The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 26, 1878, Image 2

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OoVFiiTOit-AKtmrcw II. DILL.
scrimis JtrDa-H!3"ur P. nosl.
coranrts-noBRnT kt.otz.
Ml.'ir. CASHIDV.
Asso jcnnn-cii.v. MEHNDsn:.
co. TnKsuiiKu-MAX. scnwEinisz.
JOHIAH aadiuias.
Coront.r-dh. P 1) KKISI3R.
At'DlT.ilM-il. A. ntil.TZ
Bra Int. Affaiks-a. k. DUNKIIL.
roxourss-ritAiiLE Ai.niuonT.
Assembly W. M.KAPauua.
u. jiellhoyli:.
31F.0 AND IH.C.-13D. OWILT.AM.
D. 13. Ai.niiianT.
H g
.5 S
"3 c
c p
u J
3 2
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Mr. Knpslter's Hccord. j
Wo know, nnil deliberately ns3crt, lhat
Mr. Haplier was one of tlio most willing
followers of tlio RcpuMiran Camcronian
rlntr Hint couM bo found in tlio whole Ilou'e
of lteiroiiontntlve3. Ilia Mipport of llio in
famous lleeorilcr's bills his support of tlio
li i t;l i -I in n dotl outrage upon Forest county in
ilisieg.inlinn tlio court of justice nnd seating
an who was never elected to n
sent theso nnd oilier nets under Hie lend of
the notorious Harry Itiilm justly damn Mr.
llittnlier m unlit to reiiresent tlio iutelliEcnt
jieciiilo and inipoilaut bmiiic's interests of
i;nrunii i-ounty. uuwa i.iumy jtcmocrai,
lmli in-d.
When Hie editor of t lift Democrat penned
the obovo paragraph ho know, if he knows
anything, Hint ho wnspenuingo most delib
erate nnd wilful lio in regard to the actions
nnd votes of Mr. ltap-dier, during his flret
term In tlio legislature. Three weeks ago
wo completely all sural that Blicet ill its
charge against Mr. Ilnp.lieroii tho Store
Hill, nnd now ho frantically rushes otT to
ther and equally false nnd absurd charges
against tint eontleinnn. Ho is afraid of
Mr. Hap-Oicr's popularity, and by false
charges aims at bis defeat, but lio may just
as well use his ammunition in another di
reclion, Mr. llapslier's re-election to tho
Legislature by tho people of Carbon is a fore
gone conclusion, nnd the refutation of tlio
Democrat's charges Is scarcely necessary, but
that tlio people may know tho falseness of
tho assertions made by that paper we will
simply refer to tho Itccord for tho facts:
Page 70S, legislative Hccord, 1878, tho Re
corder's Hill being returned from the Senate
with amendments, was up for concurrence,
Mr. Ratislicr did nat vole in its favor.
Page 1 845, legislative Hccord, 1878. Tho
question being for the reconsideration of tlio
vote by whicl) tho bill (Recorder's) was lost.
Mr. Rapslicr rfi'ci not vote for the reconsidera
tion, nor did he vote for the bill on its final pas
sage. Was this Camcronian ? So much for
tho Democrat's charges against Mr. Rapshcr
on tho Recorder's bill.
Now ns to tho facts in the forest counlv
contested election. By reference to pa go 1278,
legislative Hccord, 1877, the question of un
seating Mr. Haslett, Democrat, of Forest
county, being up for final disposition, tho
Record shows that Mr. Rapshcr did not vote
tcith the HcpullicanH to unseat Mr. Haslett,
and ho was tho only Republican who did
not voto with his party on this question. If
moro than this is needed, wo refer our read
era and tho editor of tho Democrat to Mr,
Rapsher's speeeli on this question, ns pub
lishcd on pago -138, legislative Hccord, 1878,
which is one of tho most conservative nnd
non-partizan speeches ever delivered in tho
House of Representatives.
