The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, November 30, 1878, Image 2

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    -g.V:- .
On the 23d of November, 1873, with 'Wet Wright, each party contributing about
no ostentatious pretentions, but will', a
firm faith In the e ffaAlvBness of I-.oncst
labor, and tlio ellgtblllty of Its "mission,
wo Issued the first number of tho Car-
HON ADVaCiOiJfc. We looh back to that
day with & slnccro feeling of gratitude
to thOStj who welcomed it then, and to
nil who have onco-uraged and patronlied
ffstneo, Wo believe It la not boasting
to say that, while tho Carbon Advo
'cat is has not mado a fortune for It
publisher, It has mado a largo clrclo of.
trun friends, Among All classes, who
"pleasantly oi.tlclpato Its weekly visits,
and wclcomo It as a reflex of popular
opinion, In Its sphere, find as an inde
pendent truth-teller of transpiring
During theso six jtarsUlias stemmed
tho current of popular agitations In Car
bon county, and On; 'conflicts which these.
ngltatlons havo engendered among tlie
people. When It has taken Issue fit all,
it has bcott independently, in, what its
editor r.trd publisher believed to bo tho
dcfifiso of truth, justice and right. We
have labored to give U19 people nn or
gan, and wo take tho success which has
Veen mooted out ttfus an carncstof their
The CyfaSn Advocate is tlio only
rnAKarbnti county that is not ham
5r controlled by political parties or
Sues, and for tins reason it has never
"betrayed truth and virtuous intercst,has
1 tnado no false promises nor taken no
precarious or untcnablo positions on
questions vital to the popular weal. It
has been and Is still a truo exponent of
labor actually wrought here, lias evaded
the "patent outside" erase, and Is to
day tho only newspaper wholly printed
In the county.
It Is with ft feeling of mlugted pride
and pleasure that with this Issun, No
1, volume VH., wenro enabled toglve
to our patrons u paper enlarged from
twenty.four to thirty-two columns, and
without Increasing tho subscription
Tlio price remains still one dollar, and
It Is tho largest newspaper for that price
published in tlio State. It speaks for
Itself. The enlargement is solely for
the benefit of its readers. By It wo aro
enabled to give tliem a greater variety
of miscellaneous fireside reading and a
wider rango of current and home news
gleanings. If tills enlargement meets
with tho appreciation and encourago-
in cut hoped for, among those who have
bo liberally rallied to our support In the
past, this is not tlio only improvement
which wu propose to make. As fast as
possible wo propose to add other merl
torlous points to its columns, until
hhall be pronounced tho ciiKArissT Ami
Already there arc many auspicious
'signs of a general revival of our lan.
gulshlng commercial and industrial In
tercsts, and although we may note little
of Its effects during tho winter, we are
qulto sure that after the first of Janu
ary next, there will be now life Infused
Into jrade ; and to this fact wo would
calljtlio attention of our tradesmen,
that, with the extra efforts no are mak
ing to Increase the circulation of the
Cahiion Advocate, Is offered to you
iho choice opportunity to remind the
public, by liberal advertisements in Its
columns, that you are allvo to your In
terests. Our advertising terms aro mod.
frato.nnd bo equitable that tho humblest
chop. keeper can reap the benefit of ad
vertising. Twenty cents a week will
eeenre a yearly epaco of two Indies in
our column?, and no matter how small
and unpretentious a business you may
be doing, be Assured, the investment
will come back to yon ten-fold.
In order to Increase the size of the
paper, wo have Increased our mechani
cal facllUles.and have added many of
the newest styles or jobbing types and
other material for executing first-ctass
book and job printing : and wo are pre
pared to do every description of Job
work promptly and at as low If not low
er rates than any other offlco in the
In conclusion, wo cannot forego the
liberty of adding a special words to our
good friends, who have encouraged us
In our efforts to establish a good print
lng office here, and shared in our aspl
tlons to print a newspaper from it of
which wo should feel mutually proud.
Horace Greely onco said : "Prosperity
always haudsomrly compensates every
public-spirited effort wiiicii the people
of country town make to have n good
local newspaper. It speaks a good word
for them among their neighbors, and a
good word isa thing nottobodlspised."
'lb'rough tho past years of business de
pression, we pushed heroically through
together. Wc all suffered more or less,
and one reason we had to bo thankful
for on Thursday last was that It Is as
well with us as It Is, and that we have
not been more unfortunate In this mat
ter than our neighboring boroughs and
towns. When tho sun of prosperity
again peeps over the Blue Mountains
and vitalizes tho various Interests of our
lilll clad little county, we expect to share
In thfl general weal. Looking back,
then, over tlio past six years of mutual
tugg4 and triumphs, let us make of
thew a twacon to guide us safely over
the nex&sls, believing and lipping that
by honest and energotlc labor we may
all occasionally, at least. I3E AULE TO
Henry T. Darlington, editor and pro
prietor of the .Buck Oinnly IntctUtenttriied
Sunday morning of paralysis. Ho was
stricken down on Saturday.
Tbs egoeuof cur exports over our im
ports of merchandise during tho ten months
ending October ,31,was $2S7,070,012,agalnst
an excess of t72ll,4S9 duriug tho corres
ponding period of last year.
