 11 nun 11 on bvnfifu)i" nU'i-'iiir trum ounoxioch hp ms TAaiOl'H DIPlfAbrM tllitl 1-4 II Culllfti ItLIlH'OV Ahll itovoi lauvu ' 1 luvm wiu-u 1 st'.i Dnon lit linn I'cisntia otitl)hi Ins ll huvn nn iifid ii taK buiphur Jlan.ft, or to rrs -rt to Sulphur prmuH i!r nam nm pun nsei. A mi mMnitCT. of t e TOIIHT It 1 'nt-mon dtirnid intiii any Coni ic Mien !r pOE-Mr like a ticipi 01 lit t nitinii', conceal ootnp.ux 1 111 tl IdtMii liliPi bai itiimvtM thi'in. AN.Klll'UKI.l'i'S l'lJirj.li IlLOTnil H nr a iht 11 .. Pi-eoiliiv yttvn tin c.anfrtnir li tlucncp au 1 It 1 4 thr 101' ttet-t boap to Hinv wuu.occHun 11 icavfrt 1 in tki Rii.ooin a imi rrt'f iroiu tie li illation rrotiu e. en- fenltlvik cu ifi iiv Honnoaiim or ft i&xir. it mt con lucie verdii'cai'H ijaa 1 1 11'. Hi unuivi riu ai it tob" excellent fm In Hue rtrtunnotintl I f OCl Prt II ('MM llltl JL L LU II LIU 11 Ul 11J I tulirlfl ailil lliuie- lllt'VIII0 It) ll0 hCSt lrclPHO' 111 U'HO '.UlllKWllunj - - .iP.,n.Hitft.i llliftl unii.t- il nf It. I. 11JI' fllnIIll l"! IU. 1 flsilu on I 18 roar in rrnm n 1 fiunrtpr4 of Ihi- I'll mil ii : miii iin iiiMii i nr. m&nv in win ii inu bffii mibliKti' d In thot rut ola neat t imphlct I rot ura u in true i mi ihiicvmoom iwn vru. ilif nilirili'i'S lifinir nen tn nnbl liifnt c t nn at Ins Mhhcinal w ah 1:11 u.-i; No. 7 Mxru ,ii innml iU 1 l(K M illo .T frn.Hi nit v a now and handsome Hearse, and a full ' vnf.'L iffnriM t,1 nonm wunoui 1110 iuuiich iraciu n or Kv tlLLUUU iitcnlal 1 filcflov liavo I pen 11 nil art foiiL-d uimn th iitisusofctlnc and uno'mprvMnt. wnenuine bulnliur Koans ohpp-wimw uiorrrtle iapilcii u 11 11 or i-iiuii i 111a 11 "h c ue, wiiii'L iiii'ii vrnu'iiM i-fu lor'vai iv hiiu-mu mi v in noil tin . 'IlioiniblicslioulJ in rt for no ran ful to I tnqu'ro tr QIJ-.NN'rt hulyluir fonp br Its tu'i 1Laiu( nuueo tun nvy am iiir rnai itiuo't. A l ipip ctat) i) Urn tiitB. Furcr 0wi4 iinal Artand (llOO'TS rftCD tll.CNN'H KlirPillt I hOAl. mid ull vv ili ir Hid for :t, euup-y ihe Ut-MJISli IU1.1U IrU men ua tuuiurs. ill L'iir '.uiiin.iiiuiij j uv.jn .i .ntizens to my ample facilities in tlio U3STDBETAEING nit wc 'n ferckicha flata box ous: 'm din"r rous un is kshwint in '11 gla shdibla un hut de nmcrsicn zu Ksiociia : ow r iwar 'n klancs hut ar so wid'r ufgamocht un m'run d'r Roy al d's leibhoftich nictcr fun m'r g'wisa. Yc d'r likcncss mon 's don fulishtcr fardicli kota hut, hob ich 'n b'zawlt, no bin ich un dc lloval wid'r nianon'r ham. Unuf'inham- wak hen m'r don ousgamocht os ich sut 'm Drttk'r 's like- RTTSINESS. with ncss shika un ola mol os ich Hm, of Caskets nnd Coffins. I am prepared to don 'n brci shrciwa dad for m-nmntlv tn nl nvdm in this lino, at lowest prices do Advocate snt'rs mit 'm l'niw,n.i wwivotfiillv'snlicitwl and the most ainn'o sat brcf in de Zeitunp: du. Grawd sfnp.tinn