The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, December 21, 1878, Image 2

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7T1yi "if iM'ThviSi ?1 JvrtiMvll
li'llv U'tU-VyU IUvUIU. I
V- .mmnimiN, i-a.i
,bAtuiidA'1'dkci:mber 21, ms.
I(;.iii..-iiiujc tup. imkiii.
Itev. Drl Armllago, of Filth Avenuo
ItoptUlmrcli, ftjrt York, on Siimlay
1nt, deilvereii ft Very tcnsonable. nnd
cloqucnt,iliscour6u on tho suliject of
"An opan hnt.d to the pour," taking
Id text from Deut.",' xi., 11 "There
fore 1 towlnaiid thcu, saying, Thou
shalt npep .thine hand wide unto thy
brother, to thy poor itnd to thy tifedy
In thy, laud." .The doctrine of both
public and ptlv'alo chailty to tun di'stU
tuto,' MV'hij reverend Rcntlenmu, Is an
outgrowth of revealed religion; lince,
i-uili tiling an State charity, by which
lhe rejlef o'f'tlfol)Odr 'ls made a part or
the pufille biifilen as iiiticlf ut the judl
claryyan'l other departments under
civil Cunfrol,' has. never beeu known lu
any nation excepting those whose elides,
coiiiuqi( la.'w-0'nd constitutional pilncl
pies ifaVe bVen borrowed from revealed
rellgtmi. Further, ut In proportion as
tnaHeVDitiirlgh'f man nnd the au
titirltyuf lli.u 'ord of God have had
free scopo In the practical workings pf
the Stpb'Mn that proportion have the
poorlataf of iiatlous been the more hu
mane, cthiipieheimlve nod samdly
guarded., Wherever heathenism, ab
struct despotism or ntlielsm have been
1 1 IlierascfnOant, there the poor have
been peglccteJ or "crushed becauo they
were i"(ir? Put wherever the Jewish
or Christian religions have entered Into
the spirit, and supreme law of a people
t lern.lhe., humanity, Justice and the
o UaUty'uf.'tlio lilblo have shaped the
national legislation for the relief of the
poor. 'Vhoever saw a needy Jew beg
ging (or, bread,, eve.u in modern times?
Wlillu lu-tjie theocracy of Israel inuudl
CAuryVeeems to have been unknown till
rtf termination had been demoralized
by the Babylonish captivity. While It
reumfned.'undcr the direct kingship nnd
legislation of Jehovah God's poor were
amply shielded. Seven distinct pro
visltius.fonucd iho code of poor laws
for t(l)at people, and the Lord of Hosts
eliaited tt.em. .
Under' the JewUh law a sixth part
of the harvest field, called "the corners
of the" Held;'' was not to be reaped' but
left for tlie poor. No farmer was at
liberty to glean his corn Held: "the
gleanings of the field were left for the
poor," and that on pain of scourging
to, the ,selQh ami disobedient. The
glem'iugs of the vintage mid the oltvo
were, left (or tho poor. The trees of the
nlive'yard mhs.t' neither be shaken nor
beaten with .rods, nor the vino inspect
ed when tlie crop Is gathered for any
clusters clojtriyihldden in the tangled
branches. ' These mu.t go to the poor.
All clusters rjfjrassea which fell to the
gniimdjWhlle gathering the vl.iUge
were reserve! for them. All sheaves
left in 'tho field through forgetfulness
went to the poor. Tho entire tltho of
every 'third year was appropriated to
the samu use. As all these would not
aggregate a sufficiency for their proper
relie'l they were further aided by varl
nus fconlrlbiulons, such contilbutlons
Mug Imperative under given circum
stances, while. others wero voluntary j
Kiino gave a fifth, but it was scandal
ous to give less than a tenth.
Although our Lord Jesus e.sUhllshed
n churi'li It did. not take tho form or
type'of a nation? consequently He or
dained no formal code of poor laws.
Ntvgrtheless, lie not only recognized
jW-iyiinclplcs on which those of the
Moslnc economy 'were enacted, but In
corporated them Into Ills religion lu
nil their, sphlt and pushed tho obliga
tion to obedience by the full force of
his own example and the highest order
of compassionate precept. Fir.t of all
He dlvjded tho whole law of God Into
two great departments love to God
ami Jove. to our neighbors; and under
tho second of these Iln dealt with pov
erty iu IU vailoui phases. He, howev
er, dealt Villi It practically and not lu
a speculative spirit. As to Its necessi
ty or cause He said nothing. He found
the poor-about him needing aid under
all sofs of ralsfurtuno, and Ha troatcd
the fact ns he found It. The text says:
4 IT l. 1. M ,.A..'nH . . . t. ..
land," and In harmony with It He said,
"Tfte poor ye have with you always."
all that he-added was, "Wheresoever
ye wlU'ye iaay do them good," as the
only step to be taken In the else. Then
He did.uot recognlxe those as poor who
were In full health, labor, and wages,
because they had 'enough for present
r- -
wwtt. Uul he, regarded those as poor!, ,. .V , ....
uiliA wuru In nlwiliifn tid Vul Ilu
did uot reproach the needy as shiftless
nud .waste Ju the labrlc of society. He
regarded their couditlon as an oiiltti- i Senator Hoar is said to feel much
ance, of lium"VnIty which could not be j pleasure that General Butler has open
properly met, but by tho emotions of . ly severed his connection with the Bo
pity, teflrii-'mess, self-denial and chatl-1 publican party.
ty, tins uuut beautiful virtues of man.
CauJ.bejter close the address, said
thpVpoctor feelingly, than to earnestly
Implore you to "open your hand wide"
to tlie iieo ly o'f the land? Winter Is upon
us; taaDyla heart 'aches to think ot its
first bltkr slows. Their houses, if
they have any,, are chill and cheerless j
thel'r f uej (s low or all gona ; scanty rags
cover their shivering llmbe, and with
thorn Isr a famine of bread. Let the
bhrfll cry of their babes fall upon your
pars,, as they ascend to the ears of the
Uo4 p't Sabbaoth, aud opeu your hands
wLdfl lo the needy of tlio land. One ol
thu diving dlvluo evidences that our
Christianity 'Is from heaven is found Iu
the .beautiful fa:t that while it moves
thousands ot hearts every day to Jove
and liberality, yet once a year at least
the band of au Immaculate babo-opeus
His. baud wide" t.i give Himself, and
with Hltu God freely gives usall thing.
Jn the band ot the child born, the sou
glvu, la! a key by which He not only
open )bkugdom ot heaven, but by
wldotrlle, unlocks human hearts and
hinds the world over. Then Iu their
lavish liberality each man can desire to
t-jtend hcjp to bis brother, the poor and
the needy. 'JhU season is close upon
us. Has all the sweetness of the old
ring, "Good will to man," died away
Jn tlie ulilit of haul times nnd buslnpai
nnhfurnssnieiHii? I tin not believe It. I
Knr c Iplitfcn hundred year's the enrtli
I.-.. ,.. - ,i,. i fii,
r ... ' . I
uiiin, ami sun ni'xt win not im nil ex
ceptlon. Sound on the merry cheer by
an open heart nnd hnnd to God's poor.
tiii-: iiusiMissViirri.ooK.
New.York Herald: In Eastern Penn
sylvania the Inquiries mado rclatlvo to
the condition nnd prospects of business
have not brougljt forth uniformly rosy
replies, it Is tho country of coal and
lion, and these cyclope mi Industries
have been unable to iceommodnto them
selves to tho times with tho caso of he
smaller Interests. The great clumsy
giants havegone down from the hill of
Inflated prices with heavy steps, nnd at
etory stumble it seemed ns though they
would bring down the whole country
aide nlong with them. Hut they aro on
the solid ground of "haul-pan" now,
or very near It, and though they send
forth terrific growls it must be remem
bered that It is a vigorous pinch which
reaches a giant's consciousness. The
coal giant Is in a gloomy state of mind.
