The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 08, 1879, Image 3

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    Jjl II. S115WK119,
Otfiee, Kloti's llmlninit niodawny,
Nettlln Kstates. Ullnn Accounts and Orphans
Court Prnoitee a specialty.
Trial ot Cnne cnretnliv -ittendoil to. Lest
transactions In English nml Herman. Jnu n.
Local and Personal.
may tic round on file ot OEO-
iiiwr Ailvcril.niir liuieon. 10 wmiimpft,
where ADVKRTIeINO CON lfjlW Vrmif
TRACTS may bo made lor It In all II lUIUl.
TO Minscitnir.its.
BiilscriUers to tho Cammx Advocatp. will
tak special nollco Hint our terms nro one
Hollar year ttriclly In advance, If not so
Iid $1.25 will be charged In every iinlnnee.
Subsoribers getting tlielr jKifxrs by mail will
refer to the direction tabs on their papcm
ant note tho date, and remit accordingly.
Gold 100.
Lehigh Valley Railroad SSI.
Lehigh Coal A Kavigation lfij.
Weil's liver pill euro sick headache.
Philadelphia and Hearting Ititllronil 128-
Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy To
bacco. 7-SO.
Tho Iron trade In tho Schuylkill Valley
is reviving.
Itea4 Tilghman Arncr's new advertise
ment in another column.
Hon J. 0. Zem will please, accept our
thanks !or imtnrhint public documents.
The borough of South lictlilchcm oilers
for sale $20,000 worth of 5 per cent lionds.
William Stacker, agcil 14,waskllleil by
falling into an ore washer, near Kaston, Fri
day of last week.
Kight of tho puddling furnaces in the
old rail mill nt Bethlehem were started up
last week.
If you want a fashionable hator cap,call
at T. D. ClausV, and buy ono for a small
amount of mancy.
The constables have put up the hand
bill announcing tho annual election to be
held on tho 18th Inst., as required by law.
If vou want a good and cheap set of
1IA11KESS, light or heavy, call on M.
Klorey, manufacturer, East Wcissport, near
canal bridge.
St. Valentino's day is rapidly approach
ing, aud the boys and girls will soon have
an opportunity of indulging in their ruling
You can buy tho cheapest and best
clothing and undcrware, at the ttoro of
F. Schmidt, Weissport.
The Fort Allan Foundry, after n shut
down of n week, commenced o)erations on
Monday morning, witli a fresh supply of
Joseph Olwrt, received a largo consign
ment of dressed hogs tho first part of tho
week, and some of them were monsters in
Samuel Southall, of the coal firm of
Haas, Ucniser and A- Co., at Shenandoah,
licl Sunday of injuries received at tho West
Shenandoah Colliery sonic time ago.
Overcoats, latest stylcsnticl best material,
for a small amount of ready cosh, at H. H.
Peters', Post office building, Lehighton.
A Icltci from our old friend Peter T.
Brady informs us that ho is now engaged as
night operator at Pier 15 Xorth rivcr, Y.,
and that ho expects to visit Lchigltton about
the lMlrinst.
If you want shirf", neck wear, or any
other article in gent's furnishing goods, call
on T. D. Clauss, ami ho will supply you nt
extraordinary low prices.
Tho dlHurcut lodges of this place nro
uniting for thn purjioso of opening a library
and reading-room, for tho benefit of the
members. $40 have already been subscribed
towards purchasing books and ierIodicaK
Tho Berks County Agricultural Society
resolved on Saturday toholuitsnextannual
exhibition in Heading, from tho Mill of
September to tho 3d of October next, inclu
sive. Fur boots, shoe or rubbers, of tho finest
makes, mil on T. I). Clams. You will find
an immense stock to select from, at lower
prices than ever before offered
Thursday being the birthday of George
Lueekel, of Franklin, the Young America
band, on Thursday evening, paid him a
complimentary serenaile. Itcturuiug, tho
band met Deputy SherifV Semmcl and ei
corted him to his resiileneo in Lehigliton.
Kesult good time good music Into hours.
It is reported that tho Delaware and
Hudson Company's shaft Xo. i at
Plymouth, is being Hooded by a subterran
can stream, and that it will bo n month
before mining can be resumed there,
Clocks anil Watches carefully repaired,
and work warranted, at lowest cah rates, at
Hageman's cheap cash store, opposite public
square, Wckport. 41-13.
An agitation is now going on among
tho Methodist churches over the proposition
of extending the term of scrvloo of ministers
in a single place from three to five years.
See cherubims ill another column hold
ing bunch of grapes from which Seor's Port
Grape Wine is made, that is so highly cs.
teemed by the medical profession for the uo
of invalids, weakly persons, and tho aged.
Mrs. Weidcnhcimer who removed Irom
this pluco, with her family, to Kansas, two
years ago, was married n few weeksago to n
well-to-do farmer, und her daughter Annie
hat also succeeded in finding a husband, in
tho perspn of an enterprising young farmer.
I.uckcnbach's retail prices aro but a
trifio above tho lowest wholesale prices of
Philadelphia and New York. His stock of
stationery of every variety is excellent. Ho
lias also a splendid assortment of wall paer,
from the very finest down to tho cheapest.
Just step iu and look at his goods. 1 1 is
store Is a few doors below tho Broadway
House, Mauch Chunk
The sale of tho personal property of tho
Lehigh Valley Iron Company, at Coplny,
was commenced on Thursday and continu
ed, until Saturday. Tho engines and cars
were bought by Mr. Aaron llalliet, of Bab
liotsville, for $2,100 cash. Tho attendant
was largo, but tho bidders four. Tho fle
also Included tho machinery, Ac, at a num
ber of of ore bods.
Giruan House and Cow rowDKiy It
should bo tho ain of every owner of Iforses
and onws to make them as liantlsoiiia and
usoful as possible. Tho German Horse and
Cow Powder makes fat, niiisclo andmilk.
Price, 15 cents per lb. ft.ij
Lndics, Daniel Gravfcv, at
the J3cc Hive Store, invites
your nttcntion to n nc ' mid
elegant assortment of Dress
Goods now offered, at ?xtra
ordinnry low prices for ash,
A Nevada paper tells of n Chi oso cook
who was, reprimanded by his mi tress for
not haying cleaned tho full well th it he had
served; up at dinner. The next t mo there
was fih in tho linuso slio went into tho
kitchen and saw John caicfully washing
the fUli with a fiuo piece of bronu soap.
ine wasnmg oi iisii wnusoap uouu imcr
Wo do not prcsumo to know tho circu
lation of any newspaper published In Car
bon county, except our ownbul, from our
cxpcricnco of tho newspaper business in this
section for tho past twenty years, wo risk
tho assertion not boasllngly that tho
weekly circulation of tho Camion Advocate
is FCU.Y ns largo ns any of them, and that
it has nioro readers within tho county than
cither of them. Between two and threo
hundred now names havo been added to
our subscription list during tho past ten
weeks, and tho cry is " Still they come 1"
Lookout for coal gasl H. H. Kvcrclt
mid his wife, of Wclssjiort camo near losing
their lives on Monday night by asphixla,
caused by breathing coal gas. They put a
fresh supply of coal In the stove, closed tho
drafts, left ono of tho covers slightly ajarind
retired for tho night in n room over tho ono
containing tho stove. During tho night tho
escaping gas filled their sleeping-room, mid
the subtlo agent was breathed, causing as
phixla. They found themselves next morn
ing In n stato of exhaustion, bordering upon
death. Mrs. Kvcrctt is still suffering from
tho efleots, and her husband, an employee
of the Tackciton shops, 1ms been scarcely
oblo to work during the week.
Tho "tramps pnrodiso" is what somo of
tho citizens of that place call Wcisport.
