The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 21, 1878, Image 3

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Society, meetings.
kfhito aiiiUi No ii.U. O. K. or tub M. c
-.inland 4th Monday of each month, In lie
bor'a Hallt&ehlRhtoiit at 7i) o'clock r. m
JohnOagtaa, M. K. U. Nm. 11. Ulluani.
t. Ka lt.-rf.
DlUuiiX IIUTIBN .l,ouaI.,No.s. liO. O. I.
meet, every "o'clock.
In Rebers Hall. II. Kettenbader,A.U,N.
II. Itebor, Secretary,
Lriiiohtok I.opoe, No. JJt K. of P.. rnceja
on Friday evenlnga. (n MoWa JXM. at
o'clock. W. II. Uacbmnn, CO 1 1.. A.AiIUer, n.anil w.
gj n.-BlKWIIUB,
Office, Kloti'a Drubilng ntodaway.
Hattlln Eatatea. Filing Account! and Orphan
Conn rraonce n snoclalty.
Trial of Cnnea caroldliv attended to. Icif
tranaaotlons tn Knirllah and German. Jan V.
8ATUI.DAY. DKCKM11EU 21, 1878.
Local and Personal.
. .to sunscninKits.
Subscribers to the CaiiboX Advocate will
take ptdi.l notice that our terms are ono
.lollarayear jfnWiy In ailvniico, if not bo
palil $1.21 will bccliargcit In every Instance.
Subscribers gelling tliclrpnperaby mall will
refer to the direction tab un llicir papers
nil note the date, nml remit accordingly.
Cold 100.
I.ehieh Valley Railroad .14.
Lehigh Coal 4 jfaflgalioii-141.
West's liter pills cure sick headache.
rhiladejphiaand Heading Railroad 12J.
Sunday School Clirislmas trees aro In
order. - t , '
Chew JacksoViI But Sweet Navy To
Wcco. ; ' " 7-50.
The Alburtis .furnaces aro in full blast,
and aro, making good iron.
OYSTUHS, frc'sh every day, at A. K.
Miller's, at bottom prices.
MeaI TIigTmia'i Atiier ew advertise
ment inanotber Cyluinu.
Read our advertising coliimnJ,llien pro
ceed to the purchase of your holiday goods.
You can'gc( fresh fish every day at A.
K. Miller's' saloon', at lowest cash prices.
A fine brick residenoo is at present be
lug orecled in Vulnutnort,noar tho railroad
.V how flooring is boing laid on the Le
high bridge between this place and Weiss
rt. It was much needed.
Ifyou yrant a fasliionableliator cap,call
at T. p. Clauss", and buy ono for a small
amount,of money.
lietter commenco practicing writing
eighteen hundred and soventy-ci nine, so
as to be all ready when Ihc lime conies.
The directors of tho Lehigh Valley Rail
road on Tussday'of last week declared a quar
ly divideidof one per cent.
Martin Uirgin, who was sentenced tn be
bung at Pottavillelust WcMnceilay, has been
rcpited-unlll January 1,1 tb.
You-can -buy. lUeT cheapest and bet
clothing and undcr.varc, at tho store of
. Schmidt', Wciss-ior..
A man residing in Reading, who lost
his sight serving as a soldier during the re
bellion receives a monthly pension of $72.
The j-cvival services are still continued
In the Evangoiical church, and quite a num
ber of inquirers aro at the anxious teat.
Overcoats, latet styles and best material,
fur a small amount of ready casli, at II. II.
reters', Post office building, Lehighton.
There wllf bo three eclipses next year
two of the Bun and ono of the moon but
none of them" will;!! vis'ablo -In this' part of
tho world. '
The Lehigh Valley railroad company
Is replacing tho old smoke-sticks on its en
gine's with new ones, to bo of one thickness,
and not spreading at tlio top,
Another new and elegant slock of fall
and waiter cloths and suitings at II. II.
l'eters, l'ost office building, liood tita, low
prices and satisfaction guaranteed always.
K. P. Kawcett, the barber, raised his
dwelling and shop, put a now roof on and
ncwlvweathcr-boa riled It, and now, when
nicely painted 'twill look very neat.
Blankets and Buffalo
Robes very cheap foi" cash, at
GaBcl's Hardware store, .Lc
John Kruse, an cmployo at V.ickerlon,
liad'hls hand caught In a cog-wheel Tues
day, and badly mashed. Dr. J. G. Zern,
Wednesday amputated two of tho fingers.
Ifyou want shirts, neck wear, or any
thcr article jn gent's furnishing goods, call
on T. D. Clauss, and ho will supply you at
extraordinary low prices.
"Where shall we find rest 7" asks a reli
gious weekly.- My dear sir, th very best
place to find rest and pluuty of it, is to be
romo clerk In a dry goods storo that doscn't
Kvcry description of plain siul fancy
Job l'rintlng at." knock down" prices at the
office of the Cikbox Apvucatk. Bend alon
your orders.
Before purchasing your Christmas pres
ents, call on K, F. Luckcnboeli; noar the
Droadway House, Mauch Chunk, and ex
amine bis elegant assortment of latest nov
elties. For bols, shoes ar rubbers, of the finest
makes, call on T. I). Clauss, You will find
an immense stock to select from, at lower
prices than ever before offered.
All medicines warranted frosh, genuine
and unadulterated at the l'eople's Drug and
Family Medicino storo. A. J. Purling,
Do you need a fall and winter suit of
clothes, madq up in tho latest and most dur
able manner t then go to T. D. Clauss, the
merchant tailor; on Dank street, and be "fit
ted." Friccj lower than ever.
Charles, son of Manasses Acker, of Mack
croltown, was 'o'ugaged falling timber one
day last week, when a tree foil suddenly,
striking Acker and badly breaking his leg
above tho kncOj' jpr. J. Q. Zern reduced the
fracture, amyha patieH is doing wall.
Clocks and Watches carefully repaired,
and work warranted, at lowest cash rates, at
Ilagernan's cheap cash store, opposite public
square, Welssport. 41-13,
Seo cherubims in another column hold
ing a bunch of grape from whioh Spoor's Fort
(irane Wine is mado, that is so Uielily es-
teemed by I he jnedlcal profession for the use
ol invalids, weakly pawns, and tlio aged.
Cami-hob Milk Dr. Oborholtcer's Lini
ment has been tested by thousands, and lias
proved, to bo of tho highest valuo to tho
community. It hat effected many cures in
Rheumatism, pares, Swellings, Sprains and
Frested Feet, ami many persons rcoumiucnd
it for Cuts, Galls and Swelling in horses.
It cost 24 cents, at Durlings. 1.4
II. M.S. PiXAroBK-thrco gems from
this popular opera, now all the rago at tho
Boston Man urn. " I'm called Little Mutter-
rup," ' Whcu I was ft Lad." " Chorus of
Sailors," Quartette, " Lo, a Star Shono in
the F.ast,"s Adleux," Nocturne, Uono
and"Adrien." Folka Mnjourka, Talexy,
music worth 1.9J, ore found in the in
teresting musical journal, the " Sconic," the
December number of which has been ro
leJved, Send 10 rU. (luriw taken) to John
F Ferry A Co., Publither-, .Washington
Street, Il vru, Ijs.
Next Wcducsday wlllboChristmosday,
and wo cmbraco this opportunity of wlslilng
all our patrons and friends a very MERRY
The Philadelphia and Reading 11. R.
Co., offer holiday excursion tickets nt re
duced rules. Seo advertisement in another
A number of arrests have been mado
hereabouts during tho past few days of
persons charged with picking and stealing
coal on tho L. V. R. R.
No. 2 furnace of tho Bethlehem Iron
comiany last woek yielded 430 tons of Bes
semer iron. Only ono furnace, specially
built, for tho puriiosc, produces splcgolclscn.
The Carbon Iron company, whoso works
aro located at Parryvllle, will at Its next
meeting act uion a proposition to leaso or
sell a part, or the whole., of tho real estala of
the company. So reported.
If you have occasion lo visit Mauch
Chunk, or any other placo on tho lino of tho
L. A S. Railroad, buy your ticket beforo en
tering the cars or it will cost you five extra,
t. c. fifteen cents to Mauch Chunk.
Wo learn that nil our Sunday Schools
arc making extraordinary efforts to glvo tho
children connected therewith a linppy
Christinas. The several entertainments will
occur on Christmas eve or Christmas night.