Tlio charge of tlio editor of tho Carlon
Giunty Democrat that Mr. Rapshcr was a
subservient tool of tho Cameron ring is en
tircly disproved by every notion and voto of
tho lion, gentleman during his term in tho
House j in f,tct,itisnntenttoDeniocrnticand
Republican members of tlio House that I
was ono of tho mos( independent members o:
that body. No moro need bo said, Mr. Raj:
slier will go back to tho Legislature tho nc.
knowlcdgcd representative of tlio people.
whoso interests lie has alwovs advocated
give him their confidence by electing him
ns their representative nt Washington, nnd
wc believe they will respond with nn over
whelming nyo on tho 6th of next November.
The recent decision of tho Commission
cr of Internal Reveuucjthat persons who sell
patent-medicino " bitters" cither by the
drink or in unbroken packages, nro liquor
dealers nnd liablo to special tax, will take
effect on tlio 1st of Januaay next, instead of
tho 1st of November, ns heretofore ordered.
Chairman Dowces of tho National par
ly denies that there is any truth in the re
port telegraphed from Harrisburg that neon
fcrenco has taken plnco between tho Demo,
cratlo ami tho National leaders, in which
the Democrats Admitted their, inability
carry tho State ticket and prowscd as a for
lorn hopo to unite with the Nationals in so
curing tlio Legislative districts, so as to
elect the United States Senator.
At tho Cabinet meeting Tuesday tlio
heads of tho several Departments presented
their estimates for tho next fiscalycar. Thcso
estimates, it is said, are reduced to tho low
est practicable fignrcs, owing to tho declino
in revenue, nnd tho aggregates, excepting
deficiency in the I'ost-ollico Department nnd
nn increased expenditures in tlio India:
lliircau, will not vary materially from tho
appropriations for tho present fiscal year,
Tlio Louisanna Republicans have joinci:
hands with tlio Greenback-nationals, and
says tlio Now York JTerald, have made a
least two fit and proper nominations for such
a mongrel combination. Madison Wells
nnd Thomas C. Anderson, heads of the no
torious Returning Iioard,iirotlieircandiclatcs
for Congress in two districts, and are, i
seems, not unlikely to bo oleetcd. They
are now both federal oflico-liolders. It will
bo a bitter pill to honorablo Republicans to
seo theso two men Republican Representa
tives in Congress. Wo do not seo on what
party ground tlio Democrats can object to
their opionciil3 electing men of this stamp.
But, surely, common pr.ulenco on tho part
of the Republicans would lead them to de
Biro tho defeat of Wells and Anderson. Ono
thing, bowover, is certain, it will bo much
better for tho Democratic party to seo such
men fairly elected than to try to prevent
their choice by any such violeuco as is prac
tised in Soutli Carolina.
Nuts for (Jrecnlinckcrs to Crr.cli.
Wo met n "greenbickcr," says nu ex
change, tho other day, who wns loud on hnrd
money. Ho wns a vgrecnuacker, becaue
ho was broke, nnd rildn t care whnt became
of thing." Ho lately failed in business,
nnd his creditors took his property. It is
men of this stripe, who by mimniiagement,
are low in earthly estates, who cry for moro
greenbacks. Jlcnlie s speccu is neing circu
likcd as nn argument in favor of the green
back. Ho recently fulled to tho tunoof $1,-
000,000, nnil now lie is a greciiLncKcr. A
lobbyist of tho worst kind, wants to Instruct
tlio lmnest voter how he shall gain wealth.
The man who fcecurcs dollars must secure
thorn honestly. Tho printine press which
makes gri'eiihacks by tlio thousand? cannot
distribute their face value without some
equivalent, nnd the loud-mouthed orntor
wno cries lor more grccuuacKscaiinoisecuru
them by nsklne for tlicin. Tho greenback
the jicople demand is that of equivalent
vnluo with gold. Tho honest payment of
Hid public debt is tho honcat expression of
honest people.