From twclvo to twenty nro tenderly cared
for there nightly. Somebody hos suggested
that to havo these tramps work two hours
each morning In payment for lodgings in
bringing the drift-wood from tho island to a
point near tho bridge, would havo a salutary
effect, and it would bo a convenience to tho
owners of the wood also. The council might
try the experiment without any great out
lay at least.
If von would save time
and money, fail not to attend
the grand closing out sale ol
Winter Dry Goods, Dress
Goods, Hoots and Shoes, now
Koinpr on at the Original Cheap
Cash Store of J. T. Nusbaum
& Son.
Isaac Miller, of Summit Hill, on Thurs
day night of last week, retired to bed in ap
parently usual health j about midnight his
wife was awakened from her sleep by tho
hard and labored breathing of her husband,
she immediately aroscand sent for help, but
before medical assistanco arrived he died.
The doctors pronounced the causo death to
havo been apoplexy. He was buried at
St. Peter's church, West Penn, Schuylkill
county, on Sunday. Deceased leaves n wife
and ten children to mourn their sudden be
reavement. Don't forget Hev. Moses Dissinger's lec
ture on "Ik-i Volks ist su Vtit," in the Evan
gelical church, in this borough, this (Satur
day) evening at 7:30 o'clock. It may bo the
last timo you will havo tho privilege of
listening to lum as he will leave for Kansas
in a few weeks. Admission, adults 15 and
children 10 cents.
Mrs. Catherine Snyder, formally of this
borough but now residing in Franklin, ono
day last week, while driving from Wciss-
port to her homo was thrown fium the sleigh
and had her arm broken. Tho hired man
who was driving, ran tho vehicle against a
post, which caused tho disaster. Drs. Mc
Creary and Derhamcr set the broken limb.
-K. P. Scip, of Kaston, a brakeman on
tho Lehigh Valley railroad, ono day last
week was accidentally caught between two
ears at tho East Penn Junction, and badly
squeezed. Fortunately no bones wcro brok-
but lin internal hurts were of a very
severo character.
Little boys, and boys of larger growth
too, who aro in tho habit of picking up their
neighbors' newspapers, will do well to read
and remember this fact, that at tho Quaitcr
Session, in Philadelphia, last Tuesday,
David Bentsehler was sent to tho Houso of
Refuge for stealing copies of tho Lalncr left
nt tho doors of subscribers' dwelling.
At Ashland, Schuylkill county, Tues
day evening of last week, n largo and nil
turoil audience greeted Bcv. Jas. A. Little,
of Ilokcnd.iumia.and often laughed heartily
at tho wilticiMin and humorous incidents of
his lecture on " Courtship 'and Marriage."
Tho proceeds were for the benefit of the Ash
land Temperance Society.
Tho report that negotiations wero on
foot for a renewal of (ho coal combiintion,
which probably arose from the fact that
soyeral members of the lato Board of Con
trol wcro drawn together at Mr. Childs' re
ception in Philadelphia, on Saturday night,
was denied Monday by Judgo Asa Packer.
The total shipments of coal by tho L. A
S. U.K. for tho week ending Jan. 31st was
79,537 tons; making tho total shipments for
tho mouth of January, 1S70, 211,078 tons,
an Increase of 79,371 tons as compared with
tho same month last year.
Owing to our increased sales of Boots
and Shoes, and tho sujierior advantages wo
enjoy with tho Lcailing manufacturers, we
arc enabled to offer the s.imo from 15 to 20
per cent below market prices. Cull and bo
convinced, ltespeclfully,
J. T. Nl'SRAl'M A Sox
On tho 23d of January, Hon. J. G. Zem
introduced in tho Legislature a bill entitled
An act authorizing and directing county
treasurers to refund cxcessivo restaurant li
eenso taxes iiaid over and abovo tho fees or
taxes required by law.
Tho amount of coal shipped over the
Lehigh Valley railroad for tho week ending
February 1st, was 51,112 tons, and for tho
season 471,782 tons, being n deereaso on the
amount shipped to some timo last year of
272,7fi3 tons.
Hon. W. M. Bapsher anil Co. Sunt. 11,
F. Hofiord havo been confined to their re
spective dwellings during tho past week,
but wo are pleased to see them so far recov
ered as to bo out again.
Councilman J. L. Gabcl and his lady
wcrcoutsleighingThursday.behlnd his uew
and handsome stepping trotter.
A fall of snow Wednesday freshened up
tho sleighing, and the roads aro now said to
bo tolerably good.
IVlll Jury r.lst.
Tho following named havo been drawn to
servo ns petit Jurors for tho adjourned term
of tho Court of Quarter Sessions nml Oyer
and Terminer, to conveno In Mauch Chunk
at 2 o'clock p. in., on Monday, tho 10th of
March, 1879 t
llrlnkman, Fred, Lchlghton.
Booth, Thorns, Kant Mauch Chunk.
Bradford, David, Wentherlr.
Heck, Dnnlel, Mulionlng.
llt-lford, Charles, Parrytllle.
llrelsford, John, Mnach CtiunkDorough.
Bentsen, Alexander, Mauch Chunk.
Ilowman, Wtlron, East Telin.
Cam.ltl, Alexander, Kidder.
Cool, Srtinuel, Wrnttieily.
Davis, David, Weather y.
Drumbore, Joseph, Lehlghton.
Dink, GeorL'r, Mauch Chunk Borough.
DulllnfT, A. J., behlghton.
Klwrt, William, Mauch Chunk Tvp.
Kdwards, John C, l.nufbrd.
Kckart, .Tofei'li C , Towamcnilnif.
Fenstermacher, Stephen, Mahoning.
Fount, Kdward, Wentherlr.
Fisher, Henry, Woatkerljr.
(Ieni.ll, IVIer 0.,',Bearer .Meadow.
(Him, Fred., Mauch Chunk Tp.
(larber, NatVnn, Mahoning.
Gerhart, Datld D., Packer.
Koch. EII.IS, Franklin.
Lino, Kdward, Mauch Chunk Borough.
Miller, Gabriel, Lehigh.
Morgan, Ceorge, Beaver Meadew.
Patterson, Nathan, Summit 11 III.
Putrle, Jacob, Lehigh,
ltehrlj;, Utdcon, fcutl'enn.
Jleyuolds, Daniel, Banks,
Itehrlg, Dennis, Mahoning.
Itapp, C. C, Parrytllle.
Manner, Phillip, Kidder.
Wallace, Jacob, Kast Mauch Chunk.
A FitilhlcNS Ofllclnl.
A matter which for judicious reasons has
been keep from tho public as much a possi
bio for sovaral weeks, is tho fact that Samuel
Sterrett, a tax-collector of Lansford borough,
had suddenly absconded to parts unknown.
An examination of his accounts developed
tho staitling fact that ho was a defaulter to
the amount of about $200 to tho borough
and $300 to Herman Kobe, with whom he
hail been engaged as n business partner In
western produce speculation. When finally
it became evident that tho abscounding was
no myth, the facts wero laid beforo District
Attorney Siowcrs, who at onco began to
turn his attention to tho matter of what
point of tho compass tho faithltss official
had taken in his flight. Tho past experi
ence which tho District Attorney lias had in
bringing fugitives criminals from tho coal
regions to tho bar of justice, has placed in
Ins hand dctcctivo facilities from tho meshes
of which it is no easy matter for a fugitivo
to escape. Aud he was not long in divin
ing that Sterrett, probably remembering
tho lato Horace Grcely's advice to young
men, had concluded to "go west." On
Monday of last week, Herman liebo, who
is nu officer of tho Coal and Iron Police, be
ing arjjied with tho requisite warrants and
including a requisition from Gov. Hoyt on
tho Governor of Illinois, started in pursuit
of his man. He found him witout much
searching in a little town near tho city of
Galena, III., arrested him, and Saturday
afternoon reached Mauch Chunk. Ho was
arraigned beforo Justico Fiisbie, on a
charge of embezzlement and larceny, and
entered bail in tho sum of $1000 for his
nppear.tneo at Court. It is understood that
tho tax-defalcation has becu settled by his
bondsmen, and that ho will claim that ho
was a copartner and not an agent of Her
man Itebe. It now appears that his ab
sconding wa9 not so much to get away
with tho cash in his possession, as toescajio
a dilemma into which ho had been lead
by an indiscreet relation with a. young
woman. Ho has always been considered
a man of irreproachable character.
