The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 21, 1878, Image 4

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VTot.oBoi'TTil.i.K, Deo. 17, 1S78.
MlSTKK DltUKKR. Icli mtis
dar fun hnrts'n donka tlos ttti
so eonnhnvzich.wtir'st un hust
m'r srl'r brcf in dc AdvoCATK
j;lu, po dos ich doch tx lnol
mci kvcids mi dvmvcl Attn hols
hob so wcit dnr lloynl u'ni
ksliolt nwbnlonlct. "Won so
lrclit bns is don doo't so nv-.
fonga ym klulvsii we'n nlcndich'r
wclslionu os om bic'ti is; un
Fog't ou'r sunsht wcid'r niks
ols dos ich si mid draw war dos
m'r ken bijd'i! ma hct'a. AVcl
idi doo's gnwrnct (lcnia dos
ich nit f-lnil draw bin. O'wr
for mcr's im'r forckslimisn
howa des gleicli ich aw not ;
nn for don l'rcda un wid'r
bud'r zu howa bin ich miliar
noch 'in nuciib'r .KnuVcloch
mi hob'n gasbuk Icawf'd woo
yushk so M milch gept os wc
d'r bull 'y.oo fnin hotts-doch
'Jbla is un hut d'r shwons lbr
biocha, un in fact ma, wile an
gol gasbuk-milch yusht so fel
shtark "hut Os wo zwa gola
bulla milch. Ow'r a ding is
mit d'r ga'sbiik-niilch os ich sc
doch net zum beshta glcich, un
sci is wile sc cm so garn
zawnwa " mocht ; ow'r doch
zh ol'hi klicli hob ich'n mid'l
for's zawnwa yoo not gabuta
Vvara kon, mi des wil ich do
sliroiwa so dos 'm 'a moncha
oncra meiish aw kulfa kon
wer'a won'is yusht prewcr't,
mi's prowera kushd niks:
M'r ga't draw un nem't 'n
wawrm'r buchwazakucha nn
lust drci mol lnm'it dousend
ilorflc'nion's bnisht lopa drupa
druf drupsa mi 'n don drei
dubl'd mit a'm ek uf d'r nowcl
bina un 'n sela wag drufl
y'lust drci mol for un ztwon-
Kf.f.ds Best Sown in the Autumn.
Mint people lmvp observed, nndnubt,
Hint self-pown orcils, Hint l, tlmt lmvn
ilrnpjiMl from Hip growing plants oftlio
previous tenson, Fompllmrs produced
UinslroiicPEt nml mnt lirnlthy plants
Hint Monm Iho most freely. This l
trup of several Hilda, nnd particularly
of those Hint suffer umlpr exposure- to
our mldiiitiimer suns, Tlio reason is,
that self sown seeds pet n very lipnltliy
growth In tlio Spring, vrpctntlnc n
soon ns frost 1 gone, and nro cood sly.
cd plants at tlio Hrao wo UMinlly put
spcdi In the ground, pvon If they do not
Mail In tlio Fall. Tlmy tlltls. mntiirp
and Howei durlnu the wedllietof Spring.
Tho Clhrklils nnd Nemoplillns nnd An
mini Larkspurs are noted examples.
There nre nNo ?errnl varieties of llnr
dy AnntinU that do well with Spring
sowing Hint will bear Autumn sowing
In the open ground, and rewnrd us with
enrly Spring flowers. Sweet Aljssmu
nnd Whlto Candytuft will give us noun
dntice of white for early cuttfug, if sown
In the nutiimn. In a sandy soil tho
Portutnra may ho sown In Autumn with
cood success. Seeds of UlennlaU nnd
Perennials, If sown early enough to
produce strong little plants, will llower
tlio next Summer, nnd l'anles, Chinese
rinks, though lliey bloom the first Sum
mer If sown In tliu Spring, will nuke
much stronger plants mid llowir inure
freely and earlier if young plants are
grown In the Autumn. In another
place wo givo a list of seeds niltcd to
fall planting even ntthe north." Vkks
I'lornl Guide.
Giiadks on the Faiim. -The Farm
er's Home Journal thus remarks: "It
is certainly true Hint much of the profit
of the farm comes from tlio live stock is raised or fed on It. As long ns
Hint Is the case, the matter or profit will
largely depend on Hie chnracter of the
animal fed. If it 13 one Hint feeds
"kindly," nnd mnkos a firm, well-mnr-ulcd
Uesh', It will then bu n profitable
beast; but If it Is ti shy feeder, nervous
or quarrelsome, with dainty appetite or
dyspeptic stomach, there will never be
any profit in liandllug him. Metwcen
IIieMi extremes there are many sha is
nnd just as tho farmer or stock-feeder
uses judgment In selecting his beasts to
feed, ns tho proportion leans one wny
or the oilier will depend his profits or
losses. To trust wholly to tho judg
ment on tills subject, in selecting encli
animal is very risky. It Is much wiser
Drugs and
The People's Drug & Family Medicine Store.
If you want anything in tho Drug lino at bottom prices,
go to tho Old and Reliable Drug Storoj in Dr. Ni 13.
llebcr's Block, near tho Post Office,
A. J. DUELING, Proprietor,
Wlicro run will Una a full nnil cdmplcto stock of
Pure Drugs, MediciiicSj Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps,
Brushes, Combs, &c.
Lamps, Lautcrns, Chimneys, Burning & Lubricating Oils.
A Complete Line of Druggists' Sundries.
Trussed, Supporters, and Shoulder Braces.
Pure "Wines and Liquors of all kinds for Medicinal aud
Sacramental purposes.
Wall Paper and Borders, a great variety.
Personal attention given to the compounding of Physi
cians and Family Prescriptions.