friinratitcrd.. Y. i(jll WAll I X. waga scl'm hob ich d'r mi Qcl. 12T ' BANK Street, LEUIGHTON, PA pictcr kslukt, so dos yad is woo mi bref last un wurncrt war d'r Pit KnokworsAul war yushd owa he guka broucb no kon 'rs leibhoftich pictcr fum Pit Knokworshd sana. Un wars sant un sawut net uos 's ans fun d'r infawmsta, shensta pictcrs war dcs is, ans wcl ich was net wc m rs hasa sul, anv now mol lor s nrsnt Kon in r sawua, sans urn acna wos m'r tie oneia mit fonkt. So hob ich don kshriwa for d's mol was ich shrciwa wil, vm yunsht noch sawka, dos ol de was gain pictcrs beta lun sich, sich aw obnemn sula lusn, ow'r duch won so nr't ,wjila brouat h se nctaiiaisiin' 'i uuch guta friend, ualji'wcid'r. Pit Knok-woiisiid. i 3 o c Is o E ; i ir H .1 " 0 o a ?' o . 1 Q. a A flro brnke out In tlic Tminel Ij-vi-I nf i the Suiiinilt Bruuuli Colliery, at Williniin towu.pn SaturiUy night. It rlwtroycil tlio tngine liouw, uiocliinrry and twenty imilrs, ami iK-nctrotcd to the mine, where jt wa I still turning Similar, though rahl to bo ' under ronltvl, Nearly 600 men were em, )ifi at tLii nU,.t,. '.. v. if!--. - .. li rr - ii. 'A c U 2 c U b: Hi 5 uV i'VZX t ? 2 ? a "2 -,-2 2 I Trlcti, 25 cli. ier Cattc 1 Uox, (3 cakes arnt hy mnll, prvpalit fur 70c. 0. N. CRITTENTON, ritormcToit, Vo. 7 Slth Ave., N. y. Fnr-nlebvA. J. DUIILINO. Bank htro Leiiluniou, i-a. BLACKS and BR0W.NS AS ATUUJtL AS S'iTL'KF.'B SELF. HrecninninleAtrd to Orar nd Flame colored ioc, i.ruio8t ruDtauiiiueoudrr uy Hill's Hair and Whisker Dy I aorenniatlon absolmrb fre trom bartfallr. I cnd'fiii-anUlnn.i telv Mipnnr uv riai'n ot l I no l U tl l nurirwi iuaii,v ni vf n iiiu I'lpnitftlllO GlIAYMttg AXlt I1ALD CbS UIU 1HO fitiMi. and iliti -i vfi.y l.uirn f . ire a quu tliL true jouiuiui uui icoiu turn uidicu'UM uyv. BOLD BV ALL DUUOQlSTS. C. N. Crittenion Prop' SIXTH AVE.N.V HurHiila hr A. J. DUnLINU. Hank xtrect 'OUT RPEEH'o GRAPE WIN1 used in Iimirtrrd" of cmiRri citions tor emm n com 'i un.on ia p rt". Aia ins acid. .xii tci. liank Htraet. Lo Not 0.Cin mm,. Wife ,dl THE LAW FORBIDS Tlic dcf.iccmcnt of " nnlnr.il r cencrv " -liov atcrn tulntcra. ijiitlicnvie Oils liaro r pot would mow an J'ndvort I - omen t Instantly. B-tn tel ler effect can now be cot in an caiMcr way. iuiu ir.c uaiu wllh pato WHAT TO 110 WITH IT, PACKER'S All-Healing TSB and thick new holr will ai-on cover It. Thus wc ac euro many a walking wltnci that Pacbkii's Tau Soap la a modem wonder. PhyslclaLs everywhere recommend tt for HilJnc's, Daudriill, Sculp and kin Diseases, lleailaclie, i:niptioL or tnniiren, sucb as Sea d Head, Ui zema. Acne. Cluifln?, Itauli, etc CureaS.iItlt cum, llinirH-nrni, Tetter Blilnsles, I'llos, l imploi, ItotiElinc.". Kcdncsa, i hap, nnd all f Imll lr dlaoasea. All 1 hyslc am prescribe It for Wanning Infant', nnd for tlio Toilet an i ISath. Ihe only i nr Snap made from I'ur-J Vo etih e OI' and ltellncd Ohccrlne. 