The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, January 25, 1879, Image 1

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    Advertising Rates.
We dcsiro It lo "ha distinctly understood
hat no advertisements will bo Inserted In
the columns of Tim Carbox AnvoOAin that
may bo received from unknown parties or
firms unless accompanied by tho CASH,
Tlio following are. our oxi,y terms !
Ono year, each Insertion 10 els.
Six months, each Insertion 15 els.
Threo months, each Insertion 21) cts.
Less than three months, first insertion
$1; each subsequent insertion 25 cts.
Local notices 1U cents per line.
ii. v. Monriitiut, r ubiuiicr.
Boot anil Shoe MUer.
CIItonHrtuy,f Uvtin't building. Itink street.
jtllontiripromptlii fitted work warranted.
Ofilce with Al'cn Crilg.ntipo'ilto American Ho
MAOcn onuyK, r. jniyavr
Broadway and Susquehanna Streets, Opposite
Comt IIonc,
Maybe, comuliecl In Ooruun. niai:3 ly
Levnn's Uutldlns.
Dioiber IC-Cm.
MNK STKEET.UKniUIITON, P 1. Estate snd Collection Acencv. Wllllluysnd
Sell Ileal Untitle. Coiiveam-iiiK neatly dune Col
e.'tlont promptly Hindu. ESettlintF Untitles of lit
e l.nts a fpeclalty. May b coiuulted In KnlMi
nd (Jitruiftn. Xcl,-.
3- Office : 2 1 ttoir i f's Hall,
Mauoli Chunk, l'n.
All hulnei entrusted to hlni Mill tx) promptly
attended to.
Mar 27, ly.
p ., MKUHAN,
NeltDoorto Klrt National Buck,
e. lis rnitsulted In German. !j-tn9.
Justices and Tnsurnucp
py A. UKI.TZ,
justice oi? Tim rnAcc,
Offices Lindcmiiii'- Il'n-k. llANK-Strect,
l.l'IIHllllOS. I'A.
Gonvoyanclnir, Coilo'tlia- awl r.ll other ti ni
nes connected with the oftlci, ptomotlv attend,
cd to ARent for best Flic mid I lfo Jnnr
auce Conip mien llcuts collected ut reasnimbltf, &c. Aprlil"-vl
The f Jlov Ina Conip inli-s uro 11 presented:
1113AII10 MUTUAL TlltE,
W'.O.MINO I'lltlJ.
roi'T.-i villi: l'liiu,
I.r.HKlli VIltK. and tho HMV
Also Peniisilvatilti and Mntinl IIo.'&o Thlel
Dsteo'lvoand Insurance rmiipanv.
Marcn 23. IS7J Illos. Ki;MHlli:il.
Physicians and Dentists.
W. KEUEIl, M. V.,
OFricu-nci'cr'.i niocic ba:I struct,
LEniOHlON, I'cnna.
Itoshlcnce,.,.finin 7 a. m. to to a. m ,
ntiTJRS. tni I r'uo'in to in p. in.
) rarryvlllo ..from 1 1 a. m. to 12 noon.
"ilnr he consu ted tu tins (leriunu LnuitueRO
Noeinber31, ISTS-yl
qiiasTt. ihhi.v, ii. n.,
oaneral riractlcor.ttcniJfd to, and SPJiCIAi
4V0MUN. iuar23. 18s.yl
yjrj- a. UtillllAMEll, H.D.,
8perlal attention paid to Chronic IHseaseft.
Oilier: South Uast corner Iron and 2nd Ms., I.e.
tllShton, Pa. April 3, IS75.
yy U. M SC1PL12,
1'IIYSICIAN AND sunauos.
Next to K. II. snydci's stoic, Ham; St.,
N. 11. Special attention given to tho I'tireof
Halt ttheum. ic. Jui lay
It. HEIJEIt, 3J. D.
V. S. Kxnmliilng
rilACTICINO PlIYMpIAN nlldSUl'.anoN.
Office.- Ilank Street, ItEUEtt's Ulock, Lrhieh
ton, Pa.
11 ay be consulted lu the Germ m Lancuaee,
Nov. 3 1?8
Civery & Sale Stables
And positively LOWF.n I'ltK-HH than an?
other Lnoiy In tlio C'oautr.
lJLrgena bnndiiQuio t'aniajres for rincrnl
puryoaea ami WiHHliunii. DAVID lUlDFltT
Jlov. tl lb74
r nrn innmnrj -it t -Tnnm-v
To fe.l Dr. Chase's noclpea: or In'oininion
or Even lwilr. in every couutv in the Uu.te.1
s atea ndUnnadas. Uulaiui-il hv the pnlj lh.
, iis,n i'i
reelpoaaui 1 suiud to ul) elai.'ea and e, j'i.
&fl,7oclctv-..A y.",'I"ll "" '
uu. uovo-hii) iv "'i'i ui miii, tu tin,-
tat InOucointuts pver otttiio-t to boo appirn
kxciusiu terrtory slvcn, ArentM moro thau
dttiia e tu'ir money. Andrrtu Dr. t liaBu'dtSteam
rriutlup House, Aun Arbor, aijca'wu"
Oct. i3-vl3.
cup us Bvni OY instil, l08ip:ilil. 101 i:nt.
Till: i Mtl'tiTIII.tly
tiring a coiuplMohialnn of nil the important
iDdugvile of America lncludnifc Acil. nnuro,
WecUgttcal. Mauufaouirtu? Wlmug, Com me r
cul und other eiitfrpnciw. About i,o la ce
octavo pasea aud 3xj uae cngra bus,
IJSIILU, fw Tinu cud Terrhory apply ut
tuk HKsny uiLLrrniiHiiiNnuo
dec liiuj oi:v it- j ft vx.
II. V. MoitTiiiJtun, Proprietor.
VOL. VII., No. 9.
Railroad Guide.
lMsnenircrbIorIH.l'adclt'hla leavo Lcliltrhton
rs rollowa r
3: 2 a to., vtn. Si. V. arrive at riilla. ntOiinn m.
ilia in. vli L. V. " - lli'On.m.
I,t 'r a. m. vitif V. " " 20511.111.
J:l2n. vl iL. V " HIS p. in.
7l7a III. Ala L. V., " " Ut.0,i.lll.
7:47 a. in ,v'o L. .k. S , ' lira) a. in.
Ill .7 m. in., via 1. .t s ," " . in.
2.2(1 p ni. via L. & S. " " 6:4 iii.n.
1:37 u. in. ' " till o. In.
lln.iiiniup. leave depot at IlerJt ami Amen
must, riinn., at 7:m,!:l5 mid lj'5 n. m.i 2 30
(.I'OlllldM Oil 111, ULUS (,'l.AHi;, Agent,
Nov. 15. 1S7S
Arrangniiient of Passenger Trains.
NOVI5MHEII KTtl. is.s.
Trains leave ALtKNTOWN nsfc llowsi
(YIA 1'llKIOMIi.V IlItANCtt,)
For PhllwAolphla, at :2J, r.3J, a.m.. unci
o 3) p. in,
Tor rhliadeiphla at 4 2oa. m..3.M n. ra.