The Cammilla Ursoconocrt,atthc Man
sion House, Mauch Chunk, on the evening
of tho 10th Inst., under tho auspices of the
AthenaMim,was a decided success. Tho house
was well filled and tho pcrfonnanoo excel
lent. One hundred thousand tons of Scranton
coal wcro sold at auction by tho Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western Coinpan y, in
New York, Wednesday, at prices from 00 to
82, cents lower than In November.
.1. 11. Nicholson, P. O. 8., I. O. 0. F.f
will visit Lehighton sometime during Janu
ary, for the purjiose of organizing a Rebecca
Degree Lodge, and delivering ft freo lecture
on Odd Fellowship. Duo notice will bo
given of time, and place.
Wm. Applenian, who attempted to
wreck a train on tho Erio Railway, near
Shohola, on tho 24th ult., pleaded guilty at
Milfnnl, l'iko oounty, on Tuoalav, nnd wa
sentenced Wednesday to ten years' imiifis-
Iron ore Is now selling at $2.25 per ton
in tho mining sections of Lehigh county.
Before the panic tho same ore cost the furn
aces $0 per ton, but at that time pfg Iron
was worth from $40 to $42, whereasfuow it
is down to .$17.50.
The body of Catharine Kochert, oged
about 80 years, was found (looting in tho
Schuylkill canal at lteadins Tuesday. Slio
left home Monday evening, and nj) traco of
her could l.o round until to-day. She being
weak-minded, it is supposed tho went to the
water and jumicd in. j
If you have borrowed this paper, read
carefully and return it to tho ovncr, and
thon send ono dollar to this office nud get
ono of your own fnr52 weeks It islloss than
firo cents per week I Try tho Caiidon Advo
cate for 1870. It will niako a nice New
Year's Gilt in the family. t
It is well to h.ive f.nth in everything,
but you want to carefully exaininoitho in
sido of n chestnut before you trust altogether
to apjiearances, but you may ulwaysrust to
the appearance of David Ebbert's tanms
outside and inside. His teams uro always
the lowest in tlio county.
Ilcv. C. K. Fchr, P. E., of the Allen
town district, will preach in tho Evangeli
cal church, of this borough, this (Saturday)
evening at 7:30 o'clock, and to-morrow (Suui
day) at 10 a. in. and 7 p. in. Communion
services at 3 o'clock p. in. Sunday. All aro
cordially invited to attend.
F, P. Longstrcct and T. J. Median,
Esqs aro working vory earnestly for their
client, Charles Sharpe,onoof tho condemned
Mollies, in onler to savo his lite. With tho
now evidence in their iostessioii, they feel
confident of obtaining n pardon for him, or
atleasta commutation of tho death sentence.
Go to Pan. Graver's Bee
Hive Store, to purchase finest
articles of ladies' dress goods
aiurgroccrics lor the Holidays.
Prices astonishingly low lor
Tho United Companies of New Jersey
announce a quarterly dividend of two and
one-half per con!, payable at tho office of tho
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Philadel
phia, on tho 10th day of January,1879. The
transfer books of the company closed on the
20th of December and will reopen January
2, 1870.
Thomas M. Weaver, has recently open
ed on the Blue Mountain, at the Lehigh
Gap, a mammoth vein of granite. Thomas
says he will now be oblo to furnish "all the
world and tho rst of mankind" with gran
ito stones for 6tecl furnace works, Ac, at
tumble-down prices. His wst office address
is Packcrtou, P.i.
In returning from Mauch Chunk, last
Saturday, Carl Miller's team ran into Gee,
Raworth's team, upsetting tho wagon and
spilling George und his wifo into the road,
badly hurting the latter in tho lower cx
trcmeties. Persons should bo inoro careful
driving along tha mountain road it is
simply a womlor there aro not inoro acci
dents of this kind.
Tlio lccluroof Rev. B.T. Vlncent.In tho
school hall, on Tuesday evening last, was, so
fur as tho lecture was concerned, a decided
success tho few present expressed the most
entire tatisf.iction, but financially tho affair
was a decided failure. The amount realized
not beiug sufficient to pay actual excuses.
This is not right. The talent engaged was
tlio best and the object laudable.
Tho parsonago of tho Evangelical Con
gregation, of Weissport, wos visited on the
evening of the 16th in tho thapo ofamr
priso party by tho members of the ohurcli
and others. Tho largo delegation had their
baskets well filled with tho necessaries of
life, with which they presented their pastor,
the Rev. J, K. Seyfrcit,aiid hit family. This
dear eoplo know how to reveal their lovcand
generosity to their prcaoher who labors
among them, God bless them.
Two more Mollio Maguiro arrests were
mado at Springfield, Illinois, a few days ago
on a roquisition from Governor Hartranft,
fur tho murder of Michael Durkln, at St.
Clair, Schuylkill County, in January, JSCS.
the names of tho murderers aro Michael
Merrrick, a miner nud school director, and
.Michael (mtlaglian, a miuo Inspector. Tho
testimony shows that Durkin was shot by
Merrick, and that Golfiighan finished tho
job by kuockiug out his brains with a heavy
weight. Tho avcrrgo tlmo of the closing of the
canal at this place by freezing for the ten
years ending 1848, was November 28; for
the next 10 years, Nov. 30; the following
decade, Doc 1, and the last nine years, Dec.
3. Tho earliest closing was Nov. 25,1815,
and tho latest on Christmas, 1829, the year
of theoioiiiiigof the canal to commerce. In
1811, tho year of tho memorable fresbct,uav
igation continued until Dec 17th. The
prcscut year there has bean no ice on the
tuual, and from present looks navigation
may remain oicn until after New Year.
.ll Democrat.
IUmpagious small Uvs st.mirg the Ule
graph w.i., coti Lughud jj0,00 last year.
G'oiHcktt'il Illcctloli.
Pktitius Fii.kd, Not AcconniNO to Law.
On the 5th Inst., n ticlltlou, contesting tho
election of Charles Mcendscn, for Associate
Judge, was placed In tho hands of Hon. S.S.
Drcher, Prcsident-Judgo, at StroudsburgiOiid
filed lu tho Protltouotnry's office of this
county, on tho Tlh itist.
Tho petition sets forth and alleges Illegal
votes wlcd fur Mr. Meendsen as follows t
East Penn, 10 j Lehigh, 8 j Lower Towa-
mcnslug,48; Toivamcnsing, 20; Lausanne,
3l Puclterton, 2 j Parryvllle, 0! Penn Kor
ift, 2) Welssport; 12; also, 1 lunatic in
Lower Towa incusing, and a number ol pau
Tho petition is ssgncd by tho following
K. M. Mulhearn,
Charles Sohcubel,
r. II. Allirigllt,
H. llrelsfurd,
,1. O. Kline.
W. H. Stndi,
Wm.C. Morris,
Albln Stolle,
Amos Slmli,
(loo. W. Bertsch,
Jacob Sauber,
John Miner,
Jacob Sendcl,
.1. 11. llvmlmau,
Robert 11. Bcithm,
,1ns. H. Handwork,
Win. Butler,
L. Flcntje,
KU Shick,
S.iinuel 11. Heist,
Gcoro K. Painter,
(lilhrio) Sehiuke,
O, F. Lippcncolt.
Z. 11. Uretz,
Tlio alleged facts uro sworn to as true to
the best of knowledge and belief, by the fol
lowing named jictitioncrs:
George F. Painter, Gabriel Shinltc,
J. O. Kline, Albiii Stollc,
Amos Strnh.
On the back of tho document is tho fol
lowing endowment in tho handwriting of
Judge Drcher:
December .1th, 1878 Tho within petition
was imeiitcd to mo at Chambers, but I de
cline to net in tiio matter, becauso tho affi
davit is not in conformity to the Act of As
sembly. riigucu, hasi i. a. HHKiiF.ti,
President Judge
What theso proceedings will amount to
remains to bo seen. We, says tho Carbon
Democrat, venturo lo guess that it will prove
a very small fizzle.
IcDoullell mill Ntinruu lStlllm1
"James McDonnell and Charles SI
Kf..ll.. r ; n- i t-. r..
.uuiij .untunes, eru ieineu oil llltL 1.1U11-
day until the 14th of January by Governor
Hartranft,wlio had issued warrants for their
execution at Mauch Chunk on the IStli hint.
At tlio latt meeting of tho Board of Pardons
an application lor the commutation of Mc
Donnell's death scnteuno to imprisonment
for life was adversely considered, and subse
quently writs of error in his and Sharpo's
caso were refused by the Supremo Court.
