The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 28, 1878, Image 3

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Society Meetings.
Kt IttTO CASTLE, No. 7, A. O. K. OF TUB it, 0
?ndand 4tu Monday of each month In lie
ler'H Hall, Lchighton, et 730 o'clock r. !
John oogias, s. K. o. i sum. n. uilnaiu.
. K. H. ri.
BiUbict lumen t.opnit, Tlo.tMl, 1.0. O. P..
meets every Tuesday evening, at o clock,
In Jlener's nail. II. Kostenbadcr,..U.i N.
D. Ileber, Secretary.
on Frldsr evenings. In llober HMI. t 7:J)
o'cloct . W.II. Iltchman, CO I L. A. Miller,
K. or It. and B.
-gl It. S1EWKB8,
Office, Klots's Dunning TJtodaway.
Battling Estates. Flllo Accounts and Orphans
Court rraoucen specialty.
Trial of Cause carclullvnttendcdto. Lcga
transactions In English and Oerman. jau .
Local lind Personal.
to sunscnuiEs
Buljscrlbcrs to Iho Carbon Advocate will
taVo special notice that our terms tire one
dollar a year strictly In advance, If not so
paid $1.25 will bo charged in every instance.
Subscribers getting their papers by mall will
refer to tho direction tabs on their papers
and note tho dale, and remit accordingly.
Gold 100.
Lehigh Valley Railroad 31.
Lehigh Coal A- Navigation 141.
The Morris canal closed last Monday.
West's liver pills euro sick headache
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad 121
Chew Jackson's Beat Swoct Navy To-
bacco. -50
Robert Roberta was killed Monday at
Tittston by a prematura coal blast
OYSTERS, fresh every day, at A. K.
Miller's, at bottom prices.
Head Tilghman Arncr's new advertise
ment in another column.
You can get fresh fish every day at A,
K. Miller's saloon, at lowest cash prices.
Tho first sleigh of tho season appeared
on our streets last Saturday, 21st inst
If you want a fashionable hator capall
t T. TV f!lnuss and buv ono for a sin:
amount of money.
Ouryoung friend Harry E. Sweeny spent
liis Christmas with his parents in this bor
ough. C. W. Bower, a student at the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania, is homo spending tho
holidays witn his parents.
Our carriers will wait upon our patrons
in Lchighton, "Weissport, Ac., on New Year's
morning with their ueual greeting.
You can buy the cheapest and best
-clothine and undcrware, at the storo of
F. Schmidt, Weissport.
Tho water was drawn out of tho Lehigh
Canal, for the winter, on Saturday. Tho
boatman's occupation is gone for this sea
son. David Mahoney was killed at Siegers-
yille, near Allcntown, on Tuesday morning,
by a car running off tho track and striking
him on tho bead.
Overcoats, latest sly les and best material
for a small amount of ready cash, at II. II.
Jeters', Tost office building, Leliighton
At Caxlon, Luzerne County, on Sun
day, Mrs. Sarah Thlncy slipped while draw
ing water from a well, an fell into tho well
and was drowned.
rctcr S. Myers was found frozen to death
on tho nyer bank, opposite while Haven
Monday morning. Ho leaves a wifo and
several children.
Another new and elegant stock of fall
and winter cloths and suitings at II. H
Teters, Tost office building. Good fits, low
prices and satisfaction guaranteed always,
Blankets and Buffalo
Robes very cheap for cash, at
Gabel s Hardware store, Lc
Thcro is a borough ordinance requiring
the cleansing of ravomcnts after a snow
storm. Why Is It not enforced? Whi
knows T
--If you want shirts', neck wear, or nuy
ther article in gent's furnishing goods, call
en T. D. Clauss, and he will supply you at
extraordinary low prices.
No. i furnace of' tho Crane Iron Com
pany, blown out several weeks ago in order
to have it undergo somo necessary repair
ing, baa been lighted up again.
Mr. Joseph Wharton lias resigned as
member of the board of directors of tho Lo
high Valley railroad, and James I. Blakcs
lee, ofMauch Chunk, has been elected i
his stead.
Every description of plain and fancy
Job Trinting at " knock down" prices at tho
office of the Carbox Advocate. Send along
your orders.
Before purchasing your Christmas pres
ents, call on E. F. Luckcnboch, near the
Broadway House, Mauch Chunk, and ex
amine bis elegant assortment of latest nov
The cpitooty, an epidemic that prevail-
w uiuuug iuu norsea several years ago, iia
again made its appearance in the neighbor
hood of Brcinigville.
Ono day last week Mr. David Kuntz, o!
WaInutport,an employee in Kuntz 4 Jacobs'
slate quarry, near said place, broko his leg
while wrestling witu Mr. Lewis Kern.
For beots, shoes ar rubbers, of the finest
. T 1 1 - m t 1 . ... : 1 1 r. .. z
an immense stock to select from, at lower
.1 I . r m 1
priC tiiau ercr uciuro uuuivu,
All medicines warranted fresh, genuine
and unadulterated at the People's Drug and
Family Medicine store. A. J. Purling,
The stockholders of the Wilkesbarro 8a
Tings Bank, of Wltkesbarre, decided Mon
day to wind up Its affairs. Depositors will
bo paid in full, and the stockholders "rcim
bursod In tho near future."
Do you need a fall and winter suit of
" clothes, made up in the latent and most dur-
abfs .manner J then go to T. D, Gauss, tho
merohant tailor, on Bank street, and be "fit
ted." Trices lower than ever.
Clocks and Watches carefully repaired,
and worK warranted, at lowest cash rates, at
Hageman's cheap cash store, opposite public
square, Weissport. 41-13,
See cherubims in another column hold
ing a bunch of grapes from which Bpeer's Port
Grape Wine Is made, that Is so highly os
teemed by the medical profession for the use
of Invalids, weakly persons, and tho aged.
Go to Dan. Graver's Bee
Hive Store, to purchase finest
articles of ladies' dress goods
and groceries lor the Holiday
Prices astonishingly low for
W. B. Itomtg, of this borough, while on
a visit to Weatherly last Friday, in stepping
from his carriage placed his foot ujion a stone,
which slipping under the foot, caused Mr.
It. to very badly sprain his ankle.
The Reading Iroa Works last week en
teied'trito several largo contracts, one for 200
oil tank cars, and the other for furnishing
the pipe fur a new oil pipe line. The total
of the two contracts amuuuta to about $M0,-000.
Before tho oppoaranco of tho nost issuo
the Advocatk tho year 1B78 will havo
passed, nnd tho new commenced, wo there
fore embrace this opportunity of wishing our
friends arid patrons A HAPPY NEW YEAR",
and trust that during tho coming year all
things with them may be more prosperous
an in tho past.
Iron has gone up about $1 per ton. Tho
Millcrstown Furnace the other day refused
an offer of $17.50.
Tho several Sunday school exhibitions
n this borough and Wcisspoit, passed off
very pleasantly to teachers, scholars and
Wednesday next (New 1 car's day),will
bo a holiday, nnd tho bank will bo closed.
If you havo a noto duo on that day, seo to it
tho day previous.
Thomas 11. Bannon, i prominent law
yer of Schuylkill county, died in Pottsvlllo,
Wednesday evening, of paralysis. Ho was a
member of tho last Constitutional Conven
tion. Edward Brooko, Sr., of tho Berks coun
ty iron manufacturing firm of E. A- O. Brooko,
died at his rcsidcnco In Birdsboro, Wednes
day, of pneumonia. Ho was about 00 years
Ouryoung friend, Ed. Dollentnaycr was
married to Miss Yarnall, at Weatherly, on
Christmas eve. Wo wish tho happy pair a
successful and happy pilgrimage through
life. -.
Two tramps known as Rilandcr nnd
Fink, were arrested at Stcmton on Friday
by the authorities thcro, and committed to
jail at Easton. They belong to a gang of
tramps-wanted for sovcral robberies in
At Trciehlcr's Lehigh county, on
Thursday of last week, tho clothing of a
child of Mrs. Miuich was accidentally set
on fire, and in an attempt to extinguish tho
flames tho mother and child wcro burned to
A gentleman named Hyde, said to bo a
wealthy citizeu of Canada, was killed on a
train near Bethlehem, Friday morning. Ho
was stepping from ono car to another whilo
tho train was in motion, and fell oil". Ho
had been visiting in Philadelphia.