1'ure. cleansing, withlng una healing. 1'AcKKn'a Tmi S0p U needed bv every body na n sanitary luxury. Ask for l'AC KElt'S. -l'or Hale by ib A. J. DUlti.lNQ. en l'i - Wc will Pay tlioToslagc AND SEND OV V UNIVERSAL REMEDIES. COUGH REMEDY, a stiur. CUHE for COUdHS, chronic or common. Soro Throat, Croup. Whooping Cough, and all pul monary complaints. The best nnd cheapest medicine of lu kind. 1'iico ta and 60 eta. TOLU ANODYNE, the great NEUHALUIC KUJI HI) V. cures Nervous, Chronio nnd violent Sick Headaches. Sciatica, Nervous Debility, Hysteria, Delirium Tremens. 60 ets. per bottle. r ."i MT. PROSPECT VINEYARDS, N.J Speer's Port G ape Wine FOUU YKAHS (II J. Till Jiif.t.v CoJchntol Nnt vo Wmo Is niul 0111 th Jtuct ot tin OiX'ito Or po, m-td . i- coimirk. It ii.M-liiaoiti ronic and StrengtlicniutzProi cr i- to tiuJitn -Si-PlI tiv our ntlpr imilrc 'm Bcma tlio T't J'uci cf Win pr:ti innitnit' uimUt Air. tiO'r'-owi. ii'tAium. hut-eiiifH iA juiiitv hint ri'itiiinci o fl lire iruu tmiivi rL'oyouiiffCi-t child mnv ia tiko of lift pi jh- ounqni ill"' mid tin wrn it Ht lnv id iitii t iiiviiiitnso. it is it, lucni -ri ucnoici I iii tl aucd unit ''obilitntrd.imd HiittO'i iintift uiiiti. dtiiifiiw ttutt t fillet tt'O tt-iiker vt x, ! U, t eveiv it'fpt'Ct. A WINK O It Lilt li vi IztzMU T:o C;co'8 Fdrt Crsya VTIro, TcniLa U:o Etflers Fcrt Orapo Wite. Weikly rarsens Fit! a Benefit ty Itt tT:o. ft'H'cr's Vim-( m IIo-;iitaN aiu ptefenua t tl.er V lien, hnid Iiv I'ru!r?lti ffrupnllr. who Iro fp! U'KKllN PKIiJlO J. IUIANDN . i'l'DttO .T JUUUllY MW1 MAAUr Itll HIT riilts. 'ir.ndetiiiiihid hv oil IioUmi.o I) in ifi. heo i lint .ho i-l'.'itntaiu of Allied -ih r ra-8.iic. N. .T.,laotpi thrtoiu of oi.i'li litt c :tpt? Jer o.. Oia c, No. 34 Uairiu Muct Ni'W Vol k For n-iin bv A. J. H U it LI NO JLK!lIQIi'XO. F A C ABD TO IE fill if. nli tn rni- Ihn. nun tt mir nlilinr 1111. iiu-t experieuctd iiliynlcia .s, nut r jrivnir Dr. Soth Arnold's CouKhlCilloi' .V THur.OUOIl 1RIAI., l'i ONOUNCliS I. FAR cUl'EIUOR TO ANY Onch Ittmedi- lie ever taw. Ihe dnclorliad M en 1 1111. in., witu n never c u wl icl.v. ul not jloil to nnv prehcrip ion l-eeimti eoi .uinl, but w Itli one .nitllu of Uio C'nuii K.Pcr lie w-8 t-i, iiiueli ii hevedtliat heeaitiu t-i.elc urn oiiRiit teven iKniin- nuiro. it nut one wiiiie II klKIW Willi thO IICHlOf 13 ho will lulmui them y cal.liif ul ouraioro. Ol O BMA rLUMJklEH. oit. 1'ull Druir Binrn Corner Second titrcot uuit Mcmet vei na illSMi.Al'OU8, M1.X AUNOf D'S COUail KIM.lill la sol 1 fy all Dmgvlain evert whrr e. Tors ion A.J. DUIILISO. Lehlatitoa l'a Nov. I0.m0 SMOKE TT - A - FOR 0 A T A R 11 II. in tlio LKIIIIO nicmlcal CoN. ILL CIGARETTES la dlcovercvl the oulr common rcn-e. y p It'ii ha nt uiiUctiUiu Cure Itr iliat horrlblo 0i uao