Sh.irjie's counsel had meanwhile mado nn
appeal to Judgo Drcher, who sentenced both
culprits, and ho prepared a communication
which was forwarded to tho Govcrnoritatiiig
that if tlio after discovered evidence in favor
of Sharpo had been before tho Court in tho
present form at the argument for a now trial
lie would have continucd'tho enso to afford
tho defendant an opportunity to"sumbit tho
testimony, and if tho case was in his control
he would do so now. Tho only way, ho
says, is for an appeal to the Governor for a
respite, so that Sharpo can bring his caso
again beforo tho Board of Pardons McDon
nell njid Sharpo Vero convicted of the mur
der ofVlcorgo K. Smith in 1803, mid both
owe tlio verdict to tho testimony of self-confessed
murderers, who swore that tho ac
cused had confessed their connection with
tlio crime. Tlio new testimony conflicts
materially with that on which n verdict of
murder in the tire t degree was based in tho
Sharpo case. As the men ore under sentence
of death for tho same crimo Governor Jlart
ranft has respited both. The probabilities
now aro that Sliarjio will go to prison for life.
MVcaUmrly Iti'iuv
ho address delivered bv Grand Sire
Nicholson in tho interests of I. 0. 0. F., was
not only interesting but likewise inslniutivo.
Monroo Steijcrwalt is nursing a very
soro hand, which was accidentally scalded.
Aaron Bitting, aflcr fcoveral weeks ill
ness, bus so fur recovered that ho can bo
about, but is not yet ablo to attend to his
lUiuxo RminivRY. During last night bur
glars entered the tailoiing establishment of
Joseph Verzi, in tho basement of tlio Gilbert
Hou, and carried olf some $300 worth ol
clothing, jewelry, .to. Mr. Verzi lias em
ployed comjioteiU officers who will use every
means to ferrit out tho guilty partic.
Amongrt tho goods stolen wero live expen
mvo suite, mado to order ready for delivery
beforo Christmas.
tho (intercut Sunday schools of tho town
will have Christinas cntortainmcnts for tho
benefit of tlio children
Tho Presbyterian will bo on Tuesday
evening, while tho others will come off on
Uliristimis night.
In connection with the usual distribution
of gifts, candies, etc., the M. E. School prom
ises new leal u res. Mho siuem" will ho in
charge of tho pastor, and will bo uuqucst-
Uml of the Oonl Cuiiibiimilon.
Messrs. Dickson and Gowcn, tho Commit
tee of tho Board of Control, havo written a
letter to J. H.Swoycr.Chalrman of tho Com
mittee of the Lehigh Valley Oicrator3, in
reply to Mr. Swoyer's letter, which wo pub
lished last week, in which ho stated that tho
committeo had no jiowcrto make inoro than
a temporary arrangement beforo January 1.
The position taken by Messrs. Dickson and
Gowcn is still maintained namely, that no
negotiations can bo carried on until Mr.
Swoyer's committeo obtain tlio requisite
iower to represent aulhoritively tho Lehigh
Valley Coal Company. When this author
ity is secured tho committeo of the Board of
Control is prepared to consider any pioposi
tion for the formation of a new combination
for 1879, provided the matter can bo settled
beforo December 27; and should the Lehigh
Valley committee, when clothed with tho
proper power,desiro an extension of tho time
allowed for the conclusion ofa definite agree
ment it would readily ha granted. This let
ter is regarded anion: coal men as a virtual
end of negotiation looking to a harmonious
ITIoro Croohcdncbh
Tax Collector Howard Melllckf rhilllps-
burg, N. J., was arrested Saturday morning
on a warrant sworn out by tho Mayor,
charging him with altering and obliterating
a " duplicate" of 5,000 on which a tax of $70
had been paid. Tho " duplicate" in question
for the above amount was all right at the
time tho tax was and the receipt given
uicrcior, uut now there aro no traces of any
thing to show that it is all right. Mr. Mcl
lick gavo ball in tho sum of $1,000 for his
appearance at Court. It is alleged that ex
Tux Collector Jesse F. Carhart mado a set
tlement with tho Citizens' Committeo Friday
evening at Mr. Dumont's office. Mr. Car-
hart a short time ago gavo back several hun
dred dollars worth of oouiions, and lie still
. . . .1.. 1 .1.- -r a.
nus luui'Uieu u,-iuu lUWll ju luu sum Ol .
200, for which a mortgage was given on his
AllcllloY.ii ltollliihOIIII.
It is a frequent gratulation lo our citizens
that despite tlio depression iu tho furnace
business and consequent dearth of orders .the
Alleutowu Rolling Mill is enabled to keep
going with a force of some 700 men, nud that
the bauds arc making very fair wages. Pud
dlers earn as high as $2.80 a day, helpers
$1.50 to $1.69, and ordinary laborers from
$1 to $1.10. In other yean, or at least the
last few, the mill at about this season always
stood idle, but with it in operation now the
recent stoppage of several of the furnace of
the Alleutown Iron Company is not making
Itself m largely foil Ju that section of the city
as would otherwise hae been tho case,
I''ci',i n 1'c -..crut,
From llo Count j- Sent.
CiiiiisTiAS Story run thk Aovocatk.
Miss Sihanna Slnbad, of this borough, a few
days ago showed your corresioiiiient Iho
manuscript of a story, Aylilch slip says slio
has written cxpiessly for tho Advocate.
She asked mo to read it, punctuate it, and
put n head oi it. The story, I found, is ono
in which the writer with Hires other young
ladles, her cousins, makes a visit from this
borough to ail tiuclo In tho l'crliioinen val
ley, twenty years ago, to spend tho Christ
mas holidays. I suggested thqt " Vinegar
and Salt for Four," would bo an appropriate
title, but sho objeclcd, and I substituted
" We All (lo for Temperance Fp Here, n
True Story, by Sihanna Binbad," which sho
accepted. I took tho opportunity to add
that I thought she would not ha ablo, after
its publication, to continue tlio 11 Co (if dingle
blessedness which sho had always apparent
ly so much enjoyed; and sho retaliated by
intimating that, lilto nil woiild-bo newspap
er men, 1 always got abivo my business, (is
slio had not asked mo to critieiso tho story
at all. I took the Insinuation jn good part,
however, as Miss Si. has been tho best friend
I have found in town.
N Y. Shaiu'kii.s Tnviso it ox CiiniKrui.
In tho Inst two weeks several patties hero
havo received letters from ono Jones, of Now
York, who was ill search of a loiig lpst cous
in, and jirojKisiug to nssist him (or them),
for tho letters wore lithograph copies, in
drawing n largo prize from n jewelry lottery
In New York city. Ho asked them to net
ns agents for him, and he sent them n ticket,
the lull value of which wus $3, which ho
gavo them, in consideration of their showing
the prize. One of tho parties so addressed,
answered tho piojmsition, and received tlio
following letter ill reply, this also being a
lithograph copy :
DhAit Bin: Your letter received. Tlio
drawing takes place to-day. I havo so ar
ranged that your ticket will draw a prize.
As soon ns you receive mid exhibit it let me
know how 'many tickets you think you can
sell and I will send llicin to you.
Yours ltespty Henry P. Jones.
P. S. Tho notice of drawing will bo sent
to you by W. P. McColl who has ohargo of
slifppingall prizes. Should you write tolilm
after you receive your prizo don't mention
anything about our understanding.
H. T. J.
W. r, McCall has not been heard from,
but a New York pacrs.iy-3 the firm aro un
der tirre-t.
A Coot, Coal Thikk. For somo time de
lcclivcs have been nn tho track of thieves
who have been stealing coal 'along the Hue
of tho L. V. R.R., and on Monday Constable
Geo. Painter was furnished witli wairants
for the arrest of six men, and he succ;cdcd in
apprehending four of them all ol Lehigh
ton and lodaed them in tail. Iluvini? made
several unsuccesfl attempts to find ono of
them, ho rceclveil'u short noto on Tuesday
morning, of which this is an exact copy:
"Lehighton, Pa.. Mr. (Icuryc llciitcr. Cow
stable, in cove of Pat. Summer, Scout, Mauch
Chunk, Pa. Dear Sir. I am dare .t U are
beer. Yesterday i will be hcer V to-morrow
U was dare. Yours troo)y, V. U
Short Lkask op Lifk. Sheriff I'audcn
bush,oii tho 10th hist., received n uutico
from Governor Hartranft, that Shario and
McDonnell bad been respited until the 14th
of January, 1879, when their execution will
probably t.iko place. In tho meantime, P.
J. Median and F. P. Lougtrcet, Esq., ns
counsel, will niako another effort in behalf
of Shaipo.
I'.-ielicrloii Itipplrv.
T. B. Morris paid a flying visit lo New
- I. tr.. I I ' t . .
lum iTeuiieffunj' uu uusuic.