Another UlUiimiicr Cnso
A young gentleman from tho upper end
of the county pranced into tho Advocatk
offieo n few days ago witli an unreceipted
bill in his hand for overdue subscription.
Wo looked at him j ho gbneed nt us. At
last ho said : "When I wroto you over a
year ago, ordering your to send mo tho An
vocati:, and signed my name as plain as tho
nose on your f.ioc,and that is saying a good
leal, 'J a-s. Bighcad,' why have you con
tinued ever since to print it on my wrapper
'J-i-m instead? Now, I needn't pay you
that subscription ; I can file a pica in abate
ment on tho ground of misnomer. And,
besides, I don't like to bo called Jim, any
way." Wo said it very cautiously : "See
here, young man, is It your purpose to try
to crawfish out of paying mo a dollar for
a year's subscription If so and I give
you just one week to think of it tho next
timo you cross my path, I'll hiko you by tho
napo of tho neck and tho seat of your pants
and plunge you top-end foremost into tho
Lehigh river. Now, mind you, that mis
nomer dodgo won't pass for ono cent in Lc
highton." Ho vanished like a shadow,
Yesterday ho wroto a letter, enclosing $2,
and saying,aoiogcticalIy, that as bo did not
wish to bo baptized by immersion during
tho prcfcnt stato of tho thermometer, ho lias
concluded to square up, and reiicw his sub
scription for tho current year. Wo have
corrected the name, and tho case is settled.
A Siirrt'ksful Surgricnl Operation.
On istn ot January last. J)r W. A.,
ot Lehlchtou, asaistui bv Dir. Zem ond Mc.
Crrary, of Wclscport, removed a cancer from
ineuouvor Mrs, John liuah. of Franklin twp.
wuicu weijued over lour pounds. Tn cancel
oQsciowtli had involved the entire liatit breAt
ond extended up Into the aim nlt. wulrh prfn
theipcratlon a very dangerous one. rcqiilnK
two elliptical incHiona, one H ami the otcr 10
Inches long, lu orccr to make the dlatec'.u uf
flcleut to lemove the max, which waaccooi.
pihed by tearlnir, luatecd rf cmt'ifc. This
method la believed to be mote ucce,tTul than
the latter, as there Is mora chance to ituove all
the rootlets or diseased Klanila oftlo mother
rowth,tbau theio would be operation with tho
leu fe. Tho eperatlon wta perforuiqn in a coin.
par;Jvely snort time, conalderlng tie extent of
the ultra;, and very lltt'e blood wua lo-t which
i was greatly la favor of the pntieuljfor she ha a
di come greatly exhausted by oonllant sutler,
lis- I
Mrs Hush Is CI yeira of ago. aud t an InU-lli.
reutsud ejuiagoou womau, she Ihd suffered
for many years, but It was only lir thelait
elpht mouths that tho vtaa ob.tgedta endure
tbilexcrullatlDK palu which auflercri fiomcau.
eer are subject to, aud so patiently till ahe bare
her suffeilug Uat her tuoet Intuuate friends, as
well as her children, wero i.ot awsiutol the ex.
laiiug tiouble ujiii the operatlcn haiSpeen rir.
Nulriilu by Shouting-.
J. B. Kent, registered as coming from
Louisville, Ky., was found dead in his room
nt tho American Hotel, Allentown, about 1
o'clock Sunday afternoon, having commit
ted suicide by shooting himself in tho head
above tho right ear. Ho arrived In town on
the Buffalo Express on tho Lehigh Valley
ltailroad at 10:30 Saturday evening. Short
y after arriving at tho hotel ho went to his
loom and must havo committed tho deed
about 1 1 o'clock, as some of tho boarders
heard a report similar to that of a pistol shot
about that time, but, owing to tho high
wind prevailing, they thought it was causod
by tho opeuing of somo of tho shutters.
When found ho waslying in a pool of blood
iu front of tho bed. A silver-mounted sov-cn-shooter
was found by his side, with two
empty barrels. Sickness is supjioscd to have
been tho causo of tho rash act. His body
was removed to the county Alms-houso
Sunday afternoon, where it was held for
identification. Three dollars and seventy
cents in rash was found on his person. Tho
Mayor of Louisville, Ky., was notified by
blanch Chunk IVoIcn.
Political. Tho Itcpublican Excculivo
Committee havo called a meeting nt Oak
Hall for this evening to nomlnato delegates
to tho ward convention, whilo Constable
Painter has posted up tho borough election
proclamation. Dr. Trimmer was taking n
glance at the situation here on Wednesday.
rrobauiy ono ol Ills missions was Hi sea what
cfiect tho evil boilings of n certain Wllkes
B.irro prophet through tho columns of a
Stroiidsburg journal hud produced upon Cnr
lwn county politics. Now, wo never lake
niueli stock iu desiring to becomo n prophet,
ns history points a warning finger tu tho
fact that prophets and Bad-luck wcro Inva
riably chums that a part of their schooling
was to become exjicrts in the art of fasting,
nnu not tinirequcniiy nicy nan to place
themselves ns subjects in the hands of artists
who practiced ns a fino art tho profession of
uismcnibcrlug ieopics' ncaus nml bodies, to
tho serious Inconvenience of both head and
body nevertheless, in contradiction to this
Wllkcs-B.irro seer, wo cannot desist from ut
tcrinEft llttlo prophesy. Wo predict that
Mojor Klntx will spend tho remainder of
ins days in tho u. a. congress, unless, a la
Simon Cameron, in extreme old age, ho
decides to vacate in favor of his son. This
prophecy Is drawn, not so much from dl
vlno inspiration, ns from tho moro visiblo
fact that tho Major never slips backwards
A Model Gallows. Sheriff Win. H.
Wright, of Philadelphia, and a parly of
six gentlemen, Including Sunt. Perkins
AD !.... t,:i. r
sing prison, wcro hero on Tuesday and
Wednesday, for tho puriosoof visitingour
jail, nml taking tho dimensions and de
sign of tho gallows used in executions, a
similar engine of death being needed in
few days, in Philadelphia, for tho hane-
Ing of Sayrc, tho wilo murderer. Sherilf
Wright pronounced, the gallows a model
one, and a carpenter whom ho brought
with him look a pattern of it, with a
view to duplicating it. On Wednesday
the party invited Sherilf llaudcnbiish to
dine with them at tho Mansion House.
Carklkss. A deed from Daniel McGco
and wifo to Patrick McIIugh, for half of
lot No. 28, Second Ward, executed the
13th of Oct., I860, was found, a few days
6ince, by llcg. ami Itce. Fhillips in the
Commissioner's office, and tho deed has
never been recorded. Such instances ns
this shows tho carelessness of jieoploi for
an unrecorded deed, to hold proierty with,
is not worth tho paper it is written on.
Patrick McIIugh, or his heirs, would do
well to look after this nineteen years-old
Tiir. Will Cask. Yesterday a final hear
ing of tho counsel was hail beforo liccordcr
Phillips, Judgo of Probate, in tho matter
of the will of tho late Magdclina Palmo
who, a few weeks beforo her death, be
queathed her estate to Father Jos. Hcinan.