Established 1867. A. J. DURLING.
Lrhlghton. NovemD rJ, I8S.
Where Shall I Buy My Holiday Presents?
Sicll Sluluii; im dc Panic mt' to trust In sonic measure to Hie breeder's!
lmiS m'r do fes about dreiintt- To nccompllih this the t-liortest
shdim in's iccwos'r du, un
don se druka obdrik'la un sha
in's bet ga so dos dc ba about
drei fus hach'r leia wo d'r kup,
un won m'r no uf shtaate
drink't m'r drei ola bronda-
ga t zum
wci un
ins t n vous
Dukd'r mi
ni)a. Sel is dc
gousiJuku ri lor s zawnwa won
r's browera wult ken't 'r un
won net mccht'r worta bis nci
yor no ken't r's wek winsha.
So will ich don zum shlus
kiuna for des mol, mi's nagshd
mol denk ich kon ich cbes ma
Pit knokwohsiid.
a icoTi.tNci; or xjiii stai
A romantic chapter In the annals of
tho amateur drama has just been played
In Ofen, Hungary. Tho beautiful
dnughter of a manufacturer imagined
that shi could trace In herself tho germs
of considerable dramatic genius, nnd
urged her parents to nllow her to ndopt
tho stage as a profession. The prosaic
elders refused their consent, but per
mltted her. to satisfy hci aspirations as
far ns possible by taking lending parts
lu tho numerous dllettanto plny-nctlngs
which are a favorite amusement of li
cal society. She performci' with great
applause such parts ns tho Loulee lu
"Kabale lu Liebe," tho Kilty In
"Kathclcn von llellbronn." nnd the
like, and soon became much In (emand
It happened that in nearly all the dramas
lu which she had to play tho lovely
heroine n hamUomo young gentleman
of & good family, who wns also a little
stage shuck, played the part of the lov
er. Theatrical love, on her side at least,
developed into the nctunl human pas
sion, while on his sldo it never passed
the boundary which sever? representa
tion from reality. Her passion, which
was ret urned so warmh .ipon tho boards,
was met coldly In'tho salon aud at the
Buppcr table; perhaps It was not even
suspected by Its ojjjvct. Tho young
lady determined Jifat life without him
as a lifelong partner was not worth liv
ing, and Mio resolved to end It In a man
ner worthy of her twofold passion for
H.o drama and tho haudsomu amateur.
Sho procured the adoption of a tragedy
In which tho heroine poisons herself for
love and dies In the arms of the belov
ed.' The mlso-en sceno was admirable.
Tho girl played the poisoning scene
with such nn Impassioned and lifelike
reality that liio spectators wcro enrap
tured, and perhaps concluded that her
parents were to blamo for withholding
such a remarkable girl from a wider pub.
He. Hut as tho convulsive writhiuss
prescribed by the' part seemed t'i havo
no end, and the heroine went on dying,
but would not die, to tho perplexity aud
consternation of thd hero, the observers
began to suspect that something was
amiss. A physician, who was among
tho guests,- sprang upon tho stage and
belied the challco of poison which tho
heroine had drained. It contained
sumo weak solution of phosphorus, for
tunately too weak to bo fundamentally
mlschlovous, and the linmcdlato appll
cation of nn antidote set everything
right. Three days after, It Is reported,
she declared herself healed of both her
passions for tho stugo and the ami.
It Is told ot the late Lord Chelms
ford that so- stately was his presence
aud so dignified his appearanco that
many years ago, when he was a young
er man and more erect of carrlace. ho
was accosted In the street by a hurried
Individual, who, mistaking hlur for sotue
acquaintance, clasped him by tho hand,
exclaiming, "How are you, Mr. Smith?"
iSir Frederick Theslger, as ho theu was.
drew hlmtclf up, and gazing coldly on
his questioner, replied, "Sir, do I look
I ke a p.'r.ou of tho name of Smith?"
and passed gritjely ou
cut is to puichate or breed for gindes."
writer.ln the ltural Nuw Yorker tays he
often sets out cabbages so late in the
season that the heads nro but half form
ed when Winter sets In. Just before
thu ground freezes a deep furruw Is
plowed on a dry, sandy knoll, the cab
bages nro caielully lifted with adhering
soil, and set as thickly ns convenient In
tho natural condition. They nro then
covered with a few inches of straw, nnd
with tlio same thickness of 8'iil, partly
by blowing against Ihem. Tho heads
Conn during the Winter, nnd they came
out in Spring white and tender.
TcMrcnATUitB koh EEKD3. -Seeds are
more easily killed by high temperature
than low. 1 hough no teed have been
I; no iv n to geminate below thlrty-seven
degrees Fahrenheit, they nre, with few
exceptions, destroyed by a temperature
above 010 hundred aud sixty-eight, nnd
many uinas perlali below that point.
tncy win not germinate auovo onu nun-
dud nnil twenty-eight degrees. Mo-t
seeds will stand the scvcreit cold of the
winters in tills latitude, and wheat lult
for years In tlio Arctic region has been
sown in England afterwards, whero It
germinated freely. Springfield Union.
Ploughing and manuwno. plough
ing, to bo thorough, should bo so per
formed that tho soli shall be broken
and made ns flue as possible ; you can
not pulvcrlzo too much. Subsoil plough
ing is a distinctive different Iroin com
mon ploughing, yet the two terms are
often used with tho same meaning.