-Thomas J.Harleinan has moved into one
of J. Dolon's fino houses on Lehigh avenue.
L. It. Brown, En., makes daily visits to
Packerton shops. Ho is improving rapidly.
Our friend Oscar naid a visit to Mud
Run a few evenings ago. J)r. Boylon says
tho evening wus pleasantly passed iu danc
ing nnd other amusements.
The coal tnulo is rather dull. All aro
wondoiing whether it shall bo. combination
or not, who knows, nnd whether ho is will
ing to tell is the question now but I .guess
ho won't.
Tho shooting of two elks in tho Park of
Hon. Asa Packer, on Tuesday, caused some
excitement. They are to bo served on Christ
mas, for tho benefit of those who aro fond of
elk meat.
John Kruse,of Jtiokortsvillp.ejnployed lit
tho machine shopat Pnekcrton, while clean-
; on one oi tne maeiuucs iuesilay even
: had his hand cnuzlit ill tho col'3. and
tlio two middle lingers crushed oil'.
Somo of tho residents of Summer Hill
are agitating tho mutter of building a pair of
steps in order to niako it moro con
venient In getting up anil down t Ue 11 ill.
Conic, doctor, they aro all waiting for you.
Wo wcreat Weatherly ovcrSniulay nnd
attended Presbyterian church, morning and
evening. The chinch has lately been re
paired the services wero conducted by a
minister fiom New Jersey there is somo
talk of calling him to Weatherly. The choir
of this eh inch is as good as any in the coun
ty. All anthem in tbo morning nud a chant
in mo evening was sweetly rendered.
The meetingof tho Packerton Christian
Association was well attended on Friday
eveninglast. Select Ueadingby Ida McKef
vey subject, " Nobody's chilil," well rcn
deied " For his Mother's sako," by Mrs.
Andrew Wliot, excellent. Love and Latin
by John L. Beers" No Sects in Heaven,"
by tho llcv. Pickup. N. F. Beers gave an
interesting sketch of Robert E. Lee; John
L. Beers of General Z. Taylor. Tho exer
cises wcro concluded by th'o Rev. Pickup
subject, " The Battle' of New Oilcans," by
Geo. II. Baker. Quito an interest is mnhi-
lested. Tho exercises for next meeting will
bo entertaining and in-lructlvo.
Tho Ahvocatk looks well and Is n credit
to tlio editor and to tho county. Lonir mav
sho be issued. Axon.
I'likliionnblu "VVcddlnp;.
A brilliant reception wos given on Wed-
ncsdoy evening, 11th lust., by Colonel Hoyt,
(jovcrnor-clect, and Mrs. Hoyt at their resb
denco in Wllkes-Barro in honor of tho mar
riago of their neicc, Miss Mary Lovcland, to
Lieutenant Humen Dowd, of tho Third
United Statcsartillcry. Distinguished guests
wcro present Irom Philadelphia, New York
and other cities. Thursday at noon tho
nuptials wcro celebratod at tho First Presby
terian Church, Rev. F. B. Hodge officiating.
Tho brulo was given away by Governor
Hoyt. Tho bridegroom is tho son of Mr.
William Dowd, President of Iho Bank of
North America, of New York. After a wed
ding breakfast, tho newly married pair de
parted on n bilef bridal trip South. They
will settlo at Fort Schuyler, near New York,
at which place Lieutenant Dowd is stationed.
i:'lioc from llcnvcr Meadow.
A great many places aro idio this week
on account of the late rains.
Wo are happy to stato that J. J. Roberts
is on tho recovery.
-The Song Bird Trou, wish to return
their thanks to tho kind people of Weather
ly, for the many compliments paid to them
since their last visit to that plate.
J. D. M. Curley, was mado happy on
Friday last, by tho birth of a daughter.
Past Grand Sire Nicholson, thinks him
self one of the Song Birds, by having his
name so often associated with the troue,and
says he is most happy to meet with them on
all occasions.
Tho tcaohers of the M. E. Sunday school
have decided, as being tho only religious
body in town, to havo a Christmas tree iu
their church on Christmas day.
E. B. Ely is away from homo on im
portant business,
They say that pork and chicken thieves
are plentiful in tho mining regions.
Dec. 18th. Observer.
.llalioiiliip TtvlllUllugi,.
Monday was a cold day.
Tho farmers aro busily engaged hauling
coal for tho winter.
D, A. K. and J. C. expect to spend
iviu isiiiittu uu iuu oilier Bine ol llio 1)1
A. S. Miller is taking music lessons of
D. Nothsteiu.
Tho Pleasant Corner tfiieotc Baud was
out again, on Monday night.
Alien Fritz left for Culftown last week.
A. Kistlcrand N. Balliet wore out hunt
ing on the Blue .Mountain last week, and
captured two rabbits and one wild turkey,
mo mri t-vigiit-,1 iuj Jiuuuus.
The singing school at Ccutre Sonar is
practicing for Iheirt'hrutinateutertaiumeot.
N. Oarbcr -hot II muskrals lut week,
Tho followliigaren fewoftho many favor
ablo notices wo havo received from our
brethren of Iho Press, on tho Improved op
caranco of the Caiiriix Aovocatk, and for
which kindly mention wo feci th.iiikful,nnd
trust that they miy, ono nud all, reap nn
Abundant harvest and bo able to km.aruk
their own papers if they havo thodeslro to
do so :
Tho CAiinnx Aiivocatk make It appear
ance in regular city slvlo this week. It is
well filled with liitercsiimi rending matter,
neatly prililed,and from tlioumoiuit of local
advertising that npiK-nr In Its columns It
seems to bo well patronised by the Lehigh
Ionian nml others of Iho county. Wo have
spent happy days nnd nights within the
corjiorato limits of Lehightuti yoais ngn, tho
memory ol wnieii is tho oame ol our having
an Interest iu knowing winl is Inking place
there from tlmo to time. Therefore, If the
Aiivocatk is nt nil times n welcome visitor
hi us somo nine hundred miles away, It eer-1
tniuly ought to bo moro so to tlnwo near its '
home,niid who are directly benefitted by Its
influence iu advocating nil mid every cuter-1
prie which lins mado Lehighton n, plum ofi
which her citizens limy Vfcll bo proud. That
Bro. Moi'thlmcr may be amply rewarded for
Iho impiovcment he has mado by enlarging
ills pnicr, is our wish. trtark CtiKjify (jW.) j
Printers' Ins; at Lkihoiiton. Tho Car- j
run. AnvuCATK published nt Lehighton has'
just been enlarged by adding two columns j
in viieii page, miu it now compares invoinoiy
with the nvcrago newspapers published in
the Interior of tho Stalo. The bu-lncsi men
of Lehighton duly appreciate tho importance
of having a live, focal p.iper,nnd they sustain
it by liberally advertising. Thi accounts
for tho fact that Lehighton is gradually be
coming a place of business imiorlaico nnd
gnthorim; n large sharo oftho Carbon County
trade. Wo coiigratiilalo tho publisher, Mr.
Morthimer, and the peoplo of Lehighton
generally, upon tho entire success of the Au-
vooatk. uiroon (.omify JKmocrat.
Our contemporary, the CRnox Advocate,
always n spicy nud intcrntii)g sheet, edited
by that genial Knight of tho (Jiiill, II. V.
Morthimer, coino to our table, Inst Saturday,
enlarged. It was a twenty-four column
paper but has now thirty-two columns.
Morthimer is lucky Iu being able to make
improvement in times like these. P.ukcr's
Tri-IVcclly J'ccont.
ENi.AnoEh. Tlio Carbon AnvoniTK, pub
lished at Lehighton, by Mr. H. V Morthi
nier, appeared on Saturday last, enlarged to
a thirty-two column paier, nnd very much
jmprovod in appearance. Tlio paer has
been successful in building up a largo trade,
and is well conducted. Wo wish Mr. M, ad
ditional success. Catusauqtin. Mspatclt.
Tho CAnimv Advocatk, published by H.
V. Morthimer, at Lehighton, Pa., comes to
us this week enlarged and beautified. The
Advocatk is an interesting nnd well con
ducted paper, nnd ila publisher has our best
wishes for his success. Cutasauqua Valley
The Camion Advocate, publl-bed nt Le
highton, Pa., enmo to us Inst Saturday, en
larged from six to nn eight column sheet.
Tho improvement is nn excellent one, nnd
was mado to give additional lending lo the
Advocate subscribers. Dover (V. J.) Index.
The Carbon Advocate, published by II.
V. Morthimer, nt LehighUin, Carbon Co.,
has been enlarged to an eight column pajier.
