LWER FROM PIT KNOKWORSHD. VTvLaaocTTiLix, Jin. 7, 1879. Mr. Dhuker. Ich bin n gla bis'l iw'l ob, un won ich noch about do dicking fum a nmls fawdcm iw'lcr ob war, war ich pons ob. Un de gons iw'l obich katis waga wcid'r slmnst niks os dos ich gam liuulu mocha dad mit uns'rm fo tun so on'ra socha we sc cwa 'n bou'r hut, un de Ttoyal wil net. Wc do Royal's gam het kent m'r noch ho kutna woo do hawsa un dc fix non'r net gutnocht geva; se mant 's w'rs bosht wom'r 'n Lutare mocha dad im blots fun 'r fen du a 's dad wcid'r rum kuma imich d'r'lcit, un m'r kent aw ma geld rous mocha. "Wei dc Boyal hut rcchl so witc os 's geld mocha obalongt ow'r 's di d aw ma kushda. M'r mist mol about a hunerd-dous-and so bobcra druka lusa, ich was net grawd we m'r sc has't, ow'r 'b moch aw niks ous doo wns't anyhow was ich man ; un besides sel mist in'is aw noch in a huncrd ud'r so zeit in ;a doo, un scl dad kushda, un bis ous un ous war un olles ufe'rochalt het dc aons shud'l- mi tih ma g'kushd os de gons Lutnrc ward war. Now for des ding uf 'n fus zu bringa un zu r understanding zu kuma hab ich un dc Royal agreed dos m'r wulta 's zu d'r lusa, un wc doo sawka datsht so mists en. Now Mr. Druk'r huf ich dos doo net zurick uf mich gasht, now mind won doo doosht sul d'r gukuk dich net hola woo ich so glawb os r net aoot wue s is zu kolt r mii-t yo d'r shwons frfrcra cb'r holb waks do war for dich zu hola, un won amol 'n gukuk d'r shwons ferfrora hut don kon 'r nima flcga no is 's zim lich glci ferbci mit 'm. Du brouchst wcid'r niks zu sawka fun d'm wos ich d'r do g'shri- wa hob, un won doo sawkst os ich fendu mocha sut mit mime shtok, d'no w'rt shmak d'rnaw gonga providing doo doosht se advertisa in de Advocate uf condition ; od'r 'n shloa note ncma payable when suitable mit 'm Pit Dopich druf for bail. Dookcnshtd'rPitDop' ich ferlicht net, wcl scl mocht aw niks ous, doo bisht yusht so gut ob won doo 'n net kenshtos won doo'n kensht; r is ans fun dena lite won mant 'r dad Cola leit 'r shun, ow'r shunst is 'r ol rccht 'xcept wnn 'r mol cpes hut b'zawlt 'r Utmond. So wc sel bin ich net won ich geld hob b'zawl ich un won ich kens hob doo ich net. Wcl, wc kon ich Ow'r a consolation hob ich,un ties is de : Won ich geld hob bin ich lushdich, m won ich kens hob bin ich dorshdich,un icn nut c r seiu aw so un won 'r net so scid macht 'r turn inikuk sei wos 'r wut no sin m'r doch guta frcind. Pit Knokworshd FARMERS' COLUMN. Hints Tor the Work of the Month. From tho American AartcuUuriit for Jannary. Kkep a DiAnt on Daily Hecoiid. Till Is a useful nun" liiiiTestluir. work, anil the time Hprnt will lie well repaid, In It J valu? (or future reference. iNsnrtANCB. See that a sufficient In surance Is placed tm (lie farm buildings and contents. This Is duly every man owen to himself, Ills family, and to liU creditors It he Ims any. KKFr Odt TnR Cold The old fash ioned method uf banking up the house, Is not the bct one. It is butter to have double windows In tliu cellar, and tin: cellar wall properly pointed. If this has not been done, it may yet be. on a warm day. Takk Cabe of tiie Abiies. Many fires occur through careless disposal of aue.. The ash house should uo a', a safe distance from any other buildings. A sale way Is, to keep the nshes In an Iron cm or bolder, until cool, and then throw them Into the box or rece tacle lrovldd for them. Wood ashes are too valunble to waste, and coal nshes make an excelli nt absorbent In the earth,closet, aud are very good for mak ing hard foot paths. A Supply of Fuel sufficient for some week' use, should aUnysbe kept at hand under cover. Descriptions ot wood sheds and coal bins, lmve been frecjueutly given In the American Ai nculturist. The lUims should be kept clean and tidy. Thu lut of uieless rubbish so ftfit to gather 111 buildings, should be tlia posed of at least ouce a year. What ever Is useful should be atond and car ed for. Small Mattebs make up the sum ot our comfort, and constant attention to them will not only rave trouble, but will contliiii a habit ot looking alter more Important things. TnE Daily Work (.hould be done ac cording to system. This will lighten labor and save time; things will be done In order, and less bo forgotten. Tiie Cowj should be cleaned before mirnluu milking, then fed thu feed Drugs and Medicines ! The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store. If you want anything in the- Drug lino at bottom prices, go to the Old aud Roliablo Drug Store, in Dr. N. 13. Rcbcr's Block, near the Post Office, A. J. DURL1NG, Proprietor, IWIicrc you win find full nml complete slock ot Puro Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Porfumory, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, &c. Lamps, Lanterns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils. A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries. Trusses, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces. Puro Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal and Sacramental purposes. Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety. Personal attention given to tho compounding of Physi cians and Family Prescriptions. TCsTAiu.TsnnD 18G7.1 A. J. DURLING. The Best and Most Popnlar Pulmonic is Lehlehton NovpmD'TS. 1878. Where Shall I Buy My Holiday Presents? u 5 m nc sum: it is xovn wife. The Arkansas Democrat says i Last night two buggies stopped at tho Capital Hotel and two gentlemen jumped out almost siinultan cously and went into the hotel, leaving tw ladles in thoir respective buggies. Ono of the men came out in advance of the other and by the uncertain light thrown from the hotel was led aside from the actual fact in the little matter of getting in the right buggy, In a word, Mr. J., got In with Mrs. F., who were so totally unknown tocach other, so far as acquaintanceship ia concerned, as if one had died ten years ago in Africa and the other hadn't been born. As married men often do, Mr. J., drove some dlstanco before sjwaVing. Finally ha remarked " I've got a corn on my toe tho one you jiersist in putting your foot on, too that hurts about as bad us the common run of things generally do.' The lady was very much surprised, and rather haughtily replied i " You've been trying to pick a quarrel with me all day and now to make tho mat ter moreexasperoling.vouchungo your voice to an unnatural growl.1 ' It's you, madam, who have changed My voice is natural. I am not trying to as eume anything. You screech like an old gate." " You arc an old fool "Give my teeth hero; you shan't wear them another minute." " Teeth 1 teeth I What in the world do you mean T Dut just then driving through a flood light, I ha parties recognised that they didu1 recognisa. " Madam," said Mr. J., stopping tho horse and straightening himself up, " I hopo you will excuse me, but I would like to know how you coino in my buggy, and furthe more I'd like a llttla Intelligence a regard tho whereabouts of my wife. What hav you dono with her, madam I" Get " I dou't know what you moan, sir, o'lt of my buggy 1" " Your buggy Why, madam, you ore be (Ilia yourself." " Yej, and beside yourself, which fact I de ploro to such au extent that I will be (breed to call the police." " Police! police I" was shout! lustlly,and when Officer Dalley, came to th spot the woman insisted on the man i arrsst. The buggy was driven back to the Capital just in time to meet another buggy the oc cupants of which had a similar experience, Of weeping trees we lave the waeplng willow weeping birch, weepiug ash, wecj- lug beech, and weeping elm, one or all of ukltli are deserving a place lu the country park. Thcso trees are especially fl led for iba small (ardnn ur rwrk, aving been prepared. If possible, the previous ntternoon. This, with the care ot tnu norpes, ami a ngni leeu 10 tho small block, will occupy thu time before breakfast. After BiiEAKFAST the small Etrck clirmld ha tiirthtir IniiUfri tit. f,il mill watered. The same hours as nrnrly as possible, should be observed each day for these mutters. AUimais are exact Ins as regards time, and are uneasy under irregularity. After the small block are cared for, horses and cons should bo watered, anu the latter turu ed Into the yard. IN SToitMY W EATnErt tiie stock ore better under cover than exposed to the wintry blasts. It Is a mltake to sup pose ihnt exposure makes them liardj j on tho contrary they are weakened by it. FltOTECTION FOR STOCK si (lUld be! provided even lu the Southern States, where me winters are leiatlvely mini. Dry snow is not so chilling ns a culil ralu; damp winds, even some degrees uove the ireezlng point, often prove disastrous. A. shed open to Hie south, however rough, will answer as a suel ter. Woiik ron TnE team). Work should be found for the liorrca and cattle, They are all the better for exercise and by looking around, useful work may always be found, lr nutlilng bet ter offers, make a holiday, and lake the children, for a drive. Ewes. Sometimes a few lambs will come In January, lty goed care these may be made very profitable. A chil led lamb may be restored by a warm bath and a teaspoouful of hot ginger tea. The lamb eliould be thoroughly dried and wrapped around with a strip ot woolen cloth, 'the ewes should be well nursed with warm gruel for a few days. Provide viuriu lcus tor early lambing ewes. Pens and Yards. If a