Society meetings. KV1S1T0 O.UTME, No. 73, A. O. K. OF 111ft M. 0 lluitand 4tb Mouriar o( each tnontn, In Ho bor's Hall. Leblditon. at 7;ao o'clock r. m. JobnOageas, a. K. u. i bam. 11. Ollnam. e. K. it. si. bhadbs huttbm t.onot, Nn.tSO. 1. O. 0. I. most, every Tuesday evening, nt go'clocir, lailoSor'a Hall. II. Kosteubadcr, xs.U.i W. IS. uebor, Secretary. LsmonTO LODan, No. mi. K. or r.. njretij on ITldav oreiilng'. In Heller's Ilnll. at ;:J o'oioo. w.ll. llocbmau, CO t L. A. Sillier, K. of It. and t. Advertising Kates. Wo desire it to bo distinctly understood that no advertisements will ba Inserted in tho columns of Tim Cahocix Advocate that may bo received front unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by tho casu. The following are our only lerinoi O.IK SQtMltK (10 L1NEJ), One year, each insertion 10 cts. Six mouths, each Insertion 15 cts. Three months, each Insertion 20 cts. Less than three months, first insertion $1) each subsequent Insertion 25 cts. Local notices 10 cents per line. II. V. MOHTlIIMEli, Publisher. jjj n. sibweus, DIsTUIOr ATTORNEY A COtJNSr.LI.On AT LAW, Office, Kloti'a DmlolnR Dtodnway. MATJCH CHUNK, FA Hetttlnit Kstatrs, Fillnn Accounts and Orphans Conrt Practice n specialty. Trial ol nnues cnrotullv attended to. Lr-Ri transactions In Knwish and German. Jan 3. SATURDAY, KOVEMBEIt 9, 1878. Local and Personal. Clias. E. Grsenawald lias just received a carloadofchoico Jfcw York State apples, which he is selling at astonishingly low prices for cash. Vest's liver pills cure sick headache. Thanksgiving day November 28th. Christmas will coma on Wednesday this vcar. Potatoes sell in our market at 80 cents per bushel. Sale bills are turned out at this office at the shorlest notice. Dr. J. C. Krcamer, of Millport) was in town Wednesday. Head Tilghman Arncr's new advertise ment in another column. Tlic'elcction is over and yet no wonder ful revolution in business has yet occurred. Tho new German Catholic Church at Catasaunua is rapidly approaching comple tion. Tho Thomas Iron Company at Hokon dauqua last week started ono of their idlo furnaces. Tho evenings oro getting decidedly lengthy. Good books and newspapers are now in order. If you ,want fashionable hator cap,call at T. li. Clauss', and buy ono for a small amount of money. About this season it will bo well for our farmer friends to look after their turkey roosts. (jet your preseriplioni and Family Re cipes compounded, at A. J. Durling'a Fam ily Drug and Medicine Store. We are pleased to see our Wend, Har rison Wentz, of Parryvillo, around again after his severe indisposition. "-Tho members of Iho Lehigh Hook it Lad Jer Company of this borough, are getting new uniforms. A sixty dollar sewing machine, in per fect order, will be sold for $15 cash. Apply at this oflico for fuillier particulars. 1 and 2 chcsluut,slove ami egg Latimer coal) cheap by the car, at J. L. Gaud's hard Ware store, Lehighfon, Pa. Tho election on Tuesday last, in this borough, passed off with its Usual quietness. The day was cold but not unpleasantly so. "-Overcoats, latest styles and best material, for a small amount of ready cash, at II. H. Peters') Post ollleo building, Lehighton. --Scnd vour children to school reuularly. There is nothing so injurious to their pro gress as Irregular attendance. It is predicted by Iho knowing ones thatjtho tramp. eropjwill ba an unusually largo ono tho coming winter. The minersemploycdin tho iron mines around New Texas now receive for their la bor only 60 cents per day. We would ask subscribers to examine the direction tab pasted on their paper. If you see you owe us, please step in and pay, or send the amount. Prof. Bernd left for Harrisburg on Thursday, to attend a meeting of the State Teachers"' Executive Committee, of which bjdy ho is a member. Call at Daniel Graver's Bee Hive store for cheap and fashionable lutlies' dress goods. -Another new and elegant stock of fall and winter cloths and suitings at II. II. Peters, Post office building. Good fits, low prices and satisfaction guaranteed always. If you want shirts, neck wear, or any other article in gent's furnishing goods, call on T. I. Clauss, anil he will supply you at extraordinary low prices. For boots, shoes or rubbers, of the finest makes, call on T. D. CIuum. You will find an immense stock to select from, at lower prices than ever before oll'ercd. Transparent drawingslatcs for children, handsome assortment of papctrics, 2 yard wide window shades for $1 ,and other articles equal! v cheap, at Luckenbach'e, near Broad way ltouse, Mauch Chunk. All medicines warranted fresh, genuine mid unadulterated at the People's Drug and Family Medicine store. A. J. Purling, Proprietor. Do you need a fall and winter suit of clothes, made up in the latest and most dur able manner? then go to T. I). Clauss, the merchant tailor, on Bank street, and ba "fit ted." Prices lower than ever. Clocks and Watches carefully repaired, and work warranted, at lowest cash rates, at Uageman's cheap cash store, opposite public square, Weissport. 