The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 19, 1878, Image 3

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Society meetings.
himto Castle, No. 7S, a. o. K. of tug M. O
2nd and 4th Monday of each month, In lte
6r' Hall, tanlghtoni .nfrfUO o'clock p. M
Jobn aegiai, s.- K. U. 1 Sam., 11. Qlluaai.
S.K. a, ,
OKADEN HuttM LOIiaK. N: 086, Ii O.' Oi V..
tdeets every Taosdayctcninir, nt 8 o'clock,
In fleWra Halt. 11. KoMenbader, i,(l. 14.
U. Heller, Secretary.- ; .
MuTOdiiKN Teidi. No. tit. imp. 6; nt -fait.,
me.tsln lleoer'j Xlall every sntardaTf. W.
I, retell, saonota 1 A.W. lclioSi CI of Jt.
roud Foes. Tunic, Ho. 171, tn. d. It., jir. meet
on Wednesday eveninR of cacn wreK. t7:30
o'clock. In Publlo Hctaool Hall, .YpHsport,
Pa. O. W. Bchwab. a;; Jacj prong, d ol 11
LrJiiaiiTOK Lodoe, Uo Jst. K. of -'..-mccm
on FricUr oenlnj(s. In Be tiers llnllat 7;30
o'clock. W1K Caclirfiaa, a.V.t lA'A. killer,
K. ol tl.'nd Si
Advertising RhtcH.
Wo desire it. Jo lie .distinctly ilnJ'orStbod
that no dvertlscmen"tj' will, lis. inscrleil ial
the columns bf Tilt CiS-Olf' AvocATn.rftt
may bo recciveil from unknown parties or
firms unless accompanied, by the cash.,
Tho following are our only terms!
One year, each insertion lOcts.
Biz months, each insertion IS cts.
Three months, each insertion 20 cts.
Less than three moilths( first insertion
$1) each subsequent Insertion....... 25 cts.
Local notices 10 cents tier lino.
II. V. MOKT1I1MKH, l'llblislicr.
JjJ 11. SlltWIiltS,
Diarmor ATtOnNEV A cpflNBF.tLon'
Otflce, l-lbls's Bdilrilnir ntodatt-y,
MAWCItailUN-.i PA.
Uettllnn Estates. Fllina Accounts atld Orphans
Conn Pracuce 4 specialty. ......
Trial ot Causes carotull attended tt. Lcira
transactions In KnRllsh and German. Jan a.
Local and Personal..
West's liver iillscuro sick headache.
Sale bills arc turned out at this office at
the shortest notice.
Head Tilghnian Arner's new advertise
ment in another column.
Miss Jessie M. Font, of Pittstou, is
visltiiiR hor friend Miss Ida Leuckel.
If you want a fashionable hat or cnp,eall
at T. D. Clauss', and buy ono for a small
amount of money.
William M. Randall, cx-Stato Senator
from Schuylkill county, died in 1'otUville,
Vc.liiesday, aged 45 years.
-Get your prescriptions, and Family Re
cipes compounded, at A.J. Darling's Fam
ily Drug and Medicine- Store.
--David Ebbert, at his livery on North
Street, this borough, still continues to fur
nish handsome teams at very popular prices.
Edward Gwiliam, the Republican nomi
nee for Register and Recorder, was in town
Thursday, looking up his chances for elec
tion. Chas. W. Lentt, of Wcisport, is (he
Greenback candidate for tho otlico of Coroner
of this county, aud asks tho voles of his
friends. ?
The place in Mauch Chunk to buy wall
i3KT, stationery, notions, .tc., is at E. F.
.ucVenbach's, just below tho Broadway
One day recently, 110 car loads of Lan
caster couuty tobacco were shipped over tho
Reading and Columbia Railroad, destined
for New York.
If you want shirts, neck wear, or auy
other article in gent's furnishing goods, call
on T. 1). Clauss, and ho will supply you at
extraordinary low prices.
The collieries in the Schuylkill region
Btopiwd work on Saturday, tho quota of coal
allotted to the Reading Company having
been filled.
Tho best exhibition of sewing machines
nt our late f.iir was that placed thereby John
II. Faga, of Mauch Chunk.who Isthe gener
al agent for the justly celebrated "White," 0
Universal bargains in Fall
mid Winter Dry Goods at J.
T. Nusbaum & Son's.
For boots, shoos or rubbers, of tho finest
makes, call on T. D . CUnss. You will fiud
an immense stock to select from,' at' lower
prices thin ever before offered.
All medicines warranted fresh, genuine
and unadulterated at the I'copla's Drug and
Family Medicine store. A. J. Stirling,
The First National Bank of Tamanua,
which suspended on Tuesday, was declared
Bojvent by the Bank examiners Wednesday.
Itisnotyct known whether it will resume
or noU
As spirituous liquors will injure men,
bo opium or morphia will harmfully nfi'ect
the baby. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is the
remedy for the baby. It is free, lrom opium.
I'rico 25 cents. '
If you wish to securo good bargains in
the purchase of plain and fancy dress goods
for fall and printer wear, call at the store of
E. II. Snyder, Bank street, Lehightou. All
the latest novelties.
Do you n ceil a, fall and winter stilt of
clothes, made up in the latest and most dur
able manner? then go to T. D. Clauss, tho
merchant tailor, on Bank strcct,aud be "fit
Ud," Prices lower than ever.
Clocks and Watches Carefully rcpftrcd,
and work. warranted, at lowot cash rates, at
Hagcman's cheap cash store, opposite public
quaro, WeisspOrt. 41-13.
8eo cherubims in another column hold,
ing a bunch of grapesfrom which SlweKs Tort
Grapo Wine is mado, is to highly es
teemed by the medical profession for tlie use
of invalids, weakly persons, and the aged.