Subsollipg on most soils, In connection
with good ploughing, Is one of the es
sentials of certainty of a good product;
tlio deeper and moro thoroughly the
subsoil Is broken tho better, ns no crop
will bo likely to suffer thu effects ot
drought or wet whero the ground is
subsolled, as whero only surface
ploughed. In ploughing under muiure
It should not bo turned down to thu
bottom of thu turned soil, it we wish
the benefit of any poitlou of It In tlio
present crop. The nearer tho surface
so inai 11 uo covcreu in uiu soil, we
keep manure, the greater benellt tho
crop will receive from It. Herein lies
one benellt ot ploughing under the
manure shallow, and ngaln ploughing
tho same ground a trifle deeper; which, I
while It mixes the manuru with tho soil
still" keeps tho greatest portion near
the surface, just whero tho roots of the
young plant will bo benefited by It, and
ns Uiu water or rain dissolve aud wash
down the portions of the salts, etc., the
latter roots of tlio same plants Slid and
appropriate what they most require, and
thus tho manure is equalized through
thj soil. Southern men have Informed
me that it would not nuswer to plough
deep, as their sudden powerful showers
the land would go seaward, from wash
ing, I suppose; however that may be I
urn unablu to say, as I have no experi
ence there; but I know that here at
tho North tho more shallow ploughed
ground washes worse than that which
Is deeply worked, and also crops grown
on shallow worked soil nro less certain
and more subject to tho vicissitudes of
tlio season, wet or drought, than whero
tlio ground U deeper worked. Letter
to American Farmer.
TnANsi'iiANTlKa. A rule without an
exception in transplanting Is this :
I'lncu tho roots In contact with as much
soil us possible. This Is very Important
with nursery-grown evergreen trees
which have a mass of small roots, aud
all other fine-rooted plants or vines.
such as strawberries,raspberrles,grapes,
etc. It is not enough that a nice place
Is prepared to receive the tree or plant
with all tho roots In natural position, or
mat ma unest eartn is utedlu lining up.
Nor Is It sufficient that tho roots nro
carefully spread out before the earth is
put luto them. All these things must
be done, and theu It Is necessary to see
that In tilling up the roots aro not
crowded Into a mass without earth be
tween. Tho holo may bo of proper size,
the roots spread out nicely, the finest
earth may bo used, aud the tree shaken
well when filling up about the roots,
and still they may be flattened together
so as to touch no soli except at the top
and bottom. Water may be freely used,
or tho roots well puddled In mud-water
made for tho pupose, and still tho diffi
culty only aggravated by making the
roots closer than ever. Tho Cno roots
must bo separated aud flue earth work
ed well among them to separate them
as widely as possible. Letter to Ger
mantown Telegraph,
Tho Best aud Most Ponnlar Pidmonic is
M. C. T.lEXLCn.
It Invntlablv Cure Conch, Colds, lloatec-
tic, Hero Throat. Aothma, Croup, and bthcr
AflVctlons ot the Breath tup Organs;
snnthine lnflnpiico uron iho irrifji'ed Un
Ingot th nir vhrmctb; Id tine to the lnct that
lU liiRmlttMitft nro tho most cfflcaclons nulnion
in Rlmplcn known tfimrOtcnl hntony, tlio lmn1
nf thnnitlclfl oe!iiu tao IIONKY ntilie JIOIIK-
1IOUMJ l JjAr i ci.cmicniivutmeti wun ino
iiiNMnnMtirlncinlenf tlio A HI KM HAI-SAMKA
or liaitn ot aieml. There ore boMile. flvo other
Imtnnla Qleinentn whtcu giTO auuilionai ciiicocy
tn thr at TiAtnrtl two.
lhnio who hnro ncil It, Ptiv that HATJVH
only wonderfully rrmofltal tn nil com; 8 wheic
thoorcaiHof rcsplrntton nro iiffcled. out alo
that Its fiction N uiuunnlly rnpld. A lew rinses
Itcq-ieutlT 8iTvoto relievo ft Tory obvllnnte
ronjrh. It contains nothing toftt can disorder
tho gtomucii, B rnct mar rnn io nnoReuwiin
truth nf hut tew Con ah remedies: It litis nn ex-
tiprrriv ocreofible flavor, nnd is mid nt n llcnre
which enables thorto of tho most limited nieaus
to nvnli thcnvcivcR ox m virtues.
Itl fclmplo nindnestto triflo with a Conh,
Ttrlt'itlnn nf th Throat. Uhct nnd Lnncs trnv
el rnpidlv and what Is n trifling and ensih
oonqnoiaitio unucuiiyiu inonu oicuim in-uay,
mnv In 11 tnw wi'ottR iiorelon Into lirnnehltU 01
Conumpt on. two it'siase which cam more
vlctlmnto eariv graves, than cuy oilier in tho
longiisioi iioauv niormr.
a C'onirh nuv ho lltiv termed thorrelluilinr:
tttro ot ('niMtimption, n mil'idv rf wlitcli
TAXllsthp furot Vimwti irevenlive. Thowo
thotefoir, who would arreni tlio progro of the
dc'trovcr shonld delay not a uioinent totrke
a crtain Hroeinr.