44-13. Seecherubims in another column hold ing a bunch of grasfrom which Sneer's Port Gripe Wine is made, that is so tiighly es teemed by the medical profession for the use of invalids, weakly persons, and tho aged. Blankets and Buffalo Robes very cheap for cash, at Gabel's Hardware store, Le highton. The Miner Brothers, of tho Fort Allen Foundry, Weissport, are erecting a two-story frame dwelling on the lot adjacent to their foundry, and talk seriously of enlarging their foundry In tho near future. Substantial signs of success. A number of tho young men of thic Eri place aro discussing Iho possibility ofBtartVJ' J Inc a public library. Go tihead.young mcjD it is a move ill Iho right direction. l'ror. Kline, ol Mnucli Chunk, is drill ing a grand choius of amateur musical tal ent which will lake part In tho exercises of tho Teachers' Institute meeting on the loth ol November. Tho Phccnlx Hand, of Mnuch Chunk, bv renuest, will civo a concert In Weatlicrly on Monday evening, Nov. 1 1, for the bene fit of the Weathcrly Cornet Baud) which is raising money to purchase Hew instruments. A Clergyman's opinion. Having had an opportunity to test tlicex,cellcnt qualities of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, I hesitate not to say, it Is tho beft remedy I havo ever used in my familv. Uov. Win. Chapman, Pastor M. E. Church, Georgetown, I). C. In tho midst of preparations for her wedding Miss Emily L. Mclolicr, daughter of the late Churles Moleher, of Reading, was stricken with tvphoid fever and died. She was buried on Tuesday. It is very cosy to count up the green backers sinco the election. Tho leaders n week or so ago claimed 150 In this placo.tho returns of last Tuesday shows an average of 10 i last year they polled 25 votes. Grows fust, this Greenback party, don't it? Ziba Bennett, an old and respected citi zen of Wilkesbarre, died Monday, at tho advonced ago of 78 years. Ho was born at Weston, Conn., Nov. 10th, 1S00. He was n member of Assembly of Penna., in 1833-4, and was elected Associate Judge of Luzerne county in 1812. The Hickory Ridge Colliery, owned by tho Mineral Railroad and Mining Company near Shaniokin, Pa., was destroyed by fire Monday evening. Tho cause nnd loss is unknown. This throws about two hundred men nnd boys out of employment, We cannot understand why people will spend dollars for trashy medicine, and swal low quarts of wishy-washy stuff, for colds, when Dr. Hans' Expectorant, which is a sure cure, can be had of any druggist, at 25 and 50 cents a bottle. We have just received from tho Fashion and Pattern House, of Philadelphia, a copy of tlio "Metropolitan." Any of our lady readers desirous of having t lie latest fashions will receive (lie "Metropolitan" gratis by rending her address to J. G. Ramsdcll, 1113 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Toilets for tho winter season are very elaborate, and yet the whims of fashion can bo obeyed at small cost. So also can the desiroof tliise wishing Hret class carriages, if they apply at David Ebbert's livery, on North street. Lehighton's bright ami breezy weekly newspaper, the Carton Ait eocate, isaboutcn larging to eight columns Irom six. We al ways thought friend Morthimer a piosper ous and energetic business man, lully up and alive to lnsealliug, mid this latest move proves him to be so. The Courier woleoiu'S tiiis latc step on the part of tho Ailroriitc, and hopes it may be ono of profit and re turn. Tamaou.i Courier. Caril of Thanks. The undersigned respectfully tenners his sincere thanks to liij many lricuds, irrespec tive of party, for tho very liberal suiHHirt given linn at the late election, nnd ho ti lists that his actions as a member of the Legisla ture may bo such that no one will legret having voted for him. Respectfully, J. U.Zkiix. List of I.cttcru Remaining uncalled for in tho Lehighton posi-omce iiov. 7, io7a: Cosnrove, Mick Rchrlg, Chas. T. Smothers, Thomas Smith, Lamias Stewart, J. II. Smith, Amanda R Salinger, Frantz Druckenmillcr, Kate GariJ Gcorgo Hauser, J. II. Laser, Ellas Rex, Ellen J. Persons calling for any of tho above Will please say "advertised". II. II. Peters, P. M. tlljT