The display of Fancy
Dress Gooods and Shawls at
Nusbaum & Son's are attract
ing large crowds of customers
Allen C. Laros, of Northampton unty,
(ha young matt who, about two and liau
jrears ago, cauicd the death of his laliisrund
mother And MososBaliug by administering
nojsoq to them, now at tho llarrUburc In
Fan Asylum, has entirely rtwovcred his
btultlj, arid no eyiuptoms of insanity ,iro
poticeabla. It is stated that at Hit ;iext
term of the Northampton Court application
will be mode to Iwyo Laros returned to the
county jail, (n order that the death eontenca
may be oxocutcd upon hint,
James Hurley was arrested in Pottsville,
Tuesday pvenlpg, and committed in default
of $10,000 bail, upon thoeharga of attempt
ing to wreck an express train at Auburn
station on September 234. It was the third
attempt to wreck passenger trains at that
point, a fwiKti was lauiperca wiui, oy
which three passenger coaches and t woban-
gage cars wrro dumsged apd several passen
gers slightly injured, llurloy had Loan a
laborer on the road, but was discharged
several monuis ago.
To mothers whoso children are weeping
SVrcct and balmy slumber secured fortho
little ones, and cotighs and colds rnpfdlv
banislied by, tho u) of Dr. Bull's, Cough
Quito a farga and eiilhtlsiasl'lc ineoimg'
of tho Domocruey of tho lower end was held
in East Weissporf, on Wednesday evening
last. The speakers wero lion. Allen Craig:
nnd E. H. ltniicli, of Mauch Chunk, and
Michael Cassidy, of Nescjuchonlng. .
Up to the hour of going to prcs3 (hero
has been no nomination mado by tho Demo
cratic Conferees of this district. Tho voto in
tho convention at llazlctnn is U for Klutz
and 3 for Brock way, and the voting has con
tinued thus since Tuesday last; In. tho
"rump" convention nt Scrantou wo can not
learu w.hat they nro doing.
Lvmnn D. McDaniol, of this borough,
ill tako charge of the Boarding House, at
I'nelterton on tho 1st of November next.
Mr. McD.and his wife and daughter are
peculiarly Vail fitted for this position, nnd.
wo have no doubt but thoso of tho employ-
While he was in tho net nf reaching down
to talto tho link out of tho draw-head ho
lo4 his balance and fell upon tho track, tho
train passing over him.
Tho re-union of tho 47th regiment
Pennsylvania Volunteers will take plaeo
ntCatasaiiqua,on Tuesday iipxt,Octobcr22iid.
All soldiers who served in the late war nro
Cordially invited to participate. Major
General Emory and Major General Brannan,
and oilier distinguished gentlemen havo
been invited and are exjicctcd to bo present,
Tho Presiding Elder, Rev. C. K. Fehr,
will preach in the Evangelical church of
this borough, this (Satuul.iy) evening at 7
o'clock, in German lo-moruiw, (Sunday in
tlio iDorniuc in Germali and in tlio'cvcnini:
in English. Sunday Echool meeting in tho
nfloriiiuJli nt 2 o'clock and tho .Sacrament nt
tho Lord's Supper will bo administered nt
3 o'clock. All are cordially invited to attend.
GitAPM Cri.Tultn ami Wi.vr:. Mr. A.
Speer, of New Jersey, onoof the largest grapo
producers in tho east, commenced but a few
years nz in a small Way ,t'o make winofrom
currants, blackberries, and other fruits. Ho
now controls large vineyards from which his
famous Port Grano AV'ino is mado, which
chemists ami physicians ray rival tho World
for its beneficial effects on weakly aud aged
Dr. Chase's Recino Book should bo in
every household in tho country, us it is re
plete witli practical information on' ctery
subject which may ariso in the house, 011 tlio
lariii, 111 tlio woruliop,aiicl ill llienllieo. it
mint meet with a natty uilc. See the adver
tisement in another column of our paper.
We predict that whoever is fortunate eiuuigh
to secure an Aireucy in this t-cctiou for .this
wonderful book, will surelmaLc juoney. . .
rrom llio Comity Seal.
E.ct'Ksioi9T. This has been a prolific
week for excursions to tho " Switzerland."
Monday evening, an excursion party, of
hotel keepers, paid Mr. J. S. Wilbert a 'com
plimentary visit. On Wednesday nnd Thurs
day conductor Aycr, from tho West Jersey
Railroad brought two largo excursions, it
is estimated that besides the usual attendance
at court, there has been nt least un average,
daily number of 1,000 persons non-residents
topping 111 Aiaucii uiiiiiiK.
Tub Courts have attracted n great deal of
attention this week. Twocasesof bastardy;
0110 libel case j 0110 case of attempted rape,
ami n nan dozen assaults, nave been eulli
cieut to attract some attention, and a largo
number of ladies havo thronged tlio Couit
House every day.
Educational. ThcCommittce on Teach
ers' Permanent Certificates for Carbon coun
ty, met in tlio high school rooms hero 011
Saturday last, Prof. S. H. Hnllinger, of
Summit Hill, in the chair. Present Prof.
L.H. Barber, Mrs. E. Frisbie, Mauch Chunk
Prof. F. K. Berudt,of Lchighton; Miss K Rio'
Thomas, of Summit Hill, of tho committee.
There was but 0110 applicant for a peniia'
ncnt certificate, Prof. ii. A. Ii line, priucipal
of tlio Second Ward school, this borough,
whom tho miiuttce recommended to tho
Sujierintcudent of public instruction.
Minor Mattkuh. Gen. Chas. W. Stone,
candidate for Lieut-Govomor,and Attorney
General Lenr addressed u largo and enthu
siastic Republican meeting in tho Court
Houso last evening.
In tlio libel case, Commonwealth vs. Jos.