Tho formal reception of the Manjuls of
I&rne and the l'rinccss Louise, at Halifax,
took place Monday, aud was a popular ova
tion. After being escorted to the Provincial
Building, the Marquis was sworn in as Gov
rnj General of the Dominion,
-4bo official rctoYns of Iho Congressional
blo show that tho candidates running on
straight raf eb'.lcan tickets received 274,007
Votes, anil'llioso on republican and national
combination tickets 30,210. Of tho latter
Vtftfs Uio no tlonals furnished about four thou
sand, giving tho republicans 300,000. Tho
candidates on straight democratic tickets tc
ce'ved 264.8CS voles. In tho Twelfth dls
an cqvil sharo to his vote, making tho aggre
gate democratic voto about 270,000. Th 0 na
tional voto proper Is 90,5S3, to which should
bo added about 10,000 national voles for com
bination candidates. Tllfl straight national
voto for Congressmen Shows an Incrcaso over
that for their candidate for Governor of 18,
000, which nearly alt como from tho demo
crats, who, in several districts in tho west
em portion of tlio Stato, deserted their can'
didatc3 by tho thousand. Tho Congrcssion
al vote, 09,405, is about 0,000 short of tlio
Governor's, a result attributable to tho dis
gust of many democrats with their Candi
dates. Tho steamer fomeranla, which left
New York 011IT10 14th Inst., for Hatnburgj
was sunk ly collision with tho Welsh bark
Moel Elllan, near Folkestone, In tho Eng
lish, Channel, on Monday night. There
were about 220 persons 611 board, Including
crew and passengers, and about 50, mostly
passengers, are believed to bo lost. Tho sur
vivors, Who escaped in sonio of tho boats,
wcro picked up by a passing steamer. Capt,
Schwcnscn Is among tho saved, though he
was at first reported lost. Tho romerania
was a first-class steamship, of 3500 tons re
gister, built on ths Clyde in 1873, at a cost
of about $550,000. 8I10 had a cargo Valued
at about $250,000. In addition to her cargo,
a mall consisting of 17 bags of letters and 25
bags of papers, for Franco, Germany, Austria
and tho Scandinavian countries, is supposed
to bo lost.
Tho total number of standard dollars
coined up to and including the 23d inst.,was
19,814,560. Of this number a littlo over 5,-
000,000 arc in "general circulation" that
is, outside of tho Uuilod Statos Treasury and
Mint vaults.
Nino convicts, sixblack and thrco White
wcro publicly whipped at Now Castle, Del.,
on Saturday. Five of them wcro also pil
Lirrnni t'lton china.
riiiLADELmrA, Nov. 21, 1878.
Deau Advocate: It has ocen t
long tlmoslncol hnve had this pleasure'
Your sprightly Journal comes to me
every week and Is much appreciated
though I must confess it makes mo feel
ashttraed of myself to think that I have
so long been a stranger to Its columns
Mclhlnks I hear you say" While the
lamp holds out to burn" even Marcutlo
may return.
I enclose you a letter from tho other
side of the world. Perhaps it, or por
tions of it may Interest your readers.
Life in China docs not seem to bo the
best thing Imaginable, judging from
what our correspondent lias written.
Yours very truly,
' noRo KoNd, China, Oct. 15, 1S78.
my deau Makcutio : Tho recent
stirring events whicti liave happened In
our usually quiet colony are of such a
nature, that many pages of explanation
as to causes, would not satisfactorily
account for tho strnngo and thrilling
Incidents which havo so agitated the
public mind. A few FACT may not be
The present Governor of IIongKong,
His Excellency Pope Henne;sy, O.
II., came here baldened with the taint
of unpopularlty.nnd slnco assuming the
reins of government has met with much
dissentient and fault-llddllig opposition,
both from tho press and tho public.
During his administration ft great In
crcaso Hi lawlessness and daritig crime
has been apparent among the natives of
the lower orders, and frequent burglar
ies and highway robberies with violence
Finding Iho lenient policy of the
Governor In no way to Impede their
plans, but rathsr to further them, the
bands of thieves, smugglers, and gamb
lers of the Kwang Tung province have
from time to time made descents upon
the unprotected parts of tho town, and
often with success j and recently, be
coming emboldened by the reported
abolition of public flogging as a punish
ment, tlrcy havo committed a daring act
In tho very center of the town, which
has roused tho Indignation of the entire
community against tho mild methods of
correction authorized by tho Governor.
On the night of the i!4th of Septem
ber, between 12 and 1 o'clock, an or
ganized baud of 80 or 00 desperadoes,
armed with the nativo spears and long
pikes, mado a violent and irreslstablo
attack on the Clieong Shlng goldsmiths
shop, situated In Wing Lok Street,near
the waterside.
Having put out all tho street lamps
for several squares around, nnd disarm
ed and Injured tho native pollee In the
vicinity, tho marauders placed a part of
their number on guard, and then de
liberately and forcibly entered the house
marked out or plunder, by means of
ladders placed Against the front, and
which having mounted, they were en
abled to walk over tho zinc awning Into
the windows of the room over the store.
Finding only one person hero, they
soon "bound him over to keep the
peace" and then placed sentinels to
prevent tho firm or members of the
family from coming down from their
bedrooms, On reaching the store be
low they found a Mllner'a safe contained
the bulk of the prize they strove for,
and fearlessly attacked it with hammers
and chisels, regardless of the noise, or
the alarm of the awakening sleepers In
tbe next houses. Alter half an hour's
labor In Vuln, they cave up that tough
job, and occupied themselves In collect
ing a few articles of clothing, some
quicksilver in u.iske, and a tu;v scraps
of broken silver, gold-dust, fto., which
was In'the worklogajan's till, and were
about to put Into execution tbe plan of
liico'ndlarlsra, as a fiendish revenge for
their disappointment, when" the" sound
of fire-arms caused tbem to scatter, and
they broke precipitately out of the front
doors to find themselves In a shower of
leaden balls with a brick-bat ortwb In.
terspersed, which tho now folly aroused
neighbors and European Police were
sending at them.
During their dare-devil entrance laid
tbe shop, tbe guard outside were chal
lenged by a "lnlrong" or nativo police
man, and tfroy Immediately attackod
him savagely with their murderous long
spears, but not beforo the poor fellow
had given the alarm to the other beats
by blowing his whistle, (which by the
way was found sticking In his mouth
when ho was afterwards picked up In
sensible). Two European police now appeared
onthoBCono. 3oulbownand McDongal,
and wcro shortly afterwards joined by
policeman Campbell.
Tho night was dark, nnd tbe absenco
of tho street lights caused much uncer
tainty In the minds of these three men
as to what was happening to cause tho
alarm, when they stumbled over the
body of tho Chtncse "lukop;" lying In
tho roadslde.covcr.-d v!th bloody wound.