plentiful lit ter Is provided, the pens and yuids need not necessarily be cleaned out often; but enough litter bhould be used to keep a diy bed and to prevent much heat In the manure. If there Is any smell ap parent, a light dusting of ground plas ter will remove it. A BAiutEi, of Flaster should be kept In a handy place In every stable and manure cellar. Where this is used constantly, there will be freedom from the usual strong odor or (tables and fermenting manure, and a saving of valuable material which would other wise escape. A Cuimv Comd or Card and Dru-u freely used, will help to keep the cows. calves, and other cattle, as well as hor ses, lu good health aud comfort. If there Is doubt about this, a short trial will convince nny one that the practice Is a profitable one. Swine Pork Is lower than for many years past. There have been about I0,OUU,UUU pigs marketed within twelve mouths, that this vast number should have been disposed of at any pilcu is an extraordinary fact. It proves that the market u practically, unlimited. If the puce is low eiiougu. Hie aim must be to produco pork as cheaply as posMblc. lho way to do this, Is to keep only the nest, anu nave pigs Heavy enough for pork, without wlnterlug over. A pig of the beat bleeds may De made to weigh 1100 lbs. within a year. Only such pigs will pay at present, and poor biuck won . pay ai an. A clear Head aud good judgment uiu ueeuea lor success In business. , . M ... jum uuw farmers ueca to De more thouuhtful aud careful than ever before. If times are bad. It Is the ureater reason why we should be liberal in getting all passible helps to make them better. A good agricultural journal may be worth hundreds of dollars every year to any farmer, If he will only study It careful ly. Few jouruals are prepared with more thoughtful care than the American Agriculturist. Its editors and writers are chiefly practical cultivators, and know what other cultivators need, and share their troubles and their successes. At the beginning of a new year It will oe worm consmering ll the advice and Information received durlns the last twelve months Is ot worth many times the price paid for It. Some of us, who mix mucn wuu oilier farmers, are glad to know that our work is aunreclated and useful, and we wish to enlarge the sphere of our usefulness, by Inducing BTcty reauer or me American Acrlcul turlit to subicrlbe first himself, and ask his neighbors to beuefit themselves in me same way. m fBBf S3 Who has for sale genuine American Watches, Gold Vest . . -1 . TT , "TV 111 TTi " Uhains, lioli-piato vest; unains, i1 ire-gun yosd unains, Silk Guards, Thimbles, Bracelets, Breast Pins, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Ear Drops, Lockets, Plain and Stono Rings, Silverware, Clocks, and makes a specialty or Spectacles and Can suit any ono in this lino 7-1-yl Mr M. C. TUXXLKO. It. It. KtlKIDLEH. CENTRAL CARRIAGE 3 SLEIGH WORKS, It Invariably Cure Concha. Colds, Zloarsc- nc98, 8oro Throat. Asthma. Croup, and other Affcclloua ot tho Bred thing Organs. Tfa nnthlnff Influence nron tho iriitn'cd Hn Ingot thna-r pastures, Is dim to Ihoinct that Its liiffTPOienii rtb mo mnnituiHCiuua imiiuuii la simples known to mcdicil botany, the hasl nt thn nrtlr.ln DPlnH tho IIONKY flf lllft J(01tl IIOUMJ riAi r, cnemicftiirunuoo wun tne mrwtirtnM nrincinlenf thu A ItIKH IIAISAMISA or Halm ot 01 lead. There are beat den. live ether botanic elements wnicn giro auuiuouai ciucacy lAiha tiisif tin tu Ml twn. 'Itioe wuo iiavo uncn ic, sar inac uai-ivo nnMKV of HOHKItoUN I) AND TAH is not only wonderfully remedial tn U canes wheie ineoruan" ui reopiniiiun nro nntHiiiu, uui ii-m .Mnr it it nntlnn I iiiiuftnaltv ranld. A few doses firq'ienUv serTe-to relieve a very obsvlnate rouch. it contains nothtmrtent can dimrder the Btofuacn, a fact mat can ue niieouw.in tmtii nf hntinw Cnnirh remedleai It has nn ex tremoir ncreenDie navor, ami is ruuu ai h uKuru wiucn ennuiea inonu oi mo inosv iiumuu mii to avail ihcmelvcK ot its virtues. It 1 Bltnpte mndnestto trlflo with n Coujrh. Irritation ol th" Throat. Chet nml Luncs trav e rapidly and what Is a trffllnfc and ensilv conquorabie dilllculty In those oisraus to-day, mskv In a tow weoks tievelop Into linmchitls or Consumption, two disease which earn more victims to carty Rrovva, lhau any other lu tho lone list or bodltv dlnordcr. A Couch may be fitly termed the Preliminary St.iiro ot Ciiuflumntton. a milndv nf whlPli HALE'S I10NKY OF IIORISIIOUND AfiJ) TAUIsthe Mtrost tnonn xreventive. Those thotelore, who would arrent the progrepa o! the destroyer, should delay uot a moment tolalct a criiTAiv Siiectfie. CJ1ILDUKN, dei ire eroat