Creek Kvnik. The election is over. Defeated candidates nrc quite numerous. Pleased to learn that II. G. Soil is now in a fair way of recovery. W. E. Kcmercr took charga of tho Waleksvillo school, on Monday ol last week. Our Cicek at tho present writing is very low, and our millers complain that th'ey aro unable to do their custom work. Win. Solt, died of dropsy, on Sunday last, aged 55 years, 8 mouths and 0 days. His funeral took place, from tho residence" of David Walk, on Wednesday morning last. Interred at the St. Paul's Church. Funeral services were conducted in Geimali, by Rev. J. S. Erb, of Blntington. Constable II. P. Levan has tho fcIiooI and bounty tax of Franklin twp., for the year 1S78 in hands for collection. Ho re quests that pavmentbo mado inside 50 days, if not they will bo collected according to uu Act of Assembly, dated April 17) lt-OU. Revere. AVcatlicrly Items. A slight snow last evening, (Oct. 31). The first of the season. And now election is over what next to excite tho public mind 1 Wo aro promised two ears more of ap pics, but do not hear anything about pota- tJCS. Tho Middle Coal Field Poor District has up to date 107 iumates, and still they come. D. E. Blaksleo can boast of as fine a lot of Plymouth Rock chickens as can be found in the county. After a soiouru of several months, with friends in Lehighten, Miss Alice Derr has again returned to her home. II. D. Rouse, talks of beginning the huckstering business. What ho intends sell ing, wo havo thus far fuilod to learn. Lewis Drumboro is busily engaged in running oil' his large crop of cabbage, for which he realizes about t-5 tier hundred. Two car loads of fine York State opplos tverc iiisjioseti oi in town tllirillg tlio WeeK at the moderate figuro of $2 per barrel, re tail. We regret to learn of the illnessof Mich ael Buck, one of Weatlierlv's oldest citizens. We hopo soon to sea that hoary head upon our streets. ' Owing to a bit of mismanagement, "the man mat runs tlio town" barely escaped tviiu ins fc.11). . wouid-uo Honored vice Presidentofn luto mcetlng.was the aggressor. Loud ami pungent were tho epithets. "Josh Billings says it is hard for a man to laugh when ho gets bet. It somo how or other works ncainsta man's constitution." Nntico tho laugh of tho defeated candidates, uiiu iiieir siauucu supporters It lacks tho true ring. After thre days' meals at Irregular hours, with a capious supply of carpet shak ing, stove'iiipo fixing, Ac in tho wav of ex. ercise, your correspondent has been trying his best to conceive of some substitute for house cleaning, but up to this writing will ItOCIAWiT. rom tliu.CotiiityfScnf, An Ei.orr.MEXT. On Sunday night last. by tho 11 o'clock train, Herman Ripkie.and Mrs. Cnrollno Klino, wifo of Fred. Kline, left here together for Kansas City, Missouri. Ripklo has a wife and two children, and Mrs. Kline leaves behind two children, ono of which Is only 11 months old. Tho two f.imllieslivcd in contiguous tenemenl,inUp per Mnuch Chunk, and Kline and itnikio were both employees nt Puckerton shops Both men got their pay on Saturday, and Klino had given his wifo $25 which, with his watch, she took away with her. Noth ing but n depraved Infatuation for a worth less fellow like Ripltio is assigned for Mrs. Kline's motive, fur leaving her children nnd a kind mid provident husband. It is said that they had been intimate for some months, and the elopement was n premeditated plan. Tho tickets for Kansas City, costing $15, had been purchased at an early hour in the evening, and as Klino discovered the flight about 12 o'clock that night, he caused n tele gram to bo sent to Ehnlra, N. Y., where, on ariival, they were arrested, butnfterdcllbcr ation Klino nnd Mrs. Ripkio botli decided not to iinvo them brought back, but to let the recreants go in peace. It is said that Ripklo Imd on Saturday received $50 for electioneering purposes. Political. Tho election pnssed off with out any particular Incident of note, An of ficial count of the votes on Thursday, shows that tho whole Democratic County ticket lias been elected by majorities, in round num bers, ranging from 100 to 400. It is quite ccitain now that Robert Kbits, for Congress, is elected by n majority ol about 150. It Was thought that bo was defeated by Gen. Chas. Albright until on arrival of the returns from Monroe on Thursday afternoon decided the contest. The Democrats had a grand jolli fication on Thursday night, L. E. Klotz, In tho absence of his lather, doing tho honors of the occasion. Mia Matters. A stranger stole a liors and covered buggy lrom