It preenU a neat appearance. Jcjl'crionian,
Tho Carbon Advocate of Lcliichton has
been enlarged to eight column.. This U an
evidence of success t lint wo aro pleased lo
note. Mountain Jlcacon.
Tlio Week of I'ru'-cr.
Thoprogrniiiiiio for 180 : Tho Executive
Committee of tho Evangelical Alliance of
tlio United States makes tho following sug
gestions for tlio observance of Iho Week of
Prayer, subject to such alterations as local
circumstances may render desirable. The
Alliance is now so widely extended as to in
clude in its membership Christians in all
nations, nnd tho first week in January, 1879,
will bo observed iu all Christian countries
and at missionary stations in Heathen lands.
"For tho Sabbath, January 5, ns n subject
for the pulpit " Christian Union,"
Moiiilnv, January 0 Thanksgiving for
tho blessings of tho year passed and prayer
for their continuance.
Tuesday, January 7 Prayer fop the
Church o'f Christ its ministers, its growth
in craco and its enlargement.
Wednesday, January 8 Christian educa
tion; tho family ; tho young; colleges, sem
innricsof learniiig,Sunday and other schools;
Christian nsweiations of young men nnd of
young women.
Thursday, January 9 For nations, rulers
and people ; for peace and religious liberty
on tho earth.
Friday, January 10 Tho press; for n
blessing on publishers, editors and authors;
the cause of temperanco and other social re
forms. Saturday, January II Home and foreign
missions and thu conversion of the world.
On Sabbath evening, January 12, it is
suggested that public union prayer meetings
bo held for prayer, praiso nnd the picsenta.
lion of tho olijcct and work of the Evangeli
cal Alliance.
This year, for tho second time, the Evan
gelical Allianco does not designate a special
day iu its prayer week for tho Jews. This
is gross neglect. A sincere prayer, from sin
cere Christian hearts, that God may strength
en tho Jewish race to bo loyal in His service,
can do no harm. The minds of many iu
our churches seem just now to bo turned,
witli great hope and desire, toward tlio Week
of Prayer. The old idea of Has a time of
prayer for tho manifestation of tlio Holy
Spirit to tho Church and to tho world, and
tho old belief that a blessing will follow it
tijion the Church and the world thess seem
to bo in ft ineauro revived of late, to tho
great joy of n few who nre jealous for tho
kingdom of their Loid. Somo seo in this n
disjiojition to como back to tho original
meaning and object of tho Week of Prayer.
Tho church U ccitainly looking with un
usual interest and hopo toward those few
days early in the new year, when Christians
will " with ono occord in one place," hero
and there throughout tho world, call ujion
the Lord their God.
jack Keliuu Hung.
The execution of John Kehoo took placo
Wednesday morningln the jail yard at half
past ten o'clock,airottsvlllc. The last night
of the prisoner on earth was spent in quiet
rcjioso and meditation. Prison officials
wero with him until about 1 1 o'clock, when
he'expresscd a desire to retire, and they left
him. Ho fell asleep and remained so four
or five hours. At six o'clock ho was called
byan undcr-keepor, and arose nnd dressed
himsclt. His wifo and sister and spiritual
advisers arrived shortly after. Two masses
wcro celebrated in his cell, after which ha
partook of alight breakfast with his wife.
The time remaining to him was spent alto
gether in prayer.
Tlio procession moved from tho prison in
to tho yard at 10:20 o'clock. Kehoo was
supwrted on either sido by tho pric.U. lie
walked up tho stops of the scairohi without
betraying any emotion. When tho clergy
men had led him, tho Sheriff asked if ho
had anything to say why tho sentence of the
law should not bo passed upon him. He
walked to the front of the scallbld anil, in a
clear and distinot voice, said : " I nm not
guilty of the murder of Langdou. I never
saw tho crimo committed," Tho noose wos
then adjusted, without Kehoo manifesting
any signs of trcpidation.nnd a few moments
later the trap was sprung. His death was
Tho body was taken in cliargo by the wifo
and friends of Kehoo, and will be in tor red
In Tamaqua to-day (Friday.) There was
no excitement iu town.
end IjK.llii
una Maria Horn, widow of Abraham
Horn, diod at tho rccideuoo of her sou, A.
W. Horn, on Lehigh street, this borough, on
Thursday night. Deceased was born on the
JOth of March, lT8,ln lUlhlehem township,
Northampton county, and with her husband
moved to this place on ihe JOth of March,
1S10. She was an affectionate rcnt,a warm
friend, and devoted obristian. The funeral
1 wm-KeplaceonMonday nextatoneo'clocU.
I "services in Trinity Lutheran church. InUr
nient In Gnaden Huetten Oerostery- Friends
and rdatius aro mv.tcd to attend.
Ttiu foal 'I'ruilc.
Jfwo accept Ihe words of tho parlies lo thfl
present coal combination ns veritable und
Irno that compact is virtually at au cud.
The Lehigh Valley Company will take no
action on a new combination until tho pres
ent ono has expired, and tho present com
bination will not wait longer than the 27th
instant. A few weeks ago, when serious
disagreement first showed Itself in the com
bination, complaints of injustice and unfair
ness to somo of tlio parlies ill thn combina
tion were presented ns tho grounds for their
dissent to renewing the arrangement for nn
other year. Tbo allotment wns complained
of as unequal and oppressive, giving unduly
tn porno while it withhold fmm others what
they were justly entitled In. Tills, if true,
wns n well grounded complaint, nud, If fair
ly presented by thocnmplaluing party with
out commanding lodrc, would iilford suf
ficient lea.-on rorwithdrnwingfromthecom
Miia.tiuti. No ono joining iu the effort lo
etleot nn nrr.itigcnicnt thereby committed
himself, nor did ho in any way become en
dangered of being outvoted to his prejudice,
for no majority principle is acknowledged In
Iho combination. The whole project con
templates n unity of action. .ny ono party
being dissatisfied with any provision or re
quiremenU agieed upon by t)cptieriarties,
by adhering to his dis-ent" resolves tlio com
I. iimtion to individual competing parties.
Hcnco Ihero is no danger, if an agreement
for tho oott'Pl of the tpi'l" for I87U is dpslr
ed, in giving n full nttendnnco for consulta
tion of nil tbo panics in interest, The hold
ing aloof, theii'fore, from a full and freo con
ference mny bo fairly presumed to bo crsnn
ul iiidisnsitiin to join in rntjierlhau to any
dilliciitv in tho biuinoss that might not. be
rortsniieil nwayand tho arrangement edi ctcd.
This being tho fact, Ihero will probably bo
no fuller meeting of the eirties lo tho com
bination (it tio next appointed period, on
tho 27th histnnt, than there has been at nny
tlmo in tha recent past. Indeed it is nl
mo't certain that mt that dale the purjiosoof
abandoning nil ellorts to ellectnny tinned!
action, fur 1S79 will bo announced, after I
which tha further djseussimi of the subject I
will probably pepse. H has been suggested
that 1 1" tho principle of unlimited production
of should be incorporated iu nn arrange
tnent for I87VI, as unlimited piico of coal is
now n feature of tho present pombinatjnp, it 1
might ooinmnnd tho favor of all tho several '
pnitioi, That Is, it it shall lio icrmitted to
every operator iu any ipijjiber uf days do
signaled by Iho combination to produco ns
much pool ns desired, which, it is pic.-umed.
would boas much us they uould sell nt satis
factory prices, all tho parties might accept
it. Such n feature would seem to tako from
the combination policy much of itsobjection
ablo uiono)ioly character, making the tralllc
as flee as possible to hold any control of the
irntioninn, uut to mis, under inner con
sideration, objections nro iuleiposod by the
coal operators that such unlimited produc
tion would advance tbo cost of mining and
tho cost of shipment upon themselves. For
the ten or twenty days allowed to working
each opcintor would naturally desire to put
Into imukct tbo greatest possb)c amount of
coal, and the pn(i) jsati lion would quicken tho
demand for miners and for vcsspls to trans
port the product of their labor, nid this in
creased demand would naturally tend to put
up tho wages of tho ono and tho froipht
charges of tlio other, materially encroaching
uhiii the profits that would attend the other
wise cheaper production of conl were tho op
erators allowed to woik steadily nlong, tak
ing twenty-six days to produce the nmouiit
they might, under ft limit of time, try lo
produce, in fifteen or twenty days. So it is
seen this policy, that had its plausible sido
when first presented, seems to havo its diffi
culties, nml which, on further consideration,
may prove insu)ier.iblct defeating any ar
rangement at all. In nil its aspects Iho fu
ture of the coal trade is gloomy, nnd iu tlio
present it is demoralized ill "the extreme.