benefit from Its soothing properties, when sufterluir with the paroxysms of Croup and Whooping Conqh. The llrat named dls-M-e is eD:laiIy destructive amonff rounar children aud this reliable remedy should be icept on hand tn all household. Uuy the larce I'aoKnpps and Koonomlze. I'lUUKS. (0 cts.. and 1, l'EU UOTT1-K Sold by all DrntrsUu. C N. Crlttcnton Prop'r, NO SEVKN SIXTH AVENUE, N.V. OppOiltn T. D. Clnuss', Bank St., Lcliiglitoit, Fn., Is prepared to mannfarluro any dcscrlp tion Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagons, 8zc. Repairing I'romptljr Attended to. tVAIl work done at tills establishment Is enarsutoed to bo of tiie Tory best mstcrlal and worXmnnttilp. and the price fullr as low as the amo artlclea can to purchased lsowhei-e. Special lnilncemcnts offered strictly cash customers. M. C. TREXLEU & CO. For Pale br A, J. Lslilehton, Pa. DUHLINO, Dunk street, Have you a "Raoihq Tootii" Reader? IP YOU HAVE, BUY Pike's Toothache Drops and Care theajrocy In Okr MiNUTR. This yon can doforTVKNTY.FIVK CENTS. The ar ticle w 11 do tho bunne'i up brown, depend upon It; morovor It contains uo ln;iodlent which can lujuro your Teeth. riUCE CE.NT3. Sold by all DrncRlsts., C. N. Crittcnton, Prop'r, July 31, 1677. N. Y. P. S. Go's Column. RTJSSIAJS GUT VIOLIN BIKINGS, 1 vita, the IimnI iMirt I it tb WurbL j jicwirooi Tiri wimsj aiuatq in lift mruih tX lultnlsMkfttbi totno ttiM. H...I.. u.. TftABl MASK". kUn Cmt BIH rvatilr no blnrliln. luttbeni. JiTtrjf Imx bi Trde-mrk of tl ulAtntnortrt For Pale br A. J. DUllLlNd. ltui km.. tun, fa. .Nto. jra. WITH h HISTORY" New effects from new Ingredients: nnewrompdy that prrforins wonders. ICNAfftS'l'lilloAl CI It U.tmlck relief and radical remedy for Ili,nrr0f. bore Ihr.at, uoia.. iieanas;, ur oire, iiuiasr. inpninr. rla. Urnarhlth, ami ' Mlnl.l.r'S Sam Thioal." Great relief and comfort for Con'umptlree. 6end nostal eard for tho 'HUtorr." Impor tant ncwa for Vncalla'a, Speakers a d Teachers. Jiunttit'B Thro'tt Cum Is sold by druggists. Address K. A. Olds, 100 Kullon St., N. Y. City. l-Vir Hll It IV A. J. lllTtll.TVfl llnnlr ut, r - luKuimi. ra. jioy S.0m BANK STET3ET, Lehighton, Pa., MILLERS and Dcnlcis tn All Kind, of CWAIN BOUOTITand BOLD at ItEOULAU MA11KET 11ATEU. Wo would, also, lesoectfullv Inform ourelti Ernn Hint wo nre now fully prepared to bUP l'LY tncin with Hst of Ooal From any Mlno desired at VCI1Y LOWEST PUICES. ZT. HEILMAN & CO. Jnlr 25. PORT E E E, : GRAPE WINE THEi, LAW Tho deficcment of "n.itnral scenery by aim pilntcr olhcrwlso lulj ba .pot would show an nUrort Uomrnl Instantly, Hut a bet ter effect can now be 5ot In an cn!er way. tub tho bald pate with PACKER'S All-Heato TSfi SOAP and thick new liftlr will anon cover It. Thus wo se euro many a walking witness that TACKEn'a Tar Soap Is a modern wonder, rhyslclar.8 everywhero recommend It for Ilildncss, Daudrnll, Hraln and kin Diseases, Headache Ernplloi or lliliurcn, such as Scad Head, Kczcirm, Acno. ChaQnir, Hash, etc. Cures ShII It' eum, KniKWorin, Tetter tihlngles, rilea. I'lmntes. Itouirline'.. ltcdticsa. 1 haD.. and nil slmllir diseases. Alt physic an. prescribe It for Washing Infant', and for tho Toilet oivl Itnth. The only '1 or Snap mado from I'uro Ve 'ctab o Oi'a and Ilellned Oltcerlne. I'ure, clean.lnR, sonthinR and lieallnc. I'ArKKu's T.n Sop U needed liy every body as n B.mltary luxury. Atk for TAtKEK'S.' For Sale by' KorSalobyA. J.;DUnLINO, Bank ft.. Lehigh, ton, ra- Tsov. 9. in wffAT to no wiTTfrr. AVc will Pay tho i'ostngc AND 8I1 OV The Carbon. Advocate ONE YEAR TOR ONE DO LlMlR! Or, Six Months For 50 ceiiis I ( WHICH 18. . Less than 2 cents per "Week FOn A LAtlllR 32 COLUMN TArER!!! S GLBITN'S used, In hundreds or conerrtratlona ror cnurch or enmtnunton purposes. ii::llei;i foe laeifc add weail? vzzzkz lbu the a3ed. iv: UNIVERSAL REMEDIES. COUGH REMEDY, a sure CUKE tor C'OUOHS, chronio or common. Soro Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all pul monary complaints. Tlio best aud cheapest inedlcfuo of Im Uud. Frice S3 and M) cts. Valentine Schwartz Respectfully announces to tho people of Lehighton and its vicinity, that he" has iist enlarged uis iuanuiactory uy mv addition of another story, and that ho is now prepared to furnish them with every description of Manufactured from tho best Seasoned Material, at Prices fully as low as tho same articles can bo bought for else where. Hero aro a few of tho inducements ottered : Parlor Sots at from 550 to 60.00 Walnut Marble-ton Dressing Caso Bedroom Suites, 3 Pieces. 