Lynn, Robert Klotz prosecutor, tlio Grand
Jury returned a true bill on Monday.
There are several cues of sjvoro sickness
in this borough just now,
A. Goth, a well-known fresco arllst, of
Bethlehem, while decorating H. E. Packer's
resilience, died ofdrup-sy hereon Tuesday
Tlio Carbon County Teachers' Institulo
will hold a meeting in the Court House here
on Monday, November 18th.
Tho peoplo of Mauch Chunk aro to enjoy
a raro tieat next Thursday evening, nt tlio
St. Paul's M. E. Church, 111 the privilege of
hearing Mrs. Bella Cole, tho soprano ot tho
Madison Avenue Presbyterian Cliurch,Ncw
Yoik city, sipg.
."Iliclliifr of llio ISunril of Control.
Tho Board of Control of tho United Coal
Companies met in tho Coal and Iron Ex
chaugo Building, New York, Wednesday
afternoon, Mr. ThoiuSs Dickson, President
of tlio Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., in
tho chair. There wero present, in addition,
Messrs. F. 11. Oowan, of the Philadelphia
and Reading Railroad; Samuel Sloan, of tho
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail
road; Georgo A. Hoyt, of tho Pennsylvania
Coal Co.; F. Lathrop, of tho New Jersey
Central Railroad; R.H.Sayre, ofthaLchigli
alley Railroad; Dr. Liuderiuan and E. P.
Wilber, reprMuntiiig.tho Lehigh Inturest;
E. W. Clarke, of tho-Lehigh and Wilkes
barro Coal Co., and John E. Uracil', of the
Schuylkill Coal Exehango.
The session, whicli was held with closed
doors, was not concluded until nearly throe
o'clock. Jt was then announced that tho
etinghad been most hurmonious through
out, and that tiio fjuota of coal for October
hod oeeu Axed at 1,600,000 tons fanincreaso
of 600,001) tons) in order iii meet increasO'1
denunds, and the quota for November at
1,200,000 tons. It was alo announced that
& committee had boon appointed, con!tlug
of Messrs Dieksou and Uowan, to make ar
rangements for a conference of representa
tives of tho various coal interests, in order to
ogreo upon a plan or uuitea action lor 1870.
Tho following are tho allotments to each of
tho companies for this mouth and next:
Oct. Nov.
Phlla. and Reading..tons 510,758 343,500
Lehigh Valley 300,103 237,000
New Jersey Central 227,073 15 j,S 80
Del. Lack, and West 240,82'J 153,000
Del. and Hudson- 272,'JS2 149,700
Penna. Coal Co 97,400 70,380
Penna. R. H 121,600 91,500
Total tons 1,600,000 1,200,000
.. 11. -.1 ...ill ii 11. . r i 1
r-i-;-'-"i-: -r mat 1 le Diosecut ix nns n imsbanii.i vnifi
pr a Homo" timlcr the, -new lodging boss ana cnlict s;liHy -m manncr aa form cimrsdJ
his amiablo wife. Wo wish him success. Jt rcn,lirc tu Riv0 sul.cly in 5,300. b
Jacob Krajncf, 11 irsident of V&ilm Coin, vs Henry Johnston ; injurious n
nnd a brnkemnn on tho Lehigh alley saulton a small boy; vcrdiijLgullty j sen
Railroad, was killed nt Enstl'onn Junction, tcneed to pnV'il nrfd coslp. ',
boIow-AllerttoWtii on Friday morning last. Coni. vsPaTrick tl.illach'cr.'nssa'iilt nnd
Tlio Courts of Carbon Count)'
Convened on Monday, beforo His Honor
Jndgo Drcucr and Associates, Leonard and
Woiitz.- j, n -f .. f f
t . Tho constables, rcro called, returncdund
Grand Jury wero called ond sworn, nnd
Andrew Rchrig appointed foreman.
Inquests on tho bodies of Abol.oulb. Wm.
McFiuldcTf and. James Q'Dohncl, niiptpivsli..
uoin. ts. nun mncK ami v iiioiiguuy
Adams, curity for tho MnyjPeter
Miller, prosecutrix f ordered to furnish suri
ty to keep the peaco for ono year. ,
Coin. VS, Fiebmon Wooillnlid, larceny;
plea not guilty ; verdict, guilty ; sentenced
to fino of SI and costs, and 30 (lavs in fail.
Com. vs. Charles Hill, larceny true billi'j
jjuii cmercii uy neienuani 10 appear nt noxi
term of court. , t ,
Com. vs. liobcrt P.,Blaqk, fdrniAtMn ruld
bastardy; Tolly Kcm'eriir.proseculri:; ilea',
not guilty; verdict guilty; defendcut ordcr furnish surety for ?30d.
Com. vs. Dnvid lleed,foriileatioitan(l bas
tardy; Mrs. Mary Mclley,proscctitrix ; pica,
battery ; verdict, not guilty, uhd ordered to
pay half tho cost.
Com. vs. Albert Hummel and John Zcrby,
larceny; plea, guilty ; released with repri
mand, on own recognizance.
Coin. vs. Patrick McGco and Ellen Mc
Occ, assault and battery ; verdict guilty.
Com. vs. Geo. Williams, Chas. Smith
prosccuton assault nnd aggravated assault ;
and usanlt with intent to kill; pica, self-defense
against n mob, while acting as iiolicc
num. Verdict, guilty on first and second
Com. vs. Recso T. Rice, Miss Mary T.
King, prosecutrix; assault with intent to
commit rape; idea, not guilty; guilty.
Com. vs. Mary Murphy;" Ann 'Murphy,,
prosecutrix; assault. Verdict, guilty.
Com. vs. Catharine Dryaii.lliigli'Gnllagh
er, mcriitor,' assault. Verdict, guilty;
fined $1 and costs.
i:cIiocs from IScuvrr iilcii!ow.