Four men named Barnes, Holland,
Reilcy and Hippie, were arrested nt Allen-
town, on Friday last, for robbing the storo
of Jos. Verzi, at Weatherly on tho previous
Wednesday, and sent to Mauch Chunk jail,
They are supposed to have committed sever
al other robberies,
When you sit down, suddenly, on your
neighbor's pavement, let no profane remark
escape your lips or oven enter your thoughts,
for 'tis tho wicked only "that stand on sllp-
pery places 7" Perhaps your own pave
ment is icy too 1
The Teacher is a new educational jour
nal published monthly by Eldrcdgo k lire,
of Philadelphia., Its title is an indication of
tho topics to which it gives special attention
The first issuo contains aiticlcs by prominent
educators giving suggestions of valuo lo those
whoso business it is to teach tho young.
Tho Governor of Illinois Tuesday last
ordered tho discharge, at Springfield
Merrick and Gofiaghan, recently arrosted
on a requisition from the Governor of this
Stale, for a murder alleged to havo been
committed by Ihem in Schuylkill county
fifteen years ago.
Allen C. Laros, the parricide, who re
ccntly escaped from tho State Lunatic Asy
lum at Harrisburg, has been captured in
Arkansas, and will bo returned to tho Asy
lum. He poisoned Ins father and mother
and a man named Schug, near Easton, in
1S70, and was sentenced to bo hanged, but
was subsequently pronounced insane,
Dr. J. G. Zern, of Weissport, has inado
arrangements with. Dr. John II. MacCrcary
to attend to his patients while absent in at
tendance at tho Sessions of tho State Legis
lature. Tho Dr. will boat homo himself
from Friday evening till Monday forenoon
of eacli week. Tho lion, gentleman will
leavo for Harrisburg on Monday, Jan. 6th,
A freight engine on tho Lehigh Valley
Railroad was thrown from the track whilo
rounding a sharp curve near -Tomhicken
Thursday morning. It fell on its side, kill
ing. Dominic O'Donnellj tho firemen, and
John Jlalnbridgo, tho bfakcinau, and badly
seaming two other train hands.
Owen Jones, ex-Congressman from tho
Fifth Pennsylvania District, and formerly
Lieutenant Colonel of the First Pennsylva
nia Cavalry, died suddenly of apoplexy,
while going to visit a neighbor, near Winne-
M'ood Station, on Wednesday ovening. He
was 60 years of ago ,
Governor elect Hoyt, of Pennsylvania,
accompanied by M. S. Quay, Jas. M'Means:
W illiam R. Leeds and other promincn
Fcnnsylvanluti8,called upon President Hayes
Monday to urgo tho appointment of Gover
nor Haitranft to tiio Berlin mission. Some
of the members of tho delegation feel satis
fied that their petition will receive favorabl
consideration from Mr. Hayes.
Christmas day was tally enjoyed by our
people.from early morning till Iato at nlgl
tho merry jingle of tho sleigh bells filled th
air. The Lchighton Cornet Baud visited
Packerlon during tho day, and llio Young
America Band, of Weissport, made a short
visit to our borough, but tho day was too
cold for them todiscourso.thcirlively strains
of music
On Thursday afternoon of last week, I
Easton, Lizzie Thomas, a girl aged ten years,
was amusing her younger sisters, when her
clothes caught firo from tho stove. Sho was
so badly burned that her injuries will prov
fatal. Her mother was absent from home
at the time, and Iho child's clothes wero
nearly burned off before assistance arrived
The great banquet to Lord Duflerin a
Belfast was, as ho said in, his speech, th
greatest compliment ever offered in Ulster.
It was attended by all the Tory as well as
Liberal peers, and by tho Protestant and
Roman Catholic bishops and men of all par
ties. No other man in Ireland could have
brought together such conflicting elements
And right hero wo may add, that David
Ebbert, is the only ono that hires teams
low prices in Carbon couuty. Livery on
orth street, this borough
Says tho Hazleton Senlinal of last Fri
dayi Thelecturo of Hon. J. C. Fincher, on
" Parties, Politics and Politicians," was not
delivered Thursday ovening, owing to the
slim attendance The Hon. gentleman
desert air" and to empty benches. He
knows a trick worth two of that, and tho
audienco will hold their tickets until some
futuro time, when tho public's usthetic ay
petite is inoro keenly whetted. Our people
seem to tiave surleited or Iato with lectures.
and they cry, "Oh, give us a rest."
A little girl named Minnie Cronin, aged
throe years, was tho victim, on Thursday
afternoon ot last week, at wilkeuiarre, of
species of carelessness that borders on crim!
nality. During Mrs. Cronin's absence from
tho house tho child was allowed to play in
the fire with a pine stick. The child, seeing
the pitch ignited, and delighted with the
spoetaclc, held it in her hands until the coals
dropped Into her lap and set fire to her eldth
ing. In an instant the inflammable eoUoa
garments were on fire. The oliild serenmsd
for help, but betwra the mother eeuld awive,
life wjscjtluct.
NOTICE. John E. Millkk, of Lchighton,
is authorized to tako subscriptions for tho
Car kon Advooatr, nnd receipt for the
tamo until further notice.
II. V. MORTlllliKH.
rum llio Count)' .Sent.
Tint Political Fraud Casi:. -After a
patient hearing of counsel in tho caso In
which certain politicians ciatmcu tnai unas.
Mecndsen was illegally elected Associalo
udco over Thomas John, nt tho Iato elec
tion in Carbon County. Jtidco Dreher ren
dered on Saturday a decision that tho po-
to tho nolico of tho Court, until the tlmo fix
cd by statute, had expired by limitation;
therefore ho denied tho petitioners their
prayers. Tho cnfco is now probably ended.
Although it is possible to tuko it to the Su-
lnitwt II Im Iwtliavul l.v, tlmt
thcro Is nothing in it virtually to tuko there.
CiiRiaTUAR-DAT was sncnt by thotieonlo
era In Iho nuictcst manner imaginable. It moro tho onnearancoof a Sabbath.than
of that tlmo honored Christmas festival of
hioh the poet says it "comes but oncoa
ear." All the cliurclies in tins borough
nd In East Mauch Chunk held some kind
f commeinorativo services, St. Mark's hav
ing a beautiful Christmas treo on Tuesday
afternoon, and an claborato carol scrvieo
next day. Tho Episcopal church In East
Mauch Chunk also had n Christmas tree nnd
carol services. From a social stand-point
the day will carry with it to tho futuro ns
many pleasant memories, ol inoso who Mild
ly guvo and received tho tokens of love,
lriendsliip nnd charity, as is usual. Our
merchants, and especially thoso who nut no
estimato upon tho virtue of advcrtlsing,com-
piain oi a uuu uurisimas iraiic.
Death's Doixos. On Tuesday afternoon
Mrs. Brctz, an elderly widow lady, who
kept a small confectionary storo in tiio 2d
ward, died quito unexpectedly. Her body
was taken to her early home in Port Cnibon
for interment on Friihy. Word was receiv
ed hero on Wednesday afternoon that John
Harlen, formcrlyl tills oorougli nail ilieu
at his rcsidcnco in Mnhanoy City, Schuyl
kill county, early in tho morning. Ho was
at ono tlmo chief burgess of Mahanoy City,
lie has ono brother and three Bisters Mrs.
Thos. Crellin, E. B. Cortright and Mrs.
Hull residing here.
Si.Kiniuxo. The ilnclooftho merry sleigh
bells, are now heard on tho streets. Slienir
Itaudcnbush und Recorder Phillips made a
Hying trip to Summit Hill, on ru'iners,
Thursday and they pronounce 'ho sleghihg,
specially on mo county roans, eunrming.
Minor Matters. Thonpplioantsfur tav
ern, restaurant and wholesaloliquorliiwiiscs,
already filed with Protlionotary Kcmercr,
show, thus far,a decided fiilliiigoircoinparcd
with last year. So far only 65 applicants
have filed their intentions j tho number last
year was 70. Seo advertising columns.
James Hutchinson, now of Virginia City.