He is waltlug to know If his combina
tion will hold, and In the thought that
some of the mines will take out as much
anthracite ns they please and to force
others to ttlll lower prices If tho latter
would complcto for the trade, bo can
not say that next year wilt boa profit
able tne. The Iron business has not
the same difficulty to contend with ;
but disturbance in the coal trade natur
ally makes It a little uneasy. In most
of the mauufactuilng lines It expects to
do well. The manufacture of steel Is,
however, advancing steadily In Import and Is making fair profits. Iron
shipbuilding has received a momentary
Impetus. Iu these general conditions
It Is not surprising that surplus capital
Is timid. Ileal estate, who-u value de
pends so much on confidence, In the
future, has not Improved. la this im
portant section it would then seem that
hopefulness is genuiuating, but confi
dence has not taken possession of the
business mind.
The Syracuse Herald, discussing
Mr. Illalnn'a sneech. savs! " 'Time, not
bayonets,' will settle the southern
troubles', the quarrels of robbers over
their booty, the diffusion of learning
among the Ignorant, tho Inspiration of
the lowly with n purpose to better their
condition theso are the agencies to
which wo must look for the regenera
tion of the ttatcs where oppression Is
said to reign. AU the troops in all
the North will not do It. All the
speeches that could be dellvcied lu
Congress In a twelve-month will not do
tt. Mr. Ulalne and hU ft Mow agitators
only delay Its advent by their oratory."
Morton and llulin, the Philadelphia
railroad men whose financial exploits In
putting upon tho market nearly two
million dollars' worth ot fraudulent
stock will nut soon be forgotten In that!
city, liavo been sent, to the State TrUou !
-. ..... ,,. ., i
iur ten years, unite lite seuienco iu
severe It Is at tho same time no doubt
i i
tieiuy ueserveu
At. ihi elnsn nf imslnnss nn Ihn 10th i
lint, thn Treasury of tho United States ,
held $238,100,301 lu colu. The Treas
urer expects to have cn tho 1st of Jan
uary next, exclusive of all demands,
I!15,000,000 in coin, with which to re
fcuuin specie piymeuts, (fold was quot
ed in New York Tuesday nt par, for the
first time since 1873.
" Follow citizens," said a North
Carolina candidate, "there are three
topics that now agitate the stato -green
backs, taxes and the penitentiary. I
1 1 ft . i 1 . . I .
" '"1UV" m, uiin-
ly, as my sentiments aro well known,
and come to tho penitentiary, where I
shall dwell for somn time."
William Wirt Henry, grandson of
Putrlck Henry and an eminent member
of the Ittchmond bar nnd a leader In
the Virginia Legislature, wants Bayard
for President, and says that he will vote
for a hard-money Itepubllcan rather
than for a Greenback Democrat.
Kearney the other day told liN i
friends In San Francisco that the next
time Butler runs for Governor .n Ma,-
snchusetts ho will come on and "bury
hi in so deep that he will never again I
show his head upon the political arena."
The Cincinnati "Commercial" ad
vlies tho Republicans In Congress to
encourage a long debate on the southern
question In order to ciowd out any op-
portuulty for Jobs.
.. , ., . ,. 1 ."
" U tald cmont s
mflUllirr fill nviini1lnn1u nnm P.nuarxnn
He kecp aloof
from political
influences and attends
carefully to business.
our iv.yniii.jtc i.nrriiii.
H'uri Uure Congrats Thvrtium and the
GovcrnorMjiJllaine and JUilici CVnJt
linj and Hit .Yen) l'ori OullcctorsliipOr
rii'ls Grant'a recent trouble Christmas
V A-niNOTON, D.C., Dec. 10, 1878
Our national leulslatcrR Imn nrri,i
; through another week of existence, and
j astonished us by actually performing
some efficient labor lu the way of past
Ing several appropriation bills. The
fathers of the Senate, like all great)
bodies, move slowly, though they do1
claim to be something like thn stars,
" unhasting, yet unresting." There le I
sumclent necessary legislation now bo-1
fore the several committees of the two I
Hcusesto keepthem here forslx months I
hard at work ; and It Is safe to say that
nnn llis iiicnsnro. 1,111 i ...
. ...... ............. ,,, uo ijiujiciij
attended to, both from lack of time and
because so great a change nf member-
... , . : . ..
eni(i uicuis nitu tlie uegllllUUg 01 tlie
KortV-Slxtll Comreii flulrrnlni. mom
i.JL i V u"'"s' uuigoiog mem.
ul'a w uu mie vu vuiiiiuit, inemscives
further, nor do their constituent ,l.lrn
tn l.ttva lLu... i,Mj , - ---
-u ,.!. ,itvn iuhuuuvd uuuuiiuni mea
sures at tho risk uf nou-complutlon.
Although Senator Thurman hat pol
tlvelT'declarcd that he Is uot a candi
date for Governor of Ohio, It U thought
hern that such pressure will ho brounlii
to bear upon. hi n M to compel him to
accept tko itiVMtloB' Wilo Demo.
I thftonly mau who ran win, ami that
lie must run. Tlit-y arguo Mint If Tliur
,r"n 13 elrcteil Rovcinor, Ills nomination
Mr muaiiirin. uy uiu iseinocrnis is nss
sured. Tills cnnidderatlun will doubt-
less have great Influence In shaping
.Thurman's course. If Thurmnn con
sents to run for Governor of Oliln, Sec
retary Sherman's friends' Intimate that
ho will bo tho opposing candidate, the
presidency being also In tho backgrouud
of his canvass. '
Mr. Ulalne will call up his resolutions
to day, and press their consideration
until disposed of. It seems doubtful
whether debate will end before the holi
day recess.
Blaine's 'speech, well advertised, at
tracted au Immense house on Wednes
day, and about three thousand peoplo
packed the floor, cloak rooms, galleiles
and corridors of thu Senate, to catch
amusement from the dramatic politician
of the East, lllalno labors undei great
er disadvantages In the Senate than lu
Mm Itmicn. Vtr In Mm Initpi lit?n!!nti
lie existed in his true face lu tlie Sen- .V 1 i El',1. 1 ZblM, M'i.T"t mm lutu- bnriter. norm iwcnty-nn ut-greo, perclion
lie Bxisieu in iiisirue lace , ill ine oen ' Urttl und rorty-slx au.l onotmtl vmfiot t a . t.a nlonur itience oy tlio bjuio m!ainrni latu ol
ate he essays to wear ft ninsk that does , stuue.nnd north seventy ono ami onu hall ilo. Huiibni Hnydor, nutito tvienty-BU audibr.u
not fit . I dm - ho attempfs tho statesman, tttffiglffiWffitftf ffAxTTnatfJlfilSK
but Dlalnols 110 statesman. He Is n "ut eianiceu nuHoiie.foilti itiKteos.o.i8t lfity. wotoiioli!m.lmlau.i twentyViive iicrcoesioS
politician. Tho Statesman, tliollgh he .jmSrhSn, clietno Iri-obyHlephouMnyuet's fanili tnenco
seeks eminence as a measure, Is willing '
to make sncrlflces for tlie sake.of the
ceuernl country : thu nnlltlclan reuards
the country sltnulv as a mine out of
wlllcii to die self-acrandlzement. nnd Is
careloss with what instrument- he digs,
or how exliautivo to the mine the pro
cess be, provided he accomplish his sel
fish self alms. Ulalne Is a politician,
and whether the country, when hu fin
ishes his business with It Is n skeleton,
lines ins uusincss witu it ii n SKUieton,
llesllles-i and naked, or a health v urns-
i..V ... .-i '..... i . . . .?.' 1
nerous human exl.steucy, is of Utile con
cern to lit in . When the wind Is nurih
erly he can tell a hawk from a hern
shaw, and no man Is npter in catching
and using that India rubber arrange
ment known ns popular sentiment, thai,
J . U. blaino.