E. B. Ely gave the children a big treat
last Friday, in taking them to Glen Onoko.
Since tlio election returns from tlio West
havo come to hand, the Givenb.u kors havo
commenced thinking, that Gieeiib'a'ciii'sm'is"
not any longer political orthodoxy.
The repoi t,&t tip failutd ofEA Fo )31iV;
nor has caused quite an excitement h'ero in
Beaver Meadow. What tho consequences
will bo wo cannot yet tell. Tho mines nro
yet being worked.
Washing day's mado hard on account
of the scarcity of water,
Michael North lost another of his chil
dren to-day, from tho same disease, diphth
eria, being' four in 10 days. Wo sympathize
with tho parents.
Mr. John, tho Republican candidate for
Associate Judge, feels pretty confident of
being elected by n very largo majority.
Packer Township schools will open next
M0nd.1v, Oct. 21st. Ouskiivks.
Oct. 10.
The display of Singer Sewing Machines nt
tho Caibon County Fair, by tho agent A. V.
Kutz, was ono of the most attractive features
of the exhibition. Of tho merits of tlio Sing
er sowing inachino it is hardly necessary to
sneak. The fact that last year 282,812 lun
clilncs were sold is a sulnoient guarantee of
their excellence. It docs all kinds of work,
heavy and fine sewing, from fino Swiss to
heavy beaver cloth. Thesieeiiiicnsof work
dono jii tho pretence of spectators aro varied,
ranging from plain to the most difficult and
elaborato sowing. Visitors aro ntonco de
lighted and amazed at the variety of work
capablo of being done on this inuchine, nnd
no better proof of its superiority is needed
than tlio fact that tho lnacliinoli.isbeeii and
is steadily Increasing in K.pularity nnd fu
vor. No risk is run in purchasing'llieSing
cr, which is warranted for fivo years, ami
sold on the most ea?y terms. Mr, A. F.
Ktitz's oflico is on Bank street, tills borough,
where the fullest information 12111 bo had at
all times. Mr. Hoiisor, of Alleutowii, was
present at our fair, mid assisted in proclaim
ing tho merits of tlio Singer, which was
awarded tho first premium for sowing ma
chines. i:aM I'mn Dotu.
Overcoats have mailo their appearance.
Rabbit shooting coinc3 next In order.
Tlio County Fair was well attended by
tho jiooplo of this vicinity.
Mr. Peter had n largo stock nt tho Coun
ty Fair, and took first premium for nearly
Nathaniel Rueh, has taken a job husk
ing corn for Klias Smith and B. Houtz.
Owen Smith with his sons aro busily
engaged in clearing new land from stone and
building stiino walls for Messrs. Hurler and
Carman, but Mr. Smith nnd son were al
most discouraged last Saturday, afternoon,
when both caught their fingers between two
stones and had them badly hurt.
The Ginders' Millstone Manufacturing
Co., uro doing a flourishing business this
fall. They are busily engaged in manufac
turing and hauling them to tho railroad
station for trausiiortation to every lartof the
State. '
Isaac Dauber, of tho East renn mills is
doing a thriving business now, although
tho water is very low. Ho has his mill fill
ed up from the first to the third storios.
The singing school at tho brick church
has changed froth 3 ri. In. ,to 9 a.-m., jind
Sunday school lo 2 p. m. ' Uscle Sam. '
I'acKi rlon KipiiU'u.
Tho death of Thomas H. RatcIifr,solong
a resident of Puckertou, cast a gloom over
our little town. To know him was to know
0110 who had a tieart full of tenderness and
sympathy, fur all I thoro was 110 task too
great for him to undertake; ho deemed it a
pleasure to grant favorif withiu his power;
every appeal to him met with a cordial re
sponse ; ho was an activo member of the
Presbyterian Church, of Lchighton, and n
Trustee, ami for a long time Secretary of tho
Sunday school ; a member of the several or
ders, the Knights of Pyfiias, Mystic Chain,
and Odd Fellows, tho last named onler ut
lended his remains to their final resting
place the Muueh Chunk Ceinetary. A kind
sou, an nfl'oot lonate brother, a good citizen,
and a true friend, is what islostiuthodeath
oi'TJiomas R. Ratclifr.
C. J. Gould is still quito ill with llio ty
phoid fever.
The all absorbing nuestfon this week
has been are you goingto the Falrand Fes
tival? and wont you give me a voto, I am
running for the doll baby, the sled.tbe dish
es, tho gold headed cane, and a whole lot of
things too numerous to mention? The af
fair has evidently been very successful, well
managed as everything is in Packortou.
It will repay any one to visit the Pres
byterian Kundny school, of Lehightou, and
60 tlio splendid crayon work (Bible black
board lessons) as presented by John Bohu,
Alstant Suiieriiitcudent of tho fltiuday
school. ,nun.
IIIf Crock Items.
Maple leaves aro' wcArlng autuinndl
t ?-ThoJ'Jcafart Vnllej? Batid.'of Monroe
Coulity. U.nti cxer 1HTI organ ztloA'di j 1 r"' " "3 mm ram iiiaciimo shop ncro
play's well for n country baii.1, ! !,hvJ ,'lPH. throwing a largo, number of
... . , ., . v liuuuiui emujovmeni. ai s-occurrng
o nro nt eased In bp nhln In ronorl llml n. 1 1. 7 ' r.i. .,.'. 6
Harrison Snvder. of thlsDlaccliaslfniirovi'il
h.' condition onhsiderably,ntid is now under
b'talr way of rccOv'eiy.
1 .cased to hear thai tlio Cntbon Collllly
Industrial Society's Fair was n success this
year", financially.