Nevada, but formerly of this borough, is vis
iting his friends and relatives here. Ho says
that tho business outlook in tho far west is
Sheriff Raudcnbush provided the inmates
ol llio county jail witu an excellent (jurist-
mas lurucy uiuncr uu cuiiusuuj'.
It is said that the number of contestants
for tho prizes offered by tho Atheurcum for
Christmas stories wcro so small, that it has
been decided to keep tho contest open lor
two weeks lonircr. It is thought Hint Tiro-
pariug for Christmas prevented many from
writing stories.
" Our Concert," for tho benefit of St, Mark's
church, at the Mansion House, on Saturday
evening, under directions of Dr. Erwiu,with
a troupe of local talent, promises to bo a rare
musical treat.
Tho federal authorities have re-appointed
Mrs. JanoF. Rlelitcrfortho ciEhtecnth year
ns postmistress for Mauch Chunk. Mrs.
iiiitlitcr, I'rollionotary Kcmercr, and bhcrill
Raudenbush nro tho most popular politicians
among all parties, that wo know of.
Arrested for I.nrcen)-.
Chief of Tolico Heck received a dispatch
Thursday morning from Detective Wilmoth,
of Smitliport, MeKcan county, Pa., requcst-
him to arrest Geo. Sproul alia Sam Sing.
Ho was described as of dark complexion,
black moustache, five feet six inches high,
slouch hat, pants light stripo, charged with
larceny. Our Chief, always on tho alert for
crimes of this character, spotted his man Fri
day morning, at about 9:30, in tho Hazleton
House, warming his shins in front of the
stove Tho Chief tapped him on the shoul
der, and, calling him to onco side, informed
him ho had a warrant for his arrest. Tho
stranger inquired where it was from and tho
charge. Upon being informed, ho Eaid it
was correct and ho wa3 tho proper person,
Ho was remanded to tho lock-up to await
tho arrival of his accusers. About tlireo
years ago Sproul acted as a porter at tho Cen
tral Hotel, under tho superintendenry of
Col. Fitzpatrick. Previous to that time ho
lived at Mauch Chunk, whero ho was shot
in the abdomen. Tho wound troubled him
when at tho Central and ho went to tho hos
pital for treatment. Ho finally drifted to
tho oil regions. Hazleton oiiMc,21stinst,
It seems to bo a part of our nature to bo
inquisitive, so I concluded to attend the
uiiribtmas jivo icstivai in me liiitueran
church, Weissport. I entered thochurch and
innuired whero shall I no. but beforo I re
ceived an answer, I said I nm a stranger and
tin stalls 1 11 co, out oli.liow cold how cold:
how I envied thoso who weroso comfortably
seated around tho stoves: but tho stoves
with their red cheeks seemed to tell my cold.
trembling, shivering body ,you are a stranger
anil havo no business down here. Tilings
wero soon made lively by singing. Tho
opening prayer, oflered by Rev. Mr. Erb,
was eloquent and well delivered. Tho infant
concert exercises wore eraud. All at onco I
ceased to tremble, my ears wero wideawake,
my heart delighted, my cold body warm.
What wa3 it that caused lliischanga? Why,
it was nn earnest, evangelical, spirited ad
drees by Rev. Mr. Freeman to tho Tarents.
Subject : Their duty lo tho church, Sunday
school, and their children. Among tho au
dienco I could not help but say " giva it to
'em" " give it to 'cm I" I havo been inform
ed that ho has quito lately given it to them
" hot and heavy." In conclusion, I can but
say, continue to " givo it to 'cm," contiuuo
to preach tho truth, and if your pocket-book
runs short four dollars every months, God
will provide j and if your congregation will
no moro own you, Cod will take you up.
A.i Evangelical.
Itnllroml Offlru Itobbiil.
The ticket office of tho Lehigh Valley
Railroad, ot Easton, was entered by burglars
about ono o'clock Monday. They effected
an cntranco by prying open the door with
jimmies. Tho ticket agent had left the office
to go to dinner, and at tho samo time to de
posit in tho lank the receipts of tho morn
ing. Tho robbers burst open the money
drawer and carried off about $30 in change.
The floor of the office was strewn with pa
pers and tickets, but ns far as can bo ascer
tained no tickets wcro taken. It is thought
that more than ono person was engaged in
the robbery, as a singlo person would scarce
ly have attempted it in broad daylight.
Tho detectives aro said to havo a clew to tho
!" they willjirobably bo arrested,
uilEAD roil THIS 1 It.,
I '
'I hereby extend a free aiid hearty. Invita
tion to such of my fellow citizens of Lchigh
ton and Weissport as may happen to be poor
and lu need, to call at tho bakery of J. W.
O'Neal, of Lchighton, who will supply you
with bread (ot my expense) on tho morning
of January Ut, 1879, at 9 o'clock a. ui. I
have made arrangements to supply all, and
all aro welcome to call and get it,-
llltr C'rcik items.
Nothing suaeeeds like suaeew.
1S78 is on the home ttreteh.
Overcoats are cheap this year.
The bridge aerow Dig Creek, at Daniel
I'. rum's, nariewh' ceojiped being carried
f. way by the late frashet.
Our boatmen have returned heme, and
have nude application for Mm to drag logs
Jhls winter in the 11 ue fttomp.
Yuun, etc, IUnese.
Big Creek Dec. It).
AVentlicrl)' I (cms.
Tho next Happy New Year.
Jack McGulgan nnd Goorgo Mopsct,
former employees in Weatherly, nro visiting
In town.
John Brong was suddenly called to
Monroe county, last Saturday, to attend tho
funeral of a brothcrjs wife.
Tho first sleigh seen upon our streets,
after llio enow, belonged to Daddy Butz.
Although ancient in style, our youngsters
hailed its appearance with delight,
The entertainment given by tho M. E.
Sunday school was a grand success. Ad
mission feel amounting to $30 wcro taken
up. t,
Thomas' Brown burled a bright litllo
boy, aged about five years, on Monday last.
Causa of denjhi croup.
Tlit) coloring or paint used in llio man
ufacture of floor and table oil cloth is a min
eral called ochre. A vein of this articlo has
been fouud upon lands owned by David
Pctrcy, near weatherly. Report says that
ono of the numerous Smiths in tills country
has leased tho ground, with a view of pre
paring and shipping tho mineral to market.
Marx, tho clothier, llko tho Wander
ing Jew, has had his goods repacked and
marked " Mauch Chunk," seeking no doubt
a moro congenial clime wherein to display
Uia wear I
Peter T. Cheosoman is confined to tho
liouso. A litllo rido down hill dono tho
A report comes lo us from Hozlelon, of
a serious accident to tho crew of llio cngino
Lattlmcr. Tho engino was thrown from
tho track, resulting fii tho killing of sovcral
men and injuring others.
Dec. 20. Rockaway.
Tlio Conl Xrntlc.
The folio viae tnulo sliows tno quantity or foul
shlpwcilovortlioLr-hliah Valley unilroauiot ttio
week ending Dec. 21, I87S. aud tor tue year bs
coin parcu ino saino nuio inn year.
notions From:
Wyoming..... .....
Upper JolilKh
Heaver Meadow....
Maueii ctiunk
Port Delaware
K7 8-.1 111
W757 01
J7.0S7 05
19,0.8 t
21.731 07
23,681 CD
o.m 04
8,3s7 U
Total 0.,tl (S 2I2.7C5 18
Last Year 101,644 10 20S3 83 10
1 ncreasc
Decrease S9.S23 07 M.317 12
KGPOnT OP OOA1. trnn jportert over I.ehlRh
& Husqn- lianna Division, rrntral ir. 11. ot New
Jcrsov. for 0 dav ending Deo. 20 1878
Hlilppeil froiu : Total wi pa. To dale
Wyoming 21,233 05 8S5.841 18
.. nan u. to,
' Buq O. Co
" " D. t 11 C. C...
Upper Lelilgli.'.
I" " M.H.K.&Co.
neayer Meadow
Mancli Clinnk i
Conned Illd!P
L.. V. Jl. It., l'ackeiton..