Albion Stollc, on behalf of a rclativo in
Germany, files a caveat n gainst probating
tho will, on tho grounds of no comim
if)i(Msof tho demisor. It is claimed that
a former will gavo $200 to this German
relation. Decision of tho Court next week.
Small Talk. A quibble has been raised
In tho Second Ward over the right to Hst
up and publish tho borough election pro
clamation. Constablo Walker caused to
bo printed mid posted in that ward the
usual proclamation, but Comtablo Painter
caused a similar one, bearing his name,
to bo iwtcd j nt this tho Second Ward
officer took exceptions.
Tlio fire-plugs having been frozen up
during tho continued cold spell, Marion
steamer, on Thursday morning, was en
gaged in thawing them out.
A something that, to "a man up a
tree," resembles a labor-strike, has been in
progress during tho week in tho office of
tho Jaic7i Chunk Democrat.
The Opening1 ol it ICcbuccn Degree
Hie ceremonies attending tho opening of tho
above Lodge In this borough, tn Tuesday ove
nine Inst, wcio In.prcsclveund lntcrestlnp;. Tho
busluessof OnaJen Iluottcn I.odne, of course,
was secret, but wo learn fiat ono new member
was Initiated Into the order, ami that 12 ladles
and several gentlemen then took tho Itcbccco
Dcerec, after which tho lodgo in a body pro.
cecded to tho M. E. Church.whero a lurne audi
ence awaited them, and tho meeting was open,
eduyvv. Leo 'tiles, In a few weil-tlme.t re
maiks In which ho oxnlali cd tho causo ot tho
delay In reaching tho church, and announced
tnat on account of the lateness of Ihohoor. a
portlou of the piogrnmmo Intended for this pofl
tlou of the evenlup's sen Ices would havo to he
dispensed with. After an appropriate prayer
by Hev. PleLupJ of rackertou, tho speaker ot
the ovcnlmr. Worthy Grand Biro. J. U. Mcnol
Btui was introduced
Mr. Nicholson mado au ahlo and elequent
speech on the bonutlea ot Odd Fellowship, as
exemplified In Its caldln:il vlltues of the Older
lie foicibly illustrated that tho order lsouo of
the xucai s to tho end ol estnbllbhlug anions'
men the command of tho t-nvlour. "that you
lovo one another," and to tho nshcrlng in of tho
day wheu tho 'uulvcrsal Fathelhood of Ood
and the biotherhoodof nian'will be recognised.
Tho speech wu replete with apt lllustiattons of
how Odd Fellowship iiulldi around its members
abulwaikof Irlemlthlp aud protection In the
vicissitudes of mau's lite, and commanded tho
deepest attentlou and lateiost of tho audience.
Grind Matter Samuel Uaworth was lutroduo
ed, and hi a brief address, o lain ed for Odd Fel
lowship a foundation unon the ' itock- ol Ages,'
tho word cf Qod, aud therefore Its principles
nro eternal.
It was tC:15 when tho meeting at the church
ar!Journcd.a nd tho members and Invited guests'
returned to tho Loduo room, where refresh,
uieuts awaited them. Tb number who oartirl.
pntod In this most popular part of tho pro
gramme, was 120 all smiting and happv. Alter
tho feast the grand officers were forced to leave
for tho train muoi to their l egret. 'Ihey re
ceived as they left tho Hall tho cheers of tbo
aeemhloge. Alter which toaats were In order
W. Lee Sllles Master of Oeiemonlrs toa-tod
"TheOnadcn lluctteu Lodee of Odd Fellowa.''
rcBpouded to hv N. B. Iteber, M. D.. In a short,
pointed addreM. After this John Jlohn toasted
1 he Lartlo V responded to by W. Lee Stiles of
l'acltertou In nn appropriate and eloquent man
ner. This was succecdd by tho toast ' Our new
Members," responded to bv Br. will ltcber In n
short address. Jl r. W. Leo Htlles then toasted
Our visiting Brothers and Friends," responded
to by Mr. John Bohn lu a very happy vein.
The toasts were Interspersed by moat excel,
leut Select Readings by Mr. Horace 11. Hardt,
principal ol the Pakerton schools. Several oth
er a ldresses wore delivered bv visiting bioth.
era und Invited guests, as follows F, 1. Long,
street, Esq., msdo a very eloquent address
which was listened to with wrapt attention.
Mr. Vivian, of l.chicton Lodge, of Easton,8pole
feelingly ot the warm welcome t.e had received
here. Mr. 8. 11. Gtlham also spoke veiy highly
of thn good Influence of Oddtellowahlp. Mr
lfardt aaaln lavortd the audieuco with some
humorous select readiupa. A committee was
oppulutod to distribute the remainder of the
least ro the dcseivius iworof our own town and
vicinity, after which tho ladle and geutb men
dlapeiaed to their several domes, highly elated
with the evening's dolnga.
At tl l wrillug Mr, Uuib lWalu uo
fere Willi David KbU-rfs arrangenVls to and alHuit, and aU Indication, m urnt are
furubh our op!s with cheap leJmsX iftjlo JESS ft?. " 1UC,,"U' " lVlc
ninhoulng Twinkling.
Wo had quite a little snow storm on
James Fleming visited Reading this
Miss Sabina Gumbcrt is homo on a vis
it. Henry Hcuulnger was at Lchlghlon on
Thursday last.
The singing school at Centre Square is
getting along finely,
K Hoppes killed a pig last week that
weighed over 400 pounds.
Quito a number from our place expect
to attend the lecture in tho Kvangelical
church, at liChighton, Saturday evening.
Wo understand that the houso of Thos.
Mussclman was pretty well crowded on
1 Thur3dav evening last, by a 6leighing par-
A meeting will" bo held at the public
house of J. T. McDanicI, on Saturday Feb.
15th 1870, between 4 and 7 o'clock p. m.,
for tho purpose of nominating suitable per
sons for tho following offices, to bo elected
Feb. 18, 1870: ono Constable, two Super
visors, one Assessor, ono Judgo of Election,
two Inspectors of Election, one Auditor, two
School Directors.
Tho schools of Messrs Kistler, Balllct,
Musselman ond Miller, took a sleigh ride
on last Thursday, They went up as far as
Mantz's Hotel, where they took dinner. On
their way homo they stopped at A. S. Mil
ler's school, where remarks wero made by
some or the teachers, and Kd Horn and Miss
Emma Scidla discoursed some sweet music.
Kvervtliltii? went off Blnoothlv. nml thn
scholars were all well pleased with their
ride. kid ulouo,
We can safely assert that nothing equals
WUsport l'ollilCH,
The political pot in Wcissport is begin
ning to bubblo considerably lively just now,
aud several candidates for tho borough of
fices are in the field. Tho offices to be fill
ed this year aro i One constable, for 1 year,
1 school directors, for 3 years 2 overseers of
tho poor, for 1 yearj 2 eouncilmcn, for 3
years; 1 judgo and 2 inspectors of election,
I ior i yean ami i auuitor. rarty pontics
will not enter tho contest, but thero is some
talk of Upper and Down Town factions,
i Tho slates for the different offices are not
! complete, but aro being filled up with con
' siderablo Interest. Wo shall give tho com
plete list of candidates next week. The
liveliest fight, will bo mado oyer the office
of constable, for which C. H. McDanlels the
j present incumbent, and Alex, Seidlo are tho
contestants. The next most important set-to
! wilt bo for school directors, the candidates
named being Chas. W. Leutx, John Arncr,
jr., Win, Koous and Joseph Feist. Tho in-
llAnlln.,. .... II. -I !!,. ...Ill I.. 1-1.