Chns. Zelner, last week, which lias not been recovered. Elaborate preparations are in progress ior the meeting of tho Teacher's Institute, on tho lblli, which will bo In session four days, with two evening enteitainnicnts. A horse belonging to the Central Express Co., fell on Susquehanna street, on Tuesday, receiving injuries from which ho subse quently died The suspense attending the slow arrival of election returns has absorbed thoundivid cd attention hero inco Tuesday. The re sults have made some soro headed aspirants here, While others nrc happy. J. A. Rnmniel, assistant jioslmaster, is on a visit to Omaha, Nebraska. John Fuga is making sonio important improvements in Upper lauch Chunk. Judge Leisenring received an elegant span of bay hones fiom New York, on Monday. From Anollicr Correspondent. Now election is over. More marriages on tho tapis. A now esser-phone is being made. Tho children rcjoico over the week's vacation. Soo that vour chicken coons aro kent locked, or you may lose your turkey. Robert S. lline, Lieut. U. S. N.. is stoo ping at lien. Charles Albright's. Our young friend Ed. Cicllin. will lead Miss Mary liodgers to the altar on tho 14th Hist. They will resulo on West Broadway. Julius A. Rcinmel, the clerk nt the Post office, is oil on a month's vacation. During his nbsenco ho Will visit Omaha City. The private residenco of Malilon Kern merer, is being rapidly finished, and tho gnidcn and premises are in a fine condition. John Leisonring is building itos a present to .irs. Jicmiucicr. On tho 1 8th inst., tho Countv Institute meets in the Court House; we cxjiect to seo a full turnout i f the teachers from all parts of the county. It also makes tho children nappy to unow tney will liave a week's va cation. Alio. I'rro I.utliernil Diet. The ivcoiid Free Lutheran Diet in Ameri ca, under the nuspiccs of the committee ap pointed last year, met Tuesday morning in St. Murk's Church, Philadelphia. Rev. Dr. r.. ureenwaiu oi Lancaster, presided anil delivered an address congratulating his brethren iiion tlio assembling of the second Free Diet. An css.iv on "Tl.o Grounds of Hope for the Lutheran Church in America" was read by Rev. Dr. W. II. Harkcy, of Washington, III. Professor 8. A. Itepas", I). D., of Salem, Va., then presented an essay on "Tito Conservatism of tho Lutheran Church. At the afternoon session tlio paper of Pro fessor Repass was discussed by Rev. Dr. J. I'. Reiuiiiund. Rev. Dr. Sciss Joined in tlio discussion, and alter that Rev. Dr. II. Zieg lcr, ot the Seminary of Seliu'a Grove, Penn sylvania, read a paper on "The Value to tlio Lutheran Church of her Confessions." This piper was discussed by Rev. Dr. C. P. Krauth, Rev. Dr. W. J. Mann, Rev. Dr. C. W. Schacller ami others. In tlio evening an essay was read by Professor A. Martin, on "What is Ktnfirneed in a Tiuoaud Reason able Subvription to tlio Confessions." The Diet resumed its sessions Wednesday morning. Rev. E. Greenawnlt.D. D., presi ded and the opening devotional exeieiscs were conducted by Rev. II. N. Fegely. Tho diecuion of Prolcssor Martin's paper, pre sented yesterday, or " What isembrared in a True and Reasonable Subscription to tho Confessions" oceujiicd the morning session. At tlio af.crnoon session tho first essay taken up was on "Act an Relut.-d to Worship in the Lutheran Chinch" by Rev. Dr. W. D. Strobcl. Tlio subject was discussed by Pro fessor M. H. Richards and Rev. Dr. W. J. Mann. An eany on " The Causes and Remedies of tho Lows of her Population by the Lutheran Church in America" was read by Rev. Dr. B. Sadtler.president of Muhlen berg College at Allentown. In tho evening there was another session, nt which Rev. Dr. Sadtler's cs-ay was discussed by Rev. Dr. J. J. Morris, Re? . S. Laird, of Pittsburg ; Rev. G. W. Wcnner, ol New York, aud others. a smiin: iiraxit. There is somcthinz terrible in thethouirht of having our friends stricken down at our side, without a parting word of endearment or consolation ono moment at our side in the Hush of vigorous life, checringour hearts with the.r loving symuthy; the next at our feet, pale with death, ileal to our cries aud heedless of our tears. Every excessively lat lieison is in instant dancer of such a death. Seven tenths of tlio victims of obesity die of iicariiuseaseorapopiexy. Allan's Anil-r at, the only remedy for obesity, reduces the weight by regulating tint digestion and as- Eimuauun oi ino looti. it is (icrtectly harm loss, and its use will insure, in everv in stance, a reduction of weight from two to uvo jiounus a wcck. Pusey Anthony reer.a necrrohasobtnlned a verdict of $025 against the managers of uieArcii oireei iiieaue, rnuadeipiiia. lie and his wifo bought tickets for the orchestra seats, but wero refused admission. They in sisted on going in, and wero rudely pushed aside by tlietloortenders. Mrs. Peer was ill for several weeks in consequence of the rough usage, which also caused Mr. 6peer to Iom his watch In the crowd. I'leclion llciurnv. Tho following table shows tho vote cast in Lcliightoii,Wcksport and Franklin on Tues day last! p 7 3 c 3 2. ' g. .iS I g I GOVERNOR Andrew H. Dill, D.. 103 170 40 Henry M. Hnyt, R.. 142 117 25 Samuel R. Mason, G.. 15 2S 7 LT. GOVERNOR) John Fcitlg, D 103 170 45 Chas. W. Stone, R 141 llf. 2 Michael Sleek, G 1C 27 7 Sut'llK.MF. J l' DOE, Ilenrv P. Ross, D 103 Ifi? 45 J. P. Sterrelt, R 140 122 21 Daniel Agncw, G 18 20 8 Seo. of Int. Affairs, J. Simji. Alrica, D 191 170 45 A. K. Dnnkel, R 140 117 20 J. L. Wright, G 10 27 7 Cokorkss. Robert Klotz, D 170 153 45 C. B. Brockwav, D 4 3 1 Chas. Albright, R it. ..I 14tl 129 25 E. E. Orvis.G 20 23 0 State Senate, Allen Craig, D 219 191 53 John Nyce, G 20 31 7 Adsemdly, J. G. Zcrn, D 228 279 77 Midi. Cassidy, D I 155 1441 30 W. M. Rapsher, R 150 SO 25 E. Mell Boyle, H 108 77 8 E. R. Enlxxly, G 22 20 7 E. T. McDainiugh, G.. 19 10 1 Asso. Jcdoe, Chas. Meendsen, D.... 18S 174 47 Thomas John, R 117 104 22 Tilgh. Aincr, G 40 28 0 Countv Treasurer, Max Sohwcibinz, D... 1R7 153 38 Ralph Corbv, It 129 119 24 F. C. Kline, G 29 35 15 Rlu. ami Rec, Bernard Phillips, D... 190 170 45 Ed. Gwillam, R 137 121 25 Hugh McOarvey, G... 19 23 C Co. Commissioners, J. J. Gallagher, D 174 110 33 Josiali Andreas. D 190 102 45 S. W. Hudson, R 140 91 25 James Ash, It 137 107 22 J. K. Rickcrt, G 29 119 18 Thos. Corr, (i lu 2(1 7 I'OKONhR, P. D. Keiser, D 189 120 21 M. J. Donnelly, R 132 85 0 C. W. Lentz, G 27 105 48 Co. Surveyor, II. 11. Salkeld, D 18 110 45 W. F. Yurriiigton, R.. 141 122 26 J. C. Xander, U 21 27 7 Auditor, Samuel Motzer, D 185 155 27 H. A. Beltz, D 197 107 30 Paul Keifer, R 129 117 25 D. B. Albright, R 141 138 50 Thos. R. Bennett, G... 19 20 7 Win. K ingle, G 18 25 1 An Old find's Acre. It is always interesting to call up tho past, to remember our fore-fathers and to visit their places of slumber and rest. Such an Acre of God is opposite tho farm house upon the hill on the lann of Mrs. M. Guth in Franklin township. This God's Acre was long sinco ploughed by tho hand of Death, and sown in its furrows craves. The seed of the future resurrection. This burial ground is not cultivated. Thisisrightand proper. It is tho aero of GW. Itbelongs to Hiin. In it is sown the teed from which shall spring a new aud spiritual life. No tombstone or monument marks tho resting place of tho silent dead. No marks of the uo o " this place can be noticed, yet we may place the date before the vear 1S11. Since tho year 1841 the Big Creek people haven church building and church yald. In the above named year was organ ized the St. Paul's Refoimcd nnd Lutheran Congregation, now commonly known as the BigCieek Church. Here are tome of the names of those persons who sleep in this old grave yoid. These names were given me by Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Suit, now living in their old homestead, about a ha fa mile, from this city of the dead : viz: Jacob Solt, fath er of tho Jacob Bolt who gave mo this in formation j Jacob Solt, Sr's., mother: Jacob Soil, Jr's., brothers, viz : Cornad, John,Puiil and Daniel; Lewis Sclinell; Daniel Arner's wife, sister to Jacob Solt, Jr., also her child j John Arneraiid Mrs. Read of Weissport and Mrs. Dr. German of Lehighton are brother and sisters to this young child buried here. Also, Mrs. Dan. Solt, Jacob Solt Sr's., broth er's wile. Many more ure here slumbering their last sleep until the twilight of the Sun of Righteousness shall dawn ujion tho ctern nl eastern hills arousing the sleeping from their slumbers to enter ujkju the eternal day of joy or sorrow. J, E. F. .Heeling of C'onl Operators. In nccordauco with a call issued a few days sinco by Mr. A. Pardee, a meeting of coal operators shipping via tlio Lehigh Valley It. R. was held in tlio Anthracite Building, Bethlehem, on Monday afternoon, for tlio purjiose of appointing u ooiiiuiittco to confer with tho representatives of tho other coal regions ns to the management of tho coal business for 1S7U. Mr. Pardee, tho Chair man, called the iitcctiuir to order, nnd Mr. 