Hazard vlllo
Smith &Co
2,9110 t
5.771 15
2,V8 0I
O.FOI (15
7.630 04
r,243 f8
2,201 IS
31 07
200 02
31.4'VI CO
ami in
SI2 15
,l ,317 C8
70.M10 M
203.21 5 15
4l4.k21 05
209,410 07
01 11 10 15
6.720 03
s.2or, o;
70,139 00
Total 61.091 03 2,301,000 Oi
l'revlouslyieiiiutcd. ..2,212,(04 19
Total to date
Hnrao tlmo last year.
.. 5.301 .900 02
.. 1,81,9.9, n u
Albrljrlilsvllle Itc-Mis
Be content. " ,
I "wish Tho readers of tho Advocate a
Happy New Year.
Buckwheat flour is scllinff for 52.25 per
hundred, which is quito reasonable.
Hoz uutchcrinc has commenced in eood
earnest throughout this section, and quito a
number ot nue animals were slaughtered
during this week.
I would bo a very eoodjdea for
tho tcnohors oMhls towfiBhil, to'orcanlzo n
debating or literary society ? I learn that tho
teachers of East I'cnn and Franklin have
such organizations.
Tho weather on last Sunday was very
ilisacrceable throughout tho entire day, in
consequenco of which tho services in our
cliurclies wcro but slightly attended.
Miss Julia Hussmann, dauchtcr of Au
gust Hussmann, of Philadelphia, is visitini
Her parents aud spending llio Holidays Witt
us. blio win return in a week.
1 ours, etc., DurLii.
" Couldn't Sco It."
A few days sirico a gentleman stepped In
to Critteston's, No, 7 Sixth ave'nuo, New'.
York, and stated that ho hail used Hale's
Honey or Horehouxd and Tar in his fami
ly for tho Jast four months, to tho entiro saf-.
lsiaction oi mem an, lor mo cure oi uougus
Colds, Influenza, Hoarsecss,Difficult Breath
ing) or any other Affections of the Throat,
Bronchial Tubes and Lungs, leading to Con
sumption: but moving to tho cast sido of
town, ho went to tho nearest druggist for a'
bottle of this article, when the druggist at
tempted to palm oft" somo articlo of his own
manufacture in place of it; and using hero
tho gentleman's language, ho told the drug
gist ho "Couldn't sco it j" or, in other words,
ho was satisfied with Hale's Honey ok
HonEiiouND and Tar," and he wanted
nothing else; as ho had already used this,
and know by experience that this articlo
would givo almost immcdlato relief, and in
a short titno would effect a permanent euro
of any or all tho forgoing complaints. We
havo our eye upon tho abovo mentioned
druggist, and trust should ho read this It
would be a loson to him, and to all other
druggists to furnish "Hale's Honey ok
Hokeiiound and TAn" when called for, and
retain their customers, for tho reason that
any ono who uses this articlo onco will have
nothing else. Sold by all respectablo drug
gists at 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Great
saving to buy a large size.
Florence, Mass., Oct. 30, 1875.
Mr. Ciias. N. Crittenion. Dear Sir:
Your circular is received, and I can truly
say tiiat I deem vour Halr'a HnvKv nv
Houehouxd and Tau ono of tho very best
medicines in tho market. I took a hard
cold, it settled on my lungs j I tried almost
overyuiing, oui received no ocneut until 1
tried your Hale's Honey ok Horkiiound
and Tar. I feel that I am now well troin
using the abovo. after trvlntr almost every
thing elso for two years. Please send the
circulars, and oblige, Nelson A. Davis
Toothache Ditors cure In one
rti:vs ;ovsu
Tho Pennsylvania Millers' Stato Associa
tion will meet at Lancaster on the 12th of
January, 1879.
Tho crisis in Governor Hampton's case
lias oeen passed, ana no uouui is now enter
tained of his recovery.
Tho new Massachusetts State Prison at
Concord, for which $1,000,000 was oppropn
atcd, has cost 974.155.11.
Phuimx Pt.cToiiAL has been in general use
lor iiiteen yoars and nearly all who uegan
to use it thcu continue its uso yet. Price 25
cents. 5-8,
A firo at Goldsboro, York county, Pa., on
Saturday morninc, destroyed tho Northern
Central Railroad station, tho telegraph office
and six dwellings.
George Albcrtson, a switch-tender at the
rennsyjvantu ltatlroad round-liouse,fn Har
risburg, was run over aud killed by an cn
gino on Saturday morning.
Tho ' Baby's Best Friend" is Dr. Bull's
Baby Syrup, tSincoi it maintains tho baby's
ueunu uy un-piug ibiii-u iruui iuuc, jjmr-
rhaea, etc. Price 25 cents.
The old family carriaco of Daniel Web
ster is owned by a gentleman in Lawrence,
-Massachusetts, wno bougui u oi Asutiurton
Webster, grandson ol tlio statesman.
The fashionablo mufTis finished without
tassels or bows at tho ends. New clasps for
cloaks aro of silver, with a number of small
chains with coins attached.
Tho vacancy in tho German mission has
developed the fact that if thcro is any ono
thing in which wo aro particularly rich it is
diplomatic timbcrf-euch as it is.
Tho MofTct Bell Punch has proved a de
lusion and a snaro in Virginia. It register
ed all right enough for a few mouths, but
finally gave up the effort in dispair.
Secretary Sherman has given tho last turn
to the resumption machinery in his circular
directing customs officers to receive green
backs in payment of duties January 1,
From all sections abundant evidence comes
that Dr. Haas' Expectorant is appreciated
and prised, and in spiteof all opposition has
won its way into favor as the best cough
modiolus. 25 cents jxr bottle.
At Zanesville, Ohio, on Friday, Dr. Hcyl,
convicted ot grave robbery, was seutenced
to oneyear'simurisonmentand the payment
of a flue of $1000, Eaton, his accomplice,
was sentenced to four months' imprisonment
and tjio payment of $100 fine,
Reward. We will pay a reward of one
thousand dollars for any eertitieate publish
ed by us regardiag Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup
not found genuine. Yogaler, Meyer & Co.,
Baltimore, October I, U.7.
ouit -ivasiiuvuton M7rri:u.
Cbngruiionul Oratory Jfov) the eloquence o
our Congrcstional luminarici is vpprctsal
The death of Williams, of Michigan, and
Dowjlas, of Virginia Department Clerks
happy Mayard Taylor's successor, tc.
WasiHNOIOs, Dee. 23, 1878.
During the pist week of Congressional by
play tho galleries (which wero unusually
full of strangers) were more than once heard
to murmcr that our republican form of gov
ernment la tho bano of statemanship, and
that tlio generation of great men Is past for
ever. It is aggravating to hear tho oldest
inhabitants descant on times when ho heard
Clay,Cass, Calhoun, Webslcr,Bcnton,W right,
Pierco, and thcircompeorsdebatingand ora
ting. " Tempore mutantur, ci tios mutamur
in illis." Now It Is a positlvo boro to pass
much tlmo at Iho Capitol, which nobody
will Inflict upon himself unless necessity
compels It. If tho Greenback element In tho
next Houso cannot accomplish anything
else, it should at least resolvo to " stir up tho
animals" and call out their colleagues to tho
footlights of publio observation, rcrchanco
tlicro may bo any number of Ciccros, Anth
onys, Wcbstcrs, and Clays dormant from
fcrco of circumstances and "because tlio times
aro out of joint," hiding their luminaries
under a bushel of stale points of order. The
honorable 8pcaker and tho Commlttco on
Appropriations consume most of tho tlmo In
tho House,and when a, member has carefully
prepared a speech on miy particular subject
ho rarely has a chance to deliver it; if he
docs, it is nn evening session to empty
benches. Perhaps this may save time, (to
bo frittered away in Idle wrangle and re
pealed roll calls,) but it Is a grave mistake.
Tho country is growing- restive under the
dictatorial hammer of the Speaker, and the
constituency want o discover tho merits of
their members by'some other means than
the printing of a speech in the Record that
has never been uttered in'lhe House or nar
rated in tho newspapers. It was the living
eloquence and almost- inspired .speeches of
tho statesmen of early days that piloted the
republic, through dangerous waters and
placed her on a firm foundation.