5v to jjoo.uu Painted Bedroom Suites, &18 to -4U.uu Cano Seated Chairs, per set of Six $0.00 Common Chairs, per set of Six 4.00 and all other goods equally cheap. Tn this connection. I desiro to call tho attention of tho citizens to myamplo facilities in tho BUSINESS, with a now and handsomo Hearse, and a full lino of Caskets aud Coffins, I am prepared to attend nrnmntlv to all orders in this lino, at lowest prices. Patronage respectfully solicited and tho most ample sat- israction guaranteed. i. njuA"i Oct. 12. 13 A JNK Street, IjliiillijiiiuiN, x-ii. TOLU ANODYNE, the oreat NEUHALUIC ltKJIEUV, cures Nervous, Chronio and violent Sick Headaches. Sciatica, Nervous Debility, Hysteria, Delirium Tremens. CO eta. per bottle. Flowku Gahden AND I.AWN.-Be yuuu curiae lor tne walks, anil pre venting Injuring by heavy tnows, but little can lie done litre except la plan, nlng for next season.... Evergreens es peclally are liable to Injury; If .lamp mow icdgea in tbe lop and freezes there, there Is danger that the. branches may be broken or twisted out ot shape, causing deformity; It should be shaken out when It lint falls Accumulations of snow should be removed from lho lower innu. i r (ear or similar nclilmti. SULPHUR SOAP, The Leading External Sped Go for DISEASES Ol" THE SKIN and Beaulifier of tho Complexion. It renders tho Cullclo Health fully Clear ard Smooth, aud Is the Ziest Pos sible Substitute for Expensive Sulphur 2?.tths. 85 im 512 The most useful present for "youR wrra, IntfnJeil wife, mother, or st.ier, tsoneof our Nlckle I'lated auil rollshed Flutina ol Cllmp. Ins Irons i Iron on ono bundle and at greatly lletiueed Trices Klos Uetertable Flutlna; Iron, (I ts. flomo FIuuuk and Crluialux Irou, 12 7i. Sent prepaid vu receipt ot price. Hewitt Mfc. Co. rittshurgh, Fa. I, O. lloi SIS. or 16S 1'ean Avenae. An Aent Wanted In this County. Nov. I.1w. HCsf ttslhlTZ" S3 newest and mot popular jam. aongs. wun wr.liUK 01 in. tiuottonandttuu.ciumt- alan.a list ot all tho batilea, when and where fnurht, donus tba ",r, tor le e-t stamp. Addre.s,Dk.a.MOND& a l:f t.,i')u ae.rli'lna n DON'T BUY "Wrftppitig Papar, Printing Paper, on- PAPER II AGS, Until yon bare aeot for quotation, stating; 1st, we'ulil, qua Uy anJ quautity required, to GARRETT & BUCHANAN, General Taper Deal era & Manufacturers, 12 nnd 14 Decatur Street, PHILADELPHIA Iti Tncooipnruli'o Tiemedv for Uruisrs. Ul ceus, cuts and every Irritable or Diilieaitiiv conuitlon or ine nkin. ana la roost noiviceubla remedial aeiit and unnice nf Hueetlr relletln case of UOUT and IUieumatism. IttnainnntdeairaUle I18INI'ECTANT OF LOTI1INO OH IU-; I) LIN KN. nnm it mi men brnprsoiH mtter'na fnm ouxoxious or cox. taoious DIRKABCH. uinl la a Cppitai Itt'iiii Oy and iTeveinauvu u lucui, wuru uat-u un un imrc Hon l'eiaons euinloylnfr It have no need In tane Sulphur IlalfiB, or lu resurt to Sulphur i? ill-men for bfltlime purpose. An an aiMuuctof tne TOILKT It Infarmorn deUAlle Inan anr Cot me lo piece It ron not, HKeatticlert of itmt nature, conceal Ciioplex- TAN.KItfc.CKLKH.pl M1LE. IJLOTCIII28. aed the lUe, nwedilv pelatoiis clarifying In. lluence: ami It In the very beit Uoap to Mitre witn.ueciiuBo n leaves uiu bkiii aniouin anu ireo from I he Irritation produced on itcuiitivo cu I Ida. by ihe application of the iaz'r. It also completely eradicate iiANDUUFP. until n it OOLK1S LIN FN. LiAUK. and uther fabric, and ladie moving In the beet tircle of inetroDomau una turai society Dealt ot it in me nieuetii leriun. MT. PROSPECT VINEYARDS, N. J. Speer's Port Or ape Wine FOUIi VIOAItS ULD. TliU lustlv Celehrntod Nntlve Wine 1a mndfi from the Juice of the Oporto Grape, laised m ui is country, lis invauiao:e Tonic nml StrcngtlicuingPropcrtics are unfliirpusard Dy any other unlive Wine. UeiiiK the pine juice of lho jrrapn. product d under Mr. i-pecrH own personal fuiteiMMon, Its putity uud jrrmmieue8 are Rummiteett. The younccbt child may paitako of lis Keuer ou aniiltie. and tho weakest Invn'iU ure H to advantage. It is puitlcnhirlv beneflclnl to the Diced aud (feuiutntea, una suited to the various tmniento thnt ifniet tbe wenkersex. Ii U, In every reppect, A WI24IS lO lie: UKMliDON. XtTiUls Vn Cpcor'i Tert Crips Wine. Teailci U:s Ctcer'i Po.t Grape Wise. TTeally rersecs Fid a Ecccflt ty Ztt U:s, R peer's Wlues lu Hospitals aro picferrod to other Wines. Hold by Drutrdts cenerallv, who lso sell Sl'lIKlVrt I'KIJIU) J. intANUV. J'KDRO J. RliEHUY. nnd STAND HI) WINK BIT ThlllS. Trade supnlltd by all W Imlt-fcrilo Dent ers. boo thnt the elfruatuie of Altred tper. rawsalc, N. J., Is over thecoik of encli bottle, A HP12 KJt'S Mount lro-pect Vineyards, New Jeroy. Olllto, No. 34 Warren tsticct. New Yoi If. For nale by A, J. DUltLI.NU, LEHIGHTON. PA. ECLECTIC PILLS, THEGREAT Mercurial Bubslltute and