LETTER FROM PIT K1KWORSHD. M Pit Ktiokworsltii si Fcndn, OYnsl OYksII OYisIII KuiilDt nn'r ! Kumnt olln lTn lcnwit cich wns 'r slum long huwba hct sula. Vf Mondays dnn 30. Fob vunvy, 1879, inn 13 Oor, sul oni niinio lious. in Wiilinoiit villc. uf 'm Blobaiir. UokoPl County, Shtnto IMo-barg, dos siicnsiitu un wartiulsuta per sanliclm Eich'ntum cfentlicli ferlcnwll . warn, namlichr A gons yung'rhan'rjgut or zwonsich vnnc i'r blinder, slitifcr, lawnicr Com melia ganl. D'rganlhut ken ful'r os 'r hut do lifts, nn fin lint 'r irrikt krawd dorch d's os m'r 'n ols om shwons holt g'nunia lien for 'n ufznliawa' A ivoo was twHMJ fins lun uroierbcsii- ihL la is,sc hot in er'm lawa narsht amol dritka 'slidona un sc hut ower aw in er'm lawa noch ken milch Kevwa, 1000 wonsa. ma ud'i- waniehcr, 10 mice hide, yusht about g'nunk for 'n lhiffalo hout zu mocha, G muslikct'rs woo alawaga shola, 10 rota nut elf kep, siva shweus, l'uf zich ba un dieisich ora, 2 fun d'r Royal ora ferhomalta unar- ok, 3 ungahcirata grosa hun'rt yanelia Hunt, 1 flint, wo g'u sed is wora 'm dieisich varicha krek, 1 hilsna pislidol, forna jnioit se, lima sliolt se un gukt grawd wc 'n bowl, 20 barl wonsa hor, 16 puncl hoi, fun brcnas'l g'mocht, 30 g'bund dorna shdro, 7 kckcta, for dc wonsa orbina won zc zu krod lich wara, 1 hilsna kuchaplot, (i kupokisa,fun bobcr g'mocht, 3 yord karpct, fun liowelshpa g'mocht, d'r karpct wawr noch d'r Royal era shwester d'r Bevy crram Grosdawty simc Grosdawty sime Dawty sin 'r mommy g"'wcst, 2 hilsna roshbcla, 1 bobcrncr hoot, 3 cisna shbrousek, iijjj gns g' mocht, 1 shbotiboks, fun sol-ledar-'nocht, 1 shuk'lsthool, una Infer, 'n lotboberna shub kerich, m nuch fel oncra socha zu druwclsom zu mcntiona. Uf d'r namlich dog sul aw mi bouarei lcrkawlt wara, ant holtand 5 oic'h ma ud'u wenicii'k. 4 ok'r d'fun is shwom mis iwcrich is firstrate boulond. Dc g'bci'r woo druf sin is 'n siva-stheck's bokashdan's bluk lous, finf shduk uf $Jigg&; 'm grund nous un zwa in do luft, 'n shciar, 5 fus bei 2 fus, 'n wonsa slidol, 7 fus bei 3 fus. 'N gut'r cb'l bam gawrda,og'blonst mit wise dorna. 'N gut'r bruna woo f'i lawa noch ken wos'r kot hut is 'bout a mile fun d'r bau'rei. Es is ans fun d'r beshta bouareia uf 'ml31o-barg. Do kondition ward b'kont g' mocht om dog Avon de fendu is fum. Pit Knokwohshi). E. Kiiomp, Ecndukroiar. S. Namsv, Ecnduklcrk. "HAND II i: All lit' AX. Several week ago In the ni'lglilor liooil of Ilettenslmw, It Trinity county, California, n remarkable boar hunt oc curred. Dr. Stanley, white on a visit to lleltensilmw, expressed an ean.est desire to go bear hunting, and nceord ly ouo morning he bturted, In company with Greene French, George Burgess, niid Joe Ltgtitfoot. Arriving at a thick et, the dogs gave a notice of their near approach to a Jcar and the party decided to station llicm stives at certain points, and let the dogs go lu ftud drive the ber out. This was done, but tho doc tor becoming Impatient catered the thicket himself. The heavy under growth made his progress slow, but he fought his way ahead until he came to a fallen tree lying in a gulch. Helping himself along by the limbs bo arrived at the upper end Just In time to bo en. countered oy a huge grlzily bear. lUtreat was Impossible, as it had been with the utmost difficulty tliat the doctor had advauced so far; there was no tree in convenient distance, and as thegrliily showed fight, there was nothing left for him to do but shoot. Taking deliberate aim with his Henry title, the doctor fired and the boar fell mortally wounded. Another load was sprung from the magazine luto the rifle, aud the doctor, looklog toward his prey vas surprised to seeasccond bear lu the same pot. This ho shot also, and quickly reloading, was ytt inoro aston. ished to see a third bear In the same place where he had shot the other two. Agalu the lever moved and a fresh charge went into po.-iilou, and agalu the doctor looked up, and discovered the fourth grliily coming towards him from tho same opening In the bush. Whang went the gun again, and down went bear No. 4. lly this time the doctor had gat warmed up aud excited, and kept moving the liater and tiring Into the bodies of the bears until the sixteen shuts In the inugazlne were ex buUd. Meantime his companions, hearing the nhootlng, and presuming the cause, made their way to where the doctor was, with thelntrntlcn of assist Ing him, but found him on the top of the largest bear, witli the other strewn about, swinging his hat and shouting lustily. Ouewasan Immense grizzly, so large that the hunters could not han dle him, and tho other three were good sized grizzlies probably alout twoytars bid. The shooting of four bears by one wan, without ever 'changing posl (Ion, Is somtthing hithertu uuhtard of, ren In the must highly colored anuals e! the Vtaum wild. FARMERS' COLUMN. How to Train a Colt to Harxk.19.