Tlio Lehigh Valley Railroad Company is
r.Miot'tod to hnvo stocked nt Perth Amboy
Ml,000 tons of coal, with a capacity there for
200,000 tons, which, witli tho present slack
ened demand, they will probably fill by the
end of tho year. All tho carrying compan
ies havo pretty largo stocks of coal, and es
pecially of tho fiee burning coals. Orders
for coal nre few, as is naturally tho case
whcu prices nro on tho downward course.
Demand is ever most active when buyers
fearstcadlly higher prices. Whcilthey ho)w
for lower prices, as most consumers now do
with an abandonment of tho combination,
orders aro deferred to tho last moment, nnd
tho least )os.ible amount of coal is consumed.
As tending to nggruvato matters iu this re
gard, n rumor was cuircnt hero on Satuulay
that at the next auction salo of Scranton
coal at New York J5(),i)QQ (mjs would be
(fibred. Wo have seen no continuation of
this report,-bul if true, and n determination
is mado to really . that amount iu the
present condition of tlio market very low
figures may bo calculated upon, Ledger,
1 heiolloivlnc' taulo stions tno quantity or coal
saipiieit m er tho liehlli Vidluy Hailiiiail lot t lie
week cniilnff lire, 11, 1878, and for(uo lear us
compui i u me tmiuo timu lat year.
eiltezloiis l'ronij Week, Year
Wyoming , 10. I'M II 3.1,07s Kl
Uiizleloil 33,7,13 C4 70.172 IU
tipper i,chtpli
lloiiver Mra'luw !27 17 17DI2 01
Mahauoy. 0,7 1 o 00 :u,0.'tl
Mntica C'liouK ,
1'orl Delaware
TV til fc5.!H7 ll! IfiJI I
iiusi itai
I ncre.isc
11 272 19 43,GS1 03
BErojlT OF COAL transported: over LoJiIjjJi
ft husqu bauna Uivismu. central It. U. of New
Jcr-e., fern iliv-emliuc Die. 13 1673
Htuppeil frotu i Total wee. To date
Wvomin ii.UIS 13 SSI 5 7 13
" ' PKieilioit C. Co. 1,394 01 33.V7I Oil
' ftinq t: Co n;
" "D. .til C. C... 145 17 SHIS
L'ppcr Lulilgli 1,1'JIIjO 181.5,0 13
" " M.X.K.&CO. IMISIO 77,551 C3
Heaver Meadow 7.4.7 CD 253,112 10
Mauch L'llUim.., 11-147 14 4 S325U.1
Cro-scioiu r.ttjj 17 2 3 2 6 19
t'onucil IUllgo 1 374 10 UCC's 17
I,. V. It. It. i'acfceitoo.. 1.1.1(3 li.O'JI m
Unzardvllle 2 4 12 ,.03 17
ttuiltll & Co 471 Oil 6VUJ 10
Total t77m 13 """!4:,0-4 18
I'icvlously lepoiteil. ..:,M4,1SI 01 ..
Toinl to itnte r,242,i04 19
burautiuiolattycu.... i.'svvi to
'Wlinl nro j on Koliiirto !o xiboitt Ut
Becauso tho penalties of physiological
laws nro not executed speedily, somo fancy
they nro void. But when tho "system brenks
down, nnd almost hopeless complications
arise, which tho family physician, by rea
son of his limited experience, fails to re.
lievc, tho pertinency of tho above inquiry is
apparent. Many remedies havo been eicci
nlly prepared lor theso cases, and many
physicians aro bidding for their patronage.
As before making a purchnso of land, a
" search" is required, and tho titlo carefully
examined, so invalids should carefully in
vestigate tho claims of any physician offer
ing to treat chronic diseases. Dr. Pierce's
Family Medicines nre well known, and have
effectoii many euros where omlnent physi
cians huye failed, yet to accommodate surgi
cal and complicated cases, and those desir
ousof being restored spoodily, Dr. Pierco has
erected nn elegant sanitarium, at a cost of
nearly half a million dollars No institution
in tho world offers u. haulages superior lo
those found in this establishment. Half a
scoro of physicians are in attendance, several
of whom havo been prominently connected
with leading Amorican nnd Kuronean Hos
pitals. Fvorv improved facility for hasten
ing a euro that a liboral cxiendituro of
money could 6ccuro can hero bo found. Be
fore fully deciding where to go, oddress
Invalids ami Tourists' Hotel, for circular.
Ciiamoebs' Cycloi-euia or Knulish Lit
kbatcbk. Brief biographies of all noted
British or Aincrlcau authors, from earliest
times to llio present, with specimens from
their writings.maklng a work not only thor
oughly entertaining and useful to all intelli
gent readers, but nearly Indispensiblo to
people of culture. Tho nowly revised and
beautiful edition contains over 3,000 pages,
and the entire work,iu eight handy volumes,
is furulshod, freo of express or mail charges
for $2.00 iu paper, $3,00 iu cloth, or $1.50 iu
half morocco, The publishers sell only to
subscriber direct, instead of giving dealers
und agents tho usual 50 or 00 nr cent, dis
count to sell for them, which accounts for
the remarkably low prices. Special induce
ments are olllered to those sending early
orders. Specimen pages with full )arlieu
lars, sent on requet by )j-4ol card by tho
publishers, the Auhkioax Book xouaoe
55 Beekman street, New York,
i- . - i
Promise kept inipire confidence I and Dr.
Bu'l s Baby byrup never promised relief in
( iuo ureases oi enuanooa wnoout- at once
etTeettng it 1L nee the popular nlunte
upon it. Puce ;j cent.- a bott.e,
f(i:w'8 4.USSU'.
The Princess lionise carries a .mail cane
when she walks In Ottawa.
Kmlorwd bv tto ieo1e ns n safe, reliable)
harmless mid cheap remedy. Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrupi.
Governor Hartranft. 10th insl.. rdsrievotl '
Alexander P. Sayre until tho i-lth, of Jan-.
uary next.
A bullet in n pistol that should have bcr n j
loaded with n blank cartridge killed (leorgei
Coles, nn amateur nctor in Vaudiitiu ill, i
A man hanged in Indiana itodded to the!
chaplain ns tho drop fell nud soldi "1'U
see you later."
From nil sections abundant evidence comes
that Dr. Huns' Hxpcctorniit Is appreciated i
nild prized, and in spite of till op)sisition has '
won its way Into Invor ns the best cwigh j
medicino, '25 cents a bottle.
During tho first three of the ten years' r
Presidency of Dr. McCosh nt Princeton, hoi
received gifts of money for tho oollcgM
amounting to nbaut $1,00(1 per week. Alter I
that, subscriptions lose to 111,000 at a tlmo
and, altogether, there has been received !?2,-1
Tho body of Christiana Hermann, mur
dered In ork county on the 7th Inst., hns
been exhumed by the coroner, nnd n bullet
hole found in the skull, tho boups pf which
Were crushed. Suspicion still rests on Sny
der, who is in jail.
Wkaki.vFehsoxs' Wise. Old ti Inflrm
persons need some mild tonic or gentle
stimuhuit,cspcclnlly iu warm weather. The
wine luado at Specr's Mount Piosjioct Vine
yards in New Jersey, called Sieer's Port
(Sra)io Wine, is used in tho Atlantic States as
the best tonic wlno known, and is regarded
ns pure, and is very popular among physi
cians. Tho Evnngelicnl Ministers of Olovclnnd,
Ohio, at a mocting ldlli just., ipianitnnuoly
npproved tlio pro)Msa of Mr. Moody und the
Ministers of altiiuore, for "a united ell'ort
by all tho churches in the United States, iu
tho mouth of January, following tho week
of prayer, towards a general revival through
out the land."
A Gnoq Accouxj. " To spiq It up, bIx
Ions years of bml-riddcn sickness, und suffer
ing, costing $200 per year, total $1,200 nil
ol which was sloptiedby threo bottles of Hop
Bitters, laken by my wife, who has dono her
own housework for a yearsinee, without the
Joss of a day, und I waiileverybody lo know
it for their benefit."
tf. John Wkess, Butler, Jf. V.
On a reoeitt trip tho steamship City of
Sydney mado tho fastest slcumiug tlmo on
leeonl between Sydney nnd San Franclseo.
Sho was lust 028 hours en route, includlm.'
stoppages, nnd landed tlio malls two, nudu
half days ahead of tiipo.
llKSKoy run lAni Timf.s. Stop spending
so much on fino clothes, rich food and style.