... .u .,. - '" I rir. Bull's Cough'Syrup for all cases of
electioneering done bet feu this and the . Throatl Cough?, Coldsetc. Price 25 cents a
i tu iu i. buttle.
XotvainritKltig llrcvltlc.
Our spelling schools nro now In full
February 22d, Washington's bifthday,
is iiio next legal holiday.
Three montha ofthrt,iih1!ffu1.nnUltnvA
been taught at this place.
An Infant of N. Bcrfass, near Trachs
villc. was buried at tho Jerusalem church
on Wednesday of last week.
Tho public ealo of tho property of Har
rison Snyder, deceased, which took place on
Saturday last, was largely attended.
A spelling school which was verv large
ly attended, was held by Mr. Ed. Itoth, at
Ccntrevllle, on Wednesday evening.
Times still contlnuo dull with us, hut
wo aro looking hopefully forward to a revival
of business with tho opening of spring.
Geo. Klblcr, who resides near Danlcls
vllle, Northampton county, paid a visit to
his parents and friends hero last week.
A merry sleighing party from Millport
iia m, mis piaco one evening last week.
Humor says they enjoyed the trip very
Robert Miller, teacher of school Jfo. S,
held a spelling school last (Friday) evening,
to which all wcro invited. It was cxjiccfcd
that W. E. Kcmcrer, Esq., of Franklin,
woum uuurcss mo school.
Sleighing was good last week, and our
funnels took advantage of it bv bringing in
a large amount of lime from ICunkletown,
jiuroo county, out tins week tuey nro not
ablo to do so, ns sleighing has becomo poor.
Charles Gildner thought that it was not
good for u man to "Inhabit this bleak world
nlnne," nml so has taken to himself a better
half, tho happy brido chosen being Miss
Aunlo Smith who resided near Krcsgoville.
Tho Advocatb is anxiously looked for
each week until its arrival; and a greater
number daily aro beginning to feel that
when nil the local and current news can, bv
the small outh- of 1. be had for ft Vfnr. ft
is the greatest folly to live in ignorance of
passing events. Jlsitcniiy.
Druggist und I'll) vlrllin
A phvsician. comnlaininir bitterlv nl.m.1
dull limes, went to iiis druggist to find out
the reason why, nt this season ol thoycar,
his ir.ieiiuu h'iii noi, so exicnsivo as loruierly;
also, to find out what inducements Ills bro
ther medico offered tn attract nway his pa
tients. Ho was startled when his driifrrdat.
answered ns follows: "Doctor, coughs and
colds aro very prevalent, but every ono is
purchasing Halk's Homkv or Horkhiiunu
and lAii.nmd recovers so rapidly that there
is no necessity for calling iu a physician.
Again, tho reason that Dr. .. on" tli
street, is having so many iatienU is owing
u, iiiu iiuiiKiicss no imopicu in pcrscribing
iu every case of Concha. Colds. nl. . n Iviiiin
of Halk's Honey ok Hokkiiouxd anh Tab,
mm iiiiuiue; 11. succcssiiu, no nan concluded
in future that nil his patients, when troub
led with any disease of the lungs shall im
mediately commence taking Halk's JIoxkt
or HuiiKiiouNii asu Tar."
Tho druggist's advice was snapped, and
the almost discouraged physician now con
sidered a successful practitioner. Hisclaims
aro based upon tho virtues of tho medicine
he adopts, which in all cases is Halk's Hox-
KV OP lloiIKItOVX-ll AND TaU. fiolil l.v nil
druggists, Largo sizo much tho cheapest.
minute. 11-14
Financial Condition
T. D. CLAUSS. Esn.. T.-eosurer of Carlxin
County, In account with said County for
tlio year 1878 1
IS u 27
17 S 25
SJ 88 91
0 12 2t
C4 S3 79
Kcport of lhlg;htun .Schools!
for tho Mouth ending January 31st, 1S70,
Hian School,
mle. finnle. t'l
iv uoie nuiniwr in ntlenaance,
Arerae nttenilnuee ....
Per ceutae of attendance . .
UaAuuca School.
Whole number In attendance,
1'er centao of attendance . .
ItotL or Hosoa Lilly lllskey, Luis Zaboer,
Knima Kooas, Ida Strawn, Ellia Montz, Laura
Iteed, Ellen Graver, Euimn Iteber, Lewis Sehcck-
ler, JObla Miller, Albert Waterbor.
Imeiiuimate School.
Whnle nnmtier In attendance, 24 Is 42
Average attendance .... 18 14 Itt
1 Vr ctmtagu uf attendance . . 70 t4 80
for terra 78 S7 S3
ItOU or IIoxor B. N. Itelchard, C. A. Wagner,
J. A. (leljer, L. A. lllgley, F. It. Beotlnger, If. T.
Kruni, Clara ltrown, K. G. ltuVer, K J. Itootz, M.
Cnrrt, I). . Notlulelu, A. J. Fuehrer, Charles
Trcxier, w. II. Waterbor, K. Jl. .Llllrr.
Eecokdary No. 1.
Whole number In attendance, 37
Average attend nice . 27
I'er eeuLigo of attendance . 70
Secoxdarv Xo. 2.
Whofo number la attendance, 30
Average attendance .... '1
t'ur iwutuge of attendance . . 77
1'BI.M irt No. 1,
Whole number In attendance, 32 20
Average nlteudauce .... 28 22 &0
t'er ceuuige or at.endallce , . e7 BJ 85
l'lillliltr No. 2.
Wholo number In attendance, 30 35 71
i'er ceutjge of attendance . . 81 St CS
Whole uuiuber In all Schools . 180 112 323
l'er centuge of utUndauce . 81 7G 7s
F. K. BKItM), l'rluclpal.
To Balance on hnntl Jannsry
Ist. 1878
From Hiram llontt. Collect
or Kast Ma lob Chunk.
Adam Chrlstman, Collector
l'enn Forest, lo7) I71 to
J. Ft. Wehli, Collector Lehigh-
trni, 1H7J S.I II
Harrison Y nti. Collector
1'airvville, 1870 Kits
II. A. lle'.tr,. Collector lA-lilgh.
ton, 1870 490 00
T.T.Kiciilor, Collector llauoli
Chuulr, 1670 S
rati Ick Dcnnott, Collector
Mauch Chunk twp t7 IS
Thomas Horn, Colleotor Ma
honing CU 31
llilitv lleinlufi, Collector
l'enn Forest lbS 00
Benjamin lleer, Collector
TowaraouslUK all 85
John J. GallaKher, Collector
Bonk'. 1877 TM03
W. W. Scott. Collector lUuch
Chunk, IS7T 2178 10
rot. Dcrmott, Collector M'oh
Chunk twp. 1877 -Zi 32
C. i:. Miller. Collector, Kant
Mauch Chunk, 1877 I8J 74
L, A, Miller, Collector Ma.
honing. 1877 SI2 00
lllraai 1. Ijcvan. Collector
Franklin, 1877 col 04
John Strolil, Collector Lowor
TowameueliiK. 1S77 1211 22
Taul lluck, t ollcctor Iowa-
incusing, 1E77 M 00
William aets. Collector fenn
Forest, 1877 141 12
Jas. 1. ejiuith. Collector Le
htlthton, 1877 1812 64
Dan. Schoo1), Collector Weiss.
liort, 1877 SU 49
Samuel Sterictt, Collector
Lansford, 1S77 1300 CO
llarflpou Wenti, Colltctor
rarrj vlllo. 1877 KD W
Gabriel Miller, Collector Le
high, 1477 81 11
Chan. Clluder, Collector Eaa
.Penn, 1877 19S 19
David 11. Keller, Collector
l'arkor, 187 IU 80
W. F. Streoter. Collector Kid
der, 1877 00 87
Chas. Olnder, Collector East
Ieun, IS78 130, 00
David It. Kelle-, Collector
l'ackcr, 1(78 535 CO
Johu 'raratcr.'iCollector ,M'h
Chunk, tu IC08 41
Jacob Buss, Collector Mauch
Chunk tWD.,lS73 2722 27
ni:a Ncwhard, Collector Lc.