- Put on hlm n easy collar, Imvtng n jatr of reins attached, or add two picccstolcngliicn llio traces, and let n strong man walk bo hind him, holding these. After a few min utes tho leader may order be loan to pull the trnce very gently, so os to press the collar but slightly at first. In little tlmo ho may pull tighter, while tho lender keeps his eye on tlweoll, arot If jho shows any sign of flinching, let Mm order tho traces to tc slackened, anil then gradually drawn again until the colt is seen to lean Into his collar, when the man who holds tho traces may uso his whole, forco for a short time only. Tho traces must now bo slackened again, and the same courso gone over re peatedly, but stopping tho colt occasonally to gentle him, taking care, however, not to slacken the trares Jnst ns Tie otsr and to turn nllttle to one side, each time, with the opposite trace. After this exercise let him bo taken to tho cart or other vchiclo for which he Is intended, allow him to smell and examine it, then push it away and iraw it up to him several times, raising and lowering the shafts, until lie takes no notice of its noise, or of tho different appearances when lowered or raised'. Sow turn him round and put him between the shaft?, rub these against his sides, push back and draw up tho cart, striking hlm behind and on the sides with it, until ho allows himself to be "knocked about by it," so to spook. This will do for ono day's lesson. Next day let his hurncej ho put on, leaving chains and simps to hang against him, while the whole of the previous day's lesson is gone through step by step. Sumo on the third and fourth days. Ho may then be yoked or hitched to tho cart, and should hare at least one hour's exorcise, in goingup and down hill, turning, etc. First start on level ground. If thcaj directions be carried out tho colt learns that the vehirie he draws is not meant to huit him, and ho will never try to kick it away, or run ofT from it. Rules for training; 1st, Never try to beat a colt Into doing a tiling, or, if nervous, lie may turn out a vicious horse, or if stupid ho may become'stubborn. Remember that by patience and gentleness he can be got to do anything that will not hurt him. 2d, When a horso shows signs of shying at any object do not beat him, but load him up to it allowing him to stand and look, as ho comes closer; and after hs ex amines it a few ti.ijSt vr((J not fear anv U.'uVg" of tho kind again. In passing by hedges with a colt throw in stones, and stop him until he takes no notice of the noise. 3d. Before putting on any article of harness let your colt smell it, and then rub It against head, ncelt, and body. .1th, Always start a horso with tho voice, never with the cut of tho whin. In starting, turn a little to ono side, anil in slopping when goingup hill, do tho same. Agricultural Gaxttc. How many Eoas can a Hex Lay? There has been so much loose talk about tho num ber of eggs a hen is capablo of laying and her yearly yield under fail ly good treatment that it is n satisfrction to come across some thing beyond guesswork or mero inferenco on tho matUr. The foundation of science is occurato observation, and when a scien tist publishes a statement, it is presumable that it is based upon this foundation. Its accuracy, too, is confirmed, if it is quoted witli approval by other men of wide experi ence and know:dgo on tho subject involved in it. Now, Geyclin says, and l'rof. Miles, in his excellent work on stock-breeding, quotes hlm with approval;: "It has been ascertained that the ovarium of a fowl is composed of six hundred ovules or esis: therefore a hen during tho wliolo of her llfo cannot possibly lay mora than six hundred eggs, which in a natural course, aro distrib uted over nino years in the following pro portion : rirst year after birth 15 to 20 Second Third Fourth Firth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth do do do do do do do do ..100 to 120 .120 to 133 .100 to 115 .100 to 115 . 50 to CO . 35 to 40 . 