ThoNcwlcrlc Titlune puts ami an
swor3 the following current question thus
foreiblyiWcre there no bad faith in the substl
tutlon of greenbacks for bank notes, and no
injustice to bankers, nud no wrong to bond
holders, nnd no damaco to the public credit,
ami no unconstitutionality, and no danger
of nny further isiues, or of fatal nssau Its
from the combined forcesof disloyality, com
munism nnd jobbery, yet even then the
cIkuizc would not bo'wise. The bank circu-
htlion has a certain elasticity. Tho banks
can keep Rout only by loans, nnd, having
ilicir immc rn)iiiai ui, sui,.u iiiuiui. iiiiuiu
to lend where loans are dangerous. Ifthcio
is not legitimato uso for more circulation in
business transactions the banks, ns n whole,
will not issue more. II there is, they can
now take out ns much moro ns can be safely
nml nrnfilnltlv piniiloved. Thus the lmnk
circulation tends to adapt itself to tho real
anil legitimate needs oi mo country, ji
cannot bolorcod into uso by nicro legi.latlve
jobbery. But the greenback circulation
lias no such elasticity. It can in no way be
made to no ami lull witn llio actual ue
mand for currency in safe transactions. On
tlio contrary, tho only f iree powerful enough
to secure an expansion will usually bo tho
doiro to carry some great scbemeof plunder
which can ay labbyUts nnd bribo journals
and congressmen. It is clastic only where
it ought to be most unyielding, nnd can
neither contract nor expand where there is
tho greatest need for contraction or expan
sion. " Fiat" money has becomo so common
in daily reading nnd oouvereation Hint it is
perhaps well to furnish some idea of what is
meant by llio term, especially ns no definite
meaning can bo gathered from the diction
aries. Recently Secretary Sherman said ho
hardly knew what tho users of llio term
meant, but supiiosed they meant " irredeem
able paper" that is, paper issued ns money
without nny promise on its faco Hint it over
would bo leileemcd In coin, or, Indeed, in
anvtliine. More recently General Butlor
has ventured upon a further explanation of
tho term, in which he claims to goioino
root of tlio matter. He, according to report,,
tolls us that the term " fiat" is taken Irani
tho Vulgate account ofthcereation, nnd that
ns the iiliraso "rtVif lux" means "let tliero
lie light." so ill tlio modern application of
the worn it means "lei mere do currency.
It seems to bo pretty clear that this fiat
money is money without substance nnd
without nny known authority. Tho great
original flat live, referred to by Butler as
ushering in creation, is supjiosed to have
had omnipotence behind it ns nutliority.but
for llio modern "fiat money" there seems to
lie no authority; on the contrary, the only
recognized "" of this mundane sphere
does not sanction tho authority for nny such
money, but is positively against it. The
ll'lk Ul U1U VrUU&lllUUUU 19 IUF Will JUUI1
A correspondent makes the inquiry, "is
gold nn absolute nnd unvarying standard of
value?" to which tho Journal of Commerce
replies that there is nothing whatever Hint
answers tho inquirer's definition. Gold has
been chosen because, npait from its uso as
money, it is highly prized for ornamenta
tion, nnd, therefore, available in all parts of
the world ; because it contains a largo value
in small compaisj because it is indestruct
ible in ordinary use and suffers little loss by
nbrasinn: nnd because it is slowly gathered
with great labor, nnd therefore its market
yaluc is not linble to suit, Ion nuctuations.
will bo Democratic, ono more Sonator cither
wny will not mnko much difference.
Kverybody is familiar witli the record of
old Simotj, his barefaced bribery of legisla
tors time nnd time ngain, una tuo iinnuing
down of tlio mnchino of tho dynasty ho had
established to tho "young man." This ma
chlno is getting out of order now. Tlio piv
ots and llio billts havo been strained until
tlio tension is almost too severe for tbcin.
It has of cotirfe, got to collapso 601110 day.