2450 00
Josi.ih llarpcl, Collector
Towaniens'ng, 1878 528 01
Charles Lcntz, Collector lis-
honlnir, 1873 MM 84
D. Bachman. Collector Wea.
theily. 1ST3 IS2SS0
J. I. Itclss, Col'cctor Bank,
1S73 IK I 00
George Bovlo Collector Lans-
fold 1873 1SO0 0O
Dlldlue Snydor.Collcitor Tor.
ryvillo. 1473 1C0 00
John llecny. Collector 1.0-
hlgh, 1878 455 C8
James Smith. Collector Laus
anne, 1173 6) 30
II. a. Dcypey, Collector Penn
Forest. 1S78 75 00
John tstrtihl. Collector Lower
TowauioustUR, 1878 833 81
C. K. Miller, Collector East
Mauch Chunk, 1878 400 00
Hlrura P. Levan, Cullector
Fiauklln. 1878 150 00
Dau Sihoch, Collector Weiss.
port, 1818 3'.2 CO
Thos. Kuans, lot old plank'.. 1 00
Ed. Iluber, for old plank 1 00
J. A. Horn, for old plouk.... 8 00
Advlou to COUtitllUlIIvCN.
Tlio celebrated physician, Dr. Paul Hem-
oyer, gives the following valuable sugges
tions to persons suffering from lung alloc
tions: "The patient must with scrupulous
conscientiousness insist upon brea thine fresh.
puro air, and must remember that tho air of
clofca rooms is always moro or less bad.
ao man, However uncleanly, would drink
muddy, dirtv water. A Party which occu
pies n room for hours, breathing tho same air,
might bo compared to a party of bathers
drinking tho water in which they bathe.
Tho patient must keep the window of his
bedroom open. Night air is fresh without
daylight. In close, crowded rooms, the
patient suffering from lung complaints
breathes consumptively;" Bv taking these
precautions and using Dr. I'ierco's Golden
Medical Discovery anil Tleasant Purgative
l'ellets, fully one-half of the cases of luni
complaints would be cured in six months.
For cough and irritation of tho lungs do not
always indicate tho presence of consumption
although it may result in that disease, and
if consumption has already becomo deeply
seated in tho system, this is the most efficient
courso of treatment that can bo pursued out
side of any institution that provides special
facilities lor tlio treatment of this disease.
Dr. I'ierco's celebrated Invalids' Hotel is
such nn institution. Bend stamp for des
criptivoiiamplilctrontainingalso a complete
treatise upon consumption, explaining its
causes, naturc,ondtho best metliodsof treat
ing it, together with valuablehluts concern
ing diet, clothing, exercise, etc., for con
sumptives. Address Faculty of Invalids'
and Tourists' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
reel Yoimjr Arrnlii
"My mother was afilicted a lone: timo with
Neuralgia and a dull, heavy, inactive con
dition of tho wholo system; headache, nerv
ous prostration, and was almost helpless.
rio physicians or medicines uui Her any
good. Three months ago she began to use
Hop Bitters, with such cool effect that Bhe
seems anil feels voung again, although over
7U years old. wo think tncro is no other
medicine fit to use in tho' family." A lady,
Providence, It. I. tf.
Dr. Haas. Expectorant cures a couch or
cold, by removing tho cause; it sublines the
imuiuon, anu ncais me auecicu juris, x
60 cents a bottle.
NornsTKis Mavfliy. On tho 18th of
January, by Key. A. Bartholomew, John
Henry Nothstein, of Mahoning, and Miss
Mary A. Mallley, of Krcsgevilie, Monroe
Brown Habtcxo. On tho 28th of Jan.,
by Ilev. A. Bartholomew, John C. Brown,
o! McKeansburg, and Miss Msry Har
tung, of West l'enn, Schuylkill county.
Hill IIardinoer. On the 26th of Jan.,
by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Thomas Hill, of
West l'enn, Schuylkill county, aud Wn
Mary A, Hsrdiuger, of Albany, Berks
Wiita Graver. On the 30th of Jan., r.t
tne residence ot tno oriue s parents, by
Itcv. A. Bartholomew, assisted by Bey.
L. K. Dcrr, Lewii A. Wher auc! Miss
Aldiue Graver, both of LehigUUjn.
Kirsumir lIosTi On tho 2d of Feb., by
Key. A. Bartholomew. Nmh Alhrt
Kershner and Miss Henrietta Lucinda
llontz, both or west l'enn, Schuylkill
Nmirr. On the 15th of Jan., In West
l'enn, Alfred, eon ol Aaron and Priscilla
Nester, aged 4 years, 14 days. And on
the lDlh of Jan., at the same place, Itosa,
daughter of the same, aged 3 years, 3
110417 12
414 CJ
liM ei
22584 87
Lewis Armhrn&ter, rent
11 Phillips, cooL
J. W. liaudcnbatfi. Jury teat
Kastcrn Peulteutlaty
ltodeiuptlou unseated hud..
U. B. Llndermun, borrowed
Kidder township 655 IV
Penn Foiest 643 OS
Haul KJ4 78
FranjUn 69 61
East Peun It) 68
Lower TowamcntAag 02 2
Lehigh 1013 a
Mauch Chuak 158 54
rowameuslns: 367 41
Lausanne 37t 21
Packer 997 H
MohotilDg 4 60
Wenlhoily boiougU 17 38
East Mauch Chunk 58 77
Wolssport 6 44
Lenlguton 18 87
Mauch Chunk 2 00
10 P0
73 CO
II 81
62 00
132 90
1(3 12
sxn 00
Frinslln ,,.,,,,,.,..,.,
AndenrledM........ ...,,"
l'sckorton ,
Lansford ,,,,.,
East MsuchChank.. .........
Fait Penn ,
Bontti Kidder
North Kidder.
Heaver Meadow
Mauch Chunk, 1st. Ward.....
Mauch Chunk, 2nd. Ward....
summit mil
tower Towamtmmir
l'cun Foiest
llanch Chunk, t
li. C. ltcmuicll
Ite pairs of County Bullfllons, Ac...
( it
VI vx
11 00
47 l
19 1
V3 t
42 07
IS 22
40 23
JO 00
12 W
23 63
105 53
su co
II 41
20 IV
88 C2
95 U
21 50
71 77
8 Oil
(1143 5
1312 70
Hebatian Msha t7M on
O. II. Lludormin & Cn 5"0i 00
lllcl.ard Jeutina 0(0 10
Klrnir Veaier 625) CO
Jonss Miller 150 oo
James Kerrigan ISO 00
Mis. IS, Ki.lnce 7.0 00
Sarah A. House I0P0 CO
David 11. Kller loco ro
Pat. Kuln SiODl
I1790S 60
Fox Scalps 65 CO
U. K Williams tt 23
J. M. Mirla, Eastern I'ouitsu.
tlary 715 18
State Tax 132 90
Taxes refunded 33 18
Tieannters Deeds for Un
seated Lauds 55 25
Ilo ad Tax unioatwl lund
Franklin tap 7 20
School Tax unaiutco laud
Frankllu Up. 6 64
llounty Tax ausoatsd land
Flauklln t-p 71 77
hchool Tax ouscatod laud
Penu Forest ioo 00
Itcdeuiptlon ou uuseated lands 25J 81
S1SS9 S3
ToOnlCt (3390 73
rwo 7X
Itj- nmm'lnfr rYfen3' s Br 0 01
Hv ( Jail SOU t
By Clothing. Iiwrtni: Venlies.
