The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 25, 1879, Image 3

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    Society Meetings.
HrlilTOOllTtt. Nil. 73. A. O. K. OFHir. M. 0
imlanil 4th atundavot each inimlli, In Hit
liar's nail. liODiRiuou. ni rcrao-aiocK r. w
John aonras, B. K. o. I sm. it. Ullhara,
f. 11. It. d.
DAUI!!I llUrTK.tjLODOB, No. H0, 1. (1. O. f.
moets every Tnosdny cvcnuis. nt 8 o clocK,
In Hatter's Hall. II Kofteuuader, .ll,i H.
U. ltolior, sccrotary.
I.KlllanroN Louok, No. 211 K. of P.. mfot;
on Friday otcniog. in neber'a llall, nt 7:C0
n'cloo. Ilachman, 0.0 i L. A.J.Illcr,
K.oUt. and u.
it. sirweus,
Office, Klots'a llniliilnu ntodawoy,
Hettllntr Estates. Pillnn accouMb ami Orphans
Conn l'rnctico a specialty.
Trial ot cmcs carolullv nttf-iiitril to. Loiri
transactions In Jinsllsli nnil Oerinan. Jan 0.
Local and Personal.
Subscribers to llio Caiidox Advocate will
tnko special notico that our terms nro one
dollar a year strictly in advance, if not so
paid $1.25 will boclinrgcd in every instance.
(Subscribers getting their papers by mail will
rofrrto Ihe Jiicction tnba on their papers
and note the date, and remit accordingly.
Gold 100.
-r.Lphigh Valley Railroad 30!.
Lehigh Coal & Navigation 10.
West's liver pills euro sick headache.
Philadelphia, olid Reading Railroad 131.
Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy To
bacco. 750.
Read Tilghman Arncr's new advertise
ment in another column.
Hon. Allen Craig will pleaso accept our
thanks for public documents received.
Deeply interesting meetings
have been held in M. 12. church hero during
this week.
If you want a fashionable hator cap,call
nt T. I). Clauss', ami buy ouo for a small
Work has been resumed at tho Lehigh
ton Stove Works, after a stoppage of about
four weeks for repairs.
If you want shoals, call on Geo. M. Rex,
ot tho Exchange, Hotel, lie has got a splen
did lot of Jersey Whites. Cheap for cash.
You can buy tho cheapest and best
clothing and underware, at the storo of
F. Schmidt, Weisspoit.
Overcoats, latest styles and best material,
for a small amount of ready cash, at II. H.
Peters', Post office building, Iichighton.
Mrs. Davis and her child, one year old,
, were burned to death at Hyde Park, (Scran
ton), on Monday night, by the explosion of
a coal oil lamp.
If you want shirts, neck wear, or any
other article In gent's furnishing goods, call
tin T. D. Clauss, and ho will supply you at
extraordinary low prices.
For boots, shoes nr rubbers, oftho finest
makes, call on T. D. Clauss. You will find
an immense stock to select from, at loner
prices than ever before offered.
Do you need a fall and winter suit of
clothes, made up in the latest and most dur
able manner? then go to T. D. Clauss, tho
merchant tailor, on Bank street, and bo "fit
ted." Prices lower than ever.
Clocks and Watches carefully repaired,
nnd work warranted, ot lowest cash rates, at
Ilageman's cheap cash store, opposito public
fiquare, Weisport. 41-13.
Seo chcrubims in another column hold
ing a bunch of grapes from which Speer's Port
Orapo Wine is made, that is so highly es
teemed by the medical profession for tho use
of invalids, Weakly persons, and tho aged,
-l-lion. Allen Craig, member oftho Stat
Senate, from this district, has been appoiu'
uu upon mu iiniuwiiigiiiiiiuiuiiii.cuiiiiiiiii.ui-s
in that body: Local and Judiciary, Canals
xmd Inland Navigation, Agriculturo, and
New Counties and County Scats.
Rev. James A. Little, tho versatile and
eloquent pastor of Ilokcimauqua Church,
lias accepted an cngigcincnt to lecture at
Shenandoah next Mnuday night, in tho
Opera House, for tho benefit of tho Shenan
doah Methodist Church, Rev. J
l'astorficld, pastor.
V Rev. Moses Dissingcr will lecturo in the
Evangelical Chinch, of this place, on Satur
day evening, February 8th,lb79. This will
bo tho last time, in all probability, that he
will lecture or preach in this neighborhood,
ns ho prowscs to leavo for tho West in tho
latter part of February.
Gr.niiAK Honsi: akd Cow Powder. It
should bo tho niu of every owner of horse;
and cows to mako them as handsome and
useful as possible. Tho German Horso ami
Cow Powder makes fat, muscle and milk.
Price, 15 cents per lb. 0-12
On tho evening of Thursday last week,
Charles A. Rube, one of Allcntnwn'a oldest
nnd most respected citizens, departed this
life at tho advanced age of S5 years. De
ceased was a veteran of tho war of 1812.
The incieaso in tho circulation of tho
Camion Advocate, since its enlargement, is
highly gratifying to us. During tho pat
nine weeks we have ndded upwards of 200
new names to our list, indeiiendeiit of tho
renewal of all our old subscribers, whoso
subscriptions expired during that period.
This gives us fully as largo u circulation as
any paper in tho county, and still names
aro coming in daily, so that there is no
doubt wo shall soon bo ablo to claim for the
Advocate not only an equality with, but n
sujwriority ovor.allour cotcmporarics in tho
county. Advci tisers will do well to remci.
bcr this fact.
On tho 1st of January, 1871, Harrison
Jvochlcr of Chestnut Hill, Monrno County,
P.i., killed a duel: for his New Year's dinner.
In cleaning it his wifo found in its stomach
forty small pieces of mineral. They were
bright aud yellow, and weighed nearly an
ounce. Her husband took them to a miner
nlogist connected with tho Lehigh Institute
in Bethlehem, who pronounced tlio mineral
pure gold. Tho fceUffigjplaoM of tho duck
had been on creoksnhntjrim through Mr.
Kochlcr-s farm. HeJuT&j a llock of twen
ty ducks rrom whiclmlsono hid bocn se
lected, but found no mora gold. Since that
time tho farm has been prospected from one
end to tho other, anil Saturday lust a gontlo
juau rejwrtcd that somo boys who weio
gathering water cresses along ono of Mr.
Kochlcr's creeks had found several speei.
mens of gold ore In tho bottom of tho
. creek.
r A boy who will run away from tho
paternal roof when tho mercury is dancing
around zero, and when tho snow is so deep
that young men cannot take thlr sweet
hearts out sleigh-riding, is not very likely
to ever attain to llio jwsitlon of IVojIdeut of
tho United States, and yet somo bqys will
do so. The postmaster at Woiwport recievod
a postal card on Monday, from tho father of
n runaway boy uaiiiod" Fred. StulU, which
was placed In tho hands of Constable C. H.
JtcDaniels, The father espressos tho opin
ion that the boy may bo in this vicinity, and
describes tho boy ns being pug-nosed, free
Klcd faced ) has a soar across ono eyebrow,
a short neck and thick lips. Ho wore a
auit of dark brown oasslinore and black tele
scope hat. lie took away with him a re
volver, ajWfgjjtoh, and a small, brass
nailed hTOlrinrk. He is 15 years old, and
his father. Win, H. fcttultz, livs at No. '.'27
2J street Ea ton.
Washington's Birthday will bo the next
legal holiday.
Tho Reading Firo Insuranro Company
has declared a dividend of 21 per cent, on
Its capital stock.
At eight o'clock Tuesday morning, tho
thermometer stood nt 10 below zero in this
borough. Decidedly cool.
Tho Crano Iron works of Calasatiqa
have made a reduction of fivo por cont. on
wages of their employees.
An addition has just been mado to tho
Stemton Car Works, with a view of provid
ing additional manufacturing facilities,
A boy named James McMullin, was
burned to death on Saturday night, at Tarn
aqua, by his clothes taking firo from a stove.
Tho engineer of tho Bethlehem Water
Woiks, Charles Rickert, was foul"! dead In
tho cngine-riom on Saturday evening Inst.