'Herman Hamburger acted as Secretary. tlio i.nairinau stated that lie had conven ed the meeting in coiisequeneeof reccivinga letter from Thomas Dickson, President, and Franklin B. Goweu, Secretary of the Board of Control, stating that Dr. Lindcrman and Mr. Wilbur, agents of tho Lehigh coal op erators, hud sonio reluctance to enter Uun the dincusdion of the question of the manage nientol'theonal trade lor 1879, on tho ground that their authority to represent tlio mining interests of the Lehigh region expires witli lh78. They therefore request tlio appoint ment of ono or more gentlemen, to meet several interests', witli a view of adopting some plan for tlio management of the trade in the future Uuu the expiration of the present agreement. The roll was then called, and the follow ing gentlemen, representing nine-tenths of tho colleries in tlio region, wero found to bo present: Messrs: A. Pardee, Gen. Pardee, Copt. Vnn Wickel, J. II. Sivover, A. Robin son, T. F. Wulter, Mr. A.J. Ilavis, Calvin Pardee, Mr. Neviis, Dr. Patterson, Samuel Bounell, Dr. Liiiderinan, Herman Hambur ger and M. X. Cooier. J. II. Sttoyer oll'ered tho following: Whereas, the operators ami shipiors over tho L. V. R. R. are desirous of entering into an arrangement for the government of tho anthracite coal trade for tho year 1679 ; therefore, Resolved, That the chairman appoint a committee of three, who, in connection with Messrs. Liiiderinan and Miller.shall consti tute a committee to co-operate with the re presentatives of the other coal regions, with n view of arranging a plan for tho manage ment of the anthracite coal trade for 1879, and that said committee report back to a meeting of tlio operators, to be called bv tho chairman, tho result ol such conference. Dr. Lindcrman thought the operators should agree among themselves as to what they wanted. General Pardee said the meeting was not prepared at this time to lay down anv plan for the guidance of the commitUw. 'it was called merely to aplnt a committee to confer with ono representing tho other in terest!. Mr. Swoyer thought tho committee ought to bo appointed because, when they met with the others, plans might bo suggested that would be acceptable to all sides. Dr. Lindcrman tnid he was not opposed to the resolution, but ho was not willing to servo upon the committee, as it might com plicate matters witli the Board before the close of the year. Ho was satisfied that tho Lehigh operators would not be willing to accept the allotment ot 1878 for 1 879, and he had taken the responsibility to inform the Board of tho fact. Alter somo further discussion, tho resolu tion was adopted, after being amended by striking out the names of Messrs. Lindcr man and Wilbur. The Chair appointed ns tho committeo Messrs. Swoyer, Weston, Dodsou uud A. Robinson. Adjourned. Tlie Conl Trade. Ti.e folio tnc table shows I no quantity or coal emptied over Die LehlihViillui' Railroad lot me Week undue Nov. I, i87S, and for tlio teams compared the same unit, lat yctir. Heclous From t Week. Year WyninutK H,T2'i 17 31817 10 Unzlelctl :D,t77 13 l,3j;,-J3 01 Ul)ier,i.i IliMll C4S 15 Heaver Mcnuow 7,4"t 19 3SS.4'.U 00 Mulianov 16,039 14 tiV.-M t3 Maitcn chunk t.ft!!!i9 l'urt Delaware 2,491 . Total VSKtM ,r9jl3M Lnsi Year IS. oil) 15 8,991,239 ot Increase Decrease 20.S77 15 001,52) 17 RE POUT Of COM, transported ott-r Lehigh & tisqti ltanua Division. Ceuiial It. It. of Now .Ieiso , for a diivs cudlug Oo . 31 1678 Shipped ftoni 1 Total wteX. Todate WyoiinliR , SOS CU 7.G8HW " Kellliut O. CO. 21,510 01 " "SllqC. Co 331 03 41.123 11 " 1). All. (J. C... 21111 UpncrUldb'll 1,83108 12 CI " " M.S.K.Jtco. 2 817 13 ID177 18 Heaver Meadow 2.292 f 3 2fl,4ii7 15 Mnuch 1I1UIIK 710 (It) 342,:C8 03 Closl'lcex 3170I l(l",l.GJ 18 Council Muge 3.8 9 18 70,101 CO L. V. It. It.. 1'ackcitoj.. (6 19 Mi2 (2 UaznrilvUlo s 9J IS Smith & (Jo 4,301 10 69,183 00 Total Previously 1 ejiorteu. . 10 313 10 1,807,517 19 1,817,173 13 Total to tlate 07 517 09 "Same tlnio last yeai.... 1,291,234 00 Incrense decrease 4'0 733 U ltOlUK. A girl in Oil City, Tenn., saw a decapita tion trick in a pantominie,and was so fright ened that she had spasms and died. The stagnation of tho English iron trado causes the consumption of coal to bo very small in England compared to what it was. In Cuba tlio operations of tho troops arc carried 011 upon so cxtensivo a scale as to givo rise to tho report that a new rebellion has broken out. An Italian brigand, famous twenty years ago, has turned up in the person ofa hard winking engine driver, and been arrested for past misdeeds. The ex-Empress Eugenie had a fall from a railway platform at l)over, England, late ly, and cut her right check badly, besides receiving sundry bruises. Do not stupify your baby with