CJIIIjUUI, U3HV0 irroit iencnt irom im
poothlnt: pniperties, when mifterlntr with the
paroxyrms or cmup nua wuuoptiig coun. 'I he
first named (I'rmo m o-)eiiiy tirstrui tive
nmoim vo ine children nnd th's ri'llaolo rcmedr
hhonltl ho Kept on hand In all households, liuv
tho larpo racKages ami L.ootioniize.
ritiuKH. a1) ct.. aua ii, run iiottlii
Sold by nil UrnorKlsta,
C. N. Criltcnton Proper,
Who has for salo genuine American "Watches, Gold Vest
Chains, lloll-pkte Vest Chains, Fire-gilt Vest Chains,
Silk Guards, Thimbles, Bracelets, Breast Pins, Studs,
Sleeve Buttons, Ear Drops, Lockets, Plain and Stone
Rings, Silverware, Clocks, and makes a specialty of
Can suit any one in this lino.
llosncctfullv announces to the nooplo of LohiKuton and its
vicinity, that ho has just enlarged his Manufactory by the
addition of another story, and that ho is now prepared to
furnish them with every description or
Household Imraitur
Manufactured from the best Seasoned Material, at Prices
fully as low as tho samo articles can be bought for else-
where. Hero aro a low ot tlio inuueements oirereu :
Parlor Sets at from 50 to 00.00
Walnut Marble-ton Dressing Case Bedroom
Suites, 3 Pieces. , 40 to 65.00
Painted Bedroom Suites, 18 to 40.00
Cano Seated Chairs, nor set of Six 0.00
Common Chairs, per set of Six "... 4.00
and all other goods equally cheap.
Tn this connection, I desiro to call tho attention of the
citizens to my ample facilities in tho
BUSINESS, with a now and handsomo Ilearso, and aful
lino of Caskets and Coffins, I am prepared to attend
promptly to all orders in this lino, at lowest prices.
Patronage respectfully solicited and tho most ample sat
isfaction guaranteed. V. KCHWAltTZ,
Oct. 12. BANK Street, LEI1IGI1TON, PA.
- LU! JC.
ii. n. icnsicLKiu
N. Y. P. Srdo's'doTumn.
BEST (rlitnlnnrid-Kilrft IiHh-nr
rt. Hint Itanrlwntp-Uulrk to Ittrond-Krllllant
Tonfr-Dnrabte-iiiid by all l.KAhINO MIM(I i n new xurx ruj. voimacnng iiii-tr
rtt Tftln, the rbratt Blrin tn tint world.
f MFi.MSVT jcwnroDi Ttrjwimfl uirarnra iiniiRH iitbuii-
'MV fultnlflokBtbttofnoiKlaf. tif nulnt liiu
TAAtI MARK tttin tint 8lriiM rmalra nu blparliltiv.
TnttUcnb lTerlr lox hi'i rd-inBrk of iitojMlr importer
" join r. MiuTtos to., A.a
Scientific American.
Oppbsiih T. U. Clauss',
BanWSt., Lcliigliton, Pa.,
isbrcparcd to mnnnfarturo any descrip
tion t
Carriages, Buggies,
Spring Wagons, &c
Repairing l'romtitlj- Attended to.
rT"All wotk dono at tills cstatilielimrat I'
annrantoedtouoof tliorciy Lest material nnd
workmanship, rud the prices fnllv as low as the
samo nrtlclrs can ho purchased lsonhei-o.
Spoclat Inducements effered strictly cash
M. "
EIIiltlAN & CO.
Ilavc you a "IUama Tootii" Reader?
if von HAVE, BUY
Pike's Toothache Drops
nnl Care tlw nscony In Onr Mixutr. Tills ron
rnmlofof TflTrtNTY-FIVK CUNTS Tho ar
ticle w II ilo tlio Luilimn nn brnwii. (lenrnd tinon
it; morovor it contains uo JuicUlcnt Uilcli
cnu mjuroyour'icoti:.
TRICK 25 CKXTS. oU Uy all Drnsfflsls.
C. K. Criltcnton, Prop'r,
BANK STEEET, LehigMon, Pa.,
MILLERS and Dealers In
AU Kindt of nriAIJT noutmTnntl SOLD a
Vfl wnnld. nna. itanrrtrn'lv inform mirrlti
pn that wnaro now fully iirupurctl to fcUT
ill lUt'Ul WllU
From any Jtlno dcsltcd at VEttY
Jnlv 15.
mAmm soap,
Tho Leading External Specific
Beaulific-r of tlio Complexion
When Johnny was questioned ai to
vrliy Ills engagement with MUs II. had
been broken off, be rolled his eyes,
looked very much pnlned, aud groaned,
" Oil I eho turned out n deceiver." But
lie forgot to mention that he was the
deceiver nhom the had turned out.
flit mil 2
lmWm- loci's
It renders tho Cutlclo Healthfully
Clear and Smooth, nud Is the Zest l'os
slble Substitute tor Expcnslvo Sulphur
Tt U Tnpfmniirnh!f! llPniPilv for IlRL'ISnS. UlV
firna OItth nnd nvcrv liTltnlilo Of OnlltJtlllV
contlitioii ot tlio Skin, Hint U a roust sctrircable
tfiuedlalarntand orco ol epcoiiy mieiiu (IflHTnilil 1 1 11KIT1I ATIfiif.
ItiaaninRtflPsiraulo I)I8INrECTAXT OI
UliUi IllU A It I' nuui Mil"
uvihtboip muennR irom ousoiioua it iu.y
KimniiB nuviiii'a mifl la n Pntntnl ItfinPilv ntli
Proventattructtacm. wlien used as qd J nice
ttnn ii(KinA rtiinlovlntr 1L havo iio nrou to
taico Suliilmr Jlaths. or to resurt to Sulphur
fiirinun for bnttilns purioHP8.
Ainn adjunct of tno li far more
flelrabls than any Cormo io eicco It poes ot,
llko aitlclt'a t that nature, concoal Couiplux
ional lileniiHliPS but rrmoves tliem.
ntdthnlUe. sneodllv yield to H cianfvliiclu
llucncc: antl Hit the lery bat Hoap to snire
vitu.bec.t'iKft it leaves the etm smooth and free
from the In tint ton produced oca enl(lTeca
ilcle. hy tho anpllcatmn of tlio razor. It alao
Mii.i.tfiAlvcmi1irnt.rA IlAN'MUtTVP.