It is supposed that ho died of heart disease.
Miss Sophia Kemper, aged 112 years,
died at Easton, about 2 o'clock on Sunday
last. Sho was a daughter of Col. Kcinper,of
tho Revolutionary War.
Tho Governor on tho 20th Inst, issued
warrants for tho hanging, on Marcn 18tli,of
Alexander B. Sayre, of Philadelphia and
Hozekiah Shafer, of Franklin county, both
convicted of wife murder.
Tho Young America Hand, of Weiss
poit, equipped witii their instruments, wero
out on a sleigh-ride on last Tuesday. Indi
cations are that they had a high (hat) old
Tho Scranlon ti list Company and Sav
ings Bank, nt Scranton, resolved Tuesday
to go into liquidation. Depositors and stock
holders, it is said, aro fully secured, nnd will
nil bo paid at an early day.
At Pottsville, in tho dwelling of George
Koch, Monday, lay two of his children, who
had just succumbed to diphtheria, and a lit
tle distance away two moro so ill witii it
Hint recovery is hardly hoped for.
The bankrupt firm of Bennett, Phelps .t
Co., of Wilkesbirre, with tho two puttiers
George S. Bennett nnd J. C. Phelps, file nn
inventory of nssets amounting to about
$050,000. Of tho liabilities no inventory is
A. O. Grcenwald, Editor oftho Strouds
burgh Democrat, was convicted nt tho late
term of tho Monroe county court of an as
sault and battery on W. H. Rcinhart, tho
publisher of tho Farmer's Advocate, nnd
lined $10.
Hnvo you token your lady love sleigh
riding yet? If you have not you should seo
to it at once. David Ebbert is always ready
to supply his handsome cutters at low figures.
Largo sleighs for sleighing parties at nomin
al rates. Go in now.
An engineer crops is now surveying a
route for llio extension of tho Bath railroad
from its present terminus nt tho Wind Gap
to a junction with tho Delaware & Western
at tho Dclawaro Water Gap. Tho route
will tako in Penn Argyi, Bangor and other
slate shipping points.
The Beechwood Colliery, in Schuylkill
county, which was closed for tho winter, by
President Gowen, when tho miners struck
for their back wages, will resume next Mon
day, and continue, for the winter, the men
having nked to bo taken back to work.
They will be paid their bacl; wages in two
Luckenbach's retail prices are but a
tiifio above the lowest wholesalo prices of
Philadelphia and New York. His stock of
stationery of every variety is excellent. He
has also a splendid assortment of wall paper,
from tho very finest down to tho cheapest.
Just step in nnd look at his goods. His
storo is a few doors below tho Broadway
House, Mauch Chunk
f Edward Kelchner, who resided near
Jlowmmsville, an employee, on icpair,
t Parry ville, of tho L. nnd S. Railroad, was
taken suddenly tick witii cramps on Satur
day, and beforo he could bo conveyed home,
by his fellow-workmon, ho expired. Ho
leaves a wifo and thrco children. His
funeral was solemnized nnd tho remains
intoned nt tho Towaniensing Lutheran Re
formed church on Tuesday,
On tho 13th Inst., tho annual meeting
oi the stockholders of tho Montrose (narrow
guago) Railway Company was held, and
tho following officers elected; . President,
James I. Blakeslee; Treasuier, William II.
Coopcrj Secretary, Chniles 1,. Drown; En
gineer, Felix Ausart, Jrj Directors Jtobeit
Klutz, ChailesO. Skeer, S. D. Thomas, H
K. Sherman, C. M. Core, Win, J. Mulfonl,
Samuel Stark, 12. F. Palen, Benjamin V
Blakeslee, Sylvester Tyler, Samuel II. Sayie
nnn Az.r Lallirnp.
'On tho 20th insl., Hugh Johnston and
his wifo wero riding in a sleigh, between
Rittersvillo and C.itasuqua, Lehigh county,
when Eho icnurkol to her husband that tho
was getting cold. Ho covered her up witii
tho robes an 1 left her in that position until
they arrived at their homo, in Citasauqiia.
Gioat his astonishment and grief when
tho sleigh sloppal, for ho found that his
wile was a corpse, sitting by his side. Mr.
Johnston said ho spoko times to her
on tho way home, but received no answer.
Ho thought sho was cold nnd did not caro
to speak, nnd so ho did not feel any alarm.
A coroner's inquest lelurucd a verdict of
heart disease.
Aiiilllur'N ICt porl.
Tho Auditors hnvo nearly or quito com
pleted their labors on tho County Commis
sioners' Annual Statement. When com
pleted, it will bo tho duty of tho Auditors
to file their report among tho papers of tho
Couit of Common Pleas, and then savs
Purdon's Digest: "It shall bo tho duty 'of
tho Commissioners of each county to publish
annually, oueo a week, for four successive
weeks, in tho month of February, a full
and accurato statement of nil receipts and
expenditures oftho proceeding year, in ono
or moro of tho ncwsniers printed in tho
county, and if no newspaper bo published
in such county, then in at least fifty printed
hand-bills to bo set up in tho most public
places in tho county."
Ilnult JMroctoiV I'.li'clioii.
Tho Annual election for Directors of the
National Banks in Lehighton nnd Muuch
Chunk, was held pn Tuesday of last week,
ana resulted ns lollows :
t'trU Xational, Lctiighton Daniel 0)c
wine, It. F. Hollbrd, P. J. Kistler, A. J.
Duiling, J, G. Zcrn, Dennis Bauiuan, Thos.
Kcmerer. At tho le-organization of tho
new Board, on the 15lh jnst., Daniel Olc
wino was elected president, nnd W. W.
Bowman, cashier. Recently tho bank de
clared a dividend of 2 ier cent.
lint Rational, JiuicA Chunk A. W.
Leisenriug, Djuiel Uertsch, Win. Butler
Allen Cruig, A. A. Douglas. Wni. Lilly!
Win. 1). Muck, Manus McGinty, Goorgo
Ruddle, John L. Stodmaan, A. W. Butler,
Amos lloigel, J. W. Hcberling, These nro
tho some gentlemen who coiniosel tho old
Board, and they re-elected A. W. Lcisen
ring, president, nnd A. W. Butler cashier.
A senii-aunuul dividend of three ier cent,
was declared.
Secoiul Xatumal, Mauch Chunk Charles
Albright, Christopher Currou, John C. Do
lon, Solomon Dreisbaob, Thomas L. Foster,
Thomas Kenierar, Samuel Harleman, Win.
H. StKjJi, LeoMrd Yeajer. At a subse
quent da tho board met and elected Clias.
Albright liMsident, and Thos. L. Foster,
cashier. This bank d. i lared a semi-annual
d.vijcu'1 of two per cent.
Slmiglitln? mid Curing .Ucat.
That which Is of tho most importanco to
every community, whether largo or small,
is to know whether or not thoy aro making
progress in developing tho resources which
nature hns placed within their rcaoh. It
is a consoling thought to any community to
know that it has within itself tho elements
of llfo tho means of self-support if isolated
from tho remainder of the world, but with
out contemplating sueh a contingency. Such
nn nssuranco,howevcr, in tho United States,
belongs to ccitaln favorably located agricul
tural districts. It is ono of tho principles
that cements tho bond of union in this
country that each community is dependent
upon tho other to a greater or less degree,
nnd that neither can nttnln to tho highest
degrcoof progicss and prosperity without
tho oilier.
That which principally drew tho present
largo number of people to tho Lehigh Valley
mid the adjacent tnitory is its rich min
eral deposits, chiefly anthracite coal which,
in tho economy of tho industries of this
country, has becomo ono of tho indispeusi
blo necessities.