J. G. Zern, tho candidate for tho Legl.
laluroon tho Democratiii side, is becoming
more popular every day thioughout the
The wages of thorrnnklin tcnohershnvo
been reduced ngain this year considerably.
"What does all this mean, Directors?
E. Mcll. Boyle, of tho Cacti Gazette, was
through thi. place lately lookin: un his
jChpnces for. tho Legislature.
Boatmen had better Itnrry upall indi
cations nro for an early closifig up.
Spend your money amongst your homo
C. W. Lenlz, of Wcissport, is n cdndi
diito on the Greenback ticket for tlio oflico
c. Coroner ofCarbotl county,
" No spitting of tobacco juice 011 tho
floor of this church, under penalty of law,"
is what the notices say in the Srtlt's church,
01 .ma piace. AoDacco chewcrs will pleaso
mane a note ol tins, as tbo Jaw will bo en
forced if violated.
A Republican meetings will bo held in
Bolt's brick school house. Addresses will bo
made in Lnglisli and German.
This plaeo is again almost freo from
Barney Philips, our present Register
mm jM'corucr, siauus a good cnanco ol re
election. Our mountains now present a beautiful
The Shenandoah Herald says Pennsyl
vania produces one-nun 01 niiiiiervo grown
in this country. Good for the! old "Keystone.
The Phe-nix Band, of Jlauch Chunk
rendered excellent music at our fair on
Thursday of last week. They present a neat
uppemanec in llieir now suits.
The Quarterly Meeting ofthe Evangeli
cal Association w'ill bo held to day (Satur
day), at 2 p. 111., ut Parryville, and on Sun
day morning the Saerenient of Iho Lord's
Nipper will bo administered by tho Presid
ing Elder, C. K. Fehr. Revlke.
V.'oatlicrl)' 1 1 tins.
Cash customers havo tho preference tho'
world over.
Mr. Lewis Drumboro, has fivo acres of
cabbage all 111 good cultivation. .,
Thrco weddings in Weathcrly within a
week. Suggestive of winter's approach.
Miss Louisa Gilbert was recently en
gaged as organist by tho Reformed Church
and Sunday School.
James Wyalt on tho 14lll itist., removed
to .Mulmnoy City. The houso vacated by
him will bu occupied by David Evans.
Messrs. II. p.jltow, T. G. Wagner, and
R. N. Smith, nro Fcrvihff their country As
jurymen, in Muuch Chunk, this week.
Wcatherly wants A good newspaper,
an activo temperance, organization, more
hall accommodation and a good circulating
H. D. Unci has sold out his butchering
establishment to his son, J. T., who will
hereafter supply our citizens with beef,pork,
saussago, etc.
Dr. J. B. Tweedlo is slil! talkin? of
leaving town. Wo should bo very sorry to
lose him. Ho may bo put down as 0110 of
Wcatherly 's most enterprising citizens.
J. J. Hnmpshlro Is having his
cently owned and occupied by Lewis Salen,
pusiercu aim oincrwiso made cumiortablo
for tho winter. Ocorgo Hersch is doing tho
On tho 11th inst., Mrs. Ben Wetzel, and
Mrs. Henry, Wetzel, loft town (o join their
husbands 111 tho oil regioii-.where they havo
been fortunate enough to securo employ
Mr. Saitiuel Croll.hasraiiedthis season
400 bushel of jiotatoes. Ho farms ten acres,
situated near town, nnd ero long ho will
raise I.irgcrund better crops 011 10 acres than
somo of our ilunliakc farmers now raise 011
JUII ucrcs.
Wcatherly is fortunnto in having a livo
board of school directors, every 0110 of them
anxious to plaeo our schools in rank second
to imuo in the county ; but it does not seem
as if they "cared a cent" for exjwnses.
Chas. Cassler, tho L. V. R. R. Co's. ef
ficient nnd obliging freight nceut. is a man
of many agents. Ho is freight agent, ex
press agent, mnl agent, lime agent, brick
agent, hay agent, huckleberry mercliantind
many others to numerous lo mention.
Wcatherly schools havo ill scholars en.J
roiieu. 1st primary ay, 2nd primary 74,3rd
primary 70,1st intermediate 52, 2nd inter
mediate 55, Grammar School 30, and high
school 31. They have now been in session
nearly a mouth and all aro pleased with
their management Pay them a visit.
Revival services commenced in tho M.
E. Church, on Wednesday evening, tlio tith
inst. Tlio pastor, Rev. l. 11. Colburn, has
been assisted by Revs. Wilson, of While
Haven, and Colburn. of Mt Carmel. Rev.
T. M. Reese, " tho biggest gun in tho con-
fcreneo" wo heard somebody express him
self, is exjiected beforo the services close.
Tiilliliqllll Hunk .Siitpciiwlon.
Tauaqi a, Pa., Oct 1 1. Tho First Nation
al Bank of this plaeo susjieiideil pavmeut
this morning. The suspension caused gen
eral surprise all over the country, and it lias
been almost tho solo subject of conversation
to-day in business circles. Your correspond
ent called on ono of the bank officials this
evening, and learned that it was caused by
C. F. Shoener, of No. 328 Walnut street,
Philadelphia. Mr. Shoener owns nearly
two-thirds of all the ttock, aud over $200,
OtiO worth of his pajicr went to protest oil
Saturday last. Fivo vcars ago lie was worth
about $1,500,000. Ho was always very en
terprising and consequently invested his
money in various business piirtits. His
investments in this city nro very large. He
owns tho Tnmaqun Rolling Mill, a colliery
nt Beaver Meadow, a furnaceat Reddlngton,
Northampton county, mid is a two-third
owner in Shoener & Allen's machino works,
in ibis borough, and besides had a lot of
bonds nud stocks in Philadelphia. His fail
uro seriously nllects all these enterprises.