For lie M'ill'i, ( 2.30. 3.50, aim ill,, 12.1u, 2 10, 4.30
a d n cr, p.m
For U it I Is Oil I';;. 2.3)5 55, 0.05 a, til., 12,15, 1.30
ti.m p. in.
I'or Lancaster and Columbia, 0 5), 0.33 n.m. and
4 no p in
flioosnot run on Mrmiays
I'or Ilea Im-. 2 31 a.m. nndo 05 p m.
Foi llirruiiiti. 2.:ia. in iin-l it "5 n. m,
TiiiIim FOll ALLU.xTOWNlruveaslollows:
(YIt l'I'.KUlOMI'.N lm.VNCII.)
Leave llitlidelplitn, 7.4 u. in., IM, M.S0 .iiitt 5.35
p. m.
Loavo l'ailailclp'.ilu. s.o . in ni d 3 15 p. m.
Leavo Iteming 7.41 7.43 U.35n 111 4 00.15 fnd
ti'.4 n 111
Leave ltniiliihnrir, 5 2J 8 10 a. 111., and 2.W. 4.C0
n.d 7 51 11. 10.
Leave Lancaster, fl.10 n. m., 12 53 end f.i5 p. 111.
Leai e Columbia 8. 0 n. 111 1.' 0 anil 3 35 p. 111.
r.eavo Ile.noliitf. 7.C0 a. ni,
f.eavo II irrli'iui',5.2 a.m.
Trains,jiiail;o't thus .e) run to and frnm depot
0th and Uico'i Htreeti. I'liltodotpLl , other
Unlns to u -d trom llrmd -trcrt dep it.
1 110 11 51 a. 111 a nl 3.53 ti- n. tlnliM frirn Alton
toan. mid tho7.45 n. ni nnd n.:l p.m. tirins
from l'lnlinl ''piiia, havo tbiough cars to nnd
lloui lMlledulpti.a.
J. 1!. WOOT1 i:n
ilct'crat Stanager.
o a. Hancock, am'l net-ct .mud.
United States Mail Route.
Tho pttPiiUmmf tlui tiavcln? li'Mic I f
pPC'fllilV 1ilVit"tl to R'lIHO of tllO llltllM"! till
KVint M7hw.11 i'i IXp comhl'Mii rst-pitiou n:.d
bftlcfthit iioiitlicr Ilio i rt:i hITm tq'ial nrluc-j
iiieutiDsn loiitu ol tr tct. In
Construction & Equipment
i ni-;
Pennsylvania Iinilroad
ftt.inO cntiforspdiy at ilie lirndo? Atni'i icnn rail
ways' Tim tiack I tlmittlo tlio onltro t 11 oJ
the 1 no. owtcp! uill1 lnl'l nti lip'ivy .ik i cs,
wlilrli nrp piuiiuLl- din a fotun'al.oii of me li n
last flirnlpeii 1 cL-nt In tlcnui. All biliupinip
n JmiuM Hlni!t, cud 1ml t npu i ilio n:o-tao
mu-o I plau.. IU tr.3 ciipr iain. ?Iu!o om.n
i-ntlv ti-no unit, a u tu tlio eaiiio tlinL
mode tt ot couifoi t ttnu clofxaacp.
Tlio Safety A)liauces
n nom tlilfi'lno well ili'i-trnln tin' far-fippins
itr.d Jiwrnl o!:cv t U n nna-,, in c 'nul
nncf with tli i lll'i v uuy t an lmji-ov
iiitnt nnd nut it- U'lfit I.ih bppn tli qapfilo't of
coiih tk'iaUt.u. Anions nrirj may bo noticed the
llloclc Syslctu of Saft'ty .Sl innls,
Jatincy Coujilor, Duflur & Platform,
Tiiu wifAiiiox r VrijNr switch,
"Wcstingliouso Air-Brake,
fti'inin? In'lnn with a i.crfpct donMp iniiiMu'd a coifi'mint'rui vt hntcu.ndi i-fruln-t
iii'i'l.lciit- wiilc!i have lpudcioil
Itiacticatlv ln jioaslblu
rullniiin Palace Cars
Are run on all i:xp:Ts TtaJus
rnoji nkw "i-onic. imiilada. ealti-
iiOlie nud W.l'slIlMJiO.N,
nnd tn nil rriro pil linlntstu tlm f r Npf t ar d
houtbwith ono u uitfc lit I'.irw. oiiiH'O.u.'ie
uiu iiiiuli In Uiitoii Deitota.aud mo nbsurpdto
all luipotiont pumu.
Of the Pennsylvania Route
la ndmttud to bp uns'in.nsicrJ in thowrjd for
inndpa'. bPiuiy and Mimy "auiKuiiir "Ho fHctl!'ie, iico i)iot ltd. i:nniIoyfPn
ar coitu. ntisttii') atU'itt'Vr, and It u tin iiifvit
nole l-psnlt that a tiiji by ih.i l'tnnsylvauip
ltnlru.ul must Iorn n
Mvasiny ;ui;l Xcinoi'aljlo I'xpprUi::co.
'lic.m for salpnt the i two. t rate at the
llul.01 UIUl'cvoi tho Company In nil nunoitjiit
-ttiPH an I ioyvih
L'IfAMC TIU).rsnNT, L. V. rAUMHIt,
(Jen. MniikjtT, (ipp. JM. Ajrcnt.
J.IC.SnORMAKUIt. I'I.Apo 1 MiddoDlsl.
KXuit.i Tii.iu St.. HanUbarir, l'u.
Tie New YorX Son for 1379.
Tijk Sux will Im inlntod orerr day dnilnor the
Vour tooomo. 1 1 nurposi- and nelho.1 will bo
Iho hanio us in tlu pihti 'In jircfiic all tho
m wHinnro t'nbie, and to toll tho trutti
thonirh ttio licavt'n'.s lull.
llili sus n.Ti hi on, la, nnd willctnillmiotobo
liid.'inutk'rt of t'L'ibody and t 'i vtli.uu. nte
tho Txutli und ii8 uwit convict inn -oj tlut . I hit
tiihoonlv I'oljcv-which an noucst howm aner
nooil hnvo. ihut u iho poi cv wlnca has won
for tin iiowhinptT tin tuntib ito and inemt.
lap ot a vrlncreonMluionuv' tn.n. wiaooi in.
j itt'd by auv otlitT Amfi'k'on Jonrn.i1.