Onco here, and although largely depend
ent upon mining and tho collateral indus
tries which it has called into existence, the,
first question is a social ono how wo can
best economize tho elements upon which wo
depend for life, health and strength ? Only
a limited jiortion of tho hilly, rook-bound
soil is ad a pod to agriculture, nnd henco a
largo jwrtion of tho alimentary necessities
must bo brought from such localities ns
make a specialty of producing them. The
next question arises, how can they bo oh'
tallied, brought nnd dispensed to tho great
est advantage to tho consumer? If they nro
procured in tho rawest possible manner di
rectly from tho hand of tho producer, nnd
hero prepared to bo consumed, tho commu
nity will reap n double, advantage, first, in
the matter of tho price of tho articles; and
second, in having tho labor wrought here.
In our purposo to glanco at the material
industries of tills portion of tho valley
wo last week took tho Emery Wheel Co. ns
a subject, which is nn example of the manu
facturing industries; nnd now this week,
as ono of tho social industries, wo havo
selected Joseph Obert's slaughtering and
meet curing establishment, located in this
borough .
That Mr. Obcrt is a man of sterling en
terprise and unflinching business qualities
tho history of ids efforts abundantly testify.
After having battled with tho difficulties
and prejudices which every business pioneer
is called upon to combat, In June, 1875, tho
fire-fiend Eat him down just where ho com
menced. PhaJiiix-liUe, however, in thrco
mouths, in time for his winter business, ho
erected on the site of llio old wooden build
ings a firo-proof brick block, the front end of
which, containing the honey-combed tiers
of smokehouses, is fivo stories high. Tho
block is CCxOO feet, built on tho most im
proved method, and containing all tho lat
est conveniences, which science and person
al exporienco haye suggested for slaugher
ing tho live, dressing, handling, cut
ting, salting, packing, smoking, and storing
tho cured meat, for keeping warm in winter
and cold in summer. For tho latter pur
pose, tho building is provided with two ice
houses, extending from gancl to basement,
and so constructed ns to throw their arctic
breezes into tho pickling nnd packing-room.
Thcro aro other departments, for cutting up
tho meat by improved machinery and
making it into sausages, balognics and pud
ding, nnd for rendering lard; the building
is furnished with steam power and hot wa
ter from an engine nnd boiler in tho lower
story. In tho rear oftho building, remind
ing ono of the stories of tho old Fiench
Bastilo from which no voico of complaint
ever readied tho outsldo woild, is tho place
whero tho living poroiuc, unmindful oftho
terrible foto that awaits him within, enters
tho building, and over this entrance, in
swino lingo, should bo written tho warning
injunction, "Tlioso who enlcr here never
return." For, ns tho Irishman would say,
his pigship, wends his way up an easy in
cline piano tn llio (op story, and in a short
time after finds himself piecemeal in tho
hands nf tho letail butcher, coolly salted
down in tho basement, or elongated into a
hundred feet or moro of sausage.
In the architectural design of the building
special roferenco wjs had to lighting and
ventillalion, nnd the floors aie so construct
ed as to throw all tho blood and debris from
the different rooms to a common centre,
from whence it is iminediatcdly carted to
(lie I hits nnd converted into feitilizers. In
til is way tho establishment is always kept
neat and as cleanly as a thrlfly housewife's
buttery, a matter to which Mr. Obert gives
the most scrupulous and conscientious atten
tion. Tho water-supply is carried from a
monster well under tho engine-room by
pipes connecting a steam lorco-punip tn a
largo icservoir in tho top of tho building,
I'ioiii whenco supply pipes convey it to every
apartment. Tho water supply is further
augmented by a hillside spring, tho spark
ling waters from which nro carried into the
building by pipes, nnd also into tho propri
etor's residence in front on Bank street.
Tho barn and other adjacent buildings
aro also of brick, nnd firo-proof. In tho
smokehouse, tho lires aro mado of tho
wooil oftho hickory-lree, and tho closest at
tention given to this smoke-curing process.
Mr. Obert purchases his hogs with tho ut
most care, and they aro shipped to him by
rail. Ho has slaughtered between two and
three hundred thousands pounds of pork,
and somo beef, this season, aud ho will
slaughter a great deal moro yct.noariy all of
which is supplied to tho consumer or to tho
retail trado in the Lehigh Valley. Tho
present price of a net dressed hog is sixceiiU
per pound. Ho has done a larger business
this year than last, and his trado shows a
steady yearly increase. His meats nro al
ways of tho best quality, aud cured in tho
most careful manner. Tho establishment
is located directly in tho rear of tho First
National Bank building, also tho property
of Mr. Obcrt.
ISltilo Qllrktluua,
The following is the result of tho exami
nation in 100 question of Biblo History, held
in tho Evangelical church, Wcissjiort, on tho
1st of January, 1879 :
William Craig, ono error; C. S. Weiss.ono
error; Emma Whitehead, two errors; Mrs.
Aunio E. Smawley, two errors and ono
omission; Laura Kline, jwrfect) Maltio
Lesli, perfect; Emma Arner, perfect; Ida
Zimmerman, tluce errors aud ouo omission;
Cora Becker, thrco errors and two incom
plete; Currio R. Weiss, perfect ; Lizzie Ash,
three errors and two incomplete; Annie 12.
Craig, two errors and two incomplete ; Am
anda Yeakel, two errors; Morris W. Arner,
lierlect; Wolcy Pauiuger. rwrfrct; Mrs. J.
J. Koch, three errors; Win. B. Roiuig, two
omissions; Mary Levau, ono error; Mrs.
W. W. Bowman, wrfect t Jauuio A. Weiss,
perfect; Mary A. Barr, perfect; Ida Seem,
ono error; W. C. Weise, iierfectj Robt, L.
Sweeney, perfect; Brn. F. Yoght, perfect)
Harriet Rumig, one error and one incom
plete; Ellen Miner, one incomplete; Laura
Reed, ixirfoct ; Mary Reed, perloct; Geo. D.
Miner, perfect; Frank Kooui, jierfeet ; Rev.
J. K. Sy frit, two errors aud ono incomplete)
Win. Becker, perfect ; W. W. Bowman, oue
error; Jeremiah Seyfnt, one crrori Rebecca
Dlmunck. ono crmri Nathan fv It, lour cr
P"?, thrco infinplc lean i tnoouu ions.
From llio Count)- Sent.
Count Doi.vos. The peculiarity about last
week's term of tho Court of Quarter Sessions
and Oyer and Terminer Is that very little
was accomplished very llttlo progress was
made, nnd consequently Judgo Prchor lias
set tho second Monday In March as tho day
on which an extra term of theso Courts will
bo commence. Thcro arc twenty or more
cases which aro docketed to this oxlrn term,
and the court will Issue a venire for a special
iwtlt Jury. Tho reason why so few trials
wero had, lies In tho fact that Tuesday nnd
Wednesday wero wholly consumed In wrnng
ling over tho misnomer Issue In tho libel
caso. Tho Penn Forest rnpo pasc, which was
brought up nt tho Thursday evening session,
consumed that and tho whole of noxt day
and evening sessions. This was by far the
most entrancing Indictment on tho docket,
nnd tho auditorium was crowded with both
sexes during its progress. Tho prosecutrix,
Caroline Brown, is, or would bo under more
favorable circumstances, a handsomo little
brunette, whoso faco Indicates that sho is
not ever eighteen. She was married to
Brown, her husband, who sat by hor sido
during the trial, when sho was only fifteen
years old, and, If appenr.uioos are not decep
tive, ho is threo times her own age. For
counsel, to assist District Attorney Siewcrs,
sho had engaged Hon. W. M. Ropsher. Tho
defendant, Reuben Scrfass, is probably forty
five, has a family, and, bosides being mixed
up in tho recent railroad robberies, is also
bald-headed (not an inconvenient defect for
a man who contemplates rebelling against
"homo rule," as Reuben Is alleged to have
dono in this case.) As counsel, the services
of Gen. Charles Albright and Hon. A. Craig
had been secured by tho defendant. It be'
lug a caso of Oyer nnd Terminer, defend'
nut's mouth was closed, but the only wit'
ucss who knew tho whole truth against him
was the prosecutrix, and she was a novice
in making herself understood in English ;
and when she went on tho stnnd, it bncamo
necessary for the court to have nn Interpret
er, and for this duty, the court commission
ed tho well-known Pennsylvania Dutch
author, Pit Swifllebrcniicr; nnd, if a digres
sion is permissible, wo would say that the
way that Pit can sling court English into
Pino Swamp Dutch, and then snatch said
Dutch back into court English is a cautioli,
Tho facts in tho caso in brief arc, that last
June, Reuben Scrfass engaged Mrs. Brown
to assist his wifo in her household duties. A
few days after, ho sent his wife on a visit to
her father, whero sho remained ono night;
and it was during this night that the rapo
was alleged to have been committed. When
tho wife returned next day, sho brought
with her two female friends, who found tho
quondtim assistant housekeeper engaged in
making bread and other household affairs.