Medical Attcrieotico for
1'tlsoners, Execution,
, 171 73
f320 71
To amrtffnt irf Ilmu's nuintand.
Ulg July 1, 1379 't?2C00 0
To amount of Ilond autstand.
lug , 122000 09
To amount tlno't'owiislilpi lor
Unseated Lauds VAt 70
(25154 70
To amount, Resources In ex
cess of Liabilities (7:01 W
(32851 13
TcleirrapblDg (34 07
Joe Lvnn 2S7 25
K. Mell Iloyle tg 7;
E. TI. Itnuclu 77 40
J.C. Dolon I'lfetsg 53
Postaao.&o 21 7U
W. Mann 13 50
W. F. Murphy & Sans 1:1 50
H. V. Morthloicr 29 00
Miscellaneous 11 70
(080 78
$4.1 70
Mauch Cfmuk UoroJeh. 1st,
East Penn
South Kidder
North Kidder
Beaver Meaduw
AatlcDried ,,,,
Lower Towamenslne.
East Mauctt Chunk llorouch,
Sujimltlllll ,
Nesquehonutg ,,.,),..
Wentherl)- ,,
Penn Forest
WcIihimi t
Mauch Chunk Borough 2nd,
Franklin Township
41 4)
44 00
43 00
47 20
61 30
51 CO
5i) rs
42 40
43 20
4" 05
41 43
40 CO
45 CO
42 CJ
1 61 M
41 60
45 fO
S3 80
43 00
42 83
42 81
33 00
42 CO
(1073 72
lly Cash In Hands of Trea
surer (Ki 01
By Italauco iluo on Tai Dup
licates lu hand of Tix
Cillcctnrs.froni which Ex
onerations and C'.nimls
sionaarptnuodcilncUMl.. (18719 21
Amount due from Thus. M.
Weavot.for planks 200
Conrml Ivoeher, ex-County
iTcnsurer UH
Adam Chrlstman, Collector
reim Forest, 1875 33
It. A. llelts,Culloctor Lehigh.
toil. 1870 (253 37
T. T. KroUlcr, Collector M'h
Chunk, 1870 136 04
James Harvey .Collector Ijiu.
sanne, 1870 62 87
n&nrv lleuunig. Collector
i'enn Foreol, 1S7J 61 88
(5IC 86
John J, (lallachcr, Collector
Hanks, 187? (47 12
W. W. Scott, Collector M oueli
Chunk, 18,7 1053 38
Pat Detmot. Collector Mauch
Chunk township 18 27
Lewis A. (Millor.i Collector
Muhonina 279 53
II. 1'. Lcvuu.ColtecUU' Frank.
1m 433 74
Paul Buck. Collector
menslng 141 c3
Wm. Gets. Collrctoi.l'eun
Forest 381 41
Sam. Storrett.Collcctor Lans
ford 119 3'.
(2j36 95
Daniel Shock.Collector Weiss
port (137 10
Chas. Olnder, Collector East
Penn 85 80
David It. Keller, Collector
Packer 148 44
John Palnter.Colloctor Mauch
Chnnk 3131 04
Jacob lluss, Co'lcctor Mauch
Chunk township 1440 17
Ezra Newhard, Collector Le-
hlghton 227 811
Jpunl) Harpol, Collector Tow.
aniousiugi 444 83
I, V, Rless, Co'Ioctcr Ilnnka.. 2430 81
(leoico r,oj lo, Collector Lan-
ford 1132 40
Dlldlue Bnydcr, Col.cctor
Parryvllle 001 18
W. F. Strccter, Collector Kid.
der 1043 F2
James Smith, Collector Lau-
amino s0 CO
II. a, Deppo, Collector renn
Forest 47 43
John Strohl, Collector Lower
Towamenslng 1237 23
C. E. Miller. Collector East
Mauch Chunk 143131
II. P. Levan.Collector Frank.
II" 1"37 15
2 01
5214 76
Total Receipts (W.I41 86
Interest on County Bonds .
(1128 42
180 38
T, D, Clauss, Treaaui er ( I duo 00
11. E. Swarts, fur 1877 700 00
II. E. Swarts, balance due
from 1877 30 cs
James AbIl Coaimnstoner... 301-M
Dan. Rouse, Commissioner .. 270 00
Henry Boyer, Commissioner 291 00
E. H. Siewers, Dlst. Attorney 490 40
Alleo Craig, Commissioners
Counsel for 1877 so 55
Allen Craig, Commissioners
Counsel for 1878 138 17
E. a Reuimel, Return. jTOdie 14 63
r. A. Tapper & Co , Matlock,
BtcDogtaphers 847 40
Thos. Kemerer, Protboaot'ry 212 34
P. J. Meehan. Return Judse,
aud Auditing Resistor's
and Piotbonotarys Aco'ta SO 60
County Auditors and Clerk
Hire 90 06
Juiy Commissioners x. Clerk
Uiro , 76 01
(lilt C7
J. W. rtandenbusb. Sheriff... (2654 35
Ed. Armbtuster, Ooardlnx
JalL Ac 417 43
Henry Bouahelm, Clothing .. 41) 10
noisce DeYoang, Medical
Attendauce r M
Charles Swltser , 75
C. M. Ebert N M
Philip Dean 4748
Spengler & Ewer jj 71
JohnSpohu, j u
Jonas Soo'Jielm Clothlo.... I 70
J. W. lUberlUg a 00. 7 41
F. O. Kline. 1 jj
Ionan. Yeager , 43 71
R- CrjTln ( 21
Waiter Conway (a i
J. S. Kelsrr
Water aud Oas (158 M
Coal , 240 li
(3380 71
(223 M
(408 Sft
Llttla Gap (j is
LehlgoQsp hos
Eai-t penn 81 24
Bowmaua m V4
Lehtgbton 177 11
Weatherly , ,, 1 4
Lehigh Tannery 8 74,
Mahoning , 144
Pairrvlllo , an
Harts'a .jo
Poco Pneo 4 7s
Btiohl's Bridge lw, v M
II. Brelafonl
Joel Kelper
J. D. Hampton
J. F. Utlnk
John btrohl
V. E. Fil-blc
E. Belfhline
J. W. ltaudeubush, V. C.
Charles tirlm
Joslah Serfaas
Frank aioeker
A. I). Minor
A. Shjpp
ir. Fowler
O. P. Painter
JobnR Smith
Ben. Greensweig
II. Hlucer.
II. P. Levin
C. D. Frits
Johu lloovor.
D. bnydor
W. Shlnlle
D. (jrimths
John Sherry
J. D. Belli
J. D. Meveie
H.O. Deopo
W. I. Peters
Reuben Rehrle
John Croaaan
John Eaaluiger....
Wm. Rausht
Jos. Fisher.
Wm. Tarleton
C. O'Donnell
A. D. Miller
J. 8. Webb
8. F. Poaler
D.O. MeLand.
C. II. MeDanlsl
John Painter ,
Jobn Conway ,
James Walker......
T. C. Williams
Geo. Williams. ,
John Quinn ,
Jonah Markley
C. W. Walton
(14 25
2 01
17 91
III 80
32 80
16 80
87 41
117 113
110 17
6 81
10 15
I 88
10 11
21 04
1 0.)