Till! -U. is Ilio nowwi-ajief for tho piHin'o. It
iflt.o for ilio ih It man MuiiHt tho o r inn i or
lor tlio ii'or man firuinsL ilinn.M mm. but it
Ht-t'UH to du tijii.ii Jnttifo m all unt r mh m tlio
ci'innmnitv. It ihiioi ilio orfon uTnni pt nun,
CIU8., ect or j ntv. Tlicto in id bo io mifitery
uboui iia levus ui.d Intoi Jt U lor l);o
nt;in j.fint the ni;iR's i yi'iy tuno. J. U loi
tho liom-tt iM'inocittt as nuuiutt tbo tlltiLou.t
lleimldU'im, ai.d for ibf lton h, lU')jlic:m na
iittiiint tho disunion Dcnocrai. It Cm not
taliu lt cub a I'm tho timiuces ut tiny p dlti
emu tirpo il'u 1 urcinz.itio H trivt h t.H miii
pint unies-ivo iy whfii men or nitft -aires niofn
.itficenu'iit with tlio t'oimiitntion mid with tho
ortiicipttw yi'ou wlilrlt tbi-t itopu'j.le won
ulfiirta tiiit. Wm'itevti tho C'on-iltntlon
tuidfi n-tuul oi in punclolort aio Violated nsln
tlnimiiaKfouit'iiip uic ot ibd. Iiy v)i vii u
in n not eli tied a-. plbrotl In iho J rci. rut
Clt'o, v;her' ho hiIII if iit-iln- t ui:iki out tor
taeraUt. Tlui i TllK LN'a tleu of mdujion
ik'tico. In tln lo-i oi t iht'iowill bona chan 'O
In It- pr irnuniuo for
Tim vs ha falny eitiued t'i.o hoirty Uatied
.otrn raU f uudi und ImuiUura of ullhoitdand
tized li hopes tcd.'-oivo tUit hulndnoi tiM in
IIidvb r lx7'i. i in in'iH ifr7. in nnv vt-nr
1 UJ- vs x lxt dfoi the mwi imo .on vn
I.tiitti'1 10 ti) j i U"h until fin uipo-iiioit mid
ubility lo.ifi'n-oitaieadt'iutlio pioiiipicj lujctt
tiitd iio tM.cuiiio lnio!l ctnro i-t wluti ver lit
flu. tvwu. .1 t - ii f.H .it..,r ..m i a. i l.i- !
! lioio'Uiciiibe;oU(tiiiitittwti -ei-talillflicdpi
liiiv w.luol.uii ..iy emaitij td.
i lio puiseut di.J diatnUoiidinoii ol parties in
tliUcouuttj unatuo unceit .mtv ot ihu fntuu',
It-Utl li il l'Yiiatiii,.,ii!ii v k1 it It i iini'is tit thn nvintu
'" l"u '"nnuir ,e.u' ioiiioii witu aecu-
of too lomiuff ii,u' ionithoit with aecu-
uswul k!on t.i.t'.i
khou.u Kuidu u- tlnuiu
uunuiort ntiaito'Ti
MttuodJ, tU- pr ncip tu t.nit
u it i no i..uinuut. u uh
Tllli MJN'ti uurk t 7J.
i ... uuvo ho uiujua lo mul.u 'lllli bus. n u
ki'Iiio... u library and n T IXucra iieivap: per
'ioIO .uuriiHiUuK fin- inor" Willi thfii tvir
Ut-lofu ;
L)Ul lulO tit Mil HI'I- 111 1.111 . 11. .,..1.1 tl.Kll.,tlM 1
ror thu Daily &LIN muurpusoaucol. i t c?.ty
eitihi co'umu0. (hfpru-vbv i 0
rents ttinontii or ff.&u u year i tr inciudnw tho
Buutlaj pauer, uuoiKat-pafo hheit of lluv-bix
colutuua.i jo pitcoisu. tin i a u u.outU, ore? 7-u
Iho M.ndi.y rim 8j;s i nUo lur
1 nlaliednepaiuto y ut ? ,20 a v.'flr, po tana paid.
Jhs t'.NUAY bt', In ndditiou tu iho l uriL-ut
nekr. ptoeontsii bioitii.teitain'uu nttU iniiuo
tivo body of Morai y and mtai-oilaui-ou iii.itu-i
iu b li twice uh -leit uiid in viil no not intii i.
to i.ui uf (he boat monthly lujiziuoa of Ho
dav. tit on i' tenth of tbe l to I.
Tho Weekly KtiN ia Cfpccnry adopt oJ for
t ioie)vho to not luKO a .New Voi w duU p.ip. i.
'JUouowa of tho weu ia lu.iy piewntetl, ita
I m.r.'O npiitiit u imniaheJ totno luto-tnm
uitrut, ulU ita aeticullmal depart men t. ii'itod
with iriejtoaround iiuuriUttitiMi, Thf
t.btvL tux Hpioouuiy iian lo-uay uy tuoie
1 lariuvf-itiiuu uuy utLcr vauer puu lalicd a
i choict story wltnotliercvrc.ujly u-rpuxedim
t celluuy, noiar in iwh 1-muo Tho Weebiy
proto t lUraderi bv bHiringtu udvmUiiK
co 1111194 utraloat, lruieiuiJ hymbuaa nudtur
ulaUt amort muttn t-tr iwu mouo thau
tan uuobiamed f.oui unr otli r 8uicu,
' Th"pic ut tlio iLtKLY is, ilyit pnceji,
fifty x 14J.U 1 ua, ij H it veir. iw,iv pan)
t'orclibo(t 11 Bi nd.' a 10 we will e.idau cx
Utt cony Xno. AaduH
1 W ItN'flf AND
I'abiliUrorTU L ew wk v
Pc( J 1 L s
njtM.t-Mi.mpawM.ujL-a u.i lj-1 jljU'Mii I swim mimL my mv mrmTwjrrwiMntaiJiMjfmv nil mmm 1 1 1 HliawtuimtiyjlijajlaMwaw3iia !MjiiiajifnajfMnnijjiiiljiiyTQaTmwireliii illMijiMU'iaiM"1 -reggae
Vnnnfacturcrcfond Dealer In
Till and Sheet-to fare aM General
House Fiui'sMng Goctls.
i:ooFI.R itnil M'illTIMi ilonc nt
sliott notice uiul nt Lowest Cash Prices.
I am tec nnthnzed aaei t fnrthn Palo ul tho
Till: LIllIITllOUbi: t OOIC.
and am ?clllnc Ihcm VI3 1 Y t'HEA P tor Cash.
1- verv l,!iid ol HOVH (HIATUS and FIltE
lUtlt ICS kiptronstHUtly on hind.
Stoiiu on SOUTH Street,
A low doors above Baoli St., LEHIGHTON.
Fationniro solicited Sulistao tintrnamnte' d.
Oit C-yt A. I. Atossiilt.
Tho Grandest Exposition
or Ladles', Gents', and caildren's
Boots, Shoes Gaiters
K ci effeied In Hi s vicinity. Is nt
Bank Street, Loliighton, Pa.
I linvejust received a full Iment FALL nnd
VI.VIi:itHO()T.-i, "-HOKS an.l IIIIIIUFlts,
which I mil selling to tlio tin plo of l.o ightn.i
and Ihot-nriotiMriiiriieiiitorhiioil OHliAl'lClt
THAN 1-.Vl.II Itl.l ultU bddlii Una Counts,
lite, ail c.:iHGia of
Boots & Shoes Made to Order
nc Astonishingly Lnvr rrtees, ami MENDING
Neatlv dine nt !'r ct-- to suit tho lime-.