But Mrs. Scrfass, having an inkling that
somo "crookedness" had been going on dur
ing her absence, immediately switched the
little brunette off the Scrfass track in a most
summary manner, who at once caused tho
husband's arrest on a charge of rape, ns one
witness testified sho said, "not because, she
had anything against Reuben, but to spito
Mrs. Serfoss for chasing her away from tho
house." Tho defense put on the stand num
eroiis witnesses to prove that tho prosecutrix
was immensely peculiar " for ways that ore
daik and for tricks that aro vain," and after
defendant's counsel had stripped her of every
vestigo of those charms which luro tho im
agination of man into pleasant dreams about
" fair woman," tho caso was given to the
jury, who returned n verdict of 'I not guilty
But tho evidence wns quito conclusive Hint
Mrs. Scrfass' head, when sho concluded to
dispenso with tho further services of her as
sistant, would havo centred tho bead in a
spirit level.
Tho libel caso, which had been set for Fii-
day afternoon, was not readied until Satur
day nfternopiijwheii Hon.LJn Bartholomew,
of Pottsville, officiated forthodefenso. There
wero thrco separato indictments pendin
against Josephus Lynn. Mr. Bartholomew,
desired to havo tho cases continued, as ho
was ml prepared on such short notice to do
justice to his client. Commonwealth argued
that, Major Klotz had been falsely accused
by tho defendant, of robbing a Catholic
church while an officer in the U. S. Army
in Mexico; that tho chargo hung over his
head in public opinion, mid that tho Court
should give him tho earliest opportunity to
vindicate himself. It was decided that tho
caso should bo at once proceeded with, when
counsel for defense mado a inolion toquush Uio
inuictmcnt ontliccioundjorintormalitiesiu
issuing, signing, and serving tho venire for
llio grand and petit jurors, nnd further set
ting forth that as tho panel of petit jurors
had been exhausted, tho Courtcould by law,
neithor carry over the pauol to Monday,
nor try a caso in tho quarter sessions
Com t with a travcrsejury. Tho entire after
noon was taken up by counsel in arguing,
and these abstract issues; and at its conclus
ion, Judgo Dieher decided not to quash tho
warrants for tho causo set forth, but to con
tinuo tho caso to tho extra term in March,
this decision gave entire satisfaction to the
Soaiice -Material out of which interest
ing news items can bo made is exceedingly
scarce and precious just now, Tho local
papers sadly feel this paucity of live topics,
Notwithstanding tho hanging and the
courts Inst week, the Coal Gazette, probably
for lack of a better topic, devoted its second
editorial to tho discussion of Kidney Dif
ficulties." I havo really not had time to
read the article, but it no doubt contains
somo sound advice to men who are short in
tho element of" backbone."
Mikor Tones. Copt. Smllbars, son-ln
law to Col. Amos Stroh, took tho train on
Saturday afternoon for Sew Bedford, Mass.,
where ho will ship for another whaling
voyogo in tho North Pacific. Ho returned
somo weeks ago from a two-years voyage to
tho sumo quaiter.
Thermometer from 12 to 16 below zero on
Tuesday morning.
Tho County Commissioners, on Tuesday,
discharficd from the county jail Michael
Boyle, who was indicted, pleaded guilty and
sentenced to pay cost for assualting his sis
ter, at tho lato term of court.
Paul Black, ayouag man, who was con
victed at the instigation of Polly Kcmerer,
ot tho Get. terni.of fornicalion and bastardy,
and committed on execution, lias been re
leased under tho insolvent debtor's act.
At tho rcceut Sheriff's sales, about twenty
parcels of laud were sold.
Mercantile Appraiser Calvin fs actively
engaged ujion his assessment.
District Attorhey Siewers, as attorney for
tho commonwealth, very rarely falls to send
his man to the wall, when once ho gets blm
thoroughly inveigled in the meshes of the
law, but ho was forced to "take vater"
on the newspaper libel and the Pine Swamp
raps cases, although in each be was assisted
by other ablo counsel. The one out-gen-cralod
him on a running skirmish, aud the
other cleaned him out on a square hand-to-
iand combat.
"TThe oonfering of the Rebecca degree by
unauen uuelteu Lodge, J. o. O. F., of this
borough, will take place on the evening of
Feb. 4, instead of Jan. 28, as announced In
our last Issue. The reason of the change is
that the Grand Sire J. B. Nicholson, cannot
bs prccent at the time first published,
I2c1iocn from llctivcr .llriuloiv.
J. D. McCurley burlcdan Infant daugh
ter on Thursday last.
Thos. North buriod n llttlo son on Sun
day oftei noon, nged foi)r yenrs.
John Wonr, Mino Superintendent for
Chns. F. Shoenor, has been seriously III for
several days, bulls pronounced by tho fami
ly to bo somewhat bettor to-dny.
Geo. II. Rowo has lakon tho Mlxcl
butchering premises, nnd has commenced
soiling meat In nnd around this neighbor
hood, Wo hopo Mr. Rowo will succeed in
tli c business.
Rail roading nnd mining aro hard avo
cations In bo followed up for it living during
these tcrriblo snowy limes, especially for
small boys.
Homo of the roads In Parker township
are still completely blocked up with snow,
which is in many places from six to seven
footdecu. Messrs.Bittncrnnd Dinncan hnvo
nllowcd their fences to bo taken down nnd
public highways mado through their land.
All our young men came homo from
Court last week pretty well filled with law
points. The bur faculty of Mauch Chunk
will bo a smnll affair with them when they
finish their studies.
It is rumored Hint there will bo five
tickets In tho field for tho doming election.
Wo will give llio names of tho various par
ties ns given b us by those who claim to
Know an noout it. l- irst, llio right wing
Greeubackers; second, tho loft winir Green-
backers; third, tho Inileieiideuts; fouith,
llio Democrats; fifth, the Republicans. What
a i.h uensi iiaiiKs township has uccome, that
there shall bo such acoiitenlion for the pick
ing of tho bones. Wo would sui-not to
nominate tho tickets, nnd that instead of
having uny election to throw those tickets
into a hat, nnd let every man draw for
the office. Such a cnurso will civa much
better satisfaction than has been giyeu of
iuiu iu inuuy cuizens.
It is rumored that several agents from
tho Schuylkill mining region nro hovcrinj
around in our ucichborhood iisimr their ut
most endeavors lo form a combination with
tho miners oftho Lehigh region to regulule
the production of coal, and tho prices of la
bor ibrthecoinirmsoason. How much truth
is in the rumor wo nro unnble to say, but if
such is tho case, wo hope tho miners of this
region will hnvo sense enough to mind their
own uusuiess, aim no incirown woik in mat
respect independent of Schuylkill men.
Jan. 22. Ousr.iivKR.
MnHonliic; XwiiiliiinN.
Sleighing pai tics arc all tho rago.
It was very cold during tho first part of
mis wcck.
Tax collectors nppcar to bo tho only
busy men around.
Tho young hostler nt J. T. McDaniel's
is a jolly good lellow, and attends well to
ins uusiness.
Tho timo approaches for township offico
nv.-uKi.-is iu pui ill mi uppu.iruncu. 1 11UVU
not heard of any yet.
Dan says cold must be very slow, or he
would never catch it as easily as ho docs.
Thcro will bo a rafllo for n largo hog nt
jac. .Mautz s Hotel, this (Saturday) evening.
A question for tho East Teim Literary
Society Is a rooster's knowledgo of day
break tho result of observation?
J.T. McD.iuuiel has been in attendance.
at court during the past week.