IIuusewlvoH Oeclaro It to bo KXCELU'.XT for
washing OOI.EK. UN If N. IiAUli.aud other
fabrics, and ladio moving In the best circles of
metropolitan and rural society apeak ot It In
tho boat terms.
Tosiltnoulaispoarln from all quarters of the
Union upon lis rropneur.tnany 01 wiurn naif
been pultllshrd lu the form or a neat pamphlet,
procurable of lJrurj:it nnd Fancy tloods Deal.
tr. ihn niiirlnulfl lintuir onen to litlbllO lUSDrO
A yen ua. New Vouk. The artic o Is moreover
lndoised by the Medics fraternity.
ni.HN.N'SHULl'ILUUHUAl' lias b euluutat-
cd. soaps wtthont the smallest fraction of re
medial elllcacv have been and are folate! ujion
tue nnauspeciine'ana unosscrmui, acnmm
Htiintmr soans. uosseHslnr vroDertlei laenllcs
h Un or equal to the Great Bpeulflo. v hlcb their
vendors btreK to rival br underhand ciropetl
tvtn. The pubho should therefore be careful to
Inquire for G MCNN'ti bulphur boap bv Its full
UlllUU, aim ecu luai Liirjr ub 1110 icai ni nvir.
All rPHiicctable I)rutrmU. Karcv OrnxU Deal
ersamt Urootrs keep OLKNU'H bULl'UUU
80At'. snd will on demand for it, supply Uo
OE.NU1XE luLsu to tncir ooiiomers.
The roost useful present
por -srotrR WIFE,
Tu tended wife, mother, or sHter, Is one of our
Nlctlo Datea ana rollihed Flutlnsor Cuuii)
1ns: lions 4 Irons on one handle aud at greatly
Heuiuced Trices
Ktog Ueveniable Fluting Iron, 13-50. JLome
Fluting and Crimp in ft Iron, 2Ji. Bent prepaid
on receipt ut price.
Hewitt Mfff. Co. Plttsburgli, I'a.
1. O. Cox. SS9, or 103 reuD Atenue.
An Agent Wanted In this County.
Not. le-sw.
"llCdIldb Ra" Humil and mo.t popular
traetionaad tmo.eiucnl- lo. a Hit of all the
balilM. wneu aun wtivrn loatlil, during tbe
war, for a c "it Xauip, Addir. ., Dj,(jMONl( A
COii JUio i I'lu.adclpliia, loictlr
"Wrapping Paper, Printing Pajcr,
Until roo hate aent lor quotation, atatlne
alw, weictic, quality and quantity reqalicU, to
General Taper Dealers Manufacturers,
12 and 14 Decatur Street,
J,1M anit Ileary UoU Taper tn all grade.,
XiOT. la-iiu.
Prlce,;as eta. per CUt' 1 Box, (3
cake.) aent by iniklliirepalil for 70c,
No. T SlxtU Ave., N. V,
arecommntcated to Oiar and Flan 6 colored
ioca, aiuiodi laaianianoousiy uy
Hill's Hair and WhiskeiDyo
anrcnaiatlon absolutelr free from hnrtfnlln
frrt'ditms and lutluitely superior, by rtuuou of
the eir cts produced, to any article of lis class,
l'tciusturo Uuayne ami liAUNEA8 are pre
vented, and the silveiy hairs ot ava acquire the
C. N. Crittcnloii Prop'r.
ueodiiii hur.drrd, of concTrentlor.s for cnuic
orcnmmunion putprife-i.
UIPTflDV AtmoU ft Ttomanff.
New cfTccta from new
Ingredients: n new remedy that performs wonders.
K N A 1)N '' 1 1 1 1 o .Vr a li It 1C. oulcl; relief
nnd radical remedy for llnnrcne.ii. bore Throat,
Loius iicaiing, iioia or toice. iininny, iiipninr
rla. Ilrnnrhltl., and 'llnlter'a Sore Throat."
CIrcat relief nnd comfort for Consumptives,
ftencl no.tal eard for tha 'lIlitorr." Imnor-
tant news for VocnlUta, Speakers aid Tcacliers.
jKiinpifm jnrmti .;rr in rom ny uriirRifls.
AddreES II. A., 100 l'nllon St., Ii. V. City.
The defacement of
natural pcencry
by flcn pilnlcrc.
otherwise this bare
ipot would .how an
instantly, llutnlirt
tcr effect can now be
o Most rnpular Sclentiflo PAper Iff
tlie World Only 8,20 ft Yenri
InclmlltiK Postage. Weekly,
G2 Numbers a year. 4,000
Hook Pages.
Tho Scientific American I. a larire flr.t-Cl. M
Weeklrfew.powr ol Hixtcen I'.kc. prlnteX
tn fix uo -t iM'.Tilltn' (trio prafuttly
icibt tpleptltd enj7rarrnpi.rrpioMntinir tbe new.
rat Inventions and toe trtcxil recent Aavaocea
ln tlie Aua ami ecteneesi lieiudnit New an4
ItiterostliiK Facta ln ARtlcoltnre, llotllcultnte.
tho ltotim llexith. Medicitl rrnffieia. Hooat
Heience, Natural lll.lorr. Oeoloiry.A.tronomr.
Hie mot VJinaoIptnctieat eminent
wiltnialn all ilepiirtmenu ..fBcleute will bo
tntinil hi tlin Rrlpntltln Atiinrlfiiini
Terms. (3 ai ncr voar. nail year, wn en
includes pustaca. Dine jnnt to A Rents bmicla
copies, ten cents. ?olrt by ell Newwlealrr lie.
nut ov li' .tni order to B cu., ruoiun.
en. 37 l'sra ltow. Now York.