I n-.iloilo p-io 10 to c ill nu J txanilnomv
tock : nu l'nt t s e ore u 01 isiri; cl-cwbo e.
an., li 1 cnh jltcui if the I'b.ive Icls.
HOU.NIi I'.i s VI ISFY. iicmir.inaile Hiwik
hi d -hoc8 hnnriit of mo that rip will b" repalr
eti v It (tout eliince.
Tli-inliial fir i-nst ontronrjre. I iceiK'cfiilly
(tSlC a CUllllUtlllLCO tlK-iiiir.
-T. 11. Fltt'lZINGLlt,
Two doo- Letow I' &'.. i.'i.rii-Ke
V, cri: ', llanU stieec. net. Cy 1
J've.-j-description of rmitlnB, from a
Visiting Card to a Poster.
oa it no,
iia:;t) uihvi,
siritTiro tags
J5Y.IaA.WS, t!iC., AC,
D juo In thoboct maimer, nt very I.ovcst Pi lei a
Wo arc nrcoaro'l to do work nt psfbom latco
namtv efllco 1:1 tlio Mato tant deals Uonubtiv
with In LUtomeri.
Cheap, Promjit & Ilcliable.
DJOrdcrs by oinall rcclvo rrcmpt
jpnEi) Tin: iiuxuuym
llenectlu'lv nnnounces to tho eltlzrns rf To
hlghtou and vicinity Hut ho has JUsT OI'E:.
EP nu
Eatinq SalooN!!
IL tha Ilitlldlns rt ilor to Iho "CAHUON
IIOU'JJ," on
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.,
aud ttiat ho Is pTpucd to ihein wita
Edihlea ot nirhtndsou thoit notice.
Fic.-lved Fiesa Every Dav,
Tea, Coffee, Hum, Eggs, Bo
logna, &c.
Also, n Cholco assortment of tho Finest
Diauds !
Cigars, Smoldng & Chewing
iwava oi( hand at Lowe, t Fr coi. Tl-o patro.
mire of tin. public Is ino-u rei-ptctrnllv invited
ami .at'btactiou f:uai-.ulied, G1V1-: ;i: A
October 10. IV.
Jprlmo Homo Made Ilreatl!
WHY GO IIUNOnYJ WlioiyoucinllurCH
ponntU Fiit CI. aa litead-
J. V. O'NKAIj, tho popular Hreod aodCakQ
Matter, of JveiiifUitnii ut order 10 meit the -.iautt
rf tlio tint u hialtednecd rioTrxdot hlsco.o
brated Uumo Uadu DUKADto
Fivk Loaves for TwiMity-HvoCis. Cash., Ualsin Cuco mut Scotch, Diup. Crcuat
ana other c A ii lit?, only
Ten CVnU per Dozen.
LooK Out fur (lie Wapron!
At MAOOH OIIUNK, cn Tuedav. Thursday
and Htttutdiy Aioitnneii.
LiSinoiiro.NtttidW JUSai'Orrr.evcry After
noja except rriday.
ratronajro -ollcltod J. V. O'NKAI.
hl'OUKi Opposite Ftrst National Danic.
ftprllay' Uiu t -tn-eu I.enlgblmi To,
JIt. Olcrlioltzer's liniment,
4.0 iiuw uiuuir iL'cuiuiuDunca ana cxrenMve'y
I uei for itluuiu'ttiam, li-utt-d ler, Atht.a
It u o( (Ha wreati.t value 111 cuuue Cuta.Galia.
Uu mo nnd awtldnira m Iioraoa.
It acUqnleklv and suiely. it at oure soothes
1 f.'.?! i Arlnuir Nuvo. The uonev wlTbo
paid baet to am- rn., uni nu.t ,,-
eel . I I'ms a coats, s Lotties for St. 1'ia.
pared '1 LeiJ OUcihoItKr. M.D.
Tim 1'tuunix E'cclornl.
lis. provel Itself to Be pecull.ily adapted to old
perm,ioni, imu rhlhirc 11. n Ureat.
11 cold. Italopuiu-li Itaid.einectoration.
ItntMlii.tuui li rim s'rinxth. It
oimm ro 1. It li:i umde woio cures t uu aur
oilier uio-ile ne, Thou.nco. ot ibecitUeua of
I-.uteni ivnuiylvnnu ua-. used it lorieara
P.-".1, 'r tJ iho r. ,nf rlveu ami cure . f.
lecud. Fnc.iiceut It o loll leu for ti ire.
1 rc." 'T '"vioberliolt, r M,D.,nnutor bale
hv.V.J DVlllINi.IJeht'B NOV.SJCOJ,
"No, Clintlfs It cannot be. As n
friend I shall respect nntl cslcrr.i youj
liut I cannot bo your wife, llavu coin
passion ami tlo not press mo lurllicr."
Mary Uranvlllo stootl before tne as
slio thus spol;n, mtli lier liamlu elaspcil,
and her head bowed, trembling; nnd I
funded that there wns n, tear In her
eye. Slio wai a henutlftil clrl; nnd 1
hud thought lir an good and as pure as
she was beautiful; and further than
this, I had believed blin lovrtl mo. She
was an orphan, nnd was teaching ono
of our village schools.
Of her early llfo I had known noth
ing, save that slio had been well edu
cated, nnd bad moved In good society,
and 1 had reason to believe that at some
time her parents had been wealthy; but
her father had failed in business; and
It !wl been Mild that the sad reverse had
killed 1.1 in . Mary was poor was de.
pendent upon her daily labor for sup
pott and the thought that I could
offer her a comfotttible home, with the
advantage of nimlerato wetillh, had giv
en increa-e to my prospective happi
ness, Hut this unexpected answer
had dashed nil my hopes to tho ground.
'Do you mean," I cried velittnently,
"Hint jou dismiss mi? Am I cast
oil?" '
"I canuot bo your wife" slio replied.
"Then." salil I with morn warmth
Ahan 1 might have dlsplajed under other
clicuinstances "1 leave you to jour
s.elf, and while I btrivo lo sliaUti off tlio
lovo that lias bound mo to you, I will
only hope that eru yon lead another;
into j our net, yon will keep him alter
you have caught hltnl"
Shu gar.ed upon my face with a pain
ful, ftlghtciicd look; but I did nut stn.
to hear her speak. While she sti-uil
palu utitl tiotubllug, 1 turned and lelt
the house.
Under olln r olrGiiniktancesI lulghthuve
been mure cool and collected In my
speech. I wtislieateG with wlno. Iltiul
drank just enough tu glic the brain an
extia Impulse; and my wotds were not
chosen as 1 would have chosen them had
lliespliitof wine been absent. As 1
wnlki'd homo I sought to persuade my
self 1 bad loituuati ly i scaped the snares
of a coquette. 1 Mopped nt the hotel
where I fuund a few of my companions
nnd helped lo dlsposo of li.ilf a dozen
bottles of wluo
On the following morning I woke
with a headache, and when I culled to
mind the events of the prcmdlug even
ing I was anything but happy. 1 began
lo itullzu how much I had loved Maty.