D. D. Kistler was at Allentown this
week, visiting a sick brother.
Chas. H. Seidlo has erected an icehouse
on his premises.
John Miller, butcher, of Centre Square,
will bo the occupant of tho church property
lor me next iiireo years.
Jninos FJcmming, of Centre Square, is
quito an expert in stufiiiug and preserving
mm j, smau annuals, arc
Wilson Frantz whilo in the act of shut-
ling McDunicl'sshcd door slipped, and hind'
cd on a plank about ten feet nway, cuusiiu
considerable pain at tho extremity of his
Emma Gnrber was on a visit lo friends
ot West Penn last week,
Tho sleighing party that wont out for
pleasure last S.ituiday night, didn't think it
much of a pleasure while picking themselves
out oi an immense snow drill.
A. S. Miller mado a short trip to West
l'enu last weeic. ued cloud,
Ili;r Creek Uiut. -
Tho sleigh bells ring out merrily.
Tho ico houses hero aro now filled.
-Tuko care of your horses during th8
com wcainer.
The Big Creek in somo places is frozen
over inicK and last,
Tho skating is not first-class in this
Frozen feet nro quite numerous sinco
the commencement ol tho cold snap.
Fractional currency has become very
Snow is a good protection to tho winter
A raid was rooently made on tho hen
coop of Jacob Krciser, and a number of his
luicst lowis wero Uiueu oil.
Potatoes stowed in cellars havo been
moro or less frozen.
-The thermometer indicated 12 below
zero on Sunday morning last, and 20 below
zero on Tuesday morning.
Its about timo tho aspirants for offico
speak out. Election almost hero ad no
candidates in the held.
Thomas J, Solt, loaoher of tho Soil's
school, had GO scholars in attendance during
ma past wee is
II. T. Smawley, teacher at Maria Furn
ace, eavo his pupils a sleigh ride Tuesday
of last week.
The foot bridge at J.J. Kcmcrer's which
was carried oil' by tho lato freshet, lias not
yet occn rcuuiit. Keveiik.
Not A Flattering Opluloiu
The correspondent of tho Hazletou Daily
Sentinel, himself n resident of this county
and a candidate at tho recent election fornn
official iwsition, writing to that paper from
Mauch Chunk, under dato of tho 10th hut.,
discourses in H;e following spicy language
upon the morality and intelligence of Car
bon county peoplo and jurors in particular:
" A witness who don't know what county
she lives in, is tho feature since last night ;
one who brings an actjoji of rapo against
u neighboring man of family from pine
swamp, Penn Forest township. Her hus
band is also present during the proceedings,
una nas mo moriiiieaiion ti i,e has any
thing of hearing his wife, a young woman
of 19 years, who has been married to him
four years, almost admits upon the stand
that l,a told her sho might bo a party to
criminal intercourse with other men, and
now she is before tho court a prosecutrix in
a relativo ease. It is not a lack of morality
so much that afllicts this county as a want
of intelligence, more visible ot every term
of court by llio exhibition of jurors in whoso
hands during tho past few years now sad
to contemplate rested tho futo of somo
charged with crinio whoso jieualty was
death, and they died, aud Iicicou brings tho
following "rounder," whether truo or false
wo know not, but our informant is reliable j
A gentleman from the county of Columbia.
this State, and ono who has Idled positions
of honor and trust In this State, a lawyer
and a leading member of tho Democratic
party, said in ouo of tho public offices in
Mauch Chunk that Charles I'arrish, of
Wilkesb arre, said that ho (Parrish) knew
that Thos. P. Fisher was as innocent of the
murder of Morgan Powell as ho (Parrlsh)
was, and that if he had been at home at the
time ho would himself have waited on tho
Governor to stay tho execution. Whether
iuis is so or not, it will not bo lorgottcn nut
Thomas P. Fisher was charged wus pro
miscuously charced bv the uurkiiirmen of
this region, at tho end of the strike in 1875,
with having made contracts and bargains in
relation thereto with Pnrrish and the L. and
W.-B. Co, foreiiru to the wish nnd welfare
of the men. We have a right to make this
siory puDiic. ii it is not true it can lie uc
A very lively interest has been excited
in Cincinnati by the appearance oC$ 75,000
in bright silver halves of old dale. On
theory was that the money was debased
of Jackson's time, another that it was tlen
money. It proves to be the saving of tho
Kappist Society of Beaver oouuty Pa.,
which had the cash buried in ISS1, nd has
just concluded that it fs safo to diV it up.
The loss in interest by tho prudenef of the
association, ts about,
Tlio ConrlM.
Com. vs. Reuben Scrfass; rapo on Ihe per
son of Carollno Brown. Defense pleads not
guilty, proves Hint prosecutrix is n woman
of Ill-repute, nnd unworthy of credence)
verdict, not guilty.
Com. vs. Joseph ltollangj larceny nnd
sloro-brcaliing, 2 Indictments ; verdict, not
Com. vs. Gen. Hipper and John Riley;
storo breaking and larceny ; vcrdio.t,.guilfy,
nnd sentenced to 3 years and 0 months In
tho Penitentiary.
Com, vs. Samuel Barnes, store-breaking
and larceny; verdict, guilty and sentenced
to 2 yeais and six months in tho peniten
tiary. Petition of Robert P. Black, lo bo dis
charged under insolvent debtors act j hear
ing on tho petition fixed for April 1-1.
Order of court to pay costs in tho matter
of hiving out boundary lines of tho borough
of Eust Mauch Chunk.
Christy Miller, indicted for selling liquor
without license, called, and recognizance
Two indictments ngninst Granvlllo Ifonlz
nnd Georgo Froeby for larceny of coal wero
called, tn which they plead guilty, and were
sentenced to pay fines of $10 uiidlo 00 days
in jail. Anil for tho sumo oll'cnso Edward
Fooht pleaded guilty in one count, nnd wns
sentenced to fine of $5 and costs nud 30 days
In Jail.
Tho Grand Jury found truo bills nguinst
llio following persons who wero Implicated
in tho recent Lehigh Valley Railroad rob
berics: J. H. Houer, John nnd Joseph
Fritchninn, Frank Wood, Reuben Scrfass,
Henry Solt, and W. C. Frcdeiicl.
Tho Court this yeoU has been engaged on
miscellaneous civil actions, and adjourned
on Tbuisduy nt noon.
Petition of Winfield S. Scott to have C.
A. Rex appointed his guaulinn ; jietition
granted, and bond approved and filed.
Petition of W. W. Scott to hnvo C. A. Rex
npiointcd guardian lor Gertrude E., Mury
Amos 8., Elizabeth A., and Amelia B.
Scott; jietition granted, and bond uppoved
and filed.
Direction of Court to make allowance for
support nnd education of minor children of
Stephen Fronheiscr.
Petition of Mury Kinsey, asking tho
Court to order John Brighton, guardian for
her minor child, to render us.'Ostuuco and
supiMiit for tho child. Hearing fixed for
Maicli 10.
Auditor's report of tho first and final ac
count of Win. Reed, guardian of minor chil
dren of Lawrence Ives, confiimcd hi si.
Fiistand final account of Elmira Yeagcr,
executrix of Benj. Yeagcr; motion of ci edit
ors, by Jas. S, Loose, that John Kline, bo
appointed auditor to distribute funds in
hands of executrix.
Report of John Brighton, guardian on ci
tation. Confirmed nisi.
I'nclccrtou Itipples.
Misses Maria Harleman and Bertha
Smith, of Weatheily, aio visiting their rela
tive of this place,
Tho littlo folks, under tho care of Philip
Carroll, enjoyed u pleasant sloigli lido lo
Lehigh Gup on Tuesday.
Engineer Vanscotercamo near receiving
sjveic injuries nt tho Coal Dump on Mon
day, by tlio lulling of a heavy bar of iron.
Tlio infant daughter of John Mullen
was buriod last week. Thosyinpathy of the
community nro with llio parents in their
Quite a pleasant surpriso party nt Ly
man McDaniel's tho oilier evening." A select
few froni Iohighton and this place music
aud dancing ivoro indulged in,
P. A. Andrews, our meschant, in view
of tlio hard times and scarcity of money has
beo i compelled to rcfusocrcdit; ho has made
a great reduction in tho price of his goods,
aud sells exclusively for cash.