Family Physic. Are composeJ exclusively of vegetable Ingredients tvperttde the vse of Mtrcury act directly on tiie Liter, and aro a most valuable remedy in all cases ot derangement of that organ. Invnluablo In tho cure of Constipation, Indigestion, and all UIIIous Disorders. l'rlco5ct9. All aro warranted to cureor the money refunded. IIUNNEWELL SIF'O. CO, Boston. rurS.ilolij u. j. UUitLInu, Hunk -i ne.. I.e hlghtou, l'a. Nov. u cm. ADDltlMS, Carbon Advocate, Li'Iilglilon,' Fa, 9UOW THIS TO YOUR NEIGHBOR Advertise ! !RkC 33 TtL ! Why do you carry tint rusty-looking TravrlltnQ n,i i;. when ycu can muko it look Just as well as a new ono with BROWN'S PBBHOH DEES3IN&, on BROWN'S SATIN POLISH? And n'let the children'" booti look sornstyana shabby, when an etegunt pntth ran be glren them by cither of tbcuo Dressings, whb h yon can get at any Shoo store. It v.lll not soli tbe skirts when v et. In conscqucnco of their great popularity. Ihcro arc Bovcrnl Itnltailons. To keep peace in the family, givo your husband a box of BROWN'S ARMY & NAVY BLACKING, that he may be on an equal footing. Awarded the Uighrst jtmnlum and onXtl modal at the Paris Imposition, 1873. For hale by A J. DUltLIKO, Bank St . Lehigh, ton l'a. Kuv. O-rjiu. NEW PIANOS $125 Fach, and all utTlen. including onAND. iiQli AKK AND Ul'KIOHT.all Ptnctlr FiltST Ui.AH.s, sold ai the lowest net Cfinh whoiea:a laoioir P'lce5k OUcct to ihe l'Uncil AS Kit. These" Piano made one nf the Quest diaplar at tho CenlemiiJil Exhibition, and weie unam tnously recommended for the Hiouebt Iloxoua ovei I2,0C0W uho. Heini'aily Incorporated Maiiufactunux Co. Factoiy e-tablsbod orcr t)6 years lh Square Qraud comaln Math unhek's new pateut Duplex Orsratrunff Scale, tho Rreatest Improvement la tbe htntorr of l'lano making. The Uptlxhuare ihe FlfJKr IK AMKKIuA. Pin 008 aent on tilal. Don't tall to wnto for Illuatrnted and DescripUv Cutaloctie ot 48 paea nif Ilea free. ItHCNDKISSOIlN PIANO CO. Ml Ka.t lOlli Btrceti N T 1 ear. JUT OltlTE I'UBLICATIOXS. ENOCH MORGAN'S SOUS' Tesiliiiouijiispourln from all quartern of ihe 'nton unon Itti ProniiPtjr. manv of wtiirh liain been pubtUhd lu the form or a neat pamphlet. Wo wiMi to Pay that one of oar oldest and moat experienced phyalcutis, niter frlviwr Dr. Soth Arnold's Cough Elilicr A TIIOUOUQII 1UXAL, PRONOUNCES IT FAU SUPERIOR TO ANT Couch Hemedy he ever naw. The doctor hod boon afflicted with a novel o co d which wculJ not yled to any prescrip'iou lio cou d coin pound, but with one hurtle ot Ihe Cough Kdlcr he whs so much relieved that he came Luck uud nought feeveu hotttot more. It any oue Vlshe to kuow who the doctor is we will lulorui them by calling at our atoro. OltOSMAN & rLUMJuEH, OH v If ull DrutrtStnro Corner Second street and Nicohct Avenue, MlNNtAl'OLIS, MINN AltNOLD'S CHUG II KILLliU Is sold by all Drugirlaia everywhere. For Knle by A. J. D'JIUINO, LchlRhtou. Pa Kor. 16, l78-m0 nroctiratile of DrUaTcit and Fanovdonda Ural. era, Ihe onutunla uelnp cpeu tn puhlio lnnoco tmn at hia Medicinal Waiieu-ubk. No. 7 mjctii A yen uk New Yohk. The artic o U moreover lnaoraed bv the aiedlcul fraternity. LsIKJl MU1I UlllbU XAMUUH KEHElllKn, OLKNa HULPIIUIt WiAl haa b eniuiitat- ed. HoJpa without the traullest fraction of re. menial emcacv nave i.eeuanuare lomtea upon thenniuipectlngrand uuoOaervaut, i a genuine Bulphor hoona. poaae-alur pro pert! e ldepilcal witn or equal to the Gretit K pec! tic. which tbch vendors ieet( to rival br underhuud cimpctl tio'u The public should ih refore be careful to Inquire or tll.KNN'S sulphur ioap br Ita lull name, and see that they get the real article. All reifCtable Druveuts. Farcr Good Deal. ersand Uiocert keep ULKNN'H HULP11UH HOA1', aud will od demand for It, supply tbe Prices, ;35 cts. per Calce 1 Box, (3 cakei) aent by mulli preplil for 70c. 0. N. CRITTENTON, rnornicTon. No. 7 Sixth Ave,,N. Y. For "ale br A. J. DUHLINQ. Bank Street, Leutshton, ra. BLACKS and BROWNS AS NATURAL AS NlTURC'S 8 ELF, recommnleated to Oiar and Flame colored Iocas, almutii lustautaueousiy uy Hill's Hair and Whisker Dyo aprenaiatlon absolutelr free from hurtful In. crnlit-DH anu Innu telr superior, by rra.un ot the 2 cts TitHlurrd. to auy article of lta c'asa. IhamalxrA Cl1 iYKJt AM, HAI-tlNEAS BTU Ore lenttid, aud the vciy lialrabf atre o quire the true yoatmui nut iruiu tuia iuaicu:tMH u) e. BOLD BY ALL) DRUGGISTS. C. N. Crittcnton Prop'r. SIXTIt AVE-, N. V. SMOKE TP - A - BB FOR CATARRH. Iu (he liCIHIG Chemical Co's. JDNIPBBT.AB CIGARETTES plea pant and certaiu Cure tor that horrible dw caecataira. - . Catarrh nhould never be trlfl?d with or let run. C'-tarrh la i he lorerunner of Ccusutuptlon