Opium or Morphia mixtures, but use Dr. Bull's B.iby Syrup which is always safe nud rcliablo and never disappoints. l!5c. According to despatches very severe gales have prevailed on the upper lakes for sev eral days past. Many lives havo been lost and several small vessels driven ashore. Two children wero burned to death in Lowell, Mass., Tuesday morning during their mother's absence, She left, them in a cradle near a stove, and their clothing caught fire. An earthquake in Salvador, Central Amer ica, on tho id of October, destroyed Jacua 11.1 and several neighboring villages. Tho loss of life is not yet estimated, but is believ ed to be large, M. Dupaiiloup, tho lato Archbishop of Paris, died at a moment when his highest ambition was on tho point of being satisfied. Tlio Government intended presenting his name for a Cardinal's hat. Congressman Bland is critically ill Gov. Rico lias dangerous inflammation of the eyes. Senator Thitrman is getting well. Jell'erson Davis and his wifeaio both in fail ing health. Edison has recovered. Senator Sargent has malarial fever. Five men robbed a stogo coach near Fort Laramie about two weeks ago. Two of them havo Lcen shot dead by persucrs, two of them havo been hanged by lynchers, and the survivor has lied the Territory, " A Widow mill Her Child.') A singular instance of superstition came to light not Ions since, which is thus related t fioing into a neighbor's house, one day last -I. T r I fit.- -l.Il.l ..!,! "ecu, 1 luuiiu 0110 ui uiu cuiiiircii euueriiig from a severe fough,aud expressed my opin ion that it was a case in which medical as sistance should bo obtained. Tho mother of the boy agreed that it was very bud,but said that before calling in a doctor she intended to try a cure that she hail long used in simi lar cases, and never found to fail. On being pressed to communicate tlio prescnption,sho gravely informed 1110 that tho charm con sisted 111 HaIiK's Il0KV OF lIuilKUOUNO AND Tah, and that it could bo obtained nt all tho tlruggists. l'rico 50 cents and $1. Great saving by purchasing largo size. Sold by all druggists. , Rock Talls, Julv 20, 1878. C. N. CittTTKXTO.s Dkak Sib! I havo been using your Hai.k's Husky or Ilonn nncNii and Tak for bronichial nil'ection.tuid havo been greatly benefitted by itind would like to introduce it in our little town, as I can cheerfully recommend it to all that aro fullering from Lung Complaint, Coughs, Colds, etc. What can you furnish me this medicine for by tho dozen bottles or two dozen at a time 1 Respectfully Yours, W. W. Bnoivx, Rock Falls, 111. I'ike's Toothache Daors euro in one minute. Closing Trices of DkIIavex A- Towssexd, Stock. Government and Gold, 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Nov. 7,1878: t'. M.b'H. ISM 10.1. uu! 1C3U U. H. S-IO's i'5 J.& J....H8 hlil ios atki'it 't. H.5-'i" ISM lens tod li-lb, asztd il. . JO's,1808 bid 109 oskiU r. . 1 -4 I "i. titu M7.H itk-ed tr. H. i'ttrrnrv, s's 121 S km 122 aaken II K.5'18SI, new 1Kb ulil IGM, asucd U. ti.4ttV new I4li till I04'a ateil U 4'mew im i urn hu alkie Pennsylvania II. II i2, klil 821 n. ted Plillj .t 131. Mil 131, aslud U-I.lsh Wiley 11. H 17 It bill 371, asltcl l-eM'-'li coi .v .Nov. Co.... lata bid isii mked United Companies o! I. J.12S bid J2SI, nike4 ill. old is asked He tuuvillu I'aaa. It. It. l o 1: H bin ISH iimca (ln'il hoi, nld loo asked bllvcr, (H'sud it's.)...,.. D9H bid ms arked " (Dimes ai d til) mes). Ml bid Mil ankej LIVE AGENTS WANTED To tell Dr. Chase's Tteclpes-or Inroiroatfon for Uverj body, in every countv lu the United s UU "Uil Canada, lla'aigi-il bv the Pub lull er 10 K8 pane.. 1 1 com uiu over 2X0 linu--hi Id recipes aa 1 Is suited to all clas'esand ciu't. Hons of eocictv. A wonodonul book and a household neciMsltr- It rrlls at llKht. llrcut est Intluceiuiuls ever oneied to boot, sgeu's S unnlocnn Client bv nulU, l' t r 12 CO. Exclusive territory irtveii. AceuU more tbau douoie IhHr money. Address lir. roase'sSioaui t'lluiuie liouto, Ann Arbor, liicniirnn. Oct. it wis. Wonderful, but True ! A. J. DUELING, pRornii'.Ton or Tin: ieopxx3 Drug and Family Medicino STOUT;, makes tho following ANNOUNCEMENT. OwlncrtotJm reaeritl ilcpio-ntcn In business, the pi on t tvilucti'iu of w:i"inIor labor, Ac. I dten. Itmv omy fit thl ltintKire thnpeoplo of 1 el.ttthton a.n. vicinity Tin; LioVh khaiir of my no Fits 1 Unul and r-u tliu foll'itv lug 1'iA-dA of n t'.'w 01 tho ninny untried buU at my in us Stuio! r.vTlM Ml;DiriNr:3nn fl rrep.iraHnna 80 cents Ritcn ns vinot'Ar Iiitrt rn. Hontptter's, Drnlcu'H i'mnt tion, Mt-lilei'A Hi-ib, Ueri uu