Buy good healthy food, cheaper and better
clothing! get mora leal and substantial
tilings oflilo everyway, nnd especially stop
tho fuulish habit of running after cxci)sive
and quack doctors or isiig so much of the
vilo humbug meiliciue that docs you only
harm, nud makes tho proprietors rich, but
put your trust in tha greatest of all simple,
Jiiiru remedies, Hop Hitters,! hat cures always
at i trilling cost, and yoq wjll seo better
times aipl good health. Tryitqiiec, Head
of it in another column. tf.
" Couldn't Sec II."
A few days sineo a gentleman slepied in
to Ciutteston's, No, 7 Sixtli avenue. New
York, and stated that ho had used Hale's
Honey op Hoiii:iiounu ami Tar in his fami
ly for tlio last four months, to tho entire sat
isfaction of them nil, for tho cure of Coughs,
Colds, lulluenza, Honroess,Dillicult Breath
ing; or nny other Affections of the T hioat,
Bronchial Tubes nnd Lungs, loading to Con
sumption ; but moving to tho cast sido of
town, lo went to tne nearest, urug-itt lor a
bottjo of Ihjs artiolo, when the druggist ot
tempted to palm oil' some article of his own
manufacture In place of it; and Using here
the gentleman's language, ho told the drag,
gist ho "Couldn't seo it j" or, in other words,
he was satisfied witli Hale's Honey he
HoiiEimiNU axi) Tar," and ho wanted
nothing else ; ns he had already used this,
and know by cxpcrici)co that this article
H'ouhl give almost imntOiiintc relict, anil lu
a short time would effect a permanent cure
of any or nil the forgoing complaints. We
have our cvo upon tho abovo mentioned
druggist, nud trust should ho rend this it
would bo n lesson tn him, and to all other
druggists to furnish "Hale's Honey ok
Houeiioitxd and Tau" when called for, and
retain their customeis, for tho reason that
any ono who nes this artiolo ouoo will havo
nothing else. Sold by all respectable drug
gists at 50 cents and $1 )ier bottle. Great
saving to buy a large sizo.
Flockxck, Mass., Oct. .10, 1875.
Mn. Ciiis. N. CitiTTEMoN. Sim
Your circular is received, nnd lean truly
say that I doom your Hai.k's Honey ok
HoiiKiiousD am, Tau ono of tho very best
medicines in tho market. 1 took a hard
cold, it settled on my lungs j I tried almost
everything, but received no benefit until I
tried your Hale's Honey ok IIoiihioi'mi
and Tau. I feci that I nm now well from
using tho nbovc, nfter trying almost every
thing clsofortwo years. Pleaso send tho
circulars, nnd oblige, Nklsun A. Davis..
TuonuoilK Doors euro in one
Closing Prices of Driiavkx & Townsesii,
Stock, Government and Gold, 40 South
Third Street, Philadelphia, Dec. 10, 1878.
II. H.f.'K. I8S1 US', Old 100S islilC
II,a.5.!'i.ra-J..tJ... I0;. iilil 101 aske.l
11, 8.5-VU's 1807 lnl, bid Ui'i as'lld
ij, s.'a, 1801 litis, bid nil li oskid
IT. ft. IBM's 1UI Iilil l8 a, ken
II, S. currency, 6s Ilt't bid 111 aakrrt
V ;s.5'iSSl, new ire1 bid ICC asked
II. H.Hi'a. new 1(4!, bid lot', aikid
U. s I' new ini , nil lnrt, ankrri bid rev, inkrit
I'hlla. & Heading It, It l'.'H bid I'H askei
Lohlgh Valley It. It S bid 31 S nskerl
l.olilgn I'oal .It Miv. Co,,.. 141a but W!, Hiked
Unlteil Companleaot N. J.iSl t bid u: nnke
Muithern Oeutral II. It,,.. 13 Mil 14 aakoit
llo-tonvlllo I'ass, It, II, i o 10 bid le, n'fl
(Inld no Hid iro naked
Silver, t !' and L'a I 09 bid tiiti nnkoi
tSiineaand l,llnen), usli bid 9 nnkeO
ssiosee's sau:.
Of Valuable Ecnl Estate.
Tiy virtue of nn onlrr of the Coutt nt Coraniwi
rtcaaof cnrl-on Couniv, there will exposed ai
I'ubilc Ba!e M the
Valley House, in the Borough
of Lehighton,
Wednesday, Jan. 1st, 1879,
commencin- at ONE oYleclc P. M.. tbe follow
iutf de-jcrti-ed irnct or in ecu of woinUanlliimie
In Matmnlnir Iwp , (fiirbo'i Coniit't'i JlonndfKt
by Innd- of J. CimferT. A. Ho in. Jowl un llaupt,
II. Wetnbauer and lauia Utu of Jo-wph Waua
uiaxher, vow Aaron Kruiu, couUiuinv
and one hundred and forty perches.
Also at tbe tame tlmo and place will be sold
1 Share of the Capital Stock
in tho Carbon Co. Indus
trial Society.
Trrras and O uidllton will be made known H
the Uaiu und p'ace ol aale. br
AbSlmiteot WM. 110 UN.
Mabonlai; tvrp., Kor. S3, lfc7ii.
Penn Van Mystery !
l'Al'Hltot I.KON ami HAltttlET LUWIS,
a pagea, eoutuiumc
3TOItIE8-Ladv Iledwoode'a DaaBhter, by
Mia. Harriet Lewis. Coautof Moult e'rUlu,
by Alex, llumaa: ftlr Allyn'a Kueuiv, br Lean
l.ewia, to. 1'oitrait ol Uuiuun uuil other il
VOVAOE1 and THAVEI A llldo Tbrouah
lalaui, Tuikey ui ludla; year lu nouih Afri
ca, bv I-Illlv lUl-aer. Hlx Aloutba hi tha Hatul.
wlcb lalaiidai Around the World, by Mra. !
llrauy. tic Illurtratrd. '
(IICOllItArillC'AI.-Vojllcin of AtlanUa, the1
I'ouliuent Uiat existed 1 ',rjjo yeara auo bis .
tweon i:uroie and Aiufrioa; tin, Iai Ancbor
of Coiurubuai I'urrout lxiiorutiuna.cte., wub i
a Map of Atlanlla,
SCIIINCK. The ItellBton of tbe Oreat 1'rrr.
mid i llikcoyery uf Vdlcau i Tbe Mooua i r
111STQ11V -Ijliollnrliiiiaaof SwitierlauU aud
otlifi liaitintKuropo. (Jllu)D-oot lubyiou.
I.IIADINQ AIlTfCI.I-Tllii Heal II Unices if
Ij.xikieuce, iraei apuii ana i rae llliuua: too
llelationaol tuia Life to tlio Life to Couioi la
au Aiteof "Mirdea" at baud I
I TIUIMB Muirte civ, oa rear, (1, foureoplea
fm t Urtit coiuua IU t ainff o uuuibera C oeuu
I t-ucu. Tne ivmiur lur L'luu ot rlcbl entlued
to a copy ruaK Dt lo NlwiAgenia
and llonkacUera In aur quantity dunctliom
pururace. atil2apcrbuudrt. Ht-mutaueta
aloorrial ouiy iu 1. u. ordotaon i'vuu au
, er UauVei'e draft ou New Yor. '
LEOJT and U AUrtlKr 1 I . e reWtabtw, Pteuan. y Y.
Now Advertisements.
11 E A L E S T A T E I
The folKiwlnir yIiia t'rn-lfcMi will t S(M
fcv .1. f. ltAUKKN I'sll, tfbrltf CalVou Coun
ty, ou
Sttturclay, Dcccmbpr 28, 1878,
nt tho rnttUT IIOttSK, In 111. tlOIIOUdll Ol?
m"ii;ii nuian, i niDou uoufiiy. rnnviiTiinl.u
tONK o'clock l'.Jl.i
UjilrtlM of krlt of a rust riclls, all thai
lloitrln I., Towflnt-nilntf tnvfnMp. Curl n
Oniitj, VvnnvlJoll, tui'ill'd ) bruin uf HnlJ,
Wiurier. Jn. CTirtttmnn 4 MmrtDtil Zlrpenru,
cutitalnlnx SIXTr-Mll'll ACUK9, uior or lorn.
The Irn-imTrtnrnts tbown rr a
rlslilern by tr"ntj-lx rV; lUrn, thirty tiji
thirty IWI. nwt nth-rrt".thmitlliiKiil
flzpl anil tnktm Intt. nueutku, oatbj) prop,
ty of dtriibuu CbrUlm.-n.