On Saturday tho death of General Alphcus
S. Williams, Congressman, from tho Detroit
district of Michigan, was followed yesterday
by the demiso of Congressman Boverloy
Douglass, of Virginia, a't tho National Hotol
in this city. Mr. Douglass, in his sober
movements, was a man of intelligence and
ability, and highly esteemed by all who
know him. About. three years ago tho fatal
passion took possession of him, and since
then ho rarely appeared in his seat In a pro
per condition to discharge his duties when
in the House. He frequently became so de
monstratiyo ns to seriously interfero with
tho public business, and then his fellow
members would coax him out of tho hall.
Every effort was mado to save him by his
family and friends, but to no purpose. His
defeat for tho Congressional nomination nt
tho last clection,an event due entirely to his
intemperance, weighed heavily upon him,
and to drown his disappointment ho took to
his cup worso than over. His sad fate
awakens Iho deepest sympathy, and is tho ab
sorbing topic in political circles.
Tho Executivo has taken tho cuo' from tho
legislativo'branch, and tho army of men nnd
women employed in tho Departments aro
anticipating a few days of pleasure and ro
spito from tho tread mill. They get the
whole of Christmas and Now Year's day and
a half day proceeding each oftbeso anniver
saries: besides they are allowed tho half of
each day from tie 20th to tho 31st inclusive,
They aro permitted to arrange this timo
among themselves, so that if, for Instance
tlicro aro ten clerks in a division, five will
take tho.wholo of tlireo days, tho other five
remaining on duty all day, and vica versa
when " turn about in fair plaj'." Thus tho
Government business is not retarded to any
one's inconvcnienccind everybody is happy.
Tlio vacancy in tho mission to Germany
has temporarily, at least, raised tlio cxpec-
tationsof such of our leading men as happen
to bo out of office. Bayard Taylor's remains
wcro hardly cold in death, before tho un
becmly seramblo began, aud tho candidates
already put forward can bo numbered by tho
dozen. It can bo authoritatively stated
howevor, that neither tho President nor
Secretary Evarts has given the subject tho
slightest consideration. A great deal has
been said about tho probability that a citi
zen of Pennsylvania or New York will be
selected, and somo havo gone so far as to as
sert that the former Stato will certainly sup
ply the new Jfinister to Germany. Thoso
best informed in such matters inclino to a
contrary opinion, and do not think that
cither New York or Pennsylvania will secure
tho prize. The reasons they assign for theii
belief aro not-.without weight. They con
tend that New York, having the Secretary
of Stato ami tho Minister to Russia (Stough
ton), cannot justly bo accorded more posl
Hons of prominence in the diplomatic scr
vieo. As regards Pennsylvania, it is claim
cd that sho has tho mission to England, and
is therefore barred from attaining tho present
vacancy. There is 6omo forco in this, and
upon reflectiort it would seem that tho
chances are rather adverse than favorablo to
New York or Pennsylvania. A report.
among countless others, has .been circulated
that Senator Christiancy is being vigorously
urged by strong influences. It is no secret
that for a year or two back tho friends of
Zach Chandler have been striving to bring
about tho retirement of Mr. Christiancy from
the Senato in order that tho "stalwart Mich
igandcr" might rcsumo his old position.
Tlicso gentlemen think that the German
mission, if they can persuado tho President
to tender it to him, is an Inducement Mr.
Christiancy will not readily discard.
No better weather for Christmas shopping
could be desired than that which has glad
dened our city during tho past week. Thus
tho first snow of the season, which greeted
us yesterday, finds every ono so nearly ready
for tho holidays that its presence only gives
a more realizing sense that Christmas is close
at hand, Pennsylvania avenue has appear
ed at its best during the week, Us sidewalks
and smooth drive having alike been filled
with a bright-faced crowd. Nearly every
well-known resident or visitor to the city has
been Been on the avenue, walking or drjy.
lug, within the post few days. At 4 p. m
the crowd is at its height. Tho members of
the two Houses of Congress frequently walk
from the capitol, and the gentlemen of the
foreign legations walk up aud down, between
9th and 15th streets, many times during the
afternoon. Acoi'st.
Why bo an animated tallow-shop when
Allan's Anti-Fat is a safe and sure remedy
for obesity, or corpulence, and will reduca
tlo most ill-proportioned jorm to a graceful
outline within a few weeks. It contains no
ingredients that can possibly prove deleter
ious to the system. A well-known chemist,
after examiuiug its constituents and the
method of its preparation gives it h'u un
qualified endorsement as a remedy that" can
not act unfavorably upon the system ond is
well calculated to attain the objoct for which
it is intended."
JUltimobi, Md., Jubim.niB.
rnop'ns Atux' Ash-Kat, Buffalo, N.Y.t
flmrSm I have Ukn two bottles of AN
lan'sAntl-Pat and it lias reduosd mo eight
Very resjwctfully, jirs, r, jt
Rem Etr rnn Ha nn Tim er. Slop spendl ng
i much on fine dollies, rich food and style. ,
ood healthy food, cheaper and better
IHingt gel mora real ami suufianuni ,
real anil suuciannai
thlnirs i
tho foolish habit of running after extiensivo
and nuack doctors or using so mucii oi tno
vllo humbug medicine that docs you only
harm, and makes the proprietors rich, but
put your trust In tho greatest of ell simple,
nura remedies. Hon Hitters, that cures always
at a trilling cost, and you will see better
times and good health. Try It once. Read
of It in another column. tf.
After tho 1st of January tlio Treasury De
partment will Iswo notes of lf'0 denomina
tions of $5000 and $10,000. They will differ
somewhat In appearanco from the legal ten
der notes now In circulation, but w.U bo tho
samo in size.
Tlio funeral of Reprcsontallvo WllliAms,
of Michigan, who died on Saturday, U.'ok
placo Sunday In Washington. Rev. Byroii
Sunderland, Chaplain of the Senate, con
ducted tho services, after which tho remains
tvero ennduetod tnthn rallrord danot bv three
companies of artillery, headed by tho Marine
Band, n Masonic Lodge, and a number of
Senatora and Representatives.
Beverly B. Doualas, Represontntlvo in
Congress from tlio First District of Virginia,
died in Washington early Sunday morning,
aficr a short illness. His remains were tak
en to Richmond last- night by a committee
of Senators and Representatives The fun
eral ceremonies took place ot his homo In
Ayiotts, Jiing William coumy, a.
Mrs. Ann Scarlett, of West Chester, Ta.,
celebrated Monday, at that place, tho one
hundredth anniversary of her birth. The
exercises Incident to tho rcmarkablo event
took placo in the forrn of a reception. Among
thoso present was "Aunty" tirahain, who
is 102 years of oge.
Closing Prices of Deiiaven & Townbend,
Stock, Government and Gold, 40 BotitH
Third Street. Philadelphia, Dec. 20, 1873.
U.R.Cs. 1861... trail uid 100, asked
U. 8. 5.20's,lGJ J.A J Did asked
U.S. 5.10's. 1807 ....irati hid I Mill asked
il. H. .1.20's, 1808 10S bid ItSH asked
U.S.1lM(!'s..i UTS bid .K asked
tr.a. currency. 8's Uth bid lio'i asked
Tl.JS.S'niSSI, now.....,,.'..lC6H bid 106'i asked
u..tft h. new i.,.tii.,t inu un-, aiteu
i.a 4snew-. ....vr..!uutt uki nut agicrn 32 'i bid MS ni-ked
rinla. Heading It. It i:'. bid I2S nsked
LcldRh Valley It. It. .,34 bid SI.U asked
lhlirh Coal .fe Nov. Cn....-1 IV bid 13 oskrd
United coniDardesof..N. J.llsl bid 119 nsko-1
Bnithern Central It. It.... IS, bid H asked
I e. ton v llio rass. to. 10!,- bid 104 naked
Gold u.llO bid 100 asked
silver, ( K's and ...... na ma askcn
tiiimos ana HAf.racsj. vstt diu w hrkcu
Sjiawley Busoh. On the 2-lth Inst., at
tho Evangelical Parsonage, Weissport, by
Rev. J. K. Seyfrit, II. T. Smawlcy and
Miss Annie E. Buscb, both of Franklin
townsnip, this county.
New Advertisements.
1 fin nnfl Men "n" Women are WASTED, to
1UU.UUU make from tiooto lu.oaoer day.