L'atflirn. CiUrrli tl ould never bo trlfl d with or let run i ini rii is die loieruuni-r tit Uinduuiptlou LuttUjurM iu. ineauB ueatti. The Jnuli or lar C;a crte oci up ui a npv and si'iibiblu thooiv uud tffct a cuio lu every CilM. I ocroro n mt fnccoful remcdv lor Asth inn "lithiRltt. Co til j ihn lln.nl. llitiir t ii- fot suio llir at. Com mon Cold and al msenaod of tlii1) air tas geui ine uouu "iiu LuriifM. "I tt mo t Micctwaful remedy 'ii ttiP woild Bojlbv lirtitruisu at 5 om h. rri'imrcd out bv tho Iilitf ClitfUiiCJl Co. 2 Han I iy H ., New loncuity. I'co a snii. YOUNG SHOOTS OF WILLOW Circfullr reduced to Charcoal, thoiousllr purtUfd nud mime uuo ixiitiiire joriu. J)U 5IU11UAY' CI! A COAL lAni.KTS A rational ren cdyendomed by lhrlcl n ( I ! eneiiMta. II-a touru ImMg btI n. nmr "stoni !.'..u liiih lit-1 c hi u if. Uauto Ul turn aver at.d all ueiauvemtutii of Htuui'iih and Toii Tablet pinify the b.ood and render the 'mnidexioii i mi'aud . ndlaut. 'IlioUest Dtii iU 'eever ma'le. Iiiva urhlotn tLtikeii- oil' lm- vr diners in.'1 ooldby Drue ii U f-ir Avt'i t or box. Try tiu -nd hav a quiut fiiuuiacr unu u pui e ui vuia. A REAL bEA BATH AT HOME. A Pea WtVT ImtU U tli" bet bath lu the worll. It pi event alt kiiida ol di ie md oariw manv. i:erjtiodt' cat now enjor tltu hea'thful uxarv r loiintr or town byaddnif toorttiiuiri water dituan's y.k halt 'jho-o Hlino o- uwltbft uie-iiK patr rt. Only ?4 cat tn tei-laijr box a' our DruuKtiM. Jun. tper Tir I'inireitea, Marmv'n 4'ha.coul Tablet kbU tutnta'a nU ttt void fcy ECLECTIC PILLS. TimcREAT Mercurial Substitute nnd Family I'hynlc. Aro composed exclusilvely' of vegetable liiRredienls tuperstde the vse of Jlferairijact directly on the Liver, and nro n most valuable remedy in all cases ot derangement of that ore;an. Invaluable In the euro ot Constipation, Indigestion, and all lltUm.a lllanrlna 1 rlni 'f. pla AU are warranted to euro orilio money refunded. UUNNEWELL MF'O. CO., Eoston. The Carbon-Advocate ONE YEAR-FOR" ONE DOLLAR t Or Six Months or 50 cen 1s ! which is Less than 2 cents per "Week rott a l aii in 32 COLUMN TAPER!!! ADI)ltE-.S, Carbon Advocate, I.clilglitan, Pa. s:-iov,r iiris to your heiciibou Advertise J Lton, 1. hm: JZl. 33 im: ! Why do yoiicirry tint rntydook!nq; TrrtveWtiQ Tl'ttt who i vcu can mako it look lust na wpM as n new onj with BROWIS'B F3ENGH DSES3INa. on BROWN'S SATIN POLISH? And fMn'if let the children's bootloolc no rnKtvAnn Bhabbr when nn eletj-ntt poflxU can be Riven thcin by ellhcrof thojo Drescincs. whl h voiican pet at an; Shoo store. It will not soil tho sktrta wnin v ct. In cnnncnncneo rf their e-eit norciliritv thera arceocralimilalions. 