It has played its part well. It lias stood up
for all kinds of political conuption. It has
disgraced tho Stateand tho party until many
members of the Republican party itself hnvo
openly revolted. Whether they nro strong
enough to overeomo ine irue ones who buii
stand by tho Winnebago Chief ahd his son
remains to be seen. Lion is eaiu 10 iu huv
alarmed nt tho stnle of nllairs. It is said
Hint ho admits that the Nationals will hold
tlio balanco of power, but that does not
frighten him. 11 is his firm belief that those
xcho train tcith the Nationals can be bought,
and in many instances they undoubtedly can
be. Then, too, there nro iicpuuncaus run
ning for tho Legislature on nnnntl-Cnmeron
ticket. Whether tho young man's money
can control them is n question which, has a
very grnve Bide for even Don.
These Nationals, whnt nretliey doing, nny
wny? Before tlio Western elections they
were nn unknown quantity. Now they
hiiL-p horn lielirod down IjrcttV closely.
Mason says the fight lies between himself
ana Jloyt, ana thai 111s cnauces nru guim.
Mason is wrone vastly so. Tho Nationals
will not carry tho Stato this year. Mnson
is ninrtlcnllv out of the race. He will lioll
anywhere from 00,000 to 100,000 votes;
imilinblv 75.000 will hitlhoinark very near
ly. Tlio most tho Nationals can do is to
elect several members of the Legislature,
return Hcndrick 1). Wright, and help tlio
Republicans elect Kclley to the House.
Pennsylvania will go for hard money.
Ttnlh llio r-rcnt nnrties nro tnlkins hard
money now. The Republicans said nothing
about it In their platform. Tho Democrats
nut in a plank for money based wn coin
Tim rnnmnimi onencd and finances were
shunned. Tho Republicans stood on their
. 1 1 .I.1.:- !,- II.a Cn-
pasi nisiory aim ineir jiiuiiu.-a .w.
ture. Tho Democrats niado their issue up
on Republican extravagance ami misrule.
II 1L I IU TICOniG WOIUUII LUSll'll. J.IIV. nu.ib-
ed to know what kind of money they were
to have, nnd both parties nro preaching
about tho tamo doctrine. The lircenback
crate U'.mtdercd everybody at first, but that is
over now, ana the Nationals lake a oacK scm.
It is hard, very hard, 10 uasc a irusuvur
lliv nmlintinn hero in Pennsylvania on the
the votinc on Nov. 5. Matters here
are exactly in tlio samo state ns they were
A. . -. . rt:n .1.1 l.n..A
in UI110. A moniii ago 1111 wuuiu .
carried tho Stato. Both parties now seem
to bo joyful over tho Western elections, nnd
both seo tlio way clear to a victory. The
innsr. itnoarLi.11 caicu uiiuns xin
llovt an almost even voto now. It has
always been the case, however, that the re
publicans have improved tbeir time in the
last few days more than the Democrat", anil
it U not nt. nil unlikely that Hovt will pull
throuirh. A few weeks ngo I euouiii nave
looked for tho election of Dill. Now, from
the best nnd most trustworthy sources, I
elinul.l not be surprised to seo tho Republi
cans win. If so, lion's money may possibly
return him to tho Senate. However, tlio
fi frlil is so very close that neither side trill
havo much to boast of. The majority either
way is likely to bean Uluo one.
peaking of tho rival Democratic can
dldates in this district for Conirts?, the
Wilkcs-Barro Hccord of the Times says:
From piivato advices wo learn that Klotz
has declared his determination to make, the
run at all hazards, let tho consequences bo
what they may to him or to his Democratic
rival. Captain Broekway, of course, regards
his own nomination as the regular one, nud
will go into tho fight with energy nnd de
termination. The Democratic party i, or
has been, in an overwhelming majority in
tho Eleventh district; whether thero nro
enough Democrats left in it for two Demo
cratic parties remains to bo seen, if both
Klotz and Broekway slick foxtliofight. Fol
lowing is last year's voto In llio several coun
ties comprising tho district 1
Carbon 1,503
Columbia 11.11
Monroe S1.1
Montour -497
Pike 220
Luterno 1,102 1,355 1,381
lickawauna 230 200 1,330
3-1 3
Totals, j 4,780 10,455 4,355
It is not to lie presumed that theso figures
will remain tlio same tho present year. Tho
flreenbaekers claim to have made largo gains,
especially in Carbon, Columbia, Monroe and
Pike. Last year's voto was very light, but
the above figures may serve as eomo kind
of a guide on which to base calculations nnd
and eitlinnte-s. We regard Cen. Albright's
Wiauoei by no means hopeless underlho circumstances.