Agents at o now miking that amount.
Addro-s, with ono cent stamp.
dec28-w-l KEY ti. T. 11UC1C, MILTON, Pa.
at Leblgbton, In too state of Pennsylvania, at
tho close ot business, December C, 1878:
Loans and Discounts...' tOl 413 42
ureidrafts I'-i 00
u. n. lionus to secure circulation. ... ?a wo w
V. 8. llonds on hand 0 000 06
other stocks, bonds, and mortgages., l.SoO 00
Duo from approved lle.ervo Aaents.. 1)93 44
line from otaer KattoDol Banks H05 13
Due ti oiu state llauks ond llankeis... 8 IS
teal Estate, i-'nrnlture, and Fixtures 4,88s. 70
Current Expenses and Taxes I'ald...
1,205 44
rremiatns ram ,
Checks and other CasU Items
limn nf other llanka
402 50
189 83
4'i5 m
370 50
C2 00
Fractional currency, inolud'cNlckel
Hpocle (Includ'g gold Treasury cerli's CM 00
tca-iil Tender Wotes l.ltm 00
llodamptlon Fund with U. RTreosur-
cr to per cent, uiLurvuiuiiuui,,
3,375 00
Total 1103,043 II
Capital Stock rata m t75,COO 00
Surplus land 00
Undivided l'rofita 3 012 28
National Bank Notes Outstanding.... C7.5O0 10
individual Deposits subject to cuecit. jo,t,o im
Certified chicks 582 IS
Cashier's checks outstanding 6 00
Duo to other National llauks 1,814 63
Total (103,1)13 14
Slats of Jlmnsylronf 0, Cotmfy 0 Carton, 11 :
1. W. V. llowmnn. Cishlcr of the atiovo-nara
ed Dank, do Bolemnlr swear that tho nbovo
Btalomentls true to llio best of my knowledgo
anu ucitci.
W. W. BOWMAN, Cashier.
Siibrcrlbod and sworn to before mo, this 19th
uay 01 uccemucr, 1978.
T1I09. 8. DECK, Uot'y Public
Correct Attest 1 A. J. Dnillng, Thos. Itemnrer
anu k. i-. uouoru, uireciors. ueu. ia, iso.
TP - A -
In tlio LEIIJIG Chemical Co's.
Ib discovered the onlv common sene. ensy
pleasant and certain Curo for that horrible di.
eaflo cntnirn. .
Catarrh fthouid never bo trifled with or let
run. cvtarrtt is me lorcrunner oi uonsuinpuon
UOWSUMjriOiN moans ueaia.
Tho Jonlper 'Inr Cigarette act upon a new
and sensibly theory and effect a cuie lu every
Thov nro n mnt Miccrvf pi remedr for Asth
ma, Phthisis. Coldlu the Hesd, Hoart-enf tj.
Kore 1 hroat. Common Cold and all diseases ot
the nlr parage of (ho Headnnd Luntrs.
'Iho mofct tfueottHSfuL remedy luttio world
Bold by Drngmsta at 25 cents. Prepared nnlv
hy t be Lelbltf Chemical Co. 2 Bare lay Ht New
Voric City. Dec. 28 too.
Carefully redntod to Charcoal, thorougtdy
puritled aud mune Into Lozenge form.
A rational ren ody endorsed by rhylclan fur
Diepepsia, Hi'Ditburn indlgeMlnn, Konr stom
mh. Foul llreith, llelchlnir, Qatrlo Dt(nrb
auces aud all derangements of titomach and
Thoe Tablets parity the blood and render tho
Complexion wire aud onltiaut.
The best Deutttlco ever made. Invaluable to
ma ok eis and heavy 'diners nut." bold by Irur.
fmu for a cents per box. Try tbeui und have
a quiet stomach and a pure breath.
A Pea Water bath Is tho best batti In the
world. It prevents all Linda of digram) aud
enre rnanv. Kverybody can now enjoy this
healthful luxury lu countrv or town by adding
to ordinary water Umn.v's se Halt. 'llue
who once unolt becomo steady iiatron. Only
U centa ner larm, box, at our Druafrl&ta. Jim.
IperTar uitfaietta, Mutrnv'a chaiooal rJableu
nnd Uitman's bca talt are sold by
01' Yaluablc Real Estate.
Hy Tlrtue of an order of the Couit ot Common
Fleuaof Carbon Count r, ttierowtil expoelat
I'ubitc Hole at the
Vnllcy House, in the Borough
of Lchighton,
Wednesday, Jan. 1st, 1879,
commencing atONH o'clock. P. M.. tho follow,
ing deacrtbed tract orptece of woodland linate
lu Mauoulua; Twp . Carbon Couutri Bounded
by laud of J, Cuufer.J. A. llaupt.
If. Welnhauer aud lands late 01 Joseph Wana
iflacher, now Aaron Kruui, contain! n
and one hundred ana forty perches.
Also st the tame time snd placo will be sold
1 Share .of the Capital Stock
in (he Carbon Co. Indus
trial Society,
Terms and Conditions w';,i be made knoin ot
tho time ana p:ce ot "J,B. by
Asslxnee of WM, IIOIIN.
MoUonini: twp., Not. sj, im
dntlnlstrator's Notice.
Stiate of Joshua JCMt, dee'd.
Notice Is hereby given, that letters of Admin,
titration upon tho t.laU of a Klote, late
ot Mahonmt towoainp , Carbou rouoiy, l'a.
dee'd, have been irrauted to the underigeed.
All persona knovfug ihemwlvfts to betantbtod
toauid estate will make patment wlthlu us
weoka. and tboae bavlnir culms wilipiesent
thetn duty anihentleaml for settlement to
TllOMAU HOItN. Adinlulatrator.
Uabonlns Township, Nor, V, Itn-ws,
Koltco Is DTeby (riven that tho Exerntor.
AdiuiutstraUirsniiil iltiruilians hereinafter nam
ed, liavolll.-d tlirlr rcsin-ctiro accounts ot the
following estate In 11,0 lteclster'k OfOco. at
Mauch Chunk, in anil for tho Conn iv of Carbon,
which accounts have been allowed by Owltes.
!ter. will be tireseiilwl to ttie Judge f the
Orphans' Conrtoe Monday, the 13th diiv eljsti.
uaijr next, at ID 0'r.lock A.M.. tor conllnnatiout
First aud final account of Wm. Keinorer.ipi-ml,
lauol the person and estate ol AniicUa Mitve,
nnuor clilfd of Ellas Muve, Isto ol Mnhonnu
township, Cai bon counsy, ittcossod.
First and final account of FrsoK K. HaTrlHex.
orator ot the last will and IcoWincut ut Wm.
Straru, Iato ot I.elitglitoil. Caibon louuly,
1'a., deceased.
Tho account of Daniel Wcnts, administrator nf
all nnd sioirulnr tho roods and chattels, light
and credits,nhlch were of William I'rter, late
or the township ot iivrr lowanicusmif. in
the county ot Carbon, aud of l'euusri-
vault, decojscd.
Fit st nnd final account of Josnb W. Itarlnn nnd
Jonn W. llnilnu. execntms of tho last will
and testament nf Mnriraiet tfnilan, Into of
Mauch Chuuk, Carbon county, X'a.. deceasod.
Gupp'cmental account of William Cpldstraw,
, uiTivu g ndmiuisli nhr of the estate of Thos.
t. Davis, late ol llauks township, Caroun
cu.tuty, deceased.
First .uit final account of Heiry noyrr, oil-
mlnlsi'rator of Iho r .uio of Aiiulila ltood. late
ot WeUBpott, eoccasi-d.
First nudum! account nf tho administration of
Mia. Ann iampboil, ndminlsti-ntiix of tho es.
titeor EllzCbetu ucoit, laio ot the UoiourIi
of Uauch (JhnK, deceased.
First and flnnl ar.sountof tho administration of
Mrs. tied, riow.omo into ychueuei, adiumts.
tratrix ot tho cstn?o of Fred. tcbuebel, dee'd,
First and flnnl setlleni cut ot Tho.. J, nnd James
W, UebeilliiL', ixeculors ol Daniel Ucbur.
ling, decensod,
First and nnnl account of William S. Ilnrpel,
Euaralan of lllas J. Weaver, (nov White.
lu-ad) oneot tho children aid lulrsot John
Weaver, Isle of Mauch UhauA' township, Car.
hou county, deceased.