'I o keep peace iu tho family, give your huband a box i f BROWN'S AHHY ft H VT ELACKIH&, that ho may bo on an enual footln?. Awarum inn myn nr pr-titttm ana modal at the Tails JJx;H3ltioD, 1373. only ; S Lilnirh. iCuv. U-3m. ENOCH EIQRGAM'S SOWS' A Ci ef St;lb, ft 1"t1 of water and a broib, eloth or IIOl'SG CLCISISH nn tatj tmlijulci joV WILL CLKAS TAIXTeiidall fitatcd upfacet WILL CLK1X StARrLE, SaBtfU, TMi tt SUtuiry WILL CLE1K OIL CLOTH Hoer, 6bclf, Jtc WILL CI-BAM BATH THIS, WafcnHU, Xe. ILL CLRAX Cr.OCXtltV, CLuiworf , Ic WILL CLEA1 KITCIIEX CTLSSILS rU Ud WILL CLEil WID011Snlllionliptiktjrftr W ILL I'OUSII TH, T.rs ii34 Copprwre WILLl'OLlSH LMTHttiyoUKiih HUB WILL rOLISlt ll Jletl Surfaf ci sul WIIL CLE4X ll IIiih(iUArtlflf Prlco 80c. Per Cako. ,tl - t For It Is hi!' . ' cmi.ij!.,.- every year : 1 '' f 1 Is nil nnd n creat deal more then v.'o have claim edtorit. ltlsslmrly rt li Ci i V nnd en lly a"nlmitatol l."ri!, jrrateful to tho most delicnto .Hid trr.lnt.l.i f-lutiueli. mi' stH-elally adapted for tUu 1 ..,i' ui. iiimiDS, mm and those sulTeilas from Jniilnfl trial that M(ifc(ani1II''iUftl't rnnb i ntttiui riihr-! r''mr tUlu Ilrli.M II ..tin Ii i ixwil. It eltu Libit b oni 1 i sato by A.J. DUULIXO, Barak St., T.eMsh lvo'.u o u KEW PIANOS $135 t nrh, nnd all siylrB tnctudlntr OHANJ. t-Qt' AltK A 1I)U I'll I (J UT.nll Hi ict ly Pi ItbT t. AS-, bflii ni tlm lowist tut tfili whuuna.o lnc my P icvft (11 id to the I'UltClI A Mi It. TI ca lMano-i mane u..o ot the finest iliapUv at tao CiiiK'ttnial llxhltiitlou. nul cie uunni moitaly iicoiiintcmU'il lor the Highest Honouh ovui 12.IK0 in iuo. ltemiiaily liiLtiroiated Miiuufactmuii? Co. Factoiy a tibichett ovrr fc6 nn 'Alio qnAio Grnurt cuutain Math iifilifk' new xiatoiit Duplex Orsrsiruuir Scale, tho Kumea. luiiiinvfiucnt lu the hiMory of l'i.i u iua ing. 'A i.e Ui'ilichuare ihe 111 I AMi:UI A. l'l hi'.-i soi t on Uinl. Don't tail io wnto tor II ustr:ioi1 and iiescrtplivo i;tiilmri,o 1 1 48 ra ia niolien frwo. ?il:mki,ss()iin piano co. 1 Kn.l 15 til Street, W. Y. 1 CUV JAVOiilTK rnnjCATIONS. V A.VK LESLIE'S CIIIMNJ1V COItKl Tt. I Iiu i o uli(u iMTloihcai, Ihe heat Atnermu nmiu jxiiriinl. a uiy uaper. una homu Inru!. Iui8 bceu tin urce-fttul livulot nil the weekly J i.iri ai tor the punt tlmtcen vcan. It pmnetl 'j ileum ii inn iiuu itfurts ni our people, an now tlie iiau.enf hn putionn in V-eglon. IliiH wn the rniMNKY u kmc it an-iiiM to It bnUer tLan ecr. Itn eel ml toliH me vt tho niir ii'foiblnv aim lively eliainttor of crcat ciowcr t ue to life nnd mil ot mmt, taking a. wide r.uig ot Mibjiett to plena every nituibr i ol a ho cho tl mo doinealte mory for the nun! er. tlio e Krininir Ioe tale for thoonnch teiH Uiu io ro dramatic tor tlio tonus: idmi, ihfr bttlid i.ovoi tor the o oe ipmIoib ana then m liHVt-ti.iin (iveniuro for the boys ana xaiir tu lea for tlio clu dien. Uiilibfitoi'', Uownnt ItnbinMin lie Forfst. Ilencitiol H Auiile Fiost, AniiieThomu. KtlK V. Fii'ii e, and oilier i nuiitiit wntw, are It ip;ul:ir