Tlio Packcrton Christian Association
met on Friday evening Jan. 10th, L. L.
Babcock in tho chair; minutes of la-t meet
ing read and approved. Tlio committee,
Misses Clara Harleman, Roo Burns and
Clara Zimmerman, pi cscuted the program mo
for tlio evening: Reading of tlio Budget by
Mrs. W. L. Stiles, contents Editorial, "Im
portant truths for wives;" "Ba Frank," by
M, "Minding I,er mother," by 1, R. ;
" Soventy-fivo cents," by W. M, ; "Wit and
Humor," by II ; select rcadiug,"Maud Mul
lcr," by Ida MeKelvcy ; "A stago coach In
cident," by Sadio Barton ; " A Doctor's
Troubles," by John L. Beers; "Tlio Polish
Boy," by Horace Hnydt, Principal of Pack
erton schools; 'Modern Cain," by Rev.
Pickup; Tlio Voyage of Life, by Mrs. An
drew Elliott by "request Horace Jfaydt read
tho "Ghost," eliciting much applause. Tlio
programme for next meeting, Jan. 21th, is
complete and promises to bo interesting, af
fording an evening of instruction nnd enjoy
ment. Copies of tlio Dictator, a new paper pub
lished by Patrick Ford, of New York, tire
circulating here. To somo it may seem sen
sational. Tlio Grant movement If tho
political horroscope, ns hcio given, is correct
nn effort will bo made to make him Presi
dent, nt all hazards. There aro thoso who
profess to our only salvation is in
tho election of this Hero for tho third timo
to tlio highest position in our gilt. Somo
men, accredited with good sense, nsk for a
prolongation of lifo that they may vote for
this great and good man; is'thcro no other
man in this great Republic ablo to guide tlio
Ship of State? such fulsome laudation of
ono man is not in accord with our teachings
and tlio sooner stopped tho better for our
credit ns a people, uen. iiraut deserved
honor for what lie lias dono as a soldier and
a gratelul peoplo rewarded him. A llttlo of
the good sense displayed by tho statesmen
and patriots of by gouo days may savo this
uepuuuc mo danger oi disiupiion.
Wcntlicrly Itcu
Not lesithaii six sled loads, principally
women, passed this placo on Thursday last
vvisiuiii; uiij j, lui niu tusiriei poor House.
W. W. Buck, confined to his houso for
a month past or longer, and very ill for the
pasi wcck, is now reried improving.
Rumor says that Georgo W. Kciser,
our genial landlord of the Gilbert House,
is soon to tako jKissession or a hotel m Al
lentown. Wo regret to lose friend Keissr.
As n hotel kcejier, ho has lived up nearer to
tho laws than any other man in town.
Several door keys hove been found up
on the streets, Tho owners thereof can ro-.
cover them by calling at tho postoffice.
If wo ore not misinformed, our town
will 6oon havo another barbershop. Sev
eral young men, anxious to learn tho trade,
propose lo shave, cut hair, etc., for nothing.
Those having work of this kiud, will do
well by holding off for a week.
If coming events cast their shadowsbo
fore them, tho casual observer may see
something in a recent action of our School
Board. Rochaway.
i. o. a, r.
Odd Fellows' Endowment Association, of
Pennsylvania, organized ou November 1st,
last, held its first annual meeting in Pitts
burgh, Tuesday and elected tho followlnj
Managers: Tor thrco years Aug, Plafl',
Philadelphia: S. Il.Boycr, Sunburyj Joseph
K. McCabc, Beaver j A. U. Conchy, Erioi
Wm. F. Dickson, Meadvlllc, and John A.
Mylcr, Alfred Slack, J. Elton, John W.
Haney, Pittsburgh. Two years J. M,
Driosbach, Mauoh Chunkj Henry C. Best,
Westmoreland; Isaac IVytle, Washington i
William A.Stone.Charles Hhue, E.T. ltuds
pcth, Martin Bashcrt, John Fritzley, Pitts
burgh. Ono year M. fl. Wntton, Pittston ;
A. T. James, Tiogai J. II. Fulraer, Oil City;
lioorgo Spun ier, Uinoasleri Theo. Cornman,
C.ulislej A. J. Cooke', Greeue; W E. Mayor,
Merccri Fred. Bockeit, Allegheny.
Tho Association now lias a membership
of t3S, representing 101 lodges, located in
37 counties. The managers elcetod John
Mylcr President 6. J). Buyer, Vloej Henry
Steurnagle, Secretary, sail John II. Elton,
Treasurer. There has been been ouo death
in the Association up to date.
We are under obligations lo Hon. J, G.
Zern for valuable Legislative documents.
and from them wo glean (he information
that ho has been appointed upon the Houso
Standing Committers a follows i Consti
tutional Reform, 4bJlWry (Genl, In
suraure, Federal Itoktioui; and that his
collegue, lion. Miabael Ciesidy Is on Geo
logical Survey, EJucstioq aud Mavjc-
Tlio Colli Triulr.
Wo have no special chango lo report In
,, ,, ., , , , , . .i ,
the anthracite coal trade during tho
week. Thooutlook generally is good for tho
season, nnd, indeed, Is much better than was
hoped for a month ago. Tho feeling of par-
tics In tho trade is moro harmonious. Thcro
Is less disposition among them "to throw
bricks" opp nt another. Each seems dis
posed to advance his own interests as di
rectly and as largely as possible, without
nny special o'fiiirt U injure Ills neighbor.
This is a good denl gained, ns nothing so
much furthers legitimate business ns close,
and undivided attention, and each in the
coal trado giving all his time to his own
affairs will bo more sure to prosjier than if
he abstracts n ponton of it to tho prejudice
of competitors. Tho severe weather within
the last fortnight has quickened tho demand
for conl nnd tended very materially to re
duce the slock of coal on hand, for which
there is a continued good demand at satis
factory prices. Tho retail dealers nro pretty
well employed in the delivery of old stocks,
the snow obstruction to transportation on
tho railroads aiding them in this regard.
Notwithstanding this temporary intcrfer
eioo tho movement of coal from the iijincs
to tlio larger markets for consumatioi) is
unusually largo for tho season; indeed, wo
aru informed that the Lehigh Navigation
Company and its connections nro doing a
larger business than at nny corresponding
time in tho past. Wo have a liko report
from tho Reading Railroad and Its connec
tions, which nro doing a very hirgo winter
tonnage. The new business which thiscom
tmiiy now has, of sending Sohuylkill coal
by tlio Bound Brook route tn Port Johnson
nnd tho Eastern market, opens auspiciously,
nnd will odd tnnterally to the usual aggre
gate Schuylkill toniiago in winter. Borne
two or three of tho more northern transpor
tation companies being interfered with by
snow and ice makes it better for tlio Schuyl
kill and Lehigh Navigation Companies.
Nearly nil tho producers of coal report full
orders nnd firm prices, tints lessening appre
hension of a dull market at very luw prices
ot the opening of tho spring trade. At pre
sent there is no djsjiositiou on the part of
nnoralnrs to overproduce, and thus to break
tho market. The estimate is that nt least 21
millions of tons of ami may bo marketed nt
remunerative prices this eurrentyeiir, which
will give to nil tho leading inteicsts in tho
trade nbout ns much as thev will cire to do.
There nro reports in tlio Sojiuylkill region of
strikes of somo fivo or six collieries, nnd, ns
alleged, for delayed payment of buck pay.
These statements, wo nro informed, appear
much more formidable ill the reading than
in practical effecton tho trade, Tho alleged
reason for tho strike, wo hear staled, is not
tho truo one, but thepropriclorsoj'tliomincs
which arc stopped do not caro to oxnoso tho
truth qf tho matter lis it really stands. The
wholo amount fif buck pay Involved was but
400,000, and was at the tune of the striko in
artual cuorso ot iiaymoiit. About one-half
oi mis amount has already oecu paiil,unu
tho balanco will bo ns 6ooii ns the "pay car"
can leach tlio several (mints where tho pay
is due, arriving, probably, at tho striking
collieries last, at which work may not boinv
mediately resumed, thus tending to prevent
an over-production in the early spring.