HelnRj-rnVinced that a serious disturb
ance was under way, they sounded
their rnttles, and brought a lot of tho
Sikh police to their aid, who taking off
tho lukong to tho hospital, gavo the
alarm at the head office and rang tho
fire-bells for a general alarm of firr,thus
aronslng tho whole community.
The thrco European policemen now
camo upon tlio outer cuaru of the
thlovcs, and wcro immediately attacked
with the horrible Dikes, and Goulbown
and McDouglas fell badly wounded,
but Campbell killed his assailant by a
lucky shot from his rlllo, and then ran
up to 1110 licau ouice to report anu got
Sonio of the Sikh poiico In another
minute met the samo fate as the Euro
peans, but weio shortly sent to hospital
by the arriving squads of officers from
the barracks, who now made a vigorous
rush down tho street and caused the
thieves to lly. Hero they found the
Clieong Slilng gold shop broken open
and a tire just beginning, and the lu-
Habitants nearly scared to uealh by tho
nolie and smoke and excitement gene
rally. But tho wily crew had slunk
away, and only two of thera were cap
tured after a desperate fight. Wing
Loh street being near the water, the
poiico Immediately ptocccded there and
found to their amazement that tbe whole
body of the pirates had cot into a steam
launch, nnd were making off under a
heavy fire from the river pollee, who
pursued Idem in ttio police ag. Capt
Denno, the superintendent, and over
200 armed police had turned out of the
barracks In three minutes from the tlmu
they wero called, but arrived too late at
the scone, and so returned feeling mad
at not having been able to meet the
robbers and give the a wannine.
Tho wounded men were all conveyed
to tho hospital, and havo since recover
ed, and the dead body of the pirate shot
by Campbell was brought to tho mor
gue for Identification and inquest.
On examination, it was found that
about $250 worth nf Jewelry and effects
were taken from tho shop ; tho thieves
leaving untouched about $0000 worth
of gold dust aud nuggets In the safe,
which presented a very nattered appear
anco, having tbe knobs and hinges
broken off, and a large hole in tlio out
er skin at the back lower right corner.
The steam launch was afterwards
found acroes the harbor, high and dry
ashoro with n bullet holo through her
funnel, atul blood marks on the seats,
bhowli.g that some of the persons in her
must have been wounded. The poor
launch engineer, who had been Intimi
dated Inlo-getting up steam and driving
the engine, was found, with his com
panion, in a hut on shore, very much
frightened, and nn doubt glad to be rid
of the company of such violent coun
trymen. Such nn attack as this, preconceived
aud carried out with such diabolical
precision, 'and in defiance alike of the
law and Its myrmidons, has never be.
lore uccu Known ncro, and it lias caus
ed a general 'feeling of insecurity (only
too well founded, as the sequel will
show) among tho peaceful mercantile
About the 0th of October a laroe " In
diguatlou meeting'1 was held at the City
Hall, attended by the very highest digni
taries of the place, judges, barristers.
merchants, &ci, and a large number of
intelligent ciiliiesu, to discuss the expe
diency of enforcing the law In a uioie
rigia manner tlian heretofore, to pro
vide extra forcn for the police, and to
comment generally on ttio policy 01
leniency to criminals which the Gover
nor has so unfortunately pursued. Sever
al resolutions were passed, and they
will be properly drawn up, signed, aud
sent borne to London for Inspection of
the Seoretary uf Stato for Foreign Af-
A few days after the WIhk Lok Sti.
uffalr, the house of Mr. Ualn, editor of
the "China Mall" (dally,) was entered
by Ulne desperate men, no doubt of the
same gang ; but they were driven off
after a sharp lighL Mr. lialu using bis
revolver Willi good ctTcct, though they
gavo a serious spear wound toaSikli
cuustablo who was helping him.
Several other houses have been enter
ed, and only ft few nights since, the
thieves succeeded in getting into Gov
EiiNMEKt House the residence of the
gentleman whoso easy administration
would not allow them lu be Hogged for
stealing I
I expect wo shall have our pollee-force
auguicuted by an addttiou of Scotch
aud Irish Constabulary lu a few uioutlii
more, nnu mat, wliu sterner punlsli
meut for captured criminals will have
the effect of restoring tho Colony to its
peacemi conulltou.
As we havo had no " regular built"
typhoon this year, 1 havo no mure news
to communicate.
Yours ever truly
Tho Halifax award of f 5,500,000 was paid
over to tho British Government, in Loudon,
iliursday ouasl week.
Itcrnard T. Kcnncy, working men's dete
galo to tho Constitutional Convention of
California, died I riday of last week.
Tho Nuvy Department estimates for tho
next fiscal year will bo about $ 14,000,000,
tho samo as tho Congressional appropriation
for tho present fiscal year.
Tho iron ore mines of tho Messrs, Brooke,
at tho falls of French Creek, Berks county,
aro run day and night to meet the demand
upou them.
Georce W. Smith, a cooner. shot his wife
dead lu tiau Francisco Thursday of last week
becauso she had sejurated from him on ac
count of cruel treatment.
The Arlington Estate suit was to have
commenced iu the U. S. Court atalcxandria,
Va'., Tuesday, hut, tho parties being absent,
it went over to tho January term.
Tlio house of William Fanning, near Dear
born, Mich., was robbed on Tuesday night,
of last week Tho burglars chloroformed
fha whole family, who Were resuscitated with
dimcuity tno next day.
Suffering will exhibit ifanrcsence by the
cries of tho baby, and should bo removed by
the prompt use of that highly recommended
remedy, Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup. It is free
iruiil V1UIU. - A ricu CIS.
Argument in the Ifuntcr caso before tho
Court pf Errors and Appeals at Trenton, N.
J., was concluded Tuesday, and the caso
held undor aa'."ise"ie"t. A decision is not
cxjKsctcd beforo nexi week.