15 to 20 1 to 10 Inasmuch as cxericnco demonstates that some breeds of hens are vastly moro prolific than others, this statement, of course, can be applicablo ouly to tho average of poultry. Ckmf.xt roa rituxiso. Dr. T. II. Hos kins, of Vermont, who has had much ox. wrienco in orchard management, finds the following composition for a cement to encaso wounds made by pruning, tho best he is ac quainted witli : Ono quart fino North Caro. Una or pine tar is to bo boiled slowly for three or four hours. Add to tho boiliug tar four ounces of tallow and ono iwund of bees wax, and stir all together well. Remove tho vessel from the firo and stir tho contents till partly cooled. As soon as tho cement begins to thicken, stir in a iioiind of now. dcrcd and sifted clay, previously prepared. our un nearly coiu, to prevent the clay set tling. In summer, this cement is just soft enough to bo easily spread with a point of a knife. It excludes luoisluro and docs not harden or crack, The boiling of tho tar is necessary so drive out tho turpentine. This application is similar to but better than tho pino tar and brick dust mixture, which wo employed many years ogo for tho same pur pose. Rfxovatixo an Old Titer.. W. H. Noblo furuishes a Now York agricultural journal an account of his process for renovating un old tree which w as so far gono that a shell only was left on ono side three inches thick, although tho trunk itself would have been six inliccs in diameter. The insects which had eaten it were cut out, the surface shaved smooth, and the whole painted with a thick coat; tho holes and crevices were pluged with putty. The work was very properly dono early in sprini. This was twentv.fivn years ago. It has .since never failed of a crop, parny irom newly Inserted grafts. Such caro was doubtless accompanied either with manuring or cultivation, which will do moro to restore the vigor of an old tree than any pruning alone. Tbkes 1'niEzixo Solid. Pr. Hoskins.who lives in tho coldest part of Vermont where tho mercury sometimes freezes, says that wheu this takes place ho does unt think that auy portion of tho sap of the trees remains unlrozcn j yet the hardier varieties endure this cold unharmed. Wo have often observ ed the shoots of the npplc, pear and peach frozen stiff when the thermometer suuk to 10 above zero, without injury. The micro seoi showed them to be filled with I rr.m. tals; no injury resulted from tho freezing. Everybody wonders how we aro ablo to furnish the Advocate, conUing all the local aud currcut news, to our subscribers at $1 a year, when others are charging fur papers not so good and vet we continue to d it. Drugs and MedieiEos ! The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store. If you want anything in tho Drug lino at bottom prices, go to tho Old and Ileli.ablo Drug Store, in Dr. N. B. liobcr's Block, near tho Post Office, A. J. DUELING, Proprietor, IWIicro.vou wlUnotla fall and complete stock of Pure Drugs, Metliciucs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, &c. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricatiug Oils. A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces. Pure Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and Sacramental purposes. Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety. I'orsonai attention given to tno compounding of Physi ins and Family Prescriptions. cians Established 18G7., Lrhlgbton. ovemb'TS, 1878. KEEPS for sale gonuino American Watches, Gold Vest Chains, Roll-plato Vest Chains, Fire-gilt Vest Chains, Silk Guards, Thimbles, Bracelets, Breast Pins, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Ear Drops, Lockets, Plain aud Stono Rings, Silverware, Clocks, and makes a specialty of Spectacles and Can suit auy ono in this lino. Repairing Neatly done at Lowest Prices. Respectfully announces to tho people of Lohighton and its vicinity, that ho has just enlarged his Manufactory by tho addition of another story, and that ho is now prepared to furnish them with every description of HoiiseJiolD EnraitnrE, Manufactured from tho best Seasoned Material, at Prices fully as low as tho samo articles can bo bought for else where. Hero aro a few of the inducements offered : Parlor Sets at from $50 to SG0.00 Walnut Marble-top Dressing Case Bedroom Suites, 3 Pieces. S40 to $05.00 Painted Bedroom Suites, $18 to $40.00 Cano Seated Chairs, per sot of Six $6.00 Common Chairs, per set of Six $4.00 and all other goods equally cheap. Tn this connection, I desiro citizens to my ample facilities BUSINESS, with a now and lino of Caskets and Coffins, I am prepared to attend promptly to all orders in this line, at lowest prices. Patronago respectfully solicited and tho most ample sat isfaction guaranteed. Y. SCHWARTZ, Oct. 12. BANK Street, LEHIGHTON, PA. S V- -J (0 bn "? R P. .9 S ft S? H 21 s &a PH A. J. DURLING. Eye Glasses. 