c'nintiniorn. The Miljei't i rout on or are vei i vailed Tlio Dlnstiaiious ate proiute aid they aio all biautiliii, Moit t-tonen ex tti nit'tj in.eiehtitiir aire ninleted fn chcIi mun l.tr wld o n'osun'on'i, adentura eavH. lun, travo a iinlma: hiftnn legend, imecdoien. -eit nee, eie.. make this publtcaliou oueol the niot e lei aiutiiR In exi-ieuce. J'xqui to a'cel eiifr-imuvn are frequently K Vfli HW ' t' 1 BllbiHliblTS. 'ihe Ciiisir.Y Coim. sixteen rapes. witi eight iu''i t 1 1 i iiu trillion1, pilnitd on Hue pv Dir, t pni'lli-hrd iveiy Monday priee only IO cenlu, iiiiuii.il hUbhC'Iullniin, H, post-(mi(l. Ad. il edsyouronier to 1-iitnK irmio's FunluMur Ilnu-o.5.7 I'enrl ftiert New 1 oik. Fit A IN K LKSUIC'S LAUk JOUItlVAt.. Iff paRO" I-tned weekly, oi'iilaiiot exctllnnt litluiea an I full Vc.-afptioiis uf i tin reiy late-t atUeaof lauio- and rhl drt-n's wearj hbo Ink ltm i mation on family top cat select btorie 5 m n .11 tin I i'JU'tintioiiK of I101110 .1111 torciRii suh-P-it i iMMfyt iaahionuble lntcll!seneei poiv Miiril 111 t chaw iiiu.i-iiiL' cartoonaou iliofoliicn nnd I'Oibei ol the day 1 Mo ikaof M.Utb,.tto. I'lJANK 1 LbLlC 8 I.AIlV'rt JOUKNALla tllO mo.L LcititlUul ol a I tlio iiium ' paper. 11 nLould t lontid on Ibet-tlioof eve it icflp m tho land, l'i ro I'J coats per copy; anua aubbcriidlon, i ix ip.iid l'ltANK UISLIIS l'OPPrAR MONTII IA haa made lapid atndca a thu rival of mnnr aprai.t)t to pa lie favor, f it contributors are crao f tlie IipwI liviU" wnterr. lvery deoart mem of liieratme it lepicneuted m itsro limits 'Ah rtiK iiiit of instruullon. niertaiument amr nmiitinenl mVoiUi'd ly tho mtlrlex, essva, atnrien mol veneral 11 Im-vU my contained m tho l23quatto pi'K a ' tell number if tins tib!J- 0 nii Iw beeu well npvrvciati d, Merv cepr of tho l'oi-u ur Mont 11 r la emle lMied wnl Mcr I'd beuntitpl illattiallotc. Hemic tin chiapcst jitiio lrnt of tan kind lu cxtsicnre. and nt tli" tamo time one of iho nuM $p cct ana un eiatliv wilrome It iuatt cent in ue to lu. ereat-e In t ub lo f or, and tank wilh tho ptjo. Iii-h"! V isUNUAY J.AdAUSK h htu-hrst imoiif al tur Aneiiean n on.hllei. It In puhlhtht-d on iho ifith ot each niontlu FrU 0.-.5 centi a uutn i-eii niiitcnp.iftn.iiS )to pjlil, ;-er year. Ad tli eat vein nrdi-m 10 Fruk I-e-le, 37 FearL aieet, Aew Yoik. hum; M-;sui;t? srxiA y mcj-azink: la a l e.'iutllnl nerK Jt will Inieret educater ni d enltivated mlmls an well ua lIioinot ordi nal y trinler. It ih the only t-nucar niacaiiiiiv juili Iflieit in ILH ci'iintiy Kvny number has. 118 iaen filled with t-ioinost select and tasrih ni'tiu? Iileiuturo, ranvirr fn m Ibe sei ninn br the idlloi (Ur. 11. F. Deems p.iitor of tho ctnrrh cf tl'O Htianjrt-ral tn tlriuiff tales, reL eihl (1 tried nud caaa) s. d etry. mnulc. tun sc). e nee, Mto y no . In treat varleti . Kacy copy 01 