First and final account of Philip Drumhollor,
executor of the estate ot JucoO tledrwe, dic'd.
First and final account of Thomns Xcmerer,
administrator, eic otuodileu tfeslcy. dee'd,
First and final nccount of Kd. O. Wilson, ad-
ni!nlvntor of the estate of rctcr Stool, dee'd.
Flrrtnnd flnnl account or IClemlue Yeacer, ex.
ccutrlx of tlio estate pf Ileal. Yssr, dee'd.
Thooeconntot Margaret O parts und Wlldam
ooldntraw. admiuisttatots of tho tslato of
Thomas O. Davis, deco iscd
DUUNAUD I'HJI.LtrS, r.oglstor.
Maoch Chunk, December 13, 187s.
Cabinet Ware Factory,
Denis In all klnilq nnd sizes ot Pino, Hemlock
Oak nnd Hard Wood Lumber, nntl lUnowpie
paied to oxeculo nny uweuut of orders for
DressoD LumboH
Doorsi Snslies, minds, Slmtlcru,
mouldings, Cabinet Ware, &c,
With Promptness.
Brackets Made to Order.
Tlio Machlnerr Is nil liew and of tho boat nnd
moat Improved kinds. I employ none but tlia
best workmen, una well nenKJoeti nnd good ran
terlat, nnd am tlioi cfore ublu to puarnnteo entire
sn ti faction to nil who may favor mo with a call.
Orders bv matt piomnily nt tended to. Mv
cbftTKOA are moderutoj terms cash, or Interest
churgtd alter thirty days.
ri7 Those emrnccd In Iltiildlnc will And It t
their ndvnntngo to havo hiding, Hoor Jlonrrts
uoora, eaaues, Muuicrs, ceo,, kc. mime ai iai
Exposition of Clothing
Ever mado In LEnianTOX Is at tlio roat
Offlco Building ot
II. II. PETERS, Agent,
on BANK STItHEr, and tho people know It,
llokecjx crcrytlilntr wanted In
Men's and Boy's Clothing, at
the most Moderate Prices
ITo oover yet wasted timo In Selling IIiih
meed Hoods. Ills Trice nro so LOW, that
people aro wondering how It can bo done, 11 ut
It la done, Thoso in need of
Fall or Winter Suits !
will And It to tlielr advantago to consult It, It,
riiTEIta, asent, about llio mutter, aug :4tf
1It. Oberlioltzcr's Llnlmcnl,
Ib now hlarhlr recommended and extcnalvolr
used for lthcunintiani, Fmeted Ftet, Athcs.
rains, teres, btinira. Hwe. lings, Hpralus tc.
It la of tho frreatost vulue 111 cunuff Cute.Qalia,
ttpinlns and Bwehlupn lu hnroes.
It nets quickly nnd surely. It at onco ftoothes
nnd relieves tlio stiff Joint, the Larue Muscles
nrd ftie Aching Nervoi, Tho monev will be
paid back to any 0110 not Kntl-Uotl with Itsef
loct. Price 21 cents, fi bottlos fur f 1. rio
pared hy lovt UbeiholtEcr, U. V.
Tlio I'hcuulx Pectoral.
fins pro vol lteelf to bo peculiarly Adapted to old
persons, cousuinpihe and children. It brents
ft cold. It stops 11 conch. It aids expectoration.
It Kives Instant relief It elves Hirenmh. It
bruiRroi. Ithiisinfldumoro cuies tfiini anv
niher medicine. Thonsai.d4 of tho citizens of
Uukteni rcniiByiranu nave useu it ioreors
fi"st nnd testify U tho relief piven ninl cures 1 f
eclcd- Trice. 23 cent U 6 1 ottieafor f 1. I're-
Cnreu hy It-vl atierhtdtzrr M, iintt tor bale
VA.J DUUMNiJ, loaighton Nov. gJ-Qin.
Ten lona procured for soldier of the late wo;
disabled in uuv ar hy wounds, rtioturo.dU
caso of any kiml or by ucc deutul lujurie.
A lame number of thoso now receiving pen
rlons aro cntltud to nn Incurasr under lite
liws. All roldlera ditcharod for WOUNDS,
It u itu he or MFCiiAMCAL I.NJUiiv. entitled to
FULL bounty. AU liUHine done hy correspond,
nice, same aa tt vou wcro personally ureaent.
Where tho soldier la dead, the widow and heirs
nro entitled. All Hildlcra and their widows of
tho war of H S are now entitled in pension.
I alo procuio t'otouts for luventota. Every
soldier who m'es this notlco should scudmeltts
address on a TomIhI cam and receivo m rcturu n
sample Opr. FitkK, of tho
a paper publfehrd at the National Capital, sriv.
I111; nil tho intormntlon about tension and
I to 11 11 ty and Laud to all soldiers and their licit h.
CoiroiKudouco w iclie4l troni uli. Address,
with stamp. tftV I'J I'ZUKltAM),
U. h CLutm Attorney,
dcc21-w( JIoi6j3, WaaliluKtoa, D,C
Health and Happiness.
Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth to
their poasufutors, and yet tier nro within the
reach ot every ono who will uso
Wright's Liver Tills,
Tho only sure O U HE ti,r Toridrt Liver. t)ys CD.
ln, lleadacbn. Kour htomacli, Coiistlpatln'nH.
blllty. Nausea, and all tlillious coninli' utit'anil
lllnou dlsordei'fi. None genuine urles. alirne,!
"Wul Wrixht I-hila." IlvourUr'jC.wt wliluot
Miniily neuu 2J rents tor ono uoi tn Ilarritlc
Holler & Co. 70 N.tlhHt.. VulfiS X)eo""yl
Q.crmau Hors and Coav 1'owder
Keeps stook liejhhy ani In (tood condition, It
? J!?"!0 r-and assimilation. It wanes fat,
muscle ani'. mi'.'i, jiv u1uk It a horse will do
more work eml a cow clve more milk and no In
!Clf atll-.ta ran. I n,n,ll( inn Tl llui lrn.i. lw,,il
try hetliy aud uicreafes the quantity ot e.'ira.
It I'niadn I'T lr. Ivl uLetlioltser atnla mills,
1 t,aokot 131 N.TIilrdbtieel, l'lnla. Uia told by
actum woiKiu, at ia ceuia ier uouuu. uv A, J ,
DUllLI.Ml, Lelnrbtou. Nov. -8, iSiS-Omo,
duiiiiUtrator's Notice.
Estate of Wilson Miller, dee'd.
Notice Is berehy riven, that lettets of Admin,
latraiiou upon the estate of Wtlou Miller, l.te
ot Mahoniiio; townanip. L'arbou otnuty. l'a.,
ceo'il, have bevn jrraute4 to the undei.itrnetl.
All persons kuowlug themselves to be Indebted
toajtd estate will umko r-aymont witnin mix
weeks aud llioao having claim, will present
them duly autheuticatod for aeitleuieut tu
TllOMAU 8. jiKi'K, Aaniiuutrator,
I.ehljjtuou, Nov. It. lb?j-8.
IUKIOIlrt of this Hank will be l.ehl at (bo
Itauklna House, un TDtUJtlAY, J A.MIA UT
lllh. 1819. between the hours of OXE and
I o'clock I'. M.
V. w HOWMAN, Cashier.
Lchljhton, Dec. II. Uls wl
Now Advertisements.
It E A l E S T A T E !
The fitftiirlfrtf talaaMn Prf ff(fr wW IV iMd
by Jt V. ItAULKN LSI, fcbti llTor UiUh Cu
tj.on Sutunluy, December titi, 1878,
st th COURT U0U9K,ln th ItOttOUmf OP
MAUUII OH UNK, CarWii Cuunty, renimjlvaalt.
at ua IS o'clock I M.i
Ity virtue of a writ of a runt facus, all that
tttuate In Lower Toirjmnlnt tnwublp( Curln
County. I'emiPrlrnnli. bounded Iy Untn of iNtld
Wstfner, Jod. Chrlstmsn anJ Fit m no I 7.hgrnfiis
contslntnK 8IXTV40UH ACKKS, more or Ion.