A Urge number t)f Now York politi
cians are here looking nfler the custom
house nominations, lu which profound
Interest Is generally taken. Collector
Merritt's friends ure very sanguine, and
freely express the belief thut his con
firmation will go through tho Senate,
notwithstanding the hostility of Senator
uonkling. it will be remembered that
ust after the Novmber elections it was
stated with great poitiveness by Mr.
fntlbllncT Itirwt. trncluil klinlmrlin. Hull ,
hrt l.,t,.nTl,..l tn luirv ilw. i,t'ii..r. ,
gaius tno auruiui&iration. una, con-e
quentlyt woultl nmUo no opposition to
the uouilnntiuns. The solution of Ills
sudden chanM of front U found lu tlie
report that t'oukllng'tj re election to tho
Seimti) U uot absolutely owlnj;
10 mo i act mat a immoer o itopubll
f a ,nV,X!,e of tllu ,1Jew .Y?'fe L.slsln.
ture, lillhettu cunsiitered his staunch
supporters, liavo within Ilia imbt fuw
days kIiowii uuuiUtaltablu cvHu:.ce uf
QrvllluUrant, brother of our nifanaVr
Ina cx I'lisIilHiit. u in Hi,, pitir. ll..
avows himself as opposed on principle
to Insane asylums ir genpial, niul to
that onu hi imrt.cular which Is located
at Whlto Plains, New Jersey, where Iih
has been having several month's ex
perlencu. He says that for throe months
thu physicians would not allow any of
his family to see him, and that he could
not couimuiilcatu with them lu any way,
cither by messagu or l.', nnd yet hu
was not mad j " no, no, not mad," ex
cept at thu aforesaid doctors. He de
dares that If for any purpose It Is de
ireuiounvua man tu detraction, all
suit h to place lilm lu tlie Wliite Plains I
asylum, ilu Leila a woful talo of tyr-1
atiuy over the patients, the free use of
o whip and a slow process of stnrva
tloil. Kald he : " Tllev trlerl In maul
. . , ...,,'. V;,V',"i V: !
them, and then they yave n.o something
ft it. i .... i
Al ":l , 8UCLl;l;ul" 1,1 I
ntiLnlnlnrr mi Intnrv Hiv iu Hi in nml llm
same day procured an order for mv re.
','n"! bless you,1' lie added, "1 '
?in.T. Tr rrt7,y rm iV' t,r,t,"an !
Hayes, and It ever I tet hold of those
doctors, I'll teach them a
la explanation or his extenslvo pur
chases at sewing machines, plauos, etc ,
hu declares that it wai all legitimate
trade, and that In this matter tlierti was
at hast method In his madness nud
nothing in the world to make a fuss
about, lie has Rrown very stout, and
now tips tho scales at two hundred
looking more like his illustrious brother
than ever. Ills wife, and children re-
side at Elizabeth, New Jersey, and ho
U nt Wnslilm.tnti m lm nllu.,j l,inl.-l,,,,
asilinulOIl, as HO alleges, loOKMi;
.,. certain valinliln rrmTrnr-Ki. II
declines to speak much of "my brother,"
and, iu truth, It Is but fair to say that
he knows little of that waudering
sphinx's movements or Intentions.
Christmas ia comlni;, Uaudaoiuely
dressed store wludows, crowded streets,
a general nlr uf business shown by all
yuu meet, smiling faces of young and
old, nud uiysterluus biitslgnillcaut prep
arations nt home, all bear testimony to
Its approach, liraltis are busy plan
tilng mid nimble lingers occupied in
executing novel and acceptable preents
to f i lends and kin. while an occasional
call on the moneyed man of the family
l'rves that braius nnd skill cannot do
Ci,re lu the work ot preparation; but to
the more youthful ones only nleasant
anticipation. Thu latter"s days are
liouri, uf anxious expectation, and lliolr
nights oright visit us of bliss. The
bundle brigade will soon appear on the
streets, and the activity will then bu
fairly at Its height. Auouvr.
New Advertisements.
Railroad Co.
ExcursioN Tickets
Dunixo mi;
Christmas Holidays
From all points ut which
Agents arc located,
At Greatly Reduced Rates.
Sales of Tickets from Dec.
23, 1878, to Jan. 1,1879,
good to Return until
January -1th, 1879.
C. G. Hancock,
Ocu'l Ticket Agent.
Deo It.wl
PenHons nrocnreil loracldleraot tuoluto wi-r
uiaabliu lu ur war by wnuu4, rupture, 01.
""o'""' llu "t by aco.ovuiai iujuue.
n I.I.UHUWWI ui liiW. lW llCI V1UK lieu
1 f na oro enuuru to au Iscuemk underlate
1 t.w A" "i1-11"" llCliarK.l loi VOUUS.
i iili-ii'ue or Mkciuhical i.xjuur. fniitie.1 to
n..wiu"iy. iiouaiuvaaaououroorreapoDil.
i r.nfe- "I!"8 a"..'?. -v.u ft l'er"?ally iiie.cut.
imnc Iiiuiuieri4niuu, lllbwiuow ana lie
sSHS -
1 ai.ojirocu.-0 1'aiouta tor luvenunaT liverr
KiidiM-itioae'etliU lotlee should asud mi Uia
aimrcaa ou a I'osui corn ana receive iu return a
ialBpl.Oeiif. I'BKI!. o( the
a lvapr tHiuli.brd at tho Notlwal CapiUl, -lr.
felfSS. J.0.?
luiurmstion aoour I'etiuou ami
to all aoMj.ra and their l-eli a.
i tUied Iioui alt. Addreas,
1 lltllll AttllllH'l'.
-, U'tlllll.tlill, V,'
Now Advertisements.
HV rttlnn of Himlry wriltnt Lf.vaiii I acias
.nid Vkswtiosi KxroXAH lnunl out of ihn
Court ol Conuiion I'lonn ol ltrbon Ooiinly tliei-o
will lio oxponed nt rati lo Knte, nt tho Court
House, In tho JtoiutiKh ot Mnuch Cliuuk, ou
Saturday, January 11, 1879.
at 1 o'clock P, M., the toltonlnRpiopcrlks:
All tliot ccrtnln tract orplcco of land sttnito In
Alahuimig lowustilp, I' Comity, bounded
nnd ooaci ihod ns fol owa i 1J. iriiitiiiiM nt n atouo
roiuori tlionco oxtenOlnir bv laiui Into by Fil
erictc smith, .outh feve nty slid ono-iialf tfeffret-n,
wel llttecu nnd elKhMCM.lh porchos to n om-st
tiuttroe am) stones Hitiuid t theuco by hind of
alllnel ntid Anrou Bhtvo, north o gbicen nnd
one-hall degi ec:., went lorly nud one Jiatt Vei cn
oa to a atone, inrili scvenly-ono nnd
Ucgiois, insr tour poio.ios ton s;ono,.noith
l'mvflEVKS Acnna & vsk l'F.nciiEs
strict inonuire. ImorovomnntsiUorronaroono
two-stoiiy uousu
??je10. b 'ut7.1'.? f"AJ'' nttci.rl
feet, and otlierout bulldluits.
Selred niul taken lino execution as the pro.
petty ot Ilugh ixuuhuc.
All th vo fonr certain tracts or pleros ol land
following, tu will
l-irsi nicco. nil that cerlnlu iroci or plrco ot
l"l,a a.tuato iu al,ouuig towustiln, enrbon
o.mutv rn., bouiidoiHiiiil ilCBcnbed t.Ciilnn :
ItrcrinliiiE utn nlone. thetiee uni Uv bv inml nf
Ml, Inlet Uaibol' nud pal t,y by lunil ut Jonathan
i bltntlo Houtti ixt-iuiud. grio. wet ptxty-nvo
I loiches ton po-ti tneuoj lir lun.tof Juiialhiin
L-ldie .o.itli fourto.-ii ileric.. ombt sxti-ono
lielcUoa to it pod! memo by tlio aiuno south
I r-ovi-ntv-fO.-ep.U'fcleo, olxt alxty-tluco perches
i lo n stone; tbmito bv 1 mil ot Nnthan Moscr
liortll mty-hovell iie-'ieos four pelclics t n
tnei tiiLi.oo by bind of KiinsShivo north fif
teen ilorieo', wit eig .lynluo puichos to the
I pbico or bojfim lug, o..laiiiitig
I 1-JiUv.llES,
TLo acennd niece, nil thut eeitnin lntnr nlur
of gliiuiid sl'iinlo lu tno toriu.hip, county and
Atnto bfuvesain, bounded and riescilood ns tjl
lowt lli-gliinluirut a Bione, tlionci- by laud nf
Mlctinct Ueibei north sixty-nine degrees, eo.t
fourteen petxbesto a posit thence bv land of
j-.ininnimeFouiii iwemy-eix doroes. eist Rix-
,JM.',ur WcUe?,!. " post! ll,onc ''V land o.
.i.riVt .udnhnlt t'efct'os to pos.Mhonco by
l.lllll Of S.lld A II. UUtllbirt north Iflrteptl i)n.
R.WiT5i" "?.!L ? .9.!'cr iwene to
uing, cuntiuiiius
strict mensuremout.
Tlio tulril rl ecu nil that certain wrs-iange.
ten run1 nt nnd motor lano wUuntu hi tlio towti.
f.ip, county and Htrnn iifoirrJlH. bouuaeil ana
tlt RCnoed Iu.iiiwm: lleli imii at a 8tnn,
tluiicebv Inml nt Oforpn Kilts north ciglity.
tw ninl n half Ockicus smt twci ty llvo pur
ehoi to ii vino (tump t lilenco by Innil now or
l.tio nt nitivi hivu north mxiiu) a lia.Irterecs,
ease ttnee niul a hail peirliesto a stfiKfl- tnenco
north llftv-SL-ven de.' eon, east toventv-Iour
m-iclKM tn n tontii theuco bv laud of Jaunli
Ucliri pauth fit o flint ft bit f dejrreo o.ifit twenty
percliert to f clio.'tnut rak t theuco by hitnl of
(le.u-o liilz nmthlllty flvonud n half decrees,
weat fniti-eiuht pcichcs tu the placoof beglj.
ins, coutufnluK
Btiict iiiPftuioment.
Tho foutlh piece, nil that certain tract f.r
pleco nt land bitu tie lu th.i tnwnnhlp, county
nud SlntP nfurcnld, i cm did niul deoilbed oh
billows i llcfriiiiiiiit? ntn NtmiH theuco brlatul
of said A. II. Guinbcrl north twouty.rour do
Hreod,wet Mxtv-lour uerctieH tn a p -hi i tlirnco
by liiud ot Michael tiei bi-r north tlxtvniuo per.
cues. in at HCYentv-eielil mid u ha 1 peichoti to a
Mono t theneo bv tho a.iino north eighty de-tn-tf.
wcsttlililv-eiirlit ieiehet4io anon nt a
publioiaad; t-iem-o ulouKaiiul rond borth fclxty. I
innoiiecieeB nnd mie perch tu u pot i theuco,
by 1 in J ol Aiaou KtnlzJth sixty dcgtcen.cipc
tSlit.-o'cbt pt'ichex tu n Mmioi tlioiico by the I
siiuouottli Msly-ulno device", cast four per-1
chca iu a uo-t t tlunco south ono cteprre. west
cigiity-Hix unrcht-n to n Hono ; tt'cuco by laud of I
tno taid A. it. Unuihcrt noith eiclit)-uue do '
frfuftj Wftal. fill t if niul n linl mil ihna t(. n utnnix I
rp?uVim "io!!?ttlininK' I,e'Cl't8 th P'"C0
tvvknty.mkh a orbs and onr Jini:-
moio or Jo.ja Tlio lmprurcmcDta thcieon arc a
twenty bv twenty-four .cot i vacant old log
SB? WIS." ii iZmlVn"lZ0. wnil
nttucbiiKtlitN niul it I her nntSnlfiiitifTd
BK'Z il and tuken lntii jcuttoii as tho prop-
rrr nf a. ir fin.i.i.rrr 1
All tit it certain n7e'asu.igctciicment and tract
r"jiyia. 1
lows, tuwif, iieKinniinsuiastuuo lu tim ini.iiic '
ruail leaillliK u J.clifKhtnii uultii h vmity-nuiti
m-giiM-a, eii&i, luuriuuu unu Tllllie-naurteid er
caea to a ttouo j tln-nco n'uux aTH 1011J ntitli I
H-vuiitv-tun and -i linUrlo.-luujitiiiattncuMiiiu ,
nml ii quaitcriioicliC'i lo uaiuku; tlioiico auntli
by Hnua nl Wnllniu Scn-lwrer iwenty-tvvn ile. 1
Brco-, tut,t twe,vuaad nuic.tentlia pereliea to a
pose t tiiuiicu by tlio uiino touili ttiuty.rour und 1
ii lulf ilOKitca, east xi.uuty two ami a InilC ioi-1
dies lo a pat . tbcuco oy luntl oijanies Nutha I
tern boutu tMenty.two and u hil cojrtcc", cast
lourteen ami u n larter xiercnea to a aiono i
llionco by lanil or Junatiiin Bei.ielnoitlifoity-1
lour Uoviuo", weat aixtv-aoveu peicliua tn a
atnno i tlieuco by tlio samo a..utll rtll-8ix ilo- ,
irrcos.veat ono percli to a wluto o-ik t tl ouco by 1
tlio r-nnto not Hi liny bix ileKiees.cai seveuteen !
'""y twoiiosicea, wost oiaiiteen peichoa to a
uiaiiloi tlieuco by tlio Baino uortli tlmty-tliie)
nuo a lull! ilairccs, wort thirteen jierclios to too
I'ciuiiuitu it inuueu uv liiu aiinio uiuiu i
placout beKlnuiuif, cuutululug
wore or lcs. The im proven. cuts thcrcou aro a
TWfi RintlV PHAMP TlU'K.T.T.TVI rrfiTTt-W I
fliteenbv twenty-four leit, wtih kitchen at
tocaudi barn tweuty-two by tint tv-tlgt leet
ami nutbmltiiuifs
beizel uud taken Into cxecutton as tLoiirop.
crtj vl batfuxu .Mossor.
All 111 080 tliroo foTtral Tracts ot Land, situ,
ate In ibo Township ol TonnuiuuKitiK. in tlio
Lou nt vol Caibuu, und tstuto ol i unulvaumt
'ibollut tiact 1h bounded hy lutula ot David
A. l.ovett. John Kiine, lierj until ll.,
John 1ur1i, John DUtlcr, und othcra, couuin
I uk about
be tho eamo moro or los-.
"nd ATruct ot Land, begtnnlnor at a plno
theuco uy vurant north tlftv degictw,
i hi oo hundred aud four pcrchoB to a iitn; north
forty degrees, weat oipiitv nluo peiehes to a
pot j HuutU llltr dereos, west nhloiy-Uvo per
ehos lu u rum i nottli lony deiee. went fifty
Bi'Ven peiciitrs tua ttono i froixth lttty uegrfot.
west two hunured and mi e perchoj to a wtutn
oak, nuu eoutlt tour desrees, eat imo huuditd
und furty-Hlx piciics to tho place of bi'ttuulng,
rout.ui.1 1
with allowance ot bix per cent, far roads, &c
3rd, Tract rt Unntl, Ueyiunlnp at a whito oak
theuco bv land laieot Frcdeiick Kili.o noith
t-Uty aejrreeu, west loty mx peichotto a utout;
lUeiiio north foity lit'Mriei, wean one hutidred
aim tuit-u jJtreiHB in u puio inmico ii"r(U totiv-
ouo d. green, van acveniv-Uvo aud a hall peicli-
a kimiHt ihfii.'A Hi.iitn ihitivtuu ni.VrUUv
cant five net chut to a uiuo i theuro nori h kmvimi.
ty ulue egites, one huuaied and tneie and a
hall pircheB to u cuestuut ojk theuco by 1 ud
oi iato Jucub Huus uoitli twenty oue degrees,
east fcixtv peichi'H to a ttuoj theuco by laud
taio ot Tbotuaa Cialg, west ono hundred and
xtv-thito and a luurth perches tu a posit
thincj thlriv-lour aud a fuuitu degrees, weal
tuiuty-Uve and threodouith ieicne to upot i
bouth eiKhty-ltMir and a loiirlh degtee, west
nlno ami a fourth pvichod tu u put , thence br
Und of Andifw Olewme, outH thirtvtourtto
giecs, wet one hunured mid btveuteen perches
to u atnoi ihenct t-outh foitytuur deuroc,
Me-t loitV'Uiuo iKiicheji to a fcUiUo; tuencoeoath
iwolvo d gtce, cist three and two tenths peich
cat theme uoith s-jveutr-eigbt degree, east
eight pel cues to a pine, theuco south twelve
uegreea. ea-t mrtyHlx aud elgiit-teuth jxrehes
to a pot t thence north ilphtyulno and a halt
Uiyreis. east uinety-ix aud i wo-tt iilaapei-ches
t tno place ol tegiuutng, i-outaluluv
m 3to or lo-a.
All thoso four ceitain certain Tracts and I
Piece of Lind, tuo three first xher-X)f
bi.uaio lu tho Towuslilp ot towarueusiug, coun
ty ut Carbou. aud btate aturrisaia. bounded nnd
(b-sciiuedaa totliwa, to wit t the Ti act of Uiud
beginning ut a stone theuco by laud of Andiow t
J.MOir, noutu thlitr-one and a naUdegret.wewt f
ono bundled aud sixteen pel cue luaittouei
thence by land Utuot Fredeueic scoeekler und
Reiijauilu Taylor now uloutou Wulck, aouth
tifiy nine aud a half den reus, east ninety ono I
pen boa to a ttouei theuco by Uudot Casper i
itulil aud Henry Miller, north fi'tT-oueauda I
hall deareod, east one hundred ami forty. seven i
poicbealo a stouet tueuco by Iitud of Daniel
Drelsoach. north set enleeu and a ha.f degreex, '
oust seveuteeu ercnoa to a niapio tree , thence '
north foity.fonr degrwa. west eighteen perches
to a stone j thence noun threo degreiM, west
llftythieo peichs tu u ttouo; theuco by laud
of I'aul bolt, bouth sixty-oue ami a halt dearees,
wet one bundled perches to a stouo thence 1
north lortj dogrcea. west nineteen perches lo
tbe plaio of beginning, couUmlng
and allowances, I
Snd. Tract of Land, beginning at a stone cor
tier on land ot Casper Uuhi tueuco north fifty
degrees. t'at fortv ieiihes to a stone i theuco I
uoitU kevciiteeu and a bait degrees, eaat eivh. '
leen perches to a maple otuuipt thence north
sixtyoigut aud a bait degreus. cast twenty
thrta perches to a stouet theuca eaU thlitv. !
deirtcesoue Uiindrwtaud tuirttouporolii-aaloiig
three and a half perches to a pot i thence south
1 taif "oul' muvoitr to plsco ot twxluulnjt.
atnet meaullv.
no. iraot or i-ieeeor us mi. aituare jiartir in
Towameuaoiit towusliin and partlr In t'u
r'ore-t town. hip, iu U. tioiiatr of t arbon.ati
aloresald-Ilouudii) aiidileMiibedastollous,
Kit) lirpuuiuitataeinifro( land lace taurne
iti ix'jnuuiufrataiwiir-rot lanq late ikirtie
miMi;U' r nia.iuoivl',' uu by imj i t-'-ua.-
New Advertisements.
tlan VoiiRlit eight and onrshnlt deffrre. at
tweiilv t'rtofics to n aassalrna i north sixty nnd
one-halt doirreea. nt fllty perches to a pinoi
tlicneoliv luud ot Jsao Iucli, south flttvnud
oinvhair ilrtfrors,east onu hundred peronoa to a
stone thrnre by trnl Into or 1 nomas (.Tnie and
Willi ,111 .cn. smitn tlftytwonnd ono-hntf ile.
Kiec-s, west thirteen i 'tciies to n stone t thence
south M-vonty-tvro nod. ono lialt degree, west
ono hundred nnd eighty nine perches ui a fallen
pluo, nnd theuco noith oiality eight and one
liwf dtgrcca, wist ono hundred and seventy
perches to bioiioi theure by land late nl
ninuol Colwell, noith right nnd unn-hntt de.
glees, westono hundred nnd twelropeiobesto
n cueaiuui inenoo uv Hum in iienrge waicic.
imrth Nitlitv-thico nut mitMinlf .dexidc, cn.t
uohuitiid petcliiulu tuui-laco
ut Ul
and nllownnco of 6 pi r cent.
Tlio uuproveiiieuia thcioon aro a
twenty-four x twcnty-clght foct t etnblo. twen
ty x thirty tictt pig aty, (ourtcen x alxteen
leet, saw mill, twcuiy-Qvo t y lilt wot e..and
other outbaildliigs.
4th. A Tract of Lnnd. attuate In liwer Towa.
ineii8tng townsLip, Uurlmu vnanty, and btate
mores iid t Hounded nnd described as fohows to
wit! oegtnuiug Aba stone, lami lutont Bo.omou
nuu uno-rouun ucrtww, t-nut lurtf.tlircoaud a
tinif jii'i clifa tn a umkeu chetjint ihencoby
lundu! rcti-r Bnvilcr. luirth t,lxtv flvo nuu onu
lourtli tivgietts, exbt nitr'MTe nnd a liali purelK
to u alone ; tbenco by the Mtnie, tiorui evenly
llvo degree, east ono htiudledauil three perch
C8 to it Bteuo by a Muall liickorjr t tbunce by tbe
aarne und land of MMgd.tlon Feoatenmielier,
iioitliueat nineteen vetuiicato Uo xnaco ol be
KliinluR eoutamlnt:
one runcuKs.
attict rucAsrtre.
Seized mill tatcn Into execution as tlio prop
el ty tICuiucliaa mirtler.
All lot or ptcco ot Ktonnil. Blluilo In
FiiinUllii towinlilp. t'arbon countr, l'ouuavi
ruuiu. iKiniiiieU umi tfo-cilbou ua lolluwa. to
wit t Hetriuiunit nt a pot. Ihcrctj by lantl of
Joel Weuli, auiiih twenty-elKlit nail n halt de
preen, euat ltttv feet lo a )0"ti thence bv the
Kaineaoutli lllty.livo degree. neitoue huudied
nml tllty feet to a pont; tlieucu oloiiKu puullc
road lendiuir from rurryvll.o to Wotsaiiort.
noith twenij-elirlil and a hint degree-:, weat:
tlrt foct to u pott llioiiLii by land of Jaooo
Weulz, li'illh tiitv.UVH de:leei. enilono liuna
red and tllty loot to the pmco ut beginning, con
TliolinproTenicnU thcroou aio n
twtntv by tarentv-cttfit foeti kitchin attached,
two.vo br foul toon Htt. and out-bul,iluiga.
selzoil nnd talcen Into execntlon aa tho Dro
pertv nf Eliziueth Horn, ami Henry W. Merlx.
auu to uo aom or
j. w. itAUDENnrsii, sucrtrt
lUnncli ChnuLc, December 1'J, i7.
Of Valuable Real Estate, &c,
Tho unilemgncJ, dottlrlnir to movo Wet. will
olTjr til ruliltu tfftlfl. on thn preniincd on tlio
uomrr fil IIIOX ami M'. II KM I sTHEKTb, tu
ino uuiiuuuu oi Xjuiuuurun. i'u t on
Wednesday, Jamuuy 1, 1879,
comninichie nt ONE o'clock I. M.. tho follow,
luprvniunbm and elpftibly locutcd lien I haute,
and ii :ti letv of rcritoiiBi t'ninttv. to wit i
All that cettaln Lot or Giouud Bituato as
niiove, bciuir 7i! loet tiont or l&S Icet aoep, upon
which Is cicctid a ubstMUtiat
Frame Dwelling1 House.
72x23 Tret t Kitchen nttiched 10 1 10 fret, and
Summer Kitchen 14 x Hfeetr lllncksniltUsliOD.
is x 3-t leet i Uarn, la x ?i Im 1 ml Via bluuia
lu x 14 feet. Also, ono I'lcco ot Lund, eltuato lu
iunnouina vaiioy, coiiTiunin(r
13 Acres and G2 Perches,
with 4 ceres of IVroln tlio around. And tho fol
fawlDff nrticle-t of l'otonul 1'ronrrtv, vn:
Fem e rosip, 2' 0 Krnoo ltmls, 1 Horso. t Uowb,
2 niiMiorsH 'i'mcc Wwrou!, 2 ouo-hoise Hutlnn
waioii8,2one-hor80 CnrnnsoxJ one borne llneh.
bonvd.Voue hoi to tilelfbs, set onebnrelIiy
Laddern.!! two-hoine I'iowh. 1 ouo liorto Oultirn.
tnr,'2 oiKi-luirso llauowsCHt taHlntrlo Uarucss,
wind Mill, -z Htruw Cutters, Wheei borrow, 2
nrim'siotics Z Auvi s. lllnckstnlib's boliowH. 2
Vlsoa. i-cts of TooIh Inr JllaukMiutli. lot of If av
l-'orks, Dunir Forji. Iiiin, steui.aiid a VHriety ol
other nrtu les too uumcrmn to mention.
Terms and conititMii wtii bo mado Ktiowu at
tho time aud piaco of tian hv
oiiAitLi:a x'ROExmcii,
I 9
! iu
HOP bitters,
(AItsili-Ine, t it Iirlnli,!
AU Dlceiipfl of th S omsch, Rowels, Itlootl,
Llvet Klduoya ami Uil'mrv Oicain. Nerv
(u:i'').s, hire til uaMifsti, Kcuialo Coaipl.iluts,
and Ilriiukcinu'N,
SI, 000 IX GOI,l)
WtH be paid torn ciwo thevwill not rnr or
It il o. or for cnythutg luipuro or Injurious
fouud m firm.
Ask vout tlrutrslst for linn Hit tern and
Iieo b jo and tiy tho liittera befoio joui
alecp, Tako uo ut ner. I
Fur Halo by A. J DURLINO, Rank St.,
jjt'uiffnwu, ucci yi
Composed of Wool nnd 8IU Felled together
wilh tho Silk tcxt to tho foot. A auroielief fnr
Uiieumatism and proof against cold and Da HP
Fkkt. Many a cold and the attendant conse
quences preventeri by using thene gooK ut
by mall to auy addresi on recelot nf cunts.
Hiutmzoot bhoewoin. and if for cent. Lady
01 Ch 1J.
323 ARCH eitreot. rhlladelphla. dec2I wl
We will dnitnc tho HOLIDAYS nifll-OSK OF
IOO I'lANOr and Oi:UANH. ut I'-Xl'liAOR.
1)I1AI(Y I. W pilcea ter cash. Hl'LKNDID
OHUANU 1, 3. 6 aeta of reeds. M5 j 3 ieta with
sub Raai nil Coupler, l?0: 3 sots fto. leer,
fttd 1 Mt Hi. 7HctavoALL ROSEWOOD 11.
' f Vribw US a?n Mi iim.7.tlrt 7--.t
i yean. AUhNTS WAN J ED. 1 'uitialed Cat-
alfHTum Mailed. Mnslo ut Halfnrica llOlt
Ace: WATERS & HONS, MJDfrs. and Deatera,
4i E. Ulli bticet. N. Y, dec2l-wt
Matlicw IlaleSmltU's new book.
inon nniuiluent neranna men anil women
IDOaljinl Mtcel I'omaits ot A T. OmplITJI pin
Vanduuuilt. Ukx.nett, Ac TurUluUilUl
Hrnation 1 1 tbe ea-uu. ovrln tho time lor you
(ppitrnn to ocure tcruitory. AJJrcM lor
ilufilt 10 bkbucv clr.-titara ami loi ma,
V C. ULlsa CO. Newark. N. J.
AwsMel ht-jkttt prise at Ccnteanlat ExpoKhkB fot
bis (heuiny qtaltlin nn1 txrtdetic nnd Luting ehtr
wler a meettntnff aJ JLwminQ. Tlio belt tobscro
crrr maJe, K our bhm it rip trle-mrlc I flofcty
ttultated on Inferior pnod' ce Hist JnrJrmt it
on cvcrrjiluff. Soil lijr alt dclr. tend for iftmple,
free, to C. A. Jicaso.i A Co., Ufr., IMertboic, Vs.
O. F. WA IID I.E. I'hlla., Pa., General Agent.
a ilay to AireuiarauvafaiUKfur tli l-'luB.
alDK Visitoiu 'Icrnia and Outtll fire.
Adilrraa l. O. VIL'KEU Y. Auxuati, M
Pir.iiiio L'anla. Cuulda. Mottoea. J-lnwera.
No two mue, wlttt name, lticu. Nassau
iiira t;o., n. x.
FANCY CAHU-,willi name, toc.nlatn
or ROlil. Aitonia outfit. 10c. I5J Hrli-a
Ituil Js Co., UuilHiu, N. Y.
r n uiml (?anl4. Hnowflike DamaHkc. &c
si I noiallko wtthiiamo. iocU. J. Miuklrr
i Co , Nassau, N Y
Ail vurtln.-ri. ! acini for our Sclei-tol Mat of
Local Iewnaiei. Ooo I. Howell A Co..
10 bjiruce wriui. r. r.
dec2l wt
JL Lclilk'liton.
IlKrlOItu ot ttua llauk will tie Held nt tba
llHDtluc House, on TUK.lUAY, JANUAHY
lllta, i;. between tbe hour, ot One aud Tliuia
o'clock 21.
W. W. BOWMAN, Caablcr.
Ihlahton. Dec. It. 1118 wj
I Tn tell Dr. fhaae'. Ilectpeai or Information
torKrerybodr. incTery ouuutir tu the United
i 'iuaui;iiiiu. i.u.iB u
I er tu etS paw. Honniain.overuoushold
reelpon aa I la aultud to ull claa.ea and oondi
lloua 01 .OOlCir. A wiiunouriui uwi pui m
' honhnld neceultr- It .ella at aural, ureal-
1 ti luaubttuivnu ever ouerei m ikwi i,rui.
Kauioie pop ee arm ox mail, i-iuiirmi, i'n i.w.
Inclusive territory aivru. Arwit. mare than
iluiinie Ihnr mouev. Aitriress Dr. I 'iiase'aHlwlDl
Jita'tug llousp. Ann Arbor, iitcainu
WVI, lrf"l.
Ciiem bMkj Tobacco
Notice ! bfreby given that the Excmtora,
Adminlstratora and Uuurdiaua hcrolnafuiriiaio
ext. have filed ihexr respective aceouatM ot the
following estates tn the RegtotetV utttoe. nt
Maucti Chunk, In aud for tho Uotuny ot Cnrbou,
which iiocounts have been allowed by the Hot.
i"ter. will be prcsonled to the Judjtes of the
Orphans Court on Mondsv, the 13th dav ot Ju
uaty Uixt, at 10 o'clock A.M tor confttinatiout
Flrt and final aoeount oi Wm. KemercT.frtinrd.
lau ot tho person and estateof Annetta rhtrt
miuitr chilli ot Klifls nhive, late of Mahoning
township, Caibou county, ucooiscd.
Klr'taadflual occcmut of Frank K Hnrtlnir.exo
feu (or of tholal will aud teatiuient ot Wm.
Stiawti, lato ot L high ton, carbou louuty,
fa-, decoaneU
Tho account of Daniel Wents. admfnUtratornf
allaudftuVular ihe riKidsiind chattels rights
and oredita,wh!ch were of William I'eter, late
or the townaiiiitof iniwer 'lowamensiiiir, lu
the county of Carbou, aud BUto ot l'ennari-
Fiiat and final account otJoniiihW Harlan and
Junn V. Jlnilan. executors ot tho iht will
and testaincni nt Margaret Italian, late of
Mauch Chunk, Carbon county. I'a.. decerned.
Supp'cmentul account of William Goldlraw,
turvlviuff admiuistitttor of thn estate ol Too.
O. Davis, lato ot Ranks towuxlnp, Caroun
county, deceased.
First and final account of Ilery Dover, ad-
inlnlstmtor ot tho eiuto ot Aailila lteod, late
of Weis-poit, deceased.
First aud final account nt the admlnlstrsttMi ot
Mia. Aim Campjoil, admiulsUattlx ut tlioo-.
tit or Kilzabuih Huott, Into of the Uoiouah
uf Mauch Chuuti, doceaseiL
First and final account of the admlntatratton of
Mrs. tied. Nowhouw late SchuWioi, aOmuittv
tratrlx of the estato of Fred, nchnebel, deoM,
First and flual settlement ot Tho, J. und Jatnca
w. HeUnllntf, ixocutora ot Daniel lienor
ling, deceased.
First, and nnal account of WllUam S. Ilnrpel
paaralau ut K laa J. Weaver, (now White.
brad) oneot tho children ami heir or John
Weuver lutoot Mauch Chank township. Car
bou county, UeccatMU
First and final account ot tiilllp Drunihcller,
executor of tho estate of Jacoo Uoorice, tue'd.
First and final account of Thomas Kcmurcr.
udmlmtttator, cicMof Oodlieb Nesley, ilcc'd,
Fliat and final aocaunt ot Ed. O. WUamx ad
minim ator ot the estate ot l'etor StovU dee'd
Flrtaml ln. riocount of Elemtne Yoaftcr, ex-
icutrjx ot the citato of RouJ, Yuaer, dee'd.
Thnaccountof Margaret O. Davis and Wlldam
(loldstraw, admmistratoia ot the estate ot
Thomas Q. Davis, decetsed.
RE UN Alt D PHlLLirs, Register.
Mauch Chunk. DcccmUer 13,1878.
Cabinet Ware Factory,
Dealain all kind and sizes of lMne. Hemlock
Oak Hiid Hard Wouo Lumber, and is now pie
nated to exoeute auy uweunt of orders lor
DresseD LumlboR
Doors, Snslies, llllnds, Sliutlcrv,
Jlouldlngrs, Cabinet Vnrc, &c,
With iro,nptneaa.
Brackets Made to Order.
Tho Machinery In all new and of tlio best and
most Improved kinds. I employ none but tlin
best woiicmen, ue well sraoned and gooj ma
terlsl, and am ttieiefore able to irnai anteo rntirt
.it foct Ion tn nil who inavlnvor mo with a rail.
orders nr mint pitmipiiy attenaeti to. .mv
ehurpes nto ntodemtHj term- cash, or Intel cat
charged alter thirty iiv.
n?" Thoe enlaced In lluildmjr will find It t
their adviiiitnRO to luve Milhitf, Moor Hoards
Dooih, f-as. tea, hutlrs( Ac, A-e., nmdeat thl
Exposition of Clothing
ETcrmndo In I.EHiailTON la at the IVt
OlUce lluildlng ot
II. II. PETERS, Agent,
on DANK STHi:i:r. and the prople knotrl!.
Jle kcop cveiythlnir named tn
Men's and Eoy's Clothing, at
the most Moderate Prices
Uo never yet watted time In Billing Illrh
rnoeil Onodv Ills l'rlcoi nro no LOW, that
people nro wiindoniiK bow it can bo done. Hut
It IS done. Thoso In need ox
Fall or Winter Suits !
will find It to their advnutaeo to i-an-ult II. II.
l'TERS, nsent. about the matter. augstlf
1 GENTS fi
Kon ouu
run i.miijstieiai.
nelna; a complete lit, tort of nil tho important
indusaioi of America including AKilcuiiure.
Mechanical. M.iiiufiiciurlua: Mlnino;, Coinmer
cial aud other euterprlsea. About 1(01 la &e
octavo pacea and JXi line eugravluKa.
LIHIIKU. e'er Term, aud Territory apply at
ouoe to
decllna Kouv ICII, Cos.x.
JU. Oborholtier'3 Llitlracut,
Is now hlihlv recommended and exrenfdvoly
njtxl for Itucunntiam, Fntted Feet AiIili
I'ufuH. tores. Minus, Hwe.lUifft, bnrtu Ac,
It is nt tho preatent v.iluo in curing Cutt.Qalls,
Hpt-alna aud aweldnca in borins.
It acts quickly and sorely. It at once soot lies
and relieves tbe stiff Joints, the Lime Mocles
atd tbe Acinus; Nnves, Tbe moner will be
paid back to any one uot fati'tlod with itnef
feet'', l'nco 'tf cents. S bottloi for tl. ne
pared by Levi obetholtzcr, U. lx
Tlio IMiocnlx Pectoral.
fin prove l ltrelf to bo pecullarlyadauted to old
penons, cousumpllve ann chlhtien. ll lirraka
h cold. It stops a cnupfc. It aids evnrctoratiMi,
It ffivea Instant relief It elves turrnalb. It
bniijis ret. It has made more cures anr
other medicine. Thousands of the citizens of
Cuateru rennsylvama nave used it for j, ears
n-st snd testifir' to tbe relief riven and cure if
iectcd- rnce, 24 cent tr A t otliesfor ft. i're
Bnred by Levi ObrbolUrr. M. and tor Hale
rA.J DUIII.INO, Loaiffhton NoT.Zt-Om.
Health nnd Happiness.
Ilpaltnsnd Happiness are priceless Wealth tn
their posaeswira. and yet tuer are wltom IU.
reach ol every one vrho will uao
Wright's Liver Pills,
The only iuro CUItE fi.r Torpid Liver Oyspep
tin. Heads che Hoar Htoroach. Consttpatlon. de
bility, NsuBa, aua all JIillious coinplatnts aud
lllood disorders. None genuine unless slcued
"Win Wnnht I'hils." llyourUruftfitwillnot
upply vena ti rents for one box to 11 sr rick
Holler & Co , TO N. 4ih St . I'hlla. Dec. 29 yl
Qcrmau Horso aud Cow i'owtlcr
Keeps etook healthy an 4 In pood condition. It
aids dlxertloo and sftsiinilatton. It maces fst,
muscle and milk, By using tt a horsa will do
more work and a cow rive mora milk and be in
better spirits and condition. It also keeps pool
try healthy and increases the qnantlty ot evsrs.
It Ik made hv Dr. Levi Obeiholtzer aims mills,
backot isi N. Third btiect, Tbila. It is told br
actual welvht, at ii rents per bound, br A. J
DO It LI N O, Lehirbtou. .Nov, isTS-3iuo,
dmhiUtrator's Notice.
Ettatc of Wilson MUUrt dee'd.
Notice Is hereby riven, that letteia of Admin,
.stratum upon the cststo of Wltaou Miller, lite
ot Manonii's tonnip. far bou oonuty. I'a.,
dre'd, hsve been s-ranted to the undrrs limed.
All persons knowing themselves to be indebted
loaald esUta will make payment within su
weeks and those baring claims will present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
THOMAS s. ltKOK, Administrator.
Leblffhtou, 'ov. IS. 1878-wfl.
tlmlulstrator'ii Xotlcc
E-itate cf Jos&u Klatz, dee'd.
Notice Is hereby given, that letters of Admin.
Istrstion upou the estate of Jcbua Klota, late
(tMabunina towashtp Carbon ruamy, I'a.,
dee'd, have bf en granted to tba underHf vtmL
All persons kuowlujr themselves to be ladrbtod
to said tal ate will mska parment within nx
weeks, and thoa havieg claims wilptesen,t
them dqiy authentic-tiled for settlement to
THOU AH HOUN. AdmluUtrator.
Mahoning Tuwushlf, Nor. t trw .
Fall & Winter Dry Goods.
Dress Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths,
G-roceries and Provisions,
A cordial invitafciexh is cxtcndcil to ull.
n 0 t CheinniUIanl -
for Men. Yonth
Hie tlue-t and be.-t o"
, - - 7
tht Into tld town, at nn Immense reduction on former prices I
s vtirtt'tyof Oi-uts NKCK Wli.Vlt which Isrelllngnt pi leet rirtheM UardTimaa
All endles
The Deptrtment fnr
for Ijtillea. ftenttcmen's and riii'dn n's now fully lumlfhed with the b Mannfaelaras.
to be lonud iu Ihe rnuntry. whicli havo been michaset dirt ctly from the idake and ato.ihsre
tote, fleriii m an IMJUONSK UKHUcTION nn foim.r I'iici-h.
n.i tre earneftir invltel Ut rtll niul exnrali e good befoie making your pnrctlisas, aadtio
eoiivlud ! that I am M-Ulna gotNis at lowor pi lets thtm tliu csine quality can be obtained sin.
whre. It i a wsys a plenum o tn exhibit Ootids, whether you purchase iruot. r wriest fits
guaiaulCL-dor i.ota e, lion't torgot the placet
T. D. CLAUSS, Mercliant Tailor,
2nd door above tlie Public Siiuare, 1SAXK STUEET, Lehlghton
Mew oals I
I respectfully announce to tlio citizens of Lehighton and
vicinity that I have leased the Old Post-Olfico Stand, -pn
BANK Street, Lehighton, and that 1 am now receiving a
full line of
Motions mu Fancy ooil
consisting of Ladios' and Gentlemen's Underwear, Hosi
ery, Handkerchiefs, Jewelry, Ribbons, Ruches, lady's
hand-made Clouds, Gloves, Fancy Soaps, Brushes,
Combs, Buttons, Collars, Machino Needles .and , '
Oil, Znphers, Fancy Stationery, and
all other articles usually kept in my lino.
Also, Agent for tho celebrated
ID:i3mirSaT C'aissiet tes-AMv
tf Call aud examine my goods ; tho prices aro so low
that they cannot fail to suit all.
W&M a sad Winter Opening?
Tho undersignod announces to tho ladies of Lehighton
and vicinity that ho is now rccoiving nnd opening a largo
assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising-
such as Matalass':Jlaincs, Coburgs, Alpaoas, &o. Also,
f tvli
a larcfo
which ho
Groceries and Provisions a Specialty,
at prices to suit tho times.
Clover, Timothv, Hungarian, and all kinds of Field nncl
Garden Seeds, YERY CHEAP.
Opposite tho L. & S Depot, BANK Street,
May 0, 1870-yt LEII1GHTOK, TENN'A.
KTery deacrlptlon ol rnDtlng, irou a
Visiting Card to a Poster.
mix nKADH,
1)01)0 KHK.
BY.LAW8, tC, 4C.
Don. Id tbe beat uauprr, at Terr Loweat ITtrr
We ar crvpared to (lo work at aa cheap (atea '
aa.or omce lume nuito aat urai. nuuciij -with
U. cntoiuora.
Choap, Prompt & Reliable.
CaTOrden br email rtcltc rraupt
Oct. 5.
Cheinand llandft'.me Pai.lanii wivtrti AmTMhaitnat mm.
tol'Ccwi at the iwpu nr
Mcrcluuit Tailoring Establishuicnt of
I ninliHt rrpvivlnc sud opnnlnir uvmr new stock of FALL AlfD
M I.NTKlt :LOTHs, Au., (Foti'licn aad IXmatie),
and iep ctfully announce that I em so I .til description of Uoda
at lo price than ever before offered tn this county, I aim now up the fiucst
for Men, Ynmhv and Hoy-. In tho latent fashion at prices that ars
actually atttmmhlngt Cat, and bo tourincd.
An luitueuie stock of all the latent styles of
and Children, verr cheao.
Mew Prices f
stock of
is offering
Wo mb. to aar that one ol onr olileat and
moitt extirrlt'ucco: puyatcune, alter iclnua;
Sr. Qoth Arnold's Cough Killor
A Tltonouail 1RIAU ntONOUNCKS IT
Coach Ilemcdj he ever air. The doctor bail
bciu afflicttit with a eevei-e void whieli wvalii
not rleid to aur prewnption lie uioid com.
pound, but with ono nottleot the Cough Killer,
he wa wi muoli rrli.ved that he came back ami
bought .even bottle tuorr. It aur one wiahea
to know who the doctor la we T ill lolnria then)
br calllug at our aloru,
t'lti Hall DruKHU'ro.
Corner Second Blrcel und N loolii-t Arrnua,
iluskii-oua, MINV
la aold by all Druftirt.ia errrrwhere.
Nor. It. UJuiS
Q.KAXD oreMNQ ! ,
I hex leTe tolnfoira mroltl imtrnint1 cw
tomriMiutl llto pub.lo lu Ki'Utrul. iltat I hava
uiruotl DDti UaiTu uow rtftily tar tuipfcuoa lit
I ho
junk 61 reft. I.KIIlailTON. at Ihe LOW.
Kirt'AeU rilluts, a lull aud new aaeorV
aaent ol
' HATS, CAPS, &c.
Special attcntlou li.Tlus barn tiven lo a we'l
eiwiKtllue olMhN'a u oalKN'M ai.u L'lllL,
DUKM'd W1JA1I, Mr Motto ahull be
lorltetbe puhlle to rail and rxamlae lar
ioi-2 aud uilcea beioru puToUa.loa HiM-whrri.
a. 1 e.u little .nartnl luituiuMiituii tn r -l
Iburera. I.UMSVKIWb.
a jit. :i--tm. I'.o. rulldme uhichtvu r