A cablegram received .'. Chicago reports
tho nrr.fct al Lisbon of Chas. V Angelf, the
embfiiliug Secretary cf thel'ullmaa I'alaco
CarComjmny, aud says that $80,0(10 Oi'il'O
money stolen by him has been founi )u hit
M JJrookfield,'V7is.,on Wcdiftssday, a boy. 1
entering a blacksmith shop, threw his over
coal, lu tho iiockctofwhicUwasa loaded
ij j t j 1 1 , ...... ( rrM . .... i i
aud the bullet entered the head of a farmer
named Sowers, killing him. Instantly.
Hear Admiral Almy and Itov. John Lana-
son havo been appointed Visitors to tlio
Government Hospital for tho Insane, tho
termer to succeed rrolcssor llcnry, deceased,
nnd tho latter in placo of Dr. J. V. New
man, resigned.
E. Ci llaytien, under scnlenco of death for
tho murder of his wlfo nt Montpcllcr, VtV
lins eoiifcssed tho murder, attributing it tn a
SI f neonscious frenzy' arising from the
"unmasking of tho treachery" of his wlfo's
relatives, for whom ho seems to havo an in
tenso dislike.
Havo used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup ami
pronounce it tho best inedlemo in use. A
caso of consumption hero was cured by its
use. AVe cheerfully recommend it to nil suf
ferers. Jefircss, Itobcrts .t Co., South Bos
ton, Va., November 17, 1875.
While a funeral party was taking a train
for Erie, at Corry, Pa , Friday, ttio platform
gavo way, precipitating twenty-flvo persons
and wufT.R into p- www- Jmlow. Several
of tho mourners wcro injured and tho coiiin
was buried in rubbish.
A Iclcirram to Secretary Schurz reports
that 0110 McCann, a contractor for tho trans
portation of Indian supplies, has been con
victed of defrauding tho Government and Is
now in jail at Cheycnno. This is Mid to bo
tho first conviction of tho kind by a frontier
Tho companies of sub-contractors on a
railroad at Waterloo, Quebec, havo abscond
ed, leaving 250 laborers unpaid. Tholabor
crs havq.t.'iken possession of tho section on
widen li(cy wero employed, and reluscd to
allow tho tfork to go on until tlicy aro paid.
Two of tho rcntaiiiing contractors havo been
arrested, y
An exphislon'of g s look placo in tho Sul
livan coal initio nl Bullivnn, I ml., Thursday
of last week, tho viojenco of which was in
creased by the wmseqvcnt explosion of eight
kecs of po'-dcr near tiro bottom of tho shaft.
Thirty jn,tn wcro In tho mine, thirteen of
whom wcro instantly killed. Many of tho
injured arc not expected to .Jivcr.
Charles Francis AdamlSr., of Boston,
and others, representing tho Commission on
llallroads from Massachusetts, inspected tho
shops of tho Pennsylvania Itailroad nt Al
toona o few days ago, and wero handsome
ly entertained by tho officers of tho company
on duty at that point.
Tho Cincinnati CbnracretaZ has caused its
commercial reporters to mako a careful tour
of inquiry, and on moro than a pago gives a
detailed result which shows a general In
crcaso of business, full forco employed on full
time, and ccncral cheerfulness and confi
dence. Profits aro small, but collections
Among tho highest tributes paid to Dr.
iiaas" ixpectoraiit, 110110 aro ot sucli im
portance as those received from druggists,
'ino men wlioso callins havo rendered them
skillful judges of medicine, are loud in their
praise of "tho wonderful remedy, nnd tlicv
attest their faith in its efficacy by using it for
1110 euro 01 incirowu and tticir lauulics
colds and coughs.
Tho Supremo Court of this State has de
livered an opinion of pccial interest to tho
keeiwrs of hotels and their patrons. Tlio
Court holds that an inn-keeper is bound to
pay lor goods stolen in hishouso from cuests.
unless stolen by a servant or companion of
tlio guest. With such responsibility thrust
upon them, travellers should not complain
if landlords becomo exacting regarding tlio
character of thoso who seek tho priyilcgo of
their hoste'ries.
Dr. Daniel Ticrsott. a physician of Han
cock county, 111., was called from his bed on
Saturday nignt by an unknown man to at
tend a caso about thrco niile3 distant. He
saddled his horso and started and an hour
after Ins lifeless body was found by tho road
side, with an iron bar, tho instrument of
murder, lying near. Dr. Picr3on was a
trusteooftho town of Augusta, and active
fn suppressing lawlessness, and it it believ
ed ho was murdered out of revenge.
A few years ago F. F. Brightly, of the
Philadelphia bar, son of tho compiler of a
digest of tho lawsof thisStale, married Mary
Emelino Howard, daughter of William II.
Mann, who was for ten or twelvo years Dis
trict Attorney of Philadelphia, and who for
tho last three or four years has been Pro
thonotary cf tho Courts of Common Picas.
The marriago is said to havo been happy
until the tempter camo in tho person of a
young New Yorker, well known in fashion
able society. Tlio rest of the story is told by
tlio pica filed n tiny or two ago by the hus
band in tho United States Circuit Court.
This documcntpositivclychargcsthat CoilV
erncur Kortrl!;t( of yew York, has been
criminally intimate with Mary Emelino
Howard, wifo of P. F. Brightly, the plaintiff.
Tho document charges that Kortnglit has
deprived tho plaintitr of his wife's services
and undermined her affection and induced
her to live apart from hirn-, the
plaintiff claims damages in $500,000. No
answer has been filed in response fls yet, but
ono is expected in a few days, In which, it is
alleged, counter charges o'fa grave nature
win ik inauo.
" Ecr- Day l.ltv.ii
Aris'n'g in tho mornirigi nlmcnt Iho first
tiling to bo tliougnt ol is marketing, or get
ting: iho necessaries of lifo; and should nnv
one ef Iho family bo troubled with Coughs,
uoias, innucnza,uoarbcrcss,diiucuit bream
ing, or any affection of tho throat, bronchial
tnbes or lungs, leading to Consumption, a
supply of that household necessity) known
IIame's IfflsKT op Hon'r.ilODKD isn Tin.