CONSUMPTION meaua Death. A. THEOBT. ThA Jnnlner Tnr Cicarette act unon a new and eensiblu tboory and ctfect a cure In every CJse. l oey are a xnoi huccwtiiui inuinr iur ariu ma PhthiitlM. Ooldla the IleniL lloarrf ncaa horelhroat, Coiuiuou Cold and all tiiseascaot the air passage of t tie Head nnd Lsunucs. The mot cucceaeful leuiedy in the world BoailDy uroff&iai ai ceuis. rrepnreu nim by the Lelblg Chemical Co. 2 Ban lay St., New YOUNG SHOOTS 0E WILLOW CarefallT redoced to Charcoal, thorougMr purlUed and maua into uortiige terra. DU. MUllHAVaCIIA COAL TABLETS A rational reu cdr endowed Ur 1'br.lclin. rr Dispeoaia. lleattburn ludigefctlun, Honrtom aib I'oui llre.tu. llrituluir, Uaiulo DiuurU aueea aud all deraonemtnu ot Blomuli aud Bowels. Tbene Tanleta purify too blood and render tbe Complexion I'uro and Dtiillaut. Ttte beat Deutlllce over made. Inva'nsble to vinokrraauil lieatr 'Uiuer"Ut." boldbr liur. iU for 26cents per Lor. Try them ud have a quiet slomacn uua a puie ureain. A Cakt of ?ollo, a bowl of w.t.r and a hruili, cloth T II01SK CLEiSUU r tllkj.l IT ILL CLk'lS 1'iIXT t.d II p.l.l.i inrfiMt WILL CLIAX StiaDLE, X.atrU, T.ll.t t.J SUIuarp Tf ILL tLIlS OIL CLOTHS, Floor., Skrlm, mu. nmx Bun Trns, w..h.nuioi, . WILL CLEIS CROCKtnT, Cl.liw.r., MILL CLUt KITf IIIX ITUtlU.tall ll.d- TflLL ILKIS TTl.XDOTSwl:k..Uplt,lil.f .fwilw Tf ILL l'OLIStl TIX, TtriM.Bd Copporw" TflLLrOLISlI kMTrS.jownklh.i mLLrOLISlt .tiarUlSurraf...4 HILL ttkiX .11 ll..ik.ld IrtltWi Ui U BLTTCR JISU CIIEAI'LR tk B..p, Ierj, RotU. Sl. Prlco lOc. Per Cako. .r a, hv A. J lllglllon. DUULINU, iianlc i-lici't, Lo Tov. OCm SAVE THE NATION! For ft aadly too trtio that thousands ot Cllll.tmnr. nre t K V Cs It , tli overj-ycarbj-Improjicr or insulKcleut I'OOll. Remember, mm wmrnmm Is nil nnd a great deal more then wo have claim eilforlt. Itlsslmply n MtJtli,t -Cjrtt-s Kills nnd oailly usslmllated WIOD, Grateful to tho most ilclicato nnd lrritablu f toi.mcli, and especially adapted for tlio I rvt'i, and (it IMl JEI(L,I, INVALIDS, MURSIK& MOTHERS, and thoso suftcrlnt" from Jndlgalion Mill Hud on trial that Makes a ilrlirlmts itW, ranlVt rsnl with rr wlthrt-it milk, nink'-a fiitunli, piiddijurn, Ac, lifql 'v nimi- t 1 v ilia l.k. Drill it in 'tin n ull) lit ! I It1) a lr tici'J. It glvtalitlillli niidnr-'ti;,-!'" Iiuni. ' ror Bale by X. J. DU It LI NO, ton, Bank bt., TM3b. tov, 94m. VRANK LESLIE'S CIHMNJ2Y CORN Kit. una ce.iuuiui perionicaititie dcb( AmrneQ latnilv Journal, aiory paper, nnd home friend, haa been the t-ueceatlul nvultil all thu weekly Journal tor the past thirteen years. It rained n place In tho iiiinds and hearts of our peoplo, an) now the name of it patrons la Legion. This yeai tho CUlatNKY ( OU.VKU aieuis lo be better than ever. Ita serial ktoiii's are of the most tiiEoibln? and lively character, of sreat newer tine tn lire and lull of merit, taking; a wide raiigii nt subjecta to pleaar every member of a houeho d tne domestic story for the moiLer. the cl.nriuiuir love tale for thefisnBh. tera the more dramnttc tor the ounir men, the solid uovel lor tho older readers and then we hove atnrliifT adventure furthe boys and fairy tales tor Ihe chi'uren. Htittbrrton, Howard. Itoblnson. De rorekt. lleneaici. H Annie f lost. Annie Thomas, Etta V. rtcn e, and other eminent writer, are Its regular cnnlnlmiors. The subjects treated of are vet v varied The Illu tratmus ai e proluie, and thoy are oil beautiful, hhort stones ex tremeiy mi ei eetlnir are oompletcd In each num. her. whi e b'ojfropnies, adveiituies, esavs. fuu, trave a. natural history. icRendi. anecdotes, science, etc., make this publication oueol the most erterlanitnc lu exUtence, Kifjul-ite a'eel cuirtaviiiirs aro frequently given ownr tn iv subscribers. Ihe Chimney Cokxrb. sixteen papes. with eight puirea t f ilia- tratlona. printed on fine pa per. Is published every Monday price only 10 cents, animal subticr.pt lous, 14, poni-pald, Ad dress 3our order to l- rank Leslie's I'uulnblDf Ilnnne, 537 l'earl street New lort, l'KANK LKSLIK'B LADM JOUDNAl It pflffot, Issued weekly, exntaina exeellent fdcturca and full descriptions of the verj Intent st lea of laoie' and children's wear i use lul Inloimatioti on family top rst select storlevi bea.it.lul IdU'tratious of home and foreign sue. Jert-( ioetyi fashionable lutelllencej per sonal ehit cbait nmumnp cartoons m ihefoltes and Koiben ot the day r 8pukaof Mirth. Ac. KIUNK LEftUB'B LadvM JouiuialU the most beautiful ol all the lauie papem. it should u found on ihetabieof every lady in the land. li ice 10 ceo is per copy; annual subscription. 