A violent fctorm originating oft the coast
of Florida 011 Sunday last, struck the Middle
Atlantic coast before daylight Wednesday
morning and did immense damage. In,
Philadelphia, the wind for tlueo hours had
a velocity of from fifty to sixty-four miles
per hour, and for a few minutes during tho
liightof tho storm, it roncbed a velocity of
seventy-two miles. Nearly 400 buildings
were unroofed nnd 118 were partly demol
ished ; 22 churches, nud 70 factories, ware
houses, mills, schools, markets and depots
were damaged; 17 vessels were sunk or dam
aged ; and five persons were killed and a
largo number injured Tho storm wns al
most or quito ns violent nt Chester, Lan
caster, Reading, Scrantcn, Wilkesbarre,
Pottstown and oilier points in tho interior
of the Stato; and it also did great havoc
In New Jersey. Its greatest force seems to
have licen expended ill these two States.
It moved directly northward, with great
energy, and at midnight was central at
iglT Vote For,
(Editor of the Mauch Chunk Coal Gazetto)
For the State Legislature.
W S D mc fi ,S I fi I g ft f UE 1 1
Dress Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths,
a. mm Mmi29
G-roceries and Provisions,
A cordial invitation ia extended to all. Oct. 5.
Valeifltisae Schwartz
Respectfully announces to the pooplo of Lobigliton and its
vicinity, that be lias just enlarged his Manufactory by the
addition of another story, and that ho is now prepared to
furnish them with every description of
Oct. 10 -to.
t Let lnt-n tn lnfnim mi- olil nitrons nnd ett.
toini-iH and ilio pulillc Hint I novo
opened aud lime now ready for iusp-cuou In
Iinnk Street. I.E1UOHTON. l'l. at the LOW.
Ksri'ABli VlllOlia, a lull and now assort
ment ul
nATS, CAPS, &c.
Hncctaf attention !in Vlnp been (riven Ion wo'l
selected line of Mi-.K's woMKSi'Uanaciill
DJtnN'.-s WEAlt. My Mono shall be
Invite tho public to call nnd enraine my
.locic nnd.prico betoro purchasing: elavwbere,
n I ciu olfjr special lncticeinenta to cu-h
bnvers. LKWIH WE18.
Sr pt. Sl-fm. I. o. llnilding. Leulgliton, fa.
On Tuesday evening of last week tho
Democratic Conference of tlio Eleventh Con
gressional district placed in liominntion
Maj. Uobert Klotz,of Mauch Chunk, ns their
candidate fon Congress. Commenting upon
tho nomination of Mr. Klotz, thollazlcton
fientinel (lndepondent),snys: lio made a hard
and honorablo fight for tho nomination, nud
succeeded, ngainst tho combined efforts of a
host of foes in Ids own political household
which must go to his credit account, lio
was attacked in flank nnd rear ; by meaus
honorablo nud dishonorable ; by life-long
trusted friends, and he has achieved a pre
liminary victory, which is only a precursor
of a still greater triumph at tho (Kills, Ho
lias served his country in various capacities,
Our Stntc Canvass,
Wo clip llio following extract from a Phil
adelphia letter to the NeiV York Sun. it
will no doubt prove Interesting to our read
ers : A good deal of figuring is going on
just now. The battlo waging so fiercely in
Pennsylvania seems upon the surfaco to be
the most inixrtant )litical itruggle fur
years. There is so much uncertainly ns to
what llio result will be that interest is kept
up to fever heat. Chairman Sjiccr of llio
Democratic Stato Committee issues his or
ders from his headquarters at Eleventh and
Girard streets, nud places' his men wlicro
they will do tho most good. Matthew 8.