Which brings strength to tho harassed frame,
wearied and jaued uy a Hacking cough,
must next bo obtained. Ask thai fresh,
bright) ros);-checkrd girl, ttho but a few
weeks ago; xvas lying helpless on hor bed,
wiiu a neciic lius aoout makingits appcar
ancoonllcr dhdcksj ask her what restored
her to her loris nights of balrriy 6lccn. re
newed strength) audn final scattering of
mai cougu inai was dragging ner down to
her grave. Ask her what physician was so
successful in her case, which eccmcd to
halllo medicine and to defy tho many allur
ing and tempting morsels which anxious
hands prepared for her to smooth her jour
ney from this life. Ask her who was Iho
benefactor, nnd her eyes; speaking volumes,
will brightcrt) her rosy lips will open, wlnlo
the words warble from her mouth in tones
of melody, " Kale's Honey of wlforehomul
artd Tar.1' Sold by all druggists at 50 cents
and $1 per bottlft Great saving by buying
largo size:
Pike's Toothache Drops euro in ono min
ute. Oli I
(lirlv Citiituriiiu; A Peer.
Ildro is aubthcr story from Tiko county
a county incrO rmmknble than nny other
for tho magnitudo of its " big stories." We
givo it for what it is worth: Thero was a
danco near Torter's Lako, in Fiko Couutv, on
Friday evening last, that was attended by
numbers of tho best youths and maldons of
tho neighborhood. They began dancing
early in tho evening aud continued it until
morning. Tho region is sparsely inhabited,
aud tho means oi communication few) there
fore, thoso who attend such gatherings fro
rjuently go on foot for miles to bo present at
thenn Three maidens Miss Cox, Miss
Brink, and Miss Jennio Lano live on the
northwest bank of Porter's Lake, and to get
to tho dance rowed oVer in a small boat.
After tho breaking up on Saturday morn
ing, they started to return hoiiio in tho samo
manner, Miss Cox, the eldest of tho thrco, j
taking tho oars. When near tho middle of
tlio lake, they discovered mi object inovlnS 1
iu tho water beforo them which at first they I
supposcu was a uog, uui wuicu upon ncar
iug they ascertained to bo s big buck. It
circled round and round iu (he water, a sure
indication that it wa3 wounded. After a
consultation, the boat was pulled to within
a few feet cf tlio buck, and tho oars wcro unshipped,-
Hiss Brink taking ono and Miss
Cox tho other. They drifted closer, and
when within striking distance, at a given
signal, both girls brought their weajuns
down upon the deer's head, lie sank be.
ueath tho water for an instant, but when be
came to the surface his eves shono arid ' bis
hair was turned straight toward his bead.
Tho girls both struck a second time, bring;
ing the oars down upon his neck. Ho sank
again, but coming up sprang from tho water
and' placed his foro feet against tbe side of
tho boat. The clrls had to tiso nil their
strength to kevu It from capsizing, incy
managed, however, a
another blow on- th6 neck,
'fatal one. Tying their
gethcr, tho girls secured their prlzo to tho
boat and lowed It ftthore. It weighed 244
pounds. Thero was a fiesh wound in Iho
right sldo and 0110 hind leg was broken. It
had doubtless been driven to tho water by
New Advertisements.
Of Valuable Real Estate.
Ily virtue of nn order of tlio Com t ot Common
rions of L'nrlxm Couutv thcro will exposed nt
i'ublio BoIoiitt!io
Valley House, in the I3orougli
of Lclrighton,
Wednesday , Jan. 1st, 1879,
commenclniTPt ONK o'clock. 1 M. tlio follow
inp described i rnct or nioco of woodlanlUuaio
in Mnhonlni? Twn , Carbon Cmtnlrt Hounded
by lnruN nf J. CuMrr.l. A. lfoni,Jo( llnmit.
If. Wcinlmnor nnd Join's lato nt Joseph Waua
lnacher, now Aaron Krutn, containing
and ono liundrcd and forty perches.
Also at tho tamo ttmo and placo will bo sold
1 Share of the Capital Stock
in (he Carbon Co. Indus
trial Society.
Terms and Cnnrtlllons will ho mailo known at
tUo ttmu nnd p'acoot tmlo. l.v
RAMUUL i,Einn:tnuTir,
AsslBllCootWM. 110KN.
Mnhonlni; twp., Nov. 23, lt?i.
Valuable Heal Estate
Dvvlrttroof a writ of Ven. EX. Usncd ontof
tho Court of Common I'loas cf nrbon Count r,
nnd to me duccicd, there will bo exposed nt
Public Hate, on the picnnn's, m hast 1'cnu
Township, on
Monday, December 1G, 1878,
nt TWO o'clccic In tho nficrnoon, tho following
Koal lis late, described as follow, to witi
All tho timuvidod onMinlt Jute rest of Joseph
11 o-: el wo hi all tluit evi lain
Tract or Piece of Land,
Bltuntoln llastrcim TownMiin. Cubnn Coun
ty, btnto nf l'cnnftj lvntila, hounded and dcscrlu
idna lol owk, to wit:
jieiniiniiif; ni a wnuo on, iucrco uy lann 01
Jacob Wert m nn south twonty-Mx dccicon, cait
lieuueu Wcrtman ftlxty-livc nnd one fourth i!o
Krces. west im lmmliod ano twenty llvo nnil
two tcnili ncichc lo n Ktonoi tlrouco tv land of
Jocpli llnberiiinn nortli Ofty-fotir and ouc.lialf
ilonioi-H. wet ono ImiHlrea uuil lourtccn and
eue-lmJf porclicnto a stone. Booth il.iri)-sorcn
nnd cno-luilt denreee, west twenty-ono nnd one
luuf vcrclic to n stouo. north forty-one dearie.,
west twenty and oae-fnnrili notches to a mono,
norih foriy-nlno and a.UaU degrees east ilovcu
inidslx tenth1 le.t elies lo n l(,no. north thlrtv-
six decree weit ninety notches to astonoi
ineiico uy land oi jnnn iiauerinnn norm r.uiy
nro U02ICO-, oust iotiy percne to a stone
llienco dv inuil oi ucora'
seven (loincc?. cast tnti
stone, south Mxtv-iuno tleirio -s, east thirty nlno
rihI ono linll notches to a stono ; thence by laoil
ol Jiicnu Wertmnn north sixty-one and ono-iialf
iickiccs, eat!t smv-nvo torches to a stone north
slxttou mid onodijil degrees, enst stxtv-llve
notches to a none, north sixteen nne5 ore-hall
degrees, cast nineteen and ono.hilf ieri lies to a
t (oue.norih toll ty-four ilepree',wesi four perch
estnustouo. tlicuco by laud of Ainoa Uulilncr
north Boventv-live decrees, east unity-seven
and ono fou th notches to a bUmo; thonce br
land ot John llnlilct south llfteeu and on o lull
decree, t ast roventy four porches lo a stone;
Ihoncf by land of Jucou Werimnn noitli elxhtt
eluht ih'irroo. east lorty-slx nnd Keven.tcnihs
poiches to the place of bcglnnlne, containing
moio or less. The Improvements conil.t of a
twenty bv thirty feet, with kitchen attached
elfiliteen Dr Unity feet, wash-houso sixteon by
twouty leet, elder press sixteen by ihlitv three
feci, wagon house twenty by thirty-two foet,
Snlis burn thirty six by Rixty feet, tonchtno
shod tvnutv-tt.reo by twenty-three foet, and
other oul.Milir.toRS.