7-l-yl to call tho attention of tho in tho handsomo Hearse, and a full R Sm.S.3 9 925-a 3 "i CL p.g-2og3-a3.3 8 r- Sg 33 sMsafilB8 j 51C: -a -n -3 J? M.2 P The Best and Most Popular PnlmoniD is It IiiTariably Cnre. Connhs. Cotd, Hoarac uoi8, Bino Throat. Afthmn, Croop, audatber Aflectloni of tho Broattitufr Orgnns. It sootbinR liiflncnco nron ths lrritnlpd lln Ingot 1boir pnawrpa, la dim to thelact tbac ltn min-iMlienta nro toe moat cfflcnclona pnlmon. Ic Klmplcs known to moi7ic.il botany, tin tmala of tlio artlclo beinit tHo HONKYolilie JIOltK IIUUMI ri.ANT, chcmicniir nnuon wild the moillcinnl prlnciplenf tn A HIES UAI.NAMKA or llalm ol ui.ea.L There nro beanlea. nye ntber botnnle olrnicnta which mro additional efflency to the Hi at tianied two. I hoo who have ued It. ty that HALE'S IIONHY Oy llOUKIIUU.N HAND TAll Is not nnlv woiidcrtiilly remedial In H cosoa whole tho orunn of rcaiilratlon are nrrectcd. butnlso tiint It action la unuiually rapid. A few Onaca firquentlr sorvo-to relievo a very obBilnato routih. ltcontaina nnthinir tnat enn ilimnter the atomach, a fact that can bo Hlioped with truth of Unt low I'ousth rcmedleai It has nnei. Iteir.elr arrccablo flivor, mi l larulo at llfturo which ennblea thoae or tlio most limited meana to nvall tbcinaelvca of its viniiea. It 1 Mmple mdnes-to trifle with a Couyh. irritation of the Throat, Uhe.t od l.unes trav ela raphllv. and what is a trifling and enailv conqiiorahle dilllcully In tboso oigans to-day, may In a tow weeka develop Into Bronchitis or Consumption, two disease which carry more victims to early grave, than any other In tho luuii iiw ui ixmiiy ni.orucrs. A C'oneb m-iy be fitly termed Ihorrellmlnnry tune of Cnnannintinn. n milmlir ni uri,il. ltAt.E'8 IIO.VKV OF IIOItUHOUND AND TAll la the uret Vnowtl lirevnnlivn. Tim. thorolore, who would arrest tho proprofa of tho doHroycr ahoulil dcloy not a moment to take a crrtTAix Rpocllle. CUIUDltEN, doilve grost benefit from Its soothing properties, when aufterlnir with tho paroxysms of Cniup and Whooping fouqli. Tho tlrat named disea-o is o-arclaity destructive among voung children and this reliable remedy annul,! no Kept on hand In nil households iiuy lluy me lariro rack-ncea ami Ecouomlie. I'HIUKs. 50 cts.. and (1, run Sold by all Urua-glsu. BOTTLE. C N. Criltcnton Prop'r, NO SEVEN SIXTH AVENUE, N. Y. Tor Sato by A, Lchlghton, I'a. J. DURLIXO, BinkatrceU Ilave you a "Raoinq Tooth" Header? IP YOTJ HAVE, BUY Pike's Toothache Drops nnu euro mo ncrnrr in osp i tlclo w 11 do tho buslnos up brown, depend upon It: morwor It contains no Inijiodlent which can lujuro your Teeth. rniUE 25 CEST3. Sold Dy all DraKglsts.. C. N. Crittenton, Prop'r, The Leading External Specific for DISEASES OF THE SKIN and Beaulifier of tlio Complexion. It renders the Cuticle Healthfully Clear and Smooth, and Is the JJest Pos sible Substitute for Expensive Sulphur .Baths. It 1. Incomparable Ttemcrtv for nmisirn TTr. CEC9, Cuts and every lintabio or onheaiihv condition of tlio skm, nd la a moat scivicenbln remedial a"cnt and soti-ea nf Mi.en.iv w.ni u. caseaoi GOUTtllid ltllEUMATlait. II is n mom neairnuie lllKlNt ECTANT OF Cf-OTIIINO OU11E1) hISO, woin alio n ed ur I'viovu- riiu-lllK ItUlU UUAUAKJUS Or tOX. taoioi'b DIsEAbta. uuil Is a Capital llcniedv and Trevei tatlve i.f them, when uae.1 as an lujec. lion l'cianna employing it have no need lo tane Sulphur llaths, or to resurt to Sulphur pnnt;s for bathing purposes. Aaon ini'lunciof tho TOILET It lafarmore do-lrahlo than any Cotme lo alt.ee li doe not. lounl IilcniiahoH but removes them. TAN.FlttCKLKS PIMl'UN lir n-rniriru and tbo like, aneeilllv yielotona claiityins In dueuce: and His the very bet tioap to ahive with.becauao it loaves llio skin smooth and free irom i he Inltatlon produced on. sensitive cu. ilcte. by the application of the lator. It also contpletoly eraibcatea DANDUi;i-'F. Ilousoulve. declare it to bo excellent for wushiuir OOLEl I.IN1.' . r. -mm:. nmi ti.nP fabrics anil Iodic luoviue in the best nrcles of iMcuupuiiM..! iuu suiai aucieiy speak 01 11 In the hlihesl terms. icatlieonlaispourin from all quarters of Iho Union uimn Its Vronrletjr. many ul whn li hai e uvvu imuiisuu ui 1110 lorm 01 a neat pamphlet, procurable of Driiarui.ts Hud Fancy (looila Deal, era. the onirtnala beini? i.nen in 1,1,1,1, in.n. tion at lua MKDiciXAL Waueii.