Tlio bank was first Inaugurated in 1854 as
tho Anthracite State Bank, and was turned
into a national bank In 1803.
The directors are Georgo Wiggan, Mr. E.
J. Fry, of Tumaqua; Mr. C. T. Shoener,
Georgo F. Wiggan, Mr. W. F. Carter, Mr.
W. F. Donaldson, of Philadelphia, and Mr.
Thomas Carter, of Audenricd.
According to a statement made to vour
correspondent by ono of tho dlrectnrsj tho
bank u able to pay depositors dollar for
dollar. They havo on hand $150,000 in
Unci aud $VO,000 in individual deKits.
For yoara post tho bank has been laying
(en wr cent dividends and was always con
sidered n reliablo institution. To-duy tlio
stock is quoted on the exehango at $84, $3,1
above par vriluo. The suspension, however,
will have a bad cfiect ort tho community, as
n largo number of poor jieople nro depositors.
oral destitution nmong the poor.
IlchOlUlIoh . of Condolence. v '
At n'-latcj mectfrtg of Lchighton Lodge,
Ao. 231, K. of P., of Lchiglilon, Pa., held
Oct. 11, 1878, tho lollowing resolutions wero
adopted !
A . MF.nE.i' It has pleased an nil wlso Provi
dcnei to refirovo from u our esteemed Broth
er Thomas R." Ratcllfr, who endeared him
self to nil wtio hod tho plensuro Of his nc
nmiliilnuce, nnd Lchighton Lodge, No. 2.1
K. of P., feeling the loss it has sustained In
ids death, therefore ho it
Rksolved, That while We humbly bow fo
tho Divino will in taking from us ourbroth
cr, In his denth this Loilgo feels that it has
lost an activo co-worker 111 tho noble princi
ples of Pythian Knighthood j that by his
kind nnd unassuming maimer ho mndo
friends of nil who had the pleasure of his
acquaintance, and that although ho will 110
moro meet with us in council assembled to
legislate for the good of the order he loved
so well, yet his example still remains for us
to follow and emulate.
Rksolvkd, That wo tender tho sorrowing
family our warmest sympathies, that Wo
minglo our grief with theirs, nnd entreat
them to look to God for strength lo sustain
them in their great trial.
REsobVEn, That a copy of theso resolu
tions bo presented to tho family of tho de
ceased brother and spread uiiOn tho Journ
al of our Lodge, also bo published in Tim
C.t linos Advocate.
Altred Yoke, 1
It K-hex Gaumer, Committee.
Dr. N. B. RebkRjJ
Lehightou, Oct. IS, 1878.
At a regular meet of Gnadcn Itncllcn
Lodge, No. (180, 1. 0. O. F.,held Oct. 15,1878,
the following resolutions wero unanimously
adopted ;
V iinnEA, It has pleased God in his Provi
denco to reinovo from oUr midst Brother
Thomas It. natcllfi',amembcrof our beloved
Where is, Wo humbly bow to the Divine
will, believing that all His judgments are
just, nnd His ways merciful, and believing
that our brother diod in hope of a blessed
lliimortalityj therefore bo it
Resolved, That in tho death of our Bro
ther Thomas Jt. Ratelifr, tho Lodge has lost
a faithful member, his widowed mother an
aflectionato son, nnd the community , an up
right and honest citizen.
liEsjnr.VED, That ids family havoourcn'rn
est syiniiilli'y In their bereavement, and wo'
cofumend thorn to Him who does not afflict
wilfully, but givcth grace to couquor and
sustains us in nil our sorrows, nnd that n
copy of theso resolutions be tendered the
family and published in tho Carbon Advo
cate. Resolved, That, ns n tribute or respect to
our departed brother, our Charter bo draped
in mourning for thirty days.
W. Lee, "i
Dr. N B.'Rebkr, ! Committee.
w. 1. Peters, J
Lchighton, Oct. 18, 1878.
For .State Legislature,
,.'', VOTE FOR
Albrlslilsvllle Itcnio.
Sinco my last letter ono of our.most re
spectable citizens, Mrs. Hannah Serfass.wife
of Jos. Serfass, has ended her earthly career,
Sho had boen n suflercr from a stroko of
palsey for about six years, which sho boro
with christian patience, until Sunday after
noon of last week, when death relieved her
from her earthly Bufferings. Through her
death tho church has lost 0110 of its best
members. Let the family sho has gono be
foro bow in submission lo'lilin whodoeth nil
things well. She leaves a kind hearted hus
band, fivo children, 09 grandchildren nnd
nino great-grimd-children to mourn their
loss. Tho family in this their sad bereave
ment havo tho heartfelt sympathy of tlio en
tire community. Her funeral took place on
Wednesday last, and was very largely at
tended. The services wero conducted in
German by Rev. A. M. Strauss, of Gilbert's,
Monroo county. Sho had attained tho ripe
age of 03 years, 11 months and 21 days.
" A Willow nnd I lor Child."
A singular instance of suierstitioncanioto
light not long since, which is thus related 1
Going into a neighbor's house, 0110 day last
wek, I found 0110 of tho children suffering
from a severe cough, and expressed my opin
ion that it was a case in which medical as
sistance shoiifd bo obtained. Tho mother of
the boy agreed that it was Very bad.but said
that beforo calling in a doctor sho intended
to try a cure that sho had long used In simi
lar casos, and never found to fail. Ou being
pressed to communicate the prcscriptiou,sho
gravely informed 1110 that Iho chntm con
sisted In Hale 'r Ho.ney op Hoiieiioinuasu
Tar, and that it could bo obtained nt all
tho druggists. Price 50 cents and $1. Great
savinj- by purchasing largo size. Sold by all
Rock Fails, July 20, 1878.