Thus the strikes ore really nothing at nny
oftho coal regions, but where attempted,
will nrovo healthful revuUions injuring
only the strikers. Lcdycr Monday.
The rollo vlinr tnb'o hIiows ' no quantity oi cot
salpuea over llio Lehlli Viillev K-nlrtadfoi the
week eniunp; Jtin. a i879, nnd tor tUo i car a
cainimred tlie sntuo time la-t year.
Unions From: Weeic. Year
'.Vyimnng 15 7:1 C5 in 013 00
liKzictou ti,i ii i!3.;rc ou
U ppT J.-lllll
leaver Meailow....
6,'ft3 II III
0 SIS 9
45,'.:S II
aionCi clmntc..,...,
Last Year
Increuso ,
bl IJ
:oi io
362,315 12
001,-SI 12
17162 17
1J..731 19
73.C7I 12 :9S,39 00
RI3POUT OP OO At, trail "ported oyer Lehigh
Sr Susrpi linuna Division, rnitrnl It. 11. ot Nov
.rewy, rur 5 davs onUlns Jnu. 17 1870
Hlumipu n oin :
J'otai wi ec.
To lime
14.104 17
1.207 13
2,221 00
20 10
S.fal 11
?,n"5 OR
" " Kicilinit C. Co.
" Siva" c. Co
" " I), it H C.C....
L'poer Lehigh
' " M.O.K.ACO.
npnyer Meadow
Mauch rliiiuu
Qiosi Croex ,,.
council ltldpo
L. V. tt, it,, Paukoitou,,
Smith & Co.,,,..,,,....,,
Total , ,.
Prcvfouslyicpo.tcil. ..
Total to dato
bnmo iiiuo lust yen...
II 7511 (2
2,:; tA
2n J
!t.!V 17
I c;o is
9, IS IS
71711 (8
4.917 19
80 113
WI 12
4 ,023 08
14 832 OT.
Id ISO oi
1002" 04
1.751 11
184 12
f57 18
CI.6S3 12
21,804 04
CI 819 12
Iletiyeen ono nnd tsvq hundred "Hob
Whites" nnd their consorts hnvo found their
way lo tho cozy aviary which Mr. h. E.
Wills has fitted up for their accommodation
at the Emery Wheel works. Although
they aro ignorant, no doubt, that they are
imprisoned ns a matter of friendship, to
protect theni from tho snow and merciless
cold weather, and perhaps long to bo set at
libeitv, fearing that somo ill lato awaits
them, yet they seem cheerful and contented
with life. Certainly, they lack for none
of the creature comforts which aro supposed
to mako n bird's heart glad, and by and by,
when the solt spring breezes play upon their
native hills they win no nuowcu lo go a-
wooipg iiiero.
kxws uossir.
Mrs. Pennypacker lyas thrown from a
sleigh at Trappc, Pa., on Sunday, and
killed by a kick in the temple from the
I recommend Haas' Expectorant for
coughs and colas, ns I nave some good lesti
moiilals for it. Fiiank It. Pcasifisq, Potts,
ville, Pa.
An explosion of dynamite took place
Monday, uoar shaft number 13 of the Uuu-
iowder Water works, a few miles from Bal
timore, fatally injuring John llolson and
Michael Burke.
Captain Georgo Prince, a resident of
liatn, .Me., wns arrested in that city Monday
morning on the charge of havinir obtained a
large amount of money from the Pension
Offico on fictitious names. It is alleged
that ho carried on the practice for years,
William Clcndenniifg, Alderman and
iron founder, of Montreal, has absconded
with $20,000 in cash, He owes $500,000,
and his assets consist of real estate and a
largo iron foundry. Speculations in real
estate caused his embarrassment.
John S. Lacy, a citizen of ITow Kent
county, va was murdered last ) nday night,
near Tunstall Station, on the Richmond and
York Itiver Bailroad, 'J-Vo negroes wero ar
rested and confessed tho crime. An unsuc
cessful attempt vas made lo lynch them,
which, it was thought, would be renewed
last night,
Nicholas Jacoby was shot in one of the
streets ol Pittsburg, while goiug homo with
his wife, early on Thursday morning, and
died ef bis wound on Sunday. Ho niaJonu
anto-mortom statement, declaring that Fran,
cis Small, a former lover of his wife, was
tlio murderer. Small is in Jan.
Susan Zentnicyor was n milkmaid In
Lebanon, Pa. A cow kicked a boy off a
stool, and tho sight struck her as so funny
that she laughed her jaw out of joint, and
hail to remain all day with her mouth
wide open, until a physician could bo
A fire broke out on tho morning of tho
20th ju the woolen mill of John Brown .1
Sons, at tho corner ot Eighth and Taskcr
streets, Philadelphia. Everything in tho
building was destroyed, nothing remaining
but the bare walls, Tho loss on tho build
ing and machinery is aluut $200,000. The
insurance, which is divided among seventy
six companies, is $250,000.
Babies aro too highly prized lo permit
them to suffer with Colic, Flatulence, etc.,
when Pr. Gull's Baby Syruji will at onco
relleye then;. Trice 24 cts.
Doi.llnr. .Inn l At. nKnnt T .ll.
last evening, as Oeoreo MclCcehan, u far.n. !
er living near Kcesville, and his twq titters
were sitting in their kitcken, a Vnock was
made at tlio door, aud four ilmnm mpn nn
Hie outside demanded amission. Suspect
ing nothing wrong, li door was opened bv
McKeelian, and do four strapgers entered.
They at once eljed Mo Keeliuu and search
cd the lio'jse, ransacking all the rooms and
scattering the contents of drawers over Ihe
"xir. Thoy obtained $135 in gold and sil
ver) with several other valuable articles,
and lel the house at about midnight. Ink
ing with them a horse and sleigh. Molvttj-
i;an, nun ine am ot nit vein, unuoa ins
rone which Imiiml him. and thru iinhfittrH '
1 hn iiiiin uh. rrn..n
lir-fn .'.nfnrl ,n , M m p.
I found Dr, Hull's Cough Syrup to bo a.
1 offectunl remedy, find .feel sure that tho
1 most stubborn omigh or mud w II yield tn its
,10llng' ufuei11!...-Frr.ii( S, Pierce, New
Grfonhs, Aug, 0, 1875.
I The TVnii )"if JfyUry wqp Issued only
ono week, The "mystery" now i wlint h.ia
heroine oftho proprietor who suddenly di from Penn Ynn. Ho fltted up n
fine printing n(T)oo and sent out three hun
drcd thousand copies of tho first ipimber of
his paper, which wns really nbeautiful piece,
of work. Leon Lewis is said to have genu
to Eurcpo with $80,000 ami his niece,
Doctors (iuvu IDlnl II l.
"Is it possiblo Hint Mr. Godfrey is up nnd
nt lyoik, and cured by so simple n remedy?"
"I nssura you it is truo Hint ho is entirely
cured, nnd wlll nothing but Hop BittcN
and only ten dnys ngn his doctors gavo hiin
up and said ho must dial"
"Well-a-day I lftlinllsso, J will go this
mlnuto nnd get some for niy poor fJuorge.
I know hops are good." tf,
Hurrlblo to Think oft
The attention of the peoplo of this town
and oounty is six-dally called to the number
of deaths reported in tho papers from that
dreadful dirnso consumption. In fact, this
disease is reported to be constantly in
creasing, ns can bo seen by examining tlio
mortality list, nnd nil caused by not breaking
up n slight cough or cold ns soon ns it np
pears, which can bo easily dono by using
Hale's Honey of Horchoupd nnd Tur, nn
article which wns discovered by the lato Dr.