Quay is assigning his sjicakers from tho Re
publican Headquarters at tho ratoof a dozen
or more a night, and is completely covering
the State. Gen. Harry lloyt, tho Republi
can candidate for Governor, is doing somo
talking in his own behalf, and ex-Senator
Dill gets on to tho slump .quite fiequently,
but is relying considerably tijion Senator
Wallace to help him into tho Gubernatorial
chair. Chairman Dewccs, tlio National
man, is showing Mason up here and there,
and so tho tight wages. Who is, to win!
That is just the question each State Com
mittco is asking itself daily. Quay and
Siccr are both very confiidcnt.
Pennsylvania has been looked upon as
surely Republican at any trying time for
i I.,: 1. 1 ... i .
ycura. jhcjiuuiicuui., However, uegan 10 wuv
cr some timo ngo. (Lunerou got a little
frightened. lIuriranftgot a little frighten
ed. In fuct. cvervbodr of note traiuinmvitli
llio Cameron clan gotulittlefrightened As
ono of tlio results of It, Quay w sent to
Philadelphia to run the campaign.
The fight this year is not so partisan in its
nature as might nt first bo supioscd. As far
as national polities are concerned, it makes
really but littlo difference which way tlio
Statu goe, now that it has falleu into line
witk the other November Stales. Tlio Con
gressional delegation will have a Republi-
au.l lias nn Honorable leooiu ol wlileli Ho is ,,, majority in the Presidential year in any
justly proud. He sppesls to the people to event. As the next United States Senate
Oi' Valuable Ileal Estate.
Tim undeTBlcuM. IZxecntorof the TMntenf
ains, ISVBSOMT, laloot ihoTOWNrtilir OF
jvltANKLIN, in tlietoantvot Carbon, widow,
dec'U, wl.l affat nt PaWio bale, ou iho rirmlB?,
On Saturday, Oct. 26, 1S78,
coramonclnir nt TWO o'clock P. 2I All tint
ceitalu Lot or
situate nbont 1brco-totirtb of a mlln Kist of
Wclssiiort, ou the road leadlmr f roin Welssport
to HtrounsbiirR. in xald Fmnklln Township,
Carbon County, t'euiio.. beirincitigtn nam rond.
tnnnru by land ot J. K. Itlikert, euntaintni;
Thli teen Thousand Two Hundred fquare Feet,
noon wluch U erected a Two-torv Loir Weath
ei-.iiuarrted liu llotJE. about 18 ur
U feet, v ilh a Double I'orcli. Ac , a weJ ol good
wr.ler Willi pinup in the yard.
Terms' and Conditions will tie made known
ou tho Cay ot alc, hr
HANI EL w'ENTZ. Executor
Oct. li, ms-w3 uflln Eve bolt, dee'd.
J. JlLlua. Auctioneer.
To fell Dr, Chase's Hoclpca: or Inforraalton
for ISverjriKxU". in evory county iu the United
si li ten ml On nail as. Unlargetl bv the pub l.sli
cr to 018 page-. Jt com cms over 2000 hoifhold
rcclpeti aii't U suited to all ctaftseaaud conJi
tlonii of society. A wonndeitul book nud a
household uoceHsity. ltffclla at iRlit. Oreat
Cftt IniliiceiucutB t-ver ottered to book apenfa
hcninlo cop es Bent by mail, Tostpuld. lor $i CO.
Exclustvo territory ptven, Acetits more than
douDia thrtr money. Ad drew Dr. chase'sbteam
L'rluUoK lluubfi. Ann Arbor, Alicaljran.