C. N. Crittextox Dear Sir; I havo
been using your Hale's Hunev tv Hore
iioi'.sd axd Tar for bronichial nl1'ection,and
havo been greatly benefitted by it,and would
liko to introduce it in our little town, as I
can cheerfully recommend it to all that aft
eulleriug from Lung Complaint, Coughs,
Colds, etc. What can you furnish mo this
incdicino for by the dozen bottles or two
don at a tinio ? Respectfully Yours,
W. W. Brows, Rock Fulls, 111.
PlK It'll
Tootiiaouk Dkoi's cure in ono
Thru Hoy.
Jramatis vrmnnic. young American
in roundabout'nnd leggins.perchedupon tho
feuco devouring n huge piece of mince pic,
and a maiden of fiveEummers,iu pantalettes,
looking very wishfully at the .gormand 011
the fence. J'oioii; 1wWi " I tay, sis, does
your mar mako mlnoc pics If Bho does I'll
lt they ain't to good as my mar's." Little
.Vim (timidly)" I liko ininco pie nwful
well." loun America " Well now, that's
funny ! Just look hero (dmwinga quarterof
a pie out of Ms jacket lwket) and it's bovs,
tool Aint my margood?" (carefully stowing
it away in his pocket). That Iwy "' is father
to tho man" who must havo his cigars and
any other masculine luxury hiscontcmptible
selflihnoss craven, whilo his poorsickly wifo
must do the w.rk of two women (" girls
waito more than they cam," he pays), aud
for tho want of a littlo money to vurchnso a
few bottles of Dr. PierceVFuvorito Prescrip
tion, tlio sovereign remedy for femalo ilis
eqsesand iaaknm,i-i. sho i liternllv ilvin.
by iiieiia and all because of that musoulino-1
wlBshnes. that would not divide tho child- I
ish luxury with his playmate, ami now ta- I
fitly refuses his wife the luxury of health
.itv wuii!iji.T.ii.ii. tu iv uu:r ncacB ecu-
flgir Vote Fou
(Editor ofthe Mnuch Chunk Coal Gazette)
For the State Legislature.
Oct, 19 -to.
A Terrible licutli.
Conrad Cramer, a boy of fifteen years,
met his deatli Tuesday, in a manner ns hor
rible as it was singular. Ho had been em
ployed in hauling coal dirt from a culm pilo
to tho lioilcr house fct the Hollenbaek shaft,
near Wilkes-Barre. The dirt was placed in
a car which ran over n narrow track laid
on the top ofthe coal culm, and lo which a
mulo was attached. It was tho habit of tlio
boy to jump uhjii tho inulo's back, after
dumping the load, and lido over tho return
trip. Uuesday tiro liiulo acted badly, and
on several occasions attempted to throw bis
rider, hut Iho lad clung to hint, greatly to
tho amusement of n largo gang of men who
wero employed In the vicinity, and who
laughed heartily nt what they termed tho "
mule's " circus tricks." But their mirth
wns suddenly turned to mourning. Tho
persistent elloits of tho mulo to throw hu
rider, ended ut Inst in success, nnd in falling
off tho boy's legs became entangled ju tho
harness, when tho Inylo began to kick
furiously ut tho lad. Before nssistanco ar
rived, Iho animal? fairly enraged, bounded
forward, and, with the speed of tlio wind,
ran off towards a picco 01 woods near by; the
body of the poor lnd, in themeanllmc, being
dragged ulon over sharp stones, ragged
boulders and innumerable ugly projections.
The boy hung directly in front ofthe mule'a
loreieg, and when llio animal stopped,
which ho did when he renched tho woods,
he seized ono of tho boy's unns ill his teeth
and literally toroit Into fragments. Ho then
attacked other portions of the bruised and
bleeding body, nnd with n fl.ndish malig
nity toio open tho breast, thigh and back,
laying tlio lion'es baro in many places.
Thoso who witnessed the fight of tho mule
hurried to the nssistanco of the boy, as
quickly as possible; but when they reached
him lifo was extinct and tho body mangled
beyond recognition. Tho old miners wio
had looked Uh)ii death in almost every form,
turned their heads away involuntarily,
sickened at tho horrible sight beforo them.
Tliu Conl Trade.
The folloTlng tablo shows t no quantity 01 coal
ship ucil over tlio I.eUljili Valley Itailroad loi too
week ending Oct., 12, I87S, nnd lor tlio year
compared tho snme tmn, last year.
KcgloliB l'ruui : Week. Year
WfouilUf; 15.IUH 11 7M3I2I1
llnzlcloil 31,191 08 1,-01, H. 19
I'Plier l.illlgl null
lleavor Mcnilow I,5M 03 103,330 17
Mulianov 9,00 01 4G0 8I3!
Rlauc . Clinnk 1,5112 w
Vort Delaware ,.! lo
Totrl 68,714 04 :,85ll,4)8 09
Last Year 1:3.083 13 3,005.407 1 3
Ucciease 41,321 C5 801.0O9 OS
1 .1'l'O UT O F CO AI, transported over Lchlgti
Butiju.liaiiiia Division. Central II. It. ot New
jersej, for 1678
Humped lioiu 1 Total vi e'z. Todaif.
UyouiinR 14,13113 C63.2IK0-
" Uveiliart o. Co. 1,021 01 23,107 05
" " Huiq U. Co 5S 03 39,223 03
" " D. II. C. C... 200 03
I'pper Lelllgb 6,S0; 01 147,575 01
" " .M.S.K.&Co. 2.C05 01 53,1.71 15
Heaver itoadow 10,164 10 187.330 04
Mauch I liunk 16.CI1 10 318 403 12
Cross (reek S.7K0 ri 155,430 HI
Council l.ld;o l.i 0J l'J 70.0S0 11
I.. V. It. It.. 1'ackertoo.. 3.0 04 4,503 10
llozaidvlllo 31210 ii.oM 15
SnitthCo 2.1M 02 49,92114
Total 82.650 01 t72-i031 13
I'loviouelyiepoitcd... 1,641,201 12
' Total to date 1,724 05119
KamotinielasIyestM.. 1,104,172 11
Decrease 379 220 13
The Constitutional Convention of Cali
fornia Wednesday adopted a resolution ask
ing tho President and Senato of the United
States to so modify tho Burlingnmo Treaty
as to prevent Chinese immigration.