Thato was an aching void -in my hearf,
and I fairly wept as I contemplated toy
hiss. It wns my love, nnd its'inlluence
had pel meated every libre of my being.
The beautiful girl had become- more
dear to i;io than I could tell, and I
gioiim-d in bitter anguish when I
thought that she was lost tome forever.
I hail resolved that I would feel very
ungry and )ndigu;nt; but when the
sweit (nee was called up to mental
view, sitcji feelings metei) anay, leav
ing u:e .sad aud desolate.
On the following Sabbath I attended
chinch, wheio I saw Mary oucu more.
She played the organ as she bad done
lor jenrs past, nuJ as her lingers snept
over the keys I I'liucisd that J could de
tect tremulousnces wlileh I had never
noticed before. Was it only my im
agination, or was tliero really a plain
tivuness, a sadness in tho expression of
her music? to inu it seemed as though,
at Huns, the oignn groaned and wept.
It was like a walling of tho daughter of
Zlou by tho of Dubylon. When
the services were over, and wo woat
nut from tho chuich, I saw Mary's face,
it was us palo and wan, as though she
had been sick. What could It be? Was
she suffcting as I suffered tho thought
Hushed upon me that so mo ono had
been Idling her something to my disad
vantage. 1 had enemies In tlio village
- enemies who envied tne because 1 had
Inlieiited soiuu wealth and I fancied,
i netnles who envied mo the love of
Mary Grant ll!o.
Another week psssed. I could not
read, lor my mind was never upon the
page before me. Another Sabbath at
tho church and I saw Mary again. It
scemtd to mo that slio was paler than
befoie, nndlier eyes looked as though
shu had been weeping.
During the succeeding week I re
cehed a visit from my old college chum,
Jack Stanton, who had just opened a
lawoP.lcelu Ueriyvllle. After supper,
B3 we fat In my coy parlor smoking
ourclgars, I suggested a bottle of wlue.
Jack ahook his head.
"N'o, Charley," ho said, "we'll leave
the wine for lhoe who need It."
"You ue.l to drink, Jack."
"Yes; but it never did nut any good."
"Aud do jou think it overdid jou
any harm?"
"As for that I will not say; but I
will tell you what I can say; It never
shall do mo any harm! I know it has
harmed others who were as strong as 1
am. Dy the way, Charley Isu't Mary
Granville here."
"Yes," said I.
"Do yoji know Iter?"
I turned away my lace and pretended
that 1 heaid something at the window.
"I have 6een her" I replied, wheu I
had composed in j self. ' She plays the
organ In our church."
"Shu aud were schoolmates." pur
sued Stauton, "aud speaking of wjne
brings her lo my mind. Do you know
auylhing of her eaily life?"
"Nothing," I nuswered.
"l'oor Muiyl I never Ihluk of her
without my lesolutlons of total austlu
once cmu'ds itrunger aud stronger.
When we were school children together
her father was the.richestmanln Derrj'-
Live and Let Live."
vlllo, nntl s!:n2nnti;iier;brollier wero the
happiest of tlio happy. Mr. Granville
was lu thoji.ihlt of dtlnklig wlr.e, and
the habit grov on him until he could
not livo without bis brandy. lie was
ot a social disposition, and In lnie It
camo to pass that Im was grossly Intox
icated. Of courso uiulcr 'sucli clreum.
stance, one or two tlilngsjumst happen;
tho man must refuim, or hu must sink.
Mr. Granville did not re fin in, nnd ere
many years hu died adrunkaid'sdeath,
leaving his family In poverty und suf
fering, Thomas, the sou, who was
four years older than Mary became very
dissipated; at the age of eighteen lie was
killed in a street light iu New York,
Mrs. Granville survived her son but
a few months, absolutely dying of a
brokep heart. Poor Mary thus lelt fa
therless nnd motherless without brother
or sister, nt the ago of fifteen, was
forced to earn the bread sie p-tP, and
nobly has siedono It. If you know her
Charley, you know of ono the grandest
women that ever lived. Dut what Is
Iho mattei? Why bless me you look as
pale us n ghost."
I struggled Willi myself, and told
Jack I had swallowed a lot cf cigar
smoke. I nrojc and opened ono of tho
casements, aud stepped out upon the
balcony, where the fresh air partially
restored me to my foitucr self.
At nMato hour Jack depai led for the
hotel, and when I hail retired to my
chamber I paced too mid fro until long
past midnight. I cuul.i no longer
misunderstand the motives which had
aetiia tedMa7yi nTi'Icci i niiTy" iiauif I
She know that I was In tho habit f
lllllrr wllip. nml rill Hint ovotilti,. uIiiim 1
lirjt we met sho dlseoveied that 1 had
drank enough to btlng the false Hush to
my cheek.
"Oh, my Guilt I ejaculated as I sank
Into n chair, I wondtr nut lhat slio
feared to trut her life in my keeping. !
She suffered enough from the ncatrsed
cup. Tho night of sorrow had been I
long enough upon her. She would be I
worse than mad lo take a husband
Whose npentng pathway of llfo led to I
tlio pit Into which the loved ones of
other days had fallen.
I found nt) difficulty In nnsweilng Hip
question; why did she not tell mo the
whole truth? t'he had shrunk from
wounding my feelings. I knew how
sensitive she was, and I know that she
had been afraid of offending me. Pet.
li .1 pa she thought mo proud nnd head
strong; and pel haps she imagined that
I might look upon her course as tho of
fering of her hand iu consideration of
my renouncing tho wine-cup, and Unit
I might spurn said offer.
On Friday Jack Stanton left me, nnd
on Saturday evening I called at Mary's
boaidlng place. Mary herself answered
my summons. Shu started when she
saw me, aud I saw her bauds movo
.quickly tu her heart.
"Mary," said I spoaklngjvery' calm
ly for I l)id a mighty strength of will
to support hip, "I have not como to (lis
tless you. I have come as a filfciid.aud
I humbly ask that yuu will glveine an
audience for a few minutes."
She went Into the parlor and I fol
lowed her, closing the door behind tne;
nud w)ien we wtre alone she set the
lamp on the table and motioned
ntetoa seat. "No," said I ; "I will
not set down yet. Give me your hands,
Mcchanlcallysho put forth her hands,
and I took them In my own. There
aus a wandering look upon ',l:er face
nud a slight flush had conip to her palu
"Mary," 1 continued, speaking shw
ly and softly and I knew that a moist
mo was gathering in my eyes "you
mu t answer me ono question. An
swer It as you please, nnd take my
solemn assurance that I onjy nsk It for
my good. Tell mo do you lovo nie?
No, no, do not take your hands away
yet. Answer me if you can. Fear not
0, fear not; for I would rather go
go lortli into endle-s night than do you
wrong. Tell mo, flinry; do you love
"I cannot speak falsely," the tremb
lingly whispered; "Igr ray own psace
perhaps I love you too well."