Oct. 19 wit
Notice Is hereby dveu thatJOSEPIT FKIfcT,
ot the Borough of WEISM'OUT. Caibon Coun
ty. Pa., by a vo.untun Deed of Afelpntuent,
heurliitf date the 3d day of HKPTKMil iCU,U7St
asilgued ail t.U Heal ttatate. to tho noil end gu
ed lor the benefit of his creditors A II portions,
thertfore.lntlebu d to t-sid party will inuko pay
mi.nt within SIX WKKKU from the dat ht-re.
of to I lie AfcHcuec.Aiid those lip vn? legal claims
v III mea&o pi eseni iooiu inr seiuemem 10
Dlt. J.O.ZKKX. Atalgnee,
Sept. 78. 157s 8w. WeUspoit, Pa
HI h ifh. TJa" M uewe.t nnd mot popular
JUmJUl&. ong. wlia wr.tinK. oi in
tiurtion and amustment: nlo. a Ibt ot all the
uattlra. woen aud where tourht, dunnir the
war, tcrseeat lUDip. Addrex, DLSMONI) A
co.,t nioeiio riiiitdtivbii. tet-u ir
Sranufacturcd from tlio best Seasoned Material, at Prices
fully as low as tho same articles can be bought for else-'
where. Here are a few of the inducements offered :
Parlor Sets at from 50 to $00.00
Walnut Marble-top Dressing Case Bedroom
Suites, 3 Pieces $40 to $65.00
Painted Bedroom Suites, $1S to $40.00
Cane Seated Chairs, per set of Six $6.00
Common Chairs, per set of Sis. $4.00
and all other goods equally cheap.
In this connection, I desire to call the attention of tho
citizens to my ample facilities in-tho
BUSINESS, "with a new and handsome Hearse, and a full
line of Caskets and Coffins, I am prepared to attend
promptly to all orders in this line, at lowest prices.
ratronago rcspectiuiiy solicited anu tne most ampio sat
isfaction guaranteed. V. SCHWARTZ,
Oct. 12. BANK Street, LEHIGHTON, PA.
ISae Prasad Siiesla flfor those
Cho-ip and Handsome FALL AHD WINTER SUITS ha("ut com.
luencwi at tliepopn'ar
Merchant Tailoring Establishment of
I nm tuit receiving nnd ononlntr no mr new stock of FALL ANU
flaky M INTWIt t)LOTIlH(CAa"sIMKUliS to., (Foielftii ROd lioino-tic.
SfJ' nnd resppctfully announce tint I cm oil ail descrtpUoui ol Go-d
TA at lcf iir'ces thnu ever before offered In this county I am now
juaiuiiK up ine nucst
91 vt-S ov Mpn Vonthi nnd lioyc. In tho latest foaliion at prlccn tUat or
actually astonishing I call and bo rirnvtiiceo.
f1s3 ia illNJL; UiiJc-O.
tSfjrJ if for j(eI1, Youths and Children, tery cheap.
1 ho flue ,t nud liebt or
CTer tronrlit Into thl' town, nt nn Immento reduetlon on tannerlprlceil
An eudlei Turlety oi tleoti' .'LC'K WiJAU which li bclllnn lit pileo-i t
to uit ties: llrd Timet
The Department for
for Ludlea. OentlcmenM and Chttilrcn'a now full)' lurnWied with the b Mannt&cturetf
to be fnnnd lu iho country. Mhicli have been purclianvd ton clly fioiu the .Mnbe nud mcthere
lore, fieri-n nt nn IHMJiNMi: Hi:nUCTION ou furimr Pnoen.
oj nre earnestly Invited to cull and examine cooila lu loiu luaklnp year parchxe. and be
rnuvlnc d that I nin aelllus pooaj at lower price, than the mme quahtr ean Iki nOtalucd elae
wlicro. It ii aivajl a pleanmo to exhibit (looaj, whether you purchase iruot. t'erlwt fit
guaranteed or no btt.e. Duu't forget the place 1
T. D. CLAUSS, Merchant Tailor,
2nd door abovo the Fulillc Square, BANK STREET, Leblghton
The undersigned announces to tho ladies of Lohighton
and vicinity that he is now receiving and opening a large
assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, comprising
Buch as Matalasses. Delaines, Coburgs, Alpacas, &c. Also,
a largo stock of
which ho is offering
Groceries and Provisions a Specialty,
at prices to suit tho times.
Clover, Timothy, Hungarian, and all kinds of Field and
Garden Seeds, VERY CHEAP.
Opposito tho L. & S. Depot, BANK Street,
May 0, 1870-yl LEHIGHTON, TENN'A.