Parmer Yocsn. On tbo 10th inst, by
Rev, M, H, Mislilcr Humphrey Parmer,
and Mrs. Sarah Young, both ofWeatherly.
Billio Faust. On tho 12th inst, by the
same, Frank Billie,uud Miss Sarah laust,
botli of Quakake Valley.
Closing Prices of DrIIaves .t Townskxd,
Stock. Government and Gold, JO South
Third Street, Philadelphia, Oct. 17,1878:
U.H.i. 's. istl 1(7'. old 1071. asked
U. M. 5.o's, 1S.5-J. S J....ioH old 1021. naked
11. B. 5-20'a, 1867 1U5, lnd IL5V, asktd
-. s. ,10'x, IbSS 1171. lnd K7 U askid
IT. H. la-lu's... list bin I'd asked
IF. N. currency, 6's 1101. bid Hull asked
11 H. 5 1861. now I05H bid ItoS asked
IT. H. 4 V. new 113. Did I03H asked
V. s. 4'snew. 100 bid lioi asked
l'ennsj'lriinla II, 11. 3I'i bid 3l, asked
l'lula. & lteadlnR 11, II 131, old 14 asked
LelilKli Valley 11. It 37H bid 37H asked
1-eMcIi Coal .ta Nov, Co.,.. 10), bid tsif ssted
United Com. antes ot N . J.I2S bid 128 V asked
Northern Cmtral It. It.... 15 bid 15 asked
1 to. lout llio 1'ass, Co 12S bid 1214 asked
old 11 Oli old inoij asked
tiilver. (Va and Vs I ...... 99, bid -ill. asked
" iDiuie.suud IjD.iuce). MI, Wd baH asked
Special Notices.
E F.Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron.
Tli la truly valuable touio has been so thutv
outrlilr tt-t.t by all eli.8-w.of iho comnnily
tint It U uof -Jt'etnca lutiiiipeuwible at a Tomo
iiicdicinu. It co "in but little, imriUes tbo blooa
and kivcs to 110 to tlio ntomacli, ioiiOutM tbe
nj-btcm and piolouffd life Uvervbod ihoultl
huvo It. For tbo euro ot weak htoaiaoh', Qeu
cm) Debility, liiditfuttllou, Uinotsoot tlio Biom.
ucli.aurt fnrnll canes r.qntnmr atonic, t'tila
wuiti (ucindo-i tbo niOHt urreeabln and eiBdent
HHltot IrouwopoHnP-M CUmtuof MoKncticUx
ulocotnOined wiXh tbo mot cuerg lit) ot Tefiot.
able tonic Yellow 1'erttvl.tu llaik.
luyou want onctbluir to nrtogihca jout
Uo ou want a t'utd upin ttte)
Do you wunt to pt HU of tiorvousneesl
Doyoi waut cut-rml
Da you wont lo riven wflll
Do yon want to b vid up s our conUitutlosl
io ou wont to If el welif
Do you want n biUlc and vigorous fedlnpt
If Vm no tiy KUMChL. 1JI1 riH VINK
only astt a trial or tliU valuable tonic.
l.owarn ut tomitotft'tts. nx Kunkel'a Bittr
Wiuo ol Iron is tlio only mui d and ettlcieot remo.
ily in the kiiovu worm for (Uo permaueut cm o
ot Dyuvepfcirt flirt Debility mm aaiheremea
number ot linltutinua ufleiod to tho public, I
would caution (Lo oou.uiunUv to puicbutm uou
but iho Kcunlne ui Llclo. manufactured, by -h, F.
KuukoUaud liuvtngh(taiLip ou thH. cork of
eYerr l-oitlo. Tbe viiy tutl thai oiheia aro
uttcimdliK to imitate thU valuaMo remedy
IifiiMMiU woitb and Hoal;a volumes luitifa
vor. Koldnuh- luii botrlfu or MX boitUIor
i. Try tli lu Va.Ublo medicine and bo oouvlnc
1 d of tU meiiia bold by dinKKt aud daaUra
ter whcio
7 apt. Worm It emoted Alive.
Head ami all complete, to two hour. No fee
til li.idpaa-?, M'jtt.riufcjidttoiiitcb Worm
rrinuvud by Dr. Kunkcl 9 Isorih mth btieet,
l'LilaueijiLH, l'H tiendfora circular wtta
treuiuooti ill. liiiuUol wonna, advico freo. AsW
pur aru-rmac tor a buttlout Kaukrl'H Worm
Ryriip, winch will do tbo wont. J'llce i.oo.
It never (alU to i euiovo all kinda. ttoui children
or giow iKTtUft. Dlroctioua with IL
Health ami Happiness.
lioaltu aud Uapjilneaa are prloclesa Wealth ta
their po.-feo-jk.r. and yet tbey ore wUnm lb
roach ol every one who will use
Wright's Livor Pills,
The only snro CtritE tor Torpid IJver, lirspess.
n. Headache, hour Mooucn, CoEBtlpstlon, XJe
billty, Nausoa, and ml llillious complaints aud.
Illood disorders. Noue ceuuliio unless slcntd
"Win. WriBUt-rinla." Ilrour DrucgutwiUBoti.
uinily .end 25 reals (or una box to Bsrrlck.
ttoller & Co , TO N. 4th St , l'hlla. Dm,S y4