tMs ioraiin liai iua rxnnlsilo enf-;raviiiff ot t lie mmt inteieiulno; ritsrarter. It basi reach it 11 circulation and pnwpi'ritr snoli aa. make it one of the iiiarveif ot perlod'cal Iitara lu e. It m liHieed a Lnntit fn work linr It and see lor yo-ir o' es. Hinc'o cople are oolr i5 cent', and auunal mbfcnpiiun ir ce onlt l'i. noi-t in id. Addicts oMt-ts lo VHAKK W'HMIi'H FUHLiairiNO ilUUHR. tchZHy S3, 55 A 57 Fart Flace, ffrw York. oU.iine.1 for Inventors in the United Slates, Canada and Ktirojie, nt reilueeil rotes. With our iirineiial ollieo loealed in Washington, direetly nioi!ito the Uniteil States Talent Uliiee, wo are ahlo to atleml to all indent bu.ineH with givnter iroiiiiiliienii and ilcs-luu-h and ntles eitettlian uther patent at torneys who aro nt a distance from Wnth ington, nnd wlio have, therefore, tn employ "nswx'intc attorneys." -We make pieliiniiiary exutiiinations und furnieh opinions ns tn iiatentahlity, five of eharge, and all who nro intervfted in new inventions mid jatents nro invited to 6end for n copy of our "(Snide for obtiiniiig ratente," whieli is sent free to any addrew, and contains complete inrtrut'tinns jiow to oljlain intents ami other valunblo matter. We refer to the (ierman-Aineriean National llank, Wa.hingtim, D.Cl.j the Itnyal Swedish, Norwegian and Daiii.il I.iiliinn, nt Washington; lion. Jos. (Wy, lato Chief Justice U. S. Court of Clalins; to the Officials of the U.S. l'jtent Ollioe.and to Senators an d embers of CongroM from every Suite. Addrcs: LOUIS HAUOKT, f'O.. S.iliei. tors of 1'atenU and Attorneys at Law, LeDroit Building, WiBiuxuTuji, D.C. ilec22 , lsunt04llveftiuedrntUeu tunc. tul it C4n tie nis te in tltroe mon tits livitnvo'ie fif t llht rMex.ln hiiv njirt nf the n.mtitrr. uhtt 1. wllLnir tn worf steaU Iv t ttiHeiiit'Tn!-iit tliat we luru. r.b. i a week lu veut own town. Yuned nut bo away trom home rer nlghr. You can plve yeur who e tune tttihe work oronlviom spure luouieut., li nr. riuiurnK to rrr the tiumocitr. Terms .rut 13 out lit free. AilJre.. atoiice. n ALl.K'IT A Ci.. t.lil,t l'ertliuii Mstnc $777 1 E. E. 0, EUBKKA II I) OIL. (1. lorty denees higher Ore lent tlmu tl.elaw irqulre.), can bobuttint In aur UMF where the ihimury burner Is Dietl; is WAlttlANTKU .OT TO tXl'LODE iiuiler foneltnie of lvo. tVUXCLUblVK COUNTY ItlOnTIS tor sattr bj P.J. l'UZUlOHAI.U. bolo I'rou. & MiuuIT 103 & 105 N. 1'uurlli tt., 1'tiilaU'a. Abo, WllOLUUALh OliALKIl JN ltUAD" L1Q HT. C'OAl, Oil. und UUHNINU FLUIU, Js'. B A largo a..uitiuent of tatl MU of I'llANllKL: Kl'.H, Utl UKUTb, llltO.Nril l.AMl'o. bUllMJHS, Ac., tie.. Constantly en hauit. Bept. 0 C uio. E. F. LlICKEXIJACHr, Two Doors Srlow tho "Broadway Hons, MAUCII CHUNK, TA. Dealer in all I'atttrus ot I'laln cd Fanei Wikdo'w Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies LOWEST CASH TlilCES.