-idkk, No. 7 bixni avenue. New Voiik. The artio e la moreover luuuiawi uv iio ji euicai iraiernity. LIKE 1I08T GTIIV.lt FaHOITS IIRUKTiip. OLUNN'SWULl'llUlthiJAl1 baab enimitat! ed. soups without the smallest frartn.n of ro. noilal c Ulcocv have been and are foisted upon the tiususpt'Ctlug aud unobservant, isoenutiu Sulphur Soaps poesessluv properties ideptlcat itn or equal to the (lre.it Kpecitlo, which their vendors aee to rival by underhsnd c. mpetl tio .. The public ahonld in., refore be careful to Inquire for Of.KNN'Shulphur hoap brltatull uuu.p, ai.uc-.v u it.ujr (iv, tllU I UUI HrilCIO. All reafMctable IJruvffiAta. F.p.vnm.i. nai. ersand Uiooirs keep GLENN'S SULPIIUH BOAT, and win od demand for It, supply the " - V . " vu ...VI. VU.MfUIVI Prices, ;S5 cts. per Cke 1 Dox, (3 cakes) sent by mall, prepaid for 70c. O. N. CRITTENTON, rnopniETon. No. 7 Blxttt Ave., N. Y. ForMalobTA. J, LeliUhtuu, Fa. DUULINU, Hank Street, BLACKS and BROWNS As Natubal as N ati-hf.'s self, are commnleated to Oiar and Flame colored locits, aluioat luslautaueoualy by Hill's Ilnir and Whisker Dye aprepaiallou abaoluielr free from hurtful in frredifuia and lutlu telv euptrior by reasou ot therff cu t-roduceil loany article of Its o'asa. I'leuaturo auAY.K.a and Uauixess are pre lenleo. aud iho .1 veiy hairs nf aire a, quire the true youthful tlut from thla malchlosAs Dye. SOLD BY ALLDltUOaiSTi C. N. Crittenton Prop'r. SIXTH AVE., N. V. KorHala br A. J, DCItHNU, Dank Rtrett llMatm, Fa, Aug. si, ly. SULPJIM SOAP, II. It. KnEiDun. CENTRAL CARRIAGE I SLEIGH WORKS, Oppoiltn T. U. Clauss', Banlc St., Lchigliton, Pn., la prepared to nannfaclur auy descrip. tion of Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagons, &c. Repairing Promptly Attended to. CSTAIl work done at thla establishment is suarautecd to bo of tbo Tery beat material and workmanship, and the prices fully as low as the same articles can be purchased laewhere. Special Inducements offered (trictly cash cnatomcrs. M. C. TUEXLEIl & CO. July8l,ltT7. UEIL,niAIV & CO., BANK STREET, Eehighton, Pa., MILLEIIH and Dealers In All Kinds of ortAIN BOUOIITand BOLD at ItEUULAll MAltKET HATES. We would, also, icspectfully Inform ourelti tens that we are now fully prepared to bUT I'LY tnem with Best of Coal From any Mlno desired at VJ3RY LOWEST PRICES. Af. HEILMAN & CO. July :s. f3 jt? T- fi cj, Q POET GRAPE WINE used In hundreds of congregations lor cunrch or communion putpoea. IIOSILIHI TO!! I.ASIE3 AVD WEASL7 PEESOitC iilfi TEE AOID. MT. PROSPECT VINEYARDS, N. J. Speer's Port G ape Wine FOUK Y 12 AXIS ULi). Thla Justly Celebrated Nntivo wine Is modn fiomtlie Juice of tho Opnrto Urupe, loiscd lu ....vwuuvij. I 19 IUY.llllU.fiU Tonic nntl StrciigtliciiingFropcrticf. aro unsiirpissed by any other nallvo Wine. Denm tho pu o Juicu of tbo (truiie. produced ueuer Mr. bpetr's own pt-rsoii.il auLeiiiou it; purity and penuinenona aro ima.iiuired. rlioyoiinKest child inav tmitalio of lis eeuer. ousauilllles. mid tho weskist Invalid uceU te advantage. It is pitlcul.irlv beiicOclkl to the OKCUnndiiebllitnted.and aultoil to the vanou. iiiiuiciii- mat niniei ino weaker sex. II is. In every respect, A WINE to II it KEI.IED ON. InvilUi Csi Cpeji'i Tert Crapa Wins. Tenjltt Cm Cueer'i Port Crips Wins. Wiilly Phicsj ritl Eettlt tr Itt di, Rnoerja wiuea in Hospitals nro picfcrrcd to Sold hy lirujralats cenemllr, who lso scl S' ty'Iffl. FEDltO J. IlItAlVDV, I'EIlllO J "JiKllItV. and STANDS ltD WINE BIT nuts. Trade aupulH-d be all holeaulo Deal jib. boo that the sltniotuiaot Allred s-peT rassaic. N. J., la oier thei-niti of enM. l..,ltl A. si'EKll's Mount l'rospect V.iic.i ards, V. i -j. wmio, ti n urren Blicci, new iitrK. rnriiaieuy A. J. DUltLI.NO, LUIliainON. PA. TVo wish to say thu. ono of onr oldest and vii-i,uui-ru piivsicuiMs, alter giviug Dr. Soth Arnold's Cough ICiller A THOllOUQU TRIAL, TltONOUNCES IT FAU SUPEKIOR. TO ANY p0h llemedj-ho ever saw. Tho doctor had X. . v." wuu eevero coia which wcuil1 S?f V''.t0. ""T prescnp'ion he cou.d coin. IH,nnd, but with ono boitiunr itm i'.,,,,-,. n-,n.r hewsiKimiich relieved that became bock ami uoiignt sevcil ImttlOH moro. It auv ono wlsbeo "o uouior is we win luiorci them vj loiuugui uursioro, CIIO-BMAN & PLUMMER. Oil Hall Droir storo. Comer Second Street and Mcolict Avenue MlNKtAl'OUS, lll.ss ARNOLD'S CnuOH KII.LKR la sold by all Druggists everywhere. For uale by A. J. DURLINQ, Lehlghtoa. V Nov. is, 1876-ma SMOKE V - A - 3K FOR CATARRH. In tho LE1BIG Chemical Co's. JUNIPER TAR CIGARETTES la dlacovered the onlv common pene. May ai.voHui, mux wiu bum jur i iiiii uurriuio uu ease Catarrb- CatnrrU alionld never be triflnl with or let run. t tarrli ta the loreniDDernf CouaumptloD tlUil IUCAUI UOlilU. -A- THEORY. The Juniper Tar Cigarette act. iinun a ni-tr and eoDtub.0 tneory uud effsjct a cure In every '1 ber are a mont tncceWul ren.edr for Astli. tua. rlithiata. Culdlu