14, pOrtUUtft. Fit AN K LKSLIK'B TOPULAlt MONTH. IiY has made rapid strides aa the rival ot many aspiranta to panic favor, lis contributors are omecf the best Irvine writers. Jvverr depart mut of literature la repicsented in IUco:nmns Thn rmmintof instruction. nlertslumeut and amuement afforded by the articles, esavs eUnlea and (teneral mlacelNny contained tn the 128 quarto rwptsaof each number uf Unspubll. cfid.-ii ha beeu well opprcclated. Kter? copy of tho l'opular Montuiy is embellished with over l(u beautilul lllutdrallon. Deinr the cheapest perlotUcal of the kind In existence and ot the raruo time one of the rao-t sereei and uuiverssliy welcome. It must continue to In. crease in pub'lo f ivor, and rank with the pub. hshei'a hUSDAY M aoaiine Jio huhest amona: all iur Amenran monthlie. it Is published on the 15th of each month. 1'rlre. ?5 cents a num. heri fUtiicripiion,f3. poat paid, per year. Ad dress your orders to .Frank Leslie, 17 Pearl street. New York. FHaNK LKSLIK'H srKDAY MAHAZINR Is a I eauttlul work It will Inleret educatcxl and cultivated mlnda as well aa I ho mo t ordl. nary reader. It is tbe only l-undav magatiue pub lhed lu this country. Kveiy number has r:8 pares tilled with tne most select and fasci. natiup literature, ranvtrv from theieimrn br the editor (Dr. C h Deems pastor ot the ChJrch of the Btrangers) to at l mn ft tales, rei eial tonics and essays, poetry, music, lun scl. ence, hlatoi y, etc . In (treat variety. Kaehcopr ot this mnrasine has joo exquisite enaravlnira of Ihe moht interesilns; character. H has reachrd a circulation and prosperity such aa make It one of the marvels ol periodical liter, lure. It is Indeed a beautiful work, liuv It and aee lor yonr'elrea. Htncle cople are onlr 25 cents, and annual subscription iir.ee only lt postpaid. Address orders lo FItANKLKHLIK'B PUDLISiriVO IIUU1K fcbSily II. W A 67 rark place. New York. Kor Ralo by A. J. jAhigfcton-, l'a. DITRLINU, Hank tttreet Aug. M, I. A REAL SEA BATH AT HOME. A Fea Water bata la tlio best bath In the world. It prevent, all Villus or dlruase and i care, nianv. Everybody can now enjoir tin healthful miurv t onntr.' or town by adding to ordiunry water UiTuavs t-Ei B.LT Jlio.e whoonco UMlt beouuie stiatlr patrons. Only as cents iierlarire box at tour Uiucci.u. Jun. Ipcr T.r I'lraiettt Murray', t'ha.coal Tab els i.ud Uituian's Sia naU are sold by obtained for Inventors in the United States, Canada and Enrol?, al reduced rates. With our rinciiul ullico locateil in Wa(,liin,jtoii, directly oi)osita the United 6tatcs l'atent Office, wo are nble lo attend to ull patent business with greater promptness and dos jjpatch andatlcs cost than oilier atent at torneys who aro at a dittauce from Wash ington, and who have, Iherefure, la employ " associate attorneys," We make preliminary examinations anil furnish opinions as to uitontaMity, freo of cliarge, aud all who aro interested in new inventions and patents aro invited to send fur a copy of our "Ouide for obtaining 1'atcnls," which is Bent freo to any address, anil contains complete instructions how to obtain patents and other valuablo matter. We refer to tho Germaii-Ainerlmn National Hank,WasliInglon,D.C.j the Jtoynl Buodiili, Korwogian uud DauLh Legations, ut Wasliington; Hon. Jos. Casey, late Chief Justice U. 6. Court of Claims; to tlio Officials of tlia U. 8. l'atent Office, and to Senators and Members of Congress from every State. Address LOUIS BAUCiKU Jt CO., Sidiei tors of l'a tents and Attorneys at Law, LeDroi t Building, Wasuinutos, D.C. dec22 , Is not easily earned in theao tlnira but it can be nui.le iu three months bv any one ot either sex.ln auy part uf tli. eiiuDtrr. Hhu 1. wlltma' lo wort stead lr t ihe emplnvmeiit that we turn. tab. hid a weeklu vour own town. Yu need not be away iruui home over utRbt. You can iil ve jour wlio.o lime lullis noik or oulr tout spare uiomculfl. It iots nolblnff to try the buiur. 'rermi tnrt (5 outut free. AddreM at ouce. IX. HAL!. "'1 T & CO.. lebl ! l'crtlaud Mtlne. $777! E. R 0. KUIU.KA III- O OIL. (! forty derrees blgber flro test than the law reo,utre), can bo burned In any LAMP where the rhlmney burner la used: la W Alt It ANTED NOT TO EXTLODE, under forfeiture of IIU). ty tacCLUSI VE COUNTY ItlOHTH forsa'e by P.J. FirZQEllALD. Hole 1'roD. A M.norr, 103 ft 105 N. Fourth it, Fblla'd'a. Also, W1I0I.E8ALK ORALEB IN UP. AD I.IOIIT. COAL OILand BUHNZNO FLUID. H, B. A larje assoitment of ISUil nt CHANDELIKIiS, BltACKETS. BU0N2R LAMrs, DUItMEIts, &c, Ac, Constantly on band. Bept. a mo. E. F. LUCKENBACH, . Two Doors Below the "Broadway Uouaa MAUCII CnUNK, PA. Dealer in all Patterns ot Plain and Fancy Wall !Papc9 Window Shades, Paiuts & Painters' Supplies, LOWLST CASn NdCES.