The ImproTrmtnti tbrrren aro a
eluhtAcq ty tirentj-flt fert: jUrn, ILIrtj 1j
thirty fret, and other out bat Ml tig.
Stizetlan tftjipaliito execution ugfho proper
ty of Btejlun CjirUtraan. .
lly virtue nfn writ of Vrspmosf Kxrovin, all
tliOtB Uitpp adjuinlnif
situate In the TownliIpof TWflmenln(r,
In the County of Carbon, nnd State of 1'eunryl
vnulil the one 11 im Inn nt n stone, thence hy
laud of Pnid J, D. (Ireenvwelj north on dfKrtn
wet flfly-ono fercliet t a stout J tbetire hy land
of lhom.n Kurhner north elulitj flx and onethatf
dfttrvt',paftt twenty-six perchufl to a tonnt thrm-y
uy me Mine nonn Mie ueirce( wi lour perrnff
to a atone j fhenre by Und lute App'ii Innd nortlj
WiTentj tH and threefourtha dexret'f eni't twvuf
ty-ntne and three-fnurtbs p-relies to a atone;
thriuce hy the nine north wTentytwo dirri
past twenty perclie to a itonej touth cl:li-fiTs
degree, trnn tvn percht-9 toahentjpcki (Nuh
twenty five npd onr-))3lf tlegrt-eft, ettt hint nud
three-lourtha perchen to a ktone foutlf eight ant)
ontj-half dtgrtt-P, east t Wolfe and tbrpjtfourtti
perches to a ilone; aoutb Q110 derw. t fortt
lour and onobilt jorrljea tQaatone; thence hy
the hereinafter deicrWd tiact aoutli eighty l
and one-liAlf degree, wpst nlnvly perches to tt9
pluto of belnninif.contalujnt;
And the other tract, beginning at a utotis Una
Into .loli u Hose, north fllitytrfn dertew, fnit
ono hundred and thirty-lour and one-hlf pt-rcltc
ton atone; thence by lurid of naH J 1). Uretmt
BWultC north tlirr-e degrwwt)t olglity-four pmvh
vh to a Ktone; aoulh eijhtyBlx derf,"i efl one
hundred and thirty purches to a pniti tlien.
south one degree, cost ono hundred and t jjhly.
two and three-four. Us pvrclibi to the place pf bet
glpiilnp, contalnlug
more or leu.
All that eortnln tract of land kHu.-iIo In Lmror
Tbwamenylrj, Carbon county, l'a., bounded nnd
deicribvd axlolloiTF, lu w It Uegf lining nt ntnim,
a corner cf land btlonJ"rt to the vald Chrlc
Klotz thonre along tlm umo and partly alonjf
lindsof John D.Urccnjwelir aouth oue and one
half degree, rant treuty four perclieK to a mjh
ling; tVeiico along lands of Mid John 1). tlreeu
vttlg, aouth elght)-8lx nud one-half degree, wertt
twenty-fix perches to a ptone; nor h el:hty-s
and one-bait drgreeo, en ft twenty-four pmhes tu
pine; thenco partly along lul'a laud Width
Chaa KloU land north eighty lx nnd one-half def
grees, east twenty-tix and ono Imlfperrhea to the
place oflteglnning, and coul-itnini
be the Fame moro vr len.
The Improvements thereon are a
twelrebr thirty two feet; Frame Kitchen attach
ed, ten Ly tifUt-n feet; Stable, sUUuu by tnenty
four feet, and one building
Seized and taken Into execution at the proper
ty of iimutl OreeusweJ.
J. W. ItADDKNIlUSll, sSherltT.
Mauch Chunk, Decern Wr 0, 1878.
They all Want It.
Because H Is n family newspaper of ruro.ftound
rendlug for old and younjr, nud It contains n re
liable m d comprehensive summary tI alt tho
important News,
Tho New York Observer,
Pub'lBhPd both tho religious and Hoculsruewa
tint Is Ui'Siteu in nnv luntllv, while nil thntu
likely to do harm Is ehut out. It devote lour
paues to tellinousimws nno four to teenlai.
Tho IStw Yoi K OBiEUVXlt was icst publldhad
in 1 8:3: and it nbe.leedto bo tho only Innt.
Hiicoof n ltetlgious Newspaper coiitmui'.g lis
uvea couuo torliriVMx Vkaus, without a
chniRO ot nnino, dociile intent, purpose, or
p.cdgo fiom tho ilato of its blith.
The 57th Volumo
W11 contain all the important ncwa that cm
luieret or Instruct bo that any one who icjiUj
It will ho thor.aili v iMiHied.
Wo do not 1 1111 n benevolent Institution, and
wt'dount nstor tl.e siippci't nf chanty. We
propose to niMtto tlio Host Ncwrpi;por that is
imuiistied, nnd wo propjo lo tncll it ua chmnly
iiHitcuti bo tiflotdfii. Iset thoso who -vaut vu e.
sound, srnsiblo, truth tul leadlus, vuhciltu It r
it nud let them indtico others to do tho same.
Wo nro new publishing In the UUSKiiVnit tho
y tory of
Joan tiiu Maid,
hy Mrs. Charles nuthor of ciironlcles of tho
tSchoubeig Cotta Faint If
Wo feend no premium. Wo will send jou
Tlio New York Obseuveh
ono year, postpaid, for Any rne cenJ
Inir vltn his own 8ULmiriUon tho nnuif u ot
MJW EiibHCilbere, blia I have comirtfiioii nl.
luui'iiui luuiiuruiiii iii iiju iiumuer rni, mr
particulars seo toims In tho O user VP it.
New York Obstjrycr,
nov. 30. 87 FA B IcTlpWjSfqTr.
IMrs. C. DeTschirschky,
; neipeclfuliy Invites tlie otlcnilon of her livlr
I fi-lriid rnd ttie jtub lo (cenerahy lo tier New
Lnrtro aoo elegant stock ot
Notions Fancy Goods,
ComnrllilniT UNPHIIWEAH, l'EtlMN AND
U 1 It M A S I'wW S W 1 10 1,. HI ISIKK Y . In,,
jiorlcd and liomnitio KMIIHOIDEltY.
itluilONis. ai.ovus. snd a larro '
oiiclyoI tUeNonetlesluslu
Fancy Goods for the llolidnys.
Also, in connection with the abovo. I keep a
full and complete elect of
tairpthee clf li n v,n.i. nr .... ..
1 kopt in any other storo lii town. It roiinotiot
i teo what vou wunt . .... J..,. '11..
A fbaioor minlio polroiioceu inilieited. and
!J'uamCyo?6u.''U,, -iiiitta lu price .l
Nearly Oppoclte Uurllns's Drut: 8torc).
Bank Sheet, Lchighton, Pa
November 30, 1874.
H. A. Peter's Central Drag Store,
BbBnectfully annnunem to tbn people of tat
highton aud vicinity, that sho will Continue th
bu.luewta, aaherelofoie nnd thanking them for
pant tavurs, asks a ctutlnuance theioof. Yea
will always find a lull line ot
and CA1TI.H l OWDKns. TO'I
tlOIMUKINs, I'l.AIN andi-AN.
UYHrATJONRIir.latrat style, ul
..T7SrK,.V..J,D5lJ,.,oe, lo me time.,
l'UKi.: wini i Mini r.iniTf,M ... I
use, Ac., at Unrest l'ncea. IMiyateiau's ore.
cripilous compounded by Dr. l T. Horn, at
all hours of tho day and nicnt, hnndaymetnd.
"March M,y. 11 l.
! Coal I Z
lam nowanpplylng the rerv neat I.ATTT.
MKII COAL ut the following Law 1'rlre., ris
No, I Chestnut by the Car, o per ton
No. 1 Onestnut, single Ion, ,,v.,.. a 73 per ton
No, t Cheatnut, by thecar,.v.,.,., 1 Mpertou
S'o.: Chestnut, single t"S : 75 per Ion
DULIVEAKI). stove and Tkb Sins at
equally Low l'lioes,
Staler in
Opposite I he ral lie Pqmre, RAKK ftTHEB
LKIIICIHTON. Pa. roi . r. l