Jot ln nn easier way.
tub tho bald pate
nnil think new linlr will anon cover it. Thus WO SC.
enro many a walklns witness that Packeii's TAti
s-oap Is n modern wonder. rbyslclanB cvcrywliero
recommend It Tor llaldncss, uanarnii, beam nna
r kilt Diseases, Headache, i:rnptiona of Children,
such ns Sca'd Head, Eczema. Acno, Chaflnc, Hash,
etc. Cnrea Halt ItliDnm.HlnEWnrtn. Tetter Shinties.
i'ilpa. l'lmnles. Itou"hnes. Itcdiicsa. Chaps, and
nil almlltr diseases. All physic ani prescribe it for
wasning iniant,ana lorine iouct onti uniu. iuo
only '1 ar Soap ntado from l'nro Veietab e Oils nnd
Itclincd Glycerine, l'ure, cleansing, soothing nnd
healing. I'ACKEii'a 1 ah bop uneouea uy every
body ns (i sanitary luxury. Ask. f or VACKEU'S.
For Salo by'
Nov. li-Om.
CURE for UOUOI1S, chronic or common, Soro
Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, nnd nil pul
monary complaints. Tho best nnd cheapest
In connection irlth
tho Scienline Atnrrt.
chii. Messrs. MUNN A CO. ate cl.cltra of
AmeiicAii and ForcU-n I'steuU. hSTe had 14
eiin expenenco. and now hvw the laryeat es
tnolishmcnt In tho -world. 1'atcntsarr oblaiaM
on tho bot tt'tuis. A sprclal is msde In
thoUcicutlflcAnisricauot al Inventions pat:
rntoti tnroatrn inin Accno . wun inensme ana
rrairttnco vf the Patent, llr the imioens
circn'ation thus glrn. pnUlo alteutlvn tsdl
toctMl to ihomemsof theiiew pit-at,nd sales
or liitmducnon often easily effected.
Any pei son wno zan msae a new aiseoTerr
Invoiition. can ascertain, free of chars e. whalb
rr it piitrntcanprobibly wrlltna
(0 iiioiiHU(TSiKU'i vveiiiu Bonn irttour iianu
hook ituoui me rate 01 iaws. rnienia, vitmii.
Tind" Murks their ost, and how procured i
tritli tints !or proennnr advances en Inran
lions. Addresi for the Paper, or coneerninc
MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y;
Jlrntich OiUce, Cor. F. A lib Bit., Vahlnjttoa,
1). C. Nor 10, Ml.
Advertise !
mcdlcino of Its kind. Trlco S3 and CO cts.
The N.Y. Evening Post
To Any Address in the United State
(Postpaid by tlie rubllsliers)
Until January 1, 1879j
The New York Evening Tost shows do fall.
lndiTflticn tho death of Ur. Brjant. bm rath
ol the contra rr If anything. Irtpnnfflle Id,
(Mj-h) Union. .
Ii maintains the htch standard aet ap lor tt
bv tho lato Mr. Hrynnt. TJtlcn Herald. ,
Tlio Ut at ot erenlnit newspapers by all odds.
tLcuiKTlllo Courier Journal.
Iho leadin? renreaentattre afternoon dallr
of New Yore Cltr. New IlaTtn Common
wealth, ,
Tho wisest and soundest or all our news
papers. t New lork Independent.
SUIlE 8neriivothblere.uUngpuiiUoof ihlacltf. N. Y
Accepted at tho south as the beet antborltr
on any subject New Orleans Times.
TOLU ANODYNE, ran oueat
NEURAI.UIO ltEJIKU Y, cures Nervous, Chronic
nnd violent Sick Headaches. Sciatica, Nervous
Debility, Hysteria, Delirium Tremens.
W cts. per bottle.
Mercurial Huliktltuto nnd Family l'hyslc. Aro
composed exclusively ot vcectablo ingredients
tuxreeUe tht me of Mtrcviii net directly on tho
LivEit, and aro a most valuable remedy in all
cases of derangement of that orpin. Invaluablo
in tho cum of Constipation, Indigestion, and all
llilious Hisorileis. l'ricoMcts.
All are warranted to euro or the money refunded.
Nov. O-Cm,
Speer's Port Grape Wine
This ItiPtlv Cclebmteil Native Wlno la mr.d
fioiu tho Jnicoof tiio Opoito Urnpe, laiiid in
thli country. Its invaluablo
Tonic and StrcngtlicniugFropcrtics
mo unsurpassed ny anv otlicr liatlve Wine,
lie In the puie Jnico of tho frrapo, pioducid
under Mr. hpctr'aown personal siiicrlRiou
Its punty aud pfnuineiiea nro (fuamnticd
rhoyounost child may pattako or Ha peiicr
ousQuHltlt'. nnd tho wcikt-st luvnlid ueo U t
advantaco. Itispuitlculnrl benonclnltn tht
aEcdandilebilitntcd. nnd suited to tho vanout
ailment that nltllct iho wenicer sex, Ir Is. In
every mpect. A WIM5 lO iik ltaoi.IKD ON.
Inralils Uso Cpcer's Pert Crspo VTice.
ren:l;s Uis Ctsor'i Pert Crapo Wlno.
Wiaily Fenoai rlsl t BeteSt t? Its Uio.
Sneer's Wines ln ilosnltala nro ntefcrred to
other Wines.
Hoia ty jirugjrms uenerauy. wno siso sen
TbiltS. Trade supplttil by all Wholc&nlo IJeaU
era. oo tnai uio signatuiooi Aitroti bpeu.
rassalr, N. over thprork of em-Ubottlo.