12 33
22 70
7 33
tl 13
i 40
3 18
4 53
8 43
10 47
81 00
4 68
17 23
21 24
7 41
11 76
22 53
II 78
14 )
3 24
33 79
81 40
70 14
17 88
VI 77
97 81
88 00
18 00
18 70
63 53
II 00
'.SI 84
10 94
(1653 4C
October sesaion 1874 (14 7
187 j
3 41
17 18
7 44
11 40
1018 II
423 08
29 37
426 78
Military Enrolment
R. F. Uoff jrUi lnpl j tV)0Jl.
tv '.uslltute
Mon refunded, WiUtam
Orand Jury term. January-.,
Traverse Jury term January.
Travel se Jury term, January.
Grand Jury term, Apru.
Talesmen Jury turn, April...
Trav eras 3 ury term. April ...
Grand Jury term, June.
Petit Jary term, June ,.
Traverse Jury term, Jane,.,,
Grand Jury term, October....
Traverse Jury, term October
Pettt Jury, teluiOctotwr .
(2'84 80
(270 07
130 00
7 30
(261 V2
725 88
400 18
164 08
103 56
9rt 71
195 44
402 84
475 1 4
257 22
231 V3.
871 60,
(I'M E2
Bsnk Taxes
Elite Taxes.,.,. .t.
fcpenxler k Ksavr. Repairing
County Bulldtsgs
Bernard PbAilijA. Trsnscrlb.
lug ,, itvi.
1845 38
1181 64
83 U
I 00
Total ....
. Hv5.1l 55
Total amount of Diskarse.
menu (41720 65
By Balance on baud Jaawy
1,187V ..... ,u 11412 11
To balance on, hand January
1. 187I...M.. , (13112
To amount erroaeooaly tbsrg.
M by state in panas ot
Tressater 1717 to
(514 M Bslauce In hind
. (ma u
T. U. Weaver, for jlauks.....
Balance ontstandlug 118719 22
We, tlio undersigned, Auditors of the
County of Carbon, do hereby ceitify, that tlio
foregoing is a correct statement of the
amounts received and disbursed by T. 1).
Clauss, Ksq., Treasurer of said County, of tho
Sheriff and Commissioners account, 60 fur
as tho same havo come to our knowlcdgeJ'ur
tlio year 1878.
Witness our hands this 25th day of Jan
uary A. D. 1871).
H. A. BEIfZ,
Attest, 11. K. SWABTZ, Clerk. 104
Special Notices.
lVA remedy UMxl TIIIRTY.FI Vlfi YEARS In
a private iruct.ce.audiieter lailmg to ladlcallr
Dretwy, Kiylpelas,Hceandaiy bvphllla, (iravsl,
DlabeUm, and all diM-ases In which the b.ood Is
Implicated, is now otrmed to the public.
f-olil by all Rftail linucciaTS- and (nholsaale
onlvlbyrUE Wl-.YBUItN UElnOl.NK CO.
1". O. Box 3J8, llocheater, N. Y.
I will mail (Free! the icelpo for a simple
VEOKTAnLK halm that will remove TAN.
having the Kklu soft, clear aud beaut lul ; also
ln-iruitlona for nioiluciug a luxmlant grnnth
of lulr uu a bald ueait orsmnotu face. Auureart,
luclosiog 3e. sump, Ben. Vaud. 11 fc Co , 20 Ann
Mi eel, N. Y.
The advertUpr. bavlnir i.aaii nprm.nnniiv
1 ured of that dread disease, f.'otiautuptlou. bv a
Bimpie remtHly.lR anxious to mako known to hi
lellow.aujrerel s the means of cure. To all who
1 esire It. he will send a copy 01 the preai nptlun
used, (free of charge.) with the directions fur
nrevannir and usiuc ihe funne. wnieii tnpv win
find a slee cuuk fur CossuxrilOK, AsTlluv,
BiioaciilTis, e.
I'm ties wishing the Prescription. wlllidaM
adiU-eaa. E. A W1LSO.V, lit 1'ouu utlet-t.
lil'tllUSUUIKU, all li
In J5?1)iSS iJ tt"-' humaultr, aeiid free lu
fuiuSS thTii ..'n-1-18 ," iliredlou for
Iniii TSS!rri ""i'e reine.iy by which he a
i-SrnLS. ,s wl,''"'e w welt by the ad.
. A . r.neuce can Uo bo oy addresslnc lu
JOHN H.OODKN. 42 Cedar HI. N. Y.
Of all klnda. TUVOltH, dilmr.
jres of II IOO II ur mucus mil
nil ffiAaiuta oflltrt llb'irrtTM
quickly arnl perfectly cuieJ bv a Himple una
aoothlnjr ItEilKbV. 1-or luformaciun atldn
Ilcnlth and Happiness.
ueaiia ana iiappint?aa ire rnceie Wenitli in
Iheir pos'WHsorit. and yet thev Xv nrHLuu tbo
roaih of ev?rv ono who will nan
Wright's Liver Fills,
the only uro CURE tor Tainvl liver. Crawm.
Kla. Headache, Bout HUiuvich.Coiisiipiau-io, jp.
."tin , nuuHu. uu an u-iinjfvt t-Miipiaiuis anis
B ood Disorders. None genuine unless ajur-a
"Wm. Wrlghti Pnl.a." U your Diumnat will
not supply aendn cents for one box lo.Uariick,
Roller -Sfo.,WN.4lh Bt., l'hlla. toM.S
E. F. Kuul's Blltcr Wine of lron.
A sure cure foa Dyspepsia or lndlaeatlua.
Weak utomacb. ueneiai bebintv, Diaus if
theN:eivous bateni. constipation. Ae'ditve
thebtomach. and tor all cases reautntica T-
le. err bottle Kuai auteiMl. or, the money ru.
funded. Price. II. net the genuine. AKk Imt
and take no other. Price, II to, or six bottles,
f l Si on. If your drus-aut noea not bave It .end.
to Proprietor. Z'.s U. Nluth HI., fblladeipria?
M'orms. M'orms. Uoruisv
E. F. Kunkel'i Woim Biran nsrfi.nat in-dau
ktroy l'tn.i Seat, and btomacti v onw, Drv
UiOvesTaDo Worm lu two hourm. m. iv witt,
beau, aud uo fee until remoTed. Common nso.
teacbea If Tape Woinit cau bo ctwoikI U kiL.
er wonnacau be r-dlljr deftrotixi. A.aTlcal
otUoe aud at ore. tree. The doctor cau UU
whether or not the putut baa woima. Tbooa
audaare drin daily, vttb woru-a, and do not
know It. Yit. apMina. erapat rboklna; and.
auffocation. aailow coaipU xvou. clrciM aroun-i.
tbe ejea, awel'lng aDilpniiun tbe atowaaii.tefi
leva at slffbt. griudliucel Ibe ice'ti, Rjckujr
tbe none, cona-b. fever, itcbiug at the BfW.beaiK
aeue.loul bieatUetoso pfttieui Cjcova mleavd
tblu. tlclciloa: aud IrrfUtlou ibr nu til
tbCM) ruinUuvsj. mu1 mare come froui wurina.
lV. RUPiKttU woilM BY UUP never fade
u remove thwu. Viire, 11.0 per bottle, or air
botilea lor E00. (For 'laue U'orm vriu t.A
eonault Uia Doctor.) Jb'ora'lotbtrK.uuy i f voec
UruxfTiat t&e Wtuin Hymn, aud if lie ba tt out.
I'bUadeipbia, t'a. Advice by maiLtrwui arnii
tbreecent atauip, 4auTiia,
Richard IF. Ruukle, a furuip, who WvtA
In comfortable circuinaUincvurar Uppevllli,
X. J, CDininitUil euieide on l-'ridw; evening,
by banging hhneelf iu hu bar a; (le hal
bet'n Beting etrangly for about a ver, ami
rtxiutly bhowcvl yuiilotni uf uwUwWia.