hoizodnnti tauon into exncutIon astao prop
city ol Joseph llolshoe, audio O'j sold ty
J. w., shenfr
SuV.iiiFF's OFFicn. Mnnch Chuntr, ffov. ID, 1873
(litrnlatralor'a ?iot!ct'.
Estate 0 mison Miller, Jcc'd.
Notice Is korchy elven, that leitcis nf Admin
lstrauou upon the estate il lioou Miller, I do
U Malioumir toru-ihip. carbon cunniy. v
dee'd, h-tvo been irianted to iho undritdmied.
All poisons knowing themselves to be indebted
to said cstiito will inako laymont wdnin six
WLOks aim those lmvniff eluiuit will piescut
theiu du'iv anthonttcuted for 8ei(lcmout to
. , TUUAIASS. iWVK, Acmiuutrator.
Lclllshton. Nov. 10. IbTa ll.
jhuitihtrntor-'s Notice.
Rtlate nf Joshua Klotz, dee'd.
Notice la hereby mven. thnt letters of Admin
istration upon tltu estate of Joihua Klota lato
1 1 .Mahoninir tovaship. cirtion comity, l'a.
deo'd, have b -on grunted to tho under'.igrcd.
All peiaons knnnltij.' IhemselVen to belmiebteil
tofaid estato will limko iiauuent wltblu m
weeks, anil thoo having claims will ineseut
tncni du.y ailtlientleaieil for beUlement to
THOMAS ItOllN, Administrator.
Mahoning Township, Nov. u, i!j7sw(l,
Thoiindcrslirned Anilltor, atipo'ot'd bv tho
Court of Common fleas of C.irhon Couutv, to
dudilbnto tlio InrnH ailBinir from the fhotln's
Solo of tan lteid Ketatoot Henry Kellner, will
atteid to the dunes ot hisni iiolutmentoa Mon
day, IHceiubtr :u. 1818, at 10 o'cloek a. m., at
Ins oiuoo in Matieh chunk, "when and wbeio all
parties tiiU'rcsto.l may attoml.
. . 1'. J. MEEtlAN.
Nov. It Auditor.
To tollDr. Chaao'a Itoclrea: or Inrdrraitlon
for Jivcrj body, lu every cuuutr In the United
plates nhd Cur.ailaa. lililaieed by iho pub lsli
cr to CIS fa jo. 1 1 com am over 20CO hnuehidil
ri clpeauu l is smted to all classes mill Condi,
tluns of Bocicty. A wouortoilul book and a
household necessity. It fells at Unlit. Great
est liiduceininia eVor tnjered to booi acenta
humnlo cop cs sent by mail, Postpaid, tor j 10.
l.clUslo territory plvcii. Areots maro than
douoio th'ir money A.tilicss Dr. haso's Steam
I'lliitlUK Houio, Ann Arbor, Jiichliraii.
let. IS-W13.
JQIt. Obciliollzcr's Liniment, 1
Is now highly recommended and extensively
ned for lihcnmitisni, rn.sted 1'eet. Aihis.
ruins, holes, Minus, Kwe.llniis, bpralu", .5c.
It is ot Iho crcatctt viiluo in eunug Cuts.ualis,
bpruins ami sneldues in horsea.
It ucta (inlcklv and surely, it nt once soothes
an.t relievo, tho stiff Joints, the Lime Mn.clcs
aid Jtio Aching Nerves. Tho monev will bo
inld back to any ono uot all-Uo.l with lisef
focts. fneo 21 cents. 6 bottles for ft. rio
parcd by i.ei Ubciholtzcr. M. 11.
The IMir:iUx I'cctoral.
Ilasniovol lltelf tn bo pecallarly adapted to old
lerius, rousuuiitlvo mid chlbiien. It breaks
a cold. It stops u wmh. ItHidsexnictorntio'i.
It UlVCa Instant relief 11 elves Hirrn..lh. Tt
bniiRs re.i. It hns uuido moro cures tlmu anv
oiher medlelue. Thousai.ds ot tlio citizens cf
lii.teru l'eiinsylTatii'i nam uwl it tor mars
P'simul lostifr to tbo relief given and euros if.
lectid. rrlce. iicent.u a lottiesfor (i. J'ru
inreii by Levi obeiholtn r iU J)-. and lor Kale
byA.J UUUI.INJ, Lelicbtou Nov. OJim,
Wrapping Paper, Printing Paper,
i: it it a i
P A I1
Until vou have sent fur niintntlrn ctntlnc
size, wercht, qua Uy und (juuutuy
General Paper Dealers & Manufacturers,
12 Qlld 1-1 Dccatlir StrCCt.
Llplit and Heavy Hell Taper la all grades,
IOV. 10-Ulls
The most useful present
for "yoxiR -wirs
Tntended wife, mother, or ststcr. Is one of our
Isickio I'latwl ami 1'ollalirU l'lutincttt Cnmp
Inir lions 4 Irons uu one bundle and at greatly
Uwiuceti Trlcos
Klug Utwrmblo FIutUiK Iron, 13.50, Jlomo
Flutluif and Crluiplny Iron, t.'7-i. btnt prepaid
onoelptol prlco.