the Head. irnari.i'npKM surelbmat. Couiiuuu Cold auil all diseaaeaol tbe air passage, of tbe I load oud Luuki. Tbe uioat i-ucceaaful remedy In the world rvoiti uj uruKtiiBia at, m dvuib. rrvparea oaiv by- tbe llbltf C be mica I Co. 2 Barclay Ut.. New Yoris CJty. liec. 28 3tuo- YOUNG SHOOTS OF WILLOW Carefully reduced to cbarcoal, tborouglly pa rlilcd and niuue into Lostnge form 1)11 MUIIUAY'SCIU COAL TAULET8 A rational ren ody endorsed by l'lijivlcl4nafr nianeiMiia. Hui tuurn Indiiefatl-in. Sunr lom. iih Ft) in lli-Mnlh llrlcblnir. Uaturhs Ulturh aiicea aud all aeraueiuiuta of titomacb and TIibao TabletannrlfT I he blood and render the Complex iqu iu and krtilUDt. Tbe beat Deulltlce ever made. Inva'uible to nuokeiiaud beavv ''dinera uuu" bold by Urutf. eitn fur U cnU per box. Ttv them aud bavn a quiet atouiacli and a puie bituitli. A REAL SEA BATH AT HOME. A Pea Water bath la the best bath lu thn world. It prevent all tmda of duenae and cure rnauv. Kverybxlr can now euor tMa ncaitniui luxury ir couutrv or town by adding to ordinary waier Uituan t-Eibnt 'Jim-e wbooitcw UMlt become ateadr uatntna. Onlr Si centa ner larmi box at tour i)ruaKUt. Juu ( IperTarCitrarettea, Murray' C'naicoal Tablet t icu uumao 4 tii au are aoiti vy M. C. TREXLEB. N. Y. P. S. Co's Column. Rj-jsiT RUSSIAN OUT rSgJ. H VIOLIN STEINOS. iiihnwwi KrvMMA-llrllll.tl T!"l!b!.u,c', l'TlltMlll.MI aiM(. 1H In Nn.Vwk.li. ....... I.,..-. .1.1- AMIln Kw Vork rllr. Van.ld't-rlni tliMr """in"'P".m.lilllio wor i ,VJ ?","",0'ri,?,l'.llel,'kl,'"l".l'sul. Xuttlicm. Lvirjr Lox bs. 'I r.rim.rk Mil, aulnlmporlcr. join r. aiuvroj to., i.i. t.,n1.?,al",'yA J- nUNO. Bank St., LehlRh WITH A HISTORY- New effects from new Ingredients: n new remedy that perforins wonders. KNAIM'ls XII ltoA'.'GIKi;, quick relief and radical remedy for lloaraentss. Soro llirost, Cold. Tickling, m or Voice, Quinsy, lllplitlirl rla, llrnnrhltls, aad ojllnlster'a Sore Throat." Great relief and comfort for Consumptives. Send postal card for tho "Illatory." Impor tant news for Vocallsta, Speakers a- d Teachers. 7Hnpi' Throat Cur Is sold by drupelets. Address 12. A. Olds, 100 Fulton St., N. Y. City. For Bale, by A, J, DUltWNO. llanlc street. Le lURntoii fa. Nov.n.Ciu THE, LAW FORBIDS The defacement " natural scenery " hr elen nllnlers. olhcrwlfo this bore pot would show nn nilvortlsomenl Instantly. Iliitn (let ter effect can now ltr S!fel'Ul.V'jl!lTO WHAT to nolviTiTiT, cot In an easier Hub tho bald way. pate PACKER'S li Mm UW SOUP and thick new hair will soon cover It. Thus we sc core runny a walking? witness that Packeii's TAn SoArls ft modern wonder, rhyeiclons c.erywhcro recommend it for Hildness, Dandrutl, Bralp and kin Diseases, Headache. Eruptions of Children, such as Sea d Head, Kcicma. Acne. Challnir, Itash, etc. Cures Salt Itr-euni.Himrwnrni, Tetter Shlnules, Files, I'lmplcs, HoUEhueas. llediicas, lhnp, and all slmllir diseases. All (.liyslc nns prescribe It for Washing Infant', and for tho Toilet and Both. Iho only Tar Soap mado from I'uro Vo ctah o Oils and Refined Cljcerlne. l'urc, cleansing, soithlne and heallne. I'acreii's Taii Soip Is needed hj every body os a sanitary luxury. Ask for l'AUUJrt'S.- For Salo by' For Sale by A. J.JDURLINQ, Bant St.. Lo ton, I'a- Nuv. I). HUNNEWELL'S UNIVERSAL REMEDIES. COUGH REMEDY, a sunn CUHE for COUdllS, chronic or common. Sore Throat, Croup. Wlioopina; Cough, and all pul-mc-nary complaints. Tho beat and cheapest medicine of Its kind, l'rloo S3 and SO cts. TOLU ANODYNE, tixs-b NEWMtulC KEMEDy, Cl'fel fi'errous, ChrSnlo nnd violent Sick Headaches, Sciatica, Nervous Auuiuij', iijBiena, Aeiinuw iremeui. DO cts. per bottle. ECLECTIC PILLS , THE OREAT Mercurial Substitute nnd Family l'hysic. Aro composed exclusively of vegetable ingredients tuixriecli the vit of Mercury act directly on the Liver, and aro a most valuable remedy In all cases of derangement of that organ. Invaluable In the euro of Constipation, Indigestion, nnd all Bilious Disorders, l'rico So cts. All aro warranted to euro or the money refunded. nUNNEWELL IIF'Q. CO., Boston. , 1'MI A. J, DUllLIAO, JJUUK -. ltd. I.C- uikuiuu, a u. xjov.vom, -iSu 23 3MC ! Whydo yon carry that rusty-looking Trorrffno ni(, when you can lnuko It look Just as well Baa new ono with BROWN'S FRENCH DRESSING, OR ' BROWN'S SATIN POLISH? And don't let the children's boots look so rnsty ano shabby when an elegant jmlltU can be given them by either of tbeso Dressings, will, h you can get at any Shoo store. It will not soil the skirts when wet. In consequenco of their great popularity, there arc several imitations. To keep