"Listen to tne ono moment." I add
ed, drawing Jjer nearer to me; and
when I have told you what I have to
tell jou, you shall bo the judge."
Sho did not free het hands; but she
gazed up eagerly In my face, and her
eyes beamed with a hopeful light.
"You know John Stauton?" I saiJ.
'Yej," she replied.
"Do was my best friend while at
college, and our friendship has not
grown less. He has bren to see me,
and he told mo the story of the trials
and sufferings of one of tho schoolmates
of his i arlier davs. 0, Mary, I think
I know very well why you refused my
bund, nnd I blame you not. It may be
that our paths may bo different through
lite; but you shall nt least know that
he whom you have loved will so live
lhat ha shall pot be unworthy of your ,
kindest remembrance. I know that '
tuy feet hivvu hithtrto walked in the!
path of danger, but henceforth I am,
free from thu dread snare. Under the '
new light that has dawned upon mo I
hold the to bea fearful enemy
aud 1 will shun It as J would a shame
lul life nnd a clouded deathbed, For
iny own sake I will du this; so that my
sainted mother, If she can look down
fron heaven upon her boy, can budle
approvingly upon the course he has
chosen, Ami now, Mary, If at some
future time you should f.ei-i tint you
could trust your happiness In my keep
Ing, you will give uiu some token there
of, aud I will come again and ask yuu
for your hand, und should It be my
blessed lot to receive It I will devote
every etieigy ot my being to make
yout Ufa a joyous nud njiappy one."
I let go her hand.i, and I bowed my
head to wipe nnay a tear. I had turned
towards tho door, really InteniMng to
depart nnd give her time for reflection,
when she pronounced my name. 1 1
looked back nud her hands stretched
out towards me.
" Not now," Iwhlspered. "1 will
not nsk your answer yef. Watch nip
prove me. Only give nie to know Hint
1 have yocr love, nud I will
I stopped speaking for Mary's head
had been pillowed oh my bosoui, nnd
the wns weeping like a cliild.
"Now! Nowl slio utttfied, as I
wound my arms nbouf her. "U.Charles
I never doubted your truth. I know
you cannot deccivu me. God bless you
for your noblo resolution; and let mo
help you lo keep Itl"
Cn Iho following day a Sabbatlr
calm and pleasant the organ gave
forth a new strain. Tlio daughters of
JJion wero no longer In a strango land.
They had taken their harps down from
the willows and within the chambers of
thu Temple, more repleudent far than j
of old, she sang thesougs that had nforc
time made joyous the city or their God.
All maiked tho grandeur of thu music
that sprung into life beneath Iho touch
of the fairy organist on that benqtlful
Sabbath morning, and all seemed moved
with Inspiration. To ma It was like
the holy outpourings of n ledeemed
soul, and with bowed head nud folded
hands I gave myself up to tho sublime
As Mary turned from the Instrument
I caught her eye. Mine was deep with
luoisturu but her's was bilglit beatulhg
with glad scrap is light.
Wo went out from church together.
Ere many weeks had passed Mary
Granville was nut In the choir. She
knelt befriio the niter knelt by tuy
side and over us both tho aged clergy
man stretched Ills bauds with prayer
and blessing.
Again we went out from the chuich
together Mary and I out iutu the
new life bound henit to heart, and
hand to hand, to love, honor aud cher
ish forever.
Tho. boys were coasting down Syca
more street hill last evening, when Juhn
Sauscript and hi3 wife camo along.
They had been up on lialllmoro street
visiting, and weie on their wiy home.
"Just see them boys, now," said
John, a" ho braced up at the Intersec
tion of Mulberry street. "It really re
minds me of thu days when I was a lad.
Do you know, Jane, that I used to
coast down hill on n sled that way?"
"Did you, John?"
"Why, yes ; but that's fifty year,
ago! '
Sauscript scia'ahed his head contem
platively, and then muttered, "ootto
voce," ''Dlamo me, It I don't try
"Try wjiat, dear?" anxiously asked
Mrs. S.
"I'm going to coast, just fjijce, to re
vive recollections of fifty years ago."
"Now. John, if I wero you"
"Dut you are uot me, so don't inter
fere. Here, sonny (lo a lad just puffed up
the hill with Ins sled); heie, sonny, I'll
uive you n quarter to Itt mo slide down
on your sled once."
Tho bargain was eagerly nailed and
"Do keerful, old ;nan,'' urged the
boy, asSanscilpt squatted rather awk
wardly ou the sled; be keerful, I say,
and doirt let her Hunk one way or
t'other till she brings up, or yo'll git
mashed. "
"Never mind, younker," fissured
John ; "I'vo been hero afore some
years afore, but"
Dut what will never bo known, for
just then tho sled, of Its own accord,
started down hill, and even John him
self lias not since been able to recall
what ho was about to observe. Tho
surprise at tho sled's unexpected move
ment was general.
"Look out," yelled the boy.
'Oh, John," screamed Mrs. Sati
scrlpt. "Whoa, thciel" yelled John.
Hut thu sled noLldu'l whoa. It
seemed to havo set oil down that hill to
beat its best time. Juhn had chance
only to clutch hold or both sides and
hold his breatli for fear the wind would
blow of the top of his head. The only
thought he had time to foster was that
the boy must have gieased the sled's
runners as a piacttcal juke. Aud If
Jhis was had never coasted,
11 111s ifccifi uuu srveu jjiiu rigm.
Two thirds the way down the hill
the sled stiuck uu icu-huiu:uock, nnd
immediately his course was changed to
a pnrnUolic clirve.
Whack! bangl crash! clinkj
The bringing up wns awful sudden
and uncertain. Sinscript aud thu sled
uuii 1 iiunu .13 uuiuimy ns suiMiuiiK
star. Thu latter Isy shhered to alums'
against a laitiiipusi, una OJliscrlpt lay
Iilvering In the grocery cellar just on
posltu. When Hie otliuuuer ot tho sled
ctildcd with thu lamppost ami btopped
the vehicle, Sauscript rose like n circus
leader and went tight on turning twen
ty tomersaulls to thu second He went
through a grocery window, as tlio cir
cus leaper goes through a paper hoop.
All the gingerbread horses nud candy,
nnules an.! utlier luxuries tvern ilinjr.
lauged, or course Tlie rubbery part 1 "ugoier, wim winm sua has i.ueiy
of Sanscrlt't's body struck Western I llv,,sli whose age Is as great within four
Iteverso clieece on tho counter, scatter- I )'ears as herstep.father'J, whllea great
the skippers In consternation, Tlie old I Rreat-grand-daughler is a girl of
coaster bounded livo feet at an obtruse !
angle, touching agaiy lor a second at ,
i... ........... ,.r .1... ..-I.. ,.. ..... I
thu too step of the .cellar stalls lu tho
rear ot the store, and then, continuing I
like a dlyer Into the Plulonlo depths 1
bejgw, he went tea rureuiost through!
a hogshead tilled with something soil.