li. iters mnl nil oMnra lormuily Si, now 85 cti. 5i c pn'i'ftifttloiisWc. timiSSc rcpmtiouJi2Jj. Ct)i 1), COUOt! irndLUNO AHMEDUS.. as Javin,(A Jiocn ormit. Hivl pm1 Al I'liV Bal nam Atria" Uutt PectorHl, Milk Tine C'uJ Liver oil, fed Liver (til aud Lluior.nil otturs fomiciiV fl now So cent. IlAllt rm.l'AUA HONS -KallS Ila'r Ac newor, Montcnmcry'H, dyers' Jln'r Vitrur, ami Mrs AlirnV, loimoi Jy f I now Sod. Alt Gic pii'pitritloiiio'aiKm clnraciirr now 40c. LIMMKNTS-LaubachM, Iowa Magnetic, Donnelly's Meet tic unuison Oil, ltfawiv' Acliei, MatncOil.Cift Kliii" Oil. Wlldllre Uoi. m out, and all otheiB formerly 50c. now 40c. llnrse, Cnttlo and Olilokcn Powders formrrlT rx. now :0c.! Dnrlinu' ccleDratcU Coudit on 1'owdcra improved. 35c. per pound. Krcnls's Hamburg Drops. 4rc pcrbottlo IJreaat Tro, 2 c. n pBckncf1; I'M 8 of all kiuos formerly 25c. now VOo. per box. I'liATEAS Porous, Arnica, Toor Man'i and ail ntln r. fuimcrty ibc. now 20c. WORM AKMEIJIES-Wonn Syrups, Vcrmt. funcs, Woim iiozenircs nndCoufecUojlorm. erly itfc. now inc. Rnots Rurks. JIcrt), Meilicil Tea. &o., Ac, formerly fiom to 15c per os. now o. to to. per tti. CnstorOll Aalairnido Malta, KBucnceof Pep poiuilut, L8euceof Lemon, Golden 'Ductule, P.-ircKoilCt nnd Olrcerlne formerly 10c to lso now to to 10c pm bott.e Ktcrytlilny Down 1 Doivn ! Down 1 1 Caustic SchU, for Making Soap, from B cents to 10 1 cuts oer pound. Castor on, all let ly pure, 50c. per quart, by tho gallon It9d. LOOK AOAIN.-WALL PAPEA, Gold Gilt Pai'er wv.t O aizol Popeis fnrmeilv -So. tossc. iiow'jOo, Wiuto JllnnksandTmta fnnxerly iff, to 25c. now 12c. to 15c, uud Arown Bachsiortn. ei ly 10c, to 12c. now 7o. to 0c Pliysician- I'refcripttons and Family Reolprs cotnpouuded nt (lni)tly ltodaced Antes. Go or tend to DUAMNU'd Having imtl nt fxperionco of almost Twenty Years in iho Atug ltu-lnesa mora tban Ten of which btvo been In LcMebtnn, I will in the fu. tin e a I bavom tho tasL Guarantee to all the very Aestand Purcut Drue, lediclues Ac, to hpfuundin tbo American MarVrt. I 11UY IOU OAs If i uec lr-nuv3 PLACING MILL Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATIXGTOX. JOHN BALLIET, Propr., ncnlsln nil klml nnrt sizes of l'lne, Hemlock Uak itntl JlnrJ Wooo Lumber, nnd is now pie pared to executo uny uiMsuut of orilcU lor BrcsseD LumbeR OF KINDS. Doorsi Snslics, Illlmls, Shut lew, Houiaings, Cabinet Waro, &c, With i'roirtnts,. Brackets Made to Order. The Machinery is all new and of the best and must Improved kinds. I ernnloy none bui tho beat vtorKnien,uo well peaoned amlgooma tcrlil.nnd amlboieforo ablntn guat autre entire satilactlou to all w ho n:av favor me with a call. Oiriers tv mail piompily attended to. Mv charges aro molrutc i tefms cash, or Interest charged alter thirty dars. GIVE MBA CAf.L. tV Those enraged In Auilibng will Und tt t their advantngo to luvo E-ldlng, Floor Aoards Doors, iasliest Outlets, c, i mcdeatthlt Eoi torv. May lOyl JOHN UA LLIET. G1 HAND Ol'ESIXG ! I beg lenve tolnfoira mr nM patrons nnd can tomrrH unit ilae pnb.le liipcn;ral, ihatlbare opened aud luve now ready lor Inspection In tlio TOST OFFICE BUILDING Hank Street, LEHIOnTON. Pi., at the LOW. KsfCAoii ritlUliS, a full una now aiort uieut of HATS, CAPS, &c. Bpeclal attention buTlnix been clTen to n wel elected Hue of MliN'a WOilKM'S onu CHIL. DKEU'd WEAlt. Mr Motto shall be ' QUICK SAtCS fc SMALL rnOFITS." I Invite tho pubtlo to rail and cximtne my ,ioc nud prices beloro purctuulua oluewliere, as 1 ciu otfiir special incucenioitts to cah buveri.. LI1WI8 WKIBS. bipt.;i-rin. p. o. Building; LehlgHtun, To. Health and Happiness. llealtn nnd irapplncas are priceless Wealth to tbeirviwsu-aor, nnd yet they are wltbiu llio reach uf oveiy ono whu will use Wright's Liver Pills, Tic onlv iitre CU Itxl li.p Torpid Liver Oywpep. tn, ncadnche our ttotnacn, Coii&tlontlon, Do. bi Uy, Ntnufa, anti ail iJiiliam complaints aud Wood disorders. Nunc genuine unless slvntd "Wni WriKbt Phila." 1 1 vour Drucput will not viip ply vend 2) rent for vnn box to Harriett Itolltr A Co, TON. vh tit . l'hlla. Uee. 29 yl Exposition of Clothing liver made In LEIXIOIITON la at the Pest ufflcUuilJIogct II. II. PETERS, Agent, on I1AUK STBEIir. an Itno people luowlt. lit keep, everytli ns wanted In rcn's and Boy's Clothing, at the most Moderate Prices FOR CASH. ITe never yet waited time In Selling Illrh Triced Uoods. Ill, Prices are so LOW, tbat puoplo are woiulennK bow H can be done. JJut It 18 done. Tboso In need of Fall or Winter Suits ! tll flurt It to tlielr adrantsgo to coniult II, If, I'KTKJW, attest, about tbe liistlsr. sag :tt( i