Ity Tlrtne of it writ of VcsnnoMi XSiVOXAS, aM
these lb, aajolniniE
sltusteln th Tnwnvhtpor Lowpr Towrnrirtn
In the County of Carlmn, and BtiltMif lYnlisvl tlis one beulnuliu- nt a stnnr. thenra W
Initd (if salil ,T. D. Ureeimwel north one dirrcv
wept fifty.cuie perch? tn a stone tbsnce by Inml
of 'Ik'lU"" Kueiiner north eluhty six arnl osr-lialr
degree, et twenty-rtx jHTrlie lo a tnn; than
liy the snipe nor'll ( ne decree, wept four perrfafn
to a Ktune; (lifuo. by land late App land nnrlh
sevenly-slx nud llirw-fnurllin deKrws. nt tWvti-ty-rilrie
nml th,rBe-tiiurtun prrcln.R lo a ratine;
tlMnre by the sinie north aereilty.two drixri.,
lAht twenty peiclieg fw n stone; south il.hiy.Qre
dfiirees, enst ten lierrlies lo n hHttilmk; e ulh
twenty Are ani( llsxrive, enl nine nml
three lourths peicliestoa slime; south elulit ami
oiifhilf (IrKrws, eo,t Iwelve and Ihrn-r.iurtlis
pen-bps to a stone; aonlh one dei:re. ea,t fnrli
fuur n,i oii-lill enlm (uisione! theneeky
the bersliuiflcr decrit-.d t.nct suulh -Ulity ,lx
miu niif.ji.iii uref-, wesi pineiy liervlivs lo Ibe
plntp of U'tili.tiliiii, continuing
Ard Ihe other tract bojlpnlnit nt a atone line
Inle Jehu llnH, norlh t-ltrlily-nt-rvii iler-e, t-nsl
onu buudred and ttiht):li.uraiiit une-tulf perrlirs
ton slone; thence by Initd of fnld J ILdteen.
nilelit mirth three ilegreen.we) ulalily.f mr
esto a stune; auulh einlity-iilx dviirven, el hum
hunilred anil thirty perche tq a pimtt thellce
south one degree, one huudreil aliii eight),
two nnd Ihree-fnui lbs penhH'tp ike place uf lw
giunlug, coutalnlni; "
pi.TY-six aches A?;p yiyK pr.npiiiu,
more or less.
All thateertnln trflot pf land Fllnalp In Lnwer
7t,wniiensliir, Cnrlmu rtiunty. la4 tioutided and
denritwd n follow, tolt lleglnnlngal aitone,
a corner (f lnd b. lunging tu Ibe aald Cbnrlra
Klotl thence along the futiae aud partly along
Litiiln of John D. Ureenswelg aouth one and one
halt degrees, ent twenty four perchen to a Ml"
ling; t.ence along lands of Mid Jnhu p. (Ireena
welg, aoutb atd one-li-lf i)tgr.o, went
twenty-six penhe to a Hone; nnr.b eighty-nix
and one-lnlfilegree, east tweuty.fnurpirvlientita
pine; thenro parlly along Itnwl'a land und Ibe
Cli.n Kluta laud uorlb tlgbty six nud nue-balf de
grees, enl tHeiily-,lx mid una hilf rebel te tba
plu.'e of beginning, aud containing
1'OlllY-FUUH l'Mtrillik.
be the snnie uiore or lesn.
Ihe Improvements thcreou are a
Inelrebr thirty two feet; Frame Kllrben nttarh.
ed, ten I) flrtem feet; Stable, slxtreu by twenty
four feel, and cue building.
Setr.ed nnd tnken i lo execntlon as Ibe proper
ty of S Jlliuel Ureennwelg.
.Mnuch Uhunk, Peretnlier 0. ISIS.
They all Want It.
IlermiHolt I n family nrwi-fawr of rijr',-nii(l
rc.idltig fnr old and ounjf, nuit It citiiUtiim u tt
UabK hi d compiclicui-lvu unniirF ol all tha
important Nuwe,
Tlio Now York Obporvor,
Pub lfh&sbolh tlio ri'hdluiiA Hiid tircultr nw
tnitl-s ik'Slrcum anv family, wlnle nil thitu
Ilk ply to do liniiu ih -shut uut. It devten four
patroi. to ri'llinoits iiwb ntut lour tn wH'
Tim iScw YtniE CiisKlfvft wJH(.rnt putilUlutl
in tt-mnl it i tt lexcd to bo I lie only tuci.
imceuf a llollciou Niwupnnor rmittnniKir I in
couiko fur ljrTVMX YIUUJ4, wtliout a
ii;,u lllliur, tlUUIIIiaC IUIUIIIh IlUTIJUHr. nr
1) tdgo fio-ii plio dido of us Mi Hi.
The 57th Volumo
Will contain all tio Important nrwa tliot pn
uiicifr-t orinatruct n thiit nny ouu wlio rcniM
It will t.u thor y inim-d,
Wttdonot run a boucvoloup Instltiitlon. ntiL
w d-uint aBtOior tlio Hiiopoit of ohm, If. vn
linipose ft liiHSto tlio Jiest KpW!iipi-r tjint u
imltiistu d and t e propose .a e i oltr iidy
ttH it cnii bo i.flmdto. It tlioso who -rant ia f.
pnund, ki iiMble, tiuthlul iiitaluir. Mtbi-cribf ut
it nnrt let t.iotn uxlucn oI1hi to do ttih aunic.
Wo uro mw publinlilng fn i bo Udsuuvbu tbo
Joan the Maid,
by Mr, Ciuiit.KH aiitlMT f ui.rouiclei of tha
tirlioubtTM Col tn IMtutly."
Wo Heni no preuiluni. We wilt eeml you
Tho New York OnsEuviiit
one y o.i r )-ot pntd, for 6315 Any dpewiiJ
luir uftli lijn tWU BUhM-iutlou lt)t ii.imm of
MiW FUlimirtbcrR, xUa I have coinn.wuin
IowchI In proportion in thutiumbo-r f(ll. For
pari)culn nro tot nut In tho Uiwnaf ejj.
New York Ohpai'ver,
nov. 10.
87 J'AIt.IC JIOW.K. f.
Mrs. C. DcTschirschky,
llojpeotfuliy Invites tlio attenilon of her lady
friend i ud tbe pub'lo ururroHy to bor Urn'
Ijirire and Klegant Btook nl
Notions! Fancy Goods,
oomnrlalna- USfKIlWKAB, rEHf.IN AND
uhiiMA.vrowv wool. inwiKity n.
liorled nnd Donipmiii KMIllioinkliY,
11111UON8. OLOVES, and a lar" '
variety of IbeMeno't Dcalgnaln
Fancy Goods for tho Holidays;
Also, lu connection wllh Ibe above. I keen '
full and oouipleio etoiiot
together wltb a yanely of Ooodanot U'Uerallv
knot lu any otber atom In town, it you ilu not
eon wbat you want, sale tor It. ami I will net II.
A shaieof puuho patronage la tsollcitrd. and
poifcct aailarailluu xuaranleed iu pnee aid
quality of goooa.
Nearly Oppoclte Darling Dnut Btor.
I3ank Street, Lehighton, Pa
November 30, 1874.
H.A.Peter's Central Drag Store.
l!eD-cttully nnnnuncn to tbo people ol Le.
blgbtou and vicinity, tbat alio win continue Mix
bumnraa, nsberetofoiB ami ibauKliic ihoui for
pnt favora, aaka a o.nllnuance tbeieot, Voa
will a.waya Hud a lull Hue ot
and i A1TLU fOvMiuiia. loi
MOIHHKINS, l'l AI and EAf.
CYBrATIONEllY.laU-at atylrVVil
. ih" .DU. "-'ANOV YAVU I'A.
I'lmKiviN f:i .UVfVATTr.'i
uso. e., ul Lnwea. l'ntea. I'l.y.leun'a pre.
acriBlionacuiiipouiided by Dr. (J. T. llorn at
allbouraul tbeUayaud lilKlit.huudayiuiiud.
MllB ,,C.ff.TEll.
lamnoxiupplylng the Terv Deal I.A.TT1
MEHCOALnttbe folloiting i,w
No. t Cbeatuut by tbe Car. j V tJton
No. 1 Cheatnui. uujl ton k a jj per ton
No.SCboituut.bytlioCar S 50 per ton
No.JCllMtnut.HllKltit n,.. : 75 por loo
DELIVUflEO. bteve. ajjd Cfg blua at
equally Low rrlcoa.
Dti'.er uj
nriaile ibe 1'ullle rqu-te 11ANK rvriir'
j.Enjaniov r no .a- ,,t