At lirst be was uncertain whether the
contents were Orleans molasses ur
melted glucos. liefure he had time to
Investigate the grocer and two pollen
men camo down. The unhappy boy
was licked out of his sweet pickle and
hauled off to the station house ou a
charge of malicious OeMruf Uuu cf prop-
til rira?a
a Year i Pnid in Advance
If not paid in advance, $1.25.
1 erly. Tnn gtocer appeared eoon after,
and compromised, upon John paying
i me louowing mu:
Window snsh $10.0(1
j Crus'ied cheese . , 12.00
Hogshead molasses, 48.20
! Damaged goods.,,,, 1.10
Total ftTt.nB
Then the boy camp ln with a bill of
iivo miliars tor 1113 sleil, lo say nothing
of (.he Ions or a stilt of clothes, n sur
genius bill for plastering sundry skinned
8iirtapps, aud tho bill of n hackman
whooonvejed thf Tainting wire home.
In tlu cooler moments of after-thought
Sansoript reckoned It up nnd discovered
that it had cost him $100.78 to recall
recollections of 50 years ngo, and It re
,ttlred but one niiuuto nnd five seconds
of old father time In which to do the
recollecting. Cincinnati! Enquirer.
ivas it a ituT.iir. sxoicr.)
Ho hnd on a coat of rcmarkibly nneu
countenance bbhind.wlth a comfortable
absence ot ulceve as rar upas the elbow,
pants or soiuewnat scattered texture,
nnd a chip lint with a sypop-llko lock
trailing fioni a craclt hi tlio crown.
He was from awny uack. Ho walked
hesitatingly into one of the Union slreot
bazaars that llunga niillou of two yards
ot fabrics ti the dusty breeze In front.
"What can I do foi you?" nskn4 a
polite civile, disengaging himself from
a bevy of shopping ladies.
"O iiothin peitlkler. Just P" "
waiting ou them giil-i," and hu shyly
fumbled n bundle under his arm.
"The ladies are through purchasing, you." The
gentleman from afar looked all around
tho glittering emporium in n dazed
sort ot way, but took his tlmo about
speaking. Finally he inquired.
"Is this a retail slnre'J"
"it Is," answered the. cleik.
"And you retail nil sorts of things
here, dn jou?"
"Why, yes; wo keep .1 general stock
or goods and sell them lower thau the
"You ain't fonlln' .up, aro you? Tills
hero Is a sure enough place w'berj they
ictall tilings?"
"Certainly, my friend,'' answered
the clerk losing p.itlene,-.. " du
r.'. ? W". n'"' "f "''Vr,1'! TUe interthe hour, und .lie n r ho
,I'n. W if Ho m.111 of the lllUkC li approadiw, Iho louler it will
flowing lock, looking decidedly nwk-lq '
ward as a number of Iho ladles drifted
close to him "er tills yero Is a retail
store, 1 jes lowed I'd fetch in this old
shirt o' mine and get you lo retail It.
That lhar basoiu'a a stunner to last; It's
done wore out three rets o' tails now,
and J jes thought es this jere was a re
tail stoic I'd just get joii to ret.iil her
Scattered ladles and a read-faced
A fat citizen having In view the par'
chusu uf n new coal stovo was yester
day standing in fiout of a new store,
when n newsboy halted aud respectful
ly said:
"I s'poso you'vo seen toe niiw stove,
thu one that beats 'em all?"
"I don't know that I have," was the
balm reply .
"You urter see this, sir. Tl ey are
alius tnlkin' bout these coal stoves
which save ten per cent, and now they
have got one."
"Have eh?"
" Yes bjliee, sir, I seo this one going
tho other day hut 'null" to b.iku tin ox,
an' It tliiln't bgtp. any coal at all not
even a pound."
"Is that possible? Why I never heard
of such a thing. Don't bum any coal
at all?"
"Not an ounce, an I it W4s throwing
out nu awful heat "
"Well, that beats me. I don't see
how they got the heat."
"They burned wood, sir," was
humble reply.
The man tiled to coax the boy wltnln
reach, but tldo lad had to go to the pust
;oi.t AT IMII,
Old SI catrjo In yesterday nfternoon
and held out his hand with 11 bright yel
low spot shining iu the corner of thu
i' Jess look at dat, now !''
"That Is a very pretty gold dollar."
"Now ain't dat hau'soiue ? Hit'ininds
mo of 'fo' de wah. when old Marse
Aleck used ter gib one ebery fust day ob
do rnutif,"
" Wherpdjd you get It, SI?"
"Down liyar yf dp cuiinlln-room.
.Marso Hemfill gib me lilt, and I'm tel
lln' yor now hit kinder sot mo back 1"
" In what way ?"
" Well, ebber slnco freedom l'se bin
plne'ti Jess ter feel er gold dollar jess
ter know dat er nigger's ban' wouhl'nt
get burnt ef hit totched one, but ebery
time I see one lilt wus lu her bank win
der w)d n big class twlxt nto nu' hit."
"how does it feel now?"
"Well, I diiiino. ljlt sorter feels
nnkwaul like; sorter ez ef hit waru't
Used ter slrkerlatln ; sortergot the kramps
fuui tou perliacUd IsxenUl"
"lint gi'ld Is nt par now."
"At par equal to greenbacks."
'.' hit isl I neber could get do In
turn on ills finances bizlness. Jess cr
week ago do gre-nbacks wttz down
now (lev is tin: den er uole dollar wuz
harder ter git dan er frunt seat at the j
frunt uiin-tiels-riiuw yer gits do gole
dqller In jirefrun'o ter the greeubaek, ,
an' yer don.t want hill'' j
"Why not?"
"ltso why, dsr I-ogot do goleiinller.
Hitsa heap littler thau 11 postidgo stump
an' nut much thicker, an' dar ain't no
gum on lilt ter make hit stick in yer
pocket. Gold Is motighty good, but
gliuuio de dollar what hit don't take er
two dollar tincktt hook ler bold sn ver
Know a iler line dat it's ilar ' At.
tiiiitu ihin wt lint Inn .
Foolish Youkq Tiiisoj. Tlio Tcnn
sjlvatihi couple who were married a
few days ago nt tlie ages of eighty-six
and eighty-seven are considerably out
dunu by two representatives of the Jew
ish race in Rus-lan Poland The bride
was a widow piecisely one hundred
years old; tbo gro in was u youth of
eighty eight. Iudeed, the bride has a
limteeii. Koiwliiistanf lug lier advauo
" S "'Is brule Usald to strong in
lier fneiitiies. S h inn nut nf tint linnun I
",!r faculties, bliegoo. out of the huuso
alou,,i "ira al" "perfectly well,"
md tetalna all her mental powers,
A Northampton young woman of
the mature age uf six couiplulneJ at the
homo table 1 lit) other day that there,
was a "buy nt school that plagued her
awfully," and dually after persistent
questioning, blushlngly acknowledged
that he, aged Eve, "won led her every
day by aswing to see her home alter
school was out."
wwrrV." i
The Carbon Advocate,
And Independent Family Newspaper,
Published every EATUItPAY, in
Iichlghlon, Carbon Co., Pa., by
iiAieitv v.