A. 81' K KH'S Mount 1'iotpcct Vmeaids,
Kew Jerey. Ofllce, No. 34 Warrt-u bticct,
rcw ltirK. I'nrnaiBuy
A. J. lUIUUiriUN l'A.
jm: Su 33 3m: !
Why do yon carry that rust y.lookln? Trttvctltno
Jin li. when ycu can make It look just as well as a
new ono with
And rtnnt let tho children' boots look bo rnsty ana
finanmr. vftien nn eiey'itu pousn can uo Riroa
theai by cither of theso Drcslnps, whkh you can
got at tiny Shoo store. It will not soil tho sLIrta
when wet.
In consequenco of their prcat popularity, there
aro so ernl Imitations. To keep pcaco fa tho family,
giro your husband a box of
tnat uo mny no on an equal looting.
Awarded tho Ulghtst premium and only
modal at tho Paris Uxpofiltlon, 1373.
Nov. 0-3ra.
12 Months for $1 50
Heiiti-YVeehis', on. 7r v on
Ilnlly. one year O OO
"W. C. BRANI &B, CO. .
llrondivny and Fullon Str..t.
Each, and all styles. Including OltAND,
Ul'AltE ANUUl'lttOIlT.Bll strictly FlItbT
Ci AHS, sild at the lowest net cash whoiesalA
incauy pilcwi, dltect to the I'UltClI AMKIU
't'hes 1'iaiioa made one of the finest dtsplsys at
tao CenlenniHl Kxhthitlon, and weie unani.
mously ircnmmcnded for the liianKST Honour
ovci I'i.oco In use, Heu1aily lucorporatetl
ManufftCturtiiK Co. Factory eftabltshtd over
8U vears Tho Square O rand 4 contain Math
usbek's new patent Duplex Overstninir Scaled
tho sreateat Improvement In the history of
IMano making. The UprlahUorethe FINKhT
IN AMKUIUA. IManos sent on trial. Don'l,
tall to wnto tor IUustrnled and UeKtlptlTO
Cotaloftno tf 48 pases milled free.
l K8t I5tli Street. N.r;
X year.
Vo will Pay the Postage
Avt. It, It.
The Carbon Advocate
Or Six Months
For SO cents !
Less than 2 conts per Week
Cavbon Advocate
I.i'ltlSlitou, I'n.
A C.k. of Sa?oU9, ft bowl of w.ter .nil . truth, clMh of
HOl'SK CLKlMia a qultk Job
ITlLIi riIXT.4 .11 pMnlwl isrf.c.M-
tTILL Binru:, Hint.l., T.Uot J Slttu.rj
mu. cms on cioTim, noon, emim, .
win ems nnil Ttns, wnk-nuUf, k,-
UlLl VLKXt CttOCEtltr, CUl.lrt,
win cu ts iiTtms rrE.siisoftiiti"i-.
1T1LI ClF.t WISD01T8wltbotlllt.lil.f ofwt.p
ITIll I'OMSH TIX. rr... .ad f opr.rwir.i-
wm roiisu kjnHni.iiiii-
1 ILL I'Ol.lSU .11 Xriil Surnr.i ml
YIILL ClKtX H lto...lo!4 irtlflrt lid I.
BKTTFll 1SD CHEll'tll llu. ip, rm.rj, Ilollf B4.,
Prlco tOc. Per Cako.
COM 33T A3jXi S3A1j33W.
For It I railly too truo that thnusanda of
ClIII.nltMNnro .l'VKt l! IH ATII
every year by lnipt-o;)cr or lusudlclcnt I'OOOi
Is nil and n great deal mora then tro havo claim
cilforlt. His simply a IIKJ13J.V iurtl
1 KHJS end easily assimilated I'OOD, grateful
to tht) most delicato and irrltuble Ftomacli. and
especially adapted for tho 1MMM' and
and thoso sintering from Indigestion wilt find cd
trial that
llakf. a A. Urloni i!If t. enn hfl tiwvl wltli or without milk,
mukii ru.ltnli. ntiddiii.. Ar.,- Uglily rnrcrt.iUM ly tlio
Irk. IMIrctiMnotlii'liulUllli.llMriKF'i 1 l jml vlii.llV)
ucrU. It civcUcaltb audctrruLtlL Inriii.
Nov. 0 Oat
obtainwl for Inventors In the lirilnl Slates,
Canada and Europe, nl reiluccl rate., .With
our iirincijiul oiKee locateU in Washington,
direvlly ojwsito the United Slates 1'atont
OHiee, wo are oblo to attend to all patent
busluow Willi groatr iiroiriptne ami des
ltttfli aiulotloi d'ettliun other utentat
forneya wlio nro at a distanto from Wash
ington, ami who have, theretire, in employ
" aaoeiale attorneys." We mko preliminary
c.tniniiialioiis and furnLh opinions as to
lKilenlablily, freo of cliarge, anil all who aro
interested in new Inveirtlonsand patents ara
i uvitol to mnl for a copy of our "Ouido for
obtaining Talents," whieu is sent free to any
otldreu, and contains complete iustriictious
how to (.Main iatents and other valuable
matter. Wo refer to the German-Aliierican
National Ilanlc(Washfiigton,I).0 the lloyal
Swedish, Norwegian and Duut.h Legalions,
nt Washington; lion; Jos. Casey, late Chief
Jiwtioe V. S. Court of Claims; to the Ofliclals
A( the V. 8. Talent Ollic, anil to Senators
ami MeinbtM of Congrews from ovory State.