Hale, a celebrated physician nf Europe, and
used in his privolo prnrtico mr ninny venrs
with great success. Tho present proprietor,
believing this market required just such nil
article, has purchased tho same at a largo
outlay, nnd is preparing It nccording to th
oiiginnl recipe. And those who hnve used
the nrtiolo ( who nro thousands) consider It
a certain euro for all coughs, colds, hoarse
lies', difficult breathing, and nil affections
of the tlpoat, bronohiul tubes nnd lungs
leading to ooiisumptjoi). Sold by all drug
gist. Great saying by puiohasing largo
P-kk's. Toothache paors cura
in one
Closing Prices of Dr.iiiVKs .t Towx.if.nd,
Stock, Government nnd Gold, 40 South
Third Street, Philadelphia, Jan. 23, 1878,
ir.'n. mi- , IOOTi O'd 107 .nkcc
U. H. 5.20's 1(,3 J, dt J,,.. Mill nski-d
'I. 3.5-:Cs IS'JJ ,, ,, V2 bid KII, asilil
if . m. "-20's, 1 80s I0:ii bid lent, asked
I'.s. I'M'j'k 10514 hid P5j nBkpit
tr. H. currency, C's ,..120!t old iei nslert
J. h.Vh issi. now..'. Ko'i bid itnH nm:cd
It. s. 41,'s. new 1 mi bid ion's aikwl
U.s 4'xiiow mn bll no asked
Pennsylvania It, II Ji; bid 31 nksd
I'liiln A HniillnR It. It 121! iid I2J uskrn
I.eliluh Valley It, It r.o bid 3CS nsked'lKtiCoil a- Nnv. Co.... IS bid 161, nakid
United Companies ot A. J.l?G bid 13G asked
Moithorn (jcntrul II, It,... II bid lis asked
Ito-lonvlllo l'ais. II, It. 1 o II. 'I bid 111. nsma
Hold no bid ico ariiid
Silver. (V und l'a. 1 S3), bid tn nikod
" (Dimes und Si p mes), (ii bid (19 asked
Special Notices.
I:. F. Kuukcl's iiiltrr inc or Iron.
A stiro enre for Dyppen-in or ImHReiton,
Weak Montucti. Geueiai uotl itv, plttr.teua of
tlio Jfervous t-ftBin, Conajmliou, Acdltvnf
tbc ytomach, anil far ull cuio rrquuit g a Ton
ic. IjVcrv bottlo Kuainiitri-tt, vv the lmmey 10.
J untied. Pilre. i fti-t the rennine. Ark lor
find tri ko no other. rrlc3,fl(0, or ptx hotrui
for I3.&". If our dmcAtst noes not Imvolt end
to 1'icpiietor. S7J PJ. iMutli M., L'hllmleiprla,
1'a. Advice free i enclose three- ecuc staaip.
Worms. Worms. Wpniis.
E F. Kunkcl'g Woiitj ptrRp Jiorrr f ills tort.
Mroy 1'in.t Sept. and btomach ttoiw. J)r.
Kankel, the nulv euccrs-iul phytskan whole
iioveiTfipu Woim in two hours, n Ive with
head, nnd no ten until removed. Coimii'tn mino
ten dies tf Tnpo Woiins enn bo removed n'l oth
er worms clu be rTdily dotio ed, AdvIcMit
olflct) nud stoie, free. Ihe doctor can ted
whether or not tho putint hns worms. TIiouh
nudsuro dini daily, with worn e, uul don t
know it. lts. spasms, cranjps, cnokUiR i nd
suffocntton. u low couiph-iou cjrppi nnmu-1
tho eyes, swol lng and pVlniti tlm Htonuioa io c
lees tit Llftht. frrlndltiKot tho teelh,,
tho nose, couch, fever, Itchlnp at tlio M'nt.hciid
tche, li.ul bio.itli.tho patient grows tnilu und
thin, lick Un or and i mint Ion in ihe mm- ill
ttieno srniptrms. Mid 111010 rrjiio fioiu wiTtntt.
1S.F KUiNKhlS WOHM MV ItUlMmvcr fn li
10 reuiovo ttiH-u. Price, $10- per hotile, orws
tmtiics JorS'SOO. (l-Vr 1 npo Worm wr.le and
consult the Doctor.) For a 1 otln r,Duv t f vouc
diui'ff sc tho Uoim sjrnp. aud it ho hns It not.
pond to Dr. E. F. KUiSKKL, 2C9 N. Mntti t..
I'hilaripiphui, Pa, Afjytpu oy mail freej Bend,
threo cent vtnmp, Jan. IS Lm.
Of ft copy of my MFDICAl COMMON
SKNSDUOOK. to nny pi iRou M'ffHilnjr Wlu
LUfcS OF VOICK. OU bOUK TllKOAT. but d I finia
and post oJUce ndof rs. with two 3 cent I ottago
stamps alio ttntp vour (Octaio 'Too non
elejrnutlv lilustrmrd. (I'4pp 12 mo. 1870.) Ihn
imoruuittnii it emit'dus, in tho provmenco f
(Jod ha snved inaiiv liven. Tlio author htm br en
trejitne direa'O of tho rioe, Tarwit, and
Luujjh, "ft f ppccml practice In Clnciunuti, lm-i
JS57. Address, Dr. N D, AVOLtL, Cincinnati,
OlllO. jJU IV w
A Gentleman having been ho fortunate i t
cmofils Fouof Consumption lu thu worotPtnges.
nftet be ujr clveu up to die by lLo must vuic.
bratod phyolclanp, doHlresto inaio kitoM a 11,4,.
cat" (wnuli nioves successful in every eiji iol
timoclU cted Wt'h Abthmti, Uronclnu Cvnhn
CoUW consumption and all Affectlona ot, Xh6
I'Jiroot an JVuhk und will send tho
fieopf Uinige, to nil who dcslro it, It the !mil
fnttit)d their address to DASILu ADE&r2i
Liberty at., .New York. JanlunU
I'urlf les, Rftrtcrifft, Gives Color iinrl
Timo to tlio IIIooil; it incrcaicf tlio
quantity at will a. the quality, giv
ing Vigor, Vitality, Energy,
I'oiccr and Life iteclf.
II 1? especially adapted to Fcmalo Dlsoasi'tj
sucli as Weakness lieui Itumlng, ur unr ttli.r
caue, pnlnlii. Irregular 01 derauircil monthly
periods, fallm? of the womb, nnusca in prciV T
naucr, sterility, cnange oi lire, etc.
Dr. Harter's Liver Pills
Combine tlio two csenilalqua'tilesor a Family
Pfll. Toeyuctosnniildanderneient purge and,
at tlio same time aro the beet LlTcr VilU wcr
effjiod to Ihe public, Jenil.mO
Krerr description of rnutlni, iroiu .'
Visiting Card to a Poster
We aro nreparod to do work nt m cheap rales
as any office m me htato taat Heals Huuttly
ivllh Us cuetoniors,
Cheap, Prompt, & Reliable.
tS"OrUer bj- small reclfe propipt
Qcrmnn llorso ami Coiv fowilcr
Krrps stock heallby anJ In cood condition. It
aula tilaetlon aud aiui'latiun. It inarH fat.
muscle and uilit, iiy u.tnn it a boit. will ,io
nmtt woik ai.d a cow rive more ml k eail ie In
belter aniilts Hiid coudll ou. 11 also I.e. in pool
nybealtliv aiuliocreaseatbe qtiamisy ot.i pp.
It iinii I'j Dr. Levi Oboilioiii.r atl'.is ml 1 1 j.
back at i3IN.TI.!!dbtluet,l'biU. 11 in ild tit
artual wo'Wit. at ta i-ci.ts ptr pennd. br A. X,
l)U I1LI.MI. I-fi.lrUtou, VJ. lT-1,iic.
-jstuay goty,
CaniMo Jh Drrmi o ia uidHi.iifd, tn
T"Wt'iiHiiiittf U'j.vniMp, ('iir 'im t oil uv . .
inn i m n-njr ii,,n lime rimnn UTmr
uiftiM'riv lmv i Ala mil lake .ie
fNiio come lorwa c. f.ti v"
mlUo.Uuiwru,iw ml
(Ul i . ft ft
..... . ,
ToKimcnud1; Jen, n - Vv