OlTicjt-llAtfltWAY, a short dlstauco above
tho Lehigh Valley II. It. Depot,
Terms: $1,00 per Aiiim in Advance.
EvntiY Di:ecnir,Tiox or Ttk and tasct
AT VHUY LOU' rnirjHS? F"
Suitable Uuwer for a widow A
People of settled convictions Pris
oners. Men whoso business drives them to
the wall lllllposter.s.
The Hindoo widow Is the only ouo
that ctemates II e other remains.
Sheiry Is the name of a inurh re
spected Lynn Shoemaker. Probably
the oilglnal Sherry cobbler.
"Tom," said n man to his friend,
the other day, "I think li Is highly
ihingeiuus to keep the bits of small
(tanks on hand liow-a days." "Tim,"
nnsweted the other, "I find it morcdlf.
flctilt than dangerous."
A rt'.al-estato dealer who died re
cently said Hint lie wn.safiaid Unit hu
hnd committed the unpardonable bin.
It ho could but remit those woids, so
many times re cited, "within fivn
minutes' walk ot thu denot."'ho mleht
die happj'.
Tho proprietor of n building silo
In Wisconsin advertises his land fur
sale in this wlstt: "'I lie town of l'liguls
and surrounding country Is the most
beautiful which iiatuie ever made.
Thn scenery Ncel"stlal;n!so two wagons
and a yoke of steers."
A mild criticism dues ono onnil.
"What was theserinon this morning?',
nsked a motlier.of hf-r child "Well,"
was the reply, "it wns about, let mo
see, it wns about twenty minutes. too
long; Hint's all I remember."
Jones, if burglars should get In
jour house, what would you do?" "IM
do whatever lliey requited of tne. I'vo
never had my own way in that housn
yet and it's lw late to beglu now yes
alasl too latt 1"
S.tld a Detroit lady to a small boy,
whom she found crying in the street the
other day, "Will you stop eiylng r
give yuu a pennj.'" "No," Mild he,
"but If you make it a nickle I'll stop It
II kills me."
A torn cat Is n moio Independent
animal than it man. When a man
euine.s hunie nt '2 or 3 o'clock In thu
I 1111111111114 lie sups 111 nsiiii"iy as
me, iiuiiiie. lom cat tltin't seem to cnie.
Somebody has discovered lhat when
pyer (ho w)eat is cut and hauled In.lhu
tramp i.'il;es his nppenriiticu on the
stubhlu and demands work or bread.
Tlio Doslon Tinnscript savs: "A
North End mat, calls li. baby Mac
beth, because it minders sleep." Tim
story is something; like that of; iho
Iri-litnau who called his rig Maud, be
cause she would como luto the garden.
"Ah, there are only a very few
ni' to of us great poets leltl" sighed the
Sweet Singer of Michigan ns she lead
tho announcement of tho death or Hay.
nrd T.ijlur. Aud then she lesumed
her poem on tho "Sail Death of John
ny Hopkins by falling off a Shed."
''Whiskey Is your greatest enemy,"
said a minister to Deacon Junes, "liut,"
said Jones, "don't the Uibin'sny, Mr.
Pteaeher, that we nro to love our ene
niics?' "Oil yes, Deacon Junes; hut
It don't say wo are tp swallow llit-m "
Calchitig .it n stiaw." Curato
(visiting u pour cabman down witli
bronchitis) ''Have jou been in the
habit uf going to church?" Poor Cabby
(faintly) 'Can't say I huv, sir: but
(eageily) I've druv a good many par
lies theie sir."
"is this a fall?" said a strnn, er,
stopping III flout of a place wlnre it
festival was iu progress, and nddiesslug
a citizen. "Well;" replied the eilizi-.i,
"they cull It fair, but they take eiut-
i". no proonuiy nail lutesleil
in a uciiei in an ojster soup lulleiy,
and hud drawn a blank,
A young lady, after passing tlio
Cambridge local examination, suddenly
broke off her engagement with her
sweetheaii. A fiieud expostulale-l
with her, but sho replied, "1 must
merely say that his views on the theo
sophlu diutrlne of cosuiouony aro luo-e,
aud you must at unco uudeistund how
impossible It Is fur any ttuo woman lu
risk her happiness witli such a per
son." A learned clergyman in the 6lattj
of Maine was accosted In "the following
maiinei by mi Illiterate preacher, who
despised education: "Sir, you have
ocen to college, I suppose?" "Ves,
sir," wasthu reply. "1 am thankful,"
rejoined tlio lortner, "that the Ltird has
opened my mouth to preach without
any learning." "A similar event."
leplled the clergyman, "tool; place In
Balaam's time, but such things niu uf
raie occurence In Iho present day,"
Arthur, a youngster or five, fres
coed his face nud hands with his mam
ma's paints tlie other day, nud when he
met Im lier soon after she asked: "Why,
what have you been dulng, my child, to
get jour hapd.s lu bitch a btate?"
"That's a secret," saU .tthur. "Vou
must tell inn how you got your hands su
suiled." "I can't tell you, mamma
Its n secret." "Arthur," said she
quite In earnest now, "If you don't
tell me I shall ceitalnly whip you "
Tlie boy hesitated n moment, as If
balancing his mind between two bonis
of a dilemma, nud then hu snid
plaintively, "You'll wlilp tnejlf X do."
And ho escaped a spanking.
"No," t)ie honest farmer remarked,
In tones or the deepest dejection, "tlio
big crops don't du us a bit of good.
Whal'd the use? Com only thirty
cents. Kverjbody and everything's
dead sut agin thu farmer. Only thir
ty cents tor corn. Why, by gum, It
won't pay our taxis, let nlone buy us
doilies. It won't buy us enough salt
to put up a barrel of pork. Corn only
thirty cuntsl Hy Jocks, Ifj a llvlu',
cold-blooded swindle uu the fnrmnr
that's what It Is. it nlu't worth rais
in coin for such a price as Hut. It's
n mean, luw robberj'." Ultluu the
nxt ten days that man had sold so
much more of his corn thau ho had
intended that he found he had to buy
corn to feed turongh the winter wth.
The price neatly knocked him duwn.
"What," hu yelled, "tlrrty cents for
coin! hand nllve thirty cents What
aru you givlu' us? Why, I don't wau't
to buy yuur farm, I t lily wau't somo
cornl Thlily cents for cornl Why, 1
ulld ulJt n gej ot Rrwpin' blood.
. .. . . : 4 . fiuou-
believe there's nobody lelt In this.
tuekln' old mlsrs, Why, good land,
yuu dou't wau't to be able to buy ft
national bank with one corn cropl
Thltty cents lor corn? Well, I'll let
my carrlaga burses ruu on corn stalks
all winter before I'll pay any such
an unheard of outrageous i ricn i..r
corn ns lhat.
Why, the country llood-
ed with corn, nnd thiity cents a budiel
Is a blamed lobbery, and I don't m- ,
how any man, looking at the crop we'vo
had, can have the Ijco to aik such u,