peace in tuo family, give your hu.baud a box of BROWN'S ARMY & NAVY BLACKING, that he may be on an equal fooling. Awarded tho hlghrat jimiiiutn and onlu . u.iu,IMUU, ia to. Forisalo bv A. J, BUI1LING, llanic Rt.. Lrhtcb. Isov. s.sm, ton. J'a, ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS' A Csks of Sipotlo, a bowl of wstar aad a brash, clolh or iiotsi CLEiKtsa .r '' J WILL CLtllt rilST ..it sll p.lM.d ..tf.l. ITILL Cm Iltttnt i:, St.al.l., Tills. d BUUtrr TIILI. CLIAS OIL CLOTHS, riiwr., Ch.l.ta, Al. WILL CUD D1TII TIBS, Wua.nitU., At. WILL CLCAX CIIOCKtnr, Cluosrs, A.. WILL CLCAX kITlllES ITrjStU .t.ll U.d WILL CLK1X WIXD0U9llb.lll.pl..l,l.rw.Ur WILL rOLISIl TIX, Pr... s.t Copp.r.r. WILL rOLIbll IMIIS.. j.o w.iklh.n V ILL rOLISlt sll a.l.t Surf.r,. i WILL CLE1 all ll.nuk.I4 Artltl.-Aal la CLTirrc aku ciitiri n ika. M.p, i-.r;, n.ii 6i..s At. Prico IOc. Per Cake. COLS .A-XA Snj,T3ZZ?S. 1'or ai ly.. J. DullU.NG, lioult Rtroet, Lo liithum IM Nov. 9 3m For It Is fwuliy too tni not thousands o! CllII.l)lti;! nru II nil every year bj lmi.roiwr cr luiul)lciciit a'OUkt. Remiiinocr, Is all and a great deal more then wo have claim eitforlt. UisBimplyn.lt ti'l . U s IOIIk aud rosily r.s.slnillaled FOIII), crateful to the most dclicatu and Irrilnbl'i btoiuach, and esiieclally adapted for tuo li I' m i' aud Cil'liUMi )IItL,I INVALIDS, MUHSmtr fJOTIIEBS, and tlioso biiScilnj frout IntllguUon tiiU liud cs trial that UakrKdHi-lHiIitat.riiiibiT utM with or w nickfi rntanl, niulilniKt. Ac, Mflily rvr Irk. lrlii t-ni.iilKn uill (in J J.hl $ J v uecd. l(cltuLi,ilb4utUairrtiklli. liuatii for Salebv A. J. DUItLINO, BaukHt.. Tlilgb- ton, I'a. oblalneil for Inventors in the United Stales, Ciiuaila nml Europe, nt reiluced rales. Witli our princiuil oflico located in Wusliinglon, directly 0xsito tho Unitol States 1'utent OlTiee, we nro nblo to attend to all latent buiinoM with greater tiroiiiitnes3 and iles mtclt ami at less cost tlinii other liitcnt nt torneys who aro at a di.tancc from Wash ington, and who have, therefore, to employ "atsnciatoatlorneys." We make preliminary examinations and fiirui.li ojiinions ns to patcntablily, free of charge, ami nil wlio nro interested m new inveutious ami rutents are invited to bciuI for a copy of our "OuMo for obtaining l'ateuts," whii-Ii is tent free to any niMres, and contains complete inclnictioiis how lo obtain intents ami other valuable matter. Vie refer to llio (icrmnu-Aincriiiin National Hank, Washington, D.C.j the lloyal Swedish, Norwegian anil DjiiUh Logatioini, at Wiuliincton; Hon, Jos. Casey, lata Chief Justice 17. S. Court of Claims; to the Oilicitils of tlio U. S. I'alent Oflice, anil to Senators un il embers of Conirmu from every Stale. A.lilrewi LOUIS 11AGOKU i CO..Soliei tors of rutents and Attorneys at Law, LeDruit Building, Wasiuxotox, U.C. dec22 ttsavawaay Is nut easily r S but it can ben vf V ff bvanyoueott earned In these times made In three montlia t elthpraex.m anv tiart nf tltH a.,,,,, itrr u-h.i wlll-nv t,i i&siSAPOMO. work" stead ly at tho emplnvmeut that wo turn. I'a. ,W week in vour own town. Vim need not be away Irom home over night. You oan sTlveyour who'e time to the work or only lorn spam momenta. It toats nolhlnR to trr the kuAluKM. Terms una is outfit free. Address at once. u, H AW.K1T CO., t.bpjl' 1'ortland Maine, Wc will Pay the Postage AND BEND iOU The Carbon Advocate ONE YEAH FOR ONE DOLLAR! Or Sis Months of For 50- cents ! WHICH. IS Less than. 2 cents, per Week FOB A LAItdE 32 COLUMN PAPER!!! ADDJIESS. Carbon Advocate, Lclilgliton, Pat. 3HOW THIS TO YOUR NEIOHBOft Advertise 2 KEW PIANOS $125 Fach, and alt styles. Including OHAND ,6,? V AJlIi N U.V l'K'0 nT,all ttriStly Pi lis?: CLASS, sold ftl tho lowest net cash wholesale lacioiy pi Ices, direct to the I'UItOIl ASEIt. these 1'ianos maoo one ol the finest displays at tho Centennial Exhibition." and wcie unanl. mously recninmendedfortheHiouEST Iloons ovei IS.K0 In use. Heeulaily Incorporated Mnuulactuilni! Cn.-Faotoiy e.tabllshed over BO years Tho Squaro Grand- contain Math, ushek'd new patent Duplex Overstruua Ucale. tho Rrcateai Impiovemeut In the history of JMaiio making. The Uprlahlsaroiho FINK.