Hewitt m. Co. Pittsburgh, Pa.
I'. O. Iloi, ess, or ICO I'oon Avenue,
An Agent Wanted la this County.
Nov. 16-t.w.
crmnn Horso anil Cow l'oviler
Keepii stock healthy an! In (rood condition. It
aida dlaettton and auim latluu. 11 lunked fut.
m'Jclaiiduiliit. Jiy u.iuk It a horw, will do
more walk ai-dacow iilvo more mlik and be In
better ipuiw ana conuitiou. it ainokueiia pom
StrlkO the lonlmal lie. Iivl llbeiholtier mill mlili.
wbLibruvcd a baok ol Ul N. Third street, I'hila. It mold bv
bandkcO-bief; to- ui'liLJ.NU, J-eLifthUin. x.'ov. itr;-3aio.
Now Advertisements.
has been awarded at tho 1'aris Exhibition ot
1878 to
a, sr. i?.
Best Six-cord Sool Cotton. It Is celebrated
for being stronger, clastic, nnd of uniform
strength. It baa been awarded medals at
tho great Expositions, from thofirBtat Taris,
in 1SJ5, to tho Centennial at Philadelphia
in 18T0. In this country Clark's O. N. T.
Spool Cotlon is widely known In all sections
for Its Superior Excellcnco in Machine nnd
Hand-Sewing. Their mills nt Newark, N.
J., nnd I'alsloy, Scotland, nro tho lorget and
most eomnleto In the world. Tho entire
process of manufacture is conducted under
tlio most coinptcto and careful supervision,
and tliev claim for their American produc
tion at feast an equal merit to that produced
in Paisley mills. As
1 GRAND PRIZES were awarded at
Paris for SPOOL Cotton,
they are glad to nnnounco to tho American
Public that they havo been awarded n Gold
Medal, beins tho hiehest award clvcn for
stx-uord Bpool Union.
A. Clark & Brother,
100 nroadivny NOAvl'orli.
Awarded htyhnt prizti nt Centennial nxpOBllton for
itfl ehncinef qwitttici And txcelleiee nnd toting ehav
aeter of tweettntng and Jlimrtng. The liefil tobacco
ever made, Ai onr Muo ttrlp trnde-mnrlt In ecty
lmnaipn on lmennr rooufl. rto mat .fwwn'i j;ct is
ot cvcrrjjiiijr. hom by all deaitr. tvl for nampic,
free, to C A. JiCKSON St Co., Mfrt., 1'eteretmr?, Va,
O. T. WARDL3S, Phils., Fa., General Afrcut.
AOJ3NTri WANTED. For tho bar nnd
fittest ( lltipPiciorlnllloolisanrt Illbles.
J'rico rMiK-cd Zi per cciit. Address,
day to A cents rnnvnfalnc for tho Finn.
iinrc visitor, icrmi nnu Oiittit five,
Address 1 O. VIOKUttY, Angus!, Mo.
4-0 'fl
MIXKI) CAItDS, with mmo 10 cts.
SOnUitlO CT3. Jj, JUNISS t CO.,
assail, . i.
Mixed CnrtR Snowlliko. Dnniaftk. Ac.
aliko Willi nnnif. IU crs. J. Slinkier
& Co. Kassou, N. Y.
FAN( Y CAniJf?wtth nnme, lOc.vlaln
or pnm. a prni b oiunc. nc. iw nyi-js
jlu.i tv; lo., iiuuson.iN. 1.
Cabinet Ware Factory,
Donls in nil fclndi and nlzca nt rinp( Hemlock
Oak mid Harl Wood Lumber, una is now pi o
pareu 10 exccuio 0113 uiouui ot orucia ior
BresscB LiunbeR
Doors, Snsltcs, IHIiids, Slmttcru,
Mouldlnys, Cabinet M'arc, &c,
With froisiptncss.
Brackets Made to Order
Tho jrn chin err Is flit dow anil of tho best nnd
most Improvcil kinds. I employ none but tha
best workmen. uo uoll sraaouoil mul irood ma
toilii, nnd am thoi eforo nblu tn pum nnteo cutlro
stttiKlnctlon tn oil ha may favor in o with a call.
Orders br mail uiouipily attended to, Mr
charjroH nro niodcrutof terms cash, or tn tercet
cbareed alter thlity days.
n?" Thoso c neppd In Umldlnjr will find It t
ihoir advimtnffo to hive Hldtiiff, Floor llonrda
Doors, cashes, thuturs, Ac, Ac, nmdo nt th! .
wih to say that ono of onr oldest and
mobt experienced physicians, uttir fflvinir
Dr. SotH Arnold's Cough ISillor
Conch ltemeitr ho over saw. The doctor hod
been nfllictod with a severe cold which would
not yle.d to any proscrlplion bo could com.
ixdiud, but with ono bottio ot tho Couitn Killer,
hu wuh hu muth relieved that ho came baclc and
boushtseven bottles moro. II any one ulflhca
ui jtuinv who mo uocior is wo win iniorm luom
uy cuuuig ai our atoro.
Clli If nil Droi; Btoio.
Corner Second street und Nicollet Avenne.
MlNNbAl'UUS, Ml.N.
AnNOr.D'a cntJan Kir.Lhii
Is sold by all IJrnfflstn everywhere.
NOv. 13, ISum
I bee teavo to Infnim mi nltl ni1rnnTi9i rti
tomfra ami the public In prneral, thai I have
upt-uru uun uuve now reauy ior meppctiou in
Hank Street. LKIliaiJTON, Pa., fit tho I.'0'V.
u full una new flslo
nATS, CAPS, &o.