AdilreMi LOUIS HAGOKlt A CO., Soliei.
tors of l'uteiita and Attorneys at Law, IjjDroil
Building, Wisuisoiox, D.C. ikc22
1. not oatlly earned In these times
777 hat it osn be made In three months
8 brnyouootelthrsox,inauyprt
of tho country, who 1. willing to
worb .iMdily at the euiulovinent that we turn,
tan. f8 a week In Tour own town. You need
net be aw.y irom home over uleht. Von can
jrive your wuolo timo to the uork. or onlr your
Huire luoineuta. It coats nothlDRlto try the
bu.lne. Ttrms ina Is nattlt free. Aililress
tiiie a iiAii.nT.t(ii..
1 bl'vl I'ortlaud, Maine.
rfil lienniirul periodical, the best Amerlcaiy
rauiily Jourunl. story paper, and home friend,
has bceiitnn.ncces.fnl nralof all the weekly
Journals tor the past thirteen years. It rained.
placo In tho minus and hearts of our people,'
an-l now the name of it. patrons Is Legion.
This year the chimney l ouaxn seems lo be
better than ever. Its serial storl.a are of ilm
most niieurblnjr and lively character, of srealt
Dower, tmo to lire and lull ot merit, taking; a
wide range nt subjects to please every rnemoer
of a household uio dorueatlo story for tho
rnnilmr. the cliarmlliar love tale for the danwh..
I ten Iho more dramatto for the young men. ih
Minn lilt, wi lui .H.nk.iuiyini mv
have mu ring adventure for the boys aud fairy
tales for the children.
llnlibcrton, Unwarrt. Iloblnson. lie forest.
Deiiedict. 8. Annie Frost. Annie Thomas. Etta?
V. 1'iriiT. snd other emiuent writer are tta,
regular conlrlhutors. The subjects treated or
ore verv varied The Illustrations are protute,
and they are all beautlfnl. hnort atones ex.
ti finely lniere.tlnfr are completed In aaehunm
bcr. whl'e blefri-nphles, adventuies, es.avs. fan,'
trave.s. natuial history, legends, anecdoiest
science, eic. make this publication one of tho
moat citterlauilug In existence.
Exquisite s'eol engravinr. are frequently
given away to in subscribers.
Iho oniMMiT CoitxEn. sixteen pages, with
eight paces of illu-tratlons. printed on One pa
per, Is published every Monday, pries ooly 10
ccntsi uuuuol subscriptions, M. prnt-paM. Ad.
di ess your order to t rank Leslie's rublisblnr
llnu.e, 5T7 t'earl street New ork. .
page-. Issued weekly, eontaius excrll.nt
Pictures ami full descriptions ot inn vary
iatcit styles of lauie.' aod children's weari ase-.
f ul Information on family topic.! select stone, f
bmjtitul iilu'trationa of home and loretgn subV
Jcct'i poetiyi fashionable Intelligence i per
tonal chit chat i amuMiig cartoons on the fofil.s'
suit I'olbie ol the dayi Spuksef
FuaNK l.ESUE'a i.Alra JoubxslIs tha most
heautlful ol nil l be lauie.' papers. It should b
fouud or. ibetableof every ladvin the land,
l'nco 10 cents per copy; annual subscription, a.
I.Y has made rapid strides aa the rival of many
aspirants to puiiilo fsvor. Ilseontrlbutors aro
romo i f thr lirst livln writers. Avery depart
roeiit of llteratare Is represented in Its columns ,
The nmouutof instruction, rntertalnment and;
amunrnieut afforded by the articles, esMavs
stones and genera! mlscellsny contained la tbo
123 quarto psgcsof esch number of thispublt
catiiiu ha been well appreciated. Rvery copy,
ot tho l'opular Monthly is embelU.hed wfiK
over loo beautilul lllustratlouii. Being the
cheapest perloilteal ot the kind In existence.'
and ut tlm t anie time oae of the mo.t seieci and
universally welcome. It must continue to In.'
crease tn publle favor, and rank with the pop.
bailor's bUKDAT MAaAXWX ihe highest among'
all our American monthlies. It la published on
Iho 15th of cash month. Frfre, cent a num..
ben ( post paM, per year. Ad
dress your orders to Frank Leslie, in Pearl'
street. New York.
Is a lieantllul wrrx. It will loler. .t educated
ai'il cnlbvated tulnda aa well as Ibe moat oral.
nary reader. It is the only Kunday tnexaalno, In thlaeoantry. Kveiy numbrr lias
12S paves tilled with the most select and fssci..
uatmg literature, ranging from the aeimnn by
the iMlltor (Dr. C. V, Deems, pastor of lb.
Cbjrch of the Htrangrrsl to stirring tales, rei.,
eml tonics aud eeaays, noetry. music, fun. sel.
ence. history, eto , In great varletv. Kaea copy
ot this mnysxine has loo exquisite engravings,
of the mo.t interesting charactsr. It hiss,
rcachrd a circulation and prosperity each a
make It one ut the marvels of periodical utera
ture. It is Indeed a beautiful work, ltuy It
and see lor yonr.elvea. Rlocls copies aro onlic
u cents, and annual aubsenpuoo pr,ee only M,
poMtpild. Addiess orders to
feb:)ly s3 1'earl street. New York.
EUIIKKA n PD OIL, lis forty aegreeahlgher'
lire test than the law requires), can tw burscd'
In any LAMP where the rhto'nejr burner )'
under forfeiture of lino.
byP.J,FITZaERALD. Sole Prop. Mann rr,'
103 & 1 05 N, Fourth t-, Phllad'a.'
Also, U lIOLMALE p baler in head
N. ll. A large atsottment of latut tlyltt ot
LAMl'3, BUHNERS, Ac, Ac., Constantly on'
hand. Sept. I no.
Two Doors Below the "Broadway Hons
MAUCn onuNK, PA.
Dealer in all Patterns ot Plain ana Fancy
Wall Papers,
Window Shades,
Pnints & Painters' Supplied