-.r II. AMl-jltlUA. rinoos sent on trial. Don't tall to wnto tor Illustrated and UcscrlDtlve C'ataloEiio of 48 panes mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO. at Kast lstla Street. N. r. 1 year. "JJttVOIUTE rUBLICATIOXS. FltANK I.ESLIE'.S CIIIMNF.V COHNFlt. I'hls beauiltui periodical, tho beat American laiiiilv Journal, siory paper, and homo frienn. haa been the successful nvuluf all the vieeklr Journals tor the post thirteen years. It rained i. place lu thu minds auu hearts of onr neoulo ami now the namo of its patrons Is Lesion. ' This year tho (Jill jink i ok.ku seems to bo better than ever. Its serial storb-a are of the moM abeorhlnir aim lively character, of treat oower. tuio to life and lull of nterit, taklnr a wide range id subjects to please every niemuer ol n liouscho d-tne domcstlo story for the mother, the clmnnlne love tale for thodaurb. tors the mureilramatle lor tbo oune men. the solid novel lor tho older readers, and then we have stirring adventure tor the bora aud falrr tales for the ehiiureu. llalibeiton, Howard. Itoblnson. lie Forest nencmcL. H. Annie Frost. Annie Thomas. Etta W. Fieri r. and oiher eminent writers, are lta roeular cnulrihuiora. The subjects treated or are veiv varied. The Illustrations are profuse and they aro all beautiful, hhort su'nea ex' tremeiy inicreatlnK are cumpleted In e.ch num. her. whi o biographies, adventmes. essaya. fun. travo.a. noluial history legends, anccdoiea. science, elc. make this publication oueot the most eiiteriaiiiliiic lu existence, Uxqul.lte s'eel enEiaviiiir. are frcauently given awnr to its subscribers. a lie CHIMNKT COHSKB. sixteen pares, with eight pim-a i.f illu-trationa. printed on tine p. per, la puoilshed every Jlondny price oulr is ceiita, atiuual aubscHptlone, 4, pust-usld. Ad. dress j our oroors to Frank Lealio'a 1'nDliahlnr House. 5.17 I'earl street New "iork! u"""mo" FltAMC LESLIE'S LADVH JOUItN i. Id pagos. Issued weekly, contains excllont pictures and full descriptions of ihn verr iatoot sti lea of lauies' and ehlidren'a wear i naa ful liiiormatioii on family top rai select atones . bea-ilitul l'lu"tiatlnn of home and loreltn sab. Jett-i lsaetiyi lashlouablo Intelligence! Der. sonalehit cliatt amusing cartoona on the fol lea and 1'olbes ot tho daytHpuksor Mirth Ac FlllNK LESLIE'S LAIlV'a JOUIl!(Alls the ilO.t beautllul ot ii.l tho laino.' papera. It should be round ot, the table ol every ladv in Hie lane I'nce 10 coats per copyj annua: subacrlullon. 11! postpaid. ". FltANK L1'.SLIE'S FOrULAll MONTH. LY has made rapid strides as tbe rival of reanv aspirants to public favor. Ifacontrlbutoraaia i-onio of t he beat livin writers. Every ilensrt mcnt ol literature Is rrprcseuted in Its columns The nmnuntof lustrncilon. -nlerlnlunieut and amusemeut afforded t,y the articles, easava atones und general ulscellauy contained to the cation ha. beeu well appreciated. E err eeDr of the Popular Monthly ta euibeili.hed will, over ltsu beautiful illustration., lieimr th cheapest peilodlcal ol the kind In exiaience and at tlm tame time one of Iho most ae'eet .ml uulveia.liy welcome. It must continue in in. crease in public favor, and rankwllh the pub. hsher'a bUNliAT JiAUAIlSE- he hit-best amonr all our American monthlies. It la published on the lfth ot each month. Price, ?s ttuu a num. Lcri enhscrlpiinn. (3. iost pibt, per year. Ad. drcas your orders to Frauk Les.le, U7 Foarl street. New York. FltANK LESLIE'S SUNDAY if AOAZIN13 Is a beautllul work It will Iniere-t educatM ard cnltivated mlmla aa well as Iho most ordl. naryrrjider. It is the only s-undar magasina pubdsheil In thlsroantry. Kveiy number baa 128 liavea filled with tbe inn.t ,lu. ... iiating literature raneira fmmtheeeimen "r the nlltor fl)r. C. F. Ueema. pastor of the Chjrcb of the Btrangtr.l to atlmng tales. rVL eral triples and essays, cetry. music, ini acl. ot thla mnratine has too exoulslte engravinr. of the most mteiesUng character. It haa reachrd a circulation and prosperity snch u make it one of the marvel ol periodical liter, tuic. It is inaced a beantiful work. Ilur it and see for your-elres. Blncle ooplea are onlr a cents, and annual subscnptloa prico only It post paid. Adilieaa orders In v ' FltANK LFHI.IK'8 PU11LI8IIIVO llnrlsir febS3ly . u 4 47 1'Mk ntSl New York. E. E. 0. EUREKA IIM) OIL, (Is forty deirreea higher tire test than the law requires), can be buraed In any LA MI' where Ibe chimney burner la used! Is WARRANTED NOT TO EXI'LODE, under forfeiture of lluO, rsr exclusive county itmiiTa for sat by P. j.FirzOEItALD, Bole Prop, ft Maaurr, 103 A 105 N. Fourth at, PMlad'a. Also, WHOLESALE DEALKlt IN HEAD LIGHT, COAL OIL and BURNINO FLUID. N. H. A large aaaoitment ot lafsif lllt of CHANDELIERS, BRACKBTti. nilONZI', LAMPS, DUIINERS, Ac, Ac, Constantly on. hand. Beot. -4mo. E. F. LUCKENBACIIj Two Doors Iielow the "Broadway House JIAUC1I CHUNK, PA. Dealer in all Patterns of riala and Fancj- Wall jPaiBcr Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, LOWEST CASH riilCES.