Sordid nttentlon hnvlnc been clvcn to n wo'l
selected linn of MUN'S VVOillWH nnu CI11I,
DltUM'S WJSAtt. My Motto Shall ho
1 Invito the nubile (o call and examine my
ioci aud price before purchntlim elsewhere,
as 1 oin otrer special luaucemcnts to cuik
havers. . I.r.WIS WNI8S.
Bint, 21-Cm. r. O. Balldinr;. fhlghtou, l'o.
Health and Happiness.
Health and Ifapptneas are priceless Wealth to
tbeir vo-eo-sorH. and yet fboy aro witam ibo
rcuch of every one who will uao
Wright's Liver Tills,
Tie only nre CO ItE for Torpid Liver. Wypf p.
f I.;. Headache. l;our Htomach, Coustloailou, le-
uiuir. nmiM.ami nil iniuous roiunlaluta and
lllood d!Holaei-a. TCiinn irtMiuittfl .ilr..
"Win right I'lula." II vonr Drnccut not
upply enu 2J eenia for uno hoi to Harriet
Holler A Co . 70 H. 41 h nt l'hlln. Ucc.VDyl
Exposition of Clothing
Cvcr made tn LKniailTO.N Is at tbo Tost
UOlce liulldlng ot
II. TI.-PETERS, Agchlv
on BANK STIllIEr. nnd the peorle know It.
lie keep everything wauled In
Men's nnd Roy's Clothing, nt
the most Moderate Prices
ire never yet wasted time In Belllnjr Il'itU
1'ncrd Hood i, lilt 1'rlcea are so LOW, that
people are wonderlne how tt can be dose. But
It IS done. Those In need of
Fall or Winter Suits !
will find It to their adrintaro to consdll II. II.
rLTElts, aKcnt, about tho muter, ssg :f
all & Wiatef Dry 6oods9
Dress Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths,
G-rocerie ancL Provisions,
A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Respectfully announces to the
vicinity, that bo has just enlarged his Manufactory by tbo
addition ot another story, and that ho is now prepared to
furnish them with every description of
Manufactured from the best Seasoned Material, at Prices
fully as low as tho same articles can bo bought for else:
where. Hero aro a few of the inducements offered :
Parlor Sets at from 50 to 00.00
Walnut Marble-top Dressing Caso Bedroom
Suites, 3 Piece's ;.:;.... 40 to 65.00
Painted Bedroom Suite's,.-; 18 to 40.00
Cano Seated Chairs, peij set bf Six .- 0.00
Common Chairs, per set of Six u 4i00
and all other goods equally cheap
In this connection, I desiro" to call tho attention of tho
citizens to my amplo facilitie's in tho
BUSINESS, with a now and haudsomo Hearse, nnd a full
lino of Gaskets and Coffins; I am prepared to attend
promptly to all orders in this lino,- at lowest prices.
Patronage respectfully solicited and tho most amplo Bat
isfaction guaranteed. Y. SCHWARTZ
Oct. 12. BANK Street, LEHIGHTON, PA-
'ine unci ana oosi assorimom ui
ever tronsht Into this town, ct an Immenso reduction nn former prices
An endless tattcty of Oeuts NECK WKAlt which Is telling at pncoi to inlt these lUrdTlni'taV
The Department for .
for ladles, de'ntlemen'fl and Chlldrrn'a Wear.l- now ful'y lurnl-hed with the b Mannfaetnnvs
to ho 1011,11(1(11 ihorotmtry. which have been purchased dirictly fmiu tho Make ami sie.ihcre.
tore.inurt'natnn tMMIJN81; UIJDUCTION on forrarr ITicos.
oi nro rarnentiy invited to call and examine good bcfoie luatilne yonr parcbises. and be
t"6nv.hcid that I am selllnc goods at low?r prices tbiui tho ame quality can to obtsined rise
vhrn. It u niwiiys a plruhmo tn exhibit Ooods. whether you purcliaso irnoU I'erfect Ata
guaiantceUornoea e. Don't lorct the placet
T. D. OLAUSS, Merchant Tailor
2nd dodr nbove the Public Square, UANK STilEET, Lflilghtori
W&ll imasl Winder IBpeMiMg
Tho undersigned announces to tho ladies of Loliighton
nnd vicinity that ho is now receiving and opening a large
assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS,- 6rimpnng
such as Matalasses, Delaines, CobilrgS, Alpacas, &c. Also
a largo stock oi:
which ho is offering
Groceries and Pi'otisions a Specialty
at prices to suit tho times.
Clover,' Timothy, Hungarian, nnd all kinds of Field and
Garden Seeds, VERY CHEAP.
Opposite tho L. & S
May C, l67'J.yl
35 (Ssvssri
j; g- p
CSS jS j-wS VnraaoaJ
s - 2 r d
CO MO jossSS" tt
Oct. 5.
pnoplo of Leliiprliton nnd its
Chenp and Handsome FALL AND WINTER ttUrrdltai fail com'
mcnci-41 at the jiopu ar
Merchant Tailoring Establishment of
I am Just receiving nnd opening up my now stock of FAT.. ANfr
V I.NTlilt Cf.Dfns.CASNlMIlHK-l fto.. (Foreign and DOTiMllCf.
hi... lowwimi uuuuumu limb i,u ra I dn uesenpilOUN Ol UO.M1.
at lois prlcoK than ever before odorcd tn this couutr. I am oorf
making up tho llnost
for Men. Youth and Boy. in the latest fashion ot prices thai arV
nctuatlv astoniihlnKl t'ft'l and bo convinctvi.
An liunionio Bt jolt of all tho latost styles ot
Depot, BANK Street,
8 o k
c. I
S -A 8
C r4 (3
8 o -a c .1
3 ?
go J S
s s
b Q .t t-r
3 h-. O. tf
P